wr KVENIHft tiBDGER-PHIIiADEIJPHIA, THURSDAY, , FEBRUARY II, 1915: S3EIAL tDDING d u RO 0 l l l ss.a 'XT "M,M ' '' ' sj.ll.Mls nils lmM hot i hi i r 1 1 r i-i flfflpw . MM, n I A. I y If,VJ , WvyC 2yY TO s:u n . k uSlv Whk)r 31 Z?kxC& 3&&vw$M 7L i" i " " ' "-- " a ... i 4U. ltinnhnn uhtch will b fin .... .omorrow by Mrs. B. Bowman Leaf IrOi BelftravU ln honor ot ,ler daus,Uor' lE. ,.rrlt Clay Leaf, whoso encasement 10 IDliP . . .. ... n AAni1r-announced. PSrraUPton ruTuiiio ........., . W, b MM Frances Tyort, Mlas Margaret .. Burton, Mlsa Cnrollno Ives minton, Miss Sit" Blnney Brlnlon, Miss Florlne Pearson, .Margaret Montgomery, MIm Elliabeth SUr Miss Edith Harrow Dillingham. Miss ffiMorie Paul Morris, Miss Mary Hall Laird, $, EIeanore Blspham, Miss Dorothy de Haven fficcn, MUs Christine Itehn, Miss Katherlne 5Jnner' and MM Helena Robinson. Rr, John C. Martin, of Wyncotc, will enter IK A . k,i,ii,. narty on Tuesday, February 16, ilwifM o'clock. In honor of her sister, Miss lilt;""' ... . .. ....t,i. tfr. Pvrii. RQiAor Pl'lsbury, lno """ - - -' ISfK. Curtis, of Lyndon, Wyncote. There will K pitile present. K.j nllhert Harvey, of the Gladstone, will PSirfiln at brldgo tomorrow nfteinoon In aitH . .. .. .1 -. krl.la UmOf Of Mrs. Iiorjen ri'. " . v, ST .. ri nrnnl SlkeS. Of llUfCalO. MM. life ..... ....... lll he selected from the teuiirer set. Kr. and Mrs. Isaac Tatnall Starr nnd fntnlly. n&Wrncote. will leave this week for Augusta, RE, where they have taken a cottage for eev Ira mu"i MIM Gertrude Gilbert, daughter of Mrs. fenth at the Bon Air Hotel. Augusta, Ga. Mr. J. Horace Miller will give a luncheon on P. .... u. t.nn. In Afonrft tn mppt Mr. Eatvraay hi " - - Ilphonss Ethler, of King's Highway, Brook- V .. it.. .t...H .tilt lin Mrn r.n,l ml, N. "or I""" "" " ' Vinton nisley, Mrs. William Both, Mrs. Charles Shltillne. Mrs. A. Barker, Mrs. E. Crawford, ilrs. Newton Firth Hill, Mrs. 13. Graebcr, Mrs. ' C Shellenbergor, Mrs. Emlle Ott, Mrs. Giorie C. J. Flecic, airs, iiowara a. jjiiner, Uri Edward Charles Zellner, Mrs. Stephen O. Erie and Mrs. H. Kane. E .. . . 1T.1II. U...II .IflllwhtaK nt "1 nMrl fUHS AiarBut ciiio otum wuh"' " " " IVr' William ima acun, wm uo Buesi oi iionor gt a theatre party nnd supper at the Bltz ferton, to be given by Mr. and Mrs. Stanley UmJla 'aB, , vl Aua oijiuvb buvci. iThe University of Ponnsyhanla Hospital ilumnl will give a dance for tubercular pn- Uinti at Alher's tonight. An exhibition danco tilt be given by Itoland MacDonald and Miss Hilen Titus. ALONG THE MAIN LINE OUHDnOOK-Mrs. Ednln G. Close, of 6463 Welti road, will spend the coming fortnight ln Slltntlo City. A large buffet luncheon will bo given today r ilr. Joieph M. De Lone at her home, 6473 brad road. Her guests will Include Mrs. W1U- fjjm Oaley, Jr., Mrs. Charles Gllllland, Mrs. Rfllior Harding, Mrs. Edwin B. Jackson, Mrs. iSwTn- Gi aose. Miss Helen "Roberts, Jlw. rfJUrbert Talor, Mrs. George SulIJvan, Mrs. jptTltig Kimball, Miss Anna Wright, Mrs. Sloan. Era, William De Victor, Mrs. Georgo William fSrran, Mies Blanclie Warner, Miss Helen fTOion, Miss Dorothy Hamell, Miss Qlayds ile- tjrwy, Airs. Herman Lang, Mrs. Edward Irnch, Mrs. L. B. Collings, Mrs. McCullough, Wts Marguerite Egan, Miss Edith Walr, Mrs. Milflam Nelll, Mrs. Harry Marsh, Mrs. Fred- incn H. uiibcrt, Jr., Mrs. Georgo Hlbbs, Miss IWnora Walr, Mrs. Hurry Straus, Miss Louise EVuianiit, Miss Boatrlce Devenney, Mrs. How- ant Biaaie, Mrs. Bascall, Mrs. It. L. niggs", MIfj Edith Wnml fri T T nnlnn M, fTov. Jll OMton, Mrs. B. I. deYoung, Mlis Eleanor BjBint, Mrs. Samuel J. Costner, Mrs. Frank