ueninn ffirtter SPORTS FINAL iim VOII-NO. 330 imnjADEUPlllAt TUESDAY, ffEBBUAUlTlG. 1015. VI Cortiiaiir, 1013, it ins rcsUo t.toan Couri.it. JfAUU-UJ VPiAU UXSJNT t SPORTS ' FINAL MNCILMEN DISCUSS PLAN FOR A TRANSIT ; LOAN OF $12,000,000 Subcommittee on Finance Oonsiders Increasing Amount, to Extend Spurs ,on the Northwest and Frankford Lines. delations of Business Organ izations to Attend Session !,:jn Thursday in Force to Sec That Councils Keep Pledge When Bills Are Reported. - A limited supply. 01 irarnii duuum fsre now on hand at the Ledoer 'Central) Droad and Chestnut streets, i-irid at the business office of the "EVENING LEDGER, Sixth nml mlJ.HIi. rt. TfiM buttons will be given out one to each applicant as 'onu a the supply lasts. I Members of Councils' Subcommlt.lc on lnanco met In City Halt this afternoon no discuss tho advisability of Increasing the transit loan of W.ow.ooo asked by Director Taylor to JS.0O0.CO0 or perhaps J12.C0O, OCK). The additional money, It is Bald, will bo used for the construction of .11 spur Jn, the subway and elevated system to tho fNortliwcst and on tho elevated road to 'Frankford. The. subcommittee met In executive ses sion shortly after noon and none of tho 'members' was willing to discuss what had f'taken place. Chairman Soger and John jlR Connelly, chairman of tho Flnanco '-Committee, of which the subcommittee Ms a part, even denied that tho committee Chad met. Several Councllmcn, they said, bad happenod to meet In City Hall for van Informnl talk. Councilman Peter E. Costello, of Frankford, Is said to' have urged the ftommlttco to Insist that work be begun Ren both the northeast and the northwest jftpurg at tho same time that the work t'li begun on the Broad street subway. Should the loan be Increased to $3,000,000 sthls would be tho exact amount recom mended by Senator Varo In his formal E. itatement last Thursday, issued JUst be fore the meeting of tho Senatorial Com mittee on 'Municipal Affairs. Delegations from business associations hind trade bodies all over Philadelphia ifarid'all advocates of the Taylor plan to- S'da.v are preparing to attend the session of (Councils on Thursday to demonstrate their Interest In the. transit -development Kor tnis city, and to see that favorable etctlen Is takon on the loan election by grvCodrtctls. . ioc ursi.caji jor a popular demonstra tion went forth today from the Trans torta.tlon Committee of the United Bust no'a Men's Association to all the allied r.irsoclatlons. In .the association, falling Continued on rose Tito WHEAT SELLS AT $1.63' Advances Follows Higher Liverpool Gables and Heavy Export Sales. wuuauu, 1'eD. jii. May wneat at tho lepfcnlng of the Board of Trade was 'M or 2 cents above yesterday's close, within 15 minutes went to J1.C3U. JTha advance followed higher Liverpool es, heavy export sales yesterday. cean charters today and an advance In cash market. July opened at JLS3U. n advance of Vk and went to $t.CCH. r THE WEATHER Tomorrow begins that period of which gave rise many years Ca "Joke," The year has only 48 weeks reality, you understand, because six them are lentt (Shades of Joe Miller a.) And the weather lias very little t do- with things today for that reason! Its the last chance. "Eat, drink and be pawy, for tomorrow we diet." But Just :ausa you are - not Inclined to allow i weather to make much of an imprea- ?n today Is no reason at all for bellev- you. will be able to Ignore it during Six weeks to come. Weather is a Pretty hard thing to get away from, and b u no indication that we are due for less of t than heretofore Jupe, '. and the rest of these climatic sods JYe a calendar all their own, and refuse .to. recognize anv other. Yes. tomorrow W begin six weeks of Lent CftQw will you be good? FORECAST For PAViieZnft7t emit mVnihi Kprtty cloudy tonight and Wednesday: iler tonight: gentle variable winds itlU tfest nd north, "'or details, see page 2, Observations at Philadelphia mUr .. a A. M. 30.23 . .'