EVENING LEDGER FHILADMjPHIA, TUESDAY. FEBRTTABY 2. 1015. ( NEW YORK MINISTER PRAISES SUNDAY FOR MESSAGE HE BRINGS I Men of Street as Well as Learned Theologian Ap preciate Speech of Noted , Evangelist. By itEV. DR. CHAB. Ii. GOODELIi rtor of St. rul' Methodist Kplicopal tjnurcn, 01 rtew iuiri The marvelous thine to mo about "Billy" Sunday Is the universality ol tlio message which he brings. On tho Day of Pentecost the multitude wai con rounded because every man heard the message In his own tongue. You would expect that the man of tho street would enjoy "Mil" Sunday's lacy speech It Is a language which ho usy. As I pasted through the heart of the jrislnesi section of Philadelphia I stoppyo to hear three speakers addressing as many dlffcrcn' groups, evidently of their friend. Each 0110 of them, In language that would give "DIUv" point, wns telling his crowd that "Billy" was their friend, that It was God's truth he wns preach ing and that after all tho church was the one place where a man could be (helped and that Billy's talk to the church was like tho act of a mother who might bo compelled to tako her boy over her knee for his own" good. j 1 went to the homo of Mrs. Wilson, at Overbrook, and heard "nillv" n.nk fn a crowd which filled every nook of the mansion. Here were representatives of the literary and social circles of Phila delphia, and before ho wns done they wero as much under the magic of "Bll 1'b" speech ns the men I had met on the street. Hmlle, laughter and tears chased one another across their faces, 'alid If he had given tho opportunity I am sure scores of Philadelphia's best people would have struck tho trail across the parlor Moor. Seated by Mr, Sunday's side I could watch the deepening conviction on tho fnecs of his audience. ' At the tabernacle, a little later. I saw learned doctors of divinity who hnd been under the spelt of his message for dais. I knew how curoful they were In tho flno distinctions of theological subtleties, and I wondered how they would relish a mes sage which was so utterly devoid of any attempt at systematic theological out line. But these men came to mo and said eagerly: "Isn't It wonderful? What a glorious gospel ho preaches I" They all teemed to feel that It was no tlmo to dls- cuss theories. It was rather a tlmo to ay, "Your heart Is as my heart; give me thlno hand." j Until Sunday appeared the greatest evangelist, measured by audiences and permanent success, wns Moody. I heard Moody In his most successtul meetings land there was nothing comparable to Sunday's movement, cither In numbers br in depth or permanence of religious I Impression. Opposition to Moody was as great among sticklers for forms of speech and theologfcal nlcetlcBV as It Is against Sunday today, from the came class of people. I Sunday helps persons to understand that true religion Is not a creed It Is a Ills; that tho church has Its mission to the world and that a religion which Is not being worked out at the tip of tho linger 13 well as tho tip of the tongue Is not vorth having. If the church Is the salt I of the earth let It get to Its task of fraying tho world from conuptton. If It is the light orthe world let It get busy jn the darkness. If It Is a life-saving sta tion on the shore of tlmo let It get busy Jookrhtr after the ship-wrecked. The least desirable virtue In a life-saver Is dtsnlty. Pet hold of a man any way iou can so that you pull him out of the maelstrom or save mm rrom a wrecK. This Is "Billy's" message as It comes to ne a message that the world Is dying o get and alt classes and conditions of Mien feel that it Is n message to their hearts from the living, loIng Qod Wo teed that man In New York. te; I SUFFRAGISTS SEE VICTdRY e-w Jersey Women Confident of Carrying1 Franchise Amendment. Absolute confidence In the final suc :ess of their cause reigns In the camp if the suffrnglsts of New Jersey todav Nflt flnlv nrA thfv