Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 15, 1915, Sports Final, Page 12, Image 12

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6lnklei Refuses to Give Name
of Backfleld Tutor, but De
clares Neither Stevenson
Nor Hollenback Will Be Se
lected by Eed and Blue.
At Least Nine Men Will Compose
Advisory Board Which Will Act
n Capacity of Court of Last Re
sort on Gridiron Affairs Doctor
Wharton Is to Bo Lino Instructor.
The University of Pennsylvania's foot
ball coaching staff for 1916 IK being grad
ually rounded out Dr. Charles Wharton.
Ot the class of 1888, yesterday announced
that he had nccepUd tho terms offered by
Xh Pennsylvania commlttco and would
Osave charge of the linemen. His ao
iwpthnce was also confirmed by Wharton
Btnkler, chairman of the commlttco. Doc
tor Wharton will also occupy a place on
the Advisory Board.
This gives a total of four paid coaches
who will occupy places on the board.
They aro George II. Brooke, who wilt
be head coach: Byron Dickson, field
coach: Dr. Charles Wharton, lino coach,
ijnd Harold Gaston. Bcrub coach. At
least one and possibly two paid coaches
will be added to the staff. A backfleld
Joach la yet to be named, and next to
Brooke and Dickson he wilt be tho most
Important of the board.
'Whartbri elnkter said yesterday at his
homo" In Oak Lane that the name of the
tiew backfleld coach would not be given
out until tha next meeting of the Board
of Directors of the Athletic Association,
the first Monday In March. Pressed for
n more specific statement, Mr. Slnkler
"would ko no further than to admit that
this man would not be cither W. M. Hol
lenback, the famous fullback of the VMS
team, or Vincent M. Stevenson, the sen
sational quarterback of the 1901 and 1803
elevens. Both of these men had been
prominently mentioned for the post, but
31nkler'B statement disposes of them and
rjicans that the backfleld coach will be
soma one not previously mentioned.
Sal Vanity and Best Bib and
Tucker Win in First and Sec
ond Races.
NEW ORLEANS, Feb. 15. Two long
shots flashed past tho Judges winners In
the first and second races here this after
noon. A lecord crowd was at the track
drawn to the city by the Mardl CJras
festivities. , . .
In the first race Sal Vanity, at 5 to 1,
landed tho money, with Lewis Apper the
favorite, aecond, and Paymaster third.
Best Bll and Tucker, also at 5 to 1, landed
the second event, beating out Jefferson
and Kewple.
First race, 2-year-olds. , four furlongs Sal
Vanity. 109. Lilly, S to 1, 2 to. 1. 4 to 5,
won: Lewis Opper, 100. O'Brien. 11 to 3. eten.
and 1 to 2. econdi.J'aymater, ii. uw".
to I, to l, even, mira.
,Inra. Mallet, lrrawaddy.
TimA. .40 3-5. Lyn-
Sands Diamond, ulo-
.-..- ..a... fnm f1,,. a 1 (!. Ttt Tt.
Second race, selling-, 3-year-pd, 5k fur
longs Beat Bib and Tucker. 102, Sjnjth. 5 to
J, 2 to 1, even, -non: Jefferson. MM. Adams.
3 to 1. 6 to S. 1 to 2. aocond; Kewple. 107.
Chappell, 8 to 1, 3 to 1. 3 to 2, third. Time.
Ill 1-8. Neule C. Miss Fly. toulse May,
Banta Moris, Henry Wynd, Utelus also ran.
Tlurrf race.' selling. 3.yeair-ol(l and "P.,,"'
furlonge-Cannock, 100. McTaegart. 0 to A 8
to 5. I to 3. won: JlypatU. 1M, l'ool. fi to 1.
S to 1. even, second; .Till le Nightmare. 1(W.
Warrington. 8 to 5. 7 to 10 I p 3, third.
Time. lilt. Cold Jordan. Letallha, Dlado.
Aragipede. Relle Bird. Clillton ScHiaw, The
rerls, Sure Get. Bray's Favorite and Colfax
also ran.
