Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 13, 1915, Sports Final, Page 12, Image 12

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6J" (Akin C. Rraenzlcin, Coach of the Kaiser's Athletes, Writes
"Wait and Be Calm" Officials Believe War
tt'fy ' win iiiiQ
Wsplte of the war which has Involved
Marly every nation In Europe, the Ger
man Olympic Committee has not yet
given, up hope of holding the sixth quad
rennial Olympic sports at Berlin In July,
1816, A communication asking for Infor
mation on this point, addressed by the
writer through Dr. Alvln C. ICraennteln,
the coach of the German Olympic team,
but now Ih this country, to the German
committee brought back this laconic
"Be calm and wait."
So confident are the members of the
German Olympic Committee that success
will attend German arms, and In plenty
of time for them to recover themselves
and prepare for the games on schedule
time, that they not only have not asked
the. International Olympic Council, of
which Baron Coubertln, of France, Is
president, to relievo them of the duty of
holding the games, but thoy have not
even suggested that America or some
other country take Ihem off their hands.
The Inquiry as to Germany's plans and
prospects was nddressed to Lieutenant
Carl Diem, chairman of the German
Olympic Committee! Lieutenant Diem Is
still at the front and no communication
could bo had with him. The German 're
ply, therefore, was sent by Dr. Martin
Berner, also a member of the comm'iee,
who had returned from the front to re
cuperate at Berlin from a wound.
Doctor Berner explained the condition
of athletlcsvind the general Olympic sit
uation at considerable detail. And since
this Is the first official statement from
the German committee portions of his
letter are of unusual Interest and Import
ance. Among other things Doctor Ber
ber says:
"The Government appropriations, as
well as German sport, nro naturally in
fluencert by the great wnr. We hope,
however, for a happy ending of the wnr,
and to taUe up with renewed vigor our
work, which has already borne such
apleudld fruit. In the present crisis.
"About the fate of the Olympic games
f .there Is nothing to say at this time, for
tho men who are to make the decision
as to where and under what conditions
the Olympic games are to take place In
Berlin are all at the front. In the mean
time, at we Germans say, be calm and
wait. Fortunately, Baron Coubertln, the
president of the Olympic Committee, also
shnres these views.
"The United States will surely realize
the difficulties of the -condition of sport
and will await patiently your decision.
. Wo know that Bartow S. Weeks, as suc
cessor to Sullivan, will do good work.
It pleases us that you yourself are still
Longacre Loses Out Despite
Four Aces and One Hand.
Scores Are 1 5-7,
and 15-9.
In the first round of the. handicap sln
, rles racquets tournament at the Racquet
Club today, J. W. Wear, Joint holder
with Dwlght F. Davis of the national
doubles title, defeated John Longacro In
straight games. This was a considerable
achievement when It was learned that
Longacre had received a handicap of
four aces and one hand, while Wear
owed him five aces In the bargain. In
other words, Wear was, called upon to
score five acea before he could begin to
' count, while his opponent began with
four aces and had twice as many serv
ices. The first game went to Wear, 15-7. In
his first hand, after Longacre had lost
tho service without adding anything to
his allowance of four. Ware secured five
aces, and In the second hand a run of
eight made tho score eight aces to four
In favor of Wear. Three of the eight
were service aces. Longacre scored three
scattered aces and In his seventh hand
Wear ran out the game.
The score of the second game was the
same as the first, and, continuing with
the service. Wear scored Ave aces before
he went out by hitting the telltale. Each
scored a single ace In the next hand, and
a run of six, together with two other
scattered aces, gave Wear a safe lead,
although It took, five more hands to run
out the game.
Longacre Becured five aces In the third
and last game. In addition to his handi
cap of four, although In his third hand
he spoiled a good chance of winning the
same by serving- a double fault. With
the score eight aces to nine in favor
of Longacre. Wear made a. fine run of
alx acres, all but one of them coming
irom kills Just over the telltale,
The summary:
J. W. Wear ... , ,15 15 15
Owe 5 aces.
John Longacre , 7 7 9
Received 4 acea and 1 hand.
Xeach, Sweeney, Smith and Stack
Xose Out in Chicago.
