B YfiHrHff EPaEBPHtLPBIlPHX SATURDAY, JAOTABY 30, 191S GERMAN HOST FLEES AS CZAR TAKES POST IMOEM5BERGDASH Pillkallen Shelled and Gar rison Routed in Fierce Russian Drive Toward Hast Prussian Capital. PETItOCHlAD, Jan. 30. RtiMlah troops, In the new Enst I'rus ilftn ddVAnce on Koentgsberg, have occu pied frllkfillen, after AhelllttR- the town, from 'Which sevarnl thousand Inhabitants fled, leaving only 800 women nml old men, "tvhen the Cznr's forces entered. "With l'lltkftllort In the hands of tho Ruealnn column on tho Cltimblnrioii front, the Invaders aro pressing forward In the direction of Koenlgsberg, despite the desperate feslstanco of tho Clermnns. Ths northern column of tho new army or Invasion, which Is marching 011 Til sit, IS meeting with but feeble resistance from 'tho Germans, It Is olflclnlly an nounced. Tho German forces at Tilsit are reported to bo falling hack and tens of thousands of Prussians aro fleeing from their homes. This Russian force has cut tho railway leading to Memel, The Germans have strdng dofenses northward of the Maxurlan I.akoe region to Insiterberg, along the Angerap Itlvor. but tlyy are comparatively weak farther northward. The Russians are steadily closing In on Jnsterberg from the north, east nml southeast Tilsit Is virtually surrounded, a correspondent telegraphs from tho front, and the Russians thero nrp In a position to threaten tho left wing of the Germans defending the lino of 1'lllkallen Landelmen. AUSTRIA SEIZES GRAIN SUPPLY Follows German Lead to Conserve Foodstuffs. VENICE, Jan. 30.-The Austrian Gov ernment has decided to organise a grain monopoly on similar lines to those es tablished by Germany. The Austrian Minister of Agriculture has announced that the army has procured supplies of grain sufficient to last until the end of August Owing to the quantities of bnrlcy and maize now being taken for breadstuffs, according to advices from Vlemi.t, thero Is a lerlous shortage In the supply of fodder. Almost no grain is being offered on' the" markets In Vienna, Budapest or . Prague. itesnondlng to the appeals of land owners, tho Austrian Government has consented to the employment of pris oners of war In field work, thus replac ing peasants who have gone to tho front RUSSIANS SINK STEAMSHIP ROME. Jan. 30. The Russian fleet In the Black Sea has sunk n steamship car rying contraband. The Greek crew was saved. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA Vessels Arriving Today irif ""b TSj!c",i5r ,Varlncr P'h -Manchester Zk. ,-.-Jkhn: ."- nrchandli. Phlludel-pnla-Manchceter ilno. m5iEi.,iFi!cI"05. Bo"1", passengers and merchandise, Ericsson Lino. Str. Mohican, Norfolk, merchandise, Clyde Steamship Company. " Vessels Sailing Today ot. John a. ,, i. American Lfn- orders, Charles, M. Taylor-. Boris." oir. -ruaenia urui.) Uldrbo, tfo..l. lor Ber- Wind-White Coal MlnlnV rMmnn.,,. ?.. "raMi luri. Hand. TnniD co Daili "oi' lBr''' Tu""r- ew ork- Galley. MftTylor."s"na.nr) IM'itr- Malttt. Charles Str. JUaartriuidylc (Dutch). Stuffors, Rotter dam, Holland-America Lino. Str. 'Algiers. Schutze. Tampa, Port Arthur "1? T2' c"y- Southern Steamship Company. 8tr. Tuscan. Thacher. Hoaion, Merchants and Miners' Transportation Company. Steatnshlps to Arrive PASSENGER. Name. From. llaverfonl Liverpool FREiailT. Datc. -Jan. 2 J'm. From. Date Themlato rtotterdam Dec. 18 Auchencrag Cruz Grande ...Jan 3 Jomabore Ardrossan Ian. 11 Gkjoldbprg Copenhagen ....Jan. 11 Florentine Huelva Ian 12 I.uclllnff Cardiff Jan tT Mackinaw London Jun 17 Plfturla Shield Ion I'll Nike Cardiff . Jan i Manchester Miller .....Manchester ...'.'. Jin SH "ave-t Shields Jan Si Port Ahtonlo Port Antonio . . Jan 27 Teeedala Savana la Mar. .Jan 27 Caftlemoor Algter. ....... ..An. in Drindltla. Shields V.. Jin. is Steamships to Leave kheight. Narna. For. nate Caterlno London Feb 1 Manchester Mariner,. .Manchester ..iiFeb! 1 PORT OF NEW YORK Steamships to Arrive DUB TODAT. Nam. From. Af0"; Liverpool . .. Alannia Liverpool .... 2K!L. ChrlaUansand J'; oraa. Nlpe Chicago Havre ...... Date. -Jan. SO .Jon. in .Jan. HI .Jan. 20 .Jan. 17 Steamships to Leave For. Nam. Chicago . Ityndam Date. .-.Jan. 31 ...Feb. 2 ...Feb. .1 ...Feb. :i ...Feb. 3 ...Feb. 4 .f ...iiavre , notteraara . .