r it '8 mmniimm (U'ji.ii'iw "imwi PfS "t-s-r-r HSis". "-wjfsisS BVENlKfl LlSDOEBpniLADKt.rHTA. SATtlEDAY, JANTTAKY 80, 1016. ?ys; v IS NEW YORK STOCK SALES ,, . l.fltt wlo, A aska Hold Mines .... 27)5 Alle rbsirrers ti 'JmaleaiMtivl copper . f2'f AmAg Chem . ..: ... W Am Ac chem pref .... (io'( American Meet sugar . . ;ipJj Some Investment Demand in Wall Street Trading; Selling Pressure Absent. Sears, Roebuck Up. NEW YOltK, Jan. 30. On Hie absence el telling pressure the stock market opened strotnr. today, nntl, with the ex ception of n few minutes In the llist hour, when a fractional reaction occurred, tile strength was maintained to tho close. There was a fulr demand for stocks from room traders, and there wnn also some J demand from investors, and large In- estors secmcu io ue iiuumi; io inoir lines. Interest was diverted from United 'Kinteo Hteel common, which hntl been :'tlic feature In thu dally trading since tho dlvldeml was pnHsed. The Bales of jhe stock wcto tho innallc.il In many a day. ffl shares changing hands In tho two-hour session at tho minimum pilco of 40. After tho rloso of tho stock maikct It was unnouncod that the minimum price on United Stntcs Steel common had hecii further reduced to 3S. This Is tho third reduction this week, following tho pass ing of tho dividend by tho directors ot the corporation. Tho now minimum prlco which Is effec tive on Mondny represents a drop of 10 points since adverse action was tuk'ii on tho dividend. As thcro are 5,500.000 shaies of the romuion stock outstanding, with a '.par value ot $100 per share, tho maikct Value of tho stock has thus declined :0, vW.OOO In four days. Most of the attention was devoted to United States Steel preferred, which stub bornly resisted efforts mado two days ago to force It to tho minimum price ot 102, although It declined to 10215. It closed yesterday at 103H. and after opening tales today at 103?i rose to 105, closlnc: at 101J4. Tht borrowliiB demand for United States Steel preferred Is extremely largo, and It has loaned Hat for several days. Tho hears, however, wcro conllilcnt that liquidation could easily bo forced because of the deficit In earnings shown in the ttatcment Issued after tho close on Tues day, but their confidence seems to ha-? been misplaced. New Haven was hard to buy, although It sold nt tho opening at the minimum prlco of W. Thero wcro no outsldo sell ing orders in Right, and n moderate de mand was sufficient to cause an advance to 054 before tho close. On the Now street Curb United Stntcs Steel Common wna quoted at 33 bid In the lato forenoon. Scars Uoebuck & Co. made n gain ot 3V4 to 195T4, with the buying based on re ports that an extra or Increased distri bution would be mado by tho directors at the meeting called for today. Mexican relroleum was again In demand, advanc ing Is to 7.1. it 'ine actual bank statement showed a ? surplus rescrvo ot $I1I,25D,030, an Increuso of Jl.237,140. Aggregate reserves wcro 1510,923,000, mi Increase of $3,555,100. Loans Increased 521.011.000 and denoslts Increased -M,m,m. '( 114M 24M 2') 2,1 30 CO lllsh. 2T'f 0 f.lf oO 0t( in . 2S' D"i 4Mi t.-l fiX 2I!( 21)5 2.1i 30 (lit fiOW, Close. 2i 2.'. I) A2'i ro 1)1 rot'; 27( l)ll 4.'.l$ 114 6)1 2H, 2.1 22lf no (Vi 102 1M II m 0' as 2S otw i-.)j Ml r,H 2l!i 2.1 ' 2.1 no ni'i 102 lW American r.nn American can pref . . il'if iriirani.arit Found. An -" - e I.. Am Itido and Leather. Am Hide i.enlli rtPf Arrerlran Ice m'tlcan l.nmmollve. American Malt pref... American .Smelt. n American Smelling pref lOJtj 10'3 American SnulT Co ...lr-fi Ufi Ametlcan Sugar b'i 111 American Tel ft Tel .... i ten ion American Tobacco pref. l(W( lOil'f 103f 100'f anaconda Copper :-.!( 2ft 2i' 2.1' i ' '"" ll.Hj 1I4IS Atlantic Co.nt r.lnn. . . . ov 10". ! ,!'!ln I-oco pref loi'f joi'j IlalllmorCL Ohio 7a), 715 llalllmoreA Ohio pref. . 72 71?, Hethlehem Steel ,S( -tnjf ncthlehcm Steel pref. . . lo.1f 10.1! 1 lirooklyn (las 129 128 nrnoK yn i an d Tran t H li . snif ht California Petroleum... 1flf 1"U 1 17 Canadian Pacific is ir.Oi lf.7 ! lilt 10 H 101 10.1 -?( -li 4.T 44 avt mi a.v( airt . R7't RS'i Ssw 8' 10l)"f 1'0'f 1204 120) M'4 Off t(W 10.". 101'j 101H 72' ( 7 ' 71Jr 71! 48 4 4-f in.i)i in3)j 12S 128 STOCKS STAGNANT IN PHILADELPHIA; RISE IN POWDER January Sales of Securities Show Substantial Increase in Volume Over Month of December. Central Leather pref. Ches& Ohio Ohino Copper Chlcaco Mil A Ht P . Chic JUKI St P pref. 127'5 127M 127'-j 127' i l"r 17fi 17fi !2f 12f 12'.' 22 ( Kltj 22Jj 2.1.tj aou ao' am s nnu n h no 1 1 si,- i n 41 41'4' 4t!f 4M io..i io ift.1 io.) 1I1M4 UJS.'f 108' na hi i4' 02U l2'( Do 0"i as i :ni 07! 07"( ..10 142'i .. U2M . . 0.1 . 31 . . 07'.' II2U ai 074 H5U i i-ii nr.'f Chic .t. Northwest pref. 175 Dlatrillcrsbt'curiiiiM.... la Krle 22 Krlelst pref Consol (las Cuban Am Sugar .. Oeneral Chemical . . den Chem pref (leneral Electric ... Oen Motor Oeneral Motor pref. Ooodrlch Co (loodrleh Co pref. . . nrenl Northern pref 111 Oreat North Ore Cent. . ,'l) (iticcenhclm 4l)!j Hamster N J pref 110 Interboro-Mctropolltan. 11J Interbor Met prcr fi2' International Paper.... 84 Inspiration 181 f Kansas City Southern. . 'J'2'i I.orlllardU II 1st pref. .100 Lehlch Valley 13lf 135 131'f 13r. I.aVo Kriu , Western... O'f "' Mi A'.' Louisville &Xnslivlllo..ll7lj 117H 117 Mmella.Molor 17'ii Matwcll Motor s prof ft 14 Maxwell Motor 2d pref. .21 .Mercantile .Marine pref. 'i 31 t, 4 I' 30 604 fiOJS n.Vi ir,H nr.H 11).' II!' 1IU fi'4 f.-'4 fi24 8!f 84 84 14 184 18K 23J 2.1J( 234 100 100 100 Mexican Petroleum Missouri Kan & Tex . Miami Capper Missouri Pacific Nevada Consolidated NY N H&It New York Central . . . N YO West Norfolk & Western... Northern Pacific Pennsylvania Plltsburch Coal pref Pressed Steel Car Pullman Co Ray Consolidated Itcaillnt: .24 . ID . 184 . llf . U!j 49 . 8Sf 2 1)S . 1021i 102! 11 fi.-. :o'f 74 rsi 10 184 12! P! filU 8!lj 2.1'f II 3 101 17 fi.1 20'X 117,4 17 2r; 74 72!-j 10 18)i in 10 184 12) Itepuhllc I. & S. pref. . Hock Island Hock Island pref. . Seaboard Air Lino Seaboard Air Lino pref. 12? 12S 40 fi()4 8v4 Ml', 23)' 234 103 103 101 101 .1004 10.'' lOfiH 107 . sT S74 87 87H . . 2S4 20 28) 20 .l.ri2! lnSJf 102)4 lfiSJ' .. I'1!' 