Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 01, 1915, Extra, Page 5, Image 5

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Sunday's Sermons
Continued Front Page 4
stomach, and ct ou will walk up and
vote for tho dirty tratllc.
"Conio on, cut out the booze, boys, Oct
on tho tfnter wnsotii get on for tlio sake
or youf nite nnd babies, nnd hit booze- o
"Come on, reac1y( forward, march!
might, left, haltl Wo tue in front of n
drv goods store.
'What do you want?'
" inllco.'
-What do you want?'
" 'r-ollco '
" -What do you wnnt?'
" 'Calico.'
" 'Onllco, all right, como on.' " Tho
stores aro stripped.
"Hoy, Wnnaniakcr'a, Qlmbcls', Jilt's,
Darlington's, Hnellonburu's, Bend down
calico. Tho wholo bunch hai voted out
tho saloons nnd wo have such a demand
for calico wo don't know what to do.'
And tho big stores telegraph to Kail
River tn ship catlco, nnd tho factories
telegraph to buy cotton, nnd they tell
their salesmen to buy cotton, nnd tho cot
toil plantation man sees cotton Jump up
to t UUIU.
"Wlint la tho innttcr7 Your children
nro going naked nnd tho wlihlty gang
lms got our money. That's what's tho
matter with you. Don't listen to these
old wlilslcy-soakcd i politicians who say
stand pat on tho saloon.'
"Come with me. Now, remember, wo
have the whole bunch of boozo-llghtcrs
on tho nntcr wngon and I m iln I -no
now. Over hero I was John, the drunken
bum. Tho whisky gang got my dollar
nnd I Bot tho quart. Over hero I nm
John on tho wntc war.m i ho mrr.
chant got my dollar nnd I have his meat,
flour nnd calico, and I'm going home
now. 'Bo It ovor so humble, thero's no
placo llko homo without booze.'
"Vlfo comes out and says, 'Hello,
John, what havo you got?'
" 'Two porterhouse steaks. Bally.'
"'What's that bundle, pa?'
" 'Cloth to mako you n now dross, bIs.
Tour mother has fixed Mnry's old one so
often It looks llko a crazy quilt.'
" 'And whnt havo you thcre7'
" 'That's a pnlr of shoes for you, Tom;
nnd hero Is soma cloth to mako you a
pair of pants. Your mother has patched
the old ones so often they look llko tho
map of Pennsylvania.'
"What Is tho matter with tho country7
Wo havo been dumping tho money Into
tho Whisky holo that ought to have boon
spent for flour, beef nnd calico, and we
haven't that holo tilled up yet.
"A man comes along and soys, 'Aro
you a drunkard?'
" 'Yes, I'm a drunkard.'
" 'Where nro you going?'
" 'I'm going to hejl."
" 'Decauso tho' Good Uook says, "No
drunkard shall Inherit tho kingdom of
God," so I nm going to hell.'
"Another man comes along nnd I say,
'Aro ou a church member?'
" 'Yes, I am a church member.'
" 'Where aro you going?'
" 1 nm going to heaven.'
" 'Did you vote for the saloon?'
"Go to tho Jails, go to tho lnsano asy
lums nnd tho penitentiaries nnd tho
homes for feeble-minded. There you will
find tho finished product for their dirty
business. I tell you It la the worst busi
ness this sldo of hell, nnd you know it.
"Listen! Hero Is an extract from tho
Saturday Evening Post of November 8,
1907, taken from a paper read by n
brower. You will say that n man didn't
say It: 'It nppears from theso facts that
tho success of our business lies in tho
creation, of appetlto among tho boys.
Hen who havo formed tho habit scarcely
over reform, but they, llko others, will
dio, and unless thero nro recruits made to
tako their places our coffers will bo
empty, and I recommend to you that
money spent In the creation of nppetlto
will return in dollars to your tills after
tho habit is formed."
"Tho saloon exists because tho church
doesn't voto It out of existence.
"Say, aro you in favor of n constitu
tional amendment prohibiting tho salo of
liquor In tho United States?
"If you over get a chanco to do It, boys,
will you do it? If you do, stand up with
"What Is your raw material, saloons?
American boys. Say, I would not give
one boy for all tho distilleries nnd sa
loons this sldo of hell. And they havo
to havo 2,000,000 boys every generation.
