Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 05, 1915, Sports Final, Page 9, Image 9

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... uno trtitv nit.tlRnT will en-
M ,.',iflin at nn Informal dinner and Acid day
"tftttA Top, their homo nt llytlnl, on Sunday,
Efttusry J. In l""101" f Mlss Mawiret Crozer
kjff 4nd Sidney Errlnston Martin, whoso en
leTi.ment was recently announced.
ft and Mrs. Samuel Frederick Houston on--jned
lu a box party lout night. Their
,U wcro Miss Charlotte Harding Drown,
Mill Virginia Kobcrts and A. Alexander Morcer
fiddle, Jr.
ft', lh8 mvltatlon of Mrs. B. T. Btoltaliur.'. a
uWr of studento of tho School of Design for
&omen yesterday visited her home to view the
te-.wi. collection of pictures and other art
4fork. Tho collection Includes a number of
tlctures Of thO OKI ttllRHSll purimuuro BunuuiD,
li welt s the older masterpieces.
V'jrrt. Stoteshury also showed tho members of
fee cIms In design hor beautiful specimens of
mbrolderV and hand-drawn .linens. Included
IBHhe party, In addition to tho students, woro
iiytral teachers, directors of tho school nnd
IUI i-milX M"l "" l I"
She Indoor Horso Show, tha datC3 for which
ft April 52. 23 nnd 21, promises to ccllpso
hlhlltons of previous years, for tho committee
lot charge of tho arrangements has not only
JJaVl one day to tho alTalr, but has nnnounccd
Ihkl the ring In tho Third Regiment Armory
fill be longer and wider than In former years.
The dates were fixed enrly this year so that
they would not conflict with tho datos of tho
Srooklyn show, which will bo held April 15, 16
and IT. Tho beneficiaries will bo the Samaritan,
Oncologic, Garrettson,' American and Babies'
Hospitals, and in addition, tho Polyclinic Hos
pital. i?Mr. Walter Hancock Is chairman or tho com-
Sttee, which Includes Mrs. Robert Kelso Cas-
ItTtt, Mrs." Percy M. Chandlor, Dr. Laura Car-
nell, Mrs. Herbert L. Clark. Mrs. William J.
Clothier, Mrs. Charles A. E. Codman, Mrs. I. W,
Holllngshead, Mrs. Wllmer Krusen, Mrs. John
j, Holllngsworth, Mrs. Thomas McKean, Mrs.
William S. Newcomet, Mrs. John M. Patterson,
George Peterson, Mrs. Henry P. Vaux, Miss
O, K. Watmougli, Mrs. Paul J. Snyder.
Mils Dorothea Miller, daughter of Mrs. J.
Horace Miller, of Moore, is visiting the Misses
McCuIlough at their homo In New Bedford,
&he dinner which hnd been planned for Mon
fiy night by Mr. and Mrs.. Russell Duano In
honor of Miss Cornelia Carter Lcldy and Miss
iCwia Masscy Hccltscher has been postponed
until after Eeastcr, as Mrs. Duano is suffering
from neuritis.
A meeting of tho dancing class arranged by
Mrs. Ralph Stewart, Mrs. J. Colton Deal, Mrs.
Walter Hancock, Mrs. Rowland C. Evans nnd
Utt. Thomas Shallcross will be held next Fri
day at tho Rlttenhouse. The clas3 will also
meet on Friday, March 12.
Mr, and Mrs. Langdon E. Mitchell, of 2320 Do
Lancey placo, will entertain at dinner in honor
flbf Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sturgts Ingcrsoll to-
Thft mflrrlDCA la nnnnimi-Art nt fjnrc"ft Tflllftr
.,.. ....... o ... ............
lihton, formerly of Swarthmorc, and Miss
sftry A. Mlstelskl, of Buffalo, N. Y. The cero
apny was performed on the IGth of January In
it North Presbyterian Church of Buffalo by
he Rev. Dr. Dickinson. Owing to a very re-
ent death In tho family of the bride, the wed-
Sing occurred some time earlier than was
prlglnally planned, and only Immediate rela
tives were present Mr. Ashton Is a graduate
Cornell University, class of 1312, and the bride
i a musician of some distinction.
ptEHBROOK Mr. and Mra. Alfred Porclval
mjlh, of 6331 Overbrook avenue, celebrated
hejr 3th wedding anniversary yesterday by
vine a reception at their home. About Ufl
:uuts attended.