CHICAGO. Ut. Feb, Il.-Tbe Chicago
National League Cluh management to
day released unconditionally four veteran
players. In their first move to reduco the
souad, The following men received their
notices; Tommy Leach veteran centre
JUIder and captain of last yeara team;
William Sweeney, regular second baseman
of the 19U team. Charles Smith, right
hand pitcher, Eddie Stack, light-hand
piteher aecured from Brooklyn. "The- re
Imum of these men wa aJ&soIutely essen
tia tot ihe future of the. Chicago team,"
id Manager Bresnahan,
Canadian Curlers in Lead
VfCWA, N T, Feb. Ji-Tbe eurllng
elyutw ,of Canada, defenders of the- Ipfer
liatbust Curling Medal, -were In the lead
the clubs of the United State wheri
- rtay ku resumed here today. The scow
.;- tV vi-j.3 Canada, t; United States? W,"
ltI. umA vfvtL iur uicui mr iitia
Meat)r )ear. Mna rinks front Cau-
uta wen from vsjrtoua parts or tne
Btsie am competing, . -
mumr Mn,f Wgbt SEey.
TTBjgiir wy for bout between Cal. fi
tatMf. tM lv.Ja4, O-, tgtfterwiht,
941 r0 C!a?y, tho local Jherapptjir.
lbwi? Mult m the MM! M tM
ft r)u, mtmmm- t tn cuvia4
tar. " nwfcrf tw mmh nxum for
at the disposal of the German committee.
Your return docs not seem to us Impos
sible, as you have here only admirers
of your art, and hardly a single opponent.
About the fate of your friends here, I
will mention tho following:
"The entire lmperiat German Commis
sion Is under arms.
"Lieutenant Diem was Injured In the
first big march on Paris. He has re
cuperated, however, and has rejoined the
army as an officer of a brigade staff,
"Joseph Waltzer, serving as n lieuten
ant In a Bavarian troop, was also
wounded and Is now returning for n sec
ond time to the front,
"Walter von Relchmann, who nt tho
beginning of the war was first lieutenant,
Is now a captain and commands a bat
ter In HusMan Poland.
"I myself, as tho result of a wound, have
not been able to return ns yet, but hope
to make up for It presently. Captain
Itossler Is In command of a company
somewhero In France and up to the pres
ent tlmo uninjured.
"Malossa has recently returned from
Poland with n. slight wound.
"Itau and Prince Frederick Karl nro
well and cheerful. As for that Mr. Kohl
mpy will give you further accounts of tho
fate of the active athletes. Unfortunately
the war has made a big gap."
The neutral country which Is most
Ideally situated to hold the games Is the
United States. Even If they were held
In Berlin, the United States would furnish
the majority of tho point winners. It,
therefore, Beems the part of wisdom for
the German commission to decide at the
earliest possible moment whether or not It
can hold the games, nnd then, If there In
any uncertainty, to ask the United States
to tako them for 1916, with the under
standing that In 1920 they should be given
to Berlin. It Is true that nt the last meet
ing of tho International Olympic Council
tho 1920 games wero awarded to Buda
pest. But since the Austrlans are the al
lies of the Germans, thero Is no doubt
that the Austrian Olympic authorities
would permit Germany to hao them In
1920 under such nn arrangement.
There are any number of places that
the games could be held In the United
Stntes. Philadelphia Is already equipped
with a stadium where the games could bo
held without much expense, but If suffi
cient notice were given. It nould be pos
sible for half a dozen other cities to con
struct stadiums suitable for holding them.
The letter of Doctor Berner indicates
that the reports received In this country
of the (fcath of many of Germany's ath
letic stars nre much exaggerated. For
Instance, Rau, Germany's best sprinter,
Is In tho best of health nnd not dead, as
reported. Although Doctor Berner says
the war has made a big gap In the Olym
pic athletes. It Is likely that more of them
nie alive than Is generally believed.
Thomas Enters Protest
CHICAGO, Feb. 13.-Presldent Thomas,
of the Cubs, today addressed a strons
piotcst against the National League In
terpretation of tho 21-p!ayer limit rule
to President Tcner. According to tho offi
cial announcement, the team with a
plalng manager may have only 21 play
ers, Including the boss, while tho club
with a bench manager may have 22, In
cluding the boss. President Thomas de
clares this Is unfair and a handicap, ns
the bench manager Is also In the game,
especially those who don uniforms and
get on the coaching line.
