EVENING LEDaiqn PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY , 1015? 18 JDeatljS li rtn February a. 1015, ESTjtKR, M)",, itarv O ana tne late ur. jamm ?tff.ftpmrtJ on Baturdey. .at 7 30 LW'?m ST23 Melon St., Wtl PMIa. S7 ' Intern,m Cathdrl FjljM.Wenly. at. Atlantic cur, w. j.. m. CrtAnLBJI husband of &! Wr . mm" JUrry D Wln.mVf. tW.rM'Mr.t.rlt..na aerf i '"uHi Kia year. im"ura ......... !& omit flowers. nli- Fi" ..,...... . inlfi LENA rj.n February ".. lbna tiS? of Frank Tv- nd daughter i7 JlV Funeral will be h"d .at IhNr. . ,HK ice of her brother-in-law, u, iieni, i 6!-. ir of Walter R. Col dwell. jySUrvleM on Saturday, at 2 p. m K21 lift ?ldence, 40?!. . A l O ney KS?nf North Cedar Jim ucmeiery. &, V iK VJ Michael' an,TMrgaret KSrFunera" from her huabend'a reel WSZ J7J0 O "l KSv'fln February S. JI1B. JAMES, hus WtSrS.1. lii , Sarah Duffy... Funeral on itB;c' ", q in a. m . from tno residence oirlr. ', i.'ij'urty; ran South with affijSRS Hcufc.n.M at the Church of at lv B. in iiiitimciifc JJSjicroia Cemetery. on February 2, 1015, !?"lPoa" I?" of'tlffipr "t ralnTDeach filial! inlViment will he at Woodland iSMtt. WKhlngton. D. C, for the Imme- IlW l,v' -Vndrew (ill'iron. PunftAl etrvlctH on MM? 'Ti m. nrntilarlv. ftt the t I'.IH U'awnl nttfl In Si7 jwUtlvf" and frlende of the l family. XlUf."-- . IS lUrldlan Ide, wo. job. r . xinu .; i rnnioon at If 0 clock. GTlfi Bnnico. at. Inter- Jiii wlrito at vW.il Laurel mil temeicry. ?SvLr,n February It. 101B, nt hla.homa Kiieiiwart City, Do ., . WILLIAM A. ui&AN Funeral Mo Ih. held In Bt. l'aul'a riiiCnureh, on Saturday.at 10 a. m. In tSnSit will b mad In ilia church ceme trnr. IV-On February 3,. J915. fannib TiJia wife ot jarSea iraya. Mineral on iSltiSirr it 3 p. m.. from her lute real ffiSr nil &ulfi 16lli at. interment Mount tjailib Cemetery. Wni-On February 3, 1915. CAItOLlNE. &TY.. .. ii.m Y?unAral Marvin,, nn Kn3 February 0. at 2 D. m.. at. the KJ?rail of Slmmona ft. Taylor, 300 Mar- !Siiti,Cmlen. N. J( intermeni pnaio. L1 '' . . n n, vtrir FU."hriiband of Anna Jana ifollnun. S1!;;; Jl'.iX.. ilT ll-lram t.. Frnnk. w SS. Interment at Qroenwood Cemetery. BarvllTOTtTII-On rebruary 0, 1015, CAH- KSkiMl re Invlttd to attend the funeral cery- I'idHi. at her late rcaldonce, 100 South 42d rjtMtlerment private. aaANltDV. A Solemn lllsh Mata will be ffinon t . at 10 o'clock Friday mornlnR, llfibni'iy ? In memory or aire, awhijs IMi wuKburled February 0. 1003 LII.. A m.i .. intR k!4h.LJX. Wl(IOT Ol jl-lvillinit tcilllCU. btSir.n. On February 3, 101B, at hla late Ksidtnco. 23.10 North 12th at.. anoitOK. v.. Veto son of the late Iienry Koaier, agea i.u K,, i.Vnera.1 services on lYIday. at 8 d. l'k!rrclMly.,at Bchuyler'a, Broad and, Dla I'nSio. il. Irfterment prlvato at ML Vernon btbSTEIlIANN. On February 3. 10IB. rtAllHAEZr KLOSTBIlMANN. Funeral on ! umm(.i. af 7..10 n. m.. from hir tatn renl I ftnee. 10m Droad'nay. Camden, N. J. Mane I cfiHiuiem at S3. Peter and Paul Church, r f &. m. nreclgelv Interment St. Mary'a kcraetery, Olouctetcr, N. J. VBTEK. on ronruary . juid, iuiuibun fTKMAIlTEn. In the 72d year of lilt. age. 'ReUures ana iricnas nieo (. rnuia ioage. .No. 431. I'. and A M . Maeonlo Voterana' luoclatlon. Philanthropic Lodge. No is, I. 0.v0 r, and Odd Fellows Veteran Associa tion, are Invited to attend tlio funeral scr fca, en Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock pre tlatlr. at 111" lato residence, roll Oreeno St., aermtatOTVn. Interment at Ivy 1I1I1 Ceme ttrr,'!' BUfEIV At Mt..IIolly, ff. J, on February AVltllfl. jiclc. iiiujisi. uauKiiier nt Jcbn and Debecca Wilson Oliver, In her Cth Ittf ffii7.0I.ri3, On February 3. 