ap.wttl.f),ilMiii,l,Mr s-rr-.i .irltii ili.i.S.i.-J.it.lll rniMiiif-f nrir .i Vi, jun i nrrJJ"" .1 l"i EDD1NGS WKKShA15 y .. , .. ..... l IIHAtl kf ill,. AW Aft'lffl '. N trend of the round of Joys nnd pleasurco fciiii in A way. nbalo and society will turn Ha r titration to Charities and sowing. Many circles i 1 4T4 been organized ana ma rotramu fdoUbtlMsly enjoy tho mcotlngs. Thero will bo Moticheona, theatre parlies, tone, dinners and dances, of course, as society must bo amused, '.butmosl of tlio parties will bo small and very I informal. f As usuai, Monday Is a rather dull day for ! social doings", so rawer a gooa uny to rem, uut s?n the morning the sowing class organized by jijjl,, Katharine N. Bradford, will meet In tho it.. nf hr narents. Dr. and Mrs. I. Honson Bradford. There are 22 members In the class ttho sew for the wounded in Europe, in ma ...in,T there will bo ono affair for tho 'tj.hniantn. It will bo given In honor of Miss fbltlena S. Itoblnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. gAltxander P. Itoblnson, of unestnut mil. xno T.t.w will be a dinner given by Judge and Jfi, Mrs. William Wllklns Carr, of 12CK5 Locust street. hn Tncmlftv the main thins of tho day will bo n. ml Mascme at Horticultural Hall, Of fit mmo. the usual thing before such affairs Is W-. . riv dinners. Mrs. Molly Wood Bully, (laugh- j ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Winter Bally, of i Strafford, will be entertained by nor parents K tt the Bollevuo-Stratford. ttu Katharine Sceler. daughter of air. ana mm. Harrison 3. Seelcr, will bo guest of honor K' of Mrs. Lewis It. Ashurst, Jr., at tho Morion V- Cricket Club. Thero will bo 39 guests present, Mid Mlsa Jean Ncwbold Thompson will bo honor 'guest at dinner given by her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Paul Thompson. Tho dinners that night for tho other members of tho social set will bo numerous also. Wednesday will be Ash Wednesday, tho be ginning of Lent, and tho only affair will be the third meeting of tho Wednesday Music Club. Mrs. Clifford Lowls, of 30 South 22d street, will tntertaln. ZL Mr. Alexander Ennla I'atton ana miss ration, of 1SS South 18th street, will entertain at iuncn eon and auction bridge on Thursday, and Mrs. Syilllom S. Floyd, of 233 West Harvey street, Oermantown, will also entcrtnln at luncheon. In the evening Mr. and Mis. William S. Moffly, f AlUn'a Inn ntiMtnnt Hill. Mill entertain 'at dinner, followed by Informal dancing In their home. ,. On Friday Miss Charlotto Rush, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Benjamin Rush, will bo guest or ' honor at a theatre party, followed by supper at tho Rltz-Carlton to bo given by Eckley 'Brinton Coxe, Jr., of 1601 Locust street. Tho lame night tho dancing class directed by Mrs. lJuer, will havo a Bal Masque Mr. and Mrs. Halbert Powers Gillette, of Hamilton Court, Bill entertain at dinner In honor of their daugh- s ter, Miss Louise Scranton Gillette, before the dance. Mrs. Samuel A. Crozer, of 2014'Lccust street, Will entertain at luncheon, and Mrs. William , W. Arnett, of 2116 Pine street, will entertain the first meeting of the Farmlngton Lenten Sewing Class. On Saturday Miss Ellen Jaquett Sellers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Jaquott Sellers, ! whose marriage to Richard. C. McCall will take gy yiacB Apri o, win ud &uuab ui ..viiur ul luncheon to be given In tho Bala Country Club. In the evfnlne there will be a large fancy y. dress dantle at tho Pickering Hunt Club. Many sinners tyui precede it. un ounaay ur. nnu 'Mrs. Charlton Yarnall will give the second of their fourynuslcoles. The next two will