Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 06, 1915, Sports Final, Image 1

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    WflPfUpi' iVigggS
&0L. I-NO. 125
rmiiADEiiPniA, satubpay, February g, wis.
CorirtoiiT, 101.1, it mil rrniuo Lmn CoxriHr.
In Endeavor to Delay Im
provement l ney iesurreci
Suggestion of "Sewage
Plant First," Long For-
' gotten.
Scheme to Prevent an Early
Election on $30,000,000
Loan Issue at Last Evolved,
; but the Attempt Fails to Have
t the Desired Effect.
Councilmen, Bewarel
, JL warning to Councilmen. with
l.nrrlnl rfifrrnnw tn thr. Plnnnr.fi
Committee, John P. Connelly, chair
finon, has teen issued by Transit Dl
ifector Taylor. It Is the Finance
Committee which has held the (30,-
fiOOfiOO transit loan election in
piCKic since January i.
In his warning, which came last
night in an address before the Uusl
j Science Club, Director Taylor
"These men, moved by subtlo in
fluences subtly asserted, are going
to suffer. -
"They cannot til wart the develop
ment of rapid transit. .
"I know tho tempor of the people.
'Thay cannot thwart the will of the
"We are going to havo rapid
"I contend it is absolutely indo
centtfor your wives and daughtors.
to travel, packed in liko sardines,
with all sorts and kinds of men. If
you men are willing to stand it, re
member that you owe somothing to
your wives and daughters, the
wives and daughters of your
. "Do you want to keeD vour city a
teity of Individual homos or let it
become a citv of tenements and
'flats? With 30,000 people coming
In each year it's up to you to say."
A committee of J was appointed
to attend the next session of Coun
cils and Insist authorization Jor tran-
l silt. loan election be alven at once.
TaTMr began tt moicmmUtAVhlch-f
vas joiiowea toaay oy oincr orgam
tatlons. Indications now arc that
Councils' galleries will be packed on
the next meeting day by aroused
Hut Councils as a body cannoffact
Unffl thfl lnnn flfnttrtn ,ni.n,1tv to
reported out of Finance Committee,
,where It Is In "pickle." The Finance
'Committee meets at the call of the
col. "Write or phone Connelly and
demand a committee meeting for
transit action.
. Connelly's home is at 238 Fair
mount avenue. His home telephone
number Is Market 2049, Bell.
. His law office is in Room 1526
Land Title Building. His business
'phone numbers are Spruce 6543,
Bell) Race 1736, Keystone.
Councils' Finance Committee Is prepar
ing to tako a new course In Its cam
paign of delay against tho special election
for $30,000,000 to give Phila
delphia a modern high
speed Bystem of subways
and elevated lines as
evolved by Transit Direc
tor A. Marrltt Tavlnr.
The clouded Intricacies of PhlladelDhla's
municipal financing uro to be injected to
befog the clear-cut Issue of whether
Philadelphia Bhall borrow 130,000,000 for
i a remain as at present, years be
hind rSnld tratuilt llAV.Innmniit nf nfl.Ap
-The arffUmAtlt la n .m aHvnml .itl1i
J1 the power of the Republican Organl
"Ufn oratory behind It that other proj
met fully as urgent as transit develop
ftwnt are awaiting fulfilment and will
kuasume portions or the city's borrowing
H .Projected 0,000,000 Bewage disposal
"Mtem. over which the Organization
Mei have concerned themselves but llt
leln the past, will be declared a press-
ni need tc- divert attention from the
Ja?lt plan.
JVPlde extension for Philadelphia's water
Pjy system will be as vigorously ad
feteJ by the Organization leaders as a
K5m of calling attention to the fact
Jil8h9 borrowing power of Phlladel
pUhas a limit.
Chairman Connellv will mil n. mr.r.tint
fit his Finance Committee probably next
K' Is rumored that In a. W.800,000
tjuncllmanlq loan to be, floated this swing
Knyitm will be included for construction
" central etv Innn nt Tfunr
ItSWr's projected Eroifl frf mhwav.