1018. MlUUAULj, eon oi uainnrine onu tno late lima KeynoiJs. nauve or uaunty Longinrn, Inkiii, TunernI on Saturday, at S .10 a. ml rum tha ndrtors of J J Iiradli.v. Hntith. eotttorner 6f 4Sth at. and Wynlualnic avo, Ulia .Mm at Our Mother of Sorrows' timrco, at iu a. m inicrmeni at iioiy J CnSri Cemetery. SltO'EVElT-On TebrUnry 2, 1015. MAT- Tils u , wua or. me lata i.ouis 11. anoener. Hft!fttlvea und frlnda nrn Invited tn nttf.nd IB) funeral services, on Frllny afternoon, at Itfciocls, at her lato residence, 320U Clifford tUfutcrment private. IAlUlE-On February 3, 1015. LOUISE M. IL-Y widow of Charles A. Tamme and tarjihter of the late John and Margaiet )!. in ner uom year, mineral services ra.HUuraar, at J p m.. at ner lata rcal .. 1W0 Oermantown ao. Interment Ietnata. I0Ktt,-.At St. Jokeph's Hospital, on Feb- Fr) . IWU. "ev AAlAUr.U J. VKilll, .18. A.. BKed :tl vparn. Iloverand rl.rirv. Inlitlves and friends an limited to attend I tb.' funeral, on Friday, at St. Thomaa' IttnKb. Vlllinoa, Pa Divine Office be- fits at D3Q a, m. Solemn Ilvqulcm Mass at " Interment at VUlanova. fA'TtS. On February 3, 101B. HAUItT, nuaiiau oi A;nariou m. watts. 1'Mnornl liTTlcei on Saturday, at 2 p. ni at the Irweece of his daughter. Mrs. T. II. I'.pitr, M47 DoLancey at, Interment at I Atliojlcn Cemeten Obtturtries on Page 12 a CLASSIF Pn PATP5 DAILY AND SUNDAT V04 BTTLE TYPE Inr Ilk. rhl.t !il'.'"i'?,n : 15o Perllne Twea lnertlons In a week.... ISlio per Una g eonsecutlva Insertions., loo perllne E't'onwanted. throa Inaer Uom to a week lOo perllne HIS SIZE TYPE (or like this) llttltl tn all l(aiBiAii.. ..- i.t B?!!.l",i5i"2.1 Wanted Loaj and Found, Per JJa. Boarding and Itooma. 9n LlikT"'?? SOa Perllne J losertlyna In a week.... lTMoperllne r.,.-uuv.. insenions.a.ioo per line IS'f? " bed on agate measurement, 'm lines to the Inch. TSMSysSrf'?- COd saneajona ( 4f 1 00 DAILT OKLT w In Efftct December 1, l CfiMRIMATinkT rArrr kluwtfoq in both in. morning end avenlng egf-Hmedayj PUBLIC LEDGER IMOItNINQ) EVENING LEDGER Wisr e... . tvisiria KSfafy wr lino net to rates given pEnTIBr&P ,BITtrAT10NS WANTED Brtr.J: INSBItTED IN TIIM VVPMIUll EK53. W1TUOUT ADDITIONAL HCrC fl n lri4fw mt ... . H 3 w111 acceP-; Ledger wan. VUILC IICS, kp Wanted pemale coff.?l0,i?r.r'!,:snt ra4vau of fr.J.rSHVl. Quick and accurata t n. leMJa Dean. Ledger Cent. and walTreisthe'rouihly ei la Xamllyi fltv T,r.rnK,. i-"-a!ssar?ZZ r nfmrM.rf, wria housekeeper) y irSriI.WIi2 J1 lt00d. Dr'u f j KareFTTgirflri L?9y family in llaverford. no C-Truva jT " ,'."l """"- "" -" -n good rii.C ,"vi"S'....W ' .l rtomr-wv.. '"""" iwu iun H0KAL NOVTOTt-V ..r t ':'?' SPVltUar' " f naSiftS"- Wr.. rather pU, . S&ttjhSi! '."MlLMll tor th h,..i . ... Fryily "Ul "w,t' v4ital. t ,. M StrlcUiei', prtUei LJ urfuUrM - r, B7 &Hw ALEXANDER, at his resl H'ilcVmOTd. Va Wednesday. Feb ' iSiS Funeral ecrvieos on Friday. i. SKrJr huiband, -1535 S,ayn. ftvo. In- iffint private. lfX0-dn February B. 181S. J. OIIE; Jli'jV3lAl)INO. beloved limband of 2. Vi. niadlnK (neo Cable) and ,on ,ot IrwtM.,KaffR. .MhllliHInc. In hi Sdth K m HELP WANTED PEMALE I SaM.?iKi5ti.,'.,Jh mucTi intelligence ana fhfSih. l!LLb,t,Sr knowledge of English J?. ihS "'"? o do typing and o nee .Mina 15 "jrdpyer whn Ju'i although acting the duties being romewhnt reere l.V.iL JPP1 In own handwriting, giving &,!$ ?.' A0.1"0?"" ""' ttlng wag's ff. pected, c 105, Ledger Office. STWOanAPltnno, booKt.eep.ra and ?." .en obtain valuable Informa i.J?.t fl,,.out securing positions by In tervlowInK Miss Dean at Ledger Cen. ;?1 See her at onto for. this free !,v,.cet "" ,h0 .Commercial Depart Iiii-i. """antly securing good po sitions for ledger Adrertliera. rliV1 iyiSc,'VB m('1,' ao ' r enhlblllon. i."'!,, Friday mornln. 9 o'clnek, United aehlon rompanv. riellnviie.simtforrl Hotel TJ,1" Pllni-tC LEDntsn maintains a strict rP.X,r",,,0"'r 0U advertlaln admitted to its thi Srhii."? ."i","" ' in " long-atanolng policy n7ilA.il? l!" 'famed to. place the same eon i. n?Jni "." adertlalna; ea the news This ,'. Prtlculfj- trua of WANT ADS, i, ..Vcd,!r, 'nlenda to safeguard tho Interests ..11.."?"".. " Ihe.v. can respond to box ecurltv av,lr,l,or vW'th a fetlln of fullest If.'