be on 'Sundays, March 7 and 21. Mr. and) Mrs. James Francis Sullivan enter- : Ulned at the theatre, followed by supper nt the Rltz-Carlton last night In hoi.or of Miss Cordelia. Blddle, daughtor of Mr, and Mrs. A. J. Drexel Blddle. The guests numbered 50. Some among them were Mr. and Mrs. James Clews, of New York: Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Drexel Blddle. BH Dl. Htlll 1fm nhnvlma ti Tlt-nam Xftaa rM-- nella Carter Leldy, Miss Margaret Borwind, r Mies Ruth Coxe. Miss Jean Christian Bullitt. j Miss Charlotte Harding Brown, Miss Frances Livingston Bulllvan, Miss Leta Sullivan, Miss Gertrude Tower. Miss Hope Truxton Beale. B Mils Mary Brown Warburton. Miss Marie Louise Wanamaker, Miss Eugenia Kelso Cas att, Miss Madeleine Dahlsren. of New York: W Dr. John B. Carson, Tucker Blspham, Oliver JSton Cromwell and James A. Blair, of New iorjc Raines Paul, of London and Berlin, la the (UeSt Of Mr. and Mm. IVllllnm -VVIIhnr Tim.. jL Cooke, at their home In Bala. Mr, and Mrs. Jnmx t TrTT,iiori,i nt timi. tP, York road. Oeontz. entertained nt dlnnar tn Thursday night. Their guests lnoluded Mrs. , . Milton Coltonj Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Ma. fWland, Mr, and Mrs. James P, McFarland, .Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. H. C, Roberts. Mr. and Mm. MnrmaHnli -TIM or. 1 t "Lenox road, Jonklntown, are being congratu Uted on the birth of a daughter yesterday, MrS. Titden -Will lift ramamlia.,.. am X4I.. 11lnn , trailer. K Dr. and Mrs. Strieker Oolea, of a03 Walnut I'ireet, will entertain at dinner tonight Jn honor t Mr. and Mrs. Edmund L. Mackenzie, of New pork, -who are spending- the week-end with them. Their iweats will be Mr, and Mrs. Beau WUu Boris, Admiral -Y. U Camp and Mrs. ICamp, Miss Pauline Bowie and Fevton Colea. pemprrow afternoon Mrn. Edward Oolea will pnurtaln Mr. and Mrs. Mackenzie informally t luncheon, after which they will return to Lew York. UTS. M. II. VlnVr nf M W.h1h.J av-n... . an&ounces thA nvavM, h.. , .i.. Ijllfs Mabel Vlckers, to H. Benne Henton, of , --- h na. une rtaaios will 1e place in (April. A. Minion 8tudy Class, which wlU meet on tifcdnesday sfturnnnna rfnrlnr Ij.nl at h tinnu Uf Mrs. William WnnHaiiKl A matt 1la rln &(rtt, trill be conducted by Mr. Charjes Cax- t?' nr. une nrit maettnf wui take piac Weo aesday, rebruwy tl. lIrs, John Magce, of Chicago, arrive on rday end U the guest of Mrs. Karl Edwin, 4rr(man, of IJanfalr road. Ardmore. for two ft? . ajwl Mr, qtotga M, eyJ, of W8 Swu ih iHKUJa uu&unur su. , tarn '4-.. "-;-;k. MmHEHRf UWMKst&Z' - V '' '" 2 V'V, V,; '"PS MISS FRANCES STEPHENS WEAHT Mies Wcart ia tho dauelitcr of Mr. and Mn. James T. Wcart. llcr engagement to Alfred J. Wilkinson was recently an nounccd. dance tonight in honor of their daughter. Miss Mnry Cuthbort Boyd. Tho decorations will bo qulto simple, but Hi koeplng with St. Vulentlno Day. Invitations have been Issued by Mr. and Mrs. Ncwlln Haines, for the marriage of their daugh ter, Miss Reba Bowne Haines to Charles Halde man Longstreth, on Wednesday, February 2t, at 12 o'clock, at the St. Chnrles Hotel, Atlantlo City. Enclosed are at homo cords for tho Belle vue Apartments, Ardmore, after May 1. Invitations have been Issued by Yarnall Ab bott for an informal reception nnd private view, of an exhibition of his paintings for Wednes day evening, February 17, at tho Philadelphia Sketch Club. The flrnt meeting of the new series of tho Rltz-Carlton Supper Club will bo held tonight. These affairs have been going on all winter nnd wero so successful that tho committee In charge, at tho last meeting decided to hold 10 more. Mrs. R. W. Hawkesworth