Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 15, 1915, Sports Final, Page 7, Image 7

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U L-tiDaEK-.PHILADELPHIA, AiUNDAY, 1 jb Jb li i A K iT. 15, 1UX5.
HHT. . . -
tjES(F.i - m MP IMIIJH"'MI - -
Mill I', ,i "- " " " owe. a 'in in hip ttngtfM- afL
,r riwJr, iKnfftMtnon te h pent.
i, Btafrfrs "",a,V. on .American olrl,
'imarm J ;
? i 5ortin om ont Tie ol.
&''uylng aoaintt htr trill. befriend-
W 'B" j,i M troJ Aer own poet in
l afAPTSn H-(ContlnUed)
ffl'mr friend Mr. Leonard Taver-
Hi t
r&iwlri bo adorably, eo miraculously
BttSkful; what a pris. prig, prig, you
Rtfl prpnounco you 'Not QuIItyl "
nrtnrroi' the progress of the rest of 'the
'SiiL Uiey talked very little. At its con.
7ht8ii. TavernftKe aisonargea tno bin,
"rtTilulIy checked each Item and tipped
rtftriltcr-the exact amount which the
mb bl ihB rl8,lt. t0 03tPcot' Tl,ey
f5Lil the stairs tisether to tho street.
" . il.rflM a fititf ntnria hnti tt-t.1 fn
itMremtrjt hor nngers touched his
fj wonder, would you mind driving me
KlBMl humbly1. "W was so close down
!. in! I want some air."
fend was an extravaganco which 'no had
K.'."'", . .l.l(rf hilt I.A .1M nAt
taltate. He palled a taxlcab and seated
!.,,.! hv hr side. Her mnnntr Beamed
f,MM grown quieter and more subdued,
KrWne was no longer seml-belllgerent.
"I will nov Keep you mucn tuiiKcr, ano
ifl uaed to be'. I have had scarcely
h..ikin. to eat for two days and conr
rcriatlon has become an unknown lux-
try tninK u seema uusuru urn. i
iWn'k that I am feeling a little faint."
fe'Tue fllr will soon revive you," ho said.
t.'i . . H .. .t.-n , Inn T n . rtlannnnln,-
t ithlnlc that you are very foolish
not to tell mo more about yourself."
t i. JAriJ tut, Mini linrtrlnf htn rn.
siirk. They turned presently In a nar
fower thoroughfare. She leaned towards
f'Tou have been very good to me," she
iamltteo almost timidly, "and I nm
om. Wtf ahall not see orib another again
raiipr iniH pvuiiiiiki. tvui uci kuuiu uu
tire to kiss, mo?"
l He opened, 5'nJs lips and closed them
jjeln. Ho sat quite still, his eyes fixed
upon the road ahead, until he had
i.ifU1 aAtAtli1nr nhnnTtltMv ntiallr
Welhlng unrecognizable.
I "I ftould rather not," ho decided quiet
if, "I know you mean to be kind but
lint ort of thing w ell. I don't think I
understand It. Besides." ho added with
t sadden naive relief, ns he clutched at
yMH vnn vfnttld nnt hnltrtVA thn i'nlnCTA
,W.'. w- ..-. - .-.- - w
wcn i nave Dcen icuing you.
' lit had a curious Idea that sho was
gitappolnted as she turned hor head
fiJ fho m nothing. Arrived at
. iJ0U.liad beKr leave me here." she
Ji 1.m ?.'"C to sit upon that seat "
t.on whcTVe MtoTounnnoar8ahftg'rint'
buT lt8c'oJnqu7ered.1,Cr W"8 Una"Untablo
"If you do not object," he remarked
si 'here uMm"11""68' "l ld Ske' to
tth.Mld.t no comment but walked on.
ht SS2.tf,h." rn"i.f?'. her to
yjsi.vSfi nsssnsjrjs:
n?... i . across we murky sky.
escaped from Its nbsoluto fhrnll, the far
away roar of the city beat upon their
cars. Rh liri.i . i, ... v . . ulB1f
. '. """".'" 'i. ur a moment
of he?6headrCSS lm"d8 to tho m
"Oh, how I hate HI" sho monned. "The
H!?' 11,vn?'8 the Volce8' calllnff' "'real
enlng. beating you nwnyl Tako my
hands. Leonard Tavernake,-hold mo."
vi md ,ns fn0 ba h,mi clumsily, as
yet without comprehension.
