0M A MY FOR HOME RELIEF FUND EMERGENCY AID PLAN Committee Hopes to Achieve I The ?iuu,uuu rocai oy r Gifts Today, Tomorrow, I Wednesday and Thurs day. fsunday's Receipts Swelled the ?i Total to iii,ouu unu vjuntn- butiona This Morning were at n Rate Which Promised Early Success of Campaign. HOME RELIEF DIVISION SWAMPED WITH PLEAS the Home Itellcf Division of the emergency Aid Committee has been fiooied Kith additional applications tor tcork, until today it was forced to Issue the follotctng announce- mCo'morc personal applications for tdrk can be received by the Home Relief Dlvhlon of the V.meraency Aid Committee until further notice, n'e have on our lists the names of hundreds of applicants, whose ref erences have been thoroughly In vestigated and found tiatts factory, tut for whom work has not yet been provided. Until f id titer notice no scttonal applications wtll be re vived cither at the Home llcltef Di vision offices, Lincoln Building, or at Kmcrgcncy Aid headquarters, tilS Walnut street. Applicants may, hoMcevcr, send applications by mall, hut these mint In every case be ac companied by references signed by former employ as. These will be placed on flic and given considera tion as soon as possible. Philadelphia resumed Its riving to tho 'home relief division of the Emergency Aid Committee at 8 o'clock thla morning at a pace that Indicates the goal of $100,000 1 set by the committee will be reached soon. Toe chutes leading Into tho stntlon wero rattling with coin contributions long bc- "fore the olllcc opened. At 4 o'clock tho amount received waB $69,000. Th. mnll fnrinv hrnllffht hlimlrprln nf lrtt I mi: .... --.-..f -. ,-- ......... - ., ... .... . B (era containing checks. Today, also, the K collections taxen up in an tno itoman J1..La1Ih AUlll.n1.nH n t .1... ml... ..n a, . ..A r. 1, for tho homo relief will be turned over to fc'i tlie committee, and this is expected to I swell tho fund by many hundred dollars. i, , Scores of the poor and destitute be- iicgea mo oinco 01 mo tiomc iieuer di vision today. Many women came with children In arms and others, lightly clad, clinging to their dresses, to ask for aid. All will be cared for by the division. The committee has set Itself now to col lect 110.000 a day today, Tuesday and Wednesday and half that sum Thurs day. The $10,000 a day slogan was coined when the receipts for yesterday were i touna to nave made the total subscrlp- tlons In the Self-sacrifice Day fund J6S.- K' MO. Tho contributions through tho m, Ncnuies ai me ncaaquaners or the com HUmlttee In tho Lincoln Building yesterday were 15J, out others made Inside the K atatlon brought tho day's total to J782.5C. m Tho appeal Issued by tho committee for B land for playgrounds Is designed to give K work to ,men now unemployed. Should m land be ilvtn for this purpose, there Is Wf little, doubt the necessary funds for Im proving u win do lonncomine in me near future. Thus donations of land to tho committee "111 servo a doublo purpose. BANKERS DENY INTEREST IN THE SHIPPING BILL Kuhn, Loeb & Co. Say They Are Not Hamburg-American Agents. NEW YORK, Keb. 13. Kuhn. Loeb & Co. this afternoon Issued a. statement de claring they are not bankers for the Hamburg-American Line, and that they have never considered acting aa Interme diaries In the sale of Interned shlnn In thn "United States Government. 'We have no rMrpnt nr lnrflrrf Intnrnet K Jjiatjoever In tho passage of tho shipping P Dill. thO Htntpmont rifnliriri It was stated that assertions made be fore Congress, In which tho company's Same Was mentioned In -nnnnHnn wlfli ,the BhlnnlnC hill mniln It ImiMrntlui. !, F Kuhn, Loeb & Co.'s position should be maun uisiincc. SUNDAY "n6t NECESSARY" Clergyman Says New York Can Have Revival Without Evangelist. The Rev, Charles Whltcllcld Welsh, Pjstor of the Park Presbyterian Church or New York, in nn open letter to tho irotestant clergymen of that city, has "pressed tho opinion that there is need or a religious revival In New York, but usffests thla could be accomplished wlth 1.V,,ho scrv's of "Billy" Sunday. W both within and without tho churches in it I clty' Rev Mr' We'8" wrote. ; H Is not altogether necessary, how- gitver, to have Billy' Sunday or any ono 'n I "' alar ,0 'urnisn 'his com- rS."