f- j-F-e-S-tnP-' $ !$-( " ipjgHROSE INQUIRY 1STBHDJU) JSI COUF TO OTHER STATES Senate Committee Votes to IP Probe Elections in Ala bama, Indiana, California Und South Dakota. (Km lie the Brnoort the jliiiie. It Is .S- 4LA tin w rj fruoM TArr costsroeKT.l tUNGTON, Fob, B.-Tho Senate mtnlttw on Prlvllcscii and Elections to- ...-iinn nt Kiintnr Sutherland. 'ay, upon luunu'i . -- naw tho morris ioti ......... . i-.. iicmiinn Into charges of dec- In corruption In Pennsylvania and llll- . i. i.,tiin nn Innulrv Into other ,na '"".".-. '. nhero enarges aio . ri, move was forced upon tho com- Bmittce v Senator renroso and Is re- TJtfcd by the uemocrnis iv ......, llUck Intended to forcatall tho proposed ,iS8tlon into Senator Penrose's clcc- E!' ..... . l.lU'i. A MIIMinll QMS, WHICH Jiei" """" 'Ptlmtr charged cosi i.uw.vw. .nitor Sutherland presented evidence F. ... a frnurta In Indiana, California, KUU ."-Bout.. : patota ana fal? t,J0 .iKUons oi v-" --- r,,v"-r " r lh, conditions. Ho pointed out that In tndlinft S3 persons had been convicted of wltllon frauds, and reports mado bv WMnnlatlve Hobson, of the use of money by the liquor men In Alabama, WrtttiWd an Investigation In that State. ifk. Mtrtm ttpfl fl action miluutj uv mvca- f' . . .,.ll. fitJ. .nilBirt1v lln tfriUons oi cieunuii u .. ' ,Ti ' . ... .... ..HtintMnn ...111 ti.it. HOnaio, ns uia ;uii,iiiiitti ., .. resolution anu injeci anomcr probablo that tlio Sennte, now ,-Ith the shin bill, will not take to In Investigations at this session. 'Democrats say Senator renroso started 't)ie Investigations ,nt0 other States In tho hoo of throttling tho proposed Inquiry rtMerday and summoned tho defeated Bc- i,iinn Senators, After Jcnrnlng some- ClW about tho fights In Cnllfornla. South ujjjfcot, Alabama and Indiana, he decided 'n Ihe retaliatory move Senator Penrose did not appear nt the TjMttlrtff. Ho was not asked to gp beforo Ithi committee and nnswer the allegations tnlee by Mr. Palmer nnd Mr. Rupley. Ill remained In his omen while his clerks jlewntd every move and communicated tlh Jilm. He smiled when told of tho fnmjriltUe's action. MnnMentatlvo Palmor said ho was pre- Ip5fd' to go on with the Inquiry In Penn sylvania and he hoped tho committee. Wild start nith Pennsylvania. Ho said fca favored the action of the committee today, as It was Just ad Important to go Into the situations In other States as Irihniylvanla. Jiepresentatlvo unaerwooa sam no nan TiotlilnE, to fear from nn Inquiry and ill nothing of tho money expended by liquor men In his behalf. business men moved BY REDFIELD'S SPEECH Mease of Ship Bill Impresses Mem bers of V. S. Chamber of Commerce. WASHINGTON, Fob. n.-Buslncss men ittendlns tho United State3 Chamber of Commerce convention hero today were fulled "from pillar to post" by tho Ad- mlnUtratlon ship purchase bill. Many of those who were opposed to tho mdaBuro 'itt Pftmmarn Tt Arlflfll.1 a uni.nli o lil.t STiht's banquet put tho bill In a new light. They discussed Informally, too, Jlednehrs Intimation that President Wil wn and his Cabinet "would iilaco the ,(uti before tho people" In a country- iue ipcaKinK campaign it mo oui is uc ffatfd. and In that nvint. Ttnilflnlrt snli,. ,'Ct out of tho way of American publlo opinion when It learns tho facts." f "One way to build up commerce between the United States and Argentina," Am iMeador Naon, of the latter country, said, to establish an Argentine-American chamber of commerce." tn.'15dward A. Fllcno. of Boston, approved Secretary Ttnlfli-ld'n nmrirmgtlnn that HAraerlcan bankers comblno In tho foielgn WW! to compete with tho great foreign fbanUng houses. SVBKlKfl LB&QBBPIKADBLPHTA; FBTDAY FEBRTTABY 5, 191B: ir mm to $50,000 a ydar BOY SCOUTS Thete columns appear every Tuesday olid