MFTTW" m - r u r SUNDAY'S SERMON "tEftE SECOND COMING" Texl: Then we which are alive ond remain shall be caught up together with them Jn the clouds, to meet the Lord In the air, and so shall we ever he with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.'-I Thcssalonlans, V, tt-lt "This meeting mentioned In the Bible Is the greatest that ever will be held In ail the world. There have been many wonderful meetings. It was a wonderful meeting when the children of Israel met t the ned Sea after the host of Pharaoh had been destroyed, and Miriam, Ihe Ulster of Moses, led the people with sing Ing and with timbrel as they rejoiced. It wan n wonderful meeting at the foot of Mt, Blnal when Moses descended with the commandments given to him by God In the midst of fire and lightning and thunder. It was n jvonderful meeting at MU Carmcl. when Ellsha'slew 430 of the prophets of Baal. 'Jt was a wonderful meeting when David came and danced before the ark of God, It was a wonderful meeting whon Solomon dedicated the temple. It wan a. wonderful meeting on the banks of the Jordan when God's lion-hearted preacher, John the Baptist, preached the truths of God, and tlio Bible says his clothes wero of camel's hair nnd ho was fed on locusts and wild, honey. It was a. wonderful meeting when Jesus preached the sermon on the mount and fed BOOT with a few loaves nnd fishes, nnd Moses and Elijah nppcared on the mount. It was a wonderful meeting at Pentecost when tho Holy Spirit came down as n mighty wind and 3000 were converted. It was n mighty meeting when tho Cru saders went to Jerusalem to defend the Christians from the Infidel Turks. It was a mighty meeting in tho day when Constantino saw the croxs In tho sky and a mighty wave of Christianity swept over Home. . . "It was a mighty meeting when Sa vonarola stood In the square of Florence ond hurled the truthB of God at tho mob until they caught him and tied him to a stake and watched him burn until he was incinerated. It was a mighty meet ing In the days of Martin Luther when he converted others to Justification by faith In the Saviour Instead of Justifica tion by faith In tho church. There wero mighty irieetlngs In tho days of Wesley and Whitfield, and Calvin and Knox, and In later days Finney and Moody, and today Torrey as they spread the gos pel. But these cannot compare with the meetings that will come when the Lord comes again. That Is the one meeting for which all are preparing, and all of these other meetings are but Blmplo preparations for the meetings that take place In the air. JESUS WILL RETURN. "Jesus not only foretold His going away, but Bald Ho would return. Watch, for you know not the hour or the day In whch the Lord cometh. "There is no prophecy yet to bo ful filled before the Lord comes back. Jesus aid In Matthew 21: 'And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations and fner shall tho end come.' There is not a nation on earth whore the gospel lias not been preached. It says preached In the nations, and then the end shall come. It does not say they shall all be saved and then the end shall come. That's what I am doing here preaching. I'm giving you a chance. "The second coming of Christ has been the polo Btar of religion. I was talking to one preacher and I -said: 'Do you think, that Jesus Christ will come back to earth tonight?' He thought a mlnuto, and, said: 'No: That's the trouble, so many think not, and yet JeBus said: "Watrti nnd pray, for ye koofr'not what hour the Son of Man cometh', and yet so many preachers Bar nothing about this. Would you go by them? Would you travel on n train where the engineer did not read his orders7 Would you travel on a steamship where there was no pilot or compass7 Call It rubbish if you will, but Peter, Paul, James and John called it "Blessed Hope." Many preachers, Bneeringly and scoft lngly. say to me, 'Oh, It's nothing to me. I'm not Jnterested'in It.' Then you hould bettor set out of the pulpit ir you're not Inttrested. wouio. you " a train when you knew tho engineer had refused to accept his orders? "There's no word in the Bible which Bays to look for the millennium. There can be no millennium until Jesus Christ comes. His very presence will bring the millennium. "Many think the millennium will come ffradually, by everybody getting better, but the Bible doesn't teach any such thing. It says the world will grow, worse. Lawlessness will grow worse. As intne days of Noah so It Is today. Then there was robbery, thieving, murder, adultery and vlleness until the flood came and wiped It all away. So It will be again. I don't know whether It will be pestilence, flood or fire; but It will come. "Many think the millennium will come by an Increase of knowledge, culture; with the discovery and