"w"'H8f grmm i wiiu is..-.,,,.,,. ;-g-SHTy.-wlg-., H-g!fl"'''"-''l0y'" ' gj-WHt-n gmy .mm IBM ,rq n 1X Churches MPAIGNONFOR MISSION FUND IN REFORMEDCHURCH $250,OOO to Be Collected to pay Debt and Enlarge Work in Japan and China. i furnDftlgn of unusual Interest Is now . in the Reformed Church In the United 'tales for the raising of the Prince of Fece fund of JSW.WO, from February B 'to 18, Inclusive This money shall pay a llbl of JlsSiOW. nnu tno auuiuuiiui nmuuiii , JI1J.CW tlic isoaru ui mitian wiumm M devote toward the erection of chapel, hoipltsl an( school buildings In Jnpan and china. 0d hundred and twenty-one community iter iff Groups. consisting or pastors ana inymcn, S.'tlV DCn uppuimuu uiivuhuvui uiu 4VnUd Btnlcs to 8ollclt contributions from pM 312,000 communicant members. ,JrAOVailV. NI'UB' - ---- - . .i , -.I,- IinnilntlnHArn Tnfnri,ia,1 ...... ..i. tiiiiMinp thin rltv. nmotintlni" to ivinuim - - - - -- 160UI .w,vw. The widow of the Rev. Clement 'A, xiAUtr. D. U.. wlio was ror many years i"r.riliJent of the Board of Foreign Mis- lioni ana tne jumoi ui mc muiuuo j. vnw rnmmlsslon of 1S78 In the Reformed 'Church, has mndo a contribution of $5000 to the Prince or -caco mnu. a memuer nt (hn board and n leader In the laymen's S missionary movement haa pledged J500O 'I'ta condition that the debt bo paid. Fifty men In Philadelphia are at work St In soliciting $20,000 from the membership tlln this city. ft No other movement has so stirred tho antiro denomination iiko mis i-rinco or Pce fund campaign. Y. M. C. A. MEETING th. gXThs Kev. E. H. Emett Will Spoak at) ) I?.- L..The Rev B. II. Kmett, of tho "Billy" S.'Bunn'ay. pnrly, will bo the speaker at the fitrhen's meeting In tho Central Y. M, C. A., &Jomorrow nftornoon, nt J o'clock. Ho "'will speak on "The Vnlue of Being No f body." Mr. Emett Is secretary ot the FMLos Angeles Y M. V. A., but was given jr furlough of six months In ordor that he might co-operato with tho "Billy" iT'Bunday campaign and branches of tho fft'Y. M. C A. In other cities. 12 The meeting tomorrow nftcrnoon will wit an nour. it will open with a 15-mln-jVUte song service, consisting of tho slng utelng of tabcrnaclu hymns. Mrs. I. D. Glnahart, soprano, will sing. Tho "Drop- ., Tn.CImas" wilt hn IiaM In 4l,n InKI... f v.a 'building nt 3 o'clock, under tho leader ship of Thomne f.. l.awton. Tho sublect ,oito be discussed Is "What It Means to Bo fc, ft Christian." SPECIAL MUSICAL SERVICE fad Attractive Musical Pronrnm nt St. jjjfc PnuJ's Tomorrow. T''o nfth flpclnl mimical servlco will be held In Bt. Paul's Preabvterlnn rimivii. i.toth street and Baltimore avenue, tomor- iuw evening, rue serviajs will begin nt I'lX n'fllnitlr n,1 ...III 1.- J .1 fi,"" w viuwn, nnu win yu iinacr mo airec A lion of May Porter, organist and director. .Selected anthems will bo sung by the solo .fluartet, consisting of Kdna Florence ;jj,,6mlth, soprano, Jran Douglas Kugler, contralto, James G. MacDonnld, tenor, snd William V. Newberry, baritone, o ii'iu he assisted hv tin phlln- ' lnl,la T ,i1Ii..i C3,UU .. v,. uauiro -11IIUkf VUUriCl, COITipOSCU i Of Dorothv Tllhln n,at ,ir.n,-.. i.-ti.i.nu t, Porter, second violin; aiiidja Minion. t lola and Reba Stranger, cello. Selections B by the strlns nuartnt will Include num. --... i.u,u vuiupoBiiions ot iscnaiKowsicy, Dvorak, Macdowell, Bach and llandcl. IP RELIGIOUS BREVITIES Wit Ht.. T:r.,- " ..i'm1-"".' . r. "? "rines at iBf' J.'VSa .?'fi?,odl fhurch tomorrow enln S-Jwii tiki V. 1 1' ", William B. I'. liana K'n" hj subject "Submarlno Victims." some qrost I'rcachers I Have Heard" will b, n". !'bJt o' "i addre.a to b delivered Kt.bM.SJn-xRri .Jamc1 M. Iluobcrt it the WiSdn.i.P wL1! "r" . Association meeting Ht o'eloSL ' on Mo"day mornlne at II r..f!s . Vt .ii.f.00. Chalmers Richmond Lr.'icon (V'y Judas Deserted Jesus' Will 10- ciufrh n0'.?"" "f st' """ Kplseopal hi -Riiw,'. '2" JenlnB sen-Ice his toplo will l?.l r?K Sundtty ""d I'hlladelphla-i Polit- ; HS'cSjJiS'V,'"" , ..Convert Them T Can 1'Si V."'' h People Who Vote for Them?" aVHfi;:nSf' .."e.mnB. Doctor Illchmoml will R.dS,m.,h..l,ic-n ' cLu.b ofJ.h Cn""h of tie ivT,nm&JklnffJllnl"J,UDl0' "Tlshtlnj