Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 15, 1915, Sports Final, Page 11, Image 11

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15, 1915.
? t
mt, Two Pvcmalions
EL alien, you remember, writes ft cor
Wgfiil who saw Shaw's play when it
5w brought to America In German
11" ir Campuell came, was n, ui
iPan who fell In love with a statue
Ci'm.de and by the power of lovo
t ffi ' A. far as' Shaw's play oe8
rK ,1 Pygmalion Is the Irving Place
ft tt.il . -,.,, oml Its netnrn.
125 St " love with the play and made
ttffl.1 The company now prcsontinir It
iWltaSdpM (excepting, of course
fJSi, Patrick Campuoii; Boern u. ...d
W i. with Its noting;, nnd as n.
til one sees In shop wmuowa.
iii li Incommensurable, so u era n.
I'V wmnarlson of the Ellias cre
HwX P"" Campbell and
PJ'luved "he 'part in this" country a
Pl ? more aco. But " production
teW Pi"" Theater and the pro-
iLuon here should be compared in de
.SlEcmm e comparison holds a long
St bitter lesBon for AmorlcanB.
:,a wuer ic .-.- The Germans
" ...i in. thov had no taxi, they
KS no plausible scenery. Alt they had
l no.r' t. , ihrnn tho r Dort CO
,, isewra. ,., fnelnir the atldl-
JS;' Indicated by gesture and speech
itncf, " .., n onj ncted so
fUt ". "l7. " . ,7 ,; Irtn't for a mln-
SuSuM : thi the thing was real. And
S'twift reality which al tho waters
15 (he New Broad Stroot rain could not
ijh away. The "sots" In tho other
;$ came nowhere near the excellence
Hho pretent ones. The wonder of the
Jtnop ,. t , KOt
!rSS5 so m-uch beuer with what it had.
l wot' D" . -. .Tirtv win ninveil
W Anftft iron. i m. "- - --
fprorVnor Hlgelns, there woro no great
K among the men of the German
firany, but their work makes tho Eng
ffi brand of acting scorn showy and In-
iffversl'on. was a straightforward low
!lST, dustman with a copy of something
,r"i" iitiM. In ilo nnnmL lie did
& act at the audience: In fact, you did
(SOI SCI '" "' il. ,t,l1 ho nil
not xnin TTiin nd Picker nc
tre the most casual, the most suave of
disinterested scientists, with a leaning
'toward romantic temper on tho part of
i'HlKlns. The Eynsford-Hlll family o
Intellectual nappcr who m. .. ......
Mellty to English llfo nny more than
Ml3 Arnstaedt's accent sounoca urn
h- T t... ,V.A, wr.-rn rinnn with fldol-
'ity to something a llttlo more universal,
k So the result in the end Is two plays.
ithe piayeo piy ' l"c vnmiitum -
acted play or tne jngusn. Auer hid iui
ter you feel that Shaw has written an-
other of nis mings, mm ji "
hl particular brand of politico-economic
cant. After tho Irvlnj Place Theatre
'you went out wondering that It took
iShaw so long to discover America tho
irrlcht'B America which Is tho com
panion stock of human experiences nnd
emotions, nut you am not wuuuer wai
! h fisrmnns who discovered
It A No. 2 Company of Cobb
HPy ..- .mi Via littvAra Onn ff tTlAlTl
ftrora Cook County, Illinois, has got the
ffe&teat little Hea in the theatrical graft
n-. il.. n monDMf avbp (itrnpH dnwn. Of
Itonne, you've heard of tho "second com
panies" that give Keokuk tho New York
'tni-MUMs with tho original Broadway
tcast Well, tho lawyer wants to try it on
t I- n, TTa nfnnnuaa tn thn TTinn.
"aters of that comprehensive lecturer that
iney aena mm out inroumi va rfuuo
'(West with a otenographlo copy o.tho
war-iecture una oiu niii us avih .-uuu.
I'Tho gentleman camo all the way from
Chicago to Cleveland to talk the matter
over with Jfr. Cobb, and until he tells
wcat of Ohio are going to be overcrowded
irith managers bidding for the "stock"
liihta to Irvln Cobb. All this ought to
oner a real solution or tne liiuuiuuiiuu-
aie jjepanment prouicni.
Malnlv Personal
I Taylor Holmes has a partner In his
,tnm" at the Adelphi Just llko any
Jaudevllllan. Sho is Edna Phillips and
her other name is the same as the afore
iaI4 gentleman's with a "Mrs." to Intro
duce It. Sho met her husband first In
(Philadelphia 10 years ago when ho was
Ibiaylng In the Keith Stock Company. As
lleidlag woman for a number of seasons
fahe played opposite her present husband
in jnany productions. Miss Phillips ro
"cclred her early training In E. H.
Eouiern's company and played tho original
Kitty In "The Moth nnd the Flame." Mr.
nd Mrs. Holmes have two children, a
boy and a girl.
? News Notes
pA. new play by Charles F. NIrdllnger,
ho made such an excellent adaptation
of Echegaray'a "El Gran Galleotto" for
William Faversham, has Just been pro-
faced up In Connecticut. It Is called
The nun of tho Cards," a melodrama of
Meraatlonal society.
"Inside the Lines." Earl Derr Blfnrers'
Rlftlodrnmn nf nrmnn enlaa tnvlni. with
uVe Ilock of Gibraltar, has been exhib
ited to New York with reasonably fiat-
Itwlni results. Certainly, Lewis S. Stone.
ijaora Philadelphia will thus miss seeing
Mr. North Wind
TjytE fine day in tho middle of tha
J winter Mr. North Wind blew over to
edge of the lake to see If ho could
tad anything interesting to do.
