"it EYKIKa fgjgg TUESDAY, FEBETTABY 1916. FOR THE WOMAN AND THE HOME-PRIZES OFFERED FOR ORIGINAL SUGGESTIONS; f THE ASSERTIVE WOMAN i illln ELLEN How She Makes Many women fondly imagine that to be assertive Is a aura nlgn of strength of mind, "Sou in your email corner and t in mine," fa a gentle exhortation which r Jills them with amazement, for not only do they All their own small corner, but they overflow Into the small corners of iverybody else. Tho assertive woman Is always manag ing, always "bossy." She always must . -be the centre of attraction, tho cynosure of all eyes, or she becomes genuinely un happy. She Imagines that she is born to be a pioneer of her sex, a leader of women, and men, too. Men seldom llko the nsserttve woman. She Usurps (oo much of what men think Is their natural prerogative. Men llko to lead in conversation when women are around. They dislike 'navlng tho law" laid down for thorn, and the asser tive woman always does lay down the law. ' This type of woman does not realize When she is being actively disliked. For her assertlveness has become an armor around her, and sho Imagines that she Is such an authority on every subject that people are only too glad to listen to her words of wisdom and to be duly Instructed by her. When her hearers show signs of boredom, she falls to see it, or If It becomes so evident that it cannot possibly be hid, sho passes it over In an airy way or with a pitying observation. Yes, the assertive woman Is decidedly pleaded with herself. Sho is born that way. H have in mind one exceedingly as sertive woman of my acquaintance.' One really cannot help admiring her for her Impertinence. Sho has very llttlo to SUFFRAGISTS RALLY TO AID OF WOMEN'S CADSEINDELAIARE Prominent Philadelphians to Take Part in Campaign to Win Votes for Resolution Before Dover Legislature. Prominent Philadelphia sufTraglats will leave the city in a few days to go to Delaware, where they will aid in a State wide campaign to solicit gunnnrt tn tha ; . equal suffrage cause in that State. Much "literature" has already been sent by tho various "votes for women" societies In the city to their sister societies in Delaware In order to aid them in their campaign. Among those who 'will go from here are Mrs. William A. Wood, 128 East Durham street, Mt Airy, and Miss Dills Hastings, president of tho Philadelphia Business Men's and Wom en's League for Woman Suffrage. Delaware is tho only State In tho Union where a. constitutional amendment does not haye to bo submitted to the electorate for confirmation. If passed by two suc cessive Legislatures it becomes law with out further submission. For this reason suffragists in Delaware and those else where, who are Interested in the welfare of the ''cause" in that State, are rally ing lor a determined fight to have the question, voted on favorably by the Legis lature. While their sisters are engaged in Dela ware, suffragists in this city are busying themselves In conducting an organizing' campaign, as well as one to gain con verts to tho "cause." In keeping with these plans, Mrs. Scott Nearlng. wife of Professor Nearlng-. of tho University of Pennsylvania, will address a gathering of women today at Ridley Pork. She will speak at the Clvla Club. On Wed- ".nesday at 3 o'clock tho Rev. Irving S. Chenowetb. a suffrage sympathizer, will address a meeting- of the Pastor's Aid Society at the St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, 50th street and Baltimore ave nue. Mrs. J". B. Kimball, president of tho society, will preside. On Friday Miss Adella potter win speaic at tneNarberth Y, IX. C. A. She expects to organize branches of suffrage organizations throughout the city and In nearby town ships. Chirpy's 7""N A freezing cold morning of a 'jff reeling- cold time of year. Chirpy ' waked up with, a very queer feeling all 'over his body, vwho is Chirpy T Surely you remember Mm? The cun cing' llttlo sparrow who chirps and fights and plays around folks' back door all tho long: cold winter through! TJsually Chirpy waked 'up cold or hun gry or out of fix some way ho was used to fhat but this was different. This was really queer. "I -wonder what can be tha matter with me,' said Chirpy