.i'-Miy ; intiwMwviiMMMifl s, rg ,-, 4t- 'T- - - j ' ' f- jttjtH'v-7Hi'' " n- '- " ? i-ii- - -. r - fwtrr-wrw-sxT- - t - ,-r rr----fiyii ipnggg ' -w.v- uw- ,;--' . - w-;----?- Itp -ar-f1? JjJViSjNlNC LKTfti.Tl.-.TTf TT. A TlWr.ti1.TT A 7irr.rr A v i?tdt)T, uV a m.K W'l 13 II v .J. .a, j.1. j. j-sa-v J-l A-l A AA X ". A.VK J JlX JL XX A JL' U JJ All I fl XV A U I ll'XUt RADIAN PACIFIC DECLARES REGULAR DIVIDEND-RAPID TRANSIT ACTIVE HERE ii MAN PACIFIC YIDEND ACTION EtAITED BY STREET JJchem Steel Makes Hp High Sugar Shares $e American Locomo lPreferred Drops. fOMC, Feb. 8.-The tone of the irket today was steadier than nt j..rin last week. Prices at Lisin. were generally higher than i'lslnf n Saturday and there np itfi. v. -nnl auDDort coming from SW. "de'h:B.,?!i: ian to wflI1 tne aouu" u" ","" iir nlM Canadian racinc. the dlrec- .-h.i in Montreal at 2 o'clock ?;' ...e rat should bo paid. Tho Bi ,,. ti,g dividend waa very large, J:Mth Wiacsprcau " "- - iTfcloie of the market It wan $$ tha? the regular dividend had &lladiy trading broadened out ". ..j m.nw issues -which were ).", ,,,. rnlnff nnnnntl L"X a rulc;"nbove the $ to follow an Irregular course. rieU Locomotive preferred dropped JSu. to the minimum price or 83. SSmum on this stock has been itnhree times without any sale Sir- The talk In the street was fth earnings of the company are Sd tht tho dlvlclond maybe rc a.3l awn passed. The last dividend Kt4 tri at the rate of 7 per cent. dia ws tho principal buyer of Ca J'PacMo' during tho day. on the ex- llian that the regular mviucim w,.,j. ItFed. Last week, when the stock ilttlnu down, Canada was one of IB ". .......... I- ll interests were ukuiii ,.. .,,,n ... ieUm Steel, and the stock roso stead- 3ft net aayance ui .; iu una, i record. The expectation of a highly litis nnual report appeared to be auto for the buying. Although the Llrtders feel that something may fedine' although Charles II. Schwab Ull tnati tne cnances uro rsiuuiu ui. ttae, Traders argue that the coin r tamed U per cent, on tho common tiniMlS. and It Is estimated that the t lm !. laaf Annul VIIir WPTG Pfltial Kttly 35 per cent. Host 'of this money jte.ilpetll lor improvcniuiiiB, it 13 tri'tood.' ... ) understood that many nomera oi 14 States oteei common nave Deen i.lln iVtal linlrllntrH fnt TlAthlphnl ftUftlll HH- ..W.-...OW - " r,mMi fnr tintnn tlrriA nflAt. una lldJlTldend of the former company. ! prooaDiy explains me receiiL uiiyuig i)d for Bethlehem. United States i.&jHa.nn ... n flim In ilnii n.nl fctd'U for an advance of 's from )ruy, lagging oit laier oeiow inai lt-9' Kiiijar stocks American Beet and Wn Sugar Itefinlng were both bfonthe announcement that the price k!tnArri prnntllll.,! Ktlpni" llnil hppll mii again for the third time in llt- nore than a week, this time 25 points. 'X' Haws were also quoted 13 points ier. INANCIAL BRIEFS w aSditlon to Southern Pacific, Street u ore to the effect that the Penn ")k Railroad has been selllnir Sor did Western. e'Crejcent Pipe Line reports for the Ji1 deficit of $312, compared with a las of J10.63) In 1913. 1SK U Speakman, of "Wilmington. ta appointed trustee In bankruptcy i Elliott-Chapman Coal and Coke pany, a Delaware corporation doing i in Alabama. r$)Vb 8. Carrlgan and Xe Haven & merid were the principal buyers of lu'anmsu. .amount of emercrenv riirrpntv wndlflg baa been reduced to (S,O00,OCO. Ht Co. are associated with the fWtjr Trust Copipany, of New York. .twenase or J7.4W.000 Erie and Jer- Itr Cent, bnnrla W "'York Cotton Exchange meinber- r w,7W, the same as the last wjiprlce. te' 'Se 8 Phillips has retired from the FLCbarlea D. Barnev Jfe f!n. nnil a ,??W?r,hln has been formed, con- SSf " following; J, Horace Hard y.Coolce, Henry Sanderson, Henry HUer, John P. rirUi. v.iani yr Hnd Philemon Dickinson. Serlci,n Railways directors' meet- V. , . T M, common dividend schod g'W wa postponed until next "v m order that several reports now rWri on can b Pacea before the ,s ,".PXt'c,,ve committee representing f.p"f'rrea stock f the "United SrS.S?51pany ot rittsburgh has re SJPoiU of between 15.000 and M. ma. out of a total of 60.000 out iff!' The. stock hag been deposited iiJlUllft,e,',n, Tr"st- Safe Deposit ""Branca nnmnnn., r ?r. reiolutinn n,inn..i u.. ,1.. . g?. or ,he"u',;3 n'allwlys in- SrTUis m'1" comPny shall. In KttlaV fjd tlereafter terminate on MT of June In each year. w iotl . .... ihav. tut"w or various iom eth. PMi'Ji rlaced on tl18 regular Hfrr aSS ",p"! Ht00K Exchange T.y5 ana uo Keystone b2?on. St?ck vot- tr- ctfs mot n."2Btruck "SUls-r iSbhi. "'"S Company and the W an.i "ea0,nB Coal and Iron glaklng fuS!"886' S caneJ mchan"l7on th New Tork Wnan4a f."3 " mornln at at'T5 l lna Pilous sale price, Wr we made later. iCf1h?'nflm.ha bn eed a SbmVan' J"""p oni X'lre In- tl-j " " . Cilfin?", e!?ctt? director of ftZ JS5SS5u,on BUCC"dlnS f th.h1,Wr,N realities the pa. wa. rmount aaa Company to. - -"--woeii oy a, u. yauon. Itlion at 1A ... . rir " vm a. uarrei was ii PMce of Kansas-Oklahoma, BAS SILVER NEW YORK STOCK SALES 28i 30 MM 60 37K ?H AlasVa OoM-Mlnes Allls Chalmers prcf . Amal Copper Am Ac Chtm. ....... American DeetRugar American Can....... AmCoairxod prcf 103 American Cotton Olln. 47 Am Hide and Leather. . W j Am Hide t.catti pref. ,'7!f Atrrrtcan Ice .......... 23i American Linseed prof. Id1 American Ixicomollv,!.. 'li Am r.ocomoiiTe prer ArrcrlcanStncKlnj AmcricanSuiatii.., American Susar pref LAit aale. lllnh. Low. Gteae. DO I.Hi SO ns fl an 107 IRtf f' S7 2.T aiJi 8.1 28M C2H fit 37 18 107 47H f.W 27 21 20 21!( 81 02 30 3o 5I. 33J ?fili 107 0!