for . .ComdelIln"1 hi 'he Church." " ... , wii, no niaaa ha Iltift m;i " wiurcu iinincmaieiir peiore 5 jf,SJIS.ln,r ,!trvlcA. whn his tonlo will bo UriM IlMFn.n..., r.1... , ' ,J.j..". before n ."fiiV ,. cl0.?k- w II be conducted by Mt.,. "!!.?.. Mvamlln- f 'h HunBay cam. M tn party. The ninnt service will be da. t-i . -J" .." wetsi . i n pvivhti jr i. IS.M." x!!t Christian Endeavor Boelety. An t Wnlnl1 !". b0 m,d9 bv th9 nv- Dr. r. M. EbVV.'r't.'niVch?' ,h0 Th,ri1 n"""'"l v r . "Jn.plratloni" will hs h .uhl.rt nt 1c M5JI Slv.n at the Broad Sireet Theatre KkJm.'I!" ."venlni at 11 o'clock by Horace J. "iii.!!' J ,!' ot " -nicRKo society ror ipiys? .Culture. In the ev.nlns he will lee E ;..v,n" finical society house on "Dreams a.cu to Character." l.J Vi!" nornln erlce In all of the tlnltar " Church.s of the city tomorrow the sermon rli'""1 b "fl"d Incarnate," fjiSf.. P.'?.'.: v- McKnrlsnd. dean of the ' lLiM,'",?,.c!,I,a "d HosplUl. of Bni J?.T vlam.'.wnl -leUver an addr.t. at the Cen-V-lock" A" omo"'ow mornln, at 0 nBJ..ci,lB1r.u0, ,t,,e ,,oly Apoillea rrotestant K n2f.' (:h"reh will sine th "Holy CI y," o t7 Q.ul. at Ihe ev.nlnr .rvlr tnmnrmw. ?BffiiIl.',ir!!,ib "."l d,l,,r ddrsj to the e !u?Lh"fI,nd CI,S. ' " Second Baptist "u.r'.hi tomorrow nftsrncon, ...!? w'ren, former editor of the "Ap feau'L' 'son," will deliver an addre.a to lCKWn.,,ernon. ki 3 o'clock. In the Broad flT'lIU ThfStre. linrlar h nmnlM. nt lh. !;!u.T?t"8' t,nder th LTKrS W,W7 cocieiy, WtPi-Rsy.. W ,'o Alex. icletv. iih. v;.Yt, wi.1 Aiexanaer win preacn in fS?t 8 o'c'joTu t0T Jn,brlat" ""ow "llkiM'r."' ,V'5 u4. nV- rstor of the Norrls Alexander will preach In ri tt -SSiS 'i0" ,,n ihe a'lernoon A. J. Banders, Ia1b fff"1"'-. w'11 ddreis th men's meeting, Irh.rlr.'Yi10''' ""l1! bo. wl" "sslst tht rrl"1 st the evening- service In tha U.rtl.t f hS'i.wmoI'. Doctor Conwell will preach. Wj'Jl" t harlea W. Hsrvey, pastor of the .in " " ' is m jerusai.m raveqtnDorianj Mrr0Pi'h. .n "The Sacrltltes ot Ood,'" tol ffiv1? Eward "Warren, of. Green Hill ItltiiiiiT0 .Hn",',5"- " prescij on.'The aa wS!?. i"W "smsay Hwaln pastor of Sabtl :f?d.,Ktn, rrhytrUn Church, wm of. Slu 5. 'ervlces tomorrow mornlna. Ther Veii?5 Prl1 communion sorvlca and the ar2?n1 Mw. inembers. In the evenfne iuri o-,ii v ,,,w. iBBmoers. in in eve 1SnlilJS Young- PtoplVf Vocation rRf.ii,:b..,bl ' Ine sermon wl : l l.aI' of Nathaniel." Day 1 be i!K.4,,.tn.?UIt EpUwoeal Church of the Cov lr4iSin.,,,.'.,,on 01 Th volunteer"' at the !.&?.. if,?'1'" tomorrow. In the evening Mr. IfTk. n"1. PJfEh on "raying the Fare." , i.:.'.-'-' a jv itow. viii CAnaucE m. eneeui '" St the TlbirnirL ll.thnl.f Unlinoruil 2 wmirrow morning-, a lenture of whldt -" ' vujuiunian rtfenimn nr tiniv iriitrn TM iPVi rB'a ei i(i rraaK" at ha moruim tirv. - niiii.r ... . K.'" " maao tonisnt at the 2r .k. l!" on b". ,h0 Ilv- Dr. Shaw, pastor k fi. Allesheny Avenue Baptist Church. ' i.i,.,xt'0'hlnn or the gospel of Mark win I ST "SI! py tho nev. TJ. t. niilellim in t hi viV..' ; "". wesisy iiurns. pastor ot "utiwS' "hlst tplKfpal Church, Qar. snroriJS; "' Preaeh at the mornlne service tLTIX.'V.'?.' Mm Through the Dark " tl"?. n.ev. Ullton H.roM Nlahola. niitor at - flihs ? v enin n win pren on T Wl AlOnr nn rtf a Baletel nf alrmnnu "h.q't ,Nhr In fiutory." ty pAVv" l"w u'r Auli pastor of Cal- "' k uuii'u. will Ija7sra.irn on i in I-,., . -Z- ! and their NEW EX-GOVERNOR GLENN TO SPEAK TOMORROW Former North Carolina Executive Will Address Two Meetings, Ex-Qovernor Glenn, of N'oith Cnrollna, one of tho lending temperance ndvocatca In the country, will deliver two addrcsnea In tnls city tomorrow, under tho auspices of tho Anti-Saloon League of Philadel phia. In tho morning Mr. Glenn will spealc at the Mt. Airy Presbyterian Church. In the nfternoon he will speak at the Her rnon Presbyterian Church, Franhford. Mr. Glenn Is to bo one of tho spcaltei-s nt tho national convention of tho Anti-Saloon League In-Atlantic flty next duly. lie will make a number of nddrcHses In Penn sylvania In April. Mr. Glenn helped mnko Virginia. Colorado, Oregon and Wash ington drj. Up has been speaking to large