Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 13, 1915, Sports Final, Page 6, Image 6
SPr ' wm IGAMAYIA BALKS . AT GERMANY'S WAR ZOHE DECLARATION Jorway Sweden and Den mark Add Protests to U. S. Warning on Ship ping Menace. WASHINGTON, Feb. 13. Fotlawlni; America! lead. It was leafned today lhat Norway, Hwdn and Den mark had protested to Germany against Kb latest war zone decree. Though leas vlsorous than the Wasli inrton. note, the Scandinavian communl- caujnd were aaid to stand nrmiy uenina ihe principle enunciated by Ibis Govern ment. It vraa understood Holland and, per haps, Italy also would protest. 'What developed at a conference held otwcn American Ambassador Gerard, at Berlin and German Foreign Secretary von Jasrow, following the presentation of tho Washington protest, was the subject ot a Ions cipher dispatch received at tha State Department. Secretary Bryan de clined to comment on It at prcsont. GERMAmr "SOUNDS" NEUTRALS ON BLOCKADE PROTEST BEUUN, Fob. 13. The Government has not allowed the American note on the proposed blockade to be published. The few odlclals who have knowledge Of the text ot the note frankly declare that they do not believe that its tone "H warranted by the circumstances." Of ficials generally Insist that, Inasmuch as England Is "plainly trjlng Its best to starve out Germany, Including Its civilian and noncombatant population," nny act of retaliation will be Justified. it Is declared that recent assurances slven to nil neutrals that Germany will "protect all neutral shipping to tho ut most of Its power" Is In Itself an answer to the demands of the United States. Although the suggestion has been made that Germany In Its reply to the United States will suggest that tho way out ot the difficulty Is for the United States to use- its Influence to have England agree to permit Importations of foodstuffs to Germany under guarantee that they will Bo only tu civilians, thoro Is no official confirmation that such action .will bo taken. As A matter of fact, Germany Is nt present endeavoring to determine to what extent other neutral Powers lndorso tho Views of the United States. It Is believed tho same position will bo taken by other neutrals, and before a reply Is framed It will be necessary to find out Just how far this will go. It is considered certain several day3 will elapse before an official answer Is eent to 'Washington. BRITISH PRESS FRIENDLY IN COMMENT ON NOTES LONDON, Feb. 13. Tho London news papers profess to believe that the German submarine attack on tho British steam ship Laertes, flying the Dutch flag, will nrcclrjltate more stringent measures against German trade, which were prom ised by Premier Asqulth In a speech de livered yesterday In the House of Com mons. The Dally Mail says It believes the Government will nnnounco a complete blockade of tho German coast, as a result -.of which all goods to Germany by Bea will do liable to seizure. Tho Daily News, discussing- editorially the two notes addressed by President Wil son to Germany nnd Great Britain, ad mits that no fault can be found by any reasonable man with their spirit or their terms. Continuing, It says: "Both notes are phrased In language which Is hot merely conciliatory, but cor dial, yet It cannot be said .In either that there Is any lack of deflnlteness where deflnltencss Is necessary. "It may be regretted that President Wilson should not have found It pos sible to Include In the note some pro test not merely against the formal Illegality of Germany's threatened pro cedure, but against Its monstrous In humanity. It Ib to be assumed that he felt this side of tho matter could fairly be left to American public opinion, which bv no means is tonguetied. 'To avoid a catastrophe he Is prepared to make every possible concession not in consistent -with national honor, and the -world has reason, to bo grateful to him for tho decision which preserves one-half of it, at any rots, from the horrors and deg radation of war." Tho Chronicle oays: "There Is uncompromising directness about Its expressions, the significance of which will not be lost In Berlin. This strong remonstrance from the greatest of neutral powers may have a chastening effect on Germany. The New Tork World quite truly says Its language la almost that of an ultimatum. "So far an wo can judge by the sum maries that have reached this side, there Is no cause for 'complaint in the char acter of the American note to this