Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 02, 1915, Sports Final, Page 2, Image 2

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wrm m.
Fftflisunclerstancling Leads to
'Withdrawal of Support
From Ambulance Commit
tee Enterprise.
s'en ttnjs hence there will bo ft bnll nl
tfio-BclIeviiQ-Strntfortl to raise (units to
buy ambulances for aermnny nml Aus
trlnilungary. Had Iho original plniis'of
the ladles who nro running the enterprise
carried. K would have been given under
the auspices' of the Emergency Aid Com-
millet, but the committee, of which Mrs.
A. J. C,isatt Is the head, ngrced with
the 'O-rinnn-Austro-HunR.-uInn Ambu
lance Committed to disagree, and tho
membe'ra of the Inttor organization have
Issued a statement that they will go
ahead ttlono. They promise that the Ger
man and Austrian Ambassadors will
probably be present, nnd that the consuls
of these nations In this city will ccrtnlnly
be present Some boxes have been sold,
tnu?Ic, flowers, cigars nnd cigarettes have
been promised, and the work Is going on.
There are two sides to tho story of
the break, between the two committees
The authoritative statements made on be
half of the Emergency Aid Committee at
the headquarters 0f that body tills morn
I tiff, follows!
"A few weeks ago Mrs. Qcoigc 11.
Tullldge. of 813 North 3d street, waited
upon Mrs. Walter Thompson, chairman
of tho German Ilcllef Committee of the
Kmergenoy Aid Committee, with tho
proposition that tho acrmnn-Austro-Hun-
KaMan Ambulance Committee, of vvhkh
Mr. Thompson hnd never heard, be taken
under the wing of tho Emergency Aid
Cdmmltteo Mrs. Tullldge said she had
founded the committee to purchase am
bulances for tho two nations named In
the title of tho committee.
"Mrs. Tullldgo explained that her son
Edward K.. was a phvstclnn In n hos
pital In Vienna, and that was why she
took such an Intorcst In the war work
She stated, incidentally, that she was of
English descent nnd was Intensely Inter
ested (n England, but her heart wis
With 1,er ,on nn1 n'8 work She saU
that her son had, with Dr. Charles D.
Cru. of unmdci!, offered his ser-
1 Vices to most nf thn wnrrlnir iinHnna
but upon being rejected they had gone
abroad on their own account. Doctor
Tullldgo landed a Job. Doctor PnncoaBt
is stilt seeking one.
Sound io Da TransmUted by Wire to
Ban Francisco.
The I.lbertj Belt will peat a message of
Krtod cheer front Philadelphia to Bali
Pittheisco, distance of more than 3S0O
miles, Thurmlnv afternoon Wires havrt
been urmhpr.l so that when rt workman
Striken the bell three times with a hnm
mer the reonnnl peal will be heard by
.nyor iioiprt in San Francisco.
Mayor Ulankcnburg will hae charge of
the ceremony, Plans for the transmis
sion bf the Coil ml from const to coast
nave been completed A spur of wire will
be run from City Hall to Independence
Hull nnd connected with tho bell. Piornpt
ly nt 8 o'clock the circuit In the Golden
Gate will bo opened.
A nbmber of distinguished guests will
be with Mat or Illankenburg nt this end
of thr wire. After the chief executive
has spoken to Mayor Ilolph, "Hill" Sun
day also will say a few words and the
wire will be closed.
- V WiJ
Bureau of Highways Fails to J ''I
Make Repairs to Manhole
in Front of Reading
Wilhelmina to Be Seized as
Result of Kaiser's Decree
Commandeering All Pro
K'The upshot of It was that the Am
ulance Committee was accepted ns an
auxiliary of the Emergency Aid Com
jnlUee; and that this fact was Indicate 1
In the new title, -which was the German-Austro-Hungarlan
Ambulance Commute'!
of tho German Relief Committee of tha
Kmcrsency Aid, of Philadelphia. Roomj
at the headquarters were assigned to the
new commtttco and things went well.
There was a Joint meeting of the German
Iteljef and Ambulance Committees Jnn
uary IB, at which the Consuls of Ger
many and Austria-Hungary were present
nnd Mrs. Tullldge and her plan received
b formal Indorsement.
"Subsequontlv Mrs. Tullldge told thnt
she Intended to send her funds direct to
Vienna, to be spent thero for ambulances
Tne rulci of the Emergency Aid Commit
tee provide that all moneys raised under
Its Indorsement shall be expended In this
country, and. If nosslble. In this cltv. Mrs
I Tullldge was sq Informed, and much
negotiation between the two bodies failed
to secure from the larger body consent to
any1 change In the TUle. A special meet
ing of the two committees took place last
Thursday at tho Bellevue-Stratford.
"Mrs. Thompson was out of town, so
Mrs. C. H. Frailer, of 1724 Spruce street.
presided. Mrs. Antonio Erllch, of the
staff of the Ladles' Home Journal, nnd
president of the Ladles Auxiliary of the
German Societies of Pennsylvania, be
sides being a member of tho German Re
lief Committee, was present.
"Mrs. Tullldge was told of the rule
governing the expenditure of moneys
She and her committee replied that thoy
could not Agree -with that condition. Mrs
Frarler raid that then the two com-
'mlttees could not got along tocethcr. Sirs.
Tullldge and her partv .said that they
would leave at once. Mrs. Prazler said
that the arrangement was agreeable.