? !? " wo ministers of New York city I R91 thfi mpmhara rt tli. Aftlnlal t.AnH- rWuld get together on a common basis." Explosion Fatal to Two ALLENTOWN. Vn.. IP.h 115 Tnhn TTnll- ?'Arlcn fanr of Qoryvllle, died luH before noon. nt?i nt m.vimr ih. weond victim of an explosion which oc- ! JWeq Saturday afternoon when ho tried to inaw out a. fmn ninA in hi- .!. Mnelne, HIS XS-year-old daughter Helen. InrVA atanilnK by, was so badly In jured that she died In an hour. TODAY'S MATinTAn-R i.Trvcwa Joha n riai. ... . . ' Barri UU, N. 12th .t."""a' ""a "e,en "' ;.4?iKM'"U.3.,X'' '. " a Annl. ;,J.cTenn-an4 Ed,th j.;.." . Jf.t w Yoric, ana Marnret . JRm n!'B!!keSne!d' Doyltown, Pa., and ' JlfiH'.- V4 N h at., and Pannla Tar. ' Wnt v JVe' 1 McKean at., and Katn- 4J?J? f.y' 3R9S Hawaii at. SX-'3 avallo.. Ml Hall at., and Antonla Nar- K F.""!" - MT. Far, Father , ""'". Jo . i-otn a... ana cflrtrn,,.,YS1iM.nnJ 310 N. 10th at. t Carl iiS,IS1SM.na,,j 310 N. 10th at. I All! . 5 VJddrl oiia Waatmlniter ava.. and R AtJm'vSA'HVnolt. 2lt .N. 83d at. rnira hJli'.'ir'' ' trewon : , WiuIJ,l3lc,I' 1M araP " PalH?,; ""Ifrt?. UM OlUe at. and Kail. and Wary Patrick !.' lni Oltot t. TA3JI5 S,7L"t iN, th at. . . T... """. .ouuo uocaiiuni !-. ana alary Keoal',2' ."'Calluin at. , -J-Ufacy Da.hy ttSSSJ"!. Ir?laro. S06 Kenllworth at., and : ftanT-irvnf'V."" uiu wamuriaga at. lSiv H?1"10- "W N UJti. at. fHtV .-cliian' Ma Walnut at and and and Maria S. ikVSSS' 4s3?. N Lambert at. ..fVffiSf-. and Ama.1 Ru- ,'d iBb'.' SK"r "" " .Z1?i.-'l ouyoer r TftAV' Y?'" -U Ilalnbr te'Hei'?"?' " "n ,-''Jlll fin TOW c. ,.-. : - MONSIGNOR MULLIGAN Tho Kov. Dean B. J. Mulligan yes terday was invested with tho title, as confirmed by Pope Bene dict, at tho Church of the Im maculate Conception in Camdon. Camden Priest Made n Monsignor Catholics throughout New Jersey nml Pennsylvania arc plcnscd over tho honor which linH juit been conferred on tho nov. Demi D, J. Multlitan, who I tho Intent prlont In thin vicinity to bo In vested with tho title of Monslgnor by I'opo Benedict. Monslgnor Mulligan was Inducted Into IiIk new office yesterday nt Solemn High Mass In tho Church of tho Immnculato Conception In Camden. Illshop Mcl'nul, of tho dloccso of Tren ton, officiated ut tho Investiture. MINT HERE TO MAKE $12,000,000 FOR CUBA Eight Designs of Coins Will Constitute New Currency. Competition for Contract. A $12,000,000 order of coins for Cuba has been nlanerl with the PiiUnriotni.u nn. TCttrht pnlnc will nnnBfhni. !. ....... rf- .w...o ...at wii.ti.uiv L1MJ 1IVW OjO- tern. What other orders will follow Is not known nt the Mint horn Cuba has never had a currency system of Its own. Heretofore coins circulated there hnvo been thoo of tho United States and Spain, with a scattering of coins from South and Central American nations. A bill In the Cuban assembly provided for tho new system, declaring for a standard basis nt par with tho United States coins. It Is expected that tho circulation of the United States and Spanish coins throughout Cuba will be ended by the Institution of the new s Mem. "Negotiations for the Cuban currency began at Washington about last Novem ber," Adam M. Joyce, superintendent of tho Mint, said today. "I am not fumlllar with the designs, but I believe there aro to be eight different coins In tho system. The only thing we require is that tho designs can bo worked Into coins with difficulty, and thnt tho reliefs aro suffi ciently high. I cannot tell when we will begin on tho order." It wns reported today that tho first de signs submitted to the Mint officials were drawn