Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 15, 1915, Sports Final, Page 10, Image 10

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iir, . r j I
fnr. ivirePw
Hon? 5fie s Imposed
ThA business girl has a difficult propo
sltiori to faca In the share which she
shall or shall not take In the duties of
the homo circle.
'Wlille It In true that many working
girts are today keeping every cent thoy
earn, and ore living on t'no Indulgence
of parent and relatives, It Is still more
truft that the average working girl Is
contributing largely to the upkeep of
homo and parents.
This Is all very right and. proper where
the proportion of the girl's salary Is so
adjusted that she doesn't glvo too much
to the home and too llttlo to herself.
But unfortunately, too many working
girls are today robbing themselves of
the money that Is justly their own In
order to support selflsli parents or Im
provident sisters and brothers.
One duty to one's parents Is a dim
cult ethical problem, and the pity of It
Is that It should ever become a problem
at alt, Instead of a delightful and pleas
ing duty to perform. But the selfishness
of some modern parents Is making things
very hard for the daughter who Is bravo
enough and has grit enough to go out
Into the world, to work.
X receive many lotters from girls who
are confronted with t'nls very problem,
and who are rendered really unhappy by
the Importunate claims of the homo
Ono business woman who holds an ex
cellent position with a well-known Arm
declares that Bhe never has a cent to
spend On herself. "I havo three younger
sisters, all of whom live at home," she
declares, "and mother says she Is deter
mined that they shall never work. That
would bo all very well If only wo had
a, good income and could afford that
they stay Idlo .at home. But then you
see we haven't! So It takes the whole
of my salary to keep things going.
Mother says that I shouldn't grudge It,
and If It were only a case of mother, I
shouldn't mind at all In fact, I would
be only too thankful to be able to help
her. But when It comes to the buying
of dance frocks and all sorts of pretty
clothes for the irlrls when I'm longing
myself for them, it Is really very hard!
They are Just as strong and well able
to work as I am."
My sympathies are entirely with this
business woman. It Is, Indeed, very hard
that she should have to suffer for the
eelflBhness of her sisters and tha Ill
judged view of her mother, for that Is
just what It amounts to.
Every business woman has a duty to
herself that Is just as Important as her
duty to parents or relatives. While she
should certainly pay a certain sum per
week toward the upkeep of tho home,
this sum should not exceed what Bhe
would be required to pay In any good
boarding house or private hotel.
In cases where no money Is coming into
the home, andjtho parents or family are
really Incapable of earning money, then
it Is the duty of the wage-earning daugh
ter to' devote all the money she can pos
sibly give from her salary toward their
upkeep. But she should be held In great
esteem for so doing. For It Is hard for
a. young woman to have such a burden
placed upon her shoulders. It robs her
HE WAS roused five roonutes later
from his unpleasant reveries by a
curious sound which he could not at
first define. Then he knew that some
one was slowly raising the sash of one
of the windows. He sprang to his feet
and then stood motionless. There were
four wtndowa In the room and three of
them were In the shadow. His eyes were
fixed on the one that was visible In the
firelight. There was no movement of
the blind, but he could hear a blind rus
tling somewhere In the room,
Ills first Impulse 'was to switch on the
electric lights and ring the bell. Then
he rernemhered the attempt that hod been
made jon Iord Wlmberley'a life. It was
possible that some one was going to
enter to hide himself until Lord Wlm
i berley returned. It was ever possible
the man thought that Lord Wlmberley
himself was In the room. To switch
on the lights and give the' alarm would
probably give the man a chance to escape.
He would watt and see what happened
wait, at any rate, until the man was
in the room, and It might be possible to
out off his retreat.
He reseated himself In his chair and his
heart heat very quickly. His eyes were
fixed on the poker, an unusually heavy
one. Ho leaned forward and moved It so
that ha could pick It up more easily,
Then he rested bis elbows on his knees
and stared at the fire.
There was another rustle of the blind
nnd then silence.