"For the next 20 minutes Mrs. Tultldgk
held the floor. Her auditors were speech
less. They were shocked, offended and
outraged, but they saw fit to make no
reply to Mrs. Tullldge and the meeting
broke up,
"There has been no diminution of the
membership of the Emergency Aid Com
mittee. We are told that the ladles of
in 9 amouiance committee are going on
with their work and that they expect
the Ambassadors from the countries they
are working for to be present. The
Emergency Aid Committee Is not con
cerned with the ball nnd has never been
farther than haying lent tho committee
the prestige of Its name for a few weeks.
"We might say in this connection that
nbout ZS committees and societies apply
for the use of our name every week.
Some want to share gate receipts with
us on the proportion of 10 per cent.
"The Emergency Aid Committee will
pot state the nature of Mrs, Tulllgde's
rmarka to the ladles at this meeting.
Ve- merely say that we could not dignify
thera with a reply We do not Impugn
her motives The ladles of the Emergency
AW Commltte. have no reason to believe
that Mrs. Tullldge was aware of the rule
.governing the use of moneys. Mrs.
Thompson, when she accepted the ex
tended aid of this commltee to Mrs.
Tullldge, did not think to bring the mat
ter un.
"Wo do not care to say f any mem
bers of the Emergency Aid Committee
hsva -withdrawn their patronage from
Mm. Tullldge. It Is not our concern."
WASHINGTON, Feb 2. Ambassador
Page, at London, todny Informed tho
State Department that tho British Gov
ernment would sclzo the Wilmclmlna,
which sailed from New York lecently
with n cargo of food shipped by the W
T Green Commission Company, of St
Louis, to mi American citizen In Ger
many. Cone Johnson, solicitor of the State De
partment, declared that Great Britain
had Ignored the guarantee of Germany
that the enrgo would be used only fur
German civilians, nnd had based Its de
cision on tho ground that tho German
Government had Issued a decree taking
over all foodstuffs, thus making food
absolute contraband
He inclined to the Jew that the decision
of British to seize the ship virtually
meant the stopping of food shipments
from the United States to Germany
Inasmuch as the WUhclmlna sailed
from New York with a cargo of food
stuffs consigned to private Individuals
In Germany before the Issuance of tho
German decree ("Vlnclng such supplleu
under Government Jurisdiction, the State
Department's understanding vvns that
Great Brltnln would reimburse tho Ameri
can owners for the full value of the
It has been made clear to the De
partment that tho British determination
to block further food commerce between
the United States nnd Germany Is based
on the theory that there Is no way of
telling. With distribution in tho German
Government's hnnds, whatever tho Ger
mans might pay about It, that such sup
piles were not being used wholly or in
part for military purposes.
LONDON, Feb 2. While It Is no secret
here thnt the Prltlxh Government does not j
ui an nice tne tiallsrer of German ships
to a neutral flag, there Is not the slightest
doubt that under certain circumstances
Great Brltnln will not object to tho opera
tion at present of German ships under the
American flag.
Under no circumstances, however, will
Great Britain acquiesce In ships engaging
In Germnn trade, and It Is In pursuanco
of this policy that the Dacla will be
seized. Government purchase of ships is
regarded, despite the fact that Great
Britain will not object, as something dis
tinctly advantageous to England's enemv.
but In American Interests tho British Gov
crnment is willing to waive Its rights In
the matter.
Hundreds of persons entering or leav
ing the Heading Terminal nnd other
podestrlnns have stopped to look at A.
wooden box covering a manhole In, Mar
ket street nt Hth. On top of tho box,
which n few days ago was discarded by
a fruit Deddlcr. was a tin Sinn. Painted
In red letters the word "Danger!" np- '
pcai cd. i
Drivers of wagons, trucks and chauf-
reura going west on aiarnei street worn
I eliding about the covered manhole. Po-
I IIaahiah ilnliillail 1st FitnillntA frfn f Flft nfflfi.
shouting to drivers of vehicles to watch
out for the manhole,
"Whnt'B the trouble with the sower?"
asked n traveler.
"Out of commission, waiting for the
city to make repairs," replied a reserve
For four days merchants on Market
street nnd drivers have been waiting pa
tiently for the Bureau of Highways to
mako repairs of the Bewer over which a
settling of flit dirt recently occurred
According to the policemen In the
vklnlty, a complaint was sent to the
Bureau of Highways several days ngo
When no one appeared to make repairs
policemen coveted tho mnnlinle with
tho box Then a representative from the
Bureau of Highways arilvcd nnd attached
the sign bearing tho word "danger" on
top of the box
When inqulr was made todav nt tho
offices of the Bureau of Highwnvs It was
said the necessary repairs would be mado
at once Chief Conncll denied thnt tho
vvcoden box which covers up the man
hole had been there long,
"We knc about the case," snld Chief
Council, "and It Is receiving tho ntten
tlnn of our department. Repairs wilt be
slutted nt once."
, "(.. " f IT" BK'1
V ' V 'r 1 ' ', ' ' -'
Sulcldo Directs Surgeons Sowlnrr Up
Mortal Wound.
rv,nMornlil Interest Is being manifested
In medical circles this morning over tho
operation performed on Henry a. Jones,
T5 North 3Sth street, by surgeons nt the
Presbyterian Hoipltnl. Four stitches
were taken In his heart after he had shot
himself through that organ. The man
lived for ten hours and then died eud-
i denly.