1 Wmor, even though likely to be
whentlcated by the, acUon of the com
ri!ee, ) denounced as a further effort to
raj me real Issue of the 130,000,000 loan
"iueivly for transit. Evn thomrh such
SiK U Included In tha councllraanlo
Sft't U asserted that tha funds would
mj made available for work this sum-Sit-
a ? Insincere action would be
merely to allay public Indignation
?& tvani 1or transit. The com-
j--- iui no action on me pig
tehA .. ......
fcSSae." H ."ua f councils'
.muWn ugivuist ine ii,vm,vw
t Concluded on YK fourteen
mPJil pet cfrt nd a parrot,
arilffwr against the wlndowDons of tha
K?ihop of Casper Miller, at U
tyn. 8th Street, todav. attracted tha
ism of pedestrians, who made an
Siiiii. nd tound b proprietor
JWjf 1 at tne Morgue, and if tha
- juoi nna ts maa'a MlaUv ha
burled, in Potter" FisW Miller
ars pld. e died, of heart
Pick of Local Runners Entered In
Qunrtor-mllo Event.
Thero will bo 12 ataiters In the fiuartcr
mlle scratch run at Iho First Regiment
Indoor games this evening In the armory.
Broad and Callowhlll strectB, Tho cnllbro
of men entered In this event should make
it one of the best quarter-mile races seen
Indoors for qulto some tlmo. Doc Steele,
of Oermnntown; Billy" Layer, of Mercury;
Joo llalncy and Qlllen, of Mcadowbrook;
Harry Dorscy, unattaclicd; Ferguson,
Kaufman, Schrader, Jack and LngBrcu.
of tho University of Pennsylvania, and
M. J. IL, McDonagh, of AVcst Branch Y.
II. C A., nre entered.
In tfio epeclntj 1000-yard run Dcncy O'Drlen,
at Vlctrlx; J. l.lbfrmnn, of Mercury; Nonrlnsr.
Humphrcyn. Huston, Drool.'s and Morrlf, of
Pennsylvania, with Herbert "Otto. H former
Northwest Ilojs" Club slur. Will lo for tho
niieclal prizes In ibis event.
In tho running high Jump the University
of Pennsylvania linn entered 14 of Its best
men, Including Tlilbault. tho former Haver
ford Collego crack; r.ltls, Turner, Rolloy,
Warren, Walte and Hopkins.
Germans' "Barrel Bridge
Destroyed by Slav
arfdr Triree(2ompanies
Wiped Out.
Desperation marks tho German as
saults In Poland. Tlirco companies of
Infantry, leading' n dash across tho
Rawlta River, were annihilated by the
Russians, after a passage of tho
stream had been effected over n "bar
rel" bridge. From the west bank of
tho Rawka tho Germans are shelling
tho Czar's lines with lG'-inch guns.
Tho crucial battlo for mastery of the
seven-mile front continues with un
abated fury. Tho reverses on tho Bor-Jlmow-Goumlno
line have not lessened
the violence of the German attacks.
The Russians have crossed the Biura
to tho we3t bank at Its junction with
the "Vistula and by a flanking move
ment here and frontal attacks else
where are manifesting a determined
Only artillery duels are reported
from tho western battle front. East of
tho Argonne a German convoy train
was destroyed by French shells, nnd In
tho region of the Sommo a German ob
servation balloon was wrecked.
Forty thousand men have been lost
by tho Austro-Qermans In tho eastern
war theatre In tho last few days, 30,000
of General Ufackenzen'n picked troops
In tho desperate assaults on Warsaw
and 10,000 by the Austrlans In the Car
pathian passes.
Germans Shell Czar's Lines With
lfl-Inch Guns.
Three German companies of Infantry
men were annihilated by Russian, artillery
In the fighting on the Sklernlewlce-Boll.
mow front, on the Rawka River, after
they had crossed on a "barrel bridge" to
attack the Russian lines. This Inflrma
tlon was contained In an official state,
ment Issued by the War Office today,
According to an announcement the Ger
mans have massed some of their heaviest
guns (lsH-lnch) on the Rawka front, with
which they have been bombarding the
Russian lines.
Germans' Eeverse Severe in furious
Battle on Seven-mile Front,
Thirty thousand picked troop of Gen
eral Mackensen's army of 100,000 have
fallen already In his desperate assaults
upon Warsaw, and the slaughter con
tinues as the Germans today offer stub
born resistance along the sevan-mlle front
to a vigorous Russian counter-offensive.
