Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 16, 1915, Sports Final, Page 12, Image 12

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Frank G. Menke Says Jack Johnson Has Gone Back But
, Little and That White Hope Jess Will
. , . Never Be His Equal.
And now that the Jack Johnson-Jess
"Willartl affair stems fairly certain of be
ing staged, Frank-d. Mcnke, of the In
ternational News Service, comes forth
with this prediction:
Thcro nro a number of reasons why wo
pick Johnson, but the most Important one
Is 'that he comes of the negro race of a
raco that can grow old In years and yet
retain Its endurance; of a raco that can
indulco In wild dissipation and not lose
much of Its physical power.
Those -ho believe Wlllard tins a fair
chance for victory come to such n be
lief not bcrauso they think Wlllard Is a
great fighter. They know ho Isn't n
wonder but they think that the neKro
champion has "none back" so far that
any ordinary fighter can bent him. They
think that added years nnd an Intem
perate life .have reduced the one-time
king of the pugilistic world to a point
Where ho wilt become cosy prey for any
typo of ring foe.
Those who figure thusly flguro wrongly, In
our opinion. Johnson Is RB years old. There
la no denying that, nor la thcro any denying
of tha fact that he has dlastnated. The extent
of hi dissipation I" an open question, but
those who are close to Johnson pay that tht
reportB or hla swimming In champagne and
doing like stents are grote exaggerations
IJut In our opinion the added jenm and tlio
dissipation, no matter how wild It lias been,
have rift reduced Johnson In the point where
M will not be able to hand Wllllard, the
while giant, n beautiful lamming.
Johnson was no jears old when, ho fought
Frank Moran, In Parle, last June. At that
ttmo many .figured that Johnson had "gone
tiack." to far that Koran had a chance against
him. What happened?
Johnrnn, the "'physical wreck." simply toyed
with Moran during thoie SO round He could
hava knocked out Moran In any round that he
chose, but ha elected that the white man
should atay the limit. Sloran did not furnish
Johnson a battle. The negro didn't have to
xtend himself, yet several times during thoee
20 rounds he cut loose. Those who wero at
tlc ringside ray that the old Johnson speed,
the old Johnson endurance and the old John
son Bunch are still there.
Johnson. .10 J ears old. and reported as a
physical wreck, came out or that scrap wlllt
hardly a mark on him. l(e was as fresh nnd
att root as when he entered the ring. On the
other hand, Moran. who. Is nine ears younger
than Johnson, nnd who wax touted as being
(ihyslcally perfect, wad near a point or col
arse when the gong sounded,
.But you needn't stop with Johnson In putting
Intenvard Bout in Wind-up
at Fairmount A. C. Toland
to Fight 'Cpleman.
An Interwnrd bout wll bo staged In the
final at tho Fairmount A. C. show to
night! Kayo Jack Farrell, of tho 17th
Ward, will endeavor to down Jimmy 'Mc
Brlde, ot the 20th Ward.
F-Ivo other bouts aro on the card.
Tho program follows:
First bout Harry Drennan, 17th Ward, vs.
Tommy Curry, North Penn.
Second bout Frankle Rlteh. Southward, vs
EJdle flavin, Weat-Phlladelphla.
Third bout Fred Waaner, North Penn, vs.
Bonoy ixragnrey, riixin vvaru.
Fourth bout Moo Dixon, Richmond, vs.
Mickey Tralnor, Richmond.
Beml-wlndup Jack Reed.Toledo, vs. Lengthy
Joe Rosen, West Philadelphia.
TVIndup K. O. Jack Farrell, 17th Ward, vs.
Jimmy McDrlde, 20th Ward.
At the Palace A. C, N'orrlstown, tonight.
Tommy Coleman, of Frankfonl. will box Jack
Toland, of this city. In the feature fight of ten
rdunda. Joe HclTernan of West Philadelphia,
and Jaclc Fink, of Camden, will meet In the
8-round semi-final. In the two It-round bouts
Charley Rlasselll, of Conshohocken, will en
counter KJd Held, of Bridgeport, and Jimmy
Dougherty, of Norrlstown, wilt face Jimmy
Kerr, ot llryn Mawr.
The Young Fulton-Preston Brown wind-up at
the Broadway A. C. Thursday night Is one of a
series of crackajack bouts that Muggsy Taylor,
tho matchmaker, has arranged tor the patrons.
Tommy Lee, the clever Foutliwark bantam
Weight, who boxes at the Broadway Thursday
night, has also been matched by Joe Barrett
to meet Jimmy Cross at York. Pa., Saturday
night. Lee Is a promising little boxer.
The two coast fighters. Sailor Charley Grande
and Jimmy Fox, will make their debut In this
city next Monday night at the Olympla A. A.,
In connection with the return Freddy Yelle
Wlllle Moore match. Grande -will meet Noah
riniaao and Fox Is matched to fight Mickey
Fred Sears says that he Is ready to sign up
Charley Thomas for a match against George
Chaney at 1!8 pounds, ringside. Thomas will
be ready to meet Tommy O'Keefe next Thurs
day night at the Broadway Club. He doesn't
bar O'Keefe or any lightweight.