Mrs. Edwin G. Closo has Issued cards for a
pneheon next Wednesday, February 10, In honor
t'MIss A. Helena Smith.
CTNWYD-A delightful musicaJe, the first of a
tries of entertainments planned by a number
prominent Cynwyd and Bala women for tho
went of the Home Relief Fund of the Emer-
incy Aid, was held yesterday afternoon) at
be home of Mrs. Wilbur F. Hamilton, of
Jwdrlllo road, who generously placed her
Ji at the disposal of the guests.
Jhe program was a very pleasing one, and
i?ea Interest was taken In the Scottish bal
ls and Bongs rendered by William R. Helney,
lytotland, who Is a tenor of no little merit,
liVlnir 1M.J.VB1 .POplmt. ..1.1.1 v.a.1.,lo OTll.ll tIrt-
I ........... ,o1(uua jjuiu ncuaia "nil" ww.
Sed with church muslo In the United King-
gthera who took part In yesterday's muslcale
rt Mrs. Clara Tocum Joyce, contralto, and
fO- Frederick C. Newbourg. Jr.. soprano.
Uttjer Robinson. Jr.. rendered several violin
fjw, while Mlsa Rouellot was piano soloist and
the request of Mrs. Hamilton, many of
'$? Present brought or sent bundles of warm
Vf to be distributed among the poor.Thls
U0414 Idea of encouraging the cuesta.to brinsT
ifJJflS of some Bort with them to the enttr
weits throughout the winter will be trong ly
en up by the organizers of this ood work In
ST nd Mrs. Clarenea II. Vanderbeek. of
fit; wad, will shortly leave for several weeks"
' kj i-iqehurst, H, C.
;let Anthony M. Hance, 2d, who Is a tu
8lrat Uld Nfiw Jersey Military Academy. wll
ls vacation with his parents at M West
8ion lane He will return to the Acad-
rn tti -
& WllUatn H. Maxwell, Jr., West Tulpe-
itreet, will entertain at luncheon to-
itt. in honor of Miss Loralne fltokes, of
: Mary F Reardon. 11! Duval street, will
flto the merabera of the Oroheua Girls'
tal her home this evening. Amon those
wui be Miss Katherlne M. Brantfleld,
K. MacuWre! Ml.a Nan Flvnn. Mlsa
Carton, Miss K. lwry. Miss Mary
i ana mu Eleanor Byrne.
t4 Mrs Otorga Persy Clap are spend-
e With Mm Halnh Sullivan. WOl
1 itrtft
J '-a Shitty, of m West nittenkouM
U ntrtam at $ wiht
Mrs. Howard Ivlns Itnnco will entertain the
Thimble Club this afternoon at her home, 30?
South 61st street. j)or guesU will bo Mrs.
Wilson I,. Evans, Mrs. J. Bertram Harvey,
Mrs. George Derbyshire, Mrs. Elslo Chow, Miss
dertrudo'Kellcy and Miss Beatrice Zcilncr.
Mrs. Paul Bno, of 41st and SprUco streets, en
tertained her card club nt lun.heon yesterday
Her guests were Mrs, McCIoy, Mrs. Kdward
Wolfe, Mrs. I, Dctwller, Mrs. Blackbiirnc, Mrs
Emma McCaullcy, Mrs. Clifford Ely, Mrs. Ficd
erlck Weber, Mrs, Hnulc, Mr?. Nclllo Mlndren,
Miss Ethel Bcarean, Mrs. Richard Ocllers, Mrs
Brown nnd Mrs. Howard McCaullcy.
Mr. nnd Mrs, A. Lynn Walker, of Stonclctgh
Court, 48th and Walnut streets, will entertain
tho members of their card club AVednesdny
evening, when their guests will bo Miss Gwen
dolyn Tnylor, Miss Laur . M. Hutton, Miss Lor
raine Bernet, Miss Evelyn P. Jardcn, Lewis R
Hale, Ellwood K. Acker, Jr., Claronco A. Hut
ton, Harry G. C. Williams, Mr. and Mih. Will
iam H. Wcntz and Mr. nnd Mrs. P. Jules
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Osborne, Jr., of Melrose
Paik, will entertain at dinner before tho dnncc
nt tho Huntingdon Valley Country Club this
evening. Covers will bo laid for 12 guests. Mr
and Mrs. Henry A. Ross, of St Martin's, will
also entertain at dinner before the dance, when
covers will be laid for 10 guests. Edwurd B
Pect, of tho Royal, Broad street nnd Glratd
avenue, will gtvo a dinner for thrco guests.