And then you tell mo you are a man
when you will voto for an institution
llko that. What do you want to do, pay
taxes in money or in boys?
"And I would not glvo those 13 boys
for every dirty dollar you got from tho
hell-soaked liquor business or from every
brewery and distillery this sldo of hell.
"Listen 1 In a Northwest City a preach
er Bat at his breakfast tablo ono Sunday
morning. Tho doorbell rang, ho answered
It, and thero stood a little boy, 12 years
of age. Ho was on crutches, right leg
off at the knee, shivering, and he Bald,'
Please, sir, will you como up to the Jail
nnd talk nnd pray with papa? He mur
dered mamma. Papa was good and kind,
but whisky did it, and I have to support
my three little sisters. I sell newspapers
and black bootB, "Will you go up and
talk nnd pray with papa? And will you
como homo and be with us when they
bring him back? Tho Governor says we
can have his body after they hang him.'
"The preacher hurried to the Jail nnd
talked nnd prayed with tho mail. Ho
had no knowledge of what he had done.
He Bald; 'I don't blame the law, but it
breaks my heart to think that my chil
dren must be left In a cold and heart
less world. Oh, sir, whisky did it.'
"Tho preacher was at the llttlo hut
when up drove the undertaker's wagon
nnd they carried out the pine coflln.
They led tho llttlo boy up to the coflln,
ha leaned over nnd kissed his father and
cobbed, and said -to his sisters; 'Come
on, sisters, kiss papa's cheeks before
they grow cold.' And the little, hungry,
ragged, whisky orphans hurried to tho
coflln shrieking In agony. Police, whose
hearts were ndamant, burled their faces
In their hands nnd rushed from the
house, and the preacher fell on his knees
nnd lifted his clenched flst and tear
stained face and took an oath before God,
nnd beforo the whisky orphans that ha
ffitWtct I
41it and
Lancaster Ave.
B8d and
I.andown Are.
Krmlmtou und
Allnlienr a.
03d and .
llanrturd Ate.
1633-31 Market
' icwmuoi.,
Matinee at 8.30, K,fnbu. at 6)15 0 o'Clk.
Jfpeclal Conceit by the Tioga. Symphony Orcheitru. Btlirtlng; ununa
Oei-mantown Ave. and School Lane.
ii?r Hiejamoug Hope-Jonn ripe Organ.
THE RIDGE &g jJuSyAv',?11
flSd anil
tltrard Alt.
DAUl'lIlN SI'.
KeniLui too and
VrunkforU Ate.
gffSSSK &&
would fight the cursed business until the
undertaker carried him out In a coflln.
"You men havo n chanco to show your
manhood. Then In tho namo of your
puro mother, In tho name of your man
hood, In tho namo of your wlfo nnd tho
pure, innocent children that climb up In
your lap and put their arms nround
your neck, In the namo of all that Is
good nnd noble, fight tho curse. Shall
you anon, who hold In your hands the
ballot, nnd In that bnllot hold the destiny
of womanhood nnd children and man
hood, snail you, tho sovereign power,
refuse to rally In tho hamo of tho de
fenseless men nnd women nnd native
land 7 No.
."1 want every man to say: 'God, von
can count on mo tu protect my wife,
my home, my mother nnd my children
and tho manhood of America.'
"By tho metcy of God, which has given
to ymi tho umlmken nnd unshakable
coAlldcnco of her you love, I beseech
you mako n right for tho women who
wait until tho saloons spew out their
huibandi nnd their sons, nnd send them
homo maudlin, brutish, dovlllsh, stinking,
blear-eyed, hloated-fnccd drunkards."
Sunday Morning
"Jeremiah v, D: 'Why shouldst thou
bo ns a mighty man that cannot save?'
"Thero nro somo people who aro so
familial' with their Ulblo that when you
announce a verso they will tell jou tho
placo whero It can bo found and not In
frequently tho chapter and the verse.
If thoru nro any such hero you would
havo said, "That sounds llko Jeremiah.'
"Mntthow seems to hnve written moro
especially to tho Jews. Ho Bcemcd to
endeavor to convlnco them that Christ
was tho Jlcsslah nnd ho quoted moro fre
quently from tho Old Testament than did
cither Mark, Luko or John.