( 2754 215 20 2IM &') (Hii (Hit .ld?U 1P3 102H lf2' mo 'nox )09 to American Tel A T0I....12H 120U 120 12fl American Tobacco pref. 100W 107 100U 100U American Woolen prcf. 70,'f 78't 78)' 78'f Atchison ICIJ,' U3!f 03 03?( Atlantic Codst Linn. ...10t lfH 10UI 104JJ ... ,10Jf ...10 08W ITaldwIn Locomotlre. Ilaldwln Loco pref... Prltlmoreft Ohio ... nalllrrore A. Ohio pref . "0'f Ilethlchem Steel M! iietmenem sicel pref... 104 uanK of Lornmerco. . Dalopllaj Mln Jf nrootlyn Itapld Transit 87' California Pelroleum. . . U)H Cal PUrolcum prof &3W Canal'an Pacific 155 ccniral Leather 34 00 09! 70U f.7J 104 170K 170 UIW MH 3H 09 fO 7l) r.i! tot 170 H 87H 19' m 30 09 00 70f fi0!f IfH 170 H P7U 20 J i 54'J 167X MH 157U ROW Central Leather prcf. ..102J( lO-'l Chest Ohio 42) 43'f nwno coppor ,V!X 30) i Chicago Ot Western... 11 11 Chlcaco Mil & St 1 . . SO'i S7 Con Can 4flf. 40 ConCanprrf Ollf 02 O O O & St Louis pref. . 50 55 Krle 22'f 2i'J Erie 1st oref 355 30!f Consol Oas 118!i 11815 118lj Cornl'ioducU Illi OH 0)i Corn Products pref OS 05' t Cuban Am Sugar 45 4M( Dcnrcrft ItloGrando... 7!f 7 Den & Wo Orando prcf 11 11 341J 10.-1 43 35 ( II 87 10 Olli 55 i'2U 3.1( 05" i 45'f General Chemical Gen Motor..., Goodrich Co. . Great Northern pref. ..105U 107 30 101 43! 30 II ."7 40 01H 55 22W 30; 1IHH 0)i CVi 4Vt 7 11 Ot aaK -114N 04 33H It IfiOJf 107 01 01 32' 32'.' Great North Ore Cent. 304 Gneccnhclm 5D)j Harvester N J 00 Intcrboro-Metropolilan. 12U intertor Met pref 57) International Paper. ... 8 Inspiration 1H Iowa Central 7H Klsese 102 Lehlsh Valley 1MU Louisville & Nashville.. 110J4 Michigan Oentral Maxwell Motor IS'.; Maxwell Motor 1st pref C8H Maxwell Motor 2d pref. .22K Mercantile Marine pref. MInn& St Louis .... Minn - St Louis pref. Mexican Petroleum . Missouri Kan & Tex . Miami Capper MlHourl Pacific Montana Power Co . . Nat Enameling pref. National Lead Nat Lead pref 114U 114!i IMS Nevada Consoildatad, NYNH&H New York Central ... N YO&West Norfolk & Western... Northern Pacific , Pennsylvania Pittsburgh Coal Pittsburgh Coal prof . Pullman Co Hallway Steel Spring.. llay Consolidated Reading Reading 1 pref. 4 14H 31 ' OH Kllf mi WH 48H 70 47 ...108 . 12 . 50 88!f . 231S .100 102M .IQ'U . I7ii . 0 k .ICUi . 22!f 17K :2 8li 04U 12!.' C7! 84 1S 7SS ICO 13.5 117 100 18 581' I2J 5 15)j 35 70'i llli IMS 11 4 H 70'j 40 108 ll'i mi 23! S 1GI ir.i 30'' 51'.' V2i 60! i Sh 18! i 104 II'.' 5 V, 04!i 12J COJi 8 1S! 7 10it, 134!i 134JS II 100 18 1&V-, no "5 in? 33!f 7fll UK 18) S 1W mi 70 40 10s ins 50H 88! 117 100 l.!t B8W 22 "h Wi 32 70 ll!i' IB'' 10)f 48 70)i 47 108 ins SOU 83 231S 100H 100JS 102! S 103 Kfl'S ltM'-S 105JS 10 B0',' 152! 23 17 IS S0)i 152 23 17)S 18S oms 152 21 17 .I44K 145!t' 144!i H'M 87 80 20) J 74W H 1M 4tf 14 3U SO :oh 74h !.' US 1 4H 13! 30 Republic Iron Steel... 10H Republic I. & S. pref... 72H Rock Island Ii Rock Island pref M Rumely Co US Rumely Co pref 4!f Seaboard Air Line 13 Seaboard Air Line pref. . 38!f Sears Roebuck 202 St. L. & S. Fran. 1st pref 10 Sloss-Schelllild 20VJ Southern Pacific 83LS Southern Railway I5!( BflithcmRy pref 67 Standard Mill 44!' bludebaker 40j Studcbakor pref 05 'lennesseo Copper 20!' Texas Company 131 Texas & Pacific 1! Third Avenue 40 Toledo, St. L. & W. pref 0) TwinCllyRT 09 Union I)az i Paper. ... 0 Union Pacific UOJi 110H I185S 119JS Tn Pacific pref iOH 81 SOJS 81 Union Pacific nar 28U 28JS 28JS 281 1' Ub Rubber IOM 67 60 504 US Rubber 1st prer.... 10.l' 10.lJi UBJS l3!i USSIeel 40)1 41 4U. 40;i lb Steel rref Viiii 1C4 103H 104 United Cigar Mfg 4'-' 42JJ 42S 428 t, tah Copper 2j 02!i 62 6.,'S Wabash 1 1!S lis Ui Western Union 04 04H e3!-j 63!S WesUnshouso Elec 70U 70 705S 70!S Western Marjlaad 10 10H 1U?S 19)S Wooluorthpref UH 117JJ 117JS 117S Tolal sales today 218,800 shares, compared with 110,800 shares Saturday; total sales last week 1,270,001 shares SO 104 73)" JS Hi W 4!i 1M 30 202!" 2l 2'i 202f 10 10 10 25 83!f 164 56 454 40U 00 29)f 13.1 124 40!' 7-i 9SJS 0 S41S 16,'f 5 45)4 47!" 00 10)' 133 124 405' 71 08H 0 1:0 8 a 154 65 454 475 00 10)' 13.1 124 4UU 7)S 98SS U SALES IN PHILADELPHIA Laat Frev. Sale, IIlKh, Low. 2W Am Gas 10S 104 lUt 3 Amer Rail pfd100lk 101 100H 55 American Bmelt . . 0215 K!S 11! Am Suar ICQ'i 10351 13t do prer 10SH JOSH 10 Bald Loco 3') SO Beth Steel 100 Cal. Petrol , lit Ulee Storage . . M til (Jtli AtulmU pfil iC; 415 Key Tel; 1J4 s do rrff ij' 13 LUiIgh Nav ... i5 1UI do t c. ...... Tjy-J la Lehigh Valley., onf i!in iih Vil Trjii.. IU liio Mo l'ao JV) 1 M a'.-u Penna n Sty ?j!5 ITS Fhil Eleo 7JW r'? SO sa 4H 113 ia8 UTJ? 14H 4T3 1160 P It T-tr ctfl. .. 10 IQVi rhlla Up Tr ... J" J", HIS do t o 10 XO!i SO I'hlla Trao T8 77 13 Jieadlns lr? 'Hi 1S00 Ton Helmont . . 3i S 108 Ton Mining hi UJ 121 U Q.. imp 82 Wii lUtl U B Steel 0't 41 10 Utah Copper...... r,2 TAt.r ui.ii todav. 8302 iliarcs. compared with 49TT abares Saturdayi laat week 4J3tl liarep. MO.NP3. 30 dl sou 47!, U3 iH ta "Ii .3 07 i lti ltU 62', ar, 10 10 in Ul Close. 101 101 02!, 103!i 10ST, 30 CO 20!i 4H 113 lit mi ioU 10 7? i'd J 40I 5;W MM l.at prev. one. nun. IHIU 100i HI 78 DO Ml Lour. Clone. 471 Cam Stl icrlo.. 07 500 l.lty 41 1WIS Ttf. .. 8100 El ti Feo TT 4. 71 4000 Lh Nv eona 4 W-h, BOUO fill Bleo 4-J... 78 isa Ph Co crlp 1310 uo 11H fa con iuin..,y.le "! ,"!1 ', l.Woa llwid (en 4n.... tIU 4VS W 01 Total Mlea today 43.570 abaree, compared with t29.473Saturdayi laat week at.020,000, oo; 78 UO M) .8!i MM. uo M LOCAL BID AND ASKED Today' ' Buturday'a pit. AakM. Bid, Alked. Baldwin .. . Jo pref ... w i ... U!4 ns SKir ".::::::::: t! a g on Aaphalt 59 59 do lireC o" t m KeyatorTe Tl ,..,..... 