Lvmerleln, Mrs. Frances Vetterleln. Mrs. toouiemann, Mrs. Perclval Sax, Mrs. War- MttOB, Mrs. J. D. Baker, Mrs. Frederick T. JWdler, Jr.. Mrs. H. Way, Mrs. Edward A, iih Mlis Helen Irvlnor. Mrs. AV. J. Poulterer. Sril Walter Hallahan, Mrs. George Erben, Mlsa Alelt Moslfr. ir rur,n. n Mnalar Vra l&erlck T. Chandler. Mrs. Howard Penper. JJ,r. L. Mulford, Mrs Van Court Carwlthen, W. Frank Pequlgnot, Mlsa Babbitt, Mrs. GMf RmKh ?.r T -..t. -mr .. IJww, Jr.. Mrs. Frederick Gaston, Mrs. Will- ? A. Irving. Mrs. Lloyd Irvlnir. Mrs. Charles Ehmllng, Mrs. John Cawanave. M,rs. Frank unave, Miss McCloskey, Mrs. Eugene Cath aH Jr., Mrs. De Wolfe, Mrs. Samuel Gummere, JUl Mary Potter, Mrs. George Hodgson. Miss gwrJwa Wlgton, Mrs. Charles Harding. Miss Hrth Harding, Mrs. A. C. Barnes, Miss Mary EJ'tnion, Mrs. Wilson McXeely, Mrs. Charles hP"'ti Mrs. Frfd.HfV n.i.v ir. irm..n fctlirlels, Mrs. Walter Klem'm, Mrs. L. A. Etlj, Mrs. William D. Tracy, Mrs. George Julian, Mrs. Louis de Lone, Mrs. Philip er, Mrs. Norman McMulIen. Mrs. James aa"t, Mrs. F. L. Harding, Mlis Ber- Sirens, Mrs. Walte Bllven, Mrs. ThomaJJ 8"r. Mrs. Robert Fleer, Mrs. Mervln Gra- i?i Mrs. Vlfpni Xr- flmUmnhmm -ri. BK.i.. ,.. "! "'" """ " gs Mctann, Mrs. "Hlckey, MUs Ellia lail McConen, Mrs. George Pequlgnot, Miss iMf Mlrrltv ti. t.i. i j. m tf PVttu, Miss Nella Wetherlll, Mrs. B. A, and Mrs. Clarence Vanderbeck. BBJIOaE-Mr. ahrl Mr V mark rtllrnnt. Jr.. Bijperts and Wlster roads, will leave today ffi Wk's trip to Boston. a ,Ba ra. Henry J, fforman are enter Si?!' Hits Bertha Buhmin. of Ifazlston. for gyj days. Miss Bwhman Is the lister of 'vnaries Edward Envln. GERMANTfiWN ! Paul Pearson, of ths Ouun I.ln Ant. f&t fcas gone to New York to visit friends 4 week, 4rlpk Dudley and Paul Pearson hava ?- S'frvm Memphis. Tnn., vhen they pnt i weens w . ! r of a series of four dances to be J? t the Belfleld rVmntrv Plnh will h hrlit Jt. Harry MacDonald, who has had charg summer dances, Is chairman of the com. K&t wmch Includes Horace Koona and l b. Weaver. s Saturday luWrinlkn naanli vhlK Mbteo o popular wIU copUnu vntll June. Itathbun. of fT1lfnm( nnrr a. student apent the week-end with bis Bunt and lr and Mrs. Wheeler Lord, of Stt stj tet Ll . I abl Howell ' dnnirlit.r of Warner Hon- Shureil or m Weat ObUH MTt ". ' Mettdj-, Mirch . tot -lujTHtst, ., where she will join Dr. H. WInslow Taylor, .Mlsa Anna Shnrplesn Taylor and Miss Elizabeth 1. A Tnjlor, of "Cedron," Indian Queen lane, nt the Partridge Inn for two weeks. Benjamin Murray, of Pastorlus street, has left for Los Angeles, Cal where ho wilt be the guest ot his stitcr, Mrs. H. C. Meehan. Mr. Murray expects to remnlt for six or eight weeks, and will attend the ranama-Pacirio Ex position. Mrs. William Cleghorn, 149 East Coulter street, will rntertaln the Coffee Club this afternoon, from 2:30 until 6:30 o'clock. Tho club members aro Mrs. J. M. Culley, Mrs. Harry Wllklns, Mrs. John Hubert, Mrs. George Schanback and Mrs. F. M. Leupold. There will bo a few guests, nho will be Mrs. Georgo Woertz, Mrs. Chnrlei Btelnback, Mrs. Joseph Krnu'ao, Mrs. Herman Wlltlg, Mrs. Jack Morrli, Mrs. Christian ltltlz. CHESTNUT HILL Miss Dorothy Bcnnermnn, of Boyer street, wilt give n bridge party today In litfnor of Mls Mnrjorlo Dorratice, ot Texas, who Is visiting Miss Bennerman. Tho other guests will In clude Miss Eleanor Edmonds, Miss Sarah Erd man, Mlsa Elaine English, Miss Audrey Kane. Mlsa Madeline Hensel, Miss Graca Hcnscl, Miss Elizabeth Shoemaker, Mrs. Georgo Lincoln, Miss Margaret At'-e, Mies Elizabeth MacCucn Smith, Miss Dorothy Daniel, Miss Gladys Thomas, Miss Helen Garlley, Miss Sarah Black burn, Miss Dorothy Marshall, Miss Dorothy Blackburn and Miss Josephine- Dodge. ALONG THE READING Mrs, Walter A. Bailey nnd Mrs. James G. Glenn will be tho hostesses at tho card party ot military 600 on Wednesday, February 17, at 2:30 o'clock, which Is ladles' day at tho Old York Itoad Country Club. Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Cobb, ot Latham Park, Melrose, will entortaln at cards, followed by dancing, Saturday evening. Tho decorations will bo suggestive of tho Valentino season, while American Beauty roses nnd red carnations com bined with tern will bo used. Mr. and Mrs. Cobb's guests Will bo Miss Edith Bond. Mis? Glodean Smith, Miss Margaret Hart, Miss Marie Smith, Miss Alice C. Bally, Miss Kathrjn Dia mond, Miss Edith Terry, Mr. and Mrs. Carter Bond, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Morley, William Flster, Joseph B. Bond, Percy Maddock, Oscar Dean, Clmiles II. Hltschlcr, Edward Taxis, James C. Spencer, D. A. Smith and Erhard Strecker. Mrs. W. W. Donnelly, of Bill North 13th street, Oak Lane, entertained tho members of the necdlowork guild of the Methodist Episcopal Homo yesterday afternoon at tea. Tho guests were Mrs. II. A. Prlckott, Mrs. William Eddie man. Miss Mary Morton, Mrs. Charles A. Blgler, Mrs. linger, Mrs. Van Rensselaer, Mrs. Lesley Allison, Mrs. I L. Pepper, Mrs. Flannlgan, Mrs. E. L. Brlco, Mrs. C. C. Hunsbergor, Mrs. Kitchen, Mrs. William Benner and Mrs. Samuel W. Kchr. SOUTH PHILADELPHIA The Enossa Club, ono of South Philadelphia's popular social clubs, held Its annual dance last evening at Muriel's. Tho club meets fort nightly at the home of Miss Marguerite Dia mond, 2341 Carpenter street, and the following are Its members: Miss Kathleen C. Diamond, Miss Maiguerlte C. Jackson, Miss Marguerite Connell, Miss Mary Flatrey, Miss Margaiet Mc Caffrey, Miss May Cunningham, Miss Mary Louise Baxter, Miss Agnes Meyers, Miss May Fox, Miss Marguerite Morgan, Miss Margaret Kelly, Miss Katherlno J. Connors, Miss Mar guerite C. Diamond and Messrs. William A. Bonner, Harold Oldroyd, Nellls Bonner. Jr.. Vin cent Kelly, James McCaffrey, J. Clement Smith. Hazzard Molloy, Joseph F. Simpson, Richard James Kaln, John J. Dougherty nnd Frank X. Diamond. The Corley Club, one of the most popular clubs In South Philadelphia, held Ha fifth annual banquet last evening nt Mayer's Drawing rooms. The affair was ln charge ot the following committee, of which George Thomas Is chairman; Thomas Shanahan, Thomas Thorn. ton, John Doughty, James Orr, John Meagher, Walter Meyers, Raymond Dietrich, Frank Diet rich, Paul Raake, Paul Brown, Harold O'Hara, Harry McCann, John Schraam and Edward Clark. Tho grand march, which followed the banquet, woo led by the president, J. Leo Mc Glynn, and Miss Margaret L. Ryan. The "honor" guests of the evening were Rev. J. Nash, Rev. Francis J. Kane, Rev. M. J. Corley. Rev. Joseph McShaln. William H. Webber, John Orr and Leo Galen. NORTH PHILADELPHIA Miss Louise Dando. of 1026 Green street, has gone to Ithaca. N. Y., attending the festivities arranged for Junior week. Miss Katharyn F. Halre will entertain the members of her "600" card club, followed by a buffet luncheon, tomorrow afternoon, when her guests will be Miss Beatrice Rottner, Miss Car rie Balllnger, Miss Helene Murphy, Mlas Flor ence MacMorrls, Miss Kathryn Ennls, Miss Edna Gaw and Mrs. Alfred Conaway. Miss Lucy Elchman entertained at bridge last evening" at br home, 2424 West Norrla street, when her guests wera Miss Graca A. Wade, Miss Mao Hoffman. Miss Helen De Haven, MUs Helen Murray. MIm Anna