wwpps mm&m&mwimLmi mwiwmwmmjimm prpp EVENING CBDt3H3B-gHIirAPB13Paigt FRIDAY, FEBRUABY 5, 1915: t. 400,000,000 NEW WAR OPERS COME TO UNITED STATES MORENO, MAN OF MIGHT, - DEVASTATES A DISTRICT Store Opcm 8:80 A. M, WANAMAKEITS i Store Closes 5:30 P. Af jmrn Food, Guns, Auto Trucks, m Rails and Ammunition Called for in Rich Con tracts. lawSLiVa h -l .. x 'YW mjpniwmniiiiiwiiw fflrH&iliiVi II liipiwpiwiiHl J! IHIUsWUUIIJl4ltNVOTeOTfePVafM9SnP VL NEW YOIllC, Feb. G. Tho richest lot jot contracts over awarded to American manufacturers at one tlmo arrlvod hero last night In tho strong box of Purser Palmer of tho White Star liner Adriatic. .They aro mid to bo worth $100,000,000 and call for food, guns, autotrucks, rails and ammunition. Charles McKnlght, president of tho Carbon Steel Company of Pittsburgh, Is believed to havo obtained ft largo part of the ordors. Ho said thero Is a very grave fear among tho lower classes In England thaWJreat Brtaln and tho United States "will bo at war beforo tho present conflict Is over. v Harold A. Sanderson, president of tho White Star Lino, explained tho present high rato charged on transatlantic freight by reason of tho scarcity of labor In tho European ports and tho absence of dock Ins spaco In thoso ports that havo not been cloned by tho British Admiralty. "Tho Olympic and our now liner Britan nic will not cross tho Atlantic until 1916," he (aid. "Thero will, of course, bo a fair amount of business travel, but I do not look for tourists until next year." War goods aro still being bought hero In volume by European countries. Te rebuild homes destroyed by German armies, tho French Government has called for bids from Seattle lumber factories for 600,000,000 feet of lumber. A Detroit knitting concern has received an order for 1,000,000 pair of army socks for delivery next winter. Tho nomlngton Arms , Company, of Bridgeport, is on a "M-hour-a-day qchedulo to complete ammunition orders from tho allies. MISHAP AT SCHWAB'S STEEL PLANT STOPPED WORK Company Says Break in. Water Plpo "Was Accidental. SOUTH BETHLEHEM, Pa., Fob. 6. The Bethlehem Steel Company today Is sued a statement setting forth that a break In a water main yesterday, which caused a suspension of. work at tho plant, 'was duo to a leak In a smallerplpe lying close to t!io 36-inch pipe, causing tho ground to bo washed away. Early reports Indicated a strong suspi cion on the part of tho public that tho break was attributable to a maliciously inclined person who was In sympathy with countries other than thoso for which the Btecl company Is making war ma terial, tho Idea being that tho contracts could be held up pending repairs, which the perpetrator of tho act evidently ex pected to require considerable time. Tho break was in tho main through which 20,000,000 gallons of water aro dally supplied to run tho plant. Aftor work ing all night with a largo gang of men the break was repaired in time for tho vda,y shift to go to work today. The Bteel company says tho only dam age done aside from loss of tlmo In filling contracts, idlo machinery and In work men's wages, was that to tho water cool ing apparatus of the furnaces. PENNSY ORDERS 68 CARS Altoona Shops Ordered to Start Work on Equipment. ALTOONA, Pa., Feb. 6. Sixty-eight oll tteel passenger and baggage cars were ordered from the Pennsylvania Railroad's local shops today. Tho order Is divided thus: Forty-eight class P-"0 passenger cars; eight class MEM baggago mall cars, tteam service; two class jMBM baggage mail cars, electric service; 10 class 8-GO baggago cars. , The company had Intended building thtse cars last year. Material now Is be ing assembled, and, beginning in April, the' cars will bo turned out at tho rato of four a, week. -"" u- COKE PLANT TO RESUME Western Penna. Concern Beceives Large Contract. UNIONTOWN, Pa.. Feb. 6.