and Mrs. J. Hutchinson Scott have chargo of the club, nnd the committee includes: W. Ljman Blddle, Sam uel Bell, Jr., Edward Browning, Charles E. Coxe, Gardner Cassntt, Edward Crozer, G. Dal las Dixon, Jr., R. M. Elliott, John C. Groomo, Sidney E. Hutchinson, Dr. Chnrles E. Hart, Harry W. Harrison, Howard If. Henry. Sidney W. Keith, R. G. LcConte. W. M. McCawley, J. Franklin McFndden, Clement B. Newbold, John C. Norrls, Louis R. Page, Robert Ralston, Dr. E. Holllngaworth Slter, Joseph E. WIdener. The dansants that havo been so popular Sat urday afternoons will be more than ever graced by society this afternoon. The occasion will be the specialty dancing of Maurice and Miss Florence "Walton, of New York. The affair will be one worth while, as It la to be held In the main ball room Instead of the Rose Gar dens. Many parties will bo given, nnd a num. her of tables have been engaged. N IMMENSE throng gathered to hear J, "Die "Walkuere" on Tuesday night, drawn not so much, perhaps, because of the opera, al though the lovers of Wagner were many, but because the fate of any extra opera perform ances hung in the balance, and It was not until the following morning that the official announcement of three additional operas this season was made. The horseshoo waa inter esting for the number of box parties which wero being entertained, among them the party of Mrs. Edward T. Stotesbury, whose guests from out of town were Mrs. Alexander Brown, of Washington, and Mrs. Donnell Swan. Mrs. Stotesbury was resplendent In a deep cardinal velvet gown. One of the handsomest gowns observed this season was worn by Mrs. Alex ander Brown. It was of turquoise blue, dull finished satin and had a narrow' girdle of sil ver cloth. The bodice, which was very low and cut square In front and V-shaped at the back, was composed of white chiffon, and an exquisite diamond ornament was placed at the qorsage. Mrs. Brown wore a tiara of diamonds. Mrs. Henry Brinton Coxe wore a handsome gown of whjte satin and crystals. Tho bodice was draped In Grecian fashion, with the crystal trimming over one shoulder, forming half of the bodice, and folds of tulle forming the other half, The skirt had a slight pannier. Mrs. Thomas Rldgway, in a charming frock of gobelin blue, looked! like an old-fashioned picture. Another quaint little frock of Pom peilan silk tm worn by Miss Eleanor Hop klna. It was of pale yellow with small figures of deep red and was made with a short fulN quilled skirt. ALONG THE MAIN LINE, BALA-Tho Cynwyd Boys' Club will give their scond annual dance tonight at Bala-Cynwyd Auditorium. Among those present will be Mr, and Mrs. Oeorge a Canfleld. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Jnald Kays. Mr. and Mra. Joseph J. deV. Keefe, Mr. and Mrs. "W. B. Mljes, Mr. and Mrs. A. Vanneman, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred D. Pedrlok, Mr, and Mrs.yIIrbrt Cross, Mr. and Mrs. "Will iam P. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. William I Waynes, Mr. and Mrs, J. Marshall Vanneman, Mlsa Sarah Pedrlok, Miss Elizabeth Crtstie, Mli Gladys Griffiths, of Chelsea; Miss Louise do la V. Keefe, Miss Yvonne Fugue Keefe, Miss Jans I- Magee, Miss Elisabeth Lodge Mageo, Miss Grace Yandlver, M!m Ethelwyn Vandlver, Donald Knowlton. qorge C Canfleld, Jr., now. ard Meek. Jr.. Paul A. Vanneman. Jr . Charles JL Malpass. Joseph Kesfe, Walter S. March, Jr., Lodge Oliver, GerrUh SpretiH aa George Dajv ay ir. w " liif M'lw n jifcSMM vl r -i ii'fKir BLmB.mnLmK&'iL& rise? iii tsb-vsNaw.,,jss'iaiBc rijac i vikw i v&s B.'a..ivtt c t 'ii' Ik 1HH V'll' tlPB It U 1 '4- iP -r ? . . . iLWMkWlUmtj.t i