Syj SMGTH FOLLOWS EARLY WEAKNESS IN HEW YORK MARKET . ( , tl. S. Steel Common Sells at j . Highest Point Since Divi dend Was Passed Call Money 2 Per Cent. - NRW YORK, Feb. 2,-On some support 'fciffopiers the rnttrket beenme strong In ths afternoon session, after earlr IrreirU- lfttfts', and some profit taking;. United StMes Steel common, by eelllwr nt ii. ' reached tlio highest point since the tllvl- -r Genii wnn panned on last Tuesday, Al though sales 01 the stock were" not larRe, ottering, which were also light, found a market as soon as they were felenscd for sale by holders, It now appears that tho stock has found Ita level and thnt thero will bo no further necessity of reducing the minimum price below 88, where It now stands. Predictions are" current In the Btrett that the report of unfilled orders of the corporation, to be published a week from today, will show a further substan tial Increase. Another favorable factor to steel waa the announcement of an ad vance In steel products for March de livery. The market closed dull with prices oft fractionally from the high oftho day, scored In the afterndon session, but the inajorltv of the list was above tho final yesterday. The early reaction was based on two thing: Tho dynamiting of a main bridge of tho Canadian Pacific Railroad over tho SU Croix nivor, leading from Vnnce bcro, Mo., to McAdam Junction, N. B., and to the further rise In the prlco of May wheat at Chicago, which touched tier,, tin highest price since May. 160S, When tho price rose to 11.85. Following the announcement of the destroying of the "Canadian1 Pacific bridge tho stock told down 2J points to 157, Tho selling of (he utock was reported as coming from London and. Montreal, and was Intended as a bear movement to create. the Im pression that the company's property wns In danger of acrlous damage by German sympathizers. Supporting 'orders later carried the stock to within V of the close yesterday at 1594. Despite the fact that tho December earnings of the New York Central mado a very favorable showing ns compared with recent months, tho net Increasing $664,03) over the same month of last year, the stock sold down to. DO. The gross for the 12 months was $5,903,540 below the same period of 1914. Third Avenuo wns quoted nt 47 on the announcement that a quarterly divi dend1, of 1 per ccnt' had been recommended to bo' declared shortly after tho beginning of the next fiscal year, and to be paid not later than October 1. 1915. Scars-noebuck cold down 2 points to 205. Sales of tho company In January wero $7,957,315, a gain of $212,767, or ap proximately 2i per cent. California Petroleum was a strong specialty nnd appeared to be receiving at tentlon from the pool which recently put up the price on Mexican Petroleum. Call money loaned at 1 jjcx cent, dur ing the greater part of the day, but It roeo to 2 pe. cent, nt the close. Tho foreign exchange market was steady, with demand sterling oft fractionally. MHOTO STOCK QUOTATIONS TONOPAH STOCKS. ni.i. .73 .04 .07 1'7 ,:ia .in w ..if SI .51 ..10 .07 .SO .OTI .07 .07 .0.1 .Ofl .70 &' .15 -.It .03 Jim Butler , MaCXarnara Midway , .-.,. Mlipah Ext Montana Northern star Tonopah Belmont Tonopah; Ext Tonoph Mers-er , .., Tonopah Mining , Iteacuo Eula West End. ... J , Ooldfield btocks. Blue Dull . ,..., Hw'th ...., JWif- Dumpnuatld j? V..,;W. I..:. miay ...h.. ,. .,... Florence ,...'., Hol.25M Conodated Ooldrleia -Mercer .,., Jumbo Ext .75 .0(1 .08 .2S .:i8 .18 7S .07 .57 .37 ,a .:i2 .04 .08 .as .0.1 .07 .70 33 1U .28 .1H .IS .00 .'05 .10 .34 1.43 Nrwmma ,. Oro l..)i.... FandJCen . ,F...r.K. .. Silver pjplc ......,...',...'...,... , M JllSCEI.tANEOUS. Nevada. .Wonder ....... ..'."I";: .01 .07 .32 1.40 r'f5TEW YOBK CTTBB . Brnden Did. grlilsh-Arnerlcan Tob old.... 18C . Goldneld Conaolldated Orteno Cananea ,.., iSJSSXS, :r:tr::;:;:: Otfs i:ievntor ...., Oil Kirvitor pref... Ttlker-IIeremin :,....; Btnllna- Oum , Tobacco Products pref, nj"5 V.'w Btorer ,,... m JInlted Ofifar Stores pref. .,,,,111 3U Willys Overland .. 00 "'lllys overland pref ..,.,A.,,,tl M'orld yilm .... Tukon Cold . . va: BANK CLEARJNaS Bank clearings today compared with corrs. spofidlng- day laat two 1015 ion iai Phllada.,.. tno,lHU,74 t37.J44,n ni,.1a,H8! Boatan ..... 34.5nan.1 S.04.M01 4.1MST18 rVairXoric... 448,157,608 B7B,l2,4a 433, 3 743 BATES rOB MONEY Call. Time. lmidiphla Kr left ., lioaton ..V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V u!U shSj sftei 4 its Crilcaca ' i..Va phl. imV, p,r cent. -Aiia.o. iTEvr youK coevpee mabket MSYT TOHK. yb. .-Th market TKrt T.r. K-- ,- r-.r1" P."reri eaiea. baxa. CiDenlm rutunu: K.U 7.3 .1S&! April,. O-SOo. bid: Myt dJOo. bid: Jun. kjoo, nia. Juiy,.7.SS07.81o.; Auru.t. IA VAa.4fca fJlSc. bid I September. J.45o. bid) October. . J.40O, bid i October. 7.M 2.?'k?'ovIobr etttni 7-0O5.1 December, naalBr futnraa Pcbruarv. S.eTfHC fl&. iraH-t. ftojejoti April, May. 0.1rf .aoc.i June. B.ltetI8c: Julr. T.ioM7in Auuit. T.3ii7.Slc.i September, 7.30nT.41ni ber, 7.450T.48C-.; November. T SlfiT.BJc! cetnbr, 7-&S37.60Q- ToUl a)ea, 8250 baa! UCVE mOCK BEOEIPTS CItlC&OQ, rcb. 5.-roIiffBrter ere ti llv RtoeK runa at ti various entree: llora. raltl SJheen, C V. & Tarda. . .100(10 1200 . .MOM 11000 .. 1500 laia 10000 eooo ssoo eoo 500 600 la M. St. Tarks. .20000 5200 eph, oa 230O ! city , 3HM 1100 ortb. 3500 3200 jUk XepelTer io,t Michigan Central OKTHQ1T, Feb. a.-Cextia atockbelden ef llw Micbli.ll CentnU IUUroad bv cntw.d , bwwmp mw vww pMea AJ(ssnci tjourt V trm wMiti.tMf.b . (n:BJTfj-ajr lop jjx n wu imea. ii u. compuiined tbat W b&Bf mi worn u Michigan, gr tb Tfork ttatral for the feen. n roo coBi(oltd by the New Twk fa rrpauot Prlcca Artvaaced ? iRftrJ?-!? H??f Wi r. ,",n irMP , can. "i w&gvsr ,is xirsb and for uttrivf ufffi to LSUa. wi it is Illinois 4c Iron and Uum flctuea att- U already :,,. JjtesWitilMnk' Xeatnea laryei' VUil Feb QglcHJ anaotwicemieiit wa QHpg(klC Ba B waaJ V .4HHwti '.000. ff fMll V 4KW OWWll XMa1 Aim, it xfLertasf'sii Ml' aOn" WS-i Asked. 10 85 111 02 OS 00 "J 0.1 U.I &9J -MPpte sZf1"1 NEW YOU STOCK SM.ES 2C U. lilih, Lbw. Clew llktirfe .7x1.1 in... 28lf 28). 28H 5MC Mil MU 60M 60H 38) i RSH 85 85 2 H 28f DIM 04!f 45)1 4Mi 103 103 45J. 45. t,H H( 2IH 21' 23M 2W 10 10, 21 Ji 2l) 02 O'X 8'l 80 Amalgamated Copper . MH M AmAt tfiem 40JC American licet flueif .. 