17 W!i 1 ..144)4 14fi!i 1I45S 14.04 DISBURSEMENTS LARGER Payments Next Month $11,000,000 Above Last Year. Dividend and interest payments in Feb ruary will rench a totul of $100,000,000. as compared with $3S,00O.0OO In tho samo month of lust year, an increaso of $11, W0,000, nccordliifj to cstlmatcH made by Dow, Jones & Co. Dividends declared by tho New York City bunks nnd trust companies nnd tho various corporations of tho United Stntcs, Industrial and railroad, nayablo In Febru ary, auBregate $30,412,847, based on a total of capitalization of $2,3t7,Gt3,7Jl. Interest navahln In HVhrniirv nn llirt i bonds of railroads nnd Industrial nnd fc miscellaneous companies, as well as thoso or mates, counties and cities In the United States nnd on tho Oovemmcnt debt, totals $72,061,192. Tho totul of bonds 0f every class outstanding upon which B this nmount of Interest la payable In February Is $2,100,151,310. JANUAEY BANK CLEARINGS Sears Itoetmcb Southern Pacific do do clfs Southern Hallway ... Southern Hy pref. . . Standard Mlllln: pref Studebakcr Texas Company Third Avenue Tumi City It T Union Has & Paper... Union Pacific Un Pacific pref United Ilyslnv pief. .. US filiblier USHubber 1st pref. ... US Steel 1 SSteclprcf Utah Copper Western Union Westlnshouso EIcc 'Cotal sules U0.2C0. 144 3 .l!!N . 81 . o;!i .. !.) .. ooij .. 05 . 404 .133 . 474 . mm r.i H M 14 M5 US 17 8 V, I) 14 17 00 onjf 41)4 135 48JS 00 54 72 ! 1'f 14)4 a 101 814 H0' lfl!f 00 00,4 40,'i 135 474 00 5.4 1184 1104 110 81 204 57.4 81); . 20 . 50)4 102 102U . 40 40 104 105 . 53)5 54) . (VJ4 03)4 . 714 72 . M V.i 145S 38 l!l.'-!i 85.4 'Mii 17 00 00! 414 135 4.)f 00 5)4 110.4 81 211) 8iJj .'UJi 07 -57 1024 102!f 40 40 imU 1014 53)4 51 1121 03)4 71JS 72 There was little to be nald of the trnd In on the Philadelphia Stock HxclinitKo during the two hours It remained open for business today, A rise of n point to 30 In International Smokeless Powder was about the only noteworthy ehaiur. March ! was nrrniiitcd for the special stockholders' incctmx to volo oil liquida tion. It Is understood that tho price to bo paid for the stock is noimnvhere around 30. Insurance Company of North America n about the only active feature, the Itiotntlon advancing a fraction. Ilond dealings wore light. Helmed appreciation of tho declaration of the regular dividend on Lehigh Navi gation lifted tho prlco n fraction, on tho other hand, tho sale of 100 Ilaldwln pio fcrred cost tho stock Hi nnd United ClaH lost half a point. Tho closo was dull anil steady. A decided Increase In tho cilumc of tinnsnotlons in both stocks nnd bonds was shoivn in tills city for t'no first month of the new year, ns compured with !o ccmber. In November, of course, deal ings wcro only nominal nnd tho oxchnngo was closed during the throe- previous months. In July tho ttndlng was on n ntoio normal basis. Sales of stocks this month amounted to about 130.000 shares, ns agnlnst 106,703 In December nnd 257,400 In July. Uond transactions showed even greater expansion, tho total for Jan uary being $1,003,000, compared with 7118,300 In December and $l,2"S,60O In July. It can bo seen by thexe figures that busi ness In tho Iluanclal district has been rapidly growing normal and the general consensus of opinion Is that as soon ns all minimum limits arc removed trading will expand still further. Tho formation of a new and olllclal protective committee to represent pro fen cd stockholders of tho United Trac tion Company of Pittsburgh. which Jointly with the Pittsburgh Itallwnys Company Is a subsidiary of the Philadelphia Com pany, follows tho failure of tho fulled Traction Company directors to declnro tho Homl-annunl dividend of 2' per cent, on tho $3.0OT.0iiO preferred stock due this month. Following an announcement by the company that It probably would not declnro tho dividend, a preliminary eom mlttoe was formed In this city, and It submitted a proposition to the United Traction directors. Since then It Is paid by the committee members that tho direc tors took no action In cither declaring tho dividend or formally announcing it passed. NEW YORK BOND SALES $1000 Adams lupiew lin mmi .mr Tel (t At mi 'MM no cvt 4'vi PO'4 ji-Mi) Arineur m lUs uxn !Hmi .ti.inron li!) i'tOiJ ilo flu 1011 mu Allan Co Line 1st 4a.. Ulii low) Unit A Ohio .li. mi ; iwiu , do cv ;.... !)ij w.wi Uitli Steel l i-, mi-! ... . ,if , in m p. Lew. Close. 71', 71', Ml snVt 101 tu t'-Ai 'Ml.-l s UiW Utookiyn Itnp Tt in,. .102 lutH ".. U tW -IV1S t,yf wfe;. w nun u jjiv ipi ,-w Bia. iuu-4 101 . oui ' It" HI lOl'U I'ant (Is A .Mini tent l,ntnr ut ,,t K'UHJ Lfllt ihu 1st 4.. . toiio i '.in yh iv U. -wuiiv I. ill 1 rtC 14 9 mono 1 111 11 h 11 uvn Is... JOUll t 111 II A: U 111 I, JIIIOO CM I. M Ik HI I' c 11 Ra.llIKU Puoo c it at P cv ,1 w iT.ua-J '.'lUrtl Llll l t!t 1 iv !49 llf4 !!W till M U M I' III -itja Mol ,;ivM t.ui nt I'MMi deb A..iuiu 3'oi (.'on una cv 0s w l....lljlj HJ. I' I t 1IU11 la lulll.... Il'.lbi lOim jjeirolt Ifellnn 1st Bs.lojj? hiwi 111 ctntml rid 4a. -iw" iiutrii Mci iss.. lixtj li-lw tit ts lulu 1U'J, l". .Mii lull. u.m IStUI llllerb it T.rel S... ltwi) Ituer .Mir Mar 4',s.. law Ali'nlail .is 1:0011 Japinitn now 1V;.. . i.i.f .lupuill'SO 1 Ola "yfl. .-j ivuii iiy ru .m, ,,, i.MO 1.111 kn Mem r. tin MOO l.k Kh Ucb la lU'S. 1000 l.iukn l.u . a.. Moo 1. lie Jl ,T t. "20OO tulg A. Kasli m TS US 31 lui ll-Jll 1011, r.i Is. ....lid HI !S. H.IH JIoik loLr oj liu Inoo Jin Kan iv T ih Tun 'J.nio Mo l'ae Is m (Miii mo rait e os fWHi N V City l,s lott') HUM S' V Cllv ll- Unci (KUI J, V () 4U ilnv '.ll.llllH IO0UJ N V (JitS 11 Jte Bs.. 1111(1 Kuni .. v liny aoj .la n tit TMM N V Btilto 4H 101(5 Slum N V Tel K'n Is i!! Khoj Nor 1'ue prior la IK). .100 do ccn .'la 0.1 10,0 l'nelilu Tol .la IH15 .'"ill i'rnn.1 cv H'ts loo 11111 I'ruHile 8 Gila utt 101 LOCAL STOCK AND BOND SALES Yes. close, 00 AMI Iniuriiiico.. 10 in Amal Copper. ... 5-1 S Am Ons lOHi ju Am fur fit 1'iiy. lllcrli. Jxnv. Clo?c. 111 100 Hold J.oi-0 pfU..10J',i -i -7h "Decrease of More Thnn One Hundred Milllonn Hrom Last Yenr. The OBsreBate clearlngu of tho Plilladelptila Mnka and iruat conivaiilcs In January were f00l.W5.7T8, a decrcnBO of $100,700.1111 from Junuary, lliU, nnd also dacrenBos of t'.'8,lKJli, W5 and $53,000,730 from II10 rorreapondlnif monllu In luis and 101:.'