wif$gi lj EVByiyq- LEDaEIE-pmTJADBrPHlAV flATTTRDAY, JATTABY 30 1915 SOCIAL dJU LEON jiiuiiii , H i i r. .- r: .: -,b iiniisiinrii.i "ii '" i ' "' " -----'-- '-' Tl HBa mmmmmmmmmm , . s.JMW -.. . .),.,. , M 1 i lit II 'I ""Hill".. liMis B mS-n$l's bbsssSbsiHsw -&i$?; l '"sv WJJrviv Am TTFVI IT A IHTT" - .in'r!lICry fed JJ n IV A M WMWWkmmWMIKBKm& Jj&&T ArrAmr u ft tf 1 lf farx-i m AH 'u- i mmmsBrnmmm. wmw w md ra.B j L pmtL S USUAL, Mondays are rather quiet days J for the tlebutnntes, nnd this week will prove no exception." Miss Cliai lotto Fnhno stock, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Jamtn F Fahncstock, of 2.17 East Rlttenhouse street. Will lie guest of honor at n thoitre party and upper nt the Bcllovuo-Htrntford by her parents. Tuesday night thero will be a dance In the Oermantown Cricket Club, which will bo pic cpdtd by a number of dinners. Mies Rebecca Alice Lycett, daughter of Mr. tuid Mr. Edward Howes Lycett, of St. Louis, will be honor guest at n dinner to bo given by her sister, Mrs. Edward Hacker, of Gcrmautown. On the same night Mr. nml Mrs. William W. Fitter, of 1600 Walnut street, will entertain a theatie par y In honor of Mies Mary Stuart Wurts, dnugh ; ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stcwail Wur.B, ! and Miss Elinor Judd Uenn, (laughter of Ml. and Mrs. Chnrles II. Mean, will bo entertained at the theatre by J. N. Trainer and Hodnoy Thayer. Supper will follow at tho Kltz-Carl- i ton. On Wednesday Miss lluth Coxc, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry liilntou Coxe, will be guests of honor at a thoatio party followed by supper and dancing to be given by Mi. and Mrs. Stanley Uriswold Flags, of XTi-3 Spruce street, and Miss Eugenia Kelso Cassatt will be given a dinner-dance at the Rltz-Carlton by Mr. and Mrs. Itobert Kelso Cassatt, of 1303 Locust street. Thursday Miss Mary Wood Bally, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Winter Bally, will bo entertained at a theatre paity followed by supper to bo given by Mr. and Mrs. Abram It. Wlntcifltcen, of "220 Dclanccy sticet. Mis? Isabel Milne Itodgers, daughter of Mrs. L. Willard Rojjgcra, will bo guest of honor at a dinnor-dance to bo Riven in the Anchorage by George K. Rellly, of 1830 Hlttenhouso square, and Miss Emily La Fargo Claxton, daughter of Mrs. William It. Claxton, will be honor guest nt a danco to bo given by Mr. and Mrs. 'Morgan Hcburd, of Chestnut Hill. On Friday tho most Important event of tho day will be a dinner-dance given In honor of Miss Cornelia Caitcr Leldy, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Loldy, by her grandmother, Mrs. William T Carter, of 211G Walnut street. Many dinners have been arranged to precedo tho dance, among which will bo those given by Mr. and Mm. Henry Augustua Berwlnd, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edward Ingersoll, of 1815 Walnut street, and Mr. and Mrs. Langdon E. Mitchell, of 2320 Delancey place. , m Satuiday nfternoon Miss Margaret Montgom ery, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William W. Montgomery, will ho guest of honor at a luncheon at tho Bellcvue-Stratford and matlneo party to be given by Miaa Mary Grub Smith, daughter of Mrs. L. Heber Smith, of 2039 Wal nut street. Another theatre paity will bo given In tho evening for Miss Mary Frances Fisher, daushtcr of Dr. and Mrs. Henry Mlddleton Fisher, will be guest of honor at a theatre party given by Mr. and Mrs. G. Helde Norrls. of 2101 Locust sticet. After the play tho guests will be enter tained at supper by Mrs. Hoxle Harrison Smith, of 