to himself In a puzzled voloa. "I don't seem, to feel like jrols to -work. J don't seem to f l any thing but cold, X wonder what to the . fear Happened!" The, all of a sudden he remembered. Ha hadn't had a thing to eat for two eSaysl Not a single thins! Two whole 8 No wonder he felt queerl Ha - Nryl ifaM ae, for two days there had been nn storm, oh, such a storm of snow pj t. Brery bit of food that Chirpy fcjJlt have found was all covered up y; k brow, and then besides, it was -k a!A And atarmr to stand around iawl liont for Scraps. Chirpy had pre- xarreu to muo pi uuntry jmio u in a. pkettemt plac and wait till the storm nwi 0er. ifr ht pwlled bts head out from under hU wiif, otxaeii one eye ever so little Mai loirtTff around. "f , tha lornj was. Anally over. Tbr - w wind, no flurry of tnqw aud Ma. Jit-thlag but the bitter cold-and j6"w -vwywK, S0W, fraefe white. uW Is very Peauti tAU yu iWnfe or But CWrpy didn't mU Not t mlautol Snow meant awtbtett to fclaa bt hunger. For It eov r4 up iM tiift bits f food h fcsd to :! t Mt on. And b had to scratch rtcB bercrs n found food. Is- M m umstr u vr and any. Ibu h 4Wta't -t bib X Jut aed lor awUiW. M ifcia utaM&kK M w ta aU and Mkt tm m& . tm kMe- fet$ jspwt CHILDREN'S CORNER Tl A UlL mx & mm ADAIR Herself Unpopular recommend her, neither brains nor beau ty nor personal charm. But sho Is so thoroughly assertive and so Intermin ably tnlkntlvo that unless one wishes to be actively rude, one cannot possibly avoid giving some semblance of atten tion to her. She is far from popular, yet no one would be mora amazed than hemelf to rcollze this fact. And sho never will realize it, that Is one thing sure and certain. For bIio Is hedged around by a plensed complacency with herself, her supposed culture and what she fondly imagines is her well-informed mind. It. must be delightful to bo so thoroughly' well pleased with oneself and all the world. No feeling can quite compare with It. But It Is decidedly annoying to tho lady's friends. Tho assertlvo woman Is strong on ono point and that Is, Contradiction. Sho does not hesitate to contradict right and left, dood manners do not restrain her. For self-aracrtlvcness does, not breed good manners In anyone. It Is tho sure step-plng-stono to rudeness. I recollect being once invited to meet a celebrity. The celebrity was a dollghtful person, brilliantly clever, thoroughly entertaining and a great centre of public attention at the tlmo. But tho whole party was spoiled by ono assertlvo woman. She monopolized all the con versation, and gave tho celebrity llttlo chance to talk at all. Everybody was so mad about It that they were speechless and that 's a pretty advanced stage of madness for a woman. But the assertive woman didn't care, not she. "What a delightful party It was, wasn't It?" she said to me cheerfully as we left. Yes, the assertive woman Is always pleased with herself. It Is part of her rolo. She has to be thoroughly well pleased with herself, for it is a truo fact that no other woman takes pleasure in her company. Suggestions From Readers of the Evening Ledger PRIZES OFFERED DAILY For the following- suggestions tsnt In t7 readers of the Gtxkiko utusas prlte ot II and SO centi are awarded. All aurK-eatlons should be addreaaed to mien Adair, Editor of Women' Fae, Etkniko Limes, Independence Square, Pnlladelphla. A prlte of $1 hoe been awarded to TCflle Pa!fre-I.oom!fl, Newtown Square, Fa., for tho rollonlnr susgestlon! Lettuce, beets, celery and fruit will keep fresh and crisp in the warm kitchen dur ing tho winter If kept in cold water. Tho lettuce, beets and celery need only to have the roots under water, but fruit, such as grapes or apples, must be well covered. The water should be changed dally or It will become stagnant and, of course, spoil your food. A prtxe of SI has been awarded to T.llllan McDerrhott, o. o. Railway Acs Gniette. Wool worth Building, New York city, for the fol loulnr sucfntlons If one has no special manner of dispos ing of old magazines, why not turn them Into practical value? Pile them up In a corner of your storeroom until you get a fairly good-sized collection. Then send word to a paper dealer in your neighbor hood to come and