Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 02, 1915, Sports Final, Image 1

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cA--VlJ' Jk
VOL. I-NO. 121
Cormtcini, IMS, si mis Pctno Lunar CotmnT.
I Ms
Hindenburg's New Thrust at
Polish Capital Costs 6000
'Men, But Petrograd Ad
mits Retirement Russian
1 Cavalry Force Passage
Over Vistula in Thorn
Crack Canadian Regiment Re
pulses Violont Charge of Ger
mans on La Bassee Canal and
Regains Lost Trenches by
Counter Attack Turks Lose
70,000 to Russians in Crush
ing Caucasia Battles Per
sians Homeless From Turk
Beveral days' marked activity of the
Germans on the front at Sochaczew,
Wyszkow, Borjlnow, Bollmow and
southward td the Plllca has disclosed
Us motive In a new and tenacious
thrust against Warsaw by Field Mar
flhal von Hindcnburg. The Russian of
ficial report chronicling the death of
6000 Germans and tho capture of many
more In this operation admits that
tho Warsaw defenders were driven
bade to the Second line of trenches.
Cossack bands have forced a passage
of. tho Vistula, northwest of Wlocla
wek, in the general movement on
Thorn, and aro 25 miles from tho Prus
sian stronghold on tho southeast.
The rijMlan army In Northwest
Prussia is gaining ground Near
Blesun, a Cossack regiment gained a
position only 10 miles from the'RUBslan
' trorVJer. The Czar's left is1 'now" only "30
miles from Thorn.
The Princess Patricia's regiment,
Canada's crack organization, boro tho
brunt of the'flghtlng In a battle south
of the I-a Basseo Canal, reported to
day by the French War Omce. Violent
Oerman assaults at that point com
pelled jtho British to give ground, but
thoy rallied and by a counter attack
regained, their lost positions and also
took trenches that tho Kaiser had cap
tured last week.
Seventy thousand Turks were killed
, V
I-JiA Y-Ki
Of course, you know today is ground
hog day. According to the legend, the
odd little anmal pops out of his hole to
get a line on the general weather:ondl
tlons, and if the sun is shining enough
for him to see even the tiniest bit of his
own 'shadow he pops back Into his hole
and We are supposed to resign ourselves
to six weeks more of winter. At least
that has been the custom. There Is some
little difference this year, however, due
to tho fact that the "more" in the story,
a far as the present season is concerned,
1s a somewhat meaningless word. We
would like some one to dare predict what
U in store for us it the summer develops
an Increase In temperature over the win
ter In proportion to previous years. But,
unlike a somewhat prominent gentleman
- across the seas, we do not think the
groundhog Is worrying much.'
We mean over his place n the sunl
For Philadelphia and vicinity
Rain or tleet tonight and Wednesday
with easterly gales,
For details, see page S,
Observations at Philadelphia
w ??fJi?S. '
' 5wfwtor .,,, a
fjtv "' Northeast, gj mil..
.9"i . ,f!.4,,.v-.".v' ..,.. Cloudy
i7ufiuJlon u,t si nou a.T6
Humidity . , gj
Minimum temperature .,, ., 32, 13tj.ni:
lfimuo lunpfi-jp .As p. m,
Alraanao of tho Day
g && Voiirrorw-:::;::::;:::::: V&l
Mm i . a.!ijS,::
Xamps to Be lighted
Autsw and. ether vehicles ....,,,.,.,
Tho'Tides fT
vw Tirr?wmir
ui& wVffr ipoaow,:::::::,:::,:li;SlrS
HIo walar 8.1Mp.in.
JHsa vater tomorrow 3.18 5
ll WtT -B,
Lv toat t Art y r
4b -water tomorrow'. .",'.'.'.'.....'.. '.IX Jj
t'Jf, mm i
V y I S
V ""A Af 0
fl- wr wswww .............. .!! t -n ,! -- t is
-- ttM t jaw ww'.. im
or wounded In the crushing defeat In
Dieted by tho Russians In tho Oltl and
Sarl-Knmysh regions of Transcaucasia,
says Potrograd.
Dover guns aro believed to have
foiled a Zeppelin nnd submarine rnld
on England. London vnl dark for two
hours fearing an air attack.
Petrograd Admits Retirement to Bee
ona Trench Line.
PETJtOaUAD, Teb. 2.