. rcpcctlely. Tlda Jimlie tlia ninth conefcuilvo month In which the rlearlnK" have licen lew than tho oorre POnalnir uerlod a year rrcvlous, tho laat to iow on lucrrnbe having been April, 1914. ClfarlnEs by months for threo years follow: 1010. 1014. 101:1. Jin. . ..$001,310,778 f702TM,H0 $7I0.4SS,773 rh March May .. Juno . . July .. Auir, . . fiPt, .. "t. ... r'ov. . . li moa, n40.31s.siu 070.7tl,20.1 7Sll.02:l,STH fl31,6S3,717 71K!,0(W,0.VJ 707.1111.023 BT7.0.10.73I) BlO,gSS,40 BI7.0.-J1.81I1 U07,12.1,KO nni.S27.no5 no.si.i.oT'j 0ST.20S.SSS 703,32(1,3.13 7.ii.:ir.,..viH 740,021,440 708,313,073 (m,04fl,3lU 034.1114.378 782.733. (.Ill 070.703.421 TT,0.1,'.'Jl .. 7,010,001,210 8,382,303,873 BANK OLEARINQS SMALLER . Total for Week 18.3 Per Cent. Below Last Year, TT?i!'HrIJ.". !rom, ,h. Clfarlnit Housed of the united Btatea for tho laal week Indicate that f'earlPKa were 18.8 or eont. amallar than inn Num.. u.a.i. i b .... n.i. ,.. .. .IT V.. .,." '! Jvar. iiio iuiui wo. .1,- ! y''UMl'.. tompured with 1.iBiS.703.K0O. Tho loiai ror Philadelphia was 0.7 per cent, amall--r than the previous vear. l"utaja folloivi (New York ,,$l.RS3,ow.as:t $l.Klrt.43T,Rin -2T.0 gJij-tori ,.., , lOO.BSlBO'J 1S.1.T12 731 -1S.0 Mllla4e!phia, 111.435,0(17 130.207.710 B.T IfjIllcaBo, ,.., S44"W17i40 Snl'.OIl'tlH 7 4 IS, ' lM'? UI,Sin.TOO 70.2M.742 8.4 rXew Orleans, 10,413,319 18,028,203 7.8 N. Y. BANK STATEMENT Reserves Show Another Increase. Loans Expand. further lncrcaes In both average and actual reserves were ahown In tho weekly statement of tlio Now York banka. Average lonns In creased oer $12,000,01)0. whllo tho actual flu urea showed uvcr f2I,000,000 expansion. Ve tnlla follow: Clearing House nitmbera. nvcraeo loans. Increuao Oepoalla, lncreaeo Time deposlta, li creaso Reserve, Increaso Clearing llouso nicmberB, actual loans, Increaso ' Doposlts. Increase lima deposits. Increaso Itoscno, lncieaso $12,120,000 U,U!)l,ll'.' 1.222.000 3,434,010 11,011,000 :i,401,lO 1,I3I,(X0 1,237,140 fcS8even cities u 041 S . ...J1.BII.1D4.503 I2.543.4II.O03 2 1.5 M3. 273,0 10 B2B,400.2I 1.3 Other cities 3 days , . , , ' Total all cltlts ?. 1.1.' .-. S3.00S.010.2SO -18.4 All cltlea T , my .,.. 312,041,283 810.8S1.00T 17.H , Total all cities vt wfieH. . ai.ul.lit.iuij a.o.'vj.llM.ei'U ao.j Reserve Ranks' Discount Rates so or Raw Yori'!;;"!!;;;:! Ptiilaalnhi. .." ..4 Llllchmnn " ! . T T !j(X Kyumi ........ "... ynicayo , . I Kansas City itSan j.-ran;lsco lu. iJana4iol'u' "..'. 4ti nslsco 4 Soto to. S 3 4 a r s 3 pays UU KU DO. Over 00. u O 3 U B W 0 0 It Forelrjn Bank Rates Offkui bank ratca at th prtnolpal Buropsin filtrej arat mutt at Bngtand ok ef Kranea . Hink of Oerroany CWK i lMMfhun BlBKSlf,wf. S ot Uuurlau4 ac or Itutsla u, PI Siiilu n Cl l'ott usl '- f fivadta .k it lUtmiarlt ... B Xvt, J. 19 $ ., B AUK. 2. IB i ... 5 Use. I 1U ... r, avk. 3, j t nil flit si IB i a &fv 6. 10 2 !. s or Norway o. W4Us li NutwrUcij WA Jan. 1). II Jaa. 6. 11113 Au. MM- V, I4 MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TONOfAH STOCKS. III. I, Ank. Jim nutlsr J" .J8 Mai'Nuinara "j .fj llldwuy P.2 ' illzpah llxt ; .j Montana Noitliorn Star .IT .IS Tonopah Uflmont ) 'm Tonopah Kxt -, -) Tunopah Moraer -4I & Tonopah lllnliut 7J. i!, r.tscue ISiUla 07 .".! Wcat lind 90 .58 COLUKIL'LU 8TOOKS. Atlanta .' 40 .41 blue llull is .O'J Death 30 ,.12 r.uiidos ot ."i COD 07 ,(H Condi ltaa (18 ,m Ulainondfleld II 11 01 .03 Daisy l .OS Florence .i.l ,7S Ooldfleld Consolidated ll'j IN Cloidfleld Merger :A .37 Junlio Kxt 1.20 1.23 Kawanuu 28 ,'1D Oro 14 .10 Hand Ken , , .12 .14 Silver Tick OS .00 M!BCCUANKOUS. Falrv Axtee U ,0.1 Klmberly 08 .10 Nevada Hill ... , .31 ,33 Noiada Wonder 1,43 1,30 NEW YORK CURB INDUSTWAI.3. Bales. lllvh. tow. Clone, 4(ion & H Cerpn 7 7W 7'i 1011 Sterllne (turn .1V 3fl UK lift) llnl cis Stores now., oil o 5 400 Unl Cls Sirs prt new. 11 lli lit, 120O0 llnl frotlt Hhur now.. 4K 4 ( 4',, 220 Wlllya Overland 0lt DO 01 'i 1100 World Kllm...-. 4K 4 W BTANOAItD OII SUB3IIHAJ111S3. lO'Atlantlo Refining . ...nt.1 nil k K Contl Oil 200 210 WO fi National Transit 37 ST HT Ml Nor ! U , HO US 0(1 IS Ohio Oil 130 137)1 13IIS CO 1'ierco Oil new !41i 14J H 80 Pralrla O & a 473 474 473 80 l'ralrie P U w 1 183 l&l 1U IB O o Calif 21 2H1 2nd 5 do of N J 40O 4CO .401) 25 do of K Y ,,.,..,,,104 107 10T 10 Valuum Ol. ,.;.,v..,107 10T 107 1IININQ STOCKS. 200 Braden Copper ....... Ola nfi 6! e50O Oeldneld B.rger ,. 3T as' 38 S20O Jumbo Uxtn ......... 1W 1 Hi 4000 Oro 14 14 14 sag) Stewart 1ft l' 1',, 4?t Tbnowh Wrer 43 " " 10 Cam Klpol 1 llloc Storage. 313 lna ' N A. ltd Int I'ow & Chem n Lettish Nav. 01 do t c I Minohtll 73 N Y X 11 & 1(0 i'cnnu 13() J'hlla i:iee ., t I'hiln Trac .. in ncadimr .... r.10 Tmo Iiol 1711 Tono Sl'u ... 3 Union Trne 100 I' (las lmn .. :,02 r f sn-ci; sale .Vt'i '?J io' Totul les, ' 11-10 . . III! 30 . . S2 Nl'i Im' .nil.: S24S eliares. HON DM. Ijst nrev. sale, lllcli. TO00 Am O St II 0s S.-.ll Kino lieth Ktiol 0... 117 1000 Inier Rwv 4.. .T-V-i MS) I. V Tr 1st rf 3a 8S 10O0 IMilhi Klco 4a.. M) 1200 I'ldlil Kleo Ga... 10214 20"io Ileadlmr Ken 4s BUS 1000 West JId 1st -Is. .. Total sales. $10,700. 10 10l'.J loiij Ho'' 7li 7 1) r..v, 4IIU Ki T-io r.-n; rvin 2:1". 'J.-., 2:i'4 7S 7S 7H 7-111 73W 72 0-10 4 r.-llt 4 8-1(1 I 3-111 I B-Kl 311 40 iifr Si" .71'1 7.-'4 ii W 7I1 71?! r..i'n 4!H. I ."1.7 10 ion; 101, r,.v,, jo'i rax 1H M nn mi; 40 211.0 llwidli'c ecu Is. 2isO llep h ft H :.a mill. i (H) llork Island rid Is... I ,in IOiiO StalvdM A I. ndj Ss. 2(iui Boulli l'ae cv la i..i.i ,,o e i't f ii ,ls.. Iih.ii South P.o tid 4... 2".ii(H oulh Ilv Ken Is.. I'OiK" Poiith Hwy ron f.a. . . 3. lien TatiM Co ev 01 now Third Avo new 4a 143U) Third Ave udj 6j.... ioi 'ioi st i. a w is... 1 300 r H Onvcrii Ss Iismo II H Hteel 3a 600 l'nlon I'no 4s (Pod l'nlon liic ev 3s.... l.'iOeo Union llie rfd 4s.... SiVn na llrown Itrnx. . Hill Vu Car Chin 1st ."m.. 12KIH Vn Itwy r.s 2.'.iiiiVnlinsh 4 7iH() Walinsli 2.1 r..i anHi Wnli Coo rt stn Is. nioi Wah-P Trr 1st it IISIO V i'hisler I!oh IIMKI Ul !.'l(.t- . ",4 llVO West Md 1st 4s.. 1IKS1 Wl-M K .V. .! i ' 2is' pst Shore reK Is Total sales. 11.002.Ikx). Is. . 7IOi . ftl' . Mm . 82 ,' Willi. "?' . UH : VSlt : W . i t.iji .I01U . Iil5 . pn . 00' i . 37'.j :Si,J iii.j CS'i lip., i!y sow in.'