collect them. Ho will weigh them and compensate you at the rate of about 40 cents per 100 pounds. A prize of SO cents has been awarded to Mrs. J. Kelly, 2310 Ronth Croaker street, Philadelphia, for the following suggestion: When making starch If a teaspoonful of salt be added It will give a nice gloss to the clothes. ARCHITECT SCHOOL TO MOVE Will Occupy Quarters Vacated by Dental Department. As soon as the dental department ot the University of Pennsylvania completes its labor of moving from Its present home at 33d and Locust streets to the mag nificent new building at 40th and Spruce Btreets. the Architectural School will move in. Tho architectural department, which la as eminent In Its line as the Dental School Is in Its field, has long been cramped for spaco in the top floor of the old College Hall. 'Architectural School, expects' to have his department in Its new home by the mid dle of the spring term. Plans for exten sive alterations have, already been made, and as soon as they are passed by the Board of Trustees, to which they will shortly be submitted, the work ot altera tion will begin. Breakfast have something to eat pretty quickly, but where ehould he get it? That was the problem! Then he remembered the children who sometimes watched him from the window. "Maybe If I go close up to the window," he said to himself, "they will hear me or see me and give me something to eat!" At any rate tho plan was worth trying. H tsai standing bravely, tight en Me tont window IH lis hopped and flew over toward the window as fast as his cold-stiffened lit tle legs would take him. But not a sign of any one did he see. "Maybe I better get closer." he thought So closer .ho went, and closer, till he was standing bravely, right on the stone window still. And then tha children saw him I Such a welcome as ha did get would have don you good to seel They seemed to know at ones what he wanted, too; and they threw him the snail east any bird could wish fori Chirpy (e and ata till be felt warm Afid comfortable. Then he said a pleas -mat JlttU "tkank you" and flow away I Oa&te4. Jt-sra fsa&st JuJmu Around the Clubs A reception will be held previous to the stated meeting of the New Century Club, at a quarter before three tomorrow after hoon. Mrs, Samuel S'mpla will bo, aided In receiving by Mrs. Louis Madeira, Mrs. Mnrtln V. Falconer, Mrs. Robert P. Brown, Mrs. William Loverctt, Mrs. James M. Arrlson and Mrs. B. K. Jami son, Jr. Mrs. Scmple will speak on "What the Stato Federation Is Proposing to Do In the Matter of Constructive Peace." Mrs. Maudo Balllngton Booth has been secured by the legislative section to speak on her experiences In prison re form work, at the club luncheon, which will take place on Saturday, February 13. Dr. Hastings Hart, of the Russell Sago Foundation, will speak on "Some Results of Our Study of the Housn of Correction." Dr. Louis Robinson, of Bryn Mawr Col lege, will speak on "Prison Labor In Pennsylvania." Doctor Robinson Is sec retary of the commission appointed by ox Gavornor Toner to Investigate prison con ditions In the Slate. Today, at 3, tho regular weekly meet ing of tho Saturday Club of Wayne will bo held. The chairman of this artoli1, Mrs. Humbert Barton Powell, has arranged a musical program for this occasion. One of tho well-known Bololsts will bo Mrs. Edna Apcl Robinson, Delaware State chairman of music. Tho next general meeting of the Botanical Society of Pennsylvania will be held on Saturday afternoon, at 31S0, In Botanical Hull. Tho meeting qf the Woman's Club of Cynwyd tomorrow afternoon will be de voted to tho discussion of educational topics. This will bo held under tho auspices of the Current Kvents section. Mrs. Walter A. Fox will speak on "Rec reation," and Mrs, Qcorgo T. Merrill will speak on "Co-Education." Miss Theo dora Butcher will talk on "Vocational Training." Tho Women's Democratic Club wll meet this evening at 1603 Walnut street. Dr. W. H. Hosklns will mako an address on the "Purchase of Alaska," and a business meeting will be held on February 16. Tho Current Events Class of the New Century Club, of West Chester, will dis cuss "Art, Its Vnluo In Cartoons and Illustrations," at the regular meeting to day