r SPORTS FINAL HeJrger SPORTS FINAL orctmui ,!" V(XL.2-NO. 132 PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1915, PRICE OlSTUJ GJDtftf CotumiiT, 1018, t inn Fcsuo Lidodi Comtamt. W GERMANS DRIVE RUSSIANS BACK TO POLAND SOIL Jtr IBnemy's Stand East of Lakes Broken Aus trians Launch Gali cian Offensive. f. . - i. Aii..1. T jffencn uounter Abtuun. iw t takes Heights at Norroy. Allies Claim Capture bf Trenches at La Bassee, but Lose South bf Ypres. Albanian Rebel Raid Into Servlti Re garded as Formal Entry Into War. Austrian Airmen Shell Montene grin Palace Warsaw Menaced by West and North Drives. Russians operating north of Tilsit havo been driven several miles Into R homo territory, today's Berlin offlcial .' report declares, and adds that Slav at tempts to make a stand east of Mazur Lakes havo been broken -up, whllo tlio German column at Mlawa again men aces Warsaw from tho north. Shifting of activity to tho East Prus- ila-North Poland boundaries appar tntly gives advantage In tho east to the Germans, who, according to Berlin dispatches, havo cleared East Prussia $ of tho foo and by their rppld advance lxo menacing Warsaw by a rear drive', fcthe Initial stages of which aro dovelop- ilng at Ossowltz. Petrograd admits retirement along an Ifextenslve front to tho fortified lino of Kthe River Nlemen, but chronicles a halting of tho German advances from g?-Lyck and on Ostrolcnko. Admission Is nuCde of stubborn resistance In Dulda Tass, where, however, the Slavs aro ) itlll fighting on Hungarian soli. Austro-Gorman troopB In Bukowlna & havo made so rapid an advance that Radautz, south of tho Sereth River. if was captured. Tho Austrlans havo .hunched 'a new offensive In .Southern tflallcla and hayo ndvIlSS.G mllcsQ q; vicinity oi iNauworna. The recapture of the" heights at Nor roy. In Lorraine, from which tho fc French were driven Saturday night, is reported in today's omclal communique of. the Paris. War OITlce. The- state ment also claims tho capture of 250 .yards of trenches on tho La Basseo Canal, but Berlin reports that tho Al- B lies' attacks at that point failed. Tho German General Staff also announces Ethe capture of a half-mile of trenches Jn the neighborhood of St. Elol, south So'f Yprea. f'Refugees reaching Franco from Al- More of this balmy winter weather. Aside from tho Inconvenience of straw bat temperature In February. w nn n bit chary of It for other reasons at this nme of tho year. It Is a fact, and an II too significant one. that everv bliz- iard that has dumped ItBelf on Philadel phia, has been nreceded bv hlch tnmnrn. Iture, And most of them, further. hnvB teen booked for the closing weeks of " the season. Thu. th fgmmu nn. K 1SS3 occurred about the mlddlo of March, Etnd the Inauguration nn r,r iti nntnmi. K,' enough fell, on M,arch 4. Then, of course, you Temember the real blizzard Eihat pounced upon us about a year ago "na the great storm on Washington's RBIrthduy a short time later. We 'have rno particular reason for anticipating any i bllttard at this nartlcnlnr wriiinr hn Rhlsh temperature, as wo say, makes us lervoua. r It reached 60 today. FORECAST for Philadelphia and iti-n!t,i Wntettled and cooler tonight with ptobably show era: Tueadau tnfv .? iwofar; moderate eouthqrlu winds, 6e- foming weaterly Tuesday. ror aetaue, see' page S. Observations at Philadelphia iStrom.t... a A. m. T.m r.tar. ';::::::::::::::::::::::::;u P?Lini,..i ' ::: V ". i Cloudy Ulilmura teraperalgr ....""IJJ 6S Almanac of ha Dav ftm If'? . " B.3J p.m. lVMf.,omo.w::::::::::::::::: ?$ la Lamna to lie T.ttrhinl glutei mid tf er vehicles B iBO p. jn. The Tides Dnnn nmitiinun liw wtter tomorrow .iivmI ST CUBSTNUT STREET WIIAIIP. PW &.! n mm Bh waUr tomorrow"!!!!!'!!!!'.!!! s-oi .52" vw vatu tomorrow lot. HKBDV ISLAND. b w(tr tmorriw'-'!.'.".''!'''!!!'ii!MiK'S' tr toMffr 9.W.iiI I&1 - ...,Spm. in tamorrour .. . 