ZKsmwwt A., mi'. ill nmMninmiTMiUiii ' i i i .1U. i i ...1 TURKS FALL VICTIM TOBRITISHCRUISERS . IN NEW CAKAL RAID Invaders Try to Cross Suez and Boats Are Sunk. General Battle on Along Waterway. CAItiO, Feb, B. Turkish troops totla? resumed tltetr at tempts to cross the Hues Canal nt Tueun, near lsmallla. Beveral tidata that suc ceeded lit launching- were sunk ami all on board perished. British warships have resumed their bonibfttdment of Turkish positions. Tha main Turkish forces have reached the fiurx Canal arid a general hattto Is developing east of the waterway, Ue tWccn i'ort Said and Sues th6 Ottoman troops have thrown up earthwork a few miles east of the canal. These -were shelled all night by llght-draft British worships and the Turks were compelled to retire. An soon as tho bombardment ceuacd. however, they rcoccuMed their trenches. British aviators reported Thursday Hint tho Turkish force number about 4S,W men. They are well oaulppcd and have a number of heavy guns. .V numbor of refugees have arrived here from tho district oast of tho canal. Some said they wero desoitora from tho Turkish army and that they had had no food for two days. Later they confessed that they had heter been In the army. Twelve thousand Turkish troops partici pated In Wednesday's battle on tho Suez canal. In which tho ottoman invnucrs 10m heavily, Tho battle began early In the morning-, tho Turkish Infantry attacking under cover of a sandstorm. An attempt to cross tho canal on pontoons and rafts whs repulsed, and the main attack 011 TusUn and Sempedm was also beaten back after a battle lasting ten hours. British warships took part In the fight ing, and tho cruiser Harding was hit twice by shells, ten of her crew being waunded. Other British losses were two ofllcers and & men killed and 53 wounded. Many Turkish dead wero left on the Held and eight ofllcers and 2S2 men wero taken prisoners. CZAR SWEEPS FORWARD INv INVASION OF HUNGARY Gains Laborcz River, But Retires From Beslcid Passes, PBTKOaRAD, Fob. 6. Driving back the German and Austrian troops In tho Carpathians, the Russian armies are forcing their v.ay rapidly Into Hungary. It was announced officially here today that tho Czar's forces had reached the River Laborcz, on the south aide of the mountains, taking In their advance from Dukla Pass 2000 prisoners and 10 machine guns. In the Carpathians, the Russians have been forced to withdraw from the Besftld Passes, wherp a superior force of Ger mans and Auatrlans were encountered. It was officially admitted. In this region, however, the Russians have taken 2000 prisoners. RUSSIAN CAVALRY WINS ACTION IN EAST PRUSSIA Campaign Develops Favorably Along Inster River. PETROQRAD, Feb. 6. In Hast Prussia, Russian cavalry near Lasdehnen drove oft a German forcothat attacked near tho Scheskonpa tRlver. The campaign In East Prussia Is developing- favorably to tho Russians along the Inster River In the region of Las dehnen, northeast of Qumblnnen. They are advancing deplto the obstinate re sistance. In the Mazurlan Lnkes rcclon. no ad vance Is reported. Toward Tilsit the Russian movement is progressing. if J?ORT OF PHILADELPHIA Vessels Arriving Today Str BJornefJoril (Nor.). Tone Amiunzlati, ore, Flint, aoerlnir Co, Str Tuscan, Boston. passeriK'rs ami mer chandise Merchant and Miners' Transporta tion Company S r J M Ouffey, Port Arthur crude oil. Gulf Petroleum Company, Steamships to Arrive I'ASSE.NOEn. Nam From. Date. Sardinian ,, Qlassow .......Jan. 19 Haverford Liverpool Jan. !I TOEtOHT. Uncolmshlre Manila Dee. IS Jomaburc Ardroeaan Jan. B BkJoldbarB Copenhagen ....Jan. 31 FiorenUno Huelva. Jan. 13 r.uclllne , Cardiff Jan. IT Mackinaw London Jan. 10 Plaiurla, KMelda Jan. JO OUr Kyrr Mtavanrer .rn "' Nike ... Cardltt Jan. 1 Manchester Miller Manchester ....Jan. t Havet , Hillside ..Jan. a Nestoa ,. . .......Oran Jan, 'Jt Andreas ,Hrra Jan. 2.1 Teesdale Havana la Mar.. Jan, ST Brlndllla .r .Hhlelds Jan. 28 Caatletnoor . Algiers ,,Jan,20 CTielstoji Cuba , .Jan. M llontoso Chrlstobal ......Feb, 'J KtUon . ..Clenruecos Feb. U Bella- .....Port Antonio.... Feb. .1 Wasldjk Ilotterdam Feb. 3 Steamships to Leave PABSENOBn. Name For Date. Sardinian .. ....... OlisroK ,. .Feb, in Haverford .... ...Uverpool .... Feb. 13 FREIGHT flmlslana . I.elth . , .Feb, 8 South l-olot .. ... .Rotterdam . ..Feb. Manchester Miller ...Manchester .. .Feb. 12 Movements of Vessels Btr Delaware, for Philadelphia, steamed from ffw York February 8. Btr Islington, from Philadelphia, arrived at Boston February B. (itr mission (Dr ), from Philadelphia, ar rived at Casllarl February I Str MoQtoao. San Francisco for Philadel phia, sttimed from Cristobal February 3 8hln )lrlo. Phlladelohla for Shlmonoaakl. sailed fro-n Crl total Februarj 4. Str Oceanic (Hal ),) Philadelphia for 7a ranto, ouscd Gibraltar February 3. 8tr. Deonyeseoj Btathatoa (Greek), Philadel- hla for Ton Anaumuta. arrived at Gibraltar -fttruaxy . Sir eardlnlan (llr.), otatrow for Philadel tUa, (teamed from Halifax February B. Sir. Grecian, tor Philadelphia, steamed from Soston February 8. filr Persian, for Philadelphia, steamed from XavftBDab, February 5. Str. Paraguay. Philadelphia for Sabine Paea, ,J 2(0 mile southeast ot Diamond Bboal UehUblp at 9 P n. February e Sir. QreionUn, Fan Francisco, etc .for New lurk, wns 344 mile south of Ban Franuseo af&oa. Vebruary 3. mi I'oledo, gabine for Philadelphia, was tea mU mulH ot Jupiter at p. n. February . Str Quantise, Philadelphia, for JeokspnYllle, tut& tlatltra at T p. m. February 4. FREIGHTS ANP CHABTERS UaitMtOE I lisbt. due to. the acarelty of tuuautfl to west thai dtmsnd. JUtee ar blfb cud Iftll yitpcancd. STEAMSmPft raw KWjl. 13 BO. Weir Tork and ntr J?U4 ui, cae round Uln, basis 1. 4 . Hrcaj jtW tvf orj. ixai laps. aaiumor 10 tmUatOau 10'eaGi7reji. -' , ""' "n Yte. !, BtivaU irs, K6oi. ,jiW 4JM), SIM tt4. Wafted Statu and ggaHftrJaB, nae. ae roun trjp, li BbHt W iatulnHniii Ttfej- -, kja,jl.i. .. tsBa. .sa-iraar. ua.;'TriU! "STti .S"f SEa"s?,I.. I OFFICIAL WAR REPORTS - FBENCH in Belgium the Oerman airships showed treat activity yesterday. The communique of last night re ported the capture of one of the en tny's trenches to the west of the high way from Arras to Lille to the north of Kcurle. That trench hindered the troops occupying the ground gained by Ha n few days ago. To tha east ot the same roijd we exploded a mine, and Irrimedlalely thereafter ft detach ment of Zouaves and AfrlcAn Infan try formally established Itself on the conquered position. All tho aennans In the captured trench were killed or made prisoners. Our artillery allenccd the enemy's batteries near Adlnfer, south of Arrasi at Poslores, northeast of Albert! at Ham, norjhwest of Peronne! likewise In the section of I'allly, south of N'oyon. Thero Is nothing new In the region of Perthes. In tho Argonne there waa a single attack at Bagatelle. That attack, wlilch took from us a hundred yards of trench, provoked counter-attacks on our part, which not onlv regained those 100 yards, but also gained ground beyond. tn the Vosgcs there were artillery combats. On thr- rest of front there Is nothing to report. AUSTRIAN Artillery and Infantry fighting con tinues alnng the Nlcl.i Itltcr. AVc ovacuated Tarnow (dallcla) after tho Ruentnns bombarded tho place with heavy mortars. A decl-lve battle Is being fought in tho region of Dukla, where stiong Russian pressure Is felt In the direc tion of Dukla Pass and neighboring passes. The righting In the Carpathi ans Is being seriously Interfered with by the deep snow. On the western front hostllo nttacks have been repulsed, and our troops succeeded In gaining some ground in the wooded mountains and captured some hundreds of prisoners. RUSSIAN Cast Prussia Tho Russian troops have mode progress on both banks ot the Inster In tho district of Lnsdchnen. Poland-On