Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 30, 1915, Night Extra, Page 8, Image 8

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Suenittg jSSft iHtiger I
ovttUB ii. k cuims, pribbm.
iotih C. Mutllti. Treureri Ohnrle It. Lmllhtton,
fMltn B Collin. John n William. Director.
Ctra'a II. K. Crjnru, Chairman.
K It. WItAI.EY Executive BJItor
6IX C, MAhtlN. ..
. i iin i
-Otneral Ruatnets Manager
Publlihal dallj- at rcni-IC Lenim Building, (
tftdipenJence Square, Philadelphia. I
tt nam Cxtbal .....Hroadttml Chentnut Strata
AttaNTIC Cm fiMa-tn.oii IIuIIiIIiir I
Kb Yiur , 1T0A. Mctroiolltnn Tower
uiiicino , -., iirir," infu-r.noi' llullilirir
LOMw.v ....8 Waterloo Place, tall Mall. S. W.
Hvntnril tltnrtt;.. Th Pnfrtot TtulMlnr
WiailiMiio.s lluiKAl The I'nul ItulMIn
Kr.n tiikK niK(u Thp riurt iiuiMin
liK'H.lv llncm n Frl-lrlehatran
Iii HuiiMt) a l'nti Mnli Kan. f W.
Pahi licaruu .12 ltuo Louis le arand
rjy carrier. DAILY Om v. extent. Itv mall. postpaid
of Phliaiidnhift -vpt whcia fnteiirn pnaimre
red, Daii.1 Ovlv, nre month, twenty-five cent,
la inu
Dm.v 0lt. rim- enr three ilnlUra,
acrlptlona payable In atniir"
All mall nib-
DP Aililns nil communications to livening
Lettocr, Independence Squatr, rlitlaitclpMa.
kkteoci) at the I'liii.AiiEi.rno poktuiiicK As urco.vo
ci.Aas III!. ip.rrin.
gllllAul.. I I
. SATUIIDVY. JA.'iUAHt 3U, lyJi.
Get u&lnaintcd with mni uiio do llilnus; the
tit)cr Unit will do 1)0 it.
How lo Mtikc'Yjuir Henri Glow
IP YOU well-fed and cotilfortnbly-cltul peo
ple who are reading this page., understood
the dire straits in which the florne Heller
Division of the Kmergeney Aid Cdmrnltteo
find many families in this winter of unem
ployment you would not delay a moment In
making contributions of money and clothing.
One man appeared at relief headquarters
yesterday, half-starved nnd wearing no gar
ments but a pair of ragged trousers and an
overcoat! and a woman asked for help who
had to borrow a enpe to go on the street be
causo she had nothing to wear of her own
but a petticoat and a torn under-vest. The
families needing help belong to men out of
work who never expected to be reduced to
the necessity of asking for relief. There
would be many more of them were It not for
the wondrous kindness which the poor show
to one another. For example, one poor
woman, who had been employed by the com
mittee to do sewing, Insisted on paying the
carfare for another woman who had asked
for work when there was no more to bo given
out. "I've a Job and this woman hasn't,"
said she, "and I'd feel selfish If I couldn't
help her a bit."
"Whoever, after discovering the pressing
need, feels selfish because he or she has not
done what was possible to relievo the suffer- !
Ing Intho city, may feel that glow which
comes from consciousness of a kind deed
promptly done, by sending a contribution at
once to the Fmergency Aid Committee In the
Lincoln Building. '
The Taint of Vindictiveness
mighty protagonist of the ship-purchase
scheme, had this to say In Its defense:
I am warranted In saying that 90 per cent,
of the coastwise and practically the entire
foreign American shipping are in the hands
of those allied with the National City Bank,
the United States Trust Company, the Na
tional Bank of Commerce, the Guaranty Trust
Company all having for their head tho
Rockefellcr-Morgan-l'erklns Interests. Tt Is
against these Interests that the Government
Is fighting for this measure.
