Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 02, 1915, Sports Final, Page 4, Image 4

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Raiders From Melz Cross
limqs Southeast of Verdun,
One Noncombatant Killed
Near Pont-a-Mousson.
Dunkirk Agnin Assailed by
' Squadron of Taubes Sixty
Shells Dropped on City Cause
, BUt. Little Damage.
1 ,
,4 A
PAniS, Feb. 2.
avlntors hurled bombs with
deadly effect in the reRlon southeast of
Verdun, according to word received hore
today. One noncoSnbatant was killed
near Pont-a-Moueton: a little boy was
frightfully maimed at Nancy, whrrc an
explosive missile droppod In a schoolyard,
and a maternity hospital at nemlremont,
15 miles southeast of Eplnal, was slightly
damaged. ,
Nowa of the latest German air raid
reached Paris on the heels of the an
nouncement that German Tnubes had
again successfully bombarded Dunkirk,
raining 60 shells upon the seacoast town
It aroused the most bitter Indignation
here. Paris newspapers 'olced the pop
ular demand that the Allies' aviators
take the aggressive at onco and shell
German cities In retaliation.
The latest German sky raids wore exe
cuted from Metx, At least six Germnn
aviators, with observers, crossed the
French lines near Tont-a-Mousson and
rained bombs upon Nancy, Luncvllle,
Remtrcmont and other towns within a
radius of 75 miles.
Low-hung clouds protected the blrdmeh
as they crossed the French lines In tlie
woods near Pont-a-Mousson. They first
came into view over Pont-a-Mousson ns
they awoorud earthward and began spit
ting explosives Into the streets. No seri
ous damage was dono In the town Itself,
bat In one of the suburbs a 68-year-old
man, who failed to hear the cry, "to the
cellars i" was torn to pieces when a bomb
dropped at his feet.
Sweeping south from Pont-a-Mousson,
Nancy. A rattling rllle fire from the
children, playing In the courtyard, had
filled Indoors. A 9-year-old bpy, lingering
man Taube's victim. A fragment of the
outskirts) of the city, hurling bombs.
One missile exploded In the narrow
courtyard of a school. A few rrilnutcs be
fore thn recess period had ended and 200
chlldrun, playing in the courtyard had
file Indoors. A 9-year-old boy, lingering
behind for a few moments, was the Ger
man Ttaube's victim. A fragment of the
bomb tore a gaping wound in his leg.
The windows of the school were smashed,
but no other children were Injured.
Lunevllle hod 'been paid frequent visits
by hostile aviators. "When the first mono
plane was sighted rushing down upon the
city from Nancy all residents promptly
took to their cellars. The Germans tossed
several bombs at a large factory, but
their aim was poor and little damage was
done. A crippled engine forced one of the
raiders to descend In an open square at
Lunevllle, where he was taken prisoner
by. French soldiers.
Dispatches from Remiremont said that
only one German aviator visited that
town. One bomb crashed to earth at the
dcor of a maternity hospital, but no dam
age was done.
The squadron of six German aviators
Who paid the latest visit to Dunkirk drop
ped both explosive bombs and flaming
torches according to advices from the sea
coast town. More' then 60 bombs were
dropped with but little damage. Allies'
aviators chased the Germans to the Bel
gian frontier.
Continued from Fare One
Bureau of Charities, Bureau of Health
and Bureau of Sanitation and Housing.
The new bill alms to have a chief ap
pointed to each division and have him
outline a set of rules relating to the
regulation of health laws.
"I feel certain Governor Brumbaugh
will never algn the bill so cleverly drawn
by certain gentlemen," ' said Bishop
-Suffragan Thomas J. Garland, of the
Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania.
