EVEffiyrq LimGflR-PHILADELFHIA, TUESDAY, FEBBUABY 2, X015, ,'M'NIOHOL INSPIRED BY 'BILLY SUNDAY?' i BLANKENBURSASKS Mayor .Cannot Otherwise Explain State Senator's j Bill to Keep the Police 1 Out of Politics. 'A visit to the "Billy Sunrtayjtabernncle resulting In new Ideas on clvla rclghtcous lien rhny be one of the reasons that has earned Senator McNIchol to Introduce the bill forbidding police participation In poll' tics," said Mayor Blankcnburg, In i sar casllo comment on the proposed bill to day. The bill which was Introduced In the ESennte last night astont'hed McNIchOl's colleagues and political observers. It pro vides severe, punishment for any police t man who attempts to Influcnco voters or who takes part In any political meeting. The measure la looked upon as a slap nt the Vara forces, following on the report that they would run George D. Porter, Director of tho Department of Public Safety, for Mayor next fall. Mayor Blankenburg was shown the re port of tho bill's Introduction today. lie speculated on tho Influence that could have caused Sonator McNIchol to Intro duce It. Ho wished "alt success' to the Senator In his unselfish and patriotic ef forts to conserve tho pu.ity of the ballot." Tho Mayor recalled conditions as they existed under Organization rule In the Police Department nnd challenged Sena tor McNIchol to Impugn the honesty of the police .force In Its conduct In elec tions during tho last three years. "A GENUINE SUltPniSE." Mayor Blankenburg said: "It In a genuine surprise, but a real ploasuro to me to note Senator McNIchol la making an effort to disinfect himself politically. It is rather late In the day, to bo suro, for under the present ad ministration there has1 been no Interfer ence on the part of the police with politics, (.specially at election ttmc, In any way, shape or form. "It Is well known that since tho present Administration came Into power we have had the quietest and most honest elec tions ever known In the "history of Phila delphia: no Intimidation, clubbing of voters, assistance to repeaters on the part of the police; no assault and battery with Intent to kill, as In the case of 'Smltty the Push': no spiriting away of those on tltledio vote, like tho case of Doctor James; In fact, we have had elections over which no American citizen need hang his head In shame. "I suppose, of course, that Senator Mc NIchol has on eye to the future In Intro ducing this bill. He knows full well that under the Blnnkenburg Administration the samp policy will bo pursued this year that hah been pursued during the last three years. "INSPIRED BT SUNDAT?" "I have no doubt, however, tho Senator fears that If an Administration a little more favorable to the old Organization should follow the present one, pollco In terference and assessment of officehold ers, debauchery of the ballot nnd all that goes in thrlr wake might again be ram pant as of old. This tho Senator evi dently des)res to forestall by the pro posed new legislation. "This, probably. Is tho reason why the legislation was Introduced, at Harrlsburg. Perhaps the Senator has attended tho "Billy" Sunday meetings and has derived hitherto unsuspected Inspiration on be half of civic righteousness. "All success to tho Senator In his un selfish and patriotic efforts to conserve the purity of the ballot and to protect the most sacred rights of the American citizen that of the elective franchiser "I should worry," said Director of Pub lic Safety Porter today, when asked what he thought of a bill Introduced by Senator McNIchol to keep the police out of politics. Pressed for a further statement. Di rector Porter said: "If Mr. McNIchol will Include State and county employes lie will have ren dered a great service. To pick out one class only Is but one step In the right direction." PltOVISIONS OF THE BILL. The bill "prohibits any member or em ploye of any bureau or department hav ing charge of police or flro protection of any county, city, borough, township, school district or poor district from tak ing any active part In politics, political movements or elections or from Inter fering with elections, and from using his office to Influence politics, political move ments or elections and providing penalties for violation thereof." Under Its provisions, the bill prohibits all policemen and firemen, and the heads of these departments, from serving as members or attending any meetings of any political parties or taking part In the management of nny campaign or 'to