Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 13, 1915, Sports Final, Image 1

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VOL. I-NO. 131
Cortmanr, 1015, si m Fmiio una at CouriNT.
'Gloom, However, onrouas
fPetrograd at German Vic
tory in bast r russia fvai
ser Captures Serpez.
frando-Bolgian Troops Repulse
i . . .". i I I... Kit..
I'Ehomys AttacKs upun muu-
M . i i i tf nioof'n Airinnn
-Drop Bombs on Verdun.
'Furious fighting with bayonets has
nh a. victory iui i"" "" "-
Wi&ki The Austrian! lout 8300 killed
F'&na ion" p"u"'"' " """
S-nnnccs. German nuwB'"J'"' wi';-
.pondents admll a vigorous Russian
& :..( nt this Carpathian gatowajv
"""""' . .. ,. .. ,
and t"at tno alavs '"" """ D"u"
on Hungarian soil.
. Ti.nlto explanations tnai oiav rc-
P'ftlrement from ISast Prussia was for
ho purposo or selecting' iavuriimu um.-
Ai.Aiind. tho loss of 80 miles has
-tii.l.t HHnnnlnnad -.Id Pptm
.-- j ,t iim nnniilnrn In decidedly
irlnhmv. X
"' Berlin characterizes Potrograd's ad
emitted "atrnteglc retreat" in East Prus-
tl'a as a "complete rout, a no omcuu
'.;nnrl announces that nearly jo.uuu
rptisoners have been taken In opera-
V. ...... i......n4i Un Affivitrlnn T.nlrr nnrl
Insterburg, whero tho Kaiser and Mar
shal von Hlndonburg have established
V Occupation of Serpez, on the right
bank of tho upper Vistula, Is reported,
marking" a German advance of 20 miles
North Poland and menacing tho
Russian drlvo on Thorn.
"'frhe reDulso of violent attacks by
jfjlhe Germans at NIeuport and against
yh'o trenches on the Grand Dune, Is nn-
khounced In today's official com
?in'unlnue of tho Paris "War Office. A
?,-ffleet of 10 German airships yesterday
p-dropped bombs on the supply depots
.'at "Verdun, but the French assert that
: little damage was done.
M.7-. V -.-
Furious Bayonet Assaults Hold Hun
garian Positions.
PAWS, Feb. 13. A dispatch from
Geneva says that the Russians have re
lumed the battle of Dukla Pass, fighting
mostly with the bayonet.
. Tho Austrian-- have lost S300 In killed
,Md wounded and 1000 prisoners, the re
port adds.
? xir..rT tk n-u 11
A correspondent of tho Lokal Anzelcer
'jWho Is In the Carpathian Mountains
telegraphs his paper of the very heavy
pgnting recently in tho Dukla. Pass re-.
slop. The Russians, he says, were doter
jmlned to break through at any sacrifice.
It appeared at first Impossible to check
Jheir attack, and they gained slowly but
leamy. in tho last threo days, how
iVer, they have been brought to a stand-
ii. out they aro still on Hungarian
and the heights of the passes aro
their hands.
falser Anxious for Big Victory to
Insure Billion loan.
AMSTERDAM. Feb. 13. Berlin ndvicM
received here declare that tho Kaiser,
?B0w on tho eastern battlo front.- him
7,, ,aKSSSS(.. o
- a
Oniie in a while.
tr alscourse on tha wpfhip In vr
I 1m!' as every one 'knows,
i .""" u!":r jnan prose.
Ana no matter how lmn. mnM h n...
The XVfttthmr. tnAr...
frm Jh .Jofecastera say.
.tvillbe 'fair and mild." Terse hut i.nmiirh
commentary Is that,
DO WAII Anl.l. !.. l.
ITU. -n 1 'iii una Dial.
pu Poetry Idea s great stuKI) .
Ftr Philadelphia and vicinitu
?" weather and. continued mil'd in.
!V and tonight. '
,for details, eeajage 8.
Observations at Philadelphia
8 A. 1
U)N?ilSr. !.!
b ,'' .f .Nottheait, o nlle
tplutlnn r..r ... if uier
ird!iVWa '" hour.. ...-,,,...... ,N0n
nljmim ik-lli:. " JO per nt.
TwTBKafSa :!::!":::::?
Almanac of th Day
Mil .