In a way to make the mechanical work difficult, and that they have been letuined to tho Cuban Government, un do whose direction they were made. Mr. Jojce would not discuss till- phase of tho order. Tho contract was given to tho Phila delphia Mint as the result of competitive bidding, it was reported. AH tho work on tho first order will bo done hero. This is not tho first time that tho Philadelphia Mint hns coined money for other coun tries. There have been orders filled for Costa Illca, San Salvadore and Ecuador. ODD FELLOWS SEEK JOBS 200 Turned Away When Employment Bureau Fails to Open. More than 200 applicants for work at tho heaiUiunrters of tho new employment bureau of the Independent Order of Odd Fellow, 17:3 Arch street, were turned nwuv today becaupe tho bureau did not open until 2 o'clock this afternoon. The bureau has been established for members of tho order, and will be operated fico of charge to employer and employe. W. W. Shnncy Is president of the bu reau nnd Dudley L. Tlce treasurer. Ac cording to Mr. Shnney, an experienced secretary had been hired to take charge of the bureau this morning, but for some reason he did not appear. Not until sev eral hours after scheduled time for open ing did Mr. Shaney learn that the secre tary hnd not appeared. He then took charge of the officii himself. In" the meantime members of the order out of work had been assembling In the third floor of the building waiting for a chance to register their names and per haps obtain Jobs. After waiting several hours most of them left. Mr. Shaney says ho is confident the bureau will be able to find work for all applicants. Child Gives Judge Hard Task Gertrude Towne, a pretty 6-year-old girl, won her way to the heart of Vice Chan cellor Learning in Camden today, and he was unable to decide whether to award the child to the custody of he mother or her father. The little wit ness did not testify, but her wan ex pression and say eyes touched every one present at the proceedings. Oertrude Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Claud Towne. Mrs. Towne has not lived with her husband since 1913, but has been making her home at Atlantlo City. Towne went to the seashore resort last January and la alleged to have kidnaped his child In an automobile. She has been living with her father since that time at Moorestown, N, J. The Vice Chancellor said he would give his decision later In the day, SCORES DIASED CLERGYMEN Clergymen who chose "the high lights" came under the hammer of the Rev Peter C. Wright, pastor of Gethsemane Baptist Church, 18th street and Columbia avenue, In an address before the weekly meeting of the Baptist Ministerial Conference at the First Baptist Church today. He spoke on "The Pasalon of God." "Billy" Sun day, he said, Is doing excellent work, but his task will not be accomplished until he ha& taught the clergymen who cater to the rich people that their place Is with wealthy and poor alike. ALLTHATYOUGETHEREIS ?G?iw E wira ma aior Xr Jjw. Jvy sfSfT, VINE TL'KUE.B ANII CAI'UN Our Jaraey flock of itlacted Llrda are bald azclualvcly for ratall trada. Nnr mora de llcloiu and tender than now Squab for In dividual ervlnr. Kvarythlnr la poultry, butter and pica. Immediate attention to mall and phone urdera, We deliver anywhere. W.A.Bender ONLY THE IIPST IlUTTKi., ECUS ANP VOUITHY READING TERMINAL MARKET SUU (WO-Wi-fW .... ,-, .-.'nwvPn.lnT p ii i wi hh ii mi in i i ii ii i i mi i) mninipni; ' "iiiipinw i iiiiiji njiwinqipiinnn m EVENING- liEDaBB-PHILADEIiPniA, N 0X1) AY. FEBRTJABT LIQUOR DEALER GIVES OF "DULY" SUNDAY Led by Curiosity to Attend Meeting in the Taberna cle, He Admits Evange list's Sincerity Eccen tricities of Temperament Saloonkeeper Surprised to Hear Himself Classed With Crim inals, But Gratified by Cor dial Reception Given Him by Critic of His Business. By WALTER II. PENLEY (Siloonkcepcr and Vic President New Jersey Liquor Dealers.) Inspired by curiosity. I Journeyed to tho Sunday tabcrnncle to hear the famous baseball evangelism prench on the ovlls of tho liquor trnmC I hnd henrd many discussions In my placo of business regarding tho evangel ist, nnd I must ndmlt thnt he was looked upon favorably y even a number of tho so-called drinking clnss. Others criti cised him for attempting to corner the money market of religion and for lnck of sincerity. 