KF BVENlHCr LBD&EB-PHILAPELPHIA, WEDNESDAY,, FEBRUARY 10, 1916, ij..ii1jiis.s'i awtusi iiiAtmnisa LASS1FIED RATES DAILY AND SUNDAY !pfL8 TWH or "k th'' Ka2liS!f lnrlln.... 10a per line P,. wanted, three mser' sKk.. 10a per line i$2B TYPE (or like this) L in nit elAmlflcallons eycept Help & winter, Lost nd Found, Per- pw,r::.,. s iri, &s ("""JJioni In i week.... 17V4o per tine W&?SSSlW Insertions... 16o per line w.w kooii nn urate measurement. WiMTJKrtriiii Inch. S jlgTICEtf-ellher paper- It, mi I'm ' '",B22 u" T.v nuf.T IfoMBlNATION RATE 1 11.- in hoth tho morning and evening "S 'same dan PUBLIC LEDGER IMORNWO) EVENING LEDGER raffest '" por ,lno not t0 ra,M (rlven tt AJD SITUATIONS WANTED "trlTMlNU IN Till; ruin.!!, ijj.uuiuH lKSue WSEIITED IN TIIIJ ElVENINU OTf WlTUOlh' ADDITIONAL mp-. WsYThtfC IS or"B ""J v" JMJUl HfS," that will accept Ledger want llb-. WM. SHE" waifi-",1"'"fi HJBjtiFEIt and stenographer with car Swrfina' builder, etato ago and experience IJ!rJi " ,. ,it ijio-or omen. '-ih- "", - "" " , JrrStfslKRS. neai. gooti nuuress, nuusenoiu Siffiny with premium: established flrrae; JRBSnDKbTS Compotcnt, Protestant, test fSmlnl reo.ulrea. Apply to Mrs. Nathan pv?nl' Wanc. Telephone Wayne I!. rakrUCS.Tbe Commorclal Depart Isnntst Jdgfcr Central liaa been ro l.mni call for experienced clerks iud typUta. Do not miss thla op- Itortanlty to nlo your . application lirlth Miss Dean, as ueugor ,iavei (Urns' are greatly benefited by this UtoK-Experlenced Gorman or American pre- SIE1I V"J a , - ----- U lirpauai. ifnir..vra:D seamstress and maid for two ami girls: no dressmaking; suburbs; rcfor 5ajMalitd. D -IIS. Ledger Offlco ftw fwiklne and downetalra work: must ni1 diln cook; assist with light laundry. iMl Klrt kept. Can after n a. m. Wodncs V.y Ooed reference required. 3410 HaVCr- iS Iff. 'L'ahlte. for general housoworfa. 441 Har- Ttf lit uernummwii. stnjs&nviiiv iu sin iu wmioi wtm UniwoTk and children, Irish preferred, nil. from 10 to IS Wednesday, la South firtfnHK 'Bxnerlencod white elrl In mih- trt; w laundry. Meet lady for Interview, Jteosl i(J, i'uouc ueuKur, iveuncjua-y, oe- WB xtno uaciocK. it nwdlnE Main Line, I'n. n, n, wants t for cookuur and downstairs cteanlns In IskB fsmlly; good wages. Call 10.80 a. m. KatKlT, at oip douih juiii at fflSRK DANCDS Wo pay 60c per hour: l imcr laQjcn, jueuium unu tun, jitui unu ild pinonallty. Apply Dancelana Studio ,11 B-i.lr 9lVr tni4 Mntitinmi-tr a n iftaLESLADr for Hubscrlntlon department of ifrtliinliu house; Intelligent and reliable; JMlBaacriiV, experience unnecessary u Wlll Ifcs to follow instructions. 1313 Walnut St., flirt Boor. IPbiSUlJHAPHBaiS AND BOOKKEEPMtS lBn) rou seen "suss uean, at meager f I tot; call and bocomo acquainted with m. ece i7ui give you gooa aavice aDout rental positions, and aid you to locate a ttHtftptnrr one. tXta Commercial Department Is constantly Hccnng poaiuons tor gins wno imo aa- Ilrttlfef. jlitill 70uraelf of this service. It will pay jsa, Baa ui All tiiuuuuiiiiy Bocuro VL Kooa iciixna iot you. fclSOORAPHEIl Wo want a young lady igQ cm qo Bierogrupnio worn, accuraio at fisrs, cooa penman, inausirious, nonest, tfjtworthy; to such we offer a good post ,a,jtlo. education, qualifications and ref teKi. M 751, Ledger Central, ft -, Philadelphia, February 3, lfllB. ml Tlaii to thank you for the position you ' rUfnrmA 4n n n.lth 7 TIT A ..sk t. trsi. knA anvthlnfl. T Pin An fni lha fjuVill, Mff nd Mlssbean shall bo done In tha fiat Vllllnff inil hinnv mannm KAnla tbanklng you, I am, sincerely. c- 11. li. i'WiSTSIJ saleslady with experience In wools. KiNtltwork and notions. Apply by letter I 9J- E- Jones, 5353 aormantown ave7. Bar wcBmamwn. jfct,Hi;iiP WANTED MALE ' ifTOlPnfM I nmrmmin.. jSf U attention of the employer. OQ fit (ha fh nm ...-. t Sl2f1"L;?'ra 'i.Chtt str.at IBSlJSii i r, iiunt, or tne l8K?t,la!,KeBltry Bureau, who Is pjWL.l??r5r ertlsera to secure tm sight kind of positions. JEffriEf?. 2. .colored, R. c." Harris. ij xioiei, iiot HprlngB. Va. 5?9 aollcltors. reliable, at oncei larngJa,"" proposition. aB Land Title Bldg. 13-""""' and ability, D 126. Led Office. Krf,iJWrfi.iiPu.t 10 years old. smsy- - -mr Ji . 