Miss Ollvo May Wilson, who has been tho
guest of Mlsa Marlon Chapman, of Duval
street, Gcrmontown, for several days, has ic
turmVd to her home In .Tcnktntown.
Mrs. C. Bauer, of 625 Moore street, enter
tained her sowing circle nt luncheon yesterday.
Among those present wore Mrs. A. Stucssy,
Mrs. F. da Wlnton, Mrs. C. Pfnff, Mrs. F.
Laltd, Mrs. II. Corcoran, Mrs. J. McIIugh and
Mrs. D. MoHugh.
At the cuchro and "COO" to be given on Feb
ruary 12 In St. Monica's Hall, 17th and Rltncr
struots, the following well-known South Phlla
delphlans will receive: Mrs. John Devlin, Mrs.
J. Delano, Mrs. Joseph Halpln and Mrs. Charles
Mrs. William H. Wilson, with her littlo daugh
ter, Dorothy, of 20th nnd Porter sticets, In
the Glrard Estato, left this morning for a
fortnight's Btay at Atlantic City.
Miss Goldlo Jonas, of 2253 North 17th street,
entertained at "COO" nnd dancing nt her home
last evening. Tho guests included Miss Irene
Wright, Mlsa Elodlo Kebers, Miss Elsie Jonas,
Miss Miriam Simons, Miss Helen A. HufT, Miss
Frances Magulre, Miss Louise Mayer nnd Miss
Adelo Strouse.
The sewing circle, which furnishes layettes
to poor women whoso husbands are out of
employment, will bo entertained at a matinee
musical and luncheon on ThursdaV, February
18, by Us organizer, Mrs. Alice Randolph Purdy.
The members meot Tuesday nnd Friday
mornings, und aro ladles prominent in Phila
delphia society circles. The meetings will con
tinue during Lent. 1
Mr. nnd Mrs. M. Friendly, of 1812 West Hunt
ingdon street, will be at homo to their friends
from 3 to 7 o'clock on February 7, In celebra
tion of their golden wedding anniversary.
Miss Margaret Clark entertained n number
of the members of tho graduating class of the
William Penn High School, Including Miss
Jennie Kotkin, Miss Eleanor MacCardle, Miss
Edythe Large, Miss Hilda Schoch, Miss Hcua
Klein, Miss Llllo Holmstrand, Miss Gertrudo
Lauber, Miss Mary Loughlln and Miss Retta
Dsutsch. The decorations wore gray and
black, tho school colors, and red carnntlons,
the class flower. Tho girls received miniature
"girl graduates" aa favors.
ter of Dr.. and Mrs. Joseph Leldy. will
again be guest of honor at a dinner-dance, to
be given by her grandmother. Mrs. William T.
Carter, of 2116 Walnut street, at the Rltz-Carl-ton.
Supper will be served at midnight at small
tables, arranged with greens and spring flow
ers. There will be 0O guests present.
Many dinners have been planned before the
dance, both In the hotels and at home, for
"debs" and for matrons. Miss Isabel Wurta
Page, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Byrd
Page, of Chestnut Hill, will he entertained by
S. Davis Page, of 231 South 4th street. There
will bo 14 guests present,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Augustus Berwlnd, of
2113 Walnut street, will entertain In honor of
their daughter, Miss Margaret Berwlnd. Mr,
and ,Urs. Charlemagne Tower, of 1315 Locust
street, will give a dinner. In honor of Miss
Frances Hoar, of Washington. Covers wlil'be
Uld for 20,
A number of people will come from other
cities to attend the dance, among whom will ba
MUs Frances Hoar, of Washington; the Messrs,
Rldgeley, of Baltimore; Mr, and Mrs. Albert
V, Asbforth, Mr. and) Mrs. William C Picker
man, Mr, and Mrs. John P, Barrett and Miss
Helea A, Barrett, all of New Tork.