2023 Locust street. S. Davis Page, of 2S1 South 4th street, will en tertain at dinner in honor of his granddaughter, Miss Isabel Wurts Page, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Byrd Page, on Friday evening, February 5, before the dance glvon by 'Mrs. Carter In honor of her granddaughter, Miss Cornelia Leldy, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Leldy. ' Air. and Mrs. Edwin I. Atlee, of 3012 West Coulter street, announce tho engagement of their daughter. Miss Margaret Elizabeth Atlee, to A, Wayno ItobinBon, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Wayno Robinson, of Haverford. Mrs. Henry Grove, of 258 West Tulpehocken street, has gone to Palm Beach, Fla., for tho remainder of tho winter. Mrs. Itobert Coleman, of Wynnewood, will r spend the .month of February at tho Illtz Carlton. Mrs, Edward C. B. Fletcher received In formally yesterday afternoon after the orches tra concert nt her npartraont. 135 South 18th street. Mrs. Fletcher will continue her days at homo until Lent. Tha Nurses' Alufnnao of tho Hahnemann Hospital will glvo a musicals and danca at the Adelphla Hotel on Wednesday, February 3. The proceeds of tho affair will be used to help endow a room and bed in the hospital. Ths Misses Williamson will recelvo Informally Mondays In February after 3 o'clock ot their home, 1311 Spruce. No cards have been sent out. ' " , ,f ( Mrs. J. Harrison Smith will recelvo Infor mally at the Aldlna on February 6. No cards have been sent out. Miss Emma Walton, whose engagement was announced this winter, will bo guest of honor next month at two luncheons, followed by cards, The first one will be given next Thurs day by Miss Martha, Collins, of Wawa, Pa., and tho second one February 12, by Miss Alysa Matthews, of Langhorne, Pa. Miss Walton will leave early In March for a Southern trip. t Mrs. Ferdinand L. Fetherston and her daugh ter, Mrs. Henry Cochran, left this week for Lakewood, N, X, where Mrs. Fetherston will send tho remainder of tho winter with her son, Ferdinand B. Fetherston. Mrs. Cochran Will stay at Lakewood over tho week-end, GERMANTOWN Miss Ruth McGeveran. of 6325 North 21st street, entertained at dinner last evening In honor of Mr, and Mrs. John Hafner, whose marriage took placa recently. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. James F, Boyle and Mr, and Mrs. Q, S. SelUer, J. M. Whlttall, 812 Church lane, sailed on the Lusltanla for England, to remain some time. Mrs. Mary Miller, or Tnorpes ian, , . las come time In New fork visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Keyser, of 4949 Rublcam avenue, -will leave today for Miami, ia., to remain uniit ?" It Haywood. 100 West Coulter street, left yes Mrtay or Indianapolis, where he will remaijj ip k.. h m m jktv 2df.mmKminmiMWv'nmtTKmx5esp1fx&ivivt-iiA a-TAtfiTmrji' .as&r.t. vx - i JC-rffia&TOiM8! Mrs. Thayer is one of tho most popular matrons of tlio younger set. Deforo her marriage lat lsT1 vtam Se V S "S ycar llc wa Mi Mollio Sidcbottom. KW s. jr EXit Minto If nilkcrl & llacun MISS MAIIGARCT LUKES Mi8 Lukes assumes the leading parts in the two rkclchcs "Gringoire" and "A ligur in Time" in "Kails and lancic" to be given next Wednesday in the Ilcllcvuc-Stratford. DANCING CLASS Sixth Meeting of Class Chaperoned liy Mrf. Edward Troth, Was Held Last Night. The Dancing Class chnpeioned by Mrs. Ed ward Troth, which meets in tho Germautown Cricket Club, held Its sixth meeting last night. The members include a number of the fceason's debutantes, as well ns those who are already out, among whom are Miss