mijy"'jwi';uMm- jr-C I'spfs nwRiw-)BB-yy - KVCTlHq TDaBBtHIi;ADELHIX TTTfifcllAY, FEBRUARY 9 SOXB? 13 tV MKMOR-Aat I '-- tii memory of ft hind and loving ., MAnUAnfe BLACK KCCLES, f J, fell and died " "" r "' l04- . eatljs. E - - f.hrtiftfy , ION ' AMANDA, F ?' iWJSl&Vi IfflB "Hit-. 2.-1 , -sfe.C Wbruarr fi, lr ANNIE. KB"1." Li nnri Wi Jlerreu. uneri ?; IJtitf 5rfi, i & lit 2 p. m;. at her lata f,j en Tnurwa. " ;:., p. inter- r-r, n r-onesi ..- ---, Eft it IWtbaro w"J" KrnVlC on February 8, 10IBhl,WIi S.7.V.1 1 . liui.bnn.1 of Amanda Ui u,tl!0ncf' iWjXrtN J. lntrmit Evergreen -erne- '... Mrtiwe.. 2T North 8-th St.. CWiiruBry 8. 1015. Henry C. Cloie. 8erv- tsni Interment pm. ."" .J n February 8. 1015, BATIA J.. cbsnANy-Oj. February o, , o Iwtfo. Vtrkk en! Sara A. Corr. Kunsral IVJ& ?.ur at Wo a.m.. rom fcB North s..i: Mass at at. "! ;?-.' hh 'interment prhate, Old r,rfimY r mi . :i. . K.iT-On February (1. 101. AMANDA T.. PKi 7i?nry J. Davis, runeral services on .-. i rmenry. ".'"i'iXlir. at 10130 o'clock, at her residence, Lnsdone ave . Lansdonne, ! lament Drlvate. I'lease omit flowers 1 -.,nlnn February 8, 1015. CHAni.KS pnHIirw-on ."HJ,YrlM C. and CMtharino feft-'wi Tth year. , Funeral on Thurs iprilif, m li" m'" ,,-' lh0 residence of Ills Jftftiwi M M"l- fl"tmnt CatHe-lral tr.-tten'. ..VlSOn February 8.10U., CAHOLINB. K-7 James Sills. Funeral services on .J. at" li m., at her late residence. Iffii Weymouth st. interment private at IffMlh Cedar Hill Cemetery. Kfr On February 8. 1015. ADKUIKID. Sce 1447 North Camao st. Interment Ml. fiv.nYon Cemetery, fliNIX-On February 8. 1015. CHAMiKS PJ,'J ion of the lato Chsrles and Mary Qants. J!.1JSi on Sunday, nt 2 p. in., from. 1514 Tii" M i lHjnr lenro'f avq. services .nm.f "'. JOiorcn. a7?.n Cemetery. I .1 Pi ll- MV...S.V..- - ntKliAHAN. On February 8. 1015, fpsTRICK. husband of the late- .Annie jSiJiihan. Funeral on lTiursdiiy, at S:.lo n. 'm from .IMl 'Norm "" si. solemn iioquiom Sits at St. Ye'1"11'8 Church, at 10 a. in. jntlrment Holy Cross Cemetery. nESIlERSON. On February 8. loia, ajsa tsi !f of Eduar Hcndetson and daughler tif-lh lt" Ulc.rd and Ann Harrett. Flesl-IR.I- mit Claim st. Duo notice of the Ifttfniril will bo given. HIRST. On 1 eDruary n, !, .iwi . litliitr M. and tho late, Oeorge R. Hirst. irJSil services on Wednesday. February illoTst 3 P. m., at the residence or nis iirSlh'r. 310 Pcnn st... Camden. N. J. Inter isfnt Private, at llarlelgh Cemetery. BFt'LEIU Near Pemberton, N. J., on froruirr 8 1015. J. uLdAh, icnE(.Dit. Sfu.ieral from his late residence, near Pom fierttn, on IVIdsy. February 12, at S p. m. iStermmt M. 15. Cemetery. IfiAVITT. On February 8, 1015, CHARLES Tie ; fusband of Elisabeth Leayltt. Funeral LTKUnf nt y n. m. from 1018 South 53d Kit, Buf.,,, -.- -fr- .'...i-i. .... iniermeni .t. muii-,. w.iiw.. an (J IJIANNIN'O On February 8, 1015, JOHN, ihaslisnd of Carolina M. Manning. Funeral Jen Friday, at 8:30 a. m from -It North St. llBernanl St., west I'MIa. soiomn .Maso ot Mfioiilem at Church of our Lady of Victory. stloa. m. Intermont Holy Cross Cemetery. OWL On February 0,1913, MAUTIIA, widow k0f rinliey ,urr. jignui.ea uiiu melius ui imv tfimlly are respectfully Invited to attend the I (antral sen ices, on weanesaay ariernoon. at 75 o'clock, precisely, at hor late residence, 1038 fitorin uarnac Ei. iiiiQrinviK ijrivnit;, .luuni .-irArl&r, (Cemetery. fAISLEY. On February 0, 1015, ELIZA r JAIib. "lit ul inn mio iitruijr iHincy, liar lite- residence, u,t. esi jiomgoinery ave. n.Tdllva nnd friends ere Invited to attend )lti funeral services, on Wednesday' afternoon. st S:30 o'clock, at the Trinity Reformed cChurcli, N. E. cor. Broad and Venango sts, elnterment private, at Northwood Cemetery. PARK. On February 7, 1015. JAMES r.. JUUDana Ol j.iizhuciii i. i-urit. rmiivra snd Irleml", also Moiart Lodge, No. 41(1. F. sad A. M.: Kejatone II. A. C. No, 17.,; Ivrininian i;nai,Beur oiuiituiiuerf, no, uj, IfT.; I.u Lu Tomole. A. A. O. N. M. B. : A1DUJ1L Ollltt. liuub.p . vi u-J. .- -. -. . ,1, c.i tefS of Kmanuel Presbyterian ChUrch. em ploye!! ot George M. Dunlap Xt Co.. also all ottier-Organlzatlons of which he was a mem ber, aro Invited to attend the funeral, on Timrwiav. Fubnury II. at 2 n. m.. from his . . fc. I f ........ Xfn n , T O A . ..- K lit reildcnco, 1221 North 42d St. Interment iu Mount .Morlali Cemetery Auto funeral. MUIOAUS. In Westtown township, on Sav- ffntO'day, econa Aioniu nin. iuia, ucuimc, ItHOADS, In the D2d year of his age. Itela- 'J lives and friends of tho family are Invited to isttend the funeral, without further notice. itfrom his latd residence, In Westtown, on ;.;Fouftli-iy. the Kith Innt. Meet at the house rt 1:5U ociock. interment at l'nenas- uuriai fcronnd, Oakland Cafrlages will meet train 't,IVeUonn Station leavlne Droad Street ICIW.ICHT1NG. On Sunday, February 7. 1913, ar jioiiy iieagu, i. j., -.jir.ar iSXJIIUCHTJNG, oged 8D years, Relatives ', snd friends of the family, also members of L'fhs TJederkrans Society, are resnectfutly In- brlted to attend the funeral services, on Wednesday afternoon, at 'J o'clock precisely, 1st lbs funeral parlors of William II. Kunilc, (1219 Glrnrd a.. Philadelphia. Interment at ;wtstminster temeiery. tiemains may d Ntened at his late r'sldonco, Holly Reach, N. r J on Titnsdav evenlmr. from 7 to 10 o'clock. sIDF.DOTHAM. On February 0. 1010. SAM- KUEL I'ERRY, son of John and Sarah II. IfBldiMhatn, IUST1N. On Februnry 8, 1015, MAHIA P., ,wiro or ins isie Francis wayiana 'iustin, 'fernoon, at 2 o'clock, at the residence of her .icmiMer. Mrs. I. Harrison O'Harra. 4723 1 Ctdsr ave. Interment private, at Lewlsburg, CLASSIFIED RATES DAILY AND 8UNDAY THIS STYLE TYPE (or llko this) 2?9 Insertion 15c per line IToree Insertions In a week.,.. I2.o per line Seven cosecutlvc Insertions... 10c per line Situations wanted, three Inscr iptions In a week 10a per line THIS SIZE TYPE (or like this) Permitted In all classifications except Help ind Situations Wanted. Lost and Found, Per Moils, Hoarding and Rooms. T5D Insertion 20o per line IThree Insertions In a week.... 17V.0 per line IBeven consecutive Insertions... 16o per line "All rates are based on agate measurement, Hjacate-lines to the Inch. DEATH NOTICES-elther paper- ' I line ono time BOo tlorta Insertions , 1.00 DAILY ONLY In Effect December , Jf COMBINATION RATE r.'.1?.,r."on ',n 0,h lh morning and evening Wjrs of same day; PUBLIC' LEDGER . (HORNINO) EVENING LEDGER (EVENINQ) Uiss r.n. M-t. . . . . ... . lb. yi. wr ii net to rate given I.S.5tKFb a..US SB 4 UI10. W1'OUT ADDITIONAL iThere. i- - J-.. .- ,--.- . uius ntuic near your fd?le.th,a; m acPt Ledger want 2LU office rates. BK HELP WANTED EEMALE 855?5W-..r. .ood address: household rarldllfvtl.1"l, J.ooa address: household le.tl10.?,.1;"? , 1 wltress.Iuil-bi.-coT: bik.,?ub,T,o,,d.ir-iisn7.,'ii lrHl,.1.8rn Commercui Depart. BSfvi,,fii,,i' CuiUnU.lm ftsiii re. BSS fe u,e?"rn.i.Cefh"o,.! Sfuoi lViMfn,l,',?.-n,s "- r two liV.- ?.. i(?ht. e-eral o-4sewo.ki good Bjl,-,ty nights, no washing; nni 3EL" ave.. Vest Phllad.loIa:"rn:, 'r.SS.Ai"'?" Mewor. TW 3BW fsI.L." -- 1 '.',-.-. I"'. m --. -"n " .?.. 5"1" ". u- niTkfii rV- -ulr interview. "-Kduiflti'J. mff.illM. va.' -,-..,-.., " I"SB..?1 u iwKuMJ.If-?Hy ar: m-i.i.'.- rr.v,."-"'- r . "?" ioh 'or tne rank you for the rewmon jeu Sf tn llL N. Vv. Ayw tt.Uiur I can do for tb Public t I?0 1 ' IM and aut .i- a. d 111 ms Matwoee jtaST tMattr 9 UIU SI1.1 hbn .--- Bga-r--?-.w warn- HEM? WANTED FEMALE STBNOahAPItRna AND IlOOKKhRPRnS CntnTl?JU cn -Mies Dean," at Ledger i " J2?' ra." ""d lMni acquainted Tilth Her. She will gUe J0U KOO,i ndvlco about eeetirins positions, and aid jou to locate a satisfactory one. -ho Commercial Department Is constantly securing positions for Rlrls who liaa ad- crtlod. r Avail yourself of thla service. It will pay Jon. ind In all probability sccuro a good . powltlon for you ETKNOailAPIIlirt! steady poiltlon for ac curate and rapid operator. Apply U:30 p. in., J07 Hourse Hld;. BTr-OOItAPIir.It; Prot.! for factory officel exp.) answer fully, n 619, l.eder Central. WANTBD-A THOltOUOIttY UXPFnlnNCF.t) '.'Aitff TAKK KIJUj CilARUK. MAN Ap AND UUV OL'Il (lIItUS DltEfWi:s, S'.'.AT?. AIJP nwn.Ti:n8i also a nioni ofjom.v i:xPF.niENcnD coiianTir.n to IA.KR.EUij!! SHAIKHS AND DO AM. THH iiyYiNa Foil oun constir dbpaut M.