tho left bark of the Vis tula the Russians have enptured two lines of trenches held by tho enemy near Dorjlmow. Tho enemy was re pulsed In an attack upon Ooumlne, which Is now in our possession, and wo havo occupied Wolaszye-Lowlcrka. Hard fighting la still on there The enemy Is still In possession of the dis tillery In Wolnszye-Lowlczka, but wo hold tho rest of the town. Tho enemy Is continuing his obsti nate resistance to our attacks nnd is trying to break through our lines In ths region over a front of seven miles. He has brought up seven divisions and 100 batteries. As a result of our suc cesses the righting line has been short ened a mile. Tho Russian counter-attacks began on Wednesday night and have bten continued night and day since that time Desperate righting has been raging along tho entire front, but our offonslve has cornpelled the enemy to assumo the defensive. GnllcU and Hungary Tho encoun ters In tho Carpathians nro developing on tha line from Dukla Pass to Wysz kow (100 miles). Tho Russians have advanced to the river Laborez, cap turing 2C0O prisoners and ten machine guns. Russian troops who heroically repulsed bayonet nttacks at Lupkow and the Beekld Passes retired to new poiltlonB. but the enemy's advance at SVyszkow Pass and Tartaroff wbb re puUed with heavy losses GERMAN On the whole western front yester dny thero wero only artillery duels. Isolated French nttacks against tho German position northwest of Perthes (in Chnmpagne) were unsuccessful. On the east Prussian frontier re lieued Russian nttacks south of the Meniel River wero repulsed. A strong Russian attack against the positions recently taken by the Ger mans east of Borjumow was equally unsuccessful. Tho number of prisoners taken there since February t totals It officers and about C0O0 soldiers. .eppe makes it possible for every home to enjoy Victor Music Victor prices are alike all over America, but at Heppe's you may secure Victrolas from $ 1 5 up, at the cash prices, and make your settlement either in cash or charge account, or our rental-payment plan, whereby all rent applies to purchase, with no interest charge for this privilege. Below are a few of our outfits and the terms of our rental-payment plan: VICTROLA IV $15.00 6 10-inch Double-face Records 4.50 Total cost , $19.5o' Pay $3 down, $2,50 monthly, VICTROLA VI , $25.00 6 10-Jnch-Double-face Records ,.,,,...,, 4.50 ' Total cost $29.50 Pay $4 down, $3 monthly, VICTROLA VIII , , $40.00 Records, your selection , . . , 5.00 Total cost .., $45.00 Pay $4 down, $3.50 monthly. VICTROLA IX $50,00 RwQtdjj yQltr seectfon , 10.00 ' Tqfal c.ost , ,... $60.00 Pay $5 down, f4 monthly. T3VENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA' FRIDAY. FEBBUABY 'VIGE SQUAB' TRIES TO INFLUENCE JURY, JUDGE DECLARES One Policeman Offered Juror a Bottle of Whisky, Court Tells Member of Detail Who Complains. Vice aquad policemen practice a system of attempting to Influence Jurors serving In the criminal branch of tha Municipal Court. Room (74, City Halh and In doing o Incur the risk of being Jailed, Judge MacNellle declared from the bench to day. The charges against the policemen who form the special detail which Director Porter calls tho "morals squad" followed the complaint of Policeman Nees, of the Biruad, that tho aqund waa discriminated against by the court's tipstaves. Neo'a Iro was aroused when one of the court ofllcers ejected htm from a seat In tho space reserved for lawyers. He strode angrily to the bar of the court and coin plained to Judge MacNellle "Tho members of the vice squad are nlnays put out of thoso stats. I know those chairs aro for tho attorneys, but many persons not lawyers are permitted to occupy them, while members of the vice sqund ore put out and told to take seats In other parts of the room." "We havo had to take extreme pre cautionary measures with members of the vice squad," replied Judge MacNellle. "They