"You aro not well," ho muttered.
Her eyes opened and a hash of hor old
iSfw8!'?6.'1, , ShB BmlltA at him.
feebly but derisively,
"You foolish boy!" she cried. "Can't
hands tightly and watch-watch! Here
Is ono moro thing you can see-that you
Ho saw tho empty phial &llp from 'ner
sleeve and fall on to the pavement. With
a cry he sprang up and, carrying her In
... .,o, i naiieu oui into me road.
It was o quarter past cloven and tho
theatres were disgorging their usual
nightly crowds. Tho most human thor
oughfare . In any of tho world's great
cities wns at. Us best and brightest,
Everywhere commlsslonnalrcs wore blow
ing their whistles, tho streets were
uirongeu wun siowiy-movlng vehicles,
tho pavements were stirring with life.
The little crowd which had gathered In
front of tho chemist's shop was swept
away. After nil, none of them know ex
actly w'nat thoy had been waiting for.
There was a rumor that a woman had
fainted or had met with nn accident. Cer
tainly she had been carried Into the
shop and Into tho Inner rooms tho door
of which was still closed A few passers
by had gathered together and stared
and waited for a few minutes, but hnd
finally lost Interest and melted away.
A human fnoroughfare, this, Indeed, ono
of tho pulsos of tho great city beating
tlmo night nnd day to the tragedies of
life, The chemist's assistant, with Im
passive features, was serving a couple
?:-caAu,JI cutmers from behind the coun
ter. Only n few yards away, beyond the
closed door, the chemist himself and a
nastily summoned doctor fought with
Death for ttie body of the girl who lay
upon the floor, faint moans coming every
now and then from her bluo lips.
xavernake, whose forced Inaction dur
ing that terrible struggle had become a
burden to him, slipped softly from the
joom as soon as the doctor had whispered
that the acute crisis was over, and
passed through the Bhop out Into the
f, r?V a "o'enm, dazed ngure among the
light-hearted crowd. Even In those grim
moments, tho (man's Individualism spoke
up to him. He was puzzled at his own
action. He asked himself a question
not. lnrlAri. wlfh (.. 1.4.1 H.t.
it., .,.,,. irnivi, uut wim Homo
thing more than curiosity and actual self
nroblnir na th.iiK iw ..,...,.-....... i. .,..
mind upon his recent course of action,
ho would be ablo to understand the mo
tives which had Influenced him. Why hud
he chosen to burden himself with the
care of this desperate young woman?
Supposing she lived, Wnat was to be
come of her? He had acquired a certain
definite responsibility with regard to her
future, for whatever the doctor and his
assistant might do, It was his ovn
promptitude and presence of mind which
had given her the tlrst chance of life.
Without a doubt, he 'nad behaved fool
ishly. Why not vanish Into the crowd
and have done with lt7 What was It to
him. after all, whether this girl lived or
died? 11 had done his duty moro than
his duty. Why not disappear now and
let 'ner take her chance? His common
sense spoke to him loudly; such thoughts
an theSA liAt linnn Mn fcrnln
Just for once In his llfo. however, his
common Benso exercised nn altogether
subordinate position. He know very well,
even while he listened to these voices,
that he was only counting the minutes
Until he Pnltld rAtltrn TTnvtni nliBftt i,t..l
decided thnt fne only reasonable course
loft for him to pursuo wbb to return
home and leave the girl to her fate, he
found himself back Inside tho shop with
in a quarter of an hour. Tho chemist had
Just come out from the Inner room, and
looked up at his entrance.
"She'll do now," he announced.
Tavornako nodded. Ho was amazed at
'nls own senso of rcllet.
"I am glad," he declared.
The doctor Joined them, his black bag
In his hand, prepared for departure. He
addressed himself to Tavernake as the
responsible person.
"Tho young lady will be all right now,"
ho Said, "but nbn mnv tin rnilA nimn tnw
a day or two. Fortunatoly, sho made the
usual mlstako of people who are Ignorant
of medicine and Its effects-she took
enough poison to kill a Wnole household.