.i".1 .'n'' ,lm''. .ou nae evldertte that a business proposition, offer of employment, eto , made throuh the tdarr la not legiti mate, or Is of a doubtful character, can It !!?.',V.,,t!nllo!, at.onco. . A thorough and Im mediate Investigation will be made "fr'nlltr the I'utilla ledger secured noseeaton or and returned several hundred photographs to ledger readers which they had submitted in response to an offer of employment appear ing in Its Help Wanted columns The proposi tion was not worthy of space In tho Ledger ami waa. rehired, for subsequent Insertions. J'lraeo help tho Publto Ledger In Its eflorta . to heln vnu WANTfcD-A wonian of settled hnblta good heAlth and best recommendations for general housework In a family of 2 adtilta; stato vngra renuirpq. p mo iiger Ofnce. WANTDD .- Professional litdv Hnmnn.tratorl muet bo of neat appearancot give reference In first letter. Address llnynard. IJanks & Hrvan. Wilmington. Del. HELP WANTED MALE ATTnACTIVE ADVEUTISINO Is one of the things noccsaary In gaining the attention of the omploier. For other practical advlco stop In at Ledger Central, Chestnut st. at Droad, and see Mr. Hunt of tho Commercial rtcglstry Dureau who Is helping Lodger advertlsera to aecuro tho right kind of positions. DOT Intelligent boy for office work: state age. fp and oducatlon. G 121, Ledger Office. nlRTllICT MANAORIl Wanted High-grade man with managing ability In every town, city or county, who will be KUen exclusive territory for the sate of a wonderful product, which appeals to every auto, earrlaga and boat owner; also places rf business, hotels, npnrtmeut houses, office buildings, church, schools, hospital and oery hornet a repeat order, business In n Ciafcs by Itself, whoro the right man can build up u permanent business paying from MOOO-HOOOO a jear on an Invoitment of from S160-11UOO. according to tho elio of territory taken Thla Is an opportunity of a lifetime, that Is right In oery particular and on jou should Investigate at once. Tele phono Walnut 10TR or address U A V. Co , UM filbert at,. Philadelphia Pa. EI.ECTIUCAL aupply company wants compe tent man for atock room and shipping- clerk ; must be familiar with electrical materials. Address L 304. Ledger Office. GltOCKrtY BUYnn and department manager ror chain store system south of Philadelphia; we want n live wire who knows how to buy and sell on the chain atore system. Address P 23S, Ledger Office, WANTED Three trustworthy workmen of the bettor class for responsible position In large local chemical Industry; no special mechani cal or chemical experience necessary; work Is neither arduous, unhealthy nor dangerous As we operate n very valuable secret process (knowledge of which we carefully guard) these poaitloni are only open to men of proven Integrity and good habits who will Invest $1000 in the business, which Is both for our security and to mako the opportunity so profitable to them that they will have the highest Incentive to fidelity Investment amply protected and perfectly cafe Positions permanent, and, because of responsibility, hours Tequlred, etc, we pay the exceptional wages of 100 per month From the In vestment an additional Income of at least fOOO per year may be expected Glvo ago and previous experience. Q 315, Ledger Central. WANTED, printing eslesman to sell tags, labels, pin tickets, part or full time; com mission basis Write full particulars con cerning experience, present or former con nections, personality, references, etc, Manu facturer, Cox 1B23, Providence. R. I. WANTED A few toolmakers for work on press tools M all. Ledger Office YOUNO LADY wants a gentleman partner for exhibition dancing; also to assist In teaching Address, stating full particulars, M C50, Ledger Central. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE ADVERTISING- WniTEn-Woman with news paper, department store and publication house experience seeks new connection; good organ izer and svatomatlzer; executive ability, in itiative M 55.1, Ledger Central. BLHJICICHBI'KK-Pelrce School graduate with two sears' experience desire i0 locate with small growing concern. (1 84.!, Ledger Cent. CHILDIIEN'S WEAit Fine dresses and un derwear, with smocking and featherstltch tng, would be carefully made by person ac customed to fine needlework; alao French hem'g on table and bed linen C 12,1, l,ed. Off. CHlLDNtnSB-Capablo young German girl; good reference. P 322. Led ger Office. t CIIILDNUIXSB. German, wlshea posftlonj good reference. Qormantown 43I& COOlv thoroughly experienced with refer ences: no wash. Apply at 6030 Wayne ava., Germantown. No cards. COOK German woman wants position fit apartment. West Philadelphia preferred. t: l.a. imager unice COOK Young woman wants position, cooking; references B22I Pulsskl avs Germantown. COOK or downstairs work; city; reference. 1023 Callowhlll at. COOK wants position, private family, city: best references. P 80. Ledger Dranch. 17.111 vine. COOKING and downstairs work Reliable, set tied woman. Phone Dickinson 8132 Y. COUPLE Wife, experienced nuras from birth, fine seamstress, working hkpr., doctor's ref. husband, Japanese cook, butler, city refs. Seexo. 76 W. Sharpnack at,. Germantown. CULTURED WOMAN open for position where tact and ability and Initiative are required. O DO, Ledger uenirai. BftKSSM'AKER wishes few more engagements by day city or suburbs. 2223 Montrose. Phone, DRESSMAKER of New York desires engag'taj evening gowna specialty. Phone Wal. 4002 W. ENGLISH GIRL desires position aa chamber maid i good ref. Apply Box 275. Illverton.N J. GOVERNESS or managing housekeeper; Ger man Prot.; languagea. music. Dleck.Wal 8108 HOUSEWORIvria family of 2: competent worn an il Sty or W. I'Jilla. P 321. Ledger Office, HANjtOINa HOUSEKEEPER. capaPU of Aterlng and csrlng for every detail; hotel experleneeJPI. XdgerOffice. jjANAOINQ housekeeper or companion; exp'd A.V.A"...,.. .Jl .man tl.W. !... Bill. Willi CniiaiSlli BWUH"W"-. " ...... JW MATRON, houiekeei per: hotel. Institution; fur- nlah references. J A. V, lml V.I11VP. NUR8E graduate, wlshea position In hospital or mstltutlon for Infanta iTchtldren. q'wT, Ledger Central. ItBS PECT AB LE, elderly. Scotch woman wlshea ooaltlon a housekeeper! Orst-claaa refer ences B3S8 North BL at. BEAlIsflvESS. experienced on. family sewing, wishes eogagerotnt certain day .each wk from 9 to S.JlW and carfare 6 18LLeAOff, SGAilSTnESS wllhe position In llnen.room ot hotel or Institution Phone Diamond 438T A, BTENOvlRAPllSR. beginner several month? substituting experience, d.sires to locate per. roanent poaUlon, willing to work bard for Sromotlon Phone "Mla Dean," Ledger Cea. Iral. Walnut 8000. TEt5CXHlAFHBR-Capable cdrrespondent,.ex rfrtsneed secretary, business woman with KIlS li awklDg jppor. Q Ml Lad. Cent. frfENoaiOTTiBR "K&PSf"' "11.clc' curau Al reference MTljaspar at, wXJSfBB-'Sltuatlon aa North uennao nur stry Eoveraasa to one or two chlldraa. t. twZta T n4 0 I. Apply present position, III Delaware ava Wilmington. OsL ' WHBN IN NWSO t n MperlenetiJ efdee ss ViiiiSi hwAkwetr stenographer or clerk. SSiVi wSnijt WiOfl nd, consult lth if lis Kin of the jiimnlal perartment. who KJa I"' " htgb gna.de axwrlenced ilrU iaaar fw poaltCi Avail youwlfof'tUe J TxarvteJ Tt llr AdrertiVi, i0SV. ytn& ,N t""f " mending and Ueantng j SITUATIONS "WANTED MALB a?3AJ1i.nffiJ?ln,,B 20 br week on undeslr fi? .2.'ilv'.'7 wi.on la anxious to change t,nK.m.?tl,'r. 'mtloymentt fair education i Ledger SrnS ,ndu,lrau,' rnbltKua. C 130. Almi'i!lT?2& "TV.t! 'ratlaman, builders eat.; . young, prac . artist, rheap, u bli. Led Cent. fAT1TOmaY' BUSINESS MEN" Many energetic, bright boya who come under our, care are now all aiue ror office, shop or factory work; no . cliargca, JVbnA.u wotiKims1 nurtBAtf. luOT Arch. Telephone Spruce OUT. B??'IfEF.PEn-Managini ahllltyl thorough, 'arled can., rlenn char. Manager, filtu N.lutli HOOKKKUMfnn .tr. nn.i, i. n.. .i,.t,iHff, ..eiperienced; rofcrercea V 128. Ledger Office. X' H s't.nr" cW- W0U,J lll(0 worlt ln electrlo aho, iun the trade Address Ueorge lCnot, J82Q h, tlapcook It. D2' tf t.tlr JT ' old. wishes to learn Jcnlniat trade) good referarcea. Apply It. CAN any one give well-appenrlng and educated young man position! tfnis. Ledger Central. OlfvrniSHIl Mechanic. Irish, 2 yearal ex rerlence 12 years, efficient and competent, highly recom , strict abstainer, 5 yeara' tour. .J. on t, wishes re.engs ge, I) 01, ledger Off. CIIAt'FFKUR, colored. 