Jones was token to the nospuni oicca
Ing to death, A local anesthetic was nd
ministered nnd with a wondeiful display
of nerve, the mnn directed the surgeons
in their work. Ether later was adminis
tered nnd lie came out of It successfully.
It was believed ho would recover.
Brooding over the death of his mother
Is said to hnvo caused the man to shoot
himself. Shortly before his death, he re
pented his net and begged the surgeons
to snvo him,
It covers a manhole over a sewer In front of the Reading Terminal,
It has stood there for four days while traffic has been forced to
pass around it.
Little Marmot's Weather Observation
Satisfactory to His Votaries.
Cheer tic altlimmh the rrmlnu storm kimc
And nil tl.u world seems soaklnir vet and
sail Oh!
Hemomber a the little cmundhoir deisms
To rtep without he rannot roe his ahntjou
Mr. Groundhog peeped out of his bur
row this morning, but he failed to sec his
shadow Hence we will be spared the six
weeks of wintry weather which the super
stitltous sny are sure to come when the
sun shines on "Groundhog Day," nnd the
wlso little marmot sees himself silhouet
ted on the ground beside him The super
stition has It further, that It the day be
murky and cloudy nnd ho cannot see him
self tho "backbono of the winter Is
broken" nnd an earlj spring Is In sight.
An old Scottish rhyme which Is a fair
translation of a still older Lntln verse on
this subject Is ns follows:
"If rnnnlomas day bo dry end fstr.
Tho hnlf n winters to tnmo and malr.
If Cnndlamas diy bo wet and roul.
The halt o' wlnter"n Bane at Yulo."
Tho superstition Is also kept nllvo In a
German saIng, thus: "The badger peeps
out of his hole on Candlemas Day, and
when he finds snow walks abroad: but If
ho sees the sun shining, he draws back
Into his hole "
Continued from I'nice One
and delegates to the United Presbjterlan
Soul-Saving Conference. A J Drexcl
Middle and Mr and Mrs. Alexander Vnn
Ilehsselner occupied Beats nenr the plat
foini Piajer vwih offeree1 by the Rev. Dr.
John Grant Newman The attendance
wits the 'mnllcst since the cm palgn
started, there being less than 12,000 per
sons present
It wni a stirring sermon for tho church
members to apply what talents the hnd
to soul-sivlng through personal work
Time nnd orain Mr. Sunday pounded the
pulpit nnd stamped liH foot on the plnt-
ttr .. 111. n .rnDh n .. liii .1 1 rVr ImtflO 1 1 1 Ft
cletiunciation or tne mini creni ami c. . e- , Tho flrat floor o ,he buimng at 21 nm,
tees jier-unti iu uu iiuiuiiih tum .."
the world to go straight to hell." .
Billy" taught his lesson from tho storv
Continued from I'oite One
through tho break In the newer In front
of tho Heading ferry terminal at
ICalghn's Point, and about a block of the
street was flooded. It was feared for a
time a large section of the paving would
cava In, and this wno roped off.
Big Timber Creek, below Gloucester,
Hooded over Its banks and udded to the
havoc wrought In South Jersey by the
Dclavvnie. Cellars of scores of homes
ucio Hooded, nnd In some instances the
water goL to tho ilrst Hoar.
Measure Will Give United
States Power to Fix Rates
and Limits Time of All
In the cosDel nccordlng to St Luke In
the 5th chapter and the sixth verse, where
It Is told haw Jesus went Into a syna
gogue and "found thero a man with a
withered hand, and healed him."
He compared Uip Incompetency of tho
man with a withered hnnd to men and
women who are accomplishing nothing
because they are only partially able to
do God's work, due to their lack of sin
cerity and faith In Christ.
t v- 5t7
!;'ilT;-jrJlildg. Jn a sweeping statement,
U etorteally every statement made
hr tfc Bmereerioy Aid Committee's repre
, Slw sold:
TWb fit a case of malice and Jealousy.
& Sinergency AW Committee came to
m and Mked us to help them out by
waring who mem. airs. u. ji, yrasler ti
he tottora of thl and has started all
wiiwraiw atones. y committee
a ironi or at consuls of Ger
und Austria, and wi hav Bakut
the AwteMAdora to be present at our
w vy u-'o vuuiutg. Alter wet touaa
tlt we could not ship ambulances from
Hm country abroad because they ar
jwrilrabind, w decided to just turn our
twaf over (a our Conaula and let it hem
as4V abroad.
-1wi i SPt Ob word of trutb In
m ari jaa4 Stl?rt me. Tfa on
portwa fct th raUaf that my ac
pmt ks asdHed, I never refused to have
fc nawnnte audited "Wo were using pur
.a Ss and o that of th Emergen.
tf id CoWf.Ut.