Field Marshal von Itlndenburg's new
thrust at Warsaw alrcndy has cost the
Germnns 0000 killed nnd many more In
wounded nnd prisoners, according to ad
missions made by captives and announced
In today's official Russian report, which
admits tho Czar's forces were driven to
their second llnoof trenches.
General attack along the entire Warsaw
front lias developed. Admission Is mado
hero of a tenacious offensive from tho
Junction of tho Bzura and Vistula to the
Military activity recently has been con
fined to limited spheres, but tha events
of the last few days are regarded as In
dicative of a change In tactics, Especial
rlgnincanco Is attached to tho great vio
lence) with which tho Germans are resum
ing their attacks In the Wyszogrod dis
trict, at the Junction of the Bzura and
Vistula Rivers, and further south near
Tho battling along tho Bzurn, west of
Warsaw, has cost tho Germans heavy
losses. General von Mackensen hurled
six regiments against the Russian posi
tions southwest of Sochaczew In repeated
charges for four days. His object was to
cut a path toward Warsaw that would
Cause nn abandonment of tho Russian
campaigns toward Thorn and Kocn'gs
berg. i
Heavy artillery tore great gaps In the
Germans' lines. While tho Infantry was
engaged a force of German sappers tun
neled their wny nearly 100 yards to the
first line of Russian trenches. By chnnca
a Russlnn officer discovered the mouth of
the tunnel ns a little group of Germans
came 'pouring out. They were made pris
oners. Two machine guns were rushed
to tho mouth of the tunnel and n com
pany of Germans was slaughtered under
ground. By weight of numbers the Germans
forced the Czar's army at this point to
retire from their first line of trenches
nnd followed up this advantage by shell
ing the Russians out of their second line
positions. Reinforcements wcro brought
up and the Germans forced to evacuate
the captured positions, with the exception
or 100 yards of trenches on the Russian
right. "N
Force Passage of Strategic Blver
Northwest of Wloclawek.
-rETROGRAD. Feb. 2.
RusBlan forces operating north of tho
Vistula have forced a passage to the left
bank. Desperate fighting took place at
the villages of Makow and Dyblln on tho
south side. -
Ae a result of the Russian drive the
Gormans, who have held the southern
shore of tho river for some time, were at
this point thrown back to the lino of
villages of Weleze and Kastgnewo, north
west of Wloclawek.
The ofllctal report containing details of
these movements Is silent as to their
extent. It Is probable that the Vistula
passage was forced by bodies of Cossacks
and otjher cavalry. The Cossocks have
been particularly acjlvo In tho general
campaign in this zone, the objective bl
which Is Thorn. The new drlvo brinks
tho Czar's forces to a point 25 miles south
east of Thorn, and may Indicate an en
deavor to reach the fortress' from this di
rection by an auxiliary movement. If the
operation is one of great strength which
apparently Is not the case, It may mean
the development of a menace to tho rear
of the German army fronting Warsaw.
The Germans In retreating abandoned
many of their wounded at Makow.
Other War News on Pago 4
Slain by British Worship Fire at
COPENHAGEN, Feb. 2. Lieutenant
Egton Von Kluk, eldest son of General
Von Kluk, commander of one of the
German armies In France, was killed at
Mtddlekerke, In Belgium, during a bom
bardment of that port by British war
ships, according to Information received
h.ere today.
Lieutenant Von Kluk was 23 years old
and was attached to the naval marine
service. k
Flood Lashes Bulkheads at Ventnor,
Margate and Longport.
ATLANTIC CITT, N. J Feb. 2.-An-other
storm tide Is lashing the bulkheads
here and at Ventnor, Margate and Long
port, flooding the sea ends of avenues and
flooding the meadows. At exposed points
on the Ventnor beach the backwash from
combers hitting the timber sea walls
breaks completely over the boardwalk.
Work of rebuilding the wrecked pier
music hall here has been abandoned
until the storm passes.
Mrs, Sarah Anderson, 41 years Did, of
S38 South 5th street. Camden, was badly
burned today when a live aoal fell out
of the stove, and ignited her dress. Be
fore she could put the flro out her
clothing was a mass of flames. She was
removed to the Homeopathic Hospital,
Where it was said she would probably not
Bailor Drowned in the Delaware
Axel I LJndguest, of Norway, a sailor
on the Norwegian Iron ore ship Forbot.
ten, tripped while boarding the vessel at
Pier 1(. port Richmond, after shore leave,
about 1 o'clock this afternoon, fell Into
the river and was drowned. The body
was recovered by the police boat Stokley
and taken to the Morgue, Llndgueat was
S9i ytars old.
r ' ' . ' ' '
City Ball Tower Open Saturdays
Beginning Saturday, February 8, the
elevator in City HaJl tower will run on
Saturday afternoons and on holiday's, for
the benefit of those who have been, pre;
yented from visiting the tower at other
times pn account of business.