13 years' experience, fnnidt "ber, rella,blel 8 years last place. ..'I 0. Ledger Central, ClUUFFEUR.MECHANtC Highest pereonat . ref. for 10 years. Uox 22T. Ros-mont, ra CIIAUFFF.UR-Mechanle! 10 yeara' experience; beat rofcrencea. o nip, ledger Central, CIIAUFFEUR, 14 yeara" exp , thor, mech.S re . liable, trustw'y, well recom. 2ni lloston ave. CHAUFFEUR, at present employed; good rea . son for change; 7 yeara' exp. O MO. Led.Cen. CIIAUFTEUR wishes position; good character; reference. 2013 W. Turner at. COLORED man and wife ffom South want riiacea; wife flrat.cjaas cook. 15 years cook ng; man, butler and all-round mam have firat-clata city references: city or lountryi . age 3S, 30. 1B15 Catharine at. COST ACCOUNTANT New, up-to-date, unl form astsm; 12 years' exp. ln textile mfg.; moderate ealary, with chance to make good desired. O Otl, Ledger Central. ELECTRICIAN wants work; wiring, motors, telephones, repairs, etc. Phone Tioga 77.V A. HAVE you n. position to be filled, either clerical, executive, sales or technical, where experience and training are required? The Ledger's Commercial Registry Iluresu has on flic at Ledger Central applications of many capable nnd experienced men Call up Walnut or Main 3000 and consult with Mr. Hunt, who will gladly place -it your dlspoeal thlo service to Ledger Ad vertisers. MAN AND WIFE colored, will do entire work of household; suburbs pref. ; man understands gardening, care of horses 2ii28 Carpenter st. MJfN AND WIFE, colored -wish housework; references 2110" North 17th at MOVING PICTimn OPERATOR, 4 months' experience, JS acceptable; prefer small town C. Jl 4581 Grlicom St., riankford. MOVINO-plcturn machine operator, Address Uox 274. Palmyra, N, J, licensed. NIGHT WATCHMAN, fire soft or hard coal, attend engine, licensed, C 122, ledger Office, l'AINTER, crainer. hardwood finisher. knlo inlner, will work cheap Renecke. 101.1 N lth SALES MANAGER for Investment house hus tler; good education. C 207. Ledger Office SPECIAL POLICE OFFICER or watchman, either in bank, commercial or trust company; 13 years member of Denver police dept. , spo clal officer P C S S Co ScattK ash eara; honett, eobcr and industrious; highest references to substantiate my ability. G lti. Ledger .Central BTENOanAI'IIER, 4 years' experience, desires pos. with chance ot ndvnnc't. C 203, Led. Oft. STENOGRAPHER, clerk. 10 yrs ' exp.. rnpld. accuratojmod sal,refS;C120, Ledger Off. STENOGRAPHER, 18, beginner, rnpld nnd nc curate; references. Q 545. Ledger Central. STENOGRAPHER a S2.1 per -week man wants poaltlon. M 355. Ledger Central. 10PNG MAN 27, seven sears' office nil I selling experience, seeks position with manu facturing concern hard nnd conscientious worker highest eredentlils; no objection to leaving clty.O 551, Ledger Central. YOUNO MVN 21 sears, educated, with nhll Uy to take chargo of responsible position nt, bookkeeper and correspondent desires to bet ter himself. F 040. Ledger Central YOlivo MAN 21 cnr old good education, rood knowledge of bookkeeping, c-ipahle of handllm? a position of responsibility nnd trust C 111 Ledger Office YOIT'G MAN. evening student nt If of P.. experienced In clerical work, desires to work hard f,vr pdvancement: Interview earnestly solicited, G HI. Ledger Central EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES vu.Livrs, iwr martin, south phila SELECT mLORFD HELP UEFERKVfES' CITY, COUNTRY PHONE DICKINSON 5082 AUTOMOBILES For Sale SMALL TOURING CAR Tor sale cheap; gool condition will demonstrate. J123 rrankford pve Roth phones, AUTO BEPAIRINCr lXlRD repalr'g; carbons cleaned, fl 20, vnlves ground. 