13i 11 M, 13i d! pr-rf. 8I 63IJ Uj W Luke Bur Cor ;j ,. i;., , Lli Nv "H. 'H , It' ?5? do t c T814 71S '73 731 uhi-rh valley a7i aiij er 87)1 EffilSy&ifTr 14g 1 IS U tla Dftl-f 3(t1 -S -Tti s .PrnwHR oSft-M B2J1 Big K PhlU Blo 2VJ ;7 'S S!" Phlla, Co 3 da rrej 21 i-lTf .::::::::: 4 " If Tj Su R Bf 6 $ tin Trac e Vfc-V::-.:;;5!!"? INCREASED DEMAND FOR RAPID TRANSIT IN PHILADELPHIA Removal of Minimum Limits Kailcd to Cause Liquida tion American Gas Ad vanced Three Points. TliB removal of restrictions on ten tocat Issues fnllcd to catiso any noteworthy liquidation on tho t'lilladrlnhla KxchmiBB tills morning. Falrmount 1'arlc Trans portation shares were tho chief sufferers, heinc offered clown to 4 without flndlnR a buyer. 1'hlladelphla Traction lost a point to 77, but otherwlso prices ruled Hrm, and In the case of Keystone Tele phone a small advance was established, kloctrlc Storage Battery and rhlladel phla Kleotrlo wero In demand, as wcro !'.alAlBl'v,lllcj'' kchluh Navigation and t nlted States Steel, and slight gains were recorded In nin.it nt iiin.n it,tna nn.n. Ing tho Ormer aspect of tho New Yorlc market. Tonopah Delmont sold clown to 3',. the lowest In three years. Thcro was no perceptible effect upon the trading by reason of the new ruling of the Stock Exchange permitting trans actions to ho made at the buyer's and seller's option In accordance with the customary rules of the exchange, which had been auspeiided since the outbreak ot um wmi, uui me lact tnat mo exenange authorities had fntt im,im,i in rniumin to the normal methods of doing buslnoaa us a siiinuiaiing lunuenco toward re storing conOclouce, Tlie local financial, district continued to watch the action of Ilapld Transit with considerable Interest. The sudden out burst of activity In the shares townrd the end nt Inst uppk u-n. niitl i,,imv- plalned. Today, thoiich less oromtnent. there was again brisk trailing In the trust certificates at the minimum limit of 10, ntlfl Wlltitl lhA anttnli. l.n.l Vina.. nlnn..A.1 .... r ..... ...,...j .....4 uc-t, i;,,:u,i-, ,,i at that Oguro the price advanced frao- tiuuuiiy. union iracnon, However, re inalued dormant The bond depattmeut Was HUlct With Pennsvtvniiln 414s. whn Issued, about the only lively feature. 'lliey were quoted at lOttt. unchanged from last week's closing, figure. In tho afternoon trading quieted down lo almost nominal proportions. Lehigh A'alley Transit sold ort 1' to U?, and Baldwin Locomotive preferred went to Its minimum of 99. Otherwise tho locul list ruled iltttt nnri ntpmlv rri r,.niiir. ,hn closing dealings wus the uphldillng of J liiiciiuuii huh iroin iui io lui. i ne trad ing was all In small lots totaling some thing; nvel ?ftl nli:irfu Tim Info, ,.,. ivti. that the move was for the purpose of matting mo rignts iook attractive. PHILA. HALF HOURLY SALES 10 to 10.30 A. M. 25 Phlla It T t c I l.eh Nnv t c. 10 I'hlla Klec.... 23 Tonopuli Hel. SO I'hlla Trac... lOrt Phlla 11 T u 10 t; H Steel 25 Phlla II T t c "00 Tonopah Bel. 20 do Ill Baldwin 10 U 3 Steel.... Kil do SOO do. 2.1'i 23 H"t 1IHI " 7l li) ::n lO'.i 12 10 1 :t 2uo 30 100 4o; ioo 101, ,' 40i 10(1 " Am Itv nfd. 114)4: lo r,en Aep prd. C3 tim lui V S Hteel oni ino u i;it;c storage. )s ..l BONDS. fWOO rhlla Elec 4 100 Elec & 1'eon Tr 4.. 0000 Penna rets 4Vj9 w I. 4kj w 1. 000 Penna icta ... 7S ... 81... . . .UUU ...1U4! 10.30 to 11 A. M. 10 Phlla nice... 100 tl a Steel.... 3 Am Uan IS I'hlla Klec... 3 Key Tel prd. in I.ch Valley... 1 do 20 do b: 100 Thlla B T t 300 Phlla It T t c 10 100 Ton Bel 13 do 10 13 l.eh Nav.... 40 do.i in 12 Penna ...,Kl 10 do IOU 13 Phlla Elec... 100 Ton Bel 3 0-111 loo Mo racinc jio Koyione 'iei. ia; zi renna so uetn Bteei. ... .vi 43 West Jt S S II) BONDS. 1O0O r.lee Peop Tr 4i 2000 l.eh Nav cons 4 Vis 130 Cam Steol scrip 12 to 12.30 P. M. 200 Phlla n T t c lOJi 50 Phlla UTIi ja .w . ..tin A.tw. SO Phlla Elec. Ill Fenna so i'hlla ii 1 t o 3 Keystone Tel. 100 U S Steel.... fi Phlla K T t c. S 300 Tl lit 210 K :3 ,.?. V Tonopah Bel. Keyttone Tel. 1000 I'hlla Eles in) 1'nna r.ico hi 200 Phlla Co scrip 101S 321 i It)' 131. 3 l'enna 40 130 Leh Val Tr, lOii BONDS. 4 10'i 13, 02, 14 7R 78 12.30 to 1 P. M. ion Fhlla Tt T t c IOU IOO Cal Petrol.... SOJi 3D do. Hi'i 112 Am Sucar....lUi 3 Tonopah Bel. 3i 1 to 1.30 P. K. 131 Am Susar pf.losH 1.1 Phlla llTte Wi 11 Penna Halt... W) 1 Penna 52?, 1.30 to 2 P. M. A m 3 U S Steel.., 100 Phlla Elec... 6 Penna trui I'hlla Ktoc... 1 tiaiawin inu.. i. BONDS. 8 Phlla Co scrip lots SOO City 4 IMS rtK S to 2.30 P. M, 10 u a i.K. uo . no J00H .1 do SO Phlla Klec. 21) do in Phlla Elec,, 30 U H steei. 100 821 s: BANK DEPOSITS GROW Philadelphia Institutions lleport In creased Loans and Surplus. There was an Increase of tM.WO.OOO In bank deposit nliowii In the weekly re port of the Clearing House Institutions today. Loans expanded Jl,029,000. The surplus Is now $23,834,000, on Increase of JWS.OOi) over tho preceding week. The details follow: Feb. R, 1S. Increase, !&"ii -".-. -,v H03.diM.OOO $1,020,000 Circulation flue from hanlin . . . I3 posits of bnnks . ;. Clcnrlnitlloufe Iteterven held Ufecivej reoulred . . iT,K'J!n,m!Cr.. ld 'or" February I), llilt. 17.BU),ooo. Febrnarv m. wis, O.B.U.iXK); iuVi.-si&i)vxAYw'CTbid:sBaarMS: NEW YORK BOND SALES 31S,070.O0O li.OCEI.OOO ni, 01,1.00.) I2s.21n.ooo 13,707.000 83.lia.P0n nB..118.