&T:, '.JOl WAOF.3 AND A STKADV POSITION, AI.Ij COMMUNICATIONS HKI.D in nTnicT coNriDBNCK. oivn hufiiu. . KNCfJS, IAST1 TWO POSITIONS AND LnNOTH OF TIME IN EACH, AND BA!, AltY KXPHCTED. VB AIIE A LONG EHTABMSIIED HTOtli:, CATEItINO TO UUUI) T1MUII, AULIHh33 HI1J UMION, WANTED A I.ADV ASHI8TANT IN OUtl OMEN'S HFADV-TO-WKAIl DEPAIIT MENTj ONF. CAPADIiF. Or 1IIITINO ME DIUM AND FINE DttESRES. WAISTS. KIMONOS AND SWEATERS, WHO HAS HAD 1S.PEI1IENCE IN ItWNNINO A ri.OOIt, THin IS AN EXCEPTIONAL OI'POllTUNITY TO A WOMAN WHO IS CAPAHI.E AND WT3LU ACQUAINTED IN THE DIFFERENT MAItKF.TH. WD ARE A I.ONO-ESTAUMSHED SlXiTlF., CATER 1NO TO flOOI) TRADI- ADDRESS THE UNION, COMJMIIUS, OHIO. WAITRESS-Young whllo ulrl for Main I.lne suburb! must be experienced, Meet lady. Room 230, Publlo Ledger. Tuesday, 12 n'cloplc. WET NURSE wanted at once. street. H2G3 Market WOMAN nr girl to mind child evenings. South 61st st. 1015 YOUNG LADY stenographer and typewriter! permanent posllloni Protestant: referencn re quired; mate salary. D IIP, ledger Office. YOUNG married woman wants companion and , helper; smnll compensation, M H3fl, Led. Cent. HELP WANTED MALE A LEADING DEPARTMENT STORE HAS AN OPENING IN THEIR COLLECTION DEPARTMENT Fort A THOROUGHLY EX PERIENCED, 'ENERGETIC AND ACTIVE YOUNG MAN! EXCEPTIONAL OPPOR TUNITY FOR ONE QUALIFIED; IN RE PLYING STATE AGE, EXPERIENCE AND SALARY DESIRED. SI 033, LEDGER CENTRAL. ATTRACTIVE ADVERTISING Is one of the things nvcessarv In gaining the attention of the employer. For other practical advice, stop In at Ledger Cvntral, Chestnut st. at llrnnd. nnd sea Mr, Hunt, of the Commercial Registry nureau, who la helping Ledger advertisers to secure the rlrht kind of positions. UOY wanted for general ofrico work by( large innnurnrturlng corporation. Address In own handwriting, giving age nnd experience. If any. II 4r,u. Lodger Central. L'OYS WANTED for (lolrtcry: rofcrenro re oulred. 112 S. 12th st. Century Flower Hhon. SALESMEN Wanted, experienced men of good address, calling on Institutions, hotels anil of fice buildings with lino ot snaps and soap powders; commission only, 11 018, Ledger Centrel. . . 8ALI.S3MEN Wanted, experienced men -of good nddruss to sell lino ot sonns. etc.. to the real drug nnd grocery trnde; commission only. 11 Oil). Ledger Central. SALESMEN wanted to sell our standard brand! of cigars, cigarettes, and tobocco; no ex; erjence noces'ierv. Independent Tobacco Co.. Bridgeport. Conn. SIDE LINE men wanted: exceptional oppor. to men railing on hospl., Inst. 11 B1U. Led. Cent. WANTED Specialty salesman who can show successful record celling big peoplo and wh eal! earn 14000 and expenses; must bo a, demonstrated producer; chance for large earn ings; give full dotalls ot experience, age, oto. 1) 124, l.eilxor Oiflce. WANTED Chief accountant, with business management oxp.: state age and s-ilary want ed. Add. Sprout, waldron Co.. Muncy, Pa. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE AS COMPANION or teacher. Belgian soung woman, sneaking French. German. Italian: vocalKt. pianist, email sal. O 740. Led. Cent. BOOKKEEPER and cashier 8 years' exp. capable, reliable. G 337. Ledgor Central. BOOKKEEPER Five cars' experience: fair typist: Al detaller. 11.635. Ledger Central, BOOKKEEPER, typist, bog. high school edu cation, comp.. rell-blo. D 122. Ledger OHIce. BOOKKEEPER and typist: knowledge of sto nograpliy; comp.. exp. 11 mo. Led. Central. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer: beginner; accurato, neat, rel. H .34. I-cdger Central. CAPABLE WOMAN of refinement and expe-rlen-o wishes position as housemother in in stitution cr as chapercne In hotol; willing to travel: highest roterence. P 328, 1-oJ. Oft. CASHIER Experienced: very rellablo: tlrst class lets.; reus. H 338. Lodger Central. CHAM-KRMAID and seamstress, Swedish. Proteaiant; private family. L, 4m, Led. Off. CHAMilL'HWOItlC and waiting or laundry work; city. 730 N. 43th st. COLORED GIRL wants housework or kitchen , work. .IS03Cuthbertst.. . COMPANION-NURSE, by gentlewoman: ex perienced In the care of seml-lmallds: ir ,s seu.a; city rot. II 514, Ledger Central, COOK and chambermaid and waitress; 2 girls wisli placta together. L 401, Ledger Office. COOK Eng. Protestant wishes position, Ger- munt n or dies. Hill, II. O, Comwton, C. II. CCOK Protestant, settled Voman; best refer- t iuicDiuiH, avtu. m 1UI callowhlll ot. COOK Piotestant; best city reference; city or country; no postals. id o, um si. COOK, experienced, Protestant, wants position 111 private lamiiy; gooa rer. oi warren. COOK, thoroughly experienced, wishes posl tlon; references. 