! tUtm tomo.w :HPm-
.. u;cma. m.
tamps to Be Xiehted
nd other thW.i BUip. m.
The, TIde.s .
i , ior.'.A;;.- ??!??
wr tomwrew::::::::::::::: Jaits:
- . unitroij s.ioa. m,
RKfinv Ifll.iwn
lr in. .
t- comorrstr 4:M.n
tamatrav '.'.V.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. ?iS Si
itf toiuorrow . SJEK
k:- Sr-'
t vvyj
ordered field Marshal von Hlndcnburg
to order ft desperato d&sh for Warsaw
next week nnd to sncrlflco everything to
cnpturo the Polish capital.
The reason assigned In declared to lie
his desire to have the Reichstag vote
the proposed new war loan of Hi bll
lion dollars without opposition. The
radical clement or the Reichstag Is de
clared to hnvo become rcstlvo under the
demands of war loans and war credits,
and It Is believed by the Kaiser and his
advisers that 'only a sweeping victory
wilt prevent their uttering their opposl-
li1n tho noor ot le Legislative
Important Height on Road to Muel-
hausen Captured.
'.,,'. . PARIS, Feb. 13.
A furious Infantry attack, delivered In
a blinding blizzard, won for the French
yesterday tho Important height officially
known as III1I No. 057. north of Hnrt
nmnnscilcr Kopf, on tho road to Jtuct
liauscn. The French attack Is said to have been
brilliantly executed, nnd the French
losses aro declared to have been negli
gible. Other War News on Page 0
Admiral Von Tirpitz Urged
to Slay Women and Chil
dren to Throttle Foe Ef
fectively. t.
BERLIN, Feb. 13.
While no ofllclal action has been taken
on" thoAmerlcan note of warning re
garding Gcrmany'a proposed blockade of
Great Britain, the feeling of bitterness
against tho United States and Britain Is
growing In intensity. It has reached
such a stage that Admiral von Tirpitz Is
called upon to sink shl'pa with British
women and children aboard, and then the
hlockado will bo felt.
'Ambassador Gerard held a lengthy con
ference with tho Foreign Minister.
Tho Deutsche Montags Zeltuns pub
lishes this open letter to Von Tirpitz:
As long as our blockade only de
stroys ships and goods it remains for
England a question of money. Ships
that are sunk are written off ns a
business expenditure, and tho tight Is
unequal because Britain puts In only
money, while we put in our good men.
Things will be different when Bit
ish passengers nre drowned. Per
sons acquainted with the psychology
of England know that the 'German
blockade will be effective only If It
. .costs the Uvea. of man j; English .women .,
nnd men.
The sentiment hore Is that America Is
to blame, If Its ships are sufferers, be
cause It appears to acquiesce in Great
Britain's declaration that foodstuffs, are
Tho Deutsche Tagcszeltung scores the
American suggestion that German sub
marines .shall Investigate ihe identity of
ships flying neutral flags before sinking
Tho very declaration of a war zone
Implies that no guarantee ot safety
within It Is possible. Why should sub
marines bo expected to trouble about
the Identity of ships nny more than
floating mines trouble?
If after Thursday next American
ships are sunk In British waters the
United States alone will be responsible.
In any case, the German Government
does not intend to allow Itself to be
Influenced by pressure or threats.
England's and America's disbelief In the
efficacy of the blockade has. greatly
angered Germany. Tho word "bluff" par
ticularly has annoyed the German Ad
miralty. ,
Herr Ersbcrger, writing on the block
ade, warns people not to assume that
Germany is bluffing. It will soon appear,
he says, that the menace Is made In great
earnest and that It Is being carried out In
tho moat effectual manner possible. No
obstacles will be raised against grain
transportation for the Belgian popula
tion or the devastated districts of Poland,
nor regarding the copper shipments of
America to Sweden. No Danish interests
will be violated. One thing certain Is
that alt American transports with wea
pons and ammunition will be ruthlessly
destroyed. Horr Ersberger Is certain
that the German Admiralty and merchant
marine are confident the Impending block
ade will be fully successful,.
Interstate Commission Serves Notice
. on the Southern Pacific.
WASHINGTON", .Fsb. U-Thp Southern
I'aclfio Company must dispose of Ita
holdings In the Paclffo Mall Steamship
Company unless operation of Pacific mall
vessels through the Panama. Canal are
stopped within 60 days, according to a
decision today by the Interstate Com
merce Commission.