Three Dead, Three Burt in Wrecks
BUFFALO, N. X. Feb. ! Tbre men
were killed and three, seriously Injured
in a freight wreck near Angola thl after
noon. Two of tha Injured mea r re
st4 iymz
' nr a n
The Schuylkill again iorsook its customary channels today and came
yunk, stopping all vehicular traffic and tying up the mills. Many
out of their homes.
Churchgoers Urged to Join
in Task of Saving Souls in
Stirring Afternoon Sermon
in Tabernacle.
A clarion call to Phllndelphlnns to re
deem their city was Bounded by "Hilly"
Sunday In his sermon at tho tabernacle
this afternoon
"God has gHen Philadelphia an oppor
tunity that thousnnda of cities want," he
shouted. "Certainly you'll not miss It
Cod gives every one a chance to speak
to some one about Jesus to try to lend
him to the Lord, and It Is the man with
tho withered hand w-ho. does.jiot.ilQ IU"
Tho evangelist nttnoked the dropping of
botfibs in Burbpo during the wnr. He
came out strongly for an International
law that would prevent tho dropping of
destructive missies from an aircraft dur
ing warfare.
"In think there ought to be an Interna
tional law," he said, "that would prevent
tho dropping of bombs on the people of
towns of the enemy.
"I don't glvo a rnp If It Is n German
Zeppelin that goes over to damage Eng
lish or French property or an English
aeroplanes that drops bombs on German
towns. In either case It Is wrong."
"Highbrows" again came In for some
cannonading today.
"Thero aro a lot of fools In America
Who think the way to get to heaven Is
by educating themselves," the evangelist
said. "They'll find out when they get
to hell how much their education counts."
At the close of the sernion 67 men and
women "hit the trail," nnd by taking.
"Billy's" hand gave assurance of their
desire to lead Christian lives. One of them
was a Japanese.
Delegations In the tabnernacle this af
ternoon included pupils from the Hatboro
High School, about 100 postofflce cferks
Concluded on Pace Two
Believe Victims' Story That They
Are "Broke." '
Hold-up men who believed the story
told by James Dowers, ':818 North Howard
street, and Maurlco Devlin, 253S North
Bth street, that they wore penniless, over
looked two diamond rings and a gold
watch when they made a perfunctory
search of the victim's pockets during a
robbery at C street and Allegheny ave
nue early today. '
Bowers and Devlin were on their way
home from a dance at Eth street and
Allegheny avenue when they were at
tacked. An automobile drew up behind
them nnd two masked men Jumped out,
nourishing revolvers.
"You'ro wasting time on us," Bowers
declared. "We're both broke."
"Turn out your pockets, anyway," the
highwaymen ordered, rifteen cents fell
to the pavement and this they gathered
up. Then they started away on the run
"See this," said Bowers, showing his
friend a two-carat diamond beneath hi
glove. Devlin turned back a glove which
concealed a ring he wore and then. drew
a gold watch from an upper pocket. Tho
highwaymen could still be heard running
up a nearby street.
Heinle Zimmerman Fays $40 In Bum
mer nnd 20 In Winter,
NEW" YOIUC. Feb J.-Helnle Zimmer
man, Chicago Cub third baseman, today
signed up a sliding scale alimony agree
ment with his wife, who asked a legal
separation. From October to March
Heinle wilt pay S20 a week for the support
of his wife and child. During tha base
ball season he will pay $10 a, week,
Six Other Workmen Injured by Fall
Jnjj Ruins,
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich, Feb. I-Tha
north wall of th.e. ruins jf the Brown and
Sehler harness factory, weakened by a
fierce windstorm, suddenly crashed to
the ground today burying a Bcofe Of
workers In debris.
Seven men were killed outright and six
others Injured, one of Whom may die.
Bllaxard Sweeping Oyer the West
CHIOAGO. Feb. 2. The entire West and
Northwest were In the grip of the billiard
;iau- anA Blmofit Averv utellon nf thn
country was swept by storms, either
rain, snow or sleet
UUKWJl induction S' BwMfrf 1Jur
Mother nnd Six Children Knocked
Down by Falling Celling.