2158 N. Darlen at. COOK, while, Protestant. 4 years' reference. wants private place. UMiepnone walnut nut. COOKING or assistant housekeeper; thorough ly compotent -white woman; best references. ItJU Federal st. COOKING or housework; colored woman; ief- erence. uessie ueoowin. 111-ti -nan bu DHESS-lAKEJt, late fitter In establishment. will engage by day. M 744. Ledger Central. DH11U.ER wishes few mora engagements by day, city orsumiroa. a Jiontrose. mono. DUiasMAKEH desires engagemsnts by day; best work. Mlaa Winn, 8218 W. Montgomery. DRESSMAKER wishes engagements by day or work at noma, i-jione AJicainson o-it --. GIRL, experienced, colored, wishes position as chambermaid, waitress or cooking, M 048, Led ger Central. GIRLS - Three Germans, cook, chambermaid, and good seamstress, wish positions; speak English. 2733 Brqwnst. GOOD LAUNDRESS, white, wants work by dayi'elty, country; reference. 2207 Cherry. GOVERNESS, German, wants position with children; Plays piano, u -tj. mer uiiicp. HOUSEWORK, tno laundry) Experienced e"n'c'e'. 1."' .07 ' 1 n0UrlBw5nI - tj wnitO women; Kiur-uHutx evii,viiii .- cugcr mc-. adult fam.j no laundry. Ph. Woodland 3827 W. INFANT NuTi"BS"un'dergjaduats). experienced; wants entire charge! refa. L 406. Ledger Oft. INSURANCE Loan and claim clerk! several years' eip, large life Insurance company, de. tires cos.: broker pref. D 120. Ledger Office. MlCNVTaiNQ HOUSEKEEPER, capable of ca- terlnr and car ng for every detail; hotel ex- perlence. P 321 Ledger Office. MR. BMPLOYERj . . . , Are you In need ot an experienced book keeper, etenogtapher, clerk or office assist . ". you know where such hslp can be 'Ys?.T at Ledger Central. Calf up Mln Dean at Walnut 3000. She Is In charge of the Commercial Department, and has a very complete Hit of high-grade experienced gills seeking positions. This Is a free service to Ledger advertisers. Give It a (rial, and the outcome wilt be "8ATJ- alt i. JTOTHER'8 HELPER or managing houaekkpr.j young Bootch Prot.l exp. Phone walnut 8108. OTHBR'a JlKLPE-t, ren.nea. capable sewer) visiting or perm. I refs. L 402. Ledger Oft; HUHSK wishes situation. Invalid nurse or . . ,j. Ledger Branch, 11th and Diamond. ' comnetent. long exp.. undergrade de sires Infant or older child. L -too. Led. Office. POLISH aiRIi wants general housework; jyjeake BaigUsh. 203a Newcomb st.. Nkstown. POCiSltlllrl wants gen. housework f good cookl speaks Rngllslt. 2013 HUvli. t , Nlcetown. OI.IHll girl wants gen. uouewor; goon cool speaks English. 2013 llUvli. rt , Nlcetown. uu.tMH1 G.rtnan alrl wishes Doaltlon wll RHFINBD Qcnnaa girt wishes position with kiglish--peaklng family to wait on table or fr -..!.. r.Tl -1. wrlla In 11-1 M Tl-Hnl, st . West Philadelphia. s II I ' I T' """tTT""1 I I I '-"1"l I ItEtrlNt catnouo wiaow wiiq capaoie aaugn- Ur seeks uosltlaa as housekeeper for elderly roiinUi reference. II S3. Ledger Central 1 ere 5SFIN-D woman wants entire charge or ln fant ttrst-elass references. D 81, Ledger Off. l;FINBO young woo;snss hsknr.; eip. 1 eco- noimcal mgr.; rsi. w tnv, cusr tefiri. Itl'8IAN girl wants housework. 2WS"Blavs ut N1 et-wn A'lM'l'lt--S Woman wants nl-in dress- luaklug er uiatu suwlng uf any Itlil at tw-ie or out: reiersm-e &w q oa-u sc. 8nVIJNfiTl aB4"hak5linr djessmske by day or weejf !Il!LJ;',i.f e Olrrm9l-H colored frtr! wlehs"ganeri40!MMi. wrl(, UUi of eea-WV, ieeuvt. lSJUi oVd9. SITUATIONS WANTED I-EMAIrK STENoorurnnrt, bxpriit Thoreuyhly etporleneed In. tere ilimn....,l0,5 "na competent to take SHlp'i,S .5r.Ar J" of nco nnd act on Sr.lJnUlatl!"' deslrea position! Ik in?2 c?fJ1,i'"'! "tlsractoty refer ences. CI 710. Ledter Central. S1.r.;.:i0?nAr.nEn-sl Jr' "Per., familiar with technical nnd