88J Am fleet Sutar prat .... 83 American C.n 20 American Can pref 04H American Cat A Round, AtM A-H Coal Prod preY. , .108 American Cotton Oil... -15S Am tilde and Leather. . A ArnnideLealh pref. l)l 601. so). 85 29H 05 4r,M 108 40 Mi 25)1 24 10 2?X raii- American Ice 24 American fJniced... 10 American Locomotive.. 221C Amrrltan Smelting E jtm timelier See nref. American Sugar 110,'t UO 108. 108U American SUear pref . ll.'t 'iat li H li:J. American Tel A Tel.... 12 J. 121)1 1205. 120U Anerlcan'lobaccoprel llXU. lOflM KX1W 10'IM Atchison 04!( 04U 01K D4U AftacondaCopper...... 27. 27H 2Jf 27Jf Baldwin Locomotlre..,. 35 SM 32Jf 32,'f flaldwln Loco pref 100. 101H 101 101 Baltimore a Ohio 70H 71 70H 70). ILlllrroreA: Ohio prof . 7(l 71 7nj 71 o so Bethlehem Steel 4l)lf 4U'-i 4cT. 41) Bethlehem Steel href. 103K 1P4 104 101 rtrooklyn Hapld Transit 87K 88tf 88 flank ol Commerce-....17nt4. 170)4 170 1-8 170M 2') 54 167J. 34X 44 30 UK California I'clroleum... 18U 2f)!( 10 Cal Petroleum pref,.... fi.'l 64 i MM Canadian I'aclflc lfiUK ICQif 157 Central Leather 3IU 34) 34K ChesAOhlo 44X 44lf 41 OhlnoConper 30) ( 30) 30 ChlcaioOt Western... im 11M IltJ Chlcaeo Mil A ht I' . . 88' bO 8HU m'i Chic Mil A St l' pref... 1271 127Jf 127W 127U ChicaifoA Northwest.. 127M I27K K'H W'ii ConCan 4 4 (Hi 10 40 Krle 23 23!f ?l'K 22K Krlelatpref 3(1)4 3(1M SOH 30H Consol Oas U81 110)f 11! 1I0U Corn I'loducti OH O'i OH 0!i Detroit Edison 113 112 112 1U Otneral Chemical 105 105 104 10 aeneral Klectrlc 143)f 143K Uiii 142J OerrMotor 04 04 01 01 General Motor pref 05 01 00 00 OoodrichCo 31J 3.'l 31U 3 ! Goodrich Co pref 07'f 07 07 07 Great Northern prof... 1 15U 115t 115H 115)4 Great North Ore Cent.. 31U 31 30?( SOX Gtirecnhelm C ( 51H 51W 5Hi Harvester N J 05 08 08 D8 Interboro-ifetronolltan. I2U 12) 12) 12 interbor Met pref 53!f 54J 54 6l) inspiration 18)4 18f 18W 18)4 Kiseen 100 100H 1 0 100H Kansas.CI ty Southern.. 23 23 23 23 Lehigh Valley 137 137 135)f 135U Loose-MMIes Ills 2fi'4 23)4 23 23 Ixiulsvillc A Nashville.. 117J4 1174 11754 117J4 Maxnell Motor 17 17 17)4 17J4 Maxwell Motor 1st pref 55U 6714 55)4 67 Maxwell Motor 2d pref cf..21 2154 21)4 2IK ..2". 25W 2.5K 25)4 .. 74 74)4 73J4 74)4 .. 1154 1154 11)4 11)4 .. 10 10 1854 1M4 .. 12)4 12)4 1154 11)4 .. 40 45W 45)4 45W ... 12)4 1254 l,-')4 12)4 .. 6214 51)4 61)4 51)4 .. 00)4 00)4 8054 00 .. .. 112 112 112 .. ?3K 23)4 23)4 1'3)4 ..102'( 105 105 105 Minn A St Louis pref Mexican Petroleum . Missouri Kan A Tex . Miami Capper....... Missouri Pacific Montana Power Co . Nevada Consolidated.. NYNHA1I .... NcwjYork Central . NYtackAWcst . NY ll A West, i . Nnrfnlk A Western. Northern Pacific 104)4 1P6J4 104tf 104M Pennsvlvanla 10' H lOfJJ 100 100 PcoplcsGas 110 110 1J8J4 110 rittsuurch Coal 18)4 1814 1)4 1SH Tressed Steel Car 20V4 ''1 30t4 3lV4 Pullman Co 15:)4 152H 162)4 152'4 Ray Consolidated 1734 17t4 17)4 17J4 Ileadlni: 147' 14714 14054 14054 Headlne 2d pref 87 85)4 854 8534 ItepublldronASteet... 1UH iO 104 1034 Ilocklsland Ji 54 ., 54 H Rumely Co W 1)4 lv4 1H Seaboard Air Line pref. . 35 38(4 38J4 38)4 Sears Roebuck 207 2C8 2. 2h 205 Sears, Roebuck pref.... 12" 1?4H 1Z4M IZlvj Southern Pacific... a;i o u o.j oo) Southern Railway . Southern Ry orcf. . 17 17 10'4 1054 no 50 60 10 45 45 45' Standard Mill 45 Studebaker 42H 4254 42 42M Tennessee Copper.. Texas Company ... Third Avenue Twn City RT Union Bag A Paper. Union Pacific l"n Pacific pref .... 30)4 30)4 30)4 30)4 ...135 135 135 135 .... 47J4 47J4 47 47 .... 99 09 08J4 09 ... GW 6)4 0 0 ...12034 12054 120 120)4 .... 81 81 81 81 US Rubber.... 57)4 5854 574 8 USRubber'" 1st pref.... 101)4 103)4 103)4 103)4 USSteel 39)4 41)4 40)4 4 54 USSteclprcf 103)4 1034 103W 1034 Utah Copper 64)4 5434 63)4 53H VaCarChem 21 21 ITOVi LOH Va Car Chem pref 85 SG 80 80 Western Union 03)4 OH 0354 OIK Westlnchouso Elec 72 72 71M 71H Western Marj land 20)4 2'.H 2l 20)4 Wisconsin Central 35 32H 32)4 32)4 Vicclwurtb 04)4 t4)4 Vm!4 W54 Total sales. 108,500 shares. LOCAL BID AND ASKED Tndnv. Hid. Aaked. Did. Asked. . .. 35 32K 33 . Baldwin do prut Klec Storoa-e .... Qen AJiuhalt .... do pref Kv Tel do t c Co pref Lake Supe C ... IlTlnh Nav .... do t c lhltth Valley IehlKh Val Tr .. do prf Pennaylvania .... Th(lB. tfC ...... .10114 102V4 101 . 47 4Bi 48 . .. 30 . .. (1(1 1W UH U2 74 Wi in 27 14 M' 23, 11T4 134 02 V4 IPhlla Co do prer do cum pref.-... Phlta R T. do t c..... Readins .......... Tonopah Belmont. Tonopah MInlnc . Union Traction... United Ga Imp.. II 8 Bteel., ....... xnra imjr . do pref. ..... Cain Bteel NO PRESSURE IN COTTON Prices Showed Advancing Tendency; Liverpool Steady. NEW TORK. Feb., 2. Wire trouble In the Southwest had a restricting- Influence In cotton tradlne this morning. The tone was steady at the opening, one point lower to two points higher. Only four trades were recorded on the call and the market ruled quiet afterwards. There was no pressure to sell, however, and prices advanced from two to three points higher. Liverpool cotton was steady. Tea. cloa. Open. Hiin. mw. cioee. March ....... .; May , 8,80 101 M 40 3D , . on ItW 13 13& lilt a: en i .. u 7.V4 7.VA 71114 75(4 754 704 (VSV4 OS IS4 V.V, 1.1 1.11, 1-8 27 W WW B.T KIM, VV SIVi J-ts, 33 . . 31 .... .. 34 .. 3 .IS .. 38 10 .. 10 ::::::: a 4 37att 81 8t,i 8IW 82 ....3054 40, 40(4 404 .. 71 .. 7 ...... 3W 31 BOH 31 , S.Ol 8.70 8.61 8.70 8.8S 8.08 8.68 8.0S 0.08 8.18 0.08 0.13 0.33 0.80 0 33 0.3T 0.48 0.B3 0.48 O.W July October ..... December . Spot, 8.60. 0.30 0.4O MOIIE BOCK ISItAND BTJJTS Actions Brought to Becover $8,000, 000 Prom the Company. NEW YORK. Feb, t. Suit has been filed n the State Supremo Court by First National l)ank of Rldgefleld, N, J",, the leople,'s National Bank, of, Hackepsack. N. L- Amste.r, of Boston, and nine other stockholders of the Chicago Bock Island and Pacific Railway Company to recover from the directors of Pecember,l$08?.7. 