frTj?see?aesawflip,!ye.wTniayt 'HLgBifpyji ETEKINa LMBaTCUPHTLA'DTCTiPTrTA-. FBIDAY. FEBRTJABY 5 I91i5; 155 oil IN lEmi' HE.-t- fn loving rememDrnnco """ HB'iti? -who dld Pebruary 8, 10H. Kp''uflDAND AND CHILDREN. JBtatl) !,rL-Oh February 1' "ft .W aSfV-fflflff .?u"hdu'"-."ut.h Krf M"rV. F KJ rawer 8078 NIC et., Nlcetown. f,w"t Ml Morlah Cemetery. r"r.VinHT-At Eel Oranse, N. 3 on liiOHD'V.,ET AAiKi 'iijim. widow of rsror ,r Vringhurst. formerly ot Phil' ISn"JWl in hcf Mil year. Funeral ana in- K ill 'at Loganepbrt, ,na' TmBIm" Marguerite c- "....! Inltrment itrti ?2il rien' omit nower., P'ul.lon February 4. 1015., LILLY "liTe of Charles i Byrnes and daugh W.V the Hie John and'Kuphem o. F.tTca. g!'.i .i lh residence uf her ilittrvMrs. -A ilutU 4727 Upland it... on featur- it f p m, Ptedaely. interment at Siftln. ,., i ill rWyProSJry'i'Hyd'yiay. Xm Chi Kfaternlly, are Invited to --. ihaluneial seMlcej on Sunday after- "O.SrV 115 VertifUt terrnce. Interment '$";. wa.imlntter Cemetery. RvrYninN. At her residence, 0014 Haver P."?.!. oft February 4, IBIS, ALICE, wife r?iffiir-V. Davidson. Due notice of the Itaieril IU lv"1' PilSBBudclenly, at his reeldenoe, 60 IB 'Erikut ("' Morrowj, uut - ...... 3K?.!.ily"J;. ..,. It 'l!R .TnARflltMR inU:."IFl.u7.rni .iii'hler of Enid Lowell !t"v .hi lite Harry Xewls rullmer. 2J1 faMV ff !H. .Bervlce, at th. Zii at tho i-iutnoran numf. wuu ounwi fll? lit ill Airy, on tiaturdev,. February tl 1 o'clock, interment Woodland Came- '!MXE.V.-On February e. lOiri, ELLEN A.. WsSSr of the late James and Harry i.ifn at her lite resiliences ion owum ffi it. ")5ue notice of the funeral will TautlirK On February., 1MB. WILLIAM "2Sm of the IsteV Frederick V. nnd ifta IWveOarbor. Helatjvi- and friends, i Sim Camden Council. No. 4M Royal Ar- b&t on Monday afternoon, at 1 o'cloak. at liiliereildenoe. WHS North'12lli at., Fern Wffi"!' ,.. nee,,,. ifliftim widow of Samuel Hgr. Vunwal If'.TftU f.tkeu4alfCAmtFT .t ek. fkoLOHAN-pn February.. 1MB, EIEM J-i! mT, flSm 25 South .BaMofd al. Solemn Qui of heaulem at the Chtireh of Our Lndy if the Rotary, at 10 a. m. Interment Holy : Idwilehre ceraeiory. BtrsavFOrtTH. On February B, 1018, CArt- 80UNB I OIUARD INOIIAM llljNBWoilTIC Kiii. flith vur of her ase. Relathea and i M(0i! ire Invited to attend the funeral terv Men on Saturday, February 0, at r &; at her lte reeldence.'lOO South 42d Tl. idierment private. iirrarin vh. 4. 1D1S. at her lata rent- ft: unit.' dorxas and lloyer ela . Mt, Airy, ' fiSukX HUBSET. wife ot Chaa. H. Jatno-. Ktte funeral eorvlcei at the Oeth-emane llap ami Church, 18th tt. and .Columbia ao., on Ssilsn'ar. at 2 p. m. preclaely. gMJlEDy-On February 4, 1014. HUOIt 'XmBl'H, eon of Dennis and Julia Kennedy. ilmt funeral will be announced at a Inter Siile, front .the residence ot lila parent, 17a 'ASllABIKIl-On February .1. 101B, EMEHSON elO. MAnTKn. In the 7Id year of hla age. lAfSw itltd and frlende, alio fit. Paul'e Iodge, UMUtlon. Philanthropic I.odce, No. 1.1. I. O, 0, F., and Odd Fellows' veteran Aasocta Hon. ere Invited to altiind the funeral eerv- ICtf, an baiuruajr mieriiuuii. -i u i-iui-k ()rv-it-tv. t hli late rreldence. Mill flre(nn at.. Oirmintown. Interment at Ivy Hill Ceme- JfrflAnitY-On Fehrunry 4. 101 S, at hl tile reiiaince. rrtinKuiiTiuo, i. .i., jamuh, iligltid of Anna HcOarry and eon ot Ames ud the lite John McQarry. hmUnd of the late Eliza McLaughlin, ltela tlru and friends, also Catholic Knight ot Afnertefi. Branch No. 118. aro invited to nt- vtend the funeral, on Saturday morning, at tM aclo-K, irom nis .into residence, u4 Columbia ate. .Solemn Itequlem Mats at St. MiU-hys Church, at 1U o'clock. Interment at cathedral. ME0AKOEE. At the residence of her son- U-U0. W.I0 Matter St., on February 4. linn, BAItAH WRIOIIT, widow of James 'V. Me line;. Funeral services on Sunday, at 1 ..10 o. m.. at Friends' Meeting House. Moores- item. N. J. KEnCER. On February 8, 1018. TVII-IiIAM u, auiDana or carrie u. Mercer. Ilelatlvea IDd frlendl. also Wltttam Wlnilnm rniinMl JJIo. iH, o of I. A.; Washington Camp No. Sro, P. O. S. of A.i Philadelphia Com- oinaery ko. 4, i'. u s. or A.: airard Allele Alumni. Penn Yearly. VatDrnn Kni- WiTM' Ateoclallon of tho Pennsylvania TuDroed Company, employee ot Mantua .Trunfer, P. It. at .Station, and all other errialxsttotts of which hi ln n nmnihp. in Invited to attend tho funeral sorvlres on ,t Saturday afternoon, at 'i o'clock, at his late wtdence, 42u2 Viola st. Inlerrrent private. IJiURTHi On February 4. 