.'.'.'.'.Hrthwafc,"i8' mlla ctrajure 8iWiuiliA' uli ii" KJ,;;: ' clou,2K 8fflL? ..-.::.: 7.:..:" eVBnT wHH.ni ieroperture ,,..,, ;..... 44 Almanac of .the Day eta riua tnmnn-nw BiSA n. m ,a lets LamoB to He LlahtrA Mu and etUtr Tebitle... ..... BiMp.m. The Tides l tOIlT RICHJHJnD, 4tr ... so . "r ...::::::.:::;:: iu3tKS irsr tomorrow irioatnu CHESTNUT flTBWT WJlfBP. W :SOp.ra. wr lawutiQ , WTiIS ii- fcw MtM. WtgH .nTCfc waw, AStW Al(ll. v ., ? v.m. "'WF . .. 4lr fejjj, CLOUDY the ago DES MOINES DRY TODAY FIRST TIME, IX HtSTOllY Saloons Closed Lnsl Night According to City Councils' Orders. CES MOINES. Iowa, Feb. IG.Dc Moines is dry today, for tho first tlmo'ln Its history. As a result of city councils' decision not to lasue licenses, tho saloons closed last, night.' No H-juor was served at thb pollccmon's nnhuhl ball, which lasted through tho nlglit. Tho orchestra entertained tho dnneera several' times with tho strains of "How Dry"! Am." ' R00ER (JARVIN LOST AS I'EXN OARSMAN Accumulated Too Mnny Study Condi tions and Is Barred. Roger dorvln, who rowed No. .. on Pennsylvania's famous crew last year, hns been lost to the Quaker eight because he annexed too many conditions In '.ho mid year examinations a week ago. Word to that effect reached the rowing room this afternoon, nnd caused gloom among the other oafamrn nild tho coach, Gar vin wns one or tho veterans of tho crow, rind his place will be hard to till. He was also a slar broad jumper, nnd, In fact, started his athletic career with the tracic team. Coach Nlckalls announced this afternoon that tho crews would -go on tho river next Monday, February 22. Mr. Nlcknlls snld that ho wished to take as many mon as possible on the water, and If tho other boat clubs along the river are ac commodating enough this number will bo at least 60. Tho coach wnnts to have six or seven crewB on the water. If this number Is tnken, some of the men will hnve to work In bnrges. The crow men have proven very good canvassers In their efforts to rase $1000 with which to purchase rowing machines. Already they have raised 230 Just among tho students. BABE DIES FROM BURNS: PLAYED WITH MATCHES Two-year-old's Screams Attract At tention of Passersby. Two-year-old Lexer Lenchevfsky, of C03 Newmnrket street, was so badly burned whllo playing with matches at his homo today that he died a few minutes later at the Roosevelt Hospital. The child's screams attracted the at tention of Miss Annie Schuster, HO Green street, and Tollceman Lnlrd, of tho 3d street and Fulrmount avenue station, who had, him taken to the hospital In a passing automobile, FOURTH SUICIDE IN TWO WEEKS IN LEBANON CO., Farmer Shoots Himself After Worry " Ing' Over Financial' Affairs. 8CHAEFFERSTOWN, Pa., Feb. 1C Frank Krumblne, 40 years old, "n Heidel berg township farmer .and tobacco grower, this afternoon committed suicide In Ills tobacco ,shed by shooting himself In the head. His body was found by ills wife. Krumblne was known, to have worried much over his financial affairs, but It is not known oxrictly what was his trouble. Krumblno's suicide Is the fourth to bo re corded In Lebanon County in less thnn two weeks. 