Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 13, 1915, Sports Final, Page 15, Image 15
I US rTTZZ.- rtiTve wfcrii Pfvr uruMM- of Pott Development, Official i. -rJfni-r1n Progress. ... .iltlner Ifl Imnrnvf) Its Mliime has fallen behind other m f1 ' nUt declared John Metal. & if Erector of th department of !' . .Jocks and ferries. In an addreBS S'SrW. r".r. run,. Mr. Melons W$Vi nklurVl Yort of vast port. LrHV.i.lrihii. he said, Is nearer me ?" York nd ha th0 RdvRnlftBe olt SLitly lower freight rates, ah Un.u- Krfjlerinnot uklitr ndvnn. 1 thes natural slftc. New York sHrV-iiifnore, J10- Bnd BUoh EurPn K?7., , London, Manchester, Bremen, ' "??. a hlirh as mil but SSHSBha i c"trtt lo. und at lli itan o' lne "" WI tSiisrlilme commerce follows the line HFfiul resistance, and Philadelphia can SPi uMct her share of trade If bIio 'Piiither cities to outstrip her j In WSZ Sties to thoso who brine perms " m iiw vindd Body of Dead Kan fe - . -. ,. , . LUtn)nrM wo., h nn. i.t. i nn narn bbnw" "-;.:- ;C' "J Slithl a U0K on 1110 IHrili Ul uuiiii ivanuitj M ITS ' " . .i . 1. I Attic tv. sen Ihw 1jw1 IKWeiw"" . .. . -y f t0im K'-ffl? m vonrs old. who wandorcd from fofewnty homo January 10 and died of gJpgT' CLASSIFIED RATES T1ATT.Y AMU UVIIVAL &,. srTtE TYPE (or llko this) MESi "P. per line' IS. insertions In a week.... lJo per na HK2 cor-iecullve Insertions... lOo per lino m.,... wanted, three lnssr- SSStia week 10a Wllne PS SIZE TYPE (or like this) KL.mil In all classifications except Help l&Xillons Wanted. Loat and Found, Per IM .""":" .mi Rooms. mm " ......; 2n .r ll r&.Ts" t on! In "a week.... 17Wc per lino S2J Snneutlve iniertlons... lBo per llns i,... ..- .... ti.fl.rt an acatfl measurement. CBATIt NOTICKS-elther paper il lists one lira" '"."XX jfirtl,lnMrUoM 1.00 ft DAILX uriLI In Effect Dieemter 1, ttl COMBINATION RATE ! Insertion In both the morning and evening fiftri el earns (lay: PUBLIC LEDGER (MORNING) EVENING LEDGER (EVENING) 111 four cents per Una net to ratea clven tl BHIEtP AND SITUATIONS WANT D Bii 116, INSERTED IN Till; S.VBN1NO Qdoeii without additional, cjunaE. SThere is a drug store near your tomo thav will accept Ledger want Ids-at office rates. JffiLP WANTED FEMALE 'CtSRKS The Commercial Depart mint at ledger Central lias been re- xalvfnv alla fnr nvnnrtAtirprl etnrkN Hind typists. Da not mlsi this op- kponunity lo uie your uppucaiion !f with Miss Dean, as Iedi;or Ador ,tltrj are greatly benellted by this itrvice. 1IAWCUK1ST, eiperlenced, also marcel waver enllh trade. Address J 41, Xeilfer Centra 1 . yv Philadelphia, January 30, 101&. Iw Mils Dean, Ledger Central: K liease acceDl mv sincere thanka for vecur. line me position as bookkeepor at compenea- Ifti Will be ery clad to recommend you and syour department to those Keeking employment. sii 7?u naa ccriainiy given me very hinu liUentlon. Itespectfully, a. x. it. ULESLADlEb Several good hustlers. Mho tta. I6ll live nrorjoettlon. for nutnldn work. ftwr "J" una Tine nuiiaing. 3'. . i.." - . tj.: .-.... BTtNOQllAl'llEIia AND UOOKKliUPEItS iiits you seen "Aiits uean," at Ledger Ctatnilt If not, call and become acquainted with Mr. the will give Jou good advice about tSmHnr tM.ltlnn. nU ..All tn Inn.n n Miis'ictory one. The Commercial Department la constantly ' SCCUrlnr OOlltlnna fnr elrlM uhn hktn nri. ,lrtld. ;in" ourseu oi mis service, it win pay jou, and in all probability secure a good wiqu ipr you. KANTED-. Thnrouchlv rnmn.l,nt ilrl fni. irnm MnU housework, German or Swedish pie- ... ayyiy oua oomn torn si. kORKINO FOHELADV tn Inkn i-hirrn n( -JSt&dtcir Dlece troodH frnm lnntn HtAtn aen. 'tViUt references and experience. L, Hi, fcjffter Central. HELP WANTED MALE ff TOSIPETBNT farmer for a small farm at Ml rlQM W.ahlnntnn . ..... i BM special khowledge ot Guernsey cattle. gAi,r j in. Ledger central. tr.A SALKSiHAN. of experience on llth- JS'L'.'!' experienced man need to answer; lent of the city. L, S2U. Ledger Office. fMHATia turret machine operators (CUve- .K.?n mchtae end use the micrometer! JffiKSSAV ?'