1018. JOSEPH tp.NOHTH, at his late residence, 611 Prospect Jin.. Moore. Delaware County, Pa. L)ue Sconce of funeral will be given. lOlPPPEMIElMEIt. On February 4, 1015, JMWBLIA, widow of Lewis Oppenhelmer. ft Relitlvti and friends, also Dnoth Jeshurun poit, art muted to attend the funeral serv 'jitei, on Sunday atternoom at 2 o'clock pre fJUely, It her late, resldonce, 3224 Clifford tt. Interment st Mount ninai rniiv i8I!0Ertv-pn February 4, 1016. HAIUUET it?:! i'.? "' iIrr? Slncer and daughter of tha H .,u--. Funeral services on Sunday, at 2 p. r tn-, it ber late residence, 2153 North 16th St. L .Jl'JtP."" " Mt- l'eaca Cemetery. fcSffl3un7-.0n February 4, 1018. AnitA-tft-'irK.' buibend of Jennie Btelnhart and aon F- SP'f"4 Va ih lUphael Btelnhart. I J"'l on Sunday, at 2 p. m., from the nK " .wl -4iii.iuci ABiicr Don, iku , CtSf'ri Interment Adath Jeshurua on Bagg 7 CLASSIFIED RATES .DAILY AND SUNDAY f'tJIIS STYLE TYPE (or like this) trlin.I'J!, : 1Bo Perllne lsittiArr'IVM V'j" 1"rns.f iva per line ISSJil0? W1"ted, three lnser- gMUoni la a week a, I0o perllne PIS SIZE TYPE (or like this) 'STermitUii in .it -i... ...... . Mui. 'n,.ln,, Wanted, Lost and Found, I'er- oTt. ' .""eT ana Jiooms. f lina 2!?nlu?i" ". week.... ITHo per line illl?i v nlone...loa perllne JLWi itou to the 'inch. "fa" um.nt. m ' m a tuu DAILY ONLT Ja Bfftct December 1. ltn Ta-Si-iHAiiyW KATE Betn.T.r " r" " mornina; and renins IS""1' ilmt day i PUBLIC LEDGER (MORNmaj EVENING LEDGER Ev.,BSJai. ...,.,... ,pW iloflnrt.AKP ...SITUATIONS WANTED elThfrc 1. . j . Mm th. mi ruB sore near your JPEasONAIiS S-L-yaTey ; out br fS&lP XtANPWTlti'i-TiaTt experienced - rilc UsSBismhyi! - f" 777 v" tin'. .. miK it thmracm IO,r 1,t ' uer AtlvertUere, TT ru modeina iiT.TSr;;hik?7r7r LOfW .5fe t'Uted.lfah. htttoaw t 8.B0 fte-m. from mo rrm-S-KotS 4 it. -H nh Mam At th lAdy ot UnMPV CnUiTU ll 1U H. Ill UIW IliVIll, KELr WANTEDrEMAtB 'lilK KVKNINO LEIXJBU niaTntntn.'iviTrTcT SoVi?2,rpSl,iiI5r n"-?dvertlMng admitted to Its fSL SpKii-'te11, " .hl' lnn standlnu polloy fldanri 'in V i.,"'n??.t, P'ce the asmo con i- n.?.ii?.i.'i? hdvertielng aa tho news. This nni.I,,,i " o WANT ADH. THi.'?K5Jr,""1,.t( afetuar.l th(erets E;.ii-r.'Vir. " tr",v mn, respond, til hot Seetleitv ad,r,lr 'h a feeling of fullest i.ti.r? SJ!".'..0" 1U, ejl'lenre that a Sin nEJ!.p?iR?-u,nit0IrJ " emriojrment, J!S,.".nl.V1.tl5,,"h. the .Ledger Is not 1-Kltl- mntc. or le of a doubtful c to our attentinn ii.n 1 , cnnraciei, call 11 . ;:.: - -,.:. hjedlate Investigation will bo nude. inorougn and lm- itecently th. v.nin tj.ii. ...i....a ...... .. . . -.. (. ..vac ...iiicu ivm;i SMinnVj-11!1 "'"'netr Severn! hundred -photo-r?,?.J f2 l'.e.dr"r fenders which they hid sub-"nnlfili!.-"i"'!?"?. l. Bn off," 0' employment'fl ln u" lle,', Wanted columns. The VX,J"M,t'? not othy of spnee In tho eirtfona refused for subsequent In- i'i,.".?-,1.',p. ,,, Evening Ledger In Its efforts WSrTIJMaifl ,ot Kriversal. houiiworki Bleep out I imall houta snd family;. 1124 H Wxon. iaiVVrfil. 1Jiil.'itIsRltJ?F:J'Fu - WhlteTi'rotei. iiJ"i.V2IJJa,.n.l:00kln? f.or mH fdult fam- ;....!... v.uVlr Rnu lnK" "are or ni nrenoes, Beo miss need, Hoom . f ui,v truiiwormy and ?10i HELP WANTED MALE ATTIlACTtVn ADVIiTlTISINO Is one of the things necctsary In tinlns; the attention of the employer. For other practical advice, stop In t Ledger Oentrajr Chestnut tt; at Commercial, lleglllry Uureau, who Is ripl.'luJ-f,.'