' Wr " "" ' " " playhouse and Players !fc iib,.l front taio rnr trtn mid Wre a teat taxi, Instead of n dvertlement? h Not Good Scenery jEf'At the little ThcatreP in,i tcencry at me A.11110 -rncatro mis K?,k has b(tn Just as eccentric. The Li" in staffed nlmoet taerfectly, -with hit trlffhl simplicity and Its suggestion L feeing a- toy affair for a toy play. The ther wo rooms ,n ''Tho AllmlrabWj BunvIHe aro scrviceaoio enougn, though llttlo mote. Out. ohl those exteriors, particularly MA 'The JJarK xttujr ui uio auiiucks EjTVood wlnss" at tho eldcs straight rec-Srt-i. of canvas sainted over with Ktncry ond sot at even distances. A Ihick drop, trying to present a meadow lor something, In perspective, and crossed literr now and then by tho slant shadows P., the principals when they pull tlio Ituntllfht too far to tho back. In heaven's Kiine. why didn't tho sceno painter Viang la lantern somewhero and focus tho light iitnm above It? And why didn't ho Bet Sii-...i n iab ho could accomplish by lrtu)lnff tho peoplo ngalnst a brooding IcMlle wall that filled In tho wholo baclc y.t the scene? Incidentally, It would have Itoncenlratcd attention on tho people and mat tnoy weiu wnnii,. whi a Dlty tho Llttlo Theatro con- rirmiM to botrti about with tho conven- Itlonsl sceno painter, when It might pick liro far moro cheaply ono of tho many hood young Americans who aro trying l?o Introduco the free, vivid and lmnKlna ? nrartift of flnrmanv. Ho orobablv Pwouldn't cost any moro, and ho ought to Bring renown unu irauunuBD, Ihe Job of Being a Villain or Vlllalncsa Th irencrnt Impression of "Innocent" Kt the Qarrlck Is of ono of thoso cheap fplClUrC Hluen vy.iu.u bi' " "'""1. a "Vamplre" sharo the honors with sketches of what is supposcu to do "gay me. within tho shop two most unfortunato Opeoplo ply n trade that they are both Itieartlly sick of Paulino Frederick and IGeorge Probcrt. Miss lrcacricic wno is in actress or FlntelllEence as well as beauty frankly Badmlts that sho served notice on her i manager, "No moro aaventuresscs." tiio short and brilliant career which carried Slier from "Tho Rogers Brothers at Har JTrd'' to leading lady In "Samson" and v'The Fourth Estato gave ncr a. taste Sof parts of normal humanity. Slnco ' the end of her short retirement from tho Lalage sho has been forced to do vote, hcr sielf to tho roles of Joseph's temptress In L"Joeph and His Brethren" nnd Innocent. !There eccms to bo llttlo satisfaction and no future for hor In uch work. George Probert, who plays tho German (fop, Von Guggen, Is Just ns heartily I tired of tho many villains that he has &- played. Back of tho rascally Stovo In ; "Kindling" ana tne caaet in -xne iiuro" jhe doubtless sees In his mind's eyo that itrulv Imaginative and flnc-flbred Imper sonation which ho gavo of tho young poet Aa "Helena Itltchlo." Mr. Probert writes plays In odd mo- r ments when ho Is neither talking of tho inconveniences 01 oeing a villain or prac ticing dropping his monocle 'In the best jEerlln fashion. If ho ever appears In one or mem, it is easy to guess wnat ..sort of a young man ho will be morally. VAl Jolson s "Hokum Stuff' Continued from Taee Four ' tomary to close tho show with an after iiplece. Among tho best-known farces In Twhlch "hokum stuff" .was Injected to the ,tBlast degree may be .''ntHntiflitAi! "Thft ''fGhost In tho Pawn Shop," "Razor Jim," "Over tho River a t cnariie, insu juo- Uee." "stocks up. W Btocks Down" and '"Graveyard Sam." It may be remembered by those who saw the "'.show that "Tho , Mtrmmy and the t-BTald" had an cx- ' cruclatlngly funny barber shop sceno In which nn electric ' razor was used Lew j, Fields later on Dut a tX Vluui variation of this old nigger act Into one fef his musical shows. Sam Bernard jutlllied some old-Umo "hokum Btuff In . efene In which, as tho wlgmaker, ho hid beneath tho tabic, and from that pH Joint of -vantage worked up a ludicrously (muMiiB ocene. "j.nsn justice noa aons JinOblfl dtltV fnv tflA nrvi,llnTia Hanwii TKf. Jj feMonroe and Harry Fisher. Disguised In J vanety or forms this farco has con- !i ;vuisea untom thousands, who llttlo i .dreamed that their forefathers had laughed at the selfsame bit of "hokum f tluff." 1 When the Winter Garden In New York maae its nrst productions, Al Jolson was n of tho comedians to achieve Imme diate notice. He attributes muob, of his success to the experience ha gain ed In the early part of Ws career. Nowa days, when he finds an audlenoe a little difficult to arouse, he has only to hand out the "hokum stuff." For exam ple. In "Dancing Around" he haB a scene with a typical London Johnnie. "vVhen the latter eyes Jolson through his monocle, the comedian Immedi ately lifts to his right optlo a large 'ITnVum HHT " Nntlr. ti SJulDt utln soup ladle. r;ta tnt the Englishman Is wearing large ,jv puuons m his shirt front, the t'fk-fced cut-up Immediately tries to nr one loose with his tin dipper. More nowira stuff" which brings tears of Joy W Ms auditors out front. ..? wltrht on Indefinitely describing Jfhlch Al Jolson and other comedians use A order to "put across" their comedy, . Theatrical Baedeker Catlnae4 from ro Fonr nc m Philadelphia of Ibsen's famous ioxama, pTROPOZITJ.IT D Wolf Hopper and 011bert and HuUlyan Opera Coraoany In K. fortnight of repertory. First week; pienday, Tuesday, Saturday matinee Ijna n'eht, "The Mikado"; Wednesday KUnee and night, "Plnaforo" and I'Trlal by Jury"j Thursday and Friday, f,aa nrates of Penzance." Second teelt; Monday. Tuesday and Saturday tynaUnee, "yeoman of the Guard"; ffijvednesday matinee, "The Mikado"; wanMday night, "The Sorcerer" and! rTrJM by Jury"; Thursday night, "'Io- nthe, and Friday and Saturday plpt "The Mikado.'' HfSRipJiH The Blindness of Virtue." PiMraQ Hamtlton'a inoYlng, yet pleaa. Effit, drama of the dangers of youthful B?-4u5i jb matters or sex. Unas is. r4Hf72 "UllMlmH." Th HSurllah Igwedy by Arnold Bennett arid Edward nviaucn, ip -wnicn tne aaventures of JraUy of shipbuilders are traced m tnree generations. ICJT J. IttHVT Thurston, the rnaslcUu. with M aiTSV Ct trlnira MVllUnllnM n can 4 optical Wurtoin, B-VENiyq fHBSiHssWriH 7Sm&T' . '"'tt ljllBBiiiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBk feil iEHfii 'Mw(i$$yH jMptfir WsljfXi m t-". ilHalH iBsm bbHfbbbHi rmtKBr ffwMiaKttO ,k ft ' 1 ' ''IhSHBbbbbbbbbbbbbh JBtV - i W iBBBBBBBBBBBH HPsHBBiHi i' ifc Ull I KKHi SV7?G6!