Aftcrman on the Ruins of Europe
(A. D. 5000)
A region of huge heaps, that lise de
formed Out of the slow-hardening dust;
A bleak and cloudy wilderness, un
warmed, Unlighted, desolate;
Heaps, all compact of stones, bones,
wreckage, rust,
Urass, glass, in tough conglomerate:
Here dwelt an ancient colony of Men.
Here lived, hoped, wrought and loved,
and then
Strange was their fate,
Strange, that with amiable fields and
Land-locked seas of grain.
And promise that the round of sun and
Should never cease;
With friendly hills, xehere flocks and
clouds abide,
And every flowered lane
All white with multiform fair caunsel
ings Of peace
And the vast woods astir with whis
perings, Large echoes of an immortal breath
How strange that these Men valued
most the things
That made for doom and death!
Unfathomable race! that toiled and built
Year aftft year; that knew
The slow rewards of industry and
And, then, at length,
With causeless anger and colossal guilt,
Wantonly overthrew;
They bartered day for night, blood for
dry bones,
And gave
The sap of life for false lures of he
Mai tribes, that circled through their
varied z&nes
In many a sombre wave:
Urged onward by unthinkable- distress.
They traveled every trail and high, road
save '
fhtfjHtthwi'y to the House of Hap
,-WHIHm Jlord Hlllyir.
A,IbTUCA can bear up under the
.ta. headlines "Maiyr ball players to
lose job," as Ions as Europe can stand
for tfrl one "Casualty Hat now above
W4,0W and growing by 309 a day "
A nttfnbr of our fttinant ball play-
$a to klrVf tli5lva lustily
k 5ia' L h'o rS -Ji Wl,ijy
Will Be First Heal Test for Xocal
The Penn snlmmlnir loam which will mcrt
the Nmy tankmen tonight left for Annapolis
at 10 o'clo'k last night It Is Uio second meet
of tho aiaeon for the Tied and Dlue awlmmers
and will bo the first real tent of their strength.
lh"tr first contest against tho Now York Unl
seislty resulted In a. one-sided victory for
Coach Ulstltr's proteges.
The following men made tho trip. Coach
Kiatler, Captain Mhrjoclc. Masten. Hughes,
Shoemaker, Lehman, Pendleton, Kelllser, ftus
sell and 8lmonton.
The Tcnn entries aa sent In by Manager
Cheston follow.
100-jard dash rrledman, La riamme, Ixwk
wood, Patterson, Fltmegan, Palmer, Dlmleo,
Kowley, Kauffman Warren, Ferguson, i.lp
plncott, Meredith, Wharton, Schrader, Caster,
Cunnoj, Wells.
flOO-yarrl dash Patterson, I.lpplncott. Kauff
man, Ferguson, I.ocknood. Rowley. La
Flamme, Meredith. Balcone, rinnegan, nialr,
Warren, Crelghton, Doraey, Schrader, I'rled
mim. r0O-ard relay Dorsey, Stout. Kauffman,
T.lpplnrott, Hepburn, Slgmund, Ualcony, Mere
dith, Peeso, Jack, Locknood, Humphrey,
1000-jnrd run Meredith, Dorses', Hartman,
Peeio, Stroud, Stout, .Sweeney, Balcom, llw
hiirn, foneev Slgmund, Klsele, Humphreys,
Vandcrbeck, Jack. Collon. Huston. Koettcn,
-&iCO-ard raco Dorses. Humphreys, Huston,
Reenej, Colton, Ulsele. Peeso Slgmund,
Koethen, Chester De. Korm, Jones. Jacques,
Kahan, Llcbcrinan, Hartman, Sproud, Steven
son, Stroud
Medley relay race Patterson. T.tpplncott,
Lnckwood. F"( rguson. La riamme, Friedman,
Dlmlco Kauffman, Dorses. Meredith, Hep
burn, I'ce&o. Stout Hartman.
Running high Jump Jack. Ilowley, Turner,
rills Kroegcr, Fuller, Warren, Ferguson, Har
ris Kegles.