.r. dvertlsers to secure the right klndlot positions. EJ.EcrniCAIi supply company wanli coinco- m!J:inlan .'or.iftlok,'90.m ani1 shining clerk, m"l. te latrtlllsr with eloilrlcnt instcrinls .Address L inn, ledger Ofilce IJA.'AW.U,.2 .h'?'5l. .AT ONCE, 23 CUNTS mmiAmt. DAY. APPLY FOOT II, itAi5- CUTTIOn. F1rt-ol meat cutteri . and Wallace ela. W'AIlMACBlJTlCAr. MAN WANTED, experi enced ln tablet manufacturing and coaling. To a nian of proven lntngrlty and good liali lls, who can Invest imall turn ln tha business as an Incentlvt to .fidelity and prrmanence, ve ofler nn exceptional npporttinliy. Htato run experience, personal history and salary expected to start. U 213, Ledger Office. POMfjUron. a foren-sn, to help orgnnlre and ?.v!ft?. t'1" department, tin st undrratand the different kinds of wheels, good, wcidy poeltlon, want a scber and Industrious young .-tha" L 1B27, Ledger Ur 7th and Oxford. "19H,.w,nW.AM',,!:ii.AT" 5Ncn, SO CENTS J.1Pififv,.1.0JJi?l'U OA' APPLY FOOT 19. .CAMUIUAjaT; SALESMAN to handle profitable ellftwoven label collection at sldo lino for representa tive manufacturer with ettobllthed reputa tion; huttlor, oolllng on underwear, clothing nd shirt manufacturera. department etoret, millinery and dressmaking trades, could earn liberal compensation on commission basla and without Interference with presont line; will reservo territory for live young man; state particular!, present connection, trade called upon and Held covered. Address Opportunity, 1. 1108, .Lodger Office. SALtjHME'N, local and traveling, to sell the Leader all tteel baling machlno as a side line, most modern, durable pr-sn on the market; good commission; excellent selling plan. Coll between U and 10, Ulcklng l'apor l'resa Co. 11.1 N. 2d st. MALL8MUN wanted to sell our standard brands or cigars, cigarettes and tobtLCa; no experience nocessry. Independent Tobacco uu., uriageiKjrr. i;onn. ETTOcifOlS, T. neat, reliable young men, single, , married, for attractive, hlih-grado proposition; perm 2.10 Land Till llldg. WANTEb, printing salesman to sell tags, labels, pin tickets; pitrt or full time, torn mission basis. Write full particulars con cerning experience, prerent or former contit,o truis, personality, references, olo , Manu facturer, lJox 182J, Providence, It. I. YOUNIl LADY wants a gentleman partner for nxnioiuon uancing, also to osbisi in icacnm Address, etutlng full particulars, St Ood, Ledger Central SITUATIONS WANTED FEMATE A CAPA11LE YOUNQ WOMAN, having acted aa cashier and bookkeeper, oxperienced in hotel and apartment house work, renting and collecting, ixpnblo of meeting the public In telligently, dcsirc'H iweltlon ln flrst-clasa hotel or business establlahmont, reliable, compe tent, abnvo the average. G 4 J, Ledger Cen tral, ACCOUNTANT wants small eet ot books re lulrlnt; attention weekly or monthly; mod orate charge: exp. service. B. lloll. 1001 Com momvcalth Hldg. Bell phone Walnut 127. UOOKKJlBPUIt Pelrca School graduato, with 2 eara experience, desires to locato with small growing concern O 612, Ledger Cent. UOOKKlJEPKH und coshler; 8 years' exp.; cupnblo, rellablo O 557, Ledger Central, DOOKKUBlTSIl, exp., having taken complete charge, det. tlm opportunity. O 045. Led.Cent. C.VtilliElt. experienced, Al refcreiicee, prefer restnurant. 81. Ledger Ilrnnch. 1000 Green. COOK, thoroughly cxporlencod, wltln refer ences; no wash. Apply at 50J0 Wayne me., Senrjantown No cards. COOK- Oerrriau woman wants position in apartment, West Philadelphia preferred. C 125. Lodger Office. COOK. Herman, wishes position; references. COd Nectarine st. (near Spring Qardcn). COOK Young woman wants position, cooking; references. ..y.4 1'uiasKi ave.. tiennaiuown. COOK or downstairs work, city; rofirence. IU2.I cauowniu st i51lV:sSMAKIi.rt Expect cutter and niter, ad vancert styles; designing, remodeling. Phone mrlng 14.2 W. , UltLSBMAIClJll wlthea few more engagements by pay, city or suourus. zzj aioniroso. a-nono. DR.L8SMAKUR of New York dettres cngag'ts; evening gowna specialty, mono si. w it. ENOLISH UIHL detlrca position as chamber- mnlfl annd rer. ADDiy JK1X .10. Jilcrion, ii.j. aiRL wlshej N. 44th st. position as chambermaid. U1U GOVERNESS or manaclng housekeeper. Cler nioti; Unguages.muslc Wal.B408. HOUSEW"onK-2 or 8 days a week, English or airman speaking. Call .writeliaT N, Corlles. fliACTICAL NURSE wishes' position. 