.VESTING T.EPgERlPHlUAPELPHIA, SATURDAY, FBBBXJABY IS, 1915. PUT THROUGH DOQ GRIEF-STRICKEN Ycadon'a Mall Carrier Bcfusea to leave Companion's Grave. A dog Is wearing out his llfo by starva tion today over tho grave of another dog at Tendon borough, and as a result the United States malt deliveries aro late for the first time In 10 years. The living dog Is Colonel. Ills companion, Collie, Is dead and burled, and Colonel is showing his grief by refusing to eat. Tho postmaster Is seeking a man to carry tho mall tho one mllo from the Fernwood railroad station to the Yeadon postomce. Colonel and Colllo have been doing It for tho last 10 years. Colonel's walls called tho attention of his master. Justice of the Peace William B, Evans, to tho death ot Collie. If the dog had been suffering for any length of time beforo ho died, ho did not show It. So far It has been Impossible to coax or drlvo Colonel away from the grave. imiiiwni'siwi i iiiiii l iiii.imi allium. i...liLii.,i.iii,Maiwwi Store Optna 8iS0 A. M. WANAMAKER'S Store Ctoscs Si$0P. M. DORSE OF SPROUTS fORTILTS IN COURT Annual Sale of Books Next Monday Over 50,000 Volumes to Be Disposed of at Reduced Prices I Mrtiftflsif-inn fit hOOl 01 AIWUUV.WW.I . EVhich City's Guardians (Hook Store, Mntn Floor) e Prepared for Assaults Rf Legal Adversaries. Ifflwr, tell tho Court what you know i l".!"' a 5!l n. m. on tho 12th day WvMtaty. i9 : was PitrollnB my boat Mi,t Jldo of 62J etriet near Market ggtjolng Bouth from Marke I saw ?W ttnL tut, ofllcer: wo don't want to (gov til that- w,iy dla you ttrrcst lhla eaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBlBaati 3CTaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaB Ilfoi mutt novor think or Imagine. You flffiiU know. Stand up straight and talk BtteJury can hear you." inn l wlmt happens to policemen In StaVcourtroom" ot tho training ncliool trrtr-lhreo bluecoats report dally to Scr Bgot John Stuckort, Instructor, for Ics IM 1" pollcemanshlp. milty ro taught to becomo Inured to fSMctorlng and badgering of Blitrp tiliiti lawyers In tho courtroom and to ftriicgt their cases so clearly and cor frfttly llat no Judgo and Judges aro often Jftotlous creatures when It comes to po-fucemcn-wlll throw tho caso out of court hot Uck of evidence. Most of tho cases halh mock court aro purposely "bun rcled" Md then straightened out for tho Ittnellt of the "Jury" or patrolmen. fe"Tou see, many cases In court nro KWlcd.' and wo try to prepare tho men F. " .... tmnnAnlnrra ' Btltrl Harifnntlt (Or SUCH IIVPUP V..BV.O.. ctu-Mt. who acts ns coach and Judge. RWttUam J. Cooley, uttornoy for tho IBu 11 of Police, frequently elves tho cWjcs ."pointers" on how to hold ono's own with a lawyer TVhllo llablo to be ; Confused on tho witness stand. gEesIdes court proceduro and othor po- JIC8 WOr K me poiicuiliuii utu mumit &-uim- .uinWi pocraohy. military tactics, ro- rclvtr firing, horsomanshlp, Jlu jltsu, pinlcal culture, swimming and life sav Inr, and a host of othor subjects. Dr. Hubley R. Owen, chief police surgeon, rlvei them lectures and demonstrations lii flrst aid, and F. B. Itutherford, secro titrv of tho Society for tho Prevention h Cruelty to Animals, Instructs them In tfca relief of sunering animais. javcry 'patrolman who makes a grado of 70 or more In" a courso of four weeks receives a diploma. To do this ho must succcss- Ifullr answer 3000 questions. fc'TVe don't claim that wo can make po- IVL . 