. 3.-l per day of 8 hours; SsT: T .-V1"" atout 0 cen Pr day iSiTP,r Kr hoaV. Saturday affarnoonj llms"!?!11 5 to By"mber 16 and IS days' -HVI aS.S.i'I'. "'X ln roa to Krtink MMf Arsenal, between 8 aocf 0 a. m. SM?iftt"U?f,r ch?.lr- .Bt- Clement's Church; tin i.S.a "i excellent instruction and pa: iy." w ana cnerrv, Thursday. 4 o'clock. leSS-111-.11'-'" 19b. forWost'Phli: afiu .7J JSr'i Apply only oy letter, stating IKil ad exoerienr.. 21a N. tCd st. tefflLuY-'iLrWanted, a flrM-class man," BMiwr. - ,f" Practice Jn hydraulic jedVe'rolnce.""1"" Att"y "X sviMIJ2f.i opportunity open for youm Ratd ?SHfl.,-,?.f th Personality, appearance BtSStft im.n?Ll0,l that wl" commanS an In- fiftinai -!.. '.'"C?.1."110 n -no wetter resi-Li-? Ml LV.CS. ot PnllulelPhitt and vicinity; l(?Si SSicmwn,a,"n extremely attractive tw rnaa Who can ouallfv. AriSr, t irh. miiiKL Central. " " ifiWUoEut. a no i o,t, .. ...i..: v W BKffi - bl.nl. book'work lel?(gs?i,ni out P tbo'eity. M 401, U4- tflSSiJArnriTir. '. .... ... ;. ' ' Heil ii ..v. v" " nanrisu, experi IWaBSf1" mantifacturlne and coating. Bnil" exceptional oDDortunlty. state t S .'I?n:e-. for city sales work: a. frwa & .''Ji '"t commissions added In. toS t?.'?. dya; permanent, state are. lfi1i3T:,iT;3,''d, experienced men of good Wi taiisint". on ins itutlons. hotels and rf PwiSJ WIJ" JTlth J)"' .of soapa and soap kntZ?1 ooramlMlon only tts. Ledgsr SmBIm wA$!d' "PHenced roea of l d!S?M. fe " "na o oa" tc lh air Wlia" a'"'kS.t trade; commission rfeHJlia.Ledger Central f -wr- - "w. iisugcp I'antrai jLirtnrx? - -. - g-j rA."T experienced stov uuman tn wAV :lSiM ila eastern Pennsylvania! IsJJW'jeferenMa. II 713 Ledger Central. EtaSE".? nn wantedi exceptional onpor To s"glE5-?P'-. Inst II 6M, Led' Cent. iCWOrsl ti.n.Ki.rrrr . . - : " vj 1 ii ... , .""..IBra ro ca nustie I i?a'W.t'--a.. 11 propoaltlon. Apply TT -. I, 'y., Muiumt. rpD- A FORfSmAm tnrtn Wyi-rtwrnTTn ,fs2.?kT?IAINFJNI8HlNO BOOM CON. IT UknnZiSf "INOER AND rORNEL. !. J-ftvJi-8'.fi.-T ABILITY TO DO RlB fr.o'AL-.PPVy BY LKTTJiR TO Sk wSai?rK-nr. CURTAIN COM. f- . zzzr '-'-"' " S'IhSlo,S2 couple, BO years old. sober. Af. Hh good reference wife to I'M.,!,.- "" bus uiiacrswiHi nJ4a..-ni' Bsrden; ptrmausnt poel- ' Small famllir Yn. o -.llM. rnnnla -JIrCenlrar !"?rA lmn "callln on the retail J f-,rry W Hn of chlWrsn's and, &- Pflr. aUtlng tsrms; D 533; V-foramln hh Tn M..B.iT,H m.Vw fc... '.- .W. IWM.W IIUIWII, MIIU, mv'splt preferred, state salary ' WAN of reflnJ:rit. not under SI " m foiiese graflBate sreifrraa. XyerM4 rM61t, ! .flVBNnm S1TTTATI0NS WANTED FEMALE BOOKKBEPntt and elenographcr, rapftble cor respondent ana office assistant. II 8l8, Ltd ger Central CABHIGn and bookkeeper, 7 years' ex perience, Accurate, reliable) will make good it given an opportunity! moder ate wilorj, II Sjo, Ledger Central. CHlAMBEnMAJD-Colored girl wishes poslllon as chambermaid or Plain cook, CHIMIN, .Fern at. Phone ropier 1T43 W. CHAMBERMAID and waltrtsii or chlldnurso! Swedish l'mtestant girl. Ii 412, Led orftce. CKAMBRRMAtO and waitress (white), bxpft Main Line prefetrcd. Hat Jjombdrd it. CHAMDEnMAtD arid wUre, exp . wishes . position at oncej best rf. Phone 'flora M12. CJIILDNHttare, experienced; Protestant! caro PJ-Lj-hJlO'ietredt Phone yalnut 2780 W. CIXKK Knowl, of bookkeeping! good manager . and eashler. rhone Dickinson U)S Y COM.PAN10N-N1insn, by Renlliworrrant ex perienced ln the care of teml-lnvalldi mas ,seuf city ref.H PI8. ledger Central. COMPANION or practical nursing; scmMimUld oraged couple. . I, 41U, Leuger Office, OplXillED WOMAN wanta washing and Iron- ... .w iua noiue ana uny s nors, wit a, IWh at. Phone locust Sill D COOK. German, experienced, desires position; . hwk In apis i W. Phlla. U uu, Leugor Oft. COOK, first ctass ln all branches (private .-'.ituj'ii nisiicat reis. .i sio iuger uuice. COOKING and downstairs work! colored wom an; rest references. 1710 Carpenter st. DIUWHMAKKIt wishes engagements by day or """ . .imiiiw. j noun uivkiiibuii m .x. DltGS9U.VKCtt-fitrcet and evening gowns.rea jmnaulc;. latest atylca; ref. lllu chestnut. GOVlilItNlSSS or companion; permanent or vis iting; oan teach Frehcli, tier, and elementary hmnchej, music. Uox Its, Havenord, i'a. GOVKHNBS3 or managlnc housekeeper, Uer nian, languages, music. Deck. Sal frloa. GOVEliNESB, visiting; educated Uer. girl, help older child n with studies. U 417, Ledger Oft, HIGHLY educated, conscientious woman sooks pos. ot trust; best reis. J 49. Ledger Cent. UOUBBKCffil'KR (managing), hotel or apart ment house: U years' exp.i best ref., 4 years In last position. 1. 140, Ledger Central. HOUhEKEEl'KH (working); good cook, adult famlly; best ref, l'hone Poplar 838 D. HOIJUCKl'IU (work's); Al cook; hotel or In stltutlon pret. 2111 N. Hollywood. No postals. JIOUSnwOUK (colored), good plain took and laundroas. 700 South Mole st. HOUSEWORK by day, washing, In or out. oeiqei, no waiiaco si, INFANT'S NUltan, capable; hospital exp.; dra ret.; country pret. L 41IS,LeduOttloe, I.AD"5i''"B if Alb Young defman girl, mani curing, shampooing, lialrdresslng, embroidery, mending. 41S South Broad. MR EMPLOYER! Are you ln need ot an experienced book keeper, stenographer, clerk or office assist ant Do you know where such help can bo found? Yes, at Lodger Central, Call up Mies Dean at Walnut 8000. She Is ln charge of the Commercial Department, and has a very complete list of high grade, experienced girls seeking positions. Inls Is a freo servlco to Ledger ailvertlHers. ClHo It a trial, and the outcome will be "SATISFACTION." POLISH GIRL wants housework, speaks Eng lish 181. Q Drunner Bt , Nlcetown. RUFINHD young woman desires position as mother's lielpei good family. D .'23, Led Off. STHNOORAI'Hhll Secretary desires position with reliable house, experienced la all bus! ness details. D 8. Lodger Ofllco STKNOGRAPHHR. recent graduate, slight exp ; can do neat v. orli. 11 015, Led. Cent. STENOGRAPHER, cdmp. snd conscientious, des. pos ; mod, sal.; ref. A 115, Ledger Off. STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper, Industrious moderate salary. D 200, Ledger Ofllco. STENOGRAPHER Experienced, competent. Industrious, moderate salary. D 10, Led. orf. STENOGRAPHER, rapid, accurate and Indus , can give ret. M 768. LedgerContraJ; STENOG. des. pos , law office: mod sal. If oppcr.,ror, adancement. I'lcu w. Douglas. TEACHER of French and German wants more pupils: children and adults. 11 848 Led Cent. WOMAN of culture la open for a position whero tact, ability and Initiative aro required. L 101. Ledger Central. I "WOMIAN thoroughly competent, would llko rial's work. 1324 ralrmount qe. WOMAN, colored, wants days work or cook ing, reference ir;u a inn si, WORKINO housekeoper Young German Prot eBlant. small Hdult family. L 418, Lod. Off. YOUNG WOMAN. 30. klndergartner, succeed fui In treatment of backward children, wishes position ln prhato home, music, ?40, ref erences. Address D 221. Ledger Office. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT, expert, books opened nnd closed, audited, systematized statements prepared: special arrangements with tlrms not employing bookkeeper, mod G 742. .Led Cent ACCOUNTANT Young man, 28. experienced, desires position with manufacturing or mer cantile concern, or public accountant H D19, magcr central. ACCOUNTANT, cxrert. desires to connect with a firm where such cervices are required. II no. leuger cienirai. 'ACCOUNTANT, expert; books opened, closed systematized, audited, S monthly up. Audi tor. LIO1Bo3c200LPhlladelplila AMERICAN, 30. knowledge of South American conditions, speaks Spanish and French, de sires connection with exporting Arm pre ferred' would consider eontual treatment If mutually satisfactory. J BS, Ledger Central AMBRIOAN-CHINESE wishes pos as cook or butler In prlv. fqm.i rot. D 203. Led Off AUTOMODILE MECH. Just removed from up .. .. nH.V. n.,m nna h-.f fofll rAITIirnlni nunaBiy iiu iu,su.j. - " f" -- o -- ... n .fl.l.n,. T. .tin f.Arlptr nrffd IIAKLIt Urst-class bread and cake) years of experience. II 8i2. Ledger Central CASHIER, cigar store salesman, collector and accountant: intelligent, trustworthy, capablo irjM,cdgerCcntral. . CHAUFFEUR-ME1CHANIC. Irish, 2S earsr experience 12 years, efficient and competent highly recom , strict abstainer, 8 sears' tojr Con'tl wishes ro-engage. D 34, Ledger Off CHAUFFEUR, at present employed, desires permanent position on good car! B years ex perience; best reference; own repairs. McKee, 1011 norm -oiu. CHAUFFEUR snd gardener,. 0 years' experl ce ln driving; private or second man, M. T. bib N. 49th st. First-class reference CHAUrFEUn-MECHAWirv-rllghest personal ref. for 10 years. Sox 227. Roaemont. Pa. CORRESPONDEVT-STENOORAPHER Man. 28. capable of shouldering excess busl Sees burdens of a busy man: exr i in ml. collectlnir and accounting II DM. Led Cent. 0.yUTANr,c4S?:Nen2l.' nanii uh iy-s -- - . . bitUOGIbr R. M. wants position as man? ence 8 . 1700 Oxford st. ilAltDHNER First-class vegetable and flower gardener married, no eh Idren. also experl Jed m lklne cows, wlshsa position, prft ate p"ace: good reference: w fe Is good wash. woman, tuuu twmuiyn . t , bARDENER or assistant! also understands horses and dairying; gpod reference. M. H, 4tmn i'owbuijh g Grove ave . Chestnut Hill 13 THERE- a busy roan of means In fids city in need of an" asalstant. and willing to train him In his waysT H so. gt; me" trial. I have a oulek brain and want scoje to use I. D 24, Tress Qftlee. Atlantic t. ii'aw AND WIFE, experienced, wish positions a Janitor or caretaker: good, cleanersi soberv honest and reliable; ftret-claw reference. 83a rjoum ."" ------ -- ;,-. wishes tosltlon as painter and handy VnfliTIO.V wanted man and wife, cook and all ifniVal kitchen work, hospital and InstUu R",1Ji .mail hotel: reference from hosnllal 1'nd Institution Pyyn"p 213 Ledger Office. Rnutn !" BALES AND ADVEnTJSIKG rANAER Is flA'BV ih blaseat Job w th the most, pay uui Ar have man RTPNOOnAPHER. office man. rshld; exp. B5ii.y.H mercanine work. H 0U, Id, Cent vniTNQ MAN. Cuban, la. educated In Amerl- rai wl&ge. With thorough knowl1ge of Soanlih ana Ensllsh. dftlres, position- I" Irme line of business where knowledge of .MW foo5,.i: YOUNO MAN sathorlr mlJlC?nSr'?ii7' Twoul" consider otbsr fine. J jl.Xed Central vrvfrwa MAN wishes pos s helosr In- "ulo gaobiie business Voe?c'ed Dickinson 817a I. EMPLOYHENT A0EN0TE3 Ibt.olabS help wanted anil suppjjea, J'jogs, 1?IrrAgenoy.'3448 N 20th (opp. 'rioga eta") AUTOMOBIXEa For Sola -" ATTfTIOtN, AUToloWNBriSf We store your automobtt and loatf moeg iktwA jtD . PhaBe Kfeslailea Wlv TBaigifl-'PHII.ABECTHIA, SATUHBAY. -FKBETTABY AUTO LIVERY ANU QABAQES -, , ... TO HIRE rackard Limousine and Touring Cars. By hour, day, week or month, . t .reasonable fates. ,.. TACJCARb 8ERVICW COMPANT t.i Ull-W locust st. Jojies:rujfeJ3140jnflce24 CRYSTAIj PALACE GARAGE Repairing a sjeclglty;- carsjojilrn l!AIrflfle.lhon9t AUTO PAINTINO u t. AUTO OWNERS , . . The.narit nlnc tm havn your car., painted, lord cars as low as V John Doullon, 3015 Cambridge st, rhone Preston W172. AUTO BEPAIBINCr ILXPilRT repairing done by exp. machinists. Forrest Osrage, H. ZellefS, Mgr. 1B10 N. Marvlne Phnne, ry - B'LDINa MATERIALS REPAIRS MINERAL FLOOR1NG-A UU8JNI.83 A88KT lou wouldn't light your store, mill or factory with kerosene lamps, would you? tf course not, You know the economic slue of modern facilities Then why burden your tlxturo ao coupt with the co of wear and tear on your old wooden (looting? Mineral flooring Is practically Indestructiblecost comparatively little and we lay It without Incomenlenclng sour business. Let us tell you more about Its saving fea tures It will ray you. . . PH1I.A. MINERAL FlJOORtNO CO. .. . BTO-34 8UMMRR ST; DUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WILL INVEST 500oTn'8tir6Tfthed dye busl ness which will use ground and brick build ing In Philadelphia! concern must be sound and rent or buy property, tn get Investment! references exchanged. I. 147, ledger Central. WANnTOEJTn partner with capltarto Invest In tatillhed contraottna buBfnessi cn guar antee 30 nn amount Invested and the luteal mont and premium guaranteed. I. 149. Led fer Central. r . . UXCEITIONAL opportunity to open central restaurant over saloon: rent low! heat In cluded. I'. R. Co. PUT Pennsylvania Uldg. rBIN7ir0PTio)tWlNlT Voff er"edto any one who has (25 or V) to imest, Ad dress L 150, Ledger Cerilrali l"lIAViT JlOOOlo loan or purchase Interesfln business hating opportunity for development, J 141, Ledger Central ' z ' . ? i , , I, CLEANINO AND DYEINO OSTRICH FBATIlBHs aTTu FANCIES CLEANED, DYED. MAILHOT..1IM0 Chestnut DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY ADVANCE styles In dressmaking; l3.and.uo rd. l(x)8 5 llUhvst lilckinson H14i W DRLS3MAKIfa'.'tauRht;' short; nfte, Couree. McDowelUlOT.Denekla, Rldg lltltr Market TREETi and evening gownsrtSllore'dsults and dresata at attractive prices. 12 B 18th Phono. MILLINERY COt7n8E In 20 tesson American rnnoi or aumnrry. rug IV HHcq, net -Ujirt l GOWNS for sll occasions, rcrnodellng, moder- me IHH.W, imu ivwinut iwubi I'll FOR SALE BILLIARD pool combination, 2d hand bought, sold, rented, ex'd. Keafer, 120 Olrard itte RUGS nt factory prices Dutal's Factory. Kill Fnulkrol st Frankford Philadelphia TOR HALE Fur coat perfect condition rea- snnililii Cull 41!ft N lirot 1 st INSTRUCTION FRENCH OLN1LEMAN back from war do irvtt exchongo 1 reiuli for Lngllsh J W, 1 odser Central OLD GOLD BOUGHT. SOLD DIAMONDS rACIIANODP, WINDOLPII, - APPRAlhLD, 28 N. UTH ST. PRINTING PRINTING TROURLES CORREC1ED Junes 8 RATES Company 144 North 12th st. STORAGE 1 IT Monarch Utorage Co Auto and nack l'ltlLV. Ing and shipping .180 Lancaster ave. WANTED PIIWNITI IRP Antiques, pianos, etc, part ruiuinuiLcr cntro nou,0 bought. Kens Furniture Co , 3143 Kensington Ave ROOMS TOR RENT 1 ARCH H31 and fL!0 S Uroad at The cleanest lurnisnfHl ronmn. sicum neat natnaT . m, BARING, J.'IS Two llr't floor rooms, suit dentist or doctor pr apartments I ho Chilton, Mrs Bello McC lalh, Mnnagei CATHARINE. 1421 2d Hoot front, well fur nished and heated Dickinson 4054 W. CHESTNUT, 1IMU Rooms, single snd en suRe, steam neat, -reicpnono uocust mi. CIUSTNUT, 4110 nxcet, acs , warm, cheer ful room, conv board optional, phono ' CHEblNUT. 8U0 Comfortably furnished 2d- iIoorroom ,ref nelghbd , cont. to.elcated CHESTNUT, 1000 Desirable vacancies, soutli crn exposure, running water. SPRUCE, laiSPrivate family has suite wTtfi private btLthi furnished or unfurnished. SjPRL'C'E. 20-'2 Desirable ' sulio, with prlvato batlf, open Are, phone, owner. bPRlTcE, 40.19 Very uttractito single &. dou ble turn vacancies; all convs Preston 2H.n Si'rBcF, 5030 ! gentlemen or couple for id floor front, adjoining bath, board optional. VUNANGO 1412 Prltato family will rent large well-turn parlor, board opposite. WALNUT, 1222-24 (Kenwood) Desirable acs single or en suite, prl baths, will furnish to suit tenant, moderate rent Walnut 8181 WALNUT. 57.12 Largo light 2d-(Ioor rooms, lay window, enrjier house: nice neighborhood nnd convenient,, phono Relmont 1003 D IVAl-NUT, ilOOS Large 2d-floor front: svml prltata bath, hot-water heat, except table WALNUT 4101 Two .'d-lloor rooms unfurl) , south expos . nlnsant Prcnon 27-'tlt iVALNUI 41.11 Comfortably furnished roonf, convenient to bath, board optional W LNU1 BflO'i Ilamlsomely furnished rooms. modern, cent en r select neighborhood. phon e. OTll ANDIHOypbOSPi rooms, bath, un'ur nlshed, cry comfort , oer drug store, cheap. TriI, S, 301 Refined gentlemen can rent fur- niblieu tlliru-iwur iruni, Knwuimw lSTH, B, 237 COMFORTABLY FURNISHED ROOMS. ALSO PROFESSIONAL OFFICE. I0TH, S . 832 Private family will rent 2d- story iront ropmaj singio ur ci, ,uub. WITH. S , 137 Large, cheerful 2d.floor room nlce'ly furnished; housekeeping; reasonable. BACHELOR APT.-Prlv, bath, bus man an predating com quarters Ph I-ocuat 1317 Professional OITIcfs. LOCUSP, 150.1 2d floor front office: large; bright; suitable for dentist or physician, 35. SPRlfOE, 1S.I7 Professional offices: suites with baths, single rooms. Phone Walnut 7855 VI. BOARDING BALTIMORE, 4410 ' Very dcslrableTalngle room; lighanoarmjjatantrjrounliig. BROAD, a, 1B0O 2oiioor front, with boardl home comforts: gentlemen or couple BROAD S , ICOd-Prlvate family: rooms with board: refined gentlemen or couple: phone. BROAD. 8.. 163.! Desirable "Vacancies; table boarq: pnone. CEDAR AVE . 4002-Very desirable turn, rms , with good table board: private family; Wood land 2311 D Photo displayed al l-ed Central CllESTNUT, 4048 Gtjod tible"! ' nice n'elgbbor- noou. con. .in i .wjtip ,...m.. w.- . HA'EL AVE., 6122 Second-story front, ad ..ut.- k.h. .vi-AltAn, inhlA! tihnna. JUHIIUB w .... - - rOWELTON AVE, 4037-Sunny front room, with board!, quiet family: terms moderate. . Bl'RUCE, L!20r-rwo . 2d-story front rooms: ju.iiina mj... --.-..-. . -. . prlvato mm iiwmii.p. iiii-.i , WALNUT. iuflPNIcely turn, room .conv, loc.j ' JZ .,iinn-l lahla board llarlna 747. Hv-H-" - . WAI.NUT 4J22 Large 2d-floor sunny room; roodernhouao; board optional. WiSHINaTON. AVE.. 5858-atly turn, aln- gle rooin. 2djloor. pood nelglrb'd; good table. TOTIITS.. 80lT-Pilvta family has"a few rooms. SsTlfTTToB-'Hanasomely turn, room, corner nousei "ciJ. .i.m.. -.--." - - -"-f IlST. S.. B2u Gentleman or couple can have Urge, sunny room, reasonable, private, phone. ISTll. 8., 030-AUractlvely furnished .room, 2d ...-1 .An, ntrulami nrlvale; iroo.i table. (MTl-N.8-JJlceIy. furnUbed front, back rooms! goad home cooking. Convenient to L. SiSr N. So Neatly, furn. room, with board; gentlemen or unlgle employed FlRBTCLASaTrroT.lMS andlwardra minutes Broad and Market plenty heat, light! family g no other boarders J 115. Ledger Central. I,ivr iiuiijhvmvi .-- . - , Suburban ,. 6AK LANE 7st ave . H C '"" Jork road tfolleyst ownen rooms, meals Phone Oak Lane 1233 ,W. Rhoto display Ledger Central. ' ' ' r 'i C r B 'i m , APARTMENTS APARTMENT BUREAU 13th and Spruce sts Phona Walnut ago, oi write for February ' Apartment Directory CHILTON APARTMENTS SJ218 BABIiOi&T. Two flrst-fioor rooms with prlv. bath; suite., bio dentist or doctor or sprats. Mrs Belle McClaln. Mgr Bell pboae. Preston 387. Binulv-aGARDEN. 1910-ExceUent Ps. In S tlirTHITIMaii IIUMW IM.M.W M.M, . - SPRUCE. 15H5 Furnlsbeo, or t ry reasonable, 3 large eunny n eaU, aid bath. windows, t Dhnni Lt3CUJt 2328 W unturolshed. rooms, iini third door. t5VEKB aOOl J- TWO rHiji. tin., riumli. mtir nurui. assjsis sa xiu a-sj.. s--- --r ajveroro ivw w E-URNISHED APARTMENTS , . 12TH, eotrrif, 20O . v ,. rurnlshed apartment of 3 or a rooms, bath, kitchenette, for 3 months er longer, rllbort 111 42 W. Lansdowne, Pa, APAI1TMFNT8, ner station, all conveniences, 133 to lli per monlli. JOltN MACK, ! N, , Hlahland ate., Lansdowne HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS BROAD, S i 18212 very targe rooms, unfur. wished, bath, kitchenette, gas range THE NASH 1527-29 Spruce Street HANDSOME, UP-TO-DATE HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS PROFESSIONAL OFFICES ON FIRST FLOOR Apply on Premises ,. KRNMAR APARTMliJNTB " .. Northwest corner 10th and Pine ats. Modern, up-to-date, 6-room housekeeping apartment! eletator and Janitor service day and night: rent JIO per month: open for in spection day snd night, Sundays included. Photo on rtlsplsy at Ledger Central. KENT APARTMENTS N ,,? st Housekeeping apartments, 4 rooms and bath '32 BO month Janitor service NORFOLK APARTOtRNTS Desirable 4 and .1 room apartments near Park; Janitor service, renaoiable rentals tlI.V.l ll.4,t ' JV1USO n.o LENOX, MTH AND CHESTER AVE l- I'ltniMM r;i, uit uwrunniniH,n HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS Sea Janitor or phone Woodland 2019-D. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE C1TV NEVU BID AND REinKS HTS. Three-story house, with side and back yard! southern ej- rwsure, H rooms and balh: waterback In leater. ahuffleboard, gas heater In cellars stationary waahtubs, gas nt.d 2 foal ranges: bathroom up-to-date: eterjtlilng In good ron illtlon hardwood finish, partly furnished must sacrifice on account of death, 97 cash and J-'BOO first niortgase Apply M A Smith s Sons, OOP N l.lth st. or.nMANTOWN MOUNT AIRY AND rilKBTNUT HILL I'ltUfr.lt i jr.cj Pelhnm Trust Co , 0710 Oermantown ate CHOICE properties In all sections of atn . Ml AlrV, Chest II ; all prices Write for special list J H Chadwlck & Co ,3018 Oermantown Tioga 8 B. 1BTII AND TIOGA Desirably located modern, H-room house keeping apartments, steam heat. Janitor, convenient to trntm and trolleys lAMUBL T FOX CO . S K. flTH AND CALLOWHILt. 8r.EHAl large tracts of Improved land on high ground, wide atiets and with unexcelled trolley and train sertlce for sale on ground rtnt Address L 331, Ledger Office. Ambler, Pa. Wi: HPECIALIZE In suburban proDerty along the 1' and R. Bethlehem and Doyleitonn bVancl.es. we offer suburban homes, farms Imnrotod country placos and building sites, wo can .!. f,, snvressonabl. ijjf lAnstlalr. Va. 1B( Rl'ILDINO LOTS on Broad at and Inter- sirtlng btreets. between Silt and loth sis., , high ground, wide streets and desirable sur- ' lmmdlnks: suitable for a building operation ddrcss 1. 830 Ledger Office Media. I'. FOR SALE Well-located property. In Media; house of 10 tooma including both and other contonlences Orel floor nnd upstairs porches, n-. ..1nnt. and nnr trttln and trolley IllTlinil UUH-i. ...... ... -. "1.. m.n ,, irke reisonauie large sum iw ""' " i Irst mortgage If oesirca APgif ; p, CtJl'K Wlt tnroiuii, PA It f, ut io. West Chester. P. TEN-ACRE inACT On T . R and W . West Chester division not far from OAKBOUUNF STATION n minutes bv train from West Chester, vvlthout build Inss. 1 acres open 7 In woodland, fine spring suitable for raising fruit or poultry or for tho erection nt a bungalow for summer use. In midst of beautiful country: price reason- "Wji $& -ATST CHESTER. PA. B FD. No 5 Ilaililonfleld. N. .1. .,r iim t'RAL FINE PROPERTIES at V.kln Prices WM CAREY MARSHALL rn Ptdoral st Camden Nn t lonal Tark. N. .1. vniiR onnortunlty, lots 23xlB0 near trolley! 1 Sv'erloSkPn " Del s.oJoin Campbell Soup Co .tfnelnnment Greater N J Co 31 B IHtly W nmlhurr Heights. N. J. srVFtlAI. .icslrable , homes nnd Improved bid lots ni ffninnium i"-. "" - Stone Harbor. X. J CHANNEL LOT near 80th st -2120 Beat Clear field st Phone Kerslngton 02o2. I-15NSYL,ANIAFARMS j 5i-ULLYenulpped poultry plant: 12-rm. finme houso. frame barn, new chicken houses and ?uns" 500 fruit trcoa 5 acres of ground, be tw?"n Philadelphia and New York, easy com muttns distance MeCOI.t.UM mi WALNUT fcT . PKIUADBIePHIA uon l "'swyi. "'""" 100 AC llW-Lr. i.u ..... . "." --, nnd railroad raci ities u "'";"..; fxV.vtitiig that goes to make a cool farm, u enl stock farms crcnnj 150 200 and 230 SKI. ih. irv best of land, and cheap: state your wants West Chester I'a RacTuTchester County farm. 10.. frame house, convruwiiin ii -r. -. near station. HMcCOIjI.UH 13H WALNUTST.. PHHDELPHIA -uon I, j me.. ..." - - . B8" ACRLS. iMOO. Wmlle Bradford Hills) Main Line Penn: good farm A. D. Heald. tv..t Cheater. Pa R. E. SALE OR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE Atlantlo City. N. J. HOTELS, cottages, apartments, etc. .to ex chania fr Philadelphia properties L'ha, ' i."il 31 B Penna ave Atlantic Cltyj REAL ESTATE WANTED 14TH AND S0TH"wAnD BUYERS ABE WITH H111M SIMON L W'ALDMAN , in nirttnn AV E. n .. Aii.-(rit Promnt attention III II IlllbJlllU , .-. t., . ,n.i-Ti ".mall lninstment properties!, will "pay cash P. II. Co . 1317 Penna. Uldg. Suburban , wanted TO 'RENT, nean station . commuting distance of Philadelphia, 14-room house: con veniencls; 10 to 20 icre! necessary outbulld Inga! , L T 119. Ledger Central REAL ESTATE FOR RENT RENTAL LI8T8 Bll.ltt NORTH BROAD, store and upper floors, 707-700 Arch at., store and basement, 721 Chestnut st., atoru and basement, 7.2U CbeitHut st ,' store and barnent. 43" Walnut st , ground-floor ofnees. 14 N Delaware ave., store Apply OKOROE 1L. LEA, 700 BansonLsL 1'BCtoijtSiWareUouses, JI f S. floors -TaaFcHESTNUt STREET Vr?l!r!hf."S?eaflmMraJt?1irect7,c''f.ght. very jrrdght elevator. Frlvate entrance fromChestnut st. MEARS & BROWN 8an-ET" Ofllces, Business ltooins, Etc. TfTiiriTENT--Jsrt of office, secona-floor front) 'all c"nv"raenees 711 Walnut st, 1 Oak Lane TWO-STOllY,, HOUSE, wo-., all conyen. tence. ,ww. ,7J- 77- - Atlantlo City. N. J HOTELS, hoarding! houses, cottaxes. etai "0t,tPEAN& MOQRB 40 S ttoilda ave. ATLANTIC? ciTY cottages, apartments, ho tbi;"to jatlantb Bealty Co , Humphry Bldg TOR RENT UTRNISHED "BfiARbiNq" WBXSYmT. Al'AUTAlENTS. an? seisonT all ioiattons. AtHntU City, CrwUea, Vsotnor, iTtimobtU aeryl-'e. ..... -1 ji. a HABRIB & CO.. Bartlett Bldg JI0RTGAGES fi"YOU HAVE JIOOO to liivset Ia a first me for full oatUeularji of Jlrst msngages I have to piaoe. Clifford Miller. OH if o ave iv FIVB PB8 VV. Wwms assoeiattaa mort SUM, sulci scUwm ttjHirate csarges. M ...u. i ijfadlJTWAj-arrATg -" Wig's Diary , Fai3.9ll. (A Tgye DtAV Of A fJdY , THS. SNOtA NCLY6D A f?00O DEAL TODAY" AMD IT TURfJED OOT VJZT AK)D Muotrtl ILOYD aoOORlCH CAMg DOWN AND PLVBD CHCCKKRS. I CORMEneD Hii-V IN THE FIR31 GAME AND IT WAS PneTTr T1BMT. ePTEH. LUMCM I WENT OveR TO fiODMSW AND Jut' AND I VWCMT ON AN GRHM4D TO KtNQSt-AMD'S AND QOT A NICWet. AND JPCNT IT ON CAMDY AMD CONIC .VAI.ENTING5. I GOT . POU THE 2 SEHVAelTi AND THEY LAUGHBD OVQr. THGfVv ALLRItSHT THCM tJC W8HT UF "TO THE PARISH HOOAtt, AND QOT IN TWK. , OLD MAIDS. OP LAVENDER ToWfJ," A PLAY. I DON'T MVnIOU UMSTMKW I AM IN IT OR NOT. VACLL I rrjfACTiaco iiNaiNQ THC RR&T VAJlTH I'OPUIjAn SONG lMiUSTHATCD lampoon "Cood-bjo. Girls, I'm Through" That's Dlfforont She (ntstllnc; closor) Havo jou nvor, never done tills before, dear? Ilo (doing likewise) No, never! She (sighing) Oh, Goorge, nro jou sure jou haven't? lie t onlj- mot you last night. Stan ford Chnparrnl. , "FIXING" Whin's the matter? "Watch busted? Never mind .vij, tniu mse oubiuj hard. Hope jou don't mind mj scratching It n Utile 'VVU , Lllio tell light Off m dull i cull nc-llciuay what the matter Is 3 p ii iri ( fl K Hc oscd vua "jf I II p'irL under my sKiv-t ) nf and simply ruin. -A&, We- V my whJ-tc v JM'm i mus I ninis ill t ur J jr? 111 J ,Jn 1 V JVW 1 -L.k- s.V C.sF iWgw 13, 1916, S CrV IV. -A """ - j THE PADDED CELL PirtH ( J A"SGM(i circle" fjeH Experience Shortly after the reconstruction period begnn, an old Southern planter met one of Ills Negroes whom he had not seen since the latter's liberation. "Well, well!" said the planter, "Whnt are jou doing now, t-'nclt) .Fosh7" "I'a a-preacltln' of do GoBpll." "What7 You preaching?" "Yasnuh, maroter. I'b a-preachln" "Well, well! Do jou use notes?" "Nos auh. At do fust I used notes, but now I demands de cash." Judge. A WATCH "Just bond It, to me... 111 fix It lor jou In two seconds. I uccluie, hall the vvoino inu ioo.j. .lust hold thosa a jiffy. "Hut this one stump me. i givu up." (Uxlt.) OUR OWN LITTLE FASHION ft 'MJibrxk a M H 4 l&J.t? . 15 ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' Nice Names What Is domestic science, hey? That's just a little quirk To keep from scaring girls away Who don't llko kitchen work. Exchange. She Knew Father "AH the world loves ft lover, you know," said the young man. "You'll nnd out your mistake whan you speak to father," replied the sweet joung thing. Ypnkers Statesman. JSJjreBS "'t ir ABK Teacher See here, Johnny, this ex cuse says you stayed away from school yesterday because you had a ' broken leg." Johnny Yes'um, I couldn't spell diphtheria. What Experience Taught Him "Pop, what's a monologue,?" "A monologue Is a conversation be tween hqsband and wife." "I thought that was a dialogue?'- "No; it dialogue Is where two persons are speaking." Houston Post. Jones Aw, cheer up; every cloud has a silver lining! Smith Sure, but you can't coin that kind of silver. HINT T t ia MJit aatSMoMk 3sl4t of " -ot pmmwi or pjaa st Bniry 4 S, ligajes s . mtf, stao. ropy "'"'.., """g ? -nn suhsa J. 'R1 cm airara t IBH CIlAT.llttR.S 1M1 m B A" " .'7Sn Jii. -.. T y,WflIiverfori ave. i