0 w. Franklin. WSSSlJfPfu wanted. Ap- flsmif, ..uu.b. i ana wooa sis fftasoirt elJIS,,2iJ2..."u ur standard l5Su;i W' ''sTrettes and tobacco; no sSBSPIfiSS6 f tovo atma ' iSSilSr S 'an"') fhel'ao arnUJiea on bj-gjSa. ij 81J. Ledger Office. ISlWlaS,rwiathlnf,,i'utl?na- hte'8 enfof. w& 5Ji.S"v "nB of aoapa and soap ----- --.. vv, A.VUBB4 fcm"-: "anted, experienced men' of f 4roTanfT,UJl.n P. etc, to tha e5$ ",, ?d grocery trade: comml.ainn .Ta' m iB. ijifivn r.AH.-i the .i-B J? . wl10. can K,f busl- Psla5dMf5r.Ivlou,, ParIence and to ;oK'V!?,c.M.?r no attention wlli JWftainhi; iri',vi!0I,,,JU a'vo tele. y5S?r. Address n ins, iar offlea. IPeelBll-tf -l r 1. ' ' . ", lii'i.i.r'"'."?" wno can snow em tuvn . J,0 DI paP ana who iSi.!i?.n?. .pnses: must be a liM fSir..;rrj fnanca ror large earn. Udii.-rt."-"-1' r aavancameni. Si wT,dj '"X"1 wage paid fTKo'WiM B? ni lry want. & cwout Wqldroo a Cq. MuncT, Fa. "?( n t taka can of rtl3S Si 2?ik "u'rnS " ftwaS4v wllungntaa to put SS. Civ;' dvlop lo dUtriot t . CrSf!' posjibio tlma and afir'JW?. caa quickly work Into it,;.,1."'?. Remuneration on Swtweea 8 and 10J(J aVra. gKl-F-EOTBIO w Sd at,. IpWUdalphU. 35S3T n'.rj'.w. i ta t3. Ledger Central, ..iT"r. """BflUiaa: BiDtnuicea. 2Ji WAHTBD-FMAXB taSl?4 ateacgrarhtr capabloT MiJJS, an1ak.wroonic fAitali8 b: vMSsi.. K &,i.? "f-aalele eUrleal pcu- b , ' nis... mirv TNitanw ntnr- Sf " H fi we antral. LmiinSr'Vf tfiW' ptlonal opor. to paatnhcpi , iq,1 nyB30 j4tCtnU KiSr,"1?4? to Introduce a Una in vi nT'Sf. -t"1? ,s not o-called mission. BITXrAMONS WANTED MJKAE Kl?ffl!?0? .&$ "-la-OSdiy ' " 'w.,".Lri'LB u ClI.Ii?.IlWOnIC nd walfg: exp. (white) . ana thor. comp ; JSi-Jj1Jl:Jl ULDHK. typlstijiulck nnd accurate Tlth flg uresj fam. with advertising and newspsper .work! dea. reponsjbJlltrjrBivlf Led Vent. Cl.EllK Hill, payroll, order, typist? thorough . ly experienced; accurate, II 488, Led, Cent coloiikd aiiti general hoveowork, 823 1 .4 land 8t COUriju Oinu wlihea polTUonM "cook". vmm.i.. i, 7,,,iifc vir wuimut 4ioA t rue ra i , COMl'ANION-NUnSEl by gentlewoman i ei perlcnced In the care o( aemllnvallda;.mait- eeuse, city ret, it r.14. Ledger Central COOK and chambeimald, Oerman. wants situ ation! flntltiM f.fr.nn.. tbm M Ak , ...... ...v.... . ,., m,,. COOK lrotestant settled woman; beat refer ence. 18S3 Callowhlll at, COOK Protestant! best cltr reference; city or wuuuij ao posiais huh aii loin st, COOK, white, rrottntant, 4 years' reference, "' iirivma ptace, -jeiepnone, ivainut nij. COOK, Oerman, experienced, desires position; . hwk. In apta. W, PhUo. 180, Ledger Off, COoRnJoTor housework; nettled wElta woman) reference; city or country. II 768, Lwlger Central, DttfMftiMAKIiK Btroet and evening rowns,rea. iuiwuiB, iieat Btyies; nii4 Miu unwinuu UltEKHMAKEH, exp., wishes day engage'ntsi terma mod.l remodel. 20IO Arch; LocHG88 V. CftEBaMAICEll wishes engagements by day or workat home. Phone Dickinson 8811 X. KXrEniEKCDD phono opcrator.thoroughlFa miliar with awltchboarda. also N. Y. zones. wants bob. excel ref. O '233, Ledger Office. FinBT-OtlAes COOK wishes situation In good family, Qermantown, where kitchen iimiu is Kept, KMil low ijaorry hi, QtniMAN nursery Bovcrness, younir, wishes situation; best teferences. W0 N. Randolph. GIRL wishes cooking, downstairs work; refer ence 22papenstLJ Oinij, German, wishes position, chambermaid huu vnuingi ret. it n. umranca si IIOUaDKEEHBH (managing), hotel or apart ment house; 0 years' exp.: boat ref,; 4 ieara In (a art1 ru-slllnn T. Ufl TAiMa rantral '" an ass, ,-.