-.a. f .lir.FMinl crania Alannla ,,. .... Liverpool .. Pant Anna, .....Marseilles .. Oscar u ...Copenhagen Movements of Vessels Str. Caatlemoor Br.). Naples for Phii,i.i. hl, aCTlved at Alaleni January 20 """ Str. Finland Mm,p tH. ' V. tri. -. irnta jvapies January Btr Brindllla (AmV -)d from RhlflMa Jam, ftma MinK :!;,,'" ,'"" "" 'mej r -T". .."'" r" for Phlladlnhi .., Ian,, aw 0 ' ... -is,r. AuJK"1.,Jti,,, ,rom' Philadelphia, ar IVl-hl at TVi-nntr. Tamtam IT -...--, i .tSimT4!Kr.Tmorr-ji;uV,SoaJelPb!a-Ea8btm.&rr2?n ""Pla. arrived at irimS'mrr'Pr PW""1"DhU' " Str Bun, fhlladelphlii tor Soeila. was E12 AUU l44 ot Ambroaa Channel lightship at T p. m. January sa. ' Str. Great Northern, Philadelphia for Ban rncl. was it mllaa south ef Overfall lightship at P. in January til, iteport ba" rometer 30 43. air 67 wind calm. 'vtvon oa St. IsrwU Lurkejibach. Ban Ftanslsco for Nevir Torn, way 100 miles south of Delaware Capes at noon January 20. wr Str J, M. auffey. Port Arthur for Pnlladel Cbla, was 2io inle southeast of Sabine bar at noon January 20 Str. Tole4o. tewing- ehr. Delaware Bun. Ba fclna fur Philadelphia. Mas 130 miles east of tabus btr at 8 p. m. January 29. FREIGHTS AND CHARTERS Scarcity of ships restricts buslneas In the stteara ttarket and lucre the preepect of further rl-e in the rate. Ball market ratea are imorovln with u tnereaslug demand for " STEAMSHIPS. CalUac for). Atlantis Kane to Piraeus. so Quarter. IW. Ta., February. fOt.). 1S.P0O Quarters, slice. 10. Greek). S1.O0O Quarter, umr in Uulf loadlnr. lis,, March, (oreirnl New .Tfrkto Cblnklanx il. petroleuu) lii,0 cases, 3c.. a, Srl T7&3 tea Iratteaitautlc trad. SSRiI'B GJS&WJF9&aSSa . I'm rtvrr S.i-fc Wwed 12ft to N Tw to OKMtuhaiiii jteneral tarto- private) tens. Keb) SCHOONERS jciio 0 ''''' Ma tou Phi;eiau 10 TfiiBa SB4Bh HveK. fl OFFICIAL WAR REPORTS BUSSIAN The ttustlan occupation of Plllkallen was preceded by n day's shelling of the place, during which tho garrison suffered heavy low. Out of a popula tion of 000 or 7009 only 300 women and children and old men remained In Pillkallen when the Itusslans entered. Tho Germans have strong defenses northward In tho Mazurlan Lako region and along the river Angerap, hut further northward to Tilsit the Germans are comparatively weak, The llusslatui aro still pushing on Tilsit from both the north and the south. The German attack on the left flank of our south or 11 column com pletely failed. AUSTRIAN The present phase of the war In Gnllela Is proceeding favorably for us. The attempts of the Itusslans to out flank the Austrian army near Nowy Sandec, In order to open the way for another attack against Cracow, has led to a counter-offensive by Archduko Joseph Ferdinand. The nrmy of Arch duke Joseph Ferdinand, supported by heavy artillery, Is pressing In the ell lection of Tarnow to get In the rear of the Husslau nrmy In Gallcla to cut Its communication. equally Ineffective was the Ttusslan Invasion of Hungary nnd the attempt to Invade Transylvania from Duko wlna to Isolntc the army of General Fischer and to Isolate our troops In the Carpathians. While In Poland tho Germans nro pushing their trenches nearer ami nearer to Wat saw, tho Teutonic allies are also gaining ground In the Carpathians. We are In pos Mcsslon of tho ground from Nagy-Ag Valley to Luwlkowna, and again hold Toionya Pass. In llukowlna the en emy has retreated to Klmpolung, fol lowing tlio victory of General Fisch er a army near Klrllbaba. Great trans poits "of Ttusslan prisoners nro being convoyed into central Austria from tho HuzslgleseJ district. FKENCH Tho day of tho 2Dth waa calm all over the battlo front. In Belgium, artillery combats havo taken place. Ilefore Culnchy, noar La Pasfec the Ornish troops have repulsed the at tacks of three German battleships. The cnomy suffered heavy Iobscs To tho north of Arras, near N'euvll-Lcs-Vnnst, our heavy artillery got tho rnngo of tho German batteries and blew up an ammunition wagon. In the sector of Albert, of Iloye, of SoIhsoiis, of Craonne, of nhcinm nnd of Perthes there have been some ar tillery combats, often very violent. In this fighting our batteries havo llred very accurately. In the Woevre, nenr Fllory, the Ger mans havo blown up a mlno, Intend ing to destroy our trenches, but It foiled nnd the German trenc'iiea were destroyed by tho oxploslon. There Is nothing to report on tho r'St of tho front. GERMAN The French losses In