Margaret Crulce, Miss Elizabeth L. 11. llrowster. Miss Eleanor Noble, Miss Iteba Duhrlng, Miss Dorothy Difcs ton, Mlsu Mary Boyd, Miss Josephine Dodgo, Miss Kathleen Dennlston, Miss Leanorn Dennis ton, Miss Margaret C. Fox, Miss Lola I). Field, Miss Dorothea ObertcutTcr, Miss Elizabeth Ualo Obertcuftcr, Miss Fiances S. Mears, Miss Louisa Itodgers. Miss Isobel M. HodgerB, Mlsi Hubcrta I'ot ter. Miss Katharine Potter, Miss Helena S. Iloblnson, Miss Isabel It. Stoughton, Miss Frances Stoughton, Miss Edith M. Sinythe, Miss LUcIa A. Warden, Miss Isabella Wadsworth, Miss E. B. Watt, Miss M. 13. Atlee, Miss May Butler, Miss E. J. Bean, Miss Eleanor Bisphnm, Miss Mary Ballard, Miss Llllle Cdsfleld, Miss Florence M. Dreer. Mlsa Louisa Gibbons Davis, Miss Katharlno Davis, Miss Llllle Dunn, Miss Eleanor Gardiner, Miss Dorothy Foltz, Margaretta W.- Hobart. Miss Ethel Hastings, Miss Marie Lorrlmcr, Miss Mildred Longstreth, Miss Elizabeth P. Dallas, Miss Edith L. Smith, MIbs Florence Shcppard, Miss Anita Stetson, Miss Elizabeth MacCucn Smith. Miss Elaine English. Miss Evallno Taylor. Miss Marlon Taylor, Miss Eleanor Wood, Miss Marlon Brooks Snow, Miss Anna Le Conto Snow, Miss Elizabeth Grammer, Miss Caroline I. Brlnton, Miss Anna B. Brlnton, Miss Eleanor Porcher, Miss Blanche M. Patterson, Miss Emily Wagner and Miss Christine Itehn. Before the dance. Dr. and Mrs. Georgo A. Cameron entertained at dinner In honor ot Miss Dorothy E. FolUi debutante daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. Clinton Foltz. Tho guests In cluded Miss Helena S. Rnblrson, Mlsa Frances L. Stoughton, Miss Edith N. Smytho, Paul L. Tiers, Edward Stoever, Herman Beyer, Jacob nicgcl, Jr. Miss Elizabeth MacCuen Smith, of 218 West Chelten avenue, Gcrmantown, also entertained at dinner. Mrs. John Hastings, of Montgomery and Penn avenue, Bryn Mawr, gavo a dinner In honor of her debutante daughter. Miss Ethel Hastings. CHESTNUT HILL Miss Anna Sharplesa Taylor, of Cedron, Indian Queen lane, returned Thursday from Flttsfleld, Mass., where ahe was the guest of Mrs, Herbert Cassard for several days. MJsa Taylor's engagement has recently been an nounced to Mrs. Cassard's nephew, Frank i.h Wallace. Mrs, 'lllam Flndlay Brown, of 21 Summit avenue, who '.. -oendlng several days In New York, will return U today. Mrs, Brown will entertain at dinner lufo." ha weekly dance at the Philadelphia Crleket Cltr . WEST PHILADELPHIA Mrs. A. Miller Boyd, of 4328 Larcnwobu ave nue, gave a luncheon and linen ehower forahr niece. Miss Frances Talt Mulr, daughter of and Mrs. E. Stanton Mulr, 2113 North 2d street whoae engagement to Howard W. Gross, of Audubon, N. J was recently announced. Among tho guests' wero Mrs. Charles McHara her, Mrs. E. S. Mulr, Miss S. Talt, Mlsa Edith M. Talt, Miss Nellie J. Straley, Miss Gertrude B, Mulr, Miss Margaret Talt, Miss lluth M. Boyd and MUs Helen T, Boyd Miss Mario Green, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Delaplalne Green, of 241 South 15th street, entertained ot brldgo yesterday afternoon In honor of Mlis Katbertne Seeler, who celebrated her 16th birthday. The affair was given as a surprise to MUs J3eeler. The guests Included Mlsa Marian Clark, Miss Ethel Hyde, Miss Gladys McCowen, Miss Janet Young, Miss Eliz abeth Bchoenley, Miss Dorothy Malllson, Miss Virginia Pedrlpk, MUs Esther Beers, Miss Mar. garet Bauers, Miss Katherlne Marsh, Miss Mary Plhausen, MUs Marian Davis, Miss Emily Ful mer, Miss ElUabeth Custer, MUs Edith Brooks, Miss Constance Bchell, MUs Esther Johnstone, Miss Beatrice Whiteside, MUs Margaret MoKee, Miss