-Receivers for the Tower HlU-Connellsvllle Coko Company today filed a petition In court asking permission to take such Bteps and make such Improvements as are needed about the plant to Insure fulfillment of a large contract with the Youngstown Sheet and Tube Company. It Is stated In the petition that the receivers havo entered Into a contract to furnish 16,000 tons of coko a month to the Youngstown corporation for one year. The contract price is 11.75 a ton, slightly 1f . nures Quoted In the market, nut, it Is asserted, enough to permit the operation of the plant at a profit. The opening of the plant will bo a Doom to the employes of the company, Tnnl .. bSen Practically Idle for a funr;,tfm,.When beln? operated on a Mv.Jfr' th.? plant employs 1000 men. For m$j atwi onIy a fow mtn hav8 b" &&' "aran' U F0ff.Bnd J' High School Student Dead ",!? Clay Clark, Jr., a student of Sim frJ" th0 8ch001 football team; fnu y,e,Velajr ttt the h of his paTI taSZu ."oi""! ben a sufferer from jaernla since December. 1911 The funeral tfUrn" h6l1 at hlS h0mo Bund TODAY'S MAimiAQE UOENSE& ' , xia mu ,i.. JlB .v." J Hatch. r. x tJJBWJSg' -V4 Caro &! M0 w KW taw. t? vTob, a ;Areq 7it r' " '" fc, !naaa Hedrlck. losfl n mi. .t .,t t ,. JrtSii i.Mtrk'. S3' & Colorado at. and tniii-Sf J? Btaedt. 31 N. STth at. zasfcyif ssstmk. ss . Z Mara? An J. nd f mu u , 9w vuncta &. , .'S3. HittJW M4 -- "What's the Use?" He Says, When Asked to Explain Discomfiture of 11 Men. August Moreno Is a man of few words. Ho weighs 2S0 pounds and most of It Is muscle. His weight and Ills rctlconco omblned, therefore, mado him a man of action. Tho police of tho 7th and Car penter strcots station will testify to this. August camo from West Cheater to do a little, shopping, and in his search for bargains eventually drifted Into tho Italian settlement. It fato hod led him elsewhoro, thero would havo been 11 happy Italians In that district. As a re sult of his Invasion of tho neighborhood thero was work for half a dozen physi cians, tho police and a glazier. Moreno was attracted by some brlght hued hosiery in tho storo of L. Colombo, at 1037 South 8th street. Ho bought bov eral pairs of stockings, some underwear and other things, but in calculating tho bill his arithmetic becamo befuddled. Ho and Colombo becamo so Involved finally that August was compelled to knock him behind tho counter. This brought other members of tho fnmlly to tho store, and to Bhow his defiance of tho reinforce ments, August kicked out a bulk window and sprinkled It on tho sidewalk. This somowhat.unusual action attracted tho attention of many In tho neighbor hood, nnd soon thero was a rush to tho rcscuo of Colombo. Standing at the door like Davy Croc kett, August peeled off his coat and bowied tho advancing army over ono nt a time as they reached tho top step. Tha sight of numerous mon flying out from tho building aroused tho curiosity of Policemen Tombebo., At first he thought somo ono had thrown a. bomb, but on closer range ho learned that tho iroublo was duo to tho flying fists of August. As victims with black ccn and broken noses littered tho neighborhood, tho po liceman took a look at hli substantial club and went to the firing line. August mot him in a ncck-and-ncck embrace and they went to tho street with a thud. Moreno, according to Tombebo, then pulled a knife, with tho Idea of ending matters ojulokly, but tho plucky police mtn, dcsplto his frailty, knocked tho weapon nstdo and conquered tho mad dened gladiator. Tho cop sat on him until three other bluecoats came, and August was deposited in tho 7th and Carpenter streets station. Tho victims, nearly a dozen of them, faced August when ho was brought beforo Maglstrnto Coward. When Tony Cabarlnno, with both eyes blackened, camo up tho Judge asked, "Who did It?" "It was that big fella, Moreno," said Cabarlnno. Sylvcstn Delvatlno also laid tho re sponsibility for his broken car on tho shoulders of Moreno. Seven othor victims likewise declared that August supplied their broken noses and other bruises. When Moreno was asked for an ex planation, he glared defiantly at tho judge, and said: "What's tho use?" Ho was hold In SJGO0 ball for court. VILLA MAKES READY TO LEAD AGAINST OBREGOtf Dictator Probably Will Command In Attack on Tamplco. Et, PASO, Tex., Feb. B.