Our statesmanship apparently Is not at all
concerned about whether an industry is suc
cessful or unsuccessful, good or bad. "Who's
back of It?" Is the Important question. So a
Senator of the United States actually pro.
poses hat the Government enter Into a
scheme to punish, ruin and destroy. If pot
slble, American property interests simply and
solely because he does not like those Inter
ests. A bank owns a railroad, therefore the
Government should confiscate the property.
"Whither this sort of leadership leads has
been abundantly demonstrated this winter In
the soup houses.
Not Twenty But Two
THE President declares that "enterprise
has been checked in this country for al
most 20 years, because men were moving
among a maze of Interrogation points." Dur
ing tho last 20 years the business of the na
tion showed tho greatest expansion In our
history. All Industry leaped forward. If
there was anything the matter with our prog
ress, it was that It went too fast. There Is a
suspicion that doubt and hesitation nnd lack
of confidence did not begin 20 years ago. The
cipher should be stricken off.
Hats Off to the Dluecher's Crew!
THE German sailors who went down with
the Biuecher died like men. Here Is what
happened, as told by a sailor on the British
warship which rescued some of the Germans:
Ju6t before tho end all that was left of tho
crew lined up by the rail, standing stillly at
attention, with their arms straight down at
their sides. Then, when Death confronted
them, thoy pave thrco wild cheers and waved
their caps In the air, as If saying Moriturl
salutamus! and sank.
The British sailors uttered one Involuntary
and spontaneous shout of ndmiratlon and
rushed their boats to the rescue. Every red
blooded man who reads of this splendid
heroism must Join with the British who saw
It in, admiration for the stuff of which his
fellows are made. Hats off to the crew of
the Bluecherl
Fourth of July's Claim oh the President
NOTHING must bo allowed to interfere
with the pilgrimage of the President to
Independence Hall on the Fourth of July.
The postponement of the opening of the
Panama Canal, which waa to have occurred
in llurch, is unfortunate and unpreventable.
Thq selection of some date In July for the
celebration IS prudent. But It Is not neces
sary to choose the first week Jn that month.
That week was set apart last year for the
vlstt of the President to the birthplace of the
nation. President Wilson then established
n precedent which both lie and his suc
cessors tor all time are expected to follow.
The reason for this Is not that Philadel
phia has a claim upon the President on the
Fourth of July, but that the nation has a
claim upon Philadelphia on that date. It
looks to us to invite the President here and
to make prqptr Arrangements, In, conjunction
f-sitb. the State and National Governments,
r his proper entertainment, so that from
platform from which liberty was pro.
limed to all the world he may speak a
message of hope to the listening people.
?Jot enly Is the President expected to b$
fcr then He must find the Liberty Bell In
H plat a on that great anniversary, sur
roundeil b? all the aeiessories that appeal to
mm lawglnatfon of patriots. Jf there were
tfcr rsa tba this against tiie uss of
tho ball ft an' exeunt for ft Councilmantc
Junketing trip to San Francisco, that should
be sufficient to keep It herd. Cut those who
wish to sco the Great Seal of the United
States must go to Washington. Those who
are curious about tho crown jewels of Great
Britain can see them only In tho Tower of
London. The Imperial regalia of Napoleon
can bo Inspected only by visitors' to Paris,
And It must be that the Crown Jewel of this
sovereign people shall rest and remain In
Its brilliant setting In Independence Square.
Thoso who wish tn see It must come where
It Is.
Tlic Dnllain Letter
JVyTtt. DALLAM was rlRht the first time.
j " Intensive study of the transit situation
' has slnco warped his Judgment. "Tho most
) valuable contribution to municipal literature
that t have ever seen" lins not changed. It
Is Mr. Dallam whoso appreciation has cooled,
tie wunuurn now wny me municipality hiiouui
enter Into an undertaking which will be of
benefit to only some of the taxpayers. It Is
a llttlo startling In this day and generation to
find a person seriously arguing that trans
portation In n great city Is not of general
public Interest. Yet the objection Is Just us
reasonable as most of the otlters advanced
by Immovable obstructionists, who rlvnl tho
ctab In their facility for moving backward,
nnd would rather light cigars with dynnmlto
than countenance nr support any modern
Improvement. It Is not their fault, perhaps,
that the cobwebs cannot he brushed out.