Pud as he loitered along the froxen
Mh he heard a soft little voice say,
BJW I'd rather play dress-up' than
HIV nlki. ..... (t IT. t . t n nlnll,.
p ",, SHU1C. tin Know J ( hiimmhj
'lgt some fairies must be hidden In the!
IVpr snow caves near the frozen edges
luib water, and he decided to stop and
J fislt with them.
t try often heard you talk about
If 'dress-up game." ho said by way
I binnlng, 'but I never had tlmo to
K?e ok fairy ituck htr head; out.
JWtt -what It wm. Please- tell me
4e it
Imiriwt Ree$ie4 oat s.n1 Itey w
rth Wind rifitf Uwu to Umt
"" - "TiiitrtiiT"t Iji
At tho Forrest tonight in "Fads
nnd Fnncies."
In "The Misleading Lady," comes In for
much nnd well-doscrvcd praise as tho
Mr. Belasco's press agent has dis
covered a new way of nrouslng Interest,
It Is to predict tho failure of "Mnrle
Odllc," because: "Tho Jews won't llko It,
on account of tho convent; tho Catholics
will resent certain features of It; Frank
Itelcher, n German, Is playing a French
gardener; Alphonsc Ethler, a Frenchman,
Is playing a Prussian soldier; the Ger
mans will object to the brutality of tho
Uhlans In tho piece. It seems, then, that
It would most appeal to Swedes."
Life Story of a Play
"Solomon Orundy," written on Monday,
Sold on Tuesday,
Cast on Wednesday,
nehearsod on Thursday,
Produced on Friday,
Itoasted on Saturday,
Hurled on Sunday.
That Is the end of "Solomon Grundj."
Frank Admission Quickly Lands Two
Youths in Cells.
The strange youths were carrying bun
dles of feminine clothing from the homo
of Adam Hoffmalcr, 2300 North 2d street,
Just as Adam was nbout to enter tho
house Inst night,
"What's tho Idea?" ho asked.
"Why wo'ro Just plnchln' them," said
one of tho boys.
"Yes, that's It," said the other. And
they frowned at Adam Impatiently.
Two loucj cracks disturbed the stillness
of tho night, and tho two thieves were
lying on tho sidewalk with the feminine
finery scattered nbout. Hoffmaler watch
ed them until a policeman brought tho
Tho prisoners said they entered tho
houso while tho Hoffmaler family wero
enjoying themselves In the parlor. They
gave their names as Adam McCrelght,
2353 East Dauphin street, and Amos
Strauss, 2107 East Arizona street. Each
was held In $400 ball by Magistrate
Qlenn at the Front and York streets sta
A torrent of Italian resounded through
the Belgrade and Clearfield streets sta
tion today when Mlko Albana, 27 years
old, Somerset street near 26th, was held
in J300 ball for carrying concenled deadly
weapons. Mlko demanded nn interpreter
and through him relayed to tho Magis
trate that ho had always toted a gun and
had never been arrested for It before. Tho
police charged tho prisoner with discharg
ing his revolver in the air near Gaul and
Somerset streets last night because Katy
Wharton, 2107 Fclton street, objected tu
his attentions on the ground that he was
a "wop."
Powerful Signal Lights Installed
Passengers who rode Into town today
beforo the light fog had lifted wero much
interested in tho new signal lights which
have Just been Installed by the Pennsyl
vania Railroad between Overbrook and
Bryn Mawr. Tho system includes lights
of such a powerful nature that they can
bo seen in the .brightest sunlight They
have never been used, before on any
road. Tho system Is to be extended from
Broad Btreet to Paolt, and will entirely
replace both the semaphored In the day
time and the old-style electric lights
hitherto used at night.
Talks to the Fairies
Wind," they exclaimed, "don't you know
how to play 'dress-up' 7 We thought every
body knew that! Why, it's the most fun
of any game in the world 1"
"I know that Is what I have heard
you say," replied Mr. North Wind, "but
I never saw you play It, And I never
heard ydu say how It was done. Bo
how should I know how to do It? I don't
even ltnow whether I would like to play
It!" He got almost provoked when he
thought about how he had been left out
of this pleasant game, and ha, blew around
In front of the fairies' cave ijulte fiercely.
"Be good fairies now," he said, when he
got his breath again, "and come out here
and show mo bow you play." '
No answer.
Then, Just as ha was nbout to call to
them again, he heard a soft little laugh
in tho cave, "What is your Joke?" he
asked, "can't you come out here?"
Again the little laugh. Then one fairy
tuck her head out and said, "How do
you expect us fairies to come out and
play with you when you blow around and
make It so cold we can hardly stand It
In our cave? If you want to play with
us, you must make yourself warm and
pleasant.' And she quickly pulled her
head Inside.
"Now what do you think of that?" ex
claimed Mr. North Wind as soon as ha
got over his amazement enough to speak.
"Who ever heard of a north wjnd being
warm and pleasant? It makes me laugh
to think of' such a thing!" He laughed
and ho howled till the fairies huddled
still farther Into their cava and shivered
a tilt among themselves. "J couldn't be
warm and pleasant If I tried," Mr. North
Wind assured them as soon as he got
his breath- "Can't you oome out and
play with me anyway?"
The fairled thought a minute and then
one of them said, "We can't really come
out and play with you, you're too cold,
but U you'll promise to be as warm and
pleiuant aa you can, we'll tU you our
game." And tMarrow you will bear
wb tl?y told bim.
Nourishing Loaf at Three
Cents, in Spite of High Price
of Flour, Within Reach of
Nourishing home-made bread for
S cents a loaf recipe brf Mrs.
William E, Lee, chairman Pure
hood Committee. Civie Club.
Two quarts of flour.
1 cake yeast.
1 tablespoonful salt.