"The housing code passed by the last
Legislature and signed by Governor Tener
Js a good measure, and if properly en
forced by our city fathers would have
decreased the number of deaths In Phila
delphia." "Every self-respecting citizen should be
come interested In the measure which
Councils' Finance Committee Is so eager
to railroad through the Legislature. Peti
tions should be forwarded to Governor
Brumbaugh urging him not to sign the
bill in the event the Legislature passes
Common Councilman Drlpps, of the 22d
"Ward, who Is In favor of the measure
y&eaed two years ago, said:
"Councils' Finance Committee Is simply
trying- to carry out a plan by which Jobs
can be created for political friends. I
hope Governor Brumbaugh, who has al
ready expressed himself as being- In favor
of better homes In his message, will not
permit himself to be fooled by men who
are opposed to sanitary dwellings."
Rabbi Joseph Krauskopf, of the Temple
Keneseth Israel, said:
"Again certain disloyal men ore trying
to hurt the poor who live In lnsantary
houses. Governor Brumbaugh should
Veto the bill."
SUBsIan Left Nov Only 30 Miles
Irom Thorn Objective.
-On ik vlftht luinlr nt tk. VI... .1. ,L.
p. Kuajlan right continued its successful
. Jfr Biesun, on the Wkra River, a Cob.
ask charge drove back a regiment of
phsrman Infantry from the army of Gen.
era! Francois and captured a position
only 10 miles from the Prussian frontier.
Th Russian left, now so miles from
tfee. Prussian fortress of Thorn, beat back
f"1 & au h l'n from Llpno
jfalpabrsm The Germans attacked des
$Miy, attempting to outflank the Rus
TrJr J?y '""""n wedge along the
rift,: t,f the Vistula.
Tr Pasha Crushed by Busslans in
Pierce Conflicts.
-STD' ytiL -flvfni thou
JM Tllrlfl war.. kilt...! !.. .? . 3
SJ by the Russians In the d-
" v we i-auoasus, which
wih the rout of Bnxr Pmhi
Karft-Vrgas and l&ri-Karaysh.
v ek ta in course,
, an official sawmasar
2f ar4 Mj flgyr 0V9tM rm
W b W Trkjp have
jMahmPi i; tae Turkish ajjay.
On Sunday the German concentrated
a great force with artillery in the
region of Sochaczow, BorJImow and
Bollmow (east of Lowlcz In Poland)
and developed nn offensive of great
tenacity which compelled us to retire
to our second line of trenches
Counter attacks by the Hutslans
turned the Oermans out of all tho
trenches they hnd occupied, causing
them colossal tosses. Simultaneously
with the' llorjlmow attack the Oer
mans carried out a series of assaults
along the front from the village of
Goulme to the hamlet of MoghelJ,
these being supported by heavy ar
tillery fire. We repulsed alt these
attacks partly by artillery nnd rifle
fire and pnrtly by the bayonet
Between noon and 2 o clock. Sun
day afternoon the Germans, thanks
to the activity of their artillery
against our trenches, succeeded In
carrying a part of them, At 2 o'clock
we begnn a general counter attack,
with the result that toward evening
on Sunday the onemy retained only a
small part of our advanced trenches
and n castle Thin tho German suc
cess on Sunday In the vicinity of
BorJImow was Insignificant compared
with tho losses Buffered by thm
through our fire and bayonet attacks.
According to our military com
manders, our artillery Inflicted Im
mense damngo upon the Germans,
dispersing dense gatherings of the
enemy and reducing to silence a num
ber of German batteries As a ro-
sult of this wo were able to with
stand the withering fire of the enemy.
righting continues "In tho Carpa
thians. We continue to advnnco with
success all nlong the Nljnla-Pollanka-Lodovlska
After the fighting In tho Mpno-Dob-rryn
front (against Thorn! It required
CO carriages to remove the enemy's
Germnn prisoners taken In the Bor
JImow district say that the German
attacks on this front over n distance
1M kilometers long cost the Germans
between January 23 and Jnnuary 30
over 6000 killed, besides many wound
ed. In the Carpithlnns from January
20 to January 29, on the Nljnln-Poll-anka-Wjslok
front, we captured 78
officers nnd 4065 men, and took 10
rapld-flru guns nnd 4 cannon
(Appended to tho official statement
woi the following note: "Tho severe
encounters on the Sochaczew-Bollmow
front and on tho Rawka and Bzura
Rivers Indicates that the Oermnns
aro making another attempt to move
on Warsaw. The scene of the fighting
In this region Is about 80 miles from
The day of February 1 was marked
by an increase In tho intensity of the
artillery duelo on both sides.
