Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 29, 1915, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 5

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    m vmwmmmmmsmiimimamw'i " SiyiJ
jxtffiffijtyf0$WF"f ?ggff?'Tsyy-j'9 gwywwy w'-'' 7t. mawiKmfmTmfS"l"f
Thciivi:mxa ijj'.nomi uiii give
n crlid of $1 for tho best map draton
hit a Boy Scout mm the data given
herewith in the ailtclc by Mr. Votls,
and a prize of 60 cents for the sec
ond bat map. The maps toll! be
graded on accuracy and neatness,
Bcouti should observe the following
directions! Draw maps on a scale
of tOO feet to the Inch: use pen and
Ink on tehltc paper; wi tie name, age,
address and troop number on back
nt nrtpcr.' Minll to reach Boy Scout
rdhor, bvvxwo uwann, not
later than Tuesday evening, Feb
ruary 8. A rut of the prize-Winning
man and the names of the lolmicr.t
ctll be published Filday, Febru
ary S,
Map Making
Assistant Scoutmaster Troop 03.
It lina been my experience that most of
our boys know Utile or nothing tibout
map-mnklng nnd map-i ending. A map
.II i. nnt nrmirntn Is almost ns useless
i Bfl no map nt all. The use of a map
f xshtcli wo believe to bo nccurntc. but Is
not. may lead to serious niiiicuity. nun-...-t
vnninxr. In his trln to the Hay Itlvcr
J region of Cnnuda In 11)11. based his food
SUpply On Oil 1IH1CCUIHIU mail, u.i.j .
nnd that nt a certain point wheic ho ex
peeled to renew his provisions ho was
lost In n denso wilderness.
t .. wnm imvellnir throutrh on nrld
'country nnd our map i3iowcd that tho
next water was a Bpung w inucs uwuy
In a Blvcn compass direction, nnd wo
depended on that to gauge tho amount of
water wo should carry with us, wo would
bo In a pretty bad lit If we discovered
that both tho distance nnd tho compass
direction wero wrong. Whllo It Is hardly
probablo that any of tho boys' mupi wilt
determine; llfo or death, It .Is nevertheless
good policy to "bo prepared" and know
how to mnko an nccurnto mop.
1 am going to tell jnu how this can
bo dono with slmplo tools anil equipment,
such an any scout Bhould hnvo on his
person on any hlko.
Accurate compass directions and correct
jcnlo aro tho two most Important things
In a map. Tho scale Is tho stated dla
tanco which I rcptesontcd by any dis
tance on tho map. Thus, 1C tho scnlu Is
ono mile (17G0 yards) to the Inch, a strenm
00 yards wldo would bo shown on tho
map as about one-eighth of an inch.
Tho more nccurnto the Instruments, the
more accurato tho data nnd the better tho
map will be. TJio Instruments needed
are a compohs, n transit, threo wands,
a pencil and a notebook. Tho wnnds
Bhould bo straight sticks, 2 Inches thick
and 4 feet long, and peeled of bark so
they can bo seen a gieat distance. A
simple transit can bo made with a board
IS Inches long; two pegs, 2 Inches high,
and a piece of string. (See diagram.)
We will now Imagino that wc nro map
ping a section of country which Is
bounded on ono side by a road, on
another by a stream, on another by
a railroad, on another by a fenco and
on tho otliT by a trail through tho
woods to the point of beginning. Call
Ihe Btattlr.g point Bench Hark No. 1, or
Bill. It Is, let us miy, in the center of
the road opposlto telcgiaph polo No. 666.
Place tho tiimsit on nn upright wand
over this spot nnd send two boys down
the lend with tho other wands, one of
' them about 30 feet nwuy nnd tho other
Just ns far ns jou can see the wand. By
sighting along the stilng of tho transit,
llko a gun-barrel, establish a straight
line by signaling to tho boys to move
tl.eir wands so that the transit nnd tho
rttto wand;, are In a strnlnht llnp. Tlinn
' f establish the compass direction by put
ting tno compass directly under tho
string of tho transit. Measure the ills-
lance iiom th transit to Jic lit 1 at.l
and ire oi d this and the compnss direction
In jour rotebook. Now repeat tho opera
tion from BM2, whero tho third wnnd
was placed, nnd again and again, until
. sou have completed tho round. When
you havo finished your notes should read
as follons.
njll, lAitrc of road opposlto telegraph
pole No. GCG, 673 feet N.NW. to BM2 in
centre of wooden bridge crossing small
isreek. Telegraph lino on right of road.
