Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 13, 1915, Sports Final, Page 3, Image 3

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m 5. Government Agents
investigating Remarkable
Story of Kidnaping Young
Women by Hundreds.
Iwtlal flints for the United Stales De
Br ... t t.,iln detailed In this city.
LrMr u ... t......attirnttnn in nqfltnt
TjSkt began "" """" "
fe Government In Investigating the truth
Eg. ...,...ir.n nf n evDsy chief In Don-
R"rol who asserts that ho has en-
HK . ... l l,i.t..1r.U Af
"peered tho Kianuinmii, ..-.
TrUlnto wmio Bia,.
(W,n? whlto RlrlB, according to tho
mr chief, whoso name is wimncia ny
fefih)nton, woro enticed from Plilladcl
In' . ...... i Vnlinmn. TikI.. from
r. i. d,nv wpi-o sold under tho
much p'-" "" ;., ,, ., i
Ssiroer to the hlBiicst manor. x nuvi-a
ffijf for victims often ranged from $100
fife. '.finn of fho gypsy, which Is
HRwd upon by tho Government Investl
fe h. innat Important one slnco
(wtlon-wlde Investigation of whlto
fstery was Instituted, was made jestcr
Slf in Denver, to William P. Fitch, a
JmcI1 Investigator.
iy..i. n orders from Washington, lo-
i Kt 'or th0 UnllCQ statcs DParl-
Sent of Justice today fcegon to Invcstt
! a list ot missing young women In
SSuaelptaU and other cities In Pcnnsyl.
ST in tho confession made by tho
. ., mntrinir moro than
EMW by selling girls Into whlto slavery,
& of the country are mentioned.
ir!?r."l. tj tim cencrnl clearing
& for tho whlto slavers and their rop
Ccntatlvcs. Whenever a girt was on
Uced from a largo city her description
rould bo sent to representatives In ChU,
,uu tii.iib nil n Nnw Ynrk.
Washington and other cities.
raatninfc"'" , . ., rrrirpsentntlvcs
Kite slavers tho girls held In captivity
would be auctioned off to tho highest bld-
. . Jl.l.h. nftrr lip nC solll lllO
ftlrii held In bondage would bo placed
I . i ..! nllnnnr1 In nin nf 11
looard a. irnm uhu nn'ci"-" .
Voman or a man to different points.
,Btncs tho whlto slavo plot was exposed,
WMhlngton has naked the co-operation of
W doIIco In many largo cities. Govorn-
1 l i-...... I , ,. a 4lAn(Arl Irt HlffnrnnT
ki.i rlt na In nh Un Hntti Vi In nrnrilnfnrl
today that the confession made by tho
result In tho finding of many whlto Girls
Xiao nave vamsneu -wiiniu iuo iusi law
tears while shopping or traveling atone.
12-year-old Eeadlng Boy Cnmo
L'Here to Join "Billy" Sunday.
" Twelve - year - old Thomas Howard
Hdits Is sad today. Ho Is now on his
Kttar baclc to his home in Reading because
a Dig policeman reiuseu o lot mm limy
the) violin In tho choir ot "Billy" Sun
days "tabernlcklo." Tommlo. with a
large violin under one arm, und a bundlo
of clothes under tho other, nslced Police
man Bonner at 21st and Marltot streets
last eviihlng the way to tho tabernacle.
Bonner t66k the lad to tho 20th "District
police station.
(Tommlo tola Houso Sergeant Dixon
that when his father, pleading stress of
business, had refused tn tnkn him tn
iPUhdelphla, he packed up and with tho
,420 be had saved for the trip, started out
alone Dixon sent tlio linv to the Hnusn
of Detention for the night and today tho
lad's father came for tho budding evange
LUsual Saturday Bush Gives Way to
Black Day nt Elkton.
SEtKTON. Md.. F-h. 13 Thn 13tli nf
the month continues, to bo nn unpopular
tif for marriages In Ulkton, as the
usual Saturday rush for marriage licenses
today fell off to onlv-eoven. couples. They
SMalcolm MacNell and Viola F. Penrce,
Joseph B. Tlmmons and Jennie K. Uon-
lll. Beynolda f!. Cnr nnH Hfnn Trnl Wll
lfcm, J. Henderson nnd Frances Sillier,
and Henry It. Frelllng and Amy E. Web
er, all of Philadelphia; J. Benjamin
iy and Louise M. Adklnson, Havro do
Orace, lid., and Georgo A. Culver and
wnenne T. Trice, Harrington. Del.
L Councils failed tc provide additional
in , 'I?8 Btreet 'amps during 1913 or J9U.