1 myself was n trifle skep tical In regard to tho latter. So far as his sermon Itself was con cerned, Sunday used nil tho nrguments of tho temperance ndvocates slnco the tlmo of Adam, with llttlo attention, hero nnd there. Ills statistics would do credit to a Hobson, nnd when he saw thnt these wero getting monotonous ho skil fully Injected a. llttlo humor, which brought forth ripples of laughter, Ab tho largo crowd filed out of the building nfter tho services It was evident from some remnrks thnt many wero dis appointed because the evangelist did not Inject enough acrobatic stunts, for which ho Is noted, Into his sermon, over met. Whllo I expected to henr tho liquor business criticised, I wns rather sur prised to learn thnt nil liquor dealers are criminals nnd wondered why the Gov ernment discriminates In Its treatment of criminals or why It protects and legalizes ono form of criminality nnd punlHhes others. If what Mr. Sunday says Is true thnt the men engaged In tho liquor business nro criminals why does the Government continue as partners In this crlmlnnllty nnd receive JSoO.OOO.CO) annually as Its share of tho receipts? Why doesn't It close out tho business, compensntn the criminal partners nnd dc rlvo Its necessnry revenue from some other source, such ns Incrcnsed rents on real estate nnd water and additional tariff on food products? But I still br-'lcvo that the liquor busi ness does not make the mnn, any more than tho profession of theology mnkes tho mnn. There are some ministers of tho Gospel as well as saloonkeepers who aro far from what they should be mor ally. According to nn article which r read recently, thero are more ministers serving sentences In the prisons of Ala bama than there nro bartenders. After hearing his sermon, I sent Mr. Sunday a letter requesting n personal In terview nnd I hnd tho pleasure and honor of meeting him. When I arrived nt his home. I9H Spring Gnrdcn street, I wns ushered upstairs to tho front room, where the evangelist was resting in bed. Ho sat up and greeted me cordlnlly, and I must say, nfteV our little tete-a-tete, that ho Is ono of tho finest men I have I might also state that Mr. Sunday hns often been misquoted by newspaper men who trend toward scnsntlonallsm, I can safely say that tho evangelist holds no personal animosity against any liquor man or anybody else for that matter and that when ho preaches tho so-called "booze sermons" ho attacks tho busi ness nnd not personalities. r was of the opinion that Mr. Sunday's most caustic critics are thoso who hava neither seen him jjor mot him personally. It doesn't seem possible that anybody who has hnd tho pleasure of meeting him could do other than admlro him. WOMAN DOCTOR BREAKS LEG Dr. Anna Stauffer, 70 years old, of 1516 Montgomery avenue, slipped today on tho sidewalk In front of 1900 Turrer street whllo on her way to visit n patler'. She suffered a fractured leg. She was re moved to the Women's Homeopathic Hos pital. Witnesses Tried; Case Dismissed Bccauso tho prosecuting witnesses were alleged to have told Court Officer Michael Levin "that they wero tired of coming to court ns tho case was never tried nnd would not come -again," Judge MacNelll, In the Munlclpnl Court today, ordered tho Indictment against Mary D. Page, charg ing her with malicious mischief In de stroying n hat, be submitted for a ver dict of not guilty. Shortly nfter the ver dict had been rendered the witnesses hur ried Into court, but wero Informed that the verdict could not be set aside. The