tho fights north of Nlauport on Thursday wero heavy. More than 300 Moroccans and Algerians Ho dead among the dunes. On Friday the German artillery hin dered the enemy during his attempts to work his way by sapping opera tions toward tho high dunes cast of the lUhthouses. South of the La TJassee Canal, the GcrmanB last night took two more trenches from tho French. These wero a part of tho position captured by the Germans on January 23. We took 60 prisoners. In tho western part of the Argonne district the German attack on Fri day brought a gain of considerable ground. Wo captured 12 oftlcers, 731 ptivates and also took 12 ma chine guns and 10 smaller guns. The enemy's losses were heavy, between 400 nnd 600 bodies being left on tho ., battlefield. The 155th French Infantry Tteglmcnt seems to havo been annihilated. Tho German losses wero comparatively light. A French night attack southeast of Verdun was repulsed. Tho enemy suf fered heavily. Northeast of Badonvlller tho French were driven out of tho village of Angomont while the Germans also'oc cupied Bremen!!. In East Prussia: Tho Russian at tack against the brldgn head east of Darkehmen was without result. The German fortifications east of the lako district (Mazurlan Lakes In East Prussia) were shelled. An attack southeast of Loewensteln LaJie broke down under German Are. A Russian night attack near Bor jimow, cast of Lowlcz, was repulsed and tho Russian losses were the heavier. TURKS CLAIM CAUCASIAN VICTORY; RUSSIA DISPUTES Battles Near Olti Won, Says Con stantinople Report. CONaTANTINOPLE, Jan. 30It Is ofll clally announced that the Turks are mak ing successful attacks In the direction of Oltl, Transcaucasia, and havo captured 800 Russians, together with o largo quan tity of rifles and munitions of war. The battlo which has been raging for a week near Azorbeldjan, near Choi, In Persia, continues In favor of the Turks, It Is announced. This Is directly contradicted In tho Russian official report, which sas that tna Turns were uerealed with severe losses at Baskeul, only four miles from the Armenian frontier nnd 70 miles from the Turkish base of Erzerum. Russian trops havo crossed tho Armenian border and havn clashed with the Turks near Alashgtrd. GERMAN PRESS TALKS PEACE Free Discussion of Terms by People Demanded. LONDON, Jon. 30. Tho Exchanso Tele graph Company's Copenhagen correspond ent reports that a lengthy discussion or peace terms In German newspapers Indl cates that Germany Is longing for cessa tion of war. Ho quotes the Keu Deutsohland nsj say. lng that the derman people will demand the right to discuss peace terms before negotiations are opened. The Tageblatt intimates that free discussion ot peace terms should not be delayed too long, nor an attempt be made to prohibit such, dis cussion. It U said. AUSTRIA DIVIDES ARMIES Flans to Send 400,000 Hen Against Servla. BUCirAJtEST, Jan. 80.-Accordlng to advices from CzemowU, the Austria Hungarian force In Bukowlna have been divided Into two armies. One army, eOO.000 strong, will be sent against the gervlana; the other army of 200,000 will operate agalrut the Russians, 258 BKIWSH XOST ON VIKNOB LONDON, Jan. 30. A casualty list Is sued last night show that the British armor merchant vessel Vlknor, which wm lost off the. coast ot Ireland several days age. carried a crew of S3, com posed, of Mvai reserve men and boy belonging to the nurtaatil marine, all ot whom vrthed. BRITISH WARSHIPS MEDITERRANEAN 5E,A ZT if iS" $& ir 4lJ iESF sM J) I V YV VVX ai n a -fa N x''T 1 , I C7RMA ROUTED -- 1 Ottoman fo:es, attacking Dir Helefi, southwest of Bl Knutar?., were routed yesterday by fire from British warships operating on the Suez Canal. The British admit the Turks have occupied the fortified town of Katlyeh, 13,000,000 SOLDIERS ON LINES OF BATTLE IN THE SPRING All Warring Nations to Increase Their Forces in the Field First Units of New Organizations Now Moving" to the Front. By J. W. T. NEW Next week will Bee MASON YORK, Jan. 30. tho first units of tho new armies that have completed their six mouths' training movo to tho front in preparation for tho second offensive plinse of the wnr. How the proportion of fighting strongth will result when both sides havo completed their reinforcing movements enn only bo roughly approxi mated. Tho basic data do not relate to