TRENTON. Feb. 1D.-In a loosely played
contest. In which there was perhaps lees ex
citement thsn In any contest this season,
Trenton trimmed De Neil at the Sd Regiment
drill shed last night, 30 to 23. Except for
spasmodic bursts of team play on the part ot
tho Tlgera and occasional flaahea or apeed by
the Musical Fund Hall artists, the contest
lacked interest, desplto the closeness of the
W. L. p.c. v W. L. P.C.
Camdstt .... 20 10 .Ml Trenton ?.. 15 IT ,46U
Ilfadlnr ... 19 11 .633 Jasper ...,1317.4m
Pe Nerl .... 13 17 ,00 Grejatoek . 10 20 ,mj
. St. Michael's led all the way and defeated
Mount Airy In a hard-fought Lutheran League
game last night by 28 to 17. The score at
half time In the same between Calvary and
Transfiguration was 1 to 7 tn favor of Cal
vary Transfiguration made a. great fight In
the second half, but lost out, 1S to 13. In
the other game Advent walloped fit, James',
27 to T,
St. Michael's easily defeated First Presby
terian in a Oermantoem Church League game
at the Beys' Club last night. SO to 11. Market
Bauara won from Advocate la the second game,
B tp SJ.
LynJanhurst defsattd Evens' Memorial In a
cloae game, CO to 41.
Hamilton A. A. beat the Northhouae second.
Bl to 23.
Southwestern walloped Hubs, 40 to 4.
St Malaccy defeated Paoll to a. Midget
Leagne gam at tha Philadelphia, Boys Club
last night, U ta .
Tha Haddington Title and Trust basketball
Una .defeated the Good tUmarlUn team by
tho score or 14 to 0,
tCanderton beat Ot. Paul'. R. 13. second team,
14 to 4. on (he latter1 floor last night
"West Hope defeated Gaston In a section B
Brotherhood League game on tho (ormcr'a floor
last 'night, 83, to 15,
Eleventh Baptist won easily from Harper In
- Northwest Church League game at First
Djtch 11.11 isst night. 88 to 12. Weat York
forfeited to Fiftieth Baptist, and the latter
then defeated South -Philadelphia Boys' Club,
B7to So.
lQi game for t fie Cathollo basketball chain
nlooiblp, Aquinas defeated St. Malachy. 18 to
Vi n":.11.?.11 sanwwlll be played at Clover.
al lit' February 23.
In ova of tha twteat and best games seen
at 4h Lehigh Parlor, Otto Relaelt last nlgbt
.defeated ilcorgs Levy. 100 to I, In a contest
that ooty occupied 55 xolnutea. Relselt waa la
JOs best form and throughout the same only
Kieeed twice, bavin rung, of a. ft and S3.
ty wi outcl4 after the flrat frame.
iiw iijih im w ibb pocxet Billiard
mini si jaoyiwa Aiicgntny t'ttrlora.
)u m ftLKuiHir ,uuva, lasc
iWlAuUartmin easily defeated Wt-
Sall Ctuu-Ia Italic. In an m
jAt-Wliird game; the score being;
JlftriMs CnyUnata tsrab
L Las J. that I have
,et asrt aiJ Ma Dofius, Peeta'a later
iJUiitiit atieUto thumfloe yeeterdsjr whea
avvor' at tile frtcod mta twisratulatfiiz Mot
set aft trlaMvk ovi htun guira iuuili-:oijU4 j
.'&. t ftaorer ( kaowa e 8a iJr.W
i,t r .a ,..i I rja a. l!tV iU0'.iar e4 to
J ub J-5 i-SJa JtisHsK. 4 UM. n'tSf
lew 9tv
to the teat our theory that n negro can ntand
more physical mistreatment than a white man.
The records of Ssm I-angford and Joe Jean
nette. tho other two negro heavv weight, will
bear us out On bick farther Into ring history
and you will ilnd that the negrooi who mixed
In the right game seemed Just as able to with
stand the ravages of see ami plusloil excesses.
Lnngford hos licn flshtlng almott constantly
tor l.'t vrnra- nn.l living n rroe and easy life
during all those soar. Ijtngford rarely trains
for his battles, for 11 sears he has been liv
ing tho careless kind of life that luobabl)
would send a white fighter to his Rrave In three
or four jears, yet today that same Sam .ang
ford Is able to send tho bent while fighter In
the world to the pugilistic scrap hrnp.
Langford Is i lighter not n iniglllatte
loafer. During 1014, after 12 cars In the ring
game, he mingled In 17 ring battles an aver
age of one scrap In every three weeks. The
only reason he didn't fight oftencr was becauso
he couldn't get any more matches.
Joe Jeannette, the other ebony-hued heavy
weight, I- .U years old, 2 J ears voungcr than
Johnson. He horned Into the fighting game
back In W04, and has been nt It ever ntnre.
fighting every tine a match was nrfcrod, nml
lAt.iitHj t nSatt-ttt.l'jh rt Knlll SI rt at
1 1" I ntl'I'l'IHR IJIL't'IV HIP J (St I' I I1IO ,
Jeannette fought III bnttle In lull, 22 In '
Hit 2 l'l In lllll. and It In 1111 1 an uvemce
of about ono battle In every three weeks over
a rour-venr stretch a record thtt no white
fighter of tho nast or present-can equal
And so. In face ot what the negro fighters
have done, and are doing, In spite of their
added jeora and careless living. It srems to us
that It Is a bit unsafe to bet on Wlllard If vou
aro honking on hla meeting n ploalcal wreck
In the puson of Jack Johnson.