You had better take care of her, young
man," he added dryly. "She'll be getting
Into trouble If she tries this sort of thing
"Will she need any special attention
during tho next few days?" Tavernake
asked, "The circumstances under which
I brought hor here are a little unusual,
and I am not quite sure '
"Take her homo to bed," fne doctor
nterruptcd, "and you'll find she'll sleep
It off. Sho seems to have a splendid
constitution, although advice and your
own medical man Is not available, I will
come and see her If von annd fnr mn.
Camden, my name Is; telephone number
734 Qerrard."
"I should be glad to know the amount
of your fee. If you please," Tavernake
"My fee Is two guineas," the doctor
Tavernake paid him and he went away.
Already the shadow of the tragedy was
pnssing. xno chemist had Joined his ns
slstnnt, and was busy dispensing drugs
behind his counter.
"You can go In to the young lady, If
you like," ho remarked to Tavernake. "I
daro say she'll feel better to have some
one with her."
Tavernako passed slowly Into the Inner
room, closing tho door behind him. He
wns scarcely prepared for so piteous a
sight. The girl's face was white and
drawn ns she lay upon the couch to
Which they had lifted her. Tho fighting
spirit was dead; she was In a state of
absolute and complete collapse. She
opened her eyes at his coming, but closed
them again almost Immediately less, It
seemed, from any consciousness of his
presence than from sheer exhaustion.
"I am glad that you aro bottor." he
whispered crossing the room to. her side.
"Thank you," she murmured almost
Tavernake stood looking down upon
her, nnd his sense of perplexity Increased.
Stretched on t'ne hard haircloth couch she
seemed. Indeed, pitifully thin nnd
younger than her years. Tho scowl,
which had passed from her face, had
tr-rved In somo mensuro ns a dlBgulse.
"We shall havo to leavo horo In a few
minutes," he said, softly. "They will
want to close the shop."
"I am so sorry." sho faltered, "to have
given you all fnls trouble. You must
send me to a hospital or tho workhouse
"You nre suro that there nre no friends
to whom I can send?" ho asked
"There Is no one!"
She closed her eyes and Tavornnke sat
quite still on the end of her couch, his
elbow upon his knee, his head resting
upon his Tiand. PreEcntly, the rush of
customers having censed, tho chemist
tame In.
"I think. If I wcro you. I should take
her home now," ho remarked. "She'll
.probably drop off to sleep very Boon nnd
wnko up much stronger. I have made
Up a prescription here In case of ex
haustion." Tavernake stared at the man. Take
her hornet His sense of humor was faint
enough but lie found hlmBelf trying to
Imagine the faces of Mrs. Lawrence or
Mrs. Fitzgerald If he should return with
her to tho boardlng-houso at such nn
"I suppose you know whero she lives V
the chemist Inquired curiously,
"Of course," Tavernako assented. "You
aro qulto right. I daro say sho Is strong
enougn now to wane as far as the pave
ment." He paid the bill for t'ne medicines, and
they lifted her from the couch. Between
them she walked slowly Into tho outer
shop. Then she began to drag on their
arms nnd she looked up at the chemist a
little plteously.
"May I sit down for n moment?" she
begged. "I feel fnlnt."
They plnced her In ono of the cane
c'nalcs facing the door. Tho chemist
mixed hor somo sal olntlle.
"I am sorry," she murmured, "so sorry.
In a few minutes 1 snail bo better."
Outside, tho throng of pedestrians had
grown less, but from tho great rostaurant
opposite a constant stream of motor-cars
and carriages waB Blowly bringing away
the supper guests. Tavernako stood nt
tho door, watching them Idly. The traffic
was momentarily blocked nnd almost op
posite to him a motor-car, the simple
magnificence of which filled him with
wonder, had como to a standstill. The
ohauffour nnd footman both wore livery
which wns almost White. Inside n
swinging vase of flowers was suspended
from the roof. A man nnd a woman
leaned back In luxurious casy-chalrs.The
man wan dark nnd had tho look of a
foreigner. The woman wns very fair.
She woro a long ermine cloak and a
tlnra of pearls.