use their ofllce to Influence their associates or subordinates. The bill makes any political activity on the part of policemen or firemen a mis demeanor and calls for a fine of not less than $100 nor more than M0CO and for tm- Iprlsonment In the county Jail for not less than three months nor more than a year. it also provides that any one convicted under Its provisions shall forfeit his of- H nee or position nnd shall, for a period of ivo years inereauer, oe aisquaunea irom holding any publlo office. PHILADELPHIA COUNCILS BILLS OFFERED IN HOUSE Three Measures Framed by Legisla tive Committee Submitted. rou jl iTirr ootitsroNPENT, UAIUUBBUno, Feb. 2. Three of the Philadelphia Councilmanlo Legislative Committee's bills were Introduced In the House last night. The measure provid ing for a tax on real estate within the city owned by publlo service corporations was (he principal one. This measure ap pears to bo doomed to defeat, as vigorous apposition already Is manifesting Itself. Under existing law such real estate Is exempt from taxation by the city, be- vus me corporations pay a tax on tneir capital stock. Representative Honey in troduced tho bill. Representative Graham Introduced th WH to give the Department of Publlo Safety complete control of trafflo on Philadelphia streets. It provides a fine of 10 for each violation of the regulations the Department drafts. Vacancies In Councils will be filled here after at special elections. If there U no general or municipal election near the date the vacancy occurs, under the pro Visions of a, bill introduced by Represen tative dans. SENATE CLUB FOR GOVERNOR May Ba TJaed on Jacobs' Appointment hf to State Education Board. (r01 jl it? j oouuroNVXXT ftrnAMt-j . ,-- . '.. ' . . . - .... " hr ii. nwa lat appointment or wm faoi?! J600 Superintendent of Schools f ? wSelph, who was named ft menu fgWlKir Brumbaugh last night, as wm snrr the Utter head. Pr. Jacob was named tor the vacancy ort the board which resulted when Doctor Brumbaugh wns elected Governor. As Governor, Doe tor Brumbaugh Is a member of the board. James it. Caughlln, of Wllkes-Barro, was reappointed to thel bohrd. The Governor- also appointed W U Kennel, former Attorney General, his suc cessor' on the Valley Forgo Park Com mission Samuel Hamilton, of 11 ruddock, nnd William H. Crawford, of Mendvllle, were appointed members of the College and University Council. All five of the appointments were held up by the Senate. BILL AIMED AT LIQUOR "SLUSH FUNDS" IN SENATE Sensenlch, of Westmoreland, Seeks to Amend Campaign Expense Act. (roM A etirr corroiBssi.l HAniUSBUnO, Feb. 2.-A bill aimed at liquor '"slush" funds nnd against such organizations as the Pennsylvania Pro tcctlve Union nnd Pennsylvania Manu facturers' Association participating In political campaigns without filing state ments of tho motley they spoilt was In troduced In tho Senate today by Senntor Chester D. Sensenlch, of Westmoreland County. The bill amends Section 1, of the pres cut law, regulating' nomination and elec tion expenses nnd the filing of state ments of expenses, so that tho term "po litical committee" shall Include "every person, co-partnership, association, fed eration, league, society or corporation who br which raises or collects or dis burses money or permits or controls or assists In tho rnlstug or collecting or using or disbursing of money to elect or defeat any candidate Or candidates." During the Inst cnmpnlgn the liquor In terests raised and spent n large fund, principally to re-elect Senator Penrose. They taxed tho dealers1, brewers nnd dis tillers. Various estimates have been plnced on the "slush" fund, some of them more than 11,000,000, but tho exact amount has never become known, as under tho present law, tho liquor Interests assert, they nre not political associations and, therefore, nre not required to file state ments of their campaign expenses. Tho Pennsylvania Protective Union took the samo stand nnd did not file any cam paign expense account, although under the direction of Chester Hill, former Col lector of tho Port of Philadelphia, this organization conducted a vigorous cam paign on behalf of Senator Penrose. Senator Sensenlch, who Introduced the amendment, Is ono of the few Independ ents In the Senate. He is pledged to locaL option. SISTER CONTESTS WILL OF MRS. MARY THOMAS Estate of $51,000 Divided Between Niece and Nephew. Action to prevent the probating of tho will of' Mary G. Thomas, who died at 1K8 Green street, January 