It was also noted by a scries of Ger
man attacks of secondary Importance,
which we:e all repulsed with heavy
losses to tho enemy In proportion to
the forces engaged
In Belgium, the German heavy artil
lery has shown a great deal of activ
ity upon tho whole front occupied by
the Belgian troops and especially
against the several points of support,
which tho Belgians had captured some
time ago.
In the region of tho Yser, around
Vpres, a crj violent cannonnade has
taken place.
Between the Lys and the Somme a
German regiment attacked an English
post near Culnchy nnd succeeded in
throwing back the English, but the
British by a series of counter-attacks
reorcupled the ground lost, and
then made some progress, capturing
some of the enemy's trenches.
The action referred to In the com
munique of February 1, 11 p. m.., as
having taken placo along the road
from Bethune to La Bassee was par
ticularly brilliant for our infantry.
The number of troops employed by the
Germans In this fighting seems to have
been at least a battalion. The two
opening attacks were checked by our
fire; the first succeeded in entering one
of our trenches, but a counter attack
mode Immediately with the bayonet
permitted us to repulse the enemy.
Some Germans alone succeeded In re
gaining their trenches. All the others
were killed or made prisoners.
Between the Somme and the Olse
and along the front of the Alsne no
Important event has taken place, with
tho exception of the German attack
made upon Beaumont Hamel, which
was not renewed,
Our heavy artillery hai bombarded
the railroad station at Noyon, where
the enemy wns carrying out his com
missary work. Our guns caused two
explosions, the smoke of which hung
In the air for more than two and a
half hours.
In the region of Perthes our meth
odical progress continues. We have
occupied another small forest to the
northwest of this village.
In the Woevre tho enemy has at
tempted an attack upon the western
corner of the forest of Boucholt to
the northeast of Troyon. This at
tack was immediately stopped.
There is nothing new to report from
the front of Lorraine or the Vos
In the western theatre of war, ex
cept artillery duels which took place
at several points, there were no de
clslvo developments.
In the eastern theatre of war noth
ing of Importance has happened on the
East Prussian frontier.
In Polund, north of the Vistula, en
gagements with Russian cavalry oc
curred in the neighborhood of Llpno.
northwest of Serpez.
Our attacks south of the Vistula aro
(The following note, signed by the
chief of army administration, was ap
pended to the statement: "The recent
French official reports are pure Inventions.")
HAVE $51,500,000 N. Y. BONDS
British. See Abdication Provision In
Safely Placing Funds.
LONDON, Feb. t-The Dally Express
today prints a special cablegram from Its
New York correspondent saying that the
reigning Hoheniollern family of Germany
purchased IS1.600.O00 worth of New York
State bonds during the last of last year.
This Indicates, accenting in h. n.i.u
view, that the far-sighted Kaiser was
looking toward possible abdication.
Vessels Arriving: Today
A.S'&eCrhtrn",,r (Dr-- Crus Or.nd., or., J.
Steamships to Arrive
Sardinian .
TbsmUta .
Mackinaw .......
lUncfceiter Mllltr
?JW, Jin W
Mvtrpoel . .. .Jan. 2T
??iti",,m ...Ce.l
Ardroasan Jan!
...... ajpwhaon ....jJSi?
rr- "r" Jin ia
Jan jl
Jan, 3o
Jan. in
caram- ::js
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' 3 !". ..iraia ,, i, ,t
Jan. is
an. si
IaU ffiKoli';i. US'
SffiiS-v:::.v;::.:Afi8rl ;: :r:i:s-a
WOQhhkj CliilatoUl
Steamships to Leave
. .L.
an. JT
n. in
Jan. a
rb, t
Brilliant Counter Attack by
"Princess Patricians" Regi
ment Turns Tide of Battle
Along Canal.