60,000 alleged to have been taken out of treasury of the company with no benefit to It. The cauj of action arises from the ls suan'co by Chicago. Bock Island and Pa cific Hallway Company, the, Iowa holding Company, of debenture bonds which were sold to the operating railway company. Suit was filed In the New York Supremo Court today to recover $60a,ooo from Daniel G. Held and W. H. Moore and their as-H Boclates. this sum having been diverted from the treaaury of the Chicago, Bock Island and Pacific Bailway Company, It la alleged, for purchase of. St Louis; and Bin Franclico stock. The plaintiffs are the First National Bank of Bldgefleld park, N. J., the Psoplea National Bank of Hackensack. N. J., and N. L. Amster, of Boston, representing minority stock. bolder. Jfo financial Xegtslatioa Now WABMINOTpM, Feb. m uifc vum tt SffL.1? 2. PTMidaat WUaoa iac5tf tax teuSS T37f"i.Pl7TT EVENING- LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY LOCAL LIST pET; TONOPAH BELMOHT UNDER PRESSURE Anthracite Shares Displayed Firmness Brokers' Charges LoWcrcd on Janu ary Accounts. About tho only active feature of the trading In tho Plillndelphla Stock Ex change this morning was TonopahBel niont. One brokerage house had an order to sell 4000 shnres, but was unable to dis pose of the whole of this block before the prico of the stock sank to the minimum limit of 4. This is the lowest point Bel mont tins touched educe 1910. It wns sold tho selling wns for Western Interests. About 2000 shnres chnnged hnnds. Tono pah Mining wns also rather heavy, both of these slockn being nflected by the low price of sliver. The remainder of tho Iccnl list was Inactive, but received good support. At the close It was announced that nil restrictions would be removed on both Tonopnh stocks tomorrow. The minimum limit on Baldwin Locomo tive common stock was lowered today from 38 to 32, In order to conform with a slmllnr drop In New York, nnd the stock sold at 32?J, n loss of 5, from tho last previous quotation. Tho preferred also declined slightly, ns did Qcnernl Asphalt preferred. On tho other hnnd, the nnthra cite conl group developed Btrength.ln the early trading, as did Pennsylvania. United Stales Steel was not bo active as on Monday, but moved up across U In the afternoon. Odd lot buying of American Gas lifted thnt stock 2 points to 103. Brokers' customers havo been receiving their accounts for last month and for the most part carrying charges were reduced about n of 1 per cent, to around 6A per cent. It will be recalled that It was not until the middle of the month that the banks cut the official call money rate to 4!e per cent., so that this Influence will not bo felt until the February accounts are Issued. Tlicro is still talk of a pon nlblo further icductlon In tho call rate ti 4 per cent., nnd In view of Inst '"ok's bank statement this voulu not b6 sur I'llslng. LOCAL STOCK AND BOND SALES . ,,,, . Yea. close. High. Low. Cloae. siniaiicc ins ... 10 5 Am lleet Hugnr .. SU Amal Copper .. ,. 10 Am Can 170 Am Can 101 ,20 Ualdwln Loco.. ., loii no pref loi4 .no Cam Steel .... 421 100 Cal I'etroleum. . . 4 Hen Aap pref. ., 0,1', W3 lnt P & Chem.. 30 .1 Ins Co N Am. 214 4.12 lnt Pnd . C. . 30 13 1-chlKli Nav 1 c 7.1 ! l.ehlgh Valley. 0714 10 I, Val Trans Df. 28 ISS l'enni Itallroad'S.11,. ,..? xciiiiA i(aiiroaao.i't. ii3,. OJH, oj'.i SICI l'hlla Electric. EJft 23, 23$ 2I li) ltea.llnir .. 73 73 li-10 73 11-10 7311-10 12 Mo PaclOe 12 12 208 pa a n on l.w ras-ia 424 Phlla Klec 2IH 23H 12 KUi 23S 83H 10(1 SO iJflil(l(. S.14. M.lii 1000 Tonopah Belmont 4 3-10 4 3-10 4 KSS Tonopah Mining 7 7-10 7H 125 Union Tree 30 30 -7i 30 no 81 iff 30 GO 7 united O 1 81 322S V S Steel 40 1"U Union Traction, 3(1 120 Westmorc Coal. 00 8li 41i 8U1 it 30 CO 30 00 -i.x-nmuenu. Total sales, S30S shares BONDS. Last prov. aale. lltirh. Low. Cloaa. 2i0( 100 Am G & El 5s. 83U S.W 8.1i 8.1V. it j iam Hteci acrip. wkju rjiec & i' Tr 2000 Inter Hwys 4i 2000 L Nav cons 4 .hsju u val uoai oa..l(H"K iihu IWA i'M(a 140 Plllla Elco Sa. .102(4 102(4 102U 102(4 xvw x oc u I K L7t ut?3 Ul Hi iwkj i'a en .i1 in mm. loo ioo loo 11100 I'a conv 4a 1048. 1.7'i U7 01 10000 Un Ry Inv Sa.. 03 03 , 03 Total sales. S2S.072. 100 7 03 HALF HOURLY SALES 10 to io.30 a. ar. 10 Ton Bel 4S-16 50 U S Steel.... zo u a Bteel.... 4M 10 do 40M 4 oeu Aip prd. 20 Pcnr.a 1U UO .. 4U'1 3 do 40(i S do 40U 2() U S Steel.... 10 Ton Del 4 .'u ualdwln 60 Am Cupper... ', 40 U H steel. 10 do 4UU 10 U S Steel.... u u o olcci.1.. ivii .i x-rniia ....... CO do., do., do., do.. 40i 10 do 4ii)I KiO neadini; ..73 J 40( 3 Tonopah llln. 40S 25 do 40H -V) Penna ....... USfl, 10 Am Can BONDS. 10 23 100 100 do... 2 Leh Valley.. 300 Phlla Elec Ss , 2000 Interatate toy 4a 0 Cam Steel scrip 1000 Penna conv 3'a 1013. ...,..., 400 Cam Steel scrip 10.30 to 11 A. M. 12.1 Tonopah Bel 20 U a Steel... 8 100 Ton Bol. .4 1-1(1 M 3-10 'o I'enna 3 i'enna . .) 1-enna d.i .xr u u bieet..., 4U' is .i u a ateei..,. wn :i I'nila dec. IB Leh Nav t 73 1(10 do... 23 '49 Baldwin pfd 101 BOND3. 63 Cam Steel scrip ., 10O0 Leh Nav cona 4Ua 11 to 11.30 A. M, 07W OU'i 10 Fenna r.TW 100 U S Steel.. 40U S Ina Co N A.. S 27.1 Tonopah Bel. 4 2 do 21 20 U 8 fcteel.... 40M o U S Steel.... 40(J 10 do 40 i in 723 Tonopah Bel. 4 BONDS. 3nC0 Valley coal Bs.. 10iU l'hlla Klec Sa likio Leh Nav cons 4lSa.. 100 Am 0a & Glee Si... 11.30 A. M. to 12 M. W) Ton llel 4 1-10 00 Ton Mln 7 7.16 01 Baldwin pfd..101V4 03 IVeatmo Coat. 60 40 Am aas.r....lOOK B Am Bt Suxar, 38S 8 Penna B3( 4 Penna ,.,,,,, M(J 41 Am aaa. 100H 12 to 12.30 P. M. 100 .Tonopah Mln. 1 RO Tonopah llln. 200 Tonopah Bel, 4 200 Tonopah Bel. P 100 do 200 Tonopai Mln. 7J1 T do...,...., 00 ICO U B Steel..., 40K 20 Tonopah llln. 7U 100 do...,.".. 40fJlOO U sTteel..,. 40 20 Weitmo Coal, 60 10 do....,,,,. tW 12.30 to 1 P. M. 10 U S Steel,,.. 40K 2 Penna. B.V1 200 do...,,,,.. 40 1 do......,,, lay IOO do. do. i,,t j!J7 j" -- " .... "T IOO m: 10 do.. 100 lnt row ft un o, a u i. ,,.. oit iS. ASnocah Mln. 7U100 U 8 Sta.l.... 4041 0 II (1 I... 100 U 8 Steel.... "Ji 100 Tonopah Bel. 4 100 Tonopah Mln, TU ixj.NDa. i inon Penna. cona 4a 1D48... ............. m 100 Phlla Elec. U, ,...,,. 102 1 to 1,30 P. M. 45 lnt Pow as Ch 80 15 Tonopah Bel. 4 100 Boutb Pacific. 8M4 20 Cam'ateel.... 42 200 U 8 Steel.... 40i 44 Phlla fc'leo.;.. 23 S T lnt Pow ft Ch 30 1.30 to 3 P. M. SO Tonopah Bel. 4 2J Tonopah Bel. to Phlla Elec.. H Phlla Elec..-. S3H 100 Uolon Trae... 38 100 Jnt Pow ft Ch SO B Penna. MU 3 to 3.30 P. M. 100 lnt Pow & Ch SO 60 U S Bteel. .., 10 U 8 Bteel. ... -(OK 50 Penna . " do... 41 UOUS Steel. . 3 1 S Mil ineoranc If 100 U -a Steel. . . . 