Juarez Results
First race, nurse. 2-year-old maiden fillies,
s4 ruriongaiivan. Hi. Motca I, to ,S to
1. Men, won: Little Bigger. 112. Mott. ts to 1.
2 to 1. T to 3, aecond! MU Sleeth. 112. How
ard.. 6 to 1. i to l. en. third. Tim. .. :ll.
Whispering- Hope. Kmlly B... Shadow. Eleanor,
lloautlful Girl, Oveta. S! Manor
fan and Firing- Colors alao ran.
New Orleans Entries
first race, selling, 2-yaar-oId. I furlongs
Cuddles 102: Test, 1C2: Brown Velvet, 101;
Phil UngerT' 10.1: School for Scandal. 100,
Bouthern Star. 107; Molly Reach. 108, Tito,
J0"J; Cincinnati. 110; Prince Harry, 111.
Second race, lelllng, 3-vear-olda and up 0
lurtongs-Forest Gale. 10tJ; Louise Maya, yT;
Eonno. 7; Serenala, 101; Brlanbosu. 102; Jos
S. 102, Little Maid. 103; Etfelburs H, 103;
Lelaloha. 103: Jeiall. 103: Mlas Uarnharbor,
104 B SI. Watson, 10(1; Stontcalm, 103; Col
fax. 1M. O Tl True. 103: Ada. JWi.
Third race, sMIlns. 3-year-old and up, fl
fulonga-iAnna Kruter. 100; Dare Devil, fas.
TcmaasM. 103. Lady lndon, 10.1: Pretty Dal-.
10B Dlclt's Pet. 107, Hlrka. 107; Lurla. 100;
fialon. 109; Criico. i08; Blue Jay. 108; Cal
cluro 108. Light Knight. 10S; Kayderosero.
111 feirDjke, tU, Fltigerald. Ill
Fourth race, the Kolb Genrian Tavern Selllnjt
Handicap. 1 1-W miles-Lady flplrltuelle, of;
Kneel t. 07, Beau 1'ere. 101: IHllfe Baker, 103;
Trovato, 101; Armor, 103;. Marahon. 1W1: Stick
KnVlM. Mary Ann K., 107; P.eno, 108; Earl
Fifth rice, selling, handltap, 3-year-olda and
vp'sw fur onx-Otelus. ftl; Northerner, 00;
ifudai i Brother. 101, Unda Payne 101: Ida
Lavinla 303; Sebago' 103, charller, 101; Vlley,
1M "visa Declare. ,103. Jim Baaey. 113.
Sfxth rac, el lnr. fl-year-olda and up, 1
mil. ind !X r'rardf-M0'H nirharda. 01; Llda
Karl vS. Faie White. 08; 'aallant Boy. 07;
ilvrtle Marlon. H Plain Ann. 10O; Orbeet,
fo5 Tom Hanco.-l(. 102; lrrldecence, 1M; W.
C Weat. 103, Ineurance Man. 104: Bf Dipper,
104. Our Ben. lf6, Frotf, ;0j Lucky George,
107, Jacob Bunn. 100.
'Apprentice allowance claimed. weather
clear, heavy track.
Havana Entries
n,d race- S furloni. purae ow. a.year-
olda and up. aelllng-'Anna Boie, 04; Stroma
06 Coromack, 08, 'King Itadforil. 88; Saturn,
i 101. SIr Fretful. 10: Flaibuab. 10a,
Bkaeta, J0; 'Mortgyle, 100; Metropolitan, 100;
Vlnda. 100; Colonel Brown, 111.
Seeond rica, 3 furlongs, 1O0, S-yearld.
selling-'BUclt Chief. 101; Martre, l6l, IJUl
" Jiift, KM. T. M Oreen. 1(W. Buaan k. 100;
Knvoy. 100: Charley Brown 111, Sordello. Ill;
Yellow Eye, 111! Bl"y Colllna, 111; JIoncrUL
Third raca, 6H furlongs, purae 3j, a-yj-
elds and up,
la ana up, seiiins--"iv, , yz "-:"
103; Loula Paul, 103; 'reij 1-evy, ii; war.