From BM2 2J0 feet UN.E. to BM3.
ceutre pt creek bed at Junction of iniall
DrooK running from spring 125 feet S.S.H.
From BM3 125 feet K to BM-I. centre of
creek bed. Marshy ground on south side
of creek from BM2 to BM4,
From BM1 123 feet L'.NE. to BM5, cen
tre o concreto bridge over railroad.
From 13MG 430 feet SE. to BM6, centra
of track opposite smooth-wire fence. 6ln
tie track line.
From BM6 G23 feet S.SW. along fenca
to BM7, largo pine tree at junction of
From BM7 along trail In general direc
tion W. by N. 423 feet to point of beginning.
A woman was struggling with a heavy
basket on Do Lancoy street near 6tli
treet "Wednesday. "Cnn I helD vou.
fi lady?" asked David Meltzer. 13 years old.
g; ca us Lancey street, of Troop 95. She
, ald, "Yes, this basket Is so heavy." Ho
ii earned It to a car for her.
Morris Flnkle, 13 years old. 1528 North
. n street, a new member of Troop 110,
Java four pennies to a poor old man who
cama to his house yesterday. "I don't
think ha went to saloons," Bald the scout.
Jacob Gelfand. 13 years old. E3S CvDreas
L street, saved a little girl from being run
I flown by a trolley car oa his way home
rfrom school Wednesday. On 6fn street.
Ebstween Spruce and Pine streets, he no-
hucea the girl walking directly toward an
(approaching cur and looking In another
direction, "When he reached her the car
was 10 feet away. He pushed her off the
ftrack as the car went by with brakes
; Minding. Oelfand Is a member of
Troop S3.
Arthur nrtlllnalftin 19 VMK nld. 325
'JlUwater street, who Is going to Join
'Troop 12, helped a woman who fell with
' 5ltaVV linaknt nt Sri nnd Fltzwater
foMreets Thursday, He put the basket on
car lor her.
Every rinv Tiavld Aufchnrir. 14 veara
fW. Sli North 2d street, carries messages
I for thfl elArlr nt .a Mnrthrn Liberties
School, He belongs to Troop 110.
p William McKnlght, IS years old, 221J
"ww Park avenue, of Troop K, put a
blanket on a horsa at Susauehanna ave-
pv and 17th street yesterday.
Bernard nmllev. 12 years old. 1413
Vood fitrAAft n Y.AW ftnrtitt In Troon 18.
'belDed n tiling man m.rai the street at
tU and Arch streets yesterday.
A. Joseph Kanevsky, of Troop 65, gives
lump, or two of sugar to the horse of
'n mounted policeman at 8th and Chest.
I'Mt streets eircry day. The horse knows
Bfoe e. block away. He believes In Boy
USHbHi- - a. .(J H fC TaWA Jfl
r viee Y0.ne, it years oiu, ' """
-'w, ot Troop ss, heipea snoiotr uvjr
Pk up a drunken man who fell down
( the street yesterday
rtf fi. lr v.-w. a nnr.n M nnltjt.l
"H ft'd to a, boy wl 11 hi r torn
loose In a tusslo Wednesday. Ho put bi
chloride of mercury on tho wound am
bnhdngcu It.
Troop 132-3-4-5 Itftllle3
Scouts Hess, Schnffcr, Bishop, Wilkes
nnd i:rnt, of various troops, showed the
80 members of Iho iicwly-rormed troop,
132-3-I-5, how to mnko flro without
matches nt a rally nt 1715 Uermnnlown
avenue Inst vnlnB. Scout Max Ken
del mounted on n human pyramid, re
ceived signal messages, Hpcnkcrs wcro
Alexander it, WIlBon, Asslstntit Director
of Public Health and Chnrlllesi Deputy
Commissioner 1'ntlon, Scoutmaster Little
Held, of Troop 132-3-4-5, nnd John Paul
Jones, scuutmnster-nt-lrfrgc.