Operation through the canal would
make the Southern Pacific holdings In
the. steamship line Illegal, the commission
Poul Play Evident in Mystery of
Charred Remains,
HArmiSBUItq Feb. , Coroner Jacob
Kcklnger today began investigation of
the mystery surrounding the discovery
by a plumber of a young woman's
charred skeleton In a cellar at 133 South
J4Uv street-
Dr. R. U Perkins said the remains
were of a girl about IT years old; that
thebocjy had been burled five years, an4
tht foul play was evident.
l ' ' u I '
Wright Edmundson, of Boston, Ac
cused of Manslaughter,
BQSTONj Feb. 13.-Wrght A., Bdmun
son. II years old. was arrested- today,
accused ot causing the death of John Sid
ney Goodwin. 15 years old. Tl boys wer
members of the choir of the Church of
St. John the Evangelist. In Bowdoin
Bdmuneon was held In ilQOO ball for a
further hearing next Friday by 3ft
Bakw. ot the Juvegtle Court He pleaded
Bt gpltty. TM prygiliial ",??.? W
dr wa tt&pmd to SMnsJjjjUfrhUft
. 4', - 2m HL , JU
H j mL H
NOW $65,000; COINS
$500 Collected in First Hour
of City's Second Self-
sacrifice Day The
Bring in $2000.
With CharUv for alt, with malice
toward none.
The total collected for the- relief of the
unemployed of Philadelphia up to 4
o'clock this afternoon Is 65,000.
Aloro than 300 was collected In the
first h,our after tho headquarters ot the
J.lonjpjilellef .Division. .of the Emcjency
Aid Committee In the Lincoln Building
opened "this "morning. This money all
came down the two chutes from Broad
street into the office nnd does not In
clude about S2000 that came in by mall.
When, the ofllce opened at ? o'clock the
cash register Bhowed collections for yes
terday of Jt6.192.43 for the first self-sac
rifice day. Today and tomorrow also will
be self-sacrifice days. One hour after the
opening of the ofllce the register showed
receipts of $16,700.
The largest check In the mall today was
from Olive Pardee for J5O0. Archbishop
Prendergast. sent, a. check for $50, and
there were several for J100 each. An em
ploye of the Autocar Works at Ardmore
came In today with a tin box containing
39.80, collected among his fellow work
ers. One contribution by mail came from a
woman who signed herself, "An, Old
Woman of SO Years Who has Known
Hard Times." Another of n few pennies
was apparently from a little girl, who
asked that her money be given "to tho
poor children," and added that phe would
give more if sne nan it. une woman to
day put a package of filled trading stamp
books in the chute, with some old coins
and several silver spoons.
Two' large collections came in this
morning from the "Billy" Sunday taber
nacle, J2.703.51 collected last night, and
12400.72 collected on Thursday.
A pathetic story was contained In the
contribution of 10 cents by an old man
out ot employment who came In to de
liver his contribution In person. Ill and
Continued on Tate Tito
Believing Himself Millionaire, Ha
Tries to Thow Detective Out of
"I'm a millionaire." said John V. Davis,
of Kansas City, playing In "The Third
Party" at the Adelphl Theatre this week,
"My father owns a house In Kansas City
that cost !SOO,000,000. He has 105 automo
biles, all In one garage."
puvls said this 'to tlie-pollce at the 35tli
and Locust streets station this afternoon
after he had been lured there from the
i7ntl Wnitnn. where ho was stooolmf. A
few minutes before he had tried to throw
House Detective nobert Downey out of
the window of his room.
Davis last night went to a drug store on
Chestnut street and ordered S1W worth
of d -g4 sent C O. D. to the hotel. Next
-he went Into the hotel restaurant and
ordered food to the extent of S20. A little
later he rode abgut Philadelphia In a taxi
cab and told the chauffeur at the end of
the Journey to charge It to his fafher,
repeating the story of the SOO,000,000 house
and the 106 automobiles.