Friday The rights of "Teddy" Slingsby, 4 years old, to an estate in Yorkshire. England, have at, last been established after long litigation. His father was a British naval lieutenant. His mother was accused of having substituted "Teddy" for her own baby, which is alleged to have died. VAN HnPMP qtabto enn mi & """'""'" ' "" Jn,u Bridge "Wrecker Will Serve 30 Days Jf In Machias, Me., Prison. VANCEHOno, Me., Feb. 5. Werner V"! i Horny, the German officer who tried wr.,""" ui' o internaiionm ranroaa jitrtaje here, started on his Journey to the frounty jail at Machias this morning In 7jnj cuaioay of Deputy Sheriff Boss. They riUl reach Buirni' thl nftfl.n.M .4 m to Machias. """ """ "" fc"?ed,,Bi.tt out of the ruiimki. .V .. ' nnooK nanuH witn u &in(fhrallroad men' Ho w' 30 ri0.V . the county (nil hi. ,. h onhlhet0brnd.aBS U reSU,t f t,ie " flll(TlAWlA - . .. L Home so-day entence. ' " " Fielder threatens veto republicans Are Playing- Poll tics With T,nl,- T. T WBmmv w: . "v""' fittU4todav ihJ "-governor Fielder Lu4andBureid?te,Tth2 DP8-tment of feiiraiT,0' Industrial Statistics WHERE'S LIEUTENANT KING? HIS WIFE WANTS TO KNOW Does Not Believe Son of English Landowner Has Been Drowned. Where Is Lieutenant William Somervlllo King, of tho Royal Victoria Itltlcs, son of the Illght Honorable Somervlllo King, formerly commnnder of tho Royal Vic toria Rides, a uoalthy English land Chrlstmns. 1912, when, after tho lleutcnnnt Mrs. William Somervlllo King, who was ono of tho chorus girls In "The Kissing Maid," nnd whoso maiden namo was Miss Alice I'. Searles, wants to know. She hns been wnntlng to know sluco Christmas, 1912, when after the lieutenant had been away for several days from their New York apartment, she got a tele gram summoning her to meet him nt tho Hotel Majestic In this city. At tho Majestic, according to her story, slio was met by nnother telegram. It was signed by II. A. drier, whom sho does not know, and read: "Somervlllo has disappeared. Fear tho worst. You had better return." This, still according to Mrs. King, was a, "stunning blow," and she didn't know what to mako of It. From that tlmo until February 9, 1913, she says she got a tele gram every day, assuring her she would "see Wllllo soon." They wero signed by soma one she did not know. Tho final message asst'red Mrs. King that her husband had left some liner nt Nantucket and was co'mlng up the coast In a motorboat. "I presume," she said, "they want mo to believe ho has been drowned." Mrs. King is now living with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. II. Senrlcs, 137 Kast "otli street. New York. She met King In Juno, 1912, nnd they wero married In Soptember of that year In Hoboken. sho says. There wag nothing stingy about King. He gave her JM a. week as "pin money" and sometimes as much as $73 a week. Ills salary from tho British Gov ernment, sho says, was J300 a week. Ho had clippings to show that the English tennis team ot 1913 would bo "seriously handicapped In the Davis Cup matches by the absenco of Lieutenant W. S. King from Its membership." PACKING COMPANIES HAD PROFITABLE YEAR IN 1914 Sales $46,000,000 Greater Than In 1013. CHICAGO. Feb. B. Sales of the flvo leading packing companies last year ap proximated $1,200,000,000, an lncreasa of Jf6.000.000 over 1913. Statements of tho four companies which havo mudo full reports for 19H follow: Clrosn. Net. Snift & Co fia.t.ooo.ooo jn.4r,ooon Annour 375.000,000 7..1O9.O07 Morris ........!..!.. 