Teats nt Headquarters
Signaling, pathflmllng nnd bugling tests
will be gUoti nt headquarters KcbrusirV 1,
3 nnd S, It was announced loday.
Indian Hunt Plans
Tho commlttco In charge of tho Indian
Hunt, which will be held by nil city
troops Pebrunry 22, will meet nt headquar
ters Tuesday, February 2, to mako nnnl
plans for tho event.
Competition Is keen among tho Boy
Scoutrt of tho Ccntrnl Young Men's Chris
thin Association, who nrp obtnlnlng sub-f-crlptlons
to scvernl well-known mnga
rmes for a free trip to tho Pnnnma-t'.iclllo
Hxposltlon via tho. Panama Canal next
- . s i I
Uc.,t lt
Policeman's horse sees daily lump
of sugar coming. He believes in
good turns.
summer. A chart showing Iho dally prog
ress of the contestants has been Instnlled
In tho building of tho nssocintlon, under
whose auspices tho conte&t Is being con
ducted. Every scout who secures 300 sub
scriptions will bo given a trip.
Old Troop 49 will rcoignnlzo under
Scoutmaster Georpo J. Snuerbrun on Feb
ruary 4. The meeting will bo held at 2Jd
and Christian streets.
Troop 110 elected Scout Schwartz scribe,
Scout Stevenson treasurer and Scout Nel
son scrgennt-at-arms at Its meeting at
Frankford nvcnua and Thompson street
Wednesday evening.
County Scout News
Tho 3d annual pilgrimage of tho Dela
ware nnd Montgomery County Boy
Scouts to Vnlloy Forgo February 22, was
decided upon at a meeting of tho Scout
masters' Committee at the City Club Mon
day evening.
Jack Denrden, William Mclntyre. Paul
Knllenbach, Hammond Armstrong, Ed
win Armstrong and Kcnenth Scruff, tho
Eagle Scout Patrol of the Ashbourno
troop, havo been formed Into a class for
advanced woodcraft by Scoutmaster
George Wcldner. Tho course, which will
last two or threo months, will lead to two
honors, tho pioneer nnd tho woodsmnn
honors. Wllford Daly was elected a mem
ber of the Ashbourne troop at the last
"Mike" Dorlzas, tho University of Penn
sylvania's champion Intercollegiate wres
tler; Monto Cross, one-time famous short
stop of tho Athletics, and Charles Dur
borow, the well-known swimmer, will
address Troop 13 at St. John's Lutheran
Church, Baca street, near 6th street, this
evening nt nn athletic meeting. Prizes
will bo given to the winners of bandaging
and signaling contests.
Troop 8
Scoutmaster Pancoast, of West Phila
delphia, spoke to Division C, Wednesday
evening on lirst nld and bandaging, and
Bernard It. Fischer, patrol leader In Bala
Troop 2 (the Buckskin Troop), spoke on
"Clean Language." After tho meeting
Patrol Leader Fischer took Mr. Pancoast
and 10 of tho scouts on a night "hike"
In his automobile. Young Jack O'Brien
gave Division A and C a fow points In
boxing in an exhibition last Friday even
ing, sparring and showing several scouts
"pointers" In the art of self-defense. On
the previous Monday Mrs, Edith W.
Pierce, the only woman Highway Inspec
tor In Philadelphia, told the members of
Division B how they could help keep tho
city's streets clean. She also spoke on
"good turns." "Mike" Dorlzas has prom
ised to address the troop, who already
knows him well especially one boy, whom
tho champion wrestler once threw high
up Into the air and caught as ho came
Troop CI, under Assistant Scoutmaster
Lawrence Sacks, was the guest of Troop
26, at 8th and Wolf Btreets, Tuesday eve
ning, when "noughlng It With tho
Scouts," Deputy Commissioner Patton's
Illustrated lecture, was given. After the
entertainment Troop 64 took the Inspection
prize. Assistant Scoutmaster Joseph
King, of Troop 26, who Is physical In
structor at the League Island Navy Yard,
put his troop through setting up exer
cises, and Assistant Scoutmaster Backs
led his troop In a military drill. The lat
ter has been elected honorary assistant
scoutmaster of Troop 26.