S tcblcspoonfuls sugar.
Warm water enough to make a
stiff dough.
This quantity will make six
loaves, each the she of a baker's
S'ccnt loaf.
Why worry about tho rise in the price
of wheat? Why lie awake nights cudgel
ing your poor brnln about tho elusive
propensity of the r.taff of Ilfe7 Flour may
ndvnnco to M cents a 12-pound bag,
which formerly sold for 33 cents, and yot
bread can be had for 3 cents a lonf. Pro
viding, of course, that you make It your
self. According to Mrs. William E. Lee,
chnlrmnn of the Pure Food Committee
of tho Civic Club, who combines tho prac
tical cxporlenco of years of housekeep
ing with tho theoretical teachings of mod
ern domestic scientists, brood that Is
twice ns nourishing as the kind bought
from tho corner grocer may be made at
homo for almost half the prlco.
"Tho woman with a family," said she,
"could save Just half her bread bills If
she'd follow a good recipe and do her
own uaning. Moreover, her family would
bo Infinitely better nourished.
"One slice of good home-made bread
Is equal in nutriment to two of the best
baker's, nnd 12 loaves that you bako
yourself will equal In actual weight St
that you buy from tho grocer. I know
what I'm talking nbout, becauso I havo
tried I.."
When Miss Edith Bacr, Instructor In
cooking at tho Drexel Institute, was
nuked to give her opinion of tho possi
bility of mnklng bread for 3 cents at
home, sho replied that, oven with the In
creased cost of flour, tho careful house
keeper should bo able to do It, If she
bnked In batches of four to six loaves.
"There Is an art In baking woll, how
over," she said, "and I'd rather oat
bought bread that was well baked than
poor bread mado at home."
Tho successful bread baker, according
to this authority, never destroys the
effervescent qualities of the yeast by
using water that Is hot. It Is always luke
warm and must have been boiled to make
It absolutely sterile. Tho dough should
bo set to rlso In a place sufficiently warm
to mako it double Its bulk over night
In tho morning It is shaped Into loaves
and loft to' rlso ngnln. If baked In n
coal oven at least ono hour will bo re
quired; In a gas oven, from 45 to CO min
utes. Tho oven Bhould be hot at first,
and after 10 minutes the temperature
should be reduced.
Township Commissioners to Appro
priate $300,000 for Coming Year.
Township commissioners of Lower
Mcrion'townshlp nt their next meeting
will pass nn appropriation ordinance of
$200,000 to cover expenditures for the com
ing year. Nearly $73,000 will go fo high
ways, and of this sum $53,000 will bo ap
plied to maintenance of present highways
and tho balance for tho construction of
now roads.
Tho township will also apply $33,100 for
sinking fund-and Interest charges on
highway bonds. There is also an appro
priation of $20,000 for the Highway Com
mittee to cover contributions of citizens
toward roads under existing' agreements.
This makes the total expenditures for
highways amount to more than $130,000.
Tho sum of $32,500 will go to tho police
fund while $11,000 will be spent for light
ing. For flro hydrants $2000 will bo spent,
and tho Eire Department, which Includes
tho lire companies at Cynwyd, Narberth,
Ardmoro nnd Bryn Mawr, gets $4500 more.
The Health and Drainage Department
will receive $33,100.
Policeman Eugene Doody was Inter
rupted nt his breakfast this morning at
his horne, 1528 Cherry street, by tho sud
den opening of tho dining room window.
A Negro slUCK jus ncau in. iwi u irjgui
cned " 'scuse me, boss," tho window
slammed. Doody chased the man and cap
tured him. He said ho was Zeddlo Hen
derson, 728 Bancroft street, and was held
for further hearing.
Boys Held for Silver Theft
Two youthful prisoners will be arraigned
at tho House of Detention today on
charges of stealing $75 worth of sllver
waro from tho home of Bernard W.
Lackow, on East Chelten avenue, Ger
mantown. The lads are John Dqugherty,
11 years old, 22d nnd Huntingdon streets
and William Selbrecht. also 14, of 23d and
Huntingdon streets. According to Special
Policemen Williams and Kleck, tho boys
confessed to stealing the silverware two
days after flro had wrecked the butcher's
..1nna Ir. tlarmn ninwn . ThflV tolrl itlA DO.
lice they had hidden the loot, and tho of
ficers expect to recover It
Elders and Deacons Installed
The following elders and deacons have
been Installed at tho Hollond premortal
Presbyterian Church, Broad and Federal
streets: ElderB, James Cochran, George
M. Peake, W. S. Lamborn and James
Gerhardt: deacons, Clarence Walker,
Harry Hiker, Benjamin Badger and Dr.
Nurrell 'Armstrong. The services were
held nt tho church last night, with the
ltov. George Brewer officiating.
The Kids' Chronicle
SAY, mothlr, pop sed to ma last nlte,
yure awlwaya tawklng about the high
cost of living getting higher, welt Jest
think of a reguler ferst class 5 corse
dlnnlr for 15 sents.
Wy. Wlllyum, newlr, sed ma.
Jest think of it. a reguler, ferst class,
kumpleet, bona fidey 5 corse dlnnlr for
15 sents. Jest think of it, I say, sed pop.
Wat, 5 full corses, sed ma.
5, count them. 5. sed pop, ferst, eoop,
2nd, fish, 3rd, entry, 4th, roast, and 5th,
dlzzert. Jest think of it.
Ware, for mersey sakes, ware? sed ma.
Naware, but Jest think of It, sed pop, ha
ha ha, you serteny bit proplr awn that
wun, ha ha ha.
Is that elpposed to be a Joak, sed ma.
Serteny its a Joak, and a good wun, to,
sed pop, noware, but Jest think of It, haw
ha ha.