15O.OnO.0OO :,W)'.7,J CudThy 112.600,000 M02.01U ARMY OF BANKERS HERE FOR BANQUET ' Oucsts ot Group Will Hear Monetary Problems Discussed. An army of bankers Invaded Philadel phia today for tho nnnunl banquet to be given tonight nt tho Hellcvuc-Stratford by Group No. 1, Pennsylvania Bahkers' Association. Tho banquet will be of particular Im portance, ni It will afford bankers and business men nn opportunity to express themselves publicly on the expedients adopted by the Wilson administration for tho relief of the monetary nnd railroad crisis of 19H, growing out of tho Euro pean war. Men of nation-wide promi nence will bo among tho speakers. Among them will bo Nicholas Murray Butler, president of Columbia Unlvor slty; Georgo Stuart Patterson, general solicitor for tho Pennsylvania Railroad, who will speak on "Regulation of nall roads by tho Government, State and Na tional," nnd Patrick Francis Murphy, of Now York, whoso Bubjoct will be "Time and Chance." Joseph Wayne, Jr., chair man of Group No. 1, Pennsylvania Bank ers' Association and president of tho Glrard National Bank, of this city, will act as toastmastcr. Virtually every Im portant railroad system In tho United States will bo represented, as tho Penn sylvania. Vandcrbllt, Harrlman, Gould, Rockefeller and Frlek Interests will havo ono or moro representatives at the banquet. lf K,,.!' a Democrat, who f the liiirit KZKW EffftoHBy Commission Snt or T a'hS aPPcatl" the De Wit i annllSf .r' 2 8amo 0nln d apPlled to the other bills," he jJMbttBr patrol to Begin Feb. 15 rKT'ji,!fLi.w'tM CW? w,"'e' Patrol cruise on th and sTnwrsa.. HLei III Th7,?' thelr.fresence and lo- "Wwu 7oiiciSi TO or ma8,MB &w '13 Men In Annual Jtminln,, ... ., .wHM.w utKL 0n,na,l re.unlon and Daniwt "lylvtma ti"V? Ul University of t I tiling" heI, at KuK'i last i J . 'a.n W mad 'or the --" in IflB CftlflhrflrTnn It. k. JbX nJth anniversary of the the University. UCAQO. Wit 11,002,600,000 $20,667,505 Sulzberger & Sons Co. had a gross for tba year of about $133,760,000, making It tho fourth largest packing concern In, the country. In 1913 combined earnings of theso com panies showed $1,151,000,000 gross, $20,073,071 net. Net earnings on gross sales in 1313 were 1,79 per cent. In 1911 earnings ot four companies wero 1.93 per cent. Earnings wero the largest they had over been In the packing business, due largely to tho Increased demand from the European countries, eapocuwiv unmuiiu. Increased profits wero mostly made In Argentine buslnew. Capital stock, nurplus and total of Swift & Co., Armour & Co., Morris & Co., and Cudahy wero $110,000,000, $160,491,261 and $270,891,261, respectively. Earnings returns on the $i:0,000.00o capital stock of theso four companies was 17.78 ner cent. Amount earned on the capital stook nnd surplus Invested wbb 7.22 per cent. BAKERS FACE CONSPIRACY CHARGE IF PRICE GOES UP Xarge "Chain" Stores to Continue Plve-cent loaf Indefinitely. "With the bakers determined on raising the price of bread and John Vlrdln, chief of the Bureau of Weights and Measures, to say nothing of tho Federal authorities, equally determined to prosecute to the full extent of the law, tho situation brought about by the almost unpre cedented rise In wheat, looks Interesting, to say the least. Three of the largest "chain" stores in the city announced that, although they are selling at little or no profit, their bread will continue to be five cents a loaf indefinitely. Individual bakers, howT ever, have decided that they cannot stand this loss, and many who have not raised their prices are contemplating doing ho. The Federal Government 'took a hand yesterday In the increase of bread in Chi cago, where the six-cent price is now In force, A number of the wholesale bakers were called upon to state why prices had been boosted and also to tell just what supply of flour they had on hau4. John Vlrdln announced last night that if there is any concerted action on the part of Philadelphia bakers to jjyt bread up they will be prosecuted on the charge of conspiracy. "Although