fjmwuHTWk WIPS''1 " ''"fe"Pf &ypwg EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, JANUARY 30, 1915. 'If "m fCHURCHES Church to observe 6iH ANNIVERSARY BY SPECIAL SERVICE Bishops Neely and Berry Will Participate in Cele- bration of East Montgom- cry Avenue Methodist. InlaliOP Thomas 11. Nooly nntl tilaliop lescpli F Berry will omclnto rtl tlio f4tli fnnlversary services of t'ne Mant Mont gomery AvenUo- Molhodlst episcopal lurch tomorrow In morning anil oven- Wfo sen Ices. HIshop llerry, who will fcftucli tjo evening soimon, was at one time pastor of tho church. Wlie celebration will probably ba the Tut anniversary service tho Hcv. Dr. Htiexandcr 11 I.oo will observo ns pastor, She htts received three calls to churches 5 tho conference, nntl It Is expected ho trill accept ono of t'nem. Ho has been fkstor of the congregation for three years. A musical program of unusual exccl- Itnco has been arranged. Tho choir has teen augmonted by DO voices and will clns at both services. A "golden shower" III be poured Into tho donation plates mirlnS tho services In gratitude for tho "canceling of nil Indebtedness on tho part of the church. Tho church was founded In 1S5I as the old Salem Methodist Protestant Church THE REV. ALEX. H. LEO Pastor of the East Montgomery Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church. and merged Into the East Montgomery Avenue Methodist rjplscopnl Church dur ing the pastorato of the Itev. Dr. Itobert .Whlnna. Snce the coming of the Itev. Doctor Leo In. 1312, a mortgago of $5000 and other liabilities have been paid off. He also es tablished a children's clinic In tho Sun day school building which has attracted wide attention. K The Itev. Doctor Leo accepted the call .while, ho was a missionary at Fonce, J'orto Illco, where ho founded two large Churches and 13 dispensaries, and fathered the children's playground movement In The Island. Ho aroused the Interest of Ujegls II. Tost, then Governor of Porto Slco, who contributed his pcrsonnl check for IKK) for the playgrounds, ana worked for the passage of the playgrounds' bill In tho Insular Legislature. Tho Itev. Doctor Leo was ono of the men who Introduced baseball in the Is land, Shortly after his arrival many Beams wcro formed and tho Inhabitants nthuslastlcally adopted the game. An namirer of tho "athletic parson" sent n contribution of JSMO, with which a grand aianu and .bleachers were erected at Ponce, and In appreciation of tho services ,of tho clergymen tho Torto Illcan Gov ernment named a public park In his honor. Tho Rev. Doctor Leo Is n close nersanal friend of tho Itoy. "Billy" Sunday and i'ila" Sunday, who were Invited to attend pe anniversary services. In paying a uiduio to the evangelist, he said, "since 'Billy's' arrival In this city the very air Is charged' with religion. Tho people hear tho Gospel gladly. The preachers are Inspired and are preaching with a tre beyond tho understanding of men." MISSIONARY MEETING frirst of Series of Conferences nt Easton Next Week. The first of a series of conferences be tween ttiA a.rfnfa nf it nattonnl gyards of missionaries to prevent dupli cation of work bv churches In rural com munities will bo held In Easton, Fa.. gueaday and Wednesday. Additional geetlnsa will bo held In other towns In Pennsylvania and In New York and Ohio. .Dr. Ward Piatt, of Philadelphia. fl wember of the Methodist Episcopal jBoard of Home Missions, will be a 4jpeaker nt tho opening session In the vet Presbyterian Church, Easton, oi 'hlch tho Rev. John K. Fleming Is pas tor, rmrtnr. pinif rr Lemuel Call p- ;y - -; iBjarnes, of the. Baptist. Board, and J. E. llt.. -m .t -r-i I a. TInniul U Fl il vrtiee, oc ijio crcsuytcnuit v)u, t. t mii auena ail tne comerencea. mm y. E4wlti JU Earp, of Madison, N, J,! Misa MaHhn T)lxlnr,nn TllnnTYlfthlirir. Pa.. rural superintendent of tho Pennsylvania own esaoDatn ABiociauon, aim, wc -iSJrt Hau. of the Moravian College, will ft among the speakers. Other speakers, StDrtsenttn thn state and Federal Gov ernment, -wiU address? tho meeting on food roads, schools and farming In their Nation to the rural church P tho East- states. PDIVOIIOE NUM. IN HEAVEN" RWOONA. Pa.. Jan. SQ.-Dog.bts about 1 valldltv of a. neno divorce In heaven 5 e?prssefl In the will of Mrs. Llllle gycker, church and temperance vroriter, lurer, of New York. He went to N- S W get free. The wm saw b u mina in the lgn or uou. i d hiirH ,.i..j t.iuthDF lot no divorce 9t pw asunder" Lw J.RSP '" ft ite fflfiiS; s ibwar toXSZw Ww-Hfe.' AND THEIR Silt Jf rietiblp $ntl) 'pllEItR ts cause for great rejoicing I in the growing I In personal icork niitonp the church Undo in Philadelphia. All Protestant nVnomlnflflotij ore renrwenlcii among those who are work' Ing hard to carry the Oospel of Jesus Chriii to men mid tro'men who have nevtr publlcally cmtessed their belief nut faith in the Tledeemer. There is no newnip that those who are engaged In thin tooifc may flnd tnany trlnM In tftlr paths. But It it through