1... winnnt nf linntrft fp anlri Pntitfllti Hrry C. Davis, head of tho division of Inspection, instruction anu unit, who nun tlarjo of tho school, "bat wo do Inow that certain fundamental training stakes for a much higher efficiency In tbi ranks of tho policemen." Soys bbighteb than girls Test at Friends' Select School Shows J Average of Knowledge. Bors averago 5 per cent, higher than tlrlt In general knowledge and obscrva- Itlons, according to a test just compietoa It1 the Friend3' Select School, 140 North lltlt street One hundred and fifty pupils JctjAve high school and two elementary Jpades were chosen to answer tho ques tions. .The averago of tho cntlro student body :WU &i per cent., which Dr. Walter D. 'jJavlknd, principal of tho school, be lleses is higher than would result It men id women were given tho test. OBITUARIES ANDBEW J. DEIiANEY Andrew J. Delanoy. for years associated lth the drygoods firm of Hood, Foulkrod k Co.. and later with Miller. Balnc, Beyer It Co., Is dead at the homo of Dr. nobert Bryan, 4202 Chestnut street. Ho suc cumbed tVedneRdnv tn an attack of heart disease. Mr. Delanoy, who for years par- Itlclpated In swimming and athletic con Huts, was ona of the orcranlzers of the Athletlo Club of the Schuylkill Navy. JHIj father, William Delaney, a Journalist, fiu associated with the Catholic Quarter ly llevlew and the Catholic Standard. Mrs. Theresa Delanoy, Ws mother, was an Kiiya cnurch worker and organized the first women's club In Philadelphia. Solemn Requiem, Mass will bo celebrated at Pt. James' Calholln f!hnrph. SSlh nnrt f!h!it. sut streets, Monday morning. QEOEGE -W. KAESNEB JJJ4 Thursday of apoplexy at his homo. "email street, uerraantown, was v. rirti nw .... . . .. . i?"" "r vcicrun ana a leaamg momoer jfof tbs Germantown Republican Club. For Iptny years ho managed a branch office lDf thfl TTnltAfl Clnm T.nn.r..An C rtr Ipany, and was formerly employed by the Wty. He leaves a widow, a sister, Mrs. MTlna Tatley, of Cambridge. Maas., and life brothers, Dr. Charles W. Karsner RTli9 funeral services will be held Mon- -., uucraoon ni tno mm aieinoaisc Episcopal Church. Main and High streets, ntrmiiHian MBS. SUSIE A. HILIi IWOrtl VUfta tAnAlIA,1 Am. n 1. a J.nltl f.t , :- " n.iiiii iuuu u ma mcihi UlrflWVnpVnf lf 0..l A It I It .MAnr ; w w .uno. auaia u, jiiiit wmwn Jtttalato Joseph Hill, a Now York man- -wturqr, ana daughter of tha late l?W p. Kerr, who was ono of the lead- -. .11 mo lexiuo jnuustry m i'nuauei- Wlll. Tlf-o Till, - ! - -.r F 7-. " i wits u Bisier vi iura. I j"lM, A- Llpplncott. of Logan, and an --... v. ucurga v. iippincoic ana jurs. it. 'Benson, After the death of her Msbana In New York in 1850, Mrs. Hill "ted With l.o- tl. in. t mi. T. I m lIUs Cella Kerr, nt 465 West End , new xorlt city, W 'WILIJAM BBYAIT K1(Jun attack of heart failure last CS k'ed William Bryan, nn aged SSiK lealer. J"t as ha arrived at tha Mjgjyv Bunday tabernacle with several naeed In his line of business to K&iT "evangelist. Policemen Stowman iut!ler carrled Mr. Bryan into the SffPJcle hospital, where he expired. fSliiiH . . " " J'e'lr8 "" ISSf4 'n business at 111 CallowhlU I1 MCHABD A. BODIIICK rjcfc'nr.l ... n-j.