823 N. 41st I'resionajKi" POLISH GIRL wants housework. Ltzsle 111 ko. 2014 Demlo St.. Mcetown. SKAMBTltEea wishes position In linen room of hotel or Institution. It Phone Diamond 43U7 A. SEAMSTRESfa City and country; II per day. soametrets. O 747. Ledger Central. STENOGRAPHER, EXPERT Thoroughly experienced In secre tarial work and competent to take complete charge of office and act on own initiative, desires position; six years' experierce; sutltfoctory refer ences, G 740, Ledger Central, ih STENOGRAPHER, beginner, several months tubstltutlng experience, desires to locato per manent position) willing to work hard for promotion. Phone "Mlts Dean."- Ledger Cen iml Walnut 8000. BTENOaRAPHBR Capable correspondent, ex 1)1 brains is seeking oppor. 654. Led. Cent. BTENOORAPHER-Competent, accuri duetrlous, willing worker, moderata accurate. In- saiaty, G B7. Ledger Central. BTBNOaRAPHER, aseltt't bookkeeper, comp , Indust's. wllllngi mod, aal. O 211. Led. Off. IvrMnnniPHKR with sDara time desires ex tra work to lake home. O 042. Ledger Cent, yrENOahAl'HEH. .; do neat, accurate work I mod, salary. G 052. Ledger Centril. bTENOaRAPHER-Wm. renn graduate, two ysara' exp.. competent. O 543. Ledger Cent. BTENOaRAPHER. ".rapid, accurate perma. iisnt! 17. 8404 Led. Mr.. Md tnd Ofrard cn.n.tkiAni)ipiricn. with Laoabllltlea and exoe- -. t "T. .... . a.hII. n (L11 11 Pant riencsi iccuiMit m, .,. .- ". ... ...,. STENOaitAPHEIt, 2Vi yrt.' exp.j comp., ao curate? to. 10- Ledger Hr. ICth & Dauphin. BTENiaRAPHEH. knowledgt of bookkeeping; ifma igpVi Accurate Q fllJ. Ledger Central. soma axp.i accurate u mj, iitr uemrsi. BTENOollAPHER. 8 years' experience, desires positioni ms ni j .. .u "-., 8TEN06RAPHEn-Bpar time, desires several hours' axtrm work dally. Paring 073 W. BTENOORAPHER. experlincea, competent, In. rtintrloie: moderate silsry. O 200, Led. Off. BTKNOaRAPHEIl. assist, bookkeeper, comp. aocuraie. ii-fc,- -. ? -. .. ..... iTENOORAPHER, comp. and conscientious, ci, pcilSol ekl 1 nf. A 118, Ledger Ofj des. pos I moa. sai i rer. a nn, i.eqr up. TELEPHONE OPiRATOR-Yountr lady prT vat e branch I ref.i B yim' exp. O U3. Led Off, VID6W. reBned, wlthet position, is, worklil f'. . J . ."a..l. ...Prva4 llflfl Mm t niKpr.i UMI y.... .. ". . - WOMAN, expentneed in mending and cleanlcjr fln. lacea and llnRerlei dye ng and t ntlW biautltiilly done. Phone Baring 7850 W YUUNO butlnns woman, exp in general cltK leal work, rapid and accurate with figures. also cap, stenographer F B47. Ledger Central. -rbUNO BlUiin woman at companion or teaTru "ri mutlelan. linguist O 881 Led. Central SITUATIONS WANTED MAM 1Mbi TVf i.'uJssnlnr lM ni sVJvir ttn nnrfatlr Ha flllT?y VAoa 1 eixulouA $0 chaii ible flllivery tm i viwn iX lama other employment; air education. : .. ! a amniavrninri nip an utaiinn hgnett. sober, ioduitrious, ambitious, C 138, to lADVERTIBlNO MAK. at preient em. ployed' ieslrea opening with larger aaabe: haa had 10 yeara' exparleu la IdwlulM v Ie work InaludlBg Jt,Mr part ot this Hm witE largest advertlaing agenoy la country. 8 iUo a. traloea private) twetary. c cautouied to detail work a&d reaoousl SmUM, A4diM P 9tS. Ledgir Office, SITUATIONS WANTED MAM A.JOl'NO MAN, 12 yena old. a college grad- hJI'i.wllh-? position aa clerk in an active bnkngj)rtr, c.ttlt, Ledger Ofilce. . ATTENTION, BtlSINHSS MF.N We ha tnerietlc, bright boyt for charge p cr ''l0,)r no iV.VhK1VL'- i. WOnKERS , BUREAU, 1800 Arch. Telephone Spruce 8117. ST la. y'?f oli,i would like work In eleelrlo thop to learn the trade. Address Oeorge Knox, tap B, luncocK ,t. "Pm1 ,Bf".v i1T y"r oU. withes to leatn ma S'8! lt.1?i M011 reterences. Apply It. 41., cyAtJPPKUll Yount Amricn, 10 Mr a x He! lUll! i-ntlHalf nn tnahanU rt ..) ttltit. -ik.- -w ,,'s;vi:'vi v't.i, v-.. ..,w. cnrnpejieni mtcnanic, catviu "Wflr U mq. imager central. CIIAUFF73UR, colored, 13 years' experience, I?.1?!'3! icber, reliable) S yeari list place, p 140, Ledger CenttaL . CIIAUFFEUR-rive yeirf ritatt exrerlencej no own rtpalrinr; good reference. 