8-CENT BREAD IS DUE - WITH RISE IN FLOUR Increase of 25 Cents on the Bar rel Means Relative Jump in Price of Loaves. The price of flour went up 25 cents today. Tills means $7.75 a barrel for flour and 8-cent bread before the end of the week as there Is nothing In sight to halt tho advance In the grain. ot all flours were effected by the big Jump. Some rose only 20 cents on a barrel, but that was a low figure. Throughout the day In tho wheat mar kets, as the price of May Wneat fluctu ated. It became more and more sure that there would be a stiff advance announced at the close pf the market day in the price of flour. The prediction held good, and when May wheat closed at J1.63U. there was nothing else to record but a false. "Wheat opened .this morning at $1,M!4 and closed at 11.6254. The top notch was reached early In the afternoon, when May wheat skied to 11. WS, where It stayed but a short while, falling a point and a' half, The close then. showed a net gain over yesterday of 3'.i points. This advance, It was said both among wheat merchants' and the mill men, Justifies the latter in advancing the price of flour. The customary rate of advance, as be' tween wheat and flour, la 4 cents In the price of flour to every cent in that of wheat. Hence, the exact Increase, if the mill men decide to follow custom, would be 13' cents a barrel, but It Is explained that the mill. men Jiave been holding the price 'of flour dqwn for more than a month against the tUa In, the price of wheat,, and that now, that they have become convinced that wheat Is going to stay up. they will probably send flour up the full 23 cents and hold It at tlmt price to cover their losses during the four weeks Just passed, Wheat at the closing price of today means 7-cent loaves or such small loaves that the actual value of the loaf de livered across the grocers' and bakers' counter will be equal to that. At the close of yesterday's market It was said on tho floor market of the Bourse that the future offered no prospects of a bet terment of the present situation, unless a change In the war situation opens Jtussla's wheat Q the market. N. J, SENATE PASSES SUFFRAGE AMENDMENT Measure Will Now Go to People at Special Election, TRENTON. N. 3.. Feb. IJ.-Tb Senate today pased by a vote qf IT to 4 the reso lution giving vote to women Ia New Jersey. The. measure pa.cd the House rtawtly. Thi t tk-M4 iai it ha $asf4 tho frfll.uts cNutsutjYly. as the flgt Mumuitw rftirB, u wti ot trj vetcra ui uv suit t m ji Us- CELEBRATE THEIR .K .liKS i". 4, r V" WM .tvif.i- j... i MmMttiv' t. "-; On tho anniversary of his birth in Germany in 184G, Mayor Blank enbure received an unexpected present in the shape of a bouquet from Master Frederick S. Tallman, of 1421 Wolf street, who also had a birthday today. He is 8 years old. SUFFRAGE MEASURE IS HELD UP IN Committee. Refus.es to Report on AmendmentUntil Public Hearing on Question Is Held. tmoit jk sxArr connKsronoiNT. HAnniSBUIlG, Feb. 10. The woman suffrage amendment to tho Stato Con stitution was' held up for several weeks by tho Senato Committee on Judiciary General after a bitter fight this morning, Tho committee decided to hold at least one, and probably more, public hearings on the amendment before It Is reported out. Senators Patton, of Philadelphia, and Hoke, of Franklin, were tho only mem bers of the committee who favored re porting the measure out of committee Im mediately. Nine of the 15 members of tho committee were present at the meet ing. Senator Clark, of Erie, chairman of the committee, andothers opposed reporting tho amendment out at once with a favor able recommendation. They Insisted that, such an Important change In the funda mental law of the State should not bo considered hastily''. Senators Patton and Hoke, who fought for tho Immediate re porting of the measure, asserted that the suffrage question has- been thoroughly discussed throughout the State for sev eral ears. and that there Is no necessity for tho committee to go into the ques tion. They also reminded the members of the committee that woman suffrage Is a plank in the platform of each of the important paroles. Under the leadership of Senator Clark the opposition "remained firm. The Erie Senators and others declared that the amendment' had