The map shows the relation of
the towns of Vanceboro, Me., and
McAdam Junction, New Bruns
wick, between which the bridge
over the St. Croix River on the
Canadian Pacific Railroad was
wrecked by dynamite. The bridge
connects the Canadian Pacific
tracks with those of the Maine
Continued from race One
of the road In which tho bridgo Is situ
ated. "Tho pastern end of the structure was
damaged by a bomb, detonated with u
time fuse, probabb set a consldeioblo
time before tho explosion. Thero has
been a guard and a watchman on duty
at tho bridge, the guard during tho dny
and the wntchman during the night. Tho
bomb must have been placed during the
cnango or guards."
Until tho arrest of Van Horn was an
nounced neither the Canndlau searchers
nor those on the American side of the
river ould obtain any clue to those who
might htue been responsible for the ex
plosion. The high wind and the falling
snow obliterated any footprints that
might otherwise have proved valuable In
iiimilnsi down thcli trail All the search
ers could find was tho wreckage that
covered tho Ice.
Jamts Hawthorn, constable, the only
Canadian official near the bridge when
the explosion occurrod, Immediately got
In touch with the telephone exchange at
Woodstock, N. B, He told tho telephone
operator to notify tho Canadian authrltles
at Frederlcton, N. B.
Tho Maine Central telegraph operator
at Vanceboro Immediately notified the
superintendent of tho eastern division at
B.nngor, M. B. Dunn.
Assistant General Manager A. Price, of
tho Canadian Pacific, at Montreal, wns
notified by the railroad operator of the
Maine Central at Vanceboro. After or
dering out several special detectives and
wiecklng crews, Mr. Price sent an official
notification of tho explosion to the Gov
ernor of New Brunswick, nt Frederlcton,
with a request for an international In
vestigation of whatever sort might seem
necessary to the Governor.
Tho wrecking crew of the Canadian
Pacific at Woodstock, N. B., was called
out Immediately.
LINDEN. N. B., Feb. 2 German rule
are suspected of nn attempt to wreck a
British military train near Avonmouth
today. Stones were placed upon the
The case of Luke Dillon, the Irish pa
trlot of this city, who served a sentence
of II years In prison for complicity In the
Fenian plot to Blow up tho Welland
Canal on April 21, WOO, finds an exact re
production in the reported plot to blow
up the steel bridge over the St. Croix
In April of 1900 Luko Dillon, who was
then a teller In a savings bank company
In Chestnut street and who was formerly
connected with the old Dime SaWngs
Bank, mysteriously disappeared. This
disappearance followed an explosion which
destroyed Lock No. 21, of 'the Welland
Canal In Canada. The explosion came at
the time when feeling was running high
In Canada over the Boer War. There
was bitter opposition to Canada gvlng
any aid to the mother country, especially
by those Irishmen who were laboring for
home rule.
Detectives at once ascribed the plot and
the explosion to Irish opponents of the
Boer War. At the same time Dillon dls
appeared from his home here, and In
vestigation proved this his financial af
fairs were In good order and his home
life happy, A man who gave the name
of Karl Pullman was Luke Dillon, who
had given a false name to shield his
family. He was hurried into Canada,
there tried and there sent to the Jail at
Kingston, Ont, to begin a life term.
It was only when he realUed that he
probably would die In prison that h
communicated to his family and Intimate
friends in the Irish patriotic organiza
tions the Identity of Karl Dullman. After
serving H years Dillon was paroled
through the efforts of friends In the Clan-na-GaeL
PARIS, Feb. 2.
The tide of battle on tho La Bassee
front, In northern Franco, has swung
In faVor of the British after n terrltlc en
gagement. The ofllcia! statement Issued
by the Wnr Ofllcc this afternoon stated
that the Get mans launched n fierce as
sault against the British lines at Culnchy,
near La Bassee, and succeeded In throw
ing back the British; but the latter rallied
and In counter attacks not only regained
all the ground they had lost, but took
some German trenches In addition.