trials that we grow strong. Eiery trial leads to fuller growth in life. ,Vo man ever overcomes one difficult) Without being more brara Hid more competent to meet the greater pioblems that come to htm. Therefore, as Christians, men and teamen of the churches should welcome the oppoi lunltlcs thul have come to them. The London Methodist, In a r-ecenl article (it which church members were urged to greater activity In souUsav ing, said: "We have the ptarl of great price to offer men, and shame upon us that we are sluggish in discharging our trust!" If the growth in pergoiwit tcorfc In Philadelphia continue ns it has during tho last week, the church members and preachers should be rejoicing. May there be no cause for shame among Christ's disciples In the Quaker City because of the stn of "putting off." Vlttt.LIVS. NEW YORK PASTORS UNANIMOUS IN THEIR REQUEST TO SUNDAY "Believed Almost Every thing He Said, and Be lieved Absolutely," Writes ' t nQirmt, -.4- fill i,4,-..f UUlllllUll Ul WU V I011UI3. By HEV. DR., S. EDWARD YOUNG t'ontor of tho Dcdfonl I'rcnhytorlan Cliurch, Nostranj avenui ami Donn trt, Drcioklyn, clinlrmin of the 20(1 Nvw York clly nrfocln-rs who visited the Sunday mectlngn In Phila delphia. The New York preachers capitulated to "Billy" Sunday. They believed almost everything he snld, and they believed him absolutely. On tho return trip they voted, each tralnload separately, unanimously to make all possible effort to bring him to New York. Landing In Philadelphia was like visit ing a national political convention, only reservations ahead nnd special street cars counted; but the atmosphere was unllko that of the mighty party assemblages. Wo found everybody In Philadelphia ready to talk religion. The whole city is under tho spell. A number of our ministers were averse to Sunday und his methods until they sat in tho tabernacle All are with him now, heart nnd soul. What a testimony this is! Preachers are trained to tho serious duty of discriminating and forming Individual opinions and contending for these against all comers. The responsibility of so doing is Impiessed upon ministers by their en tire courso of education nnd experience. Just try any single proposition on a largo group of clergymen of various denomina tions, such ns went from New York to hear "Billy" Sunday! Thoy will divide oft (jnd belabor ono another courteously and llrmly with nrguments. Not so In this particular Instance. CAN'T BE DOUBTED TEN MINUTES. I confess to a strange feeling of tfio presence of a higher than human power In thlH breaking down of prejudice before this God-guided man. He Is too tre: mendously In earnest, too fenrless, too true to conscience nnd the supreme veri ties of tho Gospel, too full of wholesome humor and swoetness of soul, to be doubted for 10 minutes at a stretch. One feature we noticed Immediately the pon derous machinery of a revlvnl little In evidence those wearlBome icports and fulsome acknowledgements of tho chair man of the Committee on Arrangements, Commute on House-to-House Canvass, Committee on Politeness to Strangers. Committee on Taking Off Women's Hats, Committee on Smiles and Umbrellas, and so forth and so forth. 'Bllly" Sunday Is the whole show, with some visible staff-otllcerlng by Rode heaver and "Ma" Sunday. This Is as it should be. The hour you undertaka to recognize publicly and Individually all thoso who have helped to make the meet ing a success, you arc sure to consume a vast amount of time, bore tho people, and Incidentally convoy the Idea that tho workers nro -working for earthly glory. What Phillips Brooks remarked Jf Moody might appropriately be said of "Billy Sunday, "That which Impresses me In Moody Is his amazing common sense. "SANCTIMONIOUSNESS" ABSENT, Wo thankfully missed tho smack of sanctimoniousness bo gonorally charac teristic of a revival service the super mundane tone of voice, tho "holier-than-thou" vocabulary, the long-drawn prayers and pious, though now nearly meaning leas, phrases that did good work In other days when they were coined In tho heat of some spiritual movement. There Is throughout the enormous concourse of auditors, tho confident spirit of those who have triumphed over criticism and aro certain of winning out. If at first you are offended by the ex altation of "Billy." you let this merge Into his exaltation of Christ. The preach b did not observe much slang or extrava gant speech. To be exact, Sunday has less of these than on former occasions. This dropping out of colloquialisms and slangy phrases characterises, I under stand, the progress of his campaign In each city. He reaches a point where no further attracting of attention Is needed. He then lets go the simple, solemn, righteous thunder of his soul. JW lets God 'speak through him- We become conscious of the heavenly cooperation, "BILLY'S" VIEWPOINT. After all, "Billy" Sunday's theological vlowpolnt Is about that of the average evangelical preacher In America. Not e. very considerable proportion