men, but to munitions. All tho nations at, war aro feeling the strnln of sup plying the enormous riuantltles of war stores their armies demand, and all havo moro men than equipment. Tho prob lem of estimating what the new fighting strength of the rival forces will be In the spring Is, theroforo, complicated by tho Inability of the world's war factories to keep up the killing pace of tho battle fields, ARMIES IN THE WEST. The only official flguies of present com batants are those Issued by tho French "War Office last month, which gave I, 2.10,000 as tho German strength In the West, and 021.00Q as the Gernhn s.trongtu In tho East. Both English nnd French ofllclal icports havo confessed that tho German western armies aro numerically stronger than the Allies, but not' how much stronger. The London War Ofllce, however, has announced thero nro now four British armies In France. Tho strength of n British nrmy probably Is two army corps of 35,000 men each. Tills would make the British btrength on tho continent 2S0.000. It Is possible the Bel gians have been able to replace casual ties to thn extent of keeping up their strength to 50,000. The French Btrength cannot be grenter than 1,700,000 becauso of the equipment problem, and may not be as much as this. At most, therefore, SHELLS IN MILLIONS RUSHED FOR ALLIES IN SCHWAB'S PLANT Shrapnel Shipped to Canada, Thence to Armies Ques tion of Transportation "Up to Purchaser." BETHLEHEM, Pa., Jnn. 30. Tho orders for shrapnel given by tho British Govern ment to the Bethlehem Steel Company are said to require the manufacture ot millions of shells. Hundreds of thou sands have already been made. The sheila are of various sizes, tho smallest threo inches. All tho Bhrapnel Is loaded with leaden bullets half an Inch in diameter. The shell Is supposed to explode over the en emy, the leaden bullets raining down on him. The shrapnel Is Bhlpped to Canada, Company's officials refuse to say where It Is shipped from tho Dominion. The fact that the calibres are of various etzes leads to the belief that some of It goes to the French aa well as to tho British, That which Is sont to Vancouver undoubtedly goes, to tha Russian army. The company has Invented and per footed Us own machinery for the produc tion of tho bullets, It resembs ma chinery that cuts nalt. An , eccentric operates a cutter, through which fass leaden bands, which coma In enormous rolls. Millions' of the bullets 'are made dally. Some estlmato of the enormous quantities of bullets required can be made fro the fact that a three-Inch, shell con tains 240 of them, and a five-Inch shell about 500. The company has all but completed its first order for field pieces. The lot con sists of 2S90 JS-pounders. These guns are about seven feet In length. The forglpgj and boring are comparatively easily done, but great care must be exercised In the rifting and with the adjusting Instruments. Theeo guns send a shell six miles and land a shell on a, target six feet square. It la denied that beams and.Rlates for Engliih submarines ore being tns.de de spite the edict of Prtsldent Wilson and Mr. Bryan that this should hot be done. It Is denied that Mr. Schwab has taken over tha Canadian plant of Viewers' Bona & Maxim for tha manufacture of part of submarines- A report from Ottawa said that Mr. Schwab would tend experts to ,ig TOO &ATB Q CLASSIFICATION" CASS-On ,jiLuurr w, iw, at pl real T.Bv.nmv'z vxsr ,ra F. m , vi ,wnflu WU1 k sue" RAID TURKS ON SUEZ tho western Allies now have 2,030,000 troops, or fully equipped 200,000 loss than the Gorman strength In the west. Kltchoncr's new nrmy of n million men ought to bo fully equipped by the spring, but It Is Improbable that tho French will be nblo to add greatly to their own forces. Filling tho dcploted French ranks ban undoubtedly made heavy demands on Franco's trained men. Tho Frcncli forco probably cannot bo Increased to more than 2,000,000 by tho Bprlng. making tho total number of tho Alllos In tho west about 3,300,000, It la reasonablo to nssumo that Ger many can meet this now forco man for man. But It will not be necessary for their to do so, If n purely defensive campaign Is decided upon, since tho Allies havo been ablo to hold their own with numeri cal Inferiority. Germany probnbly will consider herself capable of meeting tlio twom''000 lroops ,vlth no moro than IN THE EASTERN' THEATRE. The spring campaign In tho West, there fore,' may seo 0,300,000 men pitted against each other. Tho Eastern situation may develop so as to compel Germany to do plete still further her Western fighting force, and this is, In fact, the unknown part'af,tb,9,prpblem. To Germany's pres eilttEaatern strength of 92t,000 must bo added probably 1,500,000 Austrinns, making a totul of 2,t,000. Russia probably has approximately tho samo number. Austria and Germany may be nble to ralso their Joint strengtlt to 3,000,000 men by spring. Whether Itussia can surpass this Is Im probablo, but tho matter Is not certain. If tlio Slavs can do no moro than equal the strength of the Teutonic nllianco there will bo a totnl of 6,000,000 men In the East ern battlo lines, excluding tho Turkish and Servian campaigns. Possibly 700,000 moro men will bo under arms there. Tlio completed total of fighting men tho spring may seo at all the fronts Is therefore ap proximately 13,000,000. this plant and that C000 workmen had been advertised for. Tho official state ment of tho company In rpgaid to tills story Is that "tho whole thing is so far only on paper." In regard to rumors that tho Foro Itiver shipyard is busy with war orders and that tho Schwab plants along tho Dela ware nro clamoring for work, It Is stated that tho Qulncy plant has llttlo work on hand now except the completion of the second Argentine battleship and tho con struction of n Chilean cruiser. It la de clared that no work on European war orders Is being done. Several facta have como out, however, in regard to Mr. Schwab's deBlre to own n big shipyard. Several years ago, when ho, acquired the Fore River yard, It was stated that ho had -bought It to com pote with tho world on a broad gauge basis; but he was virtually compelled to take over tho Massachusetts plant, which was in financial dlftlculttes, so as not to fall .In fulfilling his Argontlno contract. Tho 'Fore River Company, In fact, owed him eo much for material supplied on tho South American battteshlp that he had to pay very llttlo rash. Ho was looking for a big shipyard nt tho time, and If lie had not taken tlio Foro River plant ho would have tried to buy Cramps' ship yard. . In regard to the raising of ocean freight ratea It was said by transporta tion men connected with tho company that ocean freights Wero nt present very unstable, and "a matter of bargaining." As to war material, tha transportation was n question for the purchaser. If tho English Government bought a cannon or some wheat in the United States It was up to the British Admiralty to sea that the gun or the grain got across tho At lantic. "Rut suppose tho steamship man would demand a prohibitive rate?" "Ho is too wiser to do' that," waa the reply. "Tha ocean carrier needs busi ness. There have been Jnstancea in which the carrier demanded 13 cents per 100. a rate that would, have cut off all profit. The steamship people were glad to como down to 10 tents per 100," BAILRQAD TO WHITE SEA Car Capitalizes Second Xlne of Coin, jntmtcatlon With Outside Wprld. PBTROQRAD, Jan. S0.-Emperor Nlch, ?Ja.s.npm'.?ve? Bn appropriation of WTW.OOO for Ihe Immediate construction of a Government railroad from Peirosa. y ;mf,S nortlieast of Pefrograd, to the- White Sea, ' This would make a second line of com munication -with the outside world through this Blon,the other being to Archangel Special School Shoe Otnuint Ooadutar Willi Matt-Kid tops, KoiM with Pint uiui" or tiim-iutai iathtr. cite uiob stall uvito2 Price 11.40 J 1.65 11.90 All Btyl Ldle, Cbltdrsa. U. ft, lAJ.UoBtn.N?j. TRUSSES wstio Mil whim: oabusn- T- FRENCH AIR BOMBS RAINED ON GERMAN DEFENSES AT LAON Von Heeringen's Headquar ters Bombarded by Avia tors Intrenchments Near Soissons Damaged. I'AIUS, Jan. 30. French airmen, hravlnjr a terrific flro from German high-angle guns, havo bom barded tho headquarters of General von lloerlngen, commander of tlio German army of tho centre, at Lnon. Bovcro damage was dono to Iho Gorman works nt Laon, La Fere, Crcpy and Conchy. Alt of these points nro situated north nnd northeast of Soissons, In tho now f anion 1 "bloody nnglo" formed by the Junction of tho Alsne and Otse Itlvers, A Zeppelin raid was attempted over Nancy yesterday, which was frustrated by the French batteries In tho