Having broken tha onslaught of seven
division of Von Mackensen's Infantry In
the, fighting of Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday, the Russians crossed the
Haunt, at Its Junction with the Vistula,
today, and dislodged the German from
a bridgehead at Dakowo. It seems ap
parent that the severe reverse suffered
br tb Germans on tha seven-mile front
of Goumlaa-Borjtaow on, February . J
and has enabled tha Russians to take
tb Initiative.
Other War Hews oa Page 8
r .1 Jwlf inpJEffMrA
In the athletic carnival at the First Regiment Armory tonight crack
runners of Pennsylvania and local clubs will compete in various
events. Berry, Kaufman, Licberman and Jack, who are shown in the
picture, arc sure to bring the Red and Blue colors well to the front.
WIFE, 17, SEEM-'"'
Young Husband, Refusing
to Open Door, Smiles at
Bride and His Mother and
Ends Life in Their Sight.
While his wife and mother Blood on tho
tront steps pleading to bo let In, Oliver
Davies, 21 years old, stood In a window
abovo them early this morning and shot
himself at his home, 2019 East Llpplncott
"I can't get work to suport my wife,
and now can no longer resist the tempta
tion to commit suicide. Bury mo from
tho home oC my mother, where from
childhood I have known nothing but hap
piness." This note, addressed to his mother, Mrs.
Bridget Davles, 41S9 Paul street, Frank
ford, was clasped In his hand.
Less than a year ago Davles was mar
ried. Ills widow la only IT years old.
When they" were married Davles held a
good position and had a happy home.
When the war started he lost his posi
tion. Last night he and his wife went to
visit Mrs. Davles. Several times Davles
threatened to "end It all." He returned
home shortly after midnight and a few
minutes later his wife and mother went
to the house, fearing he would kill him
self, Thay rapped at the door and Davles
looked out the second story window.
"Please let us In," his wife pleaded.
"It is raining bard out here,"
Davles held a revolver In his hand,
"Walt a minute and you will hear some
thing harder," he aald, smiling down at
them. Then he deliberately placed tho
revolver to his temple and pressed the
The screams of his wife attracted neigh
bors, the door was broken open and
Davles was found lying on the floor
dead, with one hand still clutching the
revolver and the other the note.
Efforts to End Life in Cell Frus
trated by Police Matron.
Rosalie Comlnsky, a Polish girl only
three months in this country, made sev
eral attempts to end her life In a cell at
the Central Police Gtatlon today by strik
ing her head against the Iron door and
by strangling herself with a shoe lace.
Mrs, Margaret Cooper, the matron, pre
vented tha young woman from ending
her life. She was sent to Moyamenslng
Prison under guard after treatment by
a physician.
The girl, who gave her address as Cum
berland street, had been held In $100 ball
for further heading by Magistrate Ren
shaw, on a charge of disorderly conduct
preferred by Policeman Rodgers, of the
vice squad, who arrested her at 10th and
Market street last night.
Joseph Wagner. U years old, of Oxford
and Marston streets, late this afternoon
was struck by a westbound trolley car
while crossing Columbia avenue between
nth and 83th streets. He was taken to
the Northwest General Hospital. Phy
sicians say his condition Is critical. James
Smith, north JiUt street, the motor
roan, who was alia wed to proceed with
the car. wlU be arraigned at tha "8th and
Oxford streets police station.
Hill ' " i
Blockade of Britain Not In
tended to Interfere With
American Commerce,
Says German Envoy.
Germany does not Intend to lntcrfero
with American commerce by Its blockado
of the British Isles, according to n formal
statement issued today by Count von
Bernatorff, the German Ambassador. Al
though he said he had nut received in
structions from his Government concern
Ins the German Admiralty order, hn de
clared Germany simply proposes to de
stroy enemies' ships.
The statement follows:
"There Is nothing new In the communi
cation made on February 1 by the Gor
man Admiralty with respect to the atti
tude of tho German Imperial navy to
ward ships of the enemy or toward
neutral commerce. It is absurd to de
scribe the proclamation ns a paper block
ade of the British Isles. The communica
tion Is simply a statement of what has
been, since the beginning of the war, the
attitude of the navies of all the belligerent
Powers toward ships of the enemy.