of tho min isters of tho principal Protestant denomi nations preach the conclusions of the most liberal-minded scholars of Europe and America.. Whether this s 111 or well for tha cause, It is ft fact. . Possibly there Is something In broad, scientific theolo gical study that cools the ardor of preach ing. At any rate, men who are flaming fires In the hnd of God are apt to be orthodox, as that term 1 used today In these parts. Beyond question, pastors and laymen and Jaywomei) In tfw York will keep urg ing until "Billy" Sunday his way clear tp com to this city. What a cam paign that will ps I He will mulre, If hu voice can carry so far, a tabernacle holding 40,000 or (0,000, may be on the gallery system, with plenty pf new- theatre light stepless stairways leading to the ' sawdust trail " Under the leader ship of the DlvlflS Spirit, Nw York will respond as asver before In hr history to the floriou Uopct ef the Blcaisd Ood- WORKERS-RELIGIOUS CLERGYMAN AND BOY SCOUT TROOP W w . M. MM. , - i The Rev. Dr. Oscar B. Hawes, pastor of. the First Unitarian Church, Troop 38, which he founded almost five years ago. At the other end is PRAYER BOOK SAVES LIFE English Drummsr Received It From His Finncee. A petition lias recently been presented to the Consistory Court of London by tho vicar and church wardens of St. George's, Old Ilrentford, nfklntj for n faculty to nuthorlzc the llxlng uf an oult box with n plate-glass front on the wall of the church to hold a prayer book and the leather bag In which it wns Itrpt In tho pocket of Drummer Georgo Court, and the bullet by which It wns struck dur ing the battle of Maine. When Court wns leaving for the front, lili fiancee save him n small prayer bonk nnd asked him to carry It In his left brcnnt-pockot. At the battle of tho Mnrne, Court, finding that tho prayer hook BfPined to picas too heavily on the clasp of his brnces,trnnsferrod it to his left trousers' pocket. Shortly ttftniwnrri shrapnel burst near, killing rIx men nnd wounding U. Court, who wns unhurt, afterward discovered a hole in his trous ers, nnd found that tho Ivory lurk of the Player honk wns torn, while at the bot tom of n little leather bag. In which tho book was kept, lay a bullet. The faculty wni granted. USE AUTOS TO SPREAD GOSPEL. MINISTER URGES The Rev. Dr. Fulton Would Contlnuo Revival Through. Summer. Special services In ovciy chinch of the city for a month or six weeks after the close of the "B'lly" Sunday tabernacle, nnd n summer campaign with tents nnd open-air meetings nio mlvocntcil by tlio l!ev. Dr. William I" Fulton for 10 venrs Miporiiitenilent of the I'-eshvteilnn" Cltv Missions, as n means of conserving tho results of the evangelist's rnmpntgn. "The awakening for which wo have hten pravlng Is here," wnlrt Doctor Ful ton, "Thnro never was n tlmo more fnvoiable for n united 'forw.ud move ment' to redeem our city for Christ than ut present. Shall wo not 'strike while the lion Is hot?' "The church should be on fire for God singing, pinvlng. witnessing. Wo should get ready for a great summer campaign, nil denominations uniting. In addition to the meetings, 600 automobiles should carry tho gospel Into every nook and coi ner of l'hlladelphln. It can bo dono. "In the meantime, work with Mr. Sun day and pray for him. He lias Ntlned our city nnd suburbs ns no other evnn or reformer has done No man inn do tliu things lie Is doing except God lie with him He Is Elijah, Daniel, Mafnchl and .Tnhu tha Baptist combined, nnd In applying tho gospel to the city's inalndy." CONGREGATION TO MOVE First Baptist Church of Qermantown to Change Quarters. The congregation of tho First Baptist Church of Germantown has made ar rangements to move from the present church, on Price street east of Germnn town avenue, where it has worshiped for 62 years, to a new site situated between tho Wayne Avenue Baptist Church and the Second Baptist Church of German town. Tho board of trustees will build a more modern edifice as soon as the Halo Is ef fected. A Negro Methodist Episcopal con gregation, of which the Itev. J. T, Flet cher Is pastor, Is said to be the pios pectlvo purchaser of tho old property. The First Baptist Church, of which the nev. Dr. Thomas S. Hamson Is now pas tor, was organized In February, 1852, at Fellowship Hall, on Armnt street. In November of the same year It moved to the pretent Rite. Its membership during the first year incicased from SO to 1C0. Nearly 400 members are enrolled now. Its membership was foimerly much larger, but the establishment of other Baptist churches In the community caused sev eral marked decreases. "$Mi" gimtwj! $Me Clares CENTRAL TRUTH OF TOMORROW'S UJS ON (January 31, 1915 Judges 13i 8.25.) "BrinffiHff Up Poj'd" By QEORO.E G. DOWEY Samson, like Isaac, John the Jlaptist and Jesus, wan a child of ptomlse. Ills birth, like theirs, was announced to his parents by the Angel of Jeho,vah. Manoah, father of Samson, upon tearnino that a boy was to ba born into his home, felt at once the