-m- r frwv-5 gVBglN LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, FEBBttZBV 8. 1915, inaafctriiTumri i S3QAL BEST THOUGHT IN AMERICA it 1 7 ft U t ?Sn)7 OiTO y CT f555! EniaADlEIt GENERAL, AND MRS, JAMBS JjFOnNBVi Or ZSil opruce rumi iii.-.. '.Vi. engagement of their daughter, Miss Anselft frC Forney, and William W. liodlne, son SMr. nl Mr. Samuel T. Bodlne, of 1923 Wal trct and Vlllanova. Miss Forney, who SJ2 her debut several years bbo, Is an ex jSiJely popular member of the younger set. lift uodlno Is also very popular. Ho Is a 'SiHjbtr of the Rlttenlioiwe, Metlon, Radnor jkfltt Ittcauet and Germantown Cricket Clubs, M l a graduate of Harvard, IBM. iLjl,, Virginia Wetherlll, daughter of Mr. and hu riirlitoDher Wetherlll, will entertain at kii tomorrow In honor of Miss Marie Louise Stirr daughter of Dr. and Mrs. n. Waller . ' . ... A..I11 1mIi.1a Mine ftlpnnnrA Stafr n0 utow ""' ...V...V.W jRiti, Miss Sidney Wilson, Jllss Eleanor Wun i'i'lla Marguerite Burton, Miss Myra Atkln R Mls Mildred Rougher, Miss Marguerite jjlupeler, Miss Frances Omerlc, Miss Helen Baffin Qleason, Miss Emma Walton, Miss Ifatttret Duffus, aims .marina wuiimar, irn. Edwin iioya jwi - .w .. 1, Al. TY.l1. Tlnl'nl Mtaa . AirijDweii. .H.na .ni. v.j.i, ........ ftuli Dando, Miss Alyso Matthews, Mlsa Ada Gmbert Wetherlll, Mls Anna H. Wetherlll, jSHi Josephine Alcorn, Miss Sarah Alcorn, Miss Eltinor Edmonds, Miss Margaret Delk, Miss jllffi Oohecn and Miss Eleanor Henry. Spj third and last meeting of tho Junior Cotillon will take place tomgiii in m rm uaraena oi ma utuifuu.. - nw. unuer mo rironu8P ul una. ..v. . Dret Blddle, secretary and treasurer or me lines! urs i wmriiuii ein, o. ,... , Hutchinson, Jr., MM. Bobert H. Large, W. Charles B. Penrose, Mrs. Edwnrtl T. gmleibury and Mrs, Alexander Van Rensse Iftr, have been Inrgcly, attended and much en joyed, and as the end of tho season Is drawing ner, the Gardens will be crowded with beaux ind belles from far and near. Tho ballroom will iJ-effectlvcly decorated with palms, red ram- tlirroaes nnd red electric effects. OTiose who will entertain beforo the dance ltSMr. and Mrs George D. Roscngarten, of IB pouth ISth street, and Mlsa Eleanor Arnctt, iiushter of Mr. and Mra. W. AVoodward Ar- ailt, of 2116 Pino street. Covera will bo laid H" "llrs. Joseph Whaiton Llpplncott, of 1531 Bptwce street, will entertain at luncheon today fit jbonor of Miss Sarah Llpplncott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Beitr.im Llpplncott. Tho iilcsts will Include tho bridesmaids of Miss Llpplncotfs bridal pally, among whom will bo Mrs. William Paul O'Neill, matron of honor; kits Mary Alice Clay, Miss Helen Ellis, Miss Helen S. Towei, Miss Hanlet C. Deaver, Mlas Eleanor Gooding, of Poitamouth; Miss Ellza- t'elh Avery Auburn, of New Yoik; Miss Lilian L piddle, a sister of the bridegroom, and Miss With II. Bally. hit. and Mrs. Davenport Plumer have Issued clrds for a bal masque, at their farm, "Twin Rke Farm," Three Tuns, on Saturday, Fcb- rusry 13. r;Mr. Alfred Reginald Allen of 2013 Spruce street, left Saturday for Miami, Fla. nufn j AJdlnn.er of 10 covers, followed by a theatre PMty, was given Saturday night by Mlsa Clara Amy Wllllts, In honor of Mrs. Leonard rtukhurst, of Somers, Mont. The tablo was urranged to represent a Dutch scene, the centrepiece being formed of variegated tulips. A-each place stood email Dutch shoes of Ifjt ware, and the dinner cards were small hlfiij.palnted affairs of Holland scenes. ... ALONG THE MAIN LINE "fiutloiN-Mrs. George C. Blabon. of Highland jiyt'nue, and Mr. and Mrs. Abram C. Mott Xlfi leave tho 16th of this month for Palm Bta'cli. where they will spend the next Ave J$ka, going later to Virginia Hot Springs. H?iJj. Sydney Thayer, of the Dustpan, re turned last week from a few days' trip to New If- '4YiYM. Miss Emily Fallon, who Is spending thvwlnter with her family In Annapolis, where