fortress of IIocvlllo. Hut a slnglo nlrcraft appeared from tho cast. The nro of tho batteries was turned upon It Immediately, nnd It turned and fled back toward tho Gorman linos. A dlspntch from Hazcbroticlc statos that German Taubcs dropped bombs on Ball loul, In Frnnce, 10 miles within tho French nnd British lino yestorday. They did only slight damage. Ballleul Is about two miles from the Frnnco-Ilolglnn border and Is 10 miles southwest of Ypres. BRITISH AVIATORS DROWNED IN NORTH SEA AFTER RAID Betreat From Ostend Cut Off ly Ger man Airmen, BERLIN, Jan. 30. Thtce of tho seven English aviators who bombarded Ostend nnd Zoebruggo wiio drowned In tho Strait of Dover, with their' obaervors, according to dis patches printed In Baste newspapers. Tho English squadron was engaged by German airmen. Tho three English biplanes, finding tho(r retreat cut off by tho Ocrmnns, fled scawnrd. They dropped Into tho water when their supplies of gnsollno beenmo exhausted. "BOBBY" BERESFORD, HORSE BUYER, SEEKS ACTIVE WAR SERVICE Has Purchased 10,000 Mounts for French, But Now Wants Position in British Army. NEW YORK, Jan. 30. The Hon. Seton Robert Bcresford, hotter known as "Bob by" Reresford, brother of Lord Declcs and brother-in-law of tho former Vivien Gould, will sail fiom New York today for Franco. During tho last threo months tho Hon. Seton Robert has superintended tho pur chase and shipment of moro than 10,000 horses for tho French cavalry and artillery. "In tho meantime," he said, "I liavo been In hard personal training nnd nm prepared to accept any kind of a position for active scrvlco in tho Uritlsh army. "I'eoplo In America scorn to think that nnybody In England can go to the front, but I know: that thero aro tons of thou sands of men moro than 35 years old who havo been rejected by tho recruiting olilces." In tho course ot his purchase and ship ment of American horses tho Hon. Bobby has directed his efforts largely toward decreasing tho proportions of deaths of horses at sen. According to his expcrl enco light sorrel animals aro so easllj affected by mal do mcr that It Is useless tc ship them. "Wnshy chestnuts, as wcl call them, aro tho most delicate; grays tho stoutest," ho sums It up. "The artillery hoiaes I havo shipped havo been strong, serviceable animnls. I understand that ono shipload of 1000 arrived In splendid condition, und In tho nick of tlmo to assist In taking 100 guns In action. "Owing chiefly to tho fact that ships havo been difficult to obtain, compara tively few horses havo so far left this country. Since tho outbreak of the war only about 63,000 have Btnrted for Europe. Ships aro plentiful now and the monstrous shipping rates havo been reduced. Tho demand for horso flesh created by tho war waa a godsend to farmers and small owners in .tho United States, as thero has been very small local demand. "Tho Italians, who havo also been buy ing horses here, have had misfortunes in Bhlpplng them. Their first two ship ment, of about 400 each, were virtually total losses, mainly becauso their ships wero far too small for winter weather. Tho Belgians, who aro now buying artillery horses In this country, aro well pleased, although, like all other foreign buyers, they are finding difficulty In pro curing tho European model. Tho Eng lish havo bought the biggest horses large, heavy aittllery animals." ITALY TO PROTECT GREEKS ROME. Jan. 30. As a result of the agreement between the Italian and Oreelt Go.vemments. the Greek cruiser Hclle has been recalled from Durazzo, Albania, The Greek nationals and Interests there will bo looked after by the Italians. SPOTTED TYPHTJS'IN AUSTRIA BERNE, Jan. 30. Beside an cpldemlo of smallpox, which the Austrian authorities are endeavoring to combat by all means, spotted typhus is now reaching alarming proportions, and between January 17 and 23 no fewer than SC3 cases have occurred, Concentration and war prlsonera' camps have been officially notified. Ily our new and eitremely effective plan fur lolWftlnif all klaii of auUlandlu accounU, ituutfcabU both to "SLOW l'Ai' ACCOUNTS." uld. Olmcult, "OUTIMVKU ACCOUNT." Now bb)( wed by dt 6U.U0O MISUCHANTS. Iliiui. results la a to SO days, and we abnoluUly guarantee that thU eoprrifUUd utcui Mill collect mora uiuntx at oae-flfth ot tha coat than tlia plan 70U art now duo, or MONK JiKFUNDfcD. fcknd postal now for VVlSt DETAILS. ltlrcntutlvt wasted, COBPL UNDERWRITERS pept-1. 