have gono so ifar as to try to tamper with the Jury.' On occasions It has been reported to n.e that while tho Jury Is on Its way from the courtroom to the Jury room to dellberato on cases In which vice squad men have testified, conversations about the caso havo been held so that the Jury could hear. "in o speaiteasy case a pollcoman tried to pass to a Juror a bottle of whisky which had been offered as evidence, say ing, "Take this with you and have a drink.' "If persons other than policemen, had offended In this manner they would have boon committed to prison. I now warn you that hcreattor If there Is a repetition of such practices tho offender will bo brought beforo the court and punished." Nees took a seat, but not among the chairs reserved for tho lawyers. RUMANIAN POLICY NOW VEERS TOWARD GERMANS London Alarmed nt Change of Front In Balkans. LONDON, Feb. E. The belief Is rapidly gaining ground hero that Rumania, instead of entering the war on the side of the Allies, will Held to German Influences and hold aloof. Stories coming from Bucharest to the erfect that tho Rumanian Minister of Finance has received J4,000,000 In gold from Hamburg, In return for permission to Germany to ship $20,000,000 In gold to Constantinople, serve to Increase the un easiness as to the Rumanian attitude. A few weeks ago It nas said confidently In Great Britain that Rumania would enter the conflict, perhaps, by tho middle of February. Dispatches to the British newspapers from Bucharest, the Ru manian capital, now say that the Gov ernment of Rumania has no Intentions of breaking Its neutrality at an early date. The same prediction Is made In dispatches lecelved through Independent sources. There likewise has been less talk In LonT don of Rail's entry Into the conflict. Russian Flag: Hoisted In Tabriz PETROORAD, Feb, B.-The Russian Consul General arrived at Tabriz on Tuesday, accompanied by a Russo-Per-slan escort. Russia's flag was hoisted oer tho Turkish Consulate General, tho Turks having burned that of Russia. Vict VICTROLA X $75.00 Records, your selection ...,.,.....,.,... 10.00 Total cost ....,......,' $85.00 Pay $S down, $5 monthly, VICTROLA XI ,;,'..; $100.00 Records, your selection ......,,,..,..... 10.00 Total cost ,.,. .- $110.00 Pay $8 down, ?o" monthly. VICTROLA XIV ,.,.",7,1 $150.00 Records, your selection..,..,,,.,,.,,.. 10.00 Total cost ,,,,..,.,,.. $160.00 Pay $10 dpwn, $8 monthly, VICTROLA XV Records, your selection . Total cost ....... Pay $10 Write for large illustrated catalogues, C T HFPPF kr OM - 1117-1119 U. S. TO RBPUS8 RECOGNITION OP NOTB sV4..1t...f eu.U Vat afafl !-to neatfal shipping to ?old lh coaU ot tho British Hies, " ou.e',kg,"V '"?it '" the Admiralty, to the fact that the Ger mans Intend to proceed with every pos sible means against the "''""JU ports carrying troops and supplies to FTrAdmlraUy'c?nlmunlcMlort.U.ued by the Chlsf Admiral ot the German NX,8Jl! "L"X:,.e f ...nnlVlng Mi. meronuBs Troops" and UfgV duVnflM.. .of -..- ....l.i. in tfranna. we Will pro ceed with all means of warfare at out; disposal against these transport;, "Peaceful shipping Is cautioned against approaching the northern or the western coasts of France, as this would threaten It with serious danger, because the Ves sels might be confounded with ships used for warlike purposes. "The route around Scotland (north nf Scotland) Is recommended as tho best track for the North Sea." BRITAIN ACCEPTS CHALLENGE 07 GERMANY'S BLOCKADE LONDON, Fb. B. England today accepted Germain's challenge. The Admiralty defied tho Kai ser and dared tho German sea lords to put to a test their, latest threat to starve out England by sinking all merchantmen of belllgoront nations that approach mu lsh ports after February 18. Admiralty oirtclals went Into conference early today. What they dUcussod was a closely guarded secret. But It was re ported on rellablo authority that orders for a part of tho English