Miss Beatrice Carman, of 1820 West Allegheny
avenue, will elve a luncheon and W party
this afternoon. Her guests are Miss Louise
Roberts, Miss Edna Baechle, MUs Fraices
Chattln, Miss Frances Bannan, Miss Eleanor
Alsop, Miss Helen Fuller. Miss Helen Rhodes,
Mis Esther Eckel and Miss Mildred Graham.
Mr. and Mrs. George A. f, illmanns, of WIS
West Venango street, will entertain at dinner
tomorrow night In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Jolui
Cole, ofi San Francisco. Among the guasU wm
be Mi Mary KMfe, Miss Virginia Keefe. Mr.
o4 Mrs- LouU dts Clarenntva and John Cablil.
Daffodils ml narclaaua will form tn der.
I tloa.
I Ikffahiiwlf if
ffHa H i'js i"4t'r
Mrs. Landenberger and Lieutenant Commander Landcnbcrgcr will entertain at supper on the
U. S. S. Kearsargc tonight after the dance at the Navy Yard. Lieutenant Commander Landrn-
Iiergcr lias liecu ordered to sea on tho Battleship Minnesota, having just been detached from
the charge of the Ilydrographic Ofiicc in the Bourse Building, this city.
Another Dance Will Be Held Tonight in the
Sail Loft at League J gland.
This j car has been the first In which tho
pcoplo in tho servico havo been so frequently
and so pleasantly gathered together, and the
Informal dances havo been tho cause. There
have been six dances given so far and there
Is to bo Just ono moro before Lent. Each af
fair seems to havo been moro enjoyable tban
the previous one.
Tonight Lieutenant F. C. Starr. U. S. N.,
nnd Mrs. Menner. wife of Lieutenant Com
mander R. T. Menner, will recelvo tho guests.
Dinners and suppers seem to be tho most pop
ular way of entertaining before tho dance, and
among thoso who will entertain will bo Lieuten
ant Commander G. B. Landenberger, U. S. N..
and Mrs. Landenberger, who will glvo a supper
nfter tho dance on boaid tho United States ship
Kcarsargo, in honor of Mrs. William Perolval
Wise, of Baltimore. Their guests will include
Captain William Sheppard Benson, U. S. N.,
Commandant of tho Yard, and Mrs. Benson;
Captain William Strouthors Smith, U. S. N.,
nnd Mrs. Smith; Admiral Hall. U. S. N., and
Mrs. Hall; Lieutenant Commander W. M. Hunt.
TJ. S. N, nnd .Mrs. Hunt; Captain C. B. Price,
U. S N nnd Mrs. Price; Major Louis J. Magill,
U. S. M. C, nnd Mrs. Magill; Lieutenant Com
mander William Lee Pryor, V. S. N., nnd Mrs.
Pryor; Paymaster Manning H. Phllbrlck, U. S.
N and Mrs. Phllbrlck; Naval Constructor A.
B. Court, U. S. N., and Mrs. Court; Dr. A. H.
Allen, U. S. N and Mrs. Allen; Captain Hcath
rlngton. U. S. N., and Miss Heathrlngton; Lieu
tenant H. E. Weite, U. S. N., and Mrs. Welte;
Lloutenant Commander Raymond S. Keycs, U.
S. N., and Mrs. 'Keyes; Mr. and Mrs. Lucius
Beebo, Lieutenant W. F. Cochrane, U. S. N.,
nnd Mrs. Cochrane, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Berry, Mr. nnd Mrs. John Oustlne, Mr. and
Sirs. John Gustlne, Jr.; William Baltz, Miss
Elizabeth Baltz, Miss Ellnore McCauley, Mrs.
rarko Hood, Mrs. Elizabeth Dobson Altemus,
Captain II. I. Beares, TJ. S. M. C, and Mrs.
Beares; Sir. and Mrs. Charles Carter, Sir. and
Sirs, lrederlck Barmly, Harry Creager, Jr.;
Garfleld Scott, C. Barratt Hickman, Doctor
and Sirs. Frank ThomaB, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
S. Davis, Lieutenant Philip Seymour, U. S. N..
and Sirs. Seymour; Sirs. Alexander Gray, Sir
and Sirs. Georgo Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Bushnell. Captain W. H. Bell, U. S. A., and
Sirs. Bell; Miss Margaret Gray, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Landenberger and Sir. and Mrs,
Tucker, Jr.