. so M 1011 t'U'i HUM J2.l( llll 04 U WHI, V u ,t'Oh 10.1 1UIU I Oil. 01 Itw'i OT'4 lllll 101 57 ilife ou'J 70'i oO 40 ll.lji IH) no 37 11.11. JJ'J'J 01 -'i raw Ul'j 80 I'U'.i lv 03 lot Villi '! o IM.a lirj ou! 10l(a no K8 7414 71 t'US jilt, llklU 1021 viit 8.i."i Wife A! S- al!i to ll .ul 100 02V4 lotu 12.11, 101 Dili HI M i4" 4iM POh 100', 103 1U4'4 mi'I 31 lllHl 1'Hi Km 101 mi, 02(j 70 iJ!4 Ml, I'll . K7 (IS lisi'4 003; 704 40 101 5 IMlli no 371, 113 , r..v 21 lj 83 HI'S iTOCKMARKETO TRADING ON LOCAL EXCHANGE SHOWS EXPANSION MINIMUM ON STEEL :I8 REDUCED TO 38; STOCK MART STROM MAY WHEAT SOARS. TO $i.52 BUSHEL; NEW HIGH RECORD ci oses Touches at $I.5t July $1.35 and Ends at $.34& War Rumors Responsible. eillOACSO, TIL. Jan. 30.-.May wheat mnilo n new high record today eellliiR at 11,52, acaliiBt last Tliuiwday'R high price of SLOOPS. It closed nt $1.51?6, iigalnst JI.4S(, yeeterihty. July roso to wltliln n half cent of Thriisday'o toy mark. scUUitr nt 1.35 flhd closing at JI.3ITs, comiinrod with U'2"s nt tho end yeslerdny. nenhil of ycHlenlay'it pence runiurs and their 10 pla"(imcnt by (irons ndvlces liidlctitliit$ n prohahlo widening of tho wnr zone In Unropo n-ero largely rcsponslhlo ror to day'; rice Much wheat sold out yester day was reinstated nnd larner actual sales at Meadlly IncreoRltiB premiums of cash wheat for export were reported by local concerns. Jlo9t of this Rraln nocos snrlly Is from Ecalioard ports nod only a moderate part from (.UlenRo direct. l.i'BdlnR futures ringed ns follnwa: Vea X)W, rioso. l'loC.' '"'".ol'ii'lHS 1..12S 1.3H, 1.U2, Whin May July . i orn Mnv . July Onls Miy .. July . . I.nrd Jnnuiiry May . . July .. Itll.s .liinuary May .. Jiilv .. I'ork J nimry '.Mliy .. Julv .. Hid, i- orm. High I.snit, Si 1.3Sn 1.3.1 (new dfpvry) il. KJ . . . . yji. .... 57 ..410.02 ....il.ir. ....111.32 ... 0.0.1 10.10 10.00 ...iR.r.7 10.07 . . ..10.47 tAskcd. Oil, MM Sfllt 82 r.ni, r.7.i, 1W vn; on. S2 .VI I L rii' it '.ad 11.13 to. IT 10.07 lo.ia 11.12 11.3(1 10.37 10.37 10.0.1 ll.f") 111.27 ttl.1.1 0.07 10.1.1 10.07 18.02 ll'.-'.i 10.10 tio.o. B 110.07 M1.17 tU.37 10.00 10.42 10.02 18.0.1 10.13 10.32 FINANCIAL BTUEFS eh. 81'i 117 r.8 88 78 1021 04 '1 Ixin'. 8JU r.i 8S 78 ,lirj Ol'i 03'4 Close. lit 3 S8 78 11)214 II Hi 08 XOCAIi BID AND ASICED Daldnin Loco .... do pref C.imbrlu Steel ... Electric Storace . Gencrnl .Vsphslt . do pref '. , Ktystnno Tel do t o da pref I.uko Hup Curl Lehigh Nav do i o , Lehigh Valley .... Lehigh Valley li do pref Pennsylvania ... 1'lilln Kltctrlc .... Milla Co do pref .......... do cum pref I'hllR 11 T do t n Hendlne Tonopah Ilelmoiit , Tonopah Mlnlns . l'nlon Tracilon .... ti (luu Imp If K ritcel York Itwy do pref Ux-dlvldcnd. Vosterday'a Hid. Asked. an .101 41 47 iiii iiVi . 13l! . 02 .'ii .71 . 117 . 1.T . 27tt :!i 1 36ri 102'4 42!5 48 30 r.uii 11 it . 7.1 73 117-1 :n 3S 10 10 82 HI Today's HJd. Asked. . . 3.1 lfllVi 10211 4Hi 42H 71'. .1 30 (.11 14 14 U21J 0 7l'i 7415 I5 sill I3h :il 38 10 10 72't W 4T15 vn, Iiu ilTVi 13 2T'i 1'.B 72U 11' 8l 30','j nn Jo' B?1 HALF HOURLY SALES 10 to 10.30 A. M. 20 U S Steel.. 10 do 20 rhlla Klee.. 10 Am Copper. 100 Ton llel.... 10 u ti meet 73 I'cnna 2.1 do 1 do . 40 . 40 . 23 'I . ill ,1 .'..111 40 63ti 3 Union Trac... .1(1 J U H Hteel 40l 2o ItrudliiK ...720-10 3 l'snnn. r.1H (O All! Insuranca 10 CO Ins Co N A.. 21(1 .'. II H Hlcel.... 4o U l'hlla Trac... 78 RAILROAD EARNINGS MINNEAPOLIS AN,0 BT. IUIS. 1014. Incrcau. SS"?l?f..?!?!?::::::::: 'feaj f:cf? OBNTRAb OK NS)W JBUSlsy. Deeember grow ?'?JfS? M2 11 Net 1,331.698 118. lit Decrease- DIVIDENDS DEO&ARED railidiloliU ceaiwny, DltUir Mlwuu41 2H Pr c8l, on the 8 per cal. pttlttni. awy aXl Uarota 1 to tdodt of iscord Kt-Ueuary 10. Vttvi Silver n4 Copur Coin pan. ulr quarterly IS cant, iwrfbla ftitviff A to look ef rtawd Jiouary 3. 10.30 to 11 A. M. 40 IF S Hteel.... 40 20 Ton llel 4 5-10 7.1 N Y N H ; 20 In Co N A.. 21 u IT. Ins Co N A.. 2TK 23 do......... 2I5 Oil' I'V 4M T8 01)1 3S do 21)i in U Steel.... 4ti VA do -i uo '"' IIO.S'DS. (1000 Interstate Itwy -Is , 38 T too lh ValTr 1st ref Sa M 11 to 11.30 A. M. 10 rhlU Elec.... 23i 11 Am Oaa. .tniin llel 4-l3l()lI Q I.. en II H Htcl 40 10 Am Car & 100 l'hlla Woo.... 23IJ100 Ilaldwln pfd,.101H 1JONDS. 00O Phil Eleo 4s 1000 JleadlnB gen 4s 1000 lleadlin; ten 4a SCO Am Oaa & l!leo Ca. 11.30 A. M. tq 12 M. 100 Tonopah Mln. 7'i 10 Phlla Illeo.... 4 Hleo Hloraze. 4TV4 fi Leh Kav tn Tonopah illn. 7 11 lh Nov t c. 25 Iteaains ..... Iy io -yon iwi... 2u TonojaTi Mln. 7t 1 illtieh II .. 1U1 Inl Vnw Xr CJi 30 0 Ill NaV t 10 Cm Btevl..., 42 3 K) U S 8tl.. BONDS. soopiili Bieo f .Qg 1MB Phil BlM loM 11X30 Beth fitl 64.., ,...-ll( W& tii Maryland 1st 4a 10M W Look for Itussinn Aceeptaucas NK1V VOItK. Jan. SO. Hankers familiar with the. situation "lata that tb ItuMton ac ceptance bills will pretMiWy, "Mkm Thjlr ap pearance In the local market within lha )( wk. Th has been some dlny Incldaat to the laaulei of tliew aautptanuu. lyt it ha 'J m 4 S-1& ... uu Ti 4U tten curaly oas la conuactlon with I be pby icl preuaratlon of the crtlBcata and dataUa iailWf ID. I'MMI. tr im.ii wi.u.HW. ectkd that. thra will Lo an unusually land for this naoer. as accatitanca ob- fltlM pavo Un raaally abaorUd for teinf nwulhj. F0B2IQN EXCHANGE I NfT TORK. Jn .-Tradln w qult 4.83; 60-day. 4 Sit., uo-dav 4 SlUl fran.a. eiHiKlIU: nark. SJUWA. The special coninilltec of the New York Slock llxchanuo, nfler tho rloso of busi ness today, nnnouiieco tho fnllowliiK iiiln iinuin prices, effective Kohrimry 1: Inter nutlonul IlnrveHter of N'ow Jersey, "0; Uiilled States Itcalty. 