-General Villa's troops havo occupied Querctaro and will give battle to tho forces of General Alvaro Obregon, sent north from Mex ico City to aid Irl tho defense of Tamplco, according to reports received nt head quarters In Juarez today. While tho sol diers that took Querctaro aro said to have been commanded by Oencral Manuel Chao, It Is said that General Villa has also gone to Queretaro. While Tamplco Is tho main objective of Villa, his agents say ho will first lead his troops ngalnst Guadalajara,, the chief city of Jalisco. Reports received last night Indicated that General Felipe Angeles had been ap pointed Minister of War in the cabinet of General Villa, but this was not confirmed by ofllclal messages from Aguascallentcs, where Villa has made his headquarters beforo starting for Queretaro. This was doubted at Juarez, where Villa's support ers declared ho would conduct the War Department himself. OBITUARIES I REV. DIt. H. C. McBRIDE Pastor of Dlsston Memorial Presby terian Church. The Rev. Dr. Hugh Charles McBrlde, pastor of tho Dlsston Memorial Presby terian Church, Tacony. died yesterday in the Frnnkford Hospital. Ho suffered a relapse following an operation for appen dicitis on Monday. Ho was CO years old. Doctor McBrlde Vas graduated from Princeton Seminary In 190i, nnd soon after was appointed to the White Clay Creek Presbyterian Church at Newark, Del. In 1903 he camo to the Dlsston Memorial Church. He was a member of tho Enter prise Assembly of Artisans, the Hiram Z,odgo of Masons, of Newark, Del.; the Henry Dlsston Lodge of Odd Fellows and tho Tacoma Tribe, No. 277, Red Men. Ho leaves a widow and two daughters. AXEIS SHARPENED BY GOVERNOR FOR HIGHWAYS' HEADS Brumbaugh's Call for Cen sus of State Employes In terpreted as Preparation for Reorganization. MBS. HELEN HUSSEY JAMES Mrs. Helen Hussey James. Intermediary superintendent ot the Sunday school of tho Gethsemane Baptist Church, ISth street and Columbia avenue, died yester day at her home, Boyer street and Gor gas lane, Mr. Airy. She had been HI but 10 days. Mrs. James was also pres ident of the Emerson Club and one of the managers of the Baptist Orphanage. She was graduated from tho School of Design and the Girls' Normal School. She Is survived by her husband, Charles II. James, and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E C. Hussey, of Oak Lane. The funeral se'rvlcea will be Held at the Gethsemane Baptist Church, Monday afternoon, at 3 o'clock. john Mclaughlin John McLaughlin, a retlredwholesale and rotall tobacco dealer, in which busi ness he was engaged for nearly half a century, is dead at his home, 133i Colum bia avenue. He succumbed Tuesday, after a brief illness of pneumonia. Mr. McLaughlin had boen active In Demo cratic politics of the 50th Ward for years, and at ono time served as a member or the sectional school board. He was affiliated with the Cathollo Knights of America and attended St. Malachy's Church? Uth and Master streets. The funeral will take place from his late , resi dence tomorrow morning at V o clock. WILLIAM R. GABBEB William Rowe Oarber, who was a mem her of the firm of Garber & Birch, auc Uonwrsed yesterday at Mi home. bf North Uth street. Fern Rock, after a brief Illness. He was a member of Cam den Council. No. 4S3, Royal Arcanum, and Is survived by his daughter and two sons, Mr Garber was a member of tha Arch street Presbyterian Church, 18th and Arch streets. The funeral will be held at ils toomo Monday afternoon. EDWABD TILDEN CHICAGO, Feb, 6. Edward Tilden, well-known packer and banker, died after a brief attack of quinsy early