iy.' brother, Henry Fallon, Is a student at tho Nival Academy, is visiting In Wayne. fBrs. Silas M. Tomllnson will entertain at luncheon followed liv lirtrln-A nn ThllTRrinv. t fa' PITPCrri!TIT TITTT B. , wuoi4,uj. uxuu ;.JC9mmodore and Mrs. J. P. Parker, of 27 East wingneiu avenue, have as their guest Lleu Mjnt J, Glennon, U. 8. N., who has Just re jffitly returned from Vera Cruz. ?In. William Henrv Snvder. of S813 German- vMa "Venue, will glv a bridge tomorrow, PPnftn MflH-kXT7TVT !i uuuuivn iuw "A quiet wedding was solemnized on Saturday Jfyn Miss Ethel Lola Pugh, daughter of Mrs. JWle Wchardeon ICldder, became the bride of 2M Herman Dcrsum Wolf. Tho ceremony Hf performed bv the Rev. William Beattv Jjjiungs n the First Presbyterian Church at 2 Clock. r. and Mrs. Wolf will reside In New York. musical tea for the benefit of the woman '; party, 15th Legltlatly District, will SUlven In the Fairfax Apartments. Wavna jiYenue and School House lane, Wednesday aft- Hwn, jfebruary tL Wflt Second Of a. rfHpm nf fnriiHv ritp!riTM j be held In the Qermantown Copservatory S?Julo on Wednesday, February 10. Amona DISS who will take part will be Zadee Town U3 Stewar,( goplano. aladys welsel Austin. S""J(. Jielen Dunlevy, harpist; Camilla j,- .v,,, .luimioi, jijarie uyera vail, nutut; &Tf Alexander West, pianist. charity hrMo- ,in v, t.,. Ttr.j..... Jltruary 10. .i ii, i?oi... -.. m. rds are to be used for the Germantown Pltnl. ALONG THE READING card party of bridge and BOO wu held Sat. Jy night at tho Old York Road Country Club. committee jn Charce of the affair Included ! nd Mrs, Frederick T. Wetherpea and Dr. Mrs. Edward Q. Stelnmetx. Wednesday. February 10. there, will b an ormal card party at th old York iin.rt ?try Club, at S:30 o'clock. Mr. John t. and jfra. Henry M. Palit will act as WS of the day. if and Mrs MnnvinA ir nw.... r .... , ew a dinner or ten covers this vmn$ at ia iwnor or miss wMrj . Hind- A dIU JJi man, of Summit, N. J., whoso engagement to Mrs. Godfrey's brother, Walter J. Hendcison, was recently announced. Mlji lllndman will be Hie guest of Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey for some time. Miss Lillian Heergelst, of 6606 North 6th street, Oak Lane, will be among the guests en terlalnod by Mrs. William C. Bird at her home, 4043 Pulaski avenue, tomorrow afternoon Tho other Invited guests are Mrs. Norman Goslln, Mrs. Martin J. Wilson, Miss Marlon Tyre and Mrs. Percy Reed. WEST PHILADELPHIA Mrs. Agnes R. Hitchcock, of 23 South 49th street, entertained at dinner Saturday night in honor of her daughter. Miss Snrnh Hitchcock, whose- engagement to William F. Allen, son of Mr. nnd, Mrs. John M. Allen, was announced that afternoon. Those present were Mrs. Graco Morris, William W. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. John M. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Allen, Mrs. F. M. Crawford, Mies Slabol Crawford, of New Rochello, N. Y.j Thomas Parke Brown, of Chi cago; Mrs. Isobel Moirls and Mr. and Mrs. John Henry Brewer, Jr. Miss Helon Mitchell, of 4627 Sansoin street, entertained at "BOO" Saturday. Tho game wns followed by a buffet luncheon. Her guests wore Mrs. Joseph Lee, Airs. Sadlo Miller, Miss Helen Mitchell, Miss Kmlly Harris, Miss Rose Car ney, Miss Gertrude Field, Miss Elizabeth Eck- ard and Miss Grace H. Edwards. The Theta Gamma Sorority entertained at a "BOO" card party Saturday nt the home of Mlsa Christine Van Guntcn, 910 South 60th street. Tho members are Miss Graco A. Wade, Miss Edythe F. Wllsle, Miss Ellen C. Patterson, Miss Lydla Patkcr, Miss Ellen Murray, Miss Bernlce Cartledge, Miss Helen Nnon, Jllss Edyth Alles and Miss Dora Wotherspoon Among the guests will be MIsb Emma Donald son, Miss Clara Case, Miss Mary Smith and Miss Edna Mlshler. Sirs. Thomas M. Browning will entertnln nt luncheon and bridge on Wednesday afternoon at her home 4418 Walnut street. Her guests will