3, leaving an estato of (31,000, has been taken by Eliza beth C. Jarrett, a sister, who Is Ignored in tho distribution of the property. The caveat filed with the Register of Wills does not stipulate the causes of the con test. A hearing of the case will bo held Thursday. The will In dispute was executed Sep tember 10, 1914. and divides the entire estate In equal shares' betweon Anna Lculse McDowell, a niece, and Nathan L. Koyser, a nephew. The two legatees are also named executors. Jano McCann, lato of 1HG North 11th street. In disposing of her $1000 estate, leave sums of (100 each to St. John's Orphan Asylum, to St. Joseph's Orphan Asylum nnd to the Hov. F. J. Fttzpatrtck, of St. Malachy's Church, for a new con vent. The will also devises (SO to the Little Sisters of tho Poor. 18th and Jef ferson streets; (25 to tho1 Seminary of St. Charles Borromeo, (10 to the Propagation Boclety of fit. Peter's Jtoman Catholic Church. The residue Is left to tho hus band, Arthur McCann. Other wills probated Include those of Wells Tomllnson, 7413 Germantown ave nue, disposing of an estate of (9000; Sophia K. Flnmme, 2210 North Hownrd street. 12CS7; Jane Clark, 1957 Stiles street, (2C3S Personnl property of Jennlo Jacqby has been appraised at (3333:83; Augusta Bohlkc, (23K). BILL TO RAISE SALARIES Senator Salus 'Would Pay County Commissioners $8000, a Year. ritoit ji RTirr coiazsrosDENT. HAIUUSUUttG, Feb. 2. The pay of'the County Commissioners of Philadelphia Is increased from (S000 to (S000 under tho provisions of u bill Introduced by Senator Salus last night. The Commissioners at present are the lowest paid executives In City Hall. Agitation for the Increase has been carried on since tho establishment of the Municipal Court and since tho Bureau of Weights and Measures was placed under them. LAWYEB HELD POR ASSAULT Claim of Fee In Accident Case Leads to Charge. Benjamin F. Goodman, a lawyer, with offices In the Heal Estate Trust Build ing, was held under (500 hall on his own recognizance by Magistrate Benshaw, nt the Central police station, today, on u Oharge of assault and bnttery. The complainant against Goodman was Boy Norrls, of 600 Locust avenue, Ger mantown. Norrls testified he had obtained a case, an automobile accident, for Good man and that the latter agreed to pay him half the fee. This, Norrls said, Good man refused to do and when he ap proached the lawyer on tho matter yes terday, Goodman knocked him down. PBISONEB, KICKS POLICEMAN Injured Man Forced to Oo to a Hos pital. ' Special Policeman Waters, of the 10th and Buttonwood streets station, was so severely Injured In a fight with a man he had found attempting to enter a store early this morning that he had to be treated at Hahnemann Hospital. Charles Strait, 1014 Mt. Vernon street, who, It Is said, was arrested while at tempting to open the door of a butcher shop qt 15th and Ogden streets, put up a strong battle and kicked, Policeman Waters before he was subdued. He was held without ball by Magistrate Belcher in his office for a further hearing. Teaching "Billy" Sunday Methods Under the leadership of Miss Hose Set terholf, one of the "Billy" Sunday Bible teachers, 75 students from the Girls' High Bchdol and the Normal Bchool this after noon were Introduced to Sunday's meth ods of Bible teaching. The meeting of the class took place at the Fifth Baptist Church, at ISth and Spring Garden streets. $35 for custom made CLAY & MARTIN Serge Suitings with silk sleeve-lining, Regularly $40 here, ?45 elsewhere. Order in February. Fit, finish and delivery any time up to June 1st, Call 'and' see the 191B Serges .samples gladly giviru JOWE5llX6Va!nutSt. Custom faUafiHp Only CONTINUOUS RAINS sssSiftSSriUi i ?v. ' v CSaKSlHiHiiBHB sM- lsiiBsraHfiNBlv' S WW SOSfHfEIBfM4riftfT;',icSSs The Schuylkill River overflowed its banks asjain 'o4ay. virtually bringing freight traffic to a standstill in the Pennsylvania Railroad yards. This picture was taken at 29th and Chestnut streets. SUFFRAGE MEASURE WILL GET FAST RIDE THROUGH THE HOUSE Republican Leaders to Give Amendment Right of Way After Committee Reports It Tonight. ' (most a STirr conmaro.vDSNT. HAP-BISBUnG, Feb. 2. The woman euffrngo amendment will bo reported favorably by the Judiciary General Com mltteo of tho House tonight and then will be rushed through the Legislature, In accordance with the plans of the Be publkan leaders. William H. TV'llson, who Introduced tho amendment In tho House, Is chairman of the committee which has It In