Tho alienee lasted for perhaps three
minutes. Then there was the sound of
stealthy footsteps across the soft, thick
carpt of the library, John Erlelgh did
not more. Ho wished the man to walk
coiopTtely into tho trap to come so far
ay from the open window that there
would be no possibility of escape. The
feet that he himself was In danger did
not influence him at all. Moro than once
is hitt Career ha had proved himself to
fee m moral coward. Even now he was
jyelcaUr afraid. But he did not allow
WW(4f to be Influenced by his fears. He
t&sre, waiting possibly for death,
Tii a iwlse of footsteps ceased, and then
Jlm Krlelgh could hear the suspense no
iKitur. He caught up the poker and
sprang to hi feet. There was nothing to
b 3 in the firelight-nothing moved In
th h4ows and there was complete
T-hu U nothing perhaps so unnerving
t AHR the near presence of an
wifi ne can neither mo nor hear.
M ir ew moments John Erlelgh
c4 tbf a trembling so Violently that the
? pefcer quivered in hla band,
"I SMMt, ant between the man and tha
," thmwbt, "between the man and
to." Wn sooner had this idea
0k mit his mind than he carried
m, if mm aerow the room to the
4MWW uk swucne down with uu
1MkH4 the room w)tb light Hoi
i nuut Maname baimm tea chair
RW ess Ji pn suung a grey-
4isMlMt own ia. ragged. WttU. with a
Westeat m M r,aA
ir iT" . .. ' . , - ... '
H'eii JKfcitl k yitfi SMr
m-t ht w" MatflHt uut walk-
aou & ai
M V-fflV i--
on by Her Home Circle
1 of much of the natural pleasures and
youthful Joys of tlfe, although, at the
same time, her generosity will bring her
a. deeper Joy than any mere gaieties or
luxuries could give.
The brother who grafts on his Bister's
generosity Is to bo heartily deplsed. Al
though It would seem almost Incredible,
yet I am constantly hoarlng of Instances
whoro tho working girl's salary Is mini
mized by her brothers' mean habit of
borrowing, and novor In any caso re
paying. "Thoy seem to think I am a perpetual
mint of money," said ono such girl wist
fully the other day. "And they nro con
stantly begging mo to lend them quite
large sums of monoy, too. I m so fOnd
of my brothers' that I hate to rcfuRo and,
of course twd of them nro married, and
seem to bo In a perpetual mnzo of debts
and bills, and ono of my sisters-in-law Is
an Invalid, bo that makes It almost Im
possible for me to refuse to. do my llttlo
The business girl who Is placed In this
predicament should pull up and recol
lect her own personal rights In her salary.
It Is not her duty to support her whole
family, -nd particularly is It not her duty
to support hor able-bodied brothers and
their oiling wives. It Is positively wrong
of her to do It, for It takes away any
manliness that may still linger In these
brothers' nature.
The girl who works for her own living
has a right to tho money thnt sho earns.
Tho claims of parents should always bo
duly recognized, but never overestimated.
The claims of brothers nnd sisters should
ho well thought over nnd Investigated be
foro any foolish and Ill-advised giving
away of hard-earned money takes place.
For tho business woman has a right to
her own salary. Sho has worked hard for
It, and sho has earned It. Most cer
tainly should sho be careful before she
allows herself to be financially Imposed
upon, even by members of her own fnm.
Seen in the Stores
Tea napkins havo a great habit of
getting worn out at the time when you
need them most. A large Chestnut street
snop is selling broken lots for S1.C0 a
dozen. These are very neat, with borders
of shamrocks, and other designs.
A maize crepe de chine waist, with box
piaucu ironi, ana nemstltciied edged Is
selling lor js.
jv manaarin Kimono, with a warm
lining of soft wool and embroidery, costs
A striking muffler seen In an exclusive
snop had long ends and broad black and
white stripes. These cost 5.
An nil-gold slipper for dancing Is real
economy, as it win matcn every costumo.
They have cllt buckles nnd nnlv rnt .
Petticoats were never so reasonable In
price as tney aro at present. Dark blue,
green or wistaria ones with a Roman
stripe border are 12.05.
Japanese crepo Is a serviceable material
for the Informal tea, as It requires very
little Ironing, and tho Delft blue border
keops fresh longer than tho all-white
cloth. They come In sets, six napkins
uiiu a iray cover, lor II. oo.
A new stylo lamp for the traveler has
a ary Dauery attached, so you can open
It anywhere and have a good light to
read by. They aro only S2.