41V4 200 U 8 Bteel... . 41(4 2 All! Insurance 16 IS do......... 1H100U h Steel.... 41 10 LehV Tr pfd 28 23 Am Gas lpl -00 U B Steel.... 41W 100 V g'Steal.... it 10 Aro Ou. ...... 1(1 . 3 Am Oas. 10; 11H 100 Cal Petrpl...- a BQNDS. 2000 Am Ga ft Eleo U. 1000 Phlla, W ft U t c 4s 3.30 to 3 P. M. 100 IT 8 Steel i on Tonopah Mln. 7 r.i lnlTPov r.ChU T Am nt. ' a Am Oas. 10 U S Steel tsei.... 40 M Phil Else." is 101H 0 Cam Steel.... 42U- h S 8 Steel.... 40? 4 Am uu . in TADflUh 12 Mo paclflc... 20 Aro Oas 103 is aq uaa ii BONDS. E000 Eleo ft Peep Tr 4s TT 100O0 Va Kwy lev U 64 ii M ii i "I POBEIGN EXCHANOB NEW XOHK, Keb, -Tl felP txcfcuc in in hi 3S 38)4 38 flttf MU r.vt 2,1 5 2ll(i 2U' 103 lOOt? 103 32ti 32t .12'.. 1U1 llllU lull: 42 42J Vil 204J 2U) 2S OV (T, IB .10 30 30 21 21tf 21 30 30 30 7.1 7.1 75 IS4 llt4 Hi 28 28 28 . it. 'i ii. Yi iki viyi is. .TH 7I4 77 77, .. fiSla B8tJ SSti B814 4s in) ooV. noil w.n. fSSWS h, wp jkwih: un &. iniasa iiUa, NEW YORK BOND SALES Itlsh, Low. Clnee. 2000Ad.m, Eipresa 4e.... 11 71 U W)0O Ainer Asr 6 P3 t3 g-J 1000 Amer Tel c t 4a,.. ,; 80 ft, ,,51 snvxi Amer Tel evt 4(U! . . "l0(t voi loOU 1WO Amer Tohae njw M.. tn't 12lfi 1 ooo Amer Tobac new 4s... H8J4 8i 09(4 2oo Armour Co 414..,.!,, m ml M 7iK Atrhlxm mAl ill '' St'" M gn aivw Aicnieon 4a .aA.. .."::"" .. -........ l... Alchleon 4a . .;,,..,. HIS Allan Co Line clt 41.. 8flk iwi 70U0 nwo fIOO Unit ft Ohio cv 4lta,., 80i ,8000 jleth Steel let Se .. ,,lO0 20WHJ ileth steel rid r. ..,! 87J4 oooo i ronkn no Tr Bt lpismifi 1000 llrookn Itap Tr (1.. .102J4 row Hrook tJ nl Jet Be eta.luoU tOOrt lltiah Term i. ,,,,,., 8.1 NXM Cal Una A Klec Cs,... 02Ji IsitiO Canada Routh 0.,,,,.loi( two cent ixath lat ft 00(4 i" ,2W0 Cent I'ac lat 4 Md 8SH liuoo Ches ft Oh cv 4(a.... 73 74 10.SJ Chi ft Alton 3a.. 00 t" 1W0 Chi Ut Weat 4s...... 71 , 71, 1000 Chi ft Nwn Ken 4a tft. 1)2 I 02(4 lOOisI Chi II A joint 4s,i, IKlU !0(i .,2000 Chi IJ A U III 3H..., 82 82 113000 Chi M ft 8t P cp Sa.KMH m 2000 fhl M ft B P Dlv 4s, 80( .80 10MO0 Ch M ft S P cv Be w l.l(4 K)2(t 14000 Chi M A 8 1 cv 4)S. 074 074 BlHHI Chi M A St I fd 4Us. 80(l 8.) rooox'hi n i a p col 4s.. 2.1(1 2-iJi ioo chi ii n b n i"i! 4000 (! O O Bl Ii gen 4. 71 71 l()2ll .ii) coi industrial Bi Ti B2B00 Con Una cv Oa w I.... 114 lOOtt Corn Prod ,1s lu.1l,... 0I(! l(KiO Del A Hud rfd 4s.... 4S 2000 Dla Recur Corn Ba... . MV 1I34 114,, 48 49 M BtS 80t 80 (ii m 81"j ill? 101(1 101(4 28, ,20 (1000 Du Pont POttd 4(4a.. 80 fOOO Erie conv 4a er II,... 01 Ji 42000 Kto prior 4e.... sn'S 7000 General Motor Be 101(4 inoo Hud Man In B.,i... 2 . lono Hud Co Ore Be K2'4 1000 Hock Val lat 4Wa.... D4H loon III Bteel deb 4in 8.1(4 4000 Inwn rntpal 4m 42 17000 111 Chi W Ba 11000 Jnap Cop cv (ta .VKi Insp Cop cv fla 1019.. 3000 lnterh Met 4(i 20000 Interb II T ret Ba.,.. ini'm no 1(7 1 i T27 i-1-1 07)( Oil, ttxn) inter Mer Mar 4V4i.., m 1B000 Internl l'nper (! 11 noon jnd Alcohol 3e 100 B000 Intnl Stm Pump Ba. . 40 nioo Jap Oer new sta 4(ia. 70(4 7000 Jap new 4'4 80 r.OOO K C Ft S ft M 4s 72 BCOO Kan City Ter lat 4e.. 03 8000 Laelta Steel Ba 11HS...100,, 1000 Lk Bh deb 4a 1031... . 02(4 H2(, BOW Lie & M T r, 101 101 BOOO LIB A M T 7 3(100 Lorlllard Ba 3IKX) Lorllliird 7a ........ 33IXX) Lmi A Naah 4a.,.. 1000 Milwaukee Has 4a.. mm Mo Kan A T 4 2000 Mo Kan ft T 2d 4s 200O Mont Power Os KKK) Mo Pac 4a Bonn Nat Tube Ba 2000 N Y C Bt L 4 37IK10 N Y C A II 3(4a... 500O N Y C ft Hud 4s.. 1SIHIO m v r?ttv 4h 10.17 . ..124(4 ..ioi(4 . .1Z1 .. 04U :: a :: frf mil . . 80(4 . 8(IW 101(4 122ti 07W wK 1IH) N Y City 4S 1US!) Ii!4 i"T 21000 N Y City 4Ws 1000. .looft loo 2OU0 N Y City 4Ua 1IHII..103 JO.; 80IHI N Y City 4n 11)01.. 100(4 100 1H0O N Y Cy 4'Sa May 'B7.103 10. LO()0 N Y Cv 4&S Nov B7.10l'4 101 20i N Y Ijscka A V Oe.lOJli 1"'; IKKIO N Y Ont A W let 4s. 81 80 iron N Y llwv ref 4 72(4 72' 80 72(5 SOOO Ont Power 6a 85 1000 Oto Hy A N con 4a. . ni scoo roclflc Tel 5s 07H 53000 I'enna cv 3a "' 1000 do 4(4a 102, 1000 People's Oas 5s .8"! 2(m i' ii o st L l'js..loo 1O0O Public Serv N J Ba.. 87' FJlMt II.,, r.,n Cnnnr n..l(KI 2000 Itepub Cuba 5s IOO... Mj'A (fU.I ttn.lf J... ... Kl.4 nUUUI .In rIA Am (TI 120CO do Gs BOO 400(1 Ity Steel Spgs Ba 1031 00 Sxp Seaboard A L adj Da 10500 do Sta 4a 2000 South llell 5a KCOO South Pac cv 4s 000(10 do cv ret t p Bs... 4000 South Pac rfd 4a 3000 South Ilwy con Bs. . . 1000 Tenn C & Ir gen Bs. un) n rn cv (la 7000 Third Ave new 4a., tnnn Third Ave lat Bs. . . , SOOO Third Ave ad Ba 1300 ti S (Ioern 2s reg. 2O00 U 8 Itubber Oa 24000 U S Steel Bs 1000 U S Steel rcg 5s.... 13000 Union Tac 4a KKK) I'nlon Pac cv 4 3000 I'nlon 'Pac rcg 4a... 10000 Un I'ac rfd 4 3000 Va Os Brown Bros... 7000 Va nwy Bs 180(10 Wabash lBt Bs. . . . . . 1000 Wab-P Ter lat ct 4s. 1000 .Wait C A Boa 4i. 171 (TO West Md lat 4a..... 30000 Weet n ft M cv 5a. 2000 West Shore reg4a... Total sales. $2,018,000. FINANCIAL BRIEFS The auKgenhelm Exploration Company for the year ended December 31, 1914, re ports net Income J3.3S3.622, equal to 16.27 per cent, on the outstanding capital stock. The Standard OH Company of Louisiana has ncqulred Bl per cent, of the holdings of the Atlas Oil Company. Tho other 49 per cent. Is to be transferred to Pitts burgh Interests. The total consideration Is 1760,000 cash. William Mcllvnlno was elected a di rector of tho United Power nnd Trans portation Compony, succeeding 'William It. Jlcllvalne, deceased. Pennsylvania Railroad consolidated 1H were bid up to 105 on the curb. John C. Wood has been elected treasurer of the II. B. Clafiln Corporation. A. Low. who for many years was treasurer of the H. B. Clafiln Company, reslened Feb ruary 1. Emergency currency to the amount of SU9.2S0 has been tetlred at the local Sub treasury. Lincoln National Bank, of Pittsburgh, M2I,I50, and the Port Worth National Bank, of Fort Worth, Texas, !y,000. New Zealand has arranged to purchase 1.000,000 bushels of Canadian wheat for delivery in July. The American Can Company's annual report showed a decrease of 1737,377 In net earnings. Balance after charges was 13,876,173, a decrease of Jl, 156,711. Henry Hoy waa elected a director. The American Radiator Company de clared a quarterly dividend of 4 per cent, on the common stock, an Increase of 1(4 per cent, over the previous rate. At the annual meeting of the Hunting don and Broad Top Mountain Railroad and Coal Company, Miles White, Jr., and Webster King Wetherlll were elected to succeed Harrison K, Caner and A, J, Drexel Paul on the board of directors. In its annual report the United Power and Transportation Company showed a balance to profit and loss of fl.3S0.61O. against J1.3S2.633 In 1913. Corporate financing during January amounted to 1115,000,000, or more than In any month since May, 1911, This Is 118, 000,000 more financing than was done by United States corporations In the first fogr months after the war started. It ex ceeds the financing In December by 333,. 