coun try." Tho Fall Mai Gazette says: "The question, as it presents Itself to Americans, will be: Doea the fact that Americana travel In a British ship Blv6 tha: Germans a right to kill them?" Jt also points out that there will bo "no danger of an American ship being link If German craft behave as every uHe of war dictates, and board every ehlp they otoj for examination of her papers" I'l I I II .III lw. PORT OP PHILADELPHIA Steamships Arriving Today Kir flnelAtt. Rfijtfin. cannreni mnA tn.m. Hgnf. Merchant b4 Minora1 Trknuporta- Str. Cdliop air.), Ilanttllti, vis, Newport ?Iwa, baHut, Flint, Ootrlne & Co. Sir Italian (Br,). Piraeus. vl Norfolk, Jaerasdl. Chsrl M. Taylor's Saas. Sir stlkltd Jr). Nanrllc. iroa are, L. Mir. Crennlll (Br.). JJanelll!. ballast. Earn f JMOTK- Off. ijiniajiiAii cur.j, parpuux, Miliar, : &niltt M. 3ylora Sons. ai. iMyiorm dosi. MUtmaciiet, Stockton, paper, Kayatona Mil I. Waran (Br.), San Andreas, MaMnQU, W. i Iiar ft 6on, Steamships to Arrive . Warns. . From. SatlH. aaiABJr .. ., Manila, Dm. IX JenwMuy .Anlroaan . ...Jan, 8. yrx . iJepiBtunn ...van. 11 ....Cardiff Jan. 5ft Mtcfewttr JILUtr MaattitaUr . ..Ja, 21 euueias ,,,., jan. 23 .una .Jan. 24 rf . uaji, W.U ... Jan. M Alxim Jan. 29 Rotterdam . ..,Kh. ft itsKtroaxn . ...rs, s Mtiuhgattr ...Fh, S Balboa. .....,Fh. t ...Wllfcoa. .,Ftj, 9 ...ta4itw lrh, , . Poet Aateofct. . rtb. IX tM)pa is ave HjM Fw. 3 f. ?-"! Jo HVJU4K Ml " uuawsMf ...., gjjJjfcjgW Port'.. NePjSsiW:".; EVEKiyQ GERMAN ASSAULTS ON WEUPORT LINES REPULSED BY FOE Attacks on French Trendies on Grand Dune Also Fail. Kaiser's Airmen Bombard Verdun. PAWS, Feb, 13. The flahtlnr In the north, from La Bossco to the sea, is Increasing In ac tivity. Tho Germans violently attacked tho Belgian-French positions at NIeuport, but wofo repulsed with heavy losses. They also attempted to carry the French trenches commanding tho Grand Dune, but failed there. German artillery Is now shelling- the French position at Ypres. Tho French havo succoeded In exploding two Gormnn mines In tho region of Carency. From the Olso to tho Alsno great activity Is In evidence, with tho artillery of botli sides engaged. Elso where the situation shows little change. Taking a. leaf from tho book of tho Allies, tho Germans yesterday mado an nttempt to demolish tho military depots at Verdun from tha air. A squadron of 10 aeroplanes flaw across the fortress and dropped bombs, but, according to tho latest word received here, did substantially no damage. AUSTRO-GERMANS PLAN TO GIVE POLAND A KING Russian Poles Uninfluenced by Promise of Monarchy. PETnOGRAD, Fob. 13.-A King of Po land has been selected and will bo crowned In a few days at Cracow. This Is an attempt at a political coup by Austria and the selected aspirant to the non-oxlstent thrrne is Archduko Karl Stephan, of tha House of Hapsburg. As a political movo on tho part ot Austria this coup will prove double-edged. In the first place, It is obviously aimed against a piratical attempt crcdltod to tho Hohenzollerns of capturing yet an other future throne, but doubtless it Is secondarily Intended to Influence the Poles themselves In favor of the falling cause of Austria. Grand Duko Nicholas last August prom ised the Polos unification nnd autonomy under tho sceptre of the Czar. What tho Russian Poles will welcome Is tho fulfilment of Grand Duko Nicholas' promises, nnd nlready It Is whispered that tho form in which they will be realized will be the cruatlon of a united Poland constituting an Infinitely better of for than Austria holds out In crowning a Hapsburg prince nominal king of a non-existent Poland. GREECE DEMANDS APOLOGY FOR INSULT TO MINISTER Turkish Government Expected to Make Pull Reparation. ATHENS, Feb. U.-Grecce has lodged a vigorous protest with Turkey against the action of tho secret police in Con stantinople in insulting M. Panas, the Greek Minister. Tho Grand- Vlsler has oxpressed his re gret over tho Incident and replied to the Greek protest that ho would bring tn matter to the notice of his Government Immediately. The following reparation is demanded by Greece: That the prefect of police pay a per sonal visit to M. Panas and in the pres ence of the entire staff of the Greek lega tion ask pardon for tho Incident. That the persons guilty of the Insult be dlsmlssod Immediately and be brought he. fore a court and punished. That the Turkish Government publish a statement making known what satisfac tion has