-stavsi 4 -vf avgunci jum.i HOUHniCBKHEIt Woman with boy. B years, wlshra position with professional or busl. iiwbb propie. u n, xjcasvr uince. HOtlHIDkBDPDIt, work'g, or cook; thor. comp. woman; first-class refs. L 434, Led. Off. HOUBIDWORK (no laundry) lcperlenced white woman, tnoroughly competent; refor- viicbb. u m, imager umw aiOTIIEIl'H IlELinoil or managing housekpr.; young aootcn J 'rot.; xp. mono walnut num. AIOTIIRH'S aiBLPKH, reflnod, capable aewer; Malting or perm.; refs. L 402. Ledger Off. INUnsn wishes situation, invalid nurse or nttendant: best city references. Address 07, Ledger Drnnch, 11th nnd Diamond. NUJcsr:. compatont, long oxp., undergrade de alres Infant or older child. L 409, Led. Off. Atn. iimi'LOYEii: Are you In need of an experienced book keeper, stenographer, clerk or offlco assist ant? Do you know where such help can be found? Yes at Ijedger Central. Call up Miss Dean, at Walnut 8000. Bhe Is In charge ot the Commercial Department, and has a very complete list ot high-grade, experienced girls soeklng positions. This Is a free service to Ledger advertisers, Glvo it a trial and the outcome will ba ' 'SATISFACTION." OFFICE assistant, familiar with tiling, card aystoms, telephona work. II MS. Led. Cent. POLISH girl wishes general housework; plain cook; speaks Dng. 1010 Juniata at.. Nlcetown. POLISH girl wishes general housework; plain cook, speaka Eng. 11H9 Donlta at , Nlcetown. RRFINED Catholio widow with capablo daugh ter seeks position aa housekeeper for elderly couple; reference It M, Lodger Central. &EAM3THES3 Woman wnnta plain dresa maklng or plain sewing of any kind at homo or out; relcrence. MB 8 62d st. 8ETTIE.D woman, cooking and downetalra or gensrnl work. Call Diamond 4231 W. STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper. high school graduate; willing to learn, good op- Ejrtunlty proferablo to high salary. H OW, odger Central. STENOQUAPHER-Secretary desires position with reliable house; experienced In all busl- ness details. L 8, Ledger Office. STENOOnAPIIER Thoroughly competent and accurate young lady desires position: willing worker; moderate salary. II 751, Ledger Cen, STENOORAPIIER, 4 years' exp. ; business and high school education; knowledge of book- Keeping; salary am 11 osa. ieager uentrai STENOORAPIIER, recent graduate; knowl edge of bookkeeping; can do neat, accurate work; willing to learn. II 847, Ledger Cen. STENOGRAPHER Six years' exper.. familiar with technical and Insurance work; first class In every respect. Q B5S, Ledger Cen. STENOGRAPHER, high school grad.; knowl edge of book'lng, exp. ; conscientious worker, dee pos. with rell. firm. II 840, Ledger Cen. STENOGRAPHER, experienced, quick and ac- curate at ngs , mils, etc. u -,--, meager wen STENOGRAPHER, experienced, desires work at home evenings. II 038, Ledger Central. STENOGRAPHER, recent graduate, slight oxp.: can do neat work. II 048, Ledger Cen. STENOGRAPHER, experienced, desires cler Ical or secretarial work. II 883, Ledger Cen. STENOGRAPHER, high echool and business grad.; exp bookkeeper. II 882, Ledger Cen. STENOGRAPHER Multlgraph, mimeograph opor.: 24 yrs exp Ji 04J. imager "--antral. STENOGRAPHER, comp. and conscientious, dee, pos.; moa. sai.; ror. a no. ieager un. STENOGRAPHER, 2 yoara' experience; bright. Intelligent, accur,. rell. II B03, Ledger Cen. STENOGRAPHER, experienced; moderate sal- nry. 171 1 unestnut. rnone, spruce uaa, TEACHER of French and Oerman wants mora pupils: children and adults. II 348, Led. Cen. TELEPHONE operator and clerk desires prl- vate orancn worn, il am, .ucuger lbuhhii WAITRESS thoroughly experienced, or chamber-! orlc and waiting. Apply at 0022 Woyno ave , Qermantown, Philadelphia. WAITRESS, exp.. wlehes pos. In the country or seasnore; private, u ij-. ieaaer miicu. WANTED Housework or cooking; neat, ex perlenced colored girl; ref. Ph. Preston 4281. YOUNG BUSINESS WOMAN, exper. on cost work, card Bystems, quick nnd rapid at figures, general office work, telephone ex- cnanaq, " vn, wubpt gimm. YOUNO Catholio lady of refinement seeks po sltlon as companion or secretary to literary ... ... TY Rl T.B-fra. P.nt.nl WUIIiqil, Bfca. "- fcW-"B .&.. .. YOUNO LADY, good penman, ambitious, de sires addressing, copying or any kind of housework. G 842, Ledger Central. YOUNO LADY desires clerical work or ad dressing; good -penman. II 013, Ledger Cen YOUNO'LADY, exp. stenographer, quick, accu rate at figures. II 287, Ledger Central. SITUATIONS WANTED 3AB ACCOUNTANT, bookkeeper, 1) years' expert ence, at present employed. Is looking for greater opportunity. H 840, Ledger Central, ACCOilNTANT-Uxpert desires to connect with a firm where such services are required. II 14S, Ledger Central, XCCOUNTANT, CERTIFIED, wlll'tako charge ot auditing dept., aupervlsa credits, colleo tlons and manufact'g costs. GJ7SS, Led. Cent, ACCOUNTANT, expert; books opened, closed, systemattied, audited; 15 monthly up. Au- ultor, -r". u. jox wi, r Himaeipnia. IADVERTISINO MAN, capable and adaptable, newspaper training, desires change; for last three yeara aalea and advertising manager of wholesale, ft retail concern. H 283. Led. Cent. 