8-.. THE WEATHER 'Kclouj saco-Lorralno report that tho Kaiser Is massing nn army of 1,000,000 men along the Rhino for a now offensive along tho French frontier. PERSIANS HOT IN PURSUIT OF FOES ON POLAND BORDER Russian Attempts to Mako East Prus sia Stand Roported Foiled. BERLIN, Feb. 15. Retreating before tho German fotccs north of Tilsit, the Russians have been driven out of Pyklupocnen In tho dtrec t on of TnurogRcn, several miles within the Russian frontier, According to today's official report. Central von Hlndenburg's i armies east of the Mazurlan Lakes havo broken up every attempt of tho Russians to make a Bland and are pursuing the enemy over a long battle front. Fighting Is In progress on both sides of tho fron tior. To completo Von Hlndenburg's victory, German detachments aro now marching through Kolno ngalnst tho body of Rus sians that marched northward through I.omm, 78 miles northeast of Warsaw, to reinforce tha Oar's armies In tho lako region. This Russian force must retreat upon tho Polish capital or face tho dan ger of being surrounded. General Francois' army operating near Jllawa If steadily pushing tho enemy In a southeasterly direction and has taken several hundred prisoners. OTHER WAR NEWS ON PAQE 4. MASKED MEN IN AUTO CHASE THEIR VICTIMS Brandish Revolvers at Man and Woman 'Near Griard College and Rob Them. Ono of tho most darlnc holdups In recent months. In which three masked bandits pursued their victims In an auto mobllo and used tho same means to escape, was reported to tho police today. Miss Helen Humphreys, 3029 German town "avenue, and her escort, Anthony Humpol. 1431 Myrtlowood street, were held up at the point of revolvers at 23d street and SOuth College nvenue "while return ing from a ball at the Lelber Attfcr Hall, 27th and Stiles streets, early Sunday morning. Tho first Inkling tho couple had of danger was when tho headlight of an automobile flashed upon them from around a corner. The machine dashed Up to the curb and three men, with faces screened, and brandishing revolvers, leaped out Hiss Humphreys an! Hum pel, warned not to cry out, were backed up against tho wall of Glrard College by two of tho men, whllo the third seized the young woman's handbag. Ho opened tho bag while t his confeder ates held tho victims at bay. Seclnc the color of bills within by the light of the automobile, he gave a low command to the other two and tho trio Jumped Into tho machine and wero whized away as quickly as they had come. , The handbag contained J17 In bills and other- valuahloBEo-qulekly-woB'tbc, affair over tnat neunor Jiumpei nor miss Humphreys was able to give good de scriptions of their assailants. Special Po licemen S'bro and Dervin, of the 19th and Oxford streets station, are working on the case. MASKED ROBBERS FORCE CASHIER TO GIVE UP ?2000 Level Revolvers at Night Worker in Washington Car Barn. WASHINGTON, Feb. 15.-Two masked men early today cntorcd tho car -barns of the Washington Railway and Electric Company In Northeast Washington, and with their revolvers forced Jerry Hag gerty, tho night cashier, to give up his cashbox containing about 2000 and a bundle of car tickets. Tho burglars escaped. WIL1IELMINA CARGO BEFORE PRIZE COURT Washington Hopeful of Delay in Set tling Case. WASHINGTON, Feb. jl5.-areat Britain this afternoon Informed .the United States that It had already placed In prize court tho entire Wllhclmlna cargo, but had not unloaded tho vessel. This action was taken beforo Great Britain received a United States' request for delay of pro ceedings, This Government Is hopeful that there still may bo delay In deciding the case, and It will notify Great Britain of its In tention to present fully tho owner's case. ATWOOD B. HOSKINS DEAD Widely Known as Merchant and N Breeder of Pigeons. Atwood B. Hoskln.s of Rockdale, Pa., died this morning after an Illness of more than two months. Mr. Hosklns, who was Just past his ,69th year was well known In this section. For nearly 30 years he conducted a "general merchan dise store In Rockdale, arid tho breed ing of pigeons was his particularly hobby. He Is widely known as the pro. ducer of the Blue-vJacobln breed of pigeons. X He Is survived by his wlfo and one daughter. Mrs..Samuel Spencer, of nock dale, and three- brothers. W, Horace Hosklns, president . of the Democratic Club, of thl sclty; the Rev. Fronkford E. Hosklns. now a missionary in Syria, and Prof, J. Preston Hosklns. of Prince ton Unlovrslty. The. fimera.1 wU be held Wednesday afternoon from the residence Oakhurst. Interment will be made' in Calvary Ceme tery, FANNY CROSBY BURIED Many Mourners at -Funeral Services for Blind Hymn Writer, BRIDGEPORT. Conn., Feb. .