&?7&- eDfj&TTO: tr-srrf s&7Zyr rocrcro. At the hour of golnr to press, the Chest nut Street Opera House announces that "The Christian" will be relnlned for neit week, to bo followed by Annette Kellcrmnn In "Neptune's Daughter." Hnll Cnlne's "Tlie Kiernal City" wilt bo seen at this house on March 1. '" Tho Essanay Film Producing Corpora tion announces that hereafter It will dls ponso with scenarios. This docs not mean that tho Kssanay has ceased tho produc tion of photoplays, but that It has re formed where reform was most needed. Ilcrcnftcr photoplays Intended for tho Es sanay must bo written In tho shapo of condensed plays, with dialogue expressive of the action. In making tho announce ment the Essanny says: In lino with Its policy of progress, tho Essanay company has discarded tho scenario from Its business. Tho reason Is that Essanay photoplays are beyond tho scenario stage. Tho high art of production ns standardized by this company cannot be sustained by moro scenarios. Already Essanay has on Its staff a number of tho highest paid dramatists In this country. Thoso men, experienced In the technical con struction of tho drama, aro producing plays Instead of scenarios. With such writers as George Ade, Ho bart C. Chatflcld-Tnylor, Albert Pay son Torhune, Mary Roberts Rlnehart, James Ollvor Curwood. Edwin Balmer, Henry Oycn, Edith Ogdcn Harrison, James Oppenhelm, Mrs. Wilson Wood- row, Malbello Helkcs Justice and Jus tus Miles FOrman, Essanay stands alono In tho field as tho producer of the greatest photplays. The day of tho scenario has passed. This Is a move all other producers .could imltato with profit to themselves and theatre-goers. t Suffrage Film at tho Victoria It had tolcome. And now that It has arrived, there will doubtless bo great anxiety among tho exponents of equal suffrago to see and discuss It. This refers to the photo-play, "Your Girl and Mine," which will bo shown for tho first tlmo In this city at tho Victoria Theatro during tho coming week. "Your Girl nnd Mine" Is primarily a melodrama, but It Is oven more than that, for It purports to give and does depict scenes and Incidents which mako a strong argument -In favor of tho fair sex. Sa realistic aro tho pictures that tho 1 Tho Orchestra concert at the Academy yesterday afternoon was such as can come only In mldseason when conductor nnd men have arrived at tho Indispen sable unity of feeling and harmony of execution which is not rigid, but flex ible; not studied, yet thorough : not ob vious, yet always apparent. The tono of the orchestra has been, desplto certain lapses. Improving steadily: Us Interpreta tive skill has gained In like measure. So that yesterday, In tho 17th concert of the season, they seemed to attack their work with tho confident skill of masters and to accomplish It masterruuy. With them the assisting artist was Faiuile BloomfleW Zelsler. Her problem haa teen for many years to eliminate the excellence of her own playing irora consideration, and to establish an unin terrupted connection between hor ma terial and Its expression. Sho has suc ceeded In a peculiar way, for with her the labor Is alwaya apparent, the study never forgotten, oven tho mechanics of runsj and trilla and pedals almost pain fully noticeable. And yet. In the end, ono forgets much of these things. One la seduced Into forgetting everything but the clear, clean beauty of the muslo she plays. She has a sense of rhythm whioh Is extraordinarily sensitive; she has, at tho same lime, a delicacy erf touch nnd a fluidity of expression which resemble tho characteristic virtues of tieonord Berwick. In tho Uzat fantasy the artist Indicated new powers, of stirring utter ance, of sharply sounded chords, of a voice more authoritative. But it was the Moiart that remained, with Its serious beauty and its mannered grace. In the golden and exquisite tone which Mrs. Zelsler could Klvo to it- ,.. Jean Baptlsto iAilly'a Ballet Suite be gan the program. From It Mr, Btokow okl had to conjure up visions of arti ficial palaces and duchesses masquerad ing as shepherdesses and aa Grecian god desses. It wos not a question of Inter pretationbecause In laiUy aa In tho early Mozart there can be but ono inter pretationbut a matter of tone. And la i MODERN DANCINQ Mr. & Mrs. H. D. Wagner J St. Valentine SS. Mon. Bouyenlrs Cupid Walk Extra J"'"" UsJal fSHOSi Dance 8ys Private Lessons Day or Eve. Phone Dla. B38 EVER RRr-nPTiniM Wed. and POPULAR 'i'-' -" Bat. Eves. r nPQPn'S nixon theatre bldo. LUCOCK O B2D ABOVE CHESTNUT RECEPTIONS MONDAY AND SATURDAY CLASS NIGHTS TUES.. WED. 4 FRl. Bpeclal OONTIHUOUU 3ft Old and Tonlfht DAN CI NO Nsw Dances mauTX AU the ,d Dances Private Lesions. Phone Bel. 8030D or Bel. 8880 DE LUXE ACADEMY STth and Glrard Class nlsbts, Mon. and Thura. Reception. Wed. and Bat. Dancing contest. Wed. n.i cash prlxas. Writ for private lessons. Hall can be rented. DAWSON STUDIO cnaJJg . Special Mornlnf Rates. 10 A. M. to iV.U. BRESSONS FOR IB) STRICTLY PRIVATH MANTEL'S 1710 North Broad ALL THH MODERN DANCES PRIVATE LESSONS ANY HOUR BY APPOINTMENT WROH KEITH'S TBBATRH BALLROOM New Children's Class. Saturday, 11 A. M. Ballroom van b rented. Private lessons. Country Pane Saturday eight, Bid Strsst. thS a biawood CARpaNTsa sTUDioTpiS Cbsttaut I t Apsa 10 A. M ta 10 I' -It, I 1 est recuse; bast system; mal-raMa; 12mtrv4- I Un : smiie alwaya : oswut of tba atw steM. I r ' ' 'fTp;..'1fr , ' iinrrfi " JSNSc LIJlBaER-PKILADBEPHlA SArttBBAY, 1TEBBTJARY 13, 1915: PHOTOPLAY SCENES AND PHOTOPLAYERS OF 7 bbbbbbbbbbbbbbHHbI IMMMTf BliMBM'-- HS 1 X -J ' - . WW bbbbbbbbbbbbbbWbsbW sbbbMbbbSsibbbibbbbYMK srll . J 11 sTfUfrtrr -rcTuwr V j ONHbSIH- JSBK bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbKE wKm$rfy . JJ iJWffT f55tV W&VZAi?& &9CGW7Zyi'i AmF d4$flBM-B ?b& MM $ ML HHKa BBBBBBbVi '-i . "I ' JsWlBBBBBBiXX ilBBBaWi Jp&i&BBBB HbBIBBBBBBBU JbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbT "i i&&3lBBBBBBBBBBBBBV bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbW 1 vi.......HBiy .... J "X. 'X.'BBBBBBBBBBBBBBVP'BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBTt f VrWW ZbW' BBBBBBXJ' i S NT'" T T CcxYryty ssor National Amerlcnn Women's Suffrage Association tins given Its sanction and entire approval of tho film, with the no tation that tho creator of tho picture Is deserving of tho earnest congratulations of the members for tho faithful and com prehensive manner In which tho subject has been treated. Tho World Film Corporation undertook tho production. Ollvo Wyndham tem porarily left tho spoken drama to pose for the part of tho heroine, and Knthcryn Kaelrod, last seen In this city In tho lend ing femalo roto of "Joseph nnd Ills Brethren," Is seen In tho role of tho woman lawyer battling before tho learned law makors for tho rights of hor sox. Other players Include Sydney Booth, who Is seen ns tho hero, and John Charles and Kathorino Henry, who played tho roles of tho villain and the honearworkIng girl, respectively. Tho finding tho Just tono, In evoking It with doft hand and holding It to the last still degree of Its gentleness, Mr, Stokowskl did n, difficult thing nobly well. Tho symphony by Basllo KUlnnlkow, to which he nnd tho orchestra camo after the concerto, was moro In the conductor's chosen vein. It Is, In fact, n counter part In many respects of the Tschalkow bky symphonies the fourth nnd the Cos sackIn which Mr. Stokowskl'a conduct ing Is so proud, so sure and so brave. Tho symphony has In It tho touch of the East, tho melancholy of Little Rus sia nnd the heart beat of the Blavs. To each of these tho conductor and his re eponslva orchestra paid duo respect, gave proper utterance. After the fiasco of Faderowskl's attempt at a national sym phony, this ploco was Inspiring and glorious. Opera Light nnd Dark With the extension of the Metropolitan's season hero tho prospects for opera grew perceptibly brighter. Tho radlanco grows dazzling with tho succeeding announce ments of Gilbert and Sullivan and of the San Carlo Grand Opera Company. The latter will coma to tho Broad Street The atre tho first weelc In Maroh, with Ester Adaberto, Sophie Charlebols, Carolina Zawner, Stella de Mette, Solvatore Sclarettl, Gluseppl Agostlnl, Alfredo Grazlanl, and Giuseppe Angellnl as di rector. The operas announced are (as one should have expected): "Alda," ".Lucia." "Faust." "Cavallerla Bustlcana" and "I Pagllaccl," "Blgoletto." "La aio conda," "Martha" and "II Trovatoro." On tho Monday following this engage ment the Gilbert and Sullivan Opera Company comes to the Metropolitan Opera House for two weeks. It Is very odd to see De "Wolf Hopper called Mr. De Wolf Hopper. Ono might as well say Mr. Blchard Dcadeye. However, this gentleman and the company wll present "The Mikado," "Pinafore" and "Trial by Jury" and "Tho Pirates of Penzance," the first week, and "Yeoman of the Guard." "The Mikado," "Sorcerer" and "Trial by Jury' and "Iolantlie" the second week. The Sorcerer" and 'Pinafore" will be what the Greeks loved to call "hapox legornena," Which means simply that they will be done but once each. MODERN DANCINQ to accommodate the growing ollentele during the evening hours exclusively, which was our original intention, The Panse Studio bega to announce that commenc ing Wednesday. February 10th, 19J5, this Studio will be open day and evening for private in struction from 11 A. M: to 11 P. M. Afternoon classes at reasonable terms. Phone Belmont 2770, Philip A. McGough Park Ilulldlog, 23 South 52d St. FORD HARRIS PRIVATE LESSONS Chaperon In Attendance Phone. .Walnut 3102. First Floor, 331 South Broad St. Students'' Chapter Correct modern and old dan Park- and luebauna, Ave., dances tauaht. prhat and In class. Valentino dance Mon day. P. E. K. dance tonlfht. Member P. A. T. D. MRS. DBAN. 1T1B NorrU Classes or private lessons dally, j every Tuesday. Phons Diamond 0781 D. viasssa 41B Baltimore ve. TUB CORTI8SOZ SCHOOL UTpnoiiasea cor-u-eni 1520 Chestnut itaiuut mre rest, BeBitU4ja, j J Finn's Studio or Daiol,SV'Dtilhjnjt, Ltuect Sauces taught , class or Jn film Is valuable In an educational sense as well as from an entertaining view point, and Is conceded to bo ono of tho notable, additions to lllmdom of tho pres ent tlmo. "Kreutzer Sonata" DJIlmod ' William Fox announces that Nance O'Neill, who created a sensation under tho management of David Belasco In "Tho Lily," has signed a contract with him for a feature screen production of Tolstoi's "Tho Kreutzer Sonata." This will murk Miss O'Neill's debut as a film star. William Shea, featured In a num ber of recent Broadway successes, sup ports Miss O'Neill. "In Splto of AH" will bo released March 1 as nn Edison three-part photodramo, with Mrs. 3?lekfi.lii tho leading rolo. 1 Odds and -Ends When tho mnsslve glass studio at the Bosworth plant In Los Angeles was re "The Musical Glasses" IMor;) extensive notices, based on past performances and on what the press agents afford, will appear when neces sary and timely for each of the events scheduled below. This uncritical calen dar is Intended merely as a guldo for the musically perplexed. MONDAY, February, IB The Boston Sym phony. Sibelius, Bach, Brahms and Dvorak wilt bo played, the symphony belns the first of Sibelius, and the assisting artists. Mesara. Wltek and Noaelc. of the band, playing a double concerto of Bach: 8:15 p. m at the Academy. TUESDAY, February 10-Mme. Olga Bomarofr. In a recital under the auspices of the Young Men's Hebrew Association. She will play a program beginning- with Chopin, Including; Bclielllnr, Schumann, Brahms, Rachmaninoff, and ending with Schubert, Liszt and Wag ner; 8:13 p. m., at Wltherspoon. FRIDAY, February lO-ZTha Philadelphia Or chestra, with Ferruclo Busonl aa assisting artist. He will play his own "Indian Fan tasy" for the" nrst time In America and hU own arrangement of Unt's "Spanish Rhap sody," also sew to this city. Mr. Bandbya muslo for Tho Woman and the Fldder" and Erehm'a third symphony; 8 p. m., at the Academy, SATURDAY, February 20 The same program by the Philadelphia Orchestra; 8:15 p. m at tho Academy, TUESDAY, February 23-Flnal recital of Frits Krelsler. He will play Vivaldi, Pugnanl, Bach, Couperln, Tartlnl. Mendelssohn, Dvorak, and Krelsler, most of the works be ing fresh this season; 2:30 p. m., at the Academy, "Madame Bans-dens." with the creating FILSt KXCHANOES WORLD FILM CORPORATION PRESENTS A DRYEDA ART FILM FEATURE "A DAUGHTER of the PEOPLE" The Broadway success produced by J. Searle Dawley, "The Master of the Screenwith LAURA SAWYER. FREDERICK DE BELLE- VILLE and ROBERT BRODERICK IN S ACTS. WORLD FILM CORPORATION, 1314 Vine Street NOW BOOKING Bell Phone: Walnut 1232 1337 Vine St. MISS VIOLA SAVOY in THE FIRSTr PRODUCTION OF THAT IMMORTAL DREAM OF CHILDHOOD IN 5 PARTS ALICE IN WONDERLAND FROM THE WHIMSICAL TEXT OP LOUIS CARROLL AND THE DELIGHTFUL DRAWINGS OF SIR JOHf fENNIEL ..'-1, '..- , ':' -r.,"r;'.-wi',i1i.:l'."K THE WEEK cently finished, and all was ready for work as soon as tho glass "was cleaned, word was sent to a cleaning, company to send men at onco. A fow hours later Manager Eyton saw n lonely looking lit tle Italian with a small tin pall In one hand and a llttlo rag In the other won dering about tho grounds. "What do you want?" ho asked. The llttlo man looked at him pathetically. "Mo washa da wind," 3io said. With n comprehensive, gesture, which took in all tho thousands of panes of glass In sight, Mr, Eyton said, "Here Is da wind!" There was a sllcnco for ono moment. "Mo sco da boss!" Plctro gasped, nnd beat a hasty retreat through tho gate. Answers to Correspondcntn Agatha D. Do not placo too much faith In tho compllmonts of your friends. Only the acid test of trial will tell whether you are fitted to bo a photoplay actress. Tho stage director of tho Lubln Company Is Lawrcnco McCIoskey. Phyllis A Spaco prevents tho ntlvlco you ask about scenario writing. You had better wrlto to the Scenario Editor, Lu hln's, asking him for a printed scenario, which ho will send you free of chnrgo If you Inclose a self-addressed nnd stamped envelope. Eva M. S. You seem to havo misread tho article about Mary Plckford. She Is the wlfo of Owen Mooro, as you say. In vostlgntlon falls to discover nny truth In tho rumor thnt sho has two, or oven one child. WHAT'S DOING TONIGHT i 3 t Sunday Revival. Tabernacle, 10th and VIns to., 7:1)0 o'clock. Free I.lncoln binquet. Sons of Walton. 