-. ,j.,.. 5HS.ta?elph,a as a clergyman of the Wated with Irrigation and land hoSi IBnt companies in tho West, diea FST' "' nla non J1 Missoula, Mont. t- jurineriy rector of Ht. raura Tw vnurcn. of Camden and later charge In Mount Holly, tf. J, 3SBS. BI0HABD H. BUSHTON B U4NTIO CITY, Feb. 13,-Mra. Rich- t '.UahtOn. WhoEft hllahanrl was fcif preiident of the Fourth Street 1 Bank. Phila.lplnliln rllrt thl js at a beach front hotel, ghe was "'! years ot age and baa oeen health for a long time. funeral of A. E. Robinson funeral of Arthur B. Itobinson, a W. who conducted oxtemlye bulld tat,ns ,n Roxborougb, will be Monday afternoon at 3 o,'clock )rom b, isa j-aunston street. Mr. , Who Was 4T vun nl.r rilpil Ay followlnir n. brinf lllnui Tin WetDber of tha flr.lor nt Rmrli a wdgw and tu.r daughters. rMtli MoHc8 oa lago 13 MASTER AND DOG MOURN COMRADE This is "Colonel," the dog who is mourning the loss of his canine friend, "Collie." The two carried the mail from Fernwood Station to Yeadon Postoffice for ten years until Collie died. RIOT IN WHEAT PIT WHEN MAY DROPS 8 1-2C. IN FLASH Impossible for a Time to Record Transactions. May Closes at $1.54 J and July $1.30. CHICAGO, 111., Feb. 13. The wheat market was sensational today with tho main featuro selling from 51.53 down to $1.50 on liquidations by longs and tho execution of Btop loss orders. From tho lowest levels here was nn advance to $1.54tf. which was tho resting spot for tho day. Thursday's closing prlco was ?1.G0V5. July sold from $1.34 down sharply to $1.28 and closed at $1.30. or 5 cento below Thursday's closing prlco. Shortly before noon tho sensational drop of 8V4 cents from tho opening price of May occurred. For a few minutes the pit went wild and it was Impossible to record transactions. Heavy offers from tho country and lack ot buying support caused tho break. Tho factthat margin calls are exces sive, commission houses , requiring 25 cents a bushel on tho May future and as much as 15 cents on tho July, caused many persons In tho trade to dump their holdings, as they feared that further pro nounoed losses etured them In tho face. Corn closed 5 cent lower, and oats were off 1 cent. Hog productB were lower all around. Cash sales hero were 10,000 bushels wheat, 25.000 bushels corn and 50,000 bushels oats. Leading futures ranged as follows: Thursdnv'a wneai upen. iimn, May 1.58 168 July 1.34 1.34 LOW. Close, cloao. 1.ISO 1.54 l.B!i 1.2SJ4 1.30 1.33 uom inew aeuveryj May ...:.... 80 SOW 70H tH July 81!? 8lB 80(4 81 riafn $!i May 01 Oli.i July M 07J4 0011 &0M 60- t50! l57i T-nrrt May 1I.1B July 11.33 May 10.SO July 10.53 1'ork May 10.0"! July 10.47 Uld. tAsked. lL.'O 1U.1U 11.80 11.02 10.01 11.07 11.15 11.27 10 35 10.55 10.15 tlO.20 10.32 10.87 10.45 10.53 18 SO 18.00 '10.10 10 00 '10.30 tl. 10.15 10.50 KESOHTS PAGET. IIEIIMDOA ABBOTTSFORD A well-ordered family hotel iltuated In 3 acrea ot shady lawm. Modern. Pre hatha. 