Helen Weymann, Miss Sarah Butorlous and MUs Gertrude Rowan. The table decora tions were la Flak. II m MsssiMssssMiWsHBsWWsMBSiiM.aBrTOP m m HATHAWAY CLUB Annual Luncheon of Hathaway Slinkpspcarc Club Given Yesterday Tho nnnual luncheon of ' tho Hathaway Shakespeare Club took placo yesterday at tho Normandle, at 2 o'clock, being picceded by a roctptliin at 1.30 o'clock. The guests, who numbeied 200, wcro received by tho olllcers of tho soclcts', of which. Mrs. Joseph H. G. Mc Allister Is president. Tho other' oltlccis nre Mrs. Charles L. Lllngston, lco president; Mrs. Malcolm 11 Ollphant, 2d vice president; Mrs. William Chambers, secret y; Mrs. Frederick Itapp, corresponding secietary, and Miss Lilly It. Myers, trcasutcr. Prof. Paul M Pearson gave an interesting and inspiring talk, tnklng n his theme, "Tho Joy of Living." The room, which contnlned 40 small tables, each seating 4 guests, and a large tabic, was beautifully decorated In lavender, pink and white. Mrs. Joseph Justice was chair man of the committee which arranged the luncheon. Seated nt thn laro tablo wero Professor Ponr son, Mrs. T. J. Elllnger, Mrs. James L. Glase, Mrs. J. II. Lo-ett, Miss Mary E. Honey, Mrs. Cclln. Wnldlo Nelms, tho guest of honor, and Mrs. I. II. O'ltann, president of tho State Fcd ciatlon of Women's Clubs. ' Tho former pieslilents of tho club who wero present Included Mlsa Mary S. Ingram, Mrs. Joseph W. Kenworthy, Mrs. E. F. Itobcrts, Mrs. Arthur H. McOwen, Mls-j A. It. Murphy, Miss C. J. Nelms, Dr. Emily W. Wyoth, Mrs. Will iam Klrby, Mrs. Joseph Yerkes and Mrs. P. C. Fulwcller. WILMINGTON Mrs. Eugene du Tout will give a tea at Pelle port Thursday afternoon, February 4, In honor of Mrs. Orville Ollphant. Mrs. Ollphant la a prominent antl-surnglet of New Jersey, and on the evening of the same day she will ad dress a moetlng in tho drawing room of the New Century Club. Her BUbject will be "Why Women Do Not Need tho Vote." Colonel and Mrs. Edmund G. Buckncr have Issued Invitations for a dance Friday evening. Febiuary 5. Mrs. Frank Garrett baa Issued card! for a tea Wednesday. February 3, for Mrs. Morton Harvey, THAT tho train as a necessary adjunct to the evening gown has had Its day has been amply demonstrated during the last week, for at no other time have so many short dancing length frocks been worn! and even nt such formal affairs as the Assembly and the opera tha trained gown Is no lousier do rlgueur. Mrs. Gardner Cassatt wears one of tha new wide skirts most successfully. Her frock, which Is worn barely to tho ankles, Is of very pale peach-blow pussy willow taffeta. The bodice Is qulta snug, trimmed only with bands of fur over tha shoulders and folds of chif fon outlining the decolletage. The skirt Is bell shaped and without trimming. A handsome gown of Nlle-green satin with i overdress of crystals Is worn by Mrs. Ed wiui' T. Stotesbury. Tho bodice Is softened by 's of tulle. Mrs. Anthony J, Drexel Blddle' 'urs a becoming and unusual dancing frock of , Ist-blue chiffon oyer satin. A tunlo of crystals f'th rich Oriental coloring forms the overdress. Tho skirt Is quite short and fu' ' ,. A glrlUh dress of" 'white crepe da chine with a full accordion-Pleated klrt Is worn by Mlsa Mary Evelyn Chew. The., -skirt has a short tunlo of 'the material, whlOir-SfljUo plaited, and the bodice Is cut high In thi back and shaped to a V In front. I( Miss 'Marls Louise Wanamaker ft wearing a becoming frock of white satin glrllily sim ple and nntrlmmed with a scarf ot tultl draped over the shoulders. MUs Fforenca Eheppard, daughter oft