Insurance, work; first- .or-. ... v.uyrtrgci. j cpg, i.eoger ijeni. STENOORAPHElt. ronned, educated, 7 years' . P.t perm, or sub, pos. H M0. Led. Cent. HTENOflRAPHpll. tnpldj can assist office) ref.; IT. Il Leil. Dr.. l(Uh snd Dau ph I n STfiNOaRAPHUtt, experienced, milclt nd" ae urata at figs., bill., etc. II 212. Led. Cent. STENOGRAPHER - Experienced, competent, ,,'uinumui; moacrmo salary, v uitat un. siuNuuiiAPiiun well educated, ep com petwit, rel., willing worker. Q 857, Led. Cent. STENOGRAPHER, .comp. and conscientious, . den, pos.j mod, sal.j ref. A 115, Ledger Off. SiTENOaHAPHKR, experlenctdj moderate sal . ary. I7U Chutnut. Phong, Sprues 0582. STENOOIIAPHKII, exp! do neat, accurate wo.-k: mod, salary, u o.', Ledger Central. STENOGRAPHER, 2W yrs.' xp.t comp.. ac- 8TENOORAPHER, knowledge of bookkeeping! -....- .,i , nvmKn, v uto, meager uenirni, T?y?.?mL. t-eThr or separate, cook and upttalra jlrll good reference. 730 N. 4JJ street. WAITRESS, nrst class; undsrstandlng carv ing and can take butler's place) city or coun try; best reference IB7, Ledger Central. WANTED Situation asNort!i German nur sery governess to one or two children, bo 'ween 4 and 0 years. Apply present position, ..-. U.WW.H ay.f, 'iiminaton, -ici. WANTED Washing and Ironing to take home, . reference. 17u Atlantlo t Tioga. WORKING IIKPR.j good, reliable, trustworthy "viii-m, n.euent reierencss. iiw w. iiq st, WOMAN, white, will do day's work of any -tiiu. xu q. iioiiywooq St. 1D1INO business woman, experienced on cost work; card .yatems; quick and rspld at figures, general office work; telephone ex- . change, tl 034. ledger Central. l'UL'NU LADY giod penman; ambltloua; de sires addressing, copying or any kind of housework, o 42, Ledger Central. YOUNG Catholic Indy of refinement seeks po" slllon as comranlon or secretary to literary woman; rcis ii ni, imager -onirai. YOUNG lady, pxp.rlcnred stetograph'er: quick, accurate at figures. II 237, Ledger Central. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT ' -. Expert; booke opened and closed, audited, systematlted, statements pre pared; special arrangements with firms not -myioying pooKKecper; mod, u 71a, iea, cent. ACCOUNTANT Expert; booke opened, closel", systematized, audited; Jf5 monthly up. Au- , ' "' "ox -u-. 1 nuaoeipnia. ADVERTISING MAN, capable and adaptable, newspaper training, desires change; for last three years sales and advertising manager ot wholesale ft retail concern. II 23.1, Led. Cent. AMUITIOUS, honest young man, 27, unem ployed Monday, Irlday, Saturday because of W'ar conditions, desires work of any sort. G 833. Ledger Central. IiOOKKEEPER Mnnnglng ability: thorough, varied exp.. clean char. Manager, 3110 N.lOth. HOOKKEEPING Acll.o young man. 22 years of age. thoroughly experienced In all systems of bookkeeping, pavrolllng and timekeeping; best reference. II 542, Ledger Central. BUTLBR OR COOK Competent Jap wishes Position; best reference. D 33. Ledger Office. CHAUFFEUR Mechanic. Irish, 28 yenrB ox perlence 12 years, efficient and competent, highly rccom.. Btrict nbstnlncr, 6 years' tour Con't, wishes re-engage. D 84, Ledger Off. CHAUFFEUR First-class driver: best of ref erenco from last placo. D 108, Ledgor Office. CHAUFFEUR Mechanic, highest personal ror. .or lu years, uox -.. iwsemoni, i-a. CHAUFFEUR, 7 years' oxp., careful driver: does minor repairs; rer, n i, uea. ceni MAN AND WIFD, colored, wish positions a cook and nuticr. -iu. wavoriy si, COOK OR BUTLER Japanese wants position ln famllyjjrcfeMnMS.,lS34Vlne. GARDENER, "poultry man and general man ager of gentleman .1 estate desires position; Al city refcrenco; married. Box 00, R. D. No. 1, Norrlstown, Pa. HAVE you a position, to be filled, either clerical, executive, sales or technical, where experience and training nro required T The Ledger's Commercial Registry Ilureau has on file at Ledger Central applications of many capable nnd experienced men. Cnll up Walnut nr Main 8000 nnd consult with Mr. Hunt, who will gladly place this service at the disposal ot Ledger Advertisers, WAN AND WIFE. German, first-class rook and good houseman, want situations; best roterence. 