JorW A.. 108. ratthful. IIP; Charley McFerran,
Fourth race. 0 furlong., puna $600, 3-year-olfla
and up, handicap. aelUng-Shrewatury, 04;
Jiwton Field, Oa; CotU.,09. Scorpl, MJ. A. N.
Akin, 100. Naah. 101, Wnclt Mun. 104; Shad.
ricaT IDS: -sawah, lOTj Progretatve, 108; Wan-
BSS. 4JSH.nS.?Vai. Hirt lui?
Csreetuus, lus, "era WncM, 1W, "'V'"
JHJ &! If" r, 1U: Trnnort, 141.
KtMn 1i $VU
Juarez Entries
First rase. tur. 2-Tcar-olda, 24 furlonga--
ffSS- K&r.jaF. Rptoa. 10a; Aunt Sal 108;
Babj Cal. ill,
iLioHil raw. Ulf. 8-y3r-ol04. 8 furtenfa--
wimi Co; KaaKMM, 110; TruUae, HO;
kAjJV mr , '"'CTJTrtW r
l-ljaa. 8.
iSt: Rs Sand 10T; illl. 101,
at). 1W; SM Lawp. 110, FbbiI
sb4 up, Parral handl-
ueu. sss:
euf. 100;
cat .Mb! VaMssr MTT.
ftl 3
U S4 HiW. I-Si
rlorf- YMuas m Bub
i auu--M- W Hw WsltaaXJ
-v-Sil tea && if i3S
i-ftt. ...,bi ttsuswa. mmpm
ta -uM.it tn
f3i 0O- UP, $
Mike Dorlzas. strong man of the
University of Pennsylvania, Is entered
for the weight event which will be
features of the Gtcek-Amerlcan games
to be held In the flat Iteslment Ar
mory, New York, next Monday night.
The Greeks have put on the pro
pram a competition at throwing the
H-pound stone with unlimited run and
follow that has not been carded In
this country for a generation. After
tackling this Dorlzas wilt meet O.
Tsamblras, another Greek, In the 100
pound dumbbell contest.
Ex-Athletic Second Sacker
Leaves Philadelphia This
Ifnvlnfricen duly bought and paid for
by Charles Comlskey, Eddlo Collins duly
departed this afternoon for Chicago,
whero he will Join Clarence Rowland's
White Sox. The main body of the Chi
cago Americans well leave Chicago
Wednesday for Loa Angeles. After all
of the Sox have gotten together on the
Western coast they will divide themselves
Into two teams and play the various
clubs of tho Pacific Coast League In a
lone; series of, exhibition games.
Blnckburne, who played second for the
White Sox last season and whose place
Collins will fill henceforth, left yesterday
to Join the Sox. Just what ultimate dis
position will be mado of Blackburne Is
not known, but he will not bo retained
by the White Sox after tho beginning of
tho champlonchlp campaign In April.
Although Collins would rather live in
Philadelphia than Chicago, he goes to the
Windy City determined to make a regular
club out of It, If It can possibly be ac
complished. There Is no doubt that the
addition of Mack's former star will vastly
Increase the pennant chances of the White
Sox. The pitching at the South Side park
this summer should be as ood us last
season, which means that many of the
close affrays which would otherwise be
lost will be won by Eddie Collins' hit
ting and brilliant fielding.
Phillies Sailing List Ready
The list of the Phillies and camp followers
who will sail on Friday, February in, la pre
pared and will be published tomorrow. There
will be about 35 persona with the Phillies, tho
same number with the Athletics and 40 with
the Brooklyn Nationals.
President Baker, who was to Jme arrived
today, will not bo hero until tomorrow morning.
Breaks World's Hurdle Record
LAFAYETTE, lnd., Feb. 15. The Univer
lty of Chicago trnclc team cnally defented
Purdue. .',14 to 25H, Ward, of Chicago
equaled what was aalr here to be the world's
Indoor record for the 40-jard hurdlei, when
he won the race in ,1 2-5 saconde. Local rec
ords for the quarter-mile and two-mile events
were breUen
As the Fan Would Write It
"When my dreams come true vrlien mr
ilrenma come true
"I alinll lenn out from the ensement In
the stnrllBht nnd the drw." Itlley.