Mr. at-d Mw. A. Maxwell Sheppard, wears a sfun. nh evening gown of deep blue velvet, 'the ski t Is cut short for dancing, and U ratbt a .. LH. ,.. ...Ill fa nta,!. M (.Vllffftn rt f tha fame shade, with flowing sleeves of the J nSM MILADim YACHT AND BARGE CLUBS Stone Harbor Yacht Club anil Pennsylvania liarge Club Will Give Dances Tho Stono Harbor Yneht Club will give Its annual danco and card party nt the Hotel Adelphla Friday evening, February 12. Theso nffnlis nio always a great success, and It Is expected that the ovent given this year will ecllpso those given befoto. Tho committee of the Ladles' Auxiliary of tho Stono Harbor Yacht Club having the cards In chnrgo are Mrs. A. Colburn, chairman; Mrs. B, J. Anchor, Mrs. J. M. llx, Mrs. C. A. krouse, Mrs. W. C. McCaughan, Mrs. Matilda Murphy, Mrs. J. J. Obcrholtzer, Mrs. B. P. Iltsley and Mrs. William Itichlor. Among tho door man agers will be William Morgan Montgomery. John Nelson Dick, Henry W. Monde, Andrew Botto, William Wunder and C. Norvlllo Baker. Tho members of tho Pennsylvania Bargo Club will hold their midwinter danco at tho clubhouse, Falrmount Tark, on Saturday eve ning, February 6 Tho committee In charge include Hnny J. McCalty, chairman; Gustavo S B. Jaeger, Jr., and Samuel W. Huey. SOUTH PHILADELPHIA Mrs. George W. Fields, of 2S2S South Clove land terrace. In tho Glrnrd Estato, will enter tain next Wednesday afternoon. Tho guests will play "COO" and a buffet luncheon will bo served. They will bo Mrs. Wade, Mrs. Duffy, Mrs. Montgomery, Mrs. Phillips, Mrs. Harvln son, Mrn. McLaughlin, Mrs. Arnold, Mrs. George W. Fields, Mrs. Flnex and Mrs. Leffcrts. Miss D. M. Bronnan, 1701 Porter streot, Glrard Estate, entertained at a delightful luncheon, followed by a "500," yesterday. Tho guests wero Miss J. Murphy, Miss E. Murphy, Miss J. Buehler, Miss L. Hand, Miss A. Hngerty, MUs C. Uhle, Miss A. Utile, Miss I. Weeks, MIsm D. Vance, Mlsa M. H. Foster, MUs A. Sullivan ana MIsa L. M. Sullivan. Miss D. M. Brennnn will ba nt homo Infor mally op Wcdncadays In February. No cards. Miss Marguerite Connolly and Mlsi Pcrcla Connolly, of 3J3 Tnsker streot, have Just re turned from n fortnight's visit to Pottsvilie, where they were the guests of Mrs. Mary Pholan. Several very delightful affairs were given In their honor during their visit. name soft material. The square-cut neck Is filled u with white tulle, and tho entire gown Is devoid of trimming, which makes It, one ot unusual grace and simplicity. Miss Elizabeth Smith also wears a charming frock of white taffeta, made with a circular eklrt, quite short for dancing, and with hero nnd thero a red rose around tha bottom of tho skirt. A cape effect at the waist, with more red roses, gives It a very quaint look, while the waist Is simply made of the taffeta and white chiffon. With this charming cos tume Miss Smith wears red slippers and stock ings, which effect, with the white gown. Is most becoming to her blonde beauty. Miss Katharine Potter looks well In an eve ning dress of black net and chiffon. The skirt Is dancing length, over which Is quite a long tunlo of chiffon edged with fringe. A deep girdle of black sequins, having a basque effect, adds to the grace of the gown, while the very short sleeves are made of white shadow lace, and the V-neck Is filled In with white tulle. Mrs, Caroline Murdock, of IUverton, N, 3., wears a very attractive dance frock of pink chiffon and shadow lace. The skirt Is mad of three flounces of the lace over pink and Is cut dancing length. Hanging from tha shoulders to the knees Is wide shadow