1700 liou- -ii?LJiii.hlladelphia. OIIAirFFKUIUMECIl'ANlC - Highest penonal ref. for 10 yeart.lJox Jlosemqnt.ra, , CHAUFFEUR wishes polllloni'good ohiracterj jeferensol3 W.Turner sL COFFIJB or wholetala grooeryl young men, e so, strong, tteidy, healthy, temperate, SIOCK OF ehlnnlnv ri.mtlniihh 1A ,..,. itn,. rlnce with one firm. O 744, .Ledger Central. COLORED MAN AND WIFE from South want -i-eii wire nrtt-eiatt cook, in ytara cook- ngi man butler and all-round mam have uiat-cimsa city r age 8a, 89. 1818 references) city or oountryi watnarine st. COST ACCOUNTANT-New, up-to-date, unl form i) item, 12 years' exp, In textile mfg ; moderate enlsry, wllh chance to make good CREDIT MAN AND ACCOUNTANT Desires to mike chinie, Now In charge. Will produce results, Immediate salary not ss Important as future opportunities. Box .' 221. Ledger Office. ELECTRICIAN wante work) wlrlnr, motors, telephones, repairs, etc Phone Tioga 7788 A, IIAVEt you a position to be rilled, technical, where experience anl training are required The ledger's Uommenlil Reglstrv Ilttrenu hat on file at Ledfcir Central applications of many capable and experlencrd men Call up Walnut or Main SCOO and consult with Mr. Hunt, who will gladly plicq this nlce at the disposal uf Ledger Advertisers. twiner clerical, executive, MAN AND WIFiBX elderly, active, economical, Hngllsh, wish full rho-go ot houe tor bache lor or widower, r bqs. lodger innce. 'in, dealTM Potltlon with manufacturing concern that ot fers opportunity to advance; expert corre spondenoe, knoirltdge of advertlsinr, selling Mp I college educa.) ret. M 853, Led, Cent. SfdVlNO PICTURE- QPERAtOII, 4 months' experience: 18 acoeptablo; prefer small town. w. u., 4liM urisoom St., UTanaiora, I'A 1 NTEIl. gralner, hardwood finisher, kalso miner; will work cheap, Henecke.1013 N. 4th. i?EAL ESTATE A young men, 28 yeire old, rapabln of tuklna chrge of ofilce or my separato prt ot business, O 42, Ledger Central, SALES MANAlHJR and correspondent Young man, having large business acquaintance and thoroughl acquainted throvgh tho lvast, wonts to negotiate with a large corporation who need a live man with pertonallty. I have cor responding experience and can handle ana know corporation fltures and methods. I can furnish tho best ot rets. C 201. Ledger Office. SALESMAN OrF TO CALIFORNIA' fie, jears, ln pertict health; gees permanent y Mnnh 1; will represent Eastern firm locally there or at either fair. Address C. C. O., 84C Baltimore ave SALESMAN' desires engagement with reliable mnfe. or whololo concern; 15 yeara- success ful selling exp., ref. and quttllflcotlons turn. at Intervlow. a WB, imager ueniroi. firENOdllAP'UEIt. office man, rapid, oxp. rallroail, mercantile worx. u .-.jj. ucu. .vii. STDNOaRAI'HER. 1?, beginner, rapid and ac curate; rererences. u oao. imager uenirai. YOUNO"MAN,2f years, educated, with abil ity to tnko charge ot reepons.ble position, aa bookkeeper and correepemdert, detlres to bet- ter himself. T fUO. Ledger Central. YOirNC. M'AN, 24 yeara old, good oducation. goal ki.owledge ot bookkeeping; .capiiblo of handling a position of resronstblllty and trutt. C 113, Ledger Office. Y6UNO MAN, with experience In plumbing nnd plperUtlng; steady, able and sober; neods work, c 21.1, Ledger Office EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES WILLET'S, 1S00 MANTON, BOUTII PIIILA. SELECT COLORED HELP; REFERENCES: CITY, COUNTRY. PHONE DICKINSON 6002. AUTOMOBILES For Sale 1018 CADILLAC touring car. host condition, fully oquliiDod with extra new shoes and rim R. Unit. 11W N Front st SMALL TOUHINO CAR for sale cheap: Rood Brm!iinnti: will demonstrate. 3123 rrankford cnndltl"ii: will demonstrate. ave noin ihiuiik CARS bought, sold nnd exenangeu: storaBo very reasonable; no charge for telling. Oar 117. 802.01 N..Mlh. Call Belmont 4831. rULLMAN RUNABOUT for rale, J360; phone ltmbard 42BO fine condition AUTO REPAIRING rORD repatr'g: carbons cleaned, 11.20; valves grnuiid. Ii2. Monument Oarage. 