It may Inlet est Mr. Dallam to learn that
there Is no longer any controversy ns to the
int.. .-. (.. n....tnH ..!.. , .. ..... .1.-1 t
..iu ui in: ittjim Mini. jiii u el Wlll'lllllll
majority 01 lite Clll.cns navo decided tltat
Philadelphia needs and will 'have rapid tran
sit. That, question Is settled. The only thing
left to arffue"a"rioiuls'tlie .tlmo for the spe
cial elcctlo'n, nnd there Is practical unanimity
on that p'olnt." -The whole city Is aroused, tt
Is watching Finance Committee and Coun
cils to see whether tho hesitation microbe
and obstructionist parasite have Impreg-
nated that body with their deadly virus. It
has a cure If anything so lamentable us that
hns occurred.
Director Taylor says ho Is "sure the people
of Philadelphia know a red herring when they
see It." Tho treatment accorded the Costcllo
proposal was proof of that. It does not pay
to monkey with a buzz saw, no matter who
you are, and trying to put the brakes on
public opinion, well digested and formulated,
has Inevitably in this country met with tho
"me kind of success as that which greeted
Sid Hawkins, in Mississippi, when ho sneaked
up behind his balking mule nnd kicked It.
When he recovered he made It a point never
to be behind again.
Was II Worth "What It Cost?
THE Republican State Organization nnd
its auxiliaries spent an unprecedentedly
large sum In securing the election of Senn
tor Penrose, and it finds that It has an un
precedentedly large deficit.
The men who made the contributions to
tho fund that was spent and those who will
be called upon to pay the debts of the State
Committee may be pardoned if they should
begin to ask themselves If what they got
for their money was worth the price.
Mexicans Cannot Fi"ht Without Arms
REPORTS from the 'ammunition factories
Indicate that the Mexican revolution Is
likely to be left In a back eddy to dry up
while the great stream of wnr flows by. The
European demand for powder, cartridges and
guns Is keeping the factories busy here. Tho
prices offered are high and tho pay Is certain.
Nonnnufacturer with a European customer
In sight will bother with tho Mexican ban
dits. Orders for millions of dollars' worth of
wnr supplies have displaced the petty orders
which tho Mexicans were placing In the
United States. The ugents of the dealeis nro
not seeking new business across the border,
and the revolutionists must fight with what
they have and what they can mako at home.
The necessity of conserving ammunition Is
likely to force a cessation of hostilities; nnd
what fighting there Is will bo only what can
not be avoided. If events fulfill the promlso
of present prospects the conditions in. Mexico
will improvo until the groat war ends nnd a
supply of second-bnnd weapons is put 011 the
market and the powder and cartridge mak
ers have a surplus stock to sell. Then the
bandits will resume their looting In tho namo
of patriotism,
Rapid transit gloria mundl.
A battleship Is all right If a submarine does
not happen to see It.
Tree dentists are nt work in Independence
Square, but grass restorers are also needed
If they can take a man's appendix away
when ho is In a twilight sleep, what could
they not abstract from him at midnight?
Mr. Bryan boasts that ho would talk a
great deal more if It were not for his self-restraint,
but it does' not seem possible.
Shells that will explode under water when
fired from a gun with u 10-mile range are tho
latest devices for making war more horrible.
It Is well that the Democratlo senatorial
caucus should make the ship purchase bill
a party measure, for no other party Is will
ing to tie responsible for It.
Self-defense is not regarded as Justifica
tion for killing a neighbor's chicken In Con
necticut, especially when the slaughtered
bird Is afterward cooked for the benefit of the
Those University of Pennsylvania profes
sors have verified the popular Impression re
gardlng the functions of the spleen, for
everybody knows that manifestation of it Is
a sign of indigestion.