Look Out! Jack Johnson
DUM'TII, Minn,. Teb in. Immigration In
tpector Meronnll, of Duluth. received word
from Washington visterr'nv to bn on the I ok
out for Jack Jnhnfron, aiul Ir h" attempts to I
slip Into the United .Stain via Canada or tho ,
Creat takes to arrest him at once und notify I
Chicago I
Welsh Defeats Anderson
OrtANP nAt'IDH. Mich. Feb, 111 Champion
Freddie Welsh to)od with Jimmy Anderson,
Indianapolis lightweight, for six rounds last I
JjANCABTErt, ra., Feb 10 Charllo Collins,
or Columbia earned the decision over Rcddy
Holt, or I'hlladelphla, In a six-round bout hi
faro the Lancaster Athletic Club last night.
In the scmln tail-up Tim Drnney hid the bet
ter of I'addy aIvestor of Hhamnktn: Krankle
Urno defeated Hobby Tolc, ot tho battleshlii
Meet to Name Referee
CHICAGO IVli. 1il. Nato 1-evvls und Harry
I'ollok, managtrs of Charlie White nnd Fred
die Welsh restecthclv, met todav to pick a
referee for tho match betmen the two tig-hum
at Milwaukee Februnr 1!.,
AMONG tho list of Jobs for which Vvo
xxhavo no ecstatic relish Is that which
confronts John J. McGraw this spring,
when It comes to the matter of chopping
down his forces to 21 men.
This task will not light on Stalllngs
so heavily, as ho has a young machine
and Is In tho position to stand pat with
such people as dowdy, Rudolph, James,
Tyler. Schmidt, Uvers, JInrnnvllle,
Smith, Mugee, Connolly and Whlttcd.
To these 11 men, eight of whom are
under 25, Stalllngs is permitted to add
ten moro to round out a machine of first
But McGraw Is up against an entirely
different proposition. Where Stalllngs
has a machine that Is coming, a ma
chlno still young In years and experi
ence, McGraw has a machlno that has
started slipping and a line-up for tho
most part that Is fairly old In wars.
So McGraw, for the most part, must
either stand pat on his veterans or take
an enlarged gamble by crating several
vets back beyond tho trenches and tak
ing a chance with his youngsters.
It Is admitted that to curb or suppress
tho Braves, John J., of Gotham, must
dig up more than one young Btar. Un
like Stalllngs, he can't afford to stand
pat upon a winning nucleus, composed
of eight young stars and four high
grade veterans.
McGraw's list of regulars Includes
Meyers, McLean, catchers; Mathewson,
Tesrcau, Marquard, Fromme, pitchers;
Merkle, Doyle, Fletcher, Lobert, Grant,
Inflelders; Burns, Bescher, Snodgrass
and Robertson, outfielders.
Tho tough part Is that McGraw must
decide within two months whether
Merkle, Doyle, Marquard, Meyers,
Bescher, etc., were merely In a slump
Joe McCarty Saves Himself
First Time by Trickery in
New York Fight.
NEW YORK. Feb. 16. There waa action
of a weird and unusual kind at the
Broadway Sporting Club during yester
day's matinee. Jon (Twin) McCarty was
knocked out not only once, but twlco for
good measure. In the first round of a bout
w$th Wild Bert Kenny, who substituted
for Jack Reynolds.
Kenny, 'who has been out for several months
with a broken hand evidently has recovered
hla wlldneae. He hit twin brother right on
(he Jaw; Joe was knocked Into the corntr on
lb ropes and waa out standing up, Iteferee
Haukup was about to wave him away a beat,
en man wben Joe came to long enough to
say. "Didn't you hear ttl Didn't you bear
ItT The bell, the belL"
Too trick worked, for the referee pulled
Kenny away and went over to ask the time
keeper about it. by the time he had found
out that the bell hadn't rung the twin had
recovered Then the referee ordered the
carnage to continue.
Kenny responded by knocking Joe into
another corner, where he fell In a sitting posi
tion The referee was obliged to grab Kenny
around tha waist tbla time and throw the
wild one clear across the ring Hut Uert came
tack at full till Tha referee thought Jt was
meant for btuiself, so he squared off with
Bertram. He finally dragged Bert away and
jtothar knockout was chalked up against the
elan McCarty. though there bad been no op
portunlcy to count him out.
rh crowd waa bewildered fey tha autcls
aueeeasiea ot events and alter the bout it was
necessary for Johnny Puan to hear the ref
eree,' explanation and shoot it at tha top of
his yoke to appease the popular clamor.
Give Local Boys Tryout
jack Barrst. o.d John i-ang. two local boys.
Uiiirmte JtU sprwjr VcttrUy both athletes
wen wfxid h, ( b-irUa Haunt, manager of
Ms Mvdg, tv porc e tt trmi$g oaajo.
mFk:$j wwS 01k lW&
jJ iBP MMBBMsasisissBsr JiPsaPssWltKsasaB
m ImBBk, 'BinlBBDisHHiaB' 4 wmmr JH
BsBJsP"9if (SsHssBsK .bbbbbbHbbbbBsHbbbBsHsbbbbsBM afe, &HFSkasV t i . aflasssBsH
HHbIv jBooHaBBm ' 'V WrrM sbbbHmIbbbbW IbbbbKIH bbbBBbbbbIIH
Jimmy Murray, Uie New York boxer, Rave Kid Willia-ns, the world's champion, his hardest Philadelphia
fight. For four rounds the New Yorker forced tho battlinp until Williams warmed to his task and won
out. Harry Lenny is beside Murray. The centre figjre is Referee O'Brien. Williams' manager, Sammy
Harris, is the individual wearing the Scotch shirt.
last year or whether they have definitely
gone back. And ho will have no chance
to make an extended test under fire, for
he will not bo ablo to hold enough
youngsters on hand to have the test
The fool slngcth In his lack of under
standing while the wiso man slgheth In
tho weight of his knowledge.