11 par day up. tn, J- Jiuuim, 1'rop. BEVERLEY ON HAMILTON HARBOR. PAORT A family houaa will accept a limited number of Eueata. Own farm and dairy. B itlnf and flahlns- JACK8QN HILL. BUENA VISTA HOTEL AND COTTAQEa raiet. opposite Hamilton, Bermuda. Macntfl. cent view of harbor, new hotel. Modern. Bathlnr. Own garden. Q. U. LESEUR. HOTEL INVERURIE Pint, nnnoalta Hamilton, dlreetlr on watar. front. Modern throughout. Rooms with bath. Rates per day. C. M. JOHNSON, Mar. NEWSTEAD INN Located on Hamilton Harbor, nam. mon. rairorare exclusive. thlna1 from tha house. Hookii met. II. O. LOCKWOOO. HARMONY HALL Five minutes to beach. Surf bathlnr. Own carden. Hot and cold baths. Rates 13.50 per day ! per vreek. W. Clarenoa Jamsa. BT. OEOHOE. HEUMCDA ST. GEORGE HOTEL Delllhtfulljr situated on Rose mil. Room) larae and well furnished. Private Baths, Bun rarlors. Tennis, Oolf. M. DALLMAN. SOMERSET BltlDOK, UKUMDDA SCAUR LODGE """Smt Ideally located overlooklnt the ocean. Spa clous veranda I homelike appointments) mod, erate rates. V. A. BALCI1. SOMEnaET. BEltMPDA. SUMMERSIDE HOTEL ggggj- Modern hotel, one of the most beautiful spots In Bermuda. JJoatlnjr, bathlnr and flihlnj. Keaaonable rates. L. CUKT18. FEMHUOKE. llKlUItlllA GRASMERE-BY-THE-SEA Located near city and, ocean; boatlna. bath lok. flshlnci all conveniences. Excellent table. Booklet. K. B. LUBHEB. Prop. HAMILTON, BEltMUIlA HOTEL COLONIAL Open all the year. New, modern. Three min utes IfODa Doal lasutns. bvuuori wiioum extravaaance. w. M. BBLL. Mar. POINT PLEASANT HOTEL Directly on the water front. Lane verandas, p.ndlVdup!,w- """ 'a-cir&'R. THE ALLENHURST V7 , Strictly flret-class family hotel Centrally located. Modern. Home cooklna Boatlaf, bathing and flahlna. W H. SPURua. HAMILTON 1'AIIISU. BEHMUDA THE SEAWARD Exclusive patronise. Bathlna from the hoosei free boatfna and ftshlnsi croquet and Ian ttnnlai own aardaa. L. T CONSTAUUa. CHARLESTON. H. & CALHOUN MANSION uu tss exeluslva wtioaaxe; oiUlnal Co W. evif, IrMtai. Mr. & Mrs. J. KTbtrtclMt, THOUGHT THEY WERE WED After Tear Italians Xcarn Llcenso Doesn't Constitute Ceremony. Pancrazlo LuccI nnd Fllomcnn. Zlppl, both 21 years old, walked dlllldcntly, hand In hand. Into tho Marrlago LlcenBo Bu reau at City Hall today nnd asked for advice. They explained that when they got a marrlngo llcenso In February last year both thought that was equivalent to a wedding, nnd It was not until n few days ago, that a visiting friend told them they "...J not been married. Another llcenso to mnrry was Issued to tho pnlr and tho ceremony will bo per formed at tho Church of Our Lady of Good Council. Fancrazlo nnd Fllomcnn, wero childhood Bweethearts In Italy. When their parents brought them to this country the courtship continued. For the Inst year they havo been living in their Uttlo homo nt Havro do Grace, Md. RESORTS OLD POINT COMPORT. VA. X HOTEL CHAM BERLIN- XX OLD POINT COMFORT - A, Uookleta at (ASK Mr. TL Y7 Foster, Chestnut and "r " 12th ata.) Raymond & Whttcomb Co., 1003 Chestnut St.; Thos, Cook A San. 137 8, Broad St.; Hayes Dickinson. 010 N. 13th St.: Alt houso Tours Co.. 1330 Walnut St., or address Qo. F. Adam.'. Mar.. Fortress Monro. Va. ST. AUOUST1NE. FLA. THE BARCELONA gwa,Q1,Bf m& Private baths: exclusive. A. N. BLAIR. COLONIAL HOTEL Sg-gViSH Modern family hotel. C. B. NICHOLSON. I A POSADA Modern, quiet. Family LA fUOftU" hoard. New manaae- ment. nates. 