Pole ault Price, P-eardwood. Sewcll, Wil
son. Ticker, Oay, Moore
in-pot'nd shot Donzus, Harris, N'onnM,
Wltherow. Hennlng, Journeay, Jones, .Veil,
Valdez. 1! rower. Topkls, Matthews, Gcyelln.
when they discovered that Andrew
Carnegie had given away as much ns
J324.O0O.OOO. They had no Idea they had
overlooked this loose change.
Bill Larned'a New Start
W. A. Larncd ruled tho realm of
American lawn tennis for a long period
of play. He stayed on top until Mc
Laughlin and old Doc Time together
went ufter his crown, and while still a
flno player is now beyond the cham
pionship zone.
But Larned has new dreams of addi
tional conquests. Ho started golf some
time ago, and some day he hopes to
go after the top of the field, which Is
no part of an Impossibility.
Larned proved this down in Florida
when he gave Walter J. Travis a battle
to tho end, holding- the veteran even
most of the distance. Larned la espe
cially good at putting and the short
game In general, and if he rtleka at It
with hla rare knack for competitive
sport, Messrs. Oulmet. Travers, Evans
undfKlrby may soon have another rival
In the field.
Offside Plays
No entry, blessed with patience, ever
needs to be a duffer at any game he
The bulk of all alibis are due to a
superabundance of pride,
For the guy who Isn't overly proud
knows he has a fair share of trim
mings and failures comlnir his way.
Cobb and 1015
Ty Cobb Is now 28 years old. He
has faced 10 seasons under the Big
Tent, and within two weeka will be n
active training for hla llth campaign.
Cobb, when In action, takes greater
chances than any other man In the
game. He plays harder and travels
at higher speed. Lacking the power
and bulk of Wagner and Lajole, mora
than one sport historian .figured several
years ago that CobVs oareer would
hardly run beyond 10 campaigns. They
figured some bad injury or a general
gearing down of the system from the
heavy strain would soon start him
Yet after 10 years here Is Tyrus still
at the head of the procession, only SS
years old and exudfpg pink from every
Charles Webb Murphy has q,rAken
back into the game as a baseball pbet.
Now we eee what a terrible mistake
we made in suggesting iftat he resign
as owner of the Cubs. For the owner
of tha Cuba, which includes the feudal
ship over H. mmwmn, doW't h.e
Urns t9 write, potry.
Scholastic Athletes Arc Making a Good Showing on Track
and Field,' and at February 26 Games Should Come
Through in Fine Style.
From present Indications It Is evident
that the local high schools will enter a
smaller list of contestants than last year
In the annual scholastic quadrangular In
door championships at tho 3d Regiment
Armory, Broad and Wharton streets,
February 20. However, keener competi
tion, with tho probability of some records
falling, is certain.
If the performances of some of the
athletes to date can bo used as cri
terion;), the chnnccs nro that at least
half of tho 10 marks standing now will
be shattered. In the two meets decided
thus far, between Central High School
and Northeast High School and Central
High School and West Philadelphia High
School, tho Crimson and Gold athletes
displayed brilliant form.
Henrs', . new man with the Central High
aggregation. Is sprinting and running fine!)
If tho Crimson and Gold youngster shows up
ns well In the ' quads" as he did In tho tw
meets, It Is probable that at least two records
will bo credited to him.
Tho Smalley brothers, Alfred and Eierott,
are featuring In field as well as track events
wiillo Mcllafe. l.ukcns and Robertson aro three
other "entral High bojs who are coming along
International Match Is Cre
ating Great Deal of At
tention Last Contest Is
Well Remembered by
Johnny Kllbane, of Cleveland, and Ed
die Morgan, of England, will meet In their
return International championship match
at tho National A. C, tonight. Their first
encounter three weeks ago was one of
the fastest fights seen in this city. Both
champions are primed up for a hard
battle, and It will not be surprising U
either hits the mat dining the 18 minutes
of action.
The program follows:
Flret bout Sydney Burns, Soulhwark, vi.
Tommy Welsh, SmoKy Hallow.
Second bout Fred Wagner, North I'cnn, .
Jnck Knntrow, Southward.
Third bout Jos Kuccrra. New York, vs. Lew
Stinger, Little Italy.