When iny dreams come true when mv
dreams come true
1 shall own no tally "casement In the
starlight and the dew";
But I somehow rawther faxoncu, as the
hloomln' saying is,
I shall lean out from the bleachers
where thr hall Is on the whiz;
I shall lean out from the bleachers,
rooting loudly for some stew
Who will knock the cover off U when
my dream comes true.
When iny dreams come true we shall
never lose a game,
But shall only icln the pennant by a
battle just the same;
And when the ftght Is hottest and tee
clamor for a fit,
The shortstop or the catcher will arise
and wallop it;
,, spot upon the sunlight or a blot
against the blue.
As they pull the old frankbaker when
my dreams come true.
ll'Aen my dreams come true, oh, the
lobster lack of me
Rhall never smash my bonnet in a
frenzied fit of glee;
The peanuts that I gobble or the flowing
pop. I drink
Will never put my stomach or digestion
on the blink;
And in the crowded street car when the
merry day is through,
I will find a strap to hang on when my
dreams come true.
Wheri my dreams come true they to(H
let me wear a gun,
And when I think the umpire ha de
prived us of a run,
Or lehen the fielder fumbles or the
pitcher' in the air,
I shall get some target practice from
the bleachers then and there;
And tke mutt who fans the breeze when
I think a hit is due,
Had better own a coffin when my
dreams come true.
The Week Arrives
THIS week Coralskey sends bis first
squad on the training jaunt, and t'-o
1915 season of active dope can be re
garded as officially opened.
It will be a cheering- sight to see, the
esteemed athlete in action outside of a
courtroom, and it Is a cheering thought
to know that very shortly the dull roar
of the basohlt w(U supplant to a. cer
tain extent the discussion ot bullion in
TJp to Player
Jt wpuld bo pore than foolish to at
tempt to bJaroi any ball player for
gathering all tho money he la able to
i gather. Tn player, in tw rpect,
has bad tho wtupnana rer the last
Mnt 4 naUr point, witfc in.
pigt a wtt ?; lt mmam- wt
Feb. ia ion. wig's Diatw
over 50 per cent, of those engaged made
any attempt to give their best services
all the year. At least 50 per cent, were
careless and Indifferent In training and
in action. They gave, on the averago,
the worst exhibition of baseball that
the game has known for a long time.
In many ways entirely too many ot
them lowered the standard of big
leaguo play.
New Man for Eagle Council
Bamuel It. Shllllngford, popularly known as
"Mr Sam," ha decided to transfer hli affec
tions and pitching arm to the Eagle Council
baseball team. Last season ha was a member
of the Loyil Council nine, but lie was not loyal
enough to remain another season.
"Shillln-," who Is really worth more than his
name Indicates, la one of tho best amateur
hurlers In thla vicinity. Like many major
league pitchers, Sam depends to a itcat ex.
tent on kidding the batters, lie reels off
strikes and repartee with equal facility. In
winter he practices the latter stunt with his
old teammate, "Mr. Henry,"
V X m jSJsK. ''j-iisHiPs. H
KU Willksw, tb Baltimore boy who weara the toftwaweitM
crOW h i4ul4 tat a iix-roooi go with JiraaV MpFy, st Miw
itua, mw fijmgtt 4v "wp"
Non Letter Schoolboys in Dual Meet.
Final Score 52 to 20.
The Central High School non-letter
track athletes easily defeated Cafnollc
High School's team In the Crimson and
Gold gymnasium this afternoon. The
final score was 52 to 3).
The summaries follow:
20-yard dash Won by Dorln, Catholic Hlfh
School; rvcond, Melllnger, Central High
School: third. Coogan, Catholic High School.
Time, .1 seconds.
tlve-lap race Won by Henry, Central Huh
School- second. Doris. Catholic High 8chool:
third. Uea, Central High School. Time. 82 1-3
Three-lap race Won by Blackus. Central
High School; aecond, Melllnger, Central High
School; third, Welti, Central High School.