Lloutenant Commander R. T. Menner, U, S.
N., and Sirs, Sfenner will also entertain at
dinner of 10 covers before the dance, and an
Informal supper afterwards. In honor of some
out-of-town guests.
Lieutenant W. C. SIcCrone. V, 8. M. C, and
Sirs, McCrone are entertaining Sirs. McCrone'a
mother, Sirs. George O. Ward, of Annapolis,
at their home, 220 South Broad street.
Dr. A, II. Allen, U. S. N., and Sirs. Allen
will have as their guest over the week-end
Mss Annette Brady, of New Tork. at their
home In the Glrard Estate, 2531 South Lambert
street. Silas Brady will be their guest at the
Lieutenant Decker, H. S. N., and Mra. Reqker
will entertain Informally at dinner before the
dance at their home In the Glrard Estate, In
honor of Miss Barbara Rosaseo, of Pensacola,
Fla.. a sister of Sirs. Decker, who Is her guest
at the present time. Those who will be pres
ent at dinner are Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Fenner,
Paymaster Larsons, U. 8. N.. of tho U. S, S.
Missouri; Lieutenant Louis Davis, U. 8. N.,
of tire U. a S. Minnesota, and Ensign Walter
Delany, U. S. N., of the V, 8. B. Minnesota.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Davis, 1? South
qainot vtroefi will entertain at a buffet supper
before th dtnes. Among those who will at
land are LUutenant Commander George U
Landaabarger. U B. N . and Mrs. Landenberger.
Mrteeaat Command Ryiiww4 6. Ky and j
Mr Keyas. Hauttnaat lUlpfa Sbepyard and
Sirs. Sheppard; Dr. and Sirs. Normun Payne,
Miss Blanche Lane, Sir. and Sirs. W. W. Brlt
tuln. lieutenant Charles A. Luiz nnd Sirs.
I.uW; Lieutenant Samuel Bogan and Sirs.
Bogau; Lieutenant Arthur Barney and Sirs.
Barney; Lieutenant Herman E. Welte nnd Sirs.
Welte; Naval Constructor Guy BIsset and Sirs.
Colonel Littleton Waller, Tazewell Waller nnd
Sirs. Waller will entertain beforo tho dance.
Their guests will Inolude Dr. and Sirs. W. H.
Boll, Mr. and Sirs. Richard Peters, Miss Edith
SI. Peters, Sir. nnd Sirs. Charles S. Bradfoul,
Sirs. Albert W. Grant, Sirs. George do Benne
vllle Kelm, Richard Grant.
The annual banquet of the Kensington Board
of Trade will bo held on Stonday eenlng, Feb
ruary 11, at the Slajcstlc Hotel. John B. Reyn
olds Is chaltman of tho General Committee.
Sir. Reynolds Is making every effort to have
tho affair tho unqualified success that It has
always been and Is receiving able and active
support from tho sub-committees, ho has ap
pointed. Tho committees nre a3 follows:
John B. Reynolds, general chairman; William T.
Wclr, Jr., secretary-treasurer.
Commlttco of Arrangements Robert SlcNcel,
chairman; Samuel Rclnhclmer, Frank Wolf, J.
B. Reynolds, T. E. Blrcher, William T. Weir,
Jr., H. Derbyshire, H. S. Hazlett, David Isaac
man. Committee on Speakers R L. SIcNeel, A. C.
Keeley, Alexander Lawrence, Alexander Adair
and David Isaacraan.
Entertainment Committee A. M. Wttldron,
chairman; David Strumpf and William Kun
berger. Reception Committee John B. Reynolds,
chairman; Ira W. Barnes, Harry Brockelhurst,
John Bowker, Frank D. Cox, George S. Cox,
Leon L. Darling, A. A. Frankel, William S.
Henry, James Henry, Harry Grossman, William
Htndman, James C. Johnston, Harry Kramer,
Charles Kranlck. John Krunberger, A. G. Lang
singer, G. Llpschutz, John Leet, Dr. John
Lock, George Stason, William Slurphy, Charlea
L. Martin, Victor H. Rlnek, George Seker,
John Sonneborn, Philip Sterling Thomas
Shlble, Charles W. Wrlshtson and George
Sirs. W. H. Hoedt Is entertaining Informally
this afternoon at her home on Gerhart street.