been Jammed through the House without giving the members of that body an opportunity to discuss It. and Eald that they would not permit It to go through the Senate without careful consideration, Tho Senate, they said, will not stand for such rushing tactics, and Senator Clark declared that the committee wilt Insist upon giving the opponent ot the amendment a chance to present their arguments against it. 3enator Patton moved that the resolu tion be reported ta tho Benato at once with a favorable recommendation. ' The motion was lost by a vote of 7 to S. No hearing will be arranged until about Starch 15. POLICEMEN SUE FOR SLANDER Brine Action for Damages Against Accuser. Special Policemen David McBeth and Martin J. Lyford, of the th and Pine Streets station, are suing Samuel Marino; a tailor, S30 Dickinson street, fqr'110,000 each for slander and defamation of char acter. Judge Audenrled, of Court of Common Pleas Jso, 4. granted a writ of capias and released Marina under ball. Marino, who was arrested In a raid on a house last August, preferred charges against the two policemen, alleging that they testified falsely against him and also refused to allow him the use of a telephone to summon his friends. As a re sult of his charges McBeth and Lyfod have been summoned before the police board of Inquiry, where their case la now pending, At a hearing Thursday Nicholas Penelo, who said he bad an Interest In the house which was raided by the policemen, ao. cused McBeth of accepting "hush money," In addition to the charges made by Marino against the two. The action of the policemen In bringing personal suits Is unprecedented, the cus tom among policemen 1a canes of this nature bflpg ta content themselves with, vindication before the police board. $aS,0P Grant to Temple UalrersHy HAKHlSHIt'BG, S-Ht. 14 Th HflUl tfel artwoMs pssscd a out Mftkwy ; IS&.oae dailctii.- sppripnt3 to trtjtofr "Be i "fcer, iill, for tA. l'&veruy, t HulaaiiiiMA, ' 1" tJle fesak, BIRTHDAY TOGETHER GIRL DIES, TRYING TO 'PHONE FRIENDS HERE Daughter of Point Breeze Line . Superintendent Was Desti tute" in the West. A girl, who gave her namo to the police as Bessie Lugnr, just. before she' died In Chicago, .according to Chicago dispatches, Is the daughter of Joseph C. Lugar, superintendent of tho Philadelphia and Southwestern Street Hallway Company, called tho "Point Breeze line." Sir. Lugar said today ho saw his daughter last In October. Since Christ mas ho hnrt not heard from her. Accord ing to the Chicago police sho tried In vain to reach friends In this city by tele phone, during tho week before she died, saying that "everything would be "all right" If they could find her. Her fail ure to hove the 'phone charges "re versed" wns responsible for the fact that sho died alone nnd that her friends did. not know of her death. , Miss LugaV.who wns 23 years old, was formerly Mrs- Charles B. P.ced. Her hus band was" a student at the University of Pennsylvania until 1008. They were dl vorced In 1909, and she resumed her maiden name. Miss Lugar remained at home off and on for three .years after the divorce. During this time she formed the acquaintances she tried to reach by tele phone from Chicago hefore she died. The number she called here was Poplar 1573. which Is C. H. Beck's Cafe, 1009 Oxford street, until six weeks ago a cabaret saloon. At Beck's place It was said some one In Chicago had been trying to call the cafo by telephone,..but when Bessie Lu gar's name was mentioned It was denied that she was known there. Her father knew little of her movements wlfen Bhe was'away .from home, he said today. He never had heard of Beck's, This after noon he began to make arrangements for bringing his daughter's body home. Mr. Lugar first learned of his daugh ter's death this morning. It had