Tavernake, whose Interest In the pass
ing throngs was entirely superficial,
found hlmsolf for some renson curiously
nttractcd by this glimpse Into a world of
luxury of which he knew nothing; at
tracted, too, by the woman's dellcato
face with Its uncommon type of beauty.
Their eyes met ns he stood there, stolid
nnd motionless, framed In tho doorway.
Tavernake continued to stare, unmindful,
perhaps unconscious, of the rudeness of
his action. The woman, nftcr a moment,
glanced away at the shop-window. A
sudden thought seemed to strike her.
She spoko through tho tubo at her side
and turned to her companion. Mean
while, tho footman, leaning from his
place, held out his arm in warning and
the car was slowly backed to the side of
the pavement. The lady felt for a mo
ment In a bag of white satin which lay
upon the round tnblo In front of her.
and handed ft slip of paper through t'ne
open window to the servant who had "nl
ready descended and was standing, wait
ing. He came at once towards the shop.
passing Tavernake, who remained In the
"Will you make this up nt once,
plense?" he directed, handing the paper
across to tho chemist.
The chemist took It In his Viand and
turned away mechanically toward the
dispensing room. Suddenly he paused,
and, looking back, shook his head,
"For whom Is this prescription re
quired?" he asked
"For mv mistress," tho man answered.
"Her nnme Is there." "Where Is sho?"
'Outside; she Is waiting ror It."
'if sho really wants this made up to
night," the chemist declared, "she must
come In nnd sign the book,"
The footman looked across tho coun
ter, for a moment, a little blankly.
"Am I to tell her that?" ho Inquired.
"It's only a sleeping draught. Her regu
lar chemist makes It up all. right."
"That may be," tho man behind the
counter replied, "but, you see, I am not
her regular chemist. You had better
go ana tell her so,"
The footmnn departed upon hlB errand
without a glance at tho girl who was
sitting within a few feet of him.
"I nm sorry, madam," ho announced
to his mistress, "that the chemist de
clines to make up the prescription un
less you sign tho book."
"Very well, then, I will come," she
The woman, handed from the nutomo
bile by her servant, lifted her white
snttn skirts In both hands and stepped
lightly across the pavement. Tavernako
stood on ono side to let her pass. She
seemed to him to bo, Indeed, a creature
of that other world of which he knew
nothing. Her slow, graceful movements,
the shimmer, of her skirt, her silk stock
ings, tho flashing of tho diamond buckles
upon her shoes, the faint perfume from
her clothes, the soft touoh of her .ermine
as sho swept by all these things wore
Indeed strange to htm. His eyes fol
lowed her with rapt Interest as sho ap
proached tho counter.
"You wish me to sign for my pre
scription?" sho asked the .chemist-' -'1
will do so, with pleasure, If It Is neces
snry, only you must not keep me wait
ing long."
Her voice was very low and very
musical; the slight smile which had part
ed her tired lips, was almost pathetic.
Even tho chomist felt himself to bo a
human being. He turned at onco to his
shelves and began to prepare tho drug.
"I nm sorry, madam, that It should
havo been necessary to fetch you In,"
ho said, apologetically. "My assistant
will give you tho book If you will kindly
sign It."
The nssistant dived beneath the coun
ter, reappearing almost Immediately with
n black volume and a pen nnd ink. Tho
chemist was engrossed upon 'nls task;
Ta,v$rna)e' eyes Vet stnt riveted upon
tnla .woman hoseetridifo him the most
"beautiful thing ho had ever seen In lle.
No one was walchlng tho girl. The
chemist was the first to Me her face, and
that only In a looking glare. He stopped
In the act of mixing Ids drug and turned
slowly around, Ills expression was such
that they all followed his eyes. Tho girt
was sitting up In her chair, with a sud
den spot of color burning In her cheeke,
her fingers gripping tho counter an
though for support, hor eyes dilated, Un
nntural, burning In their white setting
with nn unholy fire. The lady was the
last to turn her head, and t'ne bottto of
eau-de-cologno which ehe hnd taken UP
from tho counter, slipped with o. crash
to the floor. All expression seemrd to
pass from her face) tho very life seemed
drawn from It. Those who were watch
Ing her saw suddenly an old wdman
looking at something of which sTie was
The girl seemed to find an unnatural
strength. She dragged herself up and
turned wildly to Tavernake,
"Tako me away," she cried, In n low
Vnl(v "Tnln m itwov nl ihm
Tho woman nt the counter did not
speak. Tavernake stepped quickly for
ward nnd then hesitated. The girl Wan
on her feet now and sho clutched at his
arms. Her eyes besought him.