1414 Norrla. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WILL SELL 10 acres Tlorida land reasonable flguro; on Hillsborough Hay, Just below fsmout Bay Shore Boulevard: best residential lotion ot rapidly growing Tampa: adaptable JoT citrus grovo or building lots. M 463, Ledger Central INTELLIGENT Investor with not lesa than J20OO. wanted in concern manufacturing nlcturo films; the business Is In good ship. anil naylng; services of Inveetor will be ao (Eted. 41 432. Ledger Central. EXCEPTIONAL opportunity for eome one to open a central restaurant over a saloon, rent low: heat Included. For particulars write or rail. V. n. Co., 1317 Pennsylvania Bldg. HOUSEKEEPING APT8.-Two well.paylng houses, containing T hskp. suites, all rented) good neighborhood: 00th st. South, one square from "L." 41 roT, meager uince. AN EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY offered to any ono who has J25 or 50 to Invest, O 853, Ledger Central. CARPET CLEANING WEST PIIILA. MONARCH BTORAOB CO. ao PER YARD. 3870-72 LANCASTER AVE. CLEANING AND DYEING nHTRlCII FEATHERS AND FANCIES "l.EANED. DYED. 41A1L1IOT.1B10 Chestnut DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY MILLINERY COURBB IN 20 LESSONS. DAY lYR EVENINO. A41EHICAN SCHOOL OF MILLINEKV. 63D i RACE. HELM. 2003 L. RT11EET and evening gowns, tailored suits and dresiei at attractive Prices. 32 B. 18th. Phone A?8,'a.''lor.t?"iTlc!!lSfo1n,W'1.''- DRESSMAKING taught; ihort. prao. course, "lepgwell. 807 Denckla Bldg . llth A Market, POR SALE VilLLIARD. pool, combination. 2d hand bought, "'.Vld rented, ea'd. Keafer, 328 Qlrard ave.' iir'iv'ELTY' llk'A'l'Un and hotel range, half pric.; almost new. 238 6474 OLD GOLD BOUGHT. SOLD DIAMONDS BXCHANOED, 'WJNpOLPir. PIA" " APPRAISED, 28 N. 12TH BT WANTED RIIPIMITIIRR Antiques, planoi. eto., part a w,, -- or entire nouea bought. Kins. Furniture Co.. 8148 Kensington Ave. ROOMS POR RENT BARING, 8218 Two first-floor rooms; suit dentin Hr uuwtvr v, -,. uvm.. m vimimu, Mra Belle 41cClsln. Manager. BROAD, B.. 620 Visit the cleanest (urn. rooms in mun. itaim heat, very reasonable. ullOAD. S., 420 Comfortably furnished rooms; plenty of haat. light and hot water, phone. CATilARINE. 2023-Prlvate family will r mrn. or unrurn. front room. Looust 2627 rent vv. CEDAR AVE., 4603 Desirable fur., 2d floor room! Know ntunwntwuu mw.whi,ihi ,t CHESTNUT, 2043 (Leilngton) I-arge 2d-fl9CT front, with private bath; smaller room. CHESTNUT. 8232 For rent. 2d-Boor sitting room; privilege ci um wuwhhiuji. CHESTNUT BT., 4430 Exceptional vacancies; warm, cheerful rooms, conv. L, eurface cars; board OP- Free. U3. Photo dlip. Led. Cen. CHEBTJIUT BT . 6281--3 well furu. rms. . entlenip Preferred, private) family: jbone. UENTtEUAN lookln for well-fur. room in a. W. PhlU. apart, can tie cicely, aaconanod In refined crlv. famtly, vary wod. nelghoor hood. 44th . asd 1 Walout Barlag 287. LocUrST. isat-Well turn, doiiwe room, prii vatf bath alio (lagU roctat, phoua. ROOMS JJOR RENT LOAN SQUARE. South. MAXO.lMl nan tt 1 The Virginia - Everything news elegantly lurnlthedi hot and cold running water) room jiiu iream, ftf.uw up; poarn. 9J.OV. tOAN M.V? 21-Two Hrge com. front '"w. wiiisie or en suuei win turniMI PARK AVE., N.i 2104 Second floor, kltch- rnene; iignti neat, unfur.i)i t mond 020. PINE. Ul-Netly f urntthed rooms, alnile or rnti 'hJ. en euite trlvate bat reatoname. "VJ'.Vv ,iacjj Neativ furnlnhed single, room) ellJiealedjallconTenlences; reasonable, tflKVClf, 2d22-I)cslrable euile, with private bath) open fire; phone) owner. ornuyn, iiui-very lutractrre, single ana double fur, vacs.) nil conven . l'ree. 28.18. flEftpETKlS Two farge turn, front rooms on lJ,,0LiJn.1?