(KXI 413.000 l.ost.poo .1.81SI.00O 2.000,000 723.lIO IRll.000 IOSOrt Adams Kpre.. J.!., ft 1SK -mnr fot OH 4V4.....I0O JJW mer Itaks Shoo S...104 rooo Amer Tel clt 4 80 a..i do cvt -lUa lull Ii. 1,01V. Clo(. ... . uo cvl "!tS l',i OO'k I'Wi iSSS Am" wnt'i-ap 3....: e.) m w' "XU 'Jrmnur Co 414s U2'4 !2U MVt jaS!1S Acnion cv moo., oiu mj; tuC SK ?.. vv .: .19'.t !! I'J'.S 1M4I lull JV rit.1,. .1. ,-. l I iiooon do ev 4Us 8014 mmo Beth Fteel 1st 3s loot! .120110 do rfd 8s Slif 11000 Dniok Up Tr fm 1II18.11KI J.OW) Cent tonther let 3s.. tio'i IjOUOU Cent I'ac let 4s Mil tt Ohio cv l,ii.. 74H 1WK4I Chen KHU lie !. M'tm Chi fc'Eant 111 &,..,. 21000 01 Kris 1 8e.. . ow rni ot weit 4... U" n.'t 104ij 71 71 100 101 W'.k l P2U 811 Sit loo 8Si 1ISI IM) 8S 74U t0j lMl Tl 300 101 05!. 811 00 8011 too 89 100 no SI KU I114L f;0(i Chi & Nwn sen 4i atal 02', 7(00 .10 deb Ss 1021 101 out . . ti . . oj; l.intu .. 7A ??asa!v. .! .. wu, a. nc w llmo on iicn 4 li r 11 ft o in ain. .. 28po" C M n (it I' cv 6s w 31000 do cv 4!i llCOil Chl It t col !.. 7IKKI do 4s iihmi ri.i tt t .. 3I4KHI riev Mh Line 4!,. 7O0I1 Col & South s.... 11X0 do 4H 23000 Con Oa cv (! w I -0011 uei a. irnd rfd 4s.... 2000 Ueirolt Tnlted 4H. . . SiTO Die Secnr Corp 3... 200(1 riii Font Powder 4H,. 8C0(i Erie conv 4s er A... Usui do conv 4s r 11.... SOU) neneral Motor 0.... KK'il (leo A Cliat 4 1(K jliul Mnn In tl (WOO III HteM deb H3s.... uiiMik Iowa Central ref 4 7ijl Insp Top cv lit l!0H limp Cup ev Us lut'i.. ifwt Interb Met 4',s LliflO Interb It T ier Ss . isnotl Ind Alrolml S. ... 27000 Jnp new tier Ktn 4l.it. 77 Oion Jaoancio let 4U 81 1iki .lnnnneee 5s lull; 2000 K C Vt H M 4 ... 7.1 2iiK) Kan city Ho lei :ti . . s SIOOO Ken City 80 5s ItPi 1WK) I.k Sit deb la l;l . . T.rt, 4000 r.eh Val of N Y 4U. .101(1 1000 I. V ot .V Y reir 4ti,a.lOJik 1IKWI I.eh Val Coal 3s...... 10-1 i 2000 lAilllsnl Bs HO 111011 lirlllard 7m 124 Toon Louis & NbhIi la . . . H'ly.'. IOimi l.ou & S At ICn 4a .. Si 5 ini) Atanl'nltan 4 nta !n4 ww .iex i-ei to (is tier A. too 70H 70 !( ll'Jti 1UL 1UI 110' i 07 to); 82 (J 101)1, 7 2.1 221 J 111 lli 117 llOli 82'J 1011, t)7 2.1 22!, t)7 ... 035; M4 IISJ4 ... KjS 83, 8.1t! ...113, 113(4 IIMI5 48 . !91, . M4 . 88 ni'A 4 4 .101U . Ml . 211 . 8.VJ .' iiiit; . 1171 . 711 . IIH ini'a 46 I10!i Mil ss 02 U .04 V :1 101 'i M 20 S.l'i 4!l IIOU U7I 7.M, IIS PO'l 77 M livi'i l'l8 IU' Mil 4(1 UUli 33'. 88 ' 1121 ruli 101 U. 8(1 2'l S.IJi imij H7 711 I18 !!!? S3 1IMK w I'lU v-iii 101 10054 ioo5 104' IOU WHEAT IRREGULAR; PRICE OF MAY DROPS; CORN ALSO LOWER Visible Supply in United States Decreased 3,308, 000 Bushels During Last Week. CHICAGO, Feb. 8-The wheat market was ltrcgular and unsettled today. While there were recoveries of 10154c. from t'no lowest levels reached, the net losses for the day were 54ftc. May closed nt 11.6354. Corn closed Ullc. lower, and oats wero olt HOUc. Tneie was a further bin do' crease In the visible supply of the t'nltcd .States last week, the loss being 3.308.(XX bushels. This leaves a total of 66.941,000 bushels, compared with M, 319,001) bushels u year ago. Chicago stock elect cased 6G7.O00 bushels, making the total lit elevators here only (67,000 bushels. There nre HS.ftiO bushels afloat. At this time Inst year there were 8,C2S,0Oi) bushels In Chicago elevators and afloat. The seaboard reported COO.000 bushels wheat and 400,000 bushels corn for ex port. The visible supply of corn Increased 2.4(5,000 bushels to a tolul ot fti.COl.OOO lnlshel8, against 16.S02.OOO bushels r yi'ttr nso, l.eidlnr futures rinsed sn foMows Saturday's Wheat- )rn. Illeli. Low. roe rime. Msy 1.0354 l.OIJi 1.02ti t1.0.l!it.Wli Jtliy LRU', I. IU; 1.87 1.3S tl..tOH PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND FLOOR WIIKAT Ilerelpts. 197.218 buh. The market ruled Srm with a fair Inaulry fiom exporters end millers. Quotations: Car lots, In AVfwrt .lp.ln. Va rA annt And Febrtl art. 11 r.ixd ni- Mn. 'i. rrA Wratern. It.Olff l.uoi s. 1 Norther l Dututh, I.B7tf.W. rttitv ti..A,. tnm. i....i. l, miir, kt .ws quiet but steady, with moderate offerltiM, unttlona. Car lota. In Jn eletslor.-No. a. epot and February. BOB Sic i steamer, 7Si,i704e. t tin. 3. 77'i78'4e. , Car lots fcr lo.-al trade as to location. No. -' jellotv, nr, 8JB8Jje.i eleemer yellow, new. Mft.l4Hc,t .. "l iellow, new. 80!tflSlls .. 'Itnple yellow, new, TlHW'i'ic.i new ttb, per 70 lbs , Siescic. OATH. Ilecelpt. 41.743 bush. Offerings were moderate and the market ruled ie"T Ihouuli oulet. Quotations: Mo. 2 white, .;W "jjc.i standard white, tMBOtlic.: No. 3 white, nvi:.Vas scarce and firm.. We .quote at ll.2.Htl..10 per bush., as to quality. In export elevator, and at il.lfttrl.ZI (er small lota uf nearby rraln In bats. .... ,. I'l.OtlK.- rtecelpts. M) bbls. and J40.;J0 lbs. in sickt. The market was dull and wjlh. out Important chanse. Quotations, per 10(1 lbj. In wood -Wirier. Clear, J707.40: do., trslsht. 7.40?7.7S; do, patent. S7.7SOS; KsnM. straight, lute eaeka. 7..13n7.60l, do., rstent. Jute !(. I7.7,',ai eprlnj. flrat clear. (l.737i do.. tralfht, 17I&7.2S: do." oatsnt, 7.350: do.. favoiita trandi. 8.2.1HS.30i city mills, choice tim toncy patent. ss.os.au: tny niuif, it--ular .grades Winter, clear. lJJJ.,"i. 'lo, tralght, I7.40B7 73; do., patent. $7.7838. YK 1'I.OUR. Supplies mall and the market Rtendt. i.m ii.ii. r.tilet We nttote fancy trinbemes, per bit.. I1.S034.30. earir niacK, per poi , cany DiacK. rer late virlftln. ranberrlea. Cana Una. 11(12: cranbitrrles. Co Cod. crate, 7Bf.fllt cranberries, Jfr?. P" crate, f.owfoc.l pears. New Vork, KltKer, pee bh'.., ltj2; strswberritr. Florida, per qtrt 2.vc. VEGETABLES Orferttic were fairly liberal and the general market wns tjnlet and unchanged. Quotations. While, potatoes, per bush. Penntylrania, jH .V. , Ktur VorK. sa to nusllty. 