Six small children and their mother
narrowly escaped death into this after
noon, when tho damp celling on tho
fourth floor of 730 South 4th street gave
way. The accident occurred In tho
home of Mrs. Clara Wyman. She and
her children wcro knockcl down by fall
ing plaster.
The home of tho Wyman family Is
located In the heart of the fourth ward,
which for months the Philadelphia Hous
ing Commission has pictured ns being
one of the places where housing evils
cxlit. This wnrd Is represented In Coun
cils by Select Councilman W. J. Harring
Man Suspected of Robbery
Confesses Murder in Tur
key in Reply to Chance
A romance with a tragic termination,
the threads of which lend to a remote
Turkish village In Asia Minor, developed
todny In what was at first an Insignifi
cant robbery case. Tho prlclpals In tho
caso aro two Turks, one living and one
dead, n beautiful Turkish woman and
two City Hall detectives. Tho romance
may bo entitled "The Man Who Slandered
Detectives Hodge and Oscar Brown
were detailed to tho Marceau Studio,
1609 Chestnut street, last Monday, to in
vestigate a roDbery entailing a loss of
$32. Armon Roublan, a tall, handsome
Turk employed at the studio, was among
thoso questioned by the detectives. To
carry out un Idea which flashed through
his brain as tha detectives wero about to
leaio the studio, Brown fixed an enig
matic gaze upon the Turk and asked htm:
"You were arrested before, weren't
"I was," replied the Turk.
"Now let's see, I think It was for
murder," ventured the detective, carrying
his "bluff" a bit furthor.
"Yes," drawled out tho Turk, "It hap
pened In Turkey."
"Oh. we know all about It," rejoined
Brown. "Would you mind accompanying
us to City Hall?"
After nouban was In a cell, the de
tectives communicated with the Turkish
Consul In Now York, and received from
him the Information that his compatriot
was wanted In Turkey for murder. It
developed that In a, auarrel over a beau
tiful woman, In the village of Marash,
Asiatic Turkey, B,oublan killed his rival
suitor, noublan was sentenced td prison
after the murder, but made his escape
In 1911 by bribing the keeper and made
his way Into this country through mys
terious channels,
Boublan, "the Turk who slandered him
self," was today confined In a closed
room at the Immigration Station at
Gloucester, from where he will be de
ported to Turkey as quickly as the au
thorities can arrange for the trip.
Bees That Kail
Life in tho trenches, that is as
much a part of war a$ xcavlno ban
iters, the ttrateou of generals and
the pettu pomp of diplomacy, A
soldier knows war, A teacher who
turned soldier writes in a letter from
the front; "We are like the leasts
of the forest," prowling op night in
search of food grouching by day itt
terror of bullets, sleepless day and
night in the raln-soofced mud of the
treetlng trenches. Ills vivid descrip
tion of these things and more will
be printed tomorrow on the editorial
page of the
Evening Ledger
On the same page will appear an
article containing a great deal of in
teresting Oongretsional personalia.
Uepresentative Jiraussard, of ouli
ana, has served in the Lower House
for 16 years. He campaigns in
French, but helps legislate in Engi
Ush. In the south end of the Capitol
you encounter $S men, expressive
taah in Ms personality of the ideal
of good cltdenship and character'
Utio Americanism determined by 435
groups of American citizen, fid
ward IF. Xoumseiid'. f on entertain
ing article, illustrates this interest
tog fact with incidents and
pouring into the streets of
families were marooned or
Werner Van Horn, Officer
in Kaiser's Army, Cap
tured in Maine, Confesses
to Causing Explosion.
VANCEBOPO, Me., Feb. 2 -The steel
bridge over the Bt. Croix Itlver. from
Vanccboro, Me , to McAdam Junction. N.
B., nn important link In tho Maine Cen
tral and the .Canadlrn Pacific Rallwav
over w hlch moBt of tho Avar shipments of
food and horsrs have been Bent to St.
John, N. B., was damaged by a dynamite
explosion shortly after 1 o'clock this
A; Oerman officer, who gave his name
as "Werner Van Horn, was arrested on
American soil, nnd confessed to trying
to blow up the bridge.