M. Wade. Mlsa Ethel Stelgerwalt and Miss Ida. Elchman. Miss nuth Grova and Miss Jayne Grove will entertain tlielr-"S00" club this evening at their home, 1803 North ilth street. .LANSDOWNE A wedding of much Interest to Oak View ana Clifton Heights took place at 4 o'clock yester day afternoon ln St. Charjea' Church, when MUs Hanna JCelly, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. JIugh Kelly, of Mary street, became the bride of Charles O'Connell, son of Mr. and Mr Dom inic O'Connell. The ceremony was performed by tho ptor, the Rev. Michael G. Scully, Tho bride wore a. ult of dark blue broadcloth, trimmed with fur. and a large picture bat with white plum.. She was attended by her cousin. Miss Anna Kelly. John Bush wm beat man. Mr. and Mrs O'Connell will be at noma on Mary street after March 1. Jjdge, and Mrs. Georga H. Luu. of ' towft. r HMrf Vra o"y " dEm Ui; W '.'HsIsH. I9vl n i vHatatHHKV imliflaf&s: V .; ipppHslijaiaiaiailaHaiav 1 ' , fk I ' KMialaEL& . :' fc aBHaflHHalalalalalttx riSaialaaSaBaHsai -1 '-Xi. .r ' timmr, BasfflHCTSOaialalalalalaHavXX II AM$29&W&&1 ' 'ViSaialiW- SaialaialalalalaHsaBaaaBBlaBERtaV'alalalalalalalV MISS SARAH Miss Lipplncotl, uho is the daughter of Mr. married tonight to MANY CHARITY AFFAIRS TODAY Ambulance Ball and a Number of Entertainments Will Re Given to Aid the Sufferers. That It Is moie blessed to give than to receive hns certainly been the motto of those who havo been working for charity this iteason. Many, many tlmej havo the more fortunate ones of the old Quuker town been cnlled upon, and tonight there will be a number of nffalrs. In the BclleMie-Stratfortl a dancc'wlll be given, under tho German and Auslro-Hungaiian Aid Committee. The proceeds will be sent through the Consuls to Europe to provide ambulance) nnd surgical instruments for the wounded of tho German and Austro-Hungarlan forces. A reception will be held by tho committee to the representatives of these countries who will bo preaont. Cigarettes nnd Howers will be sold by a number of aides, Including Miss Kathryn Tullltlgc. Miss Sarah Kolb, Miss Helen O'Mearn, Miss Estella, Lduber, Miss Ger trude Miller, Miss Eleanor Wood, Miss Dor othy Dexter, Miss Margaret Tullldgc, Mian Mario Mees, Miss Marie McLean, Miss Ruella Nolle, Mlsa Grace Reld, Mlsa Geitrudo Lauber, Mis Bessie Walsh, Miss Margaret May, Mlsa Nason, Miss Wller, Miss Violet Levy. Miss Beatrice Harrity, Miss Doris Howes, Miss Al bert, Miss Dorothy Hackett, Miss Cavanaugh. Miss Heller, Miss Julia Coyle, Miss Margaret Coylc, Mlbs Etta Schelbal, Miss Mary Tullldge, Miss Jennie Hickman, Miss Albertlno Relter, Miss Margaret Walton, Miss Grace Walton, Mies Virginia Walton, Miss Schmedhauser and Miss Paul. AH the boxes have been sold, and the holders include Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Hartung, Mr. ana Mrs. Wharton Stork, Baron and Baroneus on y.oerlng, Mr. and Mis. O. M. Kulllng, Mr. and Mrs. Iritis J. Kolb. Dr. and Mrs. Henry H. Fround. Mr. and Mis. Samuel Kind. Mr. and Mrs. ri.lllp Klein. Mr. and Mrs, S. X. Zlmllk ton. Mr. und Mrs. Emanuel Kolb, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shuman, Mr. nnd Mrs. Brill Riddle, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Slnkenauer, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Fretz, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Alters, Mleses Emma and Sarah Kolb, Dr. and Mrs. George Bowler Tullldge and Mr. and Mrs. John O. Bheatz. Supper will be served In the Clover Room. The patronesses of the affair Include Mrs. Q. A. Appenzeller, Mrs. G. A. Babcock, Mrs. O. D. Barney, Mr. August Beln. Mrs. William