44p30e.i white potstoea, .teraey, per basket. 304J.13C i awtel itetstne,. iJclawate, per liamper Lsrge. IIS l.M- medium, fitMltue.i sweet ontatoes. Kattern Shore, per lib). No. i, 2T2.7; So. 2, 1.W 1 7.1, sweels, Jener, per bbl.-No. 1, 13.230 .'l.SO; No. 2. 12J.60! sweets, Jersey, .per basket, (WWUOc, onions, per buh., BSOToo . dn . choice, per 100-lb. . bar, $1.30: do., medium, pfr loiMb, bag, 11.2.1) !n.. seconds, per ion-lb, bat;, tl, cabbage. Uanlsli, per ton, Jl.ti, lu; enullilotter. New York, per crate. l 1.731 soltiacli, Norfolk, per bbl S1.J082 kle, Norfolk, per bbl.. 75es3c. lettuce Florida, per basket, $2f7li beans, Florida, per bosket, $19: peas, Florida, per basket. .,. it.oo; eggplant, i'iortca, per wix, cucumbers. Kiorlds. tier blsket. snussli, t'Mrlda. per basket. (2.2.lo:ls peppers. $.1.S0P3 pepper. Klorlds, per.rarrler, SKJIi tomatoes,, HorldS per cnnlet -I'oncv, WJMi choice. 12: cfleij. Florida per ersle, I1.23B1 7.1; do.. Nsw York, per bunch, .VIOOOc. tiBBHei, wr.irei. mushrooms, per 4lb. nearby and Weitern, In wood, at I77.W, as to qiiallt)'. PROVISIONS Tha n,aI.A ..!. ..t ..,,1.a... InttlAftlint .i...... "-:.'l..t,.'j'". """...""."y;'.' I'.-v--iv.. .,,c, wuuieuonn .i-'.'E.. .'.'-.-'II. C...Y iL.nK. "" sir.orteu, .'3C1,C. ; eriri?. yy n sets, smoked. 23i20.: do., city beef, !iWr,k,f8 nd tenders, stnoiied and slr-drled. -Iitasi;.: do. Western beef, knuckles and ( mn mtiv tlellvny) 33 PO 81 4I Ul'4. 2i Tonopah llel. 3s, rlo .1 11-10 do ?, I! H Steel 41 Ke) atone Tel. i:i, Tonopah llel. ie I'hlla It T... 10 Am itwy prd. 101 V S Steel.... 41 I'hlla 11 T t c 10 V S Steel.... 401, do 40ta do 41 do 40 I.eh Vnlley.. . l!7 I'hlla It T t c in do in l'enna ,',25i 11 (Mi Minn X, HI I, .iu MXKi Jiinn a at I, 3s . . iOO .Mo Kan & r 4a... 2i3O0 -Mo l'ao 4s 21000 Mont Power 3 .... 7000 Nat i:nam A Stp 3s -A,in ,-ai aiioe km imi 2000 N V Uall 3U 8(1 7000 N Y Cltv 4a 1r,S tint; 7O0H N V Cltv 4r 10311 n( (WOO N' A" City 44a 11)01.. 100 2IK,(K) N V City 4l,s 10tlo...l(10tl .-.oon N Y nty 4H Jfav '57.101', 3D0O N Y Hull & V 3s.. '.1111 .VNO N Y N II A II 4s 103.1 72 MKIO N Y Itnv ri'f 4s 72H Boooo N V Itwy uclj 3h .V, 7000 N Y Tl iten !', n.1'1 20QH Norf tt. Weat cvt )l.IO'Ji! "UUHl Vn ttM ...,A. ,.. ...k? 2000 Nor Pao gen .". .. 3000 Oro Short I, 4a... 00OO Ont I'ower fis tliCOO Pacific Tel 3 liooo l'enna cv ;iu,s .... 1000 l'enna 4s 10IS IlK'fl Pennn .'It.n t.r t' 140000 l'enna 4Ma w I l1 t,t 111' j mil 30 Tonopah Bel. fl'l 20 Penna Ki 10 Utah Copper. S2H 12 Penna S2i'-lil 10 do 32 0-10 Kin U H Steel.... 40-H SO do 40j 0 do wsi BONDS. 100O Penns con 4s 1018 2000 l.eh Nav cons 45is 1000 Heading- gen 4s 11 to 11.30 A. M. II (ien Asp pfd C3 23 Am Sn.eltlng. C254 10 Kleo Storage. 4755 200 I'hlla It T t c 10 ion I'hlla 11 I' 1 c 10 10 Ton Bel.....1 11-1(1 13 Readmit 721 200 do :'.. 0 Tonopah illn. 0100 do af, BONDS. 4(1 Cam .4teel scrip IS! Cam Steel scrip ll Cam .Steel scrip 7H cam Steel scrip 30)10 Tteadlng gen 4a 87 I'hlla Co scrip 1018 11.30 A. M. to 12 M, 2.1U 40ti 111 !.7'4 puU nit; (.fii-i llflt, -1079, lit", . . Sllj . . nn ..loo twili . 1)8 :!lt ioo 07 tj 81 I (MU. 20000 I'Ct; ti H I, 4', eer 'A. 1014 .TOO Public Scrv N J .is riooo nay con copper Os. .vill Itnollliir ceo 4. . . iiroil Dork Island 4s 2O0CO Itock 1 3a MHJ St I. & X F uli 3a. . . "i'OO Seaboard A I. adl Bs. 13000 South Bell Ba 7000 South Pao cv 4s 2:1000 South I'ac cv 4'Js M'.IOO do cv ret f p 3s... irooo South Par rfd 4s 21000 South l'ao Term Ss... 11000 South Hwy gen 4i... (KH) South Itwy con 5 ""On) 'i'pxhs cv Us 18000 Third Ave new 4s... 20(10 Third Ave mil 3S 1IKX1II r S Clovmt 2s 1000 IT s Itubber fa iiimn r s steel cs SOoo Union I'ac cv 4i .. 2000 fnlon I'ac rfd 4a. M'OO Un Hwy S V Ss. 1000 Va Car Clim lit S. 1000 Va Itwy 3 22000 Wahash -1 iron Wabash 1st r, 1000 Watush det 3s 10O0 Wnb Enu ct sta 4s. :iihki West .ulectrlc 3 . 4IHKI West I: : M cv 3 3000 Weat Slioro res 4s. lutm tv est nnnre a 1001 J24 ss'j 001, ion 32 811' M) 41, III P2'i nn 80 IMP Pill too 100 U !)S'J 1(121 01 J 01 01 0.1'i 07i 100 07 l.j S3 lOMi 10lt 88 10IH, 04 81 30 Kill na'i 07'i 821? on; May July ... date May ... July ... iJU-d-May . . July .. Illbs May ... July ... Pork May ... luiy Ml 4 8.' Ill, 8i)l,j 82(j no', 07", IK 70V, 80 8lS 'SIS 'OOH no;, 57. .11.12 .11.25 ..10 23 ..10.50 till. tA.ked n..in 10.02 1 1.1.1 11.27 tn.r.o 10.52 lll.'t.' 10.70 10.11.1 10.117 11.12 111.12 10.20 "10.27 10.1,1 10.17 11.12 til. 20 10.23 tlO.M) 10.12 10.17 111.13 10.52 10.27 10.117 I'OH 124 :i'i mi; !)0J I ion SI!. III! M) K'i 111 l.2'.i till SO lltiU 1111 loo 10014 11)4', Irtl 72U :t LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS Clltf.KiO, IVIi. 8. HOUR -Itccelpts. 45. 000; maiket, Siuloc. higher: mixed und Imtili er JU.53if7.03: good heavy. SU.Botj7: i.misIi heavy. IO.10tia.4Ti: light. 0.837: plga, tS.HV 0.50: bulk, S'l.HOUO. CATTLK. Itecolnts, 12.000: market, lOHIAv. higher: beeves, 13 l)0iitl..10; tows and helrurs. tl..-JHS.2.1: atockera and feeders, g.30'i)U,3O, Texana, 07.40: ralvea, ttl12. SI1EBI. Itecelpts. i2,000; market 13i;2.1c. higher: native and Western, tl.. 1037.2.1: Iambi, 0. 30 if 0.13. LIVE STOCK RECEIPTS 81 .. 117 ..ino'J ..torn, .. 821, . . 71l, . . no I'M 1021! Ilt'-J 6) im: l'71 loo 07',j 8.1 101'i 101", 8S lo ot 84 511 100 IUU4 O'J 82(4 S2'l "7i 87 81 117 100' 1 KX) 8214 7M,5 110 soi; 81 07 KO'i lis I 8214 701. Ill . .1024 124 KV.'S, 1111 101 jot 00 not, M'.i 114 osij -'.ni 100 100 vOli . INU, . 30' 1 . 04 . ost; . 2J .100 .100 . I4 .Kits, . n:i, . 881, . DOW 2.114 lOtl-J tmj 813, UO'i 00' 1 tKjl, 30'.i Ot OS'4 28 100 100 2i!s IP'S 8,I lit!1-. IIU-l roiai aies. xi,s.,L.ooo. compared witn si,;;u.j,. OOo Saturdaj ; last week, Slu.47l.C0O. 3 9-16 . 