the bakers hive a right to ralia the prices providing they sell loaves weighing ounces,- sai ne, "conceriea HELD IN STRIKE RIOT CASES Five Men Arrested in Trunkmakers' Fights. Five men today were held In $500 ball each Tor a further hearing February fl by Magistrate Hagorty nt the 12th and Pine streets station In connection with fights growing out of tho strike of 100 employes of the F. H. White Company, suit case nnd trunkmakers, 10th nnd Hamilton streets. Samuel Green. leader of the strikers, for whom two warrants were Issued, was ar rested when he applied at tho Pennsylva nia Hospital for treatment, after being beaten by the strikebreakers, he al leged, nt 10th and Lombard streets. He Is accused of leading a gang of strikers against tho strikebreakers several days ago. Four men accused by Green wero ar retted by Tollceman Hlgglns. They nre Max Formnn, 213 Lombard street: Morris and Nathan Wnltz, 211 Lombard street, and Benjamin Zlnborg, of tho same nd-dress. Bllvernjan Wins Map Contest Kdwln If, Silverman, of tho Jcnkln town Troop, won the $1 prize offered by the Evbnino Lebosn for tho best map drawn by a Boy Scout from the data supplied In an article on luap.maklng by George O. Potts, assistant scoutmas ter of Troop W, In the Issue ot Friday, January 29, The section of the country mapped out was given as bounded by a road, a stream, a railroad, a fence and a trail through the woods to the point of beginning. Mr. Potts, who Judged the contest, wrote tho following criticism of the prize. wliinlnft map! "There are several small errors. Tho starting point was ll.MU Opposite pole No, 6G8. Silverman has made his dart ing point 160 feet N.NW. of the polo. BM5 was In centre of concrete bridge; the railroad crosses tho creek on tho bridge, not under It, as shown by this map. Silverman has his railroad crossing tho stream at n point 60 feet NW. of where It should be. Nothing was said In directions about tho fence running alongside tho railroad, as Is shown In the map. DM", a large plno tree, has not the correct sign for a pine tree. Compass direction nnd scale are wrong from BM6 to BM7 and from BM7 to starting point. As tho original directions wero Imaginary, It Is natural that there should bo somo discrepancy between tho finish nnd start, becauso In the directions tho flnnl direction was given ns 'genoral direction W. by N.' to allow a little leowny for possible error. The map, with the exception ot tho er rors mentioned which are small and to some eUttnt unlmportant-ls excellent, and for tho work of a 16-year-old boy very excellent." The data given reads- BMI, centro of road opposite telegraph polo No. 666, 675 feot N.NW. to BM2 In centre of wooden bridge crossing small creek. Telegraph lino on right of road. From BM2 230 feet E.N.E. to BM3, centro ot creek bed at Junction of small brook running from spring 123 feet S.S.B. From BM3 125 feet &, to BM4, centre of creok bed. Marshy ground on south side ot-creek from BM2 to BMI. From BM4 125 feet E.NH. to J)MG, cen tre of concrete brldgo over rnllroad. From BM5 430 feet SE. fo BMC, centre of track opposllo smooth-wire fence. Sin gle track line From BM6 623 feet S.SW., nlong fencn to BM7, largo plno tiec nt Junction of trail. FromjBM" along trail In general direc tion W.' by N. Ko feet to point of begin- SLOT METER CAUSES DEATH Chauffour Asphyxiated When Gas Flow Is Turned On. A slot-meter was responsible for an other death today when Gus Panther, 31 years old, a chauffeur, was found dead In bed with gas pouring from the Jet In his room in an apartment house con ducted by Mrs. Josephine McCarthy at 6 South 3$th street. There was no evidence of suicide, and the police say the man retired leaving a dim light burning. According to the police, Mrs. McCarthy