Bird life Lectures for Scouts
It. M. Schlele, of the Commercial Mu
seum, has offered his services to scout
masters for lectures on bird life before
troops. The lectures, which are Illustrated
by lantern slides, describe the Ufa of the
birds In and about Philadelphia, among
whom Mr, Schlele has spent several years
of observation and study. Hikes through
woods and fields, which would, perhaps,
otherwise prove uninteresting, are turned
Into pleasures through a knowledge of
the feathery folk met on the march.
One new scout was added to Troop 72
at its last meeting at the Church of tho
Bavlour, SSth and Chestnut streets, Ha
Is Herbert Brook. Those who welcomed
him were Scoutmaster It B. Watts, Pa
trol Leaders Jesse Wltmer, Edward Dol
bey and James Lees, Assistant Patrol
Leaders Edward BJank, Onnle Chekerman
and Joe Curry, Bugler Dick Wells, Mascot
Little Chekerman and Scouts Joe Ahern,
.UWinl Tlrnarn Thnm f?nlhv. Wllllnm
Carroll, Franklin Copeland. William Cot-
"Heywood, Harry Loechner, James Martin,
William McCulIougb, Stuart Robinson and
Joe Smith,
XT. S. Medals tor Brave Policemen
WASHINGTON, Jan. 29. Secretary of
the Treasury McAdoo today awarded sil
ver medals to Police Lieutenant Joseph
O'Connor, llSth New York Precinct, and
to Policeman Daniel J. Wall, 153 iMau
trt. Brooklyn, for bsavety In rescuing
persons from drowning'.
STOItn OPENS 8lS0 A. at. CLOSES AT BiSO p. m. e
taf " Furniture Sale Begins February 1st ny
In magnitude, variety and values this event will eclipse every previous February Furniture Sale. Selections may be made now and delivered when wanted.
Wc Trim Ml Hats Free of Charge.
$2 Velvet Hats, QQn
Mid-Season Hals
An exceptional offotlng, Involving
fnshlonnblr, Into wlnlor tricot no
shnpes. In lino blnck Bilk velvot; nlso
nilvnnce spring styles In good qual
ity white, blnck nnd sand hemp and
Iiiit lint r price for lliU llnil-of-tlir-Mnnth
xnlt nml nit Just Trhnt the
iiioi t ntyllslily nltlrcil vromen nrr
IrenrliiK nmv,
Double Yellow Trading Stamps With Every 10c Purchase Until Noon Filbert
Extcllent Values in. New, Stylish
WOOl U0008.
SI Crcpc Granite Cloth,
Almost Half Price Tot
,1.... M .. I,M
most fashionable fabrics for spring.
All-wool nnd cIobcIv woven
In crepe weavo 41 Inches
wide. Comes In
Illnclc, nnd popular colors
Trie 1 Nrrcrr, MldnlRht
Illtie, Olive, Nnry, Rnmlnn,
llre-n, Tnttpc, Wlnlnrln,
Snnd, Pnltr nnd Military
Extra 1
ill 1
11 I
Dav Bndof4heMoiitfi Sa
le I OmOTTOW Saturday
VHyLOW A Great Bargain Carnival
To Every Purchaser of $1 or Over
Series "4XXI" & "4XXJ"
Good in any Yellow Trading Stamp book, no matter how
many other "extra" stamps you may already have
TIiIh kIvcs ou nil opportunity of IlllliiR jour books much moro
liilckly, and bo sccurlnR the Hplonillil premiums thnt nro plvon onlv
for Yellow Tmdliif? .Stumps; morchamllso of hlsh iuallt fresh, now
iinil dpi foot.
Men's & Boys9 Clothing
End-of-thc-Month Halo Offers OtmranlcccI
Furs at Amazingly liow 1'rlccs.
Guaranteed Furs
$45.00 Russian $01 7 C
Pony Coats... 4
Of flno, selected blnck Chnpollo-ilycd
skins, with beautiful brond collars of
same or contrasting fur and hnudsumo
silk lining-.
$85 French Seal Coats, $55
$22.50 Black $11 7C
Lynx Sets .... JL Jl O
Largo IjolRtcr or eroscent-shnpo muff
and pretty animal stylo neckpiece.