Invention of alr ohlps, radium, liquid air. They think these things have more to do with the millennium than Christ has. It's all hot air. The personal reign of Jesus Christ has nothing to do with an airship. Its all poppycock and nonsense, nnd Jesus never Intended any person to preach any such stuff and pretend to get 't out of thu Bible. It's the personal reign of Christ that brings the millennium, not r gasoline engine. The trouble today Is that many preach ere, Instead of going to the Bible, go to books and take their coloring for what the Bible says of Jesus Christ. That's 'where they get their candy, "The fact that Jesus Christ wasn't recognized when He came the first time hows that It Is dangerous tq trust to trarifHnn. To a creat many they are as dangerous as they were to Nlcodemus. If UlA tr..- SH'.'. FATHR. IF" VM2 nirsyrc- OMLV ALONe r PCsL AS IF t COOLT SAFeLV TBU. YOU VH MRV cbMTRAFPu-w,eT.s Grr e h HMrM. wj"?""w f m wiHoowsHAoe wmmfM 4 y-:L ? :mma The ilg bugs In the church are Just as often, mistaken na the llttlo bugs. Tho safest pilot is nbt the man that knows the channel nnd how to steer clear of the rocks. Some people think he Is, nnd thnt's the same trouble In tho church. They follow these men nnd try to llnd Christ nnd the way to eternity. WHEN BODY IS COMPLETI3. "When JesUs Christ comes I don't know when that will bo no one knows when that will be, but Ho will come when Jesua Christ comes He will reveal Him. self to members of His body, "and only those who arc truly saved ardmombors of the body of Christ. Every member of the church ought to bo a member of Christ, but every member Is not. Only members who ore truly Christians aro members of tho body of Christ, That's tho work of tho true Christian; nnd when the last soul Is converted, to complete the body of Christ, then Christ will re veal Himself. Wo don't know whon that will bo. It mny bo tonight. That Is an Incentive to work. Every time I preach or you do personal work I am nnd you aro doing something that will hasten tho coming of tho Lord, It sets my brain on fire to think that the bouI needed to bo saved to completo tho body of Christ mny bo right hero In Philadelphia. I don't know. WOULD WILL NOT END. "Tho notion that when Jesus comes back tho world will como to nn end Is all nonsense. Business will go on Just tho same, but there will bo days of great tribulation. At tho close or tho days of tribulation, Jesus will return with the members of His body and then Ho will show Himself to tho wicked, and then every ono will soo Him, nnd thon will begin tho dnjs of tho millennium. Tho Jews will receive Him; they will accept Him. During or before tho tribulation the Jowu will bo restored to Jerusalem and will rebuild tho temple and worship In It, Then will como an nntl-Chrlst I don't know who ho will be some think he may bo a great king or the devil In carnate. Ho will go to Jorusalem, per form wonders and delude the people, and tho people will worship Him In tho tem ple; and then Joaus will ceme und de stroy the nntl-Chrlst by tho glory of His coming. "There aro three distinct phase of the coming of Christ. He'll come back again nnd tho believers will be changed In the twinkling of an eye, and meet Him In the- air. Then will come the trlbula tlcn, during which tho Jows will go to Jerusalem and build tho temple. An nntl Chrlst will come and then Jesus will como back with tho Saints and set up a millennium, and He will reign for a thou sana years. Tho Jews will accent Him. Nations will be born In a day. The visi ble churches will be left here, but they will have no power ngnlnst the devil. Why? Because there'll bo no Holy Spirit In the world. " 'For thero shall rise falsa Chrlsts and false prophets and shall show great signs and wonders Insomuch that If It were possible they shall deceive tho very elect. Immediately after tho tribulation of . these days shall the sun fall from neaven nnd tho powers of heaven shall be shaken. And then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall seo the Son of Man coming In the clouds of hesven, with power and great glory, and He shall send His angels with a grent sound of a trumpet and they shall gather together His elect from the four winds from one end of heaven to t'no other. So then, because thou art lukewarm and neither cold nor hot, I will spew ye out of my mouth.' That's no picture of the Turks nor the heathens of Africa nor In Slam; that la the church after the Lord has taken the saints out .of It. "What will It mean to be in that meet ing In file air? It will mean to bo a member of the body of Christ, royal mem bers of tho rulers of the universe, a most excellent being. Not all will bo saved on the return, but many will bo sated after the return, yet they will