2 Monument Oarage, 11 Norrls CARPET CLEANING WEST PIIILA MONARt.lI STORAGE CO 30. PER YARD 3S70-72 LANCASTER AVE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES DO YOUR books tell the truth and at the right time? It la our business to arrange accountM so that the true state of your affairs will be aulckly apparent. II. C. Magee. 12W Stephen irard Dldg. Ilell phone. Walnut 1143. WILL BELL 10 nerea Florida land reaoonable figure; on Hillsborough Hay, just below famous Hay bhore Doulevard, best residential section ot rapidly growing 1 annul adaptable for cltrua grove or building lots. M 4M, Ledger Central. INTELLIGENT Investor with not lesa than 12000, wanted In concern manufacturing picture fllma; the business Is ln good shape and paying! aervlces ot Investor will be ac cepted. M 452, Ledger Central. EXCEPTIONAL opportunity for aome one to open a central restaurant over a aaloon, rent low; heat Included. For particulars write or rail. P. It. Co., 1317 Pennsylvania Rldg, HOUSEKEEPING APT8 Two well-paying houses, containing 7 hskp. suites, all rented; good neighborhood: GOth st. South, one siuuru rrom "L." M . ?07. Ledger Office AN EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY offered to any one who has 823 or 150 to Inveat. O B58, Ledger Central. CLEANING AND DYEING OSTRICH FEATHERS AND FANCIES CLEANED DYED MAILHOT 1510 Chestnut. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY MILLINERY COURSE IN 20 LESSONS. DAY WOR EVENING. AMERICAN SCHOOL OF M1LLINUKY, 63D ft RACE. DBLM. 2083 L. ADVANCE styles In dressmaking; $3 and up A " ard"2008 S. 10th at. Dickinson 3UJ W. DItESSMAKINO taught; short, prac. course. McDowell. 307 Denckla Rldg. 11th fc Market. CUTTING and fitting for people who make own dreases 2726 N 13th. POR BALE -V- BILIJARD. pool, combination 2d hand bought, aold. rented, ex'd. Keafer. 820 O Irard ave. HEATING makin-Kelsey heating Belter and cheaper than hot water or steam. ytttCl5?So!ALli!'LS,S',IIS!itur 6 and 8 N, 18th OLD GOLD BOUOHT. ECWJJ DIAMONDS EXCHANGED. W1NDOLPH, " APPRAISED 28 N. 12TH BT .i i i .v ,i .ii r , sagas WANTED FURNITURE Anthjuaa, pUnoa, ale,, part rLIHPsll UVlor emir. nou. bought. Kens, yumltuje Co., 8113 lCsnslogton Ave. BOOHS POR RENT UaUINOi 2l Two Orst-deor roams, suit deail't or dsour or apartioaiita. Tba ChilWa. Mra Pells McClaln Manager idRJAli" B aV-ViU tb clunast fujrn. litem ujtu.n alMaa Jtjg. very ragotabls. URdAD f 0 epiBfertihly uroild i(Mu. "luui t it .'Hfht ui tot wetr ?jtt. M'lABIN'K P' a fi'i U1 reet in (i . "' ' oaivflH!. . jtaaw. BOOMS POR RENT CF.DAII AVE, 4W3-Deatrable fur, Jd floor room; refined neighborhood Woodland 4tBT w CHESTNUT, 3048 (Lexington) Large Jd-floor ..front, with private bath: amalUrroom CiiSS?NV!rli 8232TFP''tirtnt' Sd-floor titling roomi privilege rf light houaekeeptng. CHESTNUT ST., 4430 Exceptional yacAncleal warm, cheerful rooma; ennv, I, aurfaee cars; . board p Pri 0201 Photo dlep. Led, Cen CHRSTNUT BT, 6261-3 well furn. rimf.l gintlemenreferredpr!vat famlly:phone tlENTLFMAN looking for a well-fur. room in a AV Phlla apart can be nicely accoinmod, In refined prlv. family; very mod neighbor hood, 4lth nnd 'Walnut Raring 257. LOCUST, 1221-Welt furn double room; prP . vate 'jath; also single roome;phone LOGAN FQUARE7 South, (I810-I812 Race at) The lrglnla Kverythlng new; elegantly furnished: hot nnd cold running water! room and board, J3.60J1P (board, $5 60. LOOAf SO i W., 218-Two large com. front mums, single or en auite, win lurnisn PARK AVE., N 2101 Second floor, Hitch- eneite; ngnt, neat, unfur. Diamond 020. PINE. 1)11 Ncntlv fnrnt.h TMmi .Invln nr en aulte: rrlvatc bath: reasonable I'INn, 90S Nlcelyimtahed front roomi near i-mni owner. i uoert i;iu vv tPrtUCE, 2022-Deslrable suite, with private . bathi open lire: phoney owner, BP11UCE, 405o-Very "attractive, alngle and doublefur vace all convn, Prta 