Time, 20 3-5 seconds
One-mile run Won by Welnert. Central High
School; second. Mayerson. Central High Bchool;
third. Jnllcneck. Central High School Time.
5 minutes 2 seconds.
High jump Tie between Taxson. Central
High, and Doris. Catholic High School: third
Armstrong, Central High. Helghth-5 feet
2 Inches
Standing broad Jump Tie Between Riley and
Stoeckel. both ot Central High School: third.
Doris, Catholic High School. Distance. 0 feet
7 Inches,
Feds to Stick in Indianapolis
NEW YORK. Feb, 15. President James Oil
more, of the Federal League, declared posi
tively this afternoon that Indianapolis will
continue on the Federal circuit this year.
Qllmore came hore to arrange a final dls-
Sosltlon ot the Kansas City franchise. The
;ansaa City team, he said, will be located
either In the Uronx or In Newark, and a
decision will be made between the two cities
within 4B hours.
Though the spring is almost here
We are not yet done with gloom,
Heave a sigh and shed a tear,
Now the holdout starts to bfoom.
Nearly every star there is
With a modest lack of gall.
Asks for more and thinks that Ms
Claim is fairest of them all
BILL. JAMES now, but there aro more
to bo heard from. Every ball player
who figures his name was mentioned
often enough In tho "Winter League
dope will now proceed to refuse to
Blgn a contract making- sure In ad
vance It will bo held open for him until
he sets time to attend to It.
Some Observations
Germany ejtpects to hold the Olym
pics In 1916.
Four Fast Bouts at Olympic A. A.
Before the Wind-up.
Four fast matches are scheduled to pre
cede the Kid Wllllams-JImmy Murray
bout at the weekly Olympla, A. A. show
tonight. The bantamweight champion
will meet a tougb proposition In the New
York Italian.
The program follows:
First bout Mike Howell, Southwark, e.
Jimmy Bergen, Kensington. -
Second bout Sammy Decker, West Philadel
phia, vs. Bobby Loughrey, Gloucester.
Third bout Benny Leonard, N York, vs.
Tommy Langdon, Richmond.
8emlwln4-up Johnny Howard, Bayonne, vs.
Jack Clark, Fall River.
Wind-up Kid Williams, Baltimore, vs.
Jimmy Murray, New York.
Two knockout artists, K, O, Jack Farrell,
of Kensington, and Jimmy McBrlde, of the
20th Ward, will meet In the wind-up at tha
Falrmaunt A. C. tomorrow night. At the
Palace A. C. Nonistown, Tommy Coleman
and Jimmy Toland will box In tha 10-round
feature fray,
Tommy Lea. a promising Southwark bantam
weight, will box In one of the preliminaries to
the Young Fulton-Preston Brown final at the
Broadway A. C. Thursday night. L has
been training with Willi Mack.
An all-star show ha Dsn arranged by
Jimmy Dougherty for tba benent ot Eddlo
Lenny, the former boxer, at th Falrroount A.
C. February 10. Young Digging and Eddie
CTKeefe and Pat Bradley and Packer Hommey
will clash In two of the event.
It cost Joseph Abatl, of 1633, South Mth
street, UI.S7 today for arresting Vincent
Sanatora, of 1931 South Hole street, with
out a warrant, Abatl Is a private detec
tive In addition to being a tailor. Ho ar
resM Sanatora, tut Wy on a charge of
larceny as bailee. Sanatorl said Abatl
pulled a revolver and brought him. to the
8th and Jefferson streets station, Abatl
.admitted that be used a transcript of a
warrant to arrest Sanatori This -vas de
clared wortniess or Juauo au in uuar-
ter Sessions Court and Abatl was fined J
25 and costs.