complainants were Mlsa E. C. Hartnett nnd Mrs. Margaret Jack, both of 2106 South street. SUPREME COURT DECISIONS Tbn following opinions were handed down In the Supreme Court today: PE31 CURIAM: Garrett Estate. O, C Philadelphia, De cree affirmed. Uewers vs. Middle Statea Coal and Iron Mints Company, C. P. No. 3. Philadelphia. Order affirmed. ' Wrlcht vs. Levis. C. P. No. 1. Philadelphia. Decree affirmed, Unruh Estate, Orphans' Home and Asylum, etc. Appeal. O. C. Philadelphia. Decree arrirmed. Kclln A Co. va. First Mortgage Ouarantee nail Trust Company, C, P, No, 5, Philadelphia. Decrco affirmed. Karle, to use, va. Philadelphia and Heading Railway Cumpany. C. P. No. 4, Philadelphia. Judgment affirmed UV JUSTICE POTTER: South Eitate. Cook appeal. O. C Phila delphia, Decree arrirmed, I1Y JUSTICE VON MOSCHZiaKER: Young vs, Philadelphia Transit Company. C. 1'. No. t. Philadelphia. Judgment ravened with a procedendo. Lumla va Ualllniore and Ohio Railroad Com. pany. C. P, No. 1. Philadelphia. Judgment arrirmed Olrard Trust Company et al. va. City of Philadelphia. C, P. No. 3. Philadelphia. Judg ment arflrmed. Flirty vs Justice. Bateman & Co. C. P. No. 5. Philadelphia. Judgment affirmed. Bher . ilvrtf. C. P. No. S. Philadelphia, judgment amrmea. Kne vs. Philadelphia Transit Company. C. P. No. L Philadelphia. Judgment reversed with a venire facias de novo. Ilium Drothers. Inc.. vs. Olrard National Rank et al. C P No. B. Philadelphia. Judg. menta affirmed I Everything Musical ff mYMMNl 1 1010 Chestnut Street !01 KOIt SO YE.I8 1915 W i WALTER II. PENLEY Cnmden snloon proprietor, who in an interview, tells of his ad miration for "Billy" Sunday. COULDN'T GET JOB; TRIED TO END LIFE Despondent Man Attempted Suicide by Drinking Iodine on Steps'of His Home. John Miller, 40 years old, 114 Senrs Btreot, returned home today a. crcst- fnllon man. His fortune of SO cents hnd melted awny In riding about tho city nnsworlng advertisements headed "Help Wanted Male." Earlier in the day ho spent Beveral hours nt tho bedside of his daughter, Stella, 3 years old, who Is dying of pneumonia. "Life Isn't worth nnythlng, said Miller to his wife. Mrs. Miller tried to choer up her hus band. Miller Is a pnperhnngcr. Months ago ho lost his Job. Tho llttlo bank nc count became smnllcr each week. Miller kissed his wlfo nnd children to day before ho left the house. He said ho would try his best to get employ ment, iie tried nam. l,uck was against him While Mrs. Miller wns cleaning up the house her husband went out. Ho met n f i lend on tho street from whom ho bor rowed 10 cents. The money wns spent In buying Iodine. Miller returned to his homo. As he reached tho steps of his home he uncorked the bottle nnd drank Iho poison. Ho wns removed, In tho pt ttol of tho 4th and Snyder avenue station to tho Mt. Slnnt Hospital. HONOR STUDENT'S MEMORY High School Freshmen Contribute to Fund for Tablet. Students of the Central High School aro showing their admiration today for the memory of Carl Starr, of Shndecap, Pa., whP' tiled last Snturday, by taking up a collection with which to erect a memorial tablet to him. The lad wns speaker of the High School "House of Itcpresentatlves" until ho wns stricken ill four months ago. Starr died at Jefferson Hospital. Ac cording to his friends nmong tho fresh men clnss, he had not notified his parents tint ho was ill, because ho fenred to worry them. Starr was ID years old. Ho wns working his way through tho High School by holding tho office of night clerk at tho Aldlno Hotel until ho became HI. Boy Held as Suspect Seventeen-year-old Vincent Slmone, of 511 Washington nvenue, caught at 6th street and Washington avenue nfter being seen In the office of tho Lurkor Coal and Lime Company, Washington and Passv unk nvenues, early this morning, was held In J 100 ball for court today by Magistrate Toughlll at the 7th and Carpenter streets station. Slmone Is said by the police