-Flrst Methodist Church woa crowded to ttje doors this afternoon when the funeral services were held qver the body of Fanny J. Crosby, the. blind hymn writer. The aeivlces were conducted by the Rev. George M. Brown, the pastor. Tne pall- .bearers wero young men, relatives and irienas or tne aeceasxa. ,Tje floral offerings, were numerous, comlpg from all parts of the country. Interment was made in Mountain Grove Cemetery I JUNKJN'S CAR STRIKES CHILD Threo-year-oid Charles J. Flemmtng. of SI South Sydenham street, was knocked down by the automobile of Joseph Vet'. JurtKln, a member of the Board of Dl raotora of Jefferson Medical College, this .afternoon- Mrs. Junkln. who. was In the car, naa ujesenna taiwn io eneraan o pltaJ, where It was found he was suffer las from s, fractured skull The -ar wa driven by Frank Robtoson, of 11 North Yewdeii atrt, SENATE VOTES FOR CLOSURE RULE ON SHIP PURCHASE BILL Vice President Decides Tie After a Prolonged Par liamentary S t r u g g le. Norris Votes With Democrats. Question of Ending Long Drawn Out Debate on Feb ruary 19 to Be Settled by Vote Prior to Final Disposi tion. WASHINGTON, Kcb. 15.-Admlnlstra-tlon forces are nearer a Senate vote on the ship purchase bill than at any tlmo since the Republican filibuster began, as tho result of a. parliamentary strugglo lasting a large part of tho day In the Sen ate. It began when Norris, Progressive Republican, succeeded In tacking an nmendment providing for a closuro rulo on to Galllngcr's proposition to throw tho rule for a voto on tho 19th Into the hands of tho Rules Committee. Tho Democrats, however, won NorrlB back and by a voto of 45 to 45, tho Vice President deciding It, Norris' amendment was defeated, taking with It Galllnger's scheme. Tho Democrats then voted with NOrris for a straljht closuro rule. This leaves the closuro question to settle first, then tho question of ending debate on tho 19th and then as the Democratic majority sees It the voto on the bill. Following the Introduction of a resolu tion by Senator Burton, Saturday, provid ing for an Inquiry Into tho alleged con nection between tho ship companies own ing Interned ships and tho Administration, particularly tho Treasury Department, the Democrats this afternoon approved the proposed probe, but suggested that Its scope bo so widened, as Senator WllllamB put It, as to "catch all tho Ilsh and not only ono kind." Tho Uurton resolution was reported favorably by Chairman Williams, of tho Senato Contingent expenses Committee, with a number of amendments. As amended It directs the investigating committee to summon witnesses and com pel testimony to discover whether the shipping trust, or any shipping company, or any chamber of commerce or other body dominated by ship owners, employed lawyers or lobbyists to work against tho bill. Tho resolution particularly inquires If any company whose ships tho proposed Government lino might competo with has been actlvo In opposing tho measure. Another amendment provides an Inquiry whether any Senator owned stock In any Contlaned on rnto Two D0CT0IMEELEARia) OF SLANDER MRGES Suit Brought by Former Treas urer of His Church Volun tarily Withdrawn. The'slandei suit against the Rev. Dr. J. Beverldgo Lee, pastor pf St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, 60th street and Baltimore avenue, brought by Paul WH klns, former treasurer of the church, has been withdrawn. The suit was brought after Doctor Lee, in a public sermon, charged Mr. Wllklns with misappropriat ing church funds during his Incumbency. The action was withdrawn voluntarily and because George Wcntworth Carr, at torney for Mr. Wllklns, became convinced of the "Impropriety of continuing tho case," according to a statement of ex Judgo William W. Porter, counsel for Doctor Lee. "The suit was withdrawn Saturday," ho said, "and, as my understanding goes, such action was wholly voluntary on tho part of the plaintiff. It was for reasons, I am Informed, that