PI ? s24.75
LarRo bolster muff nnd nnimnl ncck-nliH-e.
nlth he.ul ami tail. 1'cau do
cvkiio lined
s:tn natural jiimc jwri.'s, sin."
vsi'.sn Fitu.vrii sn.u, muffs, 910.7.;
Men's $16.50 Overcoats $8.7F)
I'liexo me In u wide choice of tho fiisliloiinblo
Winter faluics.
Men's $18 to $25 Overcoats, $11
Men's $12.50 Suits, $7.50
Of heavy Wlntcr-uelRht fancy wotstecls.
Men's S3.50 Full-Dress Vests. $1.69
wiute nnu fciuc cnecis
JIKN'S ?.1.r.O J- QQ 1 lll'.N'S S3.SO
'l'ltOUMIIts .. 1.170 I TROUMRtS .
Boys' $4.50 Blue Regulation Suits, $2.50
Russian, suilor nnd Norfolk stylos in bluo serpo,
fancy cheviots and cisslmeres. All sizes, 2",'j to
17 years.
Boys' $4 Suits, $2
1 Limited lot. Including serge doublo-breastcd suits.
, Sizes 8 to 12 years.
Boys' $1.75 and $2 Wash Suits, 80c
Ralauco of a sntnplo line of fine iiunllty Russian
blouse wash suits. Sizes J tu S euis.
Boys' $5.50 and $6.50 Winter Overcoats,
Of nll-wool fancy mlxtuies Sizes S to 17 cars.
SL.CO.N1J l'-UUUll. &t,vi'.iLU iv .(uv-ibtvix 010.
Tiny Folks' White Dresses
Half Price and Less
All IioiikIiI for (In- nliltr Nnle!
Mndo of tlno lawn and b.itlste, beau
tifully trimmed with lnce, eiubrold
eiles nnd ribbons. Sires for infants
.Hid gills up tu 6 ycius
(l.ic- to t
?i.-jr. to r-
Vw!un.s. $1.45 -d $1.95
'Ta.Vu.:s: $2.95 """ $4.95
Little Girls' Tub Dresses
On Snip 10 A. 11.; sien - to (I jcurs.
35 c """ 45 c
65c n,,"95c
Lot 1 75c Values .
"Little Dorrltt" style Colored skirts
nttnehed to whlto or contrnitlnp;
color unlsts. Othors long waist and
white cordnllne.
Lot 2 $1.25 Values, fijr
N'p'v styles of (Ino Kliighams, por
rnles and chnmbrny, prottlly
trimmed nnd finished.
Infants' $1.25 to $2 Caps,
50c and $1
Sllk-nnd-wool knitted Doncnllno
silk nnd crcpo do chine. Sizes 12 to
aii incnes. sucond floor
Another Day of Great End-of-thc-Monlh Economics in Outer AppareL
Misses' & Women's Coats
Reduced From $12.50 to $15, now
They nro mndo of mnnnlsh mixtures, bouclcs nnd
chinchillas in black, blue, brown and two-tono effects.
innny In swagger belted or ripplo effects or with
dressy trimming touches.
Misses' and Women's $18.50 $11 QQ
voats ...
Severn! excellent styles In brown, black nnd bluo
peblilo ehovlot; smart mixtures nnd Scotch plaids;
quite it few trimmed with fur cloth or velvot.
Misses' $22.50 Coats, $13.50
lilnck zlbolluo In belted stylo, fully satin lined nnd
trimmed with skunk-ibed opossum collar.
Misses' $15 Suits, $7.50
Smart stylos In black nnd colored sorgo, Cheviot
and dlagonnl.
Misses' and Women's
$20 Suits
a very uitractive assortment in nnvy tiiuc, nlncit,
brown and green, diagonals, worsteds, gabar
dines, sergo and cheviot. Havo short hip-length
and long coats; guaranteed sntln linings; very
stilish skirts nnd fieiiucntly trimmings of fur,
plush or fur fnbrlc
Misses' $15 to $20 Dresses, $8.75
An exceptionally attractive group In serge, char
ineiise, Inco crepo do chlno nd taffeta. Styles and
colors suited for afternoon or evening wear.