to bo a slot-meter thief who hns been wonted for somo time. He was caught by Police man Comdeco only after tho" latter hnd tired several shots at him. High School Girls Elect Officers Miss Pauline J. Grotz has been elected president of tho senior class of the West Philadelphia High School for Girls. Other officers are: Miss Grctchcn C. Coward, vice president; Miss Catharine C. Reeves, treasurer, and Miss Kather Taylor, sec retary. Miss Grotz and Miss Coward nro also members of tho student government body. Pugilist Stabbed in Fight Police and detectives nro Investigating the Injury of Charles Palmer, a pugilist, 2)3 North 10th street, who wns taken to the Women's Homeopathic Hospital suf ferhflr from stab wounds. He refused to tell the police how he was hurt, but It la believed ho was cut with a knife during a tight In a club at 2003 Clearfield street last night. ThieveB Cut Pane, Enter Office Thieves entered the office of George Mil ler, Jr., 2319 Sedgley avenue, and stole a bundle of clothing and other articles worth about $10, Two safes were un touched. A pano was cut out of a rear window to enable the thieves to unlock the door. mnm WM'"ssy n.nv5stK:. w.r- i '-v ii m k. r''i;s-a. i m Caral $4 PnreVVhilc I Solitaires JL W; could not cite batter reason why you should buy your diamonds direct from us. t in diamond cutter, than tiy mentioning this Uetrr g-carat pure unite and perfectly SV!lw,iu,ra. iaF bich tie will sell you at alaQ. Imagine how much more you would have, to pay for tills acta If It were not of. the blah Import duty you would hate to pay for. aud the middleman's profit which It would bo burdened with. We canuot aay irw jwu mj more to you than to come to I Press Sons If yon would save from 15 per cent, to 33 1-1 per icm ou oicrr uiamonu you may buy, IMPORTERS I Cimm OFDimOHDS ' VJIWIIIUIWW i l: Mm & Jfozi. a ih41S& w&jm GRAY DECLINES TO RECOGNIZE STRIKERS Renders Hia First Decisions ns Umpire of the Anthracite Conciliation Board. irAZLETON, Pa., Feb. 15,-Former Judge Gray, of Wilmington, Del., rendored his first decisions today as the newly appointed umpire of the anthraclto conciliation board to eettlo disputes bo twecn tho miners and coal operators. He ruled thnt strikers had no standing be fore tho tribunal, Tho decision was on the nppenl of six Lokle runners of tho Locust Mountain colliery, Schuylkill County, for reinstate ment nfter their discharge for rebelling ngntnst tho Installation of n tlmo clock Hnd then causing a strike. Ho decided thnt ono of tho six bo tnken back, but that the dismissal of the others had been Justified on grounds of proper discipline. In tho grievance of certain contracts miners of the Mineral Spring colliery ngalnst tho Lehigh Volley Coal Company, tho men asked for 51c. per foot for remov ing rock, nRcrtlng thnt the company had cut the pi Ice to i cent per foot. The umpire Hinds thnt tho men have not sustained their charges. In the case of certain employes against the ofTlcers of tho George B. Marklc Com pany, the men asserted they were entitled to time for building buggy dumps and buggy roads and alleged that the com pany fns giving them nothing for this work. Umplro Gray decided that tho men shall bo paid 13.67 cents per hour for this work in tho future, Former Judge Gray won a member of tho commission named by President Roosevelt which settled tho 1W1 strike of tho anthraclto miners. RECRUITING OFFICER WEDS Lieut. Roper's Marriage to Atlanta Beauty Solemnized in Florida. Lieutenant Walter Gordon Roper, In charge of tho local nnval recruiting office, was married yesterday to Mrs. Robert Ridley Vennblc Thorton, noted beauty and social leader of Atlanta, Ga at the Episcopal church nt Atlantic Beach, Fla, Mrs. Walter S. Thompson, a cousin; Mrs. Robert Hopkins Page, Commander Mustln, V. S. N., and Mrs. Mustln, of this city, were nmong tho relatives nnd friends who witnessed tho ceremony. After a short stay In tho