today. Sam in 8 at Utlca, N. T.. Tilden was reared Jn Delavan, Wis., later coming to Chicago. Tilden was prominent In Chicago Democratic circles. DEATH NOTICES ON PAOE IB BK8QBT8 AxtAvna ciTr. y. x WZTVnrir Prls- Sot ma M. rwwi Hotel xorK,.eJ. htv XojJt Ave, TROH A STirr rORIESrOKDENT.l HARIJ1SBURG, Feb. 6. Govornor Brumbaugh's reorganization of the State Highway Department will be complete, legislators predicted today, following his order for a census of every State depart ment and branch of the State Govern ment. The Governor's order called for the name, address, salary and political spon sor of every one of tho 6152 men and women who aro now drawing salaries from the Commonwealth, and it has been taken as aimed directly at the Highway Department, the first to receive the order, so that tho Governor could oust, on the strength of first-hand Information, every employe of that department who ob tained his position through political "pulL" Every political ostrich In the pay of tho State today Is closing his eyes In a futile effort to ward off recognition of his alignment with Penrose, tho Vares, Mc Nlchol, Crow or any other State leader to whom he owes his job.' A general reorganization is expected, but the Highway Department Is expected to be hit worse than the others. In most cases employes of the engineering branch of the department have been chosen be cause of their qualifications as engineers, but they nearly all work under political henchman, and their work has been largely without result because of this. The road supervisors and superintend ents, who are now on the highway pay roll, are nearly all political lieutenants. The minor political hangers-on who are under them will probably follow their chiefs Into exile. Governor Brumbaugh has given much study to the report ot the Economy and Efficiency Commission, of which Harry McDevltt, of Philadelphia, former news paper man, was chairman. He Is par ticularly interested in that part of the report which tells ot there being E153 officeholders drawing salaries from the State. Of this number 1163 hold places created by various acts of the Legislature. Leg islative appropriations take care of 2762 and 1233 are being carried along as hold era of "contingent or temporary positions." The State's payroll, according to the McDevltt report, totals $3,613,409.44 annu ally. Of this amount S2,0CO.C0 goes to those holding statutory positions; Jj 1,162, 253.90 to those whose Jobs are conditioned on biennial appropriations of the Legis lature, and $450,590.(4 Is paid out ot con tingent funds. Once in a Lifetime a Trip Like This i There are two wonderful Expositions In California this year and railroad rates will be much reduced. You can K9t the most out of your trip to Cali fornia by Including the marvelous ride through Colorado and Utah on the way out. There are several ways of taking It all In. but only one best way, without extra expense and Inconvenience. Everybody knows that the Burling ton Route (a. B. & Q, R. .R.) is the standard, highly equipped ''On Time" railroad to Denver; but I want to tell you In particular about our through service to California, passing to day light. Denver, Colorado Springs. Pike's Peak, Pueblo, the marvelous Royal Gorge and Salt Lake City. And then I can tell you about com. inir home by way of either Glacier Na tional Park or Yellowstone Park. la fct I wilt cltdJy blp you pUn your trip 04 suctt't tti mot comtorulil, laterutlag mil gconninlml vrsx of lotaf ao4 rtumlnr. Tbst 1 OX buloM ana mf pleasure. Will ou allow ma to b of ue. sad furolib yau, without c&rf , such picture, map and train achflulu. s will enable you to determine Jut wbat to da. Will call oa you at any time, or ahal! U dad to at you at my office. Write, te)ap&Ofut 4r call wm. Austin. Qneral Agent Passan. aer ept. C, B. & Q R. R. Co., gg( I Chtnut fit. j?M!deJpnl. Phoaa Vfl. kMav-ea-u; ,. i rmmmiimmmiiimt'ittmmmtmtimiAtM