Gay and festive Indeed are the hand-
Kercnieis snown in a Chestnut street 3hop.
They aro made of crepe de chine, in
purple, sage green and orange. The price
attached Is 75 cents.
Tho Tommy Atkins veil Is pretty when
It has a very narrow border of walls of
iroy Deaamg in DlacK on white, or vice
fcinu, uuu vuais 9,1.
ing slowly toward him, "and If you cry
out or give the alarm in any way I'll put
half a dozen bullets Into you. Move away
from that door."
John Erlelgh did not move. He was
studying the man's face so that he could
Identify him If he saw him again.
"Come, move away quick from the
door, snarled the man. "I've no time to
"Who are vouT
What are you doing
No business of yours," said the man,
raising his revolver. "Come, you'd better
John Erlelgh hesitated for a few sec
onds, and then moved. His sole object
now was to gain time. It could not be
long before Lord Wlmberly appeared on
the scene, and even If Lord Wlmberly did
not com soon, It might be possible to
outwit this scoundrel.
"Stand there," said the man, pointing
to the centre of the room. John Erlelgh
obeyed. "What do you want me to do?"
he queried.
"I'm going to bind and gag you and lay
you quietly In a corner. If you let me do
this I won't harm you. If you refuse, I
shall keep you quiet In another way."
"Oh. well, I refuse."
The man grinned and showed his teeth.
Then he began to movo towards the win
dow, but Erlelgh was there before him.
"You're not even going to let roe es
cape?" said the man.
"I am not. You are a pilsoner In this
"Come, don't be a fool. I don't want
to harm you."
"You needn't If you don't want to. But
you're not going to leave here If I can
help It,"
"You cursed Idiot, don't you see that I
can kill you?"
"V,v no doubt." Erlelr1! answered
coolly, "but the sound of a shot will bring
half a dozen men on tho scene. You won't
escape, and you'll be hanged for murder."
The man laughed. "I'll have a chance,
anyhow," he said, "and I dare say I'll
get the man I came for.
John Erlelgh did not move. The eyes
of the two men were dxed on each other,
like the eyes of two fencers watching for
overy movement, Tho man's revolver
was raised, and his finger was on the
trigger. Erlelgh gripped the heavy poker,
and wondered If he could get In one blow
before the revolver had made an end of
Then there came the sounds of footsteps
and voices In the hall.
"In here?" said the voice of Lord Wlm
berley, asd the handle of the door moved
"Don't coma lnl" rhouted Erlelgh!
"For Heaven's"ake, don't ome lnl" and
aa be spoke he raised the poker above
hla head and hurled it with all his fon
at his advedsary. At the same moment
ihe revolver rang out, and two men felt
almost simultaneously to the floor.
Neither of them stirred as Lord Wlmber
ley and two footmen burst Into the room.
"A nice job you've made of it, Murray."
said Russell "If It hadn't been for Mr.
Erlelgh, Lord Wlmberley would have
been a dead man.."
Murray scowled at him and said noth
ing. The two men were standing In the
Utetry at MoaksHver, They had Just
SnUhd their examination of the room.
Lor 'Wiin)rly wa upta!ra with tho
(tester. Lady Mt'lmbrley and Mrs. Tiuv
er bad been wired for, but tutd ml ret
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yesterday. Then you told me to with
draw my men to lay a trap for the
scoundrl. Well, the trap was laid, but
there was no one there to secure the
"Who'd havo thought of watching t'nls
fellow?" growled Murray. "One of the
under-gardeners could go where he
liked about the garden. He was seen and
spoken to five minutes before he' got In
at the window. Well, we've got him
right enough now."
"Yes, and Mr. Erlelgh Is dying."
"Who told you tl at?" said Murray
"A footman, who had Just seen the
nurse. Sot through the lung he Is, and
bleeding to death."
"Well, Lord Wlmberley Is safe at any
rate, and we've got Herbert Mcrlet."
That's who It la, Is It?"
"Yes a false beard very well make up.
It's all stripped off him now."
"I hope he'll die. He ought to. They
say his head Is smashed In."
"I hope 'ne'll live, Itussell. There's a
lot I'd like him to tell us, and I'd be
glad to see him hanged."