South, Lieutenant Roper, who has been living at tho Racquet Club, nnd his wlfo will como to this city to make their home. WOMAN ANNOYS SPEAKER Interrupts Suffrage Meeting, But Is Quickly Subdued. "Why don't you women stop tho fight In Europe?" shouted nn aged woman nt nn opcn-nlr meeting of tho Woman Suf frngo party of the Gth Legislative Dis trict at Lombard nnd Juniper streets to day. She continued to Interrupt tho speakers until policemen quieted her and led her away. She gavo her name as Mary Nolan. South 3d street. "Four million women are voting In tho West," Bald Miss Mary Brennnn, of Seattle, Wash., tho chief speaker. "Wo men are neater ns housekeepers thnn nro men, and would mako cleaner cities If given the ballot." James Stanlow, of Chester, Pa.sald ho had voted for woman suffrage In Now Zealand 15 yenrs ago. Tho speakers were Introduced by Dr. E. SI. HtcBtnnd Mooro. WOMAN INVALID SUES P. R. T. Wheeled Into court In an Invalid chair, Mrs Roe G. Rodgcrs, who wns Injured In n collision between subway cars In November, 1011, today testified In her damage suit against tho Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company. Her testimony was repeated aloud by tho court crier. Mrs. Rodgcrs declared her helpless con dition wils due entirely to Injuries re ceived In tho accident. This testimony wus strongly combated by attorneys for the traction company, who contended that the plaintiff had suffered from an afflic tion long beforo she wns Injured In the accident. Alleged House-breaker Shot Tho condition of George Crogan, 1023 Filbert street, who was shot In tho back by Policeman Georgo Merrlman, of the 13th and Vino streets station, was re ported nt the Hahnemann Hospital this morning ns unimproved. The man wna shot when ho outran the policeman, who declares Crogan attempted to break Into a house nt 23d and Vine streets. When ho leaves the hospital Crogan will be ar raigned beforo Magistrate Trncey, who yesterday held him under tXO ball on the charge of attempted house breaking. Dense Smoke Hampers Firemen Dense smoke hnmpercd firemen today nt the plant of tho Barret Manufactur ing Company, 3Gth and Wharton streets. According to the police, lire started In tho bulling room on the first floor, where tar and other ingredlonts are mixed for a roofing preparation sold by the company. Ono of the vnts boiled over, setting lire to the floor and woodwork. The loss is small. amKmmmimr.aiTOfflmmiii SHERATON BUFFET Solid Mahogany, broad band of inlaid satin wood, 66 inches long. A true type of this popular period. Valuta $205. My price $99.50. A complete suite is in our display of Period Furniture. E. S. ELDREDGE 1015-1017 Fillcrt Street fiAotorooma of the Consolidated furniture Jfanuacturerf, Ine, Xvf j w i iijmi;! i mi 15, 101 g. VETERAN ENDS LIFE BY SLASHING HIS THROAT Aged Soldier Growing Blind Cuts Himself With Razor in Homo and BleedsNto Death. Too weak to ever hlfi Jtigular vein, David Long, nn 82-year-old veteran of tho Civil War, slowly bled to death today nt his home, 1748 Dover street, after cutting his throat from car to ear. It was shortly after 3 o'clock that the aged man's son George wns awakened by a groan from his parent's room, which adjoined his own. He leaned over hla father, and after assuring himself that he was breath Ing, left hln bedside. When he returned to his own room he discovered that his arms and night clothing wero smeared with blood. An Investigation disclosed tho fact that his father hnd cut his throat with n razor. Tho patrol was summoned from tho ZSth and Oxford streets station and the veteran wan taken to tho Northwest Gen oral .Hospital. Thcro heroic measures wero resorted to to savo hla life, but the old man had literally bled to death beforo ho was found. Long, according to his son, had been ailing for somo years past and recently his eyesight began falling. Ho had passed two years In Llbby Prison In tho south during