bo Mrs. Richard Powell, Mrs. Robert B. Lewis, Mrs. Addison A. Christian, Mrs. William Rommel, Mrs. Albert Fritz, Mrs. Walter Nnsh, Mrs. Edward Decker, Mrs. William M. La verb, Sirs. Albert Clime, Mrs. Joseph Lees and Miss Dixon. Mrs. James AValton Davie and her daughter, Miss Betty Davie, of 4329 Pino street, left last week for Jacksonville, Fin., where tlicv will be tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Klutho for Eovcral weeks. SOUTH PHILADELPHIA Mrs. J. J. Connors, of 2343 South Mole street, Is at present entertaining Miss Delia A. lie Loughlln, of Pittsburgh, Pa. Several affairs have been arranged In her honor. Miss Agnes B. Carltn, of 1417 South 19th street, entertained at a delightful "henrt party" on Saturday evening. Her guests, who were mem bers of her "S00" club, were seated at smalt tables, which were artistically decorated with red roses and valentine emblems. The favors wero satin hearts containing unique souvenirs. Tho guests were Miss Mnry Kelly, Miss Made lino Layton, Miss Anna Long, Miss Anna Ma glone. Miss Ella O'Kane. Joseph Felix, Hamp ton Strlngneld, William S. Delssler, James A. Klldn, Paul Drlscoll, Charles J. McManus, Mr. and Mrs. George Gruhl nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. George Jotters. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lang, of 1015 South 25th street, entertained at dinner yesterday to cele torate their fifth wedding anniversary. Their guests Included Mr. and Mrs. William Keelfus, of New York, and Edward Albert, of Read ing. NORTH PHILADELPHIA Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hlnleln, of the Gable Apartments, received their friends yeaterda afternoon at tho Lorraine, Broad street and Falrmount avenue. The at-home was In cele bration of their golden wedding anniversary. Miss Catharine Rudden, of 1B37 West Lehigh avenue, will glvo a dance on Friday night, February 12, Jn the parish house of tho Church of Our Lady of Mercy, Broad street and Sus quehanna avenue, In aid of the charitable work of the church. NORTHEAST PHILADELPHIA Miss Eleanor Herbert, of 3IE5 F street, gave a luncheon and linen shower last week In honor of Mies Emily McCIeltan, of C630 Woodland ave nue, whose engagement to Edward Martin, ol West Philadelphia, was recently announced. Among the guests were Miss Emma Walter, Miss Clara Whiteside, Miss Mary Morris, Miss Helen Belster, Miss Marjorle Hammer. Miss Elizabeth Homer, Miss Louisa Flamm, Miss Netta, Gets, Miss Dorothy Dubbs, Miss Anna Dubbs, Miss Dorothy Rogers, Miss Alys Rogers and Miss Jean Rogers. Mrs. William Ferguson, Jr., of 2205 North Howard street, entertained at cards Satur day. Her guests included Mrs, Clifford Jones, Mrs. Arthur Dauphnee, Mrs, William Alexander, Mrs. J. X. Broadfleld, Miss Elizabeth Slnneman, Miss Bess Conover, Miss Lillian Nevell, Miss Ethel Dauphnee, Miss Margaret McCandless, Miss Adelo McGrath. A buffet luncheon followed. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Fletcher are receiving con gratulations on tho birth of a son. Mrs. Fletch er, whs will be remembered as Miss Pearl Friel, Is staying at present wtli her parents, Mr, and Mre. Edward Frlel, 1917 East Somerset street. TIOGA Miss Marguerite Carroll, of 3S51 North Broad street, entertained at "BOO" last week, The members included Miss Phllomer.o, Clauder, Mlsa Mildred Hudson. Miss Garwood, Mis Margaret Carroll, Miss Genevieve Carroll, Miss Eleanor Doyle, Ufss Henrietta Riley, Miss Kathryn Car roll. Mrs. W, Burns, Mrs. V, Mages and Mrs. C. D. O'Brien. For the benefit of the Philadelphia Emergency Relief Committee, there will b a mat!n at tho Broad Street Casino, Broad street below Erie avenue, on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Boorse, of ISO West Ontario street, have announced the engage ment of their niece, Miss Irene May Piatt, to George Tuckermao, of Qermantown. Mr. end Mrs. Boorse will leave today to spend a week in WWb;ob, . a, 1 WrffflBBlffiMWWHM IMP JHH' I siHBllifiiBr?!'y'58K6AW?r?HHH VSaElBBflL 'ifli i TnWit Wrli'Ml ifll --''liaHI ! IKOSjyJsjKjSMjTSjajqaSjPSjKMSiwSflHMBSjB 4tkBjH fHlSSBfflBI8l3ft&'!2tiP?