Her guests are. Sirs. Louis Melvln Struse, Miss
Ray Boocock, Sirs. Slllford C. Fox, Mrs
Charles Whlteman, Sirs. Charles Gane, Sirs.
William Addelhelm, Mrs. Frank Cantrell, Mrs,
Andrew Sauer, Mrs. William Stroud and Mrs.
C. E. Parks.
Miu Goodwin is prcudent of the graduating
class of the Girlt' High School, whoso cow-
aaneament eercUeierLe!d at the Academy
of Musio joUfdy.
III IbsssbHb jHss&ikL sssssssssssss? Ill
Digest of
(1) Everybody's "Sir Robert Baden
I'owell's Adventures aa a Spy.1'
(2) Review of Rovlows "Joffrc What
Manner of Man Ho la."
(3) Scrlbncr's "Personality of Colonel
(4) Metropolitan "The Story of a
(6) Ladles' Home Journal "Tho Best
Known Qlrl In Amerlcu."
Dictionary definition: "I'oraonnllty Appli
cation of remarks (usually offensive) to
somo Individual." What n disillusionizing
comment on life "usually offensive" other
wise nothing to say. It Is rcasBurltiK to re
port that mngazlno personalities this month
contradict this cynicism and are Roncrally
eulogistic, except for somo editorial com
ments, aucli as a roast of ex-Clovcrnor
Ulcnse, of South Carolina, In tho Outlook,
so well deserved as scarcely to bo termed
Appropriately enough, of 15 biographical
articles In ns many magazines, flvo concern
military men, Of the remaining1 ten articles,
tin oo nro about women, nntl seven concern
men nrtlstn and wrltora.
Tho nttltudo toward Bplcs usually depends
so entirely upon whether the Individual spy
bo "for you or ag'In you," that It Is Inter
esting to rend In "Sir Robert Baden-Powell's
Adventures ns n Spy," (1) told by himself, In
Everybody's, n defenso of spylnc; In general,
ns well ns an account of his own ex
periences. Though the general value of tho fiorvlco
Is icadlly acknowledged, tho spy himself Is
regarded as necessarily base nnd despicable.
The scout Is looked up to ns a brave man,
and his expedients for gaining Information
nro thought wonderfully clever, bo long ns
ho remains In uniform. If ho goes a bit
further and llnds that ho can get Informa
tion hotter hv ndnptlnp; a disguise, oven
at n greater risk to himself tluough tho cer
tainty of being shot If found out, then ho
Is looked down upon ns a "desplcablo spy." I
don't seo the Justice of It mysolf.
On out occasion I wanted to nsceituln
wlint value thero was In the musketry trnln
Ing of the Germnn Infnntry. Without nny
concealment, I went to stuy In gnrrlson
towns, apparently Just to look around, from
the tourist point of view.
Ono day I sauntered carelessly down In
tho direction of the range at a point far
away from the entrance gate, and here I lay
down on the grass ns If to sleep, but rcnlly
to listen and take tho rate of tho shooting
from the sound, also the amount of suc
cess by tho sound of hits on tho Iron target.
Presently I wont nearer In the hope of get
ting a sight inside. While the sentry's hack
was turned 1 made a lush for the fence,
and, though I could not get over, T found
a looso plank, through which I was ablo
to get n good vlow.
While I was rngngod at this, to my horror,
the sentry suddenly turned on his tracks
nnd csmo back toward mo. But I was lire
pared, and, Jamming back tho plank into
Its place, I produced from my pocket a
lW)ttle of brandy, which I had brought for
tne purpose. Half of It had been already
sprinkled over my clothes, so that when tho
man approached ho found me in a stato of
flrunkonness, smelling vilely of spirit nnd
profuse In my offers to him to share the
He could mako nothing of mo, nnd
therefore gently but firmly conducted mo
to tho end of his beat, thrust me forth and
idvlscd me to go home, which I did In great
A name made familiar nil over the world
by tho war Is that of tho Cdmmander-In-Chlef
of the French army who Is described
In the Review of Reviews, (2):
Tall, deep of chest, with a massive head,
the broad forehead of which is underscored,
n it were, by the sharp lino of bushy eye
brows, a strong Jaw and heavy moustache, all
sontrlbutlng to make a figure of groat manli
ness and vigor such Is General Joffre. as
described In tho Correspondent, of Paris.