responsibility for that boy' praner Irafnltip. Head the story of Samson's life and von. will find that his father observed the three main principles involved in "bringing up boys," namely, prayer, pre cept and example. His prayer is in verse 8: "Teach vs what we shall do unto the child that shall be lorn." That child had a right to be well'borncall it eugenic if you likewell nurtured and cared for, and this father went to the right iource 67 inonildt'J on boy trainings he went to Ood, We knoiu parents whq spend hours over ioOV raising fine poultry, dogs, kittens and other livestock; but who consider it unnecessary to seek information on Ringing up fine boys. About SO per ceftt. of the deaths of infants are caused by the ignorance of parents. This prayer fl Afanoolt may well be upon the hearts and lips of all prospective and actual parents. i'recept is necessary, but what the'ord enjoined as more important is example. Bavtson xcas to be temperate! consecrated to Clods service. To that end the parents were instructed to tlstain from all strong drink themselves. A wiahty argument against oleoS' "' elation just to bo born. A father said: "J have cut out drinking !r m" ''vfZ v,t sake." That was a good Step to take and a good t?ion or amna ' ' would have been letter foken, however, before the ou " ,, up a bov in the way he should go and go that way J""'- Men , " study a lesson like this often; they should medftate upoP their rwo(Din tles to boys t9 whom example is stronger than preoeptA IIWJHm'Wl'lWipiPll l 1 J,, WWW yW fcff IL III.I.I0..,. .11, IX' ' . ACTIVITIES OF ALL DENOMINATIONS REV. DOCTOR HAINES, "BOY SCOUT PARSON OF GERMANTOWN" Pastor- of First Unitarian Church an Indefatigable and Successful Worker in the Cause. "The Boy Scout Parson of German town" Is the .title tho Itev, Dr. Oscar H. Hawes, C.'Sl Greene street, pastur of tho Flist I'nitnrlnn Church, Uormnntown, has acquired In the more than four yenrs he has been lilentlllcil with the movement. He is u staunch und entlius'astlc support er of the Hoy Scouts, nnd Is known to virtually every Hoy Scout In Gcrninntown. The attention of tho minister was first attracted to the movement In 1910, when Director of Public Safety George D. Por ter, now Scout Commissioner of Philadel phia, launched tho plan In tho city. The wist possibilities of the Boy Scouts Imme diately won his lecogn thin, and lie waj one of the Hist to enter tlio work of form ing troopi. From thu members of the Nlcetown I!o3' Club tho Itev. Doctor Ilnwcs picked a troop of scouts; this organisation, Intur designated ns Tioop 3S, was one nf the Hist to be organized during the llrst mo months of the movement In tho city. 11 is now regarded as one of the tioops In Philadelphia, nnd Is most favor ably known for Its ntllclency nnd unusual nctlvlty. During tho Hoy Scout field d.iy at tho Philadelphia Baseball Park last summer it presented one of tho most In tel ostlng novelties of tho afternoon by pcnuunently assembling a 28-foot bridge in two hours-a bridge which, tested Inter, suppoited the weight of 50 men The Itev. Doctor Hawes founded, drilled, fostered and encouraged the troop for three full yenrs ".Scoutmaster Hawes" was his ofllclal title. A little over a year ago his duties ns p.iator compollcd hint to resign IiIh active posi tion In fnvor of Ills assistant, Fred H. Stewart, who nt the time his commission was Issued was the youngest scoutmas ter in the city. The Itev. Doctor Hawes still letnlns his title of scoutmaster-nt-lnrge nnd attends meetings nnd nccom panies tho troop on hikes, although tlio details of tho woik are under tho super vision of Scoutmaster Stewart. "During the 20 years I Iiuvo spent among boys I have found no other move ment which creates Rtieh Interest nnd holds the boys together ns does the Boy Scout movement," he said. "It tonds to create ambition among boys, and a spirit of the light sort of Inde pendence which comes from a knowledge of how to toko cure nf theinHelvps out doors, Obedience to scout laws has re sulted In a leniaikable mornl develop ment In tho troop nnd tho outdoor life Is of real physical henelit. Their In terest In school studies bus been nd vanced by compelling them to work out the various pioblems assigned In scout work." In the December campaign of tho Boy Scouts for IM.000 the Bov. Doctor Hawes took nn active part. As captain of Team 20, he added one of the largest sums to the treasury, more than J17Q0. Mrs. Asher to Address Y. W. C. A. Mrs. William Asher, an aide In the "Billy" Sunday campaign, will address a public meeting In the assembly hull of tho Young Women's Christian Associa tion, ISUO Arch street, tomorrow morning at 3 o'clock. Singing will be a feature of the program. HE ORGANIZED Germantown, at the head of Scoutmaster Fred II. Stewart. GARRICK THEATRE MEETING Speaker to Contrast Outward Relig ion With Vital Chrlstinnlty. "The Cure for Care, or Kxterniillsin ver sus Internallsm," will be the subject of the Itev. Dr. Jninen II. Ely