Wemtlnd.up K O, Qlnley, Cleveland, vs. Al
Nelson. Boutlnvark.
Ulnd-up Kddla Morgan, England, J. Johnny
Kllbane, Cleveland.
Several Philadelphia amateur boxers
have Btarted training for the annual met
ropolitan amateur boxing championships
scheduled at the New York A. C, New
York, march 23 and 27.
The bouts preceding the Kid Wllllami-Jlmmy
Murray match at the Olympla A. A.. Monday
night, are Jimmy Uergen va. Johnny Howell,
Hmmy Decker vs. Hobby Loughren, Ienny
Leonard va. Tommy ongdon and Johnny How
aid vs. Jackie Clark,
World's featherweight champion,
who wilt appear in a fight of in
ternational importance at the Na
tional A- C. tonight. Eddie
Morgan, of England, wj be KU
opponent. Kilbane may be
matched with Kid WUUanw today,
Tfae managwa ol the two fli
pfaMctlicr and setUtkfSsatttr,
Tho indoor quadrangular records follow :
fiO-yard dash-Ames. West Philadelphia High
School; 5 45 sec
W-jnrd high hurdles Barron, West Philadel
phia High School; T sec,
220-jard dash Bunting, Northeast High
School; 1!5 sec
440-j nrd dash A, Smallej, Central High
School; IS 1-5 sec.
8S0-sard run McIIale, Central High School;
2 mln. IS 1-0 sec.
One-mllo run Splcer, Central High School;
5 inln. lo 1-5 sec.
Two-mile run l.ukcns, Central High School;
11 mln. 13 3-6 sec.
Standing broad Jump Robertson, Central
High School; Oil 1 In.
Running high lump Geesclman, Korthea.it
High School; r ft. .1", In
Shot-put Dcsereux, west Philadelphia Itlgn
School: :. ft 1 in
Of the record holders who will cndoaor to
better tholr present records are Ames, A
Smalley, MoIIale. Lukens and Robertson The
other boys haio graduatod.
Tho walking club whirl) has been organized
at Northeast High School has decided to take
hlkei eoiry Saturday and wind up with a stroll
to Now York April 1.
Morrison, tho former Frankford High School
athlete, ts starring In track practice at Brown
Prep. Coach Smith Is -working out with a
large squad of candidates.
Tho Northeast High School swimming team
will bo captained by Wheeler, tho fancy diver.
Other stars on tho aggregation nre Morten, 1'.
Smith and McComaa.
SEA of
A.Valentine to tho Magnates
If you, O moguls, make a single stroke
Of pen on paper and at once revoke
The present pi ice of scats, you'll not
For iccord ciowds iclll be your Valen
tine. In all probability they won't bo ublo
to see It In that light and the four-bit
bleacher figure will remain perhaps.
Strange, that the magnates think of
everything else as possible causes for
loss of business, and never of prices.
Unsent Telegrams
To John P. .Connelly. Will you tako
a job as understudy to me? B. John
son. Another Valentine
You've jarred the horsehide'io the core,
I'or twenty terms you've held the
pace; ,
ire hope you stay there twenty moie,
Right with tha lecders in the race.
We hope your eyo and arm stay true -That
there's our Valentine to you.
Advance Dope
Now that the baseball players are
getting ready to go South, Isn't it about
time for the football squads to start
spring training?
And Still Another
Sam liobldcau, we've got a line
On what you want to do, you scamp;
About the only Valentino
l'oit icf7 is to be lightweight champ.
Another Baid
Hull players all over the country aro
taking up golf. Here's a chance for
some enterprising 'promoter. Start a
league and get u the stara to jump.
Here's a Tip
Jlel Sheppard has hung up his
spiked shoes for good again. Jf lie's
sincere, this is u distinct loss to track
. and field sports. While Sheppard hasn't
In farmer ' years, he is still a good
drawing card. He should be ablo to
keep busy training the youngsters
Come Across v
At a conference today the tight tol
lower may Hear the long expected
news that Kid, Williams end Johnnie
Kllbane. are matched. yhf men are to
get together today and tta anjl ugrco
on the weignt question. Obs of the
New York Kaco Tracks Will Be
"Wide Open.