His clear, blue eyes, set wide apart, are
bright and attentive. They attract Instant
attention. General Joffre Is taciturn. Ho
thinks, he listens, he decides. His orders aro
brief and shatp. His thoughts nre con
densed Into terse sentences. There nro no
superfluous words, but no detail Is for
gotten. Tho Iron grill that bars tho entrance to
his modest dwelling In Autcll, near Paris,
Is hung over with bouquets, placed thero by
unknown hands. Thoy aro tho nalvo und
spontaneous homage- offered by France to
her savior.
Although not tho Commander-in-Chief of
our army, our most prominent military man
Is undoubtedly Colonel George Goethnls,
builder of tho Panama Canal, who Is tho sub
ject of an article by J. E. Bishop in Scrlb
ner's, (3):
It might bo said that many generations
have united In fitting him for his great
task. The history of his family dated back
to 860, In which year ono Honorius left Italy
with the Duke ot BurEUmly for France. In
i flgbt with Saracens Honorius was struck
across tho neck with what was capable of
proving to be a deadly blow, but because
of the fine quality of his armor and tho
physical strength of his person no injury
was caused. Ills escape won for him tho
title of "Bant Coll." His nickname was
translated Into the native tongue as "Goct
Hals," meaning, ns it had In Italian, "good
neck," or "stiff neck," and In course of time
It was united In one word and became the
family name. Colonel Goethals' parents
migrated from Holland to the United States,
and ho was born In Brooklyn In 1858. The
name has been Americanised and Is pro
nounced Go-thals,
Pioneering in the Pulpit
The autobiography of Doctor Anna How
ard Shaw, which has been running In the
Metropolitan this winter, is a remarkably well
told and thrilling "true story." She Is best
known ns president of tho National Woman's
Suffrage Association, but she Is also an or
dained preacher, and this month's chapter
of her atory tells of some of her hardships
as a divinity student, working against' the
antagonism of her 43 young" men classmates,
and the violent opposition of her family, who
considered her a disgrace to the name of
Sbaw (4);
I entered the theological school of Boston
University In 1876. I wont through some
grim months in Boston. I hired a little attlo
room on Tremont street and established my
self therein. In lieu of a window the room
offered a, pale skylight to the February
storms, and there was neither heat In It nor
running; water. I at once sought oppor
tunltles to preach nnd lecture, but these
were even rarer than firelight and food. I
lived there on milk and crackers, and for
weeks at a time my hunger was never
Wholly satisfied,
The day dawned when I had not a cent,
nor any prospects of earning- one. My stock
of provisions consisted of a box of bisoults,
and my courage was flowing from me Ilka
blood from an opened vein. Late in the after
noon I was aked tn do a week of revival
ark with a minister lu local churoh. My
shoes had burst open on the kldea. For lack
of carfare. I had to walk to and from my
meetings, toeugh I had barely strength fur
the effort
We had fr xauUns tevlval-one ot the,
the Magazines
good, otd-tlmo affairs, when the mourners'
benches wcro constantly filled. Tho excltd
ment and our success, mildly aided by tho
box of hlscults, sustained me through the
week. Tho last aervlco over nnd the peopla
departed, I sank weak and trembling lnlc
n chair, trylnfr to pull myself together before
hearing my fnto In the good-night words of
tho minister I had nsslated. When he began
to compliment mo on the work I had done
I coiild not rise It had been a pleasuro
nnd privilege to be associated with me. Be
yond doubt, I would go far In my career.
lie heartily wished ho could reward rrta
adequately. I deserved $60. He could not
glvo mo $50, Ho could not glvo mo anything
nt all. He thanked me warmly and wished
me good-night. I managed to answer him
nnd get to my feet, but tho Journey down
the aisle to tho church door was tho longest
Journey 1 hnvo ever made.
Moat Popular Woman In Urn World
Tho best known and most popular woman
In tho world, averaging It up, aborigines and
nil, Is, of course, tho movlng-plcturo star,
Mary Plckford. Tho Theatre, a magazine of
"legit" drama, gave Mary Its front cover
Inst month and this Is a tribute that can
not ho bought. In Tho Ladles' Homo Jour
nal, Miss Plckford, who was married a coiiple
of weeks ago, and Is now on her honey
moon, tells somo Interesting facts about her
self, (5):
Every day thn postman brings me an aver
ago of 500 letters from all over tho world.