been given . The Turkish Government. It is said, will agree o u recce's demands. CZAR STRENGTHENS HIS LINE EAST OF WARSAW Berlin Paper Reports Active Work in Poland. BE!ni.TN. Feb. 13. The National Zel tung has published a dispatch from a cor respondent on the Russian border, who says tho Tlusslans are employing thou sands of laborers to strengthen their sec ond lino of defense. At the fortresses of Ivangorod, Brest-Lltovsk and Kovno men are working day and night, (Ivangorod Is on the Vistula, GO miles southest of Warsaw; Brest-Utovsk Is on the Bug, 100 miles east of Warsaw; Kovlno Is on the NIemen, 45 miles east of tha East Prus sian frontier.) At Brest-Lltovsk arrangements have been made to flood the entire district, and for a distance of 73 miles the territory around tha fortresses has been barred to ordinary travel. Great stores of ammuni tion and provisions aro being laid In. These preparations, the correspondent ot the National Zeltung goes on to say, maft the Inhabitants fear that the Russians soon will be seen falling back. PEACE TALK STIRS LONDON Believed That Germany la Seeking Good Pretext. LONDON. Feb.OJ.-The Idea is growing In city circles that peace Is nearer than is generally supposed. Many straws seem to ba pointing that vfay. Respon sible reports from Germany and Austria Indicate a rather sudden gro"'th of eco nomic difficulties. The financial and economic stress in Hamburg especially Is severe, German resentment toward the Ameri can nota of protest against tha terms of tha war zona proclamation is construed as significant of a desire of Germany to find a way for terminating with dignity a war in which it ts no longer possible to gain a lasting advantage. It is consid ered possible that tha efforts of tha American Government may furnish a con venient pretext for peace overtures and be used as a cover for the conceded food exhaustion. Many peace reports are in circulation in Holland, as well as here. PETROGRAD IN GLOOM AT NEWS OF RETREAT Aggressive, Character of German Move Causes Uneasiness, PETROGnAD. Feb. 14, Oloptn pervades tha Russian capital to day. Despite tha announcement that the Russian retirement from Bast Prussia was for the surposq pf choosing their pwn battle ground, the public U showing uneasiness over tha situation. The deterralmd nature ot the German operation in. the Maryriart Iake dis trict destroys any supposition that this movement on the part of the Kaiser's forces la merely one to distract attention aad divert forces from the main Issue la PoUsdl It Is fcnileved here that this i1h movement Is tba tJtnolnr of a ems ot less? sad active ora.tlc, whloti ta.y AwgeUsIy lUtliin tit? atrufgle pa the IffTif 3moA2- "- rTf 3JfJSS"KP"wSO -sjsersoM LEP&Bft-PBTLADIiilPBlA'. SATTWDAf. FBBBTIARY AMONG THE Solving a Doctor's Problem Undoubtedly the Christian of each country visualizes into his Ideal ot the Good Shepherd the spirit and traits of tho man of his own environment. Per haps it pleases unconsciously the self-exalted American moro than any other to nationalise Christ. Dr. John Roland, au thor) of ''Tho Good Shepherd" (F. A. Stokes Company), makes his American hero so seriously and interestingly like the Man of Nazareth that tho vivid scens of the young man's appearance as Christ In a Tyrolean Passion Play is apparently wholly consistent and Is saved tho sus picion of being a devlco to "work In" the weird village custom known to the world through Oberammcrgau. Charles Edwnrdcs, M. D., otherwise known In tho Tyrol oa "tho Herr Mister," Is a student physician out of work and Berlousty out of sorts, a good deal of tho former and all of tho latter the result of melancholy brooding over a very sor did nffnlr with a woman. Tho Herf Mister has that subtlo sensttlvo sympa thy that causes his sick to lovo ilm, draws children to his side, nnd makes women revero him and desire to mother htm. The problem of his loneliness, his .un settled position nnd his disagreeable past Is one of thoso soul affairs that can find settlement only In sorvlce! and the young Mister, called somewhat Ironically by follow students, "Tho Good Shepherd," finds himself and his salvation In a ter rible llttlo Tyrolean village called "Thlcrsee," whera disease and sin and Ignorance "swim In tho brew together with rlmple, honest things." The nuthor's strange village, Thlcrsee, Ib painted with the artistic1 appreciation of lights and shadows, of vivid, congruous contrasts, Tho