The "movies" are sq much more elevating
than any other form of amusement to be
had In Ithaca that the president of Cornell
indorses them as useful In the moral uplift
movement among the students.
Fotlowigg the seizure of all food grains in
Germany by the qovernment comes the an.
nouncement that it will be unnecessary to ask
the Japanese to send their troops to Europe
to reinforce the armies of the Allies.
B far a the Immigration bill is concerned.
Congress oujrht to know by this time that
unless , measure has been Initiated at the
White House it -will never get through it.
One good veto is worth a dozen acmlwcsEiea,
You Arc Only Hall Working When You
Know Only the "How" of tho Proc
esses in Whatever Business You Are
in-The Other Half ol Your Joh.
L55INK88 or slothfulness does not neces
sarily mean absolute Idleness hours, days
or weeks lit which a man has no occupation
whatever; It implies a sluggishness, n dispo
sition to evade the strenuous, a tendency to do
us llttlo work as possible and to do It grudg
ingly, as If if matters llttlo whether It bo
done or not. It Is a mood and Is tho forerun
ner of failure. John Wanamaker, during tho
llrst eight years of his commercial career, did
not miss one single day from business, was
never late and never allowed himself to bo
dlseoutuged; this, as much as any other sin
gle characteristic, tnsutcd his success.
In tho cases of men who have risen from
lowly positions us employe the story admits
of linrdly a variation. The youth nppllea
himself to his task with such diligence and
ardor that he does his work without con
scious effort; h'.s superior foreman or super
intendent notices this fpatuto, and when n
vacancy occurs which Implies moro dllllcull
Work and hlcher U'lieen. II10 I'liiiitHtiin.mi wnr.
i ln,Ua tt trlnl. Tho habit of application Boon
, cumiucta tho Initial dilllcultles of tho new
situation and creates tho same impression
of efficiency, and another promotion follows:
until lit length, by natural steps, tho man
llnds himself In the highest position possible
to nttn 11 in that Industry, ilttt by then tho
habit of icKultilo application has been ac
tuated, and It Is Inevitable that new and
more difficult plans should be put In opera
tion brnnch is added to branch, plant to
plant, and suddenly tho world calls the man
Between Success and Failure
Such Is the history of Andrew Car
negie. Dut many a workman who started
with Carnegie is still drawing his comparative
dole In a weekly pay cnvolopo or has been
cast aside as 11 mem worn-out muscle wnrlcnr.
j nd is being supported by kind relatives or a
! benevolent Commonwealth. If tho difference
I ean be defined at all It Is surely this that
tho unsuccssful wotker never put enough
mental and mural application Into his Imme
d nto task lo qualify himself for a larger op
portunity. Men only gel bigger tasks and
bigger salurles by becoming bigger men; the
world can always find u larger field for any
one who tins outgrown his present one.
In this age, when necessity lnis outgnlwn
tho means of production In 11 maze of Intri
cate machinery, based upon scientific ptiiici-
I pies, It Is Imperative that a man should know
the "Why" ns well us the "How." If' ho
knows only the "How," he Is simply a pntt of
the machlno that he helps to work. If he
knows the "Why," lie Is a mind towering
nbavo the machlno and using it as 11 servant,
nn unconscious slave, of which ho Is the mas
ter. '
"Close Your Door and Work"
So It Is Imperative that they who wish
to succeed should pass beyond mere manual
proficiency and grasp the laws which underlie
and govern their occupations. This Involves
study. After the actual wage work Is fin
ished the sensible mnn will take up the mind
work; ho will devoto himself to books and
charts nnd problems; ho will set asldd a cer
tain amount of time in tho morning before
tho whistle blows or at night after tho siren
ceases, to an acquisition of such knowledge
as will mako him invaluable and supreme in
his own department, and ho will also widen
the boundaries of his knowledge and qualify
as .a candidate for a larger sphere. In no
other way can a worker hope to advance.