at 3 o'clock. A reception has been arranged for this afternoon at 3 o'clock by the Now Cen tury Club of Chester. This is for the purpose of getting club members together for the expected visit of tho president of tho State Federation, Mrs. Semple. Mrs. Qarnett Pendleton will preside over the tea table. Plans are stilt progressing for tho ba zaar which will be given by tho mem bers of tho Equal Suffrage party on February 15 and 28. Tho ultimate object of this nfTalr Is to raise funds to cam paign for tho suffrage causo In the effort to Influence tho Pennsylvania Legislature for and ngalnst the constitutional amend ment giving tho ballot to women. This must pass In the Legislature before It can bo submitted to the people for re jection or acceptance In the November election. Mrs. Horace Brock, as president of the Society Opposed to Woman Suffrage, has Just Issued a long statement calling upon the Legislators to carefully study senti ment In their district before voting to submit the suffrage amendment to the people. The members of the Clvio Club will meet on Thursday morning, at 11, to dis cuss the possibilities of extending good citizenship. The committee on pure food will meet this morning at 11, and tho committee on rapld transit at 3. The Emerson Club will discuss the "Ethlcnl Purpose In Modern Drama" at the meeting which will bo held at 1300 Spruce street, this afternoon. Mrs. Philip Gukes will bo tho speaker. JOHN ERLEIGH, SCHOOLMASTER' 4 Guy Wlmberlejr, ion of Anne, tho MucUluu eis of Wlmberley, and heir to the vaet Wlm berley catatea. la in dormer of death from two groups of conaplratora. One group la led by ulck Merlct, a coualn of Qnv'i, and Vertlsan. aclenco master at llarotree School, where Our Ib studying. Tho other group la led by a Uoctor Anderson, also of tho achool. Jonn Erlelgh. head of Harptreo School. Is engaged to Anne Wlmberley. Ilia alater. Mra. Travera. la Involved In tho llrat plot. Yeara ago Joan Erlelgh killed the man who had betrayed his sister and let another surfer for hla crime. Vertlgan alone knows this, and blackmails Erlelgh.. Ixird Arthur Merlet la watching over the boy, but his vlgllanco Is Ineffective. After several unaucceaaful attempta. Guy Y,lmDer'f,y la kidnaped. Mrs. Travers denies all J"1"1,: edge of hla whereabouts. She Is withdrawing from tho plot, because her son Jamea is in love with Guy's alater. Joan Wlmberley. 1 re parlng to pay a ranaom, Lord Arthur wain on a desolate island but. Instead of the con aplrators. ho flnda a dead man. Doctor Ander son. Kiwi comes that Ouy Wlmberley ana Dick Merlet were drowned off the coast or Spain. A day later an attack la made on Lord Arthur Merlet, who Is neit In the sue- A year paaees. John Erlelgh has been com pelled by Lord Arthur to break his engage, ment to Anne Wlmberley, Lord Ar.th.ur fuc ceeds to tho eatatea. Joan Is atlll in love with Jamea Travera. James has composed a great opera. Erleluh after making sure that his past will not be dlirloaed, prevails on Anne wlm berley to marry him. They go on their honey moon. CHAPTER XXVlI-(Contlnued) HE SPOKE hurriedly and fiercely, as (hough carried away by the torrent of his emotions. She shrank a little away from him. Sho moved among people who rarely displayed their feelings, even when they were very much In earnest. Ha noticed the movement, and a hard look came into his eyes. "You despise me," he said, "because I've no control over myself. Tour mother despised mo that day she came and found us In the library at Monksllver. She treated me as a Billy boy. That made a man' of me. You had better not keep your friend waiting, Joan. He will be getting Impatient, and I'm sure your mother would not like you to offend him." "Jim, dear," she said plteously, "it is cruel ot you to talk like this. I have told you I love you, and .that one day I will marry you." "Now, Joan tn three weeks' time I will get the license you shall come and stay with my mother," "No dear," she said gently, "we must wait.'' He put his arm around her and pleaded with her now fiercely and passionately, now quietly and using every potslblo argument he could put Into words. But the girl would not be moved from her purpose. Though she did not