A. ,i t ,MaaaaaaaakeaaaaaWsaaWllaaaiai " " " W8o . ' -v. WStXWv r I I illllllllllHlailllllllllllllllllllllHaWaK(9$f ! & $ V$ H MISS MARGARET HANDY BURTON Miss Burton Is tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Burton. She made her debnt in December and has been among the rttost popular of the season's buds. CHESINUT HILL The Chestnut Hill dancing class, which meets nt the various country clubn, will be held to night nt the Germantown Automobile Club. The hosts will be Mr. nnd Mrs. Frederick B. Bar nltz. Tho members Includo Mr. and Mrs. Frederick B. Barnltz, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carter, Mr. nnd Mrs. Edward Shuman, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Deckln, Mr. nnd Mrs. Charlefl Shcpard, Mr. and Airs. Kern Dodge, Mr. and Mrs. Larzalore, Mr. and Mrs. Davis. The out-of-town guests will bo Mr. and Mrs. Hooper, of Baltimore, who will spend tho week end with Mr. nnd Mrs. Frederick Barnltz. A number of dlnnem will bo given tonight before the weekly dance at the Philadelphia Crlckef. Club. Among those entertaining are E. Rlttcnhouse Miller, who will have 12 guests; Crelchtou Malcolm will have 14 guests; Samuel Clement, Jr., will entertain 16; Mrs. John H. Whlttaker will havo a party of 17; Mr. Bright will entertain 6, and Samuel Bodlne will give a dinner to 10 guests. Mr. nnd Mrs. Cornelius Bodlne, of 115 Spring field avenue, entertamod nt dinner last night at the Philadelphia Cricket Club before the weekly dance. WEST PHILADELPHIA Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rubens Brown gave a small dance last night at their home, northwest corner of 41st and Locust streets, for their young daughter. Miss Katharine Adallno Brown. The guests, who were from tho school set. In cluded Miss Emma Boyd, Miss Eleanor Gray, Miss Marguerite Woodward, Miss Margaret Musselman, Miss Eleanor Wilson, Miss Marga jet Wilson, Miss Marjorle Irvine, Miss Eleanor Duffy, Miss Margaret Kimball, Miss Doris Ram sey, Miss Phyllis Ramsey, Charles Langner, Douglas Irvine, Robert Burke, Richard Tift, Alexander Lafferty, Knox McIIvalne, Ernest O'Hara, Perclval Collins, Charles Gllden, Jr., Robert Musselman, Proctor Moffett and J. Henry Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Brown will give a similar affair next Tuesday night. A reception was held this week at'the home of Mrs. J. Freeman, of 733 South COth street, In honor of the Aba Daba Club. The house was elaborately decorated with the colors of the club. Among those present were Miss Helen Chatham. Mlsa Marie Backes, Miss Isabel Young, Miss Gertrude Magennls, Miss Emely McFeeters, Miss Pearl Hamilton, Miss Catherine Brennan, MIsa Iena Scholn, Miss Rena John ston, Miss Clara Young, Miss Loretta Young, Miss Marlon Johnson, Paul I Smiley, William E. Johnson, Jack Freeman, Philip Sohaeffer, George Scholz, Joseph Boehmer, Henry Laessar, Jack Meade, Joseph Algle, William Brown, George Wlnaur and James Borbrldge. A muslcalo was given this week by Mr. and Mrs, John II. Donaldson, of Sherwood, The guests Included Miss Anna Jarvls, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Jenkins, Mr. and Mrs. "Wasslll Leps. Miss Olga Leps, John Luther Long, Mr. and Mrs. James Dunn, Miss E. Myrtle Dunn, Raymond J, Consldlne, Norbert A. Consldlne, Miss Sallle Wood, Miss Jean I, Dunn, Dr, and Mrs, Frank Rltter, Mr, and Mrs. Col lough, Horace Dunn, Miss Irene SUIlman, Miss Adeline Pattl Noar, William J, Mayer, Mrs. Mary W, Johnson, Oswald Blake, Mr. and Mrs. Horace R. Hood, Frank Conly, . Miss Florence C. Lewis, Miss Sara McKlnney, Mr, and Mrs. William Bentz, William Austin, Miss EtheJ Austin, "William