-,lW, .jHKi'ti, f.'ii Vi " Vl ?akH i HiHHiH' " ' t '111 H 1 : : MWBBmWt , '' t--& I ' II m i mmfr AflifwaSMl ; ki j pi I . 'Si!""1" ' '" '" '"Hill llll t llliillwmWmrtiw0,,Wfiaa5MjS MISS MARY EVELYN CUEW N""- W a FredmcL nrdif, Miss Chew is the daughter of Mr. und Mrs. David S. It. Chew. SIio made her debut this winter and has been one of the most popular "buds." She will attend the Junior Cotillion tonight. DANSANT A SUCCESS Benefit For Smmjsi'le Nursery Proved a Drilliant Affair The benefit given on Saturday afternoon for the Sunnysldo Dny Numery proved quite unique, aa It vvns arranned primarily to attract tho jounger generation. And this It did, for Horti cultural Unit was fnlrly swarming with (lushed nnd excited kldJIti, who followed the Jiectlc ndventurcs of "Allco In Wonderland" und the equally thrilling "Lena and the Geese" with shouts nnd squeaks of childish Joy. Then came tho dancing In the foyer, nnd this, too, wna not confined to the grownups, for numerous tiny tots ventured on to the floor, tripping the light fantastic with all the graco and rhythm of their elders. Tho competitive dancing was Judged by C. Fredeilck Jordan, Andiew Wheeler, Jr., nnd C. W. Churchman. Miss Inez Drayton and Robert Cmreio wero the winners of the fox trot, and Miss Sidney Wilson and Longstretli Brown of the hesita tion. Miss Mary Stuart Wurts and Robert Carrere executed a giaceful pas do deux. Professional dancers from New York, Mlsa Cynthia Perot nnd Elliott Taylor, gave an ex hibition of a graceful and unusual fox trot. Among the young women who acted as aides wero lllss Jean N. Thompson, Mlsa Lois B. Cassatt, Miss Mnry Alice Clay, Miss Jean B. P. G. Hancock, Mica Inez Drayton, Miss Mar garetta Jennes, Miss Gnlnor O. Balrd and Miss Margaret Bervvlud. TONIOHT there will not be any special dance or afTair for the debutantes only, but a number of dinners will bo given In honor or these much-entertained members of society be. fore the Junior Cotillon, which holds Its dual meeting tonight lu the Rosa Gardens. Miss Jean Christian Bullitt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Logan M. Bullitt, will be given a din ner at the Bellevue-Stratford by Mr, and Mrs. Holllnshead N. Taylor, of St, Martins lane. Chestnut Hill. The other guests will include Miss Mary Stuart Wurta, Miss Hope Trux. ton Beale, Miss Alice Chapman Thompson, Miss Virginia Roberts, Miss Charlotte Rush, John W, Drayton, C. Prevost McMlchael, William J. Hopkins, Dr. Arthur H. Hopkins, Daniel L. Hutchinson, Jr. Miss S. Worthlngton Mitchell, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. John Kearsley Mitchell, win be guest of honor at a. dinner to be. given by Dr. and Mrs. Henry MIddleton Fisher, of 10:o Clinton street. Another guest will be Mlsa Caroline Sfnkler, of South Carolina. Miss Elizabeth Roberts Heath, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Theodora W. Reath. of I is i . street, will be guest of honor of Dr. and Mra. William Taylor, of 1823 Pine street, before the Cotillon. Among the guesta will .b Mrs, Marlon Taylor, Miss Susan Brlm,ner Ingersoll. Charles J. Blddle, Clement n-. Taylor and George R. Foulke. Miss Cordelia Blddle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Drexel Blddle, whose en gagement to Angler Duke, was recently an nounced, will be guest of honor of Mr soft Mr. Thomas Charlton Hoiiry. of Chfttltut Hill, t a theatre party Wivwo tli Cotillon, mwmSkm RECEPTION AND DANCE Mr. and Mrs. James E. Gorman Entertain for Miss Marie Hefti, of New York. Mr. and Mrs. Jnmes Cdward Gorman, of Ovcr brook, gave a teceptlon with dancing on Satur utday evening In honor of Miss Marie Heftl. of New York, who Is visiting Mrs. Gorman. The