Beln, Mrs. Rudolph Blankenburg, Mrs. Otto Cachar, Mrs. E. W. Chamberlln, Mrs. J. F. Coyle, Mrs. John B. Deaver, Mrs. F. X. Der cum, Mrs. Christopher Donner, Mrs. Theodore Flnkenauer, Mrs. A. Koertlng Fischer, Mm. Robert Fleer, Mrs. Henry H. Freund, Baroness Hlller von Gaertlngen, Mrs. Adolph Hartung, Mrs. Emanuel Kolb, Mrs. Philip Kteln, Mrs. mtOvm MISS GEJITJU DE I Al'BEIt Mm lauber will m ft ?I4 t e A. tulince &iU socljkt. iliaiiaiaiaiaiaiaialLHik&alaniBHaiaisaiaiafli BlBlBlBlBlBflffHBa8iftffi9eiBlaSBBBSBlBlBlBlBB HlalalalalalalalaBaiislsLaK'' ' ""& aaif' ifssli " '''liaaaaaHlllBlBHf ttsriftttBtaia1 ri fa mat Wi r ''.wH-isWwuai! , rh1 by Mirettu. LIPPINCOTT anil Mrs. J. Bertram Lippincott, wilt be Nicholas Iliddlo. Emma Kolb, Mrs. Louis Kolb, Mia. O. M. Kulllng, Mrs. Carl Lauber, Mrs. John H. Lof Innd, Jlrs. M. Matthews, Mrs. Harry Mees, Mrs. John A. Mejcr, Mrs. M. J. O'Meara, Mrs. Harry Illlgcr. Mih. A. Brill Riddel, Mis. Will iam Rltter, Mrs. H. C. Rump, Airs. William Rump, Mrs. Henry Schmidt, Mrs. Joseph Sliacffcr, Mrs. John O. Shcatz, Mrs. Frank Shu man, Miss Mary Slnnott, Mrs. H. John SoltanJ, Jlrs. Wharton Stork, Mr. J. Madison Taylor. There will lu several affairs given under the auspices of tho Emergency Aid Committee, In tho afternoon there will be a meeting In the Jenklutown Auditorium, at which the Belgian Consul will speak. The proceeds will be de otcd to the destitute Belgians. The committee In charge of the affair Is made up of Mis. Henry Mlddlcton Fisher, Miss Mary Lippincott, Jlrs. Beauveau Borle, Jr., Mrs. Conygham Ste vens, Mrs. John Newbold, Jr., Mrs. Arthur Russo, Miss Mary Hern, Mrs. E. I. Bacon, Samuel Dallas, Mrs. H. J. Taylor, Mrs. L. Bremer, Mrs. J. F. McDonnell, Mrs. S. Lazalero. Mrs. G, Long, Mis. Frank Bachman and Mrs. AW J. Welhcnmayer, The fourth annual dog show of the Kennel Club of Philadelphia will open today In the Metropolitan Building. The proceeds will be devoted to the Emergency Aid Committee. This affair will last until Saturday from 1ft until 3 o'clock. J. Chandler Barnard Is the treasurer, and the patronesses Include the following ladle.: Mrs. Alexander J. Cassatt, Mrs. Charles Cus lis Harrison. Mr. J. Willis Martin, Mrs. Cor nelius Stevenson, Mis. Edward T. Stotesbury, Mrs. J. Norman Jackson, Mrs. Edward K. Row land. Mrs. Ell Kirk Price. Mlsa Henrietta Ely. Mrs. George Gordon Meade Large, Mrs. Bar clay H. Warburton, Mrs. John C. Groome, Mrs. Rodman E. Grlscom, Mrs. Henry Brlnton Coxe, Mrs. Thomas Robins, Mia. Charles Williams and Baroness Meyer De Schauensee. A concert, followed by dancing, will be given tonight In Grimth Hall In aid of tho Children's Homeopathic Hospital, Franklin and Marshall streets. The patroncases include Mrs. Ellis Glrard Ingram, Mrs. Charles S. Hlllman, Mrs. James Newman Carter, Mta, Edward T. Law rence, Mrs. Charles Farnum, 2d, Mrs, M. Gar rison Barnard, Mra. Robert Scott, Mrs. Will lam P. Falrmaji, Mrs. William If. Blester, Mrs. Charles Emory Fricke, Mrs. Robert C. Geddes, Jr., Mrs. David Rlsley, Mrs. Samuel Rttner and Mil Grace Lowber Temple. The program will Include selections by Ma dame Yager, prima donna soprano; Oswald F. Blake, tenor: Mrs. E. C. Chew, Mazle Renouf. Mae F. Jackson, sopranos; William Uncles, S. B. Ashbrook, bassos; Upsal Musical Club and the Falrmount mandolin orchestra. Miss Ethel Firman will be the accompanist. WEST PHILADELPHIA An attractive dinner, followed by a theatre party, will be given tonight by Miss Clara A. Wllllts at her home, tlW Spruce street. The guest of honor will be Miss Jean Uenahelmer. of Erie, Pa., who Is visiting Mr. and Mts. Edwin