NEW YOItK, Feb. 12.-Cash betting
will be dono on the New York State raco
Hacks, according to "inside Information
that was scattered around today. It was
stated that tho officials of tho Jockey
Club and their attorneys have carefully
scrutinized tho racing law and thnt they
have como to tho conclusion that cash
betting at the tracks Is permissible If tho
stakeholder is recognized as such by tho
Jockey Club.
At any rate, It was stated today, cash
bets will be made at tho tracks early
this season. If any legal steps aro taken
to prevent It tho matter will be thrashed
out In tho courts as a test case. At pres
ent only orpl betting la permitted.
Frank Donohue, Ball Player, Dies
. SPRINGFIELD, O., Feb. 13. Frank
Donohue, well known Inflelder and broth
er of tho lato "Jlggs" Donohue, was found
dead In bed this morning. Ho had been
In III health Tor several months. Dono
hue started his career hero with the Cen
tral League In 1005. Later ho was drafted
by the Tied Sox nnd sent to Newark,
where ho played two years afterward. He
was 28 years of ago and single.
Boston Hockey Team Plays New York
NEW YORK, Feb. 13. The Boston A.
A. seven will meet the Hockey Club nt
tho St. Nicholas Rink tonight in tho first
league games between tho teams. The
Bostouians have beaten every other
team In the league.
boys will havo to relent. Wllllnms
wants 122-at ringside whllo Kllbane
Insists on 122 at 8 o'clock. Kilbano has
every reason to bo the dictator and we
believe Williams will bo willing to ad
mit this. Tho proposed match Into
been the talk of tho country, and dllly
dallying longer will only hurt tho
drawing power of tho two great little
men. Thero would bo such a littlo
dlffcrenco in the weight If Kllbane
weighed In at 8 o'clock rather than at
tho ringside (10 p. m.) that it is be
lieved Johnnie will grant Williams' re
quest. Sammy Harris, representing
Williams, and Jimmy Dunn, Kllbane,
will bo ,the master of ceremonies at the
pow-wow. Jack McQulgan and Jack
Hanlon, representing the National nnd
Olympla clubs, respectively, will be on
hand In an effort to secure the plum.
Wonder what the end will be?
This suspenso Is killing me.
Miss Pauline Fed might be Imagined
saying this cute little piece at a
country school entertainment. Only it
Is too real," Philip; Judge Landis may
decide at any old time. (Account on the
Don't Wake Us
We want to talk about millions at
any rate; there's no harm doing It, la
there? Harry J. Sinclair and P, J.
White, Oklahoma oil magnates inter
ested in the Federal League, aro mil
lionaires, and they say $1,000,000
needed to put a club in Now York City
will be forthcoming,
A report from tho oil fields Indicates
that they should be able to stand the
drain easily. Their field Is now pro
ducing 10,000 barrels of oil a day at 02V4
cents a barrel. Yon figure Jt, we dare
not handle such cash. The men were
offered m.000,000 for their interest in
tho oil lipids, but refu.scd. No wonder
they aro taking up pastlmlng. From
present Indications they will be able
Jo cut a wee, wee hole in their ln
mense bank roll jf they stick to the
Federals. With the ball war on. and
new fields tD conquer, there will be
Plenty: of opportunities (or the oil
(tings to spend a few pennies. With
m.OQO gushing out f the arth dally
ya fall to see, howeyiir, on sgijond
thought, how they will ever manage tt
spend tha money.
Headline President Barrow is Hot.
Who wouldn't U the National Baseball
Commlsaisn throw ygu down 'when you
Aa44 help moat,
Surcget, a Long Shot, Come
Along Strong in Stretc
and Lands Second Moiicfl
Arcenc Third.
NEW OltLEANS, Feb. 13.-J, D. j,
.en, n auuri-ouas iavoruc, staved oft tM
fast-comlng Sureget In (he stretch 1(J
enough to win tho opening race here iiS
afternoon. Sureget, at 10 to i, wula
for tho place monoy. with Arrn. ,..
long shot, running third. Nine othe
also ran. ""ij
First race, selling, 3-ycar-olds and J
Eli furlongs-J. D. Harrell. 101, nmJK
3 to 2, 7 to 10, 1 to 3. won; SuJ'egft to"
Arcene. 103. Lilly. 10 to'l. to i. TtoK
Knight of Pythias, Myrtle Jlirlon. rffii
Rnrnnntn. Rponnai M-U- t.-.p I"
Big Dipper also ram " "
Second race, sellng, 3-year-olds and 3
furlongs-Oakland, 111, O'Brien, a l t
13 to 6, oven, 1 to 2, second; Altamjk?-
in, uominick, 5 to 1, 2 to 1, even, thlr?'