entire lower floor was beautifully nn anged with flowers nnd greenery and great clusters of cut flowers wote piled on the mantel shelves and piuno. Mr. and Mrs Gorman and their guest were assisted In receiving by Mrs. Nicholas .1. Griflln, Jr., Mrs. James K. Billlngton, Miss Eleanor Carr and Miss Angela Gorman. The guests Included Jllss Lydla Buckley, Miss rtuth Buckley, Miss Julln M. Cuvle, Miss Margaret M. Cole, Miss Mnry M. Gorman, Miss Llura H. Gorman, Jllss Jeannette Gorman, Miss Bes Ble Qrlnln, Mlas Pauline Rumpp, Mis Clare Rumpp, Miss Marie Roche, Miss Marie S. Scott, Miss Rose Scharfe, Miss Reta McDevltt, James H. Billlngton, Nicholas J. Griflln, Jr, Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Scharfe, Charles Booth, Will iam Blefgen, Hoi ace D. Blrchard, Frank Car roll, James A. Comerford, Terrenco Connolly, William L. Ely, G. B. Eberllng, Daniel F. Gurn sey, Rudolph J. Heftl, Louis M. Heftl, Frank Bader Netherland, Kenneth C. Pruden. David Burnett Warren, Carl Rumpp, Thomas J. Roche, Jr., Edward Roland Snader, Jr., Joseph K. Sel dle, George Mcllhenny, John F. Daly, Dr. Cyril P. O'Boyle. From New York were John Clarke, Harry McKee, Andrew Smith, Harold Smith, Howard McKee, Miss Juliette Blenvenu, Miss Jeanne Paquet, Mlsi Alice Bums, Miss Ethel Bfuns, Miss Ethel Morris, Miss Eleanor Harri son, Miss Laura Callahan, Miss Marlon I'oth and Mrs. Poth. Miss Heftl will leave today for a short stay with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Rumpp, 1506 Wallace street, before returning to her home In New York, on Satuiday next. ROXBOROUGH Mr. and Mis. Walter S. Westerman are spending the winter in Deland, Fla. Mrs. Frank Endeiiln, of KS Fountain stiect lias as her guest Miss Marie Grebe, of Reading, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Butler are occupying their new home, 204 Leverington avenue, and will receive on Thursdays during the remalndei of the season. AMUSEMENTS GT f T T71 MARKET 8T. AND JUNIPKR Li U i5 ih VAUDEVILLE 1130 TO 11:30 HEAL FUN FE3T AL LEWIS & CO. BOWMAN BROTHERS JULIA CURTIS 8 COMEDV ACTS 8 PA T A P T? CONTINUOUS ALAvju s a. li to 11 1. ii 10fl 20a 1214 Market Cvmv" SaU'lSKJ"'1 hlb'r VAUDEVILLE xtItsaktazlesr. WK TTjrvnirvTT . A V maiue pobq In nits uumi in MOHALH Of UAKCUS CROSS KEYS SUMMBilLANO OIKLS; Others. yrotrrsm cnanju sion. TQurs miltl A mDW PAILY mn ! EVKN1NQS. T 9 uiMiisua. 7 10. 111. SOo 1 imu J. 4.vxy At a;is -m" l LITTLE THEATRE lTthADtLancty Tonltht 8:30. Pop. tj Use. Thur. BMbvlUt 'The :he 36nnU." 'fomor. 'Th. Admirable nark Lady of the tt 3, I-tolytrt by A, H. Hronn. ii. A, "Wit A- Btlr o( Shaw." 80c. II. NIXON'S GRAND TtaUi V.I 7 V Mlsa Emily SmlUy A Co "On tba School Plajataaud Jo KHwedy laabtlla Or Kalian 4 lluniir Dal tc Kaniwd, PaQTMfl WBAlsl MattnMPUy lfcn.Ql.lNU OIIU.S OF SA)T WHITK WAY DigcsL bf Century "War Brides," Marlon Crula; J wentworth. Everybody's "Great Catherine," G Bernard Shaw. ABOUT TWO NRW PLAYS It H ftlmoit nn easy to read a play ajv to seo one. In fact, some prefer rending, be cntiso they don't have to go out of tlia house, nnd can bo euro of a. comfortable chair. The sentences' nnd paragraphs are short. The render la automatically guarded ngnlnfl na ture descriptions and mood atmljsps. And it Is usually the plnywrlght's ambition toimake something happen. Shaw', with characteristic perversity, con trives, aa usual, to defeat convention by-writing prose Introductions longer, and some times cleveicr, than the play itself. But theso the render averse to solid btudks or print may skip. Two of the recent mag azines print plays, one of thorn n Shaw play and one occasioned by the war. Marlon Craig Wentworth lias written a tragic otic-ftct play, "War Brides." Its grim sincerity should give pause to the war apol ogists. The text of the play Is a preas clip ping; Tho vvnr brides were cheered with wtthu siasni nnd the churches were crowded when the large