charge. The legislative leaders, although they oppose woman suffrago In Pennsylvania, will dlsposo of the question at tho polls next November, according to their plans. They aro willing to permit tho voters of tho State to dccldo It, and will have the Legislature approve the amendment for tho second tlmo within a few days. LIABILITY BILL APPEABS. Tho first employers' liability bill of the session mado its appcarnnce In the Sen ato last night, when Senator Samuel W. Salus, of Philadelphia, Introduced a bill in tho upper branch, to regulate all liability companies In Pennsylvania. The measure requires all liability concerns to file their schedules of risks with the State Insurance Commissioner. Apprdprlatlon bills continue to pour Into both branches. The report of tho State Board" of Charities, recommending appro priations of U7.BSi,631 for State and charit able institutions, was mado to tho House last night. In addition to this, appropri ation measures were Introduced In the House for the following Philadelphia hospitals and homes: American Onco logic Hospltnl, Jij.000: Berean Manuel nnd Industrial School, 115,000; St. Joseph's Hospital, (20,000; Children's Aid Society of Pennsylvania, $75,000; Pennsylvania In stitution for Instruction of the Blind, M05.000; St. Timothy's Memorial Hospital and House of Mercy, $65,000; Pennsylvania Seamen's Friend Society, HOOO; Kensing ton Hospital for Women, $40,000. In the Senate tho following appropria tions were asked for Philadelphia hospi tals and homes: West Philadelphia Homeopathic Hospital, $59,000; Philadel phia Orthopedic Hospital and Infirmary for Nervous Diseases, $47,000. BILL TO BUY TOLL BBIDGES. Under the provisions of a bill Intro duced by Senator McConnell, the State Is required to purchase all toll bridges more than 1000 feet In length, with the exception of railroad bridges and those owned by trolley companies. A second controversy over the transfer of automobile license funds from the State Treasury to the State Highway Depart ment was ended last night, when Sen ator Clarence J. Buckman, of Bucks, chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, Introduced a bill officially to appropriate these funds to the Stato Highway Department. A year ago Auditor General Powell and State Treas urer Young refused to transfer the fund. Senator Schantz also Introduced a bill to repeal the hunters' license law. Bepresentatlve James H. Maurer, of Beading. Introduced a bill asking for an appropriation of $3,000,000 for a mothers' pension fund for the next two years. Tho fund would be administered as the present fund. Every employe In Pennsylvania will get one day of rest out of every seven, If a bill Introduced by Representative Maurer last night, requiring employers to grapt the day of rest. Is passed. Only Janitors, watchmen, firemen, caretakers for live animals and persons doing llgftt work (n bakeries are excepted. Dealers In tobacco coupons and trad ing stamps would be licensed under a bllt Introduced by Bepresentatlve W. D. Walton, of Lawrence. A fine of $5000 Is provided as a penalty. Two Years for "Coke" Fiend William P. Marvel, known to the police as the "Cocaine King." who has spent 14 years in prison, was sentenced today to two years In the Eastern Penitentiary, llfirvel was convicted on the chaige of tliopllftlns and Bejljng cocaine. Kuehnla gives you the kind of painting you would give yourself if you knew ,how. Satisfaction la cer tain if you leave ft to Kuehnla Painting and Decorating. Oct Oitr Sttimatt riru Both Phones. 2$ S. 18th St, B8eeKeAel BRING NEW FLOODS COMPENSATION BILL IN HOUSE NOT LIKED BY THE GOVERNOR Plan Resembling Michigan's and New Jersey's Offered by Gans, of Philadelphia. Deficiency Bill Passed. mom a STirr connisroNniNT. HAnitlSBUBG, Feb. 2. Bepresentatlve Slgmund J. Gans, of Philadelphia, today Introduced In the House a bill which would give Pennsylvania a workmen's compensation nnd employers' liability law, based on the Michigan plan, with com pensation based on the schedulo that Is now In force In New Jersey. The bill provides for the creation of nn Industrial Accidents Board to supervise tho administration of the act Every em ployer Is presumed to have accepted the act. If It Is rejected by any employer, the employe can retnln tho common law defense on contributory negligence. The rate of compensation Is fixed at 50 per cent., the same as In New Jersey. For ordinary disabilities, the limit Is 300 weeks or nearly 6 years. Tho limit for permanent