landscapes are beautiful, but tho young shepherd In tho picture, who bends his head at the call ot tho Angelus, has a Jealous venom In his heart and an eager shining blndo hidden away In some fold or pocket of his plcturesnuo clothing. Tho bearded, poetic-faced farmer, to bo cast for Judas, drinks too much "schnapps" and overworks his sick mother. Thero Is an unusual old priest with n iuecr story and a peculiarly effeminate schoolmaster who becomo Edwardes' friends, and a charming woman to help his floundering soul to a 'high place In service for his beloved humanity. Sev eral detailed descriptions of surgical skill displayed by the Herr Doktor prove, de spite the use of severely technical phrase ology, to bo breathlessly Interesting. And tho author'B presentation of Thlersee's Paosloh Play, with Its young Amorjcan Chrlstus, pulsates with temperament, sympathy and dramatic feeling. "The Good Shepherd" Is destined to survive the ovor-flctlonlzod present. It is one ot the tlttest. Tales of Law and Lawyers S. I Nyburg has stated tho lawyer's case cleverly, nnd at times with consider able literary merit, In his six short stories of the barrister's office grouped undor the title, "Tho Final Verdict" (J. B. Uppln cott, Philadelphia.) He has uncovered the mental nnd spiritual processes which must go on within the nvorago attorney nnd his much-mlsunderetood clients. There aro few readers, It may confidently be forecasted, who will not think more kindly ot tho members of the bar and of the other characters dealt with after reading "Tho Final Verdict." "The Fruits of Victory," the first story, Is gripping In a much more significant sense than Is meant when the term la ap plied to tho best sellers. Mr. Nyburg placed on the title page this quotation from aalsworthy, "If I had one prayer to make It would be, 'Good God, give me to understand.' " In "The Fruits of Victory," tho lawyer, who has won a slanderous divorce case for his fair client, whom he quite naturally falls In love with, learns thnt the allegations of tho hard, uninspiring husband aro true. It Is then that tho woman who has been "cleared" of charges that were true gives her nttorney-lover "to understand" the moral and psychological Justification for her appnrfntlv Immoral and unethical conduct. Mr. Nyburg handles the subject matter very skilfully nnd with fairly well sustained merit. This Is the best story of the six. Mr. Nyburgs pre-eminent qualification Is his splendid monologue. Each of the six stories Is chiefly a confession' of a man or woman and most of tho time Is given over to the individual's account of his or her problem. Even when tho nu thor permits himself to becomo sbmewhat shallow and conventional, he Invariably gives a feeling of verisimilitude to thn character who Is Hpeaklng. The delinea tion Is as fine as has been found In pres ent day "popular" literature for some tlmo. Mr. Nyburg chooses his words with a fine feeling for their subtle values, with the consequent result that Interest is maintained at a high pitch through pages of monologue. On the wliole, the book is decidedly worth while. It Is almost certain to add tolerance to conventional virtues and give n more kindly Insight Into the Uvea ot less fortunate beings who have had to face problems which more virtuous souls had never even dreamed of. "Roses For Love" The moral Is that If you marry for money nnd a rose garden you can achieve eatvatlon If you fall In love with your husband. Margaret Wlddem'er has written In "The Roaa Garden Husband" (J. B. Upplncott & Co., Philadelphia), a neat little story of a girl who was weary unto death of being a "Llberry Teacher," one of those faithful and en thusiastic yoUng women who toll stories to children In the back rooms of libraries. She married a man who lyid lost con trol of his limbs through an, accident. She marries only to provide hfm with a duty-bound nurse. She falls In love with him, and by treating him more like "a man than an Invalid, and by getting her self into a conventional scrape, she cures him. Does he then fall In love with her? He does. What more can one ask of a pleasant little story, pleasantly toldT The Haunted Heart In their latest novel, "The Haunted Heart" (D. Appleton & Co,), Agnes and Egerton Castle bring a breath of pure Scottish air from the Highlands into the stultlntsa of London society. It is tragic, Notwithstanding Our Book Removal Sle wc are caring for our regular trade in our