'fjtat 0h trtb f tdj,tnfamou atory
hH , bmr to Hsv4 any cn xh
vimi:lt-? 4cce4 at a'tkiujr W )
wmf omi4 wtik yr bJt ad aw going
t Ktt t4KeB. 'MWtt l a J' ifoiBtf
Clerical and Lay Delegation Meets
A delegation of three clergymen and
eight laymen from Duluth, Minnesota, to
dny, came to Philadelphia to Invito
'Billy" Sunday to come to Duluth to
conduct revival services there. After at
tending the afternoon services In the
tabernacle they proceeded toVhls house
19H Spring Garden street, where thej
presented him with a pctttlou bearlnn
hundreds of names, urging him to como
to Duluth at the earliest possible moment
Thoso In tho delegation were the Ilev
John V. Hoffman, D D.: the Bov Ilob
ert Yost. D. D.; the Rev. George II Hum
son, D.X; J. JI. Cooke, Thomas Thorn
burg. L. A. Marvin, H, A Hall, Watson
S. Moore, B C. Wade, Norman McCloud
and W. J. McCabe.
Qreat Excitement for Ten Minutes at
Commercial Exchange.
May wheat 'ouched JL65 today on tho
flcor of tho Philadelphia Commercial Ex
change at closing.
Tho grain Jumped to JLCOU at tho
opening of the exchange nt 10'30 a. m , this
mcrnlng, tho prediction was made at that
time by President L. G. Graff, of
the exchange, that tho price would gc
still higher. Tho quotation Is of Chicago,
which means about $1 6S for Philadelphia
biokers, who arc compelled to pay
freight charges The close jesterday was
1 &h nnd the highest figure 11 57
The Argentine Republic Is now de
pended on by brokers to halt the steady
rlio In the grain In this country The
Argentine crop, according to Mr. Graff,
Is 100,000,000 bushels, and if the market
In the South American country Is opened
to tho huyers of Europe It will mean a
sharp decline In the price of American
Whether or not this market will bo
opened no one cares to predict. The gen
eral Impression Is that tho brokers of
Argentina are holding out for higher
Wheat grown In PennBjlvanla and ad
joining States, according to Mr Graff,
will sell at from six to seven cents a
bushel less thnt the Western wheat sold
through Chicago.
Wheat Sells at $1.74 7-8 in N. Y.
NEW YORK, Feb. 2 -May wheat sold
at 171 on the Consolidated Stock Ex
change today, a new high record.
A rather fat gold fish with an IS-karat
color proved so tempting to a spectator
at the hearings In the Front and Master
streets police station that he pulled It
from an aquarium and put It In a tin
kettle he carried. Magistrate Scott saw
the theft and ordered the man brought
before hlm-
The prisoner gave his name as "John
"I can get a dollar for this flab," he
said, "and It will get my tittle boy's
shoes mended so as he can go to school.
Tho Magistrate relented and was about
to dive a prosperous hand Into his pocket.
gome one crledt "Hey, that guy ain't
"I got a good mind to send ou to the
correction," said the Judge.
Sergeant Linns Interfered.
"As tho nab Is mine." he said, "why
not sentence him to clean the snow oft
the sidewalk."
"Good," said tho Magistrate, "and when
you have finished that you can clean the
windows "
"All right." replied "Do,' "anything
but the stone pile,"
Negroes In the neighborhood of 13th and
Lombard streets breathed a sigh of relief
when they beard that Milton Reed, pri
vate detective. Investigator and all-round
sleuth in general had been arrested.
Reed became known aa a subterranean
detective, for he boasted that 'he knew
the inside working of all the criminal
gangs In town. The sleuth never bothered
with the formality of a. warrant and fie,
quantly arrested, men and women oq sus
picion. Tba headquarter of hU detective
agency wa In a cellar at 181 Hodman
street Incidentally tbe headquarter? was
frequently tbe stene of rj'oj battle, dut
to tbe wdlgnatlon of th " arrasUd
Wit Rw4 was weat.ns ' a wtfs$f,
tub vu ir4ta rdnilf on th cbar of
Uif te (twite anutke '" Tb d4QttY'a
landlady, Mrs, Thomas Holman, said sho
!,?0J(?V.I,, fvate Ja'1 till It came "too
toleribll," When he put a stovepipe
through the cellar door leading to the
street and the thick smoke turned the
nice white wash on her clothesline black.
It was too much.
Beginning today, Reed will conduct his
agency from Cell 65 at the House of Cor
rection, due to a suggestion from Magls
trate Hagerty.
Several Chinese crlnned thoii- iim...
Hon when Katie Moy, of Franklin and
lne streets, was held in ball by Magis
trate Emley. accused of stealing a ram.
coat and un umbrella,
Kotle, according to the police. Is a di
vorcee, and makes a practice of breaking
the hearts of Chinese. H,r last social
triumph was at a chop suey party
Four proiperou. Chinese were the hosts
Each thought the other was the acc.pted
suitor, and while they were arguing the
point one discovered that his raincoat was
missing Another missed his umbrella.
Later Katie was found sheltering another
native of Chinatown under the stolen
This was too much Sho was arrested
and held in S00 ball. I took the two
Chinese who lost the property fullv an
hour to explain, the charge of laeny
against her.
Th; appetite of SaMo BuneIU's horse
fv h,ra. trom A flne ,or violating tbe
traffic ordinance when he was arraigned
befora Magistrate Renshaw HIa plea for
permission to toed hi horse b.fors
going over tWT river" so, touched the
magistrate, heart that he discharged th.
prlsonsr with a warning
Bruiielll wm crossing Chestnut street at
Iltb and failed to Used Follcemau fiberr
wbUtle to halt Th mn drive a small
selssor grlndr" Wsgoa. Fearing h
would b MrMiflkusiw wWmh w,
Itorw into s4i.. Kw Mufij
t.y mounted iffiesm.n.