disabilities Is 500 weeks, with tho minimum cost $4000. For death, $10 a week Is to be paid to the heirs for a period of 300 weeks. The employer Is re quired to furnish medical and surgical treatment. State Insurance Is an Important feature of tho measure. Under tho provisions of this feature of the bill the State guar antees to, protect the workmen from the Insolvency of their employers. Tho Gans bill does not have the support of Governor Brumbaugh, nnd will proa ably dlo a natural death In committee. Tho Administration bill Is still In the process of drafting, nnd will not be Intro duced for probably two weeks It will not be In definite shapo until nfter At torney General Brown confers with John Mitchell and other labor leaders and members of the New York nnd Ohio In dustrial Accidents Commission next Mon day. Tho deficiency bill was passed by the House this morning by a vote of 173 to 2, and sent to the Senate for concurrence. It Is the first bill to pass the lower branch of the Legislature nt the present session. It will be rushed through tho Senate to make way for the consideration of ap propriations. AUTO HITS CAHH.IAGE Horse Killed, Vehicle Damaged, But No Person Hurt in Collision. The horso was killed, the carriage bad ly damaged and Its occupants thrown out when an automobile driven" by L. P. Tresh, 2 years old, of 312 West Chelten avenue, Germantown, Btruck the vehicle In front of the Crusaders' Homo, C655 Ger mantown avenue, shortly after midnight this morning. According to Tresh ho was trying to get out of the way bf a trolley car and did not notice the carrlago coming up from the other side of the car. In the carriage, which Is owned by Frank M. Ward, of 28 Nippon street, were II. E. Baltzell, of Creshelm Arms, 51 Allen's lane; A. Boumonvllle, of the same address, and two ladles whose names were not divulged, None of the occu pants of the carriage was Injured. Tresh was held under $400 ball for court by Magistrate Pennock In the Oerman town police station. President Selects Minister to Slam WASHINGTON, Feb. 2. President Wil son today selected William H. Horne brook, of Albany, Ore., as Minister to Slam. STATIONERS Annual Reduction Sale lA to & Off' Beautiful Articles . of Imported Merchandise from our own stock Enameled Articles Hand Bags Ink Stands Jewel Boxes Photograph Frame? 1121 CHESTNUT STREET INTO CUT STREETS BISHOP BLESSES -NEW LADY CHAPEL AT ST. CLEMENT'S Impressive Ceremonies Held at Episcopal Church; Edi fice Beautified by Erection of Costly Additions. Impressive ceremonies marked the blessing of tho handsome new Lady Chnpcl of St. Clement's Episcopal Church, 20th and Cherry streets. ,nt 8 o'clock this morning. Many church dig nitaries and a large number of laymen at tended the service, which was conducted by Bishop Philip M. Bhlnclnnder, of tho dloccso of Pennoylvanla. The Bev. Dr. Charles S. Hutchinson, rector, nnd tho Hcvs. C. C. Quin and 8. A. Cnlnc, assistants, wore In the sanc tuary with Bishop Bhlnclnnder. A mass followed the blessing of the new chapel. Tho Lady Chapel and Improvements to tho choir loft nt St. Clement's have made tho church one of tho most beautiful In the city. They have beon erected under tho will of the lato Elizabeth Coleman Boudlnot as a memorial to her husband, tho lato Ellas Louis Boudlnot. Tho Im provements were designed by Horace Wells Sellers, architect, and they nre In full harmony with the new apse, altar nnd reredos erected several yeais ago. MONEY FOR VALLEY FORGE Philadelphlan's Bill Provides for Appropriation of $188,150. rnosi a STArr coimrsroNDENT.l HAItRISBURG, Feb. -Representative Samuel A. Whitaker, of Philadel phia, Introduced a bill In tho House to day for an appropriation of $188,130 to the Commissioners of Valley Forge Tark. $103,000 of which Is for the purchase of nd. dltlonal land for tho extension of the park. The long-discussed appropriation of $1000 for tho dedication of the memorial arch erected by tho United States Is in eluded In tho bill. Tho sum of $10,000 Is asked for the main tenance of the park for tho next two veurs, $2500 for replacing trees killed by tho chestnut blight. $4500 for tho erection of two shelter houses away from the railroad, and $1000 for the restoration of tho forts nnd redoubts as nearly as pos sible to their original condition. Pensions for War Victims HARRISBURG, Feb. 2.The Pennsyl- X?ni.a-r,yolUntea.wh0 8orved rlng the Civil War would be pensioned $8 n month by the State, under the provisions of a bill Introduced