"Mark seems to havo been Impressed
with tho tireless energy of Jesus. Tho
llttlo word 'go' occurs 43 times In tho
Now Testament nnd 22 of theso nro In
Mark. Tho word 'straightway' occurs 21
times In AInrk und 'Immediately' 17 times.
Hpurgeon ono tlmo said that ho did not
understand how any one could read tho
gospel of Mark and not go out and preach
It for God.
"Luko was tho physician and wan
atrong In observation and description Ho
seemed to havo been Impressed with tho
power of Christ to eliminate disease. Ho
was ono of theso kind that would say In
two or three sentences what somo peoplo
would rcqulro a wholo foolscap to say.
John seemed to havo been impressed with
tho divinity of Christ. I do not bcllovo
tho man lives that could go out nnd de
nounce Chi 1st ns tho Son of God If ho
would read tho gospel of John. Jeremiah
mado it plain that God was in their
"Tho curses pronounced upon the Jews
will fall on tho Gcntllo If you don't do
God's bidding. Tho curso will fall on
this city for God Is no respecter, of
"I bellevo that somo Individuals nnd
somo churches aro too stingy. AVo nro
robbing God. Now, this is tho same
Christ, tho same holy Bplrlt, tho same
devil nnd tho snmo old world.
"It Is an Inspiration to mo to know
what God has dono and what God Is
willing to do.
"There nro several books I llko to road
I like to read tho Blblo and tho auto
biography of Charles J. Finney, ono of
tho grandest men since the days of tho
npostlcs. A religious community in New
York today is duo to tho blessing of God
under the preaching of Charles J. Finney.
At ono tlmo Finney was to preach In a.
schoolhouso In Now Yoik at 10 o'clock.
Ten-thirty rolled by and 11 and still ho
did not come. Tho peoplo becamo anxious
and said, 'Where Is Mr. Finney?'
"A commltteo went out to search for
him nnd they found him lying faco 'down
ward oh tho ground, tears rolling down
his cheeks, crying: 'Oh, God, don't send
me to that schoolhouso to preach until I
know they want to ncccpt of the Saviour;
not to simply gratify their curiosity to
look at a man they heard about' It was
nearly 1 o'clock bofore ho went and so
marvelous was tho power of God that
men grabbed tho back of tho benches in
front of them, strong men wept llko
children. What God has dono Ho can do
"They talk about tho excitement of a
revival meeting being bad In any com
munity. If you say that, then you aro
a dirty, rotten, stinking liar. Did you
get It? They never did anything for
Christ In their lives. Peanut-headed
fools, that's what they are.
"Finney at ono tlmo went Into a. cot
ton mill In Utica, Now York. There
were two young glrl3 standing there
Just ns he stepped in. One of them
looked, Trut Finney never said a word,
Just stood and looked at her. Sho gazed
at him for a while nnd then commenced
to cry. Soon her companion started to
cry because of the conviction of their
sins. Presently tho owner of the mill,
who was not a Christian, camo in nnd
so impressed wns he that he gavo or
ders to havo tho mill stopped and havo
Finney preach, because he said It was
better to havo these men and women
saved from hell than to run this mill.
So marvelous was tho power of God
that every one of those employes wero
saved, owner and all, nnd from that day
to this that mill at Utica, Now York,
has never been out of the Christian
"What God has done He can do again.
flomt of World' Greatest Photoplays
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Attorney for the Defense K""
Battle of Sexes
Hazard of llrlen
Dear Old Girl, with French X, Ciuhman
MAHTKK nm, Jio. u
Millionaire Knglneer
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BEHIND ME llrlauo's
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Elaine Sterne
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Mvjjm Martin.
If thero In prayer nnd sin acknowledged
a mighty blessing will follow,
"What ovldenco does God hear? First
HIb word, 'Where two or three have
gathered together in My name.' Thero
should bo a union of tho churches to
preach. Hli religion, to preach His Gos
pel. You show mo a church that don't
want to go In and I will show you a
church that hasn't enough religion to
stand It nround tho corner. Capital
unites to fight labor. Why can'l God's
people united to right the devil that
curses God. Tlio man doesn't llvo on
God's nrcrii earth that can slap tho
causo of Ood In tho face nnd not get
n solar plexus blow right back from me.