"You must take me away, please," She
begged, hoarsely. "I am well now quite
well. I can walk."
Tvernake's lack of Imagination stood
him In good stead then. He simply did
what ho was told, did It In perfectly me
chanical fashion, without asking any
questions. With the girl leaning 'heavily
upon his arm, he stepped Into ,thq street
and almost Immediately Into a passing
taxlcab which ho had hailed frohf t'He
threshold of tho shop. As he closed .trie
door, ho iUinced behind him. The won),
an was standing there, half turned to
wards htm, still villi that strange, etorfy
look upon her lifeless faco. The chemist
Was bcndlng across tho counter towards
her, wondering, perhaps, If another Inci
dent were' lo-bo drawn Into hle( night a
work. Tho enu-do-cologne wan ruijnlne
In a llttlo. stream across the floor, ,
'JWhero to sir?" tho taxlcab drfver
asked Tavernake. ,
"Where to?" Tavernako repeated.
"Tell him to drive away from Jierei"
she Whispered, "to drivo anywhere, but
away from hero."
"Drive straight on," Tavernake di
rected, "along Fleet Street and up Hol
borri. I will give you the address later
The man changed his speed and their
pace Increased. Tavernake sat qjilte
still, dumfoUnded by these amazing '.hap
penlngB. Tboglrl by his side was, clutch
ing his arm, sobbing a llttlo hysterically,
holding- him all tho time as though. In
(Continued Tuesday.)
$10,000,000,000 COST
Powers Decide Against Joint
Loan-'-Britain Strong in
Finance, Says Lloyd-George.
LONDON,, Feb. 15,-Ten billion dollars
Uve been appropriated by tho Allies thus
fir In the most expensive war, from tho
standpoint of. human lives, dollars and
mtx material, ever waged, David Lloyd-
Oeorge, Chancellor of tho Exchequer, de-
clued Jn the House of Commons, this
Lloyd-George's statement was made In
response to requests for Information
ibout the recent conference at Paris, at
which representatives of tho Allies dls-
cusied war finance. Ho added that Groat
Prttiln waa spending probably $500,000,000
W0O.O0Q more than either Russia or
Prince ''In the fight against German
"England," ho said, "could finance her
jhKt of the war expenditures for flvo
7ir, solely out of the proceeds of Its
iTMtments abroad. France could finance
U share for two or three years by a
llmllar means andstlll have something
to ipjre. There need be no fear as to
RaiJla, Throuch ltn nrnrili-lmislv rinh
rational resources! It In In n llfri-nt nn.
y'Uoa from either Franco or England."
, auo cumunes decided against a Joint
r loan, Lloyd-George stated.
K RtlSSlATl W!l? Innn n J VYl flnft Tin
ln oversubscribed in the London bond
BWMt jt was announced officially hero
wu afternoon.
pauses in Tenement House 'Statutes
Are Onrjosed.
' TRENTON r?Ah is -n-i-.i-.j ..
lUion to the five bills Introduced by As
MBiUyxnan Ostrom, Democrat, of Hudson
Houie laws some of their most vital fea
reres was shown at the hearing on the
t?",u today before the Social Wei
g?w Committee of the Assembly.
Lfraiwuw of the New Jersey
UQUllnfir Commlnnlnn an -Imllni. nvirnrtl-
rff! vl,". Prteted against the passage of
t "'" The Property Owners' League
PJ Jersey city was represented at the
", upporung the measures.
.,Funeral of Miss Elizabeth White
. Wfllte. tt tnani r..A . M..l.n .i
Jh!l..r n stree Church. 4th and Pine
ipS9 0lea Friday at the Faith Mis
S. nth nsa street, where sh
-" wr nome. Miss White for more
lJ.,y'r8 was a teacher in the Whar-
Detectives Believe Man Who Was
Employed on Richards Estate
Committed Burglary There.