000,000, The Pennsylvania Water and Power Company rtporta for the year a gross gain of - J1S2.W3 and a net Increase of tltirss. The .final surplus was (710, a de crease of 117,822 from 1813. Brown Brothers & Co. announce that Benjamin P. Moseer, -who has been repre senting their bond department In Central Pennsylvania, has been transferred to Philadelphia, Victor P. Lecoq. 3d, of Harrisburg, has been appointed their rep resentatlve to succeed Mr. Mosser. DIVIDENDS DE01AEBD General Asphalt Company, euarttrly of lu per . cent, oa Dreferred. payable March 1 to stock of record February 13, icr i4jrvwmiiea resuwr quarterly 1 oo preerred stock, payable Marcb 1 ( record February 20. per cent, oo ta stock ot i 'jne; ituoil unuva iiwa.ya uwiapaiar, quarv terlr 1U per cent., payable Marco 1 to stock of record February 13. DIRECTORY 1 ACCOUNTANTS Certlilol Publlo AccouotanU Ukm Hon N Y Ilwjr aoj ss.... o uj uj 4000 N Y State 4fta, 1"8 114 loH 4000 N Y Tel sen itts.,.. 0W OoV pt 12000 Nnrf ft West cv IHe.lojf', lfri 4 i"! i 1000 do Dlv 4a.., 88W 8(5 f14 lsono Nor Pac prior 4a.... 02 n2(J 02J, U4-). UI7 ti UM'. II.,V. ni 01 07 Mft 1(H) 100 u. in2(i vny, K M 80 K lOOIj 1(H. (4 87H 87 100 100 on no 8374 Fvlti 00(i o-iu I 511(4 BOVi IM1 00 (WVi un "n 83(4 82 82 1)8 07 08 82(4 82' 82'A myt no on,, 87H 87Vi .87 4 100(1 100'. IOO. 101 101 101 oo 00(4 oori , . 82(1 82 KU ..1004 100(4 10(4 . 8014 M) BU',a . on on oo .1024 102(4 102J4 .1014 101(4 101(4 .101 101 101S . 00H 00 DOH .no oo oo . 04(i 04(1 04V, . VOX 00(J 00(4 , 57 Bfl BO . 00 08(4 OfiW .100(4 Aoo ioo45 ' n') 'no c . an oo oo . nt 03(4 o.i(4 . 01(4 01W 1H WHEAT'S ADVANCE SENSATIONAL; MAY $1.05 A BUSHEL Rise in Chicago Pit Begins at Opening July Closes at $1.43 Other Grains Up. CHICAGO, Feb. 2.-After n day of sen sational advances which started at the very opening", Mny wheat closed todny nt I1.R5 per bushel, July wheat ended at 1.43 por bushel. These were the highest prices reached during Hie day, nnd the rocord In the local pit for 17 years, slnco tho Jnmea A. I'nttcn corner In 1903. Coupled with today's wheat rise, fl'otlr took tho expected Jump of 20 cents per parrel, and bakers almost generally throughout Chicago raised broad prices from S and 10 cents to 6 and 11 cents a loaf. While prices were moving up, United States District Attorney Cllno took his first aatlvo step toward a Government In quiry. He subpoenaed a number of ele vator men to brine their books Into his office. Mr. Cllnc wnntcd to learn Just how many bushels of wheat there wero In Chicago, Corn set new high records on the crop today. The close wns Siy,1iS3'A for Slay nnd 85(4 for July. Leading; futures ranged aa follows Yea. close. l.BOft 1.37(4 Wheat Open, Illith. Iiw. Close, May 1.00 1.05 1.87(4 1.05 July 1.30(4 1,43(4 1.30 M.43 corn (now dciueryj 83'4 83? (12 B0(4 ft 01 68(4 183(4 82M 83(4 l 02 EOK 01 MS 11.00 11.77 11.32 11.47 11.00 11.77 11.27 '11.42 10.00 10.77 10.4B tlO.ttl flO.45 10.07 M0.77 10.03 ID. 0.1 20.02 10 40 10.77 10.0.1 20.00 10 32 10.07 Bid. tAsked. LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAGO. Feb. 2. 1IOOS. Itecelpts, 10,- atrnnff. Ifr. hlffhar. M(v.rl and pOOi markets atronir. 10c. higher. butchers. (I.7.'7 (rood heavy, ill 0307: rouajh heavy. n Buem n.v iiiiii. ii7."fnni!V nim. .', Bn 00 tA; bulk, f (1.80AU 11.1. . CATTLi;. Receipts. 10001 markets steady to 10c higher. Hooves. JB 0.101)33: cows and heifers. W.1038.10: Texnns, J3S0.45; calves. 7.50ff8 03. SHEEP. Receipts. BOOO: markets atronir, 10c. hlcher. Native and Western, (0 10U0.83; lambs, Philadelphia Markets GRAIN AND FLOUR 1V1IEAT. riecelpta, 131.230 bush. The market ruled firm and 8 and 10c. higher, due to an active export demand and strongly bull lah speculation Id all homo grain ccntrea. quotations: Car lota, In export elevator No. 2 red, spot and February, $1.0001.0.1; No. 2 red. Western, S1.04S1.00; No. 1 Northern Du luth $l.(M&1.7:i. CORN. Recelpta were light and with a good demand and ntronger outside advlcea price of export deliveries further advancod 2c. I-ooal car lota wero '5c. higher. Quota tions: Car lots. In export elovator No. 2, spot and February, R1WO4c.; steamer, K.'082lsc.; No. 3, SKiSlfec. Car lots for local trade, as to location No. 2 yellow, now, 85'S415Hc. ; steumer vellow, new, S4084'.4c; No, :i yellow, new, SOHgSUic: simple yellow, new, 74l4877i4c.; new cob. per 70 lbs., SH4W8.H4c. OATS. Receipts. 32,843 bushels. Supplies vere small and prices were Uc. higher. Quota tions: No. a white. 0I14MO5: standard white, U3H04c; No, .1 white, ftlSjrcHlc KYIS wns acarce and higher. We quote at 31, 2031.23 per bush., as to quality. In ex port elevator, and at 31.12i31.lS for small Iota of nenrbv grain In bags. FLOUH. Receipts, 70.1 bbls. and B02.010 lba. In sacks. Mill limits were held much higher In riinnnthy with the sharp upward movement of wheat, but there naa little trad imp. QtintntlntiN. npr 11H1 lbs. In wood: Winter. clear. $8.75t7: do., atralght, JTO7..V); do., imtent, 37.5o;.7.1; Kansas, atralght, ute sacka 30.DOR7.20' do., patent, lute sacks, 57.23 477.BU, spring, first clear. fll.7f7; do., straight, 7ift7.2.1; do., patent, ? do., favorite brands, fSwfl.2.1; city mllla, choice and fnncy patent. $1Q8.25: rlty mllla, regular grades Winter, cleur. SO.7507, do., straight, $787.50; do., latent, 7 50(37.75 HVK 1'l.OUIt, In amall supply and firm, but quiet. We nuoto nearby and Western, In wood, at f0.75n7.23, ns to quality. PROVISIONS The market quiet, but values stead ily maintained. Quotations, city beef. In eela, amcked and nlr-drled, 2.1fi2c.; Weatem I bcof, In rets, smoked, 25020c.; do., city beef, knuckles and tenders, amoked and alr-drled, 27128c.: do., Wcaten beef, knuckles and tenders, amoked. 