2WJ BPRDcE, 1131 Two large furn. front rooms on 2d floor: single or en aultei housekeeping SPRUCE, H2ri"iTenned gentlemen oi couple can rent Id-floor room,alngleor en suite, VSJaSgo llii-Prlrate family will rent large well-fum rnrlocj board oppoalt. VVAl.NUT ST., 1111-DeslfabTe furn. rooms" en aulte, with hatha, alao alngle rooma at low figures Apply on premises, from 12.30 to 4 p in , nnd to E Hunn, 711 Walnut at all houra Photo display 27, Ledger Cent, WALNUT, 4101 Two Id-floor rooms, unfurn , southern exposure, plesaant I'reaton 2iH D 12T1I, Si 20-ulto o72or 3 rooms, private bath, nteam heat, light housekeeping Ul ft 8 . :H7-NcBtlr furnlt hed 2d and Id atory front rooma hi refined private family TVrif. S, 247 Iletutlfulli furn. double room, single room on 2d lloor, reasonable 15T1I, 3.. 414-Furnlrhed suitor next to Bath light housekeeping HdcMied. 13T1I, S, 311 Cozy furnished front room next to bath, also professional office 17TH. 8 2WVtfttly turn Tulte on' 2d flooF .running water, single rooms; reasonable low. 8 . 112 Prlvato fnmtfv will rent 2d'Stoty front rooms slnale orjenjullo 40TII AND SPllOciT lleiutlful furn front combined fining find bedroom Preston 22U ID FOR THOSE who" appreciate "cleanliness and good accommodations, hot-water heat run ning water in every loom housekeeping; two rooma for professional offices. 133 Arch at. rrofeaslonal Offices. Si'RI CF, 1209- FIrot-noor front office. large, aullahle for two doctora, all conveniences. UTH tT . P , 217 Philclan' office, with run ning vvater, all ccnvenlcnces. . BOARDING ARCH, 2020 Well-lurnlshed room; 2d floor front; running water, with board 11ALTIMORE 4410-Very desirable slnplo rm.i light and warm, plc-innnt surrounUInys, CIIKSTMTT. 4018 Nicely furnlehed rooma with hoard also table board, convenient to olc- alnl and Irollevn Phone I'reetnn 'tUI D IIAXI".!,. SIM Attractive 2d-floor front, furn or unfurn refined nelghlorhoodand conv. BPRUCfl 1210-Socond-atory sulto. with prl vato hn'Ji loon1 Hl'RUOE. 1224-2d illrfsmondel Furn, rooms single, oneultc, private baths, tal(s board WALNUT. 3H01 Plcaeant rooma hot-water he-it lipautlful lo'Htlon oxcep I tabu phone WALNUT, 1101 Iirge"fiont"room. southern exioaure also small room, table boards WALNtll" 410O- A few very dostralde vntatl clcs furn or unfurn . good table, phono . 10T1I S 114 Double room 2d" floor private twth others with ho-vrd Walnut j2iRJ :.8TH. S . lOT-Handsomely furn room, corner house, exiep table private family olione rOTlI N.. 121 Two reflred gentlemen can aet Inard w'th modern lonvcnlences private fanlly near "L " Photo at Ledger Centrnl Ruhiirhan OAK LANE. 71ST AVE. H SQ. FROM YORK ROAD TROLLEYS, 10 mln from trams, owner rooms mcnls. ph me Oak I.ano l.KoW. APARTMENTS SPRING GARDEN, lDlO-Excellent apt a In S dlfferei.t homes some furn iLJcbenetle; 17'CH. s . 12U Haihel'or apts , 2d floor, prlv ate bath Appls rou Land Title Rldg. "CHILTON APARTMBNTS 32IH UA1C1MU OI , Two flrsl-rtoor rooms with Prlv. ba'h. suita ble dentist or doctor or apmts Irs Belle McClaln. Mgr Dell phone. Preston 0307, I lfiN'C UP AH Handsomely furnished LIUIN O IICAU npt, 1213-15 Locust 1 WO 'coirrrooms prlvste bath private porch; hoard if desired Phone Oveibrook 1500 13 HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS TOR VACANCIES and completo Information ot all aportmenta FREL?, consult APARTAENT BUREAU. 13th and Sprueo sts. Phone Walnut HSO, or write for February "Apartment Dlroctory. THE NASH 1527-29 Spruce Street HANDSOME, UP-TO-DATE HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS PROFESSIONAL OFFICES ON FIRST FLOOR Apply on Premises KENT APARTMENTS 1612 15TH ST. Housekeeping apartments, 4 rooms and bath, s IJ ,iU monill Januor Borvn-w REAL ESTATE FOR SALE GKItMANTOtTN CHOICE properties In all sections of Gtn . Mt. Airy. Chest. II ; all prices. Write for special list. J, H Chadwlck A Co.,5018 Germantown. Ambler, ra. WE SPECIALIZE In suburban property along the P and It . Rolhlehem and Doylestown branches, we offer suburban homes, farms. Improved country Places and building altes; we ran satisfy any reasonable purchaaer wo mi, . ; nAOEH Inr Ambler Pa WAV JERSEY BEAUTIFUL COTTAGE On Beautiful Lake 40 MINUTES FROM PHILADELPHIA. rOMPI.BTF.LY FURNISHED; FOUR RED ROOMS. 