Tho fool and his money are soon
parted, whereas tho wise man savoth his
money for a fool son to blow.
Sir How long, In your opinion, will
the Harvard of tho Species be deadlier
than tho Yale? CAMBRIDGE MIKE.
As long ns the Houghton of tho
Species Is deadlier than tho Hlnkey.
Only, In fairness to Hlnkey, It must
bo considered that 1914 wns no part of a
fair test. Nineteen hundred and fifteen
will furnish a much better cement baso
upon which to plant a definite opinion
"Why," queries Westerner, "don't the
Germans securo Germany Schulz to
coach their line? Put Schulz in charge
for six weeks, and tho Allies wouldn't
bo ablo to nialco first down in 20 rushes.
All they could do would be to kick."
They aro kicking enough as It Is, And,
In tho second place, Yost would havo
tho war called off before ho would stand
for any such shift.
It teas the baseball player
Who warbled in this type
My motto is to "yet It
"IFTiHe the setting's fairly ripe";
"Tomorrow's something dlffrunt,
And so I'll load my trunk
Before the boom Is punctured
WUh the accent on the punk,"
(.Plato Pete.)
Will Celebrate Fiftieth Anniversary
as Rowing Body.
On Sunday afternoon next the Vesper Boat
Club, of this city, will entertsln at the club
house, celebrating Its 80th birthday. On Feb
ruary 22. 1863, the Vesper Boat Club waa
rlrtt organised aa the Washington Barge Club,
with Theodore A. Oraham, William 11. Me.
Mlllan, Theodore K. Vogel, W, W. Maria. W,
T, McNeely, J, D. Mlngus, A. J, Murphy, P,
D. Evans. Charles H. Mann, C, P, Oodshall,
A. Ia Beck and W. II. Thomas, five of whom
are still living. In 1ST) the name was changed
to the Vesper Boat Club, and In 1B81 was In-
0.?le1.b0..Jul,r' M- Ru'seli Thayer.
At the beginning the club owned but one boat
a barge, and the oarsmen did their training
from an ice house situated in Fairmount
Park, about the present atte of the club. In
Boat House How,
Fencing at Haverford
J-iV,Enro.RU' .,,- r,b- ll-Anotner art of
self-defense Iws I tn adopted by tha atudenta
of the llaverfort. . huol aa an athletic sport.
Several weeks ago the boys started In with
bax-ng lessons by Doc Bishop. Now the doc.
tor has Inaugurated tha French sport, fencing.
c!?uy., u"tf , H. rnember of the ilavcrf ord
School Dramatic Club. Is the first student to
be teen sparring wllh tbs folia. If the stu
d5?.t uka ,0 fencing aa they did to boxing It
J?1!.' b?.a .'. matter to form the Haverford
School fencing team.
Yachtsmen to Play Ball
A movement, having Its Inception In the
Ocean City Yacht CluB, has been inaugurated
ii' 'J" ormatlon of a baseball league among
the South Jersey yacht clubs.
The Ocean City club has appointed a com
mittee, beaded by Hobert Kadford to take
up tha matter with the various clubs, and re
quests have been sent to the followmg yavht
chit.: Atlantlo City. ttthlalt CamdeSj
Chelae, otone Harbor. Caue May. Avaloa.
Holly Beach. WudwooA Bea Ula tttyyaehi
wu .uwkm kiwi ioa iuv uceon wry ana jki
lantlo City Motorboat Clirha, to appoint com
mlttsea to discuss the proposition.
Mrs. Smith Wins Golf Tourney
The latilea of the Kortn liilts country v lub
Held a louraamciji t ti
and tho wiooer nu iia
Ouy c VulivUn wgf Mi
Ml vai
Little Jimmy Murray, of New
York, Carries Fight to
Champion at Olympia A. A.
Jimmy Sluiray, tho New York battler,
iwtvo Kid Williams, the bantnmwclRlit
champion, tho hardest fight ho ever had
In this city tit tho Olympla A. A, last
night, nnd, nlthough tho tltlcholder was
the winner at the conclusion of six bIz
zllng sessions, tho Qothamlte was not
disgraced In the least by his defeat. In
fact, tho tough little New Yorker mndo
more friends among the spectators than
any other lighter who ever nppearcd be
foio a Philadelphia audience.
I-ncltlng confidence In the first two
rounds, JIurray xjulled himself together
In the other periods, as a result of shouts
of encouragement from. the frenzied fans,
and ho opened up.
After tho light Williams gave Murray
nil the credit In tho world for his sensa
tional showing. "He Is a good little
lighter, a game one and a hard hitter, at
that," said the champion, rubbing his left
cheekbone, where Jimmy had found lodg
ment with several of his right banders.