Van Horn confessed not only to causing
tho explosion that damaged the Candlnn
end of the brlge, but said he had also In
tended d)nnmitlng the Maine Central
bridge at Lambert Lake, eight miles be
low Vanceboro, over which tho Candlan
Pacific runs, and also the International
Bridge between Calais, Me., and St. Ste
phens, N. II,
He said he had been In Mexico nnd be
fore coming to Maine had attempted un
successfully to get back to Germany.
The blowing up of the bridge, he said,
had been prearranged, and the dynamite
was delivered to him at Vanceboro by a
man he had never seen before nnd who
left him Immediately after placing the
explosive In his hands.
A dynamite cap, which he had in his
pocket, Van Horn gave to George B.
Hoss, the deputy Bherlfl who arrested
him, as a souvenir. Showing the officers
the map of this section of Maine and In
dicating tho bridge on It, he asked If the
Vanceboro bridge was the one he had
He has been here since Saturday, when
he came to Vanceboro from New York,
and has had plenty of time to familiarize
himself with the surrounding)..
Boss, who went to Van Horn's room at
the Page Hotel to arrest him this morn
ing, stated that when he and the other
officers entered tho room, Van Horn
darted townrd him with a revolver, but
Boss took the weapon from him.
Van Horn was examined by ofllclals of
Washington County. Acting District At
torney Chapman, of Portland, was at
once notified of tho nrreat and at the
some time the Federal authorities at
Washington wiro apprised of the situa
No charge has been made again Van
Horn. Word Is awaited from the United
States Marshal In regard to what shall
be done with the prisoner. Recording to
Boss, Van Horn snld It was "within his
rlqht to blow up the bridge aa an act of
war," He speaks broken English.
A German flag and a chart of this sec
tion were found In Van Horn's pockets.
The- Governor of the province of New
Brunswick has been notified by Canadian
Pacific ofllclals and has ordered an Inves
tigation begun at once. The railroad ofll
clals asked that this Investigation be In
ternational In scope.
The eastern part of the stone piers
Which support the bridge was damaged
by some high explosive. The detonation
rocked (he houses In Vanceboro, shattered
the windows of the railroad station and
alarmed the residents on the Canadian
side of the river,
The steel girders of the last two span
at the Canadian end of the bridge were
strained out of shape. Not only was the
third pier, that toward the Canadian end
of the bridge, damaged, bi)t It Is believed
that the straining of the steel structure
has impaired to a great extent the entire
bridge, and extensive repairs may b
Jtullroad ofllclals said the bridge could
he repaired within two or three das. It
i possible that Van Horn used nitro
glycerin. Neither the Maine Central nor the Ca
nadlan Pacific Hallway can advance any
motive- other than ope arising from the
war shipments There has been no guard
of Canadian soldiers on duty at the
Hull road men intimated, before the ar
rest of Van Horn, thatOermana or Ger
man sympathizers eeizeU the opportu
nity on a stormy night, at a time when
traffic over the bridge was slack, to out
into the transportation line over which
Canada has been shipping most of Its prc
ylsjons to its opn port at St Johns,
The bridge was dynamited." said
perlntendent Grout, of the Canadian Pa
cific, who U in direct charge of that part
CoadstU es yst low
West Philadelphia High School. , . 10
Central High School 10
West Philadelphia High School, 2d. 14
Central High School, 2d . . . . 6
Southern High School 11
Northeast High School . . . a . . 12
Southern High School, 2d 14
Northeast High School, 2d , 0
De Lancey School 8
St. Luke's School 17
Councils' Finance Committee
to Urge Passage by Legis
i lature of Bill Creating New
DfTorts of Councils' Committee on Legis
lation to have tho Legislature pass a
housing bill to replace the pleasure creat
ing tho Division of Housing and Sanita
tion wnj denounced todny by directors of
the Philadelphia Housing Commission as
a schemo to create Jobs for Republican
Organization workers.
Governor Brumbaugh will be appealed
-jam 'suDtotsMtd 'sjjadxa Jfuianon A oj
chants and civic workers to oppose the
new bill, which arrived In Harrlsburg to
day. The measure hns the Indorsement of
Chairman John P. Connelly, of Councils'
Flnanco Committee, as well as Select
Councilman Charles Segcr, of the 7th
Investigation of tho wards represented
by deger and ConnelljT both of whom
refused to vote In favor of appropriations
for the Division of Housing, disclosed that
they contained hundreds of insanitary
Owners of house which have been called
"living vaults," "dens of sonow," "cave
rooms" and "Siberian cells ' aro also
backing the new bill. Many of the own
ers of property where disease is devel
oped, according to rccqrds,i belong to tlu
International Tenement Owners' Associa
tion. The headquarters of this -organization
Is located in Soger's ward. .