not be as we are. They'll be members of the royal household, but we will be mem bers of the body of Christ, and llvo and reign with Christ. WE SHALL BE CHANGED. "We shall all be changed In the twink ling of an eye. It means that our bodies shall be forever young. Feebleness and wrinkles will disappear. We will no longer be subject to decay. We will be changed In the twinkling of an eye. In a moment, for this has all been arranged. Some will give up old nge and become young, some will go from sick beds to their health, eome will go from pain from which they thought they could never be cured. "Imagine, how the angels will crowd to the battlement of heaven and look down when the event takes place. Look around you nnd see how tho world Is going. It looks like the end would never come, but no man knows the hour. An ho-ii before the Galveston flood no one thought of It. An hour beforeMt. Petee erupted no one thought of anydanger. An hour before the earthquake at San Francisco, no one Imagined It would happen. But In Seattle. Wash., were acres of machin ery; the President in Washington pressed a golden key. Five minutes' fcerore the acres of machinery were silent, banners were furled, men stood with bowed heads, but when he touched the key the ma chinery was set In motion, banners un furled and shouts arose. Five minutes before It didn't seem as though It could happen. So I say you can't te'.l by ap pearances. All signs point to the great event. "Here nre some of the signs: The radi cal tendency today to depart from the true Christian faith. Never lias there been such n turning away from the Bib'e. In New York city half the preachers don t believe In the divinity of Jesus Christ. "Second, prophecies that are fulfilled. The Gospel has been preached In every nation on earth. "Third, thoi worldwide expectancy of all true believers that He will come. NO. 34 ASTHMA SIMPSON, THE VILLAGE QUEEN MAYBE ASTHMA'S FEARS WERE A If3- T-ial3aja3-9AA 1 ; tfj IS. -srSSsg I I I i t. k vol jfg-tf- w WiiT-i in ,,, i Mifi1TfflWTrTt'"'"T 1 1 if 1 1 twit flnrTiirMiTii " IIsmi i ' 1 ismssmmmf "Cn Tfel36,- if JM i y i K I ,i9ft WAIT TIH- , jZ. - I C tfoZ- 7 -T TeN H P rVlCiJ. ( ,NaT.H,H A iA A liPOLCPOWNYHia StggggT x.A.V JC,'a iiU W n i EVENING LGER-PfflEADELFHlA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY TODAY "Fourth, tho revival of the .Tews! they are returning to Jerusalem. Part of the materials nre nlrtfrdy on hand for thu rebuilding of the tofliple. and with mod ern appliances It won't tako 49 years ns It did the first time It was built. "Political unrest of tho people, and con centrntlon of wealth. Twelve men practi cally control the wealth of the United Btates today, Twelva men Can put tho United States nut of business. "It means wo are going to reign with Him for 1000 years. The devil will bo chained In the pit. Thoro will be no saloons, no gambling' hells, no brothels, no murderers, no thieves. Christ Is going to reign for 1000 years, " 'And I saw nn angel como down from heaven, having tho key of tho bottomless pit nnd n great chain in his hand. And ho laid It on tho dragon, that old ser pent, which Is tho devil, and Satan, nnd bound him for a thousand years, and cast him Into tho bottomless pit, nnd shut him up, and set a seal upon him that ho should deceive .he nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled; and after that ho must bo loosed for a llttlo season.' "All this It true, nnd at the end of tho millennium reign tho dovll will get out of tho pit nnd for the first time ho will look upon tho world bereft of sin, nnd you'd think that It tho dovll over turned, he'd turn then! but tho dovll enn't stnnd It to bob men decent, women pure. Ho will be loosed, I don't know why this Is. It's nono of my business. It's God's plan and I won't butt In on God's business. He'll be loosed nnd he'll go nnd tempt people, and he'll gather flowcre, nnd then flro will come down from God's heaven nnd consumo 1ilm. "Then Judgment will come: then comes tho end. Wo don't know what this will be like. Doubtless God will havo many surprises for us. Think of being with James nnd Peter, nnd John nnd Philip. Think of hearing tho story of Jesus from their lips! Think of meeting Joseph, who begged the body of Christ) Think of knowing Mary Magdaleno nnd tho woman who was healed by tho touch! It means that we shall bo for a thousand years with tho Lord. "When wo como back we Bhnll not bo subject to limitations. Wo won't havo to walk. I can gd to the other world and come here. I expcot to como back with Jrsus, and I oxpoct to como back hero to Philadelphia. I'll come hack to all tne places I've been and I'll see this old slto here where the tabornnclo stands. Jesus wasn't limited after His resurrec tion. Ho could