At the hotel they thpugiit ths was
peculiar, but awaited developments. A
great cry aroused people ' on the fifth
floor today, and House Detective Downey
went to investigate. He found Davis afi
cujlng a maid of haying stolen a bar of
soap and two postage stamps from his
"It's a, Government case," he told Dow
ney. "There's stamps in tnia roooery;
that-makes it a Government case." "When
Downey protested, Davis tried to throw
him out the window. Special Ofllcers
Cooke and, O'Brien, of the 15th and Locust
streets station, went to the hotel and told
Dvls the maid who stole the soap had
been captured and was held at the sta
tion house until he made a charge against
David followed them eagerly and enter
taJncu the policeman while they were
waiting; for a. physician to examine him.
bjmeono arrived from the hotel bringing
the check for Davis' breakfast It was it.
He was held for observation.
Hymn Gross, S years old, of 6C3 Queen
treet. ran In front of a car at fith and
Quwn trt. today. He wm taken to
Mt Siaal Hospital, where tt wu-uUd his
rendition w.ii critto!,
... IWw , V 1
isrAf: r??H'v?0-0&w
Crack Five Will Meet Penn Men at
Weightman Hnll.
Led by Crane, one of Carlisle's star
football players, the Indians will play
Pennsylvania tonight nt Weightman Hnll.
This Is the only basketball team which
tho Carlisle Indians play away from
home. They do so much travcllns nt
football time that the authorities at
Carllslo will not permit tho basketball
team to arrange a full schedule. The
line-up of the. two teams is as follows:
--.FMnay)Ya4k. -.. .. ... ..Catllala. Indians.
fnrnard ".Crane
forward Klnt
cnitre O. White
guard Cnndon
guard a, White
Pcnna. Vrrtliml-n.
La Sallo CoHecc
I D. McKichot
llurna forward
Wachter forward McCarthy
"Welch centra . i "Wlnilt
Grant guard Callaghan
Martin.. guuril Hut
Sunday Calls Incident To
day One of Happiest in
His Life 103 Schools
Represented at Meeting.
p. vt.Slr. Sunday repeated his
sermon, "Amusements."
7. p- -w, Mr. Sunday wilt either
preach on "Hidden Anion a the Stuff"
or "The Kino Shirking His Crown."
Yesterday afternoon 17,000
Last niyht SOflOO
Approximate total to date 1,570,000
Yesterday afternoon SOS
Last night ..,, 955
Tofal to date 3,072
Collection for L'meroency
Aid last night 1 1,705,51
Total for Hfitergenejf'Aid,, I5,t87.!3
' Sermons.
Preached, to date .,...,.., "77
ftemarniriff to le preached. it
Waving high above his head a large
"School flag, Thomas Lawton Slaugh. a
cheer leader of the Northeast High
School, led 131 students of that Institu
tion down the "sawdust trail" thla.after
noon. This was following "Billy" Sun
day's famous sermon on "Amusements,"''
which he repeated for the students of
the high schools ot Philadelphia and
nearby cities.
The "trail hitting" was one of the most
spectacular scenes witnessed In the tab
ernacle during the campaign. In all 767
of the students and teachers came for
ward. Among the converts were many pretty
girls, some ot them laughing and some
crying as they hurried to the front.
Others were rosy-cheeked young men. It
was a happy crowd. Never once did the
converts .turn their eyes away from the
evangelist as they came forward. And
as soon as they had received his greeting
tney Degan singing in the glory rows
A score -or more of teachers took seat
there, too.
When the audience saw the Northeast
banner waving as it was carried down
the aisle and saw another Northeast
High roan bringing forward the Stars
and Btripesr It went wild with enthu
siasm. Cheer after cheer rang forth to,
thn crowded tabernacle. And while the
young men, and . women were grasping
the evangelist's hand. Slaugh stood in
iront of him and waved the colors high
In the air.
Orvea "Billy" grasped the American
flag, and as he waved it called to. the
young people to "Come on."
It fas on of the happiest wiomeats of
CfoUoura a Faja 'Ai
III H " $p
The Red and Blue basketball
team will' face the speedy Carlisle
five tonight at Weightman Hall.
This is. the only game the Indians
play away from home.
Actions Will Be Brought
Against All Subscribers
Able to Pay $37,891
Still to Be Collected.
Two suits worn filed In tho Municipal
Court today by the Young Men's Chris
tian Association to. collect money pledged
to tho association In the Million Dollar
Campaign of 1911.
A total of J37.S91.07 of the money pledged
at that time remains unpaid, according
to a statemept Issued for tho ussoclatlon,
Jirul.suitajvill..be,brouj5llt.against.t(io sub
scribers, except In cases of actual inabil
ity to pay.