671 Drexel BuildJng GERMANS HAMMER AT FOE IN EFFORT TO CROSS AISNE Attacks Delivered East o Solssona Repulsed fcy Trench. PARIS, Jan. SO.-Sovoro fighting marks tho resumption of the German attempt to forco tho passngo ot the Alsno east of Soissons after two weeks of comparative Inactivity. Yesterday tho enemy attacked nt two points, ono known na tie "Mill of the Rocks" nnd tho other tho bridge head at Vcnlzel, but wore repulsed. The German attempts to awing across tho Alsno In the nngle of tho river nt Venlael had for Its object tho capture of a spur of railway lino running from Vcnlzel Into Soissons, Tho German efforts hroko down luiucr tho combined artillery and machine gun flro of tho French, who hold strongly fortified positions on the heights flanking tho south bank of tho Alsno at Vcnlzel, AUSTRIAN ADVANCE ON TARNOW MENACES RUSSIANS IN GALICIA Move to Cut Czar's Com munications Gains as Coun ter Drive Against Cracow Is Defeated. VIENNA, Jan. 30. An Austrian army, supported by hoavy nrtlllery nnd commnndod by Archduko Joseph Ferdinand, is pressing In tho di rection of Tarnow In nn effort to got In tho rear of tho Russian forces In Ga llcla to cut Its communications. Russian attempts to outflank tho Aus trlans near Nowy Sandoc, In nn effort to begin n now attack upon Cracow, havo brokon down, according to the of ficial stntcment Issued today, boforo the Archduko Joseph Ferdinand's counter of fonslvo. Tlio failure, of tho Russian Invasion of Hungary and tho nttompt to lnvndo Transylvania from Bukawlna-aro also re ported. In Poland tho advance of tho Germans upon Warsaw Is continuing, the Invaders' trenches being pushed closer to tho city, and tho Austro-German nl lles nro also gaining ground In tho Car pathians. Tlio Toronyo Pass has again been won and tho ground from tho Nagy-Ag valley to Luwikowlna Is entirely In the posses sion of tho forces of tho two Kaisers. Tho retreat of the Russians In lluko wlna to Klmpolung has been forced by General Tlscher's victory nt Klrllbaba. Many Russian prisoners taken in tho RuzslglescJ district aro being conveyed Into central Austria. KKXJPP GETS KAISER'S MEDAL LONDON, Jan. 30. Dispatches from Berlin say that among tho honors awarded on tho Kalser'a birthday, Jnnu ary 27, was a gold modal encouraging In dustrial zeal, which was given to tlio Krupp works at EsBcn. GERMAN GOLD TOR TURKS ATHENS, Jan. 30. Two railway wag. ons, containing 25,000,000 francs In gold, havo bcon sent to Constantinople from Germany by way of Bulgaria. Tho total value of gold received by Turkey from Borlln since Turkey entered tho war la 75,000,000 francs. RRSOItTS ST. ATJflUHTINi:, 1'I.A. THE BARCELONA tB0Uuauoa,Bf ""ftjjg; Private baths: exclusive. A. N. 11LAIII. COLONIAL HOTEL 'gPft08,?1.3 Modern family hotel. C. B. NICHOLSON! I A POt; An A Modem, quiet. Family L.". ruo'11Jrt board. New manait.. merit. Itatee, 10.00. MKB. n. DEYO. DUNHAM HOUSE .c.'v.on. Hlgh-elauB boa rdlng. Mm. P. I.. Dunham. TtOCKl.KnCK. VM. HOTEL PLAZA Rocklecige, Fla. Situated directly on tho Indian River; one ot the moat comfortable anil homelike hotels on the Kant Coast. New baths) artesian well water: best huntlne, rUhlnr and boating la the South. 8TANT0N uoaABKIE, Prop. DAYTONA, IXA. THE PRINCE GEORGE Dn hotel. Every room electrically lighted! ateam heated ft equipped with hot 4 cold run. water. Elevator aervlce. llllyard & Holroyd. Prop. HAYTONA W3ACH. VI,A. HOTEL BREAKERS S;WIXS: Bathing, boat'e and flahlnir. Mr. N. M. Kurti. SEASIDE INN "ffg &, &T 1'AL.M ItEAClt, FT.A. u 1 n I C f 1 1 n ON LAKE WORTH. niBloOUO 0niy reasonable- hotel ...r all attractions. A. C. INOLE83I. DE LAND. Y1JL. THE MELROSE r'l excellent table. 