In framing the new bill, Councllmcn
wero careful to eliminate many up-to-date
Improvements which tho housing
tone, passed In 1913, cnlled for.
No mention Is mado of running water
In kitchens, nor Is there a word about
plumbing. The housing code ns passed
by the last Legislature called for large
windows and other Improvements, which,
according to physicians, would have aided
In keeping down the death toll among
The plans of the Organization Council
men Is to create a department and have
It divided Into four bureaus, which aro
to be known as Bureau of Hospitals.
Concluded on race Four
Attempt to Torpedo Austariua Falls,
Report Says.
LONDON, Feb. 2. A London Central
News dispatch this afternoon says a
German submarine made an attempt to
torpedo the British hospital ship AUBtarius
In the English unannei.
The attack wa3 unsuccessful, the report
Mrs. W. J. Peck Leads Women In
Indoor Play.
Golfers to the number of 25 played to
day in the second qualifying round for
tho amateur golf tournament on the In
door links of the Glmbet Store, The score
of M made by E. Styles, North Hills, yea
terday was equa'.led today by Sidney
Sharwood, Merlon Cricket Club and J. J.
Kelly, unattached, J. B. McFarland. Jr.,
who won the qualifying round of the
amateur tournament a week ago, was
fourth today, with a card of 55, one Btroke
higher than H. T, Stockholm.
MrB, W. J. Peck, Merlon Cricket Club,
made two fine rounds of the nine-hole
course in a total of E5 strokes, and now
is safely In the lead among the women
golfers. The summary;
J J. Kelly, unattached ... ., ....-.' M .10
Kidney Mmrwood, Merlon ...... 27 'Jt 60
It. Stockholm, unattached 0 3 B4
J. IL McKurland. ,Jr . Huntingdon., - 0 S3
M. n, Alton, unattached 2- 28 6T
ileorKe II. Joyce, unattached ....... 20 20 S3
II. K. lllrdiatl. unattached .,,..... Ml t ro
Wright McCallop btenlon ., 2.S 31 RU
Alfred Day. unattached .,,...,... 2a XI 51)
(I a. Snootier. Mooroetown ......... SO 3(1 nn
T, A, NlchoUon unattached . ... , nn as HJ
A', Tl Kane. GaHleid Golf club!,,! 83 t (il
.1. v. Turnbull, unattached ... XI 31 Ol
II. II Evam, Spring Haven . . SS SO IU
J, H. JtcUndon, Ithara. O. C . "1H M
J It I'tmer. Moore.town , 3.1 33 (11
Henry Detwtller, Kaaion Q C, .. 38 40 78
Mrs IV. J. reck. Merlon . 2A SO 65
Sli M. liorrlaon. Ithaca C C. . 34 33 (if
Mr. It. T. Chandler. Jr . Overurook 31 ill lift
ajr. it. . amtia. .oria mus.... ao zn iei
Mr :. If Marehall. VVhltemai.b. 4t .17
Mr. vv. IJ. gaiaweu, ivnnemartn.
43 3& 71)
i i i i i
Defeats West Philadelphia High In
Scholastic League Game.
Central High School's basketball team
succeeded in keeping its lead in the Scho
lastic League campaign by defeating
West Philadelphia High School In the
lattera cage this afternoon. Tha Anal
score was ?T to 17.
At half-time tha team r tied. 10.10,
toebman played harvard In place oC Hunter,
who ta Inclljlblo to play with Witt Phila
delphia High In the future, aa he graduated
thl month.
In the preliminary cam the second team of
Wt Fbllly easily defeated th Crimean and
sold scrubs At the- end p( the flrst half
tha Speedboy yovuisster led. U-&.
Th line-up tofIow:
Wt PblUdelBMa UUh. . Central Hla,
Ihwamaii . forward .. . Ward
jutarkl forward... yvwtw
r-Le&lasd oa&tr Tarr
tAWsn suar4 n(r
rlaktrtoo wrd Da turns
I jjufw,.--.,,. riw of aHM-ao mifiZSS
7 17
17 27
8 23
8 14
7 18
25 37
6 20
13 13
6 14
8 25
Four Jersey Towns Partly
Submerged Tide Rises
Over Bulkheads at Water
Front in This City.