como and go. but no ono but His friends could see Him. Moses and Elijah weren't limited. Wo'ro going to reign with Christ. If you'vo been faith ful the Lord will let you reign., I don't know tat Ho may let mo reign over tho Philadelphia district. I'm going to be with Him. The very thought fires me to the end of my toes. If I do, there'll bo some thing doing. WORLD A PARADISE. "Wo will have faculties a thousand times more fit for enjoyment. Tho mil lennium will bo tho greatest nga of men; It will be the fulfillment of our dreams. The world will bloom and bo likened unto a paradise: tho barren Melds will blossom like a rose; Instead of a thistle will bloom u fig tree; Instead of tho briars will be the myrtle; conditions will change, Kcrwaphlo nnd climatic, nnd the old world will reach the millennium In truth. "You think this Is great today, but Just wait If you want to see something. All this is merely getting ready. Think of It, no poverty, war, pestilence, no devil. No I No! Think to come back when you have no trouble. Think to come back when you are not subject to tho laws of this old world, to bo hero In a glorified body, when the devil has no power, to reign forever with Christ. s "A man walked down a national pike when ho was a boy. He trudged 100 miles through tho dUBt. looking for work, stopping to rest, pegging food by the wajfilue. Then lie prospered;. Grow to bo a multimillionaire, bought a limou sine and drove back over this road. Looked at the people where he had stopped to rest and the houses he had begged food. He had never such a good time In his life as going over the places he had trudged 25 years before. Think of coming back as a member of the body of Jesus Christ. My God, I can't seo why you hold your Beat, It mennB you'ro going to be suitably rewarded for all wo havo done. I don't understand why you don't accept Jesus Christ. "Paul said, 'Havo faith and then you shall havo a crown of righteousness.' "It means If you are members of the body of Chi 1st that you will escape the day of tribulation. Believers aro the salt of the earth, tho army which holds In check tho powers of hell. When they aro taken out the devil will havo full Bway, and then you will see what the old world would be If It wero not for Christianity. It's the same power which made the Crusaders, from which you men wearing the black and white sprung, go to the Holy Land to rescue the temple from the hands of the Infidel Turks. Christianity is the only power that holds the world today. When the Holy Spirit Is gone the devil will have full sway. "Then will great tribulation como. Mnt thew 21, 'For then shall bo great tribula tion, such us was not slnco the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days shall be shortened, there should no fleah be saved; but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.' "Daniel says there shall be times of trouble. They haven't come yet. Every man is not to be delivered. Only those of the body of Christ are true Christians. God pity any one who has to live here at the tlmo of tribulation. No one Is equal to picturing that awful tribulation. It may come this very hour. It will be worse than the time the flood destroyed the land, worse than tho bondage of Egypt, worse than when the children were torn and thrown to beasts in the time that Impelled the Crusader to go to the rescue, worse than the time when Nero played the fiddle when Rome burned, when he poured tar on Christians, hung them on poles and set them on fire, and drove his chariot through the lane of human torches and laughed at their agony. Wowe than the Spanish Inqulsl 'tion, worsa than when Cortes destroyed the Aztecs, worse than the French revo lution, worse than the dark ages when men and women were skinned alive nhd ripped and torn open and jarred and burned tft death, when women wero placed In sacks nnd thrown to the beasts. Tribu lation will be tho most awful that has ever been known. The Holy Spirit will bo gone. Man may be a millionaire to- Anv nfiH n hAca-nr tnmhrrOW. The WOfld 'will be under tho relgri of tho devil, and ybu'll find your loved ones gone, nna without Christianity I How can any de cent man stand up for the devil? "Oh, you, church members who throw nwny your votes on the saloons, who rent your houses for saloons and vote to keep tho snloon. nnd rent your places for bawdy houses, you'll find then what It means to be without the power of Christ. It may bo seven years, It may be TOO, but God will mako It as short as Ho can. "It tells In Mark xlll-Homes will be rent In twain, husbands robbed of godly wives; wheh some of you nre at bridge whist parties loved ones will bo taken nwny, neighbors will rush In and nsk for loved ones. Gonel All gonel Only tho truo Christians will