wwunhiinjiTHBfo ii ttitthvtmwu i rfi i D Wmmfa ii ttfCulsWU i Hi i i n n mni fflRg i wfeMiiiiB.irB HiHMwwwrt ninimil awwwuNi mwi 6 1 1.1 1 n " i 1 1 1 Mm in si. fttlRCHES AND THEIR .4 Y:M.C.A.PEMEMY WILLBE0BSERV2D , IK CITY TOMORROW Vpices of Christian Men n 'Will Resound in Protest Against War Part of-Big 'Plan. ' , Aif the branches of the Toung Men's Chfijlan Association In this city wllljotn ln-marklng 'International Peace Day" tomorrow,- tho local branches will mark the day In dommon with all the Toune Men's Christian Associations of North America. Front one end of North America to tho other, from Maine to California ftndtfrom'the Arctlo Ocean to tho Panama Canar will resound tho voices of Christian men on behalf of peace and against war. The dermantown r. M. C. A. has ar ranged for the prescribed program to morrow and will add Its contribution to the cause of peace. Atbflrton Browncll. of the Public Vr.baen. will speak In the auditorium at 4: IS o'clock. A male quartet from the lfalls of SchujlklH chorus will sine. The entire .meeting will bo Under tho auspices of the Inner Circle of the boys' division. Exceptionally fine Is the Falls of Schuyl kill jitMe chorus. Its first appearance In Germantowh will bo Friday evening, Feb ruary IS. In Association Hall, 684J Jor mantown avenue. The chorus consists of Wmalo voices, and a rare treat Is prom ised to those who enjoy good music. Tha Bible classes of tho Junior, high school' and employed boya will resume their session again next week. The Thursday evening Bible, reading and discussion group, led by Thomas I Iawtm, has added a largo number of members. Pleasure and profit is realized by attending theso weekly gatherings. CENTRAL. T. M. C. A. The ltV. J. TV. Welsh, of tho "Billy" Sunday party, will address tho men's" meotlng at 4 p. m. tomorrow. In the audi torium of the Central T. SI. C A. His aubject will be "Your Second Best." Tho musical program will be tendered by Messrs. Bovell, violinist; TVIest, cornotlst, nd Kneedler, pianist. Soprano solos wilt bo sung by Mrs. J, D. Glndhart. of Haddonfleld. N. J. Bible lectures of a popular nature aro given In tho north parlor every Tuesday afternoon by tho Hoy. Dr. John Grant Newman, of tho Chambcrs-Wylle Church. A class In the teaching of Sunday school lessons meets every Saturday afternoon In-the north parlor at 4 o'clock, under tho leadership of, the, Rev. J. R. Schaffer. The class Is open to 'man and women. Shop meetings In connection with tho Sunday campaign will be held at noon every day In the week. Tho Drop-tn-Class will meet In tho lobby tomorrow at 3 o'clock, under Thomas I Lawlon. "Study tho Bible" will be tomorrow's topic C. Ov.St. John, of theiNorth Branch of tho Y. M. C. A., will bo tho speaker at tomorrow's service for boys at 4 o'clock at tho" First Regiment Armory. Broad and Qallowhlll streets. Ho will tako for his topic "The Iron Monsters of the Plains' The; servlcs. which began on January ! r are -sbelng given e'ery Sunday under tho auspices of tho boys' work of tho Central Y."aC. A. NORTH BRANCH T. M. C. A. The board of managers of the North. Branch Y. Ii. C. A. will award scholar ships Jn social activities, gymnasium work and swimming to grammar school boys In the sixth and seventh grades liv ing within the territory of the branch, wholiavo mads tho best record In these lines during tha first half of tho school term, from September to February. Those ATho will receive scholarships are: Hous ton DeCray, Pierce School; "Walter Thompson, Claghorn School; Elmer Bush nell, Taylor School; James Townsend, Marshall School: S. S. Shaw, Cambria School; D. Charles Cameron, Cambria School: David Hamilton. Whlttler School; Harry Montgomery, Rutledge School; George Sterne, Hackett School; Louis Schmidt, Potter School; John Galbralth, Potter- School: "Walter Rlttler, McCluro School, and Milton Price, Butler School. Teachers and Sunday school workers are Invited to meet- "W. "W. Rugh, of tha National Bible Institute, Thursday eve nings, for a. study of the International Sunday school lessons. Tho Ray,. Srjnlay Jr. "Wilson, D. D., pastor of jtlle Tjhird Church of the- Cove nanters, will give his third address on "Glimpses of Jesus and Hla Power," next Friday evening, at S o'clock. The toplo wllf be "Hla Power Over the Unseen Powers of Darkness." The high school section of tho boys' de partment will visit the Sunday tabernacle In a body, this afternoon. "Tho Power of tho Magnet" will be the subject of an Illustrated address by George Vf, Sehroeder to the boys to morrow, at 4:lfi p. :n. Tr. 33. Stanton Mulr will meet with tho North Branch Camping Club on Friday evening. andwlll give an address on "The Joys of, Living- In the Open." Humorous cartoons, drawn by Charles Dunn. a. 14-year-old boy artist, together with vocal and Instrumental musla by North. Philadelphia artists, will be In cluded In the "social hour." at the branch tonight. The Rer. F, "W. Farr. D. D., pastor of the Bethlehem Baptist Church, will give a eerles of four addresses on Sunday after noons, at 4 o'clock, beginning tomorrow. Doctor Faro will apeak on the following subjects: February II, "Repentance and Faith the Psychology of Conversion"; February Jl "Memory and Imagination the Crea tion of Ideals"; February , "Righteous ness ana Holiness the Development of Character"; March 7, "Salvation and Service the Equipoise of Life." The vocational guidance lecture, next "Wednesday will be given by H. B. Peter son, irho will speak on "Architecture." Mora than at dozen men connected with the North Branch Jsavo been nominated Tof Membership on the Organized Per- enal-TVorkera League, co-operating with the "Billy" Bunday evangellstlq campaign. Theodore F, Miller, of Stead, Miller Company, and. Archibald Campbell, of Hardwlck and Magee. have accepted ap- y iisintnwaU us managers of the North Branch, Tha Rev. Edward U. Ultell. pastor of th West United Presbyterian Church. r, -rilt ipHk pa "Getting the Moat Out of Mir tomorrow afternoon, at we west Branch Y. M. C. A.. SM and Sanson tre$s A tpmtet feature of-tao service will b Ui concert by t8 male quartette of the West Turk Presbyterian Church, which hut salt-steered Its services for the oo csui'in. I, Service at Bryn Hawr ppt service tor the toramenjora- attslhmsit&klmAiatieBS.'witt be held to uuuiu dt Urvn Maivr rr&aln'teri.in jgiirljr iBTn-n-tTlBr-r"? wiMi the req8JB" f W toJirftu-tUmiit committee In charge or a Sv Aftwt Parker FUeh, . R fjlMtaul f Amtevw Theoteftal kB st Pm. Poets Vmrkmr I IvlWrad mm tUigKtKttg-. R. S. WILSON Mr. Wilson is director of religious work of the Central Y. M. C. A. GARRICK THEATRE MEETING "Ib Jesus GodP" Topic of Dr. Ely's Sorraon. "Is Jesus God?" will ba the toplo of tho sermon by tho Rov, James B. Ely at the non-sectarian meeting of the Lemon iHIU Association, at tho Qarrlck Theatre, tomorrow night. This discourse will lllustrato tho teach ings of tho Biblo regarding tho Deity of Christ and omphaslzo tho necessity of such belief as the very foundation of vital Christianity. Bocauso of tho timeliness of this theme and tho exceptional pro cram prepared for tho opening musloal sorvice. It Is expected that tho great audience of last Sunday will be surpassed .by tho congregation tomorrow evening. RELIGIOUS BREVITIES Tho Rov. Leo E. Rife, pastor of the Norrls Square Presbyterian Church, wilt preach on tho "Benefits of a Rlghtoous Life," tomorrow morning. In tho evening Mr. Rife will preach on "Tho Great Emancipator." Tho Rov. C. E. St. John, pastor of tho First Unitarian Cbjjfch, will preach on "Tho Religious Life," tomorrow morning, at 11 o'clock. At 7:30 o'clock In tho even ing an Italian eervlco will bo conducted In the church by tho Rov. F. A. Tag llalatella. "A Message to Backsliders" will bo the subject of tho sermon of tho Rov. C. H. "WoolBton, D. D., at tho East Baptist Church, at 10.30 o'clock, tomorrow. In tho ovcnlng Lady Hope, of England, will speak at tho church. Tho Rov. Charles "W. Harry, pastor of the Church of tho New Jerusalem (Swcdonborglan), will preach on "Spirit ual Blindness," tomorrow morning. Charles W. Ervln will speak before the Socialist Literary Society, at tha South Broad Street Theatre, tomorrow after noon, at 3 o'clock. Mr. Ervin Is a well known lecturer and Journalist and noted exponent of tho economics and ethics of Socialism In this country. Admission free. The Rev. O. B. Hawes will preach at tho Germantown Unitarian Church on "Tho Spiritual Foundation of Peace," tomorrow morning. In tho evening a special serv lco will bo held. "Was Jesus God?" will be tho subject of the sermon. Tho Rev. J. F. Barnett will preach at tho Reformed Episcopal Church of Our Redeemer, at 10:30 o'clock tomorrow morning. A special children's service will be held tomorrow morning nt tho "Woodland Presbyterian Church. Tho Rev. James Ramsay Swain will preach on ' rile Peace That Guards." An evening service will also be held. The rite of confirmation will bo ad ministered tomorrow morning by Bishop Suffragan Garland at tho Holy Apostles Protestant Episcopal Church. The Rev. A. B. Hunter, of Raleigh, N. C. will address the Sunday school class at 2:30 o'clock in the afternoon. The Rev. Mr. Caldwell will preach to morrow morning nt Hopo Presbyterian Church. In the evening Doctor Bolton will preach on "Tho Sin That Has No Forgiveness." "Unltarlanlsm as the Religion of Mod ern Life" will be tho toplo of the ad dress of the Rev. IC E. Evans, at the Glrard Avenue Unitarian Church, tomor row evening. Miss Florence Kenney, of the Sunday party, will speak to tho members of the Young "Women's Christian Association, In the assembly hall of tho association's building, ISth and Arch streets, tomorrow. Henri Scott, the noted basso, will as sist at the services of tho