camo to the knowl edge of Mr. Carr after the suit had been brought. These reasons convinced him of the Impropriety of continuing. I re gard It as a vindication for Doctor Lee." A meeting of trustees of tho church was held by the board for 4 o'clock this afternoon In the ofllce of Mr. Carr, Mr. Wllklns' atotrney. Contrary to expectations, Mr, Wllklns was not present, and It was announced by Mr. Carr that he Is HI at his home In Winona, N. J. Mr. Carr declared he vis ited Mr. WllkinB Saturday, and at that time ho seemed on tho verge of collapse. Today the attorney learned that his cli ent's temperature was 103 degrees, and that his condition still Is serious. GRAFT IN BATTLESHIP , - SUPPLIES ALLEGED Manager of Brooklyn Concern and Steward of the Texas Arrested. NHW YORK, Feb. 15.-Charges of wholesale graft In furnishing supplies to United States battleships were made today by Government ofliclals In New York. Thomas J, White, manager of the Brooklyn Steamship and Hotel Supply Company, and WaHer O. Roach, com' mlssary steward on board the battleship Texas, were arrested. They were 'held by United States Commissioner Cortiran for further examination. United States Attorney Held seized the books of tho supply company In Brooklyn. He declared It had been found that many officials had "been bribed by tho company to permit Inferior supplies to be' sent aboard the ships and that the Govern ment had been swindled out of thou sands of dollars. The disclosures followed .a complaint by Paymaster James Ray, of the Texas, who asserted that on January 9 he was approached by White, who offered him $200 If he would permit the poorer grade of supplies to be placed on the Texas. White told him, be Bold, that he (White) had been sent to Ray by Roach. "CJH" STUDENT DOES "STUNTS' Fully half ft hundred Medfco-Chl. stu dents cheered John JarvU as he trudged along through the shopping district this afternoon In n, bathrobe and pajamas, and performed obliging feats which were, part of hU initiation Into a fraternity of the college. At Broad and Walnut street he brushed the clothing of two truffle police men and rubbed down their horses. He also knelt down In Broad treet and wiped a, clean spot for Policeman Hess to stand on Then he wiped off the electrie light pole and a number of windows along Chestnut street. The students, fol lowing applauded hi open-alt household duties orjd toaibt they expect to supply him wMh a bucket and brush so that he ca elaa out City Halt HEROINE IN SHIRTS-FOR-SOLDIERS ROMANCE Photo, by Underwood & Underwood. MISS ADELE LEUVILLE Louisiana girl who has sailed for Franco for tho purpose, It is bcliovcd, of meeting her soldier-admirer. SUNDAY TAKES FIRST RESTINWANAMAKER'S HOME IN JENKINT0WN "Billy" and "Ma" Evade Usual Monday Program of, Visits and Enjoy Quiet Bo6uroHPrepaTorrr Juuhj vveev., , SUNDAY CAMPAIGN ' STATISTICS There wtU be no services at the tabernacle today. Attendance Yesterday morning 18,000 Yesterday afternoon 20,000 Last-ntght 20,000 Approximate grand-total.. 1,685,000 Converts Yesterday morning 319 Yesterday afternoon 414 Last night i)9 Total to data 5,85? Sermons Preached , 82 To be preached 49 This Is to bo one of the most restful "days off" that "Billy" Sunday has had since he same to Philadelphia more than six weeks ago to conduct tho biggest re vival campaign of his career. Immediate ly following his sermon last night and a quick rub-down and change of clothing In his residence at 1914 Spring Garden street, the evangelist, accompanied by Mrs. Sun day, his son, George, with the Iatter's wife and baby, wero motored to the coun try estate of John Wanamaker In Jenkln town, where they remained through the day. "Billy" had one of his most strenuous days yesterday, and, while he was feeling very well, ho was tired and he decided to accept the Invitation of Mr. Wana maker to go far away from tha nolse-and excitement of the city. The "trail-hitters' for the three services yesterday totaled 11S2, mostly men. Tonight Mr. and Mrs. Sunday and Bent ley D. Ackley. tho pianist and Sunday's secretary, will be quests at the Lincoln anniversary -celebration of the ' John cnamDers mqnaiy