'ASSISTANT credit man or offlea assistant; wide oxp.; no bookkeeping; employment more an object than salary. It 717, Ledger Cent. ABSIS1XNT MANAGER, who understands of rlca details, credits, handling men) 10 yearr selling experience and 4 ears with last concern, st ijj, ucacr .-wup. BOOKICEEPINa Active young man, 23 years of age, thoroughly experienced In all systems Ot WOftk-CVlHS, tmj,w,,,.B,MM ...."., best reference. II M2. Ledger Central. UOOKllEBl'Eit. 13 years' experience double entry; AI reference: salary secondary ccn- aiaeraiion n iv. wjw .b.,h,. iBOOKXDEPBR, typist, beg. high school edu- Stlon, rompV. yellablfc D lga. dger Office. OJOOICKEEPBH, 25 years' experience; best roiCsvc.q "" Mw-"i"w t fiOOKKEBPER-EXflclent. reliable, ableo.-sp., credit man, tl years1 exp. G 703. Led. Cent. ClIAUFf13UR---Mchanlo; mgnest T.'ersona ref. for 10 years. Box BJ7, Rosemont, Pa. rer. tor u yeajg. m.,, .w.w..., . CIIAUFFEUR Mechanla; 10 yeara'"experlance ilea, tiniwi-. - vi i r . "CJUUFFJ3UR, single., Irish, 'horou-rhly ax. ptr'd, temp, j prom, city ref. M 2ft Lad. Off. CHAUFFEUR, wrllto, alngle, 23:".6 yrs.', prlv. ?.) do rtPjalr, good ref 1700 N. lliuvlcr at. COACHMAN, with"" V"f referance ' rom wall-known family as head ccchm, de sire position aa coachman, porter or watcrj. mant also) understanda care of automobiles. Jl 4u, ieoaer " -uposiTOR, witn.j""?'-,?-"," ws sJx::,ntf cesirea voaioi "r?fc ." -"a :,' "-; JrAJtitEil. gardener, married, on a. gentle- nar? farm, understands aUbranchsa, sjs Sllnea, mac hlneryi refs H 244, Led. Cent. JflltBUAN or.engtaSeraaI.tant. yoawf SSS tSrSrofiSsmrtc HARDWOOD floor expert -111 ' worn cneip j rSftrJIiCf aSSTniiii ria Wslnut sL gMtBJHW. MWWj.....--, , '" " . JIAVB you a -posiuon w uum. Jlther clirlcal. executive, Mai tf technical, where experleoce and lulnln ava. rAnUlrdT l ba Ladgar-s femmereiaJ Registry SppUcatlonl otjmoy capalila aad axpertenced toeo". Call up Wdnut or f Main K)CO and eon-tutt with Mr ff-irit. who will gladly place, tola sci?fee at tt disposal of Lidger Advectlstrs. SITITATIONS WANTED MALE MiubUhi-AoWu MAN. handy, good" worker; can do anything on farm. D SftT, Ledger Off. OFFICD MAN-Onpabft man with execu tlio ability and good correspondent, over 14 sears' experience with large manufac turer of machinery, II ass, Ledger Cent, OFFIOB MAti Eleven years' experience office management, bookkeeping, correspondence, cost, accounting, purchasing, clerical details; sterling refs.; sal, mod, c 231, Ladgtr Oft. POULTRYitAN, 17 years' oxp, wants post' tionjAlrpy 8ingle,43. It 320, Ledger Oft. PRESSSIAN', Joo, 10"yrs"t exper,! competent, desjres perm, position.. D 129, ledger Off. I'RINTElii compositor, pressman, 12 years' experience, Industrious! prefers position to take chargo of email shop. L 118, Led. Off. BADES AND ADVTERTiaiNO MANAOEn Is open for the biggest Job with tha most pay. Anva cheap man at a high price, and It you hava tha oallbre to pay tho price you are, the man I will work for. O 740, Ledger Central. BATJEUMAN, 10 years' experience, with more than the average energy, ability and perse' verance. II 744, Ledger Centrah BXEfesMXrT, 10 ; earaTexperience Inside and travitllng, who has plenty of courage, tact . and ihlllty, H QM, Ledger Centra). BTK WoORAllirai. assist, hkpr.. typist; beg.; compt.j mod, salary. D 183, Ledger Office. BUENiXJRAJ'IIIUI, aast. bookkeeper; compt! mqdernte salary. D 110, Ledger Ottke. BTUDKNT of Unliorslty ot Barbonne, Paris, desires to teach French or get situation. Led ger Branch. 