1210 N. 6th st. MAN AND WIFE, elderly: active; economical: English: wish full charge of. house for bachelor or widower. P 333, Lodger Central. MAN end wife, colored, desire situations: prl vato ramuy; reierence. h.m ..nuigqu st. MAN AND WIFE, colored: houioman, butler ana cook, luiu Aooison st. MAN, young, 34. with legal stenographic and genernl clerical exp, II 553, Led. Cent. POULTRYMAN, 17 years' exp., wants position Ai rer : single, 1-. u .,-.,. nusor v,,i,v-o. ST-NOanAPHK.ll, comp., depend., any type writer: exp.: trustwthy; ref. D 23. Led. Off. STENOGRAPH PJR Asst. bookkeeper! comp.; rnouemia nuiar?. - --.-. -.g. -. STENOGRAPHER, aged 38: -willing to work; 8. 12 Ledger Branch, 13th and Dauphin. TUTOR IN FRENCH Beginners or advanced students, conversation, reading, composition. Special attention to idioms nnd pronunciation. Terms reasonable. II 240, Ledger Central, YOUNG MAN, Cuban, 23, educatod In Ameri can college, with thorough knowledge of Spanish nnd English, desires position In some lino of business hers knowledge of both languages Is neeessarv: goon reierrnco. Rev. J. M. Greene. Salud 40, Hnvann, Cuba YOUNG MAN deilres position In real estate office; experienced; knowledge of bookkeeping nnd stenography. II 452, Ledger Central. YOUNG MAN, 22. has afternoon from 13 to (1 p. m. free, desires position. D 4, Led. Off. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES FIRST-CLASS rroteslant and Catholic conks, North ot Ireland Protestant chambermaid", waitresses, Benteh parlor maids, butlers, housemen, chlldnurses. mothers' helpers, ex cellent housework -Iris wlh situations' city nr country. Mrs. Kane. 511 S. 10th.- Phone Locust SnlOj AUTOMOBILES Tor Sale Wlf MAX"rV"JMOUSINB: ..Bosch mag. neto; excellent condition; 1-50, Darlen Garage, Darlen and Reed sts. AUTO REPAIRING FORD repair's; carbons cleaned, 11.20; valves ground. 12. Monument Oarage. 1134 Norrls. BUSINESS NOTICES FULL DRES3 AND TUXEDO TO 1IIRH Prince Alberts, cutaways and black suits. ALSO ISVENINO OOWNB AND WRAPS Finest selection In town. Spec, rates for clubs. Phone Poplar S7-10. Moderate prices. BAMUKL COOPER. 1010 G1RAHD AVE. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES DO YOUR hooks tell the truth and at the right time? It Is our business ca arrange accounts so thst the true state of your affairs will be nuleklv aonarent. 11. C, I. MSB S, -iU- G Olrerd Bide, Utl phone, V ivainut u3 M EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY offsrsd to any one who has 23 or 130 to Invsst. Q B8, Ledger Central. OAIIPET OLBANINO WEST PIIILA. MONARCH aTOHAOH CO, l)o. PER YARD. 8870-73 LANCASTER AV! CLEANINO AND DYBINO OSTniCH -"BATHERS.. AND. FANCIES ri.-All-D. DYKD. MAILHOT.HIO Chestnut. DBESSMAIONa AND MILLINEBY CUTTINO and fitting for people who make W ".. . n tarsi l I-i i An WA si ,.. a - - . IjAVV'A' -. "...'-? "'-' Phone Tioga eO-3 p. -726 N- 18th st. GOWNS for all occailoni. remodelldg; moderate prtc". 13 Vtliiut. Locust 877. DhESSMAKIN- iiught; short, prac. courss. M-Dowell. 807 Denckla Bldg.. 'lflh - Market. FOB PALS BILLIARD, cool combination, 2d hand bought, e . " j f.J sirlii ti-S .S" H'M -! rrl B , soiu. r--. - -. .-.. -. -.- -... T HEATINa MAKIN.KELSEY HEATING Setter and eheaper than hot water or steam. Piue fresh air with norms! moisture. cwscaAL mi iNitw 6 and 8 N. 16th INSTBUCTION JJIlXINK-tY course to SO Ui-O-s- i fc-osl at MlUIj, Did ftac. Sel- SHY course la SO Ui-o-s- JUotrlosn j. jew u OLD GOLD nqiraiiT. bold DIAMONDS .g-JCHA.vptio. wiNpoLrii, ArWtAjgBD,2jN. 12TH BT. PAINTINO AND PAPEKHANOING . 1311 W. CUMUEIlt.AND T. WANTED FURNlTURll Antiques, plsnos. etc.. part ,,.-. ......... "f'ntlre house bought. ..r.,n. -umnur- i.i ,143 Kensington Ae. nooMs roil rent HAR1NG. 3218-Tno ntst-floor rooms; suit den tl't or doctor or apartments, The Chilton, i. -,rn iv.qiain, niqnoycer, II UO A I), S B2 Visit the cleaneit turn, rooms in iuwiii sism nest: very reasonable. UROAD, S., 420-Conifortably furnished rooms, y,-.y m ngw ugntanu not water; pnone, CATHARINE. 2058-Prlvato totnlly will rent . turn, or unfurn. .iront room. Locust u27 . CIIDSTNUT, 4430-5ccep."vnrs. ."wnrinV cheer- .m. i.,iii, cunv,; uoaru opuonHi, pnone CHESTNUT. 