A dirty, gray woolen cap, dropped on
a lawn. Is expected to lead detectives to
the thief who entered the home of George
F. Richards, on tho Hed Bridge farm,
near Media, and then escaped with $7000
worth of Jewelry. Detectives from Phila
delphia, Delaware county and the Burns
agency, am wodilng on tho case today.
They expect to capturo the thief boforo
tho end of tho week. A man who was
employed to help remodel the house last
summer, and who, therefore, know every
Inch of the place, is under suspicion. It
Is certain that no ono who did not know
the house could havo committed tho rob
bery. Entrnnca was gained by n pantry win
dow, left open to air tho lower floor.
Muddy foot prints on the sill, leading
through the house, left little doubt aa to
the manner In which the thief got In.
Just below the window, in full view of
every one, lay tne woollen cap. It would
have been of little aid to the detectives
had It not been seen before.
Eleven persons slept In tho house Sat
urday morning, when the thief is believed
to have entered. The Jowelry was locked I
in a smau saro in a. linen closet. The
combination lock was easy to solve. Only
diamonds were taken and articles of less
value were left strewn over the floor.
The thief opened a large safo contain
ing quantities of Jewelry. An Intricate
combination was an easy tasl. The
members of Richard's family pay tho
safe wns locked Friday night. Nothing
was taken from this safe, however, as
the articles would have been cumbersome
to carry.
It Is believed the thief escaped In an
automobile, as there were auto tracks in
the driveway.
Harlnns Sign Ship Contract
WILMINGTON. Del, Feb. IB. The Har
lan & Holllngsworth Corporation this
afternoon signed a contract to build a
new steamship for the Anglo-Saxon Pe
troleum Company. The vessel will be 425
feet long and will be a duplicate .of a
vessel for the same company the keel of
which waa laid a few days ago.
Real Sufferers From War Display Loyalty to Fatherland,
Future Empress Devotes Time to Ministering to
Wounded Grateful for American Gifts.
iton pS.it "V1;" aener in tne wnar
Ish. . bU6 School, Sd and Lombard streets,
"V..VW, w4 utiu j.uiuuuru aireeia.
is survived by four sisters and a
A conscience-stricken negro thief to
day sent Superintendent Itoblnson the
loot which he gained In snatching the
handbag of Mrs. Catherine Dougherty,
IM! Arch street, at ISth nnd Arch streets
on; the night of February 6. The pack
age, which waa addressed simply to "The
Superintendent of Police," contained
jewelry, a watch and (39.75 In money, be
longing to Mrs. Dougherty, and a dia
mond wedding ring and a brooch belong
ing to Mrs. Josephine Tyler, 1531 Spring
Garden street, "wnicn naa Deen entrusieu
to Mrs. Dougherty for safekeeping.
German Mask Ball Tonight
The 65th annual mask ball of the Phila
delphia Turngemelnde, which will be held
tonight at Turner Hall, Broad street and
Columbia avenue, will be featured by a
series of pantomimes, tableaux and
dances. Members of the committee In
charge, declare the ball this year will
ecllpw anything before attempted by the
organization. August Arnold is chairman
of the committee In charge.
Pen and Pencil Club Aids Poor
A check for 1500. representing virtually
the entire proceeds of the Night In Bo
hemia given last December at the Belle-
Dr. JfnfnAo r Ttwt1.t
ICAfiTErt, Pa., Feb. 15.-pr. James
flclan. rii-H hi. -. .: u. ....
pMftT Af? P Brmy " Bn as,tant BUr"
CoSii.. T. . " '"'"''"I" ,,ve years in uer
?uill ae lamttkA in t mt tn -tflrc c.,4
ZS Its second f'hi.f ni,, u. hi vue-Stratford by the Pen and Pencil Club,
K Interests In many business enter- wl B turned over to the home relief dt-
YJ3IU1I Ul IMO tti,ct evttvjr MU VfVti(tt-vw
for the relief pf the city's poor and desti
tute Although It had not been the original
Intention to contribute such a large
amojint. the board of governors of the
club at Its last meeting decided to appro
priate a contribution far In excess of the
original amount.