tho rebellion, and his affliction Is said to have resulted from treatment he received whllo ho was con fined there. IDLE MAN CUTS TnROAT Worry over his failure to obtain work caused Georgo Coulter, 60 years old, 2325 Rutledge avenue, to attempt to commit sulcldo early this morning. He wns found groping his way about on the kitchen floor by hla son with his throat cut. A fow hours earlier he Is believed to have nttempted to end his Ilfo with gas, but was discovered by his son. At the Epis copal Hospital It was said he would re cover. GRIBBEL ADVISES MINISTERS President of Union Leaguo Urges Common Sense From Pulpit. "Ministers underrato the mental capa city of their congregations," said John Orlbbcl, president of tho Union League, in the course of an address beforo tho Meth odist ministers today. Ho attributed tho success of "Billy" Sunday to tho fact that tho evangelist spoko on subjects with which the people wero familiar. Ministers should use com mon sense, tho speaker asserted, In ex plaining tho gospel. Ho made It plain nt tho same time thnt materialism should bo kept out of tho pulpit, and declared that n clergyman should bo a gentleman nnd observe tho proprieties. Seaman Describes Experience A thrilling tale of being on a ship thnt was torpedoed and being rescued from a small boat by n French tug was told In this city by Alfred Edwards, a native of England, who lives, when here, at. 738 South Broad street. Edwards was fire man on tho British Btcamshlp Ikarla, which was sunk two weeks ngo by n Ger man submarlno only 12 miles from Hnvre. Ho arrived In this country aboard tho liner St. Louis. So quickly did tho Ger man craft work, said Edwards, that no one on tho steamship know what had happened until their boat was rent by two terrific explosions. To Improve Parish Hall More than $1000 will be spent for tho ronovntion of tho parish holl -of tho Roman Catholic Church of Our Lady of Good Counsel. This announcement wns mado yesterday at confirmation eervlces, which were presided over by Bishop Mc Cort, when SG5 children received the sac rament. Free Exhibition XVIII Century Cnglfe!) Colour-Brmtg Morland. J. R. Smith, Angelica KaurTman, Bartolozzi, Ward, etc. Trip Rosenbacli Galleries 1320 Walnut Street tBmmKmammmmmwmtm n MwnnaraaBiniv .- SEEKS POLICE HARMONY In order to brlHR nboiit more hnrmonleus working arrangerrieutfl between th frolic and detective departments, Captain of De tectives Cameron will nddfeta Ihe police captains and lieutenants tonight nt the potlca school, 102S Greenwich street Re cently the special policemen of every dls trlct were put under the supervision at Captain Cameron and this led to Home confusion, 2000 Perry Suits in a Big One- Week Clearance at 11,$14,$17 for Suits we sold at $15 to $30! $ The Salient Fea tures of a Perry Reduction Sale -are chiefly two, to wit 1. The first prices, those at which our Suits sold all sea son, were rock-bottom, based on cost of making and selling! So that S25 Perry Suits, for example, would grade up to a $35 first price in many places, with a correspondingly larger leeway for a sensational cut in price. 2. Over and above the ordi nary grounds of cloth, lining nnd so forth, on which to base a comparison of prices, there's that in, about, and all through a Perry Suit for which there's no basis for comparison with any others whatsoever! , That head-and-shoulder Superiority is the CHAR ACTER, the STYLE, the WORKMANSHIP and the consequent COM FORT of Perry Making ! TODAY you can get these Perry Suits at these Perry Reductions: SH I"!!8! This Week $11 sio ouiia f $20 Suits I Only Mostly $18 & $20 Suits. $20 Suits 1 TUla Wool.- A,-. $22,50 Suits n ' 3)14 Only $25 Suits; ilPr $17; $30 Suits) Alterations charged for. Biggest Bargains for the first here! Perry & Co, "N. B. T." 16th & Chestnut Sts. I a,'v mm-. J d x it i i. a 16 jS.bu. fei.1"" n4 P,B,1S" OPEN VWN&f SSTABLISHSO IQH i grtTfifflrTllTn v.- w. ..j.