"You can find persons with withered
hands ( everywhere," Sunday shouted
"The drunkaid can't do what he ought
to do because of drink, tho woman who
lies causes her womanhood to wither, sho
can't live the kind of life she would live
because she Is withered. In every church
thero are persons who cannot do what
they would becauso they have given
themselves to tho devil; they arc
withered. You say that you can't do
personal work; It Is because you arc
withered "
"Don't be like the priest who saw tho
Lcvite Ijlng Injured and didn't turn aside
to minister to his needs If ho hnd, he
might have been as famous as Paul or
Ptter, but ho didn't This man had Ills
cnance and mlsBed It. You have n chance
such as you have never had before to win
mci. and women to Christ. It Is nn awfut
thing for a church and Its people to miss
such a chance."
The dark morning and threatening
clouds could not keep the crowds away
from tho tabernacle Two hours before
tlmo for the afternoon meeting to begin
found hundreds of women sitting In tlm
rough-board seats sewing, knitting and
reading, while they awaited the arrival of
Homer A. Rodeheaver, tho choir leader.
As soon as "Body" stepped upon tho plat
form the music was begun, and a pro
gram of singing was carried out before
Mr Sunday's arrival.
Tho audience received "Blllj" with loud
applause, nnd, during his sermon, he
was compelled to wait many sccondswhlle
the audience applauded or laughed heart
ily at Bome of his "sledge-hammer"
blows at sin and the devil.
Another honor Is coming to Mr. Sun
day. Ex-Oovernor Robert B. Glenn, of
North Carolina, will come here at the
end of this week and attend the taber
nacle meetings The ex-Governor Is a
leading opponent of "booze." It Is Drob-
able that he will address tho young people
at the Saturday afternoon service on tho
harm done by alcohol
During his stay in this city ex-Governor
Glenn will be the guest of the
Rev Dr. Homer W. Tope, district super
intendent of the Anti-Saloon League Mr
Glenn has been much Interested In the
work of "Blllj" Sunday for many years,
and Is enthusiastic over the opportunity
to hear him before the largest crowds the
evangelist hns ever addressed. Next Sun
day afternoon at S: o'clock the former
Governor will Bneak In tho Hermon Pren.
Ibjterlan Church, Frankford avenue and
Harrison street, He wilt talk on "Tho
Nation's Call to Temperance "
Following one of the most restful of
his "days oft" since coming to Philadel
phia, Mr, Sunday was feeling fine today.
He could not helrt discuss n. .-....-
dltlona he witnessed nt the city's hos
pital for tho pow nnd Insane at Blockley,
however. His comment on the Institu
tion, following his visit, was:
"It's the oldest thing Philadelphia has,
next to the Liberty Bell, out of date; out
of date,"
In starting the fifth week of his nine
wAe .?'o canpal8n. today "Billy" and
Ma Sunday feel much encouraged with
tho excellent results of the campaign. It
has beu a record-breaking revival from
tho first day. Already there have been
more 'trall-hlttera" during the four
weeks work than Sunday has usually
greeted during un entire campaign In
smaller cities, In less than half a dozen
cities In which he has conducted cam-
1B" naye ma total Been greater than
the prestnt enrolment There have been
more than JS.000 "trall-hltters" here.
The collections have also been good
Mr. Sunday declares it Is always much
easier to do effective salvation work after
the money for tbe expenses has been
provided To date ,UM9 has been
received toward the expenses, so It is
believed the expenses of about f 30,000 will
have been paid In by tho end of this
.L1Irun(lay ,ald oiay ho might extend
the Philadelphia campaign to ten wesks,
He Is already working on new sertnona In
order that he may be supplied If he ox
tends the time for closing the revival
services until, a week later than was
originally planned.
Discussing the plan of 1500 to D000
Princston students to com hsre to at
tend a service, "Billy" said he would be
delighted to have them if arrangements
could ba mad so that thy could get In
side the tabernacle. It I probable, since
qutsldo delegations cannot get reserva
tion of ats, that tb Princeton men
may Tea admitted at aom time when
"student night" Is observed.
"Ma" Sunday left early today for the
Sunday bom at Winona Law, ind .. hut
Plana to return by Saturday night The I
evangelist mother ha not b&en la good .
beaJtu for oroe Uw. and beenuse of thl
Mrs. Sunday made the Iwrney
120 North Delaware avenue, this city,
' occupied by tho Pennsylvania Butterino
I Company, was Hooded bj about nn Inch
1 of w uter while the tlilo was highest Sov-
crul other llims put men to work remov
ing goods from the first floor.
The fichuilkill flooded Its bonks early
today, driving scores of fumlllts from
their homes near the River road In anil
abovo Manayunk, tying up freight trafllc
In tho Pennslvnnla Railroad vard below
Muikct street for a time, nnd halting
v.ork In all Mtnayttnk mills along tho
bi nk.
Twelve' feet of water was pouring ovet
Flnt Rock Dam In the Schuylkill this
morning The water started to recede
belcw the dam nbout 7 o'clock, owing to
the. ebb tide.
At 2 o'clock Superintendent Giles at tho
dam said he thought tho worst was over.
The w nter at that hour had receded two
feet. Elsewhere along tho river It also
was repoited as receding. Most of tho
Manayunlc mills expect to get started
by tomorrow morning.