J. Parker, Mr, and Mrs, It. D, Stockton, aeorgo Rothermel. Mrs. Mre Langst,on Ust, Mrs, Emily Stokes Haser, Charles SUutUeworth, Miss Vlvlenne Segal, Charles Emerick, E. "V. Corf, rain, JMr. and Mrs. William Treen, "William Loe ben, Mr. and Mrs. William Kratx, Miss Elisa beth Hats and Paul Volkmann. LANSDOWNE A. Colonial tea and promenade was held In the, school ha(l of St. Charles' Church last night, The promenade was led by Miss Kathryn Ma hone and John McFadden, who 'were attired In Martha and George Washington costumes, Mrs. Charles Connor, of Washington, D. O., ia visiting Mr. and Mrs. "William N. Deere, of Taylor avenue. Mrs. Deere will entertain this eeviUng In honor of Mrs. Connor. Mrs. Harry Baldwin, ,t Turnar avenue, will spend the weak-Mid with her fath?r, (he Rr, O, K, Gray, of Btfctsher - " - Mcgfef: rhl bj Mareein. MATINEE MUSICAL CLUB Choral Conrert to Bo Given in 'Wilherspoon Hall on February 23. Prepaiatlons for tho Choral Concert of the Matlneo Musical Club, to be given at Wlther spoon Hall on the eonlng of February 23, are well under way. Jerome Uhl, a young bary tone, who has had success In New York nnd other cities; Miss Eleanor Conway, Miss Mao Farely, Miss Marie G. Loughnoy, Miss Flora G. Cannon, Mrs. Pctzell nnd Miss Schwartz will be the soloists and Miss Donlevy hnrplste. Tho club will have a program of German muslo nt the nfternoon concert on Tuesday, February 16. nt the Roosevelt, and Miss Maude Hanson Pettltt has arranged the following program: Part songs (n) "The Silver Bell" Relnhold Herman Soloist, Miss Sterrett (b) 'Lullaby" Brnhms Miss Sterrett, Miss Cannon. Mrs. Hamell, Mrs. Maschal, Mrs. Nichols, Mlsn Dance, Mrs, Wilson, Miss Newklrk, Miss Walters nnd MIsb Kohnle. (Under direction of Mrs. Edward Philip Llnch) Contralto "Himmllsche Zelt" Rles Lena Buclln Soprano (a) "Die Lotos Blume" Schubert (b) "Staendchen" Richard Strauss (c) "Melne Llcbe 1st Gruen" Brahms Elizabeth Krueger Piano (a) "Traumerel" Schumann (b) "Vogel als Prophet" Schumann Ann Thompson Contralto (a) "Nacht und Traume" Schubert (b) "Die Junge Nonne" Schubort Augusta Kohnle Soprano (a) "Blind auf deln Haar" Haydn (b) "Vergebllches Staendchen" Brahms o) "Auf dem Gruenen Balkon" Wolf Elma Carey Johnson Harp and violin "Berceuse".... Carl Oberthuer Emma Rous and Nina Prettyman Howell Contralto (a) "Wo slnd all die Blumen?" Taubert (b) "Haenseleln" Taubert May Walters Soprano a) "Waldelnsamkelt Reger (b) "So blst Du" Hans Himmer (o) "Helmllcha Aufforderung," Richard Strauss Helen MacNamee Bentz Piano (a) "Am Meer" .....Mendelssohn (b) "Fruehllngslled" Mendelssohn (c) "Der Wanderer" Mendelssohn Alton IC Dougherty Part songs fa) Bplnnlng song from "Flying Dutchman," Wagner (b) "The Walnut Tree" Schumann Harp and violin obllgato by Mrs. Rous and Mrs. Howell; Ray Daniels Jones. Frances But terworth and William P. Bentz at the piano. GERMANTOWN One of the many sewing societies doing faithful work for the relief of the Belgians under the auspices of the Emergency Aid. is the one organised by Mrs. W- Frederick Snyder, of "Cllfflawn, which meets ori Wednesday of each week. The members ore Mrs. Henry Doan, Mrs. Manly-Powers, Mrs. B, D. Gray, Mrs. Frederick Shepard and Mrs. Arthur Rulon. The meeting next Wednesday will be held at the home of Mrs. Henry Doan, 153 Carpen ter street. A children's Valentine party will bo gtvan Saturday afternoon by Mrs. A, H. Dawson, of C801 Oreene street, for her granddaughter, Mlas Ellanor Dawson. On Monday evening, February 15, a large dance will be given at the Colonial Dance Cas tle, Germantown and Maplewood avenues, for the benefit of the Holy Rosary Italian School, at