73'4 : li-nl . 2.14, . ll'i . 32S ! 11-1(1 c 105 . 7R . B055 2'4 50 Tonopah Mln. 04 (; tut tt u u...t jdir 5,1 tr. , fc,',',' X. :. 2355 :: f4 . 82)1 100 do 4041 , 2-liy 10 do 40 -' r" ". ?f ... . . . ...7 1.1 I'hlla T t 0 JOH S3 l'enna 321 do 40?i ICO Ieh Nav t e. 735. BONDS. 43 PhlU Co scrip 1018..,,,,,., ,, 0 4.1 rhlla Co scrip lolB,, "" 131 I'hlla Co scrip 1010.. ...,.,,,.,... BO., 2000 Heading gen 4 t!i 2.30 to 3 P. M. 10 If 9 Steel, . . , 404 IOO do..., Its) U 0, 1 82 10 Penna ., 7 l'enna 32. 23 Am tias. IOU U Steel,,,, 40), ino l'enna 33 Am das..:... 102.. SO Phlla Klec... . CO Tonopan aim- un a Am uas 2 Pennit 52 0-1(1 SOO Tonopah Bel IB Am Oas. low MAm flu,..,,. D Ciev Dignit. '".. "u m a pivvf,... tUO I , 82U 100 BONDS. TOCO Heading ten 4s,.,., 100(1 Kleo A Peop Tr 4s.. 3C0q Penna rets 4,1s w 1. do.. 'oS4J 1U1 s& 103(4 37i 10)" 40H ""V74 . ot . 77'4 -lOtH FOKEiaN EXOHANOE COTTON TRADING DULL Prices Three to Seven Points Higher at the Close. NEW YORK, Feb. 8.-The cotton mar ket opened steady today, wltlt prices from one to two points higher. The mar ket nt Liverpool wan two to three points higher than had been expected, but this failed to affect the prices here. Brokers with foreign connection sold the near and bought the late months. Trading was dull. Saturdav'a close. Open. Hlsh. 8.110 8.70 8,80 8.0.1 U.OO 11.11 0.31 (1.37 0.45 0.50 March 8.112 May 8.83 July O.OU October 0.20 December 0.4.'t Spot 8.03 Low. Clm 8.00 8.1.7 8.81 8.8!l 0.0.1 11. in II.2S I1..I2 0.43 0.5O 8.63 ENORMOUS COTTON EXPORTS The experta of cotton last week reached the enormous total nt 482.700 hales. The exports In rt:o corresponding week laat year were 207. Ml balea Of the total exports last week Great Britain took 210.371 balea. France 18,. 017 bales, and the Continent 23:1,011 bales. The exports for the crop year liava been 4,12.1,071 bales, as compared with 0 020,032 bales In the same period of last year. Ruling on Cotton Revenue Tax NEW YOHK. Feb. 8. - Tha United Statea Commissioner of Internal llevenuo has ruled that contracts for future delivery of cotton held In Liverpool for account of customers may ba liquidated by the party from whom bought, but not by selling same on similar con tracts to a third party. litis refers, of course, to old contracts, an.l points a way by which old contracts can be liquidated In Liverpool after the cotton future law (oea Into effect, without Incurring the tax. NEW YORK METAIi MARKET NKW YORK. Fab. 8. The tone of'the meial market was unchanged today, Spelter, 8tt S.2.V.; lead, 3.78i3.85c; tin, 23-ton lot, ao.OT5588T.50c- CHICACIO, Feb. S.-Llveato.k arlous centres follow: lloits (.hl.'nso ''. S. Yards 45.OI0 Kanias City 12,00) Omaha 7,000 St. I.OUI Nat. Stock Yds.18,000 fit. Joseph 5,000 Oklahoma rity 22,00) Forth Worth 2,000 Sioux Cltv a.tajo runs at the (Utile 12.000 8,001) 2l,oon 0,50.1 8,000 500 3.(K) 000 Sheep 12,0141 14,000 20.000 1.300 10.(100 iioiio NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGOS NEW YOItK Feb. 8. -Ilutter quiet: terelpl. T'0S2 packages: creamery, extra, 3l',f.5e. , Stale, dairy, tubs. IVSS'sc linllatlim crcam ety. rtrsts. 2l'a23',c. Esss, diilt and weak: receipt. ,010 rises: nearby white, fancy. 32c: nearby mixed, fancy, 23K20C. : fresh firsts, 23ft27c. NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NKW VOtlK York cotfee ex Prices declined 2 February Maich April .May .luno July August September October November December .... Total sales. 40, Feb. 8. Futures on the New change were steady today. in .1 (mini Today's Toduj'B Saturday a opening. rlosn dost. U.O3H0.1O tl.0lfiil.07 7.18ft7.1ll 7.2.1 7.277.2S 7.:i:ttt7.:il .-lim.ti 7.41 5O0 bags. 7-l2f(7.ir, 7.22T.2.1 7.:iltf7.:i3 7.a.So7.40 7-4.in7.-IS "..477.4S 7.52sf7.53 NEW YORK CURB 111 den Urltlsh-Aniellcan T old Uritlsb-Amerlcati T new lioldllell Cuusolldated Oreene Car, l.a Hose Nlpleslng Otis Kiev uo pref ltlker-ltegeman Sterl OUm Tob I'rod pref United Cigar Stotes do nref t'n Prof new Willys Ovd do pret IVirlil Film Yukon Gold Bid. Asked. 7 '714 I. t7!S lfff .. IS 1SU ,. 1'4 1P-10 a --i 3?., 70 W'i : UO i . :i5i . 02 . 01 .112 . :n . 0.1 . mi : -S: i 0.1 BANK CLEARINGS Bank clearlnts today compitred with corre spondlng day ll. )t...:R I1Ma. . Plllll $10,005,702 520,2S,8!I3 J2ll.lllll.524 Hoeton 111.817,071 1S2SII.S05 20.I1MI. 1.17 New Vork...241.7ld,:iU 1II7.II0I.1HI 2:18.711.030 St. Louis.... 13,873,081 11,877,812 1 1,721. Kill Chltago .. 43.733.170 50.383.815 50.823.218 RATES FOR MONEY Call. II m rnmmerclai paDer. three to six months. 2'hli- adelphla, 3it per cent. Philadelphia Nw York , lloston Chicago Reserve Banks' Discount Rates Days SO or 3d or CO or Over Philadelphia .. tiostcn New York Cleveland Itlcltmond All, nta Chicago fit. Louis .... Minneapolis ... Kansua City . Dallas ban Francisco no. ' 8 Foreign Discount Rates less. -1 4 1 .. . 4 -P .... 4 .... 4 :::: " ... 4 I 60. 4 4 454 4 4 3 4 4 4 on. a A .1 5 5 J 5 o14 S Rank tla.ik flank Uanlc Hank Hank Hank Bank Hank Dank Dank Bank nank Uanlc Hank rate. of Kngland 5 of Franca " of flermany s of Helglum 5 of Austria Jli of Italy. . . . J of Swltierland 3 ot Huasla J of Spain 3 of Portugal 5'v of Sweden 3-, of Denmark 3? of Norway t of Netheilanda 5 Dale ot last change. m, ium Am. AUg. Dej. Aug, Oct. May Sept. July Hept. Jan. Jan. Jan. Aug. Aug. 20. 1014 :i. in is 27. 1014 Dl. 1014 II, 1014 111, IOU 29, 1014 I, 11114 14. 1014 3. 1015 3. 1015 12. 1014 20, 1U NEW YORK, Feb. 8. The foreign exchang market opened ateady. Todays figures, com pared witn caiurasy, joiiowi Sterling, demand. Sterling, cable Sterling. 