bo members of tho body of Christ; tho thlof, the whisky gang, robbers, those In tho red light district, the world church," will never know It; tho church will stay, but the true Christians will bo gono. "Many children will start to school and never como back. It may not como to day. Thoso left behind will never ngaln see the Lord or tho loved ones. It wilt all happen In a flash. I may leave my homo. I don't kno-v. It may all happen In a twinkling of an eye. It means that thoso that died In faith will bo resur rected and tho wickod ones will bo left In tho graves and on tho oarth. It means that during the tribulation tho Jew will go to Jerusalem. Tho antl-Clirlst will como and no ono knows who he Is, nnd ho will gain followers, and they'll go to Jerusalem, and ho will reign, and Jesus Christ will como nna acsiroy mm mm reign for 1000 years. Then Bhall tho Lord's1 prayer bo fulfilled for tho first time, thon wo pray that part, "Thy king dom come, Thy will bo dono on earth as It Is In heaven"; never till then will ovcrythlng reign in glory, nor will tho world como to ar. end until Jesus Christ has reigned 1000 ycarB. "This Is truo! We'll never know until then how It will affect our lives how It will make hard things easy. Wo ought to watch and wait for it You know how eager you aro when company comes, how you get ready to receive them. You ought to bo looking for It Just as eagerly as you look for company. "Our bnttlcshlps recently circumnavi gated the globe. They sailed out of Now York harbor In command of Fighting Bob Evnim, nnd went down around tho Horn nnd up to San Francisco, to Jnpan, Hong kong. Bombay, by tho Red Sen, through the Suez Canal, visited Franco, Germany nnd England, and sailed Into old Now York harbor on schedulo to tho minute, as was orlglnnlly planned. This old world is running on schedule, and Jesus Christ will come back at any time, but wo don t know when; that's why wo ought to bo prepared for Him. MEMBERS OF SUNDAY'S PARTYHOLD MEETINGS IN MANY SECTIONS ft Sunday campaign activities began this morning with the business women's luncheons and meetings conducted by Miss Kinney In the Chnmbcrs-Wjilo Memorial Presbyterian Church nnd by Miss Miller -in tho First Presbyterian Church. Ct noon shop nnd factory meetings conducted by members of tho Sunday party will bo held as follows: Ford Motor Company, tho Rev. R. M. Howello; II. T. Palsto Company, "Jack" Cardiff; S. L. Allen Company, Mr. Crown; John C. Winston Company, Rev. Mr. Welsh; Pennsylvania Railroad Y. M, C. A., Mr. Rodeheaver; Prudential Mill nn Hnr-cs Manufacturing Company, Mrs. Asher; John Blood & Brother, Mrs. Robert Stover; William Sellers & Co., Mr. William Asher. Other campaign activities today, exclu sive of those at tho tabernacle, include a High School girls' rally scheduled for 2:30 o'clock In tho First Methodist Church, Germantown avenuo nnd High street, con ducted by Miss Roso Fctterolf, and a Klrls' and boys' mass-meeting, to bo held by Miss Alice M. Gamlln, In the Central Frankford Methodist Church. This evening at 7:15 o'clock Mrs. Asher will deliver an address at tho Women's Hospital and Women's Collego Hospital, where sho will hold a meeting for nurses in Brlnton Hall. Tho final event of tho day will be a parents' mass-meeting, con ducted by Miss Gamlln, In the Frankford Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church. BOW OVER. 75c. MAY BE FATAL Bartender Accused of Striking Fel low Worker in Quarrel. A blow on the head during a fight over 75 cents resulted In Injuries which may cause tho death of John Longeren, 41 years old, 250D South Hicks street. Car mello Bornl, 26 years old, 1222 Wilder street, was arrested this morning and held without ball by Magistrate Coward to await tho result of Longoren's In juries. Bornl nnd Longeren, bartenders In a saloon at 21G South street, got Into an argument several days ago after Bornl had accused Longeren of stealing 75 cents from the cash register. Bornl Btruck Longeren and Inflicted a gash over his eye, It Is alleged. At the time little was thought of the Injury, lut yesterday his condition be came serlouB and he was removed to the Philadelphia General Hospital. HELD TJP IN QEBMANTOWN Though Germantown Is free of thieves, according to the police, two men at tempted to rob Lena Cooncy, a domestic employed by Mrs. II, K. Hathway, 6027 Schuyler street, on Manhelm street near Tacoma early today. As she neared Ta coma street the thieves slezed her arm and tried to wrest a handbag from her clasp. She cried for help and pedestrians frightened oft tho men, who escaped. Thieves entered a house on Locust ave nue and stole clothing valued at (250. AT THE TABERNACLE TODAY. B p. m. Mr. BundaV preached hts tertnon, "The Second Comlno of Christ." 