"At tho dedication of tho Hunker Hilt
monumonl Daniel Webster was sitting
upon a platform, against which tho mob
nurged and crowded nround, despite tho
efforts of thoso In chnrga to keep thorn
back. Tlio crowd became worse, heed
less of tho weak, npologetlo cry of tho
chairman Hint they wero endangering
their lives. .Suddenly Daniel Wobster
nrose, drew himself Up nnd with thd
mighty volco that mado tho Sonata listen,
said: "lien, I command you stand back.
Nothing is Imposslblo at Hunker Hill.
Stand bnckl" Ono man became 10 In
power and cnrrlcd tho Burglne mass back.
"With God and tho Holy Spirit hero
and n union of churchci, 1 tell you thero
Is no power on earth or In hell that can
stand up ngntust tho Church of Ood Al
mighty. It Is an Inspiration to mo to
know what God has done. If thero Is
anything on tho faco or God's green
enrth that needs enthusiasm it la your
"Nothing Is Imposslblo for Ood. Let's
go and tako this old city for Christ. If
ou can't do that, let's rip tho signs
from our churches. There nro too many
unclean peoplo today trying to represent
a clean gospel.
"Wo must got right with God. That Is
tho first thing we must do. If you
would spill a drop of ncld on a brass
fender and Btoop down instantly and
rub It off It will not lcavo a mark, but
If you would leavo that drop on nil night
it would remain there, 'riioi trouble with
you Is that when you sin and do wrong
you don'.t confess lt.i It remains there
and cats Into your manhood and woman
"Got right with GotL Then keep right
with God. Confess Christ as your Saviour.
Confess your sins to Him and you will
bo saved.
"I road of thrco confessions In tho
Bible. First, confess Christ as your
Saviour. Second, confess your Bins.
Third, confess your faults. If wo would
start out to wrlto tho faults of others,
no book would bo big enough to con
tain them. Wrlto your own faults first.
"I was in Bloomlngton, 111., with Doc
tor Chapman, who hail Deen preaching
there for about two wccks, but thero
had not been a slnglo conversion, no
body would como forward and overybody
would sit spellbound by his words. He
became discouraged nnd said to tho min
isters. "Look hero, brethren, it Is evi
dent to mo that tho church Is not com
ing out to help In this light, nnd I Bervo
you notice I am going to leavo hero after
the services Friday night. I havo preach
ed against sin as hard as I know how.'
Tho ministers said: 'Doctor, wo aro
Just as much concerned about this work
ns you can possibly be. Wo havo been
inquiring what tho troublo Is. Wo havo
never heard so many peoplo talking re
ligion, but wo don't know whnt is tho
trouble.' Ho aald: 'TrounloT Tho only
troublo Is that tho church is not right
with God.' They naked him to stay and
they would try and locate somo of tho
dlfflcutlles. ns they thought they know
where tho trouble wns. Ho said ho
would stav until Sunday night, saying
that if they know whero tho trouble was
and If they wero sure they could remove
It, ho would stay.
"Tho next morning a Presbyterian nnd
Baptist nnd Congregational preacher
started out nnd they went down into tlio
ofllco of Judgo Jt., who was chief usher
In tho mooting. They said to him: 'Thero
Is somothlng wrong; wo havo never felt
such interest and seen such audiences,
but Doctor Chapman Is going to leave
Sunday night if tho difficulties aro not
removed. "Wo havo heard certain things
C. J. Heppn & Son, 1117-1119 Chestnut St. 6th and Thompson Sti.
Here is what we guarantee
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$395 Aeolian Play-Piapo
that it is equal in value to any other J5600
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about you and we have como to you as
your friend. "Wo want to know whether
what wo havo heard is truo or not; you
know what wo mean. Wo want to hear
from your own lips whether it Is truo or
false.' Ho replied: 'What you havo
heard, brethren, la true, and there Is a
great deal moro that you have not heard
which Is true.'