Henny Leonard, a New York light
weight, gave a corking boxing exhibition
In his encounter with the eteran, Tom
my I.ariRdpn. Tho atter was lucky to
stay the sK limited rounds. Leonard gava
the local boy n sclcntltlc trimming, doing
It nlftily and nicely. Ho lloored Langdon
with a left hook on the 'nw In the fifth
loutid, the bell ringing whllo Tom waa
on the floor. At tho finish of tho fray
I.angdon was bleeding profusely.
In tho other numbers Johnny Howard
defeated Jackie Clark, Hobby Loughrcy
and Sammy Decker fought a fast draw,
while Jimmy Bergan shaded Mike Howell
in a hard battle.
Two Cities Will Not Be Able to Sup
port Team3.
It became evident at tho annual meet
ing of the Tristato League In the olltel
Majestic this afternoon, presided by
George M. Graham, that the prospects of
the continuation of tho circuit this sea
son as not very bright.
President Graham read a report to the
effect that he had visited all of the cities
composing the organization and that
things wero very discouraging. He said
that It Is understood that Wilmington can
not go through with a team this year. It
Is also doubtful If Reading will have a
franchise In the circuit. However, It was
Bald that several business men were witl
ing to put up money to back a team In
the latter city.
At the request ot several of the league
magnates. President Graham decided not
to make a definite announcement relative
to the continuing of tho league. He said
that the owners cculd havo a month
longer to make their plans before giving
out a statement whether the league would
be abandoned or not.
Valient and Freeland Hurl Effectively
for Regulars.
Coaoh Boy Thomas divided ths University
of l'annajlvanla. baseball candidates Into a
varsity and a scrub (his afternoon and cut
them through a fsst slx-lonlnr game. Tha
tarslty men bad the better ot tha tussts and
won by the score ot 8 to 2. Valient and Fret
land did the pitching (or the Yarslty, and
while they were lilt calely six times, they kept
tbe hits weJI-enouKh scattered to prevent tho
scrub from tallying until the last inning.
The two teams llrcd up as follows;
Varsity, Scrubs
Murdock, If. Murray, c
Bcblmpf. 3b. Oster, p.
Moore, ss. S'sre. p.
J ii. irwn, rf. Hopkins, rf.
Illncksen, cf, Andrew, ss,
Wallacelb, J'reaton. Sh.
TMm. Zb. It. Irwin. l.
Wray. c bimpson, cf.
Valient, p Cochran, lb.
Freeland. p. Elchelberger, 2b.
Tha score by Inolnj-s:
Vsrslty 18 2 0 2 0-8 IB 8
Scrubs , 0 O 0 O 0 23 0 8
After the game Coach Thcmas took hla two
Infields and gave them a long drill in york-
Ing together Captain Wallace placed rirsl
iasa for both infields. The varsity InfleM,
tuado up of Wallace, at first: Diss, at second,
Moore, at shortstop, and Behlmpf, at third
base, look Ilka the teat In slant with the ex
ception that Mann, last years veteran, will
undoubtedly hold down hla place at second
Uefore tha varsity trams played tha fresh
nun squad played a sU-lnnlpg game. These
teams lined up aa follows)
Team, JL Tram B,
Qrtgg. c IJocn. .
Cross. P. IJowtr. p.
Puatlont lb. JUiL lb.
nedUcld. 3b. C&tauolne, 2b.
Ktronr. if Sullivan If
Wsureo. rf !elU. '.
Bcatc xl Hawley. rf
Tse w by mums.
TasS 4. . ...... .. O 0 O 8 O 2-2
MJ9j W .,..-. HIM
SEA of
Xow, that the season's almost here,
The experts arc upon the fence,
And fans prepare to shbd a tear
l"or two old stais who may go hence.
Alas, that Time should always win,
Extorting pay for what Is past I
IVc hear this now, through all the dtn:
"Can Lajotc and Wagner last?"
IF THE boosters of tho stadium for
Philadelphia don't hurry up, some
promoter may build It on his own hook
nnd get rich quick.
Tenn's new advisory football commit
tee may ralso tho Red and Dluo out of
the ruck next season, nnd then, again,
It may not. Tho troublo Is that one sea
sou Is not a fair try-out, but unless tho
new institution delivers tho goods this
year tho panning may result in another
You mau think Kllbane and Kid Wil
liams are dreaming,
Wtth all this loud talk of the oodles of
Good dollars held out for their forth
coming battle!
But do not get sore at their big-money
ror each little bleat they may make,
and each caper.
Keeps Johnson and Wlllard dope out of
the paper.
A glance at the record of Jes3 Wll
lard, as printed yesterday In these col
umns. Indicates that ho won from every
body he fought except Gunboat Smith,
Local Writers to Have Big Time at
The 11th annual dinner ot the Philadelphia
Sporting Writers' Association takea place to
night at the Majestic, at 0 o'clock. All plans
have been completed, the committee having
left nothing undone to make It the most suc
cessful event In the history of the association.
The limit of 400 haa been virtually reached,
but It may be posalblo to accommodate a, few
latn comers, providing they get In touch, with
James M. Qantz. the treasurer, who will be
at the Majestic all afternoon.
In electrical effects, decorations, souvenirs
and the menu the participants are in for a
treat. Pat Moran, Larry Lajole and Wild Bill
Donovan, the guests of honor, will be on hand
early to meet their friends.
President Will Baker and Manager Pat Mo
ran, of the Fhllllea, arrived in town this after
noon for the purpose of attending the Sporting
Writers' Association annual banquet at the
Majestic Hotel tonight.