By the way, I dropped yure meersham
pipe and broak U today, sed ma.
Wat, wat, set! pop awl exslted.
Jest think of it, sed ma.
Do you meen to say you can axullly sit
thara with a strata fase and tell you
youvo gone and buetid my 7 dolllr meer
sham pipe for whose sake I have bin
poisoning myself with nlckoteen for 3
lawng yeers, sed pop.
Jest think of It, sed ma.
Dont make that Idlotlck statemlnt agen.
if you alue yure husblnds sanity, sed
pop, for thb luv of fragments how did It
O, dont get awl werked up about It, I
dldent brake yure old pipe, sed ma.
Than wat In the nalm of Tom Dick and
Harry did you. say you did for, sed pop.
I sed. Jest think of It, aftlrwerds, dldenfc
I, sed ma, It was a Joak.
A wat, 4 pop, and ma sed, A Joak,
If you can make, a Joak by telling a ila
and then saying Jut think of it, wy
cant X.
Uoyd site, sed pep.
II c Us, sad ma.
President Wilson hns consented to take
part In nn Edison film which Is being
made In Washington under the direction
of Eugene Nowlnml. throush whosn In
fluence the Chief Executive was Induced
to appear ns a film player.
Tht story will be a heart Interest story
around the civil service. The hero, Pat
O'Mnlley, comes to Wnshlngton to
enter tho Government employ through
tho civil service. In his wanderings he
meets with the young lady of his choice,
Gladys Hutette, already In the Govern
ment employ. The scene of their court
ship carries thoni on to the White House
grounds, where President Wilsons enters
in tho singe nnd has a conversation with
(lie pair, shaking hnnds with them.
The ofDclnls of the civil service were
so delighted with tho nccurntencis of
the scenes describing the workings of
that system that they Joined In with en
thusiasm nnd used tho "Influence" that
nllowed Director Nowlnml to snap some
of the big public men. These same offi
cials got to work on Secretary Tumulty,
nnd In that way arranged for the Presi
dent's nppeornncc
An "H" of a Scenario
Enrl Metcnlfq, the Lubln tending mnn,
Is a comedian. Recently he walked Into
tho scenario department at tho Luhln
plant and In mock seriousness asked the
editor If he accepted scenarios from ac
tors. The editor assured him ho would
If the scripts wero good. Thereupon Met
calfe produced n rolled manscrlpt neatly
tied with bnby pink ribbon and placed
it on the editor's desk.
"This," exclaimed Metcalfe, "Is a. mas
torploco nnd tho only scenario like It tn
existence I wroto It from tho letter H."
Hero Is the scenario:
Hntrie Hayncs had huge heritage, hun
dred hundreds. Handsome Harry heard.
He hypnotized. Hallucinations haunted
him. How ho hated his ballroom, his
ham, his liaali.
"Hurrah," ho hollers, heaving his hat
heavenward, "handsomeness has hardly
holped heretofore; however, Harry has
hopes." Hattlo's hundreds his haven.
Ho hostlly hales hansom.
"Hence, Hattlc's home," ho haughtily
hollers. Horso hardly hurrlos. Has
heavy hoofs. High hills hinder his haste.
Harry harangues hackman. He hotto
horse. Hurling heavy hand ho hits
Harry hard. Ho hisses hackman. Han
som hurries homoward. Harry has
hunch. Holding his head ho hopefully
hobbles. Hownrd's Hotel his haven.
"Harkl" he hollers, "half-and-half."
Having had his, he hurries hence.
Handsomo Harry hunts Hattlo's house.
Hopes her home. Hangs hat hall hat
rack. Hattle hears him. Hops happily,
hiding her heaving heart Hugs Harry
hard, hollering, "Handsomo husband."
Harry halts her.
"Help! Help!" ho harshly hisses. Hat
tto hideous, has halrltp, hugo head,
heaven help her! Hattle heavy hearted,
Harry hastily hunts his hat.
"Humbugged1" ho hissed, hiking home
ward. Hundreds he had hoped harnessing
had heavy handicap.
A Painful Job
When the massive glass studio nt the
Bosworth plant in Los Angeles was re
cently finished and nil was ready for
ADELPHI -The Third Tarty." with Taylor
Holmes and Walter Jones. A boisterous farce
of the familiar triangular variety with a pat
ent chaperon. Violent but amusing.... 3:15
BnOAD "Pygmalion," with Mrs. Pat Camp
bell, the distinguished English actress. II or
nard Shaw turns a Cockney flower girl Into
the phonetic equivalent of a duchess. A fine
Impersonation In n fine comedy 8:18
KOItnEST 'Tads and Fancies," with Dorothy
Jardon, Lydla Lopokova and Frank Moulan.
An elnborato production on the order of tho
prevalent New York "revues." Opening to
night 8:15
OAHRICK "Innocent." with Taullne Freder
ick and a good cast The disastrous results
of beauty. Ignorance and a lady, ltathcr
unexciting considering Its subject 8:30
LITTLE "The Admirable Bashvllle" and
"The Dark Lady of the Sonnets," with the
resident company. Two comedies by Shaw.
One a blank verse dramatization of bis novel
on pugilism; tho other an amusing encounter
between Queen Elizabeth and Shaw's only
dramatic rival. Good run for the Intelli
gent 8:30
LYIUC "Dancing Around," with Al Jolnon.
A Winter Garden show with a huzzar hero
who Is looking for n beauty spot and finds
a whole ballroomful. Opening tonight.. 8:13
WALNUT "It's a Long Way to Tlpperary."