VlftCSAJi...... M -'" ' -- ' issK&asaii s-s w '- ' - '' wzmm - ' The Sum and Substance of the February Sale of Furniture is that it brings the largest quantity and best variety of highest grade furniture ever offered at such low prices. . What do we mean by "largest quantity," "best variety" and "highest grade?" "Largest quantity" means at least three desirable pieces for every one you will find out of here. "Best variety" means the most completely matched up stock that has ever been shown in Philadelphia, a stock entirely free from oddments and fragmentary lots of which factories are glad to rid. "Highest grade" means an improved kind of cabinet work, for which this store is responsible and which is not obtainable in any other. Money saved on this furniture is money saved on the best class of cabinet work done in the world today, and that means American cabinet work, than which there is none better from the viewpoint of constructive detail. Good Furniture Fine Furniture Superb Furniture of these no sale ever held such assortments. More than 1000 Mission pieces came from the Stickley shops to sell at a third off the usual prices. We had scarcely sold 300 pieces when another shipment arrived. Every bit of this furniture is of solid quartered oak; every bit has been genuinely fumed, all the joints securely doweled and all cushions of genuine goatskin. Included in the assortment are side chairs and side rockers, arm chairs and arm rockers, davenports, settees, tables, desks,-bookcases, tabourettes, foot stools, magazine racks and some dining room and bedroom pieces. Here Is $20,000 Worth of Bedroom Furniture Marked One Third Under Value Notice that all the piece's are matchable beds, bureaus, dressing tables, cheval glasses, chiffoniers! Notice also that all the drawers are dustproof, that they are varnished and rubbed inside. Most of these pieces are of mahogany, but some are of maple and oak. All are medium priced, just such pieces as the average good home is on the lookout for. In one corner we have 300 Bureaus Which We Can Match Up With Other Pieces to make complete suits. These also are at medium prices, $8 upwards, but they are of a quality that cannot be obtained anywhere outside of this store. The show of medium priced dining room suits is large in pro portion, and we have never had so many fine suits in various "classic" designs at such low prices or so many people buying them. (Fifth and Sixth Floors) A Clearance of Women's Winter ' Suits at $5 to $37.50 There are one hundred of these suits, all odds and ends and all of the typo which women looking for something to finish out the season with are only too eager to buy. There are some suits, for instance, for $5, which early in the season were three times as much. There is a fur-trimmed suit of taupe broadcloth at ?25 which also was three times as much. And so it goes all the way through suits of imported,, fabrics, suits of velvet, or of broadcloth, suits fur trim med they are often only one-third of first prices and rarely more than one-half. Please note that while there is a fair number of garments at each price $5, $7,50, ?15, $25, $37,60 there is usually but one garment of a style, (First Fleer, Central) Every Man's Overcoat in the Lower-Price Store Down to $6.75 Sale starts tomorrow morning 8 :30 and $6.75 is the final low price. Good selection from Chesterfield style overcoats, well lined with serge. A few big heavy blue chinchilla storm coats. And a wide selection of fancy coats, some with fancy backs and all with satin sleeve lining. (Subway Floor, Market) And All the Boys' Overcoats on the Subway Floor at $5 Including school coats, Balmacaan coats, Mackinaw coats and little boys coats. All good, s.ound, pure wool, and all Wanamaker standard. Sizes 8 to 16 years. (Subway Floor, jiarktt) 4L 7 JOHN WANAMAKER t- mmmCTmmiam, i n .. . . p. -.-Tm,-fTTrrT -nymfrm Qjtlll" .TtirTTT