O. Close, of Overbrook, und the other guests will Include Mr. and Mrs. Close, Mr. and Mrs, A. Theodora Abbott, Mr. and Mrs. Emmanuel Brown McCowen, Mlis Emllle Fricke, Miss Katharine Muller, Uugene Mul ler, H. Kendall ilulford, F. Avery Jones and Herberton Fricke. The decorative scheme will be pink and white and pink Klllarney rosebuds; white lilacs and puasy willows will be used as a centrepiece. Mrs. Charles Mercer Hicks, of the Nether lands, CiX and Chestnut streets, ha gone to New York to spend the week, with her mothr, Mrs, Perclval Thomas, at her home on River side Drive, Mrs, W. H. 8. Nicely entertained at luncheon and bridge yesterday afternoon at her home, HIT South PUt treet. Her gueiti were Mrs, Samuel Mullln, Jr., Mr. Char! Reukaurf, Mr. Joseph Damal, Mrs. Frederick Webtn ineyer. Mrs. William Cleveland. MUs Alice MuIt Un, Mrs. r. J- S. Nicely, Mr. Walter Wood, Mrs. Robert Orahara, Mr. G. A. Coburn, Mr. Frederick Carman, Mrs. FrancJ Pabt, Mrs. Horace Custer, Mr. W. A. Becket, MUs Ber tha Terry and Mr. Robert Stewart, Jr. Mr. A. 8. Conway, of th Ayondale, ilth and Locut streets, will entertain guest at the BclUvue-Stnitfprd danssnt on Saturday after noon. Mr. Conway will leave for Atlantlg City early In March to pad a part of the Lenten reason. Ml if. Irene Stupk wIU tiHtrUin the Hx aon Club at bir hon, Da aveout. tonight. THE most Important pre-Lenten wedding ot the oclal world will take place tonight, when Miss Sarah Lippincott, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. J. Bertram Lippincott, will be married to N'loholns Blddle, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Edwatd Blddle, nt the home ot Miss Llpplncott'a parents, 1712 Spruce street. The wedding, which will be performed by the Friends' ceremony, will take ptace In tho large Oak reception room under a bower ot palms nnd calla lilies, At 7 o'clock The oilier rooms will be handsomely decorated with palms, green?, pink roses, car nations, azaleas and vatloiM spilng flowers. There will be W guests from this city, New York and Boston. The bride will wear a superb gown of cream satin and duchess lace, the draperies of which will be caught with orange blcasoms. and Iho gown will be finished with Ion; court itnln. Her veil will be fashioned ot tulip, edged with pearls, nnd nrinnged on the hair with a coronet of pearls. She will carry a shower bouquet ot Illlc ot tho valley. The matron of honor, Mrs. William Paul O'Neill, a sister of the bride, whose marriage took place in August, will wear a white satin frock made with a very full short skirt and topped with a broad girdle of seafoam-green sntlri. She will carry an arm bouquet of Kll larney roses. The bridesmaids will Include Miss Mary Alice Clay, Mlas Helen Ellis, Miss Helen Susan Tower, Miss Harriet C. Deaver, Miss Eleanor Gooding, of Portsmouth, N. If.; Miss Elizabeth Avery, of Auburn, N. Y.; Miss Lilian L. Blddle, n. sister ot the bridegroom, and Miss Edith U. Bally. They will wear frocks ot apricot silk, veiled In tulle of tho snme shade, trimmed with bands of the silk. They will have butterfly plrulca of silver, nnd will wear silver nnd rhlne etono bandeaux In their hair. The bridesmaids will carry nrm bouquets of calla lilies. Mr. Blddio will bo attended by Armory Has kell, of New York; Henrlques Crawford, Wil liam H. Du Barry, Winthrop L. Blddle, a brother ot the bridegroom; Charles J. Blddle, Bertram Lippincott and Joseph Wharton Lip pincott, brothers of the bride; C. Louis Boric. Jr., Joseph K. T. Van Pelt, 2d, William Paul O'Neill nnd Snonrden Samuel. Mrs. Lippincott, mother of the bride, will wear a striking gown of black-and-gold bro cade, made with a short train. , Aftci the ceremony suppir wilt be served, and after n wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Blddle will make their home at Springmead, Old York road, Noble. JACOBS GtNTM. Albert A. JacobB, of 113 Winona avenue, and Mis Alice S. Gcntcl, of 6311 Wlngohocklng ter race, were married last night at the home of Miss Gentel's parents. Roger J..