Tho Hwlrl of tho Delaware River flood
displaced Client the short pilings under
the ferry terminal at Kalghn's Point and
jammed ono ot the slips so that -It could
not bo lowered to permit the embarka
Hon of passengers on tho ferry boats. A
diver was sent down this morning to
locate this piling preparatory to making
Below Flat Hock Dam In the Schuylkill
the water waB reported as high ns 26 feet
above normal before 7 o'clock this morn
ing. Tho tow path of the canal adjoining
the river at tho dam was completely
flooded. J t the hydro-electric plant nbovo
Umbrla street the water was reported 20
feet above normal, nnd aiais oehlnd thfl
Rlpka mills, below Umbrla street, report
cd 2$ feet above.
Tho McDowell Paper Company, the
William Spink plant, Collins & Elchman
and the Manayunk mills of John &
James Dodeon all were forced to quit
work. At Spring Mills tracks of the
iuuninu ami 1110 rentiBilvanla were
licoded to the depth of one foot. Trains
for Norrlstovvn passed through this. The
Shawmont Pumping Station had three
feet of water in Its cellar. John T. Culp.
superintendent of the station, sajg tho
flood was the worst he had over ween.
Tho rainfall was 3.76 for 21 hours end
ing at .13 o'clock this morning, which Is
the heaviest rainfall on record for thla
time of year since 1690, when 3SJ Inches
of rain fell on February 6. The normal
rain for the entire month of February
is 3 31 Inches.
Court Denies Demurrer Piled
Firm's Attorneys.
Judges Audenrled and Carr, sitting In
Court of Common Pleas No. 6. late this
afternoon denied the demurrer filed by
attorneys representing Glmbel Brothers
In their answer to the city's suit charg-
iiK mom wun violating nre regulations.
Arguments were heard last Wednes
day. John P. ."onnelly, appearing In be
half of Glmbel Brothers, contended that
prosecution could bo brought only under
Section S, of tho act of mil
Judge Audenrled, In his decision this
afternoon, ordered the members of tha
Glmbel firm to file a new answer to the
city's complaint within SO days.
Long Active In Civic "Work in. West
( Philadelphia.
J. arevlrson Gladlng. S3 years old, of
5715 Spruce street, who was the first
president of tha 60th and Marl-e Btreeta
Business Men's Association and prominent
In clvlo work In West Philadelphia, died
today of spinal menlng'lti. He was
stricken a week ago.
Mr. Oladuig was prominent In Masonlo
circles, He was a member of Merldan
Sun Lodge, No. 158, F, A. M. For year
he took an actlva part In advocating Im
provements In West Philadelphia. He waa
one of the many men who years ago
urged that electric lights ba Installed
on Market street.
Mr Gladlng was engaged In the real
estate) business, H s survived by his
wlfa and twe- children. Funeral service
will be held next Friday afternoon at 3
o'clock at his home. Interment will
be tn Wt Laurtl Hill Cemetery.
1 1 s Hjii 1 snu ,,, 1 ,j , , ,,,
Died Suddenly Yesterday in Midst of
Billiard Game.
Arrangement are being made for tho
funeral of Rensselaer Russell Van Tine,
7 year old, jio? Locust street, for jears
representative pf the Barba Asphalt
Company, who died suddenly iMterday
wWl playing billiards, in HarrUburg
Mr. Van Tlfl was n son-uvJaw of
Edwin T , Rruih, ef 'this, clt, a Urugja
mnimafll.u.r St. t. ..il. .. . '"''
iJmTlw ,""B Dy BW
WASHINGTON, Feb 2 -Ship purchase
bill amendments limiting to six 111011 tlm
the length of time the Government may
lease a ship to a prlvato corporation, em
powering tho Government to fix mini
mum rates under tho lease and invali
dating the lease itself If these terms are
violated, were Introduced In tho Senate
this nfternoon by Senntor La Toilette. It
was reportod they reprsentcd tho agree
ment between tho President nnd tho In
dependent Republicans with whom he had
Senator Clapp Is said to havo told Mr.
Wilson he did not consider the President
Interesting himself In legislation before
Congress to bo nn oxccutlvo function
under tho Constitution.
As a result. It was said no agreement
was reached, ns was believed to havo
been the case with Senators Kenyon nnd
Norrls, who wore understood also to have
laid before the President views of Sena
tor La Folletto. The latter talked over
tho whole situation with tha President
several days ago.
Frantic nnd visible efforts to win Senn
tor Kenvon back with the old-line Re
publicans in their opposition to the bill
were made on his return from tho White
House, senator Smoot, one of the lead
ers In the fight against the bill, urged
strongly on Kenyon the necessity of op
posing the ship purchnse measure, but
apparently with no success.
A resolution was Introduced by Senator
Burton, of Ohio, calling on Secretary of
Stnte Bran to know If any protests had
been mado by any foreign countries over
the proposed bill. It went over until
tomorrow at tho request of Senator
Fletcher, of riorlda.
A Republican caucus, or what vlrtuall
amounted to one, was held In Senator
Galllnger's office to discuss Just what
tactics to iursue if the forces ngalnst the
ship purchase bill should bo broken by
tho change of a few Independent Repub
licans to the President's side.
Fearing It would be impossible to de
feat thp motion to send the bill back to
the committee, which. In the opinion of
friends and enemies of 'the "blli' alike,
would be the last that would be heard
of It, a proposal was made In the Demo
cratic caucus to amend this measure.