by Representative Theo dore Campbell, of Philadelphia. The measure provides for the appointment of a Civil War veteran as state Pension Commissioner. Beautiful Period Furniture at Wholesale Prices These are not pieces made up for February Sales, but are the regular output from several of the largest furniture manufacturers in the country. Selling to you direct is our secret of price. Our Guarantee , is backed by the largest factories in the world, whose existence has covered a longer period than any furniture selling establishment doing business today. Jacobean, Louis XVI, Hepplcwhlte, Sheraton, William and Mary, etc All We Aak la That You Come in to See It. Don't Buy Unless the Price la Right. Illustration is one of our Adam Buffets. Complete mites of solid mahogany from $127.50 to S2250, Bedroom suites in mahogany from $85.00 to $2375 for an Imported Enamel Suite, See Our Imported Period Furniture , E. S. ELDREDGE Formerly with one of Philadelphia's largest department stores. 1015-1017 Filtert Street Consolidated Furniture Manufacturers, inc. v 7 Emf'l 'llgirtUffll nrln MMIMIMWMN REV- DR. LEE SILENT Refuses Comment on Alleged Attack Upon Church Official. The Rev. Dr, 3. Beverldgo Lee, pastor of St Foul's Presbyterian Church, 60th street and Baltimore avenue, today re fused to comment upon the request of George Wenlworth Carr, attorney for Charles V Wllklns, former treasurer of tho church, that he retract charges he Is said to have made against the former oillclnl In his sermon last Sunday, Doctor Leo left his Apartment In the Stonelelgh last night nnd remained away today. He left word that he would not discuss the subject until ho has had n conference with his lawyers, the firm of Porter, Foulkrod and McCullngh. A member of the firm representing Doc tor Leo said ho had refuted to permit his client to Bpeak until nfter tho con ference. Mr, Carr reiterated today hli announcement that Unless Doctor Lee's statement of Inst Sunday Is retracted In next Sundny's sermon, he will proceed to chnrgo him with slander. Doctor Leo has been asked to resign by the elders of tho church. In his ser mon he declared It was his attacks upon Mr. Wllklns thnt had caused the elders to take this action. LAUDED AND SCORED ROCKEFELLER GIFTS DURING U.S. PROBE "Most Beneficent in World's History," Says Cleveland Banker "Failed Utter ly," Opinion of Lawyer. NBW YORK, Feb. :. "The most benef icent gift In the history of tho world" was tho description applied to tho Rock efeller Foundation todny by Frederick H. Goff, president of tho Cleveland (O.) Trust Company, who testified before the Fed eral Commission on Industrial Relations. After vainly trying to obtain construc tive criticism from J. P. Morgan on the' present-day condition of the working man, tho commission today wont back to Its Investigation of .philanthropic aggrega tions Mr. Golf was asked about tho Cleveland Foundation, which he described as an In stitution "for tomorrow rather than for todny." Its founders were looking for ward to help future generations, ho said. Edward P. Costlgan, counsel for the United Mine Workers of America and Progressive candidate for Govornor of Colorado at tho last election, delivered a blttor attack against the Rockefeller Foundation. Rome of the points In Mr. Costlgan'B testimony were: "Tho Rockefeller Foundation has failed utterly In tho work Its founder and pro moter said It would do. "Practically within a year of Its Incep tion, the foundation has been heedless nnd powerless In a great crisis." "Tho conclusion must bo that Rocke feller, the business man, has cold heartedly nnd without hesitation brushed asldo Rockefeller, the philanthropist. "Mr. Rockefeller does not recognize the supremnncy of social rights or tho Im partiality of great government Investiga tions. He claims to be the driver all the time. "It Is pertinent to jemember that eVen feudalism and slavery boasted of occa sional generosity." NEW PILOT RULE ADOPTED Determination of Tltness left to Masters of Ships, Power to determine the physlcnl fitness of Delaware River pilots was delegated to tho master!, of vessels by a rule adopt ed this afternoon at the monthly meet ing of the Commissioners of Navigation. Heretofore a pilot suspected of being un der the Influence of liquor has been out Bldo the jurisdiction of tho ship's captain once ho hns taken the wheel for the trip. In the future the captain will be In con trol. Dr. William J. Crowley to Wed A marriage license was Issued today to