"Ho locked his offlco and went down to
tho, men that know of his doublo deal
ings, and naked thctr pardon, nnd that
afternoon when tho doctor was finishing
his sermon he stepped tip to the platform
nnd said: 'Excuso me, doctor, but wilt
you let mo speak n. few words?" no
mounted tho platform and said: "5'oti all
know mo, and ou all know whnt I have
done. I havo been hero for over 11 years
nnd j on all know how I lived. I havo
gono to ns many ns I could sco personally
and asked their forgiveness, which I
have secured, nnd I havo ncceptcd this
opportunity to como to this meeting to
nsk you nil to forglvo me. I nm sorry
for tho kind of Ilfo I havo lived.' When
(ho servlco was over thoy docked up to
him by tho hundrcdi, took hUn by tho
hand nnd expressed their appreciation
nnd conudciico In him. That night when
my friend llnlshcd preaching D2 peoplo
took their stnnd for Jesus Christ. For
glvo your enemies. Tho spirit of hell is
In tho man that carries hatred In his
"Get right In your homes. I can tell
you what you aro by what Is In your
homes. Lot mo read tho names on your
guest book, lot mo listen to oitr con
versation when you don't know I am
nround. Let mo rend tho list of tho books
jou havo. Lot mo look at tho magazines
you have and I will toll you by your
books. I will tell you by your magazines,
and I will tell you by your periodicals,
and I will tell you by tho company you
keen what vour homo Is.
"Thero was an old missionary who had
been nbsent from tho United Statei for
30 years doing foreign missionary work,
Inn'ded ono dav 111 Snn Francisco nnd
tho San Francisco Examiner asked him
to visit tho homes of tho poor, tho rich
and of all classes and to return and write
nn article about tho things that Im
pressed him most that ho saw In thtlr
homes. They thought ho would tell about
tho Improvements, but when ho returned
ho wroto: 'When I went to foreign
lands 30 years ago It was n very raro
thing to go to tho homo of any progesslng
Christians who did not havo prayer In
their homes, but I Journeyed for four
weeks up nnd down tho const Into tho
homes of tho rich nnd tho poor nnd tho
rnlddlo clnsscs and It wns a very raro
thing to find family prayer In the families
I lsltcd. or to llnd any that read their
Bible. Tho thing that Impressed mo
most Is that America has forgotten God
In 30 years. God is left on tho outside.
"Get right in your homes. That may
bo tho reason why your husbands and
children are not Christians. That may
be tho reason why your wlfo sidestepped
her virtue. Thero aro many men in
Pittsburgh today In holl or on tho road
to holl who wculd bo In heaven or on
tho road to neaven If somebody elso had
been his wlfo. Thero aro many In Pitts
burgh today who are on tho road to hell
Ankles or any Limb troubles
HANITAUV, on thoy may be
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Surrerers can bo helped by our
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Aeolian Player-Piano,,,, $395
Francesca-Heppe Player
X iano ,,,MMti"." too
Stroud Pianola 550
Wheelock Pianola ,,,... 750
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but who would tie on tho toad to hearen If
somebody eluo wn their husband.
"l'ou know that every boy, when ho Is
14 or 17, behoves that home Is about
tho worst placo on earth. 1 llko to seo
father and son kiss ea.ch other. I don't
bollovo women should havo a monopoly
of It. 1 havo a son, George, paBt 21, hut
If Gcorgo would como In hero this morn
Ins ho would run up nnd hiss his mother
and ho would not forget his old 'dadsky.'
"Many peoplo stop bofero a masterplcco
In an art gallorj", but thoy never fall to
stop and take a look nt tho picture en
titled 'BrenkliK; Ifomo Ties.' If you
remember that picture, you will remem
ber that even tho iloj? looked Rnd."
"Hero Mr. Sunday related tho nlory of
how ilia evnliRcllst, Mn'Jor Whittle, won
his pon, who wns boIiik to IcaVo home,
to tho rhurch nnd then lost him by death.
Tho siorv pictured tho power of
righteousness In tho home.
Saturday Night
Mr. Sunday choso ns his text "And ho
aroso and followed ltlm," Mark II, 14.
Ho said in part:
" 'And ho aroso and followed Him.'
Mark 2:11.
"Somo peoplo think that they can't bf
convcitcd unless they Bo down on their
knees In tho Htrnw nt a camp-mcctlnpr,
unless they pray nit hours of tho night
and nil nights of tho week, while icmt
old brother 8 tonus hcavoli in prayer.
Some think n man tntiBt logo sloop, must
como down the nlslo with a. haggard look,
that ho must fioth at tho mouth and
dnlico and shout.
"I want you to sco what Ood put in
black nnd white; that thero can bo a
sound, thorough conversion in an Instant,
that man can bo converted ns quietly as
tho cotnlnir of clay nnd never backslide.