know it, John Erlelgh had pleaded with her mother in Just such a way as this, and her mother had yielded herself to the man she loved. At last the passionate words ceaied. James Travers, very pale and with a hard look (n his eyes, walked towards the door, "I am going," be said; "(t is waste of time for me to stay here and I am waiting your time as well, Joan. I hope you'll enjoy yourself at Syston." "Jmv dear," she said reproachfully, "we must not part llko this. You are angry with me," "No," he said sharply: "only angry with myself for being such a fool. I have made a mistake. I ought never to have come to you either now or that day we met by the lake. I shall not make the mistake again." He opened tha door and passed out Joan was about to follow him, but she caught sight of the Duke of Selchester la tho hall. Then she heard a door bang. "The cars ready, Joan," said the duke,' coming across the ball to meet her. "3 ball we make a startT" "Ye-ln one minute," she answered with a smile. She made her way lowy upstairs Tha duke frowned 3o that i bow the land tuy h sM If I l Mr ! M l i. I. Vi' In' 1 1 i v " fii .,'i ! 'i ' Vl 1 1 'J 1 BsssssUr. asW AN ATTRACTIVE SUIT to himself. And he made up his mind that he would nsk Joan to marry him, and that ho would ask her before 21 hours had passed. The coming of this other man upon the scene had opened his eyes to the truth. He knew now that he loved her, and that life would be a very poor thing for him if he could not marry the woman he loved. CHAPTEM XXVIII. "QELCHESTER has proposed to Joan." O "aid Lady Wlmberley, "and she has refused him." "I'm glad, dear," Erlelgh replied, look ing up from a letter he was reading. "Have you heard from Joan?" "No; from tho duchess. She Is rather upset about It. I do not think she par ticularly fancied Joan as a daughter-in-law, but she has an idea that her son has only to lift up his finger and any woman ought to throw herself at his feet. She writes rather sharply." Erlelgh laughed, but a queer look came Into his eyes as he saw the expression on his wife's face. ,, "You wished Joan to marry him?" ho queried. "Yes, Jack honestly I did. He's a thor oughly good sort and very fond of her." "But it Joan does not care for him, it she Is In love with some one else, surely, dear, you do not wish her to marry the man under those circumstances?" "I do not. Jack. But I had hoped she would get to like him. I'm afraid she la bent on marrying young Travers." "Well, why not let them marry?" "No no It's impossible, I would never give my consent Jack, dear, you must see that it's impossible." Ho did not pursue the subject. From his wife's point of view and It was one that most people would have adopted such a marriage was very undesirable. But he sighed as he thought of his own happiness. He wanted Joan and his nephew to be Just as happy In their love. "Is Joan staying on there?" he asked. "No she, has gone on to the Wlmpoles. She wished to leave, and the duchess thought that perhaps it would be better It she did." "Odd Joan hasn't written herself." "I expect we shall hear from her to morrow," she said gently. A few minutes later tbey made their way out on the terraoe that ran down from the house to the very edge of a great cliff. Many splendid houses had been placed at their disposal for the honey moon, but they had refused them all and had taken this smalj place on the coast of Devonshire. It was little more than a cottage, the front of It cqvered with roses, the garden, a blaze of flowers, and the view ono of the most beautiful tn Eng land. It was here, far away from the bustle of the world, that they had chosen to spend the first brief glorious weeks of their married life. They seated themselves on a low atone wall that was almost the very edge of tho cliff. Two hundred feet below them the sea lay calm and deep and clear. On either side there was the wide curve of a bay. Half a mile to the left of them there was a break iq the great wall of rock and a wooded slope descended gently to a beach of fine wfilte sand. There was no wind and not a cloud In the aky. Nothing moved but the wings ot a few seagulls that poised themselves In mid air. There was no sound but the wall ing cries of the birds and tho distant murmur ef a calm sea splashing against tha rocks below. "If It could always be like this." whis pered the woman, as she laid her hand upon her husband's) arm. '1 do not think. Jack, I ever quite understood how it I possible, to be happy with very little money." 