audiences In Cnnnda and In nlmost every State In tho Union. GARRICK THEATRE MEETING Fine Musical Program to Bo Part of Service. "Whero Two Ways Meet" will bo the topic of tho sermon by the Rev. Dr. James B. Ely at tho Lomon Hill Association's non-sectarian meeting In tho Garrlck Theatre tomorrow night. This discourse will be in continuation of the popular series dealing with the fundamentals of Christianity, which has resulted In con versions nt every meeting this winter. An exceptionally line musical program hns bten nrranged for tomorrow evening. Lester Paton, tho boy saprano, will be th'i special soloist, his selections being MnrzlaU' "That Sweot Story ot Old" and Ambrose's "Ono Sweetly Solemn Thought." V. Kevin Wlest, cornet soloist, will play "Young Wornor's Parting Song," from Von Nessler's "Tho Trumpeter of Sikklngcn," nnd Prof. J, Lincoln Hall will lead tho song service. Parko V, llo san, organist, will play the "Pllgrlm'B Chorus," from Wagner's "Tannhaouser," nnd the "Nocturne" from Mendelssohn's "Midsummer Night's Dream." The mu sical service -will began at 7:15 o'clock. SALVATION ARMY SERVICE The Salvation Army will hold a special Young People's Day celebration tomor row nt the headquarters of tho Young People's Councils, 8th and Vine streets. Colonel nnd Mrs, Koltx will meet those who lire Interested In this work and dis cuss plans and methods for the success ful carrying on of religious work among the young. In the evening, Cplonel and Mrs. Holtz, assisted by the head'iunrters staff and workers, will conduct a big sal vation rally at 8tli and Vine streets. The Provincial Staff Band will be on hand to render tha musical program. (If I- -s-stzr . Z"'' V-5 r J . , . , . . V AT t""""" 7" fr ' ' f" ' ' 7 !"" '""" ' ' ' ' ' ji.-i n itrr.fiL J ' ' , , '' 8T i JgisTa.., i- iaT . ...nr u ,i ,, '"- ! f mi sViI.Ji J ,, M i m ,v -fc $ rC--r" -ft at ye- . zr5---. y- ti j j j ' i w " " h-"H l "BILLY" SUNDAY BIBLE CLASSES CENTRAL TRUTH OF TOMORROW'S LE880N. (February 7, 1915 International Sorlea Ruth 1i 8-18.) DECISION FOR GOD By QEORQE O, DOWEY, This letton it on the beautiful itoru ol Ituth and Naomi. Naonl, her husband and tteo 6oj were forced bu famine to leave their own country and seek a lluelliood In Moab, Tha two boys grew up and married two women of Moab named Ruth and Orpah. Both voung - between the true Ood and the false. Bhe forsook her bum land, her own, people and her own god to go to the land and people and Ood of Naomi. This seemed like a sacrifice, but she learned later that it paid well. It elivays pays ta decide for Qod. Ruth had little knowledge of the true Qod, but she dealdcd to follow Jilm because of what she saw of His goodness manifested in Naomi. Bhe said, "Thy Qod shall ba my Qod." Yho or what (s my Qodt What kind of a Qod am I influencing others ta fallow a god of pleasure, a god of wealth, a gad of sinf Am a good advertisement for the Qod Jehovaht . -n-WWl IIW .! .iJMfalwhlllllllll " workers-religious "BILLY" SUNDAY REVIVAL Bentley D. Ackley, the evange list's secretary and pianist, al though busy both by day and by night, finds time to compose mu sic for many new revival hymns. The reproduction above is that of his latest composition, and the lower is Mr. Acklcy's latest picture. CAMDEN'S POLICE TO BE HOSTS Industrial Show to Bo Held Next Week at Armory. Camden's police will hold an Industrial show and carnival ovory night next -week In -the 3d Regiment Armory, lladdon five nue and Mlckle street, for tho bcncllt of tho Camden Pollco Beneficial Association. Asldo from tho nightly concerts nnd dancing, tho following program has been arranged: Monday, thcro are to be opening fea tures; on Tuesday, a cako-baklng contest; Wednesday, a baby show; Thursday Is olllcl.il night; Friday will bo marked -y a dancing contest, and Saturday there will be a baseball contest and tho award ing of prizes. CHILDREN'S SERVICE Doctor Berkowitz Addresses Special Discourse to Youngsters, "A Cnll to the Children" was tha sub ject of a sermon delivered by Dr, Henry Berkowitz, D, D., nt the Rodeph Shalom Synagogue, Brood and Mount Vernon otreots, this morning. Tho sermon was, part of a special