"fey i
Unciermuslin E3arg;ains
'Mime i:inI-of-lir-3Ionlb nprclnlN llnlih our urcn( Jnnnnry irhKc hiiIc. It in
thr iiiomC uotulilt pvoiioinlc ctvnt no lime cxer held, mid totIn?M milium crown
It fin thr moit HiircvriNful,
v I
Iff v
Women's $1.50 Gowns
Of flnnnolotte In white or light bluo nnd lavender
stripes. iluva douulo yoke, nlgli neck, turnover
collar, long sleeves, trimmed with fancy brnld. "V"-neck
models included.
Women's 60c Gowns 49 C
Of soft, sheer mntorlnl. In stout n dozen styles. Somo Hquare
neck, others empire, Ir round slipover styles, also high
and "V" neck; lace and embroidery trimmed. One Hkrtclinl.
40c Corset Covers 25c
Of nainsook trimmed with lnce, embroidery, bend- -''
lug nnd ribbon. All sizes. Muln Arcudu and Second Floor
$1.49 House Dresses
Striped and checked gingham. Havo vest.
white lawn, othuis trimmed with cliamlii.ij
All good styles. Sizes 30 to 4G.
collar and cuffs of
braid and buttons.
South Arcade and Second FIooi
$2 and $2.50 $11 CQ
kinds l'V
End-of-thc-Month Specials
Men's and women's sizes, 2G and IS
Union tnlteta. nil with silk enscs; fnst
colors and rainproof.
A mnnufnvturer'fl nnmplc line of
liiliidlr, noine worth $1 to Kt.
Men's Good 75c
Neglige Shirts
the End-of-thc-Monlh specials t
Our Jfen's Funilsiliiffs
These shirts nro mndo of nn excellent
quality percale In neat striped oftccts,
very much In demand this season.
Made coat style, nmplo full, with laun
dered cuffs. Good rango of sizes and
50c All-Silk Ties. .
Three for SOo
Knitted and crochet; havo manufne
tuiors" slight Imperfections, but
they're all on tho reverse sldo nnd
will not harm tho wear or appear
ance. Handsome variety, of pat
terns, consisting of plain colors,
two-tono and rich striped effects.
End-of-thc-Montli Sato of
$4&$5 Gold- $-1 OC
Filled Bracelets, A0J
A manufacturer's surplus stock
arrived In time for today's soiling.
Lot Includes snunro and round
styles In nil widths; hnnd-engraved
nml chased designs. Some havo
safoty guard. These bracelets aro
fully guaranteed nnd regulnrly
sell for J4 to $G Und-iif-Month
Spccinl while thoy tl ag
Hteiilng n(les nnd
12c Tea Spoons, each 8c
Rogers'; silver-plated; fancy de
signs. A-l quality.
25c Table Spoons, 16c
Rogers'; silver-plated; fancy de
signs, A-l quality.
35c Sugar Shells, 19c
Rogers'; silver-plated. A-l quality.
15c Silver-Plated Knives, 10c
$1.50 to $2 Silk and
Beaded Bags
A vlcnruner
Knd-of'thc-ilonth Sale
Values in
65c Satin
End-of-lhc-Month Sale 0ffer3 Some
New Spring Silks
Tho most popular silks for all
uses Soft, lustrous quality,
shown In n splendid rango of tho
newest evening and street
shades: also hlnolc nnd whlto.
$1.25 Black Silks, 85c
3S Inches wide. Blaeli sntln
nuehesso and lilnck l'nlllctto do
Soles. Flno for waists and dresses.
$1.25 and $1.50 Crepe
de Chines
Fine, bright, lustrous quality. Va
riety of newest shades, Including
black. 40 Inches wide.
75c and 85c Foulard
2.1 Inches wide Varletv of neat
effeets nnd eoloiings. Waterproof
and shnwernrnnf
Women's 50c
Vml-of-ilonlh Special
Two-clnsp chamolsetto In white, tan
nnd grny. Also blnck cashmere, silk
Knd.oMlic-ltoHth Sale of
llcandl2l2c Jl2
Pillow Cases .