27ff2e.: beet hams, fllO.12: poik, family, 22.5023: hama. 8. P, cured, looso. mjetlVjc. i do . skinned, loose. 12ifl2'Kc.: do., do., smoked, i:itif?MUe.: other hams, amoked. city cured, aa to brund and veraa'. 1414vc; hnma. amoked, Western cured, HOllUc: do., boiled, boneless. 100 20c; plcnlo ahouldera, S. P. cured. loose. lO-T 4TUc,; do, amoked, lHifU-c: bellies. In pickle, according to average, loose. init7Hc. ; breakfast tacon, as to brand and average, city cured, l'BlRe.; dn Weatem cured. 17ai8c.; lard. Western, refined, tierces, llifll'ic. : do., do.,, tuba, luni'ic: no., pure city, kettle rendjrjd. In litrcea, llllii, : do., pure city, kettle rmdr.M. In tuba. lUTHUe. REFINED SUGARS The market Arm at tho late adianrA. TmAm however, quiet. Refiners' list prices: Standi ard granulated, 5.20c: flne granulated, 0.1.1c.; powdered, 5.2.1c: confectioners' a, 5.03c,; soft grades. 4 3084.fi0c. DAIRY PRODUCTS nUTTEIl. Demand waa fair and prleea ruled Arm. Quotations'. Western, fresh, eolld packed, creamery, fancy specials, 35c.; extra, .lie; extra firsts, '.tie.; firsts. ;loHlc. : seconds. 27S28c,; ladle-packed, 21023c., aa to quality; nearby prlnta, fancy, 30c; do,, average extra, .15c.; do.. Urals, 31ir33c.; do., seconds. 2Sit2vc. Special brands ct prints Jobbing at 41ft4.7c. EG1S- Fresh stock advanced 80c. per caae under a better demand and moderate of ferlnga. Quotations: In free caaea, nearby, extra, 32c. per dor.: flrata, 10.1S rr standard coae; nearby, current recelpta, 13.83 per case: Weatem and Bouthweatem. extra, firsts, SD.1.1 per caae; firsts, $8.8.1 per caae; Southern, $8.2,1 68.8J per caae; fancy aelected candled freah egga jobbing at 34930c. per doa. C1IKKSE. The market ruled a shade firmer undr light offerings and a good ex port demand. Quotations: New York, full cream, earlier recelpta, choice, lGftc; do., do., current make, chol'e, lBHc : do., do., fair to good, UHBlBc,; do, part skims, 8(fl3c. POULTRY UVB. Demand fair for desirable stock and the market firm under light ofrerlnga. Quotatlona: Fowls. 14 el Be,: old roosters, llo lJWc; young chlckeua. HeJlSc.: turkeys, li) 17c. 1 ducks. 156 10c. i. geese, 140lSc.i gulneaa, as to quality, per pair. 45053c; plgeona. old, per pair. 22S25c.t da, young, per pair, 17018c, , DItESSKD. Offerlnra of fine desirable! elied atock light and tbe market firm on this description, with roasting chick ns 1c higher, Quotatlona; Fresh-kilted turkeys, dry-picked and dry-packed Fancy, nearby, 2tc: do., Western, Slc.r fair to good, 181120c.: old torn.. 18S10C.; fowls. 12 to box. drv-plcked and dry-packed-Selected heavy. 10c: weighing 465 lbs. apiece, 18c.: weighing 8HB Its- apiece. ljeUVic; walgb! lba. apiece, 13614CJ fowls, bbls., dry. picked, and drv-packed Western, weigh. lng.435 lbs, apiece. 17Hc j do,, do.. 8W lba. l&317c: do., do.. 3 W and under. l3?43loo. old roosters, dry-picked, 14c; broiling chlikena Nearby. 1H63 lba apiece, 22BHc. j do . f ilr to good, 1R620O.J Weatem, 1H2 lba. apiece, 20a 22a, do., fair to good, 14018c chickens, dry picked and dry-packed, in.boxes-Mllk-fed. 81 to 34 lb. to doi.. 17c mlik-fed 87 to 42 lba. to dox., lie: mllk.fed. 43 to 47 lba. to dos 17c; rolld-fed 48 lbs, todoi.. 10c; mllk.fed OO lbs. and over. 20c.; corn-fed, 31 to 43 lba. to dox., ISffllBHo.- corn-fed. 43 to 47 lbs. to doa ISc, corn. fed, 48 lbs. to doa., ISc.; com-fed. 60 lba and over, 10c; chickens, dry.plcked and dry.packed, Ir. hbla-Selectad heavy, lga.. Western, corn-fed, 0 11. and ever, lies Welti m, corn-Jed, 4 lbs., I0l8i(c.t Western, corn. May , 83! July 85 Oats Msy 01 July BU Lard May 11.30 July 11.60 nibs May 10.47 July 10.70 Pork May 10.45 July 1D.80 We offer, subject to prior tale, Pennsylvania Railroad Consolidated (Now First) Mortgage 4&s, Due 1960 PRICE TO NET ABOUT 4.25 fo Delivery when, a.s and If issued, CHAS, C. HARRISON, JR. & CO. BANKERS FIFTH AND CHESTNUT STS. PHILADELPHIA Philadelphia, and New York Stpck Echaugei, 2, 1915. It. '.'b.t. H?..JfSK5r. eWS,. '"'SS.: lb HJBC. vi." - ---.- ,.-!,- cos. nne. wsiRdii'i. ".'-.',-.,: :... An. ; white, welrning v ," Jf" J 30: white, .weighing lb... per dox.. o: wnite, wnsni" ; ".0 ko? en An., do.. 7 lhs. per dox., 2 5032.80. do , do. fl8( lbs. per 00., .ovi.."i and No. 2. 00c.6$l.23. FREStl FRUITS Offerings were fairly liberal and the rnatket waa barely steady under a Vht aemaM Qvptatlons' Apples., New ..York, per bbl - Greening. J2O2.S0: King. W-.Vl11YS'k o'IU rerla , 2.50: Ren .pavls. M.oOetti spy, l.7B2.BO. Ualdwln. $J.7,wlS0: other sock! eating varieties, 11.7502.50; medium. 1101,50. : 50: Kln. 2tiz.7i 1 li ben .pavls. M.BOfl Idwln. IJ.752.S0: oil li M.30i,rndlum apples, ueetern, per.eox, iocni.-"i "rea Delaware and renneylvanla, per na Kr7-' mons, ner box "nM Flnr da, per box, M,23tf2.50i Delaware and Pennsylvania, per namper. ., ; oralis0, lan.iHnM. Florida, per strap, Jrult, Florida, iV 'V. plea, UJ," 'per 'ttf. ;3. $12: VranbeTMel. Cane cii. early bfack, per crate. 75e.ia,$l; eranberrlef, , J'JP'ii.. K;!. rriit rnte, B0i?75c: pears. New jprs. iw-"" bh. $lf2 strawDerriec, r.unu-, . ". alilU'iW VEGETABLES Demand was only moderate. ''0;1vJ"iyifu, allr were steadily held. Quotations! White 3tntoe. per bn.b-Penna . 01005c.: .,"" potn to at 0 ounlltr. 45JM2C! white potatoes. J ereer. basket, ,10n3.1e, sweet potatoes. l..v ui. .-.o. 1, .i.-rfnoT.t mi: no, a, ..---- i.,;ih ersey. ner haiku. RStrurc! onlona. per.busn. ai70e ; do , choice, ner lod-lb bag. l,no: 00 . menium. ner 100-lb. Dag 11, "i ""';',''' per Kio-lb. bag, I; 112715! .cnullflnwf f 1.2.1; eplnach, No: Norfolk, per bbl.. per Kio-lb. baa-, fit cnbbnge. Dnnlah. per ton. feiWsifiiRW hhi . 7RCTnnn.( lettuce. Fla., ner 76STD0fl.i lettuce, Fin., mv ie. Fla.. per basket. l.lo banket. S204 .... ... .- -a.- k-.IMr K..IM,1 n,w pees, rilant. Fla.. 1. Kia.i per basket. 2.B0iM.B0; egir ., Ptrhox. l.B0fl2: cuciimbers. Fla., per bai,ket. Sl.TMM BO; equash, 1 ia.. per " kt. 1.60fi2: peppers. Fla.. per carrljr. KJJ .V. t,ir,ln Mm . nmr rnrr er FanCV. 