Baptist Tem ple tomorrow evening. An Interesting musical program has been arranged. Dr. John,Axford Hlggtns, pastor of the Ninth Presbyterian Church, will preach tomorrow morning. In the evening the sermon will be delivered by Dr. F. J. Stanley. He will speak on "The "World's Crisis." Bernard Shaw's "Pygmalion" will be the aubject of the lecture by Horace J. Bridges before the Ethical Culture So ciety tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock. In the evening Mr. Bridges will speak at the rooms of the Ethical Culture So ciety, 1331 Spruce street, on "The Hu manism of Distress." The Rev. Dr. Edwin Heyl Delk will preach In St. Matthew's Church, Broad and Mount Vernon streets, tomorrow morning on "Perfect Freedom." In the evening Doctor Delk will preach on "The Man "Without a Soul." THE "BILLY" SUNDAY BIBLE CLASS CENTRAL TRUTH OF TOMORROW'S LESSON (February 14, 1916 International 8er!es I 8amue1, III, 1-13,'10, 20.) HEARING By QEORQE Bamuel, tha first of the permanent school of Old Teitament prophets, was celled to hi" high otHco when a 6oj only It years of age. Bis parent dedicated him in early childhood to God, surrounded htm uHth tha lest of religious influences, wKmmKm trouble is with our - ' iis isoTias Busy macuitcry, social, poiuica- ana inaiw- trtal, to drawn out the Diving Voice that is "dally speaking to vs. Satnuei was separated from these other luring voices. Hence his readl nes to heat Jehovah when Be spoke. Let man separate himself from the tumt tcorU for just SO minutes a day and devote that time to the Bible and pmne, niijt see if he doesnt experience a voice speaking him, Bamuel jpui-s leord'j of warning, of instruction and of power to the people of hi day. fj& fSBf ef fr 0d 1n Jow voice of authority for men. It itjmiif'h iegia early l Ufa to train the soul in the AsMI pf Ustmbtg tfrf raMlslfflffiMw tin mi hi h 1 1 L ", j1 " 'j .' r ' n ' ." '. ".' 'irf't'2T """"" '"-"' "''" "" ' ""-"-'" ""rTHTT '. " ' " 7 n i rTirrTr""'TTT' r - WORKERS-RELIGIOUS MANY MEETINGS PLANNED IN CITY FOR LENTEN SEASON Prominent Clergymen Will Take Part in Special Church Services and at Theatre. Church people In Philadelphia will be gin tho annual observance of the Lenten season on Ash "Wednesday, February 17, with noonday services In many churches and at tho Garrlck Theatre Aside from tho noon services, whlth will bo held dally until the Saturday before Easter, thcro will be also many evening scrvlcei conducted In various churches through out tho city. Thcro will be a noonday service every day In two Episcopal churches, St. Stephen's, 10th street nbovo Chestnut, and Old St. Paul's, 3d street below Walnut. Services will nlso be held every day In tho Garrlck Theatre, Chestnut nnd Juniper streets. Tho Roman Cathollo Church of St. John tho Evangelist, 13th street nbovo Chestnut, will also hold dally services, except on Saturday, NOTED CLEROYMEN TO SPEAK. Many prominent clergymen will lead the services. Bishop Rhlnelander will open the services at the Garrlck Theatre on Ash "Wednesday. Bishop Suffragan Garland will preach on the samo day at St. Stephen's. Other prominent churchmen who will preach during the Lenten Bervices nro tha Rev. J. O. S. Huntington. O. H. C, of "West Park, N. J.; tho Rt. Rev. Charles E. "Woodcock, Bishop of Kentucky; the Rt. Rev. John N. MoCormlck. Bishop of western Michigan; tho Rev. Stuart L. Tyson, of rrlnceton, N. J., nnd tho Rov. Randolph H. MoKlm, LL. D., of the Church of the Epiphany, "Washington, D.C. Tha Rov. G. A. Johnston Ross. D. D., of the Union Theological Seminary, will bo ono of tho principal speakers at St. Stephen's. Doctor Robs Is a Presbyter Ian. GARRICK THEATRE SERVICES. Services nt tho Garrlck Theatre will begin promptly at 12:30 o'clock, so that persons may stop In during their lunch hour. For many It will bo Impossible to attend the regular church services. Tha entire ground floor of tho theatre wilt ba reserved for men. These services are Intended mainly for business people. Lenten services at the Roman Cathollo Church of St. John tho Evangelist havo been announced as follows: Ueglnnlnc with Ah "WodneBday: Mondays and Wednesdays at 12:03 Noon In struction and benediction. FrMass .t 12.05 Noon, Stations of the Crou and benediction, (Church and Chanel.),, Tueiday evenings at 8 Sodality office. In struction and benediction. Wednesday evcnlnxs at 8 Sermon and bene- Thuriday afternoons at 8 :SO Stations of tho Cross for children and benediction. rrlday evenlnss at 8 Stations of the Cross and benediction. , n , ... Sunday Masses 2:45, 6. 