been so long.. since he had heard from her. he said, that he had not even an Idea where Continued on Page Two THIS "MOVIE" ACTOR BITES Simian Thespian Now Rehearsing a "Singlo" Turn. A "movie" actor became afflicted with stage fright In tho Btudtos of the Lubln Company, at 19th street and Allegheny avenue today, and ran away and hid. When' h? "was found he bjt Thomas Keenan, 2?H North 4th street, on the flhgeryind chattered at a great rate until some on'e 'stuffed a'flotirsack in his mouth, ,JThe -aetjpr' is.;, Jocko Bingo, a large monkey. Something about the eye of that conttnuqus camera got on his nerves to day .while ha was posing for an act, and ,ho jumped out the, door. Actors and stresses pursued him, and as he couldn't find a juqsle In the building, he dashed into the next best thing a ward robe, and bid under some palm leaf fans. When Keeuan'a hanjt reached In to pull Jocko out the monkey sank his teeth tn the hand. Keenan had the wound cauter ized at the Samaritan Hospital. jocko Bingo-1 rchearsios his part In solitary confinement. Accused of Stealing Theatre Tickets Magistrate Qlenn today held George Miller. 80, of am Paeiao avenue, under 1100 bail for a further hearing February M Ion th charge of sUaling a quantity of tiitaire (hjkcm mms wna his emsloyef, FraajflM Njnt. Prewleter of the Aww, fifeamtre, KwdlJuii .vm a4 Ontario mimt&t. UtUar w& mint av rk..,Lr.n KAISER DRIVES FOE FROM PL0CK IN NORTH POLAND Slavs Lost 1000 in Fight North of Vis tula, Which Halts Thorn Move. Austria Announces Occupation of Nadworna Slavs VJctora in West Carpathians, They Say Petrograd Admits Re verse in Bukowina. Recapture of Trenches on Ypres-St. Eloi Lino by British Reported by Paris Wnr Offlcc, Hilt Germans De clare Enomys Assaults Were Re pulsed. Plock nnd Ulelsk, north of the Vis tula nnd about 65 miles northwest of 'Warsaw and 50 west of the fortress of Novo Gcorgtewsk, has been captured by tho Germans, according to today's oHlclnl1 report from Berlin. Success In this region will, have an adverso ef fect on tho Hussion drlvo upon Thorn. Tho Germans Jiavo apparently hurled back their opponents 30 miles from Llpno, where Potrograd claimed a vic tory about a week ngo. Vienna reports n great victory In the new offensive launched In Southern Gnllcin. Thirteen thousand Slavs, it Is estimated, were slain In tho battle of Delatyn, which resulted in the cap ture of Nadwornaand tho rout of 80,000 Russians, as well" as Interception .of an other, Muscovlto column moving- from Stanlslaw. Fighting In tho Carpathians, where tho hundrcd-mllo line Is broken into half a dozen actions, apparently gives tho Russians honors toward the west at Dukla, Wyszkow and Beskld Passes, and advantage to tho Austro'-Germans In Bukowina. Potrograd records dis lodging the enemy from Kozlowka and other heights, but admits the Austrian advance In Bukowina, where Slav pos session of Cernowltz dolly becomes nloro precarious. Tho Russian General Staffa major co'nccrn Is now prevention of a German sweep from-East Prussia, both east ward Into Itiisala proper, apd south ward through Poland. Th'e Slav armies, rorced back through Tiomo territory1, tiro concentrating along; thft. southern froritler of East Prussia from the Nle men IUvor, swinging around through' Mlawn to the Sorpcz district, bordering' on West Prussia. Tho entlro move ment Is essentially protective Tho recapture by the British of trenches near St. Elol, south of 1'pres, Is claimed by the French official com munique, while Berlin officially reports that tho British assaults on that part of the line were repulsed. Turkey and Greece are virtually at tho breaking point, nccordlhg to a con sensus of, dispatches. Twenty thou sand picked Greek troops have been rushed to Salonika. PLOCK. IN KORTH POLAND, CAPTURED. BERLIN REPORTS