-rew, 400 South 15th street, was best man and Miss Re becca Gentel, slater of the bride, acted as bridesmaid. The Rev. Gladstone Holm, of the Church of the Advocate, Wayne avenue and Queen lane, officiated. O'NEILL CAItnOU. Announcement Is made of the marriage of Mlts Florence Carroll, daughter of Mr. and Mis. Eugene H. Carroll, of 600-1 Glrard avenue, and Mlchad A. O'Neill, son of Mr. und ilrs. Peter O'Neill, of Melrose Park, yesterday. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Father C. A. Dally In the Church of Our Lady of the Rosary, and a Nuptial Mass followed. Miss Carroll was given In marriage by her father nnd was attended by her sister, Mr. John A. Healy, as matron of honor. Frank O'Neill attended as best man. The bride was at tired In a traveling suit of blue broadcloth; her hat was a small French toque of sand-color. Sht can led a bouquet of Bride roses and lilies AMUSEMENTS FORREST Last 3 Evgs. "ftMS- Eilra Lincoln's Birthday Matlnta Tomorrow CIIAJILES FJIOHMAN Prtients The Great Thret-Star Combination JULIA SANDERSON DONALD BRIAN JOSEPH CAWTHORN in THE GIRL FROM UTAH NEXT MONDAV SEATS TODAY THE SHOW OF SHOWS KLAW & ERLANGER'S ENTERTAINERS IN FADS and FANCIES One Hundred Comedians, Singers, Dancers VICTORlID Tha Play with Iht Tirrlna Punch. Featuring William Farnum & Kathryn Wllllami. THE OTJfTT TJ'TJO Thrlllln! ricturequ! Oir UlJ-iJuXVO A"10 AMANDA OILllKnT, Everybody's Korln. NEXT WEEK A DRAMATIC FEATUIIB FHOTOJ'LAY "YOUR GIRL AND MINE" Produce! Undir tho Direction of th National American Womin'i MuWraae Anoclatlon ACADEMT OF MUSIC NEWMAN Mot'iTKfe, Traveltalka vioior views TOMOR'W.?Vli ;1S EGYPT Q A rp MATINBB OAi, at 3;B0 Ttcktts SOc. Toe, 11 at Htppa's. Amp., CSe. GT f "D XT' MAJlKET BT. AND JUNIPER JjU DU VAUDEVILLE 11;R0 TO lt:30 HEAL, FUN FEST AL LEWIS & CO. BOWMAN BROTHERS JULIA CURTIS ft COMEDY ACTU METROPOLITAN BUJMHNO, BROAD 4 fVALLAJOB Today, Frl.. Bit.. February ". 1. 48 10 ta 10 P. V, dog show c; BENEFIT EMERGENCY AID COMMITTEE FOR HOME RELIEF ADMISSION 50 Centa RELMONT I PARAMOUNT mVawvbmVrkbt I PICTURES w0-LtaTheSignoftheCrosg" MATINEES 1.80 and i.10. EVBNINOg 8.80 to u TTnrpT PIWWMB It mat. todat. :m -H1J.JUIL Kvff. t. t Bat. PwWaHMl- tuuatrb I "The Admirable Bashville" lt)10tWtyl"'"o P'i Ul iMJwwi" "PUMONT'S JS&MS nf the valley. Mrs Healy looked well )n n muilnrri-colored satin srown. Iter hot wm of the same color, and she carried a bouquet of pfnk roses, A wedding breakfast for the two families fol lowed tho ccroniony. nnd after an extenslv nodding tilp Mr. and Mis. O'Neill will be nt home Wednesdays In April on Latches lane, llnln. rtEiii.Y-nor.AN The marrlase of Mlas Mnry CI. Doran, nle of Mr. nnd Mrs. t J. tJoran, of US4 North Wmnook otrcet, nnd Christopher P ftellly, r New York, will lake place this afternoon In St. Malnchy's Catholic Church, 11th and Jeffer son streets. The lev. Kenton J. Fltipalrick will ofllclnte nt the ceremony. Tho bride will foil broadcloth, trimmed with elvet, and a hat of the same shade trimmed with plumes. She will he attended by MIm Rose llellly, of New York, slslei of the bridegroom. The best man will bo Jlnrry T. Doran, the bride's brother. Tho service