43; United Htntes Steel, ?. Tho Xuw Vork banks transferred J300, 000 to San Kranclsco. Tho Hoard of JInnnKcrs of tho Now York Cotton 1'xchniiKe hns decided to not Brant the request of n number of the members for n ballot on the question of mnkliiB Saturday. February 13. the day fallowing Lincoln's Hlrtlulny, and Febiu ary 20, tho Saturday preceding AVnshlnK tnn's Hirthdny, exchnniro holldayH. Tho board considers Hint Ilia holidays would not' bo for tho best Intel csts of tho exchange. Tho American liii France FIro KiirIiio Company has declared nn Initial dividend of I per cent, on tho common slock, pay ablo February 15 to stock of record Feb ruary I, It Is understood Hint tho iimuint teport will show anrnlnffs, nftcr deprecia tion chni'Bcs, for tho common stock of about 13 per cent. Tho Rrnss cnrnliih's of 33 rnllroads for tho third week of January wero $10,132.1(12, a decrease of $1,303,137, as compured with tho sumo period of last year. "Tho Pendulum of trndo continues lo swine- In tho direction of Improvement," says Hradstrects. "Startiim at a very alow paco thrco weeks lido, It Is now mov ing at a inoro satisfactory rate, tliouxh even yet tho movement Is but conserva tively steady." Tho ChlcnBo Stock Exchange has es tablished tho following inlnlmum prices: ChlcaRo City nnd ConncctliiK Hallways, preferred, 25; Kansas City Light, pre ferred, 43; common, SO. Dun's Itovlcw says: "Domcstlo trndo Is sllBhtly lorRcr botli lu voliuno and notlv ity, but tho movement continues slow mid business optimism '8 far In mlvance of actual gains. The signs of Improvement aro much moro significant than any de velopments resulting from tho depression produced by tho Kuropean war." Tho special committee of tho N'oiv York Stock nxchnugo bus established tho fol lowing minimum prices, effective today: American Cities, preferred. t2; American Hxpress, 00: Ameilcnn Locomotive, pre ferred, 90; Huffuto, Rochester and Pitts burgh, 7S; do. preferred, 103; .Muy Depart ment Stores, 60; Public Service Corpora tion, 100; Itepuhllc Iron and Steel, TO; Underwood Typewriter, CO; do. preferred, 03, The lllrmlnghnm National flank of Der by, Conn., has retired $33,000 emergency currency at tho local Subtreasury. Commercial failures In tho United Stntcs this week numbered C52, against 453 during the corresponding week last year. In Canada the failures were 61 against 01 last year. Tho 07tli annual report of the Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company of Phil adelphia, covering tho year 15H. shows tliat total receipts amounted to $23,8tiT,0G6, pf which j::,M6.121 was In premiums nnd annuities. Disbursements for the year wero 121,479,723 and $9,387,313 wus ndded to reserves, Of tho total amount disbursed, $lG,9CT,63ti was paid to policy holders for death claims, matured endowments nnd annuities, surrender values and premium abatements. New business paid In during 19H amounted to 21,630 policies insuring $75,173,608, and tho total insurance In force December 31. 1914, was 323.911 policies Insuring JSSO.TO.W. While there lias been no olllclal an nouncement It Is understood that tho coupons on the International Navigation Company's 5. due on February 1. will not bo paid. The subscription price for the Pennsyl vania Jtttllroad Company consolidated mortgage 4M per cent, bonds Is 103W per cent. The subscription will close Mon day. Sales wero made today at I0H4- Jidgar Ii. Nowhoilae was made senior vice-president or the American Smelters h'aourltlaa Company. Ifjdward nnuh and Hllas YV. KcclM.also were elected vice president. The Canadian Car ami Foundry Com Bany reports for the year onded Decem ber 31, 1911, net Income available for bond Interest of fnnm GOVERNMENT BONDS l ef lww ntctatereJ. XS Ot HUM Panama ta Pajiwout uew LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS Cllh'AdO, Jnn. .10. lIudH. Ilecelpts, 11. 000. .Market steady. .'.. loner. Mixed .ml bnt.'liers, il.SOH(l.lKi: roo.I heavy. ?n. iMfdiiO, rntmh Heavy. Sflfril. 4 : lluht. tii.iTOMl.W; nlsn, ."...'.(ltl0.4O' liuikli. '0 701ll..Si. OATTI.K.-llo. celnlH. 200. Mnrket stendy. Itccves, jiiU 0.10; rows nnd heifers s:i ..iifli.2.": Hio'kirs and rccderi. si.S0itH.3O: Tcxnna. tiiv'.l'1: Hives s.i':,iu.io. siii;kp. it.iiiiits ion. Msrket s-endy. Native end Western. SIM d.8.1; lambs. lO.W'rrs.s.i. NEW YOIIK COFFEE MARKET NIIIV VORK, Jnn. so.-.The lorfec maikat opened steady, hoiiio muuths showing de clines nf I In 2 point. Hnles :10C(I limti. Openlnp futures Slnreli. il.10ifKI.20o.; Apill, (1.2.1c. Idd: May, ll..".:K'. hid. .lunn. I1.2.V. hid; .llllv. 7.33fl7.3.V. ; fleptrmher, 7. 1!iff7..0e.: i tnlier. 7.r..1e. bid; Novcnilier, 7.fii)o. bid; I)e ceml'er, 7.37r. Md. rinslnR fintures: I'ehruarv. H0lfl007c.i March. il.MitiUfie.; April. n.2inn2.1e.; May, n.'nfi O.3.V. ; June, (i 24M0.2.V ; liilv, 7,:::wo 7.34e.; .Micnil. 7 415J7.42e,; Seplemher, 7.1'IW 7..".0e,; Oi'tnl.er. 7..10AT "i' : November, 7 i2W 7.cir.: Iiei:omber. 7.08if7.00c. Total r.ihH. 10.7.10 buRS. NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS NI3W rrci VOItK, .Inn. 30 13 pneJdiKes. ltutter Market Ann; (..reainerv. extrn, :li 'celi.ts. MtlHe.; lilnher veorlnir .tlO-'lI'li'.; .State, dairy u.M."-i iiiiiiaiinii rnninery. --i'-ftr.-.i'.ir. Unfit .Mnrket Irreuulnr: leeelpls. r.vio rnves. Presh. extrn firsts, 3te.: fn-sli. llisls. 3ii1C32i'.; nrnrby whltea, 3le. : nenrliy mixed, :'.OScitc. ; refrlserntor firsts, 27'j128'ic. JANUARY STOCK SALES Much Less Thnn Normal Bond Trading More Satisfactory. The vollimn rf IrniiHnetlnnu In m,.lra in inn. M1!''J,hptf,c".,i'l .r"n nionth of tr.idhnr .in Iho riillndelphla nxrlmiiKe since the leoponlnn, into in November, re'iresenled lets thnn ono tlilrd of a norma.) January businers. In bonus, however. Iho volenie of dealings wns muell more satisfactory than hi stoeks. In Met Iho nninuiit or linmls ImiiRht nnd sold on tlm Poor of tho cxclianco In tho first month of lllir. U two-thirds an much na that In tho tamo month of llil.'l. thoiieh but u Halo inoro thnn h.ilf as muell un In mil. The total share mlei In Janiinrv. 1013. wire 127.303. ns lemiinrcil lth over KlS.noo In tint mnnth of the tivo veurs hnmedlatelv preced ing nnd wlib iun.18.1 shares 1 1012 The bond transactions In January, 1010, were Sl.- (r.'i'.,vii, nitHtnit tieatlv S2.('OO.CK10 In tint month of 1014. over M..100.000 ill 1013 und over X2.nnn.ono In 101". Transactions In stocks and bonds for thrco veers rniitiiv: No. of (diares: 1013 PHILADELPHIA MARKETS CHAIN AND Ft,0 JU M'llKAT. fteeelpta, 121.233 bushels. The mnrket ruled Arm under modem! o.Tcrltus nnd a fair demand. Quotations I'ar lots, in export elerntor - No, 2 red, epot nnd February, fl 4IMTI.82) No. si red Western, U.WTJIW; No. t Norlhern Duhith, 1.371.00. OIIIIN. -Iteeelpts. 30,400 bushels. .Thers i'A n fdlrdemand nnd values were llrmly held under moderate onetln. Ouotntlonai ,i:r lota. In export elevatorNo. 