7, 8, 0, 0:15 and 11 o'clock. Vespers and Instruction, 8 p. m. Week-day Masses 0. T. TM and p o'clock. Holy Thursday Solemn Hied Mass at 0 aood' Friday Mass ot the Presanctlfled at 0 ttoly' Saturday Solemn Hlxh Mass at 8 o clock. Services under the auspices of the Episcopal Dloccsa of Pennsylvania will be as follows: THE GAIUUCIC THEATREJ. Chestnut and Juniper streets. Ash "Wednesday, February 17 lit Ilev. Phlllo M. Ithtnelander. D. V.. Blshoo of Penn- ,yThursdfay. February 18 Itt, Rev. Thomas J. Garland. D. D.. Bishop SuBtagan of Pennsyl- VFriday-Batiirday. rebruary 10-20-Ht. Ilov. Elhelbert Talbot. D.D.. BUhoo,oJ Bethlehem. Monday-Saturday. Februajr 22-27-Rev J. O. 6. Huntington. O. H. d. West Park. N. T. Monday-Friday. March 1-5-Rey. Samuel S. Marquis, D. D.. Dean of St. Paul's Cathedral, Saturday. March O Rev. Oeorxe Herbert Toon. Holy Apostles. Monday. March 8 Rev. John II. Chapman. St Paul's. Chestnut Hill. ..... Tuesday-Saturday. March 0-13 Rt. Tlar. Charles E. Woodcock. D. D.. Blshoo of Ken- tUMonday-Saturday. March ,15-20-nev. Fred erick Edwards, araeo Chapel New York. Monday. March 22 Rev. Hubert W. Wells. Wllmlnrton. Del. , . Tuenday-aaturday. March 23-27 Itt. Rev. John N. McCormlck. D. D.. Bishop of Western MM?ndy'-alurday, March 20-April 8-Re-v. Stuart Ik Tyson. Princeton. N. J. OLD ST. PAUL'S CHURCH l 3d street below Walnut. Ash Wednesday, February 17 Reiv. J. De Wolt Ferry, D. l3 president ot Standlnc Com- "Thursday-Saturday, February 18-20-Bv. George C. Foley, D. D. Divinity gfhool. Monday-Saturday, February 22-87 ltT. Floyd W. Tomklns, D. D.. Holy Trinity. Monday-Saturday, March 1-e-Rev. George Lynde Richardson. St. Mary's. Monday-Wednesday, March 810 Rer. Hu bert W. .Wells, Wilmington. Del, Thursday-Saturday, Starch 11-18 Rev. H. Charles Stone, Holy Trinity Memorial Chapel. Monday-Wednesday. March 15-17 Rev. Chas. Townsend, Jr., Good Shepherd. Rosemont, Thursday-Saturday, March 18-20 Rev. Will iam N. Parker, Epiphany, Sherwood. Monday-Wednesday, March 22-24-Rev. . Al fred 'It-Berkeley, Holy Communion Chapel. Thursday-Saturday. March 25-27 Rov. Fran cis M. Taltt. St. Paul-fL Chester. Monday. March 20-iRev. aeorge Herbert Tuesday, March SO Rev. Llewellyn W. Calay. 6t Judo and the Nativity. Wednesday, March 81 Rev. Wsldemar Jen sen. Jr.. St. John's Free Church. ThureAay. April 1-Rev, William M. are-ton. D.' D.. oean oi uie invimiy ociuhu. hr,ok Friday. April 2 Rt, Rov. Tboma) J, Garland, xi. u Bishop Buifnigan of Pennsyl- vania. q.i,iv. Aortl 8 Rev. II. Cresson McQIennr. assistant superintendent City Missions. BT. STEPiraaTB CHURCH. February 17, Ash "Wednesday-ate Rev. Thomas J. Garland, D, D Bishop Buffragan February 1&-JU. Rev. Ethelbert Talbot. S. V., lllshop of Bethlehem. A VOICE O. DOWEY J arA trained him in actual religious service Jn these circumstances the Divine Vote spoke to Bamuel at the early age of It and commissioned him to la a prophet, the mouthpiece of Jehovah. When toe note the conditions and criaumstanoes sur rounding the life of this loy we will not quibble alout whether the voice that spoke to Mm was audible or inaud ible; whether it was a dream, a vision or an actu1 appearance of the Lord, out will readily and reasonably conclude that it was quite natural for Clad to speak to such a life. Bis soul was trained to listen to the voice of Qod, Right here U the central truth of the lesson: Bamuel was ready to say (verse 10), "Speak, Lord, for-thy serv ant hearefh." Clod ts not silent iottav. Ha still saeekt to man. The ears! we allow the din end roar of Qrtjc Jf rfcttblp $atfj nro MAlf can be led to a full appre 1 V elation of the fascinating beauties of nature through the study of botany, No book can bring to a man such exhilaration as the fisherman feels wftcii he hears tho beauties splashing in the mountain stream, T?o matter low mqtty books on as tronomy a man mayxread, if he re mains In the crowded city he can never give such a description of nature's magnificence as the man icho lies on a couch of fir under the broad boughs of the forest and watches the stars twinkling among the rustling leaves. It is all very welt to read books and to acquire the theory that is essential to success, but before success can be attatned in anything It is compulsory that there must be a combination of theory and practical activity. The same rule applies to Christian workers. It is a good thing for them to study. It is a good thing for them to read the Bible, the best of religious literature, and to learn to pray. But it is only when they become actively en gaged in work for Christ that their lives become strong forces for good. In the active lives of the clergymen and church members there is much cause for rejoicing today. Every week sees hundreds of men and women taken into the fellowship of Philadelphia's churches because the Christian leaders are doing specific work, "TralUhltters" in the "Billy" Sunday tabenxacle are only smalt evidence of the revival spirit the evangelist has aroused. To all persons who desire to see the Christian Church grow and prosper there is much cause for gladness. PUILUPB, February 10 Rev. Ctul IS. Gnur-mer, 8. T. D. St. Stephen's, Philadelphia, rebruary 20, Saturday Ilev. tVllllara R. Turner, reotor of et. Paul's, Overbrook. February 22-2ft Rt. Ilev. Charles D. Will tarns. L,Ij. D , Bishop ot Ml-hlgn. . . .. February 27, Saturday Rev. w. Arthur Werner, Home Missionary 6odity. Philadel phia. March 1-ff-Rov. Randolph It, MoKlm. IJ D., Church of tho Epiphany, Washington, D. C. March 6. Baturday Rev. John II. Chapman, Bt. Paul's, Chestnut Hill. 8-121 iRev. O. A. Johnston Ross, D. D., Union Theological eemlnary. 