0130 Comfortably furnished" 2d- n-or room; ret, neignbd. ; conv. to elevated. CIH8rNUT, HHM-llooms. s.ngle'ond en suite, steam heat. Telephone Locust 731. LOGAN BQ W. 218-Two" Urge comT front . rooms, single or en suite) will turnlsh. PARK AVE., 180U Well rurn. parlor and sla ting roomjothervacs.!phons JJIam. JIU2 D. nffETf'0--T-oubTo-andefnare rooms, "filf- rlshedjsteam heat, electric light, phone SPRttCE. 1223 Neatly furnIshedsTng(o" room; well heated iall conveniences; reasonable. fip-lUET"fi03O 0gefiTIernefi or couple for l!d floor front, adjoining bath; board optional. M'HUCE. 2022-DcsTfabie suite, with prlvafe . bathi open fire; phone; owner, BPnlJCE, 4020 Very attractive, single and double fur. tacs.i all conven. Pres. 28-13. VpNANGO 1412-Prlvato faniiiy wlinfent Urge well-furn. parlor; board opposite. WALNUT,1222-24(Kenwood)J-Deslrab1s vscs,, single or en suite; prl. baths; will furnish to suit tenant; moderate rent. Walnut 8181. WALNUT. 4303 Two 2d-floor rooms imriirn , south, expos. J nleaiant, Preston 272" D. 12TII, S 200 Suite of & or .1 rooms; private bath; Meant heat; light housekeeping. 17TII, 8.. ISO Rachelor ants. 2d floor, private bath. Apply 1300 Land 1 lllo JJU lBTlf. S., D32 Private family will rent 2d storyfront rooms; single br en suite. 48TH AND SPRUCE Ueuutlful turn front, combined sitting and bedroom Preston 22U I D. OJTI1. S . 117 Large, cheerful 2d lloor rocniT nicely furnished; housekeeping; reaionablo, DACHELOR APT. Prlv. bathi bus, man ap" predating com, ouartors. Ph. Locust 3317 W, BOABDINQ CHESTNUT ST., 4018 Good table bonrd: nlco nelrhberhoodl convenient to city. Phone Pros- ton 0.124 D. Photo displayed at Ied. Cent. WALNUT, 8BO&-8cond front; nicely fur nlshed; hot-water heat: aeml-prlvata bath, WALNUT, .303 Large front room; southern exposure; also small room; table board. WALNUT, B(,00 Lnrge room suitable for -gentlemen or couple: JO each; good table. WALNUT. 4014 Nicely furn. room: conv. loc. exceptional table board. Raring 747. 8STII, S., 10S Ilnndsomrly furn. room, .'orner house; execp. table. prlnto family: phone- A OENTI.E3t.VN who would appreciate a re fined home and surroundings, central; rcfer inces exchanged. Communlcato with M 537. Ledger Central , Suburban OAK LANE 71st ave.. V, sq. from .ork road trolleys: owner; rooms, meals. Phono Oak Ijtne 123.1 W. Photo display Lodger Central. ROOMS WANTED TWO PLEASANT ROOMS desired, foininiinl ratlng If possible, with board, iu South went Philadelphia; good ref. can bu furnished Address full particulars to M 750. I-od. Cent. APARTMENTS CHILTON -APARTMEiNTS 3218 DARING ST. Two first-floor rooms with prlv. bath; suita ble dentist or doctor or apmts. Mrs. Hello McClaln. Mgr. Bell phone. Preston 0337. Lnnsdowne. 1'n. APART.MFNTS, near station, all conveniences, 23 to . per month. JOHN SIAC. 3J N. Highland ac, Lansdowne. EURNISHED APARTMENTS 12TH. S. 200 Suite of 2 or 3 rooms, private bath. Bteum bent, light housekeeping. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS FOR VACANCIES and complete Information of nil apartments FREE, consult APARTMENT BUREAU 13th and Spruce sts. Phone Walnut USO. or write for February "Apartment Directory." THE NASH 1527-29 Spruce Street HANDSOME, UP-TO-DATE HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS PROFESSIONAL OFFICES ON FIRST FLOOR Apply on Premises KENT APARTMENTS 1512 N. 1BTII RT. Houeekeeplng apartments, A rooms and bath. $.-.:u montii. jsnitor service. THRKH ROOlTs. Ilrat floor; housekeeping; 3: single room, ?1,60. Apply HOI N. HUh. BEAL ESTATE FOE, SALE QEHMANTOWN CIIOICB properties In all sections of Gtn., Mt. Airy, Chest. II.; all prices. Writs for special list. J. ii. -naqwicK wo.,uuib uermaniown, Ambler, Pa. Wi: SPi:CIAL!.D In suburban prooerty nlcng the P. end II.. Uelhlehem and Doylestown brancnes; we oner suouruan jioiups, rarins, Improved country places snd building sltesi we can satisfy any ressonable purchaser. II. .1 PAGER. Inc.. Ambler, Pa Fraier 7 ACRES, P200: good frame buildings. ' A. D. HBALD. West Chester. Pa. NK1V JKRSEY Atlantlo City. N. J. SNAPS III choice cottages, hotels, lots, etc.sale rent, exc: choicest corner lot. Ventnor. ilOOO below cost. Ilruckmann, .110 Guarantee Illdg. Camden. N. J. FOR CALD JlOO cash buys new fl-room hiuse in amaen; uaisnco easy minis, 1 vr iiuca nnfl ii mmuies ir-in, ivrtyi -,, .ut,-(iiuiik- CLIFTON n. DRAKE, -423 Market St., Cam den. Hell Uli. Cape May. N. J. COTTAaES. hotels, apis., for sale or rent, C. Barle Miller. 