7th and lutncr ats. eUl1KtllTl1iNDBNT--Oood exeo.; toolmnklng, sheet metal work ft gen, mfg. id 20,1, LoTl.Ofr. YOUNO COUii'LIC German, with ono 0-year-old boy, want positions; man, good waiter nnd can drlvo horse; wlfo, do liousewortsi not high wages, but n good homo. 1210 North 0th st. TBUNG MAN, Cuban, 20, educated In Amerl can college, with thorough knowledge) of Spanish and English, desires position in some line of business where knowledge ot both languages la necessary: good referoncea Rev. J. iM. oreeno, Salud 40, Havnna. Cuba. TOUNO iflAN.J able to handlo office worfi, books, correspondence), phones, etc. desires position; Al roferenco; experienced. D l', eager vincn. TOUNG WAIN, 0 years' exp. offlea details; knowlodga bookkeeping: can operato typo- wruer, it oq, uccger ixiumi. YOUNO MAN desire position In real estate offlne.1 experienced, knowledge of bookkeeping and stenography. It 130, Ledger Central. YOUNO M1AIN, high school educatlonr office or clerical preferred. H 251. Lodger CentrnL EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES MRS. NIOHOLLS. 1020 Balnbrldge at. Chauf feurs, butlers, housemen, couples, cooks, $0 to 12: ladles' maids, chlldnurses, laundress es, Oerman Protestant and other waitresses, chambermaids, kitchen maids, housemaids. etc.: well recommended. Phone Locust 211.0. MlBfl IIAUKINS, 2002 Balnbrldge Comp. male, and female help, all ca.paa; additional help wanted, highest refs. Phona Locust 1812 W. AUTOMOBILES I ILVVE a. big 6-passonger Rulck, In first-class running order, all new tlren, I would like to trade for smnllor car, Tord, 4-passenger, or runabout. Mr. Wesley, from 10 to 12 a m., Electric Theatre Supply Co.f 13th nnd Vine. PACKARD 1012 six-cylinder 48-horscpower B passenger touring car; In good condition; $1000. P. T Nowland, Bell phono Oak Lane 100. FINE TOURING CAR, sacrifice; owner out if position. 18.18 N. Carllslo at. UIALF-TON MAXWELL TRUCK, nearly new; Mill sell chenp Call 1220 Belmont ave. Far Exchange RUNABOUT wanted; must be In good condi tion; will exchange shares In a profitable mfg. business. W. II. C 0102 Market St. AUTO LIVEBY AND GARAGES TO HIRE Packard Llmousino and Touring Cars, By hour, day, woek or month; at reasonable rates PACKARD BERVIOH) COMPANY 1411-13 Locust st rhonea Spruco 3140: Rnco 243. AUTO PAINTING AUTO OWNERS. The right place to hao your car, painted, Tord cara as low as JIB John Itoulton. 8015 Cambridge st. Thone Pre8ton807g. AUTO REPAIRING FORD repair's: carbons cleanod, 11.20; valves ground. T2. Monument Garage. 1434 Norrls. B'LDING MATERIALS REPAIRS MINDRAL FLOORING A BUSINESS ASSET You wouldn't light jour etore, mill or factory with kerosene lamps, would sou? Of course not. You know tho economic valuo of modern facilities. Then why burden your llxturo ac count with the coat ot wear and tear on your old wooden flooring? Mineral lloorlng Is practically lndestructlblo cost comparatively llttlo and wo lay It without Inconveniencing your business. Let us tell you more about Its saving fea tures It will pay you. ,-., BK12-31 BUMMER ST. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE Hotel business In thriving Penni. town ot 8000, best location and trado In town; an all year round profitable business, price and terma reasonable. Interurban Realty Company, 4310 Frankford ave., Philadelphia, Pa Phono Frankford 1718 BUSINESS NOTICES ""FULL DRES8 AND TUXEDO TO HIRE Prince Alberts, cutaways and black aults. ALSO EVENING QOWN8 AND WRAPS Flnost aeloctlon In town. Spec, ratea for clubs. Phone Poplar S7-10 Moderate prices. BAMUEL COOPER. 1010 UIRARU AVE. CLEANING AND DYEING OSTRICH FEATHERS AND FANCIES CLEANED. DYED MAILHOT, 1810 Chestnut. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY ADVANCE styles in dressmaking: 3 and u aHV 2008 S. 10th at. Dickinson 814J W nnwK3 for all occasions, romodeltng; moderate "rice. 1830 Walnut. Locust U7T. DRLS3MAK1N6 taught; short,, prac course. McDowell. 807 Denckla Bldg . 11th & Market. sTRE"ET "and evening gowns, tailored suits an3 dresses at attractive- prices. 8J S. lBth. Phone. FOR SALE BILLIARD, pool, combination, 2d hand bought, sold. rented, ex'd. Kaater. 320 Olrard aye. JNSTRUCTION 3 MILLINERY course In 20 lessons. American School ot Millinery, 63d & Race. Del. 2088 L. OLD GOLD BOUQHT. SOLD DIAMONDU EXCHANGED. WINDOW!!, U1A APPRAISED. 23 N. 12TH ST. STORAGE WEST Monarch Storage Co Auto and pack l'HILA. Ing and shipping-. 