110.00. MRS. B. PBYO. DUNHAM HOUSE J High-class boardlnr. Mrs. D. L. Dunham. DAVTONA BEACn. FLA. HOTEL BREAKERS $S$nrtm&& Bathlna. boat'a and Ashing. Mrs. N. M. Kurtr. SEASIDE INN D" "' p"ch' J. P. OLENN. Prop. PALM BEACH, FIA. UDcni! ON LAKE WORTH. fllUlOOUa Only reasonable hotel near all attractions. A. C. INOLE38I. BE IAND, FLA. THP MFLROSE Comfortable family inn mcLiwjoc hotfl. gnoa loca,!,,,, excellent table. slQ up. Mrs. W. W. Alcott. SEABREEZE. FLA. TUP flPNFVA Private boarding for re. lnc uc"cvrt nned people. Modern; rates 12.60 per day. Mrs. B. P. Stengls. PTJNTA GORDA. FXA. SEMINOLE HOTEL ft'JSS'fcJj. Ing. rood tabls. Write B. WOT1TZKT. ROCKLEDOE. FLA. HOTEL PLAZA Rockledge, Fla. Situated directly on the Indian River: en of the most comfortable and homelike hotels oa the East Coast. New baths; artesian wsll waters best hunting, fishing and boating in the South. STANTON BOQABKIB. Prop. BAYTONA. FXA. THE PRINCE GEORGE T2gi; hotel. Every room electrically Urhted; steam heated & equipped with hot & cold run. water. Elevator service. HllyardA Holroyd. Props. BBOWN'S-MlLLB-IN-TUE-riNBS. N. J. THP INN For health, pleasure and reors 1 ni. 111 11 atIon, Favorite resort ff tourists. Under new management. I. L. ft M. S. IIUDDERS. ATLANTIO CITY, N. J. Hnial Vnrlf Brick. Hot and cold running Oll I01R,w.Ul.( N,w York Arfc 4 uaa. The Public Ledger Poultry Buyers' and Sellers' Service Is Being Established Through this service, those who want to buy and thoso who want to sell will bo brought together, "This service is to bo absolutely free to readers of the Public Ledger. With no cost to tho buyer or tho Beller, wo will supply needed in formation and give every assist ance to those who want to know where to buy and of whom to buy. In order to make this service complete, we solicit catalogues, mating lists and letters from poultry breeders and poultry supply dealers. It obligates you In no way to send us your literature, and the service we will render will make it well worth your while to send printed matter to us today. Mail it to The Poultry Department Public Ledger Suite 225 Ledger Building Independence Square Philadelphia jr &bl fcVS WArWW. I'tfA".'?. wmwX f.Tl.r I'l.li .'.: This Furniture Sale is Supreme Over All Sales, Past or Present, in These Respects 1. In the superiority of the goods, especially on the inside. (This is not a matter of speculation, but of fact, proven by comparison of the inside qualities of this merchandise with those of other goods.) 2. In the size, many sidedness and variety of the stocks. (In no division do we show less than twice the assortment to be found outside of this store, and in some sections we show an assortment ten times greater.) 3jr-In lowness of prices. (Undoubtedly there are lower priced goods, but they are of a kind that we believe we are safer, and you, too, in not being identified with.) Beds, Bureaus, Chiffoniers, Dressing Tables, All at One-Fourth to One-Third Below Standard Value Mahogany bureau, Colonial February Price 546. Mahogany bureau, Colonial finely carved, February Price $74. Mahogany bureau, Colonial February Price 543. Mahogany bureau, Sheraton February Price 543. Mahogany bureau, Sheraton February Price 532.25. Mahogany bureau, Sheraton February Price 534. Standard Quality Mission Furniture From the Stickley Shops at One-Third Below Actual Value By a special arrangement we have by far the most comprehensive