-J:n 'ultet houtekeeplng VnNAN'aq, liTil-I'rlvato family wTiirent Jirgo well-furn, rarlorLboardoppoelte. WALNUT BT., 1111 Uetlrnble turn? rooms, en suite, with bathi: llio Untie roams at low flrurn Apply on premleei, from 12:30 vo s p. m., anu to K. iiunn, 713 walnut. It all hours. Photo display g7. Ledger Cent, WALNUT, 4.10.1 Two Sd-floor roonit, unfurn.) . southern expoture) pletiint. I'retton 8720 D, ItTH, S 200-flulie of 2 or 8 roomt prlrile bath) etnm heet; light houtekeeplng. UT1I B 817 Neatly furnlthed 2d andbd tlory front roomt In refined prlrite family. lKtit, S, 24;TBeautlfully turn, dniible room) slnjH room on 2d floor; reasonable, lartr, sTTellI'SiriiTiilied eulle, nexlTo T)atRs ..".htJioiieekeeplng tjdtielted. lBTli, "b., STl Coiy furnished front room, next to bath; alto profettlonaloftlce. 17T1L 8.. 12A-Baclieier antt. 2d floori private bath, APPlv . Io0. Mnd Title Bldg. 17T1L B., 2S.'PNeatly turn, eulte on 2d floor) .running water) tingle rooms; renonable. WTlf, 8 M2-rrlvato fimlly will rent SiT-itory . front rooms, single or en suite ilfHt4DBi(iU(jEliuinul furn"" front i combined sitting md bedroom, Preston 22HII) 5)TH sTiaT tirge chenrtu") 2if floor ronnv nicely rumlihed. housekeenlng. renronahle rdll'Tir03E"who appreciate cleantlnese .and good accommodations hot-water heat, run ning water ln every room, housekeeping! two rooms for proteielonal offices. 10.1.1 Arch st. rrofesslonal Offlrre. BPni'Cp, 1205 First-floor front office) Urge, .suitable for two doctors) all conveniences. 1STI1 'IT., 6., 237-Phytlclan'a office, with run nlng water; all ccnvenlences. BOARDING ARCH. 2i2 -Well-furnished room 2d floor front, running water, wllh bonrd UALTIMOltE 4IO-Ver ilelral)le single rm ; light and warm, pleasant siirtounillngs CHESTNUT ST., 4018-Oood table hoard: nloa noignBornood; convenient to city mono i'res- ton 0324 T Photo displayed nt Led Cent HAZEL. 812J Attractive Sd-floor front, furn. or unfurn. I mined neighborhood and conv. sTCiETiyo-BeoonaTslory "suite with private bath; board. WALNUT. 4805 Large frent room ALNUT, 4805 Large frent room; soul exDosuret also small roomi tabls board. southern WALNUT. 480O-A few very desirable vncan. Clee, furn, er unrurn. I gooq isoie; pnone lorn, n 814 Doublo room.2d floor; private bsthr others, with board vvainut 7x.ii w, ESTII, S., l68 HamTsomely turn room, corner nouse: wxeep tame, privaie lamiiy; unqng. BOTH. N.. 121 Two refined gentlemon can set board with modern conveniences' private famjly'tiettrU''jnioto atIdger Central 50TII. N 107 Well furnished room wllh ex. oellent board; delightful location; reoaonable . r,T-Vn., 1-MlU h I.M w,..i!.l .nn,nlltA n M - flnei'home and surroundings, central; fffer- inces exensngeu, c;aminuiiiL-(iiu im ... u Ledger central TWO furnished Kecond-flnor roon-s: hot-waler neat; electric ugnis; unaru onimnuii initio nra. ciruiriu ut,.1..., u.,i, family. Belmont 2S84 W .'.;t n 81st. Suburban OAK LANE. 71ST AVE., H SQ. FROM YORK ROAD TROLLEYS. 10 mln from train: owner, rooms, meals, phone Oak Lnno U8.iV. APARTMENTS WALNUT. One to four rooms with baths; furnished or unfurnished, excellent service and location, some housekeeping. 123 per month up. Phono Locust 3JO0. lnqulro of janitor. CHILTON APARTMENTS 3218 BARING ST , ,. Two first-floor rooms with prlv. bath: suita ble dentist or doctor or apmt Mrs Hello 41cClaln, 41gr. Hell phone. I'reston0307. I lfM'C HPAn Handsomely furnished L.1U1N O ncu pta 121.1-1. Locust TWO com. room, board If desired. private bath, private porch; Phone Overbrnok 161)0 D HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS 6110 jnrFERSON ST-Seoond door. R rooms nnd bath, central heat plant: reasonable: a t tracllvo gas and electricity. Apply ELOER- 1, tlll, joiiriyuii .i Toil VACANCIES and complete Information of nil apartments TREE, consult APARTMENT BUREAU 13th and Spruce sts. Phone Walnut 080, or write for February "Apartment Directory THE NASH 152 7-29 Spruce Street HANDSOME, UP-TO-DATE HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS PROFESSIONAL OFFICES ON FIRST FLOOR Apply on Premises KENMAK APARTMENTS N. W. Corner 10th nnd Pine Streets Modern, up-to-date, six-room housekeeping apartment. Elevator and Janitor service, day and night. Rent 10, per month Open for Inspection, day and night. eundas Inrl-ideil. KENT APARTMENTS N. J5tf,-BT Housekeeping apartments, I rooms and bath. W2.50 month Janitor service. TMUHinmsT. 