Time, 1:13 2-5. Mecllckn, BIrka. JmL,
Louise, Ida Lavlna, Acls, Toddling, rti."
cnal, El Pato, Kayderoseros also ran S
Third race, selling handicap, 3-year-eli?
...... ,.v, .uuuuba vim uuBoy, nAVAaaroi'
4 to 1, 7 to 5, 1 to 2, won; Sebago. W'
Smyth, 2 to 1, 4 to 5, 1 to 3, second: C
thcr, 103, Pool, 8 to B, 7 to 10, 1 to 3, thlrdJ
Tlme-l:12 2-5. Broom Flower, Charlie?
and VIley also ran. y
Four rnrn. Ktntna Imnrtlnan I........ -
., .-.u .........., v-j cur-0101
and up. 1 1-16 mile. For Fair, 101, Pool'
u ,u v, , v, uut, nun, JiVBIgJl, HJ, OnajlfL1
4 to 1, oven, 1 to 3, second; Just Bed, 1?
Time 1:41 4-5. Impression and' Judo
UKnL uiao run. y
Fltth race, selling, 3 year and up, mil
7-10, won; Our Ben. 107, Domlnlck, Jj.5"
6-1, C-2, second; Coppertown, 106, KeourV
7-2, even, 2-D, third. Time 1:45 3-5. heat
TTnnVi "Pnfrlnb- T7 TClMntft,. lift.. T..-i.,r,
Plain Ann, Cuben, Tho Busy Body alwi
First race, 2-year-olds, 2 furloncs. rnri7
$500 Tabhcr, 115, Tnplln, 4 to C, 1 to 3, otjtW,
won; -l.uuo uimc, xiv, xNoian, j to 1, 1 to
5, 3 to 5, second; Ncllio iB., 115, Peak, t to"
5, 1 to 3, out, third. Time, 2:5 1-6. Havahfl
ijouiso urcen, aaiusion, William wj
i-inoiana aiso ran.
Second race. 3-ycar-olds and un. stll
Ing, 6H furlongs, purso $500 Faithful, 103$
Obort, 5 to 1, 2 to 1, oven, won; Columbia!
Lady, 101, Nolan, 10 to 1, 4 to 1, 8 to S,'
second; Phil Connor, 107, Jones, 12 to L'
4 to 1, 2 to 1, third. Time, 1:14 2-5. MinJa.
King Itadford, Laura, Penniless, Vol-a
thorpe, Vlreo and. T. M. Green also ran. a
Third race, 3-ycar-olds and up, Bellirxj
G furlongs, purse, r500 Supreme, 106, UrilS
sjs-i, even ana , won; unaricy Jicew
ran, in, iianovcr, i-j, i-o, i-a, secona;
Sweet Lotta, 93, Itobtnson, 20-1, 8-1, 8-1,5
third. Time 1:22. Unity. Cohen, LoulJt
Paul, Sprlngmnss and A. C. Haley als,
Jin. .. jn
Fourth race. 3-year-old nnd ud. Bellini!
1 1-16 miles, purse $500 Centaurl, 100, TapJ
ltn, 8 to 5, 3 to G, out, won; Patty Rcgan.9
102, Fltz, 8 to 6, 1 to 2, out, second; Stan
and Stripes, 105, Koblnson, 3J4 to I, even,"
1 to 2. third. Time 2:00. Lady RanWa.4
Heartbeat, Idlewclss and Mockler aW
First race, selling, purse, 2-year-oly
Tv,r,tr1a.ia tLL fllrlnriffl. TCfllnh S . 111.11071
ard, 6 to'l, 2 to 1, even, won; Brooke, ltti
Uroth, & to I, - 10 i, even, seconu; riauj
PaHnrann 11? Kmnll R In Ik 3 to 5. OtlfJe
third. Tlme- 41. Schulenberg, FatE
Kelly, Toastmaster, Carl Roberts, J-ttj
Sugg, YermaK, neciuse nna iMarmar mj
HAVANA, Feb. 13. Entries for tomor
row, February h: Vi
TTI-b, .nM A fnpTrtrif-a niirA ltfiO. 3-YeiT
olds and "up, maidens, selllng-'Ano
Hose, 05; "May Ipps, 95; Blanch Lewis.