"A few months ago tho British Ad
miralty proclaimed the closing of the
North Sea, the waters of which are neu
tral. Germany does not profess to close
even the English Channel to neutral com
merce, and It does not Intend to molest or '
selzo American vessels laden with food
stuffs for the civilian population of enemy
countries; it Is to be hoped that England
will not make necessary a reconsideration
of this attitude by seizing American ships
like the WUhelmlna.
"Germany does, however, announce to
the world that It proposes to continue to
destroy ships belonging to the enemy.
and It adds the notification to, neutral
Powers that, on account of the 'fact that
British ships are employing neutral Hags,
according to secret Instruction now known
to have been Issued by the British Gov
ernment, bona tide neutral vessels may
actually be In danger,
"Although, according to well understood
and universally accepted usages of war
fare naval vessels are perfectly justified
In destroying merchantmen of the enemy,
the German Government now sees fit to
Issue simply a general reminder to that
effect, stating the actual radius of opera
tions of the German submarines, The
Concluded on race Six
Governor Blgna Prohibition Measure.
In Effect Next Year,
LITTLE ROCK, Ark., Feb. 8. Governor
Hayes today signed the prohibition bill
passed yesterday by the Senate.
Arkansas will become a dry State on
January 1, 1915.
Marshall Fiejd, 3d, Weds
NEW YORK, Feb. .Announoement
was made at tha residence of Mrs.
Charles H Marshall that Miss Evelyn
Marshall and Marshall Field, 3d, of Chi
cago, were married at noon Jby Blahop
Hfl.va. MffiaMfLrshalt hm tuu,,. fit uHh
the gstp, apd Ht ws reported yesterday
that the ceremVy might have to be
2900 "KIDDIES"
School Children Signify In
tention After Hearing
"Billy" Sunday Repeat
Impressive Object Sermon.
Asaln this afternoon "Billy" Sunday
made a hit when ho repeated his ob
ject sermon of last Saturday before
nenrly 20,000 boys and girls from tho Phil
adelphia schools. When ho line! finished
preaching nnd naked how many would
stand and thereby express their desire to
live Christian lives, nearly 2300 of the
young people jumped to their feet. I,ast
week a few more than 2S00 cards were
-Jgucd-....J.t.. . . . ..
Just beforp closing his sermon uid'evnn
gellst said:
"When I get to Heaven I want to meet
thousands of boys nnd girls playing in
tho streets, who will como up nnd tell
me the' nccoptcd Jesus In tho tnbernaele
ono afternoon."
While pleading with the boys nnd girls
to live good live?, Sunday said:
"People don't wait to lcoxn things
until they grow old. That's why you go
to school now. That's why you learn to
Jump and turn somersaults now. I
learned to do It when I was a boy nnd
I can do It now. If I'd try to learn now,
I'd break my neck. That's why you
want to learn to be good nnd pollto and
honest now. If you learn to be bad
while you'ro young, you'll be bad when
you grow up.
"The Lord doesn't ask you to go around
with n long face. He wants you to play
and laugh and bo happy. But don't play
marbles 'for keeps." That a tho devils
way of training you to bo a gambler.
Don't let him got hold of you now nnd
make It hard for you to he good when
you grow up and become men and women.
"Stay away from boys who lie and
swear and smoke cigarettes and play
hookey from school. They are dangerous
and ought to carry tho red flag."
The flags of Belgium, Germany and
Ireland won tho greatest applause when
Sunday unfurled flags of foreign coun
tilos in teaching the lessons of nations.
Thero was an uproar of cheers and hand
clapping when ho waved a large Ameri
can flag, and the thousands of boys and
girls stood and sang "My Country, 'TIs
of Thee."
"Billy" broke tho 10 pretty vases when
he had the youngsters name the com
mandments one by one that tho boy
broke when ho played hookey from Sun
day school to shoot marbles "for keeps,"
while his mother believed him to be a
good child,
Previous to tho sermon tho tabcrnaole
rang with the muslo of the thousands of
children's voices as they snng 'Do Brew
ers' Big Horses," "If Your Heart Keeps
Right" and other popular revival hymns,
upder the leadership of Homer A. Rode
heaver, Sunday's choir leader.
"I am a walking delegate for the Lord."