ill an address before the I. onion Hill Asocliitlon In tho Gnrrlck Theatre tnmnrinw owning. Tho speaker will distinguish between more outward religion und vital ChrlHtlnnlty. Miriam Shcppntd Davidson, a dramatic soprano, will bo the special nnd will sing Allltson'H "The Lord Is Ms Light" and other selections F. Nevin Wlnst will plnv Ambrose's "One Sweetly Solemn Thought" on the comet. Tho singing will be conducted by Professor J. l.lnco'n Hall. After the doors are opened it 7. ID o'clock Parks V Kngnn will glvo an organ recital, including Wagner's "Walther's Pilzo Hong" from "Der Mels torslnger." and n Schumann Nortmno. MASONIC ORPHANAGE SERVICE Sir Vincent Snull, P. E. C, to Speak Under Templars' Auspices. Sir Vincent Snull. past oi i i 1 1 1 cum mnndrr, will address a rollalous service at tlio Wllllum I.. Elklns Masonic Orphan ngc for Girls, liroiul nnd Ciougn pticcts, tomorrow nt i p. m.. under the auspices of the Pennsylvania Commandeiy, No. 70, Knights Templar. I Music will be furnished by the iiunrtot of St. John's I.uthet nn Church, of Mel i rose I'nrk. mid the chorus and soloists of 1 the Pennsylvania Ladles' Auxiliary. The committee In cluirso of the service Is composed of Wllllmn L Stone, chntrmnn; Wl Ham 11. Srott, Itnbeitu H. Owllne, Vin cent Snull, Kincst T. Allen. Fredcilck S. Underbill nnd .1. C. Johnston. RELiaiOUS BREVITIES " 'Hilly' Sumlny's Idem About Philadelphia's Illcll Men Is Up True li Cliilsl- will be tho suhjfi't of Hit' Itev (Ifore Chalmers Itlth- moml'ii iiormon ut .St. Julin't ijiUcnpul Churrh tommrow eenlliK. He will prench In the murnlne on "lli llnlargrinent of our I.ool Clirlttlnnlty." 'I lie Itrv Dr. Itklinioml will multo n tllp to Kott lliixlnml next vvrk nnd i Hill be the dilpf siioaKcr nt n htuifiuct of i I'roKFPHsUea In New llmen, Conn, Wuilneuilu' ' veninK. rraderle W. N'nrcrops religious fdlto- of 'the 1'L'iti.ic I.i;iii ii. wltl addrem the rrcsby- Iprlan Mlnlftors' Mpetlnp at Wi'ntmlnatpr Hull Mondav niornlnir nt 11 o'Hotlc on "Doctor Bunduy and Ills Critics." The public Is In Wtfd. . Thfl llo. Vt'llllnm Mulr Autd. pastor of the Calvary PrejbytPrlim ChuiUi, will nieach on "ConfpssInK Chrtut" nt Hip 11 o clncK morning Hprilco tomorrow .md nt S3n p in. on "Tho city or CitHi. A musical ftrMce. in uhlui ' tlip choir uill render FtdeotloiiB from "Tho I Holy city," uill prpMnle tho cvanintf service. Ix'glmtlnK lit M t, rloclt A prppsmtoiy service uill bo bold nt r, o'clock Wednesday aftrr noon. The llv. ndnnrrt Warren, pastor of th Oreen Hill I'rprhUerlnn Churrh will preach on "Clod in the Centre" nt in no a m. and on "What Aro You 1'uitlng rimt?" at 7:-i(l p. m. Algernon 8. Crnpsey, parole officer of the State of New York anl author of "Tho UIo of the Worldnff Clnes." will ttpeaU on "The rawing of CMIUutlon" at tho Ilrood .Slrppt Tlieuiru tomorrow afternoon at 3 clock, under the auspices of tho tioclnllst Literary Hoclety. Sen Ices nt the Franklin Homo for the Ref ormation of Inebriates will lie (oiulucte.1 by the Itpv. W. V rMnanln, of St. Stephen's Protestant I.plKcopal Church tomorrow even ing at 8 o'clock. The third permon of a rerles on "Jpsus. a Saviour of Men." will be delivered hy tho !lev. Jameii Itamruy Snln, pastor of tha Woodland l'reshvii'rlan Church tomorrow nt R p. m. The title of tho eermon la "How Jesu Suvph u Thomas " In tho morning nt 11 o'clock the pastor will speak on "Tho New Illrth." 'A Ilepptnb!o but Dangerous Sin" v,'ll bo tho suhlict of the Itev 11. c (luiellus ras'or of tho Oraio Iteformed Churrh tlth nnd Huntingdon p'riptn tomorrow morning at 10 .In o'clock "Ihlli" Hundav'i ctis-aciprlzitlon of I'liilailelohU ministers will bo dls"ii sod In the sprmun A lfi-mlnuta organ rrelipl will r-e-cede the exonlug sirmon at 7 n oMnck which will bo on "Tlieao Tempestuous Times " A reirrPkp"taiKo nt the flslllprt MlRMion will nd dress the nrotherhond meeting nt P'H a. to. The other treetlnga arc The nator'H. catpche'l rnl cluss of young nenole - o in "n Uv school 2 an n in . nnd the Christian Rmlimoi' Society. 0.411 i. in The lev lir IMwIn ifevl Delk. iosior of ft, ildttheu a I.uthenn i'hurvh. llnud nnd Mount Vernon streets will nreii'h on "A Ktranee Way to llrlng n Man to Christ " at lu 41 o'clock to morrow morning, anil on "Hae I a Frhnd" at tho I'Mmlne service, beginning at S o'clo k "The Mourner's Knddlsh" will bo tho tcp e nf tho Itov lltlirv llprknwltz, nbbl of the Itodeoh Shalom Svnagoguo pouthcast corner Itrond and Mount Vernon atrt'em. tomorrow morning ut .10 o'clock "Wny Is 'Illllv" SunJav Here?" will be tho subtscl of a sermon bv the Ilev J 0 ilolton. nastor of the llooo I'reibi terlan Churih to morrow evening at 7-4T o'clock At the nioin Iiik tvrvlce Urn e William Taylor Caldwell will prench. Tha Itev. Milton Harold NHhois, iastor of the Methodist Kplsi-onal church of the Coven, ant, will preiih on "The tank and Fllu" ut 10.46 a in., and on "Tho Siurlet i,no" ut 7.41 u, m. tomorrow. "The Anger of Jesus ' Is Ilia subject of the nev Charles