The Idea vvns to provide that tho com
mittee should nt the exolratlon of n. clven
time report the bill to the Senate with
such amendments ns tho committee mlgl-t
deem necessary.
Strenuous objection to this motion was
made by many Democratic Senators on
tho ground that three Democrats of tho
committee vvcro opposed to the bill. These
nre Vardaman. of Mississippi, Clarke, of
Arkansas, nnd Bunkhead, of Alabama.
May Be Had at ledger Central and
Evening Xedger Offices.
The new transit buttons bearing the
slogan, "For the Transit Plan" may be
had upon application at the Ledger Cen
tral, Broad and Chestnut streets, nnd at
wi publication omce of the Evenino
LEDQEn, 6th and Chestnut streets.
Ono button will be given free to each
person applying at cither of the abovo
places (as long as the supply lasta).
State Department Will Be Asked to
Find Philadelphia Woman in Europe.
A request will be addressed in a day or
two to tho State Department at Wash
ington that It Institute Inquiries In Bel
glum and France to ascertain the where
abouts of Mrs. Marie Aneye, of this city
who was last heard from In September.
At that time she wrote she was In a
bread line In Belgium, but was going to
get to Lille, France, whence she originally
In the meantime friends of the. famiiv
are caring for her 16-year-old son Victor,
whom she left behind her. Mrs. Aneye
camo here eight years ago to work In a
factory at Mnnnyunk where French linens
are manufactured. American operatives
could not ba found to do this work and
a number of French women were Im
ported, Last June Mrs. Aneye went to France
and from there to Belgium. Her son re
ceived several postal cards from her at
flrat, but since September no word has
come as to Mrs. Aneye'a whereabouts.
Jesterday the boy, who (a living with
Harry Anderson, a druggist, 4319 Main
;!!'eJt'!te?:d.,asl a Put" Bt h Central
High School, Manayunk.
Porter Declared Fairest M
rector Department Evil
Had Court Systcl
Breeds Defiant Criminals?
George D. Porter, whom they call (ibf
lairesi uirector mey ever Knew, ! hsP
In blaming Judgo Mayer Sulzberger fffl
creating defiant criminals and obstructlajl
mo i-reimruneui. ui ruuilo uarety, actorda
Inir to several nf tlm nirfar Ti. 11 ...,-.. :S
... . " , , ""ueipnial
policemen, criminals, certain that the?
will hear tno police assailed as Untrujt)
wortuy and unworthy of credence ff
then escape under suspended sem.K..';l
grow easily Into bellovlng that they m-.!
minlshment nronf. the nollrn ., M
Two men who have served as polfeS
men unctor five different DirectX, fl
Public Safety declared today that PertS
Is not exaggerating when ho say ohli
Judge Sulzberger Is the cause of thl
crlmo wave. Wlthnl they are belter
pleased with their Jobs under Dlrettor
m. urmr iiiuii iifsy over were uerorer A
"You can't expect a crook to ttit
straight if ho knows he'll get off light!?
said one man, a lieutenant who has been
In tho department 30 years. "Thw -
be pretty sure of two things: that snf
policeman who testifies ngalnst them trill
uu Muivu h imr, unu mat mey will ti
off with suspended sentences or light puifSl
lahmont. Tho pollcemnn Is robbed of liljl
confidence. Knowing that he Is golngl
on tho hottest grill when he testifies M
Is easily confused. Let him slip onoel
and ho will bo laughed out of court.1
There Is nothing oven faintly like a eoj
operation. Hearing some cases you'd h.31
neve mo .iuugo was really glad (,$
prosecuting officer failed to score. They
seem delighted every time the department
Is unable to prove a conclusive conrlj;
tlon. Wo don't want any man sent; Up
who doesn't deserve It. But when Ji
Into court with the knowledge that iuH
the cnlirt'n fivmnntlil.a nr ...itu .l.HbS
. --.,...,,..... u.a ,T,V ma
prisoner nnu mat wo aro cordially haUJ
thoro Is nothing ob bad for tho police
department." 4
"Director Porter l tho first fair DM
i-rcior uiai 1 vo ever Known," he con.
tinned. "Policemen led a dog's Ufa when
tho Organisation ruled the force. Tctf
. uaiuu 1 1 uu your houi your own. About
tho worst part of It was the way -jrt'
had to nsk permission before wo could'
move, vvnra leaders used to order V
Into weak xll visions to bolster them
and get out n good vote for the Omi
lratlon. I had a house about two mlltil
from my district, and for flvo veum rl
hnd to rent t and live In a street nurH
Iha n.n.lnn I ........ l. .1-- . . 4SH
nm o,iuuii iivuou uevausa me ward OOflJ
said he wanted mo to. 3
"What would happen If you movedVl
anywny? Why you'd get a summoni tej
appear Dcroro tno trial board. Then
you-a Be nred. It was a case of belnj
'got' if you didn't obey, that's all. Ncn!
of thnt stuff now, though. If we want1
to move we file our new address vrluV
tne department, and that's all there, U
to It. Then we hod to come across with'
3 per cent, of our salaries for the,ele$-'
tlon every year. If they had two eiee?
tlons It was 6 per cent. The Ward ConS;
mltteemen tamo around and collectta
It. If you didn't givo up you had to fW
the trial boards I worked under Director
Bekler, Director English nnd McKentrf
Smith, Rlter, Clay and Potter. 1 tell yW
t'orter is tho best one wo ever had. TH
whole force. Is for him. He's "on the
BQuare. You can tell a ward leader whll
to do now. They haven't anything Oifni
any more."