2. sit nnd rehru fry. Mii4fl81t,e., steamer, iBfliOc ; No. 8, 73 jtie : tar Iota for local trade, an to loentlon, No. 2 yellow, new, Mffllc; eteamer yellow, tiew, Sfelr . No. .1 yeilo, new, 7WM):.i rampln e!low. new, 73fl70e. i new cob, prr i0 ounds SJflMc. ll.tTH. tieeelnts, 24.301 hinhela. Offerlnits were llelit nnd the nmtket was ilrm. with ile. Inand Klisorblne the ofTerlnes of desirable stock, m.otatlons' No. 2 while, umtjaze., standard white. oOlHTOlr,; No. 3 white, tfruooue. Hi I. wns In small supply nnd firm. Wa i"ui ni fi.i-.ii n per niisiiei, as to iiuniuy. In export elevator and nt ll.O.lfJl.13 for small ,ot. of neert'y rrnln In baas. IT.ntJII. liecelpts, 705 hhls. nnd A01.0TO lbs In nicks. Mill limits well maintained, hut iMf .'""I1 '1 a"e'e "er lOrt lbs.. In .wood; "Inter, clear, JOiio.2.1: do., stralRht, rt..VVO ".; no., patent. fn.7.'.Ti Kanwis, strnimt, j"' 'Vl'H- JO COfro.s.l; ilo.. patsnt lute sacks, l.oilflT.1.1; sirniaht. jn J.lemfO; flrst clear, il.BOl.7.1; do., . jn hii.ni. srt nnilT.Vfti do , fnvorlln brands, tT.3.1T.aii city mills, choice nnd fancv patent, JT.33fT7.0.1; city mills, regular irrades-wintcr. clear. JOfifl.V.li do., t"l'it. JO ..if! 1.73: do, patent. (0.73W7. Ill 1. ri.Otitl, tn small aupply and firm, L'". j!""!"1! . Ve diinte ncarhv nnd Western In wo.id at i0.30fi7. as in auallty. PROVISIONS ueinaii.l mow and Israeli' aciec, Out values raely of n .lobblim enar steodlly held. itota- llcnai I'lly beer. In seta smnlieil iilirt nlr-drled iO-Oi'. .Western beef. In sots, smoked, 23fl20c. OTUl . . tenders, smoked Wisiern beef. I,,,,.....-., n.rti.n.t oTxrea.. l,.n( Mlfr32: iioik. r'nmllv. S22.0Ofl23: hams. riilJllUSc: do., skinned, )., do., smoked. 13ll1.1ie J I. city curod, ns in brand !1 cl.'' fif"'- kmicfcle nnd !,.. '''i-nriou, i'7ffT2'C. : Ui "...i.-uici. iin.i lcnfcrs. iiniiij. J.ll.iz; no,j n. 1'. ci!r,Nl Un.. loofc, 121411 I2.c: .1 oinor hams, emokmi anil Htcrnrf.. IIUiiUk-.: hums, smoked. Western ciireo, urriltii'., do., bulled, boneless, low Ojj: Picnic shoulder. S 1'. cured, lo"se, ins; JTllc.. do. smoked, llMfl'.'u.; bellies. In I'.J.'i'j n.".'u"1lnR to avernia. loose, lHftl4e.i JJieakfast Imon. as to brand nnd nvcrase. city f"r?d. '"fitac; rt,i Western curd. 17Wl8c.; IS. ' ' .",'''e"i. renncd. tierces. lUUl'ic.: do.. i'0-'. nil's.. HSfllVic: do., mire city, kettlo renl.r.il, a tierces. llmt(-'. t do., puro cttr, kelllo rendered. In tulw. Iti?lt'ie. RKFINED SUGARS firmly held, but trado unlet. HeOnera' mt prices: Htnndord Bmnulated, 6.10c: tins yuuiulated, snse.i owdered, r..ir.c.; confeo tlonert' A, 4.U3c; soft ctadco, 1,201. SOe. DAIRY PRODUCTS ('III.KNM. The innrhel firm under light oncrlnBH and n fair demand, quotations: Now .;;rk, full cream, earlier rocclpts, choice, liilao,: ilo.. ilo., cuiroiit make, choice, lOlnc. ; iln.l (In., 'nlr lo Rood, 14iiU13c; do., part sldini.. 8fii:.c. lll'TTKIt. Tho mnrltet waa iiulet, hut prices ruled Arm under small auppllea. Quo tiulona: Western, fre-di, solid-packed, cream ery, fancy apei'laln, .'t.ic : oxtrn, 3Sc. : extra. jlrita, :12c: iirsis. :'.ixb:uc.; seconds. 27028.; Iiidlv-pncked. 2Kii2.'lc. ns to iiuallly: nearby prints, fancy, .:ilc ; do., m crane extra, JiSc. ; do., Ilrsts. OHiIt.c; do. seconds, 2S2i)c. Hpe clal brands of prints Jobhlnu nt llufPlc. IKKIS l-'resh epes were moro plentiful nnd prices declined 1.1c. per easo under a lljht demand. quotations. In free cases, nciiliv. extra. ::2c. por do?..: nrsts, 0.3O per rtand.ird (n'o: nearby, current receipts, $0 per use: WcMi-rn and Soutliwcstem extra. Ilrsts, JO .:o per fuse: llrsls. jo per rase; Southern, $1. IWti per caw; fancy selected tnndlcd fresh e'rss loliblni? nt 3lf:nic. per do. POULTRV LIVE. The market nult, but t'rt under modetste r7erln!. IJuetatlone: Fotvts, 11 innc.i old roosters, lUUl'ic. . youd chickens, illisc.: tmkeia. 14llc : lue', 1.10180.! Joeae, 14'Sluc.: nulnene, ns to quality, per palfi MioKc: pllieotis. ntd. per pair, 32823.i da.i ounr, per pair, l7JJ1c. IlllRftsiill. Fine desirable tltt A etptk ruled steady under light offerings, but demand only medtrat! quotations: rreh-klllil t0rk, dry-plc.ktl and dry-packed -Fancy, nearby, 21e, do., Western, 2lc. . fair to need, lifl50e i old terns, 10o. i rowls, 18 td lo. (try picked nnd, dry-packed-8leetd heavy, lOe.i (vslghlne 4'jSll-s. apiece, 18e i do.. 4841J lbs. apiece, ITHe.i do.. 34ir4 lb. apiece, loutle.i do., 3 Iba. and under, 1213e rol, bbl., dry-picked snd dry-raehed- Western, dry picked. 4U0S Iba. aplec. lTc.j do., da. 4 lis., inc.; do., do.. U Iba., 14c i do., cif., i lbs, snd under, 12(jl:ie. old roosters, drt" nicked. 13'4r.' broiling chickens- Nearby, !iP2 Ibe. apiece. 20622C.I do., fair lo good. InflSe.: Western, moa lbs. apiece, Joe. ; j!q, (air tn rood, IfRlKc.i rhlckenw, drr-rlcked nnd dry-rncked, In loxca Mllk-ted .V tn SO lbs. to dot , ITc.i milk-fed, 'it to 45 IM. to dot, ITc.i milk-fed, 43 lo 47 lbs. to dor.., 17.; milk, fed. 48 lbs. lo Ooi., 18. mlla-red. fx Iba. and ovsr, loe.i corn-fed, 3 to 42 lbs. to do., l.to l.lHe.i corn.fed, 43 to 47 lbs. to doj.j le, corn-fed. 48 Iba. to dn 17c.. eorn-red. on lbs. and over, 18e , chickens, dfy-rlrked and drv-p,icked, Ir. hbla - Selected heavy. 18e,l Western, corn-fed, 3 lbs, and over, 17c; West ern, corn-fed, 4 lbs., lntftnifcci Western, corn- .' western, corn-red, IVtVi da.. titarby, ba. b u --. iinf., neiKninit ii io id ios. prr oox., ti 40S: while, wilfhlmr II lo 10 Iba. per dos.. M.804.30: white, welahlng 8 lb. txir do., MRS..10: do., do., 7 lbs, per dot., 2 .10112 80! a'nd No. 8SfJe.8?i.f Um0i " FRESU FRUITS unnnq rnirir nnfrai anrt th general mor fed, 314 lbs., lRWc Western, corn-fed, Ji Iba. f4813e.j duckn extra, HWlTe.: ordinary lo rood, 1281.10,, geese. ba 12frile.i do.. Western, I012c. ; equabs. Apples, 2..V1: 111 knt . quiet . and barely steady. Quotationai isew i nm. net i..rr,i 0..!.. Klni. (2!2.78: Vnrl. lmn.,l.l till f.".'i 'rn irkis. ei.ovarfj py. ai.l.iir wj iiaiiiwin, i.i.mT..bUi otner gooil eating va rletles, $l.T.1(tS.M: medium. 