Wesley Hums nisior of the First MitluMist i:lcoual Church. German town, lor tomorrow morning He will nreacn on "An Awakened VonscUnr" In thu evening. Tho Itev. S. C Cainhle. pastor of the I'lrsl Culled t'reibytcrUn Church, will preach tn "iloxes" at )0'43 o'clock tomororvv morning, and on "Tho White llouo and Ilia Itider'1 to morrow eolug The Itev. Dr. Kkd W. Tomltln will con duit the Phlladclphla-Ncw Jersey Methodist tiplsMpal 1'reai.beu' meeting- at Wealey Hall. lots Arch street, Monday morning, at 4.1 o'eloek whn the topic, "Quiet Hour mvd r.vaiijillsni." will be dUcussad. Special de. vpilonul rvlcs will be led by the Itev. Dr. John O. Wilson, 'A speeial musical service will ba held at Mount Carmsl Methodist Episcopal Church to morrow evening at 7.43 o clock. A ltl-pleoe orchestra, under the direction of Janus 11. lUrticll will render a, vailed program. Th organist will be Vera Usrnlca Cfcealey and Dr. John U. BLktr will be the tcuor aololat. The pros-rum la Overture, "lUyowiul," Tboroat! "Unfold y PortaU." Uounad; "alorls." Mown: "lrge," Handel: "Sine tus," Oouruidi "Ilallelujali Chorus," Ilaiulsl. and poetlude. "Wsr March e( Prleata." Men Oslssohn. Allsn Paluu will uk at tha Stoi.nd rjac lUt Churih llelptuK Hn4 cli.s tomorrow aft. araoou On FrU4 afternoon rntna Haul will luJ iM atubedj a Umloj" and win apeak tumorrow Tueaaa ana TfcuiWay eve KlBs t liUluay Atiurge. U4 ftwib ih trtit. SUNDAY AIDE AT Y. M. C. A. " 'Billy Sunday Service" to Precede Afternoon Sermon. The Ilev. 3. W. Welsh, one of "Hilly" Sunday' nlde, will be the tipcnker nt tha Pcntrnl Younir lltn'i Chrlatlnn Aeo clntlon tomorrow afternoon nt I o'clock. His subject will l "The Supremo Guest." Tho mixed qunrtol of the Central Con Krpftntlonal Church will ulnK, In Addition to the rcRitlar Sundny nftemoon muelo furnished by tho Instrumrntnl trio. Mnny ntrniiRern from out of town nro expected to nttend. A special "'Hilly' Sundny Set vice" will he 'icld hy tho Drop-In ClnBd of the YutinR Men's riirlatlnn ARSoolntlon dnrliiK the hour precedlnK the sernion by the Ilev. Mr Welsh. The nipctlns. which will be held In the lobby, v. Ill bo conducted by Thomas I, Lawlon, who will Rive n short tnlk on the life nnd works of the ovnnjtel 1st Itoinlnlsccnres of "WIU" Sunday will be told b Whiter M Wood, KPiieml scc retim of the YoutiK Men's Christian As snrintlon of Philadelphia, nnd bj other spenker" An iinusiiiilly Rood musical pro Bmtn has been phinued. ST. MICHAEL'S NEW RECTOR Rev. Dr. Pember Called From Christ I Chinch, Ridley Pnrk. The Itev. I'r. Gilbert I'embcr, rector of I flit 1st Protcstnnt Kplscopnl Church, Itld ley I'nrk, Is tho new roctor of Ht. Mich nel's I'rotostnnt ICplscopnl Church, Oer innntown. II r nppolntinent tins been np proed hy HIshop niilnelnndcr. Ho was cnlleil by tho tcatry ut a meetlnir held Jntituiry 14. Although It hns not been decided when the new iretor will nsmnne his diitlos, the Instnlliitlon will bn held nt nil enrly date. Tlio liev. Or. I'embcr succeeds the Itev. Dr Arnold Harris Ilord, wlio, niter a pnstotntc of II enrs, leslKtied last .Sep tember on nrcouut of throat trouble. The Itev Dr. Ilord, who Is now nt Mount Airy, liuu lcn up active work as n, min ister The Itev. Dr. Pember was born In New York city, and received his rellKloua training Ht the Hetkcloy Divinity School. Mlddlctowii. Conn.. beliiK Kradunted In 1M2. Ho wiiB lector of the Walton Prot estant Kplscopat Church at Walton, N. V , when he wns culled to Christ Church thrco yenra hko. DREXEL DIDDLE CLASSES A. J. Proxcl tllddle will tender n ban quet to the clersy, olllcers nnd lay lead em of niiode Island, on Friday nlRht, In Providence, II I. The Itt. Itev. James Do Wolf Perry, HIshop of Ithodo Islnnd, will preside, and uddreRscs will be mndo by Mr. Diddle, Charles O. Plxley, chief director of Providence; Jntnes C Hatty, chief director nf Pnwttickot. nnd others. On Saturday Mr. Hlddlc will make his semiannual visitation to tho classes of Massachusetts flnd Now Hampshire. The nnnunt supper nnd soclnl evening of the PrcHhyterliin Church of tho Cove nant, Oerinnntown, will take place on Tfiursdny night, when Mr. Riddle nnd n number of loaders of men's Biblo classes will spenk. The ovenlns: will be known ns "A night with A, J. Drexcl Hlddle." .loseph V. Fox will be the speaker at the meeting of the men's Bible class of Holy Trinity Church In the parish house. 317 South -Otli street, tomoriow morning nt U:30 o'clock. iit:i.t(ii(iUN Nni'icis. Ilaptlst HAinisl' Th.Ml'l.K. Ilioail anil Harks. 1'wJi.uliiri h '-e IMsio. Itl'SSni.l. II. I ONWIH.1. Mi ruiiK i'i il at TaWrli.ele: I've, 7-45. CI.IZMinTII linx.NCtt A popular conirlto. will nisi t the chorus In He ewiilnu Oicim Itto tal, "1.1. N m V i e ii T' iihl cll M U i I rn Jli ectcr. ClII-sr.NUT STIll UT HAlTISr CHl'llCH iMiisuiut nt , ucst or 40th in-.oitai: 1. Al Alls Ii. . I'astur. 