2il S.W; choice, lUjl.Bdt celery. Fls.. per crate, 31.23011. (10. do., N, Y.. ner bunh. 3M1B0C.: mushrooma. per 4-lb. basket. Ilgi.u. Beckman Funeral Tomorrow Joseph Beckman, n veteran noncom missioned nnvnl ofneor o( tho Spnnlsh Amcrlcnn war, who died Thursday, the dny before the funeral of his father, J -seph Deckman, Sr., will be burled tomor row morning; at Holy Cross Cemetery. Solemn Ilequlem Mass will bo celebrated at St. Thomas Aquinas Church, 18th nnd Morris streets, where Mr. Deckman had been a communicant. OBITUARIES MISS LOUISA C. KODNEY Miss Louisa C. Rodney, daughter of the lato Rev. John Rodney, for many years rector of St Luke's Episcopal Church, Qermantown, died yesterday at her home, 6317 Main street, In lior 70th year. For many years she had been a resident of Qermantown, whero she took an actlvo Interest In tho Consumers' League and phtlanthropto movements. She was a member of tho Colonial Dames and tho Acorn Club. Miss Rodney wns the sole survivor of her branch of the family. She will bo burled tomorrow morning. M. A. FOBRESTEI, Michael A. Forrestel, who was connect ed with the Record as superintendent of the delivery department for 35 years, died last night nt his home, 1919 South 17th street, following an attack of acute pleurisy. He was CS years old. In his younger days he took an active part In politics of the Eth Ward and was a volun teer fireman. He leaves a widow. A sis ter and an older brother also survive. DB. GEORGE H. HTJNGEKEOBD Dr. George H. Hungerford, a medical examiner for the Pennsylvania Railroad, nnd a recent graduate of the Medical School of tho University of Pennsylvania, died at the German Hospital, after an Illness of three weeks. He was 20 years old, and wns a member of several medical fraternities. Doctor Hungerford had a wide practice, with offices at K21 Spruce street. A widow survives. The funeral services will take place from his late resi dence, In PIttman, N, J Thursday after noon at 2 o'clock. SAMUEL T. AUGE Samuel Truman Auge, one of tho oldest wholesale woolen manufacturers In this city, died yesterday at tho home of his son, Dr. Truman Auge, 2S02 North Broad street Ho was 73 years old, and a mem ber of tho Society of Friends. He wns one of the original llfo charter members of the Mercantile Library, and took an active Interest In the affairs of St. David's Protestant Episcopal Church, Manayunk. WE OFFER First Mortgage Bonds Yielding 6.80 which were originally sold by the issuing company 12 points above the present price, al though net earnings are actu ally larger today than at that time. These bonds are well se cured by public utility properties which are increasing in value. Descriptive Circular 156 will be sent on request. William P. Bonbright & Co., Inc. h.ORMS W. STROUO, J,-. Manager 437 CnnSTNTJT STHBBT I'hlUdelphU New York Boston Detroit London l William P. Ilonbrlght Co. The Ideal Investment That Conts Par Is Always Worth Par The Guaranteed Mortgage This Company has on hand at all times, ready for Immediate investment, mortgages and mortgage bonds (first Hens) in amounts of $500, $1000 and up- -wards, secured upon improved real estate in Philadelphia and its immediate vicinity. We own the securities we offer for sale. Send for Booklet Philadelphia Company for Guaranteeing Mortgages 224 Iand Title Building PHILADELPHIA Y!IUam It. Nlchc-lson, President amllCI i,arfr. eiiuiii meuium. . . syeet potatoes. Ilastem snore, ner urn- " -; 2n2.7.l No. 2. si.nofrl.T3i aweeta. Jersoy, per lu. . .. . .. m-.m a. .. n ...crv r... ..mi J JBmtM AD11AU-On January Si, IBlB rtr3 T5 n m.' pfecirefTJMtefJ at Interment erlrnte. ""titer AUOK, On January 81, iMs, ..,5I TnUMAN, eon of.tSe late B.m'L ?.l9 Auge, of Weat Cheater, Pa. n,i,ii;?',"l friends are Invited to" altew iha J i tcrvicea, on jnuniaay arterhoon t 1 :"WJ ft hla lite reeldenee, 3803 North i,c9i jniermeni private -'i nm 4 Ye - t . "V) "T;,.on"of SS"ln ffrVir, ?!&. li year. Helatlveand. frlenoi w tf lly are Invited to attend the faiiiv.i.. '' d the funer, ,!'f2fl on, at 2 Seie3rr2,l re,M,ne..?SrM on. vvennejcmy ntternoon. ciariy, at nia parenta mac at, Interment crliate DEATT1V-At nrrn Athvn, Pa. e t..-1 30, JH10, JOHN BTCCK11AM BEATTT "' child of John Ecfcateln and Maw sK'tJ"'''! neatly, ared 10 yeara. ttfil IIEICCIIMAN. On January 80. 1oIim8B WAni), on of Elliaboth Md In. iSKJ?! nra iieecnmon. Aue notice of h. V.HC0"1 will Im rlvmn ' ,n tOMtul DEIXSlDNEr UELU nsa tndI6 'M nENTlA. Suddenly, on Jamurr ul V?1 on-wfaneenay" at ?T'&, ffmVnffS &. Interment rrl.-ol. ' Rl 15u , pi HI.OOl) On January 81, 181s. MBJ5?iB wife of O'orge IJIood. Br. on Tnuraday, at j p, m at aw i i!S ?J inL"r.'nt Pr'Tt at Oreenw (W Oreenwoo4 (JU x . .euiricrr nONHAM On January 81, mia it,?! 110NSALL, In hla 80th year Th. ..M5" ana irienaa are inv ted to attend Th. ,:i'"! eervlces, on Wedneeday afternoer ?"1 o'clock, at hla late re.ldence. Wwalneii'i Interment prlvato. Pleaae omit " itMiSSia novi.E On February 1, 1013 rtuw'f' UIXO.V. liTl.hon.l of r-mth..iZll. LAnt.1 eon of the late Iluith II, and Amta vJntii I'oylu Kuneral on Friday, at 8 .So 1 "!S'L from SU4t South mm at," H,h nSSfi? preclaely. Interment lioly Croi'e fjemttllla nRODVHARIA BnODV. 8032 noanofifl eon er. "" Aaj nUNTINO-pn January 81, 1015, ounstT A. (neo Dahtna). wife of John H SSStS. Puneral on We(nead.y efternMn ' r!t?i- late realdence,, ZM5 N. Front at. iBtVmiS vrlvate. al lllllaMn l-,m.t.n, " ""nnint RAMP. On Jnnliarv 11 101 ,...-' 'H HUSTON, widow of Calvin sf. ciwn T.V? tlvea and frlenda are Invited to attenii if.J funeral aervlcea, on Wedneeday afternoon 5? L0,.c,Ioc.Erl"ly. at htr. la. "Wencef'tS cut,, .1 .ui bi, .iucriueiii private, OAVANAUOH. On January 80, IBIS. ti?i 8EPII, . huaband. of the late Jar,, !-c.i?-I iiauzn tneo arn). Funeral on We!nidiVi February fl, nt 8:30 a. m from TJ1 it lenheny nve. Solemn Mnaa of tho Church of Bt. Wmnlf. ., TW precisely. Interment private at New CatS' OI.AKK. At the realdence. No. 100 85aTJiH Norfolk. Va.. Humlav. .Tni,ul a.M.I.ll bUSAN, widow of,F. TV. Clark. Fun"iY aaeiilnaa Al 4 ha a.BMa,nA. TIf . J "j r ""tni 7. i " toieni.rj ivcuncsaay, itl 0 ClOCk m mmi COATKS. At Phllftdelphlii. Pa., on SeentalBI utty. dcvviiu iuuiiui a a i iwlU. ur, TilllliAV E COATES, of Oxford, Ta.. aged 63 vjirif numi.To iwiu iiiiiuo,oidu K9VU1CIJT D f IPndtl aro Invited to Attend the funeral, on YlttkA hi lato residence, No. 20 North 3d, it "o fonl, Cheater Co., Ta. Interment at Oxtiri tjcmeiery. j- fte.. on Februnry 1, 101B, MAIIT J.. r1(ij Fenton Crosland. need 73 vmm. n.un.!:' nnd frlenda nre Invited to Attend the funimll at Epiphany Church, 67th and lHIilmeS1 nve. Interment private. ' M CnoWDRR. On January 81,1016. ClIAHLBal CBOWDEH, aged 84 yeara. Relatlvei uS frlenda, alio Oriental Lodge, 385, F and'JL" M are Invited to attend the funeral teniae on Wednesday afternoon At il'.na nvi.i, ... 