children's service. Doc tor Rerkowlts will hereafter devote the first Sabbath In each month to such a special service, the pulpit discourse be ing addressed to the boys and girls, but of equal Interest to odults as well, huibandt and their father died, leaving all three women widow. Naomi ttarted bach to her own land and her two daughtert'in-laio accompanied her to the border' line, where she bade them go bach to their kinsfolk tvhlla she, trusting hr Qod, trudged on to the land of famine whence she came. "Orpahklssed her mother-in-law, but Ruth clave unto her," Orpah went lack to her oion people and to the gods of Moab. Ruth chose to follow Naomi and Naomi's Qod, Her answer (verses IS and if) to Naomi's protestations contains tho central trufh of tho lesson and constitutes one of the classlo passages of literature: ''Entreat vie not to leave thee, or to return from, following after thee, for whither thou goest I will ga: and where thou lodgest I will lodge; thv people shall bo mg people and thy OqoJ mv Qod," The story makes Us own application. Ruth decided ;" ' 1 l1l- I.I.. II. Hll.nssS II--- HYMN G-edl&ux: & -z -. & fjc jFricnblp $)ntij Borrowing ttoubtc it thr prratcst enemy of happiness in mankind. A'o person rvcr rotes strong, no person ever dors Ills best work nnd no person ever enjoys real gladness who lives In thr dark shadows of imagined tUQlculllcs of tomorrow. Tn achieve the fireatcst success in anything it Is essential that wa look Into the Inline with confidence that tve shall tulu. Thr man who timidly approaches a task because of fear that he may fall has been nwrc tltnn half de feated aliendy. Ills greatest power Is gone. Jlvcruthinu worth while is built on n solid trnll of confidence. It is a good thing to mnhr plans for the work of tomonaw. But no person should allow those plans to Injure his work or happiness today. It Is true that church workers find many causes for disappointment. But they should not anticipate their disappointments. They have viany mora causes for gladness If they arc truly sons and daughters of the Re deemer. If they would keep their minds filled with the thoughts of their joys their causes for sorrow would be crowded into a corner. If we must borrow anything from tomorrow let us cliooso the happi ness that comes through loving, btnthcrly service.. No man ever gained anything cither by crying over his mistakes or by whining over his tasks of the future. Let our pathway be so full of tha sunshine of gladness in doing good and In faithful work that wa may never stumble over foolish rocks of borraiucd trouble. J'HILLIPS. BIDDLE BIBLE CLASSES Big Program Ahead for Busy Workers. Philadelphia "Jack" O'Btlen will bo the speaker at tho Men's Class of Holy Trin ity Church tomorrow morning, at 9:30 o'clock, The class meets In the parish house, 217 South 3th street. Dr. Ernest J. Stevens will preside. A. J. Drexel Blddlo and Alexander El liott will be the speakers at the Stratford Methodist Episcopal Church, Stratford, N. J., tomorrow nftcrnoon, Rev. Peter Provost will preside. H. Frederick Wilson will address the Jleii'a Blblo Class at the Church of the Reconciliation, 13th and Tasker streets, tomorrow afternoon. ,T. DeWItt Jobborn will speak at Sharon Hill Methodist Kpls eopal Church. Oeorge JI. B. Taylor will have charge of tha service tomorrow morning nt the Sunday Breakfast Association. Mrs. K. M. Whltemoro, founder of "The Door of Hopo" and president of ne International Gospel Union, will apeak. J. DeWItt .Jobborn nnd II. Frederick Wilson will speak at St. Titus' Protestant Episcopal Mission on Tuesday night fol lowing an entertainment under the aus pices at the entertainment bureau, The Men's Class of the Tresbyterlan Church of the Eft-angel will hold Its an nual supper on Friday night. X, J. Drexel Riddle and a, number of oRlcera of the organization will speak, The Ladles Class of tho Church of St. John the Evangelist, Sd mid Reed streets. Will hold a Lincoln's Birthday entertain ment, under the direction of Aehford Adams on Friday night. The Racket Club ot the Drexel BIddie Classes will meet on Wednesday at the winter home, 1917 Mt. Vernon street. Tha