usual splendid fashion. Our book sale is a real object lesson in book bargains. Do not forget tbatwe are headquarters for VAL ENTINES, 1210 WALNUT ST, ( but the effect is good. There Is much suffering, but the atmoirfhern Is cleared. Further, the authors take pains to pun- isn aaequaieiy tne designing mother, newly rich, for buying a title. The titled head also Is properly dealt with bocause, ne mnrrieu lor spile. One llttta folly caused tho estrange ment of tho Master ot Stronaven from his bride, the playmate of his youth. She foolishly Attempted to make his path way easier, because of her overpowering love for him: It but ltd to greater misery for both. The moral Is that the greatest of human lovea may go awry, If not anchored by a faith In God. Inci dentally, the authors unfold to advan tageous effect '.ho nobility ot the Catholic religion. It Is a strong story, pleasing, and touching deeply upon the greatest emotions, and not lacking In fundamental principles In life's philosophy. Chemistry of Familiar Things Tha tltlo "Chemistry of Familiar Things" suggests fascinating subjects, and the render once Interested la unwill ing to put the book aside. Samuel S, Sadtler, 8. n tho author, Is a, member of many engineering and chemical societies, and Is tho editor of "Allen's Commercial Organlo Chemistry." "Chemistry of Familiar Thtnge" is published by J. H. Upplncott Company, Philadelphia, To the casual observer tho tttlo may sound a bit technical. However, upon perusal, tho reader will bo astonished at tho great list of everyday phenomenas ex plained In a simple mannor. For the seeker after knowledge It Is a com pendium of useful Information. Tho book has been written for thoso whose train ing ar reading has been directed Into other channels, It Is absorbing and In teresting, and a book which should bo found on ovcry library shelf. Tho book will" bo very valuable to thoso Interested In sclentlfla matters and to pcoplo who desire exposition of dally practical chemistry. Tho banker, tho butcher, the candelntlck maker will all And It a handy reference Thousands of subjects are treated In an attractive, light, readable manner. A Philadelphia Novel "The Dusty Road" (J. B. Llpplncott Company), by Therese Tyler, Is a novel of Philadelphia, touching Intimately upon tho society of Walnut strcot nnd Rlttcn housa square. And, while thero appears in tho book little to distinguish this from society In other cities, the story, never theless, Is intensely human, dealing with the problems of a young girl who Is be set with a poverty-stricken family which itnilMVnra tn Mlflin lln nnn&irflnpps." The I mother, of course, expects her beautiful I daughter to sell herself to riches: but. again, of course, a youthful love affair contravenes. The "dusty road" for the young woman begins when sho hears of this lover's reported Infidelity. It Is posslblo that severo critics will find It difficult to analyze tho character of Elizabeth Anderson and to Justify the recurring changes of heart that mark her pathwuy. True, this may be girl nature, but tho professions of religion that creep In nt times are somewhat nt odds with tho course the girl pursues. The charac ter of Sylvia Lewis, cousin of the heroine, probably is the best portrayed and the most consistent. Sho Is Inherently bad, and her flirtations and subsequent mar riage well bear out tho early delineation of her traits. One good character, the French clergyman, adds foce to the story. . - iv , ' Technically, there nre some flaws of moro or less Importance, and numerous situations that the author finds It diffi cult to wot-k out. There are climaxes that probably would not stand the test of cold annlysls, and In gonernl construc tion it Is evident that the hand of the amateur faltered somewhat. The moral of the tfook, however, and its purposes aro distinctly good. Book Gossip Vitality of Modern Fiction A diligent literary editor of Boston has collected a list of books published and to come with the purpose of showing the vitality of fiction In tho year 1015: Gilbert Cannan Tounar Earnest 3r Earnest. The Wisdom of Father O. K. Chesterton Ilrown Wlmton Churchill A Far Country. Joaepli Conrad Victory. Itlchard Ochan Tha Man of Iron. A Conan DoyleThe Valley of Kear. fit John . Ervlne lira. Martin's Man. John Oalaworthy The. Kreelanda. W, Ia. George The Second Blooming. Henry Hydnor Harrison 'Angela's UustncM. Hasll King (Title not announced), Hudyard