1I,60: Appes, Western, per box. T.1c.SI.2.1: apples, itela. nre and Pennsiltanla.. per hnmper, MHrnce.i lemons, per box. I2JTJ.0O: oranges. Morida, per boj. l 23172,30: tangerines, KlorldH, ,04e strep, 23: grapefruit. Florida, per box. -iff B: pineapples, per crate Porto Rico, jr.Sosi 2. i ft; Florida, JI02i cranberries, fancy lata varieties per barrel. -t,3Oif4.30i cranberries, Care Cod, early black, per barrel, 8lff2 -"."Jt1"10' Caps Cod, early black, per. Crate, r.cOJl: cranberries, Jcmey. per crate. wHi J?2ii tnrm, xtvt York, lileffer. per barrel, Xlfi2; strawberries, Florida, per quart, 53040c VEGETABLES Thcro wnn littlo tradlnc and price favored buvem. CJunlnllonn bunhPl rtnn-ylvanlJi, r hamper, ?hlta ra60c.: t.oUtofa. otr w. torts, an UltlltV tl M-fFt'Jt . MflilfA nAlatnaa Taruv nan .Jl":,VrtVe.i""-".""""."'",''i.""-'if yr UUBKVI. OVUdUCii iarj awtu jiotaloci sin i-2; ancct DotatoD. Enattrn 1, 3tfl 3.71 No. :, l..VCTl,7r; Delaware. li medium. W0 Khore, per barrel. dlum. COOO.t NO, ai (im nui a. " ttfi'- a,, a ii, nncTtg. riicj. rer barrel, No. 1. 3.23tf3.S0: No. 1, 2O2.B0; hhcois, jersey, per uaaKct. iiDirnuc.: onions, per bushel, OS3700.1 do., eholco, per 100-pound uap. $i.3u; ilo.. medium, rer loo-pound be. Jl.-o; do., seconds, per 100-pound lair. 3(1 cabbage, Danish, per ton, I2V13. caullnotosr. New Vork, per crate, T3c.OH.23: spinach. Nor folk, .per barrel, pm.7S: kale. Norfolk, pel barrel, . ..ttiOc: lettuce Florlda,i per basket, J2U1; beans, Florida, per basket $1.30irf3.30j peas, l'lorliln. per basket. K.SOlfd.M: eggplant, rlorlda, per box. t1.nn(?3i cucumbers. Flnr Ida, per barkct. JL.T.'ifCl.M; snuash, Florida, per bneliet Jl S0O2: peppers. Florida, per car rier, $2512.30; tomatoes. Florida, per earner, fancy, J2W3.0U: cha'ce. lol,C0' celery, Florida, iier crate, xi,23Ul.M)i do.. New York, par ui'iicn. .i 11.I0. .".3IK.UC.: mushrooms, per 4-lb. basksu COTTON MARKET STEADY Demand Not Strong In New York; . Volume of Soiling' OrderB. NEW YOIIK, Jnn. SO.-The cotton mnr ket opened steady,, llvo to nlno points not higher. Tills wns a disappointment In view ot tho sharp advance In Liverpool, attributed to Continental buying nnd lack of IukIro eelllns. The demntul here waa not very strons nnd plenty of cottun was offered for enlo. Apparently tlicro was nulto a volume of ovor-nlirht selllrir- orders, and the South wna nlKo n seller. After the call the mar ket rencted further and then roso two to threo points nhovo last nlirht'n finals. Cloudy weather was Kcncrnl over tho cot ton hell this mornins:. with rain In tho MlKHlsslppI Valley nnd 'Western section". Ves. Closi-. open, llltth. Low. Close. March h. li 8.3.1 8. .1.1 8.44 HIS .May c..(;i .l 8,mi .liny K.lll S.llS N.MI October U.1.1 0.21 0.22 Ucembcr .... 0.2S o.:tt 0..K1 STOCKHOLDERS WILL VOTE ON SALE OF POWDER CO. 8.70 C77 (UK) 8.117 II.PI H.20 0.23 U..X1 JanOarv Fohniary March ... April .... May Juno .... Julv August ... September October . . November December Par vahia mi bonds: .innuarv . February Mm eh .... April .... May .. . Jur.o July AUKUBt . September OctoUr . . . November December . One day. IMS... ..$1,020,83 1 10'3. 1 0.1. run 4M..11X) 4CS. ISO r.si.iiii) ris.nsii 410 311 !'31.ll'(l 320.312 4'I2..1'I1 SI'S 7(1 iw.idd 33.1.03 1 7,737.312 1(113. $).lnt7.r.OQ $1.3111 -'() 1.41U.11H) 1.270.113 1..171.HAI. 1,.'1!I1I.(11I tl.270.1500 it, urn 7US.3U 1011. 4Tl.4r.H .iiiii.i'ia .'(;o.n.ii 2111, wo isT.rci.1 HT.iin r.'3T. 1 li) 4. nni loo. T in .'.010.310 1011. l..itm.iiiH 1.11)1.1111 111111.73't sriii,ii!i2 71X1(0 inei.'JOO r,".i.4(K( 40. 7(111 iwo.liri iiri.iiin t'.'-.S.S '0 $10,713,010 $10.S19.SS ll.esa ono dnv. Time. 4 .i tm RATES FOR MONEY Call. Philadelphia ino Nsw York HiiSi" Oiimiuerclal paper, threo to M montlia. adelphU. 4'g IV, per cent. BAK SILVER l'rlie of bar silver In london today w changed at 22H pence per ounco. Now aeclhiei !l, to -isf, tenia por ounce. Local ReBervo Bank Etatomont Th. Mtatunent of the Federal Ileserve Ilank of Philadelphia for tln week endlns January 2o compares aa follows: hi;huuiiu-i:h. Jun. 20, as un- ew iork Gold coin and ctfs..... I.egul lender notea, etc. llediscouiila and louns. lii.liiieiiu Other resource ,$HI,.T.1),tT0 . 4. OIK, OUI 3111,011.1 . l.r,29.0.'.li . 1.310.21H Totals Capital paid In.. Deposits $21,408,113 LIAIllU'lTKS. .. $2,310. no .. 22.0S.S,U3.'I Jan. 22. $10,3llT.ll.1 4,T30,0A'I ilMI.Ma) 1,023.03d 2.DM.IMT $29,100,13(1 $2,000,311 23,010,841 Totals ...$:i,10S,113 $23,100,130 n Ts&"".'.'.y.y.:y.'..w, ' 3t iBiatua iuiw .. :::::::::m :: lots .. :'.'.'.:'.:.:::um .'. Psiunii nW SS CMUMMl. tiS 181S ragUttrsl... 3s of 11 i-OLiion ..... 4a at IMS itgtotarod li ot IMS coupon ARSENAL WORKERS GET AID Congressman Donohoe Promises Sup port for Uniform Wage Scale, Conerossman Uonohoo today promliied employes ut tho Frankford Arsenal ho would da everythlnK n his power to bring about tho establishment of a uniform wage seals In alt the- Government ammu nition plants as n result ot the abolish ment o( thu tonus system at the local arsenal. At a conference ha heard th complaints of the workers, who say that the $1E,000 which Colonel Oeorge Mont gomery expects to fiuvo by meaiui of the new reirulatioti will cume out of tbeir nay envelopes. The abolishment of the bonus system camti as the result ot the Dietrich bill, vyhlch prohibits the paying ot bonusee In Government plants. This measure has already passed lhB House, and, while pending before the Senate, it to predicted In Washington It will btcome law. A committee of BA, representing ever denartineAt at the arsenal. wUtetl on Coiigreiaiuen pouohoe. and eftei the eun fereoce declared hla efforts to procure a uniform scale of uagea fur the employes would be acceptable to alt consented. Bu Pont Company to Pay $30 a Share for International, WII.MI-N'UTO.V, Del.. Jan. 30. Though n formal offer has not been mado for the atock of tho International StnoltelesB Powder and Chomlcnl Company by tho D11 I'ont concern, It is stated on good authority that tho prlco will be around 30, which Is considered an excellent offer hy thoso who control tho company. There aro 180,000 shares of stock of 11 par vnluo of ?W a share, which would make 11 totul of tD.OCO.OGO, but the stock Iiiih not sold for par. Thcro hnvo been rumors nhotit that IS wna the price to be paid for tho stock, but one of the Du I'ont'olllcluls de clares unit the pi Ice which would be paid would ho around 30. Accotdlns to those interested, the com pany, which ha n plnnt nt I'arlln, N. J., liftH mndo some