Michael ft'Dnnahito
Jlchiel (vn .. ,'.. .. .
urvliri., J w"fiu, " years oia. oiumi
$iMt,l m,e,mb'r ot lha O'Donahues of
ft .' l?lIarney. Ireland. 1 dead at
BtfaT mw .0u" Hfoad ret' T
rsW. A "v "OJU Mnursuar. wun
&., ... ? Wonlca's Church, nth and
. interment will be private.
nitn Afl PlAn(aHn
b2?XP5' N ' Feb- -Simon Bren-
'rVT or the Brentano book firm.
n HIS home horn tnriav
Straus Cluh to Give Show
By KnrI H. Von Wicgand
United Press Staff Corregpondent.
popyrlsht. 1013. by tho United Pre.
Copyright In Great Britain and Argentina.
BERLIN. Feb. 15.
"After all, Is it not the women and
children who are the real sufferers In
war? Theirs is the suspense, theirs the
dread of the casualty list, theirs the al
ternating hope, fear and despair If father,
husband or brother is nmong tho missing.
The future to them may hold gloom and
poverty. Theirs never can be tho glory."
It was Crown Princess Cecellc, future
Empress of Germany, who was talking.
In tho Cecllien house, the beautiful $(00,000
building of the Fatherland's Women's As
soclatlonVIn Charlottensburg, I met her.
She was Occupied, as she has been every
day since Jhe war. acting as an angel
of mercy, comforting the wounded and
aiding their women and children.
"Europe Is one vast hospital," she con
tinued. "Isn't It a pity such a pity.
How happy your American women should
be. Happy mothers, happy wives, happy
sisters. There Is none of the heartaches
and miseries of war. They have none of
the suspense that Is ours. Yet. to them
also is denied the lesson of self-sacrifice,
the unselfish nnd loving ministrations to
the wounded whether our own or the
enemy, the doing of something for tb
Fatherland. Our German women havt
nrlsen nobly."
In the Cecllien house are centralized 10
departments of sociological work, Includ
ing feeding a large number of poor chil
dren, furnishing pure milk for the chil
dren of the poor, giving practical courses
In Housekeeping to women and girls, con
ducting kitchens where the poor can get
food at nominal prices, depots for visit
ing nurses and tho like. Here the Crown
Princess has centralized her activities.
Especially does she take an Interest in
tho great hospital wards.
The Crown Princess passed on into the
largo festival hall and lecture room, whlc);
has now been transformed Into a hospital.
The first cot she stopped at was occupied
by a soldier whose shoulder had been
shattered by shrapnel. As she skilfully
drew from the wounded man the story of
his ordeal he glanced with pride at his
Iron cross pinned above his cot on the
"fever chart." The Crown Princess In
quired about his family and gave him a
bququet of flowers ant a picture of her
self and her children as a keepsake.
The majority of the soldiers IrTthe ward
were serious cases, and the Crown Prin
cess, accompanied by Frau Excellenz von
Alvensleben and followed by an attendant
carrying a great basket filled with flow
ers, passed on from cot to cot. At the
bedside of newcomers she would sit down
and chat.
"You would like to know something
about the role of the German women In
this war," said the Crowh Princess when
she had finally completed her visitations,
"Our women are playing a big and Im
portant rqle. They are voluntarily
.mobilized for the Fatherland and, as un
selfishly and heroically as the men, they
nro playing their part. Tho men fight:
the women minister and work. With
tho Red Cross they console and help1
widows, caro for the wounded, work In
the gardens and In tho fields and every
where where a pair of hands aro needed.
Even tlio women In the kitchen arc
playing an Important rolo nnd proving a
big factor In this war. With tho talk of
attempts to starvo us out, who can say
what the hausfrau in the kitchen may
not contribute to Germany's success by
new, rigid and systematic economy in
food; by planting, raising, canning and
preserving large quantities of vegetables
and frultB?
"The German women aro heroically
giving their alt father, husband, brother
their own strength, work and services,
all for the Fatherland. But in the privacy
of their own rooms they sometimes
"In your opinion. Your Highness, are
tho German women favorable to the
"I do not believe that any true Gorman
mother or wife was for the war or can
be. Yet there comes a time when war Is
unavoidable when an unwelcomo war Is
forced upon a nation, and German women
are mothers of sons who are or who have
been soldiers. They knew and realized,
as perhaps the women of no other coun
try knew and realized, with the possible
exception of France, what war really
meant to them before It came. That they
gave freely of their sons to the Father
land when It was in danger has been
shown and Is being Bhown dally. Bu
that they wanted war ask any German
mother or German wife."
The Crown Princess praised the gen
erosity and kindness of America to the
women and children of all the warring
nations, and especially expressed ap
preciation over the Christmas gifts sent
to Germany.
"I hopo they never may be, but I am
certain that if your country should be
plunged Into war the American women,
whom I found so vivacious, charming and
beautiful, and of whose interest and work
for public welfare I have heard much,
will prove as noble, self-sacrificing and
herolo as have been our German women,"
she added.
James Buckley, of This City, Meets
Death on Railroad.
James Buckley, 30G East Allegheny ave
nue, left for Baltimore today to claim the
body of his son John, 18 years old, who
was killed soveral days ago by a Balti
more and Ohio train near that city.
Buckley, according to dispatches from
Baltimore today, went to the Friendly
Inn on Friday evening, accompanied by
John Fee, nlso of this city. Buckley Is
said to have left tho Institution about
10-30 o'clock In the evening, and the next
day his mangled body was found on tho
tracks. Fco left Baltimore unaware of
the tragic death of his friend.
"Co-Operation Instead of Com
petition" Will Be Slogan of
New Chamber of Commerce.
Cooko's Choice for Inspectorship Must
Be Man With "Punch."
Thirty-one men are trying to convince
examiners of the Civil Service Commis
sion today that thoy have the "punch" to
obtain and to hold the 2500 special In
spectorship In tho Department of Public
Works, for which vacancy Director Cooke
asserted ho wanted a "live wire."
Tho Director was emphatic a week ago
when ho verbably disqualified all "dodos"
and said ho wanted the best business
man In Philadelphia willing to work for
J2500 a year as one of his principal busl
ness aids.
There have been 1033 applications filed
already with the Civil Service Commis
sion for the 39 scheduled examinations
that begin today and will be continued
until March 4.
One hundred and thirty-eight applicants
aro being examined today. Sixty-one
young women are evdeavorlng to qualify
ns city visiting nurses at $900 a year.
With the establishment of a fully equip
ped press oureau in mo iaiayeue cunn
ing, today the Philadelphia Chamber of
Commerco took the first active step
to bring the commercial and manufactur
ing bodies of this city together and estab
lish among the many different commercial
Interests "co-operation Instead of com
petition." A committee of nine appointed by the
board of directors to take charg6 or the
campaign to make the chamber tho big
gest and most Important trade 'organiza
tion In tho world has a multiplicity of
plans, and theso will all be discussed at
the meeting which will be called for this
week. 'Among theso objects which the
committee has In mind Is the Increasing
of tho membership of tho chamber from
2500 to 4000.
A concerted effort will bo made by tho
committee and manufacturing concerns
that are In sympathy with the publicity
movement to Induce Philadelphia manu
facturers to ship their goods direct frop
this city and abandon tho Idea that New
York is tho better selling point.
The Chamber of Commerce has 2500
members. Of these 190 are members of
the Merchants and Manufacturers' Asso
ciation, out of a" total membership, for
the latter body of 219. The Board of
Trade has S0 members. Of these 600
are members of the Chamber, of Com
merce. lBy the middle of March the Chamber
will havo established the following
bureaus: Publicity, advertising, manu
facturing, Industry, conventions, charity,
legislation, to Includo both city and State,
and the merchant marine.
Get the
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The Drexel Institute
Free Public Lectures
Two lectures: A Scientist In Latin America.
FEBnUAKY 18 Tueiday, at 8 P. M.
FEBRUARY 10 Friday, at 8 P. U.
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versity; Curator American Almeura
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llluitraud by lantern alldea.
FEBRUARY 23 Tuseday. at B p. m.
"Bpaln The Country, People and Arte."
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Th Phlllpplnea Yeeterday and Today."
By Arthur Stanley Rlraa. F.R Q H.
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