told them she noticed tho gas was low and sent her daughter to put a quarter In the meter. Later they noticed the odor of gas, but when they went to Panther's room today It was too late to savo his life. HIDLEY PAHK HOUSE BURNED S. W. Sims' Residence Destroyed. Defective Flue Cause. Firo partly destroyed the home of S. W. Sims, at 31 RIdlex avenue, Ridley Park, oarly this morning. A defective flue started the bluze, Mrs. Sims, who was alone In tho house, her husband being in New York, was aroused by Mrs. Harry Hartman, of Ridley and Welcome ave nues. Members of the Norwood and Ridley Park Fire Company fought the flames for nearly two hours before getting thq Are under control, Neighbors saved much of the furniture in tho house. No one was injured, CHEF'S MASTERPIECE WINS of Dowie'a Successpr Dead . Feb. 6.-Mra. Wilbur Glenn J Of tlla llMaaisM rt TaLu r Dowi : vrn.T thm .nT "" ". inn wans- ou ihurch of Zion rstv hi,i ;' n ines of months. Volivu ,mf InOSe tthn Avltlnl- kiM . " .... H..,.idaBU ...u. .(r g 0 DhiSiL'iart BTMnHnv Ka I --., n1lAilHir a md.jin F tfai.li a. 2r2"s"on ot z,on 3Vi to at- Locutions, could undoubtedly be proved a I I VWUfUHh, ,.MW. h0. Pbiladelphlan'a Creation Awarded Gold Medal at N, Y, Exhibition. Alphonaa Pie), chef at the Bellevuo Stratford, returned to his duties today after winning the first prize gold medal at the exhibition of the Soclete Cullnalre Philanthropise, which was held In New York on Wednesday. Pjel's creation, which was made entirely pf sugar, was e. miniature ocean liner, exact to the smallest details, and the judges considered It tho masterpiece of the $3 pieces which were shown. Alphonse had his work of art on view at the Bellevue a short time ago, and It was then the envy ot all the chefs and cooks in town. Cattle Infected In Jersey City JBRSKY OlTV. Feb. 6 -Hoof and mouth dUease lias broken out again in the stock yards here. The plant has a. cspaelty of 30,000 head, and the closing will mean loss or employment to several hundred Jaen. uing, i Indian Hunt Orders Given "Wah-hoo-wah ! Wah-hoo-w ah !" Hist! It's nn Indian warn hoop. More thnn 3000 Philadelphia Boy Scouts, proparcd for nlmost anything, aro won dering what Is going to hnppen. Pre-, llmlnnry orders have been issued by headquarters to scoutmasters advising them to havo their troops ready for the big Indian hunt February 22. That Is all the Scouts know. Mystery surrounds the plans. Questions nt headquarters nre In vain, for the men there are ns silent as the Indians themselves. Tho order loads: "Messengers havo arrived bearing tid ings that marauding bands of tho Lcunl Leuapcs will attack our beloved town while the palefaces of Philadelphia are celebrating the birthday of our Big White Chlof, George Washington. "Mossages must be sent through the lines of Indians to the nearby communities Imploring them to help ward oft tho dan ger. Will your boys help? How many scoulcan wo count on from your troop? The fun will start at 10:30 n. m., nnd all scouts will bo safely home by sunset. Each troop taking part in this big Indian gains must bo represented nt the Scout masters' Round Table on February 15, when sealed orders, with full details, will be distributed." It Is signed by Samuel G. Friedman, chnlrman of the Scoutmasters' Committee, and Walter S. Cowing, scout executive. Additional rumor's say that tho Leunl Lenapes. who represent the original trlbo ot Indians Inhnbltlns the territory whore Philadelphia now stnnds, are already on the warpath nnd that men from head quarters, disguised bo that their host friends will not recognize them, will rec onnoitre trails and forests In tho northern, northeastern and northwestern suburbs nnd In New Jersey Saturday afternoon. The big game will be similar