wedding parties spoko the cere- mmy in concert. Scene: A loom in a peasant's cotuuge In n vyai-ridden country. Amelia, a glrtf of 19. Is telling her old mother that she wants to follow her four brothers to the frortt as a Red Cross nurse. The mother begs her to stay nt home nnd help enro for Hedwiff, who mnnled tho oldest brother Just before lis left for the front, nnd who Is to have n cflilld In sl months. Herr Hoffman, a younR lieu tenant, enters, and In n fnmlllar, overbenrlng manner tries to bully Amelia, into mnxrylnpr him. He Is to leavo for tho front In a day or two. Amelia, who barely knows lilm, Is shocked nnd repelled. Minna, a young wnr bride, enters, flushed with excitement, and describes the ceremony: Mlnnn There wero ten of us. We nil an swered In chorus. It wna fun Just like a theatre. Thou the priest made a speech, and tho burgomaster nnd tho captain. The peo ple oheered. and then our husbands had to go to drill for nn hour. Oh' 1 never was so thrilled' They told us we were tho true patriots. Lloutenant Hoffman Hurrah, and so you are. Minna Our names will go down In history honored by a whole nation, thoy said; (Thoy are all carried avvny by Minna's enthusiasm; even Amelia vvaims up ) Amelia Hut whom did you marry, Minna? Minna Relnrlch Berg. Amelia (dublou-0 That loafer' Minim I probably wouldn't have picked him out In pence times, but It Is different now. Ho only asked mo last night. Of course he may get killed. They said we'd have a widows' pension fund us nnd our children forever nnd ever. If the bos didn't como back. So j on see, t won't be out anything:. Anywny, It's for the count:. v. We'll be fa mous as war brides. Even the name sounds glorious! Hedvvlg enters and shows exttome contempt for the war brides, angrily denying that she Is one and explaining that sho and Franz were to have been man led anyway. Lieutenant Hoffman (to Hedwlg) r tell you It Is a glory to be a war bride. There' Hedwlg A bleeding machine. (They all draw back). Why not call It what It Is? Speak tho naked truth for once. Hoffman You'll take that bnck tomorrow when your sister stands up in tho church with me. Hedwlg (starting up) Amelia? Marry you? No. Amelia, Is this true? Amelia (hesitating) They tell me I must for tho Fatherland. Hedwlg Marry this man whom you srarcely know, whom surely you cannot love! Why, you make a mock of marriage. Hoffman (to Hedwlg) I command you to be silent, Hedwlfr Not when my sister's happiness Is at stake. If you como back she will have to Hvo with you the rcit of her life. Hoffman That Isn't the question now. We are going away the best of us to bo shot, most likely. Don't you suppose we want to send some part of ourselves Into the future since we cant live ourselves? There, thats straight, and right, too. Hedwlg Whut will happen to Amelia? Have you thought of tliat? No, I warrant you haven't. Well, look. A few kisses and sweet words, the excitement of tho ceie mony. the cheers of the crowd, some days of living together. I won't call It marriage. Then what? An older to march. Amelia left to wait for her child. No husband to wait with her. Think of her anxiety if she learns to love you Whnt Kind of child will It be? Look at me. What kind of child I would I have, do you think? f can hardly bieathe for thinking of my Franz, waiting, never knowing from minute to minute. From the way I feel, I should think my child would be born mad, I'm that wild with woirylng. And then for Amelia to go through the agony nlone. No husband to help her thiough the terrible hour. What solace can the state give then? And after that, If you don't come back, who Is going to earn the bread for her child? Struggle and struggle to feed her self and her child; and the Mne-soundJng name you trick us with war bride! Humph, that will all bo forgotten then! Only one thing' can tnako It worth while, and do you know what it is? Love. We'll struggle