Success North of Vistula Affects Slav's Thorn Drive. BERLIN, Feb. 16. The capture, of Ptook and Blelsk, two towns of northern Poland, on the right bank of the Vistula, by German troops Is nnnounccd In nn official report from the German Oeneral Staff Issued here. this afternoon. It states that these two towns were taken after a short fight which resulted In the capture of about 1000 prisoners. The report also claims success on the East Prussian frontier. The 'announce ment of the capture of Flock has been hniled here as the most cheerful news that has been received since the news that the Russians had been driven from Hast Prussia. Plock Is more than 60 miles northwest of Npvo Qeorgiewsk, the great fortress which protects Warsaw. Blelsk Is a few mllea north-northeast of riock German successes In this region ap parently Indicate that the Russian drive toward Thorn has been checked, nnd that the Csar's troops are being rapidly forced back in northern Poland, OTHER WAR NEWS ON PAQE 4, MAYOR IS 72 TODAY Mayor Blankenburg Is celebrating -his birthday anniversary tqday. Ills celebra. tlon is consisting chiefly of spending the usual working hours at his desk in City Hall. He was born In Germany, February 10. WIS. Seventy-two years young," said the Mayor today. He had no -comment on the fact that his birthday Is sandwiched closely between the uataj days of Lincoln, February M. and Washington. February K, One of the smallest and most wet come visitors was the Mayor's friend, 8-year-old Frederick G. Tallman, n Wolf street, who presented the Mayor with 73 carnations. The Mayor's small admirer U celebrating Jilt own birthday today, kait year he and tho Mayor tx changed photrgraphs on their natal day, Frederick is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James C. Tallman. and I a pupil n the Baldwin School, lth and Porter streets. The Mayor , received from Governor Brumbaugh the following. telegram: "Cordial felicitations on your anniversary- M you have many Joyous re turns." ' mi .in Alleged Auto Thief Caught Detectives A. Sullivan and Gleason. of the City Hall staff, will go to Baltimore tonight to arrest a, man who got all the way' to Northeast. Md., with an Auto mobile which the- police asy was. stolen from James A. Peytnney. of fit. North Broad street. ' The prisoner, who say he U Htewart Hle, was taken into eqetody by a sherMt, but denied, that fee had U4a the car The sheriff rooga&Mt ihft mawhinc front s, dwtcripUam wMeh w mat out on a ytftko Oyer when the S ljuW U Ute a no wsaHMMruriL- TODAY'S BASKETBALL RESULTS Central High School ....., 7 Northeast High School ..;. ....... 1 6 Southern High School. ...-., 7, - West Philadelphia High School. . . 'e Central High School, 2d..,.. ..... ' 6, Northeast High School, 2d 8 '; Southern High School, 2d. : ; . ..... 7 West Phila. High, 2d. ; . 1 '. ''' 7 , Chestnut Hill Academy ,8" Swarthmorc Preps ". iV. . .7 7 : Jenkintown High School ........ 113 Swarthmorc High School ..... . . . ' 4 Lansdowne High School Girls.-. . . 7 Temple University Girls. .......". 3 De Lancey School ?. 27; Woodbury High School .'.VI ". .7 Haverford School, 2d '..'.. 19 Philadelphia Trade School 8 OPPONENTS OF LOCAL OPTION LAW IN STATE TARGET FOR SUNDAY "Some Legislators Sent to Represent People, Repre sent Old Grog Shop," He Declares Urges Support of Governor. AT THE TABERNACLE TODA p. m. Mr. Sunday delivered his sermon, "The Fir Tree;.'' 3 p. m. JIHsa S'aie met her Bi ble class on the platform of tho tabernacle. 7 p. m. Jfr. Sunday delivers his sermon, "Is It Well With Thcct" STATISTICS. Approximate total attend ance I.G6S.000 . Conversions to date 25,25. Sermons preached S3 Remaining to be preached. 