gji55Ws W$g&lWv" vVSTRA? s FRIDAY January 29, 1915 Qfcj) toiler imrauj wy 'jyyjra&lSr1 Sft PERSONS AND PLACES THAT FIGURE IN THE DATS NEWS AS RECORDED BY THE PHOTOGRAPHER MAGNIFICENT OPEN-AIR ORGAN AT SAN DIEGO EXPOSITION This great instrument, housed in a graceful building, stands at the head of one of the sun-lit esplanades. A -. : ; ' - . ( , - - t Jr " X ;e m $W mm MB,wlflilnHliniftn i TifiMmiir ilMf Mil M TiiTiTiiwfiTlflT'iTTBiriBBnffl I Hui9SfflSR9l4fiHHHAtx:SIHKHnaSSeffiraiSIBM4w t Photo by Gotdenskt PROVIDES BREAD FOR BELGIANS Scott Logan, of Sheldon, Iowa, is a former New Jersey boy, who went west 35 years ago, He gave 200 barrels of flour for the millers relict ship, South Point, soon to sail from this port He is related to Judge Gaskill, of Riverton. mKm'ff j? , w Hr 1 diftfr wHHfM PHbmBW Hlifr mHI ',S2S r s5g -: I lis 1 111 ill jJIsBHhbVB .. .. LBBMfWMaHlBMBflllllliiy!. ljoBHcHljtcn.jJp!ifll tUwMmMHHl-. semnHHraB 1 SilHf -.:,! 1 b::,.. HH i" L- ' JH ' M,kfflHilaH IIP- i$JObi nB I'- ISnCSHHsiSnHI raBHHHBHMMsMdnHVnBMlfiHHHBHB HKmhSHhHH Photo by HarrU & Bwlns. MISS CHRISTABEL PANKHURST Daughter of the English militant and herself prominent in the fight for equal suffrage, she is now a visitor to America, where she is lecturing on the suffragists' side of the present war. Miss Pankhurst is a rather pretty girl and has the high color, blue eyes and light hair so often seen in her country. FOS ' TB T2-T ' JMWi, ? . & . 15 Lii3...hpr'f ifma: immrm raBJB tfW"tttfjV 'T':ii;j?r;,riwM'lll11IWiM;.',':1 i 1 i I i Hill ii"i I1 JlSttrs'",?J-f " ?:; - ,M'i.W -vMft.j.'j 4 x . i "V i5 'ifL mmm V&smTsWWm jsamfifiim. . 2j ,i.&'i- i.vfiasj ?USflMI .srgiK "S&1 e1 r iV&XPI ,SM4m Photo by Usui & l-.wlne. BATTLING OVER THE SHIP PURCHASE BILL From left tiftight here are Representative Alexander, of Missouri, who in tro4us4 the original bill in the House on, September 4; Senator Gallingtr, teadef Qt tbu minority against the Ml, and Senator Fletcher, whp in THERE'S USE FOR IT NOW Ducking stool in Leominster Priory Church, England, It was last used in 1809. Its inscription calls it "An engine of universal punishment for commoa s;olds end for butchers, bakers, brewers, apothecaries and all who gave short , Bieawe or vende4 p4ut?ratfd wttelei of food - r-rrmMmmmmTMMmM . .. .. ;v i n . . ' v . t ...V .?, r ii?&. tZZ4 'Am )W'Ji.i'',Hl.lfSiaMiMSILJ'L lxyA?c4w -'J'-- '" llw"iP r 'a will i in ' hi M V J (,. - j!; AvJ. . . A .-'... t it tif& I Photo by Kodak PictorlaV Nwf Service. BREAKER FOR RUSSIA'S ICE-LOCKED HARBORS This powerful ice crusher was sold some time ago by the Canadian Government to Russia for the purpose of keeping the Arctic zone port of Archangel open all winter. Russia in now said to be after the John Weaver, Philadelphia's ice breaker, because this craft has failed to do the work. WVJSrtVn h&ftty XXSSM3&.&. ? . sias i vl & & ? i-&&v&i&ft ftfw vww&e ; m4v, HKu vv' Pi i$aBMlHBH AS , l OSx X V ., ' naaBaanF fc j at r.-i HQal HaaaHR II ? V,V f " . Hi ! E'lP lilWMWII lilll,illJIiJk&& f'if , fi- PhoK by UttsJroo4 i"lrwe SHE WILL LECTURE IN UNITED STATES FOR GERMAN Dressed in the field uniform of a German army officer. Miss W'hw Saada, an American woman, is corning to the United States from Germany to talk on German "kultur," institutions, economy, w Jarisrn and Mndrgd topuri. h ", - m 4