Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 15, 1915, Sports Final, Page 9, Image 9

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Bff mm lllWW " - - -- ---- -- . "M
(mv oU)r
W-za rr? lfY
ftV. Mills at the dlnner-danco given by
mB u . . . 101 "Locust street. In
L'P1" ,.iin Slnklor. on Saturday
iitef . . .., ir.n ti-vMvn Chew. Miss
gftt, Inelud Ruth Coxe M,M
IJP .. Miss Lois B. Outsail. Miss
P .wbdld Thompson, Miss Allco Chapman
H?" I . MIM Gertrude Tower, Miss Helen
if"" " ntx.m Hilda Tunis, Miss Kamcrino
fir TOWtr, "" . m... Wii.( Ml
KWlt BOWle, MISS Juurjr -..,..-
E' JEUIs Soull, Miss Marian Eyro Savago,
ml S" ,n. Miss Mabel Smith. Miss
P&',Z Harding Brown. Miss Joan Christian
IbMloite Hara charlotto Ilueh,
BiBIttf."" ... ,,... AlmeB Hutohln-
K,.T.r.ga... nrimmer Ingorsoll, Miss Isa-
g&IWrU P. Ml- Cornelia Carter Leidy.
Mu ' . i t... i. 5,1 nimrles P. Davis. Jo-
SIe. .. t,rrv.' 3d. Lelsliton Demlng, I
f!oke Edwards, W. Ncllson Edwards, Thomas
t J b S. Dlsston. Jr.. U Scott !
BBouiton, - T..fli. Mnrrin Hill Mer-
itTIWl .., Tlnnrlnll. d. StnnlBV
Kill Alexanaer xunu.. - . -
KT. nniiiom D. Stroud. Joseph Trevanlon
frlLer nussell Thayer, Jr., Jamca Smith. Clar
ma Fisher and Morris Tlldcn.
.. .... h.nr nartv. followed by supper at
EL mti-Carlton, given for Miss Anna Massoy
Ineckscher on Saturday night, the guests In
l.,..i . inpz Drayton. Miss Hope Trux-
Itin Beale. Miss Margaret Berwlnd. Miss Chris-
Ifttne Bpencer, Robert rearsou rruzior, ouraeo
Igmlth Merrltt, Jr., and Richard S. Bullitt.
..... t... riravton. of 2017 LocUBt Btreet, will
KJi JU1D9 ..." -. r
Itttend tho last meeting of tho Monday Qer-
gjnans In Baltimore lonigni.
..'.n.. Mnn Trtixtun Dealo will go to Palm
ILach this week with Mrs. William DIsston and
Ejliso Pauline DIsston.
' m.. Tionn House, which -was launched sev-
$rt weeks ago at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs.
..-.. tvi.r. 1819 Walnut street, will open
P4V1" - -
with a now management today, under the
S.,,.1i.m of Mrs. George A. Brooke, miss
BBrooke will be in charge of tho dancing classes.
find has secured an able assistant, 'ine aan
hknta and after-theatre Buppors will be given as
h' nt first nlanned. and on tho various aft-
Krneons a number of women -who are socially
prominent will act as chaperons and -will pro
ld, at the tea table.
"urn.. T,nulH Benson and her daughters, Miss
iMargaretta Benson and Miss Barbara Benson,,
who have been staying at Palm Beach for the
il six weeks, will return to their home, 20M
D Lancey place, on Thursday.
irrhn Bewlne class organized by Miss Kath
arine N. Bradford meets every Monday morn-
lig In tho home of her parents, Dr. and Mrs.
T. Hewson Bradford. The members of the
class kntt and sew hospital shirts for sufferers
in Europe. They Include Mrs. Webster K.
OTtherlll, Mrs. George Morrlsqp. CoateB, Mrs.
Aubrey Huston, Mrs. Henry C. Mayer, Jr.-,
Mrs. Joseph Parker Norris, Jr., Mrs. Francis
Hppklnson Gilpin. Miss Elizabeth C. Rowland,
Miss Leta Sullivan, Miss Josephine H. Mc
:Cltir. Miss Marv C. Hodee. Miss Mildred W.
JKLee, Miss Gabrlela Gilpin, Miss Frances B.
Httqwiand, JUlss EiizaDetn u. uamuei, iuias nun-
rletta. Wflshburn. Miss Bertha Clark. Mlsa
IVan?es Clark, Mlsa Mary C: Curtln, Miss
Lyiolet GraU Mlsa Amelia Tower Putnam, Mrs.
Sydney Bullendon and Mrs. John Lanlng.
l.Mr. and Mrs. Alexander F. Ledes will enter
tain at a dlnner-danco of 18 covers at their
Some, Bryn Mawr, Bala, tonight in honor of
Hr. M. Osborn, of Norwalk, Conn., and Mrs.
li Gambrlll, of Baltimore, Md. Those present
,IU Include Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Skinner,
Jlrt and Mrs. Julian Haugwltz, Mr. and Mrs.
JM, D. Long, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Wlllard, Mr.
n'd Mrs. A. I. Bchermerhorn, Mrs. M. Barry,
P. Biles, w; H. Cunningham and II. W.
;At a recent meeting of the management of
the Savoy Opera Company it was decided that
"The Sorcerer" and "Trial by Jury" will be
presented at the Broad Street Theatre this
Ksprlng. Joseph Craig Fox will act as Stage
ganager, and Camllle W. Zeckwer will be tho
guslcal director.
Miss Helena S. Robinson, daughter of Mr.
nd Mrs. Alexander P. Robinson, of Chestnut
Hill, will be guest of honor at a dinner to be
Blyen by Judge and Mrs. William Wllklns Carr,
Pf UM Locust street
?Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Riddle have recalled
fthjlr Invitations to a. dinner at the RlU-Carlton
Itetore the Bal Masque owing to the death of
Mfv Riddle's mother.
Jr, and Mrs. Robert Duncan Carson, of Ger-
Ipantown, announce the engagement of their
"tighter, Mies Helen Graham Carson, to Rob
ert Ltonard Stiles, also of Qermantown,
Mrs. John Francis Ducey and her little son,
John Francis Ducey, Jr., who have been the
tgeata of Mr, and M.rs. J, Leeds Barrnll, of 7303
urlton street, Mount Airy, for a month will
Burn to their home In Detroit. Mich., today.
M?. Ducey's sister, Miss Anna Lewis Barroll,
l" accompany her and be her guest for a
genth or six weeks. Mrs. Ducey will be re
membered as Miss Ethel Barroll.
filr. and Mn. Dvmlt IT. Croabv. of West
lrmald lane, attended the dance at th,e Sea
J?Y golf club at Absecon. M. J., on Satur-
Ey night.
KSeorge Spreckley, Jr., of S63 East Ohelten aye.
Eg, has left for Cambridge, Mass., where he
remain for some time.
Pllss Judith Marr. of West Tulnehocken
0reet, gave a the dansant Saturday at her
?", The affair was quite small and ln-
srmal, and was given In honor of Mlsn Marr"
poualn, Mtos Jean Spruance, of New York.
pljs. George 13. Tllge and Mrs. E. O. Shake-
Var8 presided at the tea table.
Ht. and Mrs. William Cleghorn. of 149 East
Efculter street, took a few friends out auto-
Ijnoblllns yesterday to Trenton. Their 'guesU
re Mrs. Anna. Poustlan and Mr. and Mrs.
jM. Culler.
i'Th senior class of the Germantown Acad-
My will give a dance on Friday evening, Feb-
ry 19, at Mattheim. The decoration will be
school colors.
Mrs. J. Alir4 MarUu. 11 Wst WaWton
u .
mm wwrUl ft lMi. Way,
On Saturday evening, February' 20, there
will bo a card party of military "600" at 8!1S
o'clock at tho Old York Road Country Club.
Tho hostesses will be Mr. and Mrs. A. Leroy
Fetter and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Miller, Jr.
Mrs. William Nice, of the Thistle, Ogontz,
nccompnnled by hor niece, Miss Ethel Nice,
has gono to Rnngctey, Me., where thoy will
visit Mrs. Nice'B daughter, Miss Katharlno
Nice, for several weeks. Mies Nice, who has
been spending tho winter at Rang)eley, will re
main there Indefinitely.
Mrs. James Temple Butler gave a card party
nt her home In Logan Saturday night for the
benefit of the children's ward of tho Abtngton
Memorial Hospital.
Mrs. James Furlong, of 4B23 Walnut street,
announces tho engagement of her daughter,
Miss Helen Cecilia Furlong, to Joseph I. Mc
Closkey, son of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Mc
Closkey. Mrs. Otho M. Gravos, of Easton, Pa., Is visit
ing her mother, Mrs. G. D. Tetc, of 217 South
41st street, for a week. Mrs. Tote and Mrs.
Graves will be at home tomorrow afternoon
after 3 o'clock. No cards.
Miss Clara A. Wllllts gave nn Informal
mualcalo at her home, 4105 Spruco street, yes
terday afternoon.
Invitations have been Issued by Mr. and Mrs.
Henry J. Sclbold and L. Eastwood Sclbold, of
25:6 South 18th street, In th Glrard Estate, for
a "feto do Champs ElyBees," to bo given at
their homo on Washington's Birthday. The af
fair, as the namo implies, will bo arranged after
tho style of tho old French garden fetes. A
very novel featuro will bo tho centrepiece, which
will depict a reproduction of tho Boulevard,
even to the tiny gilt tables, about which four
little figures arrayed In tho styles of tho Renais
sance will bo seated. Tho favors for tho ladles
will consist of quaint French ladles In bisque
and for tho gentlemen their partners, carrying
Jewel-studded canes. Games and music will
follow the dinner. Baskets of pink and whlto
roses and lilies of tho valley will bo combined
with maidenhair fern In the floral decorations,
the color scheme throughout being pink and
green. The guesto will bo Mr. and Mrs. Fred
erick Hochrath, Mr. and Mrs. Charlca Fnrring
ton, Dr. and Mrs. Frederick C. Bahll, Mr. and
Mrs. James Bogtcs, Mr. and Mrs. Earl B. Put
man, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Chllds Hodgens,
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Schoftcld, Miss Alice
Shay, of Colllngswood, and Mrs. H. C. East
wood, of Fort Wayne, Ind. i
Thomas Gurney, of 1716 Ellsworth street, was
given a party on Saturday evening In honor of
his 21st birthday. The guests Included Mlsa
LUUan Ferguson,. Miss -Roso McGowcn, Miss
Ida Tulley, Miss Wllna Wilson, George Monroe,
Walter Shultz, William Frankolse, Edward Mc
Mnater and Henry Halloran.
bride of William ,J. Smith at the Church
of St. Francis Xavler this morning at 0 o'clock.
Miss O'Brien, who Is the daughter, of Mr. and
Mrs. Michael O'Brien, of S18 North 23d street.
wore a gown of white crepe do chine, trimmed
with Duchess laco and orango blossoms. Her
only ornament was a diamond pendant, tho
gift of tho bridegroom. She carried a bouquet
of white orchids and lilies of the valley. Miss
Anna Joyce was bridesmaid and wore a beauti
ful gown of blue crepe de chine, with a large
black picture hat, and carried a bouquet of
pink roses. Edward Strain, a cousin of the
bride, was beat man. Mlsa O'Brien, who Is nn
accomplished musician, Is a graduate of the
Girls' Catholic High School. After the Nuptial
Mass, which was celebrated by Rev. James
Williams, who also performed the ceremony, a
breakfast was Berved at the home of the bride's
parents, after which Mr. and Mrs. Smith left
for a tour of the South. Upon their return they
will live at their new home, 8010 North Taney
Btreet, where they will be at home after March
Large Audience Attended the Afternoon
Dance on Saturday.
Certainly It would have been hard to nnd a
larger or more representative audience than
that gathered on Saturday afternoon at the
Bellevue-Stratford at the dansant, which was
given In tho ballroom. Double rows of
tables were placed about the walls and the
boxes and balcony were also tilled with tables.
Society had gathered in full force to watch tho
dancing of Maurice and Mlsa Florence Walton,
of New York, and Boclety waa not disappointed.
Mrs. May Temple, who charepones the after
noon dansants, had matters bo efficiently ar
ranged it waB posalblo for all the more than
700 guests to seo and to hear, for Maurice
taught tho fox trot and skating waltz as he
demonstrated them.
Mrs. Beverly Potter and Mrs, Henry Augustus
Berwlnd entertained at one table. Another
party included Dr. and Mrs, W, . Reynolds
Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. E. Rlttenhouse Miller,
Mr. and Mrs. R. Wilson McQredy, Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Earle White, Mrs. Burton Price.
At another table were Mr. nnd Mrs. Paul
Denckla Mills. Miss Hlla Brook, looking like
a little fairy In her dainty frock of brown vel.
vet and lighter brown slk, which was -topped
With the dearest little silk hat trimmed with
tiny flowers, Was noted, as usual, dancing ex
quisitely. quite a numher of the debutantes were there.
Miss Evelyn Chew woro a smart costume of
dark blue cloth and brown fur.
Mrs. James D. Wlnsor, Mrs. Edward Syden
ham Page and Mrs. Adolph Rosengarten
formed a party at another mau table.
A wonderful trotteur of rose-colored velour
was worn by Mrs. Henry Pepper Vux. The
gkjrt was plain, but made with a wide flaro
awl the cat was fasta4 with one huge bit-'
tW- Mr. Vavx wore brown furs end a small
fu twiue.
ta. A I illllllllllll
$&?Mm'M. ;. ki Jk iliiiiiiiiiBBIaisiiiiiiM
w' : ' . "Mi-v ,& ' XV;' FmmwSmm
1 ,4v -fliiiiiiiiiiilHiiMcsBiHK
Mrs. Jo8t, who la one of Philadelphia's most popular matrons, entertained on
Saturday afternoon nt a small tea at her homo, 1904 Pine street, in honor of
Captain and Mrs. Benson, of tho Navy Yard.
Annual Affair to Bo Given at tho Bellevue
Stratford This Year.
Larger and more spectacular than any of Its
predecessors, the annual reception of the Catho
lic Phllopatrlan -Literary Institute, -which for
48 years has marked the close of Catholic so
clal activities on tho eve of the penitential Bca
son of Lent, will be held tonight In the
Bellevue-Stratford. Finishing touches were
given to tho plans of the Ball Committee at a
meeting In tho Institute headquarters, 1111 Arch
street, yesterday afternoon.
Tho Phllo reception has been recognized as
the lending Catholic social function of the year,
and tho officers of the Institute have put forth
every effort to add to the brilliance Of each
successive affair. In connection with the plan
ning of tho 1915 ball, a rousing membership
campaign has been conducted, with the result
that tho addition of scores of new members has
Interested many of the younger set of Catho
lic church circles In the success of this year's
Men distinguished In public life'' will grace
tho occasion by their presence, the acceptances
received from city and State officials having
been more numerous than in any previous year.
Simplicity will characterize the decorative
scheme. The illuminated "Phllopatrlan" em
blem, which has been a traditional feature of
the ball, will predominate over the floral dlB-
Several Innovations mark the coming recep
tion.. The scene of the dance, which has always
been held at the Academy of Muslo since the
beginning, has been transferred to the Bellovue,
Stratford. Tho elimination of the auction sale
of boxes, always hitherto held on the eve of
tho ball, Is another departure from time-honored
practice. An additional novelty will bo
tho demonstration of standardized modern
dances on the ballroom floor during the height
of the reception by Professor Coll and his two
sons and their partners.
The reception will formally open at 10 o'clock,
as usual, with tho grand march, which will be
led by Mr. and Mrs. James F. Herron. Mr.
Herron Is president of the Institute and chair
man of tho Ball Commttte. ns well as grand
conductor. Judge James E. Gorman who, with
Mrs. Gorman, led tho grand march last year,
wjll act as chairman of tho Reception Com
mittee, whll'o Hugh M. Donnelly and Frank A.
Mulherln will serve as aides to the grand con
ductor. Tho Ball Committee, in charge of all tho
plans for the function, Is composed of James
F. Herron, chairman; Joseph A. Brady, J. M.
J. Costello, James H. Crumble, H. M. Donnelly,
Joseph L. Durkln. John A. Elchman, Jr., James
A. Hamilton, Robert J. McNally, Dr. James
J. McNulty, E. J. Mulhern, John A, Murphy,
Walter L. Murphy, Maurice Nugent, M, A.
O'Neill. Richard Bchwoerer, George A, Will
lams, John F. Skelly, treasurer; John F. Cos
tello, William J. Barry, Jr., and Joseph L.
Tlnney, secretaries.
The floor directors are James V. Bradley, W.
I. Campbell, Frank P. Carr, M. J. Coghlan, M.
I Conneen, John J. Cronln, Joseph A. Cun
ningham, William T. Doyle, Gerald A. Dough
erty, John F. Fltzharrls, Dr. I. L. Fltzpatrlck,
Thomas J. Murphy, Francis D. dill, Joseph F.
Hamilton, William E. Haney, James J. Lang
ton. J. Edward Lentz. ' E. J, McCaffrey, Dr.
William J. McKlnley, P. A. McCool. James W,
McCraren. John A. MoTear. James E. Moroney,
p, J. O'Brien, Joseph F. O'Donnell, James J.
O'Neill, Joseph A. Tralnor, Basil S, Walsh
and Dr. George Youell.
The Kensington Kennel Club will hold It
annual banq'uitand dance today.
"Love by Rule" was given Saturday .evening
fey tho members of the St. Anne's Catholic
Club. I
Mrs. Bverett Foering, chairman of the Bust
ness Women's Committee of Roxborough, Wis.
uanlckorir jManayunk and the Fulls of Schuyl
kill, has .announced a rally for business girls
of these 'sections to be held on Friday night,
Februarjl 19. In Masonic Hall, Manayunk. The
interesting program will Include addresses by
Mrs. Asper and Mrs. Stover, of the. Sunday
party, and special music The committee In
cludes the following prominent womenof the
section; Mrs. Arthur Llttlewood, Miss Eliza,
belli Simpson. Mrs. Frederick Simpson. Mrs.
Bflla ndsrson. Mrs. George Holland, 'Mrs.
Harry ' Miller. Mrs. James Hlndle, Miss Irene
Funk, Miss Edith Lee, Mlsa Ruth Hanna, Mrs.
Elmer Cuthbertsoa. Mrs. G 8. Makely, Mrs.
Orlando T. Steward. Mrs. A. Delgbton, Mrs.
t BrvJaLyndau, Mrs. D. A. Dalton. Miss Helen
OtfWrs. C. Brooks, Mrs- W. B. Forney. Mr
I Ctarvco turner. d Wr. eorgo BolterUfig. . J
rhoto br M&rcA&u.
Robort Morris Chapter Held Seventh An
nual Banquet at Rittenhouso.
The Robert Morris Chapter, N. S. D. A. It.
held their seventh annual banquet at tho Rlt
tenhouse Hotel Saturday ovenlng. Tho banquet
room was beautifully decorated with plnnts
and flowers. Tho pillars were wrapped with tho
national colors, and a beautiful silk flag was
kept waving over tho tablo by an electric fan
hidden among tho plants. Thero were favora
at each cover, among which were pretty little
Valentino cuplds with a saBh of the red, white
and blue combining the occasion with Valentlnn
Day. Fifty guests woro presont, prominent
among whom were Miss Emma L. Crowell,
Stato regent of Pennsylvania; Miss Mary I.
Still, State Historian; Mrs. Robert Alexander,
Mrs. R. E. Jamor, regent of Chester County
Chnpter; Mrs. John F. Dcvelln, rogent of the
Merlon Chapter; Mrs. T. Worcester Morrell,
rogent of Flag House Chapter; Mrs. David S.
Stetson, regent of Independence Hall Chapter;
Mrs. H. T. Montgomery, regent of Muhlenberg
Chnpter; Miss Mnssey, Stato register, of Quaker
City Chapter; Mrs. E. Sydney Prlchard, regent
of Germantown Chapter; -Mrs. Annie Fisher,
regent of Valley Forge Chapter; Mrs. H. Grant
Drlesbach, Stato officer.
The officers of the Robert Morrla Chapter,
N. S. D. A. R., aro Miss Frances C. Duffy, re
gent; Miss Genevieve E. Potter, vice regent;
Miss Rebecca C. Slaymaker, second vice regent;
Miss Ada Elizabeth Davis, recording secretary.
Miss Grella Vornon Davis, corresponding secre
tary; Miss Abblo B. Holden, treasurer; Miss
Mabel Colven, register; Mlsa Edith M. Chase,
historian; Mrs. Anthony Wayno Cook, State
chairman of the National D. A. R. Magazine;
Mrs. William Latta Nassau, regent of Thomas
Lelper Chapter. Miss Emma L. Crowell, Penn
sylvania State regent, was honor guest of the
evening. The toasts were given by Miss Re
becca C. Slaymaker, "Taffey;" Miss May AV.
Westerwelt, "Our Ideals;" Mlsa Nellie Poynetz
Ferry, "Blrthdaya."
Mrs. George II. Wobensmlth gave a suffrage
tea on Saturday afternoon at her home, 1811
West Ontario street. The hostess was assisted
In receiving by Mrs. Charles Lukens, Mrs.
Theodora Bird, Miss Nettle L. Hahn nnd Mlsa
Fannie Hahn. Addresses were made by Mrs.
Georgo A. Plersol, chairman of tho Philadel
phia County Suffrage Society, and Mlsa Estello
Mrs. Thomas West Claggett and her son, of
Baltimore, are visiting Mrs. Claggett's mother,
Mrs. John Starr. Mrs. Claggett spent four days
last week In New York. They will leavo for
Baltimore today.
Mrs. Harold Bottomley, of Merchantvllle, has
returned from a 10 days' visit to relatives In
Baltimore. Her cousin. Miss Geraldlne Stock
ham, returned with Mrs. Bottomley for a sev
eral weeks' visit. She will also visit Miss Mary
Alexander, of Haddonfleld.
Mrs. Herron will lead trie grand march
tonight at the FhUopatTian reception,
in the BellevueStratford, with her bus-
UitJ ..rim la nrpsiflent ftf ih eliil
- mtAVf nv ,$,. .. v, v .
(1) New Republic "Mr. Rockefeller on
tho Stnnd."
(2) Town Topics "Sauntering."
(3) Survey "Great Foundations nnd the
Industrial Unrest."
(4) Life Editorial.
(6) Leslie's "Out With Him."
(6) Independent "Tho Great Founda
In splto of our democratic theory that all
men nro born free nnd equal, thero Is mi Ir
resistible glamour nbout great wealth. Tho
Federal Industrial Commission lias been hold
ing hearings alt over tho United States for
over n year, but not until It begnn to call
our miporlatlvoly-multl-mllllonalrcB tp tho
stand did it step Into tho full glnro of tho
In addition to quizzing our "malofactors of
great wealth" on how thoy treat their em
ployes nnd how they Intcrprot that maxim
about being their brother's keeper, tho com
mission has decided thnt tho Bovcrnl founda
tions established by theso samo men aro alBO
proper subjects for Investigation In its quest
mi causes of Industrial unrest."
Nino current periodicals comment on vari
ous aspects of theso rich mon nnd tholr
camels ns they try to get through tho eyes of
needles. KIvo defend tho foundations and
tholr founders. Ono la neutrnl. Three aro
antagonistic In tono. Ono of tho most en
tertaining articles Is a description of young
Mr. Rockefeller on the stnnd by Walter Llpp
mnn In tho New nopubllc (1):
tw KckefolIer seemed terribly alone,
inr? Wn8.,an ntmosphoro of no quarter. A
largo crowd watching Intonscly every oxpros
!oit , face- about 20 cameras nnd a
small regiment of nowspnpor men, n short-
""'""Porter nt his elbow, nnd confronting
mm the commissioners, led by tho no means
reassuring Mr. Wnlsh except for an Inde
ratlgnbly kindly police sergeant who gave him
ono glass of water nfter another, not much
was done to pamper tho witness.
From tho nrst Mr. Rockefeller wns on tho
defensive. To tho chargo that ho has en
forced an Industrial absolutism In Colorado,
ho replied with much feeling:
'While it has been Bald that I have exer
cised an absolute authority In dictating to
tho management of tho Colorado Fuel and
Iron Company, It has nlno been said that I
havo been too Indifferent, and that as a di
rector I should have exercised more nuthorlty.
Clearly both cannot bo true."
Yet It seemed to mo as I listened to him
that both could bo true, nnd that In fact It
was just such a dilemma which was tho truth.
For 10 years Mr. Rockefeller had not Been
his property, his relation to it was by letter
and by conference with the officials. What ho
know of It must havo como to him from them
nnd, ob ho haa confessed, ho trusted tholr
word. Now when wo speak of tho despotism
of the Czar of Russia, we do not mean that
ho In person nets despotically In every prov
ince of his empire. Wo mean that a des
potic hierarchy exists owning alleglnnco to
him ns Its titled head. Wo know that If the
Czar wished to liberalize his government ho
would find himself hampered by his subor
dinate officials. But ho has to bear tho re
sponsibility for the things that nro done In
his name, and because ho has potential power
ho Is blamed not only for what ho does but
for what ho doesn't do.
If first Impressions count for anything, I
should describe Mr. Rockefeller as a weals
despot governed by a private bureaucracy
which ho Is unablo to lead. Ho has been
thrust by tho accident of birth Into a posi
tion where ho reigns but docs not rule. His
Intellectual helplessness was tho amazing part
of his testimony. Here was a man who rep
resented an agglomeration of wealth prob
ably without parallel in history. Ho" Is tho
supremo negation of all equality and a symbol
of tho most menacing fact in tho life of tho
republic. Yet ho tulked about himself on
tho commonplace moral assumptions of a
small business man.
Whllo not going Into details about it. Town
Topics suggests the opposite point of view
In a paragraph (2):
Lawson, a strike leader under 14 Indict
ments for murder, two for assault with in
tent to kill, ono for arson, ono for conspiracy
In restraint of trado and eight for contempt
of court, was permitted to testify before tho
Federal Commission on Industrial Relations,
and described J. D. Rockefeller, Jr.. as In
competent, Inslncero and reckless. Insin
cere?" That is a matter of opinion, and Law
son's opinions havo no value. ''Reckless?
That is ho week's best laugh. But Incom
petent" would Lawson havo blackguarded
him in this way If. In their Interview, ho had
not found Mr. Rockefeller fully competent to
take care of himself and his Property? Let
Mother Jones nnd Rockefeller, Jr.. settle It.
Whose Money Is It?
The Survey, quoting from a speech made
by Frank Walsh, chairman of the commis
sion, gives some interesting figures (3):
The benefactions of the world last year
amounted roughly to $300,000,000, principally
gifts made In the United States The -Income
of one great foundation was 514.000,000, or
four times more than tho appropriation spent
by tho Government of the United States In
Victoria Theatre MARK MTir. mt
Thl Wek Worlil Film Corporation 1'reMnts
A Powerful. Interesting unci Uplifting; Drama.
Which Teaches u Useful Moial Lesson,
Produced Under the Direction of- the
Natlonul American Woman' Surrraue Association
Athlon Love Drama 3 WEEKS
Prepuratlon Lubln's Musteri'lece
" si ErrnopouTAN opera iiousn
IV-eno FEBRUARY 23 o'SZock
Mmes. Farrar. Fornla, Bnarkes, llraslau; MM. Mar
tlnellt Amato, Besurola, Althouse, Tet-anl, Leonhardt.
Mall orders reiu. ,. .. ........ , .
n A PPTHK" T,asfc fi Eves. M.aJ.ln?
t Sat.
lJAULlllNJi V lUbU&SXlluVi. innocent
Popular Price Wed. Mat, llest Seata t.50
8,ar.ng MOKDAVTIKfi5AF8are BU Thur.
-" - Tin nnTimmTnT in
tli3H A. M. TO J 1:50 P. M.
Frank Milton & DeLong Sisters
SSiUllus. 1st Hym. : Ilach. Doutjo
Convsrto; itrithin. Haydn Varia
tions; Dvorak, "Carnival."
Tick el at Hippo's.
AmphllbMtre S3.
Da. KilL MUCK,
T ,,;! MATINEE TJ1 .!. ft Ore!
Orchwtra 1.IW
iiaieeay it
Ualnony SOc
Evsnlngi at 8:13. Recuiar Mat. feamrqay 3:1s.
Keco Your Eyes on tba Illuminated Runway
iioiiflay iwin ,fc wmm, ww,
First Apnsaranca In Phlla.
Today ajxl Tewarrow
Five Snows Pally
1 s t. a P. M.
the samo field. How waa that Incom ot
tnlned? la there any way to produce woaltfc
save by tho labor of human beings? If prop
erty Ib bo produced under n democracy, th
ehall havo tho first Bay As to what becomes
of It but tho man who produces U7 Workmsa
are asking;.
"Why 1h It that tho leaders of tho indus
tries to which wo glvo our HVea are able to
make these donations of millions from lh
profits of our labor, whllo we aro pehnileaa
and out of employment?
"Whnt Is wrong with a syBtem Under whioh
at best we can earn a bare livelihood, while
mon who buy our labor are able, from tho
profits of our Industry, to tnalto Buch tro
mendous contributions to charity?"
Speaking of Mr. Walsh, Llfo commehte
with accustomed lovlty (4):
No ono should object to his having what
fun ho can with tho foundations whllo tho
money lasts that hl.t commission lives on.
Thero Is nothing sacred about tho founda
tions. It happened that In a curlousV period
In tho development of tho country two oxcp
tionally canny men dlvortcd jnto tfidr owrt
possession such an altogether absurd super
fluity of monoy that, hardy no they wore
they wero embarrassed by it, and finally, after
a good deal of pain and many minor reliefs,
throw up, each of them, a foundation, and
have Blnco so ono hears rested somowlint
easier. And another foundation was created
out of tho leavings of nn amai)ng old skin
flint who had nil tho fun ho wanted in. .Rot
ting 200 millions together and left them to
his widow to try to spread them nround
again. Tho wonderful thing about tho foun
dations is thnt they aro in such good hands
and do so much good. Thoy actually seem
to do moro good than harm, which is an
unusual record for money, which Is so very
apt In largo quantities to do moro harm than
Leslie's Weekly does not accept Chairman
Walsh as philosophically (6);
T,nLsh lfl a Politician ucoklng a eqat in tho
United States Senate. Howe's Iortthly
charges thnt. when tho commission met In
Colorado, Chnlrman Walsh questioned a labor
loader for only two houra, and then insisted
upon cross-examining for nearly four days
President Wolborn. of the Colorado Fuel and
Iron Company. Tho labor leader represented
the violators of tho law, and Mr. Welborn
represented those wlioso property had been
destroyed by rioters.
Theso aro serious accusations. CoKgresB,
In its eager deslro to Investigate men and
things, should Inqulro, into tho antics and
notions of Mr. Walsh. That ho should pub
licly assail tho generous and phllanthropio
foundations established by Carn6gie, Hirsch,
Sngo and Mr. Rockefeller and seriously pro
poso that the monoy of tho taxpayora bo used
Instead of tho funds so liberally provided by
theso foundations. Is a-most nstoundlng ex
hibition of aslnlnlty. In Justlco to himself,
President Wilson should reorganize the com
mission, or demand Its abolition as a useless
cxponso and menace to tho prosperity of tho
country. It Is not surprising- that tho in
temperato language of a Federal official like
Mr. Walsh should bo regarded by tho Unem
ployed ns a warrant for rioting and blood
shed. And tho Independent (6), In a general Jus
tification of tho foundations, writes:
By far the larger sharo of expenditure un
der theso trusts has been thus far for tho
promotion of two objects, namely (1) educa
tion through schools, colleges and universi
ties, brought up to relatively high standards
of efficiency at tho demand of benefactors, and
(2), scientific research. Theso two results
would bo ample Justification of these foun
FORREST Tonight "
Regular Matinees Wednesdays and Saturdays.
Popular Price Wed. Mats. Best Seats ?1.60
Extra Mat. Washington's UlrlhJay. Monday., Feb. Si
Engagement Extraordinary!
America's Queen of Grand Opera
Famous Prima Donna of the Philadelphia-Chicago
Harry Reresford & C6. ; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ma
reevey; Nat Nazarro & Co., and Other Stars.
Symphony ) Friday Aftorn'n, Feb. 19, at 3:00
Concerts Saturday Evp;,, Fcb.20,a$8tl5
Soloist: FERRUCCIO 13USONI, Pianist
Symphony No. a. V Major,..-..., ;nRAIIM8
Indian Suite, for Piano .,..,.,,. .UUKON'l
The Woman and The Fiddler" SANDUY
Spanish Rhapsody, (or Piano and
Orchestra , USZT-DUSONI
Seats now on Hale ut Heppe's. 11 11) Chestnut
PVinofnnf Qf OPERA I Homo ot Worlds
UJiebUlUL Ol. HOUSE I Oreutest Photoplays
A Ti'mflD Tlnihr AFTS.. 1 and 3-"-10O and JS
'1 llUieS UtUiy jjvas., and O lPc. qo, ?s
T.ri;- "The Perfect Woman' In
Tuesday Afternoon, Feb. S3, at 2.30
Tickets 73c to 52, at Heppe's. 1110 Cheitnut
Management C. A. ELLIS
T3 T? H A "Tl J' i! WEEKS. Kvt 8 :1S
ISAUiil-' ittEutar Mats. Wed. & Bai., S;
Mrs. Patrick Campbell
Shaw'a Uomam: IjiYiAAjiUiS
popular Price Wed. Mats. Uet gt!at $1 .,0
Extra, Mat. Washington's birthday. Mciiduy. Fub. 53
0 A. II TO 10 P. M.
1214 Market
, Vaudeville
Tyrolean Tiaulutduum,
Uob VI p Co., 0.hxrav
MAHCt'KniTK t'l.-XRK
in ' noOSE GH. '
TrT?VC; "Btsgei SlriK-k H14i" : Ollurs.
Ivlli 1 O Program 0anJ Monday A Thursday.
TTTCTA'PTCTC "! 10ilv'w-?
.1 aa - . Ai i ii yy 1
to. 13, ;uo
11 A- M, TO 11;U V. U.
Blanche awxtrr iu
rhursday. Frldajf dr Saturday THE COUXTOs' B
i-1T A TvTT.
Werner- A inortta i's
Six Utile limuy Usu
HoMas. Kirk jb Fiwny
Vij.yniA 1 Jbbom VWiftBt
"The ThM Vwxffi'iS&BF