military powder und soma chemical mixtures, hut It Ikih done no ex port business to amount to nnythlng. nnd It hn been controlled hy I)u I'ont In terestH for pome time, Colonel 15. a. nuck ner, who Is tho vlco president, of tho Du I'ont Company and In chnrgo of tho military powder department, being presi dent of the other company, ll la dn- rlurcil that for somo time tho directors hnvo been willing to recommend that the company be liquidated provided that tho prlco desired wus reached. Tho demand for plants by the Du I'ont Company at this tlmo on. uccount of big contracts for powder on hand has mado It possible to get this price, which Is considered, It Is declared, to bo moro thnn n fair prlco for the stock, lu fact an advantageous price. At a meeting of the directors held hero late yesterday the matter was dlscusned, dud tho directors adopted a resolution providing for a special meeting ot the stockholders on March a to vote on the proposition which Is to bo made at that time. It will bo for tho stockholders to decide, of course, whether or not to ac cept tho offer. Ariked concerning the reason for the liquidation, John J. Itaskob, treasurer of the Du I'ont Powder Compony, who Is thoroughly familiar with the negotiations which have been carried on, said that tho directors had received an offer which they considered advantageous and which was satisfactory to them, and thay had there fore decided to call a meeting of the stockholders for the purpose of consider ing tho matter, and added that almost every concern bad a prlco at which It would sell if that price was offered. The Du I'ont Powder Company Is now busy with all of Its mills running full tlmo making powder and the plant of the other company could be used to consider able advantage. How many contracts the company has on hand no one except tho official) of the company know and they will not discuss the subject, but It Is known that It Is making immense quanti ties of powder at high prices. As far as local people know, the whole situation, so far aa the International Smokeless Im concerned. Is that the Du 'out Company wants It and le willing to pay the price. LONDON MARKET IRREGULAR Gilt-edged Investments Steady American Group Mixed. I,ONDON, Jnn. 30.-8cntIment on the Stock Exchanga was cheerful today, but trading was quiet and securities had an Irregular tone. Gilt-edged Investments wcro steady, nnd tho homo rallwny group wns stronger on dividend expectations. The American group was mixed, with weakness In spots, on ndvjco from New York. Tho Harrlman issues were flat. Irregularity chat notorized the trading; In Argentine rolls. Mexican Rallwny Is sues were steadier, on the belief that the political situation In that country showed Improvement. Thcro was buying ot IlU3 slan and Japanese securities, nnd mining and rubber shnres were steady. Investment buying took place In tho stoeks of meat companies. The Bank of England did not discount any premora torlum bills today. Stock exchango officials have decided to continue the minimum prices on Ameri can stocks which hnvo been ruling since tho exchange reopened. No mnke-up prices oro permitted. Ixndon N.Y. close, ... 331, ...lftijr, ... 44(5 ... P0 ...11 . . . m, ... 23 ... 37'4 ...lioil ... lOlf . . . H2 ...IOI equlv. JlK -U m oTi 1.1s fife ion n.-li 107' 10 Mil; 101 - - H I 23'i S2 - at Sllf IOI 4 l2 ti;; 141 - ai 17 lnu 1 . . sm,i stz i( ..12215 U8!i H Federal Trade Commission WAHlIlNtmiN. .Jan. SO.-oor u llw- (Mutt membera so fax choaan are Joteiilill IHvlm. vruMiut hvad of Bureau of CaroorV tUm.: William II Fartv ot WaehlnKtotTlSeS. end IS N tlurlii. of CMceajo. The Oftb aan- IHHKOTOHY OF ICCOUNTANTa Certified l'ubllo Accountant BURNS & BPJMUaTAN Tee Bourse. Audits. lovtatijaticiaA flHuW Statsncaot- Amat Copper Atchison Halt A Ohio Can l'acltle Chea ft Ohio Chi Mil 8t I' rhl fit West Denver es lllo Oronde. Krle do 1st pref Ill Central Mo Kan & Texas n v central Norfolk & West N V Out & West.... Pennsylvania Hcadlne Mouth Hwy outli 1'actllu Cnlnn I'u?lne Money. 1 ncr cent. Consols, OS14. Cx dividend. -(-Increase. Decrease, STATE RECEIPTS SMALLER Expenditures in January $1,000,000 Above Income. HArtiusnurta Jan. SQ.-Tiie amta Treasury statement, Issued as of noon to day, shows a big decrense tn receipts for January, tho expenditures being more than Jl.000.000 over the money received, When the books closed for Decemhcr the State hud n total balance on hand of ja.7S5.DSH.01, nnd the amount at Iho close of January Is !5,63l.9S5.u2, Tho receipts for the month were: Gen eral Fund, $1,426,058.91; Sinking Fund. JI3C0.54, of which nearly JSOO came from Sabbath-hreoklng fines! School 'und. $M0.3), and motor vehicle licenses, I3M, 317, the aggregnto of the Income being J 1,6:5,678 "8. The expenditures aggregated $2.'JM.171.07. divided aa follows' clenorat Fund. 2,C01.GCl.0l; School Fund, 308S933, nil of which was Invested, and 2Q0,6I9.M from the motor license fund. The bal ances are; General Fund R30l.4H.37i Sinking Fund, JSH.03S.08; School FuriA J1303.2T; Motor License Fund, fU5.Hl. Pittsburgh Traction Committee In order to protect the legal and equitable. j ghta of th preferred stockholders V the United. Traction . Oomrmur of I'ituburgli, a, protsotlva committee lias bn formed Tho committee eonslsts of Arthur V. Morton, vies prewdMit or the Pennsylvania Company ror Insurance on l.lvra and Urantlns Annultlea: J. c. arf. vice president of the Fidelity "h ''J"V"f 1 nn u- MKl, TVvmmXl- l n tt inf 1 no nooa raiuip. ana Jjeory .j, UrenSt. Ic prcstdint of tlio Phtlactiphbi 1uat Ht IJepoilt and Insuranm Company Uarso Wharton 'ppr I counvel, ana th VhUad.-l-phU Trust Companr ht twen cboieti utt tha dj'0Uory for thu ooniii.lt tt. CONSIDER INVESTING IN 1 Long Term Bonds Law rates for money at the principal cities of he country and revival of confidence among: investors forecast a. broad and advancing market for long term bonds. We present some attractive offer ings In Circular 155, which will be sent on request. William P. Bopbrlgbt & Co., Ihc. r. CHRIS W. STROUD. .: Manajtr ST CIIK9T.UT BTniSKT I'hlUdtlphU & Nets York Londeot lloilei sv nium r. nt41i onbrl4hi Cu. '1 ,1 l ; V, 'C- I m I .4 1 it- ! !' Tl ( MomMmtiiiISmkikr,
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