It Is folly to say that this cannot bo done.
It can bo done because It bus been done, not
once, but a thousand times, and Is actually
being done now by those who nro forcing
themselves ahead. There Is no broad, smooth
and level road to success; if there, were we
should never know what failure means nnd
success Itself would not be worth the winning.
The wise Joseph de Malstro wtoto to 0110
who Inquired about certain easy ways of
learning foreign languages: "They nro puro
Illusions. There nro no easy methods of
learning difficult things; the only method Is,
to close your door and work." dJ'Close your
door and work!" Shut out all amusements
that tob you of your strength, and admit
only such ns are real recreations which give
vigor to your mind and recuperntlon to your
body; shut out all companions who lead you
Into waste of time or money or ability, and
admit only those who stimulate your will and
elevato your mind; shut out all habits that
may prejudlco you In tha opinion of others
or weaken your resolution or decrease your
self-reliance, and admit only such ns will
win general confidence and qualify you to
seize every on-coming opportunity and rise
to every available responsibility.
What ia Work?
"And work!" It Is necessary to remove an
ancient misconception. For centuries the
word "work" has been limited to muscular
and manual occupation. But todny wo
realize that tho development of the mind Is
also work. It means the giving out of en
ergy, and the latest science classllles It as a
physical effort. In order to acquire knowl
edge a man must make an effort which Is as
tiring to the system as any muscular action.
The only way In which we feel a physical ex
ertion is through the nerves, and the only
way we feel a mental effort is likewise
through tho nerves. 80 all study is work;
all mastery of scientific laws Is work. The
man who wishes to achieve anything beyond
the low level of mere subsistence must dedi
cate a certain portion of his strength to In
tellectual effort, and thus make his mind the
ally and comrade and director of his mus
cles. If anything may be termed the direct
road to success. It Is this.
Peter the Great, Czar of Russia, had
dreams of what he might do for his people,
but he knew that even for' royalty thero was
no royal road; ho went abroad and learned
by labor and study the industries he was
to teach his race.
AVhen John D, Rockefeller was a
boy he was working on a farm in New
York State and dreaming bf his future. One
day ho said to a. farm boy about his own
age: "I would like to own all the land In
this valley as far as I can see. I sometimes
dream of wealth and power, Do you think,
we shall ever be worth ttOO.OOO, you and IT I
hope to some day." Soon afterward he
moved to Cleveland and found a position as
office boy. "I had plenty of ambition then,
and saw that. If J was to accomplish much, I
would have to work very, very hard, indeed."
And he did. Bvry spare hour was given to
study; every branch of business that he
touched he mastered, down to the least de
Jail, and out of small wages, by the time ha
was 95 yr M he had saved his first I0,0f0.
Wm M y4M Pttr Cooper saved every
spare cent and devoted every sparo moment
to scientific and merhonlcal studies until ho
felt himself equipped to seizo big opportuni
ties. Ho Invented his own machinery to en
large his business; ho constructed rolling
mills on plans of his own, and made a for
tune, while others wero still following the old
methods. When the directors of the Bultl
moro and Ohio Railroad gave up the con
struction of tho road after building 13 miles,
because it necessitated curves and grades
which no engine could take, Cooper stepped
In, completed tho work, built a locomotive
that would tnko the sharpest curve at high i
speed and keep the tiack, nnd was at once
recognized ns one of the most prnctlcal and
successful men In America. He was always
training his brain for the big opportunities
that he knew must come to tho man who was
ready. Ambition Is a mockery, tleslro is a
delusion, Ideals uro a burden, hopes are an
aggravation, unless a man Is willing to pay
the price. And tho price Is severe mental
The Art of Kxtra-llluslrntioii is n' Wonderful
Multiplier of Values.
rpilIO other day an extra-Illustrated copy of
JL Hampton L. Catson's "The Supremo Court
of tho United States: Its History," sold at a
book sulo for $1475. This Is by no means an
unusual price for an extra-lllustrnted vol
ume, .but in what docs tho value consist?