Klpllnr Swept and GarnliheJ. (Short stories.) T , jacK ijnaon snort atones. Compton ilacUenile Sinister Straet. uaall King (Title not announce Oliver Onions Mushroom Town. King (Title not announced.) wn, Q rex, of Monte B. Phllllss ODMnhelm Mr. uario. j Mien Fhlllpotts Brunei's Tower. Uooth Tarklngton The Turmoil. John Trevena Sleeping Waters. Hugh WalDole The Wooden Hone. H. a. Wella Bealby. Edith Wharton uunner Slaters. J, M, Barrio Der Tag (one-act play). Some of the New Books Among tho TIoughton-Mlfflln Company publications for February will be "VHllam JJ. Parker's "Life of Edward Rowland Sill," iHarold Begble'a, "Kltchener-Or-ganlcer of Victory," Edward Scrlbner Ames' "The Higher Individualism," Dr. George Hodge's "Tha Early Church," Horace J. Bridges' "Criticisms of Life," O, P. Watklns' "WelfaTo as an Economic Quality" and Arthur B. Suffern'a "Con dilation and Arbitration In the Coal In dustry of America." In addition, two novels will also be issued: "Katy Gau nter," by Elsie. Slngmaster, and "A Re luctant Adam," by Sidney C. 'Williams. I . .ft ' ' the following Is a list of the definite 'publication dates ot George II, Do ran Company for this spring so far do- A New Novel by the Author of "Old Mole" and "Round the Corner" Young Earnest By GILBERT CANNAN The Storr of a Bad Start in Life "A fine imaginative iniight and an honest facing pf reality and its problems combine to give unusual distinction to 'Young Earnest,' Mr. Cannan is im mensely clever." Chicago Evening Post At All Booksellers 91Jfk pet Postage extra D.,AFrUp'0N AND COMPANY 'ubllhr r New Yprl York; BGDKS elded Upon. February IS: "Red Fleece, by Will Levlngtofl Comfort! "Tho Theatre ot Ideas," by Henry Arthur Jonesr"Palhs of Glory," by Irvln S. Cobb! "Making the Most of One's Mind," by John Adams. February, various dates: "The Veils of IsIs," by Frank Harris! "Mushroom Town," by Oliver Onions! "Hero's to tho Day," by Charles Agnew Madlean and Frank BllghlOn. March It "The Valley df Fear," by A Conan Doyloi "the Eagle of the Empire," by Cyrus Townsend Brady! "Arundel," by B. F. Benson. April: "The Gentlemen Adventurer," by IX. C. Bailey; "The Happy Recruit," by W. Pett Ridge. June: "Iove In youth," by Frank Harris. To his edition of tho works of Algernon Blackwood, Donald C. Vaughan will next month add "The Empty House." It will appear In uniform stylo and binding with "John Bllence," "Tho Lost Valley," and "The Listener." Fighting Alsace Lorraine Over Again A summary ot the stormy history of the "lost provinces," now again figuring In war's bloodshed, Is to be found In "Alsaco and Lorraine" (Putnam's), by nuth Putnam, illustrated with eight maps. From tho first clash of Caesar'n legions with tho Germans under Arlovls tus near tho foothills of tho Vosges In Alsaco until 1871 the Vicissitudes of tho provinces are chronicled. Tho creation of tho Lotharll-rognum by tho Treaty Of Verdun (B A. D.) nnd tho summary blotting out of the "Mlddlo Kingdom" by tho brothers, Louis of Germany and Charles tho IJald ot Prance, culminating In tho Treaty of Mcersen (870), gives Al sace to Germany; tho ownership of Lor ratno Is not definitely stated. After tho rise of tho frco city and tho complicated politico-religious strife of the 15th cen tury, the llouso of Hapsburg mortgages Upper Alsace to Charles of Ilurgundy, who also becomes "protector" of Lor raine. The soil Is a battlefield of tho Thirty Years' War 0618-48), terminating In the vague Treaty of Muenster (West phalia), "which certainly did not bestow Alsaco upon tho French King," but gives him a foothold for further operations. Louis XIV. through diplomacy and con quest "annexes" tho territory. France Is finally confirmed In tho absolute posses sion of both Alsaco and Lorrnlno by the Treaty of Vienna In 1815. Tho French racial and linguistic characteristics of tho early population aro shown, ns woll as the fact that In 1903 the territory ceded to Germany at the close of tho 'Franco OPrusslan War contained 2o0,000 French speaking persons out of a population of 1,874,0. That tho thought of a "Mlcldla Kingdom" has not perished In Alsaco Lorralno le shown by the cry: "Krancals ne poux, rrusSlon 110 vcux. Alfviclen suK" The New Books X list 0 looks received or review. More extensile comment ivtlt be made on those whose importance warrants further attention. ACCOUNTS, Tholr Construction and In terpretation. Hy I'rot. W. M. Cole, ot Har ard University. A rpeclnllst's booK dealing thoroughly with principles underlying ac counting. 