to the "treasure hunt" nlong tho Wlssahlckon held last Washington's Blithday. National Boy Scout Birthday Philadelphia troops have been Invited to ooservo the fifth anniversary of tho founding of the Boy Scout movement In tho United States nt tho Central Congre gational Church, 18th and Green streets, Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. Tho Itev. Dr. William V. Berg, pastor of the church and scoutmaster of Troop 2, will address the Bcouts on "Cooking Your Game." 333 New Scouts Eighteen new troops, representing 333 new Boy Scouts, have been formed since October 1, 13H, according to the report of Deputy Scout Commissioner Fnttou, read befoie the Executive Scout Council last evening. Coincident with this, a now troop was formed laBt evening at Cooper Hall. 21st and Christian streets, under Scoutmaster G. J. Sauerbrun. The troop will receive a number soon. Officers of the Gettysburg Boy Scout Service Corps, meeting at headquarters Thursday evening, made plans for a rally of the 3S0 scouts in this body In tho Young Men's Christian Association audi torium, probably on March 4. It Is likely that a speaker ot national prominence will be secured for the occasion. Dally "Good Turns" A woman with a knife five lnchos long was saved from committing suicide by Charlie Smith, 12 years old, 123 Christian street, ob he was coming from a meeting of his troop. No, 68, Saturday evening. She was etandlng at Carpenter and League streets brandishing the knife when he passed. "What are you doing?" he asked. "Committing suicide?" "Yes,'' she answered. He took the knife nway from her. When she asked him who he was he replied, "I am a Boy Scout." She told him It was none of his business when he asked her name, and went up the etreef mum- oung 10 nerseir. "When people are drunk they don't know what they are doing," explained Charlie later, A baby carriage, with a baby In Jt, was rolling oft the sidewalk at Front and Christian streets, Monday, directly In the path of a heavy wagon, when Stephen Jacobs, 12 years old, 35 Christian street, of Troop 68, sprang forward and stopped It. Instead Of selling capers Wednesdav. Abe Suedloff, of Troop 8, threw sand on the street to help horses pull their heavy vrcr me nippery ice. John Mason Anthony, 720 Kaler street, of Troop 83, straightened out a big boxful of artificial flowers whloh a young woman mashed when she slipped and fell Tues day evepmg She thanked Mm. saying that her employer would have repri manded her if the flowers were ruined. That same evening he acted as Inter preter for an Italian woman, who was Ifioklnar fop her ami In a mnul.. ........ how. wednuday evening be suggested Hife -MAP- X I Prize map, Silverman drawn by Edwin H. of the Jenkintown Troop. that n driver put a blanket under a horse which could not walk in front ot the Pennsylvania Hospital because of the slippery strcot. An old woman who lives near the homo of Morris Grossman, of Troop 67, does not worry over her supply of flrowood, becauso tho Scout chops It for her. She lives nlone nnd has no one to do her choice. Scout E. Martinis, of Troon 18, ran nn errand for n woman Tuesday and picked up a horse's feed box, which had over turned, spilling tho horse's dinner. Ills brother, number Martinis, of tho snmo troop, covered an open hole lead ing to n gas main with a piece of tin so that no one would fall In, William Clark, of Troop 123, helped a blind man across the street nt 62d nnd Arch streets Tuesday. Atlantic City Scouts "Somo day tho Boy Scouts will form a ring of brotherly love clear around this big woild of ours, and war will bo a thing of tho past," declared Ludwlg S. Dale, national field scout commissioner, nt a Boy Scout rally nt tho First Presby terian Church, Atlantic City, Saturday evening. Two hundred scouts from Troops 1, 2. 