Harvard Athletes Out
CAMBItlDOa Mass., Feb. 15,-Wltb, ttu
completion of tba mid-year examinations
at Harvard athletic Interests resume their
wonted activity today and candidates for
the freshman and varsity crews as well
as battery candidates for tb varsity
Aasebali nine we out with Cowstoers
Wray and Stxpan, I& rowing tb.r has
iMuls bout considerable Dr&etiee dual-
uptin Hie aweblnM Isdwrs. In advancst j
W? -V.J,- -, -,'". ., , ,,.i. ww
Evidently Ad 'Wolgast looks pretty
good to the Garden, New York city,
as a fighting magnet, for they've gone
beyond tho Cross-Wolgast fight and
arranged a Kid Wllilams-Wolfst
setto. Gosh all hemlockl That will bo
ome fracas. Williams and Wblgast
are almost Identical In their styles
and neither of then .mows tho word
stop or step back, "milams will be
bltlnsr off a chunk when he faces the
Cadillac terror, and If Wolgasfs arm
Ifl as strong as his latest Cleveland
fight Indicated he will give the tiny
Dane alt that he ha bargained for
and more.
Of course, there comes the little
hurdle In Ad'a life known as Cross.
Thoy meet at the Garden February 26.
International Moguls Will De
cide Course Today at New
York Meeting.
NEW TOniC Feb. 15. The future of
the International Lcaguo will probably be
decided at a meeting of the moguls to
bo held hero today. President Barrow Is
determined to save the league. He la
being backed by all the club owners.
They bellove that tho depression In the
national game Is only temporary and
that matters will adjust themselves to
normal conditions In another season.
The leaguo will not be cut down. Bar
rows has not given up his plan to have
the Jersey City team transferred to tho
Bronx. Ho may also invado New Eng
land territory, and has under considera
tion Worcester, Hartford and Springfield
as possible cities to which transfers may
be made.
CHICAGO, Feb. 15. Tho first swing of
the ax that must reduce within the time
limit tho Chicago National League Club's
roster to 21 players resulted In the un
conditional release of four players.
Tommy Leach, Ed Stack, Bill Sweeney
and Charley Smith. A dozen more must
be sent to the minors or used In trades,
and It was said that several will be let
out before the training season begins.
PITTSBURGH. Feb. 15. Barney Drey
fus, president of the Pittsburgh National
League Baseball Club, announced that
Joe Kelly, outfielder, had been released
to tho Indianapolis Club, of the Ameri
can Association; that Clarence E. Berger,
outfielder, had been released to the Rich
mond Club, of the International League,
and Thomas Qulglcy, n pitcher, had been
given his unconditional release.
The Phillies expect to cop the world's
WIHard expects to beat Johnson.
Johnson expects to beat Willard.
Some people expect themlllenlum.
And the answer?
Nay, do not wake, oh fan, complete,
Your fatalistic, sweet repose.
For ice were just'about to bleat,
"Nobody knows."
The Wherewithal
The Fed machine should move more
smoothly this year. They're going to
put some oil Into It.
Lippincott May Be Kept Off Track for
While Longer.
Trials were held this afternoon on the
covered track at Franklin Field to pick
the one mile relay team which will rep
resent tho University of Pennsylvania
against Cornell and Harvard at the Hart
ford Conn., games on Friday night. The
team will be composed of Meredith, Lock
wood, Kaufman and Captain Lippincott.
There Is a possibility that Lippincott will
not be, allowed to run for fear of Injury,
although he Is right now faster thnn
Dorsey, who will run If the. Quaker cap
tain does not. This will be an unusually
fast team, but it will meet strong op
position, especially from Harvard.
The Quakers will also take a freshman
team to race against the Yale first year
men. Two of the Quaker freshmen will
be Zutter and Hophels. The other two
will be as picked as the result of trials
yet to be held.
A. good sized team will go to Baltimore
on Saturday night for the Johns Hopkins
games. It wll contain Patterson, the
sprinter; Kauffman and Ferguson, hurd
lers: Dorlzas, In the shot put, and Sewell,
In the pole vau-lt. Tho two-mile relay
race with Cornell has been called off be
cause the Cornell learn has been unable
to get permission to leave) Ithaca. The
Quaker management has declined the re
quest of Holy Cross for a one-mile relay
raoe at Providence on Saturday night.