Nine of the aquad of Phllllra who will train
at St. Petersburg, Fla.. will leave by boat
Friday afternoon for tha camp. Duslneaa
Manager Bhettsllne announced today that the
following players win sail. Moran, Adams,
O'Connor, Fish. Mattlson, Martin, Paskert.
Welser and Fletcher.
John Hummel Signs With Dodgers
fcPBINaPIBI.D. Mass.. Feb, la-Silent John
Hummel, the Ilrooklyn Nationals veteran slug.
ger today signed a two-year contract -with the
Dodgera and leaves with Mrs. Himiroel tbU
evening for Bloorosburt. Pa, a here they will
visit for a. few day before reporting to tho
club at Daytona, Fla,, on March. 1
Brickley Won't Talk Business
CAMBBIDOa Mass., Feb. 1& Charles
Brteklty will not sign a. contract nor even
talk buslneea with Jy college that seeks his
services as football coach until after hla
graduation In June. .
HriSkler haa had several offers, one of
which waa from Penn Plate, but be haa
stsadfastly refused to do anything that would
Injure liU amateur Maius
Physical Durectors' Banquet
Physical director of tha FbiUdelpMa dMtrKt
of tfu. t ii ' A and invited guosta Stilt
rattir jl tha Central Mulidinir at T a caeca:
1 Rut-tit fur tat annual bwjuot
PMlyf irl
WMiiM Vu Ax'i--
Rival Managers Have Own Ideas and Promised Batl
tie oeema tu xti
Dunn Goes
Unless Jack McGulgnn, matchmaker of
the National A. C, can get Sammy Har
ris, mnnafjer of Kid Williams, to elgn a
contract for the proposed "Wlllloms-John-ny
Kltbane fight, the two champions will
never come together In n Philadelphia,
ring. This fact was brought out at the
meeting enrly this morning In tho Hotel
Ulnghom between Promotero McQulgan
nnd Harry D. Kdwards, of tho Olympla
A. A., nnd Harris nnd Jimmy Dougherty,
representing Jimmy Dunn, Kllbanes ad
viser. . .
The featherweight champion's manager
left the Olympla Club last night after
tho first round of the Wllllams-JImmy
Murray bout and left town on tho 11
'-l1, l.nln tnr rinVnlnnd. DoilEllOrtV
said that Dunn received a telegram from
home to leave for the sixtn uiiy on me
next train.
Tho meeting which was scheduled nt
the Bingham nt 12 o'clock midnight did
not tnko place until 12:30. At the begin
ning of tho session McQulgan said that he
had secured Dunn's signature to a contract
calling for a purse of J5O0O for Kllbane to
meot Williams nt 122 pounds, ringside,
for a date tho early part of March. The
National promoter also Bald that Dunn
did hot attneh his narno to tho agreement
until the Cleveland man had spoken to
tMwards yesterdny nfternoon relative to
Increasing his bid of eSOOO for Kllbane's
It wns brought out that Dunn had
promised to box for McQulgan and that
unless Kdwards would give Kllbane JCOOO
tho former would slgij up with McQulgan.
Ddwardn refused, Dougherty said, speak
ing for Dunn, which wns also corrobo
rated by Edwards. The Olympla lmprcs
sarlo stated that ho offered Dunn $5230
and not more. Dunn then got In touch
with McQulgan nnd penned his John
Hancock to tho aforesaid contract.
After wrangling for more than an hour
and a half nt tho conference, Edwards
finally boosted his bid to both Williams
and Kllbane to $3500 each. Dougherty,
however, said that ho was Instructed by
Dunn not to consider anything less, JCOOO,
and oven not then unless McQulgan would
release Dunn from tho signed contract
tho latter had In his possession.
Edwards' offer of $5300 appealed to Hnr-
to whom he lost. And tho Gunboat
beat Moran, who lost to Johnson, which
proves ?
To Prexy Tener You're not getting
anything like the publicity Big Ban is.
Get after him.
There is one class of unemployed
Whom lack of work lias ne'er annoyed;
A'o Motu their tranquil dreaming har
rows Wc mean the icaltlng Fairmount spar
Alike Dorlzas is to participate In a
stono fight at the Greek-American
games In New York next Monday night.
Brutnl? Not nt nil. They'll nil bo doing
it, with a 14-pound stone. But It strikes
ua they ought to imposo extra weight
on Mike. He may throw It through
the wall.
New Yorkers may outdo Philadelphia
In somo branches of sport, but they
can't compete with us In ping pong.
Wo don't play It,
S. 8. B. Who Is the bantamweight
champion of the world?
Ans. Asl; Jimmy Murray. He faced
tho Baltimore Tiger (Kid Williams) at
the Olympla last night.
According to Information sent out
from New York, Sammy Harris has
practically agreed to let hla bantam
champion, Kid Williams, meet Ad Wol
gast, cx-world's lightweight champion.
Wo rise up to know what Williams has
ever dono to Harris.
McLean Will Get Into Action
at AUinger's Against Local
Crocks Is Touring V. S.
It will be Interesting- to local, bllllard
Ista to know that Charles ("Chappie")
McLean, the renowned fanoy shot ant)
trick artist, Is now making; a tour ot the
United States, meeting- all comers. The
local followers of tho game win be given
an, opportunity of witnessing Mf&ean In
action In this city tonight at Alllnger'a
A host of Philadelphia's foremost fancy
pocket billiard flayers have signified
their Intention of being on hand to
night to try tp divest the expert of his
laqrels. McLean wfll specialize in the
game of Chinese pool, and he asserts
that If he does not run CO against any of
his opponents he will forfeit the game,
CLEVELAND. .Feb. 18. Edward Helm.