40 Strong Indorsement was given Governor Brumbaugh's local option ambitions by 'nllly" Sunday In - tlie, tabernacle this aftornoon. .Alvthe same time .he. made a severe attack on legislators who are not standing behind tho Governor in his at tempt to keep his platform pledge and glvothe people the opportunity to vote on the saloon question. "You let the Legislature of Pennsyl vania stand behind Governor Brumbaugh and help him to give tho people a chance to vote on the saloon question and you'll see It knocked to smithereens," "Billy" shouted, "Those who do not help him aren't fit to make the laws. They are sent there' to represent the people, but Instead a' lot of them represent the old grog shop. Then some of them say the people don't know what they want and aren't fit to vote on the question. Those legislators arc a fine bunch to hold them selves up as all wise and so far above the people In brains that they are the only ones fit to decide the question. They're a smart bunch, they are!" 155 HIT THE TRAIL. Sunday was preaching this afternoon on "The Fir Tree," nnd he again scored the hypocrites in the churches and the Indifferent and Indolent clergymen. At the close of his sermon US men and women were escorted through the saw dust aisles to the glory rows. "Billy" once more declared that the religion of Jesus Christ would clean all the sin out of Philadelphia If It were given a chance. "Give the. religion of Jesus Christ a chance nnd Jhere'11 be a 'for rent' sign on every saloon, on every gambling Joint and on every brothel," he declared. "Give the religion of Christ a chance and there'll be no more staggering drunkards coming h'ome; there'll be no more young girls selling their virtue on the streets and In. the red-light district. "Ifll yank the beer nnd champagne out of your cellar," he declared, "It'll Continued on Fage rite HELD ON BOY'S CHARGE Lad Says He Wa3 Kept a Virtual Prisoner in Lyndhurst Home. A man who carried letters addressed to -Baron Dr. Albert Von Mattheslus, ot Lyndhurst,- N. J., was arrested at Hh and Chestnut streetB today on charges preferred by 17-year-old Harry Friedman. He was arraigned before Magistrate Ren shaW In Central Station and held without ball. Friedman said he had been kept vlr. tually a prisoner in the Lyndhurst home of Doctor Mattheslus, The man declined to say whether ho was a baron. Harry Friedman, the. boy's father, said .his son ran away to New York a month ago. The hoy said he met the prisoner In the New York Post office, In his pocket was found a photo-. graph of a monk with "Friar A. Von Mattheslus" written'beneath It The pris oner said he was a neurologist of note Jn New York. NEW LOCOMOTIVE RECORD Engine "WUI Exceed Present Sjee4 and Drawing Power Possibilities. HARRISBURO. Feb, li-Engtne No. 133T, of the new L$c8 -type, is today com pleting a trip over the 'Middle Division of tho Pennsylvania Railroad that will s tabUsh a new world's record for number of cars hauled by one locomotive. During a." test run made from AUoona to Harrisburg yesterday the locomotive hauled a train of W large steel care, loaded, with coal and a caboose. The total load H estimated at H.KA ions. Today tbe looowuiUe Uix for AHoona An tflft r tarn trip bu)iftB uo empty steel ear-, -wbUih r niiwli fetavler thin the cms, of a oW wt tjp. Tfe wtui is oe:ng u,ae tor ?! us, well an J,w tJJg yc-ww i-J53 8 17 .m 6 5 . 