7iS0 p. m.llr. BundaV repeals the afternoon sermon. BTATISTlOB. Attendance. Yestcrdau afternoon halt ntoht 19,000 Approximate grand total., 1,155,000 Conuverts. Yesterday afternoon M hast ntoht ...j? Total to date... UVJ78 Collections. Ycstcrdau afternoon JIH2 Last ntoht ,Air Brand total WfilO.&G Sermons. Pftachcd to date jf, Remaining to ho preached. SO SUNDAY DEPICTS THE MILLENIUM Continued from l'nee One ho Jumped to tho platform today, and hy his words and his nthlctlo demon strations of his sormon points, ho won tho applause and laughter of tho multl tudo. As usual, tho Blnglng of the popular rovlval hymns, under tho leadership of Homer A. Rodeheaver, Sunday's choir loader, was a feature of tho servlco pre vious to tho sermon. Tomorrow nfternoon tho services will bo for children only. Homer A. Rode heaver, tho choir leader, Is planning many meetings for High School boys, nnd this work Is expected to bear much fruit dur ing tho remainder of tho campaign. Among the guests Inst night was cx Govornor Edwin S. Stuart, who shook hands with tho evangelist nftcr tho meet ing Tho biggest delegation nt last night's eorvlco was composed of shipbuilders from Cramp & Sons'. It was LOO strong. Tho next largest delegation was that of of Philadelphia Rapid Transit employes from tho West Philadelphia bnrns. It numbered nearly 000. Glmbel Brothers' store was thero with 800. Other delega tions, ranging from 25 to 300 members, wore on hand from tho following: Jacob K. Altomus, Blaylock & Blynn, Burko Electric Company, Butterworth & Sons, City Water Works, Darlington & Co., Fidelity Storago and Warehouso Company, Ford Motor Company, 40th Street Markot House, Foss-Hughes Com pany, Gas Consumers' Association, Mc Cahan Sugar Refining Company, Mlll bou'rno Mills, Merchants and Mariners' Association, Philadelphia Navy Yard, Philadelphia and Reading employes from tho ofllco of the superintendent of Trans portation; Scott & Co., Inc.; Steelmnn & Archer, Young Men's Bible Class, Cloth ing Salesmen of Philadelphia, Schoottle Company, S. L. Hayes and Cotton Yarn Trades. "MEANEST THIEF" SENTENCED Magistrate Score3 Prisoner Who Stole Benefactor's Clothing'. "To steal clothes from the man who sheltered and fed you for three weeks 13 the meanest trick I over heard of," said Magistrate Emely to John Hender son, In tho 11th nnd Winter streets police station today. "I sentence you to throo months In the House of Correction." Henderson testified that ho haQ been out of work for five months, ever slnco he nnd tho complainant, Peter Medlngcr, 218 North Franklin street, had lost their po sitions as orderlies In the Episcopal Hos pital. He met Medlngcr ngaln three weeks ago and the latter, who had obtained an other position, offered to caro for him till he, too, should obtnln work. Yester day, while Mcdlnger was at work, Hen derson Is alleged to havo stolen his bene factor's clothing. MR. FOOTE'S LEGAL FEAT He Has His Name Changed to Rob ert Seahury Wentworth. Persons with unhandy names often havo them changed by tho Court. Today a man named Foote accomplished the feat of having his namo switched from Robert Seward Foote to Robert Seabury Wcnt worth. It was learned, tod that Mr. Foote was a man In good standing and In tho running, so far as general progress was concerned. But ho not only changed Foote to Wont worth, but also had the "Sow" of Seward replaced by Sea and the "ward" of Sew ard succeeded by bury. While Foote was shorter and Went worth longer, thero was an Idea of value given by tho "worth" of Wentworth. But tho "Sea" and tho "bury" of Seabury creato nn Impression of Badness which lacks tho punch of the name Foote. At any rate. Court of Common Pleas No, 1 said that he could have the longer name, which he will use shortly. WASHINGTON BIRTHDAY FLANS The Washington Birthday Committee, composed of representatives from all fra ternal and patriotic organizations of Philadelphia and vicinity, which Is plan ning an elaborate celebration of Wash ington's birthday, February 20, will hold Its second meeting tomorrow night at the headquarters of the Knights of the Golden Eagle, 814 North Broad Btreet. All organizations wishing to participate are Invited to send representatives to the meeting. , DlrectorVorris Addresses Yacht Club Director George W, Norrls, of the De partment of Wharves, Docks nnd Ferries, nnd one of the governors of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, spoke on the workings of the new bank to members of the Ocean City Yacht Club at a lunch eon today nt the St. James Hotel. Alex ander Lawrence presided at the meeting. 