will be followed by dinner nt the home ot tho bride's uncle and aunt Upon iheir return from their weddlm? journey Mr. and Mrs. rtellly will live at W Went 103d street, New York. CI.ARK-nAVIS The weddlntr of Miss Katharine Davis, daugh ter of Mr. nnd Mrs. John W. Davis, took placa today at noon to Russell B. Clark. Tho cere mony was performed by the nev. Frank It. Luklns In tho Presbyterian Church, Burlington, N. J. Tho brldo was given In marriage by her father and wns attended by Miss Mas McFad gen, of Edgcwntcr rark. Clinton W. Clark of New York, acted art best man. Dr. Henry B, Davis, of Lancaster: Reginald Branch and Howard Eastwood wero ushers. A reception u allowed the ceramony In the home of tli 'do's parents on Locust avenue, Burlington, aUr which Mr. and Mrs. Clark left on an ex tended wedding trip through tho South, and on their return will reside ln Kdgewater rark. AMUSEMENTS ELMENDORF ACADEMY OP MUSIC Friday Evgs. Saturday Mats. From Feb. 19 to March 20 FIVE IDEAL CIRCULAR TOURS AROUND THE WORLD via. PANAMA AROUND TIE MEDITERRANEAN AROUND NORTHERN EUROPE AROUND SOUTHERN EUROPE AROUND UNITED STATES ILLUSTRATIONS IN COI.OR BY MR. ELMENDOItK OUT-Or-THE-ORDINARY MOTION PICTURES $4, $3, $2.50 At Heppo'a, 1110 Chestnut. Courie Salt Ctoia This Saturday B. F. KEITH'S THEATRE KXVULLEXT.BHOW Of VAKIUD FEATURES) ARTHUR I'RINCC: NAT M. WILLS; SIRS. OENK IIUUI1US CO.: Ri'AN&LL'E: CECELIA WRlOHTi ANUULO AHMENTO TRIO, and Others. B. P. KEITH'S THEATRE The Management wishes to Announce the Engagement of CAROLINA WHITE Formerly the Prima Donna of the Philadelphia-Chicago Grand Opera Companies. FOR ONE WEEK Commencing Monday, Feb. 15 T VRTr1 T,,IS WEEK ONLTI J-1 a. AVXJ Matlneta Tomorrow nd Saturday Th- 1t Muatcal Comedy of All! "LADV LUXURT," With FLORENCE WKRBER COMING! NEXT MONDAY NIGHT! Get in Lino for Seats Today! N. Y. WINTER OAROEN'S OIQANTIC MUSICAL SPECTACLK DANCING AROUND WITH THAT KING OP ENTERTAINERS AL. JOLSON and 150 Jesters & Jesteresses PViaorniir Qf OPERA I Horn, ot World's UneaUlUU Ot. HOUSE I Orteit Photoplay LAST W Jli Hi IS. T CHRISTIAN H E A TJmne Hnilv AFTS., 1 and 3 10 and ISa 1 I lllieS UdUy EVGS.. T and 0 10a. IBc. tU NEXT ANNETTE KELLERMAN ,if?ifti "Th Ported Woman" In WEEK "NEl'TUNE'fl DAUGHTER" MARKET HT. ABOVE 1TH I'ICTURES 11 A. M. TO 11 HO P. U. John Emtraon lu tha Bachelor's Romance THE Stanley Added Attraction: Irtrat Show Inf THE ROOK OP THE EARTH. "ADVENTURES ON phn.n.r.nhM. at rreat Derll by Fradtrlck Rurtlnrham. on Mount Ulanc and on IU Famoua Jungfrau, Swlu arland. , , TrrkA"n This and Next Weak, Evanlnja 8.U XSJttUAiJ Resular Mata Wad. and Sat SIS Ejlra Llncoln'a liirthday Matlnt Toraorrcv Mrs. Patrick Campbell 8.nw?. BUSS. PYGMALION l'opular Prlct WedntadayjMajIneea; Baal Seal a tl M PALACE"",,8! p. m! f 1214 MARKET STREET trATirin'ViT.T.R ciua uuckusv co vnuwuT"""" CKKO: Olhara. PHOTO-PLAY EDITII TALIAFERRO In lOUND ROMANCE. n A TTJTlr17' This and Next Wiek, Ernlna8.1 VjAKlvXUiVKenlar Mata. Wed. and Sat. 3, It Kxtra Uncoln'a Ulrtbday Matinee Tctnorio" PAULINE FREDERICKa l'opular Prlca Wadneaday Matlnaea. Beat Seata 1. Cross Keys Theatre ZftSS' SSSliiS" Daisy Harcourt J2F uki inn .... .-r, , .T. AT S:l 10c, Xtt, tea 52D ST. THEAJLKJij sANsoMBTKugxa v?&h to "Such a Little Queen' UATINEB3 liSO and tita HVENINOB ana to , "' ' '" L?ff!" a !-- U.M a at ' .." ISIaDa i "Tr Mr m vp, GRAND I Today 315. Vt 9 i On the School PlayrfUmdj- 7m htiuwdy laaballa Ora Ualleo . Daly Kennidv a rTiT PUT Jiouwr mat tumorrow The Third Party" SStygftt.. r,"TVTtlTT?l? Mip TOWAY JUVLrJlAeCf IfRjiting'a M Shaw CASINO "ffl?& f itffiltSF St ! I