13 rr?:M 12 "18 8 6 15 11 22 5 25f 15; 42' 13 CRY FOR WORK FU0M WORTHY FOLK IN CITY DEMANDS AN ANSWER Many Skilled Workers Among Those Who Find: Themselves D es t i t u te Amid Conditions With out Precedent Here. The number of' worthy, deserving per sons now looking for work In Pliiladolyffil phla is appalling. Hundreds, and hun-' dreds of men nnd women who have spent years of their lives becoming skilled Jn various trades nnd professions And them'--' selves today- without work, without money, without food, and, in many cases,;'--'- even without shelter. ?' Every day It Is possible to pick up the'1 ,s papers .and read of a suicide directly caused by this unprecedented condition,. which has been termed "psychological' oy mose wno nave tneir three meals a'f day,, their bed to seep In and their fumt? , lies well provided for. but which to thn.fc7?! oth?r half,, tho powerless ylctlms, who arer f 1 no more responsible for present coIldf-,' tyons than' the matT'ln ' tie" Vrio6rtt has ceased to be a mere depression: it is. an actual, desperate fact, as real as death Itself. Old men and women, who had every right to believe that the hard (lnies of their lives were Jn the past, are. begging' iur employment, iney aro willing 10 Oo anything, Btrenuous physical labor, even,' In order to keep body and soul together. But when the labor mart Is glutted with strong, healthy .youth, equally cIltliioroUA for a vhanco to win some sort ot an existence, what chance have they? Only today In the "situation wanted" columns of the Evening L&oaisn a woman of 71, In an "ad" that would make the most hard-hearted cynic feel chokeybes for an opportunity to do scrubbing and cleaning. Not only must she face the question of taking care of herself, but mere is a feeble-minded son to look after, She's willing to get down on her knees and Bcrub from 7 In the morning Until 7 at night She Isn't thinking of her poor old back, of her rheumatic hands She's hungry and the son Is hungry and the Are Is oilt, and soon will there be no roof over their heads, She wants work. Not far from this "nd" a youngster, a boy of 14. asks .for a Job, Again, for any-, thing. For three months the family nf nine have been living on the pitiful earn , Ings of his sister. The father has been - out of employment this winter. Things, have reached a crisis. Fifty-seven years Continued on rage Two FIRE ON LLOYD LINER Passengers in Panic When Flames Threaten Ship. NEW YORK, Feb. 18,-Three hundred, passengers aboard the Lloyd-SabaUdo steamship Re d'ltalla, bound for Naples, wero thrown Into a panic this afternoon when fire started In the forward hold of the vessel as Bhe was preparing to leave her dock at Jersey City. Fire tugs were rushed Into action an the entire fire department of Jersey City summoned. The Are was got Under con' trol after an hour's flght. The vessel's cargo of cotton was damaged, principally by water, and several passengers wer slightly hurt In the rush to get ashore. North American Editor Operated On E. A. Van Valkenburg, editor of the North American, who underwent an operation for appendicitis at tho Univer sity Hospital, continues to improve. Surgeons In charge of the csso report tht progress has been normal from the be ginning and it Is expected, that the patient will be able to leave the hoepUaJ ip a anon, ume. - - Thaw Trial to Begin Marph 1 NEW YOBIf, Feb. ii-An order em paneling sou special talesmen for tqe trial of Harry 1C Thaw and live others m charges growing out of Thaw's ecap from Matteawan -waa. bumed by Supreme Court Justice Weeks today- Thaw's trial will begin March 1, The Kensingtonian Says: Jack Gardner was seen In the Bv. M ten the other evening, buying some h-i' hold articles. Are you thinking of settKf uunu, yavti XOBT AND :ro LOST Stolo or hurt, la Owtatti jriu. e-30 r. nL Hundsj, ten U. riTaii sr,; hatred Scotch Umtr;. Ma itr;. ane 'sesnle." rowara via no quvaiK Jfcjero Howcra a. urmpam. lJST At Li Lu (ah KaL marked Tswrtr, FtMw, Uth l H w. rleturo o Williama. 423 Walnut llMrard JJU-I w CtiMtoui Mrt bag. WBUlllllBS HIMit nlA .OIr. t-J.i, ,lj JW Maf'-Wt ft, Liinai rff t? i'.1f,.i'S TKLJI ZFl ' lAJit-fakb uJ. rjnT HMm J w 8 kl Bsltiiaew fy., Tf, I. tetata liiJ-S-ii r 1nfi4 ylftff w. . $ - im 3&I 9'f 0'A. ismiki i ..,-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers