Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 13, 1915, Sports Final, Page 4, Image 4
-A 4 BVBffiyfl LBDBaXHADBIFHlX gJATTTBflaX ffBBBTJABY X3 EOXS; I'TI ""'."""", '"'"'".'J11! . "."' ''"lllll"' mil "" HwinniiiiiiiiiiW iin infafcwjiiiiftwMAHiiiii iiiniliiuM-i 'ill ii-nini-ir-miif iiiwi in.-- - ifi in h'ii..i.ii.1 ilitttar ir i v nnr i miwiif.n i.lhiiiimii -iu-i - ' ill ifim il n I limii I '" !"' ' niiiiii 'k"t"m?, --"--"" -Ttl mri Hill NEXT WEEK : "FADS AND FANCIES" AT THE FORREST; AL JOLSON AT THE LYR16 -" I- T.3 THEATR BAEDEKER r "'" l l iimn i i 11 . . ,. , ....,,. . . -.. W-1! rArlwirtji WhHfnk UJm UrxLt '3 -JS ik -7r W , ilSliil - H fwBTP l J-i 'VI LL-JyJ- WgjMiffl Aljolsons Ttlla wuu Shaw week lit. l'lilladelplila, and a strong testimonial to the grow lne popularity of the Knetlsh playwright. TIjouKh It was a pity that none of the fou plays on view was In his elder vein, yet oven so comparatively recent a piece as "The Doctor's Dilemma," which the Plays and Players revived, ave pretty strong hints of how the new and popular Shaw has changed from the man who mljht havo said, with Glovannlttl: I rtlnK my shaft and my disgust Agatnit your gapl and your law. In hta personal opinions Shaw Is no less "advanced" than of yore. He has oven substituted equality of Income for the comparatively respectable state so cialism which he preached as a Fabian. But since "Fanny's First Play" his plays have grown steadily less vehement, less . iconoclastlo and. less pregnant with orig inal thinking. In plnce of his old origi nality of attitude, he has gained a mel lowness toward his fellow man. '.'Pre- raallon' la Just as much nearer a sym tht!3 treatment of humanity as It la stilt far from what Shaw calls It, "a ro mance." Certainly the play at the Broad has nothing In It to offend the most con ventional. A record for Shaw. Sid Shaw Up and Steal "PygmnlJonP" Press agents are a curiously publtc oplrited lot Here Is the conscientious and well-read representative of "Pyg malion" trying to prove that Shaw stolo the Idea of the play from Smollett. He ay he found It In the1 Literary Echo, but you can safely put It down to his own honesty and erudition:- Those who have forgotten the de tails of Smollett's "Peregrine Pickle" may be reminded that In one episode if the story the hero, in very much the name way aa the professor in Pygmalion,' purchases for a small sum o. young street girl from her mother. A thorough washing and new clothes produce a remarkable trans formation in the neglected child. Encouraged by this and convinced that the difference between the accent of tho upper classes and the street is at thf bottom a small one, the hero gives his protege lessons la enunciation, or, a Mr. Shaw has It, phonetics, and boasts that he will be able to Introduce hr into society. The girl shows herself highly adapt able; only one habit, the use of oaths, she cannot break away from. Like Kliia In the play, the street child is first introduced Into the circle of the hero's relatives and then into great social celebrations, -with complete suc cess; even her oaths, like Eliza's oc caalonal lapses, are admired as a fnrlf of grent orlslnaJltyl At this point comes the only differ- oss MflE& Gmmms Tie Walnut vtn. ftS., K . KjL. PL. Tdii-"mtkt ' O'Hin. WVMw' 4UW, TODAY & Wvds4y, Mr Patrick Campbell fow PYGMALION mfojm&&m Efmjmm 5? JSr jdrjHSN. SNTiuiNT -Nfil !. :.JfJJ.' I A JLctl IIIMH. XT- .rsav.-f.-.JiJA-v A WALNUT NrV-?7VVMfcv nth tuul, XTTW-V- yjF;;?&Ztr2s. writ t "- v.-SviWS'.wcct wilt Tmbu. SrcfnftiMrV lb Cutset fiao irc fX$r Emiwi. soe. "sr uiicu between "X'crccrlnc l'lclt'o" and WZ?JIBBBBMemBKmB3i&IUmS:k ' JBiiV -ti I "Pygmalion." Eliza In the play, ao Ri'fcJBSEBali!BHHB& fM&mr ,.-S Mr. Shaw leads us to believe, marries WwSwmGBBBBmBBla&BB ' vSVKl her professor; the Eliza of 'Tore- wSmmnMwHMimSl 'i'iMwiU grlno" runs away with a footman. jyfljMggMffl - .-' VW:iiiJP I Some Scenery Good nnd Also Very Dad Soenery la queer stuff. It can be re markably good and remarkably bad, not only in a single production but In a single scene. Take "Pygmalion," for Instance. The setting for the third act reproduces Shaw's directions almost perfectly: Mrs. Hlgglns was brought up on Morris and Burno-Joncs; nnd her room, which Is very unlike her son's room In Wlmpole street, is not crowded with furniture and little tables and knlcknacks. In tho middle of the room there Is a big ottoman, and this and tho carpet, the Morris wallpapers and Morris chintz win dow curtains and brocade covers of tho ottoman and Us cushions, supply all the ornament ana are much too handsome to be hidden by odds and ends of useless things. The room Is very pleasing, Indeed to look at. The scene at the professor's Is set with square corners that are a welcome relief from the usual splay angles of the theatre. But the attempt to fake a solid, carved door-casing by painting shadows on the flat, Is not only unsuccessful but irritating. The first act combines good nnd bad touches In the same set. The good part Is the general arrangement of the shelter ing church porch and the misty view of the Covent Garden Market between the pillars. But to curse this reality, the scemo artist has set up a flat scene of canvas painted to represent vegetable baskets, and ha has thrown a single spot light on one side of the stage, Instead of directing It from two lamps above or mak ing It come from the church within, To cap it, Monday night the stage manager CHESTNUTST.Ke- Home of World's Greatest Photo Plays 4 TIMES DAILY AFTERNOONS, I and B lOo and Wo EVENINaS. 7 and 0 10c. IBo and 28o Owing to the Tremendous Demand for Seats THE Christian WUl Be Continued for One Week More Yoii Con See It at the Open Hpuse All Next Week But Engagement Positively Ends Saturday, Feb, 20 w STANLEY K ?7BEET PICTURES hbn Enwraw la tnt U A. M. TO UUd J. , Bachelor's Romance r a nntr'ir Tfci Nxt wic. ev. a sis. GAilKlUV MU. TODAV 4 WeU.diy. Pauline Frederick jnnocW pgp, Frtc wtaly Mt- bmi ewi ij.eo. 52d ST, THEATRE gA0 CONTINUOUS t 1. tt TO R iL TODAT Robart E4on la "enumis tub trail. mviDEa" I VBir I .at " DAT. 2iI8 Mirtr"r .TiMJB TO.VIOHT, j ,iB -t-jrTr-ri-.s- at Mi ta OMBjdy ct A9 tAOT LlTXtJBl I. DUMONTS DxiFlL HSISfSB 0 0 Si Jif wa ramf m. M3m fVi V JLT HRaHniHK fif . . AM 'ffa 'U .. ihh im; sJtttmmis&m HB ' tsS k.- iffiPHnf ' j . , HRHHHJHva.vasML j. , " Wiiwf Jr-ggS8K. A A VY l, -Jl W 3t r z.rn& lugged onto the stage at tho end of the rainstorm the cleanest, brightest, moat unsullied taxi you ever saw. Its tires were positively white with pipe clay. Of course, the line on the program, "Taxlcab by So & So," explained the shameless vir tue of that car. But why not hang the Concluded on Fare Five 48th ANNUAL ECEPTI0.N at the BellevueStratford Monday Evg., Feb. 15 Subscription Tickets, $5.09 Admitting Gentleman and Two Ladles TICKETS MAY DB OBTAINED AT TUB rtiUBHOUBE, Mil AHC11 BTREET, OR KROM MR. JOHN V. SKELLY. TREASURER OKTHH CALL. COMMITTEE. AT TUB CONTINEN. JAL-EQUITABLE TITLE AND TRUST CO.. STEPHEN OIRARD DUILDINQ. TWELFTli BTREET, ABOVE CHESTNUT, OR FROM ANY OF TJIB MEMBERS OF THE INSTITUTE, (11 ORF MARKET ST. AND JUNIPEn UL.WDC VAUDEVILLE 11:30 TO 11 iJO REAL VUN VEST AL LEWIS & CO. BOWMAN BROTHERS JULIA CURTIS 8 COMEDY ACTS 8 ACADEMY OF MUSIC BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA DR. KARL MUCK. Conductor MONDAY EVENING. FEB. IB. AT an BIUlliw, l.t Bjnn.i Bach, Doubla Conc.rtoi '??? ?1.1"10 yartatlonsl Dvorak, "Cari val." Ttckata at Htppo'a, Araphitheatro sc. Bra atval PALACE CONTINUOUS lOo 30a B A- M. to li P. M. 1214 MARKET STREET VAUDEVILLE & uwt co. PHOTOPLAY Arao Croi Keys Theatre Mrfr,tJa DAISY HARCOURT F DAILY IOC SVENINCS. TAN AT 3 116 "v 10c, HSc. 20T" " BELMONT- tM ABQve market SSSEflr "Th0 S " CroM ACADEMY Stats at tpp-, JHB CJtMtauf, PHlLADfcLrHIAi Tonight at 845 H -V .Ci 3 3KMaF.i?1$ft 7Wr? for utnefua at Lyric and AdeLpnt Theatrei, Apply liox Offlce or Phone Walnut 0700-OT-08, T VUTfT ".M.nW8BSS EXTRA MAT. FEB. 22 Wa"hKty JL I JUL, prices ffiK wed. Mats. Entire ?wSgfo 88 VJMat.8 to BOo UVU' "UtJ' i"t"W BP HALCONY. BOo THE NEW YOniC WINTER GARDEN'S BUPnEMB ACHIEVEMENT DANCING AROUND THE FASTEST OF INDOOR SPORTS with AL JOLSON THE KINO OP ENTERTAINERS JOLSON A3 "OUS, TUB PORTER," SEE HFAR jOlsOn BIND HIS GREATEST BONO HIT. 4Ujnu "SISTER BUSIB BEWINQ SHIRTS FOR SOLDIERS" LAUGH AT XWB Wg. jgSBBB WITH .THE JJ A RJQTj IOC DAINTY, DASHING, DIMPLED. DANCING PIANAS IN " PIQUANT PRANKS ON THE ILLUMINATED CLEVER AND LASSY T IVELY Li AND CLEVATINcj i. AND AUOHAULB NERVAT1NO ADELPHI The Big Laughing THE THIRD JL - jTjl Jl. JL JL with TAYLOR HOLMES Beginning MoRday. Feb. 22, QUver Morosco Presents J. Hartley Manners' METROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE METROPOLITAN OPERA CO., NEW TORK Igal FEBRUARY 23 ft,CLOCK 1R8T PERFORMANCE, IN THIS CITY qSrdaM'a W- Jin Italian) aWte4 from "b. play of Vlotorteo Sardou an4 b Uor.au. MADAME SANS-GENB Presented With the Same Cast wblcft cootrltut4 ta tlt InltW auccwi of thli ipr at Its World Premiere in New York Mows.' Farrar. VoroJa, Sparltaf, Braalam MM. MartUfUI. AinaW. SufiU, Altbouaa, Twianl. Laonlirdt. Coai, Mr. TpMaalal. casino 'giitlYT FOK THE IMPATIENT PLAYGOER Who takes a seat at any play owes It to producer, playwright and players to stay until tho end, be It novor ao