Sltrn ttin fiAnnln will follow the course of the Assembly In pass ng and the suffrage amendment, but the icupie, u is ueneyea, will indorse It by a ;reat majority next September. ine vamaen county rsqunl suffrage MmiA Vtf.11 n ma.llnr. 4t.lt. nAw....MM I. ho Cooper Park Library Building to lay 'inns ior me campaign, Tllft nM.M.nl nt Ilia ri.mHAn T)n .. J 'JjPubllc Education has offered the league w" ui tu puoiic scnopi Duuuings 10 Milght meetings. I airs. E. Ward Kelly, president of the Camden Cqunty .Equal Suffrage League, "I feet surA thnt th. Rnni win tal low the course of the House of As- lemoiy in passing the bill providing for hfi Submission nf thA Hilffrni-M mmmr- MBraent. I feel confident the people will fnjT ma umenament next ueptemoer. KBPresa Committee of the league, said: i urn imrucuiany pieasea wltn the LASSemblvmpn fMtfflmil.ii nnnnlw rpt... ptava stood by us loyally. Most of the members of the House were very nice to us and treated us with respect and dignity. I believe tho people will give UhClr aSSent in t Mnf,nnilila.m.nl the women by a large majority." I x ne pian of campaign outlined by the league this afternoon Includes the or fganlxatlon nf thA nrriar. .,.,. r.M den In each ward and precinct. At the A.T "" c"' organisation win ue tne iman, Each precinct will be divided Into ift-i ' S'M on woman In charge of each Woclt. Every doorbell In Camden will be jrumjr and the every voter approached 5rsonally on the question of woman Suffrage. T SUNDAY'S SERMON TODAY N. Y. RUM MEN FEAR SUNDAY Balopnkeepera Concerned Over Possi bility of Revival There. i$n!LZ0?' Fefa- 2-Owners of the jfl.WQ saloons her are showing more con Buhl,.!? " Proposed vUIt of "Billy" m l10 ?" VTk lhn" thw have ment VLn Ln any other "t0'm mve Phulrf.ilfc.unty " be . r,ht l IS.Wabut be w" ' d0 r a Br2fM,.J?UrMU Ue "P h celebrated JerJ expected revival campaign ioi!? "'"""owners are not at all bacje moCemlfay"le ,hat tney Xear a rev'val S? SJ?nl ".Mcb a lhB evangelist probably JKhuZ'w lne 8ftadow of the Great liaYth. "'. y result In a boomerang M8tiili,r.0uhlDlUon cau,,e- Feara " -iffiri!1!" will give out Intonw. h a t " i"" exc-"T law of New- York; !SaS!iM rar clMln on Sun,lr tuJi. ""owners of the hotels and : iX k "J" aro Py'nK c'0 ' I -tehrt Jb eaort that Is bJng made i iiiu.t; """""y new-Yorn. xnose 1 It T?q?nt ar PP0se4 to close at "THE WITHEBBD HAND IN CHUBOH" "Luke vl, 61 'Jesus went Into the syna gogue on a Sabbath Jd). and he found there a man with n withered hand.' "He was not dead waiting for an un dertaker to take him to the graveyard; ho was not blind and groping his way to the cofTln; he was not deaf or dumb. I have known many men who found It Impossible to do certain things because of n withered hand, A withered hand Is worse than no hand I It seems to be al ways In the way. It Is no better than a dead hand; there Is no work It can do, no design It can oxecute. "A man may bo n, great genius, but he Is greatly handicapped with a withered hand. You can nee what a barrier 't would bo to him. He may liavo the genius of o. Raphael, but he Is only half a man. "Tho hand Is one of tho mot ImpoMant members of tho body. None, of his Ideas could find expression on canvas, In marble, or In architecture, because ho hnd a withered, useless hand. Ho may bo ns full of muslo as Paderewskl, but ho could never play a piano becniise of his withered hand. A FAITHFUL SEitVANT. "The hand Is man's faithful servant: It always obeys his commands. It Is the hand that cnrrlcs the food to the mouth; It Is the hand thnt will put a gun to man's shoulder and murder his dearest friend; It Is the hand which rocks tho cradlo; It wan the hand that built the ships In which Columbus discovered America; it Is the hand which builds our battleships; It Is the hand that makes our cannon and rifle; It was the hand that lowered the forests and built home In the wlldorncss; It was the hand