3. 4, 6, C, and 7 attended. Wearing n hcout uniform Is not Ihe wholo making of a scout, ho said, and ho Illustrated this by an Incident which Hap pened In England. A blcyclo lying In the Btrcet was passed by several boys, who made no nttompt to remove It to safety. A little chap camo by and picked it up. Mr. Dale saluted tho boy, who was sur prised. "How did you know I nm n scout?" ho asked. "It is tho boy beneath tho uniform that makes a scout," replied Mr. Dale. He told ot a celebration In Sweden on tho arrival of n Boy Scout from tho United States and the demon stration which wan given tho stranger. Tho first Atlantic City Scouts to re eclvo merit badges are Lester Baron, Maurice Brunstcln, Earl Hann nnd Julei DeDnn, who were given the badges Sun day afternoon. Mr. Dale also Invested several tenderfoot scouts Into the ranks. ft oop It will celebrate Its fourth anni versary with ft bnhquet and entertainment at 63d and Wyaluslng streets this evening at 6:30 o'clock. The troop Is headed by Scoutmaster Newcomb, Cooking tests will be held at Troop frTs headquarters, 7433 Sprague street, Mt, Airy, Monday evening, and Deputy Scout Commissioner I'atton's Illustrated lecture, "Houghing It Out of Doors With the Scouts," will bo glven Scout Crawford G6ts Medal The bronw inednt offered by the scout master of Troop 87 In an efficiency con test, which began last October, was awarded to Scout Harry Crawford, at the last meeting of tho troop. The medal re mains In the possession of (he winner for n month, and whoover hs.i th highest number of points for five months retains possession of It. Besides Crawford, the scouts with highest scores have been Benson (twice) and Klenle. This month Benson was second and MaoICenzle third. The points nre made on drill, attendance, good turns, non-uso of tobacco, passing of tests and meritorious conduct. Crawford's watchfulness this month was responsible for the return of valuable Jewelry to Its owner. Troop 72 to Rally" TrOOO 72 Will linlrt a rnllv tmm FKhi-itarv i to 13, next wcok, for 60 members. There aro now 30 scouts enrolled as members. Troop 28 Entertnins Fathers, mothers and friends of Troop 2S attended a reception at the troop's headquarters, Immanuel Lutheran Church, C2d street and Cedar avenue, Tuesday evening. Tho scouts' room, which was built and fitted out by the troop, waq decorated for the evening. "Houghing It Out of Doors With the Scouts," Deputy Scout Commissioner's Illustrated lecture, was given with new slides and motion pictures. Bugler Itob ert Boyle, of Troop 08, who holdB the bu gling merit badge, gavo all tho bugle calls, from "reveille" to "taps," and "Uncle Tom" Hlmes, n Civil War vet eran, who attends the troop meetings, showed how he used to make the drum rattle. Indlnn leg-wrestllng, signaling, horsc-and-rldcr tilts, and other scout games were held. Refreshments wero served by tho Camp Fire Girls. Jersey's New Commissioners If. II. Ettcr. scoutmaster of the Wood bury Troop; J. IS. Murdock, scoutmaster of tho Rlvcrton Troop, and 8. IX. Dobbs, scoutmaster of the Haddonflcld Troop , have boon commissioned ns special field scout commissioners of Gloucester, Bur lington nnd Camden Counties, respect ively. They will tnko up tho dudes of II. H. Ronoy, who resigned his commission recently. Tho Gloucester-Burllngton-Camden Scoutmasters' Association will meet ut the headquarters ot Camden Troop 12 tomorrow ovenlng. PRO-GERMAN MOVES SPUR U.S. PRESIDENT TOSHARPCRITICISM Mr. Wilson Advises German-American Preacher of St. Louis, to Let Admin istration Affairs Alone. "Pedagogues" Will Be Graduated At tho commencement exercises of the School of Pedagogy, to be held In the auditorium of the Central High