lace, fprmlng very graceful sleeves, from under which can be seen a wide pink satin girdle. The waist Is made up of chiffon and lace, with a square-cut neck. With this graceful gown Miss Mqrdoak wears silver cloth slippers and stockings. Mrs. Thomas Itldgway wears a charming little frock of white mousieilne de sole with u girdle of pale blue satin, which is made with Ntn overskkt of white and black tulle. l'holo hf I.V4UI Stutlio MISS FRANCES I1UCK Mi.3 Duck is the daughter of Mr. and Mm. J. C. Buck. She nude her debut last season. CHARITY AFFAIRS biimiysidc Day Nursery Will Do Dansunl's Beneficiary February 6. Thoro will bo u tho dansant nnd moving pic tures at Ilortlcultuial Hall on Saturday after noon, February C, from 3 until 0:30 o'clock, for tho benellt of tho Sunnysldo Day Nuisory, 1211 Thompion street. Mary Plckford will bo shown In "Lena nnd tho Ueoso;" also "Alice In Won tleiland" and other fascinating reels for tho children. "Tho Valley of tho Mcuse," hand colored, and other reels of Interest will bo shown for tho grownups. Thero will ba oxhlbltlon dancing and also competltlvo dancing, when silver cups will bo contested for by members of the danc ing classes, under tho pationago of Mrs. Charles" Stewart Wurts, Mrs. S. Naudaln Duer, Mrs. Daniel S. Hutchinson, Mrs Horatio G. Lloyd. Mrs. William West Frnzler. Mrs. Sydnoy Thayer, Mrs. Stacy B. Llojd and Mrs. Charles Winter Bally, Tho ofllrer." and managers of tho day nursery Include Mrs. Esther Lloyd, presldont; Mrs. Theodora Culor Patterson, 1st vice president; Mrs. Wnlter C Janney, 2d vlco president; Miss .Marlon Butler, 3d vlco pies Ident; Miss Kdlth C. Collins, treasurer; Miss Josephine F. Howell, Kcerctan ; Mrs. Samuel T. Bodlne, Mrs. J. Emott Caldwell, Mrs. John Gilbert. Mrs. Harold W. How. Mrs. William A. Liebcr, Mrs Hownrd Loiigstrfth, Mrs. Wal tor C. Mcllvnlne, Mrs, W. Logan MneCov, Mrs. Otto T. Mallory. Mrs. John II. Maxwell, Jr., Mrs. Frederick W. Morris, Jr., Mr-.Cnrroll B. Nichols, Mrs. Wllllnm Paul O'Neill, Miss Syd ney H. Bogers, Mrs. Dorothy M. B. Smith and Mrs. William Twclls Tiers. To aid the Children's Homeopathic Hospital, Franklin, Thompson and 8th streotB, Madame Yager, Miss Eugenia B. Scott and J. Val Bryan will give a epneert, followed by dancing, on Thursdny, February 11, In arlfllth Hall, 1)20 Chestnut street. The progrnm will Includo so lections by Madame Yager, prima donna soprano; Oswuld F. Blake, tenor; Mrs. E. C. Chew, Mazle nenouf, Mae F. Jackson, sopranos; William Uncles, S. B. Aahbrook, bassos; IJpsal Musical Club and tho Falrmount mandolin orchestra. Miss Ethel Firman will be. the no companUt. Tho patronosses Include Mrs. Ellis Glrard Ingram, Mrs. Charles S. Hlllman. Mrs. James Newman Carter, Mrs. Edward T. Law rence. Mrs. Charles Farnum, 2d, Miss M. Gar rison Barnard, Mrs. Robert Scott, Mrs. AVIll lam P. Falrmnn, Mrs. William II. Blester, Mrs. Charles Emory Frlcke, Mrs. Robert C. Geddes, Jr., Mrs. David Blsley, Mrs. Samuel Jtltiier and Miss Grace Lowber Tcrnpl. ALONG THE READING MUs Adelaide Connelly entertained the members of her bridge club yesterday afternoon at her home In Oak Lane. Mrs. George Potsfleld will leave this after noon for Los Angeles, accompanied by her son and daughter. Jack Potsfleld and Miss Virginia rolsfleld. Mrs. Miller, Sr., of 6318 North Park avenue, will entertain the members of the Nelghbqr hood Club at her home Monday. Slio will ba assisted In receiving by Mrs. Edwin Waller, Mrs. Howard Miller and Mrs. Meyer, The members present will Includo Mrs. C. W. Van