'Oh, pom, we have plenty," fc laughed. FOR STREET WEAR "Yes, dear but if wo hadn't we could live here on very little." "If you called It living," he said with a smile. "No, Anne dear, one can be happy with very little money, but one cannot be happy it one is Idle." "Then you are not happy now?" she faltered. "I've never been so happy before," he answered, "but this Is a holiday, and life that was a perpetual holiday would be hardly worth calling life at all." "You want to get back to your work?" she said wistfully. "That's so like a man. His work comes first everything else comes afterwards." "Not everything else, Anne." She laughed. "Oh, yes. It does," sho said. "Well, that Is as It should be." A shadow came into his eyes. He could not forget that he had been willing to sacrifice everything for the good of tho srnool his happiness, her own, every thing, bo long as the school was saved from a scandal that might have ruined It, Then he smiled, as she placed her hand In his. "You must write to Joan. Poor llttlo Joan, I I wish we could make her happy." , "If I thought. Jack, that marriage to young Travers would really make her happy, I'd give my consent But wfoen she learned who he was, and that your sister oh, It would break her heart. She knows so little of the world It would be terrible If she ktfew the truth about young Travers, and about your sister." "Need she be told?" "Tes, she would have to be told." "Then why not tell her, and let her decide for herself?" "No, Jack, I could not she would hate me-" "Why?" he Interrupted fiercely. "Because sho would think Jack, dear, she was very fond of her brother, and she Is too young to understand no, dear, I cannotv tell her." His face grew very white. Then he smiled. "Perhaps you are rtght." he said, "Yet I do not think it would do Joan any harm to know that her mother was a brave and generous woman. Now I must go In and write some letters, dear. And I dare say you'll be busy for a little while." "Yes, Jack I've the housekeeping to Bee to and a few letters to write, and then, dear, shall we go down to our tents In the bay and have a bathe be fore luncht" "Yes, Anne-thaf 11 be capital." They returned to the house, and John Erlelgh had finished his letters by 10 I o'clock. "I'm ready," he said, when he had found his wife seated at the writing table In her bedroom. "Oh, Jack, dear I've only Just started there's been such a lot to see to this morning." "Shall I go on down?" he queried. "There, was a bit ot wind last night and the tent may be on the ground. I'll get everything ready." "Yea, dear. I'll follow In about half an hour." He kissed her tenderly. Then he filled and lh his pipe and set off along the top of the cliff to the village, which lay a little bit inland. Here lie posted his let ters, bought some matches and a few. sticks ot chocolate, and walked down the wooded slope that led from the village to the shore. When he had gone halt way down the hill he heard quick footsteps behind him and, looking back, saw a small man Iq a gray flannel suit and a wide-brimmed felt bat hurrying along the path. Home thing in the man's appearance arrested his attention and he waited for him to come nearer. Then he saw that it was Vertlgan. "Hello, Mr- Hrlelgb," said the salens A Pretty I have Just seen auoh ft pretty costume. The girl who wore it was a friend of mine who came down here to spend a day with met Bhe always dresses beau tifully, and has exquisite taste. How sho manages on her tiny allowance I really do not know, but she contrives to look better drtosed than almost anybody I know! The secret of good dressing does not 11 In the amount of money spent, but In the good taste of the wearer. And Dora really has perfect taste. Bhe is so popu lar, too, and always has n string of mas culine admirers. However, she deolares she Intends to live and die an old maid. Be that as It may, she is having a pretty good