Oarsmen to Get on River
The University of Pennsylvania oars
men will go on the river toward the end
of this Tveek, declared Coach Vivian
Nlckalls this afternoon. The coach said
ha would have been doing his practice on
the water before this had the students'
hours made It possible for the men to
hegln work at 4 instead of 5 o'clock. Aa
soon as they start river work the Quak
ers will stick to It unless the river
freezes, the coach continued. This will
be at least three weeks earlier than the
men went on the water a year ago.
Old Bllly'Sulllvan Released
CHICAOO Feb. 16.-BI1I Sulllygn, for 14
year a, White Sox catcher, today announced
that President Comlskeir had unconditionally
released him. Tha old backstopner lumped to
the Vblte gox from Boston in 1&01, when th
'Nationals and Americans wer at war.
It seems hardly likely that the
United States Golf Association will
follow the example ot the Massachu
setts Golf Association and rate Fran
cis Ouimet at plus S on the national
handicap list Since) the decision of
the Ma-sachusatt Association wag an
nounced golfers bays been discussing
the unusual hooor conferred upon
tha national amateur champion by bis
friends and neighbors, and tha genera
opialw sbw to b that tti dlfUnc
tiw t bs4 were upon lost ptrlot
tmsa -hat. wi any tstber tndrd.
Hitinl CnnFemnnn n.i...a
. """M -UClW4k.fi
Managers of the Two Pigl
ers ana rromotors EuVjfl
and McGuijrnn to Take VW
at me joingnam Hotel, 1
Financial Question bb Well as Dsli
Weight Mado Itself Apparent?!
Saturday Night's Meeting oit
pla A. A. Bidg ?10,000 for W
JUltjr Bout and Interest RUei. ,1
Whether Johnny Kllbnno and KldrtfS
unms win ciasn in mis city ttfljf
definitely decided at a conference (eJu
nt -midnight between the fighters' nSJ
ngera, dimmy ijunn ana eammy Ifi
and Harry Edwards and Jack: MeOoS
tho promoters, who want to sUi-atwr
match. This announcement was ratSt
tho close; of a confab Saturday ftljhi'iii
tho Bingham Hotel. Wsk
When Jimmy Dunn Instruct! rS
moter McQalgftn to Inform the NtteSf
A. C. spectators Saturday nleht (hit ?-
bane would agree to Harris demands'st'
championship contest, the fight fans .
llevcd that the only necessity to bind ttf
maicn was to aeciae upon a date. e
However, during the conference &t tjf
Blnghnm In the presence of newinaaef
men, It became evident that the httehls'
tn" initch woo not only In weight, -W
n'- t financial question. The msetlsj
ad fiumcd, followlne Edwards' hUu
JW.teO for the bout at the request of JtV
uuisun una postponed until tOnlJhU.1
block at nmm
Winner Will Meet J. W. WeS
in Semifinal Round ml
Handicap Singles.
By defeating B. Block In the first rotSJji
of the club racquets handicap singles "3 ,
the Racquet Club today by 3 games to'j,
S, B. Eckert earned the right to nuePS j
W. Wear In the semifinal round. EcTMrt
had to concede his opponent three aetata I
each game, and he was further haniU.' i
capped by a slight attack of sciatica..
In the first game Block had his o;;e
nent on the run, although the first few !
hands produced only five aces, feurHs ;
BIock and one to Eckert. In his flftS ,
hand Block got going, and winning i (
after ace ho ran out the game with. ten
straight, four of which were from servlct,1
Eckert put up a better fight In the lecccd
game, but threw away his chsneesbf
serving himself out. The score was callei
seven all, and when Eckert had sccrtj ',
two service nces he put himself ouf'tfft
serving a fault. Block seized the oppsj
tunlty to make a run of five acea and this
followed his opponent's example by serv
ing himself out Eckert brought his tola!
up to eleven to Block's twelve. The lit'
ter added ono more ace before being 'pat
out, but Eckert gave his last chance sway'
by serving a fault and in bis next h
Block ran out the game. "
Eckers played up better In the th&i
game, although It took both man scat
time to get going. Block scored tot
aces' In his first hand and In the pft
following hands did nothing. In six hsn
Eckers scored three aces, but after flat
tho scoring livened up a bit, Eckert took
the lead at nine aces to six, and .wlti
the next ten aces evenly distribute!,
Eckert won the game, 15-11. .