83TQ Lancaster ave. WANTED RIIRNITMRE Antiques, piano, etc., part rUKINHUrCor enU ,' bought, ICens. Furniture Co, 8143 Kensington Ave. ROOMS BOR RENT BARING, 8218-Two first-floor roomsi sule.den. tist or doctor or apartments, fha Chilton, Mrs Belle McClaln. Manager. i BROAD, 8., a20 Comfortably furnished room! plenty of heat, light and hot water; phonal. BROAD, S , 620 Visit tha cleanest furn. rooms In tuwni steam heat; very reasonable. CATHARINE. 2058-Frtvate family will rent turn nr unfurn. front room. Locust CHESTNUT, 19o4.T-Rooms, single and en suite, steam peat., Telephona Locust 731. CHESTNUT. 4480 Eatcep. vacs... warm, cmw IUI tWlUj "ltT j W wynwsi r7r CHESTNUT, 8130 Comfortably furnished 24- floor room; ref. nelghbd, ; coav. to elevated FAIRMOUNT AYS., UO-2 tur. rms.i com- I 10IC leta rouwKPff t conveniBuca, cb.ii m wro. FASON ST. H-i W8 (Wth and Arch)-Nlcely clata ft good home conv. to L, home comforts ..M.i,tia erAnt rnAm for tnoas woo &DDre- LAGAN flQ', yt 2l Tv lsrgs com. Iroot room, smile or en suite; win turning. )?ABK AVE. ISfiO-WeU lurn. jarlor I sit. ting room i other vaca. , phone Dlara. 319a n. J.t?ah. M&rsssu. ; SPRUC32. 1233 Neatly furnUhed stngla room well heated , all convenlsnces; rtonabls. CPHUCa, 2022 Dtslr.ble sulfa, with prjrat halb, c-pen flea phonal owner. CPRuCil. 6080-8 gentlemen er coupla fer Ji- flMT front, adjoining bath, board opting!. SPRUCE. 4020Yry attracUve) slwlfl ft dou, tie furn vacancie. all caavs Preston 23a SJAffafJlilrraiU family will wat WALNUT im-3tlimwioi) -DaaJraW yass-. g$ga ghjffigatt1' MOVINO-PICTUHU operator, licensed, ex perienced. 11 tHpj, Ledger Central. NIGHT' WATcIiTManT nro sofiTor "hard" coaH ""B"" guaiiie; ncensea u ad,L,euger unice. Hooms ron bent WALNUT, 4321 comfortably furnished room, convenient to bath; board optional. 1s?i.,V' 8ja-Well-furnlshed slnglo and dou bla rooms; private baths. Phone: 18iirir?J Ml-'laTAD1''r75't""lN'SHED BgPMBj ALSO PROFESSIONAL OFFICE. 17TII. a i)n ..kiA. ... a a ....r 19TII, B, 832 Prixnte family will rent 2d- ti0JX.iI.05tI?S51!ln'?l6or enaulte 20ni, N., lllO-Furnlshed elntle"fooms; lii, z, anq heat, 48TII ArfB fll'ilUCE-beamiTuTTuTn.rontT combined sitting andbedroom Preston 22H1D, wnii B i 137-Large. cheerful 2d lloor roomr nlcely furnished; housekeeping: reatonabl HACHELOR APT. Prlv. bathi bus "man ap . predating com. Quarters, Ph. Locust BJ17 wt rrofesslonal Offices. LpCUSr, 1C03 2d floor front offlcel largei bright; suitable for dentist or physician; 3J. SVRlOE,ia37 Professional offices; suTto-nJth ubiub, single rooms, i-nono walnut jas w, SOABDINQ BALTIMORB, 4410 Very desirable single ti iwiin iisiiv Bviiawarmi pleasant surrounainff. CIIEBTNUT ST.. 4048-Good tAbla boardf nlco neighborhood: contenlent to city. Phono Tres- ton Od24 I). Photo riiflnlnv.n nl Tri. rAnt llAZHL AVJ3., 012a'2d-Btory front, adJoTnlng uHiii, nnoTiitni ih3 pnone. BPltUUB, 1310 Double rooms; southern expos- ui,t ,u,ii EunmiiB., mute uoara ; pnone. WALNUT. 3l)08-second front; nrceTj? fiif nlshedi hot-water heat; seml-ptlvato bath. WaCHOt. 4044 Nicely furn. room; convTTocr exceptional table board. Hiring 747. WALNUT, 8600-Lnrgo. room suitable. fdr3 gentlemen or couple; to each; good table. rtVALNU"T. 4822 Large 2d-floor auuny room; nuiarn f.ft,tn, knaM Anltnn! ""..... ..vmc, HM..U vpiulMI 8STII, S , 108 Handsomely furn, room; "-orner house! exeen. tabtAt iwIvaIa fnmllvf nhnnn 41Bt, S,, 820 Gentlemen or couplo can hao ., Ullliy nwill, I MWcUIIBUIB, privmo, )IIU1IU, 48TH, S., 030 Attractively furnished room, 2d uuur irontj moaernj privwie; gooa iRoie OOIH, N., 28-iNicely furnished front, back roomsj goou nome cooKing; convenient to i aWAnTIIMnni-. nnY IP-TITa imnl mnm. pleasantly located, with board, use of bath, tuniie A GENTLEMAN wto would appreciate a ro- nneu nome ana surrounaings; central; reier ences exchanged. Communicate with M CS7, . Ledger Central. 