Haines and Morton streets. The affair, which gives promise of being a success, has been arranged by Mlas Anna Mae Nolen, of 6t Church lane, and Miss Helen Rellly, of Bayn ton street and Walnut lane. The following wilt act as patronesses: Mrs. Michael Rellly, Mrs, J. F, Nolen, Mrs. Thomas Brockbank, Mrs. M. Russell, Mrs. Daniel Foster and Mlas Cecilia NoUn. Mrs, A. H. Dawson, of Greene street, will give a Valentine party for her little grand daughter. Eleanor Dawson, today. About 30 guests are expected. Frank M. Bannon, of 15 East Chtlten ave nue, who has been spending some time In Washington, p. C, baa returned to his home. MUs Allda a Buehltr, of Haosberry street, Will tatertala at W this afternoon. The MISS MABEL VICKEIIS Miss Vlckers is the daughter of Mr. M. B. Vickers. Her engagement to H. Benne Hcnton is announced. guests will Includo Miss Genevieve Dlllenbeck, Miss Natalie Bllzard, MIbs Holly McCormlck, Miss Alice Dlllenbeck, Miss Jean Speese, Miss Dorothy McBrldc, Miss Jean Knox, Miss Mar tha Henderson, Miss Eleanor Scattergood, Miss Hazel Coffin, Miss Frances GIlKey, Miss Nancy Joffroys, Miss Josephine Hooper. Miss Catharine Norrls, Miss Louise Deacon, Miss Marian Steams', Miss Mildred Havens,, Miss Marian Hooper, Miss Edith Ketcham, Miss Har riet Smith, Miss Charlotte Chorry, Miss Su zanna Craig, Miss Margaret Blckley, Miss Mary Louise McCown. Miss Mary Rich, Miss Annotta MacGrath, Miss Margaret Shoemaker, Miss Mary Closson, Miss Sara Cooke, Miss Grnco Harrlgan, Miss Emma Crowder, Mls3 Frances Ray and Miss Margaret Spencer. SOUTH PHILADELPHIA Miss Edna S. Latorn, of 233 South 16th street, gave n Valentino party this week. Among thdso present wero Miss Mnry Benson, Miss Margaret Morrow, Mies Adeline Waldron, Miss Frances Repettn, Miss Ida Simon, Hugh Camp bell, Robert Campbell, Howard Bradford, War ren McCloskey, Frank Thompson, Robert Thompson nnd Joseph O'Neill, Jr. Mrs. "William S. Vare, of 2238 South Broad street, and Mrs. Edwin H. Vare, of Ambler, left this week for Palm Beach, Fla., where they Will spend the remainder of tho winter. They were accompanied by Miss Charlotte Vare, Miss Ida Varo, Miss Beatrice Vnre, Miss Mildred Varo and Edwin H. Varo. Jr. George Jackson, of 8th and MclCean streets, has returned to his home, having spent the last three months In Nicholson, Pa. MIsb Ida Hinckley, of 2GI0 South 20th street, left this week for Parksldc, N. J., where she will be the guest of Mls Clara Wolfe for about 10 days. Several affairs have been arranged In her honor during her visit. MISS JANE E. HARDING, daughter of Mrs. George J. Harding, will be guest ot honor at luncheon at the Rltz-Carlton followed by a theatre party to be given by Mrs. Samuel Frederick Houston, of Drulm Molr, of Chestnut Hill. The guests will Include Miss Aimee Hutch inson, Miss Jean Christian Bullitt. Miss Vir ginia Roberts, Miss Jean Newbold Thompson, MIbs Frances I Stoughton, Miss Elizabeth E. WIster, Mies Hope McMlchael, Miss Mary E. Clayton, Miss Elizabeth Roberts Reath, Miss Hilda Tunis, Miss Isabel Wurts Page, Mlsa Edith H. Bally, Miss Charlotte Harding Brown, Miss Lucia A. Warden and Miss Margaret Han dy Burton. Miss Anna Massey Hcckscher. daughter of Mrs. Austin Heckscher, will be entertained at the theatre, followed by fltipper at the Rltz Carlton. The party will be given by Mr. and Mrs. Ledyard Heckscher, of Bollngbroke, Rad nor, and will Include Miss Hope Truxton Beale, Mlsa Inez Lewis Drayton, Miss Gertrude Tower, Miss Margaret Berwlnd, Terclval Drayton Tay lor, Charles Louis Boris, Robert Frazer, Jr., Thomas B, Hart and Decatur Sblppen West. Mrs. Charles Brinton Coxe, of UM Locust