variety ever offered at similar price re ductions. Arm chairs and rockers, $6, $6.50, $7, $7.50, $9, $10.50, $12 and $18. Side chairs and rockers, $3.75, $4, $4.50, $5.25, $5.50, $6, $6.25. Morning dresses, tailored suits, aft ernoon dresses, evening gowns, hundreds of them full of new ideas. A few are originals by Doucet, Doe.uillet, Jenny, LeLong and Cheruit. A great many are copies from these and other Parisian couturiers, and a great many more have been inspired by them. American makers have been spurred as never before to produce exquisite things. That is why we feel we have never had to offer Philadelphia women, so early in the season, so much that is new and so much that is beautifully practical. triJ.ii75vVsa.SMHmiJ.'. 'aaXJWAvvsr.jn4iw.yiw; v jn r&mtjsskmi&'fr.&ijs.'fzm ari m avi ii .'iiB.iV". v.T)'h' rdt'i.iT' fun msbs tm a it rr. v. f r it eewea m riw J ii -. , .r . r ,iiii ., trniiif ii i aassBaBv . m m .. i f.v.i eiviir. ,a-i j r.-ic .'. -ijbi arv rr m ia tr tt sr. mw w "iiwj v,-; . ' .r mnaaaMsaa is iiitcui ini -ii . i.f . .BeiBer- .HMSgnwms III I isj, I I ' ' I WeaeJTOir mJUT 'V i ii i i i hiiwii i i i , ----i ;,y, j .,.,,iiii i w.ii'vtr 'i-; hji I I I I , ,.', J&, .i)(lA'i SiMleeerV VTL I. ne.-i-Y-"fiiirir,'i aw .ar n r jT i.tl. ."'ii'iii ,, : "eMi . t, , j iul -aeamee' i , , ( i'ri.-i rv anT- .i jwii es-e ss4iffiatt aaSkaWaTaemeaalTr i ,1 W h.A f f"' VHiVmi'iiiA t.JN v t'K IVi' .. i'i' ..t' :' v i i" I, eeaHaaaW- ,t "i"! JH:iri"j WSmmmmmwm ; design, 46 inches wide, design, 54 inches wide, design, 44 inches wide, design, 48 inches wide, design, 42 inches wide, design, 44 inches wide, (Fifth ana lonlay a Showing of lew Spring Fashions in the Women's Salons on tie First Floor JOHN WANAMAKER . .',V' . , '-"TT n' ,wwvc)iaw.sarii Mahogany chiffonier, Colonial design, 36 inches wide; has 4 small and 4 large drawers ; February Price 534. Mahogany chiffonier, Colonial design, 85 inches wide; has 4 long and 2 small drawers; February Price $38. Mahogany chiffonier, Colonial design, 37 inches wide; has 4 long and 2 small drawers ; February Price 550. Mahogany chiffonier, Colonial design, 40 inches wide; has 3 long and 3 small drawers ; February Price 542. Mahogany triplicate mirror dressing table, Colonial design, February Price 536. Mahogany single mirror dressing table, Colonial de sign, February Price $23.50. Tables, $12.50, $15, $16, $17, $20, $26, $32. Desks, $11, $13, $14, $15, $18.50, $29.50. Bookcases, $25, $28.50, $33, $49.50. Chairs and rockers with upholstered seats and backs, $10, $13, $13.50, $16, $18, $19, $19.50, $21, $21.50, $22, $23, $24, $27, $29.50, $30. Davenports and settees, $11, $17, $23, $24, $30, $35, 10, $YU. Sixth Floors) m Among gowns the most decided inno vation of all that have come to us are the little pointed bodice waists, tight fitting, finished with point front and back, some times puckered a little in front, some times outlined with gold embroidery, and occasionally showing something that sug gests the postilion back. Next to this in fashion importance are the new polonaise and princess dresses; lined with chiffon and fringe trimmed, the first; the second developed in a morning glory colored taffeta, em-" broidered with silver. (Frt Floort rnjt . iTl. t Ceairal) .wp 3 JnAB