An extra-Illustrator Is not what '011 might
suppose him to be. Ho beats no resemblance
to a magazlno Illustrator, because, In tho first
place, he moro than likely cannot draw a
straight line. He is not an artist, but a lover
of books and Illustrations, and, In thoso in
stances wliero he is in possession of larg-o
meuns, will spend a fortuno on illustrating a
single work.
Nearly every 1'lilludelphlnn has heard of
Watson's Annals. It Is tho greatest com
pend of Interesting Information about tho
city's early history ever collected, even if a
great deal of it is tradltlonury. It originally
was Issued in a single, fat volume, but that
was away buck in 1S30. About 40 years ago
Samuel Hazard brought It more or less up to
date, and this forms an additional volume,
and usually you find tho work In three.
Now tho two-volume edition that was print
ed in 18u, l think, has attracted tho atten
tion of several collectors In this city, and ono
of theso has extended these two volumes to
40 by tho addition of portraits, views, docu
ments, autograph letters, all forming a col
lection worth In Itself a largo sum,
Now, the Inlayor'g work on such an under
taking Is considerable. Ho has to Inset theso
prints and nutogruph material in sheets of
paper that are of tho sizo of tho page of the
book. That means that each sheet has to
havo an aperture cut in It that Is slightly
smaller than tho object that is to bo inlaid.
Then tho edges of this "window" havo to bo
pared down to half the thickness of the sheet,
and a similar operation reduces tho thick
ness of tho edg03 of tho print. ' When they
nre pasted together the whole sheet is of an
even thickness, and tho print appears to bo
a natural part of Iftt margin. All of which
costs a great deal of money when several
thousand prints have to bo Inlaid.
About 5000 prints and other material went
to illustrate this copy of Watson's book, und
another Philadelphia:! has attempted to II
lustrate Bryan's Dictionary of Painters and
Engravers. In addition to the illustrations
that belong In this work, Its owner has added
3000 others, and the reason he did not add
more was that he wanted to see the book fin
Ished In his lifetime. Naturally, time and
money alone could limit such a literary en
terprlse. Where works are extended to many vol
umes the extra-Illustrator has also to have
extra title pages printed, But this Is work
for the printer and Is no part of tho lnlayer's
Tho habit of extra-Illustrating, It seems,
grows to bo a passion, and some of the
wealthy men who begin It become as they
progress more fastidious, and then the in
layer has his troubles, The collector dlscov.
era rarer or better Impressions of some plate,
or perhaps one that ought to go Into the vol
ume, but which previously had been unob
tainable. This print has to be inserted in
the handsomely hsund volume without show
ing any signs of the addition, and this la'
more tedious than the actual 'work of In.
laying. j. j.
The Beaton Why
From tht !)oton Trtript,
'The American benefactions fox 19U, J3J5..
000,000, were larger than tliMe of or IHV
$by hs4 to be.
Kcir Hardio lias Been a Fighter From His Birth, and Now a Paralyfi
THE news that a paralytic stroke hns
jeized Mr. Kelr Hardio, M. P., has set a
generous wave of sympathy moving even
among his bitterest opponents. Tho man
who hns made the British Labor party inde
pendent of Liberalism, and practically In
sured that It shall remain so, has boon a
fighter from his birth. Ho himself has. said
with something of his native bitterness, that
ho was "never a child," and wo may truly
add that his life has been a hard ono from
that precocious and oppressive beginning It
had In tho midst or a mining community In
tho Scottish1 lowlands GO years ago. But this
Is exactly what causes us to make allow
ances of temperament and to appreciate the
sterling stuff that underlies a rough and
stern exterior.