featura of the week's extension of the work Is the formation of a class In Lalltpur, United Prolnces, India, wheiu the work has made rapid progress since Its organization In that country by E. H. Mills. The South Philadelphia classes will have charge of the services at tht Inasmuch Mission on Monday night, when William A. Jluey will speak, and at Galileo Mis sion on Thursday night. SCHOOLS AND COLUEOE 111 B I H E I B IS I'll IM' J I O N BTMNOGHAPHlf, BOOKKBJsriMi, tCNOUSU Jrt llaU Bulldlnr. mi Chesumt ('(. I t '- Tl I I I I ... Ij. IT . ' I I UNI activities of all denominations DR. R. H. C0NWELL TO BE HONORED ON 72D BIRTHDAY Faculty and Students of the Temple University Will Unite in Paying Tribute to Noted Philadclphian. Dr. Russoll H. Conwell, rector ot the Baptist Temple and president of Temple University, will bo honored on tho occa slon of his ?2d blrthdny by tho faculty and students of tho University, next Sat urday evening, nt u reception In Horti cultural Hall. Tho occasion will mark the celebration of Doctor Conwell's Birth day nnd the annual obscrvnnco of Found ers' Day ot the university, In addition to tho faculty nnd tho students who will at tend, many men prominent In tho city's professional, business, cducatlonnl and ro llglous life will bo present. Judge Klklns will preside. Although ho la about to celebrate his 72d birthday. Doctor Conwell works ns hard ns ho did In his prime. But ho wisely coniorves his energies. Ho never worries, nnd he does one thing at n time. That Is why he has been so successful In Jlha many llclds of endeavor In which ho has been engnged. Today Doctor Con well standi In the fiont rank of tho many brilliant nnd distinguished men not only of rhlladelphln, but in tho world. In ad dition to organizing nnd building the largest Baptist church In tho country, tho Baptist Temple, Doctor Conwell founded Tcmplo University, an Institu tion designed to bring tho bencrita ot a higher education within reach of tho poor and which Is considered by many ns des tined to revolutionize the cducatlonnl system throughout tho world. In addi tion to his great church and college. Doctor Conwell has fathered two hospi tals, tho Samaritan mill tho Garretson. According to Doctor Conwell, his work along tho thrco llncH of religion, educa tion and "healing tho sick" ha been promptod by tho belief that Christ com-, manded It. "When Jesus wns upon earth," says Doctor Conwell, "llo devoted His nttnn tlonb to thrco things hcnllng tho sick, tcnchlng tho Ignorant nnd preaching tho Gospel. Wo have endeavored to follow Christ's Ideal, Our hospltalrt heal tho sick; Temple University gives an educa tion to thousands of young men who otherwise would never obtnln It; nnd In the tcmplo wo preach tho Gospel. ISvery chutch In tho world should endeavor to follow out Chtlst's Ideal In these things, nlwas adapting Its work to local condi tions." Jtut, hla church, unlvorslty nnd hospitals icprosont but n part of Doctor Conwell's work nnd usefulness lo mankind. The proceeds of his lectures, amounting to ?S,GSO,000, havo been dovotod to helping ici:i.h;ious notices Ilaptlst ll.VPTIST TRMPLn, Uroacl and Derks. Preaching hy tlio Piistor. 1tl BSUI.L 11. CONWELL Morning, 10 .".0 Illlilf School. 2:.10. Rt., 7:13. UlLIILillT WILSON, ltasio of tho N. V. Cantante. U1 assist the rhorus In the eenlnir Urcan Hecltsl. 7.13. Wm Powell Twadilcll. 1U8.1 Director CIIB8TNUT STItUET HAITIST CHURCH I'hutnut st , wont of 40th. rinoitoi: U AIA.MS. l. D., Pastor. H.-4.1 Urotherhouil of A. nnd 1. in 10 n. in Worship snd Sermon by rastor. 1' 110 p m HIblo Hchool nnd Men's Bible rnlon 7 43 p. m. -Worship nnd Sermon hy Pastor. filXPND nXl'TIST Ilt.LI'I.N'a-IIANO CI.AhS mri-ts 2 '10, 7th below Olrard nvo. Mr, Chas Zreb, wneaker. Thn tilmpson Sisters will slni,-. Tonlitht. Galileo Mission. Ilov. Dr. Klia-v. 1-setor of the Allotheny Ave. HartiH fhtircli. will spfak. Mrs. Arna and Mrs. Klnliler will sing Frldny night, Clareni NolU nnd J'rayrr Mooting Band. Sunday, Tucsila) nnd Thursday nights, Uothan Am-hnrnse, 100 North nth st. Disciples jf Christ Tin 11 11 I'HUISTIAN CHURCH Ijniraeter ai llolly and Aspen its, T. K. WINTER Pastor. 