time Just now. Wo have been friends for ten yearn. That Is quite a while, Isn't It? Dora's dress was very attractive, and of course In the latest style. It was very plain, but with splendid tines. The coat was short and cut very straight, hanging something nfter the order of a middy blouse, and running down to a point at tho bottom of each side. Theso points finished-with e. cord and tassel, and an edging of fur went around the bottom of the little coat. The skirt was short and very full, out In tunto style. The bottom of the tunlo was edged with fur, and the whole effect was charming. I have omitted to mention the color ot theisult. It was of that lovely shade called battleship cray, and the fur edging CLASS ADOPTS HONOB SYSTEM Second Tear Medical Men Vote Their Acceptance. The honor system has been adopted by another class at tho University of Penn sylvania, the second year medical class accepting It with certain modifications for tho midyear? examinations now under way. The honor system has not met with unqualified success at Pennsylvania and was Hdopted by the second year medical men only nfter Provost Smith end the Medical Faculty has specially requested It. The first part of the honor system agree ment was nccepted, providing that no per son shall give or receive old in examina tions, and that any one seeing such action shall report the offender to the Class Honor Committee, which will try the of fender. Thcro was somo objection to the clause providing that cheaters be reported, but this was finally approved. A proposi tion submitted that cheaters also ba he ported to the Faculty was defeated. The Amateur Milliner. The homo milliner generally makes the mistake of using too many stltohes in sewing on flowers or feathers. "Few but strong," 1b the rule. Gripping Story of Loe, Mystery ond dnapping By CLAVER MORRIS Autnor or "jonn ureaon. goiicuor. master cheerily; "you're just the man I'm looking for. nipping down here, isn't it? I'm on a walking tour hot work, but Jolly pleasant. How are you?" "Very well, thanks, Vertigan," Erlelgh replied. "You must call In and see us havo lunch. I'm Just going down to bathe now." They mad their way down to the shore, and then Vertigan said suddenly: "I say, Erlelgh, I wonder If you could lend me somo money." "Money?" said Erlelgh coldly. "Oh yes, If a sovereign or two will carry you on." 4 Vertigan laughed. "I was thinking," he said slowly, "of asking you to lend me a thousand pounds." Jorn Erlelgh looked Vertigan steadily In the face for a few seconds. "I see," he said at last "It was stupid of me not to understand. I thought you'd run short of cash on your walking tour." Ho walked past tho tent on to tho smooth fine sand. Vertigan walked by his side. A minute elapsed before either of them spoke. Then Vertigan said: "A loan, mind you JusJ a loan." John Erlelgh turned on him savagely. "Lot us use plain language," he said, "and call It blackmail." ' "No, my friend-we will call it a loan, and you'd better not use that ugly word again, or I may lose my temper and make an end of you-marrled life, achool. means of livelihood everything." John Erlelgh began to refill his pipe. When Vertigan had first appeared at Harntree It had occurred to Erlelgh that sooner or later the science master might try to turn his knowledge of tho past Into money. But when it was almost certain that Vertigan had come to the school In order to assist Dick Merlet In abducting young Lord Wlmberloy, the I You Should See These f New Spring Waists They have the fashionable convertible and military collars. In Batiste, Voile and r Organdy; and the new t ' colorings In Crepe de , Chene & Georgette Crepe. They'possess a dash, style and finish totally unexpected at the price $1.50 to $5.50, Very Attractive Odds and Ends at Reduced Prices Lingerie and Crepe de Chene Waists In broken ls. They were $2.00 to $6.00, You may now select at $1.