union ai zsin ana Morris streets. It Is expected that the (evangelist will address the organization. an.d that Mr. Wanamaker will attend and give a short talk. The event was postponed from last Friday In order that "Billy" could be present. Mr, Ackley was entertained today on the golf course at the Whltemarsh Coun try piub by J. C. Sheahan and II, Well Ington Wood. He proved himself a good player by defeating his hosts, covering the 18-hole course. In 105 Btrokes. Mr. Wood, who s ono of the widely known players ftl th Old York Road Club, was second in the contest.. He took 107 strokes In making the 18 holes, while Sheahan Covered them in 110 strokes. Jack Cardiff, puglllst-tratner and body guard of the evangelist, left for Reading, his home town, this morning. He will peak before members of the Olive Club tonight. Word was received today that a dele gation of about 100 Boston ministers are to arrive here In- .special coaches qver the Pennsylvania. Railroad tomorrow to attend the m.eetDgSln the tabernacle. There will also be delegations of clergy- Continued on Fata Two WOMAN KILLED BY AUTO Mm. Abble IIpfT, $3 years old, of 1 Budd street, was struck and fatally in jured by an automobile at 20th and Market street, shortly after 3 o'clock this afternoon. The machine was driven by William We.bb. of 131 West Penn street, who rushed the victim to the Presby terian Hospital, ' where she died shortly afterward- STUDENT ATTEMPTS SUICIDE Otto Welderman, n years old, a medi cal student, of S6 South Carlisle street, waa found unconscious today Iq a fur nished room in Baltimore. Both hla tnOlctad with suicidal Intent Wldr nR a rwovaa to the Maryland a erol Hjpifl, in falumor, where fci ewyiMw Is iijna to fed aetfoas. GERMAN BLOCKADE OFF IF BRITAIN WILL LET F00DSHIPS PASS U. S. Is Notified That Kai ser Will Abandon Pro posed. Undersea Warfare -if-Foe-Will "Allow FooVJ'. for Civilians. WASHINGTON, Feb. IE. Tho German Government, In a note to the United States, submitted to the State Depart ment today through Ambassador Bern storff, declared that Germany was willing 'to' recede from Its nnnoupced policy to attack British merchantmen If Great Britain would cease interfering with shipments of foodstuffs destined for the noncombatant population of Germany. . Tho German note asserted that the war zone proclamation was a retaliatory .measure, adopted as a result of Great Britain's departure from rules of inter national law and Its purpose to starve out Germany's civil population, Ambas sador Bernstorff, who delivered the noto to Counselor Lansing, said that the com munication was of an Intermediary char acter and was not to bo regarded as Ger many'sreply to the recent American noto on the war zone decree. The German Government set forth In Jta noto today that Britain already had armed many of Its merchant vessels with guns, and was continuing so to arm them, with the avowed purpose of having them pro ceed through the war zone area In groups to resist attack, and that under these cir cumstances the safety of neutral ships could not bo assured. It was declared that the arming of merchant ships carried with It the pre sumption that England had abandoned the rule of visit and search laid down by the laws of nations. Germany, re ferring to the use of neutral Mags by British merchant ships, again warned American shipping to follow the course around the north of Scotland. Secretary Bryan Indicated this after noon that this Government Intends to have correspondence with England as a result of the German note. While he 'would notv admit It, It Is believed the IfnltAri Rtntpn uHll Half tn amnnih nit. 