nr B SV t COMPROMISE SHIP PUROHASEBILL IS OFFERED IN HOUSE Combines Gore and Weeks Measures With , Neutral ity Clause Indefinite Operation by Navy. WASHINGTON, Feb, H.-Th? com promise Administration ship purchase bill was launched In tho House this afternoon when It was formally Introduced by Chairman Padgett, of tha Naval Com mittee. The now measure combines tho Gore ship purchase bill, with Ha $10,000,000 ap propriation, and tho Weeks naval auxiliary bill. It contains tho provision against purchase of ships which "would disturb present neutrality," and also pro vides that two years after tho war tho (Government shipping commission shall turn over tho new ships to tho Secretary nf thn NaVv. who. In his discretion, may operate them as a Government merchant marlno lino Indefinitely or lcaso them to private, shipping concerns. Orto concession made by tho President was" the neutrality" clause, which Is not, contained In the present Scnnte bill. Tho main new feature. Is that for Indefinite) opera'tldil of a Federal merchant marlno by tho Secretary of tho Navy. Tho rule n Which tho bill was Incor porated provides that no amendments shall bo permitted and that alt debatos shall be limited to sl;c hours. Chdrrhun Alex ider, of the Merchant Marine Committee, will have charge of tho bill In the House. The bill w'll not be accepted by tho Senate ncpubllcans. It Is understood they will continue tho fight to prevent cnact niei t beforo March -l, Increasing prospects of nn extra session. Representative Stephens, of California, Introduced a ship purchase bill of his own, appropriating 530.COO.OCO for construction of navnl auxiliaries to bo Used as merchant vessels In time of peaco exclusively In Pan-American trade by charter to tho Panama Kallrpnd or other Federal cor porations. In the, Senate this afternoon the Demo crats mado a sudden desperate effort to catch the ncpubllcans napping during the rautlno business. In the mtd3t of the Introduction of tho petitions of various sorts, the Vice Presi dent laid before the Senate a resolution coming over from a preceding day. No sooner had the clerk stated Its number than Setiutor Gore ashed that tho voto on It bo taken by rollcall. This was agreed to l)efore the Republicans realized what was happening. Immediately nearly oyery Republican In tho chamber was on his feot de manding to know what the resolution wasi Then It dovelopcd that It was the resolution to dlschargo tho hostile Com merce Committee from further considera tion of' the Gore ship purchase sub stitute. Ati amrmatlve vote on this would bring the Gnrc bill, the nearest approach to a. compromise yet drafted, before tho Sen ate, and -would ellmlnato tho necessity tor'amendlng the bill on the floor. The Republicans had caught their breath by now, however, and Senator Burton launched Into a filibustering, speech. A committee of five Senators to In vestigate reports that authorised Gov ermtieht agenfs had obtained options on interned shlpj, to be bought In event of tha 'ship purchase bill's passage, was In troduced by Burton. His resolution, which was referred to the Contingent Expense. Committee also proposed an Investigation as to loans be ing Issued on the ships, Just who held such loans and whether any offers of the ships to he Government had been made, v Arrangements were made today for u Democratic Housfe caucus Monday night. Representative Kltchln promised vigorous opposition to. tho purchase bill In this caucus. SEAMEN ON RAMPAGE They Came From Cannibal Islands nnd Bit Six Persons. Two Greek sailors, who recently enmo from tho Cannibal Islands, bit half a dozen persons In the neighborhood of 3d and South streets today nnd caused no end of excitement. They entered tho cigar store of Max Kaplan, at C26 South 2d street, demanded tobacco and started a quarrel because they were not waited on quickly. When Mrs. Kaplan ordered them out one of the sailors bit her fingers. Her husband went to the rescue. The men seized mm and bit two of his ringers. Policeman Treegoop. who was off duty, was also unable to tame the tailors, and one of them bit the little finger of his right hand. By this time the fight was carried to tho street Policeman Cohen and an expressman rushed to the scene. Th expressman was bit on the right cheek. The sailors were finally subdued by Cohen's club. When the patrol ar riyed they1 started another fight, but tha rw quickly silenced them. Tha prls oners gava their names as George Custa and John ObrUak, of the barque Indian Transport. They were sent to Jail for to days by Magistrate. Carson, THE WEATHER Official Foreeat WASHINGTON. Feb. 13. For eastern Pennsylvania! Cloudy and warmer tonight and Sunday, with prob ahly rain! fresh east winds. For New Jersey: Cloudy and somewhat warmer tonight; Sunday rain and warmer. Tha northeastern disturbance has passed out of tha field of observation and tha eastern portion of the country Is coveird by an area pf high barometer this morn ing, with tha crest moving down tha St. Iawrenco Valley. Under Its Influence the temperatures fell rapidly last nleht in Nssw TTjprk. New England and the border ing Canadian Provinces. Tha disturbance -tint waa central over western Colorado y?trday haa crpssed. the Rocky Moun tains and Is spreading Into tha central valUys. It ha caused general rains in the ruins Stats and tha rain area has unraad northeastward Into tha southern kaka region. U. S, Weather Bureau Bulletin 0nrvaUon raJ nt 8 a, m. Kmtra tlm. 3 4-flf ! JUin- Ytloo Boston, XiM... 24 :i 8jalu. K Y... 24 34 N ul K 1'l.niSnd. O . 9 SO (si Jrover Csl . 2 IS ,4S SV (i Main, Is 4S :u (( h ""-ii. k"-h a -v 't5MM N C. BO S , SI 31 K CIup 13 Ctuid i 10 CfoMt lit vi nan P JS .. V 6 CEudv tZiZjBgLi 4 m is ctlVd? ti lt.,1'. M m JH N Sldy - ' a it SsMr r (a at V 4 Mi i. 1 Sl ft T .Jtajy BVBKlXd 'i ' " 1 Negro Says He tiled m Rosenthal Case Continued from raft One greatly obliged If you can arrange for Mr. Johnston, of my 6fllce. to meet Mar shall and get statement from him." Marshalli who lives at Ut2 South street, asserted that his testimony wss sought by tho Btato because there was- n link miss ing In the chain of evidence against Betker, namely the testimony of a disin terested person lo the effect that lhre has a murder plot to db away with Rosenthal. Acting under Instructions, Marshall until ho testified that ha had sen Becker talking to -"Bald Jack" Rose, Brldgle Webber and Sam Schepps at the "Harlem conference." 124th street nnd 7th avenue. This furnished the needed link which tho prosecution sought to Upturn. "I Was taken to New Tork by Tom Maxwell, brother of Jo Maxwell, a New -York theatrical ngenr, under tho pretense of signing . contract ror a 20-week en gagement In a Now York theatre," anlcf Marshall today. "When we reached Now York I Was surprised when I was strved with a subpoena calling me as a witness In tho Becker trial. That was last May, "I was taken to tho ofllco of F. B. Groehl, an Assistant District Attorney, where I was examined as to my knowl edge of the, case," he said. "I told them that I know nothing about a murder conspiracy," Marshall then related the conversation between himself and tho Assistant Dis trict Attorney, aB follows: "'Did ou sea Becker, Jack Rose, Brldgle Webber and Sam Schepps talking nt tha corner or 121th street and 7th ave nue.?' I was asked. " 'No! I answered.' "i'You know Becker, don't you?' I then via asked.' " 'I know Becker,' I replied, 'but I don't know these other men and can't say that I saw them talking with Becker.' "It was then pointed oilt to me that the State had plenty of evidence that the three men seen tnlklng with Becker Were Rose, Weber and Schepps, but that the witnesses who testified to that effect were all discredited by the court because they had an Interest In the case. Sines It was a known fact that they wcro tho men and that t had seen Becker, I was urged to testify to that effect. "I hesitated, but finally agreed to tes tify according to the District Attorney's' wishes " Marshall's testimony, given during the second trial of Becker, on May, 18, I.J, proved to be tho turning point In thn case against tho former lieutenant of po lice. Marshall was tho most reliable wit ness called by tho proscclutlon. The Negro, who Is said to have been a former stool pigeon of Becksr's, gavo his testimony In a straightforward man ner that convinced the Jury. Marshall's mother lives at 46 West 133 street, New York. WILSON SENDS SHARP NOTE OF WARNING TO CARRANZA Further Attempts to Embarrass XT. S. Will Not Bo Overlooked. WASHINGTON, Feb. 13 With dcllcato International rroblems abroad giving tho Government grave concern, tho Adminis tration today found itself also confronted by serious and perplexing difficulties In Mexico. Cnrranza's summary removal of tho Spanish Minister nt Mexico City and his constant manifest efforts to embroil or embarrass this Government caused offi cials serious anxiety. They doclded, however, to take a firm hand with the old chieftain, and a mes sage, forwarded over night, Informed him sharply that any further trouble on that score might bring upon him serious trouble with the United States. INCREASE IN MORTALITY SHOWN BY WEEK'S REPORT Total Number of. Deaths 522 Many Children's Diseases. Children's diseases continue developing throughout the city, nlthough compara tively few fatalities are reported from those cauaei. Measles caused three deaths this week and 123 now cases were reported. There were 1S6 now cases of chicken pox re ported, 76 new cases of mumps and seven new cases of whooping cough. One death was caused by whooping cough. Thcro were G22 death from ail causes this weok. 23 mora than last week nnd 14 moro than during the corresponding week last year. Other new cases of disease reported this week were typhoid fever fHe. or seven fewer than last week; scarlet fever SO, an Increase of 13 over last week, diphtheria, 03: pneumonia, 33. SHIP SAILS WITH CONTRABAND Xlner Haverford Off to Liverpool With War Material Cargo. Contraband and foodstuffs comprised the largest portion of tho cargo of tha American Ilno steamship Haverford when she left for Liverpool today. The vessel had a capacity cargo. Hundreds of spools of barbed wire, many kegs of nails, heavy timber, all for use In the trenches, were In the holds with several thousand tons of foodstuffs to feed the English soldiers. Ampng the passengers on the vessel wera Miss Emma Crawln, Mrs. Sarah Perkins, Mr. and Mrs. Matthew V. Sc. Kean and son, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph nich ardson, Robert Foster, Mrs. Clementina Sovranl and Miss Caroline Emerson. LIVELY CHASE AFTER THIEF He Escapes Prom City Hall Ele vator, but Is Recaptured. Occupants of offices on the third floor of City Hall wra startled late, this after noon by tha cries of "Stop thlefl" and the sight of a, man pursued by six de tectives and policemen. Chairs and tables wero overturned In tha chase that led to the man's capture, Ho had been arrested at tho Wana. maker store upon suspicion of stealing sweaters and other merchandise. Valu able articles were found on his person by Mrs, Pearl Pancoast, Jaraea Prentice and Joseph Hellly, store dstectlves, He was taken Into the passenger elva tor at the southeast corner of City Hall. Whan tha ejevator operator opsned tha door at tho third floor to permit a pas senger to leave the car tha man escaped. After be had been chased about the building, the escaped prisoner entered the dormitories of the City Hall guards and hero he was captured. He gave tha name of Kdward Smith, of tn North. Sth street, SLIOHT 2IRE BLOCKS THAPFJG A slight Ore in an express autotruck of the Adams Express Compny, on 16th street above Arch, this afternoon cost the city several hundred dollars'. A passerby told a pollceipan, -who sent In an alarm, which brought all the ppa ratus In the lire vone. Cars were held ut and the street In the section were filled with speeding truck and engines. Hundred of strollers and sbopptra off for the half holiday hurried to the scene, but the blaie was put out In about three minutes. Bases, Wedding- Gift Prom President BOSTOK. Feb, 11 A bouquet of roses frem President WiUon was one of the gift received by Mis pouts B. Hope TJwcKer. daughter or Cflgrsmau Tfeaeher, who today was mtrtiid ti r Mrs a. tarter, of Balttew. tn Trinity Ciuuth Mr Carter I fc JtW of iff. ftd Hm, Jtu fedgjftv mi (. !-uoiurc. IiBlSngtt--IHIIiAP13EP.HIiy SATTJKDAY, flEfefettAftY 13, 19l: ' iii" ii i i ii . i i ..I i . .. i . i , m .!'..'. . . , . .!, , ,.--.-u "HOLDING HANDS," OR WON'T YOU E EX Km- ',. v77$?'-i . 1 iMTrrTHniWiilan' 1 1 1" Mhitt 1 mvaaaMat w 1 HHsHWlliiififr smmm 1 m rags mMmmmKMh .MHP; m W MS JmB$ igmkar Emm HUSBAND CUT OFF IN WILL Woman In Document Says He Do scrted Her. Anna Qreen, late of D25 South Second street, directed In her will, admitted to probato today, that her husband Bhould not receive any part of hor $2300 cstato because he deserted her nnd refused to provide for her maintenance. She left nil her estate to a daughter, Allco F. M. Green Other wills probated Included those of Mary A. Wctherlll, 2155 North 21st street, who loft JlS.OOOj Mary B, Trlpplc, 57 East Marmald lane, $7000; Elizabeth TubbS, 2141 North 2d street, J6VX); Catherine Kuhn, 3563 Allen street. 3100, Alexander W. Purver, 314 South 10th street. $2000. Personal property of Herman Berborlch haa beon nppralscd at $32,320 32; James Blair, $24,668.23; Alexander B. Cunning hum, $24,004.50; Joseph Strldler, $10,77J.40; Maigarct M. Elliott, $4174 56: Charles It. Dougherty, $3342.56; Catherine Cotter, $23S,U. DEAD IN GAS-FILLED BOOM Stephen H. Jepson Believed a Suicide In Hotel. Stephen II. Jepson was found dead this morning In the Germanla Hotel, 312 Baco street. Gas was flowing from a Jot In tho room. Jepson was hurried to the Hahno man Hospital, where pnyslclans worked over him for gome time without result. AVhen the night clerk made his rounds of the hotel about 5 o'clock, he detected the odor of gas. He traced It to Jcpson'a room and notified the police. Two letters wore found In the dead man's pocket, both addressed to himself. One was a communication from William C. Russell, secretaiy of Neoskalata Tribe No. 6, Im nroved Order of Bed Men. The police say Jepson commlttod suicide. TOO BUSY TO NOTICE FIBE Family Listens to Phonograph While Blaze Burns Merrily. Samuel Wnsser, his family and several guests last night were bo engrossed In the martial strains of a phonograph thnt they failed to realize the Wasaer homo at 1S04 North Marshall street was on Are until a few moments before tho arrival of the fireman. 'asser found tho second story ablaze when he went upstairs to put his children to bed. Meantime Mrs. Kehoe, a neighbor, had noticed the re flection of the lire and telephoned to Engine Company No. 33. The firemen ex tinguished tha blaze with about $200 loss. The fire was started by an oil lamp In the hallway. Cattle and Horses Burned COATESVILIE, Pa.. Feb. 13. Seventeen head of cattle and Ave horses were burned alive last night when lire de stroyed the large barn on the farm of Oscar Laird. Outhrlesvllle. Farmers of the neighborhood saved the house. Too much hops" was the unofficial charge against James dallagher, a onn legged man. who was arrested for being drunk. He Is known to the OermantOwn police aa "Peggy," No one can remem ber the time that Peggy had two legs, and. In fact, he don't remember ever having two himself. "I've carried mora loads with me one leg," said Gallagher, K.han nm cruvs have With two." Peggy dropped. Into Oermautown from a fast freight after a trip to New York. He had a thirst that felt like the Sahara desert in the middle Pf August, He hob bled Into a saloon and asked for a drink of water. The bartender looked at him In amazement. ,.,,., "Peggy asking for water, eh. You de serve credit." He pushed a brown bottle before Gallagher, and before the bar tendsr could change his mind, Peggy took a bracer that awakened memories of happy days. He dropped In another saloon and asked for a drink of water. He met with the same success. A couple of old cronies slapped him on the shoul der and contributed three more drinks to hie thirst By this time Peggy felt like making all the round and, much to his surprise, the T?lan worked, a third time, with rein forcements from the hangers-on. Finally Policeman Lehman saw Gallagher wob Wlnj alon the street regardless of trol ley cars or wagons, and ha stopped the tour of the booze Joints. Pesgy was at first Indignant at the thought of going to Jail on his first night In the old homestead,, but be was Anally convinced that he had enough. "Give me a chance to git on me feet," asldt Gallagher, facetiously, as be faced Magistrate Pennock. "When you 4a set the chance." said the Judge, "you don't want to stand." He gave tb prisoner Ave day, but on seeing that this came ts a hard blow discharged him. A hatrtd for uiulemkera arts a within jiartui coajrvva whenever he get I POllCF.ilbifW GOURIfiBEOI WMmxmfflBlsmmmmmmfczmLW' ,kWmmi m A case of ponderous but sincere affection caught by 'GENTLEMAN THIEF' BLAMES DOWNFALL ON WOIEN'S WILES New York "Raffles" Arrest- ed Here Says Bright Lights Also Led Him to Steal Jewelry. "Bright lights nnd women" were blamed by Ernest Shnnenu, a "gontlo man burglar," of New Tork, who was arrested hero for a series of jewelry rob beries aggregating nearly $20,000, for his downfall Ho will bo taken back to Now York today by Detective Maddock, who came to Philadelphia nnd Identified tho man. Detective Mnddock had trailed Shancau over hnlf tho continent to arrest him on the chnrgo of robbing D. N. Hanson, n Chicago wool broker, of Jewelry valued at moro thnn $10,000 Tho robbery was per petrated In tho Savoy Hotel, New Tork. Hhanrau had "worked" In many other large now hostelrlcs, the polce eay, and made his way Into the best circles by Ills striking appearance, Ho always ap peared at dinner In evening clothes and then, while the other guests were eat ing, would slip away to their rooms for plunder. Broken In spirit and health by his ef forts to escnpe the detective who wan ever on his trail, Shanoau acknowledged his guilt, tho police say, nnd declared he had squandered tho money ho made from me jenciry on women. Shanenu was nrested here In a rhcsl nut street hotel after ho had been Identi fied by a woman ns tho notorious New York hotel thlaf and gentleman burglar. The woman, It la said, lives In Washing ton, but had become Jealous of the man and had followed him to New York to catch him at a "Job." This woman hand ed the police $&000 worth of Jewelry which blio said Slinneau had given her. Tho man Is said to have been a former chauffeur for William H. Vanderbllt, Ho lost hlc position, It Is said, by securing n number of automobiles In the name of Mr. Vanderbllt and then flelllng them. Gettysburg Report in Demand The demand for copies of tho report of the IBth anniversary of tho Battlo of Gettysburg Commission has been so ex tensive that the first edition hai been exhaused. To provide for a further dis tribution a bill Is pending In the Legisla ture authorizing a second edition of 23, 000 copies, to be circulated gratuitously as follows; Throush Governor Brumbaugh noo Through commltslon ., 1.&0O Throush the Department of Puhllo In utructlon to the publls (clinola, nor- rpal Kcnooia ana contzea tnroughout tin it commonwealth 6.000 Through tha Senators In tho preaent Legtelatura .'., 6,000 Through tho, Reprcaentatlvea In the preaent Legislature , 12,000 OIIOIS drunk. He couldn't find an undertaker to vent his temper upon .so Jfe blocked a funeral by lying In the street In front of the hearse. The driver told Cosgrove. If he didn't get up he would be a candU date for a funeral himself. The man then staggered over to tha sidewalk nnd started to walk with the mourners. Policeman Sheehan saw him wiggling In and out of the cortege and pulled htm out of line, "Haven't you any respect?" asked the policeman. "I'm agin funerals," said Sheehan, "an' when I pass In me checks I don't want any undertakers, florists and weepers fussln' around," He was taken to the Belgrade and Clearfield streets station. Magistrate Campbell will decide his fate today, "The eointry can be saved If Bryan runs for the Presidency!" Thomas Do. ran mada this declaration at 87th street and Lancaster avenue. Then ha launched Into a tirade against present conditions and explained how everything could be changed for the benefit of all. Two small boys, a dog and Policeman Qulqn cpmposed his audience. In a few minute Doran offered solutions for the European 'war, told how to reduco the high cost of living and said that as soon as he could collect his bills he would tart a boom for Bryan which nobody would be able to stop. When the speaker got personal and mentioned that a man in the neighbor hood owtd him several thousand dol lar Policeman Qulnn told htm he'd have to out it short "I demand the right pf free speech," said Doran. Then he talked louder than ever. Qulnn took him by tha collar and told him that he would have to flah his speech in Jail. At the seth and Laneaater avenue sta tion Doran attempted aaptae; epeeen In wiileto U dealt with present day polU tics. He waa Marolnea by a pbjji.tau and, ssjit to the FhUttdeipbi Hospital. I MY VALENTINE? the camera man. BURGLARS 0VERZEAL0US Uso Too Much Explosive nnd Nolso Attracts Police. Cracksmen who paid a visit to the coal olllco of Clausen & Co., 27th and' Dia mond streets, early today, put too much nltroglccrln In their "soup," according to thn police, and failed to rob a safe kept In the place. The report of tho explosion aroused residents In the neigh borhood and the yeggmon were forced to flee, leaving their tools behind. Pollceninn Cooper was attracted by tho crash of fulling glass to the gents' fur nishing Htoro of John Gormley, 2518 Rich mond street, nnd found a man clasping an ugly gash In his nrm. Blood trickled down on two shirts lying nt his feet Cooper applied first aid to the Injured nnd after taking his patient to tho hos pital brought him beforo Magistrate Ren shaw, who held him under $500 ball for court on a charge of breaking and enter ing nnd lnrc6ny. Tho prluonar said ho was Gustav Lenny, of Cast Cumberland street. Ho has only one leg. Pqllco today nre looking for n clever second-story man who made his way Into tho homo of B. H. Lenson, at 3721 Chest nut street, early jesterday morning and escaped with more than $100 In cash. Ho galnod entrance by climbing up a rain spout nnd forcing a second-story front window. Tho residence of the Rev. E. Rife, 167 West Susquehanna avenue, was ran sacked by thieves yesterday morning. SILvorwaro valued at $18 was stolen. A parlor window wn forced. Thieves robbed the lesldcncc of tho Rev. Frank M. Urlch, 2313 South 21st street. Jewelry valued at $165 waa taken. A (lvc-passenger Bulck automobile, owned by M. G. Conover, of 4903 Walton avenue, was stolon from In front of tho Hotel St. James. 13th mil Walnut streets, last night. It la valued at $1300. Poor Relief Fund Now $65,000 Continued from I'ago One ragged, ho handed the money to one of the attendants, saying: "Here la 10 cents for the relief fund. It la from an old hodcarrler, 60 yearn of age, who has been out of work for 20 weeks. I went to my own brother who employs men nnd nsked him for work. He told me that If I came Into his place ngaln he would have me arrested. I gl'e the 10 cents, all I can afford, be. cause I feel tho terrible conditions under which thousands of married men out of work live." J. W. I.lberman, a 0-year-old boy, brought a dollar, He said that the money was taken from his savings and that his mothor wanted to .give a dollar of her money to contribute to the relief fund, but he would much rather give his own. Three children accompanied by their father came In. Francis gavo 34 cents, Madeline 30 cents and Louis 43 cents, the money they saved from the pennies given them by their parents. The father contributed 50 cents. The Northern Soup Houso sent $5, money collected from the men and wom en who themselves are dependent on charity. One correspondent sent six Canadian one-penny Btainps and an unused railroad ticket from Burlington to Boston. 'The contribution came from Canada. One of the most pathetic contributions was tho one of 37 cents by an 80-year-old woman, who died yesterday. Bhe evidently mailed the money a few hqura before her death. Appended was a n,ota saying: "To ba used only In saving nie. Abrahair) Balafty, n 10-year-old boy, sent Ave -cents. "I guess I can afford to spare one day's allowance," he said In a note. Two wealthy girls sent $S.t0 sayed from the $10 which they Intended to spend yes terday on their Lincoln's Birthday din ner. Instead, they Bpent $1.80, contenting themselvco With a simple meal and doing away with candles, desserts, lowers and other luxuries. During the early afternoon "Billy" Sunday visited the headquarters. Ha shook hands with all the attendants and by his presence brought renqwed cheer and optimism. BATTLE gLAQB IN PARADE- " " ,IJsj I I Veterans Will Carry Emblems on March to Memorial Services. The Civil War flags wU be taken from their caies In the headquarters of Grand Army post In tha Parkway Building to ba carried In the parade of the Bans of Veterans tomqrrow nopn. Some pf these old relics were almost tprn to shreds by ehot during the war. The Sons of Veterans will march to the Forrest Theatre to hold memprls.1 serv ice's for their dead comrades ana In com' msraoratlon of Lincoln' Birthday. They will form at Broad street apd airard Vb. nue, Aa they pass the Parkway Build ing the Civil War veterans, headed by the standards', will Join tha ranks and lead the parade to the theatre. Aa the lines pass the Union League they -will be reviewed by Commander-In-chltf Sherman, of New York. ACCIDENT MAY COST BOY'3 EYE: Edward Gold, 9 years old, of 424 Wat ktns street, may loe one eye as the re sult of upaettlng pan of scalding water at hia home today. The lad tripped near the, gas range, apd in attempting to- v oovar Btawelf struek ih paa $ wate He lat W Sinai Hospital in a' feerWu condition. I 77 ttlrtc: nnA Teadhers Hit Trail Contlnord from rage One "Billy's" life. Ho was proud something new for hlm-and ho told the converts so. "I'm proud of you boys nnd girls of old 'Phllly'l" ho shouted. "I don't think there's; any city In tho country that can beat this. It's greatl" After the meeting tho evAngellst wan asked what h thought of the scene. He laughed and said! "It was marvelous! Fine! Greatl I never saw the like before. It was a great and grand surprise. I feel moat grateful for this wonderful demonstration. It shows how the good effect of tho meet ing Is reaching out. It's fine that tho young people shbw auch Interest In re ligion. No person can guess what It means for the future of old Philadel phia." . Admission tins afternoon waa uy ucnei only, nnd there were thousand of per sons clamoring outside tho wooden build ing in vain, because they were without tho necessary cardboards. There were 103 schools represented. They Included 10 Philadelphia high schools and their annexes, 20 high schools from cities ahd towhs within a radius of to miles around this city, 24 preparatory schools and S3 business schools and col leges. Besides tho students that came, 2000 and more men and women teachers nnd offi cials of the schools occupied seats In tha choir 10ft. Atf APPROPRIATE PARODT. When "Billy" appeared thoro was an outburst of applause. It seemed that tho roof of the tabernaclo must fly off from the pressuro of the volume of sound, One of tho most popular songs was a parody on the Yale "Boola Boola" song by tho Chester High School students. It brought storms of applause nnd Mary Walters, the youthful cheor lender, rep resenting tho school, was called upon to glvo It time and time nsaln. Tho words aro aB follows: Billy" Sunday, "nilly" Sunday, Oo It, "Billy,1' go It. "Dllly": It u lore ua, you will nevir, never fall us, "Billy," dear. Students were present from the Central, West Philadelphia, William Penn, the Girls', Northeast, Gcrmantown and Southern High School and all tho an nexes. "Ma" Sunday Is slightly Indisposed as a result of tho close nlr In tho taber nacle and tho dust raised by tho rush of school chlldron to hit tho trait this ntter noon. As she was mounting the steps to her homo, on Spring Garden Btrcct, she folt faint and was helped to her room by Mr. Sunday nnd Mrs. Robert Stover. Her condition is not serious. "Billy" went to the headquarters of tho nmergency Aid Committee In tho Lincoln Building this morning, while on his way to tho residence of Mr, nnd Mrs. A. J. Drexel Blddle, with whom ho hart luncheon. Ho took with him about $70 which he received in the mall this morn ing to be ndded to the tabernaclo offer lngn for tho Kmergency Aid work. Tho collection for this purposo last night amounted to $2708.51, which brought tho total tnbornacle offering for this causo up to $5187.23. Tonight Sunday will cither preach on "Hidden Among tho Stuff" or "Tho King Shirking His Crown." The latter Is, a new sermon tho evengellst completed to day. LAST NIGHT'S MEETING. Almost 3500 University of Pennsylvania students cheered "Billy' Sunday In tho tabernacle last night when ho repented his popular sermon on "Amusements." Tho special offering received for the benefit of the Emergency Aid Committee work, amounted to moro than 32000. It was a "men only" night, nnd tho athletic preacher yanked off his collar and opened his shirt nt the throat as soon as ho began to preach, making himself comfortable for the task of Bpeaklng for about two hours, and bringing the yolW and npplauso from tho multitude in the tabernacle. Besides tho big delegation or students from Old Penn, Swarthmore, Haverford, tho Philadelphia Electric Company nnd the Philadelphia Produce Exchange sent hundreds of representatives to the meet ing. Special sections were reserved for thorn, and thoy Joined heartily In (singing "Onward. Christian Soldiers" nnd other patriotic hymns, appropriate to Lincoln's Birthday. The cheering was led by Jimmy Pattor- ' Hon, ma eu ana time 3 sprinter, who won fame In the 1913 Olymplo games. Tho little runner worked almost as hard as "Rodey" doos when ho leads the singing. Sunday stirred tho nudlence when ho said" . "Somebody asked me why I preach this kind of sermon Instead of the Gospel. Well. I'll tell you. I do It to point out tho things that are keeping peoplo from God. 1 dofy any lobster In tho tabernaclo to tuccessfully contradlat me. If any ona hero doeBn't want to hear the sermon, why, you can boat It while the collection Is lielng received," "Billy" also went after the critics of tho language ho uses In th pulpit. Again he attacked the dance as tho greatest "soul destroyer devised" of the different amusements, and nlso hammered card playing and the questionable theatri cal performances. When ho had finished preaching ho looked aa though he wera "all In." as ha puts It, but ha leaned far over the plat form and called for the University men, and every othor man "who stands for de cency." to come down'nnd take his hand and publicly confess their belief In Christ nnd their willingness to serve Ills cause. There wore 255 converts, which, with the veterans of the Civil War and others who took Sunday's hand In the afternoon, brought the number of "trail hitters" for the day up to 458. REVIVAL PRAYER MEETINGS The activities of tha day for members of the Sunday party began at 10 o'clock. When Miss Alice M, Gamlln held a boys and girls' meeting In tho Northmlnster Presbyterian Church. 35th and Baring ptreeta. Following this meeting. Miss Gamlln went to tha Fourth Presbyterian Church, 47th street and Klngsesslng ave nue, for a similar meeting, Robert Stover spqke at the Haney Whlta Company'a plant. Broad and Som erset streets, and Jack Cardiff at thn fac tory of Hardwlck & Magee, 7th street and Lehigh avenue. The Rev. Mr, Braden gave a talk at the Automobile Club of Philadelphia, 23 South 23d street. Mrs William Asher Is to conduct a meeting for nurses In the' Chestnut Hill Hospital, 8816 Germsntown avenue, late this afternoon, and at 8 o'clock this eve, nlng she will hold a rally for business girls In the Market Square Presbyterian Church, SUNDAY TO VISIT STUDENT Evangelist Will Cay on Patient In Jefferson Hospital. "Billy" Sunday, moved to pity by the case of Jamea W.' Keith, tho Jefferson Medical College senior, who has been (n the Jefferson Hospital with a broken back; alnoa April TT last, announced today that he would visit the hospital next Tuesday. The evangelist waa told ty Police Cap tain MoCoaeh of the torave fight the young- student waa making and of the da? against him. Keith, who is a native of Bcbaefersjown. Pa., was on the eve of taking the tjaralnatlon which would have won him a. diploma when ho crashed through a skylight at 719 Spruce street and fell thre floors, breaking his hack. . Crippled Children Hear BlUy" A delegation of 37 crippled children from the Widener Memorial School ai tepded, tha Siivhiw at tba Sunday taber naok this aftsraam. At (be to ,( the aewnOU several rf Hut epiea "ljjt the SUBMARINE ALARM si CTlDUATltJ AOTTtTiiTtn V oruuttuu no jiiiMssi SAIL FROM ENGLAND 1 ' "' ' la Many Americans Hasteti Home on Lusitania anS St. Paul -British Shig May Again Fly U. g Flag. LONDON. Vh i1 Trobably not slnco tho early das oS ocean travel has there been such natlonS wmo imcreHi uispiayca in anything tain rino as mai wmcn marked today' titlia Ings front Liverpool. Scheduled to ggffl wore mo juusiiania and the St. Taul fo'F Now York from Liverpool nnd a numh.5 of smnller craft for other destlhatlonsl ., ,, .,v .vLinuii io ueiievei incso vessels would bo Interfered with' Englishmen generally realized there wail alwoys tho possibility of a German subg marlno attempt. -tt The cabins of tho Lusitania nnd th nn Paul wero filled. Many Americans who! havo remained here through motives off curiosity stnrted homo, fearing that IfA reai sunmanno operation wcro attenintMl by Germany sailings might bo IndeflnltelrS suspendod. Most of them wcro alo su-I premely confident thnt tho Lujltanlsi would not bo Intcrofercd wlih t..A present voyago, nlthough It Is expected! to get hor It she returns on neinutnio VS Tho fact that tho now cargo steamshD$ Torquay, of Dartmouth, was docked at Bcnrborough after being torpedoed eight! miles oft Scarborough Head yesterdayH and very bndly damaged, and that thi'fi steamships Orlolo and London Trader! iiru missing nnu prouaDiy sunk, has adfl1 tied to ho apprehension, Tho Oriole sailed! from here January 28 for Havre, wlthS a crow of 21 men and tho London Traderi a day or two later. The vessels haye notj been roportod slnco leaving nnd are bud-I po-jed to havo sunk with all hands, elthera xiom BitiituiK niinva or oy a uerman tor.s pedo. C. Although Admiralty ofllclals wera s'.!nta3 on uio BUDjcct, moro was a general b-j iiei mat mo neei commander had pro-'. viuuu iu i escort os. oig anil rast uostroy.S crs for both tho Lusitania nnd St. Pmii 11 "I don't caro what flag they fly so long io muj- kvi- uuioss saieiy, jonn Mc-1 Faddeu, Philadelphia cotton millionaire,! remarked icgnrdlng tho sailing of thaj Lusitania. It la expected that the Cu-3 narder will fly tho Stars and Stripes tol cludn German submarines. .4 Regarding tho use of tho Amerlcao? flag, Commander Cnrlyon Bellalrs, M. P.'J formerly royal navy, recognized through out tno worm as nn authority on allj mnrlttme matters, and Thomas Gibson? jiowies, rormony Member of Parliament? whoso knowledge of International rel.3 tlons Is unsurpassed, say that Americans ; nave no real causo ror complaint againit hoisting neutral colors by British merT chantmen, particularly when it is dons" to safeguard Amcilcnn passengers. BOYS LEAD IN ItECENT EVENTS? Surpass Girls In Te3t at Frlends'J Select School. Boys aro closer followers of the general trend of events than girls, if tho figures! of the General Information test, jnu nounced today by Wnlter W. Havllanoy! principal of the Fi lends' Select School,1 nro to bo taken ns a criterion. Tho boys averaged 44.3 per cent, and the girls 39,6. Tha cnllro school aieragajS was 30,6 per cent. r'J The hlKhest avernce In the school. SlJ per cent., was mndo by Margaret Stan;i yon, of tho senior class. The best boysi nancr was that of J. Rouse Burns, oj tho flrnt-yonr cluss of tho high school department, whose average was 79.16. The. average of the high fchool classes were;' Seniors, 56.1 (boys, C0.8 nnd girls, 65.1):; fourth year, 46.4 (boys, 4S.4 and girls, 45.TJJ tmra year. 4u.s (uoj-b, 4.'.o anu gins, tun; second ear, 30.3 (hoys, 39.3 and girls u.lfg nnd first year. 31.4 (boys, 43,4 and gtrliS 28.6). In tho elementary school the aer-l ages were: Seventh year, 30.3 (boys, 38,13 and girls, 28.8), nnd sixth year, 26.3 (boys 32.7 and girls, 21.4. POLICEMAN IS ACCUSED Arrested Deputy Inspector Tur key Also to Face Board, Pnlleftinnn John Mellon, of the Franxfl ford station, will face the Police Board on Thursday to explain why he arrested! Deputy Police Inspector SchralshuhnJinfl February 6 and had him locked IriJ cell, thouch the Insnector showed bill credentials. Ritwln J. Mevors. a turnkey at til Frankford station, will have a hearlnrj on the charge of forgetting to lock twos of his prisoners In after they had been! sentenced to tho House of Correction They walked out and have not beep seen! since. PALLS DEAD WAITING FOR CARJ Heart Trouble Fatal to Manager Id Wanamaker Store. II..n,ii, W TTnrrll. tnr (ha tiast .Ml years manager of the linen department! at Wanamaker's, fell dead at 27th itreeHj nnd Itldge aenuo today while walU?.' for a car to take mm to tne siore, j home Is nt 2035 Montgomery avenue. - Severn! persons saw Farrell throw WJ f,n.a nhnv. Mn tlAlirl And fill! to thS fifueSfl walk. They were unable to revive wrasi and a physician wno was summons -"-js Mtaniv, .'f,u hi, a tn npnrr aiscuse ", body was removed to his home. ARMED MAN ROBS SALOON Hdward' Kelly, a bartender, gave up i In good money early today because a raw who asked for It had a revolver Ktiw was alona in the saloon of Mrs, v eu ; T .... mt WWli ami flhAfltnllt streets. Ju31 after midnight when the armed roM' entered nnd got tne money hj 'u'"-a away Kelly threw a bottle at him "WS robber picked up tho bottle and I'll Vt5 over tho head with It Kelly is In Ifi University Hospital -In a serious cow tlon as the result of the blow Unitarian Christianity I The New Christianity. finds tM service of God In helpfulness W man, the way of salvation in tP path of righteousness, thai only PM thorlty in love and reason M truth. Its Scripture, all men. Its new. and fellowship, all loving souls. 1 sauna nn "'. .j",ss?r.4sj heaven on earth for all, Its Ideal antfl After trying delays we are at able to announce the publication traot form or ine noiaoia BUUV7 which Pres. C W Eliot delivered this ouy on uecemoer z ji. has the title. "The Crvng.KeUM Renewed cnnsttaniiv w" mailed free to all who write t e or it may ba secured bi ratling The Unitarian Bookroom J81S Kftrth fcogsin giujUf r