8nburbnn OAK LANE 71st ave , H aq. from York road trolleys; ownor; rooms, meals. Phono oak Lane 1233 W. Photo, display Ledger Central. APARTMENTS (WALNUT NEW.R, 20TlI-flSntlre floor, 23x100; 2 baths; will divider; modern plumbing, heating, lighting, olec eloMitor. Photos at Ledger Ccn- trai, me at, or cnas oyivester, lan . otll CHILTON APARTMENTS 3218 BARI'G ST. Two first-floor rooms with prlr. bath; suita ble, dentist or doctor or apmts. Mrs Belle McClaln. Mgr. Bell phone, Preston C337. Lansilowno, I'n. APAHTMFNTS. near stntlon, all conveniences, 123 to S3J per month. JOHN MACY, IU N. Highland ao., Lansdowno FURNISHED APARTMENTS 12TII, S , 200 Suite of 2 or ,1 rooms, private bath aioam heat light housekeeping. APARTMENTS WANTED HOUSEKEEPING apartments between Colum bia, Dnuphln, 13th, 18th, 1S to SJ5: atate par. Add. 10. Led. Br,, 18th & Susquehanna. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS FOR VACANCIES and completo Information of all apartments FREE, consult APARTMENT BUREAU 13th and Spruce sta. riiona Walnut DS0, or Tfrlta for Tebruary "Apartment Directory." KENT APARTMENTS N , ST Housekeeping apartmentB, 4 rooms and bath, 132 80 month Janitor service. LENOX, B4TH AND CHESTER AVE. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS Bee Janitor or phono Woodland 2010-D. NORFOLK APARTMENTS Deslrablo 4 and 5 room apartmonts. near Park; Janitor service: reasonable rentals. BECIITEL. 8232 Ridgo aye, REAL ESTATE EOR SALE CITY Building Lnt. Factory Bites. IStc C0.000 IT. GROUND SPACE, with factory and buildings, near 2d and Poplar its , to close a business; prlvlleso of Reading Railway siding; will divide. Call on JACOB A. FRITZ, 626 Land Tltlo Bldg. QERMANTOWN CHOICE properties In all sections ot Gtn , Mt. Airy, CheBt. II.; all prices. Write for special list. J. II. Chadwlck & Co ,8018 Qermantown. MOUNT AIRY AND CHESTNUT HILL PROPERTIES Pelham Trust Co , 0740 Qermantown ave. Tioga BICVHRAL large tracts of Improved land on high ground, wide stiecta rnd with unexcelled trolley and train service for sale on ground rent. Address L. 331. Ledger Office. SUBURBAN IIAND80Mn ATONE RESIDENCE 14 ROOMS. 8TABLD. 3 ACRES Very commanding location, N. Y dlv. of P & R., view for miles; 60 fruit trees, photo. C P. PETERS & SON. COS CHESTNUT hT. Ambler, Ptt. WE SPECIALIZE In suburban property along the P. and It , Bethlehem and Doylestown branches; wa offer suburban homes, farms. Improved country places and building sites; we can satisfy any reasonable purchaser H J PAPER. Inc.. Ambler. Ta Lansdale. Tn, 180 BUILDINO LOTS on Broad at. and Inter secting streets, between 8th and 10th sts.; high ground; wide streets and deslrablo sur- Address i iJ 830. Ledger Office MAIN IJNE. PA. It. It. HALF-ACRE choice building ground on Mont nnm.rv a . Merlon: fi minutes to station. pries low for quick tale. II 76J, Ledger central. Fraier T ACRES, S3200; good frame buildings. A7D 'lIDALD, West Chester, Pa. NEW JERSEY Camden. N. J. FOR SALBS100 CASH BUYS NEW 8-ROOM house In Camden, balance easy terms; 4 car lines and 8 minutes from ferry; all conven iences. CLIFTON R. DIIAKE. 423 Market atreet, tjamaen. zieu t. Atlantlo City, N. J. SIOTEL. 110 rooms, near beach; rented JOOOU ... tA tIC nyii uniialml tai inn yett i vmv (loivwi uuui Apartment house; rent 60C0; price mOM. Cottage, comer Chelsea; cost. J35.O0O; large .... , ,41, UV) tnm MI. InlM ..la lot privc I.V.VW w (.m ?" ... Above a few ot our bargali a. Now la time to Vl. O, HARRIS ft CO., Bartlett Bldr. SNAPS lu choice cottages, hotels, lots, sto..sals rent, exc; choicest corner lot Ventnor, J1000 below cost. Bruckmann 310 Guarantee Bldg Haildonfleld. N. J. HAVE SEVERAL FINE PROPERTIES at bsjrgaln prices. WM. CARET MARSHALL, 681 Ftderal at.. Camden National Park, N. J. iOim ooportuntty; lots 25xlB0: near trolls overlooking Del.; adjoin. Campbell Soup Co, development Greater N J Co . SI B loth. Woodbury Heights, N. J. SEVERAL desirable homes and Improved bldg, lota at reasonable prices. John Mayhsw. rBNNSYLVANIA FARMS 3BNTI.BMAN'B farm and country seat ot M?i litres, atona house. 12 rooms, baths, all ionvenlencea, large open stairways; new stons barn, small stable, outbuildings, tenant hcjusa, goodVw&Ur; prlca 1260 per acre, thla property la In a. section that Is being 1m- T. l - , B,h-te I JIIbs u Tlklln latnklfetrt .1814 Walnut at,. PWutdelphta, "uam gprgBt taw mumper iOO AOTtSS LflCfttlon. land, buildings, water and railroad facilities all, Brat class, has sverytrlnx that goes to make, a good farm; iuck bs?bp., .lev. .uu ana sou i very bast of land and cheap, state ta, JONATHAN C HARE, t vyst fchester. Pa. 178 ACREmnr Wain Una prtTR.. Whit ford sectlcXi. 