J'r .authorlred In 1912 and none In 1913.
J"'" now lamps which tho United Gas
improvement Company Is required to
S1A& nn itA .,...,. u. .1... -..1. ....
tr , r e terms o Us leaso a.ro entirely
s7Sr'unlu IO meet tne demands.
(!" or some or tlio facts set forth
In thft (nminl nA r. t ft .
B. ilapes. Chief of the Bureau of Light
Igff. Last year 20 miles of new streets
wa new lamps supplied were sufficient
-., ., nuimr uBiumb 01 seven mues or
w. fcWB CICU11U11 ui t iiivtn llttll,
i '-"twu, wero uiscusaeq ai a meei
mm of the Fox Chnse Improvement As
Ks?atIon lMt n,8bt. A petition asking
IIP' more afternoon trains to bring the
Btnool children home from city schools
Sou-",Suupon ,no vu&llo Bervico Com.
MUBRlOn. The.. ! ! -si. ......
s iv i . "ut u" Huernoon train
gj Chase until 6 o'clock.
William ir., .. - .
BmJSJSSvi,iOT3 Dy street.
BBSS ftSaHL'' " F.n.U-
IS alrk0r,1iTiSlJ Montroaa street, and
ISrtS3.Sir? 4' Poptar street.
5rAtrfmn!. -?;n NorrUtown, Pa., and 1U
il tff?'5' 'l ilaatsr street.
ISSUttte'Sk,."" .. Vu Pelt St.. nd
KSta'nJ;' 81AP- B'h st.. and Qutsep
KPsSr rt tsTizsina, 1123 Christian st.
ffna,.1.1.."? E. Wlllsrd st . and Jessla
BVttirit?8iQ0 Seminole uveoue.
BS.i,VJd,B,Kt JES.N Park avenue, and
UITT " ouiUYftn, zsil Noble at.
.lyiu- ri MwS t " and Ann
ltmi' r,"..,P
Si"V?r Roihe. SOU Wharton st.
-p v... M,yrr iixiu tiaae sr . and Klia
2auV SR&Zg" " K,,,'""
K, 'Jt'.'H'r- 2M N Jth st . and Clara
Ulen It Kane, ourtcn ll.lhi. m
S. f?Bl" Jr . Addison, st . and
7,, -siam jog a. Durrance st
ELI?!"-1! 8 9lb st . and Jlrsaulu,
6.1 ""T"1. "ui woo.iwn avnu.
g e hwarts. Jilt . Puoa t nad
Expected to Beport !f0,000,000
Loan Measures at Meeting Monday,
It was announced today that Councils'
Subcommittee on Finance will met In
tho City Hall nt noon Monday to con
sider reporting favorably the
ordinances providing for a
special election on tho tran
sit loan. Chnrlcs Seuer,
chairman of the committee,
In Issuing the call for the
Ineetlncr. decllnM tn m
whether or not the loan recommended
vvould bo for 8,000,000, ns requested by
Director Taylor. It Is understood, how
over, that this sum will be agreed on
without opposition.
Tho Finance Committee proper may not
meet until Thursday, but John P. Con
nelly, chnlrmnn, has given assurance that
tho committee will bo prepared to report
to Councils nt the regular meeting that
afternoon the loan ordinances providing
for the special election.
Developments In tho rapid transit situa
tion since the hearing before tho Senato
Committee on Municipal Affairs Indicate
that opposition to the Taylor plan, on tho
surface at least, has virtually died. Al
most simultaneously with John a. John
sou's opinion upholding the validity of
tho personal property assessment ns a
basis for Increased municipal borrowing,
Senator McNIchol assorted that tho whole
matter was now beforo the city In a now
light. Tho statements brought out at tho
licarlng on Thursday, ho said, gavo tho
city approximately 110,000,000 for other
needed Improvements.
Transit advocates now are certain that
the special election to vote on the loan
will bo held some tlmo In April and that
actual work on tho comprehensive plana
for high-speed lines In Philadelphia can
bo begun early In July.
Taylor'B Transit Plan Indorsed
Transit buttons wero distributed to
members of tho 9th Btreet Station Im
provement Association when that or
ganization unanimously Indorsed Director
Taylor's transit plans last night.
Policemen Drag Victim From Sewer
nt 10th nnd Susquehanna.
''Cries of murder, mingled with tho dis
tressing sound of a woman being
strangled, terrified residents of tho nclgh
borhod of 19th street and Susquchnnna
avenue. Three policemen ran In all direc
tions nnd wero denounced from windows
by citizens for permitting such a crime
In the neighborhood. Finally Sergeant
Trauber and Policemen Hahn and Musch
crt fouri that tho sounds came from a
sewer nt 19th street.