"He won't be banged if Mr. Erlelgh
"Oh, yes, he will for the murder of
"Vertlgan? But I thought that fellow
Weiss "
"Weiss was guillotined this morning.
He made a full confession before he was
taken out of hla cell. He was paid by
Herbert Mertet to do the job."
"U there proof of this?"
"I believe bo. I've only had a bare
statement of the fact fl. wjre from tho
French police. They waut to know If I
can tell them anything of Herbert
"Well, you can wire back to them that
you've got him,"
"Yes, and If he lives we'll extradite hint
to France. It will be much pleasanter for
all the family If he Is tried and executed
out there."
"Yes. of course. Well I'm blest. I
wonder why he killed Vertlgan?"
"Oh, that's simple enough, Itussell Ver
tlgan knew too much about him,"
The door opened and Lord Wlmberley
entered the room. His face was very
"No better news for us, my lord?" said
Murray, -
"A little better Dr, Benson thinks
there Is a chance Just a chance I have
wired to London for other advice."
"And Merlet?" queried Huisell.
Lord Wlmberley shrugged his shoulders
as f to imply that it did not matter about
Herbert Merlet.
"I suppose, my lord, that he cannot be
moved?" said the detective.
"No, of course not."
"Then Mr. Itussell or one of his men
must stay In the house, my lord. This
gentleman, as I told you, is already
wanted for murder In France."
"Mr. Russet can certainly stay," said
Lord Wlmberley. "Have you got all the
Information you require?"
"AH we can get at present, my lord,
until either Mr. Erlelgh or Mr. Mertet U
Is a St stats to answer questions. I do
not think there Is any need for me to
stay hero any longer. If Bussell can
The inspector looked at his watob.
"Well, it you could manage it, Mur
ray," he mVi. "I hv . mM UaHi m
to tonight with so tWoa mj au-
ewfaHKsnt: . 1
LnHtln'tf vIsisisisisisisisisisieV
Author of "John Drsdon. Solicitor."
"Very well," Murray replied, "I will
A few minutes later the Inspector left In
a motor for Harptree. When Lord Wlm
berley and the detective are alone the
latter said:
"I'm afrlad, my lord, you think that
tho police are to blame for what has hap
pened." "Ves I do," Wlmberley answered
bluntly. "It ought to have occurred to
you that my cousin might, pass himself
off as a servant, especially when you had
done tho same sort of thing yourself.
That fellow you sent me as a footman
must have been a fool."
"Well, my lord. It didn't occur to us
that Mr. Merlet would take up a Job out
sldo tho house. Did It occur to you?"
"Oh. I never gave It a thought. I left
everything In your hands. I had excellent
references with tho fellow-from a man I
know. Well, It Is no good crying over
split milk."
"Of course, my lord." said the detective.
there would now be no question of my
asking for the reward."
"Oh, you ehall have your reward all
right. Murray, If you oblige me In the
matter I spoke to you about."
Tho detective's eyes sparkled.
"Upon my word, my lord, that la un
commonly generous of you,"
"You will earn the money, from my
point of view, If you can keep my sister-in-law
and her husband out of that af
fair over In France. I do not know ex
actly what happened In this room three
hours ago. but I do know that Mr. Er
lelgh savod my life,"
"Well, you might put It like that, my
"I do put It like that," said Lord Wlm
berly sternly; "and I can pretty well guess
that Mr, Erlelgh gave, his life for mine.
Herbert Merlet had no wish to kill Mr.
Erlelgh. He came here to kill roe. If Mr,
Erlelgh had let mo come Into the room
I'd havo been ehot"
i "I'll do all In my power, my lord, and
I think If Mr. Merlet lives, and we can
extradite him to France, half the danger
will be over."
"I hope so. Anyway, I want you to
understand that your money depends on
this. I must leave you now, It Is not tho
time to talk of business. But I wanted to
make this quite clear to you."
He left the room, and the detective
"It's- a pretty good thing to have
money," he said to himself; "one can'
buy pretty well anything or anybody.".
Ha lit a cigar and seated himself In a
chair before the fire. He had pleasant
Visions of a .little cottage In Surrey,
where he could spend the rest of his days
In smoking its pipe and looking after the
It was scarcely daylight when Lady
Wlmberley arived at MonksJlver. Her
face was white and haggard, and her
eyes red with crying. Sho was shown Into
the small blue drawingroom and found
"Lord Wlmberley standing there In front
Of a Pig nre.