110 up. Mr. W. W, Alcottt SRA11KEKZK. IT-A. TUR r.RNPVA Private boarding for re 1 nU Ut-PICV flned pe0pt. Modern: ratea .B0 per day. Mra. E. r. Htentit. ruNTA oonriA. fla. SEMINOLE HOTEL SSX ln. good table. Writ E. WOT1TISKY. mmSk m-i .i. .... a ii. i.i.i rn- o.rc. mailA hv .inV neWS paper In America fifty free trips to the Partama-Paciflc ana San Dlejjo Expositions with every item Of expense, paid by the PuWlc Lodger-Evening Ledger, you can win the trip in your spare time. Start Koto, Fill in this coupon and mail today, tbt Band raa uuaoripiion TURKS FLEE TABRIZ AS RUSSIANS CHECK j TNVRQTAMAT7T.Tir.hr M iiiinuiuiiurrMoiA OttomansPursued by Czar Army-Porte Strengthens! fortress of Erzerum in Ex pectation of Siege. PAtitu - .. h::!' .w uriS nna is fleeing In J ward Jtaraglla pursued hv it,, n...... i according to tho Matin. The Hus.lan.ZI --.. . ,,., occupied Tabrls, Dispatches from Tlflls, in Trniueaufc.il,. say that tho Turkish ,, .. . v ilu Ul QV " 10 lno "ea of tn, Tho fc tlflcatlons of both the nrz,rura fortress and tho Dovohnvi, ..,.. being energetically strengthened $ ...yucw. inirencnmcnts, wlro cnlantl. ments, eta. and some big guns nr, J portcd to havo rrlvea rrnm n tlnoplo. Tho garrison Is belmj brought! up to normal strength bv .ift. ... M Asia Minor, whoro nil the co-ps are bttn, wa - Vlj I1IUUI1H.UU, 1 Tho Bourse Gazette say, 105.(00 wi tlves have already arrived on MSI sol from tho Persian Province of Aw,' baljnn, now overrun by Turknh force. Among them are many ngrd m,. , t'.l women ana children. Local Ami, .I; commute, led by prlvafo pVr.' busy rinding shelter for thes, 1 ' fugitives, many of whom havo ai,,,! been placed In villages In th0 Proving of Kara nnd Erlvan. ""nc.i Tho Russian oinclnl stntement todav does not claim recapture of Tabriz tm.1 asserts tho Turks aro fleeing In the 1 rnetlnn nt Hint .11.. 1 , " ' Soflan, 13 mile, northwest" TaSri""4 SOLDIER DEAHS 107 WOUNDS PAIUS. Jan. 30. Sercennt pi .. S.n.?CI'i C0'Sln ot th0 Mnrchana o(J FnShodn. fnmn. wntm,1n.l ,.. ... VQ wopic t .v ,",. r:,. -". i" wr ;.r 10.Y ,."".;." UUUM ,rom fronts o i nuutma. AOBOTTSFORD A well-ordered family hotel attuatea Is i 3 arret nf Rhnrlv awn. xt-., L' 4 wl $2 ner .lav im. K i.ifiS ""! . r-- - muwnr.. 'iai R P U K D I C V ns imni.... A fam.lv ho,,.. llt .".ASS.?.?1 P ! of ,, If.." own farm a'nd rtniVv. n..S u Hiicsin, and finhlng. jacihow HILL, BUENA VISTA HOTEL AND COTT ACES Paget, opposite Hamilton. Bermuda. Jtamlii, crni iew or nnrnor. Ken- hotel. Mod.ri. llnthlno- flu h rrr K,t i-1 t-ar. ;Jt7" """""' wnn BHIU7H. Kt II, UUUiZUR. HOTEL INVERtlRIF Pa ret. PDDOslte IlBmllton. illrontt - ... .T.': .J'lerHn 'lirouv:' ,Av3, "b.'"." 1 I, , . T ".".. ' u''OUiii Wf". NEVSTEAD INN Located on UnmUton Hnrhor. onnn-tt .. llton. Patrn-iisa cxclutiUa BathlnR txmi " """v "oitn . LAVLattUUU HARMONY HALL Five mlnutem lo beach Surf bnihlnr. Ow garden. Hot and cold bnths. Itatts tt.it per day; U per week. W. Clarence Jamifc ST. OEOHHIC. 1IEUMUIIA ST. GEORGE HOTEL Delightfully altunted on Iloaa Hill, rtoomi large and well furnlahed. Private Dthi. Hun Parlore. Tennla. aolf ill. DALLMAN. SOMEltSET IlIUDGi:. HER5ICDA SCAUR LODGE "'"ggugUg?" '. Ideally located overlooking the ocean. Sp- ' clous veranda; homelike appotntmenta; moo- , crate rniea. j- a UAblit. SOMKRRET. IlKHMUDA. SUMMERSIDE HOTEL SffiKKS- Modern hotel, one ot the moat beautiful ipou . In Bermuda. Boating, bathing and n.hlnf. ; iieaaonaua ratea, u. uuuiia. 1'KMIIItOKK. HKIt.MUDA GRASMERE-BY-THE-SEA located near cltv and ocean, boatlne. bfttfiB- Ing, flatting: all convenlencee, excellent titla'aW Booklet. X, K. I.USHB11, Prop. -3wL iiA.Mii.TON, niiitaimiA HOTEL COLONIAL Open all the year. New. modern. Three mis' utea from boat landing. Comfort without tutraiagance. W. E. UUUU Jler. POINT PLEASANT HOTFL Directly on the water front, I-arr ytnail unlendlJ views. Home cooklnir. Ratal f per day up. J. V. CUTTEnS THE ALLENHURST.pL Strictly flrat-claaa family hotel. C;ntrtllr iwakro, wuuoiiii MvtiiB ."-..'". r..H " bathing and nahlng. W. J(. 8PUROB JL lIASIItrON PAIIIS1I. BEKJIllUA THE SEAWARD Excluilve patronage. IUthlng from the hwilt tree boatlne ana iiemng; croquei asp '"j tennie: own garaen. l- -i wj.io,ai. CHAUl.ESTqN.H. Ot CALHOUN MANSION openi for exclusive patronage! orltlnil Co lonial furnlahlpga: Southern cookloii; "'. Inr. golf, tennla. Mr. h Mra, J. B B.rtotiUj 'unOWN'a-MlIJJI-IN.THB-riNEaM. JL TUP INN For health, pleaaufe mine'; j 1 Ml- UN IN .on. Favor t raawt "' tourl.t Under new 2".m,TtjbDERS1 ATXAHTIO C1TV N. Hotel York m irn and cold rUWll3 , Nbw yorK ah ' --- r" . . .. & h.: iiRsmtTs d9J?riJll5IlMUDA ' See Picturesque Calif ornia and the Expositions without cost Contestant's Entry Blank m Public Ledger Evening Ledger Inrfennnrlanra Rnllara. PhllldtlphU Pleae entar my nam a conttnt to( it Pftnama-Pactfla Bjpoiltlon Tour, all the nectwary Jnfort!9a twJ manitg.