413 pages. 2.S3. Houghton, Mirnin, Boston. Tftn SECItnT OP THE riBEF. By Harold BlndlosH.. A story ot treasure trove on an Alaskan reef. XiO pages. $1.80. Stokes, New York. rotm ON A TOUR IN BNQIAND. By Ho'icrt and Elizabeth Shackloton. England, by auto Instead ot the antarctla by sledge. A rambling tour. 84S pages. A map and many beautiful Illustration. (2.50. Hearst's International Library Company, Now York, CALIFOllNIA Tim WONDERFUL.. By Kdwln jtlarkan. The poet's Interpretation of the land "Whera tides of grass break Into foam ot (lowers, and where tho wind's test Rhine along the sea." 400 pages and many Illustrations. S2.S0. Hearst's International Library Company, New York. HINDENBURG ROUTS CZAR IN EAST PRUSSIA Russian Plrst lino Smashed After Luring Into Confidence. BERLIN, Feb. 13. Again all Germany rejoices and once moro It Is tho "old man of the lakes" who has aroused the national Bplrlt. The Russians havo been expelled from Ger man territory and their retreat Ib de scribed na "dangerously near a rout." German forces are pursuing their late antagonists. Meagre details of the vic tory mado public by the General Staff place tho number of prisoners as not less than 30,000, with many guns nnd machine guns nnd enormous quantities of war materials. WITH THE ALLIES THE STORY OF THE WAR FROM THE INSIDE By Richard Harding Davis EPITIONS IN LESS THAN MONTHS 1st Edition . Dec, 9 2nd Edition . Dec. 16 3rd Edition . Dec. 21 4th Edition , Jan. 26 Uhltrattd S1.00 net; postage extra CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS 4 13, 1918: ENGLAND REJOICES AS FLYERS PREPARE FOR FURTHER RAIDS Successful Descent Upon Belgian Coast Believed lo Herald General Attacks Upon German Bases , , LONDON, Feb. 13. Although the Admiralty la withholding further details of the great British aerlat raid on the German air and naval bases In Belgium, Jubilation woa expressed to day because of the feeling that Us success will greatly Interfere with the proposed German submarine blockade scheduled Thursday. London papers ore filled with pralso for the daring aviators, and eay that the success attending tho raid will bring dis may to the hearts of tho Germans. "The Germans may boast, but they are not to havo their own way In tho opera tions Intended for next week," says the Chronicle. It is considered certain that some, nt least, of the submarine bases Insldo of the harbor and at the canal modth at Zee brugge and In the vicinity of Ostend have been destroyed. Tcstorday's raid was admittedly the first of a number now planned, wnero ino next "strike" will be made only tho Ad miralty knows, but thero Is llttlo doubt that If the flyers have their way tho next attempt will be against the German bases near Cuxhaven. The official report or tne raiu was us follows: , , . nurlnir thn Inst 21 hours combined aeroplane and seaplane operations havo been carriod out by the naval wing In tho Bruges, Zoebruggc, Blankenbergho nnii ontend districts, with a view to pro- venting tho development of submarine bases nnd establishments. Thirty-four naval aeroplanes nnd seaplanes took part. "Great damage Is reported to have been done to tho Ostend railway station, which, according to present Information, hns probably been burned to tho ground. Tho railway station at Blonkenbergho was damaged, and the railway lines were torn up In many places. Bombs were dropped on gun positions at MIddlekorlte and also on tho power station and tho German mine-sweeping vessels nt Zeebrugge, but tho damago dona Is unknown. "During tho attack tho machines en countered heavy banks of snow. No sub marines wero seen. "Flight Commander Grahame-"vVhlte fell Into tho sea off Ncluport and was rescued by a French vessel. Although ex. posed to a heavy gunfire from rifles, anti aircraft guns, machine guns, etc., all ot tho pilots nro safe. Two machines wero damaged, "The seaplanes and neroplanes wero under tho command of TVIng Commander Samson, assisted by TVIng Commander Longmoro nnd Squadron Commanders Porte, Courtney and Rathorne." Remarkable! Sir Douglas Mawson's Lecture on his Australian Antarctic Expedition has called forth the greatest surprise and praise. It is only an appetizer to his complete account contained in The Home of the Blizzard Two volumes with 300 remarkable photographs, 16 color plates, drawings, plans, maps, etc. Tho story of tho great expedition, devoted not to tho