street, will give a dinner-dance tonight In honor of Mlsa Caroline Slnkler, who Is at present the guest of Miss Mary Frances Fisher, daughter of Dr, and Mrs. Henry Mtddloton Fisher. A number of the season's debutantes will be pres ent, Mrs, Walter Judson Sprankle, of Overbrook, will give a luncheon at the Bellevue-Stratford, followed by a theatre party, In honor of Mlas Mary Hall Laird, debutante daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Warren Powers Laird, of the Glad stone. The guesUi will be from the debutante set. . ROXBOROUGH Doctor and' Mrs. R. Garth Wltman,' of tut Freetand avenue, will move after tile 1st of Jupe to Norrlatown, where Mr. Whitman has been elected resident physician of the Charity Hos pital of Norrlstown. Mlsa Edith Leah Jones, of S3T East Levering, ton avenue, Roxborough." has returned from a three weeks' sojourn In Toronto, Canada, where she has been visiting a, former Phlladslphlan, who will be remembered as Miss Bertha Hun ter. Mr and Mrs. Harry Jones, ot 3! J Fountain street, have returned from Colllnsaweed, N- J , wbera. they were the guests of Mr, Jonas' par unt, Mr. nai, Mrs. Frank Jones, DEBUTANIlS i ' ' ' ' t THF3 marriage, of Mlas Edyth 8, Aiidcrtoru daughter of Mr hhd Mrs. Gustavo Ander ton, of 90S N6rtli Broad street, and Clarence J. E. Dobson (Clarence Jay Elmer), of 3716 N6rth lfth street, which took place nt noon today", wns the culmination of a romance that began nbout n year ago in Lubln's studio, where "both tho bridegroom and bride are actors In leadlhff roles. The ceremony was perfdrmed br the Rev. Edward B. Slbole, of SL John's Lutheran Church, In the studio, 20th street and Indiana avenue, which had been arranged with an elaborate stage background. Tho color scherno ot the decorations was pink, tho Colonial fur niture being upholstered In that color with all the draperies to match. Tho bride wore a white satin gown, trimmed with tulle. Her veil of tullo was arranged with the conven tional cap, held In plaeo with lilies of the val ley and orange blossoms. She carried a bouquet of lilies of tho valley. Mrs. Joseph W. Smiley was matron of honor. Tho bridesmaids wero Miss Dorothy Adams, .Miss Tlllllo Burke, Miss Ada Charles, Mlas Josephine Longworth, Miss Ethel Mae, Miss Jewel Wllllnms, Miss Frances Samson and Miss Elslo Woodward. They, were dressed alike In pink silk frocks and carried pink roses. The bridal party Included also two flower girls, Dorothy Do Wolf and Elinor Dunn. Mr. Dobson had Colonel Joseph W. Smiley for his best man, and tho ushers were lsadre Schwartz. William Cohlll, Allen Dunn, Jack Del son, Douglas Slbole. Edgar Wolf, James Burns nnd Jamos Cassldy. The ceremony was fol lowed by n breakfast at the RIts-Carlton. Mr, and Mrs. Dobson will spend their honeymoon at Palm Beach, and upon their' return will live for n time at SOS North Broad street. A novel feature of the wedding waa tho photographing of tho scones for a moving- pic ture story, which will bo written for the pur pose of introducing these films. IIESS MATIITEU. Tho marriage of Miss Mary Madeline Mathleu, niece ot Mr. and Mrs. Charloa P. McCulley of Bala, to Daniel Joseph Hess, son of George B. Hess, of 9S8 South 40th stroet, will take placo this afternoon In the Church of St. Francis do Sales. Tho ceremony will be performed by the Rev. Father Thomas J. Itanney, at 6:30 o'clock. Tho bride, who will bo given In marriage by her brother. Howard David Mathleu, wilt be at tended by her sistor-ln-law, Mrs. Howard Dayld Mathleu, as matron of honor. Mr. Hess will be attended by hl3 brother, Charles Hcsa, as best man. Walter W. Hess, a cousin of tho bride