Dr. William James Crowley, 31 yenrs old, a dentist of 202 South 37th street, to marry Fleda Robertson Brockwny, ) yeurs old, a music teacher, who lives nt 2031 Locust street. They will bo mar ried on February 16. Han Dies After Operation James Fulton, 32 years old, a laborer of 62O0 Woodland avenue, died this after noon In tho University Hospital follow ing nn operntlon for peritonitis. Scranton Postmaster Chosen WASHINGTON, Feb. 2. President Wil son this afternoon choso John G. Durkln for tho Scranton, Pa., postmastershlp. MttfMsMMMMpissMM PANAMA ENTRANTS HAYE FOUR MONTHS FOR LIVELY FINISH Contest for Free Trips to Ex positions Has Enlisted the Interest of City and Sub urbs. Four more months remain of the period to which the contest of the EvtCnIno Lcoosn and Punuo LBoasn Is limited, nnd thereforo no one can say yet who Mill be nmong the CO men nnd women leaders In subscription gathering who will enjoy free trips to the twin expositions at San Francisco and the Panama-California at Ban Diego. 12 very contestant entered In the big race Is hard at work getting subscriptions, and the Contest Editor Is being kept busy, with his corps of assistants, recording the points to their credit. From the way tha subscriptions are commg In It Is evident tho contest will be hard fought until the end, nnd It mny not be until the last week In Slay that It will be possible to pick out the winners. Virtually evory section of Philadelphia and all the suburbs now are represented by -contestants. Participants living in th outlying dlstrlots, who must get paid-in-advance subscriptions, because they ara outside tho city, are finding this more of an ndvantage than anything else, because pald-tn-advance subscriptions mean addi tional credits. Many of tho city contestants, realis ing this, aro doing their best to get subscriptions paid In advance. As has been explained before, subscriptions run ning for a longer period than six months must bo paid In advnnce. It la not much harder to gat a subscription for a J year than for six months and contes- tants 'therefore nre now working hard T for longer subscriptions. r Entry In this great contest may be made by sending your name to the Con test Editor, second floor of the Public Ledoeh Building. Full Information as to the details of the contest will be supplied to all who apply. Now Is the time to join tho contest. Get Into It and got a froe trip to the twin expositions of California. CRACKSMEN BLOW SAFE WHILE MAN WORKS NEAR Only Thin Partition Separates -Bob bers Prom. Engineer. Cracksmen, working with only a thin partition separating them from a night ' engineer, pried the door from a Bafe In i the Keystone Laundiy, 2124 Wallace street, just before daylight this morning and escaped with $100.90 In cash. Frank Williams, tho engineer, knew f nothing of tho robbery until he saw a ' man climbing over a fence opposite a window opening Into the laundry office. He followed as fast as he could, but the man escaped. Until he returned and saw a broken window In the office, Williams thought the mnn a tramp who had come to sleep In " the laundry. But Inside the olUce furnl- t turo was upset and tho safe lay on Its r side the door hanging open. The cash ' box was missing and Important papers had been taken from tho safe and scat tered On the floor. Williams notified the n police. h Tho cracksmen had pried open the door of the safe. A heavy crowbar used for this purpose lay beside it. Horace G. Craven, proprietor of the laundry, was" called to the offl.e when tho robbery was discovered. Irvin Cobb on the "War This afternoon and tonight Irvin Cobb will entertain the Academy of Music and Its contents with his experiences as a war correspondent. Mr. Cobb will not bo con tent with standing his audience up und lecturing to !t. After ho has discoursed and tho movies have flickered through a number of the scenes that he witnessed, Mr. Cobb will answer nny questions not of nni unneutrnllty character that may be put to him. When Youe Ideas of Finish ' Fit Style meet with nothing: but disap pointment in the stacks of stuff that, by dictionary-permission only, go under the name of clothing, then REMEMBER (and pardon the phrase) That We Told You So! High-class workmen and workmanship cost money, and deserve it! GOOD Clothes, can't be produced without them! If ere' 8 Our First Big Clearance of this Season's Winter Suits! When you buy one of them,, you secure the dIstiacUa back of the Perry Label! etxy&CofLf IttiiClmtmtm, 1 1 :l