111. late realdence. 153 Weat Wyoming v Qermantown. Interment private, rtemtlu may be viewed Tuesday evening at 8 o'leck.' THOMAS WAONEn, huaband of tluieTer. non. nt hla late residence. .11.14 nve. Due notice of the funeral will be IVfi. FHEEMAN. On January HI. lnis rtj! 1.EY WINiTIEMXi aon of the late Harry OJ hiiu xiiic.m ,, x' rccuiuii. xun?rai aemcc. on Thursday, at 2 p. m.. at213T Tulip et.1 Interment private, at North Cedar Hill CcmeJ 0 1 1,1,. At Haltlmore, Md on FebrunrrVKl lnis, ROSS M. OILL. eon of the lit. Jtbci II. nnd Sirah A. QUI. The relative, ul rricnns or tne ramny are invited to .Una mo tunerai, on inureaay, ino em, .tr: o'clock, from his son's realdence, Jura! II mil. 4830 Duffleld atreet. Frankfort. :m IIAIII,. On February 1, 1018. FANNT'M.1 years. Funeral aervlcea on Thureday.'.iij p in., hi ner ielio remuence. oou lircoireoc oi-e Interment Trinity Lutheran Cemetfnr.i IIANIFEN. On January 81, 1010, SAMUEL! A. IIANIFEN. Funeral on Wednesday, at 3 1'. in. precisely. irDm inti M, uouvier it., HOUSE. WILLIAM HOUSE, 2020 Heed itj IIUNOEItFOKD On February 1, 1918. 'Dr; I uLunuu nuwAitu, nusoana or rutin Scnrack Hungerford and son of George nnA rmm. X. Irn...fnnl TI.I.IIim. .hJ frlenda are Invited to attend tha fnneriH servlcea, or. Thursday aftcrnon at 2 o'clock.'' nt hla late residence, B521 Spruce at. Iitterrfl, ment at Mt, Morlah Cemetery. ea ItKI.I.Y. On February 1. 1018, ANK1B 1(9, wHor of I'atrlck F. Kelly. Funfr.reall Tnursaay. nt 8:30 a. m.. from 102J North ! at. Solemn Itoqutem Mais at St. lllchnti fThllrrlt n, 1H n m inl.nn.n, at ralhedral Cemetery. ' ' Chelten nve. 'JSS KOCH. I.YDIA KOCH. 3748 North IStlTit. I.IEHFKIKn On February 1. 101.1. WIIJ 1AM IAEHFJUKD. Due notice of the funnel will be given; residence, 1232 K. Mormtee sing ave. v , r?m MOONEY On January 23. 1016, JOIINra Sr., hueband of Mary Mooney (nee WatVIni;,' Funeral on Wednesday, at b a. m., from r. dence, 1.117 Routh Hancock at. Jllfh'iHu at Church of Sacred Heart, 0.30 a. m..,l; triment at Cathedral Cemetery. . W SIUMON On Tebruary 1. 1015. EMJIA widow of Samuel Munlon. Funeral 'at Frloay. at p. m.. from 1010 South pi at. Interment at Mt. Morlah Cemetery. TS NEWMAN. On February. 1. 1015, F11I5W UIIICK NEWMAN, huaband or Elltatel Newman. aKeil 7.1 years. Funeral ervll nn Tht'nday, at 1:30 p. m . nt hla late rtil-I deuce, 11123 South 3d st. Interment nrlvatej. Nnrthnood Cemetery. , 'JJ& NOTE. On January 80, 1015, OEORDE ttf ilcC, huaband of Elliabetli and son of uil lato Joehua rote. Kuneral pn wcfineriiaria at 1U a. m from 1414 North IIollywooafUB UOth and Master). Interment at Slonilmtcti Cemetery. v .J?f"B 1'EnilY On January 30. 1015, HANNAH! HU'lfDV wlf. M n.tnvlil. II Pf. PU.M ntral on Wedneaday. at 1 P. m. preclffil front 2113(1 North at'th at. Interment at llw L.l.f. r,.m.t..u M tlVlf.I.V dn Trl,r,lnrv 1. 1015. MAItYJf daughter of Johanna and the late riwiw I V. Funeral on Friday, at 8:30 a. in, frtm &309 Clcstnut at. Solemn Mara ; of w quium at thc.Churrh of Our iJidy of Vitorr. at 10 u. m. Interment at Holy Croa. Cera; terv. . ts m ItirrEIt. Suddenly, nt Ilalne.nort, N.'J " January .10. 1U15, ANNA It. ItITTKJl.'J(Wl! of Jacob Hitter. Funeral from her late rert dence. Halnesport. N, J,, on WednedJ February 3, at 1 p m. Services at LuJ!"'"! Cliun'h. at 2 p. m. Interment at Lulhtrae. T.f.SSS,e.ri; i.-.....,- -t K,i!t nrcoriats UIVKU hu.hand of the lato Mary Hrfel. lato of Stone Houae Lano and Old ?': Due notice of funeral, .n.!. ItOUNKV. On January 31. 1015. at her It residence. ffH7 Main at., aertnantftwn. LOUISA C, daughter of tho late Her, JoJ and Sarah Hodney. Sen Ice lilt, Wj" Church. Coulter and Main ats".. 0rrul town. WedneaJay, February 3, at 2 Interment private. ,vkM fiClIHEIHElL On February , 1015, IlBNjH C. SOIlKEIUEll. Funeral on Th""dart 2 p. in . from hla son's residence. 1815 Nyrg Bailey t. Interment at Mt. Morlah Cen BHOESrAKEIt. On February 1. 10'' IIACHEL 1HNKLE. widow of Jacob V. 8hoemaker. nged Til years. KeUtlvea c frlenda ara Invited to attend the funer aervlcea, on Tnuraday. February W o'clock precisely, at Cynwood JVeabyterlinj Church, Montgomery avenue. Cynwood. JJjl termen private. Tratna leave. Broad Stryy Diaiion ai iiu p. in. . ...-LrTpi 8NYDKK On January 30, 1015. THOHASj j iv r.f .?"?.'. "?"" ,' ; ,i" .ri i-. oer tnee weiasi. runcrm un nswww.t -. -- u a t-F fiiAni nun van TYMLfl. ESniUrn" .7. "Vox- Cha..T'1-fill.d.lpJ interment at Jawnview wrantp nrr STACK On JanuaryJO. J01B, EIAEN. rewi of Michael Stark. uneral on Ke bwaiff ot f Qil n m frnm 9rtI5 Kailth lltn it. or RMUtem at th Church of th Eplpi it ) a. in. precweit imrf""- " Pinvrf Pemnterv. BTANTON. On January 1... ":,gS WAHI). of th. lat. Catberjn. from 10S Bprlnr t (Front nd f.fJStr Solemn Ilequlem Maa. at St. AWJ Church, at 10 a. m. Jnterm.nt f'iii5. Cathedral Cemetery. STICKNKY. On January 81. lOl". UlSTH, wiaow oi jme tutumi . ?.l.., nn WmAnn&MV. at 2 v. m., H North RIth at . West I'tolladelpbla. late 5. "'"" 5"'V"'.' .A ICIK .1 cago. 111., JOHN 8.. ot " ,' F'.'i5 ?..!' ..Xl.. V,,n...1 mmrviemm .t' realdjuco of hU .later. MIm Biuwrma J ZVJs Norm euin mi . u , w"Z7z, t p. m. precisely. Interment at North . H'H C'neery . ,.k ,.L iN.''B.'v"F.v."A-"!t,,r,'v-r.v.-or ndertofler and on of Oeora. W 4SS t. . til.i.nN.rT in htm 2flth year. peye 7t4 North. 4U t. Pue notice it.'nlU WAI-KEB-On January 29, lPtfSftli?Si WVLKEIl. daubhter of Harriet "."Kafi the Tati Caleb W Walker. .FgSaof wjdntiday. at'i.BO a. m., from 1W, ave. Heaulem M.M at Our WW of Borrow Chircb, at 10 a. m- W"f at Cathedral Cero.tery. ,. ij WTON8ud4.iiiy. on JMwry ? ?jnz?Ai 'i? Ss-aK& d. in . irom uwn. ev. .w.t N. J Interment at Union Cene"t VoiciiEN5bs January . MhjQmWi WOHDBN nee WMbuttan). wife f; m., from 4141 N Broad t Interew IVOKKALIc On F1rl Moarb JWfc MARY JANE. wlf Of Juoaon , FuBri service, at. ner iai ""5S eS. WgiUI HL at t p- lumiu tirtvaV i jtfci.c J .X.T 'rt ( O-llfc, 4 stalks, m? JUSMm, taMteUs, -?