Made of medlum-wolght. blenched
muslin. Size 42x30 and 45x36
inches. Not more thnn one dozen to
a customer. .u Mall or Phone
Children's 35c to 50c 1 Q -,
Underwear.... i?C
Ona of SI any End-o.SIonth Special!
Included nro nll-wool nnd cotton-nnd-wool
garments, slightly soiled and
Women's $2 Under- $1
wear, each
High-grade vests, tights and union
suits; part wool, silk mixed and
part-cotton: slightly soiled
$1 Union Suits, 79c
Tho famous "Chalmers" make, noicu
for quality and make. Made of a very
flno combed cotton yarn. In ecru color.
Have the woven nock, long sleeves and
auUlo length. All good sizes.
$1 Night Shirts, 75c
Made of tho renowned "Fruit or tno
mom" muslin: nothing better for wear.
Plain, without collar and Bide pocket
Cut full and long und malso an Ideal
Bleeping garment.
FIRST FLOOR. 7TII & 3iAJlK.x dib,
$2.50 to $3 $1 OQ
Waists.... lU
End-of'the-ltonth Valuej
There's 1600 of these blouses samples
and odd lots, In sheer voile and lawn,
with high or low neck, dainty luco and
emoroiaery inmiumb,
Alio a few In crepe He cninc.
Corsets in the Knd-of-the-ilonth Sale
$5 Corsets
For Stout Ftgwes
Popular malro In strong coutll
Henvllv honed. graduating
front clasp and long hip; guar,
nntucd for weur. Kios 20 to 36.
$3 & $3.50 Corsets, $1.50
Coutll; largo variety of newest
styles for slender or stout figures.
$2 R. & G. Corsets, $1
Two good makes, Low or girdle
$1.50 Corsets, 75c
R. & a. and American Lady corsets.
Sizes IS to 30 inches.
$3 Crepe de Chine $0
Waists "
Dainty samples: mostly all differ
ent. Various colors.
$1.50 Voile
Samples and odd lots. Almost as many
. r ...,,n nn.l all np.ltllw 111...
aiyies s wuiowo, muu ... "" vm
and embroidery trlramed.
25c Growing 1 C
Ferns (2 for 25c) A
End-of'itonth Special
Beautiful ferns growing In 1-Inch
nntH. Choice of Scottl, lioston and
Whlttmanll varieties.
35c Areca Palms, each 17c,
3 for 50c
About 3 feet high. A pretty dec
oration. None delivered.
Women's $1 to $1.50 QQn
Underwear, each ....
High grade all-wool, part-wool nnd
part-cotton vests, pants nnd tights.
Women's 50c to 75c 95c
Imported nnd domestic, broken Mzes
nnd odd luts. Some sheer llslo, others
medium and light weight cotton.
Plain colors and blnck.
Children's $1.50 to $2.75 Pantas
and Leggings, 49c
Some of best stockinette; others or
corduroy and chinchilla In whlto and
red. Broken sizes,
.Yo Mall or Phone Orders oh the .tboie.
:iid-o-fi-Jfoii( Specials
60 S.VNITAUV AI- O for ft-
KINS , J'-
S-qunrt i70U
SOAP, l.nr "-
100 I'lIRK VIOI.IJT (il.YCEIl- TL-
INU SOAP, Inrge rake , . -
Unmatchable Footwear Bargains In
This Great End-of-the-ilonth Sale
Women's $2.50 $t JQ
to $4 Shoes... l's
Cholco of patent coltskln, gun
metal calf and tan calf In
latest button, laco and Rlucher
styles. Sizes 2Vj to 7, but not
In each style. No Mall or Phone
Men's $3,50 to $6 $0 fiC
Shoes, goat ,uu
Flno patent coltskln, gun-metal
calf and glazed kldskln shoes,
with dull leather, gray cloth and
tnn ooze tops. Button, laco and
Blucher models. All sizes, a to 10
III the lot.
MISSUS' S-.'-'5 TO S2.73
Wanted leathers with broad toes.
Dull and cloth tops. Sizes lift to 2.
HOYS' ii aud S3.SO
Tan calf, patent coltskln and gun
metal cair; nnntl-weiiea ana flex
ible sewed oak soles. Button and
Blucher. Sizes 1 to C4.