18, Saturday: Rov. Josoph II. Earp, Bt. Paul's Memorial Church. ..., 1B-10: Rev. J. Howard Mellich, Holy Trin ity. Brooklyn. N. Y. .... . 20, Saturday: Rev. Nathaniel TJ. Groton, Bt. Thomas', Whltomarsh, Pa, 22-20: Ilev. FJojd W. Tompklni, D. D., Holy Trinity. Philadelphia. . , , .. . 27: Rov. Jaaics B. Halsey, Et Timothy's, 20. 80. 'ail Et. Rev. Theodotus Capirs. Bishop Coadjutor of West Texas. April 1. 2: Rov. Carl IC. Grammar, 8. T. D., 6t. Stephen's. Philadelphia. ,.,,.. .1: Rev. Wm. Y. Edwards, St. Stephen a, Philadelphia. FOUNDER'S DAY AT TEMPLE Dr. Conwcll Will Deliver Addwsa ou "Modern American Liberty." Founder's day ot the Temple University will bo fittingly celebrated toy tho otu donts, nlumnl, faculty, trustees ard friends of that Institution nt Horticulture.' Hall tonight. At a meeting to bo presldod over by Judgo John P. Elkln, of tho Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, tho Rov. Dr. Kus scll H. Conwell, president of tho univer sity, -will deliver hla annual address, on "Modern American Liberty." Solos by Henri Scott and Gertrudo Hayden Femley will be features of the program. Founder's day supper will bo served In the foyer of tho hall between 6:30 and 8 o'clock, tinder tho auspices of tho Temple University Association, tho Faculty Club, tho Board of Trustees, the "Woman's Aux iliary and the auxiliaries of the Samaritan and Gorrctson Hospitals. Itounlons of alumni classes and of students In tho various departments will ba held from 7 o'clock until the general meeting, which will begin nt S o'clock. Tho Conwell Bible class will hold serv ices in tho forum ot the Temple Univer sity tomorrow afternoon. In honor at Doctor Conwcll'a birthday. HsMslirSfffamSH m ma' ill lftl ill SwSfl Ash tor tyo.4712 Rti Ltllet Eiitfon m.mn,u T."''! '-'-I "''"' " '. ' i -"-" "iT'i ""'?' " ' -" L-UJIi''" MJ-t i - ' "-"""""' "' ' " " f " '"' ,J " n ' ' " " ACTIVITIES OF ALL DENOMINATION AKTI-UPRMAN TELLS OF YICTORYIN SOUTHERN STATE Thomas Burton Smith De scribes Struggle Predicts Defeat of "Booze" Here. By THOMAS BVRTdX BMITIl Mr, ffmlln. who has matt a brhf vitlt fa Ms city, s the monooMp- editor ef l fllr ntnpham Ltiotr. tht chamfte ef th antl Kjuor cause in Alabama. Tho point I would call to the attention of tho people of Pennsylvania In con nection with tho legislative battle over the liquor question In Alabama Is that, although State-wide prohibition existed there four years ago, the liquor advo cates succeeded In changing this to local option when tha question came up At that time. This resulted In the removnl of tho prohibition law in thrco counties, namely, Mobile, Montgomery and Jeffer son, and for three years this condition tins existed, until nt tho last election tho sentiment of tho people had become so strong on tho point that tho prohibi tion law went Into effect once more, tho Legislature passing It over tho Gover nor's veto. This Is significant In showing that tho people of a State which has once en Joyed State-wide prohibition will not bo content under any other condition. Local option Is far better than nothing to re strict tho liquor traffic, but it is merely a stop toward n goal which will even tually bo realized. "When Pennsylvania obtains local option It will have taken an lmmenso stride toward a complete victory over tho saloon. Previous to the smashing defeat suf fered by tho liquor forces so recently in Alabama, some of the most distinguished speakors of the "wet" contingent de clared that the return to local option In our Stato Indicated that tho Stato was in favor of tho sale of liquor. Just how they can explain this statement now It Is difficult to say. Somo ono mado a tnls- Another point: Tho history of the antl llquor light In our State has shown be yond any doubt that It was the local campaigns against liquor trafllo which created the sentiment which Anally led to Its completo and final abolition. I am confident that n similar sentiment In Pennsylvania Is being created which will have the samo result. Tho liquor forceB are still fighting In Alabama. A law recently proposed pro hibiting the advertising of liquor in any publications of that State was vetoed by tho Governor, but the Legislature which so recently passed the State-wide prohibi tion law over his veto will, I nm sure, repeat its notion, and the champions of the saloon will Buffer another crushing defeat. Jt- Lecture on High Cost of Living "The Animals as a Factor in tho High Cost of Living" will be the subject of the lecture of Dr. Carl "W. Gay, of the faculty of the University of Pennsylvania, at Houston Hall, this afternoon. Doctor Gay will discuss the high cost of living in general, with special emphasis on tho animal as a contributing factor to the problem. DR. GEO. CHALMERS RICHMOND'S sermons on "The Open Altar" and "The "War nnd tho Call for a New Christendom" aro now on sale at Jacobs', the Presbyterian and the Socialist book stores. fatfiofa "The Best Editions of the World's Best Book" Ask Your Bookseller for a j Genuine Holman Pronouncing Teachers' Bibl with tile famous Self-Pronouncing text (an original Holman idea). They are printed on the best and thinnest opaque paper, from the clear est type used in Bibles; absolutely flex ible bindings. They wear better and look better after ten years service than many irresponsible editions do in ten months. The Maps and Helps-inthe Teach ers' editions have been revised to date by Rev. P. N. Peloubet, D. D., of International Sunday School Lesson fame. "Oriental tight" (containing over loo illustrations) is the latest and most important contribution to Bible study. Our oldest favorite, 4000 Questions and Answers, is also Included. Made in Plii!id!phi by the West American Btbla publishers SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES GROWING IN NUMBER Organizer Beports Pino Progress in City and Vicinity. .,. n rtnr-A G. Dowey. eecietary of the Philadelphia County Sabbath School Association nnd organizer of me "Billy" Bunday Blblo Classes In this city, is busily conUnUlng hla organization work, Mr. Dowey'sjengagementa for to morrow nro ns follows! nw,inif Trpsbvterian Church, 10:30 a. rn.l McDowell Memorial Presbyterian Church, 21st street and Columbia avenue, 3 p. m.l Sharon Hill Methodist Episco pal Church, men's meeting to bo com posed of men from Sharon mil, ua-ray, Glenolden nnd Colllngdate, i p. m.i Col llngdale, 7:30 p. m. Tho men's Blblo classes, Mr. Dowey t f.. nt a fafn nt &000 reports, Hiunmn .. - - ----members n weok. The total membership r ii.. AtaaMB fa nnw nnnrnAChlnff tho 60.- 000 mark. The local movement has stlmu. lated aotivmea in many nearuy iuwho and communities,- Classes are being or n.w4 in M'ot ciientm ConshohocKon nnd different parts of New Jersey, Pat- erson, nevf jersoy, wnero uuy -day Is to conduct his noxt campaign, is working for tho 10,000 mark, using Mr. nnitfaii'a nlans Anrl 111 AmtllrA OlTlfljlfl. Neb.. Is planning tho same kind of a sunaay scnooi campaign. BIDDLE BIBLE CLASSES Holy Trinity Students Will Mark Seventh Anniversary. The birthday of tho Droxcl Blddlo Bible classes will be celebrated tomorrow morning at 9:30 o'clock, when the sev enth anniversary of tho men's class of Holy Trinity Episcopal Church will be observed In the Parish House, 317 South JOth street. The chlof directors of tha city and suburbs and largo delegations from many classes will attend, Judson J. Adams, one of tho threo orlgtnnl members of the class, will preside. Dr. George X. Lalng and J. DeWItt Jobborn, two othor members present when Mr, Blddlo took charge, on February 16, 1903. will also speak, as well as A. J. Drexel Blddlo, tho founder of tho movement. Tho anniversary address will bo delivered by John Sparhawk, Jr., and greetings from tho church will bo expressed by tha Rev. Dr. Floyd W. Tomklns. Tho class now has a membership of 220 men. A. J. Drexel Blddlo will speak at tho Deep Bun and Doylestown Presbyterian Church, Doylestown, tomorrow after noon. TO MARK 100 YEARS OF PEACE Meeting to Observe Amity Between English-speaking Nations. A meeUng under tho auspices of the Interchurch Federation of Phlladelphla- wlll be held In Holy Trinity Church, 10th and Walnut streets, tomorrow at i o'clock In the afternoon to commemorato tho hundred years of peace among English-speaking nations. The speakers will be Governor Martin G. Brumbaugh, the Itev. William H. Roberts, D, D., and tho Rev. Edwin Heyl Delk, D. D. Tho liturgical service will be conducted by the Rev. Floyd "W. Tomklns, S. T. D. nnuGiorjs notices naptlst UAVTJST TEMPLE. Broad ana Berks. Preaching by tha Pastor, ItUSSEIit, 11. CONWELL, Morning, 10:30. Blblo School, 2:30. Evs., 7:43. IIENIU SCOTT A popular basso, wilt assist the chorus In the evening. Organ Recital, 7:15. Wm Powell Twaddell Musical Director. LECTURE BY RUSSELL IC. CONWELL PERSONAL GLIMPSES OP CELEBRATDD MEN AND WOMEN Saturday, Feb. 0. at H:1B. Phone the Bust ncss OtHco for tickets. Diamond b37. CHESTNUT STREET BAPTIST CHURCH Chestnut st. west of 40th. OBOriGE D. ADAMS, D. D., Pastor. 0-45 Brotherhood of A. and P. 10:30 a. m. Worship and Sermon by Pastor. 2 .SO p. m. Blblo School and Men's Blbla Union. 7:45 p. m. woranip ana sermon by pastor. EAST BAPTIST CHURCH, Qlrard ae. and K. Columbia ate.. Rev. C. II. Woolston. D. D., Pantor. 30.30 a, m., "A Message tr Backsliders" : 7:30 p. m., Lady Hope, of England, speaks. All Jl welcome. S3 BAPTIST HELPING HAND CLASS meets at 2:30, 7th below Glrard ave George Bowers, speaker. Everybody's Meeting, Fri day night, Edward Cann leader. Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday nights, Bethany Anchorage, 300 N. 0th St., Mrs, Anna John son, superintendent. Disciples of Christ fmnn niiRisriAN rmtmcir Lancaster ave.. Holly and Aspen sts. T. E. WINTER. Pastor. 10:45. 2.80. 7, 8. Drexel Biddla Bible Classes DREXEL BIDDLE BIBLE CLASSES Our Director of Field Extension will be slid to meet Ministers or others desiring- help In building up Bible Classes or Churches, at his office. &3 Lafayette Building, dally, between 2'a.nd 4 p. m. Lutheran MESSIAH LUTHERAN Th frlftndlv churrh 16th and Jefferson sts. Daniel B. welglo. Pastor, wlll preach at IQ-.SO a. m. and 7:45 p. m. TABERNACLE. 60th end 6Druce Wm. J. Mil- ler. Jr.. m;to. , i-o p. p . z a p. m. TEMPLE, 62d and Race Rev. A. Pohlman, M. D., 10130 a. m.. 2:30 and 7:45. Presbyterian AltCH 8TRBET PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH- laui wu aivu Ilev. CLARENCE EDWARD MACARTNEY 10:18 "The Bramble Iflnr," Judges Q:ll. Tha first of a series of nvo sermons on the Parables of the Old Testament, 7:30-Organ Recital, b "What Might Have Been." I Bam., 0:20. GRBKN HILL. Qlrard ave. above 16th.." Revi "Soul Thirst. Evening, 7:45, "8eklnr and Saving." Adult Bible Class, 2:30. An ex cellent quartet. Choir under direction of Mr. John Dyson, Organist. If you want a Church Home you will be welcome here. HOPE, 83d and Wharton sts. Minister, Rev, J. GRAY BOLTON, D. D. Rev. WILLIAM TAYLOR CALDWELL, Assistant. 10.46 a, m Rev, Mr. Caldwell will preach. 7:45 p. ., Dr. Bolton will preach on 'The SLa That Has No Forgiveness." SCOTS CHURCH, Broad St.. below 'Morris et D. STUART MOORB. D. D Minister. 10 80 a m. and 7:48 p. m. BT, PAUL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH .Baltimore ave., cor. 60th st. Rev, J, UEVERIDOE LEE. D, D.. Minister. 10-45 a. m. Publlq Worship. 2 .30 p. m. Oradtd Bible School. 7:45 p. m. Evening Worship. Dr. Lea will Breach mornfntf mnA Mnlnr. Muslo by nolo quartet choir. All sella free. UNION TABERNACLE xorK ana wen. dim. REV, DR. ROBERT HUNTER, PASTOR. JO.80 e. . m. "The Gospel MessageChrist Crucified." j 7 145 p. m. Revival Service, I Revival Hymns. Special cornet musla by the I aRBENHALGH BROTHERS. mu' T "" 3.80 8bbath School. 7, Y. P, B. C B. aiia-wiii iniuw iti mti tJtiUHCK WOODLAND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH JAMES BAMSAY BWAIN. Minister, 100-Brotherhood. 11.00 Worship. OWldren's 6rmon. "BIBLE EAGLES." PEACE CENTENARY SER. MON 'THE PKACJ3 THAT GUARDS." S.45-Bible Bchoo , New tcroUra. Invited. S;0O-Adult- Bible Classes. 8:00 Woraalo Sermon, "HOW JESUS SAVES A WOMAN OF SAMARIA." flxth in series on "Jesus, Saviour of men." If yen are looking for a church home "Come thou and all toy tiouee." InNTlt PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, B7tn' above Baltimore ave., pr. John Axford Hl Ens. Minister. Anniversary Dedication Bay. jn.. Dr. James A. Worsen, reception new members; p. no.. Dr. V. J Stanley. "World's Crisis." miHKVOLKKT ASSOCIATIONS rim' SALVATION ARMY. las, ' iPMUaelphU Ueadqauters. Colonial Trust uHari and Market. M w tlkefim xtu Walnut SffiS. , FINE MUSICAL PROGRAM AT UNIVERSITY SERVICE! Opening Set for 4.30 o'clock by f Bociruion. Mm Beginning tomorrow, tho 'ellgloutffl erclscs of tha University of PennyiS; will bo held nt 4!S0 o'clock Ik lh 7 noon In Houston Mall. The change ln'$ hour of service Is necessitated by rwIS of tho policy of tho University Oiruuii Association, which aims to bring lh, dergradjiates Into direct and S touch with tho churches of the TdcnoS tlon with which they may be afffl A recent Investigation among the 3 denta has disclosed tho fact that m3 of tha students from outside of 1'hlS ph la hare been brought Into helplSfiS latlons with tho churches of their ii5 denomination In Philadelphia through S efforts of tho church secretaries It nr University Christian Association! k" ever, It Is generally agreed by CS leaders that tho universities of the S try should maintain religious services W? dor tholr own nusplces. The best sow5 tlon of the problem, therefore, seems ii be to hold a University service Tatft hour which Is not In conflict with IS church services and which Is convent A notablo fcaturo of tha v.n. -M Ice wilt bo the music, in o,i,iki- . ,.Ti University Quartet, which will sinVst fill ramiMab nrnmlnaMl ....l-l-i- I rnffflfrarl fnr flnnli iflitM.ln... .- ItrciJOlOPB NOTICES Ethical Culture , ' , , , jiuiwtKj, uiiiuobs wm ecture on BeraT; B nrfov t "i "m , ljT.kir.'"!?