5, SOlfr SUFFRAGISTS AT REVIVAL i i - Out'oMown Delegations to Hear "Billy" Sunday Delegations of out-of.totjn BUffrnglsts will nttend tho ecrvlco conducted by "Billy" Sunday at tho tabernacle on Thursday afternoon, February 18. These will Join tho body of Philadelphia suffra gists, who will attend nlso, In Logan Squnre. From thero thoy will proceed togetlier, displaying llttlo yellow "votcs-for-women" flags nnd distributing "litera ture" en routo to the tabernacle. One thousand Beats havo been reserved for tho suffrnglEto at that service. Thero will bo a delegation from Tren ton. N. J., under tho leadership of Mrs. S. Norrls Craven! another from Norrls town, led by Miss Anna B. Thomas, while n third will attend from LnncaBter and will bo under tho guldanco of Mrs. John W. Hnpper. , Thero will bo n meeting of the Main t i n-.,i, nt im rvitinl Franchise So ciety tonight nt tho Narberth Y. M. C. A. nt 8 o'clock. Tho purposo of tho meeting Irf to further interest In tho equal suf frago question nnd to organlzo branches In tho Nnrbcrth section. Miss Adella Potter will make an address. Sho hao been delegated by Mrs. Anna M. Ormo, lender of tho 7th division of tho Woman Suffrago party, to organize branches In Pennsylvania, ailss Mary It Flanncry will preside. GREAT NORTHEAST SECTION OF CITY ATTRACTS BDYERS Important Transfers in Ken sington Denote Interest That Istausing Advance in Value of Properties. An Important transfer has Just been mado by Gcorgo II. Earlc, Jr., to Jacob Glnsburg of tho following properties: 2314 North Front Btreet. "'rce-story brick store, lot 18x07 foot, nsBeseed... $10,000 254(1 North rront trcet. thrco-story brick awolllnir, on lot 10x70 feet, ns- aesned u.uw 2ri4ri-T. North llopo Btreet. renr. three story brick storo building, lot 00x37 feet, assessed u-000 or n total nsscssment of J25.000, tho amount paid being $13,000. This sale In dicates that purchasers havo been at tracted to a very Important focal point in tho great northeast section of the city. Front street, at this point. Is 60 feet wide, and It Is Just below York street which Is E0 feet wide, and busy Kensing ton avenue, which starts at Front and York streets, and sweeps to tho north cast, 70 feet wide. When wo glance at the map and see the largo number of In dustrial establishments on every hand, it Is hard to seo how prices havo re mained anywhere near the range t the Inst few years. Tho sale, however, of tho property mentioned nbovo is Im portant, as pointing tho way to more ac tivity nnd better prices. SALES IN THE VICINITY. 1009, March 212232 North Front St., Joseph Stcrnberger to Jacob ltosenau, lot 10x04 ............... 111.000 100) August U 210J North Front St., John II. Itoagcrs 10 iicnry v.. scck,;,. , rnn lot 18x110 l-.OWJ 1010. April 2-2310 North Front St., John McDado to. Jacob J. llurnsteln, lot 10 xtoo 1-.000 1011, May 1-2223 North Front St., Peter Woll. Jr., to lltfrtha Stein lot 18x07.3 0,000 11111, September 8-23CO North Front St., lot l.lxui. asseasoa ovw. ....... r. ... --.- 10U, Noember 30-2130-32 North Front St. lot 20.4x100. sola by S. T. I-rooman & Co lU.JW 1013, January 20-2217. North Front, -Anna C Schilling, to Louis A. Flnberg. Int 1 fiilrrpc . ' 101.1. April 23-3120 North Front at.. John J. Turner to Max A. Krowngold. lot lO.UHxIrres 8-300 Also'on Kensington avenuo to tho north cast and on York street from Front street to 2d street: 1007, January 12-Southeast side of Kensington ave. and northeast side of Huntingdon St., tor 120.Ux2u3.O loO.OOO 100S. October 15-2311 Kensington ave , Morris Apartment to Charles J. Schempp. lot 18x03...... n. 1013. July 3-2413 Kensington o. p., Alex. Alexander to J. Strecker. lot 15xW, assessed ?76O0, sold for U.000 This Bale, at tho tlmo It was made, was a record pHco for property at Oils point, ono year previously tho adjoining prop erty, of same size and similar In every respect, sold for JS50O. 1014, June 18-2122 , Kensington ave., John Harper to Isador M. Landau, lot 103VJX74.0, sold for $12,000 1014. December 29-2451 Kensington aie., Louis A. Kelley to Bamuel H. Llp BChuetz. lot 10x73.3. assessed 11300, sold for 8'- Sales In above block show a steady In crease and the situation Is distinctly strong; Y'ork street also for two blocks to the west makes a good showing. 1003, -August 11-112 West York et lot 14.11xU J3.000 MOO June 3120 Wost York St.. James I'aiietvuii iu ".. .. - IK 74xG0 10O, July 23-109 West York at., two- vvvs .r.s-1. jn,.1 no tnlrl liv R P :.eoo F7ma'& cor':.0:..""....."