blttor or belated. Now York Times. Hokum Stuff "Bellevo me, many a two-dollnr show has been saved by 'hokum stuff,' " said Al Jolson as ho smeared his faco with burnt cork In his dressing room at tho Winter Garden a fow nights ago. It IS doubtful whether tho moBt Inveterate Of thea tregoers knows what Is meant by the term "hokum stuff." It Is an old-time mln strelman equivalent for slap-stick com edy. Out on what usod to bo known as the "Tallow-Dip Circuit" "hokum stuff" was resorted to by the comedians of minstrel aggre gations, in order to VrtJtCNtSIA cet their audiences Into a stato of high, good humor. Al Jolson served his ap prenticeship In this school oi acting, which accounts for the fact that he keeps hammering away at his listeners indotat- lgably until they succumb. In Jolson's minstrel days it was cus- Concluded on l'oco Five AN ENTERTAINER OB" KINGS "OUS, TUB SWISS OUIDE." "OUS. TUB OONDOLIEn." ETC. RUNWAY A DROIT OTABLB V AND IN AND STONISHINO OTE-VORTHY Matlneo Todar Ills Tnnlabt at RtI5 BEGINNING NEXT MONDAY POSITIVELY LAST WEEK Hit of the Season! Last Popular $1 Mat. Thurs. Last Regular Mat. Saturday and WALTER JONES FORREST-JLmI Mat & Night CHAHLE8 FROIIMAN Praaanta Th. Qrtat Thret-Slar Combination JULIA SANDERSON , DONALD BRIAN JOSEPH CAWTHORN in THE GIRL FROM UTAH NT WPEXHAT8 BHIXINa KLAW & ERLANGER'S IN THE : 3 MIRTHFUL. Mliainlr. Worn to- IALI3 AINU rAINUIiiS COMEDUNS. SINOERS, PANCE 100 DANCERS. orwiAUOTO LITTLE I'ffirjdSSSSa?4 so td3 TMZ1 .mm I CfABMVlIX.Jir' Tlli flDW WJlllfc POnnUST "Fftdn nnd Fancies, -with Dorothy Jnrtlort, Lydla LopoUova ami rr nowovcr. OONTlXUWCt. ADBLPI11 "Tho Third Party," with Taylor Holmes and Walter Jones. A boisterous farce of tho familiar trlan ular variety with a patont oharepon, Violent but amusing. BtlOAV "Pygmalion," with Mrs. Pat Cnmpboll, the distinguished English nctross. Bernard Hhaw turns a Cock ney flower girl Into the phonetic oqulv- alsnt of a duchcsR. A flno Impersona tion In a nno comedy. OAtttttOK "Innocent," "wlUt Tautlno Frederick nnd a good cast. Tho disas trous results of beauty, Ignorance nnd' a lady. Itathcr unexciting, considering Its mibject. tilTThEfTho Admlrablo nnshvllle" nnd "Tho Dark Lady of tho Sonnets," with tho resident cdmpuny. Two comctlles by Shaw. One a blank verse Urnmatl zatlon of his novel on pugilism: tho other an nmuslng encounter botween Queen Elizabeth and Shaw's only dra matic rival. Good fun for tho ttill fore heads. VAVDnVILLE. KElTR'a Carolina White, tho distin guished singer: Trlxle Frlganza, the popular comedienne; Harry Bcresford and Company., Mr. and Mrs. J. Mc Greovy, Lucy Glllottc, Adler and Ar llnc, Blank Family, Martin Van Ber gen, tho Bchrens, and Paths Nowb Weekly. GLOBE Flo Bert In "The Dream Pi rates"; Frank Milton nnd tho De Long Slstors In "The Terminal"; Annie Kent, "The Little Jester"; Burns and Klsaen, singers; the Arco Brothers, balancers; Dorothy King and Sara Keridlg, two local juveniles; Pierce and Malzeo, and Plelert and Scholleld In song nnd dance. NIXON Wilson Taylor In his playlet, "Tho Chief of Pollco"; Camllle Personl In a Japanese