James Kelr Hardle, llko Thomas Burt, the
labor colleague ftom whom he differed so
utterly In temperament, was born on the
etlgo of tho pits, and only a Border shlro
or two separated their birthplacea. Har
dlo's was a Lanarkshire village, und tho
living conditions of tho miner when ho first
saw tho light (August 15, 1856) wore hard
enough to account for tho rebellious bias
with which ho started. Whether his con
sistency in this respect has helped tho labor
causein later years depends, of course, upon
the point of view.
In the Coal Pits -lie
had llttlo or no schooling save from his
mother's tuition, improved by sjjelling out
shop bigns nnd the notices on books and en
gravings. He has spoken of tho day ho was
old enough to spell "Sartor Rcsartus," and
of tho later day when ho had -saved enough
to buy books enabling lilm to reuM and un-'
dorstand them, lie learned shorthand by
blacking a slato over his candlo and practic
ing the strokes on the carbonized surface
Ho worked in tho coal pits from tho age of 8
until ho was 24, and then ho determined to
step higher.
The trado union movement was In Its In
fancy, and Hardio, ns a progressive, was
bent on Joining it. Persecution was his first
reward; as unpaid secretary to a young or
ganization he was blacklisted. But tho
Lanarkshire Miners' Union recognized In the
young mnn an earnest and useful worker
and elected him their secretary. In 1882 ho
"turned Journalist," acting ns subeditor, and
Inter editor, on tho Cumnock Nows, Ayr
shire. Four years of newspaper work (and
your provincial Scotch Journalist has to cam
his pittance, I can tell you), gave Hint a
broader outlook on life and more acquaint
ance with modern thought. In 1888 he had
become strong enough to contest Mid Lanark
as a Socialist. He failed, but It was an awak
ening. Four years later there was a vacancy
In tho East London borough of West Ham
(a Socialist Mecca, by the way), and he en
tered Westminster, literally with a flourish
of trumpets.
The "brass band" which has always been
supposed to havo been His prelude and ac
companiment to Westminster consisted, ns
he has declared'.by a public explanation, re
peated only last spring, of "one solitary cor
net." Founder of a Party
But there is no mistake about the new
member's sporting what a contemporary wjt
called "an amorphous arrangement of toast
colored tweod," and Mr, Kelr Hurdle's golf
cap became as much a symbol of our politi
cal life as the Gladstonlatt collar or tho
monocle of Mr, Chamberlain. What he did
not do (as he further points out) was to re
sist the ruling of tho Speaker about doffing
It, and as a matter of fact he was never
asked. It was another Scottish member ae
companylng him who wore a hat and whom
the Speaker corrected, but as the press gal
lery made some confusion of the incident Mr,
Speaker Peel privately expressed to tho new
member the next day his regret at this mis
conception. Kelr Hardle'a mlnslort was to detach tho
Labor section from Liberalism and make it
In name and fact the independent Labor
party, of which h was for years to be tho
leader. He, also founded the Labor Leader,
and has been a frequent figure In the ravlews
and magazines. His writing, like his
speeches, ran counter ta most of the precon
ceived idtas, and he never studied sequence
of thought no long as he ould express fab
oiiouit iias Jiiiiucu uic oiormy .aeiiviiy 01 111s Ij.trccr.
views with vigor. Tears ago he left thf
l-ablans nnd thero has long been nothlnr
common between tho Kelr Hardla 6 rtP
Labor platform and tho Intellectual or dlleP-
tnnto Socialism of certain ex-associattiTj
ins who havo betaken themselves to UmH?
ture. -m
His Cottage in the Heart of London S
For somo years Mr. Kelr Hardio UyJjJ
when In town, In a secluded court oft Ftttg
lane, Fleet street, nnd cultivated congehW
company In a surrounding of books chleSJ
relating to politics, Carlyle, Burns and IE?
ballad literature of Scotland. Thero lifT
pleasant little story, as a friend of Mr. S.'S
Llttlewood has written, of tho Labor leader!
discovery of this London homo of his. H?
had Just determined to leave an alrootf
equally old house In Chelsea. There ho kiJ
lived, over slnco ho camo lo town, out F
reverence for tho memory of Carlyle". W
ho wished to bo nearer his work In Flffl
street. So ho wandered everywhere arounSJ
seeking a lodging that ho could care for, aid
found his wny by clinnco to NcvlU's Court?