$0 to $4.00. J-B'SHEPPARDS'SONS 1008 CHESTNUT iSTREW jMARJG; Costume was black fox. Certainly Sera, loiv particularly attractive. We spent the morning golfing, ti-JI piays a apienaia game, or course I h beaten altogether, but I didn't mind liifA as rm sun a novice. In the -afternoon, one of Dora's admlrirf motored down to bring her back to t(nf? II suggested that she and I and oro others in the hotel take a short tide renal the neighborhood before he and Doranai Dora's mother started for the city. So we all crowded Into his car. But we didn't know what was In store f0r .'f for It transpired that he was ignorant of the very first rules of driving. I naT-J often heard that love will cause meruit do strange things, and no it was in xfa case. i.'or mo pursuit ot uora had lm- pelled him to take the steering wheel kj. iween ma uicuivicub nanus, ana rillc UH our lives (Including Dora's) on that tit ride. It ended by our being upset In the dlteW Tes, Indeed it did! And none ot us w'eVV hurt, that was the odd thing about It. For when the car left the road-witS astonishing swiftness It landed In I muddy, marshy swamp, and we weV gently turned out into the mud. 'WVoYi look dreadful all covered with mnd. Bat Dora was rejoicing. "Isn't it lucky that Jim insisted that I wear his coat," if was murmuring, "and so my beautifuli new suit Is saved!" Tes, Dora is a genuino optimist. idea ot blackmail had gone out of Sri lelgh's mind. And, curiously enough. had never returned. Perhaps ho-hahM too much else to think of in those Utter' UMO. , "I'm afraid," ho said -when ho had'lii nis pipe, "that I have not got a thouiina pounds to lend you." Ja Vertigan laughed. "You have marrtej a very rich woman," ho said. "Besides I havo no doubt you have saved a Me? You havo had a, good salary for sonW years." s John Erlelgh's lips tightened. He kmir well enough from what he had read la the newspapers that In cases of black." mall the first step Is the fatal one. U, man once gives In to a scoundrel of jhl sun wo rescum io ruin is swiit and sure,1 Payment after payment has to be uiUi' and nothing short of exposure In a court' or law can put an end to the cruel aw- rice of tho blackmailer. Tj "l will not pay lend you the money,' he said. .-, Vertigan shrugged his shoulders. "Very, well," he said. "Then I am afraid I miiA go to her ladyship. She will doubtlets think a thousand pounds a very smill sum to save her husband from going ttf prison." (d "You can do nothing after all, the? years.' And you forget that you are not1 standing on very firm ground yourself.' you strike too hard you may overbalarics ana ran." "I am willing to risk It." ' "Blackmailers get It pretty hot now adays and then there Is, the other nut. ttr. If you ruin me, my 'sister will come. rorward and tell tho pollco all she knows about you." i Vertigan laughed cheerily. "She mty.'JJ ne said, "Dut, on the other hand, when, sho knows that tho man you killed wm' her lover sho may be grateful to me for( bringing you to Justice. Well, I'm not going to- argue out all these niceties. An you going to lend me tho money, or shall I have to go nnd ask, your wife for M"A John Erlelgh stared out seawards. Bti thft ftlinhlirn nn bin nttln Dmitri not hide the pallor of his face. The man hill found the weak spot in hla armor and; knew where to strike. A public exposure would mean the punishment of the black mailer. But If Vertigan merely told: T.a.1., Uln.h..1rtw IVinp. vntil.1 h, nn ntlh. He exposure. The money would be paJd.3! The school would not suffer. Hut ouj wife would never forclvo him. She would even know that he had only admltfedS Vertigan to tho 'school in order o ssts his own reputation. "Come, look sharn." said the science master. "Unless I am very much IW takelt that's her ladyship coming aowa the path through the trees." i John .Erlelgh looked up the hill and sa his wife. She waved her hand to him. "Very well," he said hoarsely, "I'll tryj to find the money. Of course. I bavenl ... I. I.. ,. l.a.lr T mna, alt nut aomt stock. That'll mean you can't havojts for at least a fortnight." "Well. I'll go on with my walking Mot and look, back here In a fortnlfbtts time." .,i "Tes now you'd, better go. My vnw, will not be very pleased to see you. j "Nonsense. If I went Off I should etj cite her suspicions. I've only Just cowB across you by accident We needn 1 ms.j a mystery about it And I'd look a, cltj more oneenui 11 1 were you. - (Continued Tomorrow.) Copyright, IMS, by the Associated News- papers, Limited, 1 I