Tho "Princess Patricia" Regiment,
Cnnada's crack organization, boro tho
brunt of this charge. Tho Canadians
fought brilliantly. In their counter at
tack they captured n position along the
canal to Bethuno which was occupied by
tho Germons In last week's fighting.
Renewal of tho bloody Infantry engage
ments between La Bassco nnd Bethune
and violent cannonading of the Belgian
positions near Ypres wero the principal
features In todnj's dispatches from the
front. These advices snld that tho Ger
mans, who wero beaten off In an Infantry
attack nenr Ypres at da tight jestcrdny,
are now shelling tho Belgian trendies
Another series of lnfnntry charges Is ex
pected. French shells set fire to n German sup
ply depot near Noyon. Along the Alsne
the French gunners silenced several Gor
man batteries nnd effectually broke up
sporadic infantry charges.
Slight progress has been made in the
Pertho region Ehowhero there was a
lull In the fighting in tho last 21 hours.
a irte d il for the betl mop drawn
til a Eoj Scout from the data owen
In these columns Friday lv Mr. Potts,
and a prtte of to cents for the sec
ond test map. The maps will oe
Oiaded on accuracy "id neafrtM.
Scouts should observe the toltouHnp
directions! Draw maps on a scale
of 200 feet to the Inch,' use pen and
Ink on white paper; write name, ape,
address and troop numocr on back
of paper; mail to reach Boy Bcout
Editor, EVEXWQ LEDGER, not
later than Tuesday evening, Feb
ruary S. A cut of the prlxe-wlnning
map and the names of the tolnnor
will be published Friday, Febru
ary 5.
Gonzales' Declaration May
Imperil Americans Gen.
Carranza's Brother and
Nephews Killed.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 2. A decree Is
sued by General Pablo Gonzales, who
holds Tamplco for Carranza, declares for
eigners whose connivance with the en
emy enn be proved will be executed.
TJnttqd States officials at Tamplco have
been instructed to get details of the pur
poses of General Gonzales. He Justifies
his decree by tho following statement:
Some foreigners, forgetting their
position ns guests In this country,
have taken nn nctlve part In politi
cal nnd military matters, and these
punishable acts retard the general
tagerness to bring about peace.
Recently Carranza Intimated owners of
oil mills had been In "sympathy with
the enemy."
LAREDO, Tex., Feb. 2. First Chief
Carranza has telegraphed from Vera
Cruz to his sister-in-law here that his
brother. General Jesus Carranza, her hus
band, has been put to death, together
with her son, Abelardo, and Ignaclo Per
aldl, a nephew.
A telegram signed "Jesus Carranza,"
but dictated by Snntlhanez. was sent to
tho first chief, Indicating that tho cap
tive was held for ransom. Venustlano
Carranza replied that he would not pay
ranisom even for his brother, nor con
sent to any one else doing so.
Troops Rent to the rescue had no trou
ble In pulflng Santlbanez to flight, but
they found that Immediately after re
ceipt of the telegram refusing to pay
ransom all of tho captives were shot ex
cept Jesus Carranza, his son and his
nephew, whom Santlbanez carried with
him to the Sierra of Oaxaca.
Now tho first chief saa they, too, have
been slain.
Carranza Forces Plee Prom Vlllalataa
at Monclova.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 2. - General An
geles and 2000 Vlllalata troops are march
ing on Pledras Ncgras, just across the
border from Eagle Pass, Tex., advices to
Washington today stated.
The Carranza forces driven out o'f Mon
clova are fleeing before tho Villa soldiers,
the dispatches stated, and a battle near
the border may result.