Arlsdalen, Mrs, B, G. Hltcbner, Mrs. A. XV. Dudley, Mrs. II. N. Thlssl, Mrs. Bateman Saddlngton, Mrs. E, B. McCall, Mrs. A. E. Tarkor, Mrs. Frederick Fretach, Br., MUs Matilda Wlrth, Miss F, Fretsch, Jr., Mrs, Will iam Robert, Sr Mrs. William Robertson, Jr., Mrs. Reeves, MUs Cora Reeves, SIis. J, A. Parker, MUs Kathryn Parker, Mrs. Bates, Mrs. Owen I Tat ten, Mrs. Peters, MUs Laura Peters, MUs Cella Peters, Mrs. C. FUn, MUs Sara Topham, Mrs. Eugene Klehl, Mrs. J. V. C. Klehl. Mrs. A, K. Moerk, Mrs. H, B. Neu hauser, Mrs. S. Hupsberser. Mrs. Trautmgn, Mrs. George Ochse, Mrs. Herbert Maxnor, Miss a race Parker, Mrs, Buz, Mrs. Albert Geo and Mrs. Pancoast. LANSDOWNE Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W, Smith, of S Dudley avenue, are receiving congratulations on the birth of a daughter, Priscllla Smith. Mrs. Alfred Badh, of West Baltimore ave nue, Is spending several weeks In Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. Frederiok X Supples, of Lans downs court, ara receiving congratulations on the birth of a, son. TltnitM will bo sovcrni luncheons, thealro rattles nnd dlnnofB today for the debutahlea, Mrs. William J. Hcrrlll, of JlaVerford, -writt glvo n luncheon at the Bellevue-8trB,tfordi fol lowed by a theatre party In honor of Miss Jean Morris Llllle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. twls I.nilo, Tho guests will Include Miss Lucia A. Wnrdon, Miss lluth Mann, Mlsu Anna Mary Wallhour, Miss Charlotte Fahncstoelc, M(s Katharine Tcmicy, Miss Elinor Juan Bean, MUs Roberta 11, Downing, MUs M, Arlean Milter. Miss Sophy Heberton Blipham, daughter of Rov Clarence Wyatt Blspham and Mrs. Bisp hnm, will be guest of honor at n breakfast and matinee to be given by Miss Clara Amy WlllltS nt her home, 4103 Spruco street. The guests will be fiom the debutante set, and will In clude Mis- Dorothy Do Haven Deacon, MUs I-nbcl Itodgers, MUs Harriet Uowmrtn Leaf Mlfis Mildred Marstou Jack, Miss Edith liar rold ailllnBham, Miss Mary Hall Laird, Miss Lindsay Sattcrflold, Miss Ellen Adair Orion, Miss Margaretta Wyixtt Blspham nnd Mrs. Bisp hnm. Mrs. Alexander J. Caenatt and Miss Lolrt Cia salt, of 202 West Rlteenhouso Squire, trill ert tcitain for tho third tlmo tonight nt Informal dancing. These Hffalra have bean most enjoy able, well nttended nnd looked forward to by nil. Many dinners will precede. Miss Jean Newbold Thompson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Thompson, will ba guest of honor at a dinner to bo given by Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Nollson. There will bo 14 pres ent, mainly fiom the debutante set. NORTH PHILADELPHIA Miss Eleanor Doyle, of 3538 North Broad street, entertained her card club yesterday afternoon. Tho guests Included Miss Margaret Carroll, MUs Mlldrpd Hudson, MUs OenovlAJ Carroll, Miss Phllnmcna Klauder, MUs Mar.on Garwood, Miss Eleanore O'Brien, Miss Hen rietta Rellly, Miss Elma Wlndith, Miss Mar guerite Carroll, Mrs. Charles O'Brien, Mrs. Vin cent Mngeo. Mr. and Mrs. Georgo R. Stephens gave an In formal dance last night at their home, 1911 North Park avenue. Their guests wero Mr. i and Mis. Halyard Smith, Mr, and Mrs. Charles Collier, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ferrahd and Dr. nnd Mrs. Charles Wlttc, of Palmyra, N. J. Mrs. Rex Stackhouse, of 1813 North 22d street, was hostess at a card party on Friday nfter noon, when her guests wero Mrs. J. Durbln Acker, Mrs. Lee Eastburn, Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Charles Branch, Mrs. Russell Wilson, Mrs. Georgo Thompson. MUs Isabel Hall, Mrs. U. 3. Smith, Miss Grace do