10 13. g In. 7. 8. Drexel nitidis Illbto Classes DnUXCI. DIDDLE BIDLK CLASSES If jou nre Interested In lle-nlro methods In lllblo Class nnd Church work, call up our Director of Field Kxtmslon (l.onibartl 074UJ or visit his otilec, t5 Lilayette Building-. Kllilrnl Culture 1IOKACK J. HltlDOLS on "Inspiration: What It Is and How lo Ort It " II road Strict ihiauo, ll a. in., una on urrums us v. uiuu lo Character." ISthlcal House, 1324 Bjiruco Mrfet, x p. in l'ranklln Home FRANKLIN IIC Mi: FOR TUB HKFORMA TION OF INEURIATKS, 011-1.1 Locust St. Sunday, 8 p, m Service conducted by Rev. V l. Alexander. I.emon UIII Association "WHKHK TWO WAYS MKKT" CARR1CK THEATIIB SUNDAY NIOHT. 7.30 A LL WKLCOML-A LL Lutheran MKHHIAH LUTHERAN "The Friendly CI urch" loth and Jefferson sta DANIIU. K. WKIOLE, Pastor. 10 so a m., 2.30 p, ni,, 7 43 p. m. Ktrll t. tkhm'dt' violinist IPhlU. Onlies Irttl at Ihe Kvtnlng Service, TAtlL'RNACLK, ttOih and fipruie-Wm "j. MIL lfT Jr. 10-4.1 7-4,1 3 B.. 2-tll p m. TEMPLE. Kit and Race Rev. A. rohlmsn," M. P., 10:31) a. m., 2:30 snd 7,15. Methodist Kpleconal CHURCH Or THE COVENANT SPRUCE AND 18TH SIS. MILTON HAROLD NICHOLS. Minister. .1.30 Holy Communion In the Chapel. 10.10-"111H OLUNTKBR" 7 43 "PAYINO THE FARE" You will find a hearty welcome at all the sun Ices. 1IIH FIRST METHODIST CHURCH JN OSRMANTOVVN I IIAKLES WEfcLEY Ill'RNB, Minister. Mornlne Service Ten forty. fUe. "(iOlVB LAMP THROUGH HIE PARK" Evening Service Eight. TUB SHEPHERD FACH OP OOD." Muelc. by vented boy choir. Welcome. METHODIST EPISCOPAL UNION CHtlnCIt"" JOHN a WILSON. Pastor, 1Q.30-Holy communion, 7i45 Service ot Oospel Sons;. Selections by quartet. Corntt solo by Mr, Eddowes, I'rcacning py i-asior. MOUNT HEHMON, 10th and Porter, lUv, F, C. Thomas. II. 8; S. 8., 2:30 p. in. TABERNACLE, Uth below Oxford, 1U:30 Communion. Ttecsptlcn of members, 7:45 "The NUht of Agony." New Jerualero(8wedenborlanJ TfETBACTlUriCEa OPCOD""ls lh' suSIiot of the sermon Sunday mornlna by tha Pastor, the Rev. ClURLEsJ W. HAUVBY, at the Church of the New Jerusalem. 22d and Chestnut sts. Hry co at 11 o'clock. Sunday School at 0:30.. All seats are free. Every body la welcome. I'resbitenan ST "PAUL'S 'PRESBYTERIAN OllURCJil ' " ' Cor. Baltimore ave. and M)th It. Rev J. UEVERIDOB LEE. D. D.. Minister. 10 13 a. in, Public Worship. Sermon by Dr, Leo. S lio p. m. draded BlUs School. T 43 p. m. -Evening Worship, Sveeial Musical Service. Ardhems by sola nuartst. Kdna Florence Smith, soprano. Jean Uoujlass Kugler. contralto, j ar!lU Mac Donnld. tenor. William Newberry, bass. Philadslphl Ladle' String, Quartet will also assist Dorothy M. Blblt, first violin; Elisabeth Portsr, second vlollm Gladys Mln. too. viola: Reba, Stanger, 'cello. May Porter, Organist and Wrtctor. All seat (ret at all service OREKN HILL, Olrard ave above Uth st. Rev. EDWARD WARREN, Minister Morning, 10.SO, '-Tha Realisation at SJn." KvsaW f 43. "Shields ol Gold." Bide lss. tW. A a exteJIeut quartet obelr, wades direction at Mr John Don. Orcsalat. It ion m looking lor a chuicfc bene, jou, ere xelfwne i II 1 II J T II Illl BBBBBBBBBBBsMilsiBBBBBBBBBBBBBVPXViBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW Ett ilintiBilflR H aBsHrWaHSeWrOHr ISBBK BsHW IlBBBBBBBBBBH&BBESBlHsBBSSaBBff hsBBBsPlS lBrf,BtBBBBBBBBBBBBBBal IsbbBPSSbbb? H HbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbH DR. RUSSELL H. CONWELL Veteran orator, preacher, publicist and educator, who will be hon ored on his 72d birthday, next Saturday. thousands of poor young men to obtain n college education. Conwell wns a poor boy, he had a bitter experience nt Tale, owing to the poverty of his parents. Ho realized that a few hundred dollars will help many a young man to tldo over a collego year. And so for 36 years he traveled around the country lecturing, nnd every dollar rocelved above expenses' has been contributed to the work of giv ing poor young men n college education. In hundreds of cases the gift was pre sented In such n manner that tho recipient was rot even awnre of the Indentlty of his benefactor. It is for this great work that Dr. Itus scll H. Conwell will be honored next Saturday evening. nrcr.ioious notices FrrsliTtrrlan Continued HOPE, 33d and Wharton sts Minister, Rev. .1, OBAY IIOLTON, O. D. Rel . WILLIAM TAYLOR CALDWELL Assistant 10:43 a. in . Rev. Mr Caldwell will preach. 