flotilla, of dc strbyers to detach Itself from the North Sea fleet and report for duty In waters nearer home will bo Issued before night fall. Part of this destroyer fleet, It Is oxpoct 'cd, will be assigned the task of sweeping the sens for German submarines. Others wilt bo detailed to convoy merchantmen after February 18, when the German Ad miralty decree becomoa effective until such tlmo as the Admiralty Is positive that tho Gorman under-sea terrors no lonser menace shipping. It Is posslblo that a few British cruisers ot tho Royal typo will bo assigned to convoy duty to allay tho fears of timid ship bwners. Admiralty officials frankly dcclnred the latest Gorman threat a bluff. They said It climaxed a series ot official statements from tho German Government that indi cated that tho Kaiser's advisers nre, be coming despernto. Nolther Admiralty nmrinin nnr reDrescntatlvcs of tho big shipping Interests would concede for a moment that Germany could carry out Its throat to shut oft England's food supplies. The English nation turned Its eye to ward America today. What tho United States will say to the German Admiralty a announcement that neutral ships may be endangered by German submarines was considered only secondary In, Importance to the Gorman proclamation Itself. That tho United Stntcs Till make formal protest against t! 0 Oermnn decree upon Its receipt at Washington Is deemed cer tain hero. Admiralty officials professed confidence today mat neuner America nor any of the other etrong neutral Pow ers would respect what hey called a "paper blockade" of tho British coast. In some quarters it was suggested that the United State? mlgh Join with other neutral Powers in a rormai protest to Germany. SUBMARINES ARE MASSING AT ZEEBRTTGGE TOR BLOW LONDON, Feb. 5. Germany Is making cxtenslvo preparations for the blockade ot England that has been decreed to go Into effect on February 18. A dispatch re ceived from Amsterdam stated that sev eral submarines had arrived at Zee brugge, the German naval base on the Belgian coast. It Is expected that these will bo used to attack British transports and mei chant ships. Tho latest naval annuals credit Ger many with 31 submarines, 12 being of the older typo. There aro 19 equipped with sleeping quarters and with a radius of up to 2000 miles Those of tho 1911-15 class are not listed, and it Is certain n number were built early last year. Fur ther, It Is known that since the war be gan work has been rushed on additional undersea craft Conservative estimates place tho number of submarines In the German navy nt 60, at leaBt. GERMANY IS CONFipENT OF SUBMARINE BLOCKADE BERLIN, Feb. 6. While the German Admiralty expects protests irutn neutral H E P ervice $200.00 1 10.00 $210.00 tttfMM'Mtlff down, 5!P monthly. si countries atalnst Its action In proclaim In k blockado of England find Its warn ing that ship ot nonbeillgerents might be endangered. It maintains Its r ght to take this step without any violation of International law. Tho Admiralty's action Is Indorsed by tho Berlin newspapers today They assert that England's alleged order to Its mer chant vessels to Use thS flags of neutral nation was the direct cause of the Ad hilraltl's declaration of n blockade nnd hint that the failure of tho neutral coun tries to protest to England shorts they are silently If not actively supporting tho Allies. .... A to the ability 01 me utra " marines to maintain a blockado of Eng land, doubt I expressed In no circles 1. 1 ho German naval critics point to tho nctlv -ties of the U-Jl in tho Wish Sea as evi dence of their Value in warfare against ships upon which England depends for The attitude of tho German Admiralty may be summed up thusi "We do not Intend to wage war upon neutral ships, We hopo that none will suffer, hut Germany Is waging a cam paign against enemies who aro trying to H..MIU , mmmiriMat liberty ontl It must take the necessary steps to protect "Tho warning Issued by Germany gives neutral shipping plenty of tlmo lh which to leave dangerous water." The statement, declaring a "war rone Issued by the German Admiralty rs: "The waters around Oreat Britain and Ireland, including the wholo Lngllsh Channel, nre declared n war zono from and after February 18, 1915. "livery enemy ehlp found In this war none will bo destroyed, even 11 11. 