Zone, MUs Selma Strauss arid Miss Helen da Zone. TJOGA Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Foster entertained, at cards, followed by supper, Inst night, at their homo, 2340 West Tioga street. Their guests wero Mr. and Mis. William P. Squibb, Mr. and Mrs. John Allen, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Ell wood Wick, Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Barros, Mr. and Mrs. Vol Iter, Mr. and Mrs. Edward 13. Davis, Jr., Mr. and Mis. Harry Hague, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rlttmhouse, Mr. and Mrs. Hnrry Itosenheln, Sir. 'and Mrs. Balr, Mr. and Mrs. Burt LuKens, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Dlttnian, Mr. nnd Mrs. Iloiace Klelnfelder and Mr, and Mrs. Maurice Burkhardt. MUs Esther Eckel, of 1233 West Allegheny avenue, entertained at "600" last night The game was followed by a supper. Her guists wero Miss Laura Firth. Miss Beatrice Car man, Miss Marian de Bi(rlo, MUs Eleanor Alsop, MUs Margaret Williams, Edward Graham, Joseph Clausen, Jack Osman, George Gravcnstlnc, Jack Harrlgan and William Ebcrle. ROXBOROUGII Dr. and Mrs. Ollvor T. Hendren, of 6S15 nidge avenue, are giving an old-fashioned game party this afternoon for the little friends of their sop, Oliver T. Hendren, Jr., In celebration of his birthday anniversary. The, decorations and favors nre p(uk, carnations being the lowers used. In addition to tha pink shaded candle, a small pink candlestick, holding a pink candle, has been placed at each plate. The guests In clude Mnry Robinson, Mary Renz, Emma Rob- lnson, Edith Robinson, Josephine Busslnger, aeorge Steele, Georgo Guyer, Edwin Green, Spencer Smith, Andrew Robinson, Robert Rob inson, James Fleming, Albert Fleming and Jota Robinson. FRANKFORD Mr. and Mrs, William Kuhn. Jr., of North Mh street, will be guests tills evening at the home of Doctor nnd Mrs. Manning; 1327 Mor ris street. Mr. and Mrs. John D, Clark, Everett C, Clark, Abram Hackman and Amelia Man ning will also be Included among- those pres ent. The Franklin Pinochle Club met this week at the home of Arthur Gallagher, 2404 Rhawn street. The members Include P, McKearney, Benjamin Johnson, Charles Letters, John Law lor, James Lawlor, Joseph Hughes and William Hlrl. There were two quests ot honor, Michael C. Madonne and Antonio I,. XV, Carunchlo. A spaghetti supper followed the cards, ALONG THE MAIN LINE lUlJi At tlie card party which Mrs John G. neck and MUs Dorothy Fleck will give TUfS day afternoon at the Cynwyd Clubhouse, they will be assisted in receiving by Mrs, Philip Boeder and Miss Virginia Boeder- The othr guests will be Mrs. Charles Reese, Mrs, Tam tam Johnson, Mrs. Alexander Schrleber, Mr. Elmer Troth, Mrs. Thomas Walker, Mrs. Will iam Butler, Mrs. Archibald Qardner,,Mrs Kenrj Bamdt, Mrs. Leonard a o ebb els.. Mrs. L- Plck on, Mrs. William P. Potts, Mrs. Samuel Frenob, Mrs. Thomas Armstrong, Mrs. U Weihetft' mayor, Miss Adelaide Frollck. Miss Beatrice Carman, MUs Elizabeth Grlscom, Miss Offtrudu Bchler. MUs Margaret Williams, MUs Mtljred Livingston, MUs Gracp Fulmar, Mlsi Laura, Furth. MUs Ellso Roberts, Miss Mabel lleacoclt. Mea Agnes Hugerty, MUs Gladys HeaqocU. Mrs. Stanton McMullln, Mrs. Henry Hickman. Mrs. Arthur King, Mrs. David McCoa-ch. Mrs, Frederiok Kotte, Mrs. George Keeblar. Mis A, Dickson, Miss Hthel Coombs nd J. King YiiiK Miss Bthei Porter, of New York, Wha Iie lVW vUitlng Miss Katharine Hunslckor. of if tats read, will be the guest next wtek o Ml Manlttee Staudt, of SOl-h and Spring 4tt streets. m ii 0 m if 1 m .ij. ij m I i Ma time. a