Cleveland, laat night defeated Jerome Keogh,
Ilocheslsr, N. V., 50 to -a. In an 103'lnnug
Interstate Three-Cusbion UUIUrd Uagu
H. Campbell won last night's pocket billiard
w"ryvr!.otn.Too"ot75. ColuraW I,,rl" 'r8,n
Touchard In Form
NEW TfOmf. Feb. U.-O F Touchard. thn
pla log-through holder of the national Indoor
tennis chaisplonablp , singles title, waa tha
star performer yesterday la the elnglea of the
national Indoor tournament on the courts of
the I Regiment Armory. In the fourth
round .Touchard. beat J M. Btclnoeher. tt-l.
6-1. The old Cornell player could not fathom
hts opponsnt's casxing snots. Karl Bnr de
faulted In. the alngUs, because of business, to
E. II. Witney, tha Harvard star
Holy Family Banquet
Tbe Holy Fas.liy cvtbvlk Club wiu heid
It ajUMs,) baouat toolaiit at tha Auditorium
Ira Thomas, ef tile Athletic, ajid atiift prm) .
ua x-ui jxjl aa jjvui'.
to Cleveland.
fla nn.1 1a .l.t.,4 it.,., i. .
agreement with tho Olymola miM- .54
If McQulgan docs not overbid EdWf
final offer. However, nothing definite J
settled, Hnrrirt said that he wilt r(ra-ji
In rhltndelphla 21 hours longer wth p
hopo that ngreeablo articles can b,,.J
Previous to tho adjourning of th J
slon, Edwards salt?: ""
"I cnti renil thn 1is,,,l,.ui 1
wall. If you (speaking to Harrl,? ,v
get more money than I havo eff.rM S?
accept It, and I wish you the w?
luck." Harris thanl.r,i il ,n be,t3i
During tho Confab and after It ,
ivuuf ui mo noici, nicrju eon .vTill
with Harris na In xlu t.- .,?.?" VJil
Ills word with him nnd sign for t$Hk
r,nnn.U'Mllon, ,!. ,..!.'" R KlWlL:
"on his ord of honor" to doVTiSi
Quliran coulrt re I Diimi'a .1.-....' ' SSM
contract cnlllng for n fleht nt t, ' lH
ringside. vmL
iuiv inav i nave uone so, why onivfaV
your keep word?" asked Mcauli
"Why, I have been offered more mpswaffl
iiuw, huh ma reply. jm
And so tho match rests. "m
IcQulirnn hns nunn'a alrnnt...- .. ...v
bane's services. Edwards has the nrnnfll
tsiv of Harris' nnme. nnlAea t.. ,... M
matchmaker bids higher than jkoo S
wards' prtoe, for Williams' services If1
McQulgan is unsuccessful In making ,J
nlte nrrnngements with Harris the ri9
... .6l.vm !,.. in itHrS Vm Jj
inroun entirely.
It Is stilt hnnglng fire, though.
WII.KUS-riArtrtE. ra., Feb. 10 Tni'S
Haofllng. of this city, outpointed and ootfS.B
jimmy uorcoran, 01 I'linade ph a. in if,J
m.,M,nJ h,nt ! r,ll. V!',7' 'J! .S lilt
I'ittshurgh. was badly beaten In 10 rounSi Jv'I
IlattlliiK Mantel, ot IMj mouth? In th i-Vll
hnilt nf a floubln wlntl.iin. ThV.. .ii?i "."II
Ino- flio hnilt lflltr wna .-;iV TlT1 eU'l
swings, hut Mantel tired near tho eloss m
nnntn'HTpn v a' ,.,. '.. . 5
or I'hllndcli.lilo, m 10 fast rounds hiraljj
KBNOSIIA, Wis., Feb 10 -Johnnr En3
r-erts with a Mctory over nuby Illracrr beri
lat nleht In n in.rmtn !..,, ueli
Test at Ten to One Comes
Across in Opening Event
Favorite Runs Third.
rvliVY UltL,JSAKiS, l'-CO. 18. TMl
got-nway day nt the lace track here iM
eood things that had been In storage wel
let loose. Starting with the first raced
Test, a 10 to 1 shot, came across a trh3
ncr, with Southern Star bcatlns out'thi
favoi Ite, School for Scandal, for the plic
First race, iolllns, 2-j ear-olds, four furloii
-i-csi, id.-, aiatnews, 10 to 1 I to 1. 2 lo,
won; southern star. 1(17, mbroso, 'I to 1,'J
to ,i, .i to .i, second : school lor bcamliL KM
Pickens, It to .-. even. 1 to 2 third. TlmS
MS Cuddles, Urovvn Veliet. Phil Umjer. TUT
..imiy iicucii, uiucinuuii anu I'rinco mrrr nw
ran. ;
Second race, sclllnc. ft-lrar-olda and an. ilr
furlonss-Serenattt. 101. Van Uuen. 3 UnKf
u in .i, , in u, won; Munno, in, Mliy. a to i,
- to 1, even, second; J op I), 102 fool. S ta 1,'
:i to 1, :i to '-', third Time, 1.11 2-V Drtaa
Corn. Jecall. I.lttlo '.Maid. Lflalohi. II W
juirnimruor, Acis acis, k. n. vvescon ana
TIs True ulso ran.