828 S. 48th: rent. f43; unfur- nlshed' apt Tl-li Immediate possession REAL ESTATE POR SALE OER3IANTOWN CHOICE properties ln all sections of Gtn , Mt. Airy. Chest. II. : alt prices. Write for special list. J. H. Chadwlck & Co., 6013 Oermanlown. Ambler. Tn. WE SPECIALIZE In suburban property tha P and It., Bethlehem and Doyle ..r.AHa, we offer suburban homes. 1 along estown farms, Imorovod country places and building altos; we can satisfy any reasonable purchaser we can t"j iMOER Inc.. Amh er. Pa. NEW JERSEY BEAUTIFUL COTTAGE On Beautiful Lake JO MINUTES FROM PHILADELPHIA. rOMPLETBLY FURNISHED: FOUR BED llOOMS. BATHROOMl HOT WATER) ALL MODERN IMPROVEMENTS; OARAGE. iVaNOES AND IWATS. FOR SALE AT A BAROAIN TO QUICK BUYER. APPLY JIUGll MUNRO. 1T3T N. BTH. Atlantic City. N. J. SNAPS In choice cottages. ttaaea. hotels lots, etc.ule, Com. exc.i u;uiw. alow cost. II ruck ont. exo. j choicest corner lot vent nor, siuuu menu, Jaw uutwiuro mu. llnddonflelil. N. J. vtAVE SEVERAL FINE PIIOPERTIE9 at "Arraln price.. WM. CAREY MARSHALL. Ml Federal St.. Camdsn National Park. N. J. YOU oooortunlty) lots 23xl80- near trolls) nvVrlook ng Del. t adjoin, campceii soup .u.o. development flreiter N. J. Co 8-1 B l"tn. AYoodbury Ilelghtt. N. J. SEVERAL desirable home and improved bldg, lots at reasonable prices John 4fayhsw. PENNSYLVANIA FARMS inn ACRX6 Location, land, buildln as. water Vn railroad faciutlaa all drat els is: bat rwrTtalna that goet to mike tv good firm: Mwrt " oKmp. 160. 2to and 28(5 tcreli the very beel .of land nd cheap: stitt JONATHAN C HARE. wiaiyiMiiiira, So' ACRES Delaware County barjalni eaty dlstinee of Phlla., 12.000. J, 11. Thompson, -nasi ".ns.r,- -ACRES. $6500i near Dot. In. 1'enna.i good buildings, water. A. D. Heald. West Or wnlngtown, main a, lanqi running heater. Pa. REAL ESTATE TO' EXCHANGE " " Atlanllo Cltr. N. J. OTELB. cottages, apartments, etc. .to ax, ohinge for pMladelphla properties Coal. E Fell. 81 B. Penna ave , Atlait'lo qity. REAL ESTATE POR RENT -- Ofllcer Iluslnets Roomt. Etc DESK. ROOM fo- rent In an attractive of flee; pta Building. lflth and Chestnut sts. PRIVATH office, chona service. M I tulto. roceptlon room. Real Estate Trust, AUanti.0 City, K. J. $g2$S!gL cottagM. etc. 40 8 Ktoriaaare MORTGAGES LOANS ON REAL. BSTATK tiimon J. waian ... , f - ' ' - 1 '- 'l SCRAPPL,B WJ6'5 DIARY FEB. 5 191 (V TgyE DIARV OT A170Y) 1 NICE WARM -SQrJMY day. i went To Sunday. SCHOOL IN THG rAortNthlQ AND ftPTtSRWWDS I WONT DOWN TO aUT'i HOIUE.I HE DID NOT QO A0 HG5. fJPS, HALF OUT OP BITD ArtP Ha sot ur we Csmp uvcr to my Moulin NO ULOVD -QOODRfen T44B TVr4TljJ4 YKAR OUi SGCOeJD YGAR. HW3H flCHOOU PGLLOUJCAMC OVGA, Wtt FOOLOD AROWUtA AFTER tJINNQr. PfifJLBIb VAPfiP. OPV n CltiAR DOAB& AND MADrl f ORAVJlNG OOARO R3R MA,, YefATtsnlVvY I f-IXteO UP A DOX ON MY Desk for ink PCNCila PGN3 AND OtJNK. I PUT -MY 6-ffc ALl. INTO NKKCLS ION I CUT, FnoM a arcriMAN ALriiAnnr. - UlslUe lllueitrr. vrlrl for lprea a Jumiilnjt-oft place a you can see tl Johnnla Bull's face. Diawn by B. E. Minns, lluahand Anil pray, why shouldn't I country? I must bo of Boms use, Wife You'd certainly help awaU tho TAKE YOUR CHOICE. lampoon "Didn't I order a pound of pecans?" "Yes, madam, you did." "Well, you sent me a pound of as sorted nuts. You aro always setting things mixed." OR "Dldnf I order a chisel?" "Yes, madam, you did." "Well, you sent mo a corkscrew. You are always getting things crooked." OR "Didn't I order a spool of thread?" "Yes, madam, you did." "Well, you sent me a ball of cord. You are always getting things balled up." A VIOLENT COUNTER ATTACK g-gg-y zszza j f far fr? "I Lm. I eslffl ''V$S$Ss 6 1 THE WHERE.S THAT I OTHER DAE? ) I ' Lrr JP 11 I ff f-,: vwptt London Opinion. Join somo force for tho defense of my ranks! Copyright, Flltgende Blaetter. "What are you standing here for and crying, little boy?" "Waltln fer the extra. Pa said I mustn't coma home without a great victory." ILLUSTRATED WAR PHRASES " -sS. XTx. PADDED CELL From a Kronen Paper. Napoleon Ko! No! Do not change the names. They belong: to me. 'II