'MX'J"-"'nspfBM;W,M 12 ' EVENINO LEDOtER-PHILABBLPHrA, SATURDAY, JASTtTABY 30, 1915. DEAL OF BRAVES. HURDLES TO FEDERAL LEAGUE-NATIONAL A. C. FIGHTS TONlGlTr ni?.AT. nPRRJVRR PENN TEAM MEETS MAKES LEAP TO FEDERAL LEAGUE SWARTHMORE FIVE ON HOME FLOOM Signs Two-year Contract to Play for St. Louis Was 1914 World's Series Hero. Mas Splendid Record. Weightman Hall Will R Scene of Good Basketball ame 1 omght Dancing loronow Contest. NEW VOnK. Jnn 30 -James A. Oil Wore, president of tho Federal t,eiiEii!, declares that the imfc-pcm ruts vviint iioili Ins more fiom rrwitilreil hnrcuitll tlmn to bo let alone. l'"l',h!lng Jim lilt llronilivuy In the enrly rnornlnu; hoirs Jpsterday, Almost befoio Iip hitil tlma to tnkc oft hi cent he had slKiied Clint lie Deal, hhIj itltuto third sucker or the woilil's eliuiii JJiOii Hrnves and ln-iu or the lute vvoiltl's verles, to u two-) cur runtiui't fur Fielder Junes' St. Louis club. 'Fighting" Jim Ollmoro Is tired of war fare The picsldrnl of the l-'ederul I.c.igue, Upon his nrilval here yesterday, lost no time In declaring Hint lie icallzeil as well us anybody elise Hint lllliiutliin linU done much tu hurt the national mime. "Our position In brliwlni,' the Clilcaitu suit hns been misinterpreted by u portion of the public." said Mr. Ollmnre. "W are not trying to Inc utse lesul proceed ings in rcsrnru to niiHPlmll, but, on thu contrary, we nre trjlim to slmpliry nml shorten the court eml of. the pastime by having a single JtuUe pass upon nil the points nt Issue Imitond ot litivInK each fought out separately In the arious cities of our cltcults." MACrt.V, li. Jan. :io -The Ions or Charles Deal the Hoston Hrinca' third tinecmati, re ported to havo lKmd with the federal l-ecgu" will not vve.iken the team, Ceorsc T. Slalllnsrs. manager eoI.I hero lift nlKht. "We offered l)eal a revv . oitr.ict i.n tha same lcnns under rthhli hi paved last vonr," aid KtnlUnsB. "It was o, tlnnal with him whether lie would oontlnuv with us cr Join the Federals." Ktalllngi anKcrted Hihi I rt tie Matin, the uiit fleit.er. was the onl phiver now who hud not signed a new conitri. t BASEBALL NUGGETS NEW YoniC. Jin 10 I'resli'tnt WinCim V. naXor, pf the t'hilth-s wu eluded tor rovcrnl hours with Jnmes I" i n.lnry hut the twu were unable lo ttnrh a I ral ccttlLiunt nr the trade for Hhtiwoo.l X.n lee Mr. bakir re trUid crialFn.on ir tieat . Initlv with a iiuiii ber of the Eravct Il. is r unMmis to se cure talent rather than .mi um solute lor the lois of hla alUKBlng omncl !r. Falkenuerir will nnl so tu thr Tip Top!", "If Lr aiogeif says that Fnlkenlerg q to plav with his -club ho is inlatal.cn," deilared 1111 more. According to the Keilvr.il 1-cague chief, Wal ter Jolimmn In to Ret K'J.SIO a eur tloni Washington under hl new contract. The Federal !. ensue Intend i to har the it gllCSS. tnlh ear f.nrl wl'I mil nrMnun I,.. ....I....1 ule until the Nitlornl .md American t.engu-n rave made ptibllr tl'elr'l'st of parrra. In so far as t-i in!,bje tho Fei'trals will endeavor to avoid ronltlrts eJJm, McOrory. the former central High School bnseball team catcher la the talei-t scholastic star in -ecure a chrtn e to make good In the mafnr hanc Mcfliorv ha Hlgrrd a contract to pla with the Cln-tnnatl team. ...""v National teasue. and wll go South with the PiVk on February 2B, Jffii,A.NT0.Nl r"" Jp" ''"-Pete rieary. the smallest and l.eat umpire In the State 1-oikuo Er ' wst forr vrar. anrounced vesterdav that ha hj icssrnl hli berth In the Tarreli fv.'IF'"!' -tr ''I!"' a J?b 'eilliia; out Ocljlnns In tie Intcrmtlonal r eocue Hn win cet the plate- i aoo ted by DPI. Nallln of this cltv. who recently landed a berth In tho American League. l,A?lQlXNrrn jBn -TO-Harrv Wels-r. 1.. .rL'i" faro'tna A-.-oc!otl n In hittinc S.i; S, 1l ""SClf'1 n'1t're frni F'reHl.'ent SSS ?f.tnf fh'IMcs. etcrday to re-ort to that eltih In Phllar-elr hla on February 2.