1IATHROOM: HOT WATER: ALL MODERN IMPROVEMENTS. GARAGE, PANOF.S AND HOATS FOR SALE AT V ItARGAIN TO QUICK RIIYFR. APPLY 11UUII MUNRO. 3T N. BTII Atlantic City, N. .T. SNATS In choice cottagea, hotela lots. etc. sale, rent, oxci cholcett corner lot Ventnor, 11000 below cost llmckmann 110 Guarantee Rldg Haddonfield, N, J. HAVE SEVERAL FINE PROPERTIES at "bargain prices. 1VM. CAREY MARSHALL, Ml Enteral at . Camden National Park. N. J. YOUR opportunity; Iota 2Sxt50: near trol!ey overlooking Del ; adjoin. Campbell Soup Co. development Greater N J, Co 13 8 16lh, Woodbury Heights. N. J. SEVERAL desirable homes and Improved bldg, lots at reaion-vble prices John Mayhsvv. I'ENNSYLVAN IA FARM 8 100 ACR-9B Location land buildings, water nd railroad facllltlas all, Brat clasai lias eventnmg that goes to make a good farm: Mvcial stock farms cheap. 150, 2o0 and SSI) sires, the very beat of land and cheap: state JoSrVunt, JGNATIlA gh Ufifa kii ACRKH, Eilavare County, on plkei !4 mile to P. It. R station; .modern country home; IMOO. Wll you Inspectr J, V. rrhomcoWast Chester. Pa, B8-ACRES. tfJJOOi.neariDowntngtown, roajn line 1'enna , good buildings, land, running water A. D Heald. West Cheater, Pa REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE AtUntlo City. N. J. ,i,vrirru pAttases. aDartl lartmenta. etc. .to as ehinge'for Philadelphia properties. C K Vel WS fanaVa ave., A.;pto glty properties. i:sas REAL ESTATE POR RENT Offices, Uaalneaa Booms. Eta. DESK KOOM fir rent In an attractive of fluei "extremely. light. Apply. 1118-U18 Pennaylvg. U Building, 15th and Chsataut ata. Atlantic. Cjty, N. 3. HOTI&&W-MtV?A MORTGAGES teJ ' RKAf J6TAT Sfcor)u for me ako ;l afiMtrOA-aai. II S V TiN 1, ., t mAM t Tglje WARY OY A DoV) TriUMDER JTpfiMBD AT fi.A.M. AND IT RAINED TILL SEVEN) O'CLOCK. , Got my Boots on cmcA WMJED IN THE RAIM POrJDS, TViERg 3 A DUCftJjSH ONF IM FnONT OF QODMAMVt TdJJAV. Jut and i waoeD IM THAT AND THEM WBNT T& TH& .R-fvitrlOAb QRIDSC And FoiirJb a ?yfJ-ov;aREO CAT TlBAb orU THG BANK IT VAJAi HIT IN ,TH nAtfrf ND IT.S LEto VVAi TWltTpD, JoJE PUT IT IM TcIS OA6 ANP THGN WAT5HO IN ThS. Shook, in TMp AlTJa'"Jo4 WO. -SAVU A CAT IN TMR WOOPAHSO AND VUsT TrtlBO V KILL OUT I MISSED MY AIM, VU6 roLLOvAltSt THeTr.1 To DlfFORtlMT PLAvCES BUT FA I LCD To KIUU THBM FHOM A afcttMAN AM'MAUKT. -LusliKu iimeuLt. ZiB for Zcp)i, when they licnr Ita propellor, TJvcry bravo Londoner shakes In his cellar. When Sir Walter Hnlolffh Intro duced the plpo Into JJngland ho little dreamed Artlsta always picture a pips In the romantic fashion shown above. For a stroll down Piccadilly shouldn't choose a pipe like this THOMAS EOISOK I JJ isTC?SraaaastiSy-tf-'ivwTygs i (S5 1 Gp' WlkV.IW . 1 tSftr ,(Bk fT" -?oi "v OX S Xy 5;4-J ViP "r BsssH'aluZl' SK&S:'-ir edM rjlcxr ("v 5) r"-0 rfk VY JT5?assssssBl"Jni xfr F-C N l r I t fT 1(0 TUg OWNtlt . " or Tbt -ripe r WY IMM f C RA P P THE PADDED CELL J ?Ss0 V 1 Wliat lie was wlshlna; on his descend ants alone that line. Hut as a, matter of fact pipes cause many domestic troubles. Uivtc l., 1,111 that pipes have no rlu,cc in tho homo. Or the result might be like this. THE REMARKABL8 DISCOVERIES OF THOMAS EDISON, JR. L, E W Flligenda lllaetter. Pastor Why doesn't jour husband come to church 7 Woman I don't let him too loud. Ho snores Von BAU- London Opinion. The Potsdam Ple. Byalander. OVErtHEARD AT SCArtBOnOUCJH AFTER THU IJAID. Nervous Resident Could you er chance my flat on the top floor for one In the r basement? Efficiency "I find," confessed skimpy HtUe Mr. Meek, "that I do the housework easier and quicker when my wife ts'not at home to help me." Jud&e. II H it I t i r fu.- l'fla. SVJ tV