'the misunderstanding between England ana. uermany on me rooa ana war zone situation. After delivering the npto the Ambas sador made this statement: "The note delivered today was upon In structions from the Foreign Office In Ber lin and It clearly polnts-out the fact that Germany Is willing to give up absolutely Its declared plan, to destroy British mer chantmen. If England win return to an observance of the rules of civilized 'war- Concluded on Page Four 4MISS ANNE LEWIS TO WED Chestnut Hill' Girl Will Become Mrs. Francis Clark-Grant. An engagement of much Interest to this city which Is announced today Js 'that of Miss Anne Lewis, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Francis D. Lewis, of Moreland avenue. Chestnut Hill, and Francis Clark Grant, eon of William S. Grant, Jr., of 2302 St James place. Hiss Lewis Is the youngest daughter.' of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis. Her Bisters are Miss Julia P. Lewis and Mba Mary Q. Lewis. Joseph W. Lewis Is a brother, Mr. Grant is a nephew of Miss Alice Grant and Mrs. T. Learning Smith- Ills grandmother was a Miss Vezln, of this city. Ilia mother, who was Miss Jennie Clark, died several years ago. No date bos been set far the wedding. CHILD HIT BY TROLLEY Tessie Cymwinsky. i years old, of 759 South Front street, was struck by a trolley car at Front and X Uzwater streets as she waa returning from school this afternoon. The. child In running hurriedly 'across tho street slipped u the car w&s approaching. She was hurled a short dwtaofe. but suHared only slight In juria. She was taktn to Mt- Einat Hoa- lul and these? smt home. CUPID INVADES TRENCHES ON THE ARGONNE FRONT Comfort Kit Sent by Louisiana Girl Revives Old Romance. NEW YORK, Feb. lB.-Cuptd has In vaded tho trenches of tho French army. And therewith lies nn Interesting tnto. When the Lafayette Fund Issued Its ap peal for money to be used In tho purchaso of comfort kits to bo sent to tho soldiers In the French trenches, $2 camo In nn envelope from Miss Adela Leuvllle, of Plaquemlne, Louisiana, with hopea that "this terrible war wjll soon be over," Each kit that Is forwarded contains a card upon which Is written tho namo of tho contributor. By odd chnnco Miss Leuvllle's kit waa received by a soldier named Maurlco Dubois, of tho 2Jth Com pany, Gth Cavalry of tho 4th Army Corps of France. In tho frosty weather of tho Argonno trenches Comrndo Dubois could not re strain a feeling of gratitude for the kind porson who sent tho warm stockings, tho woolen mittens, tho snug-flttlng under wear and tho comfortablo cap and muffler which composed the kit. And as ho thought of writing a letter of thanks to tho donor. It seemed ns If the namo wero familiar to him, Dubois communicated with tho Lafayctto Fund, at tho Hotel Vandorbllt, Now York, saying that 17 years ago ho went to nchool with a girl of tho same namo In Nancy, France, when ho was 12 and Bho 11 years of age. Ho asked that Inquiries bo mado to es tablish her Identity, If possible. This waB dono. It wns confirmed that Miss Leuvllle was Dubois' former schoolmate, and sho wrote him that sho would pray for his survival of tho war and welcomo his promised visit to America at that futuro time. But this Incident eventually aroused tho patriotism of Miss LouvlIIo or awakened romance In her nature. Sho wroto tho Lafayctto fund that sho would like to go to Franco to act ns nurse. In which ca pacity sho had soma experience. Satur day sho sailed on the French Lino steam ship Niagara to aid her natlvo Franco on tho tiring line and seo Maurlco Du bois. TWO DEAD, OTHERS INJURED, WHEN KENTUCKIANS FIGHT General Battle in Mountains Follows Fracas in Gambling House. LEXINGTON, Ky., Fob. 14. Letcher and Boverly White, members of tho noted feud family, were killed, Boverly Bailey was mortally wounded and several other persona Injured In a general battle in tho Clay County mountains ,cnrly today. The fight resulted from a fracas In a gambling house. Bailey Is alleged to havo shot both tho Whites, who wero sons of one of tho wealthiest men In that part of Kentucky. INCENDIARY SETS FIRE" TO ST. JOHN'S CHURCH Flames Discovered in Belfry Soon After "tMan Is Seen Leaving Edifice. Two attempts to set Are to St John's Roman Catholic Church, In 13th street, were made today. Deputy Fire Marshal Caldwell said after making an examina tion that tho blaze, which was quickly extinguished, was of incendiary origin. Today Is the 14th anniversary of a fire In a laundry that nearly destroyed St John's Church. According to the watch man, a man was chased away from tho side door of the edifice several days ago. Two plies of burning rags were placed In the building, one at the bottom of the 'steps