A war drama along popular lines with the
popular song well to the fore. Neutral, of
course. Oponlng tonight 8:15
KEITH'S-Carollna White, the distinguished
singer; Trtxle Ftlganza, the popular comedi
enne: Harry Deresford and company. Mr.
and Mrs. J. McUreevy, Lucy Gillette, Adler
and Arllne, Blank Family, Martin Van ller
een. the Behrens and 1'atho News Weekly.
GLOBE Flo Bert, tn "The Dream Pirates" i
Frank Milton and the De Long Sisters, In
The Terminal": Annie Kent, Burns and
Klisen. singers; tho Arco Brothers, balancers,
Dorothy King and Sara Kendlg. Pierce and
Jlaliee and I'lclert and SchoHeld.
NIXON Wilson Taylor, In his playlet, "The
Chief of Police"; Camilla Person), In a Japa
nese operetta, "Dutterriy Love"; the Nine
White Hussars, Instrumentalists; the Circle
Comedy Four, Alexander I'orter, In "Patter
and Chatter , me ureal necier, uicycusi.
NIXON'S OltAND Werner-Amoroe and com
pany, In a juggling novelty; Itoblns, "the
one-man band"; the Six Little Honey Bees,
Ktrk and Fogarty, ocjl11ms; the Cabaret
Dogs, trained animals; Jennings and Evers,
blackface comedians, and comedy motion pic
tures. WILLIAM FENN-Harry npp. in 'The Buyer
from Pittsburgh." by James Moran; Tim
McMahon and Edith Chappelle, In "How
Hubby Missed the Train"; Vlan Ford and
Harry Howltt, singers and dancers; Ed Core
lit and Charles Gillette, "the old pair"; Will
Morrlssey and Dolly Racket and Eugenie
CROSS KEYS (first half of week) May Ward,
"the Dresden del; comedienne," la "The
Cash Girl"! Lasky'a Three Types, In a pos
ing turn; the Parisian Trio, comedy and mu
sic; Walsh and Walsh. In "At the Shores
of Klllarney"; Paull and Itoyne. modern
dancers, and the "Stage-struck Kids."
lo the demand for seats for "The Christian,'1
it was decided at tho last moment to retain
this attraction at the Chestnut Street Opera
House for one more week. The motion pic
ture of Annette Kellermann in "Neptune's
Daughter" will b presented at tha opera
house next week, and "The Eternal City"
engagement will likewise be postponed a
VICTORIA Tha suffrage photoplay, "Your
Olrl and Mine," evolved unJer the sanction
and direction et the National American
Women's Suffrage Association, will be pre
sented here this week. To poso as the heroine
of the play, Olive Wyndham temporarily for
sook the legitimate stage ana Katnerlne
Kaelred, the leading woman in "Joseph and
His Brethren," volunteered tor the part of
the woman lawyer battling for the right.
Sydney Booth posed as tho hero of the ex-
frrlment, and John Charles and Katherlne
lenrv played, the villain and tha honest
working girl. About 300 others were engaged
to take part, and Anna Howard Shaw, the
famous uffrage leader, appears personally
In the nlras,
PALACE THEATRB-As a special pbotoolay
feature durlnK lb first three data anduLtlUs
of the currint week at the. Palace Theatre
Jesse L. Lasky will nresent Marguerite Clark
la the film , dramatlMtloh of Harold Mo
llralh's novel and play. "The Goose Girl."
The vaudeville offerings during the llrst halt
or tne wees m inciuae uni wnli. UK
Herbert and Dennis Homer, the Tyrolean
Troubadours. Ernest Duptllte and Bob Tin and
company "After rive." tho DeMllle com
edy, with Edward Abetea la the star role, will
be the photoplay attraction for the concluding
half of the week The plav will bo supple
mented with a vaudeville bill, which will in
clude Al Ward and Michael Faye. Jeanette
SV ft. &'." Ttl9' Cono" ,nd w"
STANLEY "The Warren of VlroU." with
Leading hujh-claas. moderate-rate hotel
Al B EM A RLE v'rJ Ave., near Ben.
ALDCmrtHt,C0 Steam. heat.. le
vatu, sua parlors, prl. tithe. tc. ; sul.
SsaolfJ fin
un wtiy.ru w W-
!(BM-aaAvesaiS)(ks s II I" i ssnei
let J.P.CJHrS.
Hotel York !& J$S.tjLaa M14 raaalm
ti-w,r -,vl,i f SMk Av, ft Baa,
f jmB
Nicco by marrlngo of President
Wilson nnd ono of the William
Fox film stars.
work as soon ns the glass was cleaned,
word wns sent to a cleaning company to
send men at once. A few hours later
Manager Eyton saw a lonely looking llttlo
Italian with a small tin pall In ono hand
and a llttlo rag In tho other wandering
about tho grounds.
"What do you want?" ho asked. Tho
llttlo man looked at him pathetically.
"Mo washa da wind," ho said. With a
comprehensive gesture whloh took in all
tho thousands of panes of glass In sight,
Mr. Eyton said: "Hero Is da wind!" Thero
was a silence, for ono moment.
"Mo see da boss!" Pletro gasped, and
beat a hasty retreat through the gato.
Ono Year Old
Tho World Film Corporation will cole
brato Its first anniversary tomorrow. In
tho brief period of 12 months It has dono
enough to place It among the best known
of tho major feature film producing and
distributing organizations.
Among Its big releases are: "The Dol
lar Mark", "Tho Mnn of tho Hour",
"Mother", 'Tho Pit", "As Yo Sow", "Tho
Seats of the Mighty", "Wildfire", "Tho
Deep Purple", "Alias Jimmy Valentine",
"Money", "Your Girl and Mine" and "The
Adventuros of a Boy Scout."