Delighted with the place, ho tapped at thS -very
door ond applied for the vacant rdont1
Tho good landlady, however, after tooktotf
him up and down, tefused to let him Imt
them without references. Ho has never regj'
qulshed his working-class garb, andjshetsl!
quiiu iisiouuucu wneu tno rougn-ciaa 2;
ger suggested tho numes of several memberjl
of Parliament as sponsors for his respE
ability. M
oiuuu nun. 111110 mull very laiciy ur, jmi,
Hardio lias occupied this modest dweUrag
With Vita rttvn ItnM.lu ltn ..inrld ,lia nrmnStf
worklngmen's rooms two rooms now turflS4?f
Into one, and let at a smaller rent than roK
a worklngman pays Into tho simplest, iSy
friltTill Vat tuna, atiflnl.. nnnrnnrlotA little
.1 ...nl, , . . W.1..A.. ,.... nn..,-1 ,. I m ..I .. d T(J
real homo Is, of course, still at Curanoc!(,JiH
far away Ayrshire, where he was born aj
bred, and where his wife and family itWi
live. It Is there, llko Romnoy, that Im.WJ
gone back an old and broken man, toS
nursed and prepured for a bettor world. ?m
A Couple of Anecdotci 3H
T...... ,. ,l..' I .!.. txa IMidft
UU3L UUIU1U WIO UilUllUJK UJ u ww f&
a few years ago Kelr Hardle bad occaaloaw
repair to tho House of Commons JibrarvjtS
consult some books, where he met a frleuW
nolieoman. and tho following colloquy JE
suited: "Are you working here, maUjjj
"Yes." "On tho roof?" which was uno
going repairs at tho time. "No, on the tkWfj
. .... . ..... ...,. rt
wnon no was n ueigium a icw j- -.
ho was arrested and detained some wnej;
suspicion of being In sympathy with M
torlous anarchist then In tho hands of IM
police. Tho Belgian police were nu" wm
for a time to grasp tho fnct that one atU
In tho democratlo style which Kelr Hffl
affects could possibly bo a member ot-m
British Parliament.
A nntnhln IriMilmif nt n. mora M"fffS
,..., ' " '' ,,., hMB
isinu was wie mesaugu oi djhiv"j -ja
received from the Klne ill 1903 When
tn linitwcn nn nnnrntion for UDPendldW,
Early lasfyear Mr. Kelr Hardle cag
n lnrvnnt, fr.m twn BitmlrerS. til . ,
1l.ll-.ol.otl. .,1 Trim, Tflnnpn nf EdlODW
who had inherited money from their '!
w.c, tv,rfi,i iniiw This will atrip ,
tho cares that might havo accrued, Bji.
lie may nuye, anu in an pruuv,..., ra
to resign his membership of paruami. Kg
...i.i. i, ,i, ., 1 .,,.. nf tonnn a vear. H Ua
nld nrnverh In the nrUdent WalKS OX "jai
whioh he belongs that the best P"l0Jlgn!
lull purse, ana tnoso wu ,7.7 m
stormy career will rejoice at anytWM S
tends to crown it with the rest u
of mind that lie has fairly earnea.
The man who wins Is an average msn.
Not built in any particular plan,
Whn asked a question h dps not JPcuwk
He knows ana answers ; ; . "Tfdo
.lie DUCKIM UUITM lilt KV -";", h rajr 1
Thres things he learned: That the man
I' HL '.EL'&'tiMtf
Tiiai 1 pay w '-"Vi to teu;
That it aown-t pay .. ,V"",m
For the man wno ww "r,rr:lrit.
Who neither labor nor trouble Wrt
Who ss his bad. hi bead, ins
... . ...t ini la tha man wow
taa ummi w " - A5f