leading Into the belfry and the other behind tho organ. The Rev. John J. Wheeler, assistant rector of St. John's, was In the rectory adjoining when he saw tho crowd form ing and heard shouts of fire. He ran Into the church, intent on saving tho sacred vessels, but found this was unnecessary, as by that time the blaze had been put out by a Are extinguisher. Numerous letters from crankB, some of them of a threatening nature, have been received nt St. John's parish house re cently. According to Father Wheeler, it has been necessary nearly every day to eject men from the edifice who went In to sleep, sometimes drunk. In the benches. Threats have been made by some of these men, but no attention was paid to them. Gates well be erected now to prevent entrance to the belfry of the church through the vestibule. Heretofore It has been possible to get Into the tower with out difficulty. About five years ago a candle loaded with dynamite was found In St. John's. An oxploslon was prevented through a letter eent to one of the priests telling that the candle had been placed on the altar. Examination showed this to bo true. The candle had not yet been lighted. pearly every engine company In tho centre of the city responded to the alarm turned In by Captain Tempest and Sr. grant McMullln, who were passing at'Uie) time. The basement of the church! was well filled with worshipers when the shout of fire was raised by pedestrians who saw the smoke coming from the bel fry, but there was no disorder. Captain Tempest and Sergeant MoMullln superin tended tho emptying of the church. tjf. John's Churcli was burned It years ago. During the fire in 1900 among other things which remained unharmed was a llfe-Blzed statue of the Imn-'.culate Con ception. This was presented to the church by Francis Copper, a Philadel phia who sailed from this city for Europe In one of Cope's trading vessels in 1S55. PAUL CRET WRITES MAYOR Mayor Blankenburg today received a letter from Paul Cret. former professor of architecture at the University of Pennsylvania and a member pf tbe Cem- prenensive i-ians uommmee, wno js fighting In the French army. There was no -marking on tha letter to indicate where it was mailed, although it waa postmarked "France, January XI" The communication was In answer to a card conveying Christmas greetings from the Mayor and bis wife to Mr. Oret. Pro fessor Cret says he- expects to return to Philadelphia next fall. "JAKE" MELNICOFF INDICTED "Reddy Jake" Melincoff was lodleted by tbe Grand Jury today on abarfa of ac gravated assault and batery tw "Young Jack" Henlon. a former pugWUt Han Ion, It is Uge4. was s4ashd aeros tha face by MalhsMsK last Novwufew At t hearing before Jfc4t Rahw Um, wmIi Bwloa woaldrft "ojsav , TRANSIT ORDINAJC STARTED ON VOYAGE THROUGH COUNCILS Subcommittee on Finance Meets and Acts Favora bly on Measures Connel ly Says They Will Come Up Thursday. Taylor Plaif Likely Will Be Amended to Give $6,000,000 Immediately Proposed to Floar Loan Under Personal Property Tax Act. Council). Subcommittee on FInanw met In tho City Hall at noon today and acted favorably on tho ordlnanco providing for a special election In Apttl when a transit lonn Will b submitted to tho voters. John P. Connelly, chairman of the Finance Committee, said th ordinances would be reported out Of committee nt (hn ntr. ular meeting Thursday. Prompt and favorable action by both brunches of Councils is oxpectcd. Directly before the meeting today. Coun cilman Connelly and Seger wero in con ference with Stnto Senator James Mc Nlchol. Tho loan ordinance will call for J6,COO,0( to be used oxcluBlvely for trahslt, in M cordnnco with the suggestion made-by Di rector Taylor at tho hearing beforo the State Senate Commlttco on Municipal Affairs In tho City Hall Inst Thursday. Another meeting of tho subcommittee wll bo held Thursday at noon. Tho date for tho special election then wilt be set. As tho special report on rapid transit requested from Director Taylor by Coun cils at Its last meeting was placed In the hands of Councllmen Saturday, tho las't excuse for furthor delay was removed. Although the members of the Finance Committer mako it plain