..:: 2,o 1012. AP?11 11-22 West York St.. lot 08x00. sold for 8,000 1014 April 1-120 West York St.. three mo'rv brick storo and dwelling1, lot I7xi0. southeast corner Howard St.. sold by names & Lodana 6.000 The Interest developing hero may fairly be said to show the growing confidence that Improved rapid transit, bo long talked about. Is taking definite shape. No part of the city will be more certain to respond to such a condition when work ia nrtually begun. LESSOIt. Dr. George li. Porter to Xecture Dr. George L. Porter will deliver an Illustrated lecture at the Drexel Institute, entitled "The Tragedy of the Nation," tonight. This Is a narrative of the last days of Lincoln's life and personal remin iscences by one whom the President com missioned In 1862. SHADE OVERDRAW!!! Jt NATIOHAL GUARD 'TO HAVE INCREASE! ARTILLERY FORi Rrnrann?7nrinn Plnno KisPI 0 - ... gjj Under Way to Be SS mitted to Legislature atf! Present Session. A plan for the reorganization orjfHI present uivibiuu ml mu i-iuuonai Uu&M Pennsylvania la under way and WiiTfc decided upon before the present tenia of the State Legislature terminates. ,?B War Department is Insisting thartffl 10,000,ofTlccrs nnd enlisted men of !) sylvnnla shall bo a well balanced lactB division, having In It tho proper prcjj, Uon of Infantry, cavalry, field attUieS signal corps, engineers and aitj troops. At present it is overbalanced Sffl Infantry. 'JJj To reconstruct It and furnish the pro? proportion of field artillery Is the frS: lem that confronts high ranklna- nJ:. ofTlcers, with whom will rest tho draft?, of necessary bills to bo presented forii; iWiv.. . The Stato has Battery A at South nliT l.M. T) n, nit.-U. -!.. r. , ... cl lchcm; 11, nt Pittsburgh; C, at PhoeniT vlllo, and D, nt Wllllamsport. Plttjwj warns 10 organize naileries E SMit and Colonel Caldwell K. Bldaio, oMm O.I Trnn(. nt l,l l. t - ' . .lltnilUji u. l. MO, 13 U11X10UI fa turn his cntlro regiment Into flcM C tiii.rv. "MS THANSFEnS EXPECTED." ii inpse cnunKcs nro mane, it 13 ijjji that tho transfer of Brigadier Gecwj wiuiam a. price, jr., rrom tho 1st B ado to the artillery brigade might i?J posiDiuty. It Is nlso authoritatively stated (lit Colonel Ellis would nSt oblect tn is. ,., Infantry, whfcjj Tjo- commands, btlu transformodilnvo a coast 'artillery errtii zation. With tho transfer of the JI field artillery and the 6th to a coait'fc fense 'body, It would mean a rcconstr tlon of the 1st nnd 4th Brigades. is Somo ofTlcers bcllovo that the jth fantry may bo transferred to coist arffl. lery, and tho 6th Infantry wllhagUali merged as Infantry with Its oM hri..i. the 1st, owing to Its close proxlinltj b thin pllv 'WB In tho event of tho 8th becoming r! defenders, tho 6th being assigned .wftj tho 1st Brigade and tho 4th Infantry total back to the 3d Brigado in placo of, SI topher T. O'Neill, commanding thUtii, Infantry, would bo Awarded the ilnfr future. m Ills promotion will probably be reiiiJ nucr ungauier uonorni unarles M.-CI(5i ont, commander of tho 3d Brlnsjif.M comes major general commanding ffe ............. .. bw.......uw.wi, .... .iinjyj yj ral Dougherty expires September 30 tf this year, and General Clement's eipSo next month. Ho will bo reappointed, la the law prescribes that a major gtnen! can hold his commission for five jts.-. umy una is not- cngioie to a rcappcufr ment. m The changes nffectlng the 6th Intnto hv transfer tn thn Int tlrlim.lA nnAti 8th to coast artillery would ulUmi(i!j leave Brigadier General James B. Corn: without a command nnd at the same lint disband tho 4th Brlgnde. The commlsfc of General Coryell expires next Aprl ins inenas Deneve mat no win De recta missioned and placed on the unasilri list- TURNER FOR BRIGADimS a successor to Brigadier General m If hev becomes commander of the fleldi t 111 cry brigade, logically would be Cow! Hamilton D. Turner, of tho 2d InfwS who Is senior. But In some quartenJi namo of Brigadier General KdwsrdTii V. Morrell, a close friend of Gothes Brumbaugh, is mentioned as a success for the reason that ho commanded!' 1st ungauo wnne General scnaii win pnlnnpl rnmmnntllni ilirt filh Infflnlnrffij lng the Spanish-American War. (mS reorganization of the guard In 1E99 uk slcrned In order to allow General Eel to resume active command of hltTti brigade. V The present separate battalion, uW remaining four companies of the oldg Tnfnntrv n,A tprmpit. will hft the ttllliSST troops, either ns signal corps, engtoci or sanitary units. fl Unitarian Christianity Do you believe in letting eynl man do his own thinking, CMWi mnrA tn hn Rtirn that each onelSB-l cere than that his conclusions PB with yours? Do you delight JM open mind that expects -more tnjita to be revealed as men eagerly '1B the mysteries of life? Do yon vm that truth Is Its- own nierpr needing neither miracle to dlitl Do you perceive In each ouiHj'ja immortal. God-given power to good from evil? And would you mm to neip in a nruvo uim v""-r;ri attempt to extend these lofty wjl ceptlons of life, of man's sonsblwl God and of eternal growths tWI Then como to the Unitarians.,!! this Is the spirit of their fellowtJ For Free Literature Address! THE UNITARIAI BOOK ROOM 1815 Norih Logan Squared KsskiVr