Answers to Correspondents
B. A scenario is written In abbreviated
scenes. Wrlto to tho Scenario Depart
ment of the Lubln Manufacturing Com
pany for a printed sample scenario, en
closing stamped and addressed envelope.
II. McN. Tho addross of tho Famous
Players Company is 213 West 2Cth street,
New York city, where Marguerlto Clark
may bo reached.
Blanche Sweet as star. Is the thtrfl ohoto
drama In the series of Dlcturtzatlons founded
on former Uclasco Broadway dramatic hits
to bo offered by Jpsso I I,asky In associa
tion with David Ilelnsco himself. In addition
to II lm Svrt, who plays the role of Aeatha
narron. daughter of a Conroderato general,
the cast Includes Houfo Peters. Dick La
lteno Sydney Deane. itoymond Hatton. Mil
ton Brown. Dick LaStramte. I.uclen Little
ford. Gerald Ward, Mildred Harris and Mrs.
l.culs McCord On Thursday, Friday and
Haturday Marshall Ncllan appears in the
title role of n plcturlzatlorl of IMjrar Sclwyn'a
Broadway hit, "The Countri Hoy." Tho two
leading roles in "The Country Boy" nro
phi) cd by Florence Dagmur and Dorothy
Urcen. Others In tho cast ore such woll
known players as livola O'Connor. Mrs
Lewis McCord, Horace H Carpenter. Edwaid
Lewis. Ernest Joy, Tex Drlscoll and Earnest
LOCUhT Monday. "The Wronc Girl." the
eighth episode of "The Exploits of Elaine."
and 'Tho lllcksvllls Tragedy," Tuesday.
Wilton Lackaye as Bob Shemrcl In a screen
version of Israel Zangwlll a play, "The
Children of tho Ghetto " Wednesday, Will
iam I'arnuni In "Samson." Thursday, Laura
Sawirr and Frederick De ltelteWlle In "A
Daughter of tho People." Friday, the Vlta-
f;rapn All-Utar Company presents an orlg
nal farce-cumedy, entitled "C. O. D,," an
ailaptatloii .loin the via of the same name
by Frederick Chapln. Saturday. "For An
other's Crime" and "Her Martyrdom." a
fable of tho people who rallied to tho support
of the Church,
52D BTREET THEATRE-Davld Hlgglns In
"His Last Dollar" will bo seen on Monday
and Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday,
Marguerlto Clark In drama "Wlldflower."
Friday and Saturday, Charles Itlchman In
"The Man from Home." At each day's per
formance optical and other reels will round
out tho bill
BELMONT THEATRE Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday. Dustln Farnum In "Cameo
Klrby." For tho remainder of the week tha
exciting dramatic farce, "Tho Million," with
Kdward Ateles in tho title role, will be the
attraction. Each day's bill will be rounded
out with topical and other subjects.
GERMANTOWN Monday and Tuesday, "The
Girl from the Golden West." Wednesday,
Thomas Jefferson In "Rip Van Winkle.'1
Thursday and Friday, George lieban In "The
Italian '' Saturday, William Farnum In
TULPEHOCKEN Monday, Francis X Bush,
man In "Ambushed." Tuesday, comedy day,
"Fatty and Mlnnlo Hee Haw." Wednesday,
' Charles Rlchman and Catherine Countess In
"Tho Idler." Thursday, "The Black En
elope." Friday, "End of tho Bridge." Sat
urday, "Master Key" and "Caught in a
STAR Monday and Tuesday, Mrs. Leslie Car
ter in "Du Barry." Wednesday, "Exploits cf
Elaine," No. 3. Thursday, "The Path For
bidden " Friday, "The Man Who Couldn't
Lose " Saturday, "Under the Gaslight."
JEFFERSON Monday. "Should a Woman
Dlorcs?" Tuesday, "As a Man Sows." Wed.
nesday, "Tho Robbers." Thursday, Lew
Fields In "Old Dutch." Friday "Tho Home
Breakers." Saturday, double bill and "Zu.
TIOGA Monday and Tuesday, Edmund Breese
tn "The Walla of Jericho." Wednesday,
Tancls X. Bushman In "The Battle of
Love." Thursday, "Runaway June" and
"The WlnUOsome Widow." Friday and Sat
urday, Dorothy Donnelly and Richard
lluehler In "The Thief."
IRIS Monday. 'Master Key" No. 11. Tubs
day, "The Black Envelope." Wednesday,
Btatrlz Mlchelena, In "Mlgnon," Thursday,
"A Strange Adenture." Friday, "Runaway
Juno" No. i. Saturday, Carlotta De Felice,
In "Money."
GARDEN Monday, "Battle of Sexes." Tues
day, "Shadows of the Fast." Wednesday,
"30 Yean of a Gambler's Life." Thursday,
Keystone Day, Charles Chaplin, In "His
To sting Place." Friday. "The Toreador's
uaia." aauruar, i,ettni iieueiena, in "Mrs,
wiggs or tne vaooaKe -aicn.
I.EADUR Monday. "Hags of Money." Tues-
Wlggs of the cabbage I'atcji."
EADER-Monday. "Bags of Money." Tues
day "A Fool There Was." Wednesday and
Thursday, Lillian Russell In "Wttdllre."
Friday. "Exploits of Elaine."
rtFvii.-viwMondav. Wilton Lackare In "rh
Children of the Ghetto." Tuesday, Lew
Fields In "Old Dutch." , Wednesday and
Thursday. Florence Reed In "The Dancing
Girl." Friday and Saturday, "The Children
of tho Ghetto."
BELV1DERB Monday. "Zudora." Tuesday.
"The Fulfilment." Wednesday, "Sage lirush
Gal." Thursday, "Redemption of Dai Id Cor.
son." Friday, ''Oath of a Viking" Satur
day. "l.ena." an Edison feature.