7 o'clock. Veterans. Hotel Artists' nlxht. Academy of 8 o'clock. the Fine Arts. Dinner, P. It. It. Veteran Hmplojen' Asao- ciaiion. j-aritway uuuainK. o ciocK. American Piutesnt Asioclatlon. Ecllevue Stratford. 8 o'clock. Free. I'htUilflDhla Orchestra. Academy of Muslo, 8 o'clock. Pounders' day colebratlon. Temolo Univer sity. Horticultural Hall. 0 o'clock. Dinner. Robert Morris Chanter. D. A; It.. Rlttenhouse, T'o'clock. Mathemntlcs Teachers Association. Drexel Institute. T o'clock. University extension lecture, drlfllth Hall. cast, Including Mme. Farrar and MM. Mar tlnellt and Amoto, the newest of operas, by Giordano; S p. m., at the Opera House. THURSDAY, February SB Final concert of tho New York Symphony Orchestra, 'Walter Damrosch conducting, and Mr. Hofmann as the assisting artist. I'HOTOPLAYS CHESTNUT ST.K Home of World's Greatest Photo Plays 4 TIMES DAILY AFTERNOONS, 1 and 8 lOo and lBo EVENINGS, 7 and 8 10c, 15c and 23o Owing to the Tremendous Demand for Seats THE Christian Will Be Continued for One Week More You Can See It at the Opera House All Next Week Bat Engagement Positively Ends Saturday, Feb. 20 T XTUI KXCHANOES Pennsylvania New Jersey Delaware Maryland District of Columbia Virginia Elmcndorf s New Travel Lectured Dwlght Etmendorf, artist, musician, traveler and raconteur, will return to the Academy of Muslo next Friday evening, when he will offer the first tOpto in a new cycle of travel talks, which he describes as "Five Ideal Circular Tours," "Around the World Through the Panama Canal" will bo tho first subject. In this travel talk Mr. Etmendorf will touch only the points of novel Interest, avoiding detailed treatment of the various countries which have already been presented In separate travel talks. This all-sea route of J2.709 miles will Include new scenes In Madeira, glimpses of Port Said, the Canal nnd Aden, India, Burma, Singapore, Hong kong, Canton n cruise through tlie Inland sea of Japan, and of Hawaii and the completed Panama Canal, The travel talks will be given In two courses, on five Friday evenings and flvo Saturday after noons. Other lectures In the course, will be, "Around tho Medltcrraneah," "Around Northern Europe," "AroUnd Southern Europe" and "Around tho United States." rnoxoi'LAva Not only was she n woman wronged, but a woman whose very lire was threatened, be cause sho stood In the way of tlie man whose son she bore. U But you must see this play to sffe WORLD FILM CORPORATION Presents acoreclat tho to rall Its argument on lh suffrage mi LOCUST MONDAY "The Wrong Girl" "HICKSVILLE'S TRAGEDY TROUPE" "Tho Exploits of Elaine" Dth Episode . Ami Travel Plcttir-s THURSDAY LAURA SAWYER Frederick dc Belleville In a Shubert Feature "A. Daughter of the People" TUESDAY Wilton Lackayc In Israel Zancwlll'a Great est Novel and Play "The Children of the Ghetto" FRIDAY jLew Fields Vivian Martin, Charles Judels, In "Old Dutch" Lew Fields' Greatest Stage , Success Coming fEv?r Robert Warwick In "Alias Jimmy Valentine" BELMONT MON. TUES. TVED. Dustin Farnum IN "CAMEO KIRBY" OTHER COMEDY AND DRAMATIC SUBJECTS FIVE PERFORMANCES DAILY AT 1, 3, B, T, 0 P. M. 52nd Street MON. AND TUES. David Higgins IN "His Last Dollar" WED. AND THURS. Marguerite Clark IN "Wildflower" OTHER COMEDY AND MAT. 2 P. M. EVO, 0:80 TO 11 P. M. Tioga Theatre PHILADELPHIA'S