1 -posslblo to avert dangers which threaten the crow and passengers. "Also, neutral ships In tho war rone are In danger as in consequence of tho mis use of neutral flags ordered by the British Government on January 31, nnd In view of the hazards of nnvnl warfare It cannot always bo n voided that nttackw meant for enemy ships slinll ondanger noutrftt ships. "Shipping northward, around the Shet land Islands, In tho eastern bnsln ot the North flea, nnd In a strip of at least 30 nautical mllei In breadth along tho Dutch coast, Is endangered In the same way." Tho reference in the Admiralty com munication to "misuse of neutrnl flags" Is well understood In Borlln. Thero has been published in Gormnny roconlly what purports to be a secret order Issued by thn British Aumirany 10 uniisn mer chant ships Instructing them to make use of neutral flags, and all tho Gorman pa pers aro referring to this alleged order, BLOCKADE THREAT AIMED AT U. S., BRITISH DECLARE LONDON, Fob. G While a wild storm of criticism of Gorman strategy was raised In Englnnd by tho bombardment of the coast towns of Hartlepool, Scar borough and Whitby, thH wns only a mild flurry ns compared with tho tempest aroused by tho warning thnt neutral ships will bo endangered If they enter tho blockade zohe. Tho newspapers declare that this warn ing Is directed toward tho United States In nn attempt to prevent ships ot that country from bringing supplies to Eng land "This Is an effort that America should treat with the scorn It desorves," says one newspaper. "Now tho United Stntes knows the method of German warfare. If there has been any doubt ns to thm before." TURC0S' FIERCE CHARGE CAPTURES FOE'S TRENCH French Win New Position on Arrns Lille Line. PARIS, Feb. B. Brilliant work by the African troops of the French arm, resulting In a decided gain for tho Allies to tho cast ot the road bctwoen Arras and Llllc, is reported In nt official (statement Issued by tho French War Ofllco this afternoon After the explosion of u mine Zouaves and Turcos dashed forward nnd estab lished themselves strongly In tho posi tion where tho mlno had blown up a Gorman trench. All tho German soldiers In the trench wero killed or taken prisoners. AVIATORS SHELL ZEEBRUGGE Raid Made on German Submarine Zeppelin Base. LONDON. Feb. B.-Allies' aviators bom barded Zccbrugge, German submarine and Zeppelin base, according to Rotterdam advices today. The extent of tho damago Is not known. PE lESsi Z' it vft mi f4 Viclrola IV, $15 Oak NAME . ' ADDRESS 5, 1915., WARSAW MENACED AS FOE'S ONSLAUGHT MOUNTS TO CLIMAX 1 Defenders Clash With Ger mans' Headlong Plunges in Gory Battle Along Seven-mile Front. PETnOORAD, Feb. 6, One hundred thousand Germans aro hurling themselves In headlong nuhei ngalnst the Ruslan earthworks west of Warsaw, on a Boven-mlle front, It wad officially announced today. Seven divisions, comprising tho flower of Von IIIndenurg'8 nrmle, are making Impetuous frontal nttnek upon the Rus sians between tho Uzura nnd Ilnwka. Behind them 100 Oermnn batteries nre playing shells upon the Czar's- trenches. After driving back the GermAns who attempted to recapture Goumlne, the Rus sians pressed forward dnd took Wolaszyo Lowlczka. Hard fighting Is going on thero nnd also about BorJImow, whero tho Russians hnve taken two lines of Ger man trenches. Fifty thousand fresh German troops were rushed Into the firing lino early yes terday as 1 enforcements. They filled huge gaps In the German lines, torn by RukMhii shells and Russian Infantry