I do not llnd fault with tho way other
LIT llltOTHIM 13
February Furniture Sale Opens This
Savings of at least 25 per cent frequently
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The Saving of
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Many of the foremost wholesalers rcRard us as their best and quickest outlet for huge quantities of
merchandise and our customers enjoy fullest advantage of all the good things wc share.
Here's but a few of the exceptional values in readiness there arc a great many more.
Wamen'a&ffissu't'znon Top Coats ctf $9.75
Body Brussels Carpets, $1
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KnmnuN I'rmluct of
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A mako famous for beauty of design
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No Mull or I'hone Order
Lowest price over nsked for 42-Inch
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Scotch Thread Lace
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nothlnp to affect wear. 3 and 3H
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S1.5Q and $2 Pairs, (J9C
S2.50 and $3 Pairs, 98c
Manufacturer's Sale Extra
Women's $3, $3.50 $1 QO
and $4 Shoes "
(Sixes 3U to 7)
Entire snrplua atock of VAL. DUT.
TISNIIOFUU SONS, Cincinnati, 0
wake noted for quality and depend
ublllty. ...
Of Una patent colukln. gun-metal
calf and glased kldskin. Dull
leather and black, gray and fawn
clo'h tops Tipped or plain toes.
Various heels, alio low heels, tor
Eitwlng KIN WlOtns A. to ti.
'V'""" .. T-,
ss&TOim Ol'ENM BiSO A.
people get rellslon. What I want and
preach la the fact that a man can be
converted without any fuss.
"Aa I understand the Dible e-very case
of miraculous healing resulted In a con
version. Tho man didn't dance, he didn't
shout, he was not excited, ho wan not be
side himself. Ho quietly did what the
Iord told him. He took up his bed arid
walked. He didn't run nor Jump. The
next tlmo we seo him ho is In the temple
worshiping Ood.
"I challenge any one who dares ea
that peoplo do not get converted Rt theso
meetings. If ou do not botlovo that man
was saved come down here and measura
yourself up with him, Put your old car
cass nlongsldo of his and seo how you
"How many slaps In the faco havo
you taken for being truo to .tesus? How
many snoers havo you withstood for
being truo to Jesus? It cost him some
thing to bo known as tho dlsclplo of
"The dovll Is always a passenger with
you In your nuto If ho furnished It.
Thero Is blood on our bunds If you rent
your property for a saloon or for a house
of Infamy, If you are robbing Ood, If you
nro making your clerks work long hours,
It jolt pay -thum poor vases. If you sold
that mining stock and know that It was
n mvlndtc.
Note this, jou who don't bellevo In
quick conversions. When you nnd any
thing lit Matthew's goipel thnt you llko
paillcuUirly, remember It was written by
a man who said, 'Yes,' Instantly. Ho
didn't get down nnd kneel on tho straw.
"Seemingly tho men who havo moved
the world for Christ havo been converted
In a quiet manner. Tho way to Judgo u
treo Is by Its fruit. Judge a trco of qulcf
conversion In this way.
"Another lesson. When conversion conv
pels peoplo to forsake their previous call'
lng Ood gives them n bettor Job. Luko
said, 'Ho loft all.' Little did ho dream
that his Influence would bo world-reaching
and eternity covering. His position as
tax collector seemed llko a big Job, but
It was not picking up pins compared to
! mail on i'iio.M2 oimnus filled ;
Double Yellow TradinR Stamps With Every 10c Purchase Until
Noon : After That, Until Closing Time, Single Stamps
Market Eighth Filbert Seventh
$22 and $25 Suits ctf $11.75
Manufacturers' and
Sketch Shows Two of the
Fashions in
Include practical and
drensy offects osportly
tailored, and mostly all
flno satin or poau do
lined with
Materials Offer Choice of Rich
Imported Mixtures, Pebble Chev
iots, Duvclynes and All-Wool
Thoso aro In navy bluo, black, rich
brownB, nnd other cholco dark
Bhadca. Somo show novel smart bolts
at front, back or all tho way around,
others aro In llarlnp rlpplo styles
and somo few havo drossy fur collar.
$20, the Regular
Price of These $Q 7C
Coats, now.... Uo a
A- Carload of "Trade-Mark"
Prairie Grass RUGS
Purchased By Us From W. & J. Sloane, New York
Plenty of tho Favorite AVnlls-of-Troy Pattern In Blue, Green,
Rod and Drown
Figured Prairie Grass Rugs Plain
Reg. Frlco Sale Price
27x54 inches
54x90 inches
6x9 feet
6x12 feet
9x15 feet
75c ' 49C
$2.75 $1.69
$4.25 $2.79
$6.50 $3.79
$6.75 $4.29
$10.75 $7.29 .