Tho defendants In the suits Just Insti
tuted are Frank S. Carlisle and Leon A.
Doughty, of the electrical engineering
firm of Carlisle & Doughty, nnd LouIj
Boss. Carlisle and Doughty, according to
the papers filed, pledged themselves to
pay $50 In four Instalments. Two Instal
ments were paid and tho Young Men's
Christian Association Is suing for $25 al
leged to be due.
In. tho Boss case (300 Is said to have
been pledged In four Instalments. Of
this amount It Is declared $375 Is still
The suits raise the Interesting legal
point whether the pledges made by sub
scribers to the Million Dollar Campaign
will hold good In n court of law.
Boss Is trust ofilccr of thq Industrial
Title and Savings Fund Company. He Is
nn attorney, with oliices nt 717 Wnlnut
street. Mr. Boss lives at Dooner's Hotel.
The two cases In which action has been
taken are looked upon as test cases. There
are 3H3 subscribers who have not paid to
date, nccordlng to tho Y, M. C. A. state
ment, which says, In part:
"The association having made Ita ex
penditure upon the faith of tho payment
of all pledges, considers It to be Its duty
to the subscribers who have paid to com
pel the delinquent subscribers to pay ex
cept in cases of actual Inability.
"Before bringing suit In any case, a
number of letters were written by the as
sociation, Its legal committee, and finally
by counsel, to the delinquent subscribers.
Afterwards personal interviews were se
cured with the subscriber and an effort
made to persuade him to meet his obli
gations, and It was not until an investiga
tion in each case Indicated the financial
ability of the subscriber to pay that the
association has directed suit to t be
"The association realizes that among
the subscribers there may be persons
whose circumstances have changed since
signing the pledge and made It impossible
for them to keep It, and that In other
cases there are subscribers' whose gener
ous Impulses caused them to make sub
crlptions beyond their financial ability
to respond.
"It will be the potlcy of tho association
to Investigate each case before directing
Its counsel to take action, and where the
association has been satisfied In any case
that the subscriber Is not able to pay
tne subscription he will be permitted to
pay whenever he can do so, without dis
tress to himself or his family,"
They Qet 2.50 on Joh That
Them ?2.00.
Cost of cracking safe $2.60
Proceeds of safe robbery.....,,. 2.50
Loss to burglars
Yeitcmen who tried to collect Borne ot
the debt which their class contends so
ciety owes them slipped back a notch-today:
about 10 cents, to be exact.
They got a total of $150 from a safe In
the Silver Suds Manufacturing Company,
second floor of the northeast corner ot
Jtdge avenue and Or den streets, but It
cost them at least $160, according to the
estimate of the police.
In addition to the cost of the "soup,"
or nitroglycerine, about Hi!, the police
'experts estimate tlere was at leas; 19
cents' worth ot wear and tear on the
tools, generally referred to ss "deprecia
tion," with which the other details of
the Job wre consummated.
For Ipstance. a false key was used on
a side door. Naturally, there was wear
and, tear on It. Also a brace and bit was
necessary to make a hole In the top of
the cafe door through which to enter the
explosive. The thieves may have broken
an auger in this and that would make
their loss much, greater.
This does pot Include overhead charges,
cost of labor at union rates, nor legal In
surswe. ottwrwUe knowa professionally
as "fall money."
Temple University 42 8 50
Alumni 4 8 .,
Temple University Girls 13 6 -19
Moravian Seminary Girls 4, 7 11
Chestnut Hill Academy - 22 23 - ' 45
Germantown Academy 19 . 10 29
Swarthmorc Prep .., 16 ,, 17 33
Lawrencevillc School 11 10 21.
Swarthmorc High, 2d' .';. 15. 19 34
George School, 2d .: 15 10 r 25
George School 18 28 . 46
Swarthmorc College Reserves 10 11 21
Ursinus College 10 18... 28
Pennsylvania Military College. .. . 13 7 20
Allentown Prep 46
Eastoh High School 3
Makes Accusation About
Fixing of Testimony
Which District Attorney
in New York Emphati
cally Denies.