charges. Their arrival was a signal for the renewal of the onslaught. For 21 hours Mackcnzen's divisions havo surged toward tho Russian Hues. The battlo has become a gigantic death grap ple. Following up their successes at Wola Szydlowska, nnnounccd last nlslit, the Czar's armies havo forced tho Germans out of tho village of Humln, captured by tho oncmy on Tuesday. German onslaughts continue, it Is offi cially admitted, In the face of enormous losses. Mnckcuzen has returned to tho massed attack. Advancing In compact formations, tho Germans aro attempting to break through to Warsaw by sheer force of numbers. Tho Polish capital Is menaced more seriously today thnn at any tlmo during tho present campaign. FOE'S BOMBARDMENT DRIVES AUSTRIANS OUT OF TARNOW Vienna Admits Evacuation; Also Pressure nt Dukln Pass, VIENNA, Feb. 5. Today's official report admits tha evac uation of Tarnow as tho result of a heavy Russian bombardment with mortars. It H further stated that a dcclslvo bottle is being fought In tho region of Dukla, whero stiong Russian pressure Is felt In tho direction of Dukla Pass nnd neigh boring passes. Tho fighting in the Car pathians Js being seriously Interfered with by the deep snow. Vigorous operations around Tarnow ihave been going on for tome time. An official dispatch from Vienna, January SO, said that attempts of tho Russian Gall clan army to outflank Archduke Joseph Ferdinand's army, near Nowy Snndec, nnd attack Crncow by way of Tarnow, had led to a counter-offensive by tho Archduke against Tarnow -which threat ened tho rearward communications of the Russians In Gallcla and In the Carpa thians. Tarnow, a town of somo 40,000 Inhabit ants, is on tho Blnia River, a short dis tance from Its Junction with the Dunajac. . LETTER'S Best Coal Egg $7, Stove $7.25, Chestnut $7.50 Large Hound Pea Coal, $5.50 Largett Coal Yard in Philadelphia OWEN LETTER'S SONS Trenton Ave. & Westmoreland St. mmm TThTrl HIM 7visV w srja;':k BKW Mall This Coupon C I HpnnP & Son ""-'W Chestnut Street. . j. Dieppe ot oon 6th ihi Th051pSOn streets. ni" j i ( Vlctrola catalog and terms. Please Send me ) Catalog of Pianola Plajnos, (Cheek whichever you wish) J ptaIK of New Pianos. sl List of Used. Pianos. Chestnut Street GERMAN AVIATORS" RAIN SHELLS UPOH -ALLimRENCHEg Flying Squadrons Ralfl Lines From Nieupoit M Ypres Another Atlaj Aimed Against Dunkirk I'ARIS, l-tj German aviators, traveling JIS rons, are raining shells on the AI11 trenches all along tho battle line in ' glum, from Nlcuport south to TCtttt pnlches from tho- battle f.ont sV.'.J, Two Qerman monoplanes borkts, tho tdwn of Fumes, six mllu, inllJl ,A ntlln.l 111,. A, II... ... .. ""lie, U artillery dropped ehclls from a ..., m tanco Into (ho lown. No great data..! uu;. .i uomiau Taubtj pu,' cd over tho Allies' trenches near 1J port. Their objective apparently tfjj Dunkirk, object of several aerial alUcll but dispatches from the imm,.i ..ii todny failed to mention their arrival, '1 'i no Argonne region waa the 8Cei(, $ tho most despcrnte Intantrv di,ii. tho last 24 hours. A German luV! forcod the French to ovneuate mors tkit 100 yards of trenches. During the null the French counter-attacked. ln a K limit charge they drove tho Germans fat! tho captured trenches and, rushln- ? cantutcd 100 yards of Gorman A.;A works. "" wu, French artillery hns been successful (, silencing German bombardments south Arms, tinrtlioimr nf Alhi ..j , .?'. -'.. :, V." . " , "" ",,u "1 UK ii-Miuii ui .ivjuii unu a erouno Prize Dogs You'll sec them in Sunj day's Pictorial SectionJ A full page of prize win! ners seeking new laurels at the Philadelphia Ken nel Club Show. If you; hobby is pedigreed dogs be sure to get the Intaglio Sunday, February 7, j PUBLIC l&Mi LEDGER Order from your Dealer Today 55B1 i tsaaaaHsMh Tk 6th and Thompson Streets BuMMa 1 ., U UU Jkkruaj-l Man .1 e ttiav ts faifin. US3 uat. NrfJk to ii-Afci- j .'.-H .. J J I I .jIlflL f