Storekeeper Held Up at Point M
Crlea of murder, which brought his soaj
from the nett room, saved Abrahsial
Krone, proprietor of a delicatessen
at 720 Konls street, early today, from.
robber threatening him with a revolved
Morris, the son, ran Into the store and
threw a loaf of bread nt the man, who
pocketed his revolver and fled. -.
Later, Special Officer Snyder, ot itni
5th and Jefferson streets police station,
arrested Thomas Bensky, 1741 NortaJ
Franklin street. He was Identified, tin!
police say, by Krone ns the man who!
had tried to rob the store. Magistrate
Emely held Bensky without ball fori
trial '
Exonerated, With Another DriverS
of Blame for Boy's Death.
The coroner's Jury rendered two yerj
diets of death by accident today in hearqj
ings to establish the causes responsible!
ror the, killing of two persons.
Richard O. Sills, 12 jears old.
struck by an automobile owned by Jor.
P. Connelly, chairman of Councils'
Finance Committee, at 10th and Spring!
Garden streets. Connelly's chauffeur.1!
Frederick Rhode, 63H Hace street. wM.
exonerated. Ho was defended by Cgd-i
Henry Woolman, of Haverford, waardli-l
charged by tho Coroner after the hearfafs
on tho death of 10-year-old Joseph
Kelly, B1W Warren street, who was kill
on January 3.
It was testified In both coses that t
drivers had tried to stop their cars b-J
tore striking tha boys.
An evening gown of French iiim ...,.
I the chief exhibit before Judgo Audenrled
mm mo jury in, v-oun or common Pleas
ro. I today, In a suit brought by Mary
E. Ferry, a dressmaker, against Mrs
Charles A. Riley and her husband, a
saloonkeeper, nt 20th and Morris streets
to collect a bill of J0S.71 due for tbe makJ
Ins: of tha dress.
Tha gown waa ordered February, laik J
for tha Phllnnatrlnn k.ll j ... i' TVrH
,. ,.. - ....vrw...w(. ,, uu M10 assign,
laces and Jet and rhlnestone ornaments
decided upon. But when It waa finished.
Mrs. Rlley complained 'that It was too
tight, and her husband 1 said "to have
objected to ths low out of the waist.
A payment, said to have been ISO, set
tled the casu befora It reached the Jury
and the suit was withdrawn.
Pred P. Whitney Chosen President of
Pen and Pencil Club.
Thera were many close contents at the
annual election of the P.rv and Pencil
Club held yesterday In tbe clubhouse
5? W.ln,Ut ,ULMt Tfae tormywea'the;
did not affect the general enthusiasm and
an especlall) largo vote was polled.
m 4VJ1UW
r wwtwt, TI
Official Forecast
For Eastern Pennsylvania and New Jtt'j
sey: Rain or sleet tonight and Wednes
day with easterly gales.
ThA Htnrm PAntrn (fl A trnllffhllkA deDreS.
ston over the Ohio valley this monunfjj
having remained nearly stationary out..
Ing the last 1Z hours, it has causea i;v
eral precipitation over the eastern h?
of the country, wltn moderate gaies aiuo,
the North Atlantic coast and In the Wwe
Lake region. Bleet occurred In P'in'j
vanla. New York and New England
inlnfall was heavy In southeastern penl
sylvaula, while elsewhere is nas- m
moderate or light The temperatures bi
fallen throughout tha eastern half ot '
country durlns: the last 21 hours. ex
along the Atlantic slops from Penney
vanta ana New Jersey soutnwara io
H .tteras.
U. S. Weather Bh&au Bulletin.
Observation a at 8 a. m., Eastern II
last Kain- Vsloe-
. Btsueo. Sam. ot, tin. wins, ijr;
Dusne, tux
ItUntlo City ..
Boston, Xlass
Buffalo, Ji, X.
aieaso. 111. ..
Cltveland, O. ,
Pes Moluts, la
Dstrolt, Mich.
3ltston, Tx
luiitro. n
31 U2 . a 8 ClOU
40 88 1 83 E Si Clou
18 18 l NH 22 BE?.
16 IS .28 K
as Sjittu
ss ?a , Kb T e:u
IS 1U 14 W 1" bDOS
14 BB9
M 14 KA K1
46 49 ,, NW 13 Clr
m K 7. hw ?a fuiiu . .KJ
Js.clu6nville.Vli 1 84 li BVV ?-
Kansas City, U. S S S H SS raoJ
h" V:"-?. 2Y 22 " 8 ,X HZ
V.J Orl.in.. Ij. Ill 41 .. flW 8 fW.J
iw York....... I 2000 NB I?
Sklabonui; Oklsl So 3 N W
PhtUiJ.lpnli . 34 32 3.T3 KB W
PbosBls Arts 49 40 K S
PurtUoJ. I . 0 O NS I
jut.. co !! m K S
ft lU. Ma 82 J3 .CS B a
n.l,. Da 51 i fe Via Si
T'-iSar-ai tew, .' ittiis & &
SU41K ,
iB!0 HO,