oporetta, "Butterfly Lovo"; tho Nine White Hussars, In strumentalists; tho Circle Comedy Four, Aloxander Porter In Patter nnd Chatter, tho Great Wheeler, bicyclist. NIXON'S OIIAND Werner-Amoros and Company In a juggling novolty; Robins, "tho one-man band"; tho BIx Little Honey Bees; Kirk and Fogarty; vo calists; the Cabaret Dogs, trained 'ani mals; Jennings and Evcrs, black faco comedians, and comedy motion pic tures. WILLIAM PENNUarry Bapp In "The Buyer From Pittsburgh," by James Moran: Tim McMahon and Edith Chap pelle In "How Hubby Missed the Train"; Vlan Ford and Harry Howltt, singers and dancers; Ed Corellt and Charles Gillette, "tho old pair"; Will Morrlssey and Dolly Racket, and Eu genie Dunedin, , CltOSS KEYS (first half of week) May Ward, "tho Dresden doll comedienne," in "The Cash Girl"; Lasky'a Three Typos in a posing turn; tho Parisian Trio, comedy and music; Walsh and Walsh In "At tho Shores of Klllarney"; Paull and Boyno, modern dancers, and tho "Stage-struck Kids." (Last half of week) "Tho Political Women"; Webster nnd Woodberry, comedians; Clem Bevens and Company In "Rural Llfo"; tho Three Olldden Sisters In song nnd dance; tho Phyllis Family, i Shown Dally Mfttlne.a, S P. M 25o and BOc. Nlghti, 8 V. VL. 2Bo to ll.Ott. NEXT WEEK A Program Unequaled in the History of Philadelphia Vaudeville IW ENGAGEMENT EXTRAORDINARY! - THE AMERICAN QUEEN OF GRAND OPERA CAROLINA WHITE PRIMA DONNA PHILADELPHIA'CHICAGO COMPANT SUPPORTED BY A TREMENDOUS ALL-STAR BILI HEADED BY THE EFFERVESCENT COMEDIENNE , TRLXLE FRIGANZA Aiil.ted by F..D. CARMAN and JIMMY FOX IN VAUDEVILLES BRIOUTEST AND MOST HUMOROUS OFFERINtl THE BEST ONE-ACT PLAY OF THE YEAR HARRY BERESFORD & CO. In "TWENTY ODD VEAns," An Epoch of Youth and OIJ Ago A CYCLONE OF LAUGHTER FROM THE WEST MR. and MRS. JACK McQREEVEYJ THE ACME OF ATHLETIC ARTISTRY NAT NAZARR0 & CO. A COMBINATION OF- LAUOltB AND THRII.L8 ADLER & ARLINE MARTIN VAN BERGEN ITEARST.SELIG NEW MOTION PICTURES Biata Alwaya a AV.ek In Advanca. Ball. Fllb.rt 38851 K.y.toh.. Raca HW VISITORS TQ NEW YORK SHOULD NOT S"AIL TQ VISIT ";' B. F. KEITH'S PALACE THEATRE, 47th St. and Broadway, WONDERFUL SHOWS IN THE MOST BEAUTIFUL HOUSE It THE WORLD M,10!"8 GRAND Broad St. and Montgomery Ava. FRED O. NIXON-NIRDLINQER.Paii.MaT. NEOPI' YEEK WERNER-AMOROS CO. guropa'a Orcatt.t NoTtlty Act SIX LITTLE HONEY BEES M.lody. Muala and Mirth KOBINS An Eecantrlo Conudy Scr.am Kirk A Focarty J.nnln 4 Evtrai r.bartt Dora I Lauhip Motion plcturaa. Dally SilS jSranlasa Itt 3000 SEATS agfa AOAPEMTj OF MUSIO Tueaday Alttrnooo. Ftb. 33, at S;S0 VDHQ lTDIIIK AJdulan. An elaborate proauctlon on tne ordsr of the prsvaltnl NbW 'v-2. "rovues," Tlid piece Indulges in quite an elaborate story ot a fanolful nJSllS Tho book Is by Olen MacDonough. the muslo by Haymoiid HubbelL imuS illtchell attends to the onsoniblcs. "uootu, JUllfcj LYltlO "Dnnclmr Arolind," with Al Jolson, Lucy Weston and Melvllla rut. S$! Ner York Winter Garden show bt tho familiar and elaborate type. en Ufa" principally eotncdlans and chorus. There Is a real plot concernlne a i!,J! husfftr who Is eftirchlnff for a certain lady with a crescent beauty mirlf1 5Si nnds a ballroom full of them. Mr. Jolson occasionally spoils tho blot "Sfl WALNVT "It's a konsr Way to Tlpperary," a war drama nlong- noouUr nS with the present conflict nnd tho popular sonsr well to Uia fore; NeuSii' JJeutrjy eaucatrlnnn. nnd niotlon pictures 'R bothbim, """ ""u"s,is BTdOK. A!HEniOAN-., Fool There Was." l me resident company. Porter EmrJ for, i Browne's dramatic version of KlS " ""' M. i VVllLEnQVE. rtAarvn ti, r . . . slcal piece. 'The Man and the witaSi written liv Mm nn ni.ii m. '"""?U MlNBTItilLB. DUMONrBVutnonl's Minstrels In'-fiiur Some Day n Jersey, nr n. B.JS.AI Trailers" nnd "Happy Married UfcJKffl COMING. 'I'm FEBItVARY tt, M ADELPHI"PtB o' My Heart." WllS Florence Martin. Reeves, Smith sj Howard Short. Hartley Mannwf bod.' uUr and amusing comedy of the lai petuous young Irish girl and her con2 fllct with a sodrite English family. ' GAltmOK "Tho Misleading Lady." Thl engaging .comedy of how a rough-many nored gentleman, home from Patagonia.' tames, woos and weds a society belle br tho heroic treatment of kidnapping htr to his Adirondack camp. ". LITTLE 'Rtch Man, Poor Man," with" tho resident company. A comedy W Porter Emerson Browne, contrattlnr urban dnd suburban life. 5 TrALNyTTh6 Trail of the LonesoroT ... x-ugono waiiors errectlvr dramatization of John-Fox, Jr.'s. uuV of the Cumberland Gap. S KEITWBWlrtt. Leslie Carter In "Znxa'': Wee George Wood, comedian; Blcktll ana vvatson, tne well-known teatml Dlfahn .Tan. w..m.hm... y . . '.41 Lyons and Yoseo, Hael Cox, Moortl uuu munj, uoie anu uenany ana nourscaowg i-CIUreB. amvkiuan "Maggie Pepper." Charles iviciji b amuims aepartment stors drama, In which Rose Stahl starrea.' MAKUll i. unuAij uuccasv mm isisie Ferguson. Hubert Henry Davles drama of a ra!M tress saved from tho Btreets and prtr- ing herself In the end a woman of morij fibre than most of her fellows. Lately 4 seen In New York.. ' WALNUT "Mutt and Jeff In" Mexico,") A new edition of the familiar musicals comedy, with the scenes laid In turbulent republic to tho south. tbo;j AMERICAN "Thn Annfln rant," Casa" .Thi ,lntn4l.,n Anyi v.n,, .... ......I k'TI.a i? vey J. O'HIgglns and William Bunui and acted by Robert Hllllard. v .; MAP.CB 8. . . - 'A GAR&tOK "Seven Keys -to ifaldpate.". . George Cohan's masterly dramatlii tlon of tho story of tho young author' who went up to a deserted Inn In win-' ; ter to write n novel. The audlenoa encounters many surprises and msch ' humor. ' t LITTLE "The Wild Duck," with Edith .j AVynne Matthtson and the resident '. company, Probably the first perform-. ( . i Concluded .on rasa IflM - "THE V1I.LAOB FIDDLER AND THE COUNTRY MAID" ... LUCY GILLETT THE BERRENS r ss3 ACADEA1Y OF MUSIC LMENDORF Artlat Trawler t RaCORUUf AWNEXT l!"'ifffi? AROUND THE W0RLP Thrpugh the Panama, VUltlos Madalra, P't Strait Sttlwi)i CM Japan, HiwillHMH ii fll...tw.,iAHH in color b? OUT Of THE ORDXKABT UMiiAlf nfntinVB TICKETPs 25c, 0Ocf 76c, J MAT. 30917, U6, We I rjfM Dark o f tk tT " iS-ffi-rf " Al tibCt H. I11W- CDfitnus, , --h'So llthiCo i I .. rt.ri tTv t