60 per acra. J. B. Thompsoa, vvat Chtstyr, P. R, B. RALE OR EXOHANGH WANTED mMI tnywtmsnt ; properties wU pay cash. P7. Cp, 13 17 TPenna. lildg SEAL ESTkTB TO BXOHANGB mvux, ESCntlB f&00 wulty in joodirn biia. Aadresa tjcrage. iw,i.i wy. . . . .,.w.v...,m, ., miyiuir zta ana riorns. Atliatla Olty, N. J. 5KSiii5F n. - .. r..n... ,. i .H.--I - --" - -- i.- . ...S..J - a ... -.-..- y. -- fe SCRAPPLE jjj is .. .I.... -. i I -in i ii sm i s ! ... m als..ii..,l-.i.i..s..issi. ..i.. a Bi-,., I i I n i I ISiwssb, ! VBffi DIARY FEB. 10. 1911 CA TRye DIAFCf BY A covj A3Alr4 AT MoOrJ VAte. HAD A 5NOWJ BATTue WWI THE HIGH SCHOOL, VUG FIRCO OH THKrA AVS THEY WA'-KEP DOUJM THB HILL, AT THC BoTTXJfA OF THB hill thev made snovu Balls snp Begun the attack. our iooo td THBlR t-0. VAISLL THsy KOUGKr TMEtW, VUAV 1t THE TOP OF THB HILL AMD FIRGD HARD AMD FV3T AQOUT BOO Of OOR3 STARTBO A RaTttJEAT AROOMD THE .SCHOOL BUT I RAM TO THE FRONV "IITH THE RBSTi I MIT ON5 FEULOLU BUT UAS'T ritT MMELf. Tr4EY UriM with u-arggr and smoMtjeRl FELLERS, NOTHING ELSE HAPPENED TODAY FOR MB IM rJEARLV THRO' alfTH "CAPTAIM HORM" FROM A GERMAN ALPHABET Lustlge Blaetter. Kia for infamous Dally Mall "Kables"; Nono but a "Kamol" could relish such fables. I'm New Hocrult Excuse mo, air. llko to glvo a wcok's notice. HIS INTERPRETATION. Bobble Pa, what Is the meaning of "tho prophets ot evil"? P.i 1 suppose, my son, that's an other name for the "wnses of sin." Small boy Good ftehln'? Tesslr. Ye go down that private road till ye come to th' sign, "Trespassers Will Be Prose cuted." cross the Held with th' bull In It an' you'll see a sign, "No Fishing Al-lowed"-that's lt.-LUe. MUCH TO BE SAID Mrs. Newlywed-I want a cook, but she must be capable. Head of employment agency Madam. I have several on by books capable of anything. Judge. BBA1 ESTATE WANTED 14WAHD VAD OUTERS ARE WITH .1110 GIRARD AVKNtJE RentJ and Interest coiieCTea. nii WAJi'iJBD. small investment Properties!? pay cash. P. R. Co, 1317 Penna. Pldg. win BEAIi ESTATE FOJ BENT AH... Itn.lnBBB RAflAlS. ttlSI. nVaii ROOil. ' ground' floor. 10 monthi stor-pifr-n lSL 248 Chestnut st. . phiVATB -office, large suite, rsctntlohTooni, r nhoriV "". 1623 ReainEstata Trust. . BCI1PRHAN FOR RENT. a, small a vrann ry house; M psrj rts ground; IS mllfa from. jrniut U19. Ledger Offtce. Atlantlo City. N. J,. navSSSh SOB BEHT FUENIBHBD rjTvBgra: " ilOAltDlNti HOUJSlsa VJiLAU. H?oiTAOlSrAl'A'11iffi:N'JW' awyaeaaon. sal ioiatlons. Alianiw vii, iieu , VVr.fTiiitfintlo Cltv. Chelsui. Ventnor! wtMjtJSTBBi oca""Tt - ;-- - puo Br,i. i II. O HAiuua as t-xi.. ujiiimi. mat. H0BTOAQBS CONSERVATIVH 8)4 and a per cent 1st men- i " : "."i :rr,-j" " r5 Tp.v?i croprties, tawny, iiiisu. pvueuias iihs to tnvaat m K ninrt9a2a at B car cant .., for full tMrUoulara t-j.ve to plase. CUSofd I j (ram &vo. I FOR 1ST AMD SO MQBTOAS toiu. cwmmvv, mihmmux, littS!P I : U .' I.U- THE PADDED CELL f h,Va Gtnrs'. most -. VOMDERFUL CAM OpEMER M THE-v vaorucj bottoms collars weepiM THE FLOOR, DOE.S TRCKSA cSOOD r tV I London Opinion. rather "fed. up" with this Job. I should The Pessimist In tho Restaurant Tho Invention. For a nlcltel ou can nialte Fenn State Froth. ON BOTH SIDES Bhe What did you think of our scheme for Christmas decoration holly leaves over laurel? He Weir, I should .have preferred mistletoe oyer yew. Tlt-Blts. " ' PUZZLE FIND THE ONE1, WHO LOVES HER. MADLY s v "v, . i I I viv l J . f COME, MERt rrt.ur -CP rSi-I-S5 v J "-i3 We Am. LA.n-. nLCS fi yfTi&mzims . JS4W ti' l.9 . jrs- jmr - -3" P nrw Jp AS ADVBRTIBED. irr 1 LJ 1) Lampoon. Pajamao W off. "I love you, darllngt" "Aro you earnest?" "No, I'm Theodore!" Lampoon, Cnnvrlrht. iniexenda Dlaetter. automatic piano-player Is a wonderful 50 people miserable. FROM A GERMAN ALPHABET Luatlg Blaetter. FI3, for Football and likewise for ,' French! Both are well kicked from trench Into trench. r ' m ZL2 f r .. w Ik f i - M I 1 m ' J ' )i M t m 4 j?;m -r.f .mJ-tl:a-'i"-s" -..,.. 7-a.iu. 'SAiM .--aasssBb jfieV rife t