Patent coltskln. dull gun-metal
and tan Russia calf; button nnd
Blucher; mannish lasts. Sizes 9 to
Remnants of 8c to 10c Muslin,
Cambric & Nainsook, Cnr
36-lnch bleached and unbleached; ends
of pieces; several noted makes; useful
lengths. No Mall or Phone orders.
$1 Bed Spreads. .
Medium-weight, white crochet: vari
ous Marseilles patterns. Double bed
size. JVo Mull or Phone orders.
$2.50 Comfortables, $1.79
White cotton filled. Covered with
light and dark figured sllkollne and
twilled satlne both sides alike. Size
Tftrec Very Exceptinat Values in Nu
Summer Cotton Fabrics
38c Silk - and - Cotton 1Qr
Brocade Crepe de Chine 7i
Just half price for theaa very pretty
fabrics. Woven from finest silk and
yarn cotton, -with u soft, mellow sur
face in handsome self-colored bro
caded designs in
Cadet, Old Hose, Primrose, Ilrovra,
Lilac, Cream Navy anil II lock.
45c Sofa
Knd-of-tht-ilonth Special
$23.50 Pull- $10 fQ
man Coaches, 10,W
Full size. Best reed, roll around
hood and body, finished In natural
and brown; corduroy cushions,
hood lined to match. Good
springs and running gear; K-lnch
$24 Axminster Rugs $16.95
Room Size 9 x 13 Feet
And Other JSnd-of-Month Floor Covering Special
60c Tapestry Brussels
Stair Carpet, ,4.11 4?
yard "u
We "have $00 yards of this 17 -Inch.
tapestry Brussels stair carpet
70c Heavy Cork OQ.
i :lm en vH J v
A,II1UIU. .jvg. J- .
Over a thousand yards, 13 feet wide
and woven u one solid sheet Full
rolls BrinK sizes.
These 16o pillows are whltecambrlc,
rilled with floss: 23 Inches square. No
Mall or Phone Orders.
25c Drapery 1Cr
Ji-iiiti, jrtwu. .
Plain centers;
incnes wiuc.
floral borders; 36
25c to 30c Cretonne, yard 15c
Pretty floral designs on light and dark
grounds; 33 Inches wide.
$6.B0 Portieres, pair $4.48
Mercerized figured armure, damask
effect, reversible designs, &uod colors,
braided edge
End-of-3Ianth Bale
Sizes 32 34 36 inches
$5.50 $5.75 $6
Made of well-seasoned lumber,
covered with waterproof duok,
fibre bound, two strips over lid, re
inforced with hardwood slats and
pressed raised steel hardware.
$16.50 Steamer $1 1 QQ
Wardrobe Trunks. iX"
Made of three-ply veneer bass
wood covered with heavy army
duck., fibre bound, cloth lined, gar
ment hangers for clothing, com
partments for shoes hats and
toaUir articles FIFTH FLOOR
35c Stripe-and-Plaid 9 Ec
Crepe Suiting
Woven with crepe surface In attractive
printed patterns of stripes, checks md
plaids In combinations of colors wstti
white, and colors In pretty contrast m
$1 to $2 Ratine 39 c
Suitinrj. .....
Tnclude self-colored bourette dash
figures, scroll figures, bourette eplnglo
and plain weaves In wistaria, brown,
cadetfirose, Copenhagen, lilac and light
blue, B8 and 64 Inches wide.
Kf-o-Jfonfh Specials in
$3, $3.50 & $4.05 Cast Aluminum
Tea Kettles, $2.50
$2 Medicine Cabinets, $1,59
Golden oak; lOrH-lnch mirror In door;
Inside compartments
$1.25 Kitchen Shelf, 7Sc
White enamel, two shelves, 30 Inches
85c Inverted Light, 55c
Complete with etched globe,
$8 Rotary Washers, $4,95
Wood corrugated; reinforced legs.
35c Torrid Gas Heater, 23c
Fit any slse gas fixture.
$13.50 Rerrhrerator. $9,98
Solid .oak, uorcelaln-ltned tee la-,w
removable awbatpau. double
sneir Tiunu jrwxm
;1N oca ssa jussTAxraui best of everything at lowest xuuc2Urix; vlooh