James Marshall, tho Negro witness
whoso testimony was the strongest link In
tho conviction of Charles Becker, the ox
pollce lieutenant of New York, now un
der sentence of death for the murder of
Herman Rosenthal, declared today that
his testimony was false. He implicated
Assistant District Attorney F. J. Groehl,
who, he said, instructed him as ,to the
evidence ho should give.
This Information was vouchsafed to a
reporter of the Bvenino Led'och after
Marshall was discharged by Magistrate
Brlggs, of the 20th nnd Federal streets
station, on a charge of beating lilsjvlfc.
Mnrtlu T. Manton, ot New York, Beck
er's chief counsel, was notified, and John
B. Johnson, associated with Mr. Manton,
left at once for this city to Investigate.
Ho arrived about 3 o'clock and Imme
diately went to the ofltco of Howard M.
Long, Philadelphia representative ot the
law Irm.
I. at or Marshall was found at tho South
street address. He was brought uptown
to Mr. Johiisbn and Mr. Ixing that he
had niado Clio statement attributed to
nim. ir. uonnson queawuiieu .uurauu-u
for almost nn hour. At the end of that
time ho announced that Marshall had ad
mitted tho truth of tho storyi Mr. John
son said Marshall had said that he had
been Intimidated by the Assistant District
Attorney and that tt was as a result of
this Intimidation that he hod so testi
fied. Mr. Johnson then took Marshall to Mr.
Lonc's law ofllce, where he eald, he would
have him muko a signed statement to this
It wasMr. Johnson's opinion that on the
strength of Marshall's story a new trial
for Becker could be obtained and the
convicted man saved from the clectrlo
chair nnd probably restored to liberty.
A telegrnm to Assistant District At
torney Groehl In New York elicited the
following response by wire:
"lteplylng to your telegram today, any
statement that any testimony given by
Marshall on the Becker trial was In
spired or suggested by me is false and
The development may throw nn entirely
new factor In the nppeal which Becker
has made In his fight for life.
Later this afternoon Mr. Manton sent
the following telegram to this city In
reply to tho notification 'of Marshall's
"Marshall statement most astounding
and absolutely news to us here. It Is ot
the utmost Importance to the defendant
and the administration of Justice. Taking
the first train to Philadelphia. X will be
Continued on Page Two
Many Gunners Will Celebrate With
Banquet Tonight.
WILMINGTON, Del., Feb, 13,-Thls was
the biggest day of the year for the du
Pont Trap-shooting Association, It being
the annual team shoot between the mem
bers of the club, which will be followed
by the annual dinner tonight nt the Hotel
du Pont, at which T, K. Doremus will
be the toastmaster. and a number of
addresses will be made.
The match today was between the Bed
team, captained by Dudley S. Wood, and
the Blue team, captained by W. C. Corey,
Each captain aimed to get as many
men as possible on his team. The lied
team won with a score of 76 to "60, every
score made on both sldea counting In
the total.
little Margaret Doyle lands 3rize
on Indoor Course, .
Twenty-three boys and three girls, rang
ing from 7 to IS years In age, played in
the Junior golf tournament on the Glmbel
Indoor links today and some very good
scores were made. The winner was a
P. Comley, Jr.. Woodbury Country njub.
He made a, score of S3 that would make
many of his elders envious- Second place
was held Jointly by Richard Gimbel, Phil
mbnt, and R. W. Thortngtop, Merlon, each
of Whom turned In cards of 65.
The girls' prize was won by little Mies
Margaret Doyle. North. JJ4ls, who took
7b strokes for the double round "of the
nine-hole course. The other girl con
testants were the Misses Helen and Sarah
Meehan, daughters of the president of
the North Hills Country Club. Miss Helen,
with a score ot SS. led her sister by eight
Ex-Banker Found Dead in Bed
COATE3VILX.K. Pa.. Feb. 15. -John A.
Lemmon, W. ex-presideat of the PJrst Na
tional Bank of Honei brook, was found
dead to bed at .the heme of bk brother-in-law
Samuel Mut. In Hpneybrook, this
morning. Worrimut egf , itjtaMial re
verses so Impair! ht Health, Oiat heart
dUa.s4 eaused. hi dfatly
State Department Informed
That American Com
merce May Suffer by Re
taliatory Measures.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 13. The Govern
ment was advised this afternoon that an
unfavorable outcome of the Wilhelmlna
foodstuff case, now up to a British prize
court, will bring German retaliation
against Cngland, In which the United
States may BUffex commercially.