T l'nnloiim Products of Buch
XJlHUItjUllI Rnn. Cn nml Ihn
Full rolls. Plcaso bring sizes.
Inlaid, six feet wide,
$1.15 Grade, square QKq
The Penn Clothing Co.
9th and Filbert Streets, Philadelphia
Sold Us Remainder of Their Winter Stock. It's Here Today
at Practically 50c on the Dollar
1700 Men's Suits and
This well-known Urm U famous
stylishness and careful tailoring
Every garment Is hand-tlnlshed, and
strictly all-wool. '
For easy choosing, grouped at two
$15.00 to $1G.50
Overcoats $g 7EJ
at ,,...
Latest single- and double-
terfteld and semi-form models.
others double-warp eerge lined.
$15.00 to $1G.50
Suits $875
Latest styles In fancy worsteds, overplalda and noat
striped effects. Youthful English models and more
conservative American styles. All sites for men and
young men.
Boys Clothing Bargains V5
Surplus stockB of several New York: makers.
AU the latest styles, 2Vi to 17 years. All the fashion
able fabrics, and in the 53.96 and S1.9S aults are hand
some blue serges.
Boys' Suits
$5 to $7.50
Values, $2.50, $2.98,
$3.98 and 4.98
OL0SB3 AT m P- St :
tho Job Ood gave hint Bom of you may
bo holding back for fear bf btln ut bi
of your Job. If you do tight tjod will na
that you do not suffer.
"His will wasn't foreed. doo never
forces any wan; neither do i. All neaven
Is trylnff to lift yolt to your feet 6ofci l
you men ought to pray right this mlnuw
that your legs may be strong enough to
bring j-ou down here tonight What la
keeping you back? Tou can't net too
quickly about your soul's salvaUon. The
manly thing, the worrtanly thing, the an
thing Is to do what Jod tells you to do
to arlso nnd follow Him.
When Matthew decided td follow Jesus
thero wero no signs or wonders being
shown; thero wan no Undue pressure or
undue excitement; thero was no clamor
of tho multitude to crown Jesu. The
man who walls for the lightning" 16 come
down out of a clear sky may bo headed
for tho pit Ho couldn't do anything that
would please tho davit more.
Men nro sometimes kept from deciding
for fenr of acting too quickly. They aays
"I'll have to think It over."
If a building wns afire; If your child
had taken poison; If you wero bleeding td
death; If you wero drowning, you
wouldn't havo to atop and think It over
You'd accept help right away.
Now, como back to my text. Ho arose
and followed Him. That's what he did
Tho question to bo settled Is "What will
you do?" Who will come nnd take my
hand? Como on men; come on women.
fThe GreatDinnerSBaniptetBnmge i
A vast stock as
sembled with ex
ceeding care, and
including the most
elegant "modern"
and "period"
pieces in the most
artistic design.
Our Own Clearances
Score or More Ultra-Smart
This Group
Aro In excellent va
riety, showing tho lat-
oat style i-renon nip
letiKth and lonKor coats, combined
with very attractively tailored
They Are Mado of Serge, Gabar
dine, Diagonal Cheviot and Broad
cloth. Somo aro superbly plain tailored,
others havo dressy sailor collars of
velvet, or high stiff military collars
of fur. All are lined with guaran
teed silk or satin.
A-plenty in Navy Blue and Black,
Also Many of the Most Fashionable
$22 and $25 Earlier
for These $1 1 7C
Suits, now.. JLJL0
Reg. Price Sale Prlco
65c 49C
$2.50 $1.49
$3.75 $2.49
$5-25 $3.29
$5.50 $3.69
$10.00 $6.39
well-known makers as Thos. Potter
Artnittrnnc Linoleum Co.
Printed, 12 feet wide,
80c Grade, square AfY2Q
for tho extreme
of ttu clothing.
the fabrics are
$18 to $25 $2
Balmacaan, dies-
some buk yokes,
to $20 $11
to $6.50
$2.45, $2.90,
SV.au and 5
MS iUlMWK QH$VW msujm sr d&
i -jfj3