4 Feature Film Exchango has been organized
in Philadelphia by William J. Gane, who is
widely knonn in the vaudovllle and motlng.
picture world as on of the pioneer exhibi
tors. It Is a combination of several of the
largest exhibitors in and about Philadelphia,
which will enable the Big 4 to offer attrac
tive Inducements to the manufacturers ol
films The officers of the new company are:
F. G. Nlxoa-Nlrdllnger. president; M. W.
Taylor, who represents the Zimmerman Inter,
rets. VU president . James H. Simpson,
manager of th Manhattan Theatre, New
York, trrasurer, and T M Dougherty, gen
eral manager o the Nlxpn-Nlrdllnger Inter
ests, secretary. The Big 4 Feature Vilnj Bg.
change. Inc., has opened office at 1S3T VIn
street, Philadelphia, and will open branches
la New York, Baltlmor and Pittsburgh.
Player Attachment
25 Holls cf Music
$10 Cash $5 Monthly
&LLMM a!S&
Place Noose Around Neck of
Chum Accused of Stealing
Sawhorse, Then Apologize.
Two boya In Delaware county today
wrote letters to a chum whom they at
tempted to oxfculo yesterday by hang
ing. Crnlg Summers, Jr., 8 years old,
nnd Harry Welnsteln, t year old, have
lhcd In Clifton Heights over since they
were born. When not In school thoy al
ways played with Thcodoro Scott, 8 years
The three youngstors met yesterday In
a. bam. Summers and Welnsteln amused
themselvos by riding sawhorses. Scott
was examining branches of a tree In
the rear of the barn, Whits Summers
and Welnsteln wero drinking fresh water
from a nearby spring their sawhorses
Scott wns accused. Ho pleaded not
guilty. Welnsteln and Summers made up
their minds that Scott was guilty and
sentenced him to bo lynched.
A rope wns tied around Boott'o neok.
Ho pleaded for a ohance to maVs a. de
fense, Ills request was denied. One
end of the ropo was fastened 'around a
nail, Tho young "executioners" wT6
about to placo Scott on a ohalr from
which his feet wero to havo been shoved
away when tho parents of tho doomed
boy enterod tho barn,
Scott Is home today nursing a sjor neok.
The theft of tho sowhorsea Is irtlll a
mvstery. All the Delaware County "arum
shoe" men aro trying to locato them.
Tho following letter was penned today
by Welnsteln nnd Summers to Ooottt
"Dear Pal Please forgtvo 'or try
ing to hang you, Wo thought you otol.
our sawhorses. Wo road a. story that
In tho West thoy always hanged a person
when he steals n cow or a horse. Wo
thought you stole our sawhorses, bo wo
decided to hang you. Wo ivro very glad
that wo didn't hang you. Hoping to be
forgiven, your loving friends,
Itoglstratlon of all licensed usera of
opiates was started today by Internal
Rovenuo Colleotor Lcdercr and his depu
ties tn accordance with tho Harrison
opium act. Tho collector estimates thero
are 10,000 physicians, druggists, dentists
and others In Philadelphia who uso opi
ates In tho practice of tholr professions.
The Harrison act provides that each of
theso must pay a SI tax and be regis
tered with tho Internal Revenue Collector
by March 1. The Collector also has sent
out notices that tho Income tax returns
are duo March L
U. S. Civil Test March 2
The United States Civil Sorvlco Com
mission announced an open competitive
examination to tako placo In Washington,
D. C, March 2d for marketing specialists
to fill vacancies In tho Office of Markets,
Department of Agriculture. The duties,
open to men only, will bo to Investigate
tho methods of markotlng and distribu
tion of grain and to devise the marketing
of milk. The position pays a salary of
2G00 to $3000, and that of assistant, a
salary of $1800 to $2400 a year.
Catholic Students' Social Work
Roman Catholic students of the Uni
versity are planning a social servlco or
ganization that will supplement the Uni
versity Christian Association and carry
on social and educational work among
tho Catholics at tho university. Back of
this movement aro prominent under
graduates and volunteers from tho 700
Roman Catholic studonts at tho Univer
sity of Pennsylvania, who will devote
two or three hours a week to tho work.
Boston Symphony Orchestra, Academy of
Music; 8:ir o'clock.
Banquet, 00th and Market Streets Business
Men, Normandle; T o'clock.
Fhllopatrlan ball. Uellevue-fitratford; 10
o'clock .,., -
Lecture, "Mysteries of L4fe," Dr. James J.
Walsh, Catholic atria' High School; 8 o'clock.
Flay and dance. Cercle Francals, Bellevue
Stratforrt; 8 o'clock.
Mall. Fraternal Order of Eagles. Broad and
Spring Garden streets; 0 o'clock.
TLinnuM. KenslnKton Board of Trade. Males-
tic Hotel. 7 o'clock. Free.
Northwest Business Men's Association, S336
Columbia avenue: 8 o'clock. Free.
Eagles' ball. Eagles' Temple, Broad and
Spring Oarden streets.
Walnut Btreet Business Association, Bells-vue-Stratford.
West Philadelphia Business and Improvement
League, B200 Market street. Free.
West Susquehanna Avenue Business Men.
HOT West Busquehanna avenue. Free.
"Pirates of Penrances." et. Mark's Parish
House, Frankford, 8 o'clock.
Lecture. 'The Triple Alliance and Triple
Entente,'' W. S. Myers. Association Hall, Qer
mantown; 8 o'clock.
Mask ball. Philadelphia Turngemelnd, Broad
and Columbia; 0 o'clock.
LEADER ii'ncg.tc'r"
Lancaster Ave.
33d St. and
Market Street
Frolic Theatre
A2d St. and
Wraluslng Ave.