4.1 llrothei hnd of A. nnd l, 10 .10 j. in Worship nnd ,S rmon hy Pastor 2 "u p in. lllblo school nnd Men's Hilda L'nlon. 7 4" p. in Voiehlp nnd Strmon hy Pastor. SECOND IIAPTIST Jini.I'INIl-HANIJ OI.AK3 meets 2.:i, "th Iwlow Qlrard ne, Mr. Allen . i i, lfller. 1 rl M) nlaht, h'rank Weill. tpenker. Sunday night Tuesduy anu Thurs day nlBhti-, nthni v ApthoinKe. "ion No tli tth ct. Mrs Anra Johiiton, Hupvrlntendcnt. DNrlplea nf Christ 'iMIltlSTIAN CIUIIII.'II THIItl I. T, Lancaster 0e , Holly and Aspen sis. . 13, WINTKH I'.-istor. in l.. ;!, ?, w. Ilreel llhhlle lllhle Classes DitKXUL mnoLi: iiiui.i: clapsks. i:ery Church needs a Drexcl llh'd o Plblo Class. co-rp.rat on an! progressive luens are the seer ts ot t.ur tuu ccss. call us up. Poplar 5 Oi. Kthlenl Culture l'HOP. CHAia.HH ZUEIILIN o'n" "WIMIam VnuKhn Moodv. tho Poet of Crcathe Loie," riruad street Theatre, Sunday. 11 a. m .and on "lli-nn I) !.!od tho Amerhan Sir Oaln l.nd." at t't'JI Spruce si S n m. 1'raiiUlln Home KltANKMN HOME FOn TUB HKKonMA TION OF INI3UHIATE8, ill-ia Locust it. r. ndny. 8 p. in. Haili conducted by Itev. W. Y Udwards, ot at. S.ephen's P. E, Church. I.ernon 11111 Association "THK CUlti: FOtt rAIlB," OAltnlOK TIIBATItK, BUNI1AY N'lillIT, 7 M, ALL-W KLt-OMIJ-ALL. I.ulhernn MLS5IAH LUTHUHAN Tho Krlendy Chuich." tilth nnd Jenerso.i sts. lANli:i. K. WKIuLH. Pastor, v.111 preach. lu :I0 n. m.. 7.4.1 p Hi. Hilda School. 2 TO P. m. ... Wm. A flilinildt, lllat fl'Iilla. Oroheslra). at tho i:fnlnic er leo T.UIUKNAL'l.r; ilUtll and Spruca-Wlll, J. MIL ler Jr..J0 4T 4B. B 2.!lilpin, TEMPLK. B8d and Hare nev. A, Pohlnt!u M. I.,10.:i a. m 2:M and 7:45. Metliodlst llplsenpal TlTli CHCllCII OF THE COVPNANT Spiu'a and lth sla. lILTO. HAItOLl) NICHOLS, Mlnl.ter. u in Holy Communion In tho Chapel. lU-.W--rilU HANK AND KII.K." T 4.V--TIIK st'AULKT LINK." A et-y heuriy e'eonie jileu lo strangsrs. THU VinST MBTHOUI8T CHUHClT " IN tlElt.MANTOWN l HAUI.hB WKai.nv iiuusa, Minhter, Morning SerWce. nn forty-ne. TUB ANOKIl OF JKBl'8," livenlnir Service, elaht "AN AWAKKLKP CO.S'BCIBNCG." Muslo by jatailtoyehor Velroni, MOPNT CAHMEL, aermaiilown abo Uioad. VtAlriHl VAN rl.LVli HITJWAHT. Pa.tor 7'4l P. ro Spee'al Jlusi.'il Service. Chorus cpolr. acconuanled by Ill-piece orchestra. Dr. John II. Utcktr. soloist. James 14. llatt tell, Illrsrtor. MOl'NT HERMON, C. thomai. 11. a. l'.'th a. k.. md 3:4 Portsr. II(V, V. 0 p. in. TAIIEHNAOLE, t'lh below Oxford. Hi:1(i "A Ileal I hrlstlau." 7 liu-Hei P.PL'rklnur)iJ?-. NevJrrualrro iSnedrnhortUn) "OATKWAY8Or"spiniTUAI, L'lVJNtl" ts the snblaet nf the sermon Sunday mornlnu by the Pastor, the ftey. Charles W. tlsriev, at the Churoh of ilia .Saw Jeruralcm, V d and Chesinjt ts. Brvfe at 11 o'elot;l( Bunday School at U:30. All seats free, l.veiyboly wtleome. J l'rsbtrlSM AIU'H BT, CHURCH ,. , .. lU-48 "Thiouah to tb Knd." t..ot "The Thie' pn the Pros Ilev. CI.ABKNCK PDWAnU will preach. MACAJVrNEY UHKBN il ll.l.. uiraru ,, 'n afcon 18th Rev KI1WA1I11 nAlllia,n. ilinisisr, 10 so, "tlod In the Centre." th "What Are You Putting Flrstf sr, siofnina, Evenlna. 7:4a, Adult lllble Class. 2 30. Superior Quartet Choir, difaaiUd by MrJohn ii) son. urmaiii. IlOpB. Wd and Wharton sts, Minister, ltav j. oUay boltonT b, P. nv william rAYUOK CALDWKLL, Assistant 10.4S a. ni, lev, Mr Caldwell will prvmh. 7:43 p. in . Or. Ilolton villi preach on "Why Is Pilly' 6umlVy Hera?' ' BV. PAUL HIBSBYTBBIAK clIUHCH fir. HilliUiOio ave. and Both. t. Ilev J MBERinqE LK. p. a, illBlster 10 41 ni -I'uWU Worblp Btrno by Or P30 ii ro cjradsd lUtle Salut,i T 45 ii, bi Exnluj Wwrshln. ifun b Pf. Lt, Mush; fcy Wh Jviwtt ciMJlr" ornls Wi 445!J)f. All S4 84 lift, BISHOP TO BLESS ST. CLEMENT'S HEW CHAPEL TUESDAY The Rt. Rev. P. M. Rhine lander Will Officiate at Service in Memorial Structure. The t.ntly Chapel at Bt. Clement's Epl copal Church, loth and Cherry streets, will bo blessed by HIbIiop Philip Mercer Ithlnelnnder on Tuesday morning nt I o'clock on the occasion of the celebration of the Feast of the Purification. Tho chapel vtas provided for in tho will of the late Elizabeth Coleman Boudlnot. Jl wns erected In memory of her hus bnnd, the late Ellns Lewis Hotldlnot. Tha Lnd) Chapel represents only a part of the bequest. The new organ, ono of tho finest In the cltj, und the choir were also pro vided for In the legacy. The Lndy Chnpel was designed by Hor ace Wells Sellers. It Is built of English redstone and Is decorated with elaborate carvings of a symbolic nature. A par ticularly flno piece of work Is the centre-" piece of the celllns representing- tho Na tivity. The cnrvlns Is tho work of Ed ward Mneuo. The single window represents In stained Klass the coronation of tho Hlesscd Vir gin after n painting- by dozzoll. It wa exotuttd by Alfred Godwin. notices Presbyterian Continued Hi ots CHUHCIl. Ilroad at., below Morris at. 11 STI'AItT MOOHK, D, 1).. Minister. Hi .TO a. m.- "The Wise' Choice." 7-48 p, in "John's FUht " UNION TAMRHNACLE" York anil rornt sts Itov. ttOIIRItT IH' D. r. Pastor. Will proach. 10 .10 n m. nnd 7:45 n. m. Ilmhal hymns at Etnlnr Service Also special cornet music by tho aitEENHALOH llltOTlinilS. 