"You poor thing," he said, taking hold
pf her ley hands and raising them to hit
Up. ' "But he Is better certainly he Is
better. He la asleep now. and you can't
see- blm"
"Yob, Arthur t one I tut ga to
Urn t wwfltfe this
lemr, tcrny Joiitusyda it sm seemed--s4
itttt Mhm I mi 1m ifeuiiuag i
For the fellowlne mtitntloBs tent In. or
rtHfru of the Etjkiko x,suasa prlie of ft
ina.to tents ,er avrarded, .. . .
tAII uirntlon should bo addraa to EIHa
dfr, Ydllor of Women's P, ETSjnse
tcoss, IndeptndtDc Saur, pnlUidtlptus.
A prlte of $t hss been awarded to S. O.
Sler., 008 tValnut street, rhllndelplita. for
the following suggestion t
Apropos of the Interest In the Bible and
biblical Btibjccts that has recently been
aroused throughout tho city, the follow
ing recipe may not bo out of placet
Four nnd a half cupa of I Kings Iv, 21
, One half pound of JudgcB, v, 23.
Two oups of Jeremiah, vl, 20 .
Two cups of Nahum, III, 12.
Two cups of Samuel, xxx, 12.
Two cups of Numbers, xvll, 8.
Two teaspoonfttls of I Bamuel, xtv, 0,
To taste, II Chronicles, lx, 0.
Six teaspoonfuls of Jeremiah, xvll, U.
One and a half cups of Judges, lv, 19.
Two teaspoonfuls Amos, lv, 5.
One pinch of Leviticus, II, 13.
Directions, Proverbs, xxlll, II.
Bake 114 to 2 hours, Baking powder may
bo used Instead of leaven.
Four and a half cups flour, W cup but
ter, 2 cups of sugar, 2 cups of rigs, 2 cups
of raisins, 2 cups of almonds, 2 teapoons
ful of honey, spices to taste, 6 eggs, V&
cups water, 2 tcaspoonsful Ieavn (bak
ing powder, pinch salt. Beat all together
with "rod" (wooden spoon).
A prlie of SO cents has been awarded to
A. C. D., 4B37 rlne street, Philadelphia,, for
the following suggestion) .
When washing out fine collars and cuffs
use borax In tho water Instead of starch
ing them. It will mako them tfar moro
sheer, and will glvo a nlco stiff appear
ance as well.
A prise of SO cenls has been awarded to
Ktthrrlnn 1'. Hack. 3102 South 15th street,
riillodelnliln, for tho following suggrstloni
How to clean Aigrettes and Birds of
Paradise at home JIalto a basin of luke
warm Ivory soap suds; separate tho bird's
head from the tall (rji tho head cannot
do or qocs noi neeu wasiungj. men nam-
Ing your hands under tho water run tho
. 4 .i it . j
bird through your hand very carefully,
rlnso thoroughly then sway to and fro
until dry. Algettes are dono In tho Bamo
manner. This may seem very simple and
may have boen suggested before, but I
havo never heard of It until I used It as
an experiment.
I havo had great success woahlng my
Bird of Paradise flvo times, and It Is still
A prlzo of SO cents has been awarded to
II. I. Lockwood, 1213 North 41st street, Phil
adelphia, for the following snggestlont
Tho pleasant pastlmo for tho sick
child, will bo found In tho following:
Order some seed catalogs, select from
theso tho favorite flowers, cut out tho
pictures and on a lnrgo sheet of whlto
paper, plan a garden. Draw walks and
bowers, then paste tho cut-out flowers each
In the place selected. One not only finds
pleasure, but learns much about gardens
such as tho time each flower takes to
bloom, and If sun or shado Is needed for
best results. Children llko this amuse
ment very much.
that he Is dead you must toko mo to
him at once."
"No," said Lord Wlmberley, decisively.
"You'ro going to have food first, and
you're going to get warm; and try to pull
yourself together. Then I've got to tell
you what happened I'd' like you to know
all abou.t that before you seo him It It
may make a difference, you know.