groom; Prcvor Leutze, Hiram Colklns and Fred erick Mathleu, a brother of tho bride, will bo ushers. Miss Mathleu will wear a gown of whlto eatlrt and real lace, made with a court train. Her veil will be of tulle and lace arranged on a cap, and held In placo by orange blossoms. She will carry a shower bouquet of lilies ot the. valley and Brldo roses. The matron of honor will be gowned In pink faille rllk nnd real lace. A hnt of pink tulle will finish her costume, and she will carry an arm bouquet of pink sweet peas. A reception will Immediately follow nt tho Rlttonhouse, and on their return from a wed ding trip Mr. and Mrs. Hess will live In West Philadelphia. ALONG THE READING A children's dancing- class, undor the patron age of Mrs. Eugene Carltn, has been organized and will meet every Monday afternoon, from 4 until 6 o"clock, at the Jenklntown Auditorium on York road. Miss Kathleen Carlln will be In chargo of the class, und tho members In clude: Miss Marjorle Stroud, Miss Rachel Rob erts, Miss Ruth Clement, Miss Esther Tiffen bach. Miss Margaret Carlln, Miss Elizabeth Engle. Miss Madeline Clay, Bliss Sue Bremer. Miss Clay, Thomas B. Harper, William Wooley, Edward Lupton, Stewart Graham, Harry Will iams, Robert Pent and Robert Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Osborne, of Washing ton lane, Jenklntown, will give a dance at the Old York Road Country Club In honor of tnelr daughter, Miss Caroline Osborne, on Tuesday evening, April 6. The guests will be members of the school set. Mr. and Mrs. Caspar Druedlng, of 1014 Pros pect avenue, Elktns Park, -entertained at theatre party last evening In honor of Dr, and Mrs. Emll Schneider. TIOGA Miss Kathleen M. Loughlln, of 2215 Hunting Park avenue, gave a luncheon, followed by a linen shower, today, In honor of Mrs. Walter A. Young, who before her marriage was Miss Anna Nash. The decorations were appropriate ot the valentine Beason. Those present wero Miss Marian Myers, Miss Emily G. Hirst, Mies Elisabeth Bardaley, Miss Elizabeth Gilberts, Miss Marguerite Toland, Miss Marlon Nash and Mrs. Wilbur Dutton. A delightful entertainment was given last night at the home of Dr. and Mr. Benjamin T, Neall, 182S West Ontario street. The affair was a novelty. party, arranged as a surprise In celebration of Doctor Neall's Will blrthdav anniversary. Red carnations roingled with red hearts and valentine novelties in the decora tions. Several original congratulatory poem wire read by the guests. Among those pres ent were Dr. and Mrs. Waltor H. Neall Mr and Mrs, Robert M. Neall, Mr, and Mrs; Walter Matslnger. Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Pilling, Mr and Mrs William Russell, Mr. and Mro, qeorge B. Ruddlck, Miss Emily Neall, Miss Edith Neall, Charles MonteomerV, Mlas Elsie Moore, Mlas Jennie Bird, Miss Grace Haldeman. Mr. Han nah Ray Fox. Miss Hannah Fox Neall and Edwin Earl Neall. NORTH PHILADELPHIA Miss Gertrude Estelle Kelly, of XttT North 16th street, has as her guest Miss Lois Reiinlc, ot Alabama- Mlas RennJe will remain for w oral weeks and Miss Kelly jind a number of br friends have planned, many euterUtnrutnU '" her honor. Mrs. Lo Roy Walker, of tm North HSh atreot. entertained at bridge yesterday afternoon. Tho gam was fallowed by a buffet, luifcn, Tin guests, who are member of Mrs. Waltei'a oad Olub, wero: Mr. WUUam Campbell, Mr. "Will lain Wright, Mrs. J. Harry Uang, Mrs. Wii. Urn Sauter. Mrs, Frederick SniHh, Mr. Tnammm Seward. Mrs. Ctartwoa Paliotr. Mrs Hit Horn J ard en Mrs Bulb, Mm. W N Lynch Mrp, John hlV, MM. SAw I4rk. M(s Staifau ;.,- StUueUJ. Miss TWHa Wtur. 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