T.1.I...4 ........ ..mn. n ...,.,- .-.i .... .i.
furlongs Illrka. Iu7. Lilly, 8 to . T to, HI
It till 1 n ! H nn 1 n.l. t 4nn IfVI l a t hist 41
aaitii lis II, null, ljUIIJ lflllUIIItr IVI MBltssiTSJii
4 to 1, K to ."i. nnd 4 tn .", second; Dicks I'd.'
107. McTuccnrt. S tn 1. :i to I. :i to 2. tbmt
Time. 1:112.1. Anna Kruter. Dare Devil, tfrj
maaee. Pretty Dole, I.urla Salon, Crlaco. Bloi
Jay, Calcium, LlKht Knight, Kaj deroaerw al
i itzgeraia also ran
Fourth race, tho Kolb handicap.. Belling, w
car-olds nml up. mile nnd slxtccntb-slUJ
in, inn, .vicinRgari, to l, -n iu i "?
rat: Ttenn. KM. Pnnl .tU to 1. even. Slkl U
to .'. scioncl, llarj Ann K, 107. Goos,.el.t;
1 to '2, anil t to 4. third Time, l.li H-j
Lady Splrltuellc. Kneclet, Trovato, Armor MJ
Marshou aluo ran
.InniP7 RpRiiltn .
FlrBt race, tmrse. 2-5 ear-olds, M furlontH
Aunt Sal, 101, Kedetls. S tn 5. 1 to 1. Wit. "U
link., ,nl 11Q t..nh. 1 n O nltt. MeCOnAn
ttecluse, 10S. Morris. :.0 to 1, 2d to lul'J?.S
tnirn. Time, -41 l--i. iiapiu, J. u. "?i
Harry Payno Whitney Will Send Bl
String of Stars.
BALTIMORE, Feb. 18.-The colors Cf
Harry Payne Whitney, tho New xort
millionaire, will be very much In Kt
limelight during the meetin? ot me nvq
ern Maryland Agricultural Association.
which v.111 be held at Bowie, ltd, Apm
1 to 14, Inclusive. Today Mr. Whlttiefi
trnlnn- mndn nnnl(.ntinn fni stable KQ&
for 22 horses at the track. Amone-tt
other owners who have engaged sU'iJ
are John Whalan, William Martin, JW
Louis, Mlka Daly, Jule Qarson, t-
Fine, A. L. Astd, C, Cockran, uimmyj
Lougniln, J, Fltzimmons and v.
aerson. ji
Havana Races Postponed
HAVANA. Feb. 10. naclng at OrlcnUJ
waa forlav noatnoneil until Thursday 2(ie
is In bad condition on account of PevJr '
Juarez Entries
First race, purse, S-year-old nuw ,U
ftirlonga Kittle May,
iv'i-iiot 'nbaaMy'' 112:' SnlaeVl I.-J. "fll
; iiu, v irsiitu -'"r ill
' .11. Cnll.r'a Hast. 11
fFels, 112:
Fels, 1121 Old llob, 112t Zamlpch, iu, gu
oa.iu, tiMl
ivin, iioi '4Ymmie woiemun, - .
Second race. 4-year-olds and UP. t.
fceconu race. 4-year-oias a i
.aolfbair'l(i W. t70iloSa
IftS; John Louis, ltO; Mlko Donlln. 110. rJ?i
Third race, 'selling, 4-year.olds J&fJ
mle 'Dave Montgomery. 1";V iJrh
gustus iieinie. iv.i: v-eoa. iwJ i.i -.as
1051 Fancy, lOSj Florence Krlppee. M. "J
Fourth race, aelllng. 4-year-olda aad
furlongs 'Freda Johnson. 08. 'Art lllcs
103; 'Lone Btar. IOJ: Auto MaldiA0' "w
.to.! n.i.... ihn. n II.. , lit
Fifth race, selling, riree-vear-ol'ls T
Mabel Uulweber. W. Fetlt f W.
-itrcezes, uo, -aso. nocriiuuii. " -t-.-j,.
Oano, 101; Ithodea. 103, Obolus, JW.
nam, iuo, moien Ante, ii". . . ua
Sixth race, selling. 4-ycar-old s sm
mlle-'Cecll. 03. Navar ng. . 08 ?'ajZt
100, Buelah 8 , 100, Mlmorloto, v".
108: Mudsill. 108. .
Apprentice allowance claimed.
Weather clear. Track fas.t
A ii m "if.... T4..fl
AH-lur-uiury "J"j.f a i
The first all-for-gtory stre"" r-
are 10 oe ova inii" .' " fi:,T- wu
at the UplYv?rfKy"Bslttiipe
tVlIlVftU -.
Local Golfers Lose In New Y?
maIdOB&vPbCufc?"lfuIRS ,
ley. . rosk .,"- ;,,--. "j-. Mltcteu. .
..... it. Hlilrn &if malCH ." " 1
"Mfift. " :L""i-A-JZ Murso in . '
itoT. hVre today T hi match
Sitb bol" wltb tbs New Yorkers f
aeveo w ytei
.. ., fwili(Jkt
fONIOUT TOiuiil--; j- - 4
Fairmount A. C.?fiK
' i