that wrote tho Declaration of Independence; It was the hand thnt built tho locomo tive, tho steel mills; It was the hand wired It and lighted It; It Is tho hand thatvbullds the telescopes that enable us to study tlie heavens; It Is tho hand thnt sends a message that speeds Ilka the wind under tho sea to a country you havo-never vlHlted; It was tho hand thnt wroto tho Bible; tho hand that built the pyramids! the hand plucked the fruit In the garden of Eden and the world Is sut fcrlng from tho result today: the hnnd held tho surgeon's knlfo which prolonged your life; tho hand of Judas took tho bet raj nl money; the hand scourged Jesus; tho hand placed the crown or thorns upon His brow; the hand nailed Him to the cross and tho hand took Him. down; tho hand placed him In the aepul cher; tho hand rolled the stono away and discovered that He had risen. "You can find persons with withered hnnds everywhere. They cannot do tho work In tho world they would do because they aro handicapped. Tho drunkard can't do what ha ought to do because of drink; tho woman who Ites causes hei womanhood to wither! she can't live the kind of llfo sho would live, because sho Is withered. In every church thero are peoplo who cannot do what they would do because they have given themselves to the devil; they are withered. You say you can't do personal nork; It Is because you arc withered. "God- has given Philadelphia nn oppor tunity thousands of cities want; cer tainly jou'll not miss It. God gives overy ono a chance to speak to somo one about Jesus, to try to lead him to the Lord, and It Is the man with the withered hand who does not do It. Some people now on the road to hell have had their opportu nity, but didn't Improva It, and they lost out. "Don't be like the priest who saw the Lovlte Ivlng Injured and didn't turn aside to minuter to hlB needs. If he had he might have been ns famous ns Paul and Peter, but he. didn't. He had his chance and missed It. I think It Is an awful thlnir to miss a chnnco God throws at your door: It Is an awful thing for a church to miss a chance to do something for God. You have an opportunity such ns you have never hud before to win souls to Christ. , LOST OPPORTUNITIES. "In India there aro men who have stood so long with their arms extended tho members have withered. They have lost control ovor them and tan no longer bring them back to their body. I have known men who have had their hands In their pockets so long It would bo impos sible for them to pull one hand out with a dollar for tho Lord. "The hands hae withered. Som nn- ple hao lifted booze so long their hands nre withered and they can't open their Bible; somo play' cards until their hands aro withered and they can't do anything for Jesus. I've as much right to play cards as v0u have, but If I did you people wouldn't have much respect for my re ligion. If jou did, I wouldn't give three whoops for you. Many cannot take the hand of a husband or of a member of your lodge and ask him to come to Jesus because their hands aro wlthored. God Is giving you your opportunity now; see If you can Improve It. "Moody tooK his ono talent and used It for the Lord and'God gave him power to Bave thousands. There are men looking Into my face this afternoon, who haye more brains than Moody, but th trouble Is they are not willing. They JBt drift along like a round peg In a square hole and haven't moved anything for the Lord. "Jesua went Into the synagogue on a Sabbath day and he found there a man with a withered hand. What did he do? He said, 'Stretch forth thy hand,' 'and when ha had done so, Jesus returnedit to Its normal condition. Don't look only In tho grog shop; you can find them In tho church, the choir loft, among the stew ards, vestrymen and elders. In the young people's society; everywhere you And peo ple who have had their opportunity and didn't Improve It. MANY MISS CHANCE. "Jesus Christ says to