Breakfast Is all ready for you. I'vo had It
laid In the small dlnlngroom. You must
coma along and cat at once."
"No no how could I eat tho food
would choko mo," and Bhe burst Into
tears. Lord Wlmberley took her by the
"Now, Anne," he said, sharply, "this Is
not like you at all. You used to be plucky
enough. A nlco nurse you'll make, won't
She dried her tears and allowed herself
to be led into the llttlo dining room. A
tempting breakfast was brought In, and
sho managed to swallow a few mouth
fuls. The coffee did her as much good as
anything, and she drank two cups of It.
When sho hod finished Lord Arthur
told her, so far as he could, what had
happened. John Erlelgh had recovered
consciousness and had been able to mut
ter a few words and answer ona cr two
"It amounts to this, Anne," Lord
Wlmberley Bald, In conclusion, "that your
husband has saved my life and I'm going
to save his If I can. I asked him to come
up hero yesterday and I Intended to make
myself uncommonly unpleasant. I know
there's something wrong between you two
something seriously wrong. But we
can't think of that now. His life depends
on all that being put aside for the present.
He's worrying about the boy keeps on
worrying about him once ho said he was
a murderer."
Lady Wlmberley, white-lipped nnd dull
eyed, listened to her brother-in-law In
silence. Then Bhe rose from her chair.
"Do you ,hlnk," she said slowly, "that
I have no heart? Don't you know that
Jack Is more to me than anything In the
"Yes, yes, my dear Anne of course.
But still It must have been something
very serious and It may be difficult for
you to forget I only want to Impress
upon you that you must Dretend for a.
little while to have forgiven me abso
lutely and entirely, I'll tell you what Dr.
Benson said to me just before you came.
Ho said, 'I tell you what the greatest
Simplex Transformations
A Complete Head-dress in Itself
1523 Chestnut Street
An Attractive Suit
I am very much interested In thei pres
ent styles of aults. They are all very
smart and look moat attractive,
Ono thing I notice specially Is that
tho most popular coata are those which
aro rather short, Just covering tho hips.
A great many of the coato, too, aro very
much shorter In front than in thei back,
whllo qulto a number aro seen with
short front and back and lengthening at
tho sides,
As far as skirts aro concerned, one
really doesn't seo tho very wldo and
bulky ones that threatened to bo so popu
lar a Bhort whllo ago. I'm pretty sure
that very few now measure moro than
throo yards around tho hem, tliough quite
a good flaro effect can bo obtained with
a width such as tills. Yokes aro not
qulto so much in favor as earlier in tho
"Do you notice, Dorothy, that the skirts
with fulness at tho sides aro the only
really popular ones?" said Elinor, as we
walked along together. "And I don't
wonder at Itl For stout women looked
perfectly dreadful In somo of theso very
bulky creations ono saw not so very long
ago. There's a smart suit over there."
It cortalnly was attractive. Tho ma
terial was of covert cloth, cut In very
Blmplo Btralght lines. Tho coat was fairly
short, and iboltcd loosely round the waist,
whllo tho elmplo set-In sleovo was fin
ished with a smart little cuff that had a
very businesslike appearance.
The girl who wore tho suit had a cer
tain air of distinction and carried her
self well. Tho skirt was qulto plain ex
cept for a lino of buttons fashioned of
iiiu iiiuiuiitu rvijiuii uuui iivu ivtu uumi
10 eontr0 0, tho front j. llear that
thoso MftB wWch lavo p,a,ts lnatead of
bulky fulness havo enjoyed tho greatest
popularity In tho laat week or two.
A smart llttlo vest with a high collar
and a black bow completed tho toilette of
the girl In covert cloth. I really should
like to possess a suit Just llko that.
"If women only realized how clothes
do lmprovo their appearance there would
be fewer dowdy people around," declared
I lift mlno eyes against tho sky.
The clouds aro weeping, so am I.
I lift mlno eyes again on high,
Tho sun is smiling, so am I.
Why do I smile? Why do I weep?
I do not know; It lies too deep.
I hear tho winds of autumn sigh,
They break my heart, thoy make me cry.
I hear tho birds of lovoly spring,
My hopes revive, I help them sing.
Why do I sing? Why do I cry?