through fire und water for that but with out it Hoffman (drawing Amelia to him) Don't listen to her. Amelia. Amelia (pushing Hoffman violently from her, runs from the room) No, no. r can't marry you! 1 won't! I won't! (She shuts the door in his face.) Hoffman leaves, promising that he will re port Hedwlg to his captain for treason in Influencing; the girls not to marry. Shortly after the captain enters. Captain Hertz (to Hedwlg) I heard jou. I declare you under attest. Come with me. You will he shot for treason. Mother Don't do that, sir. Walt. Oh, no, AMUSEMENTS ACADEMY OP MUSIC PHILADELPHIA ORCHESTRA LEOPOLD STOKOWSKI, Conductor eSKrf I TONIGHT AT 8:15 Soloist: HERMAN SANDBY, Violoncellist Friday Afternoon, Feb, 12, at 3:00 Saturday, Evening, Feb. 13, at 8:15 Soloist: Fannie Dloomfleld-Zeislcr, Pianiste ' PROGRAM Suite LULLY L'cincaito In P Minor, tor Piano and Orchea- ira, . ., MOZART 8rnohooy No 1. O Minor , . . KALINNIKOW Kuutaiy on llgnrarlao Melodlaa for Flano and Orcheatra. L1BZT Htata now on Bale at lltppta. ltl Chtilnut. bTp. KEITH'STHEATRE Bill of International Stars! ARTHUR PRINCE: NAT M WILI.Bi MBS. OENB liUQHEH k CO.: RYAN I LEE. AND OTHERS. To-night Special Navy Night In honor ok cbcii.ia wriuht "apqpted daughter of v 8. navy' rTrvAT" rn-v.Jn.U4- Regular Mats Wed. sn.1 DIWJAU-xuuiuilVB-ls Wdrand Bat. Extra Mat Lincoln's Birthday, Friday, Fu, IS, Mrs. Patrick Campbell &ft K52. PYGM AL ION Popular FrleaWadntaday Mallntn. Bti Seata ).S0 GARRICK Tonight .,. Wife' PAULINE FREDERICK .miV.V. INNOCENT rufu.lar Pif lualv U .! Haal 8aata ll SO, tJbc Magazines you cant do that (She (rein out hr worlt basket and shows him the baby thlntfs sh i'? tr '", k,lll.tln. nnd Rlnncen ulRniflcnntljr at Hcdwlff. A horrid smile cornea Irtto the inn us face.) JIeStK7Ia th' ri,e Yow Mpecl lledtTlBloit will not shoot me if I give J oil a soldier for your Empire? .. Hertz -Why, no. every child counts theewi times. Hut we will put jou tinder lotMi add key. You are a firebrand. 1 warned yoii, Come along. Hedwlff Give me Just a moment. I want to send a meffe to the Emperor. Mother (lhlnfr)-Hiimor her. Hertz Well, well, hurry up. (Hedwle situ at table and writes a brief note. She (fathers the baby things In her hands, cross the room, pressing a little sock to her lips.) Hedwlg You may rend the message out loud, (She disappears Into Inner room.) Hertz (reading) "A message to the Km peror. I ipfnse to hear my child until vtu promise thero will be no more war." (A shot Is fired In the bedroom. They rush Into the loom. The mother stands tiembllng at the table.) Hertz (awed, coming out of the room with the baby things, which he places on the ta ble) Dead! Tchal Tchal She was mad. I will hush it up, Maria. Great Catherine In Hernard Hhaw's play, "Great Catherine," he satirizes the famous 18th Century Em press of ltussla with his usual pitiless humor. During the play, Catherine, true to her am orous reputation, is Infatuated by a young English lieutenant, who has been sent over to report to her tho progress of the American Involution. The second act Is typical of the humor of the piece: Scene two The Empress' petit lever. The central doora are closed. On tho left, on a dais, a magnificent curtained bed. The court m in attendance, standing In two melancholy rows, down the Bldo of the room opposite the bod, solemn, bored, waiting for the Em press to awaken. The Princess DaahkofT elands a llttln in fiont of tho courtiers. A loud yawn Is heard from behind tho curtains. aryshkln. the chamberlain (holding up a warning hand) S-sh! Tho courtiers hastily cease whispering. Cress up their lines and stiffen. A bell tinkles within the curtains. Naryshkln and the Princess solemnly draw them and reveal the impress. Catherine turns over on her back nnd stretches. Catherine (yawning) Helgho-ah-yah-ah-ow. What o'clock is It? Naryshkln Half past ten, Little Mother. Catherine (sitting up nbrupty) Potztau end! (contemplating the kneeling courtiers). Oh, get up, get up. (All rise.) Your etiquette bores me. I am hardly awake In tho morn ing before It begins (yawning again and re . lapsing against her pillows). Why do they do it, Narshkln? Naryshkln God knows it Is not for your sake. Little Mother. Hut you see If you were not a great Queen they would all be nobodies. Catherine (sitting up) They make me do It to keep up their own little dignities. So? Naryshkln Exactly. Also, because if they didn't, you might have them flogged, dear Little Mother. Catherine (springing energetically out of bed and seating herself on the edge of it) Flogged! 1! A Ilherul Empress! A philos opher! You arc a barbarian, Naryshkln, (Sho rises and turn to tho courtiers.) And then us If I cared! (She walks about rest lessly.) No, what maddens me about all this etiquette Is that I ant the only person in ltussla who gets no fun out of my being Em press. You all glory in me, you bask In my smiles; you get titles and honors and favors from me, jou are dazzled by my crown and my robes: you feel splendid when you have been admitted to my presence, and when I say a gracious word to you, you talk about It to every one you meet for a week after word. But what do I get out of It? Nothing. Nobody glcs me anything. "When I have headaches and colics I envy the scullery maids. And you ore not a bit grateful to me for all my care of ou. inv work, my thought, my fatigue, my sufferings. The Princess God knows, Little Mother, we all Implore you to give your wonderful brain a rest. That Is why you got headaches. Monsieur Voltaire also has headaches. His bialn is just like yours. Catherine Dashkoff, what a liar you are. (Dashkoff curtesies.) And you think you are flattering me Lot me tell you I would not give a ruble to have tho brains of all the philosophers In France. AMUSEMENTS Forrest Last 6 Evgs. .,. WJ Extra Mat Lincoln' lllrthdn. Friday, I'cb IS. CHARLES KROHMAN I'rracnla The Grtat Thrct-8iar Combination JULIA SANDERSON DONALD BRIAN JOSEPH CAWTHORN in THE GIRL FROM UTAH NEXT WEEK BEATS THURSDAY KLAW & ERLANGER'S ENTERTAINERS ' IN THE MIRTHFUL MUSICAL MEDLET FADS AND FANCIES 100 Comedians, Singers, Dancers, Specialists nLr.-v,,t- Of- OPERA Homo of World'a VH11VQ1.1HI u Uv HOUSE Oreateat Photoplay! LAST WEEK 1 CHRISTIAN Q llHieS JJciliy EVGS.. T and nlOc. Ho. S5o NEXT AMNCITB KEL.LEI111AH WEEK The Perfect Woman" In "NEPTUNE'3 DAUGHTER" MARKET BT. ABOVE 16T1I 11 A. M. TO 11 110 P. M GABY DESLYS in "HER TillUMl'H" Added Attraction KHtST SHOWING THE Stanley "ADVENTURLS ON THE ROOF OF THE EARTH " Photographed at sreat peril by Frederick nurllncham on Mount Wane and on the Famoua Jumfrau. Swill etland. V I C T 0 rTa "SeT The 1'lay with the TerrW Punch, Featuring William Vurnum Kathltn Wllllaois. Thrilling! I'lcturtaquat Romantic1 THE SPOILERS And AMANDA CHLUERT. ueryioi) a ratarita LYRIC TONIGHT AT 8:15 POSITIVELY THIS WEEK ONLY I The Latest New York Caalno Musical Hit "LADY LUXURY" With FLORENCE WEBBER Popular Mat, Wednesday, Holiday Mat Friday LAST AMERICAN APPEARANCE Witherspoon ELLEN TERRY February 9that 8:15JTtVJ METROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE METROPOLITAN OPERA CO.. NEW YORK T.Tt :t 'preSety"' DIE WALKURE Mines, iiurt ittrai appearance). Oadakl. Uaixenauer. Schumann. MM Urlus. Well, Iluysuae). Con Mi HerU. Seats. 1100 Chestnut 8tL Walnut T03S. RacaW BELMO NT I PARAMOUNT UDSd7AbOVK I MARKET ' PICTURES Today BSSua "The Crucible" MATINEES jj30 and 3 JO EVEN1NU8 tt 3U to It 52D ST. THEATRE !&& Today "THE TYPHOON" MAT1NBB8 1 30 and 8 30 EVENINGS a .30 lo 11 BenefitPlay & Dance Aff45Kr BKLLE L'E-STRATFORD RALLROOU. 'U 8 Ticks! a at Bellevue ATYnT.PHT pop- " "AT Thursday AUIUUmi HOLIDAY MAT. FRIDAY 'The Third Party" SWJJJKL. DUMONT'S TO S?;8 MAT TODAYjJBc. 30c J!4VUJ4A& Eating's Big Show
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