-,, pre pared to accompany the team on the sriflnB training trip to St. retersburB. Fla ih'ilS0, JrHn "0 -Pmlfent John-on. of Vorfc ?!lV"' LeaKUe '" Jesterday for New i.L. whcr.l h0 eP-cta to makp flnal arrange, menu for the transfer of the Farrell hmdlnsa Sea?." lr?J c.I.?b ,0 il,e nuwert-Huston iyn Se ?i, . He ,,m rpmln fr tho prlnS meeting of the league next Wednesday. ' mmI.'i?!'1 J"n '10-Jorh Pcore. termed the luckl-t man It, laeeb.ill" becaiifo of lis connection with the New York Cljnta and if.M,iein.l'Jh!' ,iOS""1 Vrve" ""'"I each team 2rvi'rCitr.d a world's champion-hip. waa atfinai, ?S5SSIiy?" re,e"a6 "y ,he t'0!10 ralTHwKiifSio"i? '""; "-V- nuttB' ' eraij will go Into Hcrlnc tralnini; at the Fnl- ttrtK;t!lL,",b"1 Kro,ln,'s """Mar", o. according to announcement eeterday TMlSWnrTh? JSni. -I? -f resident David I,. fTlltz. or the naeeball Plaiers' Fraternity mi nounred yesterday that I s not likely' tbi t thl ISn"rn'i??,!i0n ?f."aJ" would "pnroveof it.nPI n?I."5n of, "T American Aaioclatlon fin" & JSAl-f ICagU! B'nJ'"S by .Irop. Y. M. C. ATACTIVITIES volleyball learn, of this city, i,w the un disputed champion of HelawarJ. New Jwwy and Ppnnavlvanla. and will In trie near futfi?n the acoreV MS' Sl-ff SlnnVsTA l' A' -5?J?FJS w e1.'.1 be ,he .rs anniversary of tho iSif H!2.ot ,he 5"w w" Branch ltullillrieT ?nriom 5nr-alc.k "J"? eronded Into th audi torium an enthuslastlo group of men and women to hear the addresses and other "eser ;s ,'nc dent to a dedicatory program. Wrtve t?brate P"""1 "d nw niwnbra aro t ..The addreaa or the aflenuon will bn de. 1 vercd by Rev. Fdw. II Umett. formerly Hi. lielous J-ork Secrelarv of Us Anielfs yc"l Ph. a"?1"1"' to "nillv- Sunday. Tnnli it will b"S,.fd"" tan',"t ot ie aato..atlo,i renrVi v" w,m,mnB team will co to i1,r!i X- M.c. A Thursdar nltrht. r 7 ?Z .'". InKln1, forward to th- picas Utr.fJ ""talnlna his father on Saturday venlns- February 11. at West Prancli ' .J:rY"v ,2- ,h9 dormitory men will be tha heats In a popular Lincoln birthday banquet. STRIKES AND SPARES WfHha'S, night- 'heir two victories' over Wyndham breaking the lie with the TUer; AB!uy?1c.r" nlt ,hf ."'" In record-breaklne m5,.Bn',","r "n their performance with a 1014-oln actri. Plratea won three traUht Iv"!' SSS.lhYt,Si El-?han,t..nth la", one . n,El? pin .fl'l" Knox's mlia of the Si--.1, l!?.."' Hl frame giving tho chant. Pi 22 "'(W"16-. "Jonah" the flnal match, RK) i? ?S'i. ThS 01anJ? iim .raade s- elean sweep .'?t,l"ok2.m ,ne "'"' In old-time form, f j'"" In his first, Sit In tha second rmi ?im !? tntrd. tor a arand total of B.V3 pins In nut threa carnea. r .iS,?Va.r!.lSri'Ea"'.d ,hu,,r Ic?d ln Casino Sec tion i' last night, by three victor es over their nenrest rlyals. tho Nearside squad. Ac lies rolled well, but could only win the first Vivo f?I"f" i'"1.?. Brnwn-Mnors. tha latter taking .. ... n..ii a. w vvure rvfio aept un their HuHns iirrak with three strahtht vlrtorles ;pm Bansirs. Walton made a record for UW,,,vf. by '"sin" ' "tralaht aames from JvintUUl. tlireo in a noitooned series and three Moore, rolled the hlahest s'nsle same of tho Blaht a W acore- in h i third ame. In io ,Curtli I4k.i. raatcbea rolled on Ter nOnal allj. last unlit. Journal Press, the leaders took two samea out ot three from tHnit t-rtaa tnginaeilna was In form, making a eleaa sweep o- llielr sunea with Gallery, Cotor Pre and Deck Eusravlna; won two ou v 'usv w-M.u iv,ti kn ui.iitm ana uompoel '"".. " mi. auu viiDr eaLlv lQubl-centur rolled HAJtMONTON. N J Jan W.-In the third vaiie of the rlu between the Atlantic city iMjwline team and tha lUuituonton Aod and Oun Club team, nlayad lure. Atlantis plt won a, tfcoiut vi.tor afitr a weJl-vonited nrna. Malta et Atlantic City, inada tho P&ouinenai rut, at Htl uoLats Huh aaora, ooa fame, u I II lama, 35. high si-ora, ftvo snx. alni, 4177 SPORTS AFIELD ti?NJrtS?-A!1,tn.S0Unt,,Oo1 &? sisndavlllt T?., won tba Svslty South hacifl ci ycutfJay tUi3 tba Uisi toot In th JJ rri ih irf tmudluio baa tn con Wsdad. t tiuUiu, kiXLli,s from tha Jtl-yarU wirST took S7 oul of loUuriM. .i in (u.r CH (UBa Club raw J-firm? .a (.in 111 pragtirm. ave tba rang at ItlC utth Pv& sui sis &4rioti Brmiaa y Jt.Jif mse tfai mtjwrablm score 'lb ,rk sfrtHll'aW&S Wfr 1 Uut sa Gcruiau rfnic ilia ixrfitWc Atortj lains UM, g f it, sIiattta 4 Qe If lit iai 2T hum MpH&t& fuk3 3W wMtuu ii -.v. :;,:,!,. t.