-'?1 "Mil Franklin Home VRANKlIN HOMJ1 FOtl TUV. no.tl,?JT!i TION OF INDBRrATES, 011-13 Locuij ii'St iC HeYd Mlnnick, "" "v """" "T RJTJ Lemon Hill Association "is jesus aoD7" OAHRICK THEATRE SITNDAY NIQHT, 7.30 ALL WELCOMCALL New .Ternsnlem (8wedenborilan "SPIRITUAL HLINDNESS'1 Is the subl4al the Sermon. Bunday morning, by the Psiturtl tho Rov. Chnrlea W. Hnrvov. u hi JilSil of tho Now. .leniFalem, 22d and Chestnut iiiM All eata nrn fren. Everybody Is welcoma.al Methodist Episcopal. CHURCH OP TILT. COVENANT SFHUCB AMU IS 111 Bit). MILTON HAROLD NICHOLS, Minister. .l Hervlpftfl. 10 30 nnd 7:45. w You will find a hearty welcome at all the Berviiea. THE FIRST METHODIST ClIURCuT CHARLES WESLEY BURNS, Minister. M IF K3l4tilJV AJ Vi1 Aiornin? oervicp, ion loriynve. "A CENTURY OF PEACE" Evening Service, eight. Muslo by Vested Boy Cliolr. Welconn.ss! mniTWT HirnMnW TllfH nnrt Pnri.. O C. Thomas. 11. 8; 8. 8.. 2 30 p. m. "'ill TABERNACLE. 11 til bolow Oxford.-lO "o,"Tlis Kev Alan in uin aurrounainfts. tm, uu sons iTom tno Lire ot Anranam Lincoln I'rotestnnt Episcopal. CHURCH OF THE HOLY APOSTLES LMRT AND CHRISTIAN STS. Rov. QEORQE HERBERT TOOP, B. D? jiccior. , -5, Holy Communion. 0.00 a. m. ConflrmaUos Service. 10:30 a. m.. Bishop Garland ofdclst. Inc. Sunday School nnd Bible Clasies, 2.W p. m. Kxenlng Prayer and Sermon by tin llector, 7.30 p. m. Harp and Violin Prelude nnd postiuae. . .'J: OLD ST. JOHN'S, Brown below 3d. Doctor! Richmond preaches February 14, 10.30, 7i4il Hubieot nt night, "Why Is tho Dloceseioll Pennsylvania on the Borden of Flntncw, TfsvtLrelinlrl9' ..Tssl TARISH OF ST. LUKE AND TILE BPLPhJI 13th st. bolow Spruce.. Rev. DAVID M. STEKLB. Rector. 8 a, ra Holy Communion. 10 n. m. Rundav School. 11 a. m. .Morning x-rajer mm kiciuiuii. m 4 p. m. hvenlns Prayer, Anthem anaAj dross. i"- iSsMsj Organ, Harp and Cello Prelude, Interlude WJI The Rector will preach at both services. EPIPHANY CHAPEL 17th and Summer sts. fn.iiiutiL', '.i n a rn. iioiy wmmuuiuii, 11 n. in. Morning Prayer and Sermon. 2:45 p. m. Sunday School. 8 p. m. 'Evening Prayer and Address. Rev. Irving A. McGrow will preach. OI. If ATIMId TT",TT 1r1,l. nn.t T AMI., .1, '! The Rev. ELLIOT WHITE, Rector. SUNDAY 7 and R Holy Communion. 10.30 Matins, ii unora; niucnarisi. , mi 4 Choral Evensong, with short adareEStMj jviiliiuni, louotveu uy uiwn .vcv.ii. il The Rector will preach on Sunday tyy ' ' WEEKDAY 8ERVICES I, ,.ii ana u B. ni. una u v, ut, .7JZ ITio Litany will bo said and Intercessions If peace made on Wednesdajs and FrlaaysiM 12 m. i-1"1 tsaiurnay aL i- m. ino latior, raw. -, (In tho Church). Thursdays and Saints P'J naUlllUIIUl I'CIHUidllUlli U.uu n. it,. ST. STEIPHEN'S CHURCH 10th above Chestnut. DAILY NOONDAY LENTEN smVlCKIJ at i-:.tu o ciock, closing bi a-.w. ti A short organ recital will precede Mai service, Feb. 17, Ash Wednesday Bishop Suffragan ofPennsflvMlj!. Web. 18-Rt. Ilev. ETHELBERT TALBOT.1 D. D., Bishop ot Betnleneoj Feb. 10-Rev. CARL E. ORAMMBIt, S.T.pS St. Stephen's, PhilsdelptUjl Feb. SO Rev. WM. R. TURNER, n,.jS9 St. Paul's, Overorooja COMB AND BRING A FRIEND ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH 30th st. above Chestnut. ntail Rev. CARL E. GRAMMER. B. T. D.. "Syl Sunday Strvices, 11 a. nt. and J; W The, Rector will preach at both rT.lj;&L3al In the afternoon tho Rr l fl,JMg courso of lectures on "The Gospel Jobjj Ash Wednesday Service. 10 SO "-.PI' nectorS Morning Prayer and Sermon by h BW" II - j.l MsW ine itospeis. ina UDauEis. . iiPinrmni - FIRST. N.'A.. 15th and DauPh'S-S'eM u, hicks. 1'asior. w.w mnu ". -.- - Iteformed Episcopal OUR REDEEMER, 16th and Oxford. Augustus E. iwrett. ioir. itev. j. i. t'anitui j.y. .. - C.tll.- Tllamrv Raclttt " : t!7"' w.tlnrm CHARLES W. ERWIN. me moer jjj Com. S. P. from Pennsylvania, will !SI8t "Why Is a Newspaper!-, ..L'YV: .nDfa1 Theatre, Sunday. 3 p. ro. Musle by fVMjffi Beemt String Quartet. Admission irseg SwedenborgUn SEE NEW JERUSALEM Unitarian FIRST' UNITARIAN CHURCH 2123 Chestnut at. Rev. O. E. Bt. John, Minister. 10.00 a. m. Sunday scnpoi, MlnlstefiSl 11:00 a.m. Preaching by the 18u'5jSsl "The Religious Life " .. -v-iStRrl 7-BOp. mi-Italian servloe la tn eMPJBi Rev. V. A. Tagllalatela. -rrrTnmicll flUJaBRMANTOWN vmTfauf" "m R. 0.'nt HAWES. M in 1. r. it a. ro. . v1! FS m.-SpecUl service. SaW W jesus uoqi - GIRARD. tARD-AVE. OtJWi'&l'SBa i:45-"Slavery of OUB Tlmgu ifZpmfM f:4-"Unltarlanlsm ini H"" " imS Q 7 TT-U.J viA-tivft'lsn uuum ,fcj.--- , THE NORRIS SQUARE U. " c.V,',lTj Hancock at. and Susquehanna av, M 10 45 a. m.-"Tb Beneflts of J" 3 M p. m -Sabbath School and BM f, 7.45 p. m. "The Great tjninclpaior. !r(LSr you" comb. . University "' ywrnsylvanl .CDismn ot.Tl?trl Houston Hall, i '30 p. m. l'rovojt Smith will preside at-s o.nik Kill aslnir. )BMil BV"H "'fa wr W1UdUaS.br,J.reV..'WC.'OlM The public la welcome. A..1 Young Men'ii ChtUtUnAtto REV. I. W. WELSH, aide jo "'jTSaW .yoBeoond Jurt Trio . ur. ., jjj-4 fSSbrT vf1i tn"mtpt' W w walMina -1 i hi m Young Womtn'a Cj"Jg5-ag Y. W C A. IStnn iRCK 0t, itffisWdm