2:3(4 fcahbath Pcliool. 2 4T-iiim.i: PNioN in thr rtmitrii. WOOUI.ANI) 1'nKSlJVTBHIAN CHUItCH ll'd ,vn i t'lna sts. JAMt:3 MAMSAY SWAIN. Minister. 10 to Hrotherhocd. "My Faiorite Psalm." 11- Worship. Sermon, "Th New Illrth." J.4.1 nlble Si tool. New scholars Invited. n Men's Class, l-ror W. I) Crockett. Worship Sermon, "HOW JKSl'3 8AVE8 A THOMAS," tllrd In a scries on "Jesus. Saviour ".r Men." I'repuratory Ferlcc, TrMay. at . It you are looklnc for a church home 'Tum thou and all thy honso." rmtestnnt nplseopal CHURC! OF THE HOLY ArOSTLES 21st nnd Christian rti Ilev ileoiKe HerHrt Toop, D D., Itector. n.lK) a. m Holy Communion; lOi.'IO a. m., Mornlnx Prayer and Sermon. 2:.1U p. ni Sun Lay School end nib a Llnpses. 7:30 p. m., i:onini; l'rajcr and Fermon and Spsrial Mu slial Hen Ire Tho lie, tor will punch at both tho niornlnrt- nm nenini: servlces. 01 D ST. JCIIN'S. Brown betnw 'Id.-dJoctor Ill-hmonil preaches ..innuary 'II, lili.'IO, T:4S. Hul'lect nt nlnht "IIII.I.Y f-l'NHAY S IUIXS APOPT PHII.AI rr.PMlA'fi IIICH MEN. 13 HE THUfi TO CliniSTT" PAI1I8H OF ST L.VKU AND THE EPIPH ANY . , Pith st below Srruce. Itev DAVID M. STrEI.B. Itector 8 n. in. Holv Conimunlnn. in n m. Suni'av School 11 a. m. Morn'nK Travcr and Kermon. 4 v. m. nicnlr.B rnicr. Anthem nnd ,d- Oruan. Inrp nnd 'cello prelude. Interlude and Miss Hrlrton Contrnl o Sololt, Tb llieter will preach at both services. EPIPHANY CIlAPKl. 17th end Summur ns. H a in Holv Communion 11 u. m Mornlnit Praier nnd Sermon. 1." ii m Henai Kcheol. 8 p in- llcnlna rrnvor and Address. Itev IrWiiK A. MeUru'iv will proach ST. OF.Orifllili, Hist end Hasel ave rtev. O, La rla Smith, 7:.10, I0'3o and 7:0 ST MAHK'B CHUHCII ' lnth and Locust sts. ihj i .!, LLI.IO" "'IIITE, Hector. SUNDAY 7 and 8-Holy Cuniluuillon. 10 "O Matins. 1 tin il ITurhur st. 4 Choral ICvensonir, with short address ana Anthem, followed by Organ Iloeltal. The Hector will prench on Sunday at II a. ni. WEEKTAY rinitVlCES 7, 7:1.1 and P s in. and 3 pm, The Lltanv will he said nnd Intcrceeelnna for peaie made on Wednesdns nnd Frlda at 12 rn. On lach Saturday nt 12 m the Hector hulas n lllhle Class In the Church. Persona not ninmleis of the Pariah are cordially Invited to tha lllble I laas and all other serilrc. At' lention Im tailed to ihe weekly Eucharist pn Thursday at P.30 a. in und on all saints' das. ST" .TifPHEN'S CHPncjl lOtl, st above Chestnut Ilev. CAPL E. mtAMMCn S. T D.. Hector, Sundsy Hervlcee. 11 a m( and J ; m. In tne afternoon the Hector Is FlYJnr a course er lectuies on ine uospei iieoinvi mo ciojpois -- Tne Hector will nreach at both servlcss. Iteformed r FlHrti' N. A. I5th and Dauphin.' Ilev. John iJ 'i!j ks, I'astor. and ". a p. swjt TS? UHACI-;. inn ann iiunuiisonn, ni, Quiellus. l6:30. 7U3; BundayBcho 1, Iteformed l!dseopal OI'll IIP.I1F.HMKH Wlh and Oxford, Arnuvri h is hajiwiu'v 10 -10-"Where Are the Dead.:" ,,..,, . M fifl-'llns Model n Thnuahj Atmllsh-d I'eiy, finelaUst Literary Society ALOE41NON S. CHAI'SEY, pareje oiflcer 9f Htate of New Y'ork, author of "Itlse of Work Itur clasi." will spenk on "ThaPasslna; ot civilization" at Iroud street Theatre Bun iisi, ;i p in. Music by Van Hen Jlstrnt hiring Quartet. Admlstlon free, . r Spiritualists MRB !!OI.I.EB LEES WILL roNDPCT leeetlnes Sunday v enlnB. 8 o elock. 13.J JJolUnb)aave)J-Jejmnii apUnansh., Hwedenborglan , Bl7i; NEW JEItUSALEM Unitarian ' . ...T ',jm r r. fir,a-n 1M This Is tho 'opio of the Sermon by Ilev. CHAKM'-A E. CT- JOllN la the First Pnltarlan Church, chsstnut st above 31m. at 11 a, pi, nr.v ri.VssES a h. piep.cb . of Washington, nil! proach In tha mornlp at 11. and In the ,eenlnx at 8 In Tha ilermanlown Pnltarlan Chyieh c'helien . and Oreene st, Mr. Pierre also preaches this evening Sab unfair at . in Ihe Oerrruntown i hureh auht, "WlIC? CAN IIR HBUlHOU'flfi Soloist, Eslelle Btamm nodsera. aii. aim: p. (iiHAiui avETTikiv) nev. it. b evans. Wd., Feb. 1. P- m. Men only. "rnltara) Social c,,pe," I'ev. K. ?L Ileeman. Suppsr at T: S"Cj . . United I'reslij terlan PillST, .lydand Chittro8. c.fjainble, Mln Inter lS 11. "Hoxes" S. 'The White IIs and .11" Hlder " , THE NOP.IU8 SQPAIIE I' P. CIIL'KCII Hancock st end Siieyuehini.a aie Ilev. MSB P. HIPE, PoUo'-, , ,, 111-41 a. m. "O. Come. Let P Worship 7:41 n, mt "Neither. Do I Condemn Th.' a & fna vnn U'nlrnmai AJ4,VT 'W,ZT " V-- Vnuucjleu'a Christian Assoelatlpp .7 m mot oil -1.1 .n ..rtlllw,. HHV Central CongreaHlonal Chureji. also Insiru mMital lllo, PKP'ln i; a, dUeusiet .."Ufa una Wuikp it Re WIU am SMniUy," e. r klrfe .T'.T'" U'tHT PUANCII T M, C A. hv tm nv, Join A nulr. MuiU by linry W Uftl. DrUig anotij man Vr.iir.iv Ifnwkiaan'ai Pit r lai 1b ti A atSfWlll lldfl. Y W C A I8M ARCH T i 8CNRAY, JAN 31 1 BAM ASSEMHLY HALL 31ll vvi-.iia ronv one of the Wea-k" lg th pt'fiHO IWVfTBP I1BMC0,1NT ABSOCIATI.OKS wmmm .'Iwila, Trun M$m E Ilol lu MasfatO, va-v. rc""":r.. vkk. Kr.Tir. 4 s ; J V t . 1 i '! , ! If! M ia vfip8g wiu e B "