inn. Ttu T?l,r in?, fltrnm,. 102! 'ZfllL"
106; Spitfire, 100; Finisher, 103; Kettlg
Drum, 111. v- S $
Second race, $900, 3-year-olds and up,
selling, 5" furlongs Peggy L., M; Mr.
Tifnnb- mi. Miw inif "Wnlf's Hatha. JW!
17lnK..a. 1IVL, nulftraftnct. 105! MolS&Ilt,'
107; Custom House, 108; Revery, 109; Mia-1
ellne B 110; Cherry Seed, 116. vM
Third race, $600, 3-year-olds and uftf
selling, a jurionga aius jean, -, -"j
ter, 103; 'SacKCIotn, iw; "uumtc, "
Elsewhere, 100; Moncrlef, 115; Billy gl
Una 11fl. TRrlnp BoV. 116. 1
Fourth race, purse $500, 4-year-old M
up, selling, 1 mile-Margaret Melse. Vjl
-. . t,.... an. rAlAnAl irnilowars
107; Sepulveda, 107; Napier, 105; Qerraraa
100, and Lochlel, 113.
TliU El fiiHlAns-a ntlmA S00,
'"' , r" " .U',"r'T.nt. SS
Snip, 100; "Czar Michael. 101; "Ellb5
Harwood, 107; "Inferno Queen, Wi. "9SM
torSwarenger, 100; Some Kid, 103; TnomMg
r. .. . .... ....,..... 11? MAC li,af
iauaway, u; rtairuiuBc, - - ja
and Transport, 117. ijw
Sixth race, nurse $500. 3-year-old ana m
selling. 1 mlle-Tay Pay, 83; Bron'., U
Dunuesne. 102: Floral Bay. lf
Way. 101; Duke Shelby, 105; Shorty
cut, 105; Fairy aodmother. 107. "KjM
IDS; Volthorpe, lira, ana ipo , --
vveatner clear; iraqK gpuu.
"Maw Orleans Entries
. . ., ,...B,Jllfl. 4 i
ifiroi race, aiiowi-. .r--;,- ,.vMm
longB-Lyndora 103: Mallett. IW, '1J??jj
100; IuU Opper. -lOtt; Bands UUraon ig
Bulvanlty, lOd: I-oymaater, 112; Olomer, ta
1S'S.-oSrVc.r Miliar., S-ycar-oW..
' xto
Maria. 1UT: Star Mcuee, iui, '"K",,,,
1UI, knight of 1'ythUw, JWU. J. "'
Th'lrd rae.7ellnB, 3-,,ar-oW. .wj Wg
03i I'rlnca CUap. Ill, , d UPl sfcH
long -ait cue , w, hmv-- ,-- - ! pi
101; Hlackthome, 10X, SwvS?V 1 ttt
Cook. 1011, Balon, 109, Joe rio
Gflbrlo, 111 .. ... a oo.
Sixth rats aiuni, -"!---ini u
liSTlW; Wwanoke. l'alKgS. IW
JeTow. il.S. Mr. UJ!MrrM" "-,
Apprentice nwi vi
douvtf . rv 4.
.--. n.i.iTiiii!WEiallT coNT
JOllNNV KIUWNE ,,'',&" Sl
Mir.i a n JkMeouisfcU. 3
nuiiuiiui v lltlt X tau!""-,;
BUSUAl niujll-, m p' St ririfft . -
Bu -tut-'Kr, , m.m,..- " V lain!! "r
niii. r... 101: Tiara. 10l Kf';
i-iiiv ini! Iiulaa May, . J'i ,51-a
Cannock, ido. Jr1iwn7j(W. Theajlrca, IW. i?
JUJJm, SSe, 3teL tea, Mkh Atw "
. Tfc-a&Mi