With these words "Billy" Sunday Intro
duced himself to 1200 employes of the
Hardwlck & Magee Company, who gath
ered In the finishing department of the
plant at 7th street and Lehigh avenue,
today to hear the evangelist flay the
Once more "Billy" scored a decisive vie-
Continued on Tate Two
Police Prevent Disaster by Timely
Attention to Accident.
Prompt action pn the 'part of the police
prevented an explosion today when an
11-ton truck, carrying 1C0Q gallons of
gasolene and kerosene, sank to the hubs
through the asphalt and rested on a con
duit carrying 15,000 volts of electricity, on
Paschall avenue near 6!d street.
The Cuth street and Woodland avenue
station house communicated with the
Philadelphia Rlectrlc Company which
supplies power to the BrlH Car Works
through the conduit and an explosion was
At tho time of the accident the truck,
whloh Is the property of the Gulf Refin
ing Compan, had turned Into. Paschall
avenue from (id street. The police say
the street had been weakened owing to
heavy rains which made the trench con
taining the conduit settle. As the machine
sank, the driver, John Ghee, of MIS Couth
3tth street, and William Holt, a watch
man employed by the company, were
hurled to the street,
Delaware College 1 7
St. John's College 19
Chestnut Hill Academy 18 24 42
Dc Lancey School . . . ; .t. 12 17 29
George School 9. 16 25
West Chester Normal 16 16 32
Northeast High School 39
Bordentown Military Institute. .. . 18
Abington Friends' School 3 12 15
Swarthmore High School 8 19 27
Southern High School 12 13 25
Girard College 11 18 29
Southern High School, 2d 18 17 35
Girard College, 2d 1-2 11 23
Phoenixville H. S r- 42
Downington H. S 49
McCall School ' 672
Belmont School 34
Kenderton School 30Vfe
Bethlehem 4 3 7
Victors, of Camden 0 0 0
Victor 4 0 4
Hibernians 2 2 4
St. Nathaniel .' 3 0 . 3
Centenary ". 0 0 0
St. Nathaniel Reserves 1 2 3
Falls Y. M. A 0 0 r 0
Pyne-no-Point 0 2 2
Bridesburg Rovers 1 1 2
Disston 3 1 4
Putnam 1 3 4
Philadelphia .- 1 ' 2 3
Merion 0 1 1
Probably Victim of German Subma
rine Ono Man Saved.
THEWLI!"ARD, Eng.. Feb. (i. A radio
gram from the steamship Poland states
that the British steamship London foun
dered ofT Penzance. England, last night.
One membor of the crow was picked up.
It Is behoved that tho vessel was tor
pedoed by a German submarine.
Penzauco Is on Mounts liny. Lands End,
England. It Ib almost directly west of
Cherbourg, France. Germnn submarines
have been operating In these waters. Two
British shlpB weic sunk off the coast of
Franco within the weok.
It Is believed that Germany Is pursuing
Its campaign to destroy British com
merce nnd to sturve Britain.
WASHINGTON. Feb. S.-At none of tho
Government Departments hnd any news
been received In confirmation of an early
rumor that tho liner Campania had been
sunk by U'o Germans.
Ofllclals did not exactly express disbelief
of the report, but they did declare them
selves Ignorant concerning It, nnd they
also question tho published statement
that It was of Washington ofllcial
NEW YORK, Feb. G.-Omclals of the
Cunard lino were without any confirma
tion today of reports that the Cam
pania, a converted troop ship, had been
sunk by Germans In tho English Channel.
She was a former liner.
rive Bombs Pound on Passenger on
Prench Ilnor.
PARIS, Feb. 6.
A plot to blow up the French liner
Champagne In mld-Atlantla with dyna
mite bombs was frustrated by a wire
less warning to the captain of the ship,
according to a dispatch in the Paris Jour,
nal. A German passenger was arrested
and live high power dynamite bombs
were found concealed In his baggage.
The Champagne was bound from Vera
Cruz, Mexico, to a Spanish port.
The Journal says: "An attempt to blow
up the French liner Champagne In mid
ocean was frustrated. The captain of the
Champagne, which was bound from Vera
Cruz to Corgne, Spain, was notified by
wireless of the conspiracy. He arrested
a German passenger, In whose luggage
five dynamite bombs were discovered,"
According to this Information the Ger
man was prepared to sacrifice hts own
life to destroy the merchant ship,
Four Others Patnlly Hurt and? Pour
Missing After Explosion,
CLATRMONT, W. Va., Feb. ft-Slx
miners were killed, four fatally hurt, four
are unaccounted for and 113 escaped to
day, -when a gas explosion occurred In
one of the New River Coal Company's
mines here. One shaft has been closed.
The explosion was due to gas. It Is be
Hundreds of shoppers saw Jphn Rurt,
a window cleaner, of 3005 Gerrltt street,
fall to hts death from a third floor win
dow of Lit Brothers' department .store
Into Market street late this afternoon.
The man lost his balance while stand
ing 4P on a narrqw ledge and pitched to
the street.
Miss Evangeline Booth Improves
CINCINNATI. O , Feb. 6 Dr. S. J S
Meade, who is attending Mis Bvangeltue
Booth. United State comander 0f tha
Salvation Army, said today MUs Booth
was resting much easier, but would b
usable to ! fcis- bad for some time.
Loses Life After Recovering Boat
That Had Drifted Prom Moorings.
Russell Thompson, Z0 years old, 3103
-Nprtlt. l"th street, was drowned In tho
Schuylkill River shortly af teriteon1" t3
dny nftor helping to rescue a launch
which had broken loose from Its moor
liiKM ut a boathouse midway between the
Queen Lnne pumping station and the
Falls bridge. The body has not been
Ills companion, Joseph Gullfoll, of West
Markle street, Roxborough, Bwam toward
tho shore and waB nulled out of the wa
ter by l'ark Guard Laskey after he and
Thompson hnd clung to their overturned
canuo for half an hour.
The two men. seeing the launch drifting
downstream, followed It In the canoe and
tied It up below tho Baltimore and Ohio
bridge. Returning to the boathouse their
canoe upset In the strong current. They
were members of the YVissahlckon Yacht
Club. Park guards of the Woodford guard
house nre grappling for Thompson's body.
It Is not often' that the weather mtuda
anybody's business but its own. But by
Its mood the last few weeks It looks as
If It had the people's Interest thoroughly
at heart. For Instance, It Is never very
pleasant to wait for a car on the cor
ner, but to do bo In the middle of a
puddle, or with wet. soggy snow flakes
pelting down one's neck Is an Intolerable
stato of affairs. All of which the weather
undoubtedly appreciates. "Maybe," ha
says to himself, "If I give them enough
of that Btuff and there Is a little more
pneumonia and tonsllltls the Finance
Committee will understand that a city's
health Is involved In this question of
transit." Anyway, the foggy sky this
morning Is genuinely Indicative of the
point of view of a few gentlemen -whose
names It Is not necessary to mention.
Are we to catch colds on the way to
work or are we to get there comfortably
and with the least risk to our health? The
present antiquated transit plan or the
efficient new one? The weather Is Jus
tifying Iho opinion of the majority.
Phlladelphlans merit Taylorsl
For Philadelphia and
Fair today and tonight.
Colder to.
For details, see page S.
Observations at Philadelphia
s a. v.
llaromeUr ...,-, ,,...30 M
Temperature . 10
Wind Southwell, 3 mile
PreclplVe't'lon last Si hours 7, ,7, ., .i
Humidity 100 per ot
Minimum temperature , ,, ,V)
IJajInmni ttmpertturo m
Almanac of the Day
Run t ., 6J p.nt.
Sun rIMs tomorrow IKBa. m.
Lamps to Be Lighted
Autos and other vehicle ., ItlOmia.
LOST Keferuary 1, eong caauint mur.
car Bmui sad Arch or Ftceur. ai? t$I
tera 13th -l 3Kb. Finder PlM rttWUi
UbeMl rnward. 2132 Poplar 4tT r
LOST February J,' frow"320T Walnut. Bastaa
toy bulldog;, reward. Ftisn IMUggnt 841 X
L06r-lrtdy' sold vetch, bitfjuic tiSm. Jti
uiid. u amnions jfcel 3611 Sanies.
LOST BngiUh butt pup, female, iatmm, t4
usage of Slats. Bjwi
Oir Klejiltsd Attrt4fU4 a 1404 it