you with little ability, -'Stretch forth thy hand.' You say; 'I have never done personal work' stretch forth thy hand. You have never prayed In publlo-stretch forth thy hand, God will loosen your tongue. You say you have no family altar In your home stretch forth thy hand. You are afraid to ask God's blessing before you eat stretch forth thy hand. I don't care where I am, In a fashionable hotel. In a modern HKSOBTS BnOWN'S-MIlXB-lN-THB-riNEa. W. J. TUP INN r beaUli. pleasure ana, Mere jjiL, jhh Bt0n- Favotlu roort fr tourUts. Undr nw rasnaxtmint. I. U U. 8. ItUDDERS. C1IAHLF.8TON. 8. a CALHOUN MANSION opn for iclulv p.trensti orlilnat Co lonial furnlthlnzai Southern cookies j yacht Inr. tot, UnnU Mr A tin J. R. tttrloltlt ST. AUGUSTINB. KLA. THE BARCELONA "$,", fiSS! Privat bathal jic1u1t. A N. BLAIR. ATLANTIC PTT, N. 3, un)B Vn'rlr Brick. Hot and cold rumunS nuiei iuiKwat,r Ntw Tork A A g XHOTELCHAMIERLHI Kp out poirrr coMror4 Ai IiookUt. at 1ABU Mr V ,J Koater Cnta'nut and. "?7 ""T.. 1Mb U) lUrraona Whllewnt Co. 1003 Cbaatnut St . Tt. Cook So?. S30 CMalaut Bt., Haws PicWnaon BIO N ltti ,i Alt hooao Tours Co.. 1S Walnut St . ot addraaa Oio. r. Adama, wir, Fertraaa Monro Vs. dining car or In your home, I don't put anything In my body without first asking God's blessing on It- If you gulp It down like a hog from a swill trough, that's your business. "Saul missed his chance and his hand withered and the sceptre dropped. David didn't miss hi? chance, he picked up the sceptto and climbed upon the throne. Judas reached forth his hand for the gold that betrayed Christ, and his name Is spoken with disdain. Adam and Eve reached forth their hands and ate the forbidden fruit and the world Is suffering from It today. Pilate, poor Pilate, had his chance, but he missed It. Those who walk, the streets of heaven had their chance nnd they Improved It; sea If you can Improve yours. "Bring jour smalt store nnd Jesus Christ will meet tho needs of Philadel phia, If you, haven't much ability, bring It to the Lord nnd see what Ho wilt do with It. "The bo's sardines nnd biscuits when brought to the Lord became a banquet for thousands. Bring your little store and let Him Improve upon It. It Is just as easv far Jesus Christ to make a loaf as 'to cieate the world. The world Is hungry nnd waiting, so give It something to eat. JUST DO YOUIt BEST. " 'Bring what you have,' said God. You can't all sing Ilka prima donnns or sing tho scale like Tred or Itodc; bring what ou have. Don't be .ft bench warmer; get Into the game. Never sit ellent while somebody la slandering the Lord, Put Him Into jour business and tell peoplo It Is safe to come to your place to deal because Jesus Christ Is your senior part ner. Do you deliver the goods? Say Tes: but I can't deliver my manhood. Do something for Jesus. "I'm preaching to the God who took Erioch to heaven, I'm preaching to the samo God who mado the water gush from tho rocks; the same God that locked the lion's mouth for Daniel. God never changes. You change. Ho doesn't." ANSWERS MAIL IN PARK George C. Shane Has Novel Plan to Elude Ticket Seekers. PerslRtent pastors pesterlnir B. Sunday'i Oeorsa C. Shana, With citric din havo worn blm thin And zHtn Idm a pnln Thej'te driven him to Falrmount Fark, In aplte of atorm and cata. To xet aurceaaa ao he'll have peaca In optnlnr Ills mall, Persistent pastors seeking tickets of admission to the "Billy" Sunday taber nacle have driven Georgo C. Shane, ex ecutive secretary of the Sunday Cam paign Committee from his ofllco in the Stock Exchange Building to tho eylvnn qulotudo of Tnlrmount Park to open his morning mall and transact the larger part of his business. Mr. Sljnne Is wearing what experts In facial expression might call a hunted look. Dnllj' the line of pastors and other persons nt his ofllce door has grown until now, when he remains In tho omce, he Is kept busy all day long hnudlng out