that they do not approve all tho features In thd pres ent Taylor plan, they have pledged that there will bo no change In the program for a speedy election, so that 'the actual construction work can bo begun early in July. PLAN FOR FLOATING LOAN. It Is proposed to float the ROGO.OOO for rapid transit under tho authority Of thd personal property tax act passed by tha Legislature two years ago, giving the city tho right to use personal property assessments as a baslo for floating loans for permanent Improvements. Senator McNIchol, at tho hearing last Thursday, Indicated that tho Supremo Court might rulo the personal property tax act unconstitutional. Joh.n tfi John eon, howevor, nt tho request of Director' Tdylorr gnro an-'opfiltbh that the act not only was constitutional, but likewise fully upheld by judicial opinion. Connelly in a' statement intimated that Councils probably would amend the Taylor plan at several points. Mr. Con nelly again declared that ho was In favor of a Broad street tube from League Isl and to Olney avenue instead of Plko street, opposed to the delivery loop and In favor of elevated lines to the north east sections. It was observed that when tho loan legislation had been approved by tho voters. It still will rest with Councils to designate on what part or parts of the Taylor plans tho money will be immedi ately expended. EXCHANGE TICKET 'WHIP." Director Taylor, In his special report to Councils, urged that the 8-cent exchange ticket system be abolished by duo pro cess of law in case the Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company should not in dorse the co-operative agreement requir ing that company to equip and operate the proposed city-built lines. Among the changes from the original plan revealed by the supplementary rer port, Is an announcement that the Boqthern portion of tho four-track sub way lino In North Broad street will be constructed In such a manner as to per mit tho laying of two additional tracks for railroad service. It is assumed that tho Pennsylvania Rallrpad soon 'will de sire to thiough-route Its trains. The ad' dltlonal expense Involved in such changes, however, would devolve upon tho railroad, according to the plans of Director Taylor. TAYLOR SUPPLIES PATA Transit Director Sends Details of Plans to Councilmen. Director Taylor told , the members of tho Mayor's cabinet at their meeting In City Hall today that ha had furnished every member of Councils with tbe data -which had been resquested by Select Councilman Seger. The department di rectors met at the sarno time as the members of Councils'. Subcommitte on Approbations. DlrecN.J of Public Health and Charities Zlegler told tho Mayor and directors he had also Bent to the Subcommittee on Appropriations the plans tho alleged lack of which was given by Councllmen as th; reason for refusing to grant the Jl.O50,a decided upon out of tho municipal loan of Ul.SOQ.OOO for improvements at Block 'ley. f riri V. It. T. YEiimyr nnY.e.uor.u 'Samuel Kane, Awarded f 15,000, Died. Before Court Order Was IssuetL A verdict of J15.00Q for John Kane ngalnst tho Philadelphia Rapid Transit Cnmnanv. as damages for injuries re ceived In a trolley accident which, ren dered him a helpless cripple, was sei ualdo today by tha Supremo Court. News of the reversal of the verdjet given by a Jury in Common Pleas Court ??o. I was spared Kane, who died on Sat. Mrday. In Judge Von MoschzlskerVi opin. ion, banded down today the Ropld Tran sit Company a awarded a new trial be cause rcross-examlnaUon on Irrelevant matters wo permitted, and counsel for the" plaintiff allowed to Introduce rtbuttnl testimony with relation to some, of th irrelevant statements. Kane received a fractured sjJn in a accident that occurred pn the evung f October SO, 1313. Standard, QH Newspaper for LmW LONDON. Feb. I5--H U rIWpl relaps ed that a new newspaper, to be aaa with Standard Oil capital. Is to b started In London. """ L.QST AWD SOTJjm V fate on Cfcwteet M B&S& tiawf p"ii . geld Mfci I !!. HGLK captasi :f S P 5 t TORTHt PUtT eBMSiniwr. p"ii i wm t wn. Mjte j. uar vmmsM2t iHt Ifif" Qthit s&JmM tt
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