631 St. and
IlBTerford Ave.
Matinee at SlSO
Erenlnics at 0t43 and 0 o'clock
rhlla.'s Finest Photoplay Theatre. Cap.
Germantown Ave. and School Tine
Hear the Famous Hope-Jones Pipe Orjrsa
Ktntlnttot and
Allegheny Aym.
I8TII Hflow
Dauphin St.
OeriUMnttmn A?e,
bcl. Grmrr'i Lane
NATIONAL SSfrSS? No. 5 Case of Perpetual Glare
New Jersey
1150 Point
Drcege Ave.
1th and
Dickinson 3ts.
lmh Kt. nnd
Snjder Are.
Jt0 Geirosjjtown
etth St. and
Woodland Are.
n.l St. and
Woodland Are.
old St. and
flret nry Ave.
tl 4t.
Equal Franchise Society to En
ter Field aB Purveyof of
Good Foods.
"The proof of the pnddlng is In the eat
ing," goes an old faying, and suffragist
who nro members of the Equal Franchise
Society, 36 South 9th street Inland to
prove that theirs will be as good as nhy
on tho market. They will undertake
shortly to supply households In Philadel
phia with alt the latest suffrage food, In
cluding sweets, such as candles and pits,
flavored with "votes for women" extracts,
and other delicacies for tho dinner tables,
Alt of this Is to be done and dinners
cooked on tho new gas range that has been
contributed to the society by Mrs. K. 0.
A series of demonstrations In the tattst
nnd most scientific) modes of cooking is..
arranged. Mm. M. C Morgan, recording
secretary of the Pennsylvania Woma
Suffrage Association, will show the mem)
bers how she makes the delicious fudgj
that has been such a rwIJor at tho hn
Quartern In the past suid profltiaUTfJ
much money to aid In the campaign!
of the society. Mlao Caroline ITAti
ntnln. fiMU-eturT of tha Skrual 2ral
Doclety, profesBccj to be-no expert in fan'
cooking, but she nays that she can thi
soma of the members s few thing win
it cornea' to the elmplo bonne and Mil!
She Will demonstrate along theoe line.
With a Btova at tho headquartora, it
comes necessary now to havo sb lee
lb which to ltoep tho various articles,
a utensil closet. A canvass of the m
bera wilt bo mado to ralso funds
whloh to buy these and also pot
pans, oto.
The things cooked aro striotlr for ej
Ing. No ono will be allowed to coolc
the Btovo unices they promise to nellj
they can, all that they-make. Tha fuj
raised will be used to aid in the wort!
tho suffrage cause.
The history of woman suffrage wan
viewed today by prominent local m
f racists at a birthday party held at 1
homo of Mrs. OUvo Hand, of Aldan. Ti
celebration was arranged to commemora
the birth of Miss Susan B. Anthony, wl
had tho first suffrage hill Introduced 1
Congress nearly fifty years ago, and D
Anna Howard Shaw. '
Preceding tho birthday celebration ther
was a meeting of tho "Woman Suffrage
Party Association. Miss Anna Heygato
Hall delivered an address on tne worn oi
: of:
.'(. !
Miss Anthony, and Miss Caroline Katzen
ateln. secretary of the Equal Franchise
society, spoko on ijio wont uoing uono jn ,
Pennsylvania, k '
Tho affair was arranged by Mrsj t. D. A
Harris, leader of tho 2d District of Dela- ,
ware County.
Many Out-of-Tovm Persons to Be Or
ganization's Guests Tonight.
Philadelphia members and many out-of-town
guests will dance tonight at the an
nual ball of Aerie No. 42, Fraternal
Ordor of Eagles, at the Eagles Temple,
Broad and' Spring Garden streets. P. J.
Hannlgan is chairman of the ball, 'with
Dr. Randolph Farlcs as treasurer and
Michael J. Leigh secretary.
The Eagles will havo three, "grand con
ductors" for the ball. Chief of them is
Thomas W. Gillespie. His assistants aro
William IC. Myers and D. A. SulUVAn..
Chairmen of committees nro Harry Wag
ner, Thomas W. GUIcspio, Charles Kohlcr,
William H. LcGlerse, Charles Harmstead,
Louis Coltenhouse, Charles Molcton,
James F. E. Huston and Phillip Haas.
Porker for Dance Prize
A pig weighing 200 pounds will bo sjveji
to the person holding tho lucky number
at the dance and entertainment held to
night In Colonial Hall, Germantown and
Maplewood avenues. In aid of the building
fund of the Church of the Holy Rbsnry.
Tho porker was presented to the com
mittee by James Nolen, of Church lane.
Special Morning Bates, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M.
The C Ellwood Carpenter
Schools of llodern Dancing
Philadelphia, New York and Suburbs
Classes Everywhere
Main Studio 1123 Chestnut Street
Filbert 4207 Telephones Race 8S3S A.
By Our System
Failure Is Impossible
Twelve competent and experienced instruc
tors, under the personal supervision of Mr.
Carpenter, give private and class lessons day ,
and evening in the vers' newest steps of tht
beautiful modern dances.
The Latest Fox Trot t
The Canter Waltz The La. Butts
The Hesitation The One-Step t
Franci. X. Bushman in Ambuzhti
Children of the Ghetto wii"n!S&.y.
Afternoons. 1 and 3 lOo and 15o
Erenlncs, 7 and 0 10c, ISr. S5o
Perfect Woman." In "Neptune's Daushtct"
Dorothy Donnelly in THE THIEF
WM. FOX Presents
Booked Through the Stanley lioulilnr Co.
ZUDORA And Other Subjects
No. 6 Case of McWinter Family
No. 7 Mystery of Lost Ship
No, 10-GJ