Troop 1 to Celebrato
A Joint celebration of the fourth an
niversary of Troop 1 and of the fifth
anniversary of the Boy Scouts of Amer
ica will be ushered In Sunday morning,
I'V-bmaty 7, at 9:45 o'clock, whon every
member of the troop, the largest In the
city, will gather nt the Tioga Presby
terian Church, ICth and Tioga streets.
The celebration will close Tuesday, Feb
ruary 1C.
Devotional exercises wilt bo hold Sun
day morning. Thnt evening, at 7:30
o'clock, the Rev. Forest 13. Dager, pas
tor of St. Paul's Reformed Episcopal
Church, Broad and Vcnanso streets, wilt
address tho troop at the church. Monday
afternoon tho troop's "birthday good
tuin" will be carried out, when the mem
bers will carry magazines to patients In
hospitals. In the evening tho national
anniversary will bo observed nt troop
headquarters, ICth and Tioga streets At
thlt tlmo every Boy Scout In tho United
Stntcs will roreat the Boy Scout oMh.
Scoutmaster Dayton, of Troop 0, n mem
ber of the Executive Scout Council, will
A birthday, banquet will bo held nt tho
troop's headquarters, Thursday, Feb
ruary 11, nt !:30 p: m: Tho Scouts will
ba tho guctts of the ladles' auxiliary
to the troop. Speakers will bo Dr. Calvin
O. Althouso, head of tho school of com
mons, Central High School; Alexander
M. Wilson, ns'lstnnt director of the De
partment of Public Health nnd Cliaittlei,
and Wnltcr S. Cowing. Scout executive.
Scoutmaster E. t'rncr Goodman will pre
side nnd will call for toasts from tho
After the troop's photograph Is tnken
on Saturday, February 13, an Indoor
nthletlo meet will be held In the gymnn
slum of St. Paul's, under the direction
of tho troop'a phslcnl director, John I!
Vnn Alst, the former University of Penn
sylvania athlete. Tho celebration will end
Tuesday evening, February 16, with n
mock trial nt the headquarters. Judgi
MnrXIele, of tho Juvcnllo Court, will
prosldo nnd tho prosecuting nttornoy will
bo Charles Edwin Fox, assistant dis
trict attorney.
Edward Klenle. Gl West Dauphin j
street, of Troop S7, helped the centor,
man In tho Jewelers' Building with some
, I--.,.... ... mi.... fA. nnn
pnCKUKCB yeaiciimj iw iiimii; tut wit 1
man to nanaio
Charles Anderson, 3028 Edgmont street,
of Troop 43, chops wood nnd does other
work nround his nomo every nay; 11 no
gets through In tlmo ho goes out to look ,
for people needing "good turns." 1
Bernard Brodley, of Trorp 18, carried
a basket from Broad Street Station to a
trolley car for a woman yesterday.
Max Kendcl, Smith Building, East Fair
mount Park, of Troop !)5, gave a womap
a Beat In a car yestoruay.
H. Abbott Fuller, 6714 Ashland avenue,
of Troop 67, went to the grocery for n
neighbor before starting on tho troop's
weekly hike Saturday. "
Samuel Derringer, of Troop SI, helped
nn old woman to a car at 7th and Car
pentor streets yesterday. Ho Is 12 years
old and Is a new Boy Scout.
Norman Itosen, 13 years old, dodged be
tween nutomoblllsts at Juniper nnd Fil
bert streets yesterdny nnd stopped a
home that had stnrted to run i.way. Fri
day he bandaged the hand of a woman
who burned horself at his home, 471
North 3d street.
Jay Burrlson, of Troop 62, broke the Ice
In a horse's watering trough so that a
horse uiuld drink. Ho nnd Leo Stein, of
the same troop, helped a horso to Its feet
on an Ice-covered street.
William Welntraub. 13 years old, 1031
South 4th street, of Troop 61, put a blan
ket on a horse on his way from school
Emanuel Wnchter, of the same troop,
raised the window sash for his teacher
In school yesterday.
Troop 72 kept a record of, Its "good
turns" last week. Randolph Cnloway
carried a bundle for a woman and helped
another on a car Tuesday. Joseph
White,, Lion patrol leader, stopped n
fight among boys at 41th and Ludlow
streets Tuesday, Edgar Blank, assistant
leader of the First Patrol, stopped an
other fight and put out a fire Monday,
Raymond Green sawed wood for his
mother Monday, helped a blind man
acrpss the street Tuesday and put blan
kets on two horses Wednesday, Onnle
Checkerman Btopped some big boys who
were teasing a smaller one Tuesday,
helped a blind man acioss the Btreet
Wednesday and stopped a fight Thurs
day. Clifford Brown helped blind men
on two days. Edward Dolbey, Wolf Va
trol leader, helped two fallen horses get
up Monday) helped n chauffeur push a
broken down nutomoblle Tuesday, put
blankets on a horse Wednesday and
chased some hoys tinkering with an au
tomobile Thursday. Edward Dobbins
helped nn old woman pick up chips Mon
day, bandaged a boy's cut finger Tues
day and helped a little girl, whu felt on
the Ice nnd hurt her nrm.
Decide Indian Hunt Today
The committee In charge of tho Indian
Hunt for all the Philadelphia troops will
meet at headquarters, 6lh nnd Chestnut
streets, this afternoon to make final
plans for tho hunt It will bo held Feb
ruary 22. nnd will bo similar to tho
"treasure hunt" last year.
Troop 43 at Tabernacle
The fife nnd drum corps of Troop 43 will
visit the "Billy" 8unday Tabernacle this
evening. It wilt be In charge of Scout
Arthur Corlett. Tho corps will be com
posed of Robert Collins, Charles Ander
son, Leroy Biggs, Raymond Hyde, John
Morris, Robert WesterhOod, Sterling Bry
ant, William Saxton, Arthur Ireland,
Brlnton Burnwood, Elmer Allen, unanes
Wilson. Robert Moore nnd Theodoro
Scoutmasters Booth nnd Morrywcather
and Scouts Walter Benson, Jack Mc
Kcnzlc, Wnlter Krcbs, William Jewell,
Harry Rlepon, Edward Klenle and "Kid"
Phillips, of Troop 87, ate supper Saturday
ovenlng with the Camp Flro Girls of tho
Light House Beacon, at 1W West Lehigh
avenue, Instead of taking their regular
Saturday hike. Miss Welscr Is guardian
of the camp.
Scouts Scarce in West
"Bov Scouts arc scarcer than hen's
toeth In the West." R. G. Boyd, former
scoutmaster of Troop 96, told tho troop
nt Its last meeting. "Tnko the number
of scouts In Philadelphia, divide by 10
nnd divide again by 10, and you will havo
tho number of scouts I saw In Iowa."
Charles Longstreth, chairman of the
Nautlcnl Committee and admiral of the
Boy Scout nautlcnl troops, hno announced
that these troops aro nbout to be formed
for 1916. At least four troops of 25 scouts
each arc expected. The houseboat nnd
the rowing and sailing boats will bo kept
nt Island Heights, N. J., and cruises will
bo taken into Barnegat Bay and sur
rounding waters. Nautical scouts will
not be required to furnish uniforms,
j$2L I
jjh(Sd m
1 ......': -m
u-very pay occur. crOOB in PilfM
dtlphia U invited to aiteHdM
anniveraarv of the founding 0f3(
DouScouta of America. to&V$2
ue bcib m me istnirai Conner. i
tional Church, 18th andi$
strccte, Sunday evening, Ftbmft
7, at 7 0 clock. aa
The Rev. Dr. William V r,.
tcfutinaater of Troon 2 and palffl
of the church, will nf.ir,75
meeting on "Cooking Your G0w
He will wear hia Boy Scout wj
form. The Rev. Hr. n... K2
rTn,z:ha' vm
come to Philadelphia. Deputy Seaii
Commissioner Patton will fait s?
the results p the Scout movimM'
xn Philadelphia nnd the XM&Y
oiaics in general. ;
That the meeting will be ferflff
attended ta certain, as mostWiift
cifiy troops have no annivtrttft
program planned. Troop In 3
send tfs brass band td furnM
music. The invitation, to aa
troops was issued in purtaiM'
with a suggestion, from. aS
headquarters m New York andj
indorsed at the last meetino of Wr
Scoutmasters' Round Table, j
Schaum and John Bonno are new 'm.S'i
bers of the troop. Troop 23 will hM
nrst annual fathers' and mothr1 Si
ceptlon ut Its headquarters this -;ffil
ccpuon at us headquarters thjs M3
a 8 o'clock Brand new moving plS
Illustrating Deputy Comml.ii. ?,
tons lecture, "Roughing it WithSffi
.., .,.,, U 9IIUWII,
Jorsoy Troop Forma
Tho first troop of Boy Scout, i S
side Heights, N. J., has neon orgAnuS!
nu mero is a rush among the boriffl
enroll. Geori-n rrniin.. ,i. i.HbJ
Ico during tho Spanlsh-Amerlcaa, Wl
has been selected by the boys at uKS.
nrst scoutmaster. Clarence Ellis At!
thony. Jr.. hns been Mt, ....... '
the other officials. Including to titSS
hi 1 Scoutcraft. will bo appointed S
Tho Scouts already enrolled iS1.
Clarence , E. Anthony, Milton S'
George Holland. Chnri,.. -Do.. .."'
R!nVe,tt,Grd0,'J Homer' Chart. HinTi?
Daniel Allen. Harold Hlbler. EIIUvMmS
son nnd I-rancls Johnson. The boyahi'
been granted t,rT,,u0i . .... 7' ..nV
Churnh m- .r. ,""." lu uo lno "
. u. invuiitiurj, ji
Czar Checks Forco In CarpathllfJ
Near Lutoviska.
PETROORAD, Feb. 2.I the QS
pnthlans the Austro-German forces 4ik"ro
been unsuccessful In attempting tb fcrrS
their way northward to rellove .Prxenffl
An Austrian hrmy that penetrated til
mountains south of Lutoviska Is befjf
rolled back toward the HunjTuSJ
Tho War Office today had no dlspatctai
bearing out a report from rounddl
sources that the Austrlans had. 'btea
overwhelmed near Tarnow, 60 miles ei
of Cracow. Tho report wns not crtdllil
In otnclal circles.
Thn AllRtrlnnn hnv. lnaf Mnr. IV77
4000 In recent Carpathian cngngerrfenti
which will be kept In stock; the only ox
penso will be railroad fare to and from
Island Heights and 60 cents per dny for
food and other expenses. All first-class
scouts nte eligible scouts who nro ul- I
ready members of the Nautical Troops j
lltf und 117 :n.i rc-eutci. Mr. L.onrrtioii, 1
will receive- the names of prospective
members at headquarters, 6th and Chest
nut streets.
Thirteen members of Troop 72, under
Patrol Leader Edward Dolbey, hlkod to
Wissahlckon Saturday afternoon. Tho
trail wns laid by Joseph White and Onnle
Checkerman. On the return they met
Troops 56 nnd 62 and all hiked Into tho
city together.
Troop 28 "Swears Off"
Every scout on Troop 28 has promised
not to spend any more money for candy
during tho week. Instead, nil the scouts
bring a pound of sugar each to troop
headquarters, 42d street and Cedar ave
nue, every Friday ovenlng, where they
make tnffy under tho direction of Scout
master Rutherford. The candy thus made
costs ench boy about five cents a week
George Little, Joseph Bourne, Edward
Wood, Charles Shoemaker. Howard
Seed Book
25tli Anniversary Number
It contains 228 pages, chock-full,
of garden and farm information,;
and describes many of the 101&,
novelties in flowers and veRe?
tables, as well as all the staridiri;
varieties. Send for your eopy
now. It's free. j'
518 Market St., Phila., PJ
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The railroads havo greatly reducod
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