School tonight, Dr. Georgo Wheeler, nssoclato superintendent of schools, will mako the address to tho graduates. Simon Grntz. of the Board of Education, will confer tho collegiate certificates. Edward Thom as Myers, of the graduating clars, will deliver tho pedagogical oration on "Voca tional Guidance In Philadelphia," Dis trict Superintendent Nusbnum will award tho gold medal offered by the Alumni As sociation for tho best pedagogical essay. WASHINGTON, Feb. 6. "Think of America first," was the purport of the advice given by President Wilton to the ltev. Dr. Frederick Benle, of flf Leuls, who called nt tho White House as the representative of n aorman-Amerlean or ganisation seeking the enactment ot legis lation establishing an embargo on arms nnd munitions of war. The President indicated to Doctor Bents that the activities of his own and similar organizations of Americana of foreign birth or parentage along tilts' and similar lines were n, source of embarrassment to tho Administration. Ho was kindly in hla criticism, but the clergyman was made to understand that enough had oc curred already In the form of mass-nleet-ings ot sympathizers with one element or another of America's foreign-born pop ulation to give tho President and his ad visers serious concern, Tho President put his remarks to Doe tor Bento on the highest ground -of pa triotism nnd urged upon him the neces sity Of private Individuals and organiza tions alike observing a policy ot non interference with tho conduct of the American Government In Its dlplomatlo relations. Tho specific measure which Doctor Bente Is seeking to havo passed, and regarding which he appeared beforo the Senate Committee on Foreign Itelatlons yesterday, provides for an embargo on the shipment of arms and war munitions of every sort, and with Great Britain and France holding the mastery of the seas would tend to operate against the Allies to the great benefit of the two Teutonlo Empires. High officials of tho Stnto De partment have expressed tho opinion that as such a measure was not enacted at tho outbreak of tho war, Its enactment at this tlmo would be n non-neutral dct, NEWSPAPER CARRIERS DINE 300 nt Banquet of Protective and Beneficial Association. Threo hundred newspaper carriers and their guests attended the annua) dinner of the Papr Carriers' Piolectlvo and Beneficial Association of Philadelphia at 13lh street and Glrard avenuo Inst night. Two presentations werp mado an Ameri can flag to tho association by Colonel Jnmes Elverson. Jr., nnd a gift to the rp thlng president, O. B. Kulp, by tho asso ciation.' George H. Mundy nnd Charles W. Johnson made the presentations. The flag will float from the pole on the club grounds on Ogontz avenue east of Chcl ten avenue. Other speakers were A. 13. MacKinnon, of New York city; Cyrus II. It Curtis, Frank Clark. A. E. Sellers, Louis Ruther ford, Frank S. Brandt, J S. Harley and E. Wiggins. President JO Walter Myers acted as toastmastcr. A Vaudeville show followed. Quality ervice TSNlIh!S ann S I IRFS A H to H jr. B s ffl in I 1 I .1 o Are you posted on Firestone prices? COMPARE h Prices and Q uaiity Firestone net prices to car owners: cS Round Tread Non-Skid -, , , n . T . Slze Casings Caauigs Cray Tubes Red Tubea 30x3 $9.40 $10.55 $2.20 $2.50 30x3 11.90 13.35 2.60 2,90 32x3 13.75 15.40 2.70 3.05 34x4 19.90 22.30 3.90 4.40 34x4 27.30 30.55 4.80 5.40 36x4 28.70 32.15 5.00 5.65 37x5 35.55 39.80 5.95 6.70 38x5 46.00 51.50 6.75 7.55 Manufacturing apd distributing facilities are unequaled, insuring mot miles per dollar. FIRESTONE TIRE AND RUBBER COMPANY "America's Largest Exclusive Tire and Rim Makers" 304 North Broad Street Philadelphia, Pa. Horns Office and Factory: Akron, OhIoBranches and Dealers Everywhere RSMfcSpMir