Flashing a light Into tho sewer they
discovered tho victim gasping for breath.
Hahn was lowered head first and brought
Her to tho surface. Sho was one of the
biggest white cats over seen in thnt
Hnhn carried tho cat to tho 26th and
York streets station nnd offered her as a
mascot, but Elsie, the regular mascot,
went nfter the rival, which was In no
condition, and beat a retreat.
Cecil Chesterton to Discuss Socialism
for Benefit of Summer Home.
Cecil Chesterton, editor of The New
Witness, London, will be heard In his fa
vorite lecture on Socialism at the Delle-vuo-Stratford
next Tuesday night.
Though Mr. Chesterton has found It nec
essary to revise his former theories for
tho reconstruction of the Boclnl system,
and ho Is no longer a Fabian, he is a
firm bellover In Shaw's sincerity, not
withstanding tho playwright's seeming
flippancy and strange advocacies.
Mr. Che'sterton's lecture on Socialism
nnd tho Scrvllo State" will be under the
auspices of the Ladles of Charity, of
which Miss Agnes Iteppller Is presldont.
The purpose of the lecture Is to raise
funds for the benefit of tho Summer
Home for Poor Children nt Port Ken
nedy, Pa. Tickets may be obtained from
tho Ladles of Charity, 2119 De Lancey
Auto Truck's Victim Seriously Hurt
The condition of John Conway. 10 years
old, 4945 KcrBhaw Btreet, who was run
over by nn auto truck driven by Walter
Sweltzer, 2414 Sharswood street, at 4Sth
Btreet and Qlrnrd avenue yesterday, has
become so serious that Magistrate Boyle
held the driver without ball In the 61st
and Thompson streets station. The boy
is In the Women's Homeopathic Hospital
suffering from Internal Injuries and a
broken leg. One hundred and six stitches
were taken In the boy's legs.
Rival Germantown Gangs Hurl Cabbage Bombs in Fight
to Capture Abandoned House,
"A band of rufflanB are killing poople
and destroying houses down at the Flvo
This startling message came over the
telephone to tho Qermantown police sta
tion. The house sergeant Immediately
mobilized a dozen cops in the rollroom.
They examined their revolvers and took
llo'ng an extra supply of ammunition.
Motoroyclo Policeman Droughman waa
ordered out as an advance guard to sur
vey the situation.
As ho neared JUttenbouse and Haw11"
streets the sounds of crashing glass and
angry dhoi4t greeted him. When h
turned the corner a moment later he
saw more than 1M determined belligerent
fighting desperately for possession of art
abandoned house. Many were engaged
In hand-to-hand battles. Other were
dropping bombs from the. roof of the
contested building, while fully a doren
were already wounded. Each army was
o much In earnest that ther was no
tlrao to notice th lona cop. He rode
back to the station house and set the
liaee for a wagonload of bluecoat. The
battle Sa waging fiercer when they ar
rjvd. Thw wm a short coniultatien
und. tho coi coawi&tuXeered a dpi-en
eietbe srop frose two or thru pwrby
1 ' , , . , i . ,.,... . .
HHr k ISfliKv v -ISM
nm J
Miss Edith Strand Anderson and
picture stars, were married today
machines recorded the ceremony
Pantbmimists Say "I Do" to
Magistrate Call, and
Mean It, as Dozen Cam
eras Click.
A dozen movlng-plcturo cameras clicked
merrily at noon today, when Clarence Jay
Ulmer, a San Franciscan, nnd Edith
Strand Anderson, who have been married
several times heforo on tho screen, wero
united In matrimony In a real marriage.
Tho only difference In today's ceremony
from the previous ones was tho presence
of Magistrate Joseph Call, who got In tho
picture long enough to make Mr. Elmer
and his pretty "opposlto" a really and
truly bride and groom.
In order to make sure that nobody
walked out of the picture 12 machines
wcro employed 12, count 'em nna moro
than E00 members of the Lubln Company
participated In tho ceremony. "Judge"
Call was all dolled up In his offlclal
robes for tho occasion and wore his
most judicial expression until some ortho
"supes" walked Into tho ceremony and
filled the air with confusion, old shoes,
rice and congratulations.
Clmer wns formerly leading man In a
stock company nt San Francisco nnd
looks It. He Is now a "heavy" for Lu
bln's. Miss Anderson has been posing
leading parts for the Lubln company for
some time nnd until recently was a mem
ber of tho Lubln "Flvo Spot Company,"
at Jacksonville, Fin. Sho met her hus
band when the company staged George
Ado's "College Widow" at tho Havcrford
College grounds.