Ambassador von Bernstorft bore the
warning to Secretary of State Bryan and
Counsellor Lansing. While he refused to
discuss tho case for publication. It be
came known that he suggested that It
would be to the' United States' Interest
to seek favorable prize court nctlon with
a view to releasing tho Bteamshlp's food
stuffs bound for Germany.
Tho Department was told flatly that the
Kaiser would not stand for England's
plan to" Btarvo out Germany's civil popu
lation, and this Government was warned
that the world might expect the strong
est kind ot retaliation.
The Ambassador hinted, too, that
American commerce might be shut oft In
the course of this retaliation. He sug
gested thnt the United States ought not
to acquiesce In the Wilhelmlna "s seizure
nnd thnt this Government .should con--tlnue-ilnslstcnt'
orrHrs-ioslUon .against ali
lowing English' comfnettle. to hide behind
the American flag.
Tho seizure, he seld, was arbitrary, in
view of Gqrman' guarantees that Ameri
can food shipments would supply only the
Fatherland's civil population.
Great Britain, It is understood, was
charged with violating International law
In closing tho North Sen, and It tyas
hinted that Germany based Its proposed
retaliation partly on this and other al
leged violations.
Von Bernstorft declared thnt If tho Brit
ish prize court upheld the seizure of the
Wllhelmlnn's cargo, t such measures
would be taken at once as Germany found
most expedient to retaliate. Tho Am
bassador emphasized the statement that
such steps would operate against the In
terests bf the United States Government.
He nsserted further that to satisfy Eng
land thf German guarantees were bona
fldo nnd tho German Government was
willing thnt consular agents of the United
States should supervise the distribution
of tho cargo after It reached Us destina
BERLIN, Feb. 13. It is admitted) that
the German Foreign Office believes the
American note protesting against the pro
posed submarine blockade has greatly
complicated the International situation.
The Imperial Chancellor has gone over
the outlines of the note with the Foreign
Secretary. The position already assumed
Is that the American demand has greatly
embarrassed the Imperial Government
and that It will have to be made the sub
ject of a Cabinet council.
No reply will be made at present, It Is
understood that the text of the message
has been communicated to the Kaiser.
who is at the Eastern front and that the
Chancellor will leave at once to confer
with him.
Although recognizing the possibilities
presented by this latest message sent by
the United States, It Is Insisted tn tho
highest ofllclal circles that Germany can
not change its position. It Is vital, th
Emperor and his advisers have agreed,
that England's commerce must ba
checked, and the blockade will be en
forced commencing Thursday.
Officer ot Swiss Army in Pursuit of
Daring Kidnappers,
After an all-night search for the girl
he had Just married, who had been kid
napped by friends, Julian Galllard, 30$
South Smedley street, hired two more
cabs, and, sending out his friends tn
them, redoubled his efforts to catch tin
with her. Mrs. Galllard, the kidnapped
bride, was Miss Caroline Thompson, of-
Llanerch. Her bewildered h us Dana is an
officer In the Swiss army, who Is In this
country on a leave of absence.
As the couple were leaving the bride" a
home the: bridegroom turned, bis heart
for a momentand the cab Into which lit
Wife had stepped was whirled jtway. He
set oft in another cab, but up to this aft
ernoon his search was unsuccessful. He
is taking It good pat u redly.-
1HT wai the Udy who ruivea tU itminf
Wtk ten neikalt ( en hk! awlifil
ulMtrnfd. na gat alt Fefti. (L
mtf&Utt h Mrs. C jl. Burke, J
LOST ftjart!, olshi Uiiy'it. Km
wtnj. tt KTt. UJtr Of a.
WMfP-Fenruarji ; i m fan or wl u.im
James, small bUik vatdlj. fee. Rftuia I8M
Locuat t HnvHrU
hOTC Three tU!eT,iiil la Lfti-Htwi-hU.
Howard If retwrawl 9 RUici
Jex-iri 19tb st. mrf Gernimtowtt av
U&1 -iiatuitMy'lVMilus. tn ur sal' l:.,!
Tbeaux, mspU" S urrouad4 u, ,!,
iXmT-aH'.fr bU ., JUtti-U ini' .i.
UUU K C. C... o marl. f ia tffc h
4at rftnNSllT 1 1 ifmrliiJWtfllitT gift Elfili -JtJ