ritJai: PllOTUrjjA.1 TJliiATJtE. CAPACITY 2000. Today, First Showing in This City, George Kleine's Production STOP THIEF, Featuring MARY RYAN WEDNESDAY FRANCIS X. DUSHMAN In "THE DATTLE OF LOVE" & Keystone Comedy Films MON. AND TUES. WM. FOX Presents EDMUND DREESE "Tho Walls of Jericho" A Modern Flay.. THURSDAY Second Episode of "RUNAWAY JUNE." and "The WlnOQsome AVMnw" In 3 Performances Daily. Matinee Special Concerts by the SELECT PHOTOPLAY THEATRE TODAY'S FEATURES CALENDAR THE BALTIMORE BALTIMORE AVENTJK ABOVK BOTH STREET IRIS THEATRE lienslncton and Alleaheny Atcs. REGENT 16St-S Market Btreet GARDEN S3d St, and Xansdowno Ave. BELVIDERE gFcAViK uSS TULPEHOCKEN Gentvanlown Ate. ft Tulpehocken St. OVERBROOK 63d 6t. nnd Haverford At. STAR THEATRE KENSINOTON AVENUE BELOW I.KHI01I AYENCB GERMANTOWN THEATRE Qermantoirn At, and School Lana DcToted to PARAMOUNT 1'ICTUItEa Hear the famous ITopc-Jonrs I'lpe Orran LEADER 4Ist SU nnd Lancaster Ave). JEFFERSON S9TII below Dauphin St. HAVE YOU BEEN FOLLOWING THE PROGRESS OF ZUDORA IN THE $20,000,000 MYSTERY BETTER THAN EVER JAMES CRUZE and MARGARET SNOW Have always been Screen Favorites; in the $20,000,000 ."MYSTERY they are Screen Idol Instston Your Nearest Theatre Showing This Serial of Serials BPOKIN6J3 MAY BR OBTAINED FROM, , Thanhouaer Syndicate Corpomtlon PETER H, QLg RtpreitfltaUVa MODEKTT SCXRttOB ttVXOJim The first of a new er(es of di lec tures on modern science In the retufaf course of the University Extension Co clety will be glveh by Dr, Samuel Cj Schmucker at Qrimth Hall tonight ntiil tho five successive Thursday evenings be ginning February 1J. The lecturer"-' will trnco tho formation of planets from gwte into habitable globes and show how as tronomy changes Infinity from n. vairu and awesome thing Into som-thing the layman can understand ritOTOFLAY imortnns Barrist & Co. 2li North 8th Street Sell Profitable! Picture Theatres miCES $00 to IIOO.OOO. Both phones. nioToriAYs NINTH & MARKET STS. ALL NEXT WEEK Continuous 10 A. M. to 11 P. M. wmw0Ww.iW."?mf.. '..'. imyttiify I rroducetl under the Auspices of the National I I American Woman's Eultrase Association. drama, the tsnsltr of Us story, question. B2D AND LOCUST STREETS rhotoplays for People Who Discriminate HEAR TUB I1S.0OO KIMBALL ORGAN WITH Tlin HUMAN VOICE WEDNnSDAY Wm. Farnum In the Great Broadway Buccess "SAMSON" A Society Drama SATURDAY VlTAORAPIt "For Another's Crime" LUBIN "Her Martyrdom" The Fnblc of the People PATHE VIEWS B2D ABOVE MARKET STREET Paramount Pictures thtJrs. fri. sat. Edward Abeles IN "THE MILLION" I theatre Bd and Sansoln ' streets FRI. AND SAT. Chas. Richman IN "The Man From Home" DRAMATIO SUBJECTS SAT. CONTINUOUS. 1:30 TO 11 P. M. 17th and Venango Streets FRIDAY SATURDAY WM. FOX Presents Dorothy Donnelly and Richard Bushier In "THE THIEF" Based upon the play. at 2:30, Evenings at 6:45 and 9 o'clock Tioga Symphony Orchestra SUBJECT TO CHANGE IAfiT OPPORTUNITY TO SEE CABIRIA GREAT BPECTACTJIAIt PRODUCTION William Farnum in SAMSON THE GILDED FOOL x&V&yr Lillian Russell in "WILDFIRE" Magnet of Paradise, For His Honor Master Key, Price of Crime Nell, of the Circus oEcion,?NEn O. M. AKDKUaON, "Broncho BtUr In." "THE TELLTALE HAND" s g. And BIG KEYSTONE BILL MABEL TALIAFEIUtO XN . THE THREE OF US MANY OTUEIt GOOD TIOTUItES Booked Thro the Stanley Hooking Co. The Wrong Girl llEOENEltATINU LOVE ZUDORA Other Features 903 FILBERT SUREST 1 "irr r -imnnrrr rm i i