Four New Jersey towns below Glouces
ter were partly Isolated by four feet of
water that submerged a three-mile
stretch of the Jersey shoro along the Del
aware when the tide started to rise this
afternoon. Delaware avenue, In this city,
was flooded to a depth of a foot between
Itace and Arch streets, the water nearly;
rising over the bulkheads.
Official high tide for today was at -3.21
o'clock, but the tide continued to run in
for some time after that. Long before i
o clock experienced rlvermcn realized j
there would be trouble. n
uvcry nvaua Die sieveaore was .sougni
out and put to work on Delaware avenue
piers, removing goods that would be af
fected by the water to n place of nafety;
Several of the piers Were partly sub
merged by 3 o'clock and considerable
damnge was done to goods stored on
them. "
Trolley communication with Woddbury.
Wcstvllle, Blackwood and National Park
was cut off by the flooding of the roads at
half-past 2 o'clock. Hundreds of workj
men wcro rorcea to wait until mo tiae
started to recede before they could get
to their homes.
A three-mile stretch of the Jersey coast
was under four feet of water while the
tldo was "t Its highest. Several small f j,
boats along tho river bank were smashed
against bulkheads or piers or carried
in the flood a few weeks ago tne waters
of the Delaware did not rise near tho
top of bulkheads. Today at nenrly X
dozen points the water got within H
fraction of an Inch of the concrete wnlis.-
Virtually all traffic on Delaware aver
nue was forced to suspend for a time.
Commuters on the way to their horoekj
In New Jersey reached the ferry stations
by using the elevated station stairways.
In Camden tho waters were forced up ;1
' ' !
Concluded on rme Two
Invading Cavalrymen Press "Way ta
rETROOIlAD, Feb. 2.
It Is announced that Russian Cossacks
havo lnaded Hungary and are now
pressing toward Budapest.
Denial Is made officially of recent Oer
man and Austrian statements of Ita vic
tories In Gallcla and Poland, fc
Since the war began the Russians hav
captured 5SI.0S1 Austrian and Oerman
privates and S097 officers. It Is announced
In a special official statement, issued by
tho .Russian War Office this evening.
California Visited by Severest Btorra
In Twelvft Tearp.
SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 2. Three per.
sons aro dead and several aro Injured
in a tornado that struck this section of
the Pacific coast today. The storm came
after IS hours of almost Incessant rains.
It was the worst storm la 12 years.
LOS ANOELES, Cat, Feb. 1-Much
property was damaged here today by a
tornado, but as far aa known there,
wero no fatalities. Several churches were
unroofed and a half-dozen homes wero
demolished. The storm lasted only 6 min
utes. One of the Injured here probably will
die. The force of the wind rocked bouses
on their foundations and tumbled them
like houses of cards.
All shipping In the bay was paralyzed
when the small craft was driven ashore,
The ferry service between San Francisco
and Oakland has been suspended, tha
steamships bolng unable to sal) pr land
owing to tha high tldea, that swept in
Land slides have blocked several rmu
roads, alt Shasta lines being suspended
Tho ferry and bridge at Redding were,
wrecked The Sacramento and Sap Jem
quln Rivers and their tributaries, are. al
ready raging torrents as a result of tb
heavy rains. '
The Panama Exposition grounds have
been flooded in many places,
Four Hen Drowned in Their Bunk
Four men were drowned today whan ih
steam suction dredge Eastern was. sap,
sized during the storm. The captain and
seven escaped. The others wer caught S
in their Dunxa,
LOST WtdncjJly 27th, about J .'SO p ta. mi
aouthbouod GermaqtowB aye trolley btwM
buoaet and Willow Grove avea., iron Itujtotr
ahopplng t, containing money and eawrt
rard It returned to U. Franklin PsvPa.
a3 taaq '" "a"tt"f
LOST BUadav nlaht January W7 old InftlW
ana white AnjQra cat, ta raearo, iiurn i
aa, 8. 13th. ,
LOST-Sold bracelet WtUttgr, January 3ft mn
ved ouuide H W ! D M K
Batambtf 3X 1WT. ttw. Wt, TWywtiioe fays
laMgBrgwfc guff, pear tfjasLswsftgjias
xBsiii WaKM'"l5WKr6kS
ejunday nlfw. " i" saktd
U4ura tap
Oik$r mtmm
a ?- ,f