7.J3 p. in. Dr Bolton v 111 preach on "ihe Lama Man ' UNION TABERNACLE York and Coral t. Rijv ROBERT HUNTER, I). Tl., laor. 1U 0 a. m "Future Retribution. " 7-41 p. m. "Responso to the Gospel Ap penl " I!ei!al Himns used nt tho Evenlnc Service. Cornet muMo hy the Ureenhslgh Brothers. 2 :'fl Pnhbntli School 7, Y. P. S. C. E. 2 43BinLB JJNtONlNaHB CHURC1I WOODLANO'PRCSnYTERIAN'CHURCH 42d snd T'Ine sts JAMES RAMSAY SWAIN. Minister. 10:30 Communicants' Prayer Service. 11 Communion Service Reception of new members Short Sermon. 2 41 llbln School. New scholar Invited. 3 Adult classes. Prof. Crockett and Sirs Bwnln K Voting Teople's ocstlon Day Service. Subject. "THEi CALL OF NATHANIEL." ERNES r WAONKR, TROMBONE SOLOIST Favorite songs frcm "Great Revhal Hymns," H you nio looking for a church home "Come thou and nil thy house " Protestant Episcopal CHURCH OK THE HOLY APOSTLES 21ST AND CHRISTIAN STS. SPECIAL MUSICAL SERVICE AT 7:30 P.M. 'THE HOLY CITY." BY OAUL V. LYMAN WIIKELER, ORGANIST HAZFIL HAKT.MAN, VIOLINIST FLORENCE ArELE WIOHTMAN.HARPIST OLD ST. JOHN'S. Drown st. below 3d. Doctoi Richmond preiches Hebrusry 7, 10;3o and 7 4.1. Subject at nlftht: "HILLY SUNDAY AND PHILADELPHIA'S POLITICAL OANOfSTERS CAN HE CONVERT THEM? CAN HE CONVERT TIII1 PEOPL?J WHO VOTE FOR THEMT" Doctor Richmond will pre.-n.li next l'rlday. g p. m PARISH Or ST. LUKE AND THE KTIPHANY iHlli st. below Spruce, new DAVID M. STEELE, Rector. H a. in. Holy Communion. 10 n. in. Sunda School. llo m. Holy Communion and Sermon. 4 p. m. Evening I'raser, Anthem nnd Ad tlress. Organ, Harp and Violin i'rcludo. In terlude and Postlude. The Rector will preach at both services. EPIPHANY CHAI'EL 17th und Summer sts. 8 a. m. Holy Communion. 11 a. m Holy Communion and Sermon. ".13 p. m. Sunday Hchool. 8 p. m. Evening Pnoer and Address. Rev Irving A. McGrow will preach. ST. 31ARK'h CHURCH Ultli and Locust sts. The Rev. ELLIOT WHITE. Rector. SUNDAY 7 and 8-Holy Communion, 10.3'-Matlna 11 Choral Euchsrlst. 4 Choral Evcnsons, with short address and Anthem, followed by Organ Recital. The Rector will preach on Sunday at 11 a m. WEEKDAY SERVICES 7. , .4,1 nnd 0 a. m. and r p. m. The Litany will be said and Intercessions for peace mada on Wednesdays and Fridays at 12 m. H.itunlay at 13 in. tho Rector's Bible Class (In the Church). Thursdass and Saints' days additional celebration, 0 30 a in. ST. STEPHEN'S" CHURCH 10th st. aboo Chostnut. Rev. CARL E CRAMMER, 8 T. D , Rector. Sunday Services: It a. m Holy Communion and Sermon, and 4 p. m., Evening Prayer and Addrtsa. Jn the afternoon the Rector Is giving o course of lectures on "The Oospel Behind . tho Ooipoli." The Rector wilt presch at both services. WA'JlmisWii. ra Lincoln Memorial Intaglio Reproduced on the entire front page of Sunday's Pictorial Section is Marshall's famous portrait of Lincoln a picture well worth framing, Two more pages show Pennsylvania's Lincoln Me morial at Gettysburg and scenes associated with the life, work and death of th6 martyred Pre$i dent. Watch for the Lincoln Intaglior SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 7 &J&S..& PUBLIC wssass Order From Your Dealer Today MISSIONARIES IN PERSIA SAFE, REPORTS MORGENTHAU r i ii i Belief Needed for Refugees, How ever, SayB fionrd. The condition of the American mission aries and nallvo Christians at Tabrli and Urumla, Persia, Is safe, according to fho latest report received by the Stat De partment from Ambassador Henry Slor genthau nt Constantinople. The State Department communicated with ihe Am bassador, requesting him to make a care ful Inquiry Into the condltloh of Amer ican missionaries In Porsla. The follow ing reply was received from the Am bassador! In reply lo your recent Inquiries s to the condition of the missionaries nnd native Christians at Tabrlu nnd Urumla, Persia, wish to say that the American Consul at Tabrlx telegraphs American missionaries safo. Native Christians nt Tabriz and Urumla un