tickets. In desperation he finally hit upon tho scheme of attending to his own busi ness In his automobile. He tried to do this outside the office, but tho engle ej-es of various clergymen spotted him nnd then he remembered Kali mount Park. Ho goes there every morning now, having his chauffeur drive his car Into some quiet byway where only the chirping of birds Interrupts the rasp of his papor knife opening envelopes or the scratch of his fountnln pen. TODAY'S MABBIAQE LICENSES Louis It. Hamilton. UH'N, ISth at., and Mar Karat Hlllard, 4114 Drown at John J. Olbaon. K.I0 Market at., and Helen McCarthy, 0W0 Market at. tdward J. Henry, 1744 8. Cleveland ava., and Mary T. Moore. 1713 Slsel at Walter S Thompaon, 6015 Haverford ae , nnd Sophie -M. Kalaer. 021 S. Slat at. Clnrenco A. Zlmmer. 1003 s. Juniper at, and Jano S. Oakman, 1S25 W. Paaiyunk ava. Hiram B. drone. 2203 X. Slat at , and Mar caret J. Crowe, S309 Oalnor road. Frank MacMurtrle, 2007 E.. Tlosa at., and Elltabeth II Vllhelm.,.1l5S Harley at. Cheater I). Longfellow, League Island, and Margaret El llalnea 20311 Falrmount ave David K. Johnston. Itlchmond. Va., and Net- tlo M. Jordan. .1230 Cheatnut at. John M Maes, Kit Wlnton at., and Lillian r. Shlnn. U.14 Wlnton at. Bernard Fiihrr 1004 Jackaon at., and Esther Elfensteln, 013 Croia at. Anthony Mlslmaa, 1021 Brandywlne at., nnd Helen Katella. 1021 Brandywlne at. Abo Sallkof. ,1110 W Berks at., and Kan B. Uodek, .1110 W. Berks at. Charles tV. nummeL S20 N. 33th at., and Katherlno O. Durnlnr, 3420 Brandywlne at. Nik Janko. 004 Falrmount ave , and Anna Ilrlck 001 Falrmount ave. John Ilrown, 2701 Knrp at . and Matilda Borland. 2J2S Earn at. Alfred J. Lynch, 450t Westminister ave . and Elizabeth H Carlisle 2444 Montrose at. Jan Marclntak, 4810 Stllea at , and Mary I'riewlecka, 2730 Ilucktua at John Artmnn. 4440 Elizabeth at., and Gila W . ..in' fUnV..lh a. V .'llllam J. Crowlev, 202 S. 37th at, and Fleda it nrocKway, mr.;i lacubi at. William need, 020 N. 10th at., and Mary D. Uscctt. Camden. N. J. Albert II. Boldus, 028 N. 12th at., and Kath- erlne Walsh. (KS N. 12th at. Jamea J. Smith, 1023 Foulkrod at. and Katherlne F. Olblln. 2004 Orthodox at. Frank Strampello. 1140 S, Marshall at., and Mary E Sehweppenhetscr, .111 Hall st. ratrlclc Marron. 1221 8. 21at at . and Katherlno Brennan, 2113 Titan st. Daniel F. McKlnney. .1140 C at , and H. lie- srlna Clevenger, 2141 B Carllato at. William a. Wood, 103 MIITlIn at., and Frances A. Taylor, 1110 S. Front at. i'lllp Ttmoszanko Olassboro, N, J,, and Paraskena illusarenko 413 Green at Maryan Ooinblewskl. 2015 Venango at, and Bronlalawa Skutlnawska. 2521 Webb st Ororga Jefrera, 2000 Belgrade at., and Nellie J. McLaughlin. 3702 Livingston at Edward L. Alkman, Learua Island, and Flor ence M. flattings. 3045 Wharton at. Julyan Borlsuk, 210 Wharton St., and Amlela Lltwlnowlca. .210 Wharton at. Ulekaander Nlklchluk, 420 N Ortanna at., and Frlsikn nusakow, 410 Buttonwood at. rtobert W. Pierce, Frankllnvllle, N. J and Katherlno Lang. 400 N. 40th st. Michael Jeclnn, 1028 Wood at., and Anlela Jedunna, 2823 Annln st. John Zchrpaky. 25tn Emery at , and Cealawo Qrabowako, 2315 Emery at. & Unitarian Christianity "There are two steps that can take us forward In the path to perfec tion, and these two steps must be forever repeated. To hear and to do: To learn and to obey: To study ana to practice: inese are tne steps of neraonal Drosrress. Ufa Itself la these twq. things: A science, or omeimiiK io do joarneu, ana an act, or something to be done. And al ways there Is something1 more to be learned something more to be done. Been ln a rellarloua llcht. all that la worth learning- Is truth, reality, or tne Knowieuge oi uoa, or ills world and His laws. All that Is worth do ing Is the will of God, wlilch Is an other name for whatever Is reason able, right and at." These words of the late Charles Gordon Ames, a former pastor of the Qlrard Avenue Unitarian Church, form a. good introduction to the no tice that the men of the Qlrard Ave nue Church. 