They wcro frequently "married" since
that time hefore the eyes of thousands
of American and European admirers, so
yards, jcsardless of the indignation of
the householders.
With these they charged In lancer-llke
fashion upon both armies. Some ot the
cops were hit with cabbage bombs spiked
with palls as they attempted to bowl the
soldiers over,
The army, known as "The Cow
towners," 'ws,s the most vicious and Its
members wero not awed by the police.
Finally the cops drove them from tho
building and captured four of their of
ficers. They wero Jimmy Pobbs. Eddie
Clark, Tommy Man and Joe Thomas.
General Dobbs said that the "Cowtown
era" were not to blame. He said they
'won the house two week ago Ironi the
Five Pointer. According to Dobbs, the
Five Pointers were reinforced by Italian
and. Negroe from "The Germantown
Bowery." "We'd- V licked them." Dobbs
aid, "if they hadn't got the allies.
But the police found that the fcattlo wa
started over a quarter. "Eddie" Clark
found a pocketbook which contained the
quarter, and "Billy" Smith, of the Five
Pointer' w hlra pick It up. He said
that he dropped it while be wa going
an errand. Clark said that lie didn't
Smith them got tome of hi gens' to. "git
Clark." While Clark wa being ched
some of the "Cowtowner" arrived. Then
each side ohtalned relnioroemsnta until
the resident cent a riot calL As no no
wa slouy injured the prUoncr wm
Clarence Jay Elmer, both moving
in the Lubin studio, while a dozen
as performed by Magistrate Call.
thnt they had no dltllculty In going
"through with tho business" of tho gen
uine corcmony today.
Tho entlro Philadelphia Lubln Com
pany nlso got In the picture In various
costumes and thero was a fake appear
ance of tho "other woman" when "Judge"
Call pronounced tho final words, taking
care to form them with painful precision
for the benefit of the camera to tho lee
word ot him.
Tho brldo. who Is a nlcco of Judge
Stroud, of tho Superior Court, wns given
away by Miss LUllo Leslie, n friend, and
another "heavy" with tho Lublns. Tho
lattcr's husband. Colonel Joseph Smiley,
.ilso a leading man nnd studio director,
acted ns master of ceremonies. Tho flow
er girls wero Dorothy de Wolf nnd Elea
nor Dunn, the "Lubln's Littlest Leading
Lady," nnd the bridesmaids were Bllllo
Durke, Ethel May, Mary Crouse. Ada
Charles, Frances Samson, Joan Williams,
Josephine Longworth, Elslo Woodward,
nil members of the company Tho ushers
were William Cohlll, Isador Schwartz,
James Casslday, Arland Qulnn, "Jack"
Kelson, Douglass Slbole, Edgnr Wolf nnil
James Burns.
Launcclot's Expenses Exceed His
"Weekly Insult" by S3.
Luuncclot McGlnnis Is a nice oung
man. He's a clork In a downtown office,
and for his labors gets 15 fifty-two times
a year. Ofttlmcs Lancelot Is tempted to
call this his weekly "Insult"; particularly
Is this truo nround Valentine time.
For Launcclot has a girl. She Isn't an
extiavagant girl, but on Valentine's Day
Cupid demands that nil thoso who feel
the divine spark of lovo express It in
some tangible way, nnd Launcelot's
flnncce would be sure tn think he had hU
eyes on thnt blonde office person who
works side by side with him If ho didn't
send her the customary lovo tokens.
And so he's been saving up. Yesterday,
with a determined air, ho sallied foith.
This Is what he bought:
Heart-shaped box of bonbons with an
over-fed, under-dressed Cupid wielding a
gilded arrow sportively on tho lid 3.
Heart-shaped box of fragrant violets
(enough to assure tho girl's friends that
ho wns NOT making $15 per) $5.
Two theatre' tickets $3.
After the orgy of spending was over,
Launcclot had $5 and some small change
.remaining In his pocket.
"Tho flvo spot will buy an nfter-then-tro
supper," he said, and caressed the
xmall change nftccttonately. Just then
his eyo lighted on a Valentine It wasn't
one Inspired by the god of love. It de
picted a miserly, Silas Marner-sort-of-person
and was entitled "The Tight
wad." "Tho very thing for Old Scrooge"
which was Launcelot's tender way of re
ferring to his employer. "Maybe If f
feud It to him he'll -Bee the error of his
ways and shell out."
Tho "Tight-wad" cost exactly 1 cent.
Now Lnuncelot U no philosopher. He's
a clerk. But taken all In all he has de
cided thnt It's much less expensive to
"sat sty the most towering grudge than the
Grande passion. The girl knows nothing
nf this, but she's convinced of Launce
lot's love.
Animals Victors in Itun From Wis-
sahickon to School Lane.
Two big deer raced neck and neck with
a Beading train this morning from Wis
sahlckon and mapaged to beat It to
School lane, where thny turned off the
railroad and ran toward the Schuylkill,
They had a handicap at the outset of the
race, as the train had considerable trou
ble In pulling out of the Wlssahlckon
Tho engineer and fireman of tho train
had visions of a big dinner when they
saw the, deer run in frqnt of tho tralrt
at School iano, but tho locomotive missed
them by a few Inches. Realizing that
venison Id always dear, the fireman was
especially disappointed.
Baltimore Police Seek Slayer, Then
Work on Suicide Theory,
BALTIMOHB, Feb. 13Ltoyd Hamil
ton Gauer, of this city, was found dead
today In a buggy on a lonely road near
Baltimore. He had been shot, or shot
himself, In the forehead.
The body wa wedged under the seat
of the buggy and 'or thl reason the poi
lice belleyed the man had been murdered,
but when It was learned tljat Oauer had
purchased a revolver uxeral dajs ago
and that hi employef Declared he was
1100 short in his accounts after Oauer's
disappearance, they inclined to the theorx
ot suicide. Gauer was 5 year old X
revolver wa found beside the body.
which. It I thought, slipped down be
neath the seat of the buggy after the
nan shot himself.
Appeals for Shut-ins
Appeals for aid from the Shut-In fo
clety have been so heavy this year that
Mr. Mary Parker Nicholson, president
of the society, ha made a special pita
for patronage at the exchange, 1U South
16th street, where shut-ins exhibit thulr
work. Sirs. NtchoUon luued her appeal
at a meeting or we fcRiu-m society m me
CJwreJi'House, llth and. Walnut tmt,
Masques nnd Community Festivals
Today's Topics.
Tho 3d annual convention of tho Amer
ican Pageant Association, now In ses
sion here, will close tonight with a ban
tiuet In tho Bellovuo-Stratford. A fea
ture will bo a movlng-plcturo dlsplny of
recent pageants In Philadelphia, Bt Louis,
Brattlcboro and Plaltsburg. Pageant ex
perts from all parts of the country, who
hero here to nttend the gathering, de
clare the convention Wilt give a new
Impetus to the movement to revlvo the
undent custom of pageantry.
Music sung In the Philadelphia pageant
ot 1912 wns silng this afternoon by n
special trained chorus of SO Voice under
tho direction of William J. Uochn. Pag
eant dances wcro given.
Tho primary purpose of the associa
tion Is to promote artistic Interest In and
public knowledge of pagennts nnd festival
work of a distinctly community character.
Tho plas and pageants of Dryn Mawr
wero discussed this morning by Mrs.
Chartcs McLean Andrews. Tho morning
sosslon wns entirely given over to talks
on masques, festivals nnd college and
community celebrations. This afternoon
the discussion will centra about pageant
music, symbolism nnd dnnclng.
The speakers nt tho banquet tontght
will bo Prof. George P. Baker, of Har
vard j Lotta A. Clnrk. Thomas Wood Ste
vens and Pcrclval Chubb.
Fire in Believue-Strntford Quarters
Starts Near-panic.
A majority ot the matdn nt the Believue
Strntford appeared for their duties with
pule faces and minus somo of their be
longings today after n lire last night In
their quarters nt 1403 Locust street. This
house, which Is maintained by the
hostelry for Its employes. Is a four-story
building. When fire broko out In the
kitchen maids and cloakwomen nnd pretty
checking clerks had to uo rescued by
chauffeurs from tho Dellevuo garage
nearby ,,
The lire didn't amount to much al
though some ot the rescuing heroes were
nearly killed with streams of water, whllo
the maids had n Binnll row subsequently
trying to get their clothing.
Most of the lnnlds wcro In their nighties.
The rescuers carried them to tho street.
Anthony Gunnold and George Hadcllfle
mndo several trips to safety with nrm
fuls of French maids, and among tho other
chauffeur rescuers wcro Hoard Bonsnll,
who was knocked out by a powerful
stream from a hose! Pat McCuskcr. who
had a similar experience, and George
Harris, who was cut with flying glass.
Lnwyors In Prudential Mutualiza
tion Plan Given Eat Sums.
TRHNTON, Fob. 13.-Chanccllor Walker
today signed orders allowing counsel fees
to tho lawcrs engaged In the'mutunllza
tlon proceedings of tho Prudential Insur
ance Company of America,
Robert H. McCnrter and John It.
Hardin, ns counsel for tho stockholders
of tho company, nro awarded tho sum of
fCP.OOO as compensation, to bo divided as
they shall agree. Tho sum of $20,000 la
allowed former Governor John W. Griggs,
and Merrlt Lano is given $"000 by tho
older. The latter two represented thq
policy-holders. Lane, the order statcs,
has already boon allowed $3000.
Miss Lillian M. Blghter Bride of
Brooklyn Multimillionaire.
Trlends ot Miss Lillian M. Itlghter, 520S
Walton ncnue, have Just learned that
sho was married last Wednesday to Jo
seph Huber, son of tho late Otto Hubcr,
a wealthy Brooklyn brewer.
Tho ceremony took place nt the homo
of tho bride, whose slater, Miss Francos
Itlghter, was her attendant. Georgo F.
Dobson, of Brooklyn, was tho best man.
After tho wedding, the couple went to
Atlantic City and from thero will go to
Palm Beach, Fla., for nn extended honoy
moon. Nono of Mr. Huber's Brooklyn friends
and associates knew he was married.
AVhen 'he left Brooklyn It was understood
ho waB going to Florida, Mr. Huber la
president of tho Otto Huber Brewing
Company, president of the First National
Bank of Williamsburg, and is widely
known In soclnl nnd business circles of
Brooklyn. Ho Inherited about $6,000,000
from his fnthor and $3,000,000 from his
Union League Members Will Visit
Scene of 1802 Campaign.
Tho Pilgrims to the Battlefields Society,
nn organization of Union League mem
bers, will journey to Norfojlc to visit the
scenes of McClellan's 1SG2 campaign along
tho James River this year, It was an
nounced nt the annual meeting of the
society last night,
Tho party will leave In a chartered
boat. Edward T. Stotesbury was elected
commandant; George P. Morgan, vice
commandant: Richard T. McCarter, adju
tant; George H. Hill, quartermaster, and
William M. Coates. William T. Tllden nnd
Dlmner Beeber additional members of the
Executive Committee.
Mr. Stotesbury was "rebuked" by his
fellow pilgrims last night because he
committed the unprecedented offense of
forgetting his drum. This Is the drum
which was beaten by Mr. Stotesbury In
Independence Squnro at the outbreak of
the Civil War to help attract recruits.
General Horatio C. King, of New York;
ex-Governor Stuart, John Grlbbel and
Mr. Stotesbury wore the speakers.
Mrs. Catherine Steffner, 45, Says
Man, 25, Struck Her.
-if.. riM.nHnn Rtpffner. 45 vears old.
4nH n.1 ntrnniv Pfllmlv fflPlul hr llUS
III,, ,. M..W..O. ....... -
band, Frederick W. Steffner, 23 years old,
Bliort aim jigm, wiich o ouis"u
hefore Magistrate Pennock today. He
was charged with striking his wife. He
was held under $300 ball for court.
It was testinea mo man married me
woman becauso Bhe was wealthy and
.1-1 aA 1.I.V, tin In hlia(n!Ml ' HMin
IUU1U i "1- ---...-. -..-
wife said after two weeks Heflner left
her, A reconciliation was; enectea ana
they lived together for 13 months, when
there was another breach, which resulted
In his arrest.
Editor Beaten and Bobbed of $500
CUMBERLAND, Md , Feb. J3.-Paul
Franklin, editor of the Mountain City
News, was beaten unconscious by a man
at his office In Frostburg today and then
robbed of $500. The assailant escaped.
lit TlSd UtllS UfT -Tilti
Corlisa Laced Stocking
BANITAKY, as they may be
wihd or trolled
Com'OHT. made to measure.
NO KLAbTICi udJiuUblei Ucu
like a lert Ing, llrht and durablt.
ECONOMICAL, boat Sl.S0ach,
or two far tb same limb, It.50,
Foatpald Cell end be measured
ree, or write for salf-mtasur
ment ulank No. 5.
Ulcer Sufferers treated by our
orlilntl method. Hours 0 to 6
I'cnna, Corliss Limb Specialty Co,
Suite. SIT LufujelU llld,
StU Cluetnut bU . VU1U., I'a.
Manicuring and Scalp Treatment
will. a. neus nt nn.
j Room M Wis Chutnut St-
13. 1916;
Prominent Bible manufacturer,
Who is dead in Florida.
Publisher's Demise Shock to Asso
ciates Here.
Joshua Jt. Jones, 2051 Walnut street,
familiarly known ns "Bible" Jones, one
of tho oldest and most prominent pub
Ushers of 'Bibles, died this mornlnr; nt
Ormond Beach, Florida. Jlr. Jones'
death was sudden nnd unexpected. He
left here with his wlfo and two daugh
ters three weeks ago for a vacation tn
tho South.
Mr. Jones was for many years head
of tho National Publishing Company, 239
South American street. A telegram re
ceived by his nssoclatcs this afternoon
told of his death nnd came as a sur
prise, ns he was believed to be In rood
health when ho left this city.
Mr. Jones was one of tho oldest mem
bers of the Union League, having Joined
that organization In 1ST1. He wns about
63 years old. Tho body will bo brought
from Ormond Beach to this city. Fu
neral services will bo conducted at tho
homo Wednesday nfternoon.
"Community Night" Proves a Popu
lar Innovation.
A departure In social nctlvltles of sub
urban life was Instituted In Narbcrth last
night when more than 300 persons nssem
bled In tho Y. M. C. A. to celebrate Com
munity Night.
The affair was under the direction of)
William S. Horner. Boclal manager of the
Y. M. C. A., and Mrs. C. It. Blacknll.
chairman of the Social Commltteo of tho
Civic Association. An elaborate enter
tainment was provided, nnd rcfreshmente
served nt the concjuloii of the program.
There were selections by a trio, consist
ing of Miss Achsah Wentz, piano: Mlsi
Iteba Stannger, cello, nnd A. J. Loos, vio
lin; soprano solos by Miss Helen M. Wil
son, readings by Mrs, WlllUm Jones and
J. H. Jeffries, a piano solo by Miss Maud
Wlpf. a baritone solo by Mr. Grlinth unci
solos by Miss Stanger, whose artistic
Playing of Van Goens' difficult "Scherro"
nnd the Berceuse from "Jocclin," brought,
much applause.
Community Night will become n regular
feature In Narberth activities, nnd, as the
committee. In charge announces, will be
celebrated "every once In a while."
Alleged Bobber of Bootblacks' Tills
Hqld for Larceny.
Twenty bootblacks In tho northwest
section, who within the past month have
been robbed by a dapper joung man, wero
requested today by the police to confront
Guerdon Itoessler, 24 years old, of 214G
North 32d street, under arrest charged
with larceny. (
According to Johnson, Itoessler entered
his store Inst evening nnd after having
his shoes polished tendered a $1 bill.
While Johnson was out trying to change
tho bill, Johnson alleges Itoessler opened
the cash register and stole tho contents.
The secret manifest order promulgated
by the Secretary of the Treasury In Oc
tober has been rescinded, much to tho de
light of manifest Interests. The order
forbids the customs officials Bhowlng ninniL
fests of outward-bound vessels Until 30
days after the vessels have left port. This.
In tho opinion of most shipping mon. did
mcro to rqalte England look with sus
picion on every vessel leaving the United
States than anything else. It was the
cause of expensive delays, they declared.
It was asserted that the only persons
benefiting by the order were those who
desired to engage In unneutral trade.
Herman Bidder Much Improved
NEW YOrtlC, Feb. 13. Herman Illdder,
editor and owner of the Staats Zeltung,
the German newspaper, was reported
much Improved today. Rtdder, several
days ago, suffered a nervous breakdown,
due to a great amount of extra work oc
casioned by tho European war.
Superb peas
Spencers Ik w
Vnr 0Ke wo wl mail ono regular
x uroc10.centpacket M0io 60
seeds) each of Burpee's Dainty,
a beautiful picotee pink-edged
Spencer; Burpee 'sKma Edward,
deep Carmine Scarlet; Burpee's
Irish Belle or Dreau, rich lilac
flushed with pink; Mrs.Cuthbert
eon, an exquisite pink; Mrs. Hugh
Dickson, rich apricot on cream
ground; also one large packet (90
to 100 needs) of the Burpee Blend
op Superb Spencers for 1915;the
fineatmixtureofSpenceraor Orchid
Flowered Sweet Peas ever offered.
The Burpee leaflet on Sweet Pea
Culture with each collection.
Eturpeo'a Annual
Kuwa ulultUlii ArkuSM4 ctUUi tUa
HiilUuu, tfikuitfllttitrujuiutiu MH-
Burpca BuUdioj. PUUd .UitJ.
Vetbl. yiow.r nl 'Uld
alios (ran gnwtr to yoq at
ttav lot our whniaiil utatoz.
c.n. noaiNto anno. Dt.ft BuiiM,iM,
Seed drown and Importers, KiUb. 1(9.
fjft OVrRitC.wdtfUii
).;,, CUij, i-IO rut tn,
SlX Wr
n i M - - '
Weird Music and Sounds of
Revelry Heard From
Chinatown's Back Par
lors Joss House Deserted
dongs clanged at brief, Intervals and
Chinese musicians discoursed strange
sounds In Chinatown's back parlors today,
while the punk sticks that the enlightened
use to drive away mosquitoes fumed
thickly before Joss godsnil to celebrate
tho Chinese New Tear, which reached
hern yesterday and won't stop until mid'
night tontght It la the fourth year of
the Chinese Republic, and the CTSZd of
tiia ancient dynasties, whichever you
choose, though most of the Inhabitants
of Chinatown like to think of the new
republic designation ns the proper one.
Chinese New Year's cards that can
hardly be distinguished from your laundry
tickets wero delivered by the postmen
'his morning. Tea, chicken yokamlne,
Ahee nng (Chinese sausage) and many
other things Chinese eat began disappear
trig almost ns soon ns the colony looked
out the windows nnd saw what sort of
weather tho Now Year had brought.
From 9th street to 10th on Race business
has ceased. All the way from On Lonss
delicatessen store, near the corner of 9th
street, up to the King Wo Company's
China and bric-a-brac emporium, shut
tered doors proclaim a holiday. But the
holiday Is largely kept Indoors. Tho last
time thero was anything lively on tho
stieets of Chinatown during New Year's
parties a band of Tongs from New York
fired off Roman candles and a revolver or
two Into a parade marching under tho
old yellow and black dragon flng. So now
they stay Inside on Now Year's.
This year the Joss Houso will have
very little part In tho celebration, ac
cording to Liang Chow, of tho Chinese
Merchants' Association. He says the
old religion went out with the new Re
public and that now a Chinese has no
religion, unless he's a Christian. Liang
Chow Is not one. Tho Joss House, It
appears has descended to a rather com
mercial level. It Is ot 934 Race street
up on the fourth floor. Slnco Its religion
went out of fashion with tho coming of
tho new Republic, the Joss House nunc
out n sign to nttract visitors: "This
way to the Chinese Temple." In the old
days admission was difficult for the white
Four flights up Is a narrow passngo
leading to a front room. A middle-aged
Mongolian wearing n red sweater and n
cap cnmo from a front room and waited
expectantly. Overhead was a sign, "Flvo
Cents to See." Ho took the money grate
fully and you followed him Into tho
front room. It was lined with gaudy
clinlra facing a large flat table, behind
which, In a deep recess, hung the picture
of n long-mustached Celestial. The man
In the red swenter and cap pays no at
tention to visitors. Having got your ad
mission, ho goes through the business
with dispatch.
On the flat table, ornately carved, lay
a chicken, a red berry In Its beak. The
worshiper lifted a cup of water from
beside the chicken nnd poured a stream
on the floor. Then ho hitched up hla
trousers and knelt on a red pillow pre
viously placed, bowing flvo times to the
floor. Rising, ho reached out his hands
toward the Joss and bobbed his head.
A largo gong hung beside .the window,
nround the corner from tho flat table. He
walked around, struck It heavily with a
mallet for two minutes nnd then sat In
a chair and pointed at a sign overhead.
It read: "Notice Bracelets, Incense, tea
nnd ll-chestnut nro blessed by the Joss
and nre called lucky charms."
Today a few of the older Chinese are
celebrating In the Joss House. To the
faithful admission Is free.
Horses nnd Hogs Saved From Eire
Fire wrecked a barn at tho North Phila
delphia stockyard. Rising Sun lane and
Luzerne street, and for a time threat
ened to sweep tho entire yards. Slxty
horses and a number of hogs wero led
to safety by firemen and employes around
tho yards. The damage Is estimated at
$15,000. The fire was discovered by Rich
ard Rogers, a contractor and owner of
the horses, late yesterday. By the time
firemen arrived on the sceno It was Im
possible to save the barn, and It re
quired desperate work to save nearby
structures. More thap 1 tons of hay
was destroyed.
Naval Veterans Attend Sinner
The Philadelphia Association of Naval
Veterans held a dinner at Dooner's Hotel
last night in commemoration of Lincoln's
Birthday. A large representation ot
Spanish-American War veterans also at
tended. BRAND
10c BSG 10c
SOLD IN 12-02. PKGS,
Sore, lrMnfWwArtla)
Calloused, MggM For
Special School SUtm
GemuU GwUyMr Wstt 'l
tail .rfei- ! M
. N. CO.;