-- Wt COJliiVl Uii.W JfO'Jf 3j, tlv i M& & '- "". ; ! ") r. . ? f vAfHttG rue rcst op the AMD LMO ' OSAD To 0U&ATIa.M O ege .WJL, NOT (HE MOLE M TvaJO AMD J BLU. , LOvy6 WITH A 8oLP BALL Tb BOUMCff 50MK THE BABY FOR JC f Jo HEAR IT I ; ,& A Three and t- -,svl Ai? ,; f& that TrtETRoru vw-?r ?&rl ' yy &j&SpQ3h' Ijbe- i .swear rrj JW1 j ' g? y ert&r&('sW 0t- IW $Jw '(' PPWlKJTER aUARTER3 X? -C ax w ri ty IXK W 3 J 4 f 'IHE iAD ANiD WAM UTTLlf f 'A ' 'iWsM Kit FACE5 rSGA)N5T THE WliMDOVAJ tt J (CAN'T MATTER WHAT IHf WEATHER 1'2 ,T .5 So0p BRA.M EeRCtSE TRcTr? fiueSfcM ONt- Tha AEl't ER ' Qp THESE THREE MgN POEJ NOT GO IM FOR goLF 1 Yes, Go Awny Ach, what a day no cloud against tho sky; A vast blue dome to tjrect the cutjrr eye; And here I sit within the tender sun To toot again and eheer the winning inn: Hack at my perch once more oil Hooters' How, To thrill again at Wanner'a mighty blow; Forgotten now dull lriiifcr' ndnosfiirre Of Lawyer Squabbles and 0 legal smear, Where in the gloiy 0 the swiitnicr day Old Matty breaks the magic fatliaieuy, Ami loud above the tumult and the rout Hill Klein, thr dauntless, clamom "But ter out" ilnil ;ioib, from where he labors on the hill. The cunning Rudolph speeds the hunting pill Where Doyle, free swinging with a mighty smash, Leans up against it with the ancient ash -On, on It sails, as If flied from a Krupp Don't wake mc up. Any number of ball players are now wintering in Florida. This Is another Hlgn of arrant slavery. Only think of the iioor p"oplo at Palm Jicach on a Uuy like this! Somo tiny wo hope to reach such lim its of serfdom that wo will be driven by somo heartlet-s slave muster into Flor ida to spend January, February and .March. But up to ditto theio Is prac tically nothing doing in tills direction. Missing a Million Tho queer turns and shifts that abound in sport liava been mentioned before. But 0110 of the queerest to our zigzag lino of thought is tho lack of development among tho white heavy weights of tlie flstlc enterprise. A littlo more than 4 years havo now passed since Jack Johnson do throned Jim Jeffries at Itcno. It re quired no expett prophecy of that period to tell that tho first white heavy weight able to step out and beat John son had $1,000,000 In sight. Yet with seven years to work on not a contender has been developed worth ranking in the championship class. Sour Field With iMi years to work in, look at tho result Carl Morris, Jess Willard, Gunboat Smith, Jim Flynn, Frank Mo ran and Jim Coffey! Not a touch of science or skill in the lot merely a vast collection of human flesh and bone, JACK MAY RUN FOR PENN Coach Orton Put Jumper in Track Squad, Because (Arthur Jack, one of the Uni versity of Pennsylvania's high Jumpers, failed to improve properly In his special event, Coach Orton Is now trying to make a Iialf-mller out of him and with fair prospects of success. Jack has never done better than S feet 9 Inches consistent ly. But he was a good half-mljer be fore he entered college, and has been per suaded to try middle distance running. He Is working out dally with Meredith and the other half-rollers, and has shown such good form that he Is likely to rep resent the University In some of the two mile relays this winter. ThB University's four-mils relay team. consisting of Humphreys, Huston, Doraey and Sweeney, left town this afternoon for New York, where they will take part In a four-mile handicap relay race tonight. As a team tlieae men do not come up to the Pennsylvania, standard, and they are ga ins to New York largely for experience. American Basketball Changes AccordtajT to Secretary William Allan thsra vv two cbauaea In the American ItaaUe t,. katbait Mdu!a. tot neat vtealr tK North PtuHiilpJaa. Y M A Holy Kama aii dua fur Monday nUlu. baa bean transferred tu Ft-biuar S. w bite tho St Anna-Warlck same, suited for Wednesday will b ylavtj e Monday Ig ccnactkn .,tb tba latter saw th St. KlliiiUtii aod aaviirf- tumaj win MS Uab. Q IS'sdnaadaif (Jlrard aod Ut JWias M Mint N3atM jforttt 0idi-vbU-Koiy waa rltna, minus any of the ability or instinct that once belonged to the old crop Sullivan, Cot belt, Fltz and Jeffries. Not 11 single first-class white heavy weight has displayed his frontispiece against tho llstic horizon in 12 years. Any number of stars at lesser weights havo come and gone, but In- tho one field that would havo paid a cool mil lion In letutn there lias been no entry worth the name. The Reason Thereof The reason has been twofold. 