1620 Qlrard avenue, In vite all other men to a meeting; at p. m. Wednesday, the 3d, to hear an Address on The Social Gospel of Unitarianism The speaker will be the Itev. E. H. Rejtman, of Lancaster, who was formerly a, Congregatlonallst min ister In Entrland. Mr. Iteeman ha. llevea that In Unitarianism he has found the -world, and force, come ana near mm. gosnel for the workinir and ho speaks with winsome For Unitarian Literature Consult THE UNITARIAN BOOK ROOM 1815 North Logan Square . .. ... lliiseaatasaaasaaMsaMii I fsaai Tl II (inwil W IT li'li II 'r 1 ' ' - - T- " r " I'll Tsal rf I 1 ' T "rf it mi'V1- ' Tl"! firi'T' nf " irri) II ItllsTrill lTinin-n"1 I'll II f I I I In isl.jiiHiim wI,,""''w,"aWiJi-M'ifc aai.iimiwu,.iiiuiiJuiiiJM ijuawwaaaaBmiiiiii u'iJwjjJi4iMJujWrWBBffH Store Opens 8.-30 A. M. WANAMAKER'S Stpre Closes I&0 P, M. & The More a Store Can Buy and Sell j T I The More a Store Can Buy and Sell the Better It Can Buy and Sell Well-known fact. IT IS simply because that the February Furniture Sale now going on brings quantities and varieties beyond any sale ever held, that the goods are finer than ever, that the assortments are- matched up to completeness and, of course, that the pi'ices are as low as you are safe in paying. It cannot be too strongly emphasized that hruar. This Fe is Sale of Furniture is the first great furniture sale which has ever been wholly free of odd lots and groups of unmatched things. j It is usual to get odd and unmatched goods at low prices: In this sale you get the advantage of low prices on the best-made furniture in the world with none of the usual limitations as to the variety of styles and completeness of assortments. About Price Tags and Reductions People of purse-sense do not now buy furni ture or anything else solely from a price tag; yet there are some things about the price tags in this sale that should be known. For instance, there are hundreds of pieces here showing on the price tag a reduction of 10 per cent, but which by strict comparison and judged by market standard are valued for much more than 10 per cent, above their special Febru ary prices. In other words, many a piece of furniture marked, say at $45 instead of $50 in this sale, has a general market value of $55 perhaps or more. That is why we have told you that many of the best investments in thele are things showing on the 'tag a 10 per-cent. reduction. That 10 per-cent. re duction is from a price that was already below the market. Another thing worth knowing is that No Sale Ever Brought So Much Really Fine Furniture at Half Price "Half price" on many a so-called "period" suit is often a cruel joke at the expense of a great name in the annals of cabinet work. Chippendale, Sheraton and the Brothers Adam Would Gasp at the sight of some of the things which today bear their names. The fine suits in this sale, despite the fact that so many of them are at half price, are worthy of -the masters in the spirit of their lines, and they a show betterments and conveniences of which the masters never dreamed. Of upwards of a million dollars' worth of fur niture in the sale the greater part is 25 to 33 1-3 below the actual value. f In this category comes the splendid showing of highly improved bedroom and dining room fur niture at medium prices wanted in 90 out of 100 homes. This is by long odds the best made furni ture that has ever been seen in America for the money. It would be idle to look for furniture that compares with this in betterment of constructive detail, for there is none. i On the entire February assortment there is ' About a Quarter of a Million Dollars to be Saved V ahdf oiks are helping themselves wo?ide,jf ullyjo it. (Fifth ad SUth Floats) , V JOHN WANAMAKER in nt miMMwiTimmmwmmmmmts&iimajmm qggfflinrC v i