The fourth game was the ohorttititl
the nve. Eckert took his total to sem
before Block had a look in, and ties
the latter failed to score. A service M
followed to Eckert and again he put I
opponent out without scoring. A ruaef
four by Eckert made the score 13 MJ
In his favor. On putting his opponent
out once more without scoring, B1r
out the game, 15-0. In the last garoMH
score was called nine nil, but tharj
as far as Block got, for Eckert see?
six aces In four hands and won, 4r
Gtirs'iYnii fV 't&B
8. B. Eckert 4 11 15 UUJ,
(fn-celved three aces) -J
n. niofif 15 IS 11 IF
Team A Beat Team B on DiaraW
hv 7-fi Count.
The resounding whack of the Msrt
ag-alnst the bat was heard on franklin IW
tni atternoon tor me nrai nine. ;-.rr-,ur
vantage of the warm weather and f SJ1
gymnasium to the outdoor nd PlWiJ
brisk nve-lnnlng game. Just a tneWfSj
men sol ready to take the field It
rain, but a. soon as It let up they tin"
and although the rain fell again tM M
stuck to It and played each other w J , sum.
siuck to u ana pmyeu wen ,... v-j - ,
stilt for five Innings, neither side hslnrj"
to score, ror me jresnmen jjg
Team By by the score of 7 to 8. ..SX
The tw ofresltmen teams nnea ov "jsm
I-andbersr, c.
naudentmscb, p.
Hawley, lb.
Lauren, 2b.
Nevlns, '
Leipstc, 3b
Allen. If.
Gregg, c.
nalney, p.
Smith, lb.
Cobb, 2b.
Hall. ss.
Trapp, 3b.
Wlltlmas, If.
Dohan, cf.
Johnson, cf.
Dickson, rf,
The two teams were picked at raaWwl
c.ri, rtr rirlu. and they d d eoBldt
uiuer, ru
free hitting, but both aides made
m WTh'e'-v.r.lty men to M'o,
had a lot of trouble to get the ; ball ewg
the Held. Almost the entire squad ol : w
veteran took part in the Pr""" wtS
distributed between the two "flJi7J
last yaara star freshman pitcher, tW?S
' T . .... -,hIV IODlU,r
is team, ana ivnnci. '"""if.VituJ'rt
r the other. The varalty tesro MUWJg
for the
TEAil A,
Johnson, c,
Wallace, p.
Wray, lb.
Kane. 3b.
Muyiklm, ss
Wheelre, 3b.
Henry, If,
Jones, cf.
llrown, rf.
Koons. c,
Wisner. P;
Monroe. 4b.
Dlse, 2b.
Moore, as.
Andrews, an.
Murdock, If.
Hinckson, cf,
Hopkins, rf-
Cooperatown Polo VIetori
RIVERSIDE, CL, l. sT"? ;
town. N. V . pole team, champion
l?a!delatet the sll-tr MWwIcJ "
Ii Angele. 0)i to S. br In mW
Olenwood Million Inn Cup.
' " " '
Aquinas Fire Challenge
. , r..,v,,.it niub huktball.t
..,"!"" .;? rin-JhS'stats. TU CHia
?- ., ;r-c. ::, zrr.t tl.i
reat record, bavin,
i .
In three years. , Addte atanaftr
.,. vdAr h.vtni m.c UIBafc W, ! .
in sarea 7f. .,
lOol prexel pulldjeg.
Jlandot-Dundee Bout D8.
New Orlen.JJ4 Joanny ""Ska sJ
York, f ousbt 20 round to a draw dm
Wea( Bide A. C.
piiiisjuilliil J I I SP"-
Seek Basketball Scalps
For a basketball .J,sW
Cfcsrea nve, address Alta4r ni
Buckcell unit
niuniA A A Bna4
u. a smr j, H? n.t,A-d
" mniawr, ax t-.m mM
urn wxi aukut . imv "if
mMi s