218 Ocean st. Haddonfleld, N. J. HAVE SEVERAL I'INE PROPERTIES t "bsrgatn T prices. WM. CAREY ilAItafiALL; Ml Federal st.. Camden. National Park, N. J. YOUR ooportunlty; lots 24x1501 near trollsvi overlooking Del.; ad oln. Campbell Soup Co. ilsvelopment Greater N. J. Co.. .13 8. 18th Woodbury Heights. N.'J. SEVERAL ileslrable homes snd Improved bldg, lots at reason tble prices. John sfayhew. PENNSYLVANIA VMlilO Ton AcilH-Locatlon, land, buildings, wstei and railroad facilities all, first cTajsi has evtrytnlna that goes to make a good farmi severarsrock farms ehsap. 160, 200 and 250 "mil tbs very best pj land . anj Lhepl stale y,UT "Wtt. JQNAfHAN gj, HAltE. -Inn Acit-S Delaware County bargain; 10 mllis to City Hall. Phtlsdslphla; 112,000. ' w a. TIIOMIPBQN. West Chester. Ta. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE Atlantlo Cltr. K. J. -IOTKLS. cottages, apartments, eto. .to ex. chsnge for phllads phia proDertles. Chas E Fell. B. Vsrina. ave., Atlantic Cl,ly. BEAL ESTATE TOB BENT Atlantlo City. N, J iiOTELH. boarding houses, cottages, eto. "orstpEAN - MOORE. 4P B. Klyrlda a Capo May, ii. J. -ur.NIBHED cottages, all tmprovemsnts; rea-y"rfn"-le. C. Earle Mlllsr. .IB Ocmb st. SOB BENT yUBNISHED i7(VTL3. lJHlliJ HOUSES. VttlUs. "cAOE-U AARWIENm any .eisou.all taeattoos, AtUntta City, f.lieji, Yt-IMr; iutomoblle service. II. ---. --. M .WIMWII MORTGAGES Blmon J. yife. fl. . .! '.biMOELll CHB-TOTO 1M0 ChbSV t - t Yfl6 DIARY . FB. 9. 1911 Q TRiJ DlNRV OY A BOY AT SCHOOL VAJE HAD ( 3MCHO DATTLE WITH THS HIGH SCHOOL. GOSH WJG HAD FON, AFTER SCHOOL I NEARLY HAD A PI6HT WITH A .WOP. I CON' T KNOW WHAT FOR i ON AEIRIVINC- HOM I FOUND "dH THGRQ AflO WE WENT OUE 1& .TUTS, H"3 JTILL IM, VAe DR.OMMSD STICKS 'A.ND HAD A AMB, APTER CTOSH WEfJT HOMO 0"OT AND LOOKED AT EACH OTHER ND TRIKD MT TO LAOCTM AND HE BEAT ME WITH e SCOR6; OF ll-?. VA1E KEPT UP 0 20 MINUTES BUT AFT6R THAT (AIE CSOT TOO TRAINED TO KOEP FdaM LALXSHIrJG. MA MADE, MC GO TO BSD AT S&JBrJ.THlKTtJ .-ROM A QKHMAN ALPHADET. Lustlie Blaetler. " Ajfzjj DIS for Dctitsclier, who'll soon take, ? rTT I ns liase, S-" Tho British fort, Dover, a fine landing- . -. - - - - kA place. lA "" v r V i HOW TO KEEP WARM WHEN THE JANITOR GOES ON i - STRIKE IN ZERO WEATHER sSSi When your npnrtm.nt la ntono cold, If that rtorsn't work you enn alwnj-H CWft' " r-. s( of course, tho obvious thing to Oo Is wrap up In blunliets, but that Is n bit rCCi. ' B to go and spend tho ilny with a friend. of n nuisance at mculs. V W95 X H b'ej s J A BONE HEAD. M - "Why didn't you send your man to l 5C7 yrf ivv fSJBr' mend my front door bell?" Jj::JZf YV If "il0 d,J come ma'am. Ha ran d$L H If 'S3' three times anil no ono answered, so V J-n H fl mls o i ' llB dcc,llctl tliero was nobody home." A nioro Ingenious wuy of keeping If you have a strong imagination a - A 1 warm Is to make a bonfire of your palm or rubber plant, a ran, a cool I yj-7 ) I furniture, nnd then send the bill for drink, and a book about the Sahara I -Nor7( X I It to tho landlord. will make you think you're Jn the heat TrC A S I of the tropics. sj, Oive. J I ' If 9rA Wn.mni 1 "YLr B Tn 5 JllJ! 1 11 "' is 'I ' (Jf course, you can keep warm by exercising, but that gets rather tire some, after an hour or two. THIS WAR MAY TURN A W Pl PSSl-RT lrTAr.6 THIS 80SIHCSS gg-Vt 8A0 PUODlfTG SCRAPPLE j i THE PADDED CELL ) some pach! riaj5 ME UWDE THE. CHlAl Am' ( SAVSTb ME.ET HER. HRE. ) - V- V IAi TWEMTy MOTES! THE. A x --1 .. - -- PC'R . VT I PRUWe! J 1'erhaps the best way to get warmed up is to go down and tell the Janitor what you think of him. MUCH - DESPISED BOARDING-HOUSE DISH INTO A RARE DELICACY POOR JOHN. Uncle What ore you crying for, Johnnie? Johnnie Teacher canst me 'cause I was f.ie only one that could answer a question he asked us. Uncle Why, that's outrageous! What was the question? Johnnie Who put the bent pin on teacher's chair?