molested. Thcro aro many refugees. This will bring great relief to Persian In frtls country, who have feared that their people In Urumla had suffered at tack. If the various reports rtre correct, It would seem that those who fled to t'rumla and Tabriz might, perhaps, hare remained safely at home, It was only naturnl, howovcr, that they should fear tho approach of the Turks nnd Kurds. Tho problom still remains how to get re lief to tho refugees In Tabriz and UrUmla, says the Board of Foreign Missions, the ofrlcfs of which nro In New York. The board Is doing its best In sending relief moneys to Persia for distribution' by the American consular authorities. RKI.IOIOUH NOTICE Wwedenborglan SEE NEW JERUSALEM . . nefornied TOST M. A., 180i A Dauphin, Rer. John r. Rev. Miceacr. the "Jungle Man." preaches. SA.?S' ".'J?.-?"! Huntingdon, her U. ti . Outellus. 10:80, 7143; Sunday School. 3.80. Woelallst Literary Boelety IMtRD D. WARtflEN, Editor of the Appeal' to rteeaon, will spialc at Broad Street Theatre gund'tr. p. m. Muslo by Van Den Beemt . Ptrlng Quartet. Admission free. Unitarian. AT THE MORNINO SERVICE IN ALL three Unitarian Churches the ministers will preach on m.,-. .,.. "OOD INCARNATE" TCT?,.ffiR.?,.liN.",m!l,AN C"UnC"' I1M toVrdunIta'AlX-n CHURCH. H120 Olroni ave.. 10M5 n. m. Ror, K. H KVAN8, Minister. TIJtE OEltMANTOvVW UNITARIAN CHURCH. Orrens st. nnd Chelten e.. 11 a. m. Rjv O. B. II AWES Minister. After the Morning Service at the First Uni tarian Church tho Communion Service will bo observed. . ,. THE UNITARIAN MESSAOE . will bo presented at tho Olrard Avo. Unitar ian Church on the evonlngs of February 7, R, Ii. 10. at 8 o'clock. Tho speakers and sub terts will bo: , Sunday Rev Teter U. Goldsmith. D. D.. ot -V nnkers. N Y . formerly pastor of the Tioga, Baptist Church will preach on "Ars UnJtar Isns Christians?" Monday Dr, Gotrtimlth will Broach on "OUPJ OOSPEL OF SALVATION." Tuenlsy Rev Gnorgo C. Cressey. Ph. D.. D, D.. of New York, who has held prominent rulnltn In England as well as In this country, nlll preach on "OUR AUTHORITY FOR TRUTH. REA SON OR REVELATION?" Wednesdav Dr Crersev will prenoh on "THE GOD WE WORK WITH". Special muslo with organ recital each era nine at 7:4.1. ,, , ,. . The Unltnrlans art) preaching a cospal that la In touch with modern life. Their Chrls llin fallh. rooted In the nible, Is onrlehed bv the discoveries o! science and tha re searches of modern echolarshlo. Our re ligion appeals to tho progressive mind and at tho same time to the simple human nature of the avenme man. Come and see if we have light for vou. United rreslirterlan THE NORRI8 "SQUARE tJ. P. CHURCH Hancook st. and Susijushsnna ave BBV. LEE E. RIFE. PASTOR 10 4n-"Llving Water." 2-30 Men's Msss-3(eetlng. Address hy Mr. A .1. Ssunders. of Bcrantcn. 7:45 'The Burden Mado Light." A cordial welcomo to all. A place ror 3011. uomf. Vminir Men's Christian Association RiTvTETlL EMETT. aide to iJilly Sundsy In 4 p. m. Man's Meeting. Subjoct. '"The Value of Being Nohodv." Stirring talk. Tabernacle hymns. Mra. I, D. Olndhart, soprano: In "trumental Irlo. D. I. C, 3 p. m.. In tha lonbv. Mr. lAwton. leader. A men welcome. WEST BRANCH, 2d and 8ansom. 4 n. m Dwlght L. Mnodv Day, Address by Rev. Richard nadclllto. Moody and Banker hvmns used. Henry W. Lewis. Soloist. Vniing Women's Christian Association. Y. W. C. A., 1RO0 ARCH ST. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 0 0 A M., TOWER ROOM OEORGE B. McFARLAND. M. D. RANCKOK, SIAM, WILL SPEAK. PUBLIC INVITED 4:30 p. rr... Assumbly Hall, Memorial Berrl for Miss Orace H. Dodge, late rreildent Y "W. C. A Natlpral Board, Mrs. George Vaux. Jr.. presiding Mlseellaneans COMINCi ,. , . nobert B. Olenn. North Carolina's famous ox-Governor, at tho Hermon Presbyterian Church, Frankford, Sunday atternoon, Feb ruary 7, at a.-t-i. ooernor Glenn Is speaking to piicVed houses everywhere. BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATIONS THE SALVATION ABMY. Ino. Philadelphia Headauartera. Colonial Trust Building, in ana Meruit. Colonel R. E Hots In command. Teliohonesi Uell. Walnut 5733-e. Keyitooe. Rscs "IJ C LEDGER nsie. i ii,., L.TBIBsWrsyfa-iimi at'