attempt to reach tho South Polo, but to tho exploration of a great Unknown Continent, is a tale of pluck, heroism, and infinite endurance for tho sake of scientific truth that comes as a relief in the face of the accounts of tho samo qualities that are being sacrificed today for a cause so much less worthy. This permanent record of the greatest battle that has ever been waged against the wind, the snow,, the crevice ice, and prolonged darkness of over two years in the Antarctic is an invaluable addi tion to any library, largeor small, literary or scientific. The multitudinous wild life in Southern seas and Antarctic scenes of indescribable grandeur are preserved in the 315 superb illustrations. $9.00 NET PER SET. FOR SALE AT ALL BOOKSTORES. J. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY SBOmSmSsS! --"t Everybody in Town I will soon be ialkinjj about this new realistic novel of I Philadelphia by a Philadelphian. The Dusty Road By THERESE TYLER Philadelphia Record: "It is the author's first novel, and it is a better one than the last novels written by many mas ter craftsmen of recent years. . , . This novel is true to type, more Bubtly local than any book written about Philadelphia society and around it for the last twenty-five years. Its success is twice foreordained because it is as fascinatingly real as though thrown upon the film of verity." At All Bookstores $1.25 Net J. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY 'Tie Origin of Bernhardt Gospel of Inhumanity" THE Confessions OB" Frederick the Great ANP TreitachWo "Life of Frederick" Edited with a Topical and Historical Introduction By DOUGLAS SLADEN ISmo. 91,33, n caUDllnir at iht from 1 a an world vlawa ; duouisaa Dook. and Fredarlclc'ii rnhiifps Tha COUDllnir of thaia twn tunrttm In . .i . ..-, .. ..,. nrt the fact that thay" ttv barlnl-thri't'.',v'." Jff JtKaSSTthi olhtr fti J?JriS55S2!A.Skt?truPon. IP of tba sreat figure or Pruia - . " - r -rar """ vvihulii ubliuii eiuuuuiau utiiiiiuuut - u son irom wwft tba school of TrelUcnko and Bnaardi drvy utenns. , , T . T , "'iru.iyi.iiin. Ilia UU1I11UI1 UJA. JU1 M - NEW YORK G P Putnin, Sons PROMPTNESS VITAL IN WINNING CREDITS FOR PANAMA TOUR Contestants Should Nbt Dc' lay Sending in Names Ample Opportunity for New Entrants in Race. Announcement again la made today by ins contest Editor Of the EvsmNol iiHDonn anu i'unuo LBDdsrt that sub acrlptlons must bo B6nl In ns norm .. received. Contestants who hold up their Buosoripuons may iota the credit (6r mem, as tne subscriber, It he does net get his newspaper, may cancel the ord.r No employes bf either newspaptr are fl nermlltert In thn fAntA.t i.. m ,.. v - , w winners of which are to be sent free of charjjt to them to tho Panama-Pacific and Panama-California expositions at San Francisco and San Diego, respectively. Contestants are required to get nun, subscriptions in each Instance; that , "i renewals will not ontltto them to credits! J au suDscnptiona received by those who ' do not win one of the free trips to the West will be paid for nt the reguUr newsdealers' commission rates. When subscribers llvo outsldo of Cam. don and Philadelphia their subscriptions must bo paid for In advance. They alio must bo paid in ndvaricn tulir i.,. ... ior a longer term than six months in ' i Philadelphia or Camden. ," i The contestant irets mnrn ii. v, credit for a pald-ln-advarico subscription. rA d una ia itaujr 10 ms aavantage. To Join tho contest, send In your name on the coupon In tho advertisement to Ih. Contest Editor, second floor of the Pui. wc Ledger Building. GERMANS CAPTURE SERPEZ; ' GAIN 20 MILES IN POLAND Offensive Itcsumed on Bight Bank of ViBtula. BERLIN, Feb. ij. The Germans havo resumed tho offen sive In Northorn Poland, on the right bank of tho Lower Vistula, and have oc cupled tho town of Sorpoz, which lies a short distance to tho northwest of Plock. TIiub the chief battleground in the east has been transferred from tho lines west nnd southwest of Warsaw to tho north. Tho occupation of Sorpoz Indicates a German advanco In that region of about 20 miles within tho last week, the Rus sians having been recently reported as far west as Ilypln, 12 miles from Wejt Prussia. TRI ISSFS i5i,astio IkWJJJLsJ STOCKINGS addominai. HorroitTiins. rrro. Lady attendant. Purchase HI A VPT T 'Q alreot trom th factory. liiV V Jilili H 1011 HriUNO OAnilEN BT. Unheard of! !3mvo . at... nMiKiA -r II. fllarftiEL. 14 LONDON 1