Tho subject that seems to bo of grcatost
interest is my ago Possibly somo day I
may not want to tell It, but at present I
don't caro. I nm Just 21 years old. Tho hext
question is one that has caused a good many
arguments, which I nm often asked to sottle.
Tho gcncrnl Impression seems to bo that
I draw a fabulous amount of monoy. Tho
truth is that I receive JGO.OOO a year.
I nm very fond of fruit, and there Is
alwnys a wonderful vnrlety to select from,
for It is sent to ino from all over tho world
Africa, India, Australia, California. I re
colve hundteds of boxes of candy, nnd It
often causes mo a littlo pang, becauso my
mother will not let mo cat It; so It Is all
given away. Flowers, loo, como In pro
fusion, nnd, while I love them, I know that
sometimes they nre sent by my little girl
friends at great sacrifice, and I want to
say that In those cases I wish thoy would
Just think of mo and keep tho monoy. Put
It In the dlmo snvlngs bank, then write, me
about it. I would like that much bettor.
TT,nT?T?TTQrP t"1 " Weeks. Evenlnti Sill
X UniVJjQ X Matinees Wed. and S. 3!l5
CHAnr.K8 FUOIIMAN I'rmente
The Great Three-Star Combination
H.ura JIatlnee Lincoln's Birthday. Friday. Feb. IX
XJ J Jll Vaudeville 11:30 to 11:30
"All Life and Action" '
"The Scare Crow"
BROAD Last 2 Evgs. 'tU
In O. lternanl
Khnw M llomance
Extra Matlnea Lincoln e 131rlhJjy,
Friday. Feb. 12
at 2:30 Holy Land
Ticket Sue, T.r,c. 1 1 at Heppe's. Amp., 85c
GARRICK Last2Bvgs.
Eitra Matinee Lincoln's DirihJjy. Friday, Feb. 13.
T VPTr1 I-"' Times Tnlt;tH 8;1S.
LiiUu ijmt MHtlnue Tomorrow, 2:15.
Casino Musical Hit LAD X LUXURY
Holiday Matinee Lincoln's Birthday,
ATlli'.T.PTTT V""- 8!,B "' Tomorrow 2:15.
ZiUXllXJl XXX Holiday Mat Lincoln's Birthday.
The Funniest Flay Ever Written
The Big Lauh-Fest of the Year
1214 Market wi'hIX? JM.o'u.e..
Chestnut St. . I ar.t0Vh;V.
A Timnc Fiiilv AT8-, 1 and 3 lOe and 13o
4 limes uany uvns,, 7 and 10c. iso. 2&1
Military "Her Hicrhness" ulrl- Mu,l
Lxtravaniani ilcl iHfaimcoa Rn4
l'botoplay "FIRE AND 8WORD"
All Next Week "THE SPOILERS"
Mm. Kurt illr.i appearance), Oadskl, Uatzenauer,
Schumann. MM Urlus, Well, Ruysdaei. Con . Mr.
Hertz. Stats, UOU Cheunut St Walnut TOW. Race 8T
1HI1IKAWA JAfS. Others
IV lu X O Program Changed Monday and Thursday
Blanche Walsh & Co. VMTm
Marlon Llttlefleld & Co j Raxoncht; Stuart Barnes,
Haby Htlenj OtbjrJlrAcu
Today 2:13, T 4 9
Will Ward UJrta, Mus Kuu
tile Gordon) Ilial A Earlyi
Jewell Comedy Fouri Gallon
Bernard . Scant), Lauinlna
ACADEMY Seats at Heppe'i. Ulft Chestnut
4 enhu Ptotures PICKVURD In CAPRICE
Trnrrvr T."M wT Monday jsveninu at
LIT 1 Lxli s - seats now
theatre The Admirable Bashvillo
l.ibPJUy,''i 1 Mat Thurs Rr, Mat s.i
BIX DmNQ GIRLfi ContcsU Opo to All
PKByoMMAXcEiy i a t a p u.
EMPIRK sydef s iirKritellea