1. Lack of heavyweight material possessing the fighting instinct. 2. Lack of proper training and aggressive competition for championship heights. If Joss Willard had fought his way to the front as Jeffries did there would be no question today of Johnson's fate. Hut AVlllnrd has been content to stall along, lighting once a year or less, whete lie might havo gathered in skill and experience enough to bo one of tho best uf tho game. If some big, strong and shifty young fellow of about 20 had started out in thfc right way IVs years ago, thero would Mion bo another millionaire added to tho list. As it Is, Johnson may havo to die of old ago befoto any of tho present cheeho and prune, chal lengers tiro lead' to push him aside. For If Willard wins at Juarez it will not be because Willard is any good, but rather that Johnson has only been tot tering on tho brink of tho dump, wait ing for tho first shove. Near Limerick There tea? it young league called the Feds, That advertised beer, fish and breads; They aworo O. U.'s rlt'A On the game was a cinch; Did they ever tiy running tho Iledst Thero was a time when ov.ery mag nate in the land wns looking forward with a mighty yearning" to April 11. Tho season opens then but so does the payroll. Old Bozo Bulger bumped into a friend recently he hadn't seen for some time, Tho friend's condition was pink, but hardly mldseason form. "Drinking anything?" inquired Bozo politely. "Yes, anything." was the reply. FIGHT RESULTS Tommy Coleman outpolnte.i Younc Urno In the windun nt tho Quaker City Athlotlo Club last nlKht before a crowd that packed the cozy clubhousa to the doors In tho semlvvlnd-un Jack 7Uc,l. the, Toleiio heavyweight, stopped Yank ailbert ln four rounds It vvoa a bard contest while It lasted. Heed looked to be much heavier than Gilbert Its had Yank pretty weak in tha first round, and nearly all in durlns the second. But all bert made a rally In tho third and had need uobbllne on hla feet Both were bleodim; from the noae and mouth In Ihn fourth. Heed landed several swlnii to Yank"" law .and Iteferea Welsh stopped the bout. Tommy Hud son beat Tvrone Costello In a hard six-round Haht. Costello havlne a Mb advantage In welaht I'hll Wallace aave Eddie Dunn a cood laclna. and Abe Sherman beat Youmt Donovan In six fast rounds. Oeorae Blackburn defeated Edttla Kolly and won the diamond rlna In th 122-pound am ateur boxlnr: tournament at tba Gaiety The atre last nlKbt It took four round; to aaln tha decision. The other bouts were; 110-nound clsss-Vouna Stanley Ketibel knocked out Yoiiiie Conway, one round: Eddie Ilerron beat Javk IJster. three rounds: Io Kane beat Tarry Clark, four rounds Eddie McUrldo de feated Puagy Malone. four round". BpSclal pout-llenry Shaklna, of the United States battlealdb Hancock, knoeked out John ny Murphy, ot ilia baltleablo Kentucky, three rounds WlKKKfi-HAlinB. Jan SO -Beunit Kautman . f I'MUdelDhla? , beaten by Toiy O'TooIt, ot thla elty, In Un rounds Of hard rlKhllr.it here last nlnlit. Kaufman ur .1'? iXk:y?i DT!'' t Una Inva riably beat him. to the puncU. NKW YOKKt Jan. SO. Teddy Jacob, sec onded by his "beat Ktrl " knocked out Freddie Itilss In tbe first round o( their bout at tha t ii jacro A A last nlxbt. Tommy Lowe and Harry Laoov drew u ten rounds. NEW YOftK. ian SO At the Vanderbilt A V In Brooklyn last olaht Youme Umbo and Ilusby Roddeo bat tied 1m rounda to a draw llanrv 'Ituwiiaj shaded Johnny Wuiilii la un rouuda HtfW TORK. Jan w. Ell itanlt atocmd cUitn roaua at to itumty ihwi tarter u JV HMS .1UU ITit A GOLF NUT IN WINTER QUARTERS YET YOU SAY, CHECKERS ISN'T AN ENDURANCE GAME A game ot checkers by ninll, which started last February, has Just been completed. The contestants wcro William .Htndler, of Five Points, and i:. J. Davis, of Dublin. Five Points and Dublin arc .small townships in Pennsylvania. Tho playing was ac complished by postal curds. Each player had his own clii-ckei board, which was numbered, and each in formed the other of his moves by mall. JACK KEATING TO MEET