It lies so deep, I know not why.
danger Is, Mr. Erlelgh lacks the will to
live.' "
"Arthur, what a horriblo thing to havo
"Well, I dare say It's true. When I said
to Erlelgh, 'You'll soon be all right, old
chap,' ho nnswercdr 'I don't care, Wlm
berley ono way or tho other.' "
"Arthur how cruel of you to tell me
"Yes, it's cruel of me, Anne, but I'vo
got to make you understand that you've
got to glvo him some Inducement to live.
It doesn't matter so much when he Is out
of danger. But now you must play your
part "
Tho door opened and Dr.Benson entered
tho room. Ho shook hands with Lady
Wlmberley and said to her, "I am glad
you have come. Ho has been asking for
you will you go up and see him now?"
"Yes-If you think It will not harm
"It will do him good, my dear lady
all the good In the world. But you must
not stay mre than flvo minutes."
Lady Wlmberley left tho room accom
panied by tho doctor. Lord Wlmberley
lit a cigar and flung himself Into a chair
by the Are. He had not been to bed all
night, and he looked tlrod and ill. Tho
fact that ho had not been shaved did not
Improve his appearance. His eyes wcre
half closed and sleepy, but his brain nod
never been more active.
"I'd rather tho fellow had shot 4ne." he
said to himself. "I'd havo pulled through
all right. He's run down, got no stamina
no desire to live. And If he dies It'll
about kill Anne,"
(Continued tomorrow.)
Copyright, 1014, by the Associated Newspapers,
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labor Is
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bis army of hsDDv housewlros
who bare found Dobbins, on
washday, a household necessity
for over 03 years. Trading
stamps ror every.wrapper. Aslc
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Hair Coloring and Tintipg
I obtainthe color where others
fall. I do not destroy the
gloss or the hair. I remove
any old dye or bleach, The
only clean, safe and durable
coloring stands washing,
IrllniU. Im k.H Jlllll. ---. .
..... ... HtuuK, decisive, totfl
"Really, nowadays, when a good twtl
can bo bought so cheaply, there Is fSM
excueo for tho average woman to iooH
"Somo woman aro bom frumps," m4
solemnly. wa i
"Then, thank goodness, neither you h
I aro included in tho category!" .SSl
Be a Wise Woman!
Get the Nemo ITablt
Military" Shape
WITH all due respect to
those fashion writers
who assert that "there will be
no important changes in cor
set shapes this season," we
beg to state that there wltthz
and very decided changes.
The new "Military" shape is
here. We have already told
you about this. So far, the
waist-line is not much accen
tuated; but, before the lilacs
bloom, you will see a marked
increase in this respect.
Spring modes in dress will'
compel the wearing of corsets
with higher bust. This is
certain. Corset -skirts will
gradually grow shorter.
This doesn't presage the
"hour-glass" figure, but simply,
a rational return to corsets that
are real corsets.
The Hew
Cat at top
shows o
lid fisw of
corset Tfltn
17 forming th
new sup
porting sea
In circle
below Is
outside vltir
how tspe
strsps POT
form to ths
Koto ths
long, smooth
lines of tie
entire const.
Mode! No. 341
Tor Short Fall Figures I
Model No. 312
For Taller Full FlnnrM
Hf v if If'
$k ' I fl vl '
SriN f Tl v fl I II 'l
vllir 1 if II I l
JT dL-nf il I II '!
ftfes. M Ir II TT TT I T 1
11 I f flif
vu Jb4 Tfi
WhlUCoutlL SU$32ta3a
QENSIDLE women will not xe
gret the pawing of the so
called ''corsetles" mode. It hai
done unlold physical harm, and
has. ruined thousands of figure!.
They have welcomed theso
new Nemo Corsets with the
'Military11 shape, because they
restore the graceful curves eml
symmetrical lines; reduce the
rolls of fat oyer the gastric region,
due to the corseiless mode; give
perfect physical support,
. NOTE.-A!wmii.mAuscxw(iiW
Jews to tk) si tl puiej front ttnb tl
to lowot pusl etuawun.
$5.00, $3.50, $4 and $t
Jim, "i .j
Hf Hat fOftebruUia bM, ft T
sttasMsswttMiiwstii i i , -mm