60 days., sterling. 00 days.. Francs, checks . . . Francs, cables Marks, demand ... Marks, cables T9eyi S.oviM WW1M.B3',. .3 " 4.81 5.1B1, 6.18 664, StSa Bat. 4.83 4.M14 8.19H 5.1 ll .8644 -soil I.KOAI. ADVBnTliimiBXTg IX THE MATTER OF THE COM. tnonivealth of PenuarlvatilB. Ex. rela tione. Hampton I Caraoo, AttorAey Oeneral, v, The City Trust, Safe Urpoait and Surety Company of 1'lillauelpb.U. 0. P. No. S, Jung Term, 1003. No. Z040, Tha Auditors appointed by the above Court to audit, settle and adjust the nftli account of J,Hamptqn Moore, Kscelver ef the said The City Trust. pfe l)eio.lt and Huretr Company of Philadelphia, and to re port to tha Court distribution of the balance In the hands of said Receiver, will meet thoss Interested for the purpose of tbelr ap pointment on Tuesday, the 16th day of February, HIS. and dslly thereafter, at 12 o'clock noon at the ofllco of the Receiver, room 81B, Crostr Build UK. . 1420 Chistnut trest. In the City ot Philadelphia, It Is ordered by tha Court that all creditors of said Tu City Trust. Safe D-. posit und Surety Company e Philadelphia com In and proy thstr claims -within thirty days from the data of the flrat meeting of the auditors, or they shall ba forever ex cluded from presenting such claims against or participating (n the suets of tha estate of Tha City Trust. Hafa ' .Ueppalt mnd Surety Company of FhlladrlpbJa. And It la further ordered that the saMd auditors shall, unless otherwise ordered on cause shown, coucluda their meetings and 01 a, report within forty days from the data ot the stld first msst- ,P' JOHN V BOQTT. WM. T. ft ANDERSON. Auditors. ToNet over 5.90 A First Mortgage Bco Investment Secured by seasoned Pub. lie Utility properties in substantial middle western territory. Earning almost three times total bond Interest. Other particularly attract ive features. Details with Circular 155 William P, Bonbriglit & Co.,Inc. MORRIS W. STROUD, Jr. Man8r 437 CHESTNUT STIIUUT Philadelphia New Vrk Dos tea Detroit London) WlllUta P. Honbrlght Co. PsrUt QesbVlgbt Ca lenders, smjked, 272Se. , beef hams, saitwj: poik. rnuilly. 22.50Ji2;l; hams. H. P. cureel, loos-, l.Hil3ic.i do., skinned, looee. 124 12l)ic; do., dn.. smoted, l.'lMflSKo.: other tiatr.e. innL.ri ''..in. n,n,'i n in )itnnd nnil nvetaie. UffUitc.; hams, smoked,, Mesterii curej, HHUijc; do., boiled, boneless. llf aw. : picnic shoulders, S. P. cured, Ion". 10 ";; do., smoked, HHSlVc; bellies. In Pickle, according to average, looee, HlHOMr.: breakfast bacon na to hrand and average, rlty rured. 7irc; do.. Western cured. IWIR.-.; lard. Western, rellne.l, tlercee, HWUUc.: do., do. tube. lllHic: do., pure cltv. kettle rendered In llercts, IICIIHc ; dn., pure city HetilH rendered, In lube. ll&llUc REFINED SUGARS The marknt ruleil llrm and 2.1 point' hlsber. Cinuers' llet prices. RiandRrd granulited. 5b0c: One granulated. .173c: powdered. r,.H3c; .nnfectloiiers' A, S.tl.V .. soft grades, I.WItf 3.500. DAIRY PRODUCTS lltTTKIt. tiemnnil was fair for fine goods and pipes were ell maintained. Ouota tinna: WoMern. fresh, snlld-nacked. creunety. fsuvy st-cclals, .'lOc. : extra, lite extra r-t. :i2.l.lc: Urals, jtusnip : seconds. 2782KC ; Uclle-pscked, I'l'&ilc. as to duality, nvarbv urlnts, faucv, :i7c. ; do., average, extra. 3'lc: do., Urate. Hltf.Ttr : do., seconds. 2.s2uc. Spe cial brjnds or urlnts lobblnk nt 42Hr. EOtlM. The market advaii"ed Hot. per case, with demand atajrblng all offerings of i.liolre stwk. Quotations: In fteH cases, near by, extra. Hoc. per dos.; mats. If. 40 per stand ard cnsii; nearby, cunent rnelpts. 18.10 per t'ii.i; Westt-tn mid Suiithweatern. extra, tlrets. ls.40 per caso; firsts, 18.10 per case; Soulhein. 7..H(S.to per cshu; rsucy telected tondlcd fresh eifna jrbbllig at 320,140 per dot CIIEKSK. Eipnrt demand fair and the marl.et firm under light offerings. Qitotatlona: New W.rk fuli-crestn, earlier lecelots- choice. 17c. do., do., fair to good. Waill'v-. . do, curienl tnaHe. 3lic: do., cart skims, 8V13c. POULTRY LIVE - The market steadv under light offerings and a fair demand for desltatile stock. Quo'allons: Fowls. 1517p. : escoo tlonat lnts higher: old roosters. ltfU2c: young I'lilckuns. so t mealed. Wl7c. : do., stsrgy. MP 14c: turkeys. 1417c. : ducks, ItKUic. : crese, 1.1nlc. : guineas, ue to quality, per li'ilr. 4btt55c. : Dlgeoue. old. tier pair. 2.'Q2Sc. . do.. nuns, per iialr. 17rlSc. UllKSSKIi. Supplies ot One ileslrable sUcd stock small and the market firm on this description. Uemand fairly active and prices ur fowls ' jc. higher. Squabs also stronger. Quotations- VieSh-ltllled lola, 12 to box, ilry plcked and dry-packed-Selected heavy. 20c; weighing 43 th. splecr. 10c: weighing :i',iS 4 lbs. apiece. ISWlS'dc, weighing :i lbs. aplecu, lii'il'i1.; under 3 lbs. apiece, Ilfllllc.: lowls, bbls.. dry-picked and dry-packed Western, neighing I)i5 Ibd. uplece, ISVjo. : do., do., .P-j lbs.. 17W1S.' : do., do.. II lbs. and under, 1 lis in-.; old loosters, dry-picked, lie.; brnllliig fhlckens Nearbj . IUU- lbs. .li.li-.ee. 22f2,lc. ; do., fair to good. lSS'-Uc. Western 11j1j2 lb aplft-e, 201-.1-. ; do., fair lo Rood. IISi'ISc. ; rlikkens, dry-picked and dry-pa. ked. Ill holes --Mllk-fcd, .(l to .'10 lbs. to doi., 17c; inlll;-red. 37 tn 12 lbs. to don- 17c: milk-fed. 43 tn 4i ll,i. to do. , 17c; mllk-icd. 18 ll. to do.., 10c ; iiilllt-feil, CO lbs. and oer. "Oc, : corn-fod. 31 to 42 lbs. to dot.. leffLVar.; rorn-fed, 4.') to 47 lbs. to doi., III.'., corn-fed, 48 lbs. , to doz.. ISc: niin-ri'd. 00 lbs. and over, 10u.: chickens, dri -picked and dry-packed. In bbls. Sclncted heavy, inc.; Western, corn-fed, 5 lbs, and over. lSc: Western, corn-fed. 4 lbs.. liW U'.ic: Western, corn-fed, ,l' lbs.. 13'4c.: Western, tnrn-red, 2(jfl.l lbs. 14(jl5c; tur-ki-ys. drj-nlcked und dry-pui:lJ, fancy near by, 22.- : do.. Western, iic. : fair to good, I8ti 2iic. : "Id toins, lUJ2ilc. : ducks, fnucy. In bores, 17Wlc. ; do., ordinary to good, 12(110.:., gee'c, nearby. 12&14C: do., Western, I0jl2c: nuabi per do. While, neighing 11 to 12 lbs. rer dot.. S4.80S.1.4II; white, weighing P to to lbs. per dor.. gl.2nf4.70: hlte. weighing S lbe. per dos.. X-.50n.'l.73: do., do., i lbs. per dn3., 3t.2S; do., do.. OWO's lbs. per doi.. 2 2.10: dark and No. 2, bOc.Of 1 SO. FRESH FRUITS The general market was quiet and baiely steady under fairly liberal offerings. Quota tions: Apples. Now York, per bbl. Orernlnx. X2SI2.30; King, 2fi2.73; York- Imperial, 2r'2."0; Hen DaU St.nufll.73; Spy. M.7.1tt2.5i): Ilaldwln. S1.75Si2.00; other good eatlrg varieties. M-T3fSrS.su: medium SlOl.Au; aniiles. Western, per box. 7.VWS1.23: apples. Delaware and Penmylvnn'.J. per hamper. 3041 itnc: Unions, ner box. 121)12.73; oranges, FhtrMa. rer box, SI O0S2.40: tangerines, riorins. per strap, ;im:i: graiieiruii. i'loriuj, cranberries, CANADIAN PACIFIC STRONG London Trndlnr; Quiet, With Ameri can Stocks Neglected. LONDON, Pb. S. The London stock mar ket was exceedingly dull torts r. The Amer. lean list was neglected except for Csnsdlan Pacific, which moved up more than a point. l-ondon N.Y. close. Amalgamated Copper 83 Atililsjii pot; Ilattlmore - Ohio 70i Canadian Pacific lOlli Chesapeake A Ohio 3I4 t'litcng) Orcst Western 11 Chicago M & St Paul S0'5 trie 2.1 do 1st pier :isu llllnnls Central in Missouri Kansas Texas 11 Now Yoik Central m Norfolk ft IVesHrn.. lid N V Ontario & West 23i I'ennsyltAnia st Iteatltng tis, Southern Hallway 17 Southern Pacific 8.1T1 fnlon Pacific 12214 consols tp'. -I Increase. Decrease. equlv. 288 22 .13 1071, 10H ss lOO'.i 23 ID-Hi 1441 tSU Rill .. lisii - l n -i: - H S ner box, Il!i2, pineapples, per crate Porto Itlco, si.eotta.73; Floilda. S2S2.50; Sound Investments II A "sound investment" must of necessity embody 1st. Security of principal. 2d. Adequnto yield. Wo wunt you to seo the offerings shown on our latest circular. We recommend them as being "sound investments." Rrazier 6- Ca BANKERS 132 South 15th Street DIVIDENDS DECLARED I'resrent Pipe I.lns Company. 75 cents, par able Match 15. Hook close Itbiualy 20. , United Cigar Manufacturing Company, usual quarterly 11. per cent, ur preferred, parable March I to slock of recoid February 23. American Coal Company, regular semiannual 3 per cent., payable. 11 arch 1 to stock of record I'ebriiary 27. Katrmount Oas Company, quarterly IK per cent, on preferred, payabln February 10 to slock if record February 15. Canadian Pacific regular quarterly 24 per rent, on common; also icgutar semiannual per cent, on preferred. Itumley Co. Receiver's Certificates INDIANAPOLIS. Feb. 8 .-The Federal Court today empowered Flnley P. Mount, receiver for the SI. Itumley Company, 521,000,000 Implement manufacturing: con cern, lo Issue 1,COO,000 In rccelvern' cer tllillcute boniin to continue the company as a solnc concern during 1913. Part of this may be loaned lo the Itumley Products Company, u stibsldtury selling concern. Attorneys for the creditors ap peared and approved the action. MINING &TOCK QUOTATIONS TONOPAH STOCKS. .Urn lluller MncXsmaia .Mldun Mlapuil Kxlenslun . ., .Montana North Ktiir Tnnoiish Prlinont Tonopali Kxtenaion Tonnpaii Rleraer Tonnua'i Alining Iterile Ktila Vst Knd GOl.DKIKI.U STOCKS. Atlanta Hlue Bull Ilooth Ilulbliis r. O P Ci.mb Frac Dlair.ondflcld 11 11 Ialev Florence a . . nolrttletd'' (Vjis" . :'.". tloldHClJrafifrgBriV'.Vi Jumbo- Extension , Keivnuis ... Oro . . . t. . :: . :'.-; K.iii'1 Kin ...:.-. silver Pick 3IIHCEI.I.AXEOCS. 1'alrv Altec KimbTly . . . Nevada Hill Nev Wder . Bid. Asked. . . .17 .50 .. .03 4A .. .on xn .. .22 .! . . .so .Xg .. .14 .15 .. 31 3s; .. 2 2'.. .. .SO .! .. V IVi .. ,n ,07 .. .50 .33 .. .2 .30 .. .0-1 .117 .. .211 .V7 .. .03 .01 .. .03 .07 .. .on .os .. .in .03 .. .13 ,07- .. .02 .m :: -.20 .. .7.S ,70 .. .20 .21 .. .10 .It .. .( .11 .. .00 .01 .. .Ot .03 . . . .10 .. .23 ..".0 .. IU IS Rate of Income Rate of income is, next to safety, the most important consideration in making an investment There is a popular supersti tion that a small return upon an investment is an indication of safety. Where the capital invested is represented dollar for dollar by tangible, actual pro ducing property a liberal rate of income is not an indication of risk, but of security. Our offerings are based upon proven values far in ex cess of the entire issue and yielding a liberal rate of in come. Our booklet will interest you. It treats of values and rates of income. The White Investing Company WALTER WHETSTONE Philadelphia Manager Morris Building, Philadelphia $105,000 Prize for the Farmers of Pennsylvania This amount will be awarded by the United States under the Smith-Lever Bill, Provided the same amount be appropriated by our State. The money is to be used for teach ing better agricultural methods to Farmers on their own farms. Pennsylvania has the largest rural popula tion of any State. Shall this liberal offer be accepted? Corn Exchange National Ba3 vVKiiadelphi M mnccTonY or c:ot7NTANrt CertLtlcil l'ubllc AccoBiitanU BUHN3 8P2lAKUAN its Bourse. AbJIU. Jt)TstjttO(it. F)EnfUI 8tatemU "S-. JRfJf "' quH4. t 4&y r
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