LENGTHY ROSEN TONIGHT Pride of League Island Will Appear at National A. C. Jack ("Hed") Keating, holder of tho United States Navy heavyweight cham pionship belt, which is on exhibition at 1-10 Chestnut street, will havo nn oppor tunity to display his mettle bcroio Phila delphia's llstic fraternity tonight. Ho meets a good trial horse In Lengthy Kosen in one of tho preliminaries at the National A. O. tonight. Tho husky sailor lad is under tho man agerial advice of Hobby Calhoun, who also held 11 navy title several years ago. He Is 0110 of the most popular men connected with tho Philadelphia Navy Yard. Cal houn just now Is conceded to bo the best announcer In this vicinity. Ho was tho official announcer at tho National Club. Motordrome nnd Pollc! Cm nival, rtob also assisted In btlngliig out Sam Hobl deau, nddlo Itevolrp and Ben Koch, each ot whom served enlistments in tho "serv ice." Owing to his Ilery thatch, Keating Is called the "Red" Hope by his ninny ad mirers. Keating, vvliosp iiniuo is C It. McDennutt, Is a musician, and It ennnot bo denied ho bus caused many n boxer to danco to his music. Ho Is aboard the United States flagship Alabama. Keating Is forging sturdily ahead. Ho Is an aggressive boxer and usually keeps his man running and covering throughout tho rounds. Ho seems to bo tireless, bounding easily out of tho ring at tho close, apparently as fresh as at the start. Patsy Uriinnlgaii, the Pittsburgh vet eran, will make his first appearance in tho siiuarcd clrclo since defeating Johnny Kilbaue. Tonight Pat will meet a clever exponent of tbe llstic art In Kddio O'Keefe, tho local clever boxer. ' The program follows: Klrst bout Joe Itlchlc, Tieiilon, V8. Frank Carllst. Trenton, Second bout Leo Vincent, Southwark, vs. Johnny Mealy, Southwark. Third bout Jack Keating, United States Navy, vs. Lengthy Itoscn, 'West Phila delphia. Semlwlnd-up Hddlo McAndrews, Man ayunk, vs. Harry Thomas, England. Wind-up Patsy Brannlgati, Pittsburgh, vs. Kddie O'Kcefo, Southwaik. Owawov Popular Manager ilobby Galhqun has been a very successful ban dler of men. Keatinft fights to night at the NattonarA C. He has a gplendtd report and will likely cause trouftc for his op. ponent Calhoun besides being a manager, is a' first.class In j?7rr (3& FLTSAPKDJETSAM As You Probably Kneaux A certain youth named Hobtdeaux Became a "pug," and straightway thrcuax The "x" from off his name end; So now he Is Sam llobidcau, HVifcA doesn't spoil the sound, and scau You say it with the same end. Tho general inclination is for a change in name when Fame comes around, and Philadelphia's most per sistent seeker for lightweight cham pionship honors is no exception, save that ho took something off instead of adding- to It. Tho reason? Sam was afraid if ho didn't lose tho "x" tho ! light fans would he sounding his name J as though it rhymed with "dukes." The DuelP What is 11 gentleman's agreement? President Tener, our late Governor, says tho resorvo clause is to bo main tained by tho Nationals under that title, no matter what happens to it In tho courts. Ah wo understand It n gen tleman's agreement may ho to fight a duel at sunrise, to split up tho profits In a municipal contract, not to uso more than four aces in a poker game, or any ono of a dozen, nnd then some other things. What, may wo ask, is a baseball gentlemen's agreement? Obvious This babbling fills us wlh fatigue TVifs iletaiZ of the magnates' plans, M'ho think their clumsy, bald intriguo la what makes up a major league. When others know if fs the fans. All tho mandates of all tho magnates on earth as to what constitutes a major leaguo won't amount to n mound of the vegetable that made Boston famous without tho consent of tho man with tho price of a bleacher seat, Tho fans will support a team or they won't, "and thoro's,"as Shakespcaro remurked, "an end on't." Inside Stuff Perusal of tho Kveninci Id:nui:it's dis patches under tho heading "Bits of Horso Racing" yesterday gavo us a brilliant ideu. Why not change tho "Bits" to "Wits"? A New York sport ing writer, it appears, announced a meeting of tho Jockey Club, Ho prob ably needed the money. M'CALL SCHQQL LEADS Has Won Three Straight Gnmea in Grammar School League, The McCall Grammar School la leadlngr tha Grammar School Uasketball Leagua vvitli a percentage of l.OOp. havlnsr won the three H. I-rfiYlne refereea the aamea. The standing; of the league follotva: Y. pt:. HcCall School ,,,, Hancock tichool ,f, Campbell School,, Durltam Gcltoot ,, Practice School ,,, Wilson School , ,,, 1'uo School .,,,,,. IHs. 08 '69 r.t IS 88 1U 8 n 1,000 .(Kid ,fM ,ftm .333 ,xj .000 WITH THE CUEISTS nJJ,orJ'? ,VlMs- .fioee WlUtanJ cliamDlon of Philadelphia, wl 1 mwt VlwlUa Levy in i 100-BOlnt match at iK lA6 JrOm MendJ J nlRht I'ollowlnKttbj ,JbS fUvywiir iiavS frdo De Ore fonrwr world's chaniDlon I?t,hS, !00K,'t blocl5 f lD. Pocket billiard match W deiide lb rl uUee In h- Phladel phla htesue. last nluht at tha Knickerbocker lorj. ir. Kalrer was tu winner, defeatluk: p.aitar of Jackson'a "Q" rooma. 12t to T3 inakli.l the total acore ?00 lo 173, ' 1? Nurthen defoaled W. KevlUe, IS to 63. In vh nlteauth aame of the; first annual claai amateur cockvt billiard tournament of the Park roam. AITOON'A. Pa.. Jan. SO.-Albert Cutler ana .i w Cochran ploved a senai.onl blHUrd natch hero last night, the former -wlnnluK. 00 to XSd. Forty-one innlims wars played. Coch ran tylnsr the ijjoro in the 40th. JiU-h run Cutler. 49. TSochran, 31 Horseman E. F. Clay Dies I vtud K. Ian 80 Kiekial V (nay. a meiulxr of 'he lluirouthUred boras ractrur flrul v i- Uy brothers and reacted to be one of the weulthtMl una in thU State, died at hla country bom near lwre. jeaterday, ot htirt filluta. lie u ti years oil- What's tho Answer? A six-day blko raco in Chicago gets four lines In agate. Ban Johnson lets out a blast, ln tho vernacular, and gets 40. Whaddo yuh mean reward of effort? Just Like n Hub (Woodliko) Hero's a Chineso idea of a golf course. An lS-holo golf course ln a 40 acre tract is tho scream. Tho plan Is to lay out 11 perfect putting green In tho centro of tho land and place tho 18 tecs at varying distances, and at different angles. Just llko the spokes of a wheel. Can you Imagine tho gpec taclo of IS foursomes approaching tho same green from 18 different directions? Wo can. Appalling! A real Chineso puzzle, as it were. Not a bad idea, If you havo lots ot friends. - Forthuhluvofmiko, didn't you know that Metzger meant "butcher" in the German tonguo? That's why Sol has been making good as a football coach nt West Virginia University? Got It? This Is Worse- If a Federal Leaguo of Billiard Play ers wns organized would Willie Hoppc? Mercy! Braco Tip, Joe, Old Boy! Tho report is being spread broadcast that Joo ltivcrs, once considered u, con tender for tho world's lightweight championship, has lost his ucrvo and Is a beaten man beforo ho enters tho ring, When Joa first appeared on tho pugilis tic horizon ho cut many wonderful ca pers.. Ono good bit of punishment, howover, took all tho confidence out of h)m. Since then ho has been unablo to do himself Justice. Ho has tho ability, wo know, but the courage is sadly lack ing. Tho idea of being knocked out by Frankio Callahan must bo galling, yet thero Is glory oven in defeat. If tho licking works tho proper spirit, Joo should again bo among the battlers for tho crown. He has the quality. Let's all encourage him, Talk about Sphinx-like Bllcnce, how about Judge K, M. Landls as tho cako winner? COLLEGIATE ATHLETICS r-llW.IVn!M?r,t:,..I'a" Ja1; ?P--Tht Athletlo Council of Swarthn-ore College yesterday, f'jer officially announclnT the appointment of Hllllam W. Jtoper aa the head football coach for the season of IMS, also announced that Clarence A. Weymouth, a Yalo graduate, had been secured aa tha baseball coach this soring. Along with Weymouth cornea Frank B. Iletcher, a noted young baaeball player, vvhosa business will allow him to accept a position as assistant ltakAhnll fn.-i,.h th oJT.i. V'":i KAHTON, Pa., Jan. 30.- In one of "he most extiting ffnlahes seen for eomo time, the BiiSKii' ic;'t; ,t- ; v""""a juii. L.aiayeiie 'DasaetDail team was defeated by Albright at Boston last night. ST to mT Uvlaetto led at the end of the first half, JO LONDON. Jan. 30..Ttfw.nMw nnt-ii.i.tn. i,.,u of Oxford University men show that R2 of last year's I'bluea" are now serving with the if these soldier athlete. A N. S. Jackson Ab"?Ki "" ' Pt kHovvnln afmV- 'VflRVT IVav RA TJ. - .,.- "7." ---r--- .-"" -m ,,uwiu, ilia yordbam football star and captain it l t years aUven. Is ruuldlv iral jam hlsS.1- for all-around athletics. Besides leading tha pigskin i chasers and pitching ln leveral of the lasoliall gamea held at Fordham last year, AVymard la expected, because of his large bulUl and physical condition, tr prove a strong con tender for a position in the crew which tha Maroon collegians are organizing. NEW IIAVKN, Conn.. Jan. 30 Yala has V.!1.?0 0a, "le Intercollegiate Association of Athletics and the exchange of formalities nec essary to the admission of the university Is expected to tie perfected In a few days. Aa Yale has been repeatedly urged to become a. member it. Is net believed that the appllsa tlon for admission will bet declined, although Yale has held aloof from the association since Its organisation nine years ago. ANNVILVUft Pa.. Jan. SO.-Lbanon Vslley College won its second game last evening when Its live defeated the New York. University team by the score of 38 to 19 Gillette Becomes CUfed CHtCAOp. Jao SO, JSdmund B OUIetta, former Wtssoasta tnlyerslty BlJ-arounil s,tt Kte, Is to jola Ute ChUeds, mutation lnop-Swartlunoto . . it S! , "D B0nE4 ini2-sartlirnor0 ! 32 ?,,? Tn ' IS rennsJlvanS ; i Tho most Interesting camo . I tho intercollegiate championship ZM ball series will b0 hela nt ' ?'kl tonight, when Swarthmoro cornu f WelCntman Hall. I hLu S of the so-called minor coHegeV hi veH derful teams each year. Swarthmor. fl ninny Reasons has maintain,? 1 , M high standard of bn.k,tbkn . a Z2 tuai ror llvo years ntralght It i,,. featetl Pennsylvania In this , 0 &. gamo tonight promises "Port. Thf close nnd exeltinl ..... "a. .3" m Played last year. Mla w4l .. u.,,.1 icHiu mia year than it iT.y "t for a lonjt time, while tho Bwaahmora a..' not fcom In i,0 n.jltn na BtrAve Si u,5.vf 6of! &erfA,,,S,,fSrahra ?.?"'",. Swarthmoro han three let.K.0.' StJi' rar piavinn on tho team, namelv tmX'JI tho cattnln. nt forw.nl. at .1 thM.Y:. ?'"!. Hnrry and Alderler lonn w hnd th...T.V RMf' clover and nicotic i." any S? wit mtet this seaton. and It will iak JKT SI nisi tasinK on tho part of the forward. .!4 Eet throimn them tor nn niA 2ii. tw 11 Loach Joirdit will put thu lamo teamcnllif tloor that has 1 represented I'enn fo? the fit two vocl.!. Thoy showed rlcna ot ' nKJSs last Salurday. due undoubte.llv to Slsyffl'Jom championship matches In two vvcelci 1 TM. weeks, thu' vnrv IHMp nrttptlrrt rt,,l l,nu BAr.i..JL'tl0 ' YllrK,i, UED .' cxnminatlona. llity havs form iValn " "vu,u "' "" 'ltv.t VJltPnitlvtlVm.A lkBAba.A . lit h .. .. llm nav" enn "'vTll I " ,V,'.VJi'-R.'?Jt ! ll.inplMf will l.o .tlna.n.l nfl. U. . .. "m0. .... ..D ...jjv. lumi 11113 tumcais, SHOTS FOR THE BASKET STANDING OF THD TEAMS. iv.up.e, w.i, pa1 Camden ...17 I .0.11 Jnspcr ... .11 13 38 Hooding ...ir. 11) .000 Treninn .12 m 'j Do Norl ...14 IS .310 Clrevstock. 7 18 !a Hcneuuio ror tonight Camden, at Da Ktrl Oicj stock, nt ItcaUlns ' m' Tho Greyatock team on Its homo floor shoatd sreat speed nnd the best shooting ability ot tho season, nnd easily defeated Jasper. SI is -I, In tho Cooper Uatmllon Hall cage liit night In ItH Kaatcrn Lcajruo game. All ti Oroya hod a hand In running up the u tii goals. Cashman leading with four, Hires et which ho shot ln tho opening half, niltlt piiuvu wiiii uiu iiuiuo team oncau 10 to uje Opttlng nway to a. 3 to 0 lead, tho homo tma had little difficulty in outBcorlns Its oppo-1 tivuio. J au ui UJ dluicu 11 tu iieiu goaii J1 tho 11 rat period, nnd Mllco Wilson landed if on iroo anoiH, wnne jasper scored tno DJJ ffoaU through Uckhardt and Donahue, uS liraay cageu coven ioui goais. WILMINGTON. Del.. Jnn. :.0.-The Do Kerf Eastern League team defeated the Drown son iivc, ui mis cuv, msi nieni .su 10 o. Ono of tho heaviest ueorlnjf guards of th cw York State Hasketball League. Frwlt R. nruggy. was atRticd by the De Xerl Eait-M --in ia'ukuu tiuii msi iiiKiiii unu no win joisi ,1117 oijuiii nmn ll u luiiiiii. St. icatha won the scries from AaulnaO Inst night, at Hal la linn's If .ill, by 2j to ISA thereby removing one of the contenders for UitW Catholic basketball championship of the cltrJf 1110 Aggies won me nr?t gamo ; Lew Martin's ubllltv to caea foul tosses bet ter than Walters could, enabled 'he (Jrcjtoc.v Reserves to tako n Armor hold on first p!ac ln Section A. of tho Hratherhood LeaRUa last nlsht, when they defeated Ljnd n hurst r 2i, lo 22. Had Lyndenhurnt won hi outtl hao tied tho itesenea for nrst p;a e TI11!cMa dnfpfitpH Ihn Mtn.nnt Club. -5) Coil' shocken. 3S to 20 Moorehcad, of lUslKi naa eigne itciu goais. EIGHT TEAMS BUNCHED IN CHICAGO SIX-DAY RAC Score at End of Forty-third Houfl Was 080 Miles. CHICAGO, Jnn. SO. Eight teams lead Intr In tlio slx-dny bicycle race were elm, bunched, with four teams trailing enj lap behind early todny. The score at thj entl of tho 43tt hour for tho leadera was. 6S0 miles. Tho record Is 70S miles and! laps. J Tho clclit leatlinir teams -were: Mofaiij JfcNamara. Vcrrl-rccr. Walker-nootJ Drobach-PIercey. Corey-Carman. WaltS-j our-Bedell, l.lnquet-Dupuy anil Kopsirj Colombato. 1 Tho four ti alters wore "Wohlrab-Itlyai Anderson - Hansen, ItuUl - Russe-ProvMtj and Mltten-WUey. A nrettv vounc woman crabbed Jlmrals, Monni. the Chelsea Irishman, by the neck Land kissed him as ho left his tralnjoj. quarters. Tho bis fellow blushed nice ( Bchoolboy but did not appear to odjc to tho young woman repeating1. Two Big Meets iu New York NI!W YOnK, Jan. r.O.-Two Important."! of ganea will be held In dreater New Tor, tonight, tha Fordham University meet In U Twenty-second Hegltnent Armorv, nsnn.- nnd tho Diocesan Union annual .Jape" h ari'f tn draw blir crowds, as In addition w the local armv of athletes' there are detaejj ments from other cities to add Interest to m competitions - Buck Wharton in Senate . -.-..... v- . DA .ha mRl VVtl.MIISUHJ.-M, uei.. JUll. ,".!.( Tin hrrshlp ot the Benato branfh of IMl" rrshlp ot the Benato branch of the i lJ isalon of the Delaware Legislature inJf' r. Charles' Jf. Wharton, of Dover: but MJ Ignified lawmaker is better known V..1"", aaasii Dr. uigninea lawinaarr is unm r'""-!? constituents as Uuck, for he Is now ?Jm than Uuck Wharton, of University at ,V'f, sylvanla fame, university or """Vrijiiiiim men have not forgotten the famous frl"I warrior, who made tne team in nis ''"JSii . ,1 ...l. alan nantfllnml fbO left" Jisfc JWir U!U W nior - ff ... - JSOO. Cnnw- Ttpsprvea Boxlnc Decision m KBW YORK, Jan. S0.-Justlce .CrtAj M the Supreme Court, reserrea "t'',ViHIi day nflemoon in the mandamus jrofeeg, brought against the State Athletlo feJK which controls boxing under the lWHSiua' in tn s Htate, on nnu -v- -, uirfM Athletlo Club. The athletlo club $ frp0 sented by Frank C. Hayden. wblls ; gSj,j Heyer, Deputy ' Attorney Central, the commission. Dr. Williams May Coach Backup mil itll.,,,M, rnntrarv to lenfisj JM pcitatlon. Is not likely to "be hackfljl j at Pennsylvania next fall It iy uth yesterday that the .Foo 'tall Comnmw - aooui . aeciaeu iuaj.iv ","'j" tV, srheaot ja the former Penn State leader the smo".. a which he values his services, ""-j leave the training of the backfleld to " Williams, Medicos Play Huhlenburg TonlgMJ Th. PhlUdelDhla College pt..Fharma,)a8l meet Muhlenberg at basketball ai - uj .!. i. . Ij n r-iiirn khswv -v, iiv.i. t rs-tiirn triiine lUlliS'li. ( Decern br nlaveil In Phliaaeipnwts.'-.-.e'tHtt Lfiia m . y.".r. ri Mill PIJB "., 1 i7 "fiiintail LMuhlcnb won -0 to 19. CapUU ..'-ti-- ... ai tn in. caii M r - who out a Hi 'cur.nngVfInL:gV;n.v.ra w. "b t'o pliV It &&8P&& nd luitered to that a? '"5 wiiflaA twill be able to pity m "" " yS"r lonWit for Muhlenberg. oti1Qx. ior muuiww' Hotoroat Show Today mn l.-vpvthlng NW TOKB, Jan. "",. fits aa resdTnes. for the open ng of th. HW Qf inotornoav k v - - - today TTaverford Swimmers Win - et Ifatrsvll IIAVBilFOItD. pa Jan. ..V3 Eohool's aquatio .ool's aqua t.i o . r,--;,,,. st. OMirl OUSJHBV - ".-..,-